#turning reblogs off to give myself the option to delete it later
sirenofthegreenbanks · 6 months
tagged by @cryptidafter forever ago!!!!!!
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
this is gonna be a tiny bit more than a single line
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tagging @cryptidafter @fanghuas @intertexts-rabbitloop @specialability (art counts too!!!!!) (also no obligation to participate!!!)
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71 :)
You can send it into DMs if you prefer.
71) Start typing out your dirtiest fantasy you can think of and don’t stop til you get so embarrassed you can’t go on any longer. Just make sure it’s actually something you’re into!
Okay I've been thinking about this fantasy for around a week now but I've been too busy to fully entertain the thought. It started with the post you sent me (I think I reblogged it if anyone's curious) about someone recording while they're fucking my ass so that they can replay it later for me to watch. The idea of someone doing this then blackmailing me with the video in order to get me to do increasingly humiliating and degrading things just turns me on so much.
So I'm thinking that this is the first time anyone has ever fucked me, I'm a complete and utter virgin but instead of paying attention to my pussy they decide my ass is a way better hole for them to start with, it's tighter, they can go deeper and the best part is that it'll hurt me more. They're being all loving and attentive, kissing me gently, telling me how beautiful I'll look with my hole stretched out around them. Just doing all the right things to make me feel comfortable and at ease. Everything goes well, it hurts at first to have something so thick and hard stretching my virgin asshole, but I eventually relax into it. I'm mostly on all fours or on my stomach so I don't really notice them recording till the very next day.
I'm woken up the next day with them fucking my ass again, it's so sore from the previous night and I put up a bit of a fight, they're relentless pressing my down with their entire body weight as they wreck my hole. The only lube they're using is their cum they plugged into me from the previous night. My attempts at resisting seem futile as they're so much bigger and stronger than me, I eventually give up crying bitterly which only makes them fuck me even harder.
They eventually cum in me, once more my ass is a gaping mess full of their cum, my cheeks are tear soaked and yet I'm so wet there's a puddle that formed underneath me, which they tease me about relentlessly. Only a slut would get this wet from being fucked this roughly. I try telling them that I don't want to do this again and that's when she show me the videos they took, the one from the night before is tame but in this one I'm crying and begging for them to stop all while my pussy drips down my thighs and I make a desperate attempt to grind myself against the bed. I tell them to delete it, this soon turns to begging when they threaten to post it online if I don't do exactly what they want.
I have to option but to agree and their requests start out tame, I have to record myself putting increasingly large buttplugs I'm my ass every day. I'm to remain plugged constantly and throughout the day they'll randomly demand that I go into a restroom stall and take a photo to show them how obedient I'm being. This slowly devolves into bigger and bigger toys, till my ass is constantly ready to be used by them. I'm also made into their personal free use toy, merely a fleshlight they use to jerk off in.
Then their requests start to elevate, they start putting in household appliances into my ass, pens, markers at first to try and see how many will fit in me, then bigger things like the TV remote. Soon it turns into anything they can get their hands on, one day I'm cooking in the kitchen and they bend me over the counter take out my daily buttplug and shove an entire cucumber up my ass. Its incredibly humiliating but also makes me so embarrassingly wet. They record almost all of this so the material they use to blackmail me increases everytime. What's more embarrassing is how much I enjoy this torture, my brain gets fuzzy and my knees get weak everytime they use me.
Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome of some kind but this whole dynamic starts to feel comforting to me, then one day they blindfold me and tell me they have a surprise for me. I don't know what to expect but all I feel is my hands being tied behind me and a cool breeze passing over my bare skin, I'm bent over expecting the usual sadistic torture. What I don't expect are unfamiliar cocks stretching out my holes. It was established from the very beginning my pussy was a no go zone, only used to lube up cocks to fuck my ass. So now I'm bent over with two cocks in my ass and one in my mouth and from the sounds of it they're even more people in line waiting to use me. (Okay this is where I'm going to stop 😭)
I'm so incredibly horny right now so thanks for the ask and I hope you enjoy reading this <3
This isn't proofread btw so escuse any grammatical errors
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momo-no-tane · 11 months
Peach-Pit Artbook Scanning Project - Complete!
On August 1st, 2015 I made the first post of this artbook scanning project to provide high quality scans of Peach-Pit’s illustrations, because there was barely anything available online, or if there was the quality was absolute garbage. 7 artbooks and 648 illustrations later, the Peach-Pit Artbook Scanning Project is finally complete... really, really late.
I was supposed to finish this project in April 2018. I finally uploaded the last illustration yesterday - July 8th, 2023. Unfortunately I was never able to finish it back in 2018 like I wanted to. Life got really busy, I had gone back to school, my computer battery died, I started getting lazy... when I only had 5 illustrations left to post. I’m so sorry it took so long to finish. I really hated myself for not finishing it back then. I was constantly beating myself up over it. I really wanted to get it done this year though. Thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs over the course of this project. You can find each of the artbooks below.
Artbook 1 (Peach-Pit Artworks DearS)
Artbook 2 (Peach-Pit Artworks Sui Mitsu Kyo)
Artbook 3 (Peach-Pit Artworks Zombie-Loan)
Artbook 4 (Shugo Chara! Illustrations)
Artbook 5 (Peach-Pit Artworks Rozen Maiden)
Artbook 6 (Shugo Chara! Illustrations 2)
Artbook 7 (Rozen Maiden Illustrations: Rose Maiden)
Now for something really annoying... Tumblr’s recent bullshit is another reason why I finally forced myself to hurry up and post those final 5 illustrations.
Tumblr has decided to be completely and utterly stupid, getting rid of the legacy editor and replacing it with a garbage new post editor that makes posts look absolutely hideous on desktop. I initially made this post with the new post editor, but I was so disgusted at how ugly and awful it looked I deleted it. For some stupid reason, all posts automatically become text posts even if I specifically select the photo option. It makes no fucking sense. I realized that all the posts I had saved in my drafts still had the legacy editor, and thankfully I had a few photo posts still in there. So I was able to repost that news post.
The problem was that I only had less than 10 photo posts saved in drafts. If I had known Tumblr was going to be fucking stupid and get rid of the legacy editor, I would have saved dozens of posts to prepare. But I only had enough to make a few news posts and those last 5 illustrations. Now I have nothing but text posts left in drafts. I’m behind on some posts already (Nagj’s birthday post, new SC! Princess Cafe goods, new RM SOLWA goods), and I can’t make a post about them because Tumblr fucked everything up and I’m trying to figure out how to fix the posts on my theme so they don’t look like shit.
I don’t know what to do. I’ve been giving them grief almost daily on their change blog and support section. So many other people are also upset. I don’t want to get too backed up with news posts because there’s so much information that comes out monthly lately. Does anyone know how to fix this? Any code I could add to my theme to make my posts not look like shit because of the new post editor? It pisses me off that I have to waste time and energy focusing on this instead of the project I plan to do next - high quality manga caps. How can I even make nice looking manga cap posts when the new post editor will just destroy it? It’s so frustrating. I’m sorry this post turned so negative, I really needed to rant about this.
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1kook · 4 years
Hi Everyone, please read
tw// racism
First of all, I just wanna say I’m so grateful for all the nice anons and interactions I get to have with people here everyday. I live in a densely populated city so quarantine regulations were super tough when this all started in March and remain strict even all the way into October. I haven’t been able to see my friends a lot or anyone outside of my family and job, which really sucked, but it was fine because I had my blog! The beginning of September I had two fics that did so amazing and of which I am so thankful for their response, because with that came a lot of new anon friends!
I have been on tumblr since 2012, but I have never received the same amount of interaction as I do now. I’m so happy I can interact with people on here be it anonymous or not. I enjoy hearing ideas and doing my best to fulfill them, hearing about someone’s day, and laughing about stupid jokes. It’s gotten to the point where some have picked names and further fleshed out our friendships because of how close we’ve gotten!! I have had so much fun everyday asking stupid questions and getting equally as silly answers and it’s all because I was able to make people feel comfortable on my blog.
However, people are not always nice. That’s fine! It’s the internet, this will always happen. Rarely do I get hateful anons and rarely do I post the few I do get. Sometimes they’re funny and I laugh and go about my day. Most anons have been about my style as an author, the types of fics I put out, and for the most part, the similarity in all my fics. I’ll address this now. if you feel my fics are all the same then consider this.
1. I write fics FOR MYSELF about ideas I have and want to see, and post them FOR MYSELF. I don’t mean to sound cocky but at the end of the day every fic i have ever posted is just me filling my own imagination in a self indulgent way. They’re all the same because they’re all things I like??? Things I want to read??? No offense, but unless I am filling a requests, you’re GONNA SEE jk college au. jk boyfriend. jk dom/sub. jk this and this. Why? Because it’s my blog and I post what I like.
2. If you don’t like my fics.... don’t read them? I am not holding you at gunpoint to read these fics nor is anyone else. If you appear on my blog to complain about my fics ... okay?? I’m not gonna change them lmao. You’re not the target audience, so move along.
But truthfully speaking, this is not the main reason I am making this post. Do I care what people online think about my fics? Mmm not really. Writing fics is something I do in my free time as a hobby. I’ve never wanted to do this professionally lmao. I do it for fun when I’m bored or procrastinating. I have other hobbies I do too. I journal i paint i play soccer I listen to music. I frankly am not offended when people critique my work, especially not when they chose to do it through an anonymous message.
What DOES offend me is when people abuse the anonymous option to be spiteful and hateful, and use my ethnic background against me... OVER KPOP. OVER FAN FIC ABOUT KPOP.
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Am I offended about the first part of the ask? No I don’t care. What I am disgusted and disturbed by is that you have been blatantly racist and ignorant not only to ME but to ALL OTHER POCS with the second half of your message. Being a POC writing for BTS is bad?? What do you prefer I write about? Shawn Mendes? Niall Horan? I’d rather choke. What do you even mean??? Am I supposed to write Can fic for completely unproblematic people?? Give me an example?? Furthermore, I am not black so for you to come in here and disrespect black people with your last comment is immature, disgusting, and racist. Go to hell.
I deleted the message. I always delete excessively rude messages. I was hoping it was a one time occurrence but nope. A few hours later.
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My status as an undocumented immigrant is something I have shared on tumblr because it is my safe space and somewhere where no one in real life knows me. Did you think this was funny? Did you think I actually laughed? I didn’t. I won’t lie. This ask terrified me. You’re threatening to call ICE on me.... OVER KPOP? OVER FAN FICS OF KPOP? How old are you. How immature do you have to be to take it this far.
I deleted this message and turned off anon. I am not gonna let some anonymous grey sunglasses orb abuse the anonymous option like this. Honestly, I knew another message was bound to follow up and it did 🤗
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thanks for showing me your face, doll. I reported your account and so did a bunch of friends of mine. It’s funny that you mention writing better content but your blog is only ten posts? 9 of which are reblogs of fan fics? What do you write babe? What do you do? Where do you post? As I’ve said before I frankly don’t care for writing advice, this is just a hobby. But if you’re going to claim you’re some modern day Shakespeare maybe have the proof to back it up. Also your first posts says you’re a black woman, but your first ask to me says POC shouldn’t enjoy BTS.... honey all your posts are about BTS. So what’s the truth? Do we enjoy them or not? Next time you feel some type of way towards me as a Mexican woman, don’t start off by hiding behind anon until I force you off, don’t disrespect me or other POCs, and don’t use a burner account like you did. And for the record. I barely believe you’re black, and honestly speaking, everything about your asks have racist undertones only a white person could carry out.
Anyway. I am posting this because I want to highlight just how difficult it is to be a POC in this fandom. Army preach about being this or being that. We love each other. We look out for each other. ARMY is family blah blah blah.
No we’re not.
I have been an ARMY since 2015. The only places I have ever found comfort within this fandom are with other POCs, and even then it is only a few people here and there. This random ass hoe that I have NEVER interacted with before decided to take the fact I am a POC and taunt me, attack me, harass me, whatever you want to call it, and didn’t come off anon until I forced them off.
I am so beyond tired of being a POC in this fandom. When will you all recognize that one “I stand by” post is never enough to support us. “I can’t be racist I support BTS’s message💜” shut the hell up. You kiss these men’s feet for being your woke kings but then turn around and say things like this. Was it fun? Was it cool parading around in your ‘I do whatever BTS does’ cloak? You guys pick and choose when you want to be a model ARMY, and then turn around do things like this. Over kpop. Your allyship means nothing when there are still people like this in fandom who try to bully me OVER KPOP. OVER JUNGKOOK. OVER A MAN WE DONT KNOW AND NEVER WILL KNOW.
Please don’t interact with this person. Please just block and report them.
Anon’s gonna be off for a while, thanks for reading.
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euphoriahrs · 3 years
bittersweet | jjk [ii.]
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» pairing: manhwa artist!jjk x female oc
» genre: roommate au
» word count: 2.1k
» disclaimer: contains strong language and drinking, but very little
» rated pg 13
* lowercase is intended *
[series mlist]
chapters: i. | ii. | iii. | iv. | v. | vi. | vii. | viii. | ix. | x. | xi. | xii.
© euphoriahrs (please do not steal or copy in any form)
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a/n: make sure to reblog and let me know what you think about this chapter!
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𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐍 didn't arrive at the apartment until evening time. on her way back, she received an unexpected call from work informing her that a coworker was caught stealing customers' medications and needed to get there urgently.
she worked at a local pharmacy that was run by a lovely couple in their 50s. haewon was in urgent need of a job so when she saw that they were looking for an extra hand, she was elated. she would finally have a job that fit her major.
the jung’s started their pharmacy soon after they got married and raised three children, all of which moved out of the average-sized town and into bigger cities for better opportunities.
the only help they had was a man in his early 30s who was working to pay off debts, and since none of their children wanted to inherit the pharmacy as well as old age creeping upon them, they began to search for the much-needed help. now the sweet couple are practically her parents.
she reluctantly cracked the door open, wide enough so she could peek through without anyone noticing her. she expected to see an alert guard dog waiting to bite off the intruder’s finger, but there was nothing so she opened it wider.
instead of finding a vicious guard dog, she was met by what seemed to be an adorable puppy-like dog that was fast asleep waiting for its owner to come back so that they could go on their daily walk at the park.
disappointed but not surprised, she closed the door behind her and walked closer to her roommate. she slowly walked towards the boy until she was close enough to hear his soft snores.
from where she was, she squatted down and positioned her elbows on her thighs to place her head in her hands, so that she can look at his face from a safe distance without getting caught.
she examined his features of his sleeping state.
his brows were furrowed creating a crease right between them, his slightly scrunched nose, and a frown that was formed on his lips.
"i wonder what's on his mind," she whispered.
"you better turn that frown upside down, idiot," she motioned with her fingers. she stayed in that position a little longer before getting up, not wanting to be there in case he woke up.
she stretched and sauntered towards the kitchen thinking of what she should eat for dinner.
"do i cook or get takeout?" she mused making her way to a stool. she tapped the counter like a drum while trying to decide.
she was too lazy to cook and besides that, they haven't gone grocery shopping in a while so there was no food in the fridge.
"takeout it is," she pulled out her phone and opened postmates. "now the question is what(italics) to eat," she sighed scrolling through the options.
"order from that chicken and beer restaurant," a voice croaked behind her. she dropped her phone from the sudden sound, "oh, jeongguk you scared me," she let out an anxious laugh and placed a hand over her heart.
"you should really make it known when you're around," she picked up her phone.
"well, you should start paying more attention to me then," he fired back smugly while getting some water from the fridge to quench his thirst.
ignoring his comment, "when did you wake up?" haewon questioned.
with his tired stare, "just now. i just so happened to see what was on your phone." she hummed in response and searched for the restaurant, "i guess we could get that then. i didn't know what to get anyways." jeongguk moved to sit on the stool next to her and sat in silence.
after a minute or two, jeongguk broke the silence, "i haven't forgotten about this morning just so you know," he sang in a threatening way. "of course," she replied in a bored tone and she jokingly added, "so, how was your guest last night?"
"she was amazing," he amused sarcastically. haewon perked her eyebrows, "oh really? how did it go this morning hm?"
"quite refreshing actually," he seethed. haewon peered further, "not terrifying? not even a little bit?" while squinting her fingers.
jeongguk shot her a threatening look. "of course that shit was terrifying! i thought murdered someone while i was drunk last night! how do you expect me to react when i woke up to see a bloody body laying right next to me?!" he barked.
"um let me think," haewon pretended to think. "over the moon," she faked gushed. jeongguk was about to respond when the doorbell rang. "i'll get it!" haewon rushed to the door.
"hello, are you park haewon?" the delivery boy asked. he was tall and lanky with dark brown eyes and hair, probably around 17 years old.
"yes i am," she answered. the boy smiled, "did you order a mixed box in with two beers?" haewon nodded.
"okay, that'll be $14.76," he gave her the bag. haewon was getting her wallet when jeongguk gave the boy money instead.
she scrunched her eyebrows and looked at jeongguk, "i can pay for it myself you know." jeongguk gave her his famous bunny smile. "i know, but i wanted to pay anyway."
“what's with the sudden mood change?” she muttered.
the delivery boy looked over to haewon to make sure that he was okay to take the money from jeongguk. she smiled and nodded, "it's not my money anyway." the boy was about to take the money when jeongguk interrupted.
"you know, actually you can pay for it yourself," he took the money back and walked away.
haewon whipped her head towards jeongguk, "how do you just say 'oh i'm going to pay for our dinner today' and then decide to take it back?!" she looked confused with a tinge of annoyance.
"i don't know," he stood there with his hands in his pockets. haewon rolled her eyes and turned back around to give the delivery boy money. the boy awkwardly smiled, "would you like your change?"
"no thank you, have a good night," she smiled back.
haewon closed the door and leaned against it. she stared at jeongguk trying to figure out why his mood kept changing. one minute he seemed like he was going to kill her, the next minute he was all nice and stuff, and another minute later he wants to take back his kindness.
jeongguk cleared his throat, "if you take a picture it'll last longer." she thought about his remark and did what he said to and took a picture. jeongguk was surprised but covered up quickly before she could take the picture. "there i did it." she said in a monotone.
"but you know what? you don't deserve to be in my camera roll, more like in the trash." she paused, "actually you don't deserve to be in my phone at all," with that haewon deleted the photo in her camera roll, then went into the trash and deleted there so that there was no trace of the photo left.
"come on, let's go eat before the food gets cold," she walked away. jeongguk stood there processing what just happened. "and she did that for what?" he shook his head and couldn’t help but form a grin and made his way to the kitchen to eat.
haewon had just finished placing the food on the counter when jeongguk came in. she handed him a beer and swung her piece of chicken, motioning him to sit down.
"so, how is your progress going on getting a company to accept your manhwa?" she asked being nosy and wondering how his life was going.
jeongguk almost spit out his beer, "how did you know about that?"
haewon scratched the back of her head, "well, you see, it was only a peek-"
"just a peek?" jeongguk interrupted raising an eyebrow. she sighed, "okay i went through it. but only because i was trying to at least tidy up your room since i did just leave something possibly life traumatizing in your bed." she sheepishly smiled. "sorry," she added and took a sip of her beer.
“that’s bullshit,” he rolled his eyes.
“okay, you caught me, i was snooping,” she said exaggerating the ‘a’ and put her hands up surrendering. “but being nosy is in my nature, i can’t help it,” she shrugged and took a sip of beer.
“whatever,” he exhaled. his shoulders slumped, "none of the companies are responding. i doubt they even took a glance at what i sent them. so i guess i'll just have to continue to work on webtoon," he confessed and chugged his beer.
"from what i have seen, your works are really good. you just haven't found the right company yet, all of those other companies are just blind jerks that can't see that there's a great manhwa in front of them," haewon tried her best to console him while not sounding fake. she hated being in situations like these without sounding awkward, it was rather hard for her to console someone.
jeongguk showed a pained smile and stared off into space.
silence consumed over the two as they finished their food. haewon glanced at jeongguk for a second, he was staring at his drink with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. he reminded her someone that she used to know, who was long in the past. not wanting the thoughts to continue, she rubbed her face as a way to get rid of the memories.
she ended up staring at him much longer than she intended, she was so caught up thinking about her past that she hadn’t noticed that jeongguk was staring right back at her. he quickly looked away when he noticed that she came back to her senses.
after they were finished eating, jeongguk got up to throw their food away. haewon rested her head on the counter and played her favorite game on her phone. jeongguk leaned forward against the counter and asked, "why did you come home so late? i thought it was your day off."
haewon stared at her phone contemplating whether she should answer him or not. she didn't feel like talking because it would take too much effort.
she conversed in her head, “should i answer? do i want to? no, but... ah whatever.”
finally making her decision she lazily explained, "my coworker was caught stealing customers' medications at work today and my boss needed me to come in to take over the rest of his shift," she moved her head so that she could face him.
"apparently he was an addict but hid it well i guess. every time we had to take drug tests he would have a way to fake them so that they would turn negative,” she paused to take a break and rubbed her eyes, “we also had him do inventory at the end of each day of our over the counter pills since he had been working there for a year or two now, and was trusted," she yawned wanting to stop talking but it was too late now.
"but it turns out that he kind of faked those as well. he would get different friends to buy some every other day, so he wouldn't have to put much work into faking everything and so that nothing looked suspicious when our boss checked everything at the end of the month," she finished explaining, thanking heaven that she could finally stop talking.
jeongguk was nearly speechless by how dedicated that man was. "that's crazy," was all he could let out. "i know right," haewon chuckled.
she got off the stool, "i’m going to head out now. night," she left the kitchen dragging her feet to her room.
"goodnight," jeongguk softly replied. he stood at the counter for a little longer before walking over to the couch and turning on the tv to a random late-night cartoon.
since he was his friend's p.a, it was his job to review the busy work schedule for the next day and memorizing it, or at least he tried to, but he mainly tried to find when he would have time for a break.
feeling drowsy, he tossed his phone onto the coffee table and got comfortable on the couch. he was too tired to even think about going all the way to his room, so he just stayed in the living room. listening to the t.v in the background, he closed his eyes and let sleep wash over him.
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cryptid-crusader · 6 years
My Tumblr History (feat. a LOT of rambling, I apologize)
I’ve been on Tumblr 9 years. I came to Tumblr from Xanga (which IDK if that’s even still a thing or not) after being thoroughly obsessed with latter for about 4 or so years. Xanga was much more of a typical blog blog, and though I interacted with far less people on it, those few I did became honest to god friends that I still think about to this day. Though, as years past, my few friends began to drop off one by one from the site and I found myself enjoying it much less once they were gone. Eventually, I left too.
A few months later, I decided to join Tumblr. It was still a fairly new site in 2010 when I had joined, and I had only heard a few things here and there around the internet before I decided to check it out myself. When I first started, I used this site a lot like I used Xanga and basically had it exclusively as an internet journal to talk about life and nerdy shit and the like (I remember even thinking the reblog option was dumb because why not just make your own content? Why reblog other peoples stuff? loooool) and also did a lot of those writing daily challenges. Do you guys remember those? I loved them. Anyway...
Needless to say as time went on and I got older and followed more people and gained more followers (some of you have been here from very early on and for that I am incredibly thankful) as dweeby as this may sound, I really grew as a person. God, I remember 9 years ago I would sometimes post uncredited art or really insensitive, not funny at all, “jokes” because I honestly didn’t see a problem with them (and the only reason I really remember these awful things is occasionally once in a blue moon random people would find them in the bowels of my blog and like them and I would shudder and delete them). I kinda started Tumblr as this young social media doofus that, again as cheesy as it sounds, learned a lot and grew from my experience here. I would never dream of posting uncredited art now, and those “jokes” make me want to vomit. I learned a lot about social issues through this blog and it also helped me open up and learn about my sexuality. I got to see a broader world view from all different walks of life here (which was incredibly refreshing after growing up in a very close knit predominately white republican community) , and met some fantastic humans I’m blessed to have interacted with and become their friend. I never would have met them without this site!
Not to mention just like... all the cool shit. There are SO many talented people on Tumblr. So much beautiful art, fantastic writing, and just all round hilarious and interesting humans that I loved to get even a small peak into their lives and learn about them and what they like and do for fun. I’ve picked up hobbies through this site, joined fandoms through this site, made friends, laughed endlessly, become inspired, found some of my favorite anime/books/movies, and have had so much fun in these nine years on Tumblr.
... Not to say that it hasn’t been without it’s bad. I’ve been here long enough to remember when Tumblr users proudly boasted about how open and inviting to any and all people they were, how they would never point fingers, be mean, or turn others away. Boy, how that has changed looool. I’ve been through the annoying but innocent enough superwholocks and the scandals of older users who used to be Tumblr royalty that fucked up in some way and fell from grace, to the disgrace of people who are totally fine humans that didn’t completely cater to exactly what certain people wanted or made a few wrong steps that people felt like they had to attack them viciously for the littlest asinine shit. The good the bad and the ugly, all the way through to now.
Now. :(
To be frank, this entire site has been a disaster for a loooooooooong time with a staff that seems to be equal mix of not knowing at all how to run a functioning site and not giving a shit at all about it’s user base and their feelings (which reeeeeeeally sucks for all the fantastic content creators and people who have been here forever who have essentially made this site what it is). Little things like ‘oh we made an update that ‘everyone’ will love but is actually dumb as hell and just pisses people off’ to their have been porn bots, pedos, and nazis on this site for YEARS terrorizing people and being awful but guess that is just how it will be... Until they got banned from the app store and THEN it’s an issue (because they lost money ofc)!
Suddenly, Tumblr staff cares, but only for themselves. Instead of actually resolving the issue THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AND IS AN EXTREMELY WELL KNOW AND COMPLAINED ABOUT ISSUE they just decide fuck it, punish everyone. No “porn” at all, but I use that term lightly because they say some nudity is allowed (don’t get me started on female presenting nipples it also makes me laugh to hard and then I won’t be able to type) and for some reason apparently written erotica is allowed (which makes absolutely zero sense if you are truly trying to make this a ‘family friendly’ site, why is visual porn not allowed but written OK?) but... Is it really? Posts that are completely innocent are getting tagged left and right as not suitable content. Like, thousands of posts are getting tagged by whatever stupid algorithm they are using that are completely void of anything remotely sexual and you expect me to believe your incompetent asses are going to go through them and deem which are OK and which aren’t based on you shoddy stupid ass new rules? Fuck that. 
And all the sex workers and people and run side blogs and NSFW art blogs and the like are just completely screwed (no pun intended). It upsets me because like... Porn blogs have never been the issue. There are definitely some horrible ones, no denying that, but for the most part they just stayed in their lane and interacted with other porn blogs. They weren’t the issue (And, if Tumblr knew at all how to create a damn site, they wouldn’t have been an issue at all if the damn safe mode toggle actually worked like it was supposed to). The ungodly amount of bots is the fucking issue. I can tell you right now, I have over a thousand followers and I am in no way kidding when I say half of those are porn bots that I just gave up reporting because I get like, 3 of them following me a week on average. It’s ridiculous! Also, ACTUAL FUCKING CHILD PORN? THAT IS EASILY ACCESSIBLE EVEN WHEN NOT LOOKING UP ANYTHING NSFW (which I very unfortunately know through experience)? And to top it all off, fucking NAZIS who for some reason are still allowed to spew their bullshit on this site??? Is this a nightmare?
So with all this happening, I believe it’s pretty safe to say Tumblr’s days are numbered. It makes me laugh and cry, it’s something you could see coming a mile away and yet something that you didn’t think would actually happen. I don’t want to leave Tumblr. I love you guys (the users not the staff). You have all brought joy and enrichment to my life and I am so grateful I got to be here with you. I also just like a lot of nuances of tumblr, like the fact I can read an entry so powerful and moving it brings me to tears and then just one post underneath is an over baked nonsensical cat meme which has me wheezing for reasons I can’t quite explain. I can be anonymous and as weird as I want to here without having to really worry about family, coworkers, or older friends seeing it and being like WTF is wrong with you, what does all this mean??? I like how my blog looks and how I can bitch in the tags and chat with my friends and message people and talk about my oc’s and randoms interests and get pointers and learn new things and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I love Tumblr. I don’t want to leave and don’t necessarily plan to. But then again, I said they same thing about Xanga, and if Tumblr keeps going in the way it is going... I’m not sure I really truly  want to be lumped in with that. :/
Now this has already been entirely too long (and honestly I’m kind of feeling how I did when I started this blog in 2010 lul) but lemme say this: Thanks guys, I had a whole lot of fun. And if I do end up leaving sometime in the maybe not to distant future know that I will always be lurking around somewhere on the internet, and I had the best time while I was here. I wish nothing but the best for all of you, and may we all be able to remain a happy and dysfunctional little group, if not here, somewhere much better.
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irlcringekin · 7 years
Callout post: @toroidion @fckhand @mashcores @googledocz @1cm3 @tcnno @tarnmas @p976 @p15s @harmacysts tons of other urls-- SEXUALLY HARASSES AND ASSAULTS OTHER MINORS!!!
I apologize so much for posting this into fandom tags but he’s a Transformers fandom blogger and everyone needs to watch out. First off,
Here’s a list of shit this callout post covers:
him forcing nsfw/kink onto both MINORS and adults.
him being very emotionally manipulative (guilt tripping, threatening suicide to force people to be friends with him, etc.)
Here are his blogs:
@38 (current url!!!)
@fckhand  (he goes back to this url a lot)
@googledocz  (past url)
@8752  (previous url)
@tcnno (a previous url)
@tarnmas (a previous url)
@roughbf (some sort of active sideblog)
@ctdc (an old tfkin group chat he had -- this is where he’s proved to harass people the most!!)
@pcrv (old URL - still online) 
@p15s (old URL - still online)
@skrnr (old blog - recently taken by the Woody Collectives)
@breakpng-remade (an old blog when he used to ID as Breakdown)
@harmkin (an old blog he used to stalk people on to send them n.s.f.w)
Past URLs:
Names he goes by to watch out for:
Para / Paralon
He’s a minor himself but that does NOT excuse him from literally sexually assaulting other minors and putting them in danger within multiple group chats.
Note: some people in this post are kin with certain characters. If someone is using a character name, it’s because of that. Don’t attack them about this.
Note: those whose names/urls/etc. are not censored gave FULL PERMISSION to be included and not censored in this post.
Note: again, this person is indeed a minor too (which doesn’t excuse him at all) but please do not harass him. Block him and spread the word to protect other minors!
He sexually assaults other minors:
It’s been my personal experience of being with him in group chats that many times he has just been asked to stop talking nsfw/kink because he’s a minor or it just made people/other minors uncomfortable. However, most of the time, he either refused or said he’d stop... only to continue. That’s all I’ve experienced. This obviously isn’t enough to warrant a callout post, however...
I’ve been given permission by the person he assaulted to say who they are: it was @t4ilgate he assaulted.
It started off with someone messaging me about it:
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Note that @/harmacysts aka @fckhand (now @toroidion) fakes being a system in order to get out of most of the shit he starts. Ie. “oh my other alter did that, not me, so I can’t take responsibility for my actions!”
I later got proof of his sexual assault and harassment on a tumblr user by the URL of @t4ilgate (again, permission was given to make their url public):
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He later tried to defend them not speaking up as them “giving consent”:
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“They should not have given me the slightest consent if they didn’t want it” SILENCE AND FEAR IS NOT CONSENT.
“i gave them the option to say no multiple times” THEY WERE TOO SCARED OF YOU TO SAY NO. ALSO ACCORDING TO THEM,
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And here it is CONFIRMED that they were pressured and scared/forced into this shit:
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[ @/t4ilgate: i really tried to hint at trying to make things slow down when he started getting too sexual with me. he just kept asking and asking me until i just felt really pressured to just agree. he really took advantage of me, especially since i had something really similar like this happen before, i was distressed abt upsetting him. he kept asking me over and over how i was feeling, and asking me if i knew what he was feeling and doing. he kept insisting that i should be blunt whenever he did.
(name redacted): god - im so sorry you had to go through that ]
Again allow me to emphasize:
“he just kept asking and asking me until i just felt really pressured to just agree. he really took advantage of me, especially since i had something really similar like this happen before, i was distressed abt upsetting him.”
And in response to his “public apology”:
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[ @/t4ilgate: HAHAHAHA W O W OK THEN - 'consent' oh, you mean, constantly badgering me until my 'i dont know, im not sure' turns into '....ok' - 70% of the call was spent doing sexual activities he spent so long trying to convince me to do. - get fucked. ]
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HE DID THIS WITHOUT CONSENT AND EXCUSED EVERYTHING WITH “but... [after i intensely pressured and forced them into it] they barely said ok so it’s consensual!”
I hope you have fun living with this knowledge for the rest of your life.
And here’s him being asked to leave, saying he’s “so sorry” for sexually assaulting someone, (note: the person telling him to leave says that he’s done this to MULTIPLE PEOPLE SO HE IS A REPEATED OFFENDER AND DANGER):
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As you can see, him asking “are you sure you want me to leave [after sexually assaulting a member of your chat]” outright shows that he’s not even considerate of how others feel LET ALONE THE PERSON HE ASSAULTED. He asks after sexually assaulting someone if they really want him to leave. Which, no shit asshole who WOULDNT want you to leave.
As a trauma survivor myself, this utterly disgusts me that this person @/harmacysts aka @fckhand (now @38) who is also the owner of @/ctnet would go so far as to WILLINGLY TRAUMATIZE ANOTHER MINOR FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.
That’s cocsa even if it’s not physical or in-person, it’s still a form of sexual assault and harassment and I feel so fucking bad for the person (people?) he’s sexually harassed.
It gets worse!!!!
Apparently this has happened BEFORE with other people as well many times:
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[@/t4ilgate: -and really sexually affectionate, but i never knew he’d do that w/out asking me first - YEAH - like he even made a nsfw vent blog to talk about him lusting over me and just feels so bad and wrong i hate it i hate it
(name redacted): he did that to us too
@/t4ilgate: the url used to be harmkin - seriously???
(name redacted): he used to have a blog called fakegimmick and he’d vague about wanting to fuck us (all 17+ year olds) all the time
@/t4ilgate: that’s so fucking sick holy shit i never knew
(name redacted): and he’d even send us the links to the shit he’d vague - it was so fucking uncomfortable - he even made fun of sex-repulsion]
Him making nsfw blogs to literally stalk and harass other minors sexually and to talk about them sexually is fucking creepy. He was asked to stop multiple times but DID NOT EVER STOP. This is harassment, this is cocsa, and this is disgusting.
If that wasn’t enough, then here’s more of what he’s done:
UPDATE!! -- his new url has changed to @38 !
@tcnno used to be a previous url (proof):
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[ like… i know ive been denying everything this whole time but… the person that was called out is in our system. im a newer host. i tried to get away from the whole thing because im a coward but that’s irrelevant. the point is that im letting go of my role as host and Pharma is taking that. if anyone is uncomfortable just leave the server its all fine. i doubt im going dormant but we’ll see. im really sorry i have to do this everything is too much for me to handle right now.
if anyone wants anything cleared out just ask. pharma is here with me so he can ask questions as well.
by the way feel free to screenshot that because im not hiding anymore.
oh and if you dont know whats going on just… ((link to the callout against him)) yeah. he doesnt do that kind of shit anymore and is getting better but still if anyone is uncomfortable, feel free to cut contact ] --- source (tcnno)
please note that he has excused his manipulative and abusive behavior and even the fact that he has sexually harassed a minor with his “system” and “headmates” before!!!!!
He has said MANY TIMES that he has “changed”!!
this is normal manipulative behavior for him. please do not fall for it! he is STILL VERY MUCH A DANGER!!
and he’s since then moved to @1cm3 as stated on his blog:
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and from this blog you can find a url trail from 1cm3 to @incelreaper and then back to the old @fckhand and over to @arknights  and over to @mashcores and then to @googledocz where he deleted most of his content and then to 8752 where he seems to go back to the url @fckhand a lot where he admitted he was googledocz. he is now @38
I guess he saw the callout post and all he did was make jokes about it and thus him sexually harassing people:
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and then even say he “feels bad but also not”:
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He forces nsfw/kink onto both other minors and adults:
Many people have come to me telling me that in all of the group chats he runs and/or is in, he has tried to force nsfw/kink shit onto minors MANY TIMES.
The below pictures in this next part include him going so far as to force nsfw/kink onto his old ex datemate. He’s went so far as to completely ignore their boundaries and they make commentary here and there about how scared they were (tw for vaguely nsfw implied text - but nothing outright nsfw):
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[ @/harmacysts: we still have that thing you suggested - we should do that eventually.
--- A note from his ex who we’ll call “Tracer”: I didn’t suggest it. ]
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[ @/harmacysts: well i just remembered a thing from our past and im-
“Tracer”: ???????
Harmacysts: try to guess
---  A note from his ex: here im playing along bc im too scared to do anything else ]
and here is where his ex datemate tried to LEAVE THE SITUATION but he kept forcing it further:
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Nothing is outwardly nsfw but his ex is clearly very VERY uncomfortable and tries to literally escape the situations he puts them in MULTIPLE TIMES to the point where they feel SCARED of him.
There were also a few other instances of him forcing nsfw/kink onto people:
He has posted pictures of himself wearing a collar in a group chat he used to be in. This made a lot of people very uncomfortable as he’s a minor so they had to delete the pic he sent. During the time he was wearing it/sent the pic, he kept talking about how “age regressed” he was and then later on called his age regression “pet regression” (possible fetishization of age regression and trauma?)
After being called out about it, instead of apologizing and trying to make things better, he deleted most of the shit he sent and ran from the situation and left the group chat, unable to take people telling him to stop posting nsfw things.
Most of it was deleted including the picture he posted, but here is where he sent it:
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note: NO ONE told him to send it and NO ONE told him that it was ok to. Here’s proof that they did not encourage him AT ALL and even told him to NOT post it:
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and here’s the aftermath of it where, when being talked to about it and asked to stop in a calm manner, he immediately guilt trips the person telling him to stop:
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(Name redacted): I apologize but you didn’t have to leave. All I was asking was for you to not post such things into a chat with adults and - Yeah a few people have also mentioned that it made them incredibly uncomfortable as well as adults. I also don’t understnad the issue with me asking you to not post such things, and for adults to be informed of you being a minor.
Harmacysts: no its just best im not there at all]
However, after that, he once again began to force collars and kink shit onto people DESPITE BEING TOLD TO STOP MULTIPLE TIMES:
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Here’s where people tell him to stop:
Note, these are taken from multiple group chats,
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[ (name redacted): you NEED TO STOP POSTING THIS SHIT its making so many people uncomfortable and youre a MINOR. this isnt an nsfw chat. this is a sfw chat. and even if we did allow nsfw, YOURE A MINOR YOU NEED TO FUCKING STOP OR ELSE WE’RE GOING TO BOOT YOU FOR GOOD, OK? ]
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[ (name redacted): pleasee stop this is really uncomfortable im a minor and i dont wanna see this stuff.... please??? idc if youre a minor too i want you to stop!! ]
He’s made EVERYONE both minors and adults uncomfortable. He forces nsfw/kink shit onto minors. He forces it onto adults too. No matter how much people ask him to stop, he doesn’t.
He’s caused multiple minors harm and has even triggered quite a few of them into panic attacks with his blatant sexual harassment.
I can’t stress it enough that even though he’s a minor himself, THIS IS NOT OK --- LET ALONE THE FACT THAT HE SEXUALLY ASSAULTED ANOTHER MINOR!!
He’s very emotionally manipulative:
Here are some accounts of him emotionally manipulating, guilt tripping, threatening suicide, and even trying to break relationships up out of jealousy.
This will be a mixture of people’s encounters with him and screenshots of what he’s said/done.
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[ (name redacted): one of the only things that made me stay and wait for him to get better was the fact he used to guilt trip me with "i think i would have kms if i hadn't ever met you" which made me feel important but burdened WITH A FUCKING HUMAN LIFE ]
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[ (Name redacted #1): all he said when i once commented about the age difference between his first two relationships i knew of was "i can see why it's not everyone's thing" like................. hey
(Name redacted #2): oh my god
(Name redacted #3): so he perpetuates gross age gaps - also he’s still shoving his nsfw kink talk into minor’s faces - he’s doing it in other group chats
(Name redacted #4): UGh ]
so he advocates and even perpetuates for adult/minor and age-gap relationships.
a few emotionally manipulative and guilt-trippy things he’s said but nothing too serious to warrant a callout post by itself, but it’s still something to include to show his general behavior:
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(he apparently used to go by this name and icon in a different chat)
EDIT as of 21/01/2018: since then, he has been changing to numerous URLs, FULLY PRETENDING TO BE OTHER PEOPLE, and trying to drag new people into his shit. He’s hurt even more people according to a few sources and STILL tries to excuse his actions with weak apologies and saying that he “has changed and improved”:
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[[ Pharmy boy (aka harmacysts/fckhand -- now @toroidion): yeah ik its really bad but if you need an apology/explanation or something i can provide one? just first off its been 5 months since everything Happened. ive improved a lot since then and i dont condone those types of things at all. it was very stupid of me and i take all the responsibility for it. i mightve been 14 at the time but that doesnt take away how bad it is.  ((continued))--
I am trying my best. So first off yeah I did do sexual things on call with another person when i hadnt been given a proper answer, and i did pressure them into it. I admit that. I didnt mean to hurt them, I genuinely thought it was ok, but now i know better. i do feel very guilty for what i did. ill be more careful in the future and am sure to not repeat the same thing ever again.
then theres me talking about nsfw when people were telling me to stop. obviously thats not a right thing to do either, as everyone was clearly uncomfortable with it. i wont repeat that either, and will look after it myself.
theres also me blaming things on alters, and not taking responsibility for what they mightve done. i dont remember exactly what happened but from now on im sure to take note of what they do and apologize for them.  ((note: he is NOT an actual system, does not have DID, and only started to claim to be one after he got friends who also claimed to be systems))
ive also bee manipulative in the past, and ive taken note of it. i used to guilt trip people and say shit like “no one loves me and youre lying” etc etc but i promise i will not do that again.
the only time i ever did stuff like that was the ones mentioned, i havent done the same before, and neither will i do it again.  ((false: he has done many more things that weren’t documented due to him deleting messages after he was told off or called out))
sorry thats a bit sloppy.
but like. i promise ive improved, and i still am. ill continue to improve from now on as well, you can give me a chance to prove that if you so desire.
bottomtron: sorry but, literally, i cant. my abuser of 3 years that ruined my life was like this and i even physically lived with him. im sure youll get better in time but 5 months isnt long and my gut tells me to just do what i feel is right. so i hope you have a good run in life and you do get better. ]]
however, despite harmacysts/fckhand’s claims, he actually HAS NOT changed and continues to sexually harass and perhaps even groom other minors:
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plus it should be quite obvious that 5 months is barely enough time, especially since there has been little difference in his behaviour.
Small edit as of 2018/07/30 --- fckhand (now @38) proves that he STILL has not changed and does not care about nor respect any of his friends’ decisions to leave him after they find out what he has done.
He has no changed, will not change, and refuses to respect peoples’ decisions even after claiming for ages now that he does. He is lying.
TLDR --- this person @fckhand (now @38) literally sexually harassed another minor under the guise that their silence and fear was consent. He pressured them into it and harmed them. He’s extremely manipulative and toxic and is KNOWN to force nsfw/kink onto other minors. since then, he has been lying and trying to worm his way back into fandoms and people’s lives.
again do not harass him but by all means please reblog this post, block him, and tell others!
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of-invisible-ties · 7 years
My ideas for a Fire Emblem game
[ So I was playing through the Thabes Labyrinth in Echoes, and an idea just sorta struck me. What if, I thought to myself, the next Fire Emblem game made dungeons a huge part of the story? Then, I came up with a story that I’d do. So, under the cut, prepare for my “rough sketch” for my own idea for a Fire Emblem game! ]
[ Warning: this gets LONG. However, I’m perfectly fine with likes or reblogs to this long, long ramble. ]
The storyline’s exposition and first chapters 
The first chapter has you playing as what appears to be the main lord. He’s well-dressed and knowledgeable -- seemingly the leader of the exploration team. In fact, he’s teemed up with some acquaintances to tackle an Echoes-style dungeon. However, early conversations with the other members of the group yields the truth. You’re not a lord, nor even in any position of power. Instead, you and your comrades are servants of the game’s lord, who has irresponsibly tarried ahead of the group and has gotten lost. 
 You then enter a conversation about your liege’s tendencies, and uncover the latter’s long streak of irresponsible, hasty decisions. The current king has sent said lord into this dungeon in attempt to get him to learn some maturity. Frustrated by his son’s lack of maturity, he threatens to disown the boy if he shirks this one task or fails to succeed. A flashback, revealing these servants and that lord divulges how this fact changes him. It doesn’t make him mature nor determined to see the task through. Rather, this whole affair terrifies him, and it puts him on edge. 
 Despite his hotheadedness, this young lord is rather sensitive. He feigns a sense of not caring, but, when push comes to shove, the cowardice he’s ashamed of brings itself to the fore. The real reason he took off was because the group got ambushed by bandits while exploring the temple, and the kid panicked. An early question is asked by the other servants: do you care about your young liege or not? The answer you give will shape your character’s later opinions and answers. Which is another game mechanic I’d like to include: branching dialogue paths. I’m thinking that you’ll sometimes be asked questions prior to the start of battle, too, and your answers will change the map’s objectives. 
As for why there are bandits here -- well, that plays into the king’s motivations for sending his own kid down the dungeon. As it turns out, the local wastrels and bandits have taken refuge in an old labyrinth, and the king’s real objective was to teach his son to quickly respond to threats like these. He sent this servant band -- you and your group -- to protect his son because you’re all capable fighters. No one could’ve predicted that things would go wrong like they did. 
Another aspect I’d like to introduce to the storyline is forbidden magic. Among these bandits are witches and sorcerers who practice a brand of magic that the kingdom outlawed. This is, in fact, my attempt at bringing back the magic weapon triangle from the GBA and Tellius games: dark, light, and anima tomes all make a return. Dark magic simply has more of a plotline relevance, in that it’s been held in contempt by the country’s clergy (light magic users) and all practitioners of it are to be exiled. Anima magic users are freelance magicians without any allegiances to a kingdom. Magical mercenaries, if you will. 
The prepromote character
 The obligatory prepromote in your group is a dark magic user, but she turned herself in and told the king about where her former associates were hiding, bringing about this whole affair of exploring the dungeon. She is the least trusted in your tight-knit group, and some of your options pertain to her. All the servants sans her are close friends, having served the king together for years. In the manner of a clique, they exclude this suspicious dark magic user and converse with you several feet away from her.
 You learn that some of them are literally terrified of dark magic, but others simply hold her in scorn. You can choose to protest against leaving her out of conversations or not. If you’re “too mean” to her, you’ll lose the option of supporting with her when supports are unlocked. Feeling affronted by your shabby treatment, she may even leave the group or rejoin the enemy. (Being mean to her, however, will earn the approval and trust from your group. This makes it easier to unlock more supports from your group when supports are unlocked.)
Another important thing is how you recruit new allies. Because you spend a lot of the first act exploring this one dungeon, I came up with the idea of said dungeon also being prone to the occasional group of explorers who are unrelated to the outlaws. It’s not a well known fact that a large bandit group dwells here, seeing as the king needed a former member of the group to even know of their base of operations.
 Therefore, explorers, for one reason or another, roam the labyrinths as well. Thus, not everyone you meet is an enemy. Sometimes, battles of story importance include green “other” units that are simply spectators that can be persuaded to by either side to join them. If the enemy reaches them first, you have to bribe them to join you or cut them down. 
However, some new recruits simply join you after a new cut-scene introduces them. Much in the manner of Echoes, this dungeon includes save rooms or, in fact, rooms without any enemies inside. These rooms now serve a purpose of being introduced to a new recruit. Perhaps you’ll meet one of your servant friends who got separated from the group, and thus rejoins easily. Perhaps you’ll encounter some of your dark magic user’s friends who want to turn over a new leaf. (Which is another benefit to keeping your prepromote around.)  Or, in fact, you may find an explorer unaffiliated to anyone, but is inclined to join you. 
A big change to this, however, is an added incentive to keep every one of your units alive. An explorer who is unaffiliated to your group may be acquaintances with other explorers of the labyrinth. Therefore, they’re needed to recruit someone else. Your original group may be friends with explorers or even members of the bandits. Until a chapter of recruitment occurs, you have no way of knowing who is needed for what, so you’re adjured to make sure everyone’s alive.
Gameplay notes
I think that this game would play like most FE’s in which every character can hold a total of five items of your choice. Weapons ranks and the weapon triangle are, of course, relevant. Skills make a comeback, and I’m thinking they’re tied to weapons as they were in Echoes. However, you don’t need the weapon equipped to employ the skill it taught you. (I’ll likely put a limit on how many skills a character could learn to stop this from becoming too overpowered, however. Of course, you can always delete a skill to make room for a new one.) 
All weapons except staves have unlimited uses. This is because I think that weapon durability in a dungeon-based game would detract from the fun. A wary player would be more likely to fret for a weapon running out and would begrudge skirmishes because extended combat makes for weapons breaking faster. Fates has demonstrated that unbreakable weapons are not as overpowered as it sounds, although I’d likely not include the self-debuffing weapons. 
Weapon ranks raise at a pace similar to Awakening’s. Fates made weapon ranks increase at a snail’s pace, which isn’t fun at all. 
Fatigue and rations return, to simulate that you’re going through a dungeon, and, thus, doing that will exhaust your party members. I’ll likely make characters who boast of being hardy or healthy have their fatigue decrease more slowly than those with less endurance. For example, say a new recruit has been exploring dungeons for years. Because said recruit would be more accustomed to how long dungeons are, he or she won’t tire out as fast as novice explorers. 
Dungeons play out similarly to how they were in Echoes. You roam about and try to get from room to room, and skirmishes occur when you run into a roaming enemy. Due to dark magic’s plot relevance, I’m thinking that monsters spawned by dark magic also appear as enemies. 
Unlike Echoes, however, there’s far more enemy variety. I’m thinking that I’ll use the branched promotions seen in Sacred Stones, Awakening, and Fates so that both playable characters and enemies have more variety. I’ll likely also introduce the “trainee” classes from Sacred Stones as well (think villagers in Echoes) who can promote to two new classes of their choice. 
Note that cantors, which can summon monsters at whim, will either excluded entirely or will receive nurfed summons. There were tedious in Echoes, and I’d rather not have that tedium return. 
A big change I want to make is that enemies can use weapon-based skills, too. Bosses get tougher skills, but some enemies can access weapon skills on their turn to add a new spin on the combat that would occur. You’ll be able to view these skills, of course, and you can prepare for them accordingly. 
As referenced earlier, I’ll definitely retain supports in this game. It will likely be in the GBA and Tellius style of supports, in that each character has an average of six to eight characters they can converse with. However, they will NOT be limited to five supports per playthrough. Much like in Awakening and Fates, all supports (with the exception of more than one s-support) can be viewed in one playthrough. 
I’m undecided if I’m including pair-up mechanics, but they’ll likely work the same way they did in Fates, in that enemies can use them as well, and that they can be used in either “attack” or “support” stance.
Skirmish maps will change based on what floor you’re on and what you’re near in the dungeon. My biggest gripe with the Echoes dungeons was that skirmishes felt static and stale, as many repeated maps and enemy placements kept happening. Save for story-related maps -- which, of course, will be vastly different from standard maps -- most of the skirmish maps will be randomly generated. However, they will be based on what you’re near, what sort of enemies have attacked you, and if there are magic users on the enemy side.
As a continuation of the above point, yes, magic users can affect map layouts. Why? Because the Dragon Veins mechanic from Fates will return here, too. Much like how Dragon Veins had a huge effect on Fates’ maps, this game’s “Dragon Veins” also have layout-changing abilities. Because magical ability is of story import, I’m thinking that mages -- specifically dark magic users -- can access special points of the map which have immense magical concentration. In-story, most dungeons will have an extensive history, such as being home to old monsters or a clan’s magical ancestor. Their power, which still runs rampant through the dungeon, can be accessed by magic users and can be used to alter or affect a map. Hopefully, this will add a lot of variety to skirmishes. 
Another idea I have for keeping maps fresh and fun is for having Radiant Dawn’s height mechanics return. For those unaware, this means that enemies who fight you from atop a ledge or atop a staircase receive accuracy buffs and you, the defender, receive accuracy penalties. However, this also holds true if you attack an enemy from higher up, too. This means it’s optimal for you to take the higher ground before the enemies do. 
Available Classes
You’ll have your standard Fire Emblem fare available here: cavaliers, archers, pegasus knights, wyvern riders, fighters, knights, mages, healers, thieves, and, of course, the lord. However, some classes are exclusive to certain games, and, in the name of variety, I’d like to see them return here. I also have my own ideas for this game’s lord class. In no particular order, the classes that I’d like to see return include:
Monks (from Blazing Sword and Sacred Stones): as mentioned previously, I want light magic to make a return, and what better way to see this come true than to include the primary light-using class of old? Monks are the light-magic equivalent of the more better-known mages and dark mages, and they’ll likely retain their branched promotion in Sacred Stones: options to premote into Bishop or Sage.  In this vein, I’ll likely include a light magic tome with Sacred Stones’ slayer effect (which allows the user’s light magic to deal effective damage against monsters.
If I opt to include enemy cantors, I’ll likely give your side summoners. Summoners are a class from Sacred Stones who can summon phantoms to fight alongside them. They could conjure one phantom at a time, and these phantoms always spawn with 1 hp, zero on both defenses, and random stats and weapons. (Which is similar to Invoke in Echoes.) I’ll likely have these phantoms get stronger as their summoner levels up. For example, a starting summoner will have phantoms with 1 hp and zero defenses, but, eventually, they’ll be able to summon phantoms with better hp, defenses, offenses, and, of course, weapons.  They’ll also be able to dismiss phantoms if they so wish (which can’t be done in either Sacred Stones or Echoes.)
Ninjas (Fates): I personally really like the debuffing daggers and I do wish that they’d make a return. I’d likely weaken the class a bit, because Fates did make them a tad overpowered. A nurf I’d give is to resistance and speed. Ninjas were way too fast and had crazy-high evasion. They’d still will have respectable speed, but not to the ridiculous amounts of Fates’ ninjas. Daggers, however, will be separate from the weapon triangle (just as bows normally are). 
Trainees/villagers (Sacred Stones and Echoes): I’ve lumped them together because these two classes serve the exact same purpose. That of an underpowered class promoting into a normal class after reaching a certain level. However, you have the option of promoting this trainee into whatever you please. Lore-wise, these trainees will accompany either veteran explorers in the hopes of learning something from them, or else are hostages with relevance to recruited characters. Either way, they are highly customizable classes that i think warrant a return. 
Soldiers/Spear Fighters (Tellius series and Fates): I don’t think I’m alone when I say that I’d like infantry spear-using classes to make a return in this game. I’d likely give them a infantry option and a mounted option for their branched promotion, but they’ll function similar to how they did in the aforementioned games.
The lord class of this game will be simply refereed to as lord. The class of choice for the irresponsible boy I’ve spoken of earlier, this class wields anima magic as its weapon of choice. I think a magic-using lord works for variety, and it also simulates a coward, because the lord will mention picking magic to safely attack enemies from afar. He will receive an exclusive anima tome that recovers half of the HP dealt to the enemy to compensate for a mage’s typically lower defenses. The promotion, which occurs after some character development (in that he feels somewhat confident in himself as both a person and in his position of power), will include swords, a close-ranged weapon. 
Ending thoughts
Of course, I’m speaking entirely hypothetically about the creation of a game like this, and I only really fleshed it out this much when I opted to put my vague ideas into one long post. Anyways, I’m perfectly open to feedback! Let me know what you think -- do my ideas sound good to you or not? What classes or gameplay mechanics would YOU include? Of course, leave a like if you’ve enjoyed hearing my long ol’ ramble!
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