"Lisa doesn't wash her hands!" What if the Creature redrew the lightning bolt for her each day?? What then??
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You guys weren't kidding when you said Laios can bark like a dog huh
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Anyone else feel like they're one balloon pop away from going full chimpanzee?
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Just finished rewatching the Fall of the House of Usher and love that it ends with Auguste putting the recorder down. The confession that was his career, and he walks away. He says no one gets to hear Roderick's story. No one gets to hear any of the Usher's stories. There's no chance of anyone hearing the confession and searching for nuance in his character; there'll be no debates about whether he was sympathetic; there will be no legacy.
Because even the company is gone - taken apart. The company he and Madeline killed for is repurposed, until its not even recognisable anymore.
Verna asks Madeline if she'd rather be rich or famous and she answers rich. The recorder being left on the grave is the consequence. (I know this was directed to Madeline not Roderick put the string still runs through)
They were rich, but they weren't famous - they won't be remembered.
Auguste gets his story, and realises he doesn't need it, actually. Actually, he can walk away from this.
And that's - that's such a good ending for such a man.
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for kingdom hearts ask: 2 & 38!!
Ohh - yes!! <3
2. favourite party member (aside from donald and goofy)
I actually kinda hate having to bench Donald or Goofy for another party member, because I give those two cool skills when they level up and then they can't use them! (And in Kh2 it means some drive forms get fiddly to activate because they're not readily available.) BUT I would probably go for the Beast. He's such a lifesaver when you only have a wooden sword in Hollow Bastion in the first game - he's very good to hide behind and let him take everyone out.
It is also very charming to me to see him, three times the size of Sora, galllumphing around and then talking in a very gentle, gravelly voice about how much he loves and misses Belle. He's just such a Guy.
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(You do get Stitch as a partner in Birth By Sleep, but I'm not counting it because it's not for very long.)
SoRiku is The OTP!
They childhood friends to (onesided) rivals to besties to lovers!
The infamous Sora clutching Riku's hand, falling to his knees in tears, and saying 'I looked everywhere for you,' scene. Riku saying he wants strength to protect the people who matter to him - and that person just! Is Sora! (He says that pre-Kairi!) That it's Sora's memories of Riku that are manipulated to be him and Namine so that he cares about her in Chain of Memories. Riku becoming Sora's Dream Eater in Dream Drop Distance to protect him in his dreams. They're hugely romantic and they're also fourteen year old boys yelling "you're STUpid!" at eachother.
And then they have the special move that creates rainbow stained glass around them. The gay keyblade move!
In short, I've been obsessed with them for a solid decade.
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This Ken supports unionising!
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for the ask game,, gimme 24 for ash banana fish (that is his name to me)
Ah yes, my favourite character: Ash Banana Fish
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Oooh, this is actually very hard! (There's no one like my Boy?!) But probably Vanitas from the anime Case Study of Vanitas – they both have that thing of "I've never allowed anyone else to get as close as this one person (I'm NOT in Love with them!! I swear!!) and if anything happened to them I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself" going on. Plus the intensely Traumatic pasts too.
Their emotional journey is the core of both series, I think and their growth is what makes them compelling characters to follow. (And they're both going by fun fake names!)
Idk if they really count as fandoms I'm IN, but Ash also reminds me of Ari from Aristotle and Dante, and Ponyboy from The Outsiders. There's just the same Vibes there. (Aka: They are Troubled)
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Love your Lies of P one shots <3
Your P is so gentle yet stoic just chief’s kiss
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Ahhhh, thank you so much! It's been really lovely to write P! <3 <3 xx
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Me, whenever I talk to Moana on Disney Dreamlight Valley:
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The Goofy fake out death in Kh2 is so funny like:
-He just gets hit with a stray rock. They're not currently fighting anyone. It's a stray rock a heartless knocks off a cliff?? Intentionally?? It's unclear.
-The iconic "They'll pay for this," IN THE MICKEY MOUSE VOICE. Mickey tugging his coat off like an anime character to reveal a sk8er boi outfit.
-The charge through Hollow Bastion to the main fight, aided by various Final Fantasy characters, to avenge Your Comrade In Arms: Goofy.
-He doesn't even return dramatically. Not like the gang's losing a battle and a figure appears to aid them, revealed to be Goofy, back from the dead. He just - walks up to them again. He was probably following 10 feet behind Sora the whole time.
Absolutely stunning plot point.
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turnupswritessometimes · 11 months
sorry for shouting abt it i just love it so so much <33
Oh, thank you!!! <3 <3
This fic is such so going for me at the moment, so I'm really glad it does have fans that are really enjoying it!!
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💞💌💥🕯️Of course, you don't have to do all of them, just whichever you're interested in answering ^_^
Oh, of course I'll do all of them - I love talking about my own writing lmao!
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💞what's the most important part of a story for you?
The relationship between characters. I feel like fanfiction really gives you a space to get into all the nooks and crannies of a character's relationships, in a way that the source material rarely has time to do. But then, even when I'm writing AUs (so starting these characters from point A, instead of somewhere in the middle), I like for characters to have a solid foundation with each other, and definitely somewhere to go.
(Dialogue was a close contender here - but I think that's what I enjoy writing the most. And it's one of the main tools in showing a relationship; what's said, but also what's unsaid.)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Something I'm tinkering with for Fullmetal Alchemist is Roy Mustang and Ed Elric using a certain rumour about Ed being Mustang's illegitimate child for a mission. (And really getting into their relationship. It's set just after the 520 cens promise so lots to talk about!)
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
My actual least kudos'd fic is my latest SidLink one - 'Just for This Moment,' but as that only went up a week or so ago, I don't think that's fair to choose for this. So my second least kudos'd fic is 'Hidden Depths,' about the boys from Tokyo Mew Mew. I'm assuming it got a low kudos score because it's a smaller fandom, and an extremely rare pair within that fandom.
It's a fic I really like! I love using the aquarium and the creatures in it as a tool to bring two characters into finding middle ground/talking in metaphors about themselves. I love Ryou's conflicting emotions and his denial to admit to himself how he really feels.
This bookmark is my favourite: "'he hates him because they're love rivals' actually he hates him bc he's bi and crushing hard and a tsundere."
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Currently, I'm finding 'The One With the Mermaid' extremely hard to write. I didn't approach it any differently than I usually would, but something's just not got me hooked like usual. I think it's that second part of the question - the story's evolved differently than I thought, and I'm not sure how to get it back.
Otherwise, my SoRiku fic 'Worth Running To' took me to some exciting places. I vaguely knew I was adapting the plot of the first Kingdom Hearts (vaguely!!), but I didn't account for how many other characters - Kingdom Hearts and Disney - would get caught up in the plot. The finale felt very big and dramatic for what I usually write, but I remember really enjoying that. The biggest surprise about that one was sparking off a side story about the Seasalt trio, in a Georgian boarding school. (Very fun, but very niche, lol)
I think that's it! Thanks so so much for the ask!! <3 <3
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i just finished "watch and chain" and i have to say i am in love with your writing. This fic was amazing, I'm always hunting for their good fics and this time I found a gold mine. sorry but i will read almost all of your fics.
Never ever apologise for reading all my fics, lol! That's the highest compliment an author can recieve!
Thank you so so much!! <3 I'm so glad my silly little idea of Watch and Chain is a hit! xx
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Hi...if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Oddly, I feel as though I have, and yet I can't find a record of it on my blog, so we'll go again lmaoo
Generally speaking, if I like a pairing enough to write and post a fic for it, it's probably one of my favourites! So it's no surprise that AshEiji is probably top of my list
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It's just - the certainty with which Ash thinks he could never be loved and the surety that Eiji responds that he deserves it. It's the mutual love and trust, even from separate worlds.
SherLiam has that as well, but, like, turn the raw sexual attraction up to 100. The flirting, the 'rivalry' (but not really lmaoo), the being the only ones who truly understand each other.
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SoRiku is also a big one. The best friends to lovers, the trust, the fact that every disney couple reminds Sora of him and Riku. Sora holding Riku's hand and crying when they're reunited in 2. All of Dream Drop Distance. They're in love and they don't even know it.
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I'm generally not a big shipper when it comes to novels, because I know that most pairings are pretty inevitable, especially in YA fiction. (I guess it's because it's often a side plot that you're expecting.) But lately I've greatly enjoyed Luc/Oliver from Boyfriend Material and I ADORE Monty and Percy from the Gentleman's Guide Trilogy. I think they can all be summed up with 'idiots in love.'
The new Lockwood and Co show on Netflix also reminded me of how much I liked Lucy and Lockwood in the books. It is an intensely slow will they/won't they dynamic - very Rose and 10 from Dr Who. The last book had so many "I need to tell you something," moments, but the frustration was so good! It looks like the show is doing a really good job of them as well, so definitely watch it now that it's out!!
I'm aware this is a very m/m heavy list, lol. Some w/w books I've enjoyed at 'Last Night at the Telegraph Club' and 'Georgia, Peaches and other Forbidden Fruit.' As well as Lumity, of course
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This was a bit rambly and messy, but if it wasn't, it would have sat in my drafts forever. All the same, I hope it answered your question, somewhat!
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Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Thanks....
I've taken my time with this one, beause it's quite a big question, lol
I'm someone who moves on pretty quickly when it comes to interests, and nowadays I don't even watch/read stuff more than once. But here's the list (not in any specific order):
1.) Stitch from Lilo and Stitch
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Lilo and Stitch was one of the first films I ever saw in cinemas as a kid, and it still makes me sob to this day. Just! Stitch! In the woods! With the Ugly Duckling book! And he repeats it and looks around because he's got no family!
There's so much love and thought put into how he moves (see gif - the head tilt - the eyes! He's baby!) that shows his thought process and emotions. His arc is complimentary to Lilo's and it's my favourite film. Plus, he's cute and fluffy!
2.) Myka Bering from Warehouse 13
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This space was a toss up between Claudia and Myka from this show. As an 11-13 year old watching this show for the first time, I had the biggest crush on Claudia, but I loved Myka too. And rewatching it now, I love her more.
Warehouse 13 revolves around a bunch of agents tracking down 'artefacts': objects that usually kill people in horrific ways, but sometimes have benefits. (A great episode is Shakespeare's lost folio: touching a page with doom you to die the death of the character depicted, unless you can say that character's final lines.) Myka's come from the secret service and is the more pragmatic one compared to partner Pete's comic relief and pop culture references. (I love Pete too, though!) Myka's also a nerd! A classics nerd! (Middle name Ophelia!) She loves H.G Wells (me too!) - and H.G Wells is in this show (see gif) as a very cool woman who Myka's more than a little in love with. (Me too! Sadly it's all subtext because this shows 10 years old now.) She's capable and cool but has a softer, human side that's allowed to come to light as much as her partner's. They take turns being vulnerable with each other and it's what makes these characters feel real.
She also has the line: "some girls play with barbies, others take fencing lessons." which! come on! It's so good!
3.) Baron from The Cat Returns
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He's voiced by Cary Elwes (Westley from the Princess Bride), which makes him instantly cool! And, honestly, he's basically Westley; he's suave, sneaks into places with disguises, and is a master of swordplay. (Maybe I just like characters with swords?)
The Cat Returns is my favourite Studio Ghibli movie, because it's so similar to the Nutcracker, which is a favourite of mine too. The ball scene still makes me feel like a teen with a crush; there's a romanticism to it all that comes from how suave Baron is. His minature world is charming too!
4.) Nancy Thompson from Nightmare on Elm Street
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Nancy's my favourite final girl. There's a great interview were they talk about how determined she is; she will find the truth, and she won't stop hunting for it. She takes active measures to ensure she can investigate and wake up in time. I don't have many points on this one: I just think she's neat!
5.) Sora from Kingdom Hearts
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Again, I'm torn between two characters from the franchise - Sora and Roxas. But I played Kingdom Hearts 2 first, and that has more of Sora!
The whole series has a lot of nostalgia for me, and Sora's the heart of that. He's the player's world into exploring all these Disney worlds. I actually love the twist that Sora's not really meant to have a keyblade at all; Riku's the one who was meant to be. It's a cool reverse chosen one. Recently, it's more interesting to see how Sora's relentless optimism is being chipped away at. He feels like a very generic protagonist who's being subverted in a very clever way.
6.) Peter Pan, in like, a vague sense
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No particular version of Peter, because I'll devour any Peter Pan retelling. A straight, fun disney version is heart-warming and escapist; Syfy's Neverland was like a magical Oliver Twist, with all the emotional beats; darker ones explore the strange, darker (unintentional) subtext of the novel. (Which I do love; it's just so memorable.) All of the Peters, please!
(I vividly remember seeing a Peter Pan panto and Peter was played by a young woman and oh boy! Finding out girls can play boys was a big moment for me!)
7.) Cinderella...from Cinderella
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I could easily do top 10 Disney characters, but this is the last one for this list. And again, it's more about what Cindie represents. She keeps her kindness and her empathy throughout her story; she works hard and makes sacrifices and that earns her happily ever after. I think that manta of 'Have Courage and be Kind' in the live action one is a great phrase to live by, and easily applied to real life. I've worked two jobs throughout my masters, so the idea of hard work being rewarded someday is comforting. I hope it's true, lol.
8.) Tails from Sonic
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He's just real neat! A good little guy! He can fly and he's super smart! I always mained him on Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, and I've liked him since I was a kid. (I really struggled to fill this space, so runners up were Zuko, Nico Di Angelo, Vanitas and Link.)
9/10.) Ash Lynx and Eiji Okumura from Banana Fish
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I can't separate the boys! They go together!
Honestly, this shouldn't be a surprise, lol. Oddly, though, it's hard to answer a question of why they're so dear to me. Ash is a very interesting character to unpack; and unpacking those darker elements of his story is? Intriguing? I think is the best word for it. That depth comes across in the manga and is probably what made it endure.
Eiji has a similar depth that I feel like gets washed away a bit, by the fandom. He's 'normal,' but he's not, really. He's exceptionally compassionate, and just as impulsive as Ash. (He is all in within meeting this boy for ten minutes.)
And it's their implied relationship in the series that is just! So! Much! The trust and care and the fact that they do act like two teenage boys messing around with each other. (Which is something I don't think either of them got to have.)
Honestly, I've been writing the both of them for so long that they do feel like a part of me, now, even though they're not my characters.
And that's ten! Thanks so so much for the ask! I love getting to waffle nonsense to a captive audience! Sorry it took so long to answer! <3 xxx
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