#twitter alternative
seniorcitizenbl · 10 months
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Another user on Mastodon explained the appeal of the Fediverse, and I do think this is one of the better explanations I've seen yet.
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wolfgabe · 11 months
Spoutible Disinformation Alert
You may have heard recently from certain people on Twitter that Spoutible suffered a big data leak. Don't believe it, it's all a big fat hoax concocted by a bunch of bad actors designed to scare people away from joining Spoutible and make Christopher Bouzy look bad. Among the people behind this hoax is Fareesh Vijayarangam who happens to be the co founder of rival social media site Mentza. He also was the same person who claimed back in February to have access to the data of thousands of Spoutible users.
If you are wondering why they suddenly disabled the delete account function temporarily, it was mainly to help reduce strain on the servers because these same bad actors were also making an attempt to overwhelm the servers with fake delete account requests.
Essentially what we are seeing is a multipronged disinformation attack meant to both depict Spoutible as unsafe and untrustworthy and to paint Christopher Bouzy as a villain. A lot of the misinformation you see on Spoutible tends to fall into these two categories.
I encourage anyone who is on Spoutible to share this as much as possible. I have enjoyed my time on the whale very much and I would hate to see it go under.
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celestialmint · 11 months
Twitter alternatives (WIP)
Collecting some pros and cons (with sources if I can find them) for various platforms. I'm neurodivergent, this is how I cope with my stress, figured I'd share if it helps anyone! I'm looking for a place that vibes with my values (LGBTQ+, BIPOC, disabled, anti-hate, NSFW friendly, and preferably has boundaries against generative AI stealing art/writing etc.).
I welcome any comments/sources that people have as so many of us are trying to figure this out!! Updating as I find more options/learn more
My experience: I used Tumblr back before the NSFW ban and am just coming back this year, I find it easy to use and filter content I do and don't want to see. But I struggle to feel a sense of community here (I haven't talked to anyone directly through this platform in the years I have used it, though I do appreciate the silly tags on my art!! keep them coming!)
Pros: As far as I'm aware (I used the site back in the popular days, so I'm just coming back to it): does not use posts for gen AI, does not ban queer/bipoc/disabled content. Many fandoms have a large base here.
Cons: cannot post NSFW, anything vaguely near NSFW can be flagged even if it is not sexual
My experience: I have been on Twitter for about a year, I've found a bunch of mutuals and enjoy interacting with people there. But I can't support the direction M*sk is taking things and don't want to post my art on that platform anymore.
Pros: Large user base/far reach including international, can post NSFW but it can sometimes be limited in the algorithm
Cons: M*sk, shadowbans/bans of LGBTQ+ and BIPOC content, arbitrary bans/flags for NSFW, will use posts for AI, bots, hate speech, and harassment of marginalized groups are getting worse
My experience: I've used discord for at least 7 years and use it daily as my primary form of communication with friends (and my husband one room away).
Pros: Large user base, most gamers have it, easy way to communicate on mobile and desktop, fun bot integration
Cons: Hard to find your people, most servers are closed systems that you don't know exist, and being in dozens of servers can be difficult to keep track of/keep up with. Each server is run by a person and could disappear without any notice if they rage quit and delete it, the rules are also up to that person. It makes it hard for artists to get a broader reach unless they have their own userbase from another platform feeding into it. Mentions of using user content (VC?) for AI training. They combined the dev for iOS and Android and the mobile app has been AWFUL since then (constantly says connecting every time I go to the app, often have to close and reopen it to send a message).
Bluesky Social:
My experience: I'm on the waitlist (supposedly? Didn't get an email confirmation and just waiting for the past week).
Pros: Built by the previous CEO of Twitter so in theory knows how to build a platform, lots of people seem to be heading that way if they can get an invite code. There were previous worries about it using content for AI, however as far as I can tell it uses content for tagging/moderation the same way that Tumblr does, and NOT for generative AI, " Bluesky does not own rights to your User Content" (From their TOS). Supposedly allows NSFW but can't find a source on this.
Cons: Waitlist of indeterminate length/hard to get an invite code. As shared in my comments, there have been issues of harassment and racism that are not being moderated properly to protect POC users. There have been issues of racist slurs being used in usernames, which in theory got patched out with code, but took a while for them to respond, which does not bose well.
My experience: Seeing a few mutuals go over to Misskey.io, I have only clicked on a couple of their posts to see what the platform looks like.
Notes: Uncertain about much about the platform. A lot of the posts are in Japanese (and I'm rusty reading kanji!)
Cons: There are mentions of being Anti-LGBTQ+ or at least not wanting people to post LGBTQ+ content there (1, 2, 3).
My experience: I don't have an account and have only clicked there once for this post, see below
Notes: I have no personal experience with this platform but people online keep mentioning how hard it is to set up and use (even those who work in programming). I just went to the site's explore page from a google search. The first post it showed me was anti-red state/political parties legislating/tracking marginalized groups (ok), but with a picture of Nazi's front and center uncensored or tagged/flagged as far as I can tell (that was a shocking welcome to the site, might have just been my bad luck, not sure what kind of content is usually posted there). My husband who is into following political content says that people looking for that content are more likely to go to Mastodon from the accounts he follows, rather than art/fandom (from his experience).
My experience: I do not have Facebook and will not join this platform.
Pros: Lots of people already have Instagram accounts, so it should be easy to join Threads
Cons: They will collect every scrap of data they can on you and sell it. From your purchases, to health, to location, you are the product.
My experience: Only seen mutuals talking about it, do not have an account myself
Pros: According to wikipedia: "The website was launched in 2017 and is currently in open beta. As of October 2020, the site had more than 100,000 users. The website is popular among fandoms, the LGBT community, and adult content creators." Allows NSFW content. Looks a lot like Tumblr so should be familiar to use. They have a demo login that allows you to check out what the site looks like before making an account. They say they are "planning" (search for Stance on AI in the FAQs) to prevent bot scraping, however they believe "AI and AI Generated Images are a topic that is much more nuanced than we previously believed" and do not take a firm stance on the topic yet.
Cons: They do not have a mobile app, though it is mentioned in the FAQs as planned. They limit image uploads to 2MB, you have to pay $2.49/month to upload up to 4MB. Anything submitted over 2MB up to 10MB will be resized down to 2MB.
Notes: On the FAQ they mention "In order for Pillowfort to remain online we need money to cover our various expenses such as hosting & data fees, staff compensation, etc. We do not receive any funding from corporate investors or venture capital because we are committed to keeping our user experience a priority." For better or worse, it is not run by a large company, they mention working on getting volunteers for moderation, the site feels like a work in progress.
Notes: Having trouble finding details on this one, don't know anyone personally on it to ask.
Pros: Black owned
Cons: Currently a waitlist, not sure how long the wait is
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mewsmagic · 4 months
Uh, gonna change some things??
Hey yall! So, I dedicated the last entire year to instagram almost exclusively and ngl that was exhausting, that platform is just too demanding nowadays and heck I need a break
Sooo I decided I'll be bringing my text posts to here or whatever other twitter alternative that has fandoms in it, since most of my text posting are ramblings about my hyperfixations yk?
It's just a lot easier and more worthwhile posting this stuff here rather than instagram where no one will read anything bc we don't open instagram for that LOL
Sooo yeah, just letting you guys know before I start fangirling outta nowhere LOL I hope yall won't mind me being more active over here!
In general I love tumblr's current atmosphere and there're some discussions going on here that are veeeryy interesting so I'm excited to start being more present here!!!
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lainout-blog · 9 months
📌 Twitter (X) alternatives for artists - part 3
- Wix
- Pixilart
- Discord
- Furaffinity
- Toyhouse (you need an invitation code)
- CGsocety
- Ello
- Threads (blocked in Europe)
- Bluesky (you need an invitation code)
- Misskey (is in Japanese)
- Spoutible
- Cohost
- Vero
- Spill
- W.t Social
- CounterSocial
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o-kurwa · 2 years
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geezerwench · 11 months
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I saw this on Counter Social.
If you sign up for Threads, the Meta-owned Twitter alternative, it is connected to Instagram. If you decide you don't like Threads, you cannot delete it unless you delete your Instagram account.
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nickthesteamengine · 4 months
I have nine followers on my Mastodon!!!
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degenezijde · 2 years
Want to keep up with the twitter drama, but don't want to use twitter? Use nitter! This way you can view everything without the need for an account even.
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spotofmummery · 2 years
So happy that there's a new FFXIV based Mastodon instance (a user-run alternative to Twitter)! I'm there as Amon, naturally.
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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softgirllover · 11 months
So, I'm gonna test out Mastodon. As far as I can tell, it's an attempted alternative to Twitter and it can't be as bad as the big blue bird
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mudwerks · 2 years
lots of development going on over at Mastodon
Be interesting if this twitter unpleasantness creates a big opportunity for Mastodon...
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thatsalotofsemen · 4 months
Hey!! Would anyone like a Bluesky code? (Idk if you still need them but I have them so I guess you do). I have 5 to give out rn. Feel free to dm me!
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bardicious · 4 months
Hey, all! I am now on the twitter alternative. ❤️ It looks kinda promising. Not an indicator to me leaving here. But might actually post my nsfw there! We'll see. :)
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lainout-blog · 9 months
📌 Twitter (X) alternatives for artists
- Instagram
- Deviantart
- Mastodon
- Artstation
- Behance
- Artfol
- Buzzly
- Pixiv
- Inkblot
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