#twobit headcanons
hello!! Could you do something where m!greaser turned out to be in 2 movies (first he was 10, the second when he was 16) had a total of 4 lines and 7 minutes of screen time with both. How would the gang react + Cherry when she recognized him?
Yes I would love to do that thanks so much for requesting this it’s such a fuego idea!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I love your account btw
Ponyboy Curtis
-asks the most questions
-a lot of which you don’t know the answer because your only answer is actor and he asks a lot about the production, shooting, lighting etc.
-“do you know what model cameras they used for this shoot? And how they got that, uh, grainy effect?”
-lore master
-“but how do you think this plot played into that romance? Because to me, it doesn’t make a lotta sense…”
-out of everyone he’s the most excited
-he loves movies and now he gets to have an inside connection to film
-it’s the greatest thing ever
-he watches your part over and over fr
-would decode the whole movie (even if it’s not that deep 💀) gets into ALL the lore
-figures out that your seemingly small part is actually a lot more important to the plot than most think and explains it to you
-and you’re like 👍 😅
Johnny Cade
-mind boggled
-after he gets over it and smiles at you
-“Gee I didn’t know you were in a movie. Y/n, it’s so cool that you were in a movie!”
-he’s a total fanboy
-he’s really proud but keeps it more quiet
-will absolutely show the movie to other just so Che can slip in
-“actually… my friend was in that.”
-he’s so cute about it fr
Sodapop Curtis
-thought the movie was boring until your part
-Fr he was about to fall asleep then heard the sound of your voice and blinked his eyes open
-he recognizes it instantly and sits up and looks at the tv to confirm
-his eyes nearly pop out of their sockets
-doesn’t like movies but this becomes his new favorite one
-is so impressed and thinks it’s super cool
-he was the widest stupidest grin on his face and (like cherry) keeps it on the entire time you talk in the movie
Darry Curtis
-I think he has the most chill reaction
-DONT get me wrong he’s super impressed but I don’t think he would like outwardly show that as much as the rest of the gang
-raises his eyebrow in surprise and turns to face you
-“you were in that?… huh, that’s pretty neat.”
-smirks and gives you a pat on the back
-“I didn’t know you did stuff like that…”
-whenever he feels upset/stressed I feel like he’d watch little 10 yr old you in the movie and it would cheer him up and clam him a bit
Dallas Winston
-Once he finds out it’s a nonstop bragging session
-to the point where you’re like ok I don’t think I should’ve told you 💀😭💅
-he teases you so hard tho
-“Careful now you’re talkin to a big time actor here”
-“Dally I had four freaking lines”
-he will tell anyone who will listen (and anyone who won’t)
-but he only ever brags about you behind your back
-he’s got a reputation to keep up
-He can’t be seen complementing you to your face or the gang will never let him hear the end of it (even though everyone knows how impressed n proud he is)
-he’s actually obsessed and whenever you leave he’d watch your part again and just smirk like “that’s my y/n”
Two Bit Matthews
-didn’t even know you could do that
-shocked in the best way like “yeah that’s y/n right there! On the TV!”
-thinks you know like every celeb now 💀
-“So did you meet Elvis Presley?! What about Audrey Hepburn??!”
-“No, two, I do not know every famous person in the world because I spent 7 minutes in a few movies 💀😭💅”
-super supportive and impressed
-he wants you to keep acting so that you can get all famous and introduce him to Hollywood people 💀
Steve Randle
-when he sees your movies for the first time he raises his eyebrows like damn
-he glances at you, nodding his head
-“I didn’t know you were such a bigshot”
-you chuckle and roll your eyes
-he thinks that you’re 10 year old self is adorable
Cherry Valance
-she’s so happy for you and sweet about it
-“You’re so talented! Even in that one where you were still pretty young”
-endless compliments
-“Why, I didn’t know I was friends with an actor??!”
-gives you the biggest grin and keeps it the whole 7 minutes you’re on screen
-she’s so impressed n proud fr
-she thinks it’s like the coolest thing, especially because she grew up around a lot of relatively boring Socs
-so this is a big deal
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billkaulitzwife · 11 months
The Outsiders Relationship Needs
Ponyboy / Physical and Verbal Romance / Physical Touch
Pony is definitely a man of praise
Darry putting all the pressure on him to get good grades
he def needs a few hugs and assurance.
No emotional because all that shi doesnt happen in my dr so shut up.
He loves hugs and kisses
nose boops
head butts
He loves being touched in someway.
Like laying together listening to Elvis and The Beatles
he loves hearing your heart beat when he's laying on you.
He loves holding hands and running in fields together.
Pony is such a stinker tho
"Give me your hand, Y/N."
"Not right now, hun. They're sweaty."
-grabs your hand while you're distracted-
Pony seriously is the type of guy to like ...
idk how to describe it, but
if you told him "I love you so much."
and played with his hair
he would melt.
Johnny / Emotional & Verbal Romance / Words of Affirmation
"Ah man, I'm doin' horrible."
"No, Johnnycakes, you're doin' amazin'."
He would start crying.
If you wiped Johnny's tears and comforted him he would be a popsicle on july 4th.
Johnny is definitely the guy to ask someone why they're cryin and they wldnt answer and he'd be reminded of his childhood and immediately go to you.
"Johnny, baby, what's wrong?"
and he would just cry.
The moment he noticed you were fine with him crying and gettin upset at random times was the moment he started falling.
He's a sweet boy, but had too much put on him.
Johnny once told you (when he was black out tired) that he wanted kids so he could give them the childhood he never had.
He still smells like orange peels.
If you play with Johnny's hair while holding him close, he would calm down and melt in your arms.
If you washed his hair for him and told him he was so brave for trusting you, he'd smile wide and his face would slowly light up.
Let him vent to you and Dallas and Addie will immediately trust you.
"Hey, Dally, look at them."
"Huh? Oh. Yeah they ain't hurtin' him."
play Beautiful Boy and he will start crying.
Dally / Emotional, Verbal, and Sexual Romance / Words of Affirmation
Dallas is the kinda guy to go to you for some random reason.
Holding out his St. Christopher: "Hey, doll, look. I fixed it."
"Oh, good job, Dal!"
His expression would soften and he'd immediately pick you up in a hug.
Let him talk to you about New York or his father and let him cry into you.
From that moment on
he is all yours.
He once cried into Sodapop one night
all because he was under too much pressure,
and nobody ever said anything about it.
No one talks about anyone's problems to anyone, especially Dally's or Johnny's.
Dallas would sexualise himself to let out all that grief from childhood.
And the moment you told him
he doesn't need to be sexual to be respected or to be validated
was the moment he handed over his St. Christopher.
He feels he has to sexualise himself
just because he needs that validation.
But he soon figured out it comes in different forms.
"Dallas Tucker. You are so brave and you deserve to be loved, not whatever it is you're doing."
"...what are you doin' to me, man.."
as a single tear runs down his cheek
Sodapop / Physical Romance / Gifts and Quality Time
"Y/N, can we cuddle and watch a movie?"
"Of course! But first I got you something!"
He perks up like a puppy and his eyes always go wide in realisation.
Sodapop loves presents
when Christmas comes along, there is always presents for everyone that say
"to: johnny/darry; From Soda!!", "to: addie and dallas; From poppy<3", "too: steve /two-bit; frum: papi soda", "to: ponyboy michael curtis; from addie and sodapop<3"
he buys you the cutest things like
bouquets and stuffed animals
but he once bought ponyboy a stick of butter cuz he got his hand stuck in a jar once.
he loves holidays spent with the gang.
christmas huddled at the curtis's, halloween trick-or-treating, valentine's day with stevie, easter egg hunts (when yall were tiny), etc.
He'd so cry when you had to work and he wanted to hang out.
Sodapop loved spending time with addie and pony when they were little, but they grew up too fast, so he spends time with you because you're what he loves most
Two-Bit / Sexual & Emotional Romance / Acts of Service
Keith doesn't understand the value he has in the group.
Nobody would laugh without him,
nobody would go to the movies without him, etc.
He doesn't understand self-worth so he finds that in sex.
i mean its his third year as a junior.
he once asked addie why she was so down one day
and she just cried.
they both just sat and talked like brother and sister
(cuz the curtis boys forgot she wasnt in the car to go to the movies).
He loves it when people take his feelings into consideration.
Like when he sees "to 2bit frum sodopap"
(sodas handwriting is shit)
he loves it.
Feeling valued and like he matters
makes him happy.
Two-Bit is probably the most puppiest of them all.
once you have him in your grasp
tell eachother about your emotions
and your past...
(no offense johnny)
ask for his jacket once in awhile and he'll hand it over, he loves being kind
sometimes he'll give change to homeless people on the street just because he feels like it.
he once gave you his whole wallet to prove his love for you.
Steve / Verbal Romance / Words of Affirmation and Quality Time
"Stevie, you know you're so much more than your weight or your muscles."
and hes over here snot crying in fetal position.
hes head over heels for you and if you watch a movie with him and tell him hes so pretty or sum
he'll give you the moon.
Soda rn: damn. someone took my bitch.
Steve is the typa guy to want to spend time with you but not want to ask to or sum
But you comfort him anyways and push him out of that
He's such a sucker for you
like kiss him after the rumble
and tell him he looks tuff with his tooth missing
Darry / Physical Romance / Words of Affirmation
Darrell loves cuddles.
Lay on his chest and tell him he's pretty
please he'll do anything.
Darry is def a guy to like
get down in the dumps
when you come along
"Hey Handsome"
just ask him abt his day
let him cry in your arms.
hed be so in love that when he proposes
its a candlelit area at the park
and there are roses lined up like a heart.
Addie / Emotional and Physical Romance / Words of Affirmation and Gifts
If anything happened to her you gotta tell her its not her fault.
Tell her that and she will cry even harder but in a good way.
She loves gifts.
Sodapop spoils her on her birthday every single year
means you gotta Step up yo game bitch.
Listen to her
get her something shes mentioned she wanted and she is
but addie isnt much of a Touch Person.
she doesnt care for hugs unless she needs one shes ok with kisses and hates holding hands or being touched on her waist and neck.
but if you wanna show affection
ask bout her day and what not
shes a lot like darry mixed with soda.
ik what I said last night so this is my last post for awhile. ich liebe dich Leute.
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Twobit is the only one in the gang that can eat spicy food with no reaction
​Not saying the others can’t handle spicy food. Twobit just straight up doesn’t show a reaction
One time he was eating the most fucked up chicken wings and pony was like “dude how tf are you eating those” and twobit just shrugged
Dally didn’t believe they were actually that spicy and grabbed one
He was regretting that wing for at LEAST two days
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clarityroses · 4 days
For your drawing request thing what about two bit in a suit hshs
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ticklet0d · 2 months
Outsiders that would quote online memes, use slang, and quote vines:
TwoBit - He says "Gyatt" to Darry ALOT
"It's Wednesday my dudes, uhhhhhhhHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHH"
Ponyboy - He'd quote vines more than anything "Road work ahead? uh yeah I sure hope it does"
"Well, when life gives you lemons, do dodododo do do" - you get that one??
Sodapop - "No Cap" "Type shit" "Chat"
Dally (He's the "Where my hug at" type, yk things like that)
Outsiders that would be confused:
Darry - "Whats a gea - yot??" "What do you mean you want a Church girl????"
Johnny - "You're only talking to me, why do you keep saying chat? What's Chat??" "You don't smell like beef to me"
Steve - Wouldn't be confused but wouldn't use them (bro says "walking around your lonesome" for god's sake, no it's not because it was the 60s, bro just talks like that-)
Bro fs says shit like "By Golly" tho
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introvert1rl · 2 months
Imagine Dallas Winston being scared of dogs.
Soda and Pony are scared of spiders
Steve is scared of pony being better than him
Johnny is scared of butterflies and geese (saw he was scared of geese on a hc, almost cackled)
Darry is scared of losing soda and pony
Cherry is scared of her dead ahh boyfriend haunting her 💪💀
Marcia and two-bit should marry, shoulda been end game.
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The Gang Walks in on you changing! (The Outsiders skit)
(I acted it out cuz I was bored)
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mister-mickey · 1 month
- beard that never seems to grow past a mild fuzz
- Disappointed, but he's only twenty, it takes most guys till 35 ti be able to really grow full facial hair
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- he gets a bit of a mustache, but that's it.
- He hates it so much it's not even funny it throws his whole look off
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- baby face
- He is very excited anytime it seems like he might get some thought. Darry and soda think it's funny
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- canonly gets sideburns so...
- Also I'll say he gets a thick mustache too just cause. He doesn't like it though because food always gets caught in it even when he's trying to keep it clean
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- can only grow very sparse hairs
- He gets so mad when people bring it up. He thinks he looks silly so he shaves it off and hopes for more luck next time
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- can grow a little bit of beard (canonically had stubble when he went to the church) but he shaves it because it makes him look like his dad
- He doesn't like the facial hair even disregarding that, it's uncomfortable and very scratchy
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- if he could grow facial hair HE WOULD. He hates being seen as a little kid if he could get a mustache he FUCKING WOULD
- he is stuck with pony in the baby face club (he envies curly and hates him a little for being able to almost grow a mustache)
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- he has to shave every day or else he looks like Jesus. Like full beard and mustache
- Once he was sick for a week and didn't shave, he was a whole different man
- He also gets a slight unibrow, and while he doesn't really care, angela chases him with a wax strip any time it becomes slightly visible
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- Gets a bit of a mustache every once in a while, but Tim and Angela bully him until he shaves it off (maybe has to shave like two times a month)
- It breaks his heart everytime (but he does lord it over pony and says it makes him more of a man)
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1nonlypoetjodii · 11 days
Imagine Dallas Winston being scared of dogs.
Soda and Pony are scared of spiders
Steve is scared of pony being better than him
Johnny is scared of butterflies and geese (saw he was scared of geese on a hc, almost cackled)
Darry is scared of losing soda and pony
Cherry is scared of her dead ahh boyfriend haunting her 💪💀
Marcia and two-bit should marry, shoulda been end game.
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awweshuuks · 1 month
Two-bit would be a “I need a goth girlfriend so bad” type of person.
But ACTUALLY mean it.
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imdead770 · 5 months
The Outsiders x Reader fluff - Two-Bit Mathews
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Authors Note: Sorry if this is trash, I'm forcing myself to write right now. Enjoy!
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Two-Bit Mathews
○ Personally, Two-Bit isn't my type, but apparently he's yours.
○ This funny, dumbass drunkard.
○ I don't think he's gotten a whole lot of girls. He's no Sodapop, he knows that
○ So whenever he liked you, who's way out of his league, he thought he didn't stand a chance
○ Like you're over here looking all stunning and he's in a mickey mouse t-shirt
○ But somehow, someway, you liked him back
○ Even though he didn't notice, he didn't really have anything to loose, so he just asked you
"Hey, ya' should see a movie with me. It's real' fun, I swear."
"Yeah, sure."
○ Literally flipped his shit
"You lyin', ain't ya'?"
"Fuck you, Dal."
○ Literally made jokes the whole movie
○ You couldn't even process the plot because he was making jokes
○ Horror movie? Nah, now it's a comedy.
"Why he fuckin' 'er like that?"
"Two, shut up, I'm tryna watch."
"Dang.. never knew ya'd be so into a sex clip"
○ You two just talked the whole time
○ You talked about everything. From bad pick-up lines to inside jokes, it came up.
○ Oncr you two became official, it was just bad pick-up lines x2
○ He still can't believe he got you of all people
○ He's not complaining though
○ You two have so many inside jokes it's not even funny
"Babe, ya' remember that bald guy?"
○ You're over here giggling while the gang's just like "what the fuck"
○ Compared to Dallas, he's super affectionate
○ Holding you hand, arm around you, all that
○ You two 100% watch Mickey Mouse together
○ Either you watch with him or you're just teasing him the whole time
○ Either way he's just happy to spend time with you
○ He drinks a bit less because of you
○ So that's good
○ You two do really childish shit together
○ Blanket forts, making potions with random products, all that
○ If you have a 'reputation' he'll be all mature around you in public
○ At least he tried to be, ultimately fails
○ I think you two would be better together if you don't really give a fuck, though
○ Dignity isn't really Two-Bits thing
○ All in all its just a really fun light-hearted relationship
○ Sorry this is short. As short as his dick lol
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The gang walking in on you changing
A little nsfw! (Not really but implication)
Ponyboy Curtis
-so embarrassed fr
-he slaps his palm over his face, standing there looking like a fish with that mouth open
-walks out backwards and closes the door
-doesn’t peek
-when he gets out of the room he does slightly blush at what he remembers seeing
-“C-Christ y/n there is such thing as locks yk”
Johnny Cade
-so apologetic
-“Golly y/n I’m so sorry I didn’t realize you were- uh- I’m sorry, real sorry”
-he stares at your eyes when apologizing, not glancing down once
-when he realizes he’s still staring at you when apologizing he immediately leaves
-his face is so red it’s not even funny
-he gets the most flustered besides pony
Sodapop Curtis
-he would definitely look you up and down
-nod in approval
-grin smugly
-“lookin good, y/n”
-and leave
Darry Curtis
-he looks like a deer in headlights
-he just stands there dumbfounded
-“Are you going to… go?”
-“Right. Uh, yeah. Yeah.”
-closed the door quickly and grumbles “y/n… leaving the damn door unlocked…”
-debates opening it for a small peek but decides against it, he’s supposed to be the mature one
-not some desperate boy
Dallas Winston
-smirks and closes the door behind him
-“Need some company?”
-“Get out, Dal.”
-*puts his hands up* “Fine, alright alright”
-before he leaves he takes one last good look
-he’s saving that image fs for uhm…. Later uses
-“But, if you ever wanna hook up y/n-“
-“Dal I said get out!”
-you’d have to essentially push him out of the room
-*as you push him out* “You’re a doll, y/n!”
Two Bit Matthews
-a low whistle would come outta this one’s mouth istg
-would fs smirk and look you up and down
-“Hey by the way, locks were invented for a reason sweetheart.”
-would leave very slowly, closing the door at a snails pace with a shit eating grin
-would crack jokes about it to you for the rest of the day
Steve Randle
-raises his eyebrows
-crosses his arms
-“y/n there’s this crazy thing called locking the door ever heard of it?”
-sneakily pretends like he didn’t glance at you a few times before closing the door
-when it’s fully closed he smirks to himself, he’d need a peice of that sometime
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filmfanaticsblog · 9 months
headcanons for dally with a girlfriend that has braces ??!?!?!?! probably weird but i wanna know
Dallas Winston x braces!reader headcanons
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a/n: it’s not weird!! just a little abnormal, but everything is a little abnormal. thank you for the ask!!
-Dally probably calls you names, like metal mouth, tinsel teeth, brace face, etc.
-He used to cut his tongue and lips when you guys made out, but got used to it and found a way to avoid them
-Plays with the extra rubber bands the dentist gave you. Maybe eats them sometimes
-Always teases you about the foods you can’t eat
-Like literally rubs it in your face
-For example, at the drive in he eats popcorn and throws some at you, making remarks about how “tinsel teeth can’t eat popcorn”
-Sometimes even buys two servings of popcorn and says “oops, forgot metal mouth can’t eat popcorn”
-I think he chews gum REALLY loud regardless, but he stares at you while doing so because you can’t chew it.
a/n 2: sorry this is so short!! i don’t have braces (yet, i’m supposed to) so idrk what it’s like 🤞
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Sodapop and Steve adhd duo
Twobit also but umm yeah
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clarityroses · 6 days
This one lives in my summer school science notebook btw
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crow2222 · 7 months
Can I(we) have a lil of Darry w his reading glasses bc I know that man has had too many concussions to not have them. Maybe a little of the gang finding out? Individually or as a whole, your choice!
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I love me some Darry 😇..
Darry being found out 👇
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They would never stop teasing him about it.
"Clark Kent omg" "Take your pills grandpa"
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