#addie headcanons
billkaulitzwife · 11 months
The Outsiders Relationship Needs
Ponyboy / Physical and Verbal Romance / Physical Touch
Pony is definitely a man of praise
Darry putting all the pressure on him to get good grades
he def needs a few hugs and assurance.
No emotional because all that shi doesnt happen in my dr so shut up.
He loves hugs and kisses
nose boops
head butts
He loves being touched in someway.
Like laying together listening to Elvis and The Beatles
he loves hearing your heart beat when he's laying on you.
He loves holding hands and running in fields together.
Pony is such a stinker tho
"Give me your hand, Y/N."
"Not right now, hun. They're sweaty."
-grabs your hand while you're distracted-
Pony seriously is the type of guy to like ...
idk how to describe it, but
if you told him "I love you so much."
and played with his hair
he would melt.
Johnny / Emotional & Verbal Romance / Words of Affirmation
"Ah man, I'm doin' horrible."
"No, Johnnycakes, you're doin' amazin'."
He would start crying.
If you wiped Johnny's tears and comforted him he would be a popsicle on july 4th.
Johnny is definitely the guy to ask someone why they're cryin and they wldnt answer and he'd be reminded of his childhood and immediately go to you.
"Johnny, baby, what's wrong?"
and he would just cry.
The moment he noticed you were fine with him crying and gettin upset at random times was the moment he started falling.
He's a sweet boy, but had too much put on him.
Johnny once told you (when he was black out tired) that he wanted kids so he could give them the childhood he never had.
He still smells like orange peels.
If you play with Johnny's hair while holding him close, he would calm down and melt in your arms.
If you washed his hair for him and told him he was so brave for trusting you, he'd smile wide and his face would slowly light up.
Let him vent to you and Dallas and Addie will immediately trust you.
"Hey, Dally, look at them."
"Huh? Oh. Yeah they ain't hurtin' him."
play Beautiful Boy and he will start crying.
Dally / Emotional, Verbal, and Sexual Romance / Words of Affirmation
Dallas is the kinda guy to go to you for some random reason.
Holding out his St. Christopher: "Hey, doll, look. I fixed it."
"Oh, good job, Dal!"
His expression would soften and he'd immediately pick you up in a hug.
Let him talk to you about New York or his father and let him cry into you.
From that moment on
he is all yours.
He once cried into Sodapop one night
all because he was under too much pressure,
and nobody ever said anything about it.
No one talks about anyone's problems to anyone, especially Dally's or Johnny's.
Dallas would sexualise himself to let out all that grief from childhood.
And the moment you told him
he doesn't need to be sexual to be respected or to be validated
was the moment he handed over his St. Christopher.
He feels he has to sexualise himself
just because he needs that validation.
But he soon figured out it comes in different forms.
"Dallas Tucker. You are so brave and you deserve to be loved, not whatever it is you're doing."
"...what are you doin' to me, man.."
as a single tear runs down his cheek
Sodapop / Physical Romance / Gifts and Quality Time
"Y/N, can we cuddle and watch a movie?"
"Of course! But first I got you something!"
He perks up like a puppy and his eyes always go wide in realisation.
Sodapop loves presents
when Christmas comes along, there is always presents for everyone that say
"to: johnny/darry; From Soda!!", "to: addie and dallas; From poppy<3", "too: steve /two-bit; frum: papi soda", "to: ponyboy michael curtis; from addie and sodapop<3"
he buys you the cutest things like
bouquets and stuffed animals
but he once bought ponyboy a stick of butter cuz he got his hand stuck in a jar once.
he loves holidays spent with the gang.
christmas huddled at the curtis's, halloween trick-or-treating, valentine's day with stevie, easter egg hunts (when yall were tiny), etc.
He'd so cry when you had to work and he wanted to hang out.
Sodapop loved spending time with addie and pony when they were little, but they grew up too fast, so he spends time with you because you're what he loves most
Two-Bit / Sexual & Emotional Romance / Acts of Service
Keith doesn't understand the value he has in the group.
Nobody would laugh without him,
nobody would go to the movies without him, etc.
He doesn't understand self-worth so he finds that in sex.
i mean its his third year as a junior.
he once asked addie why she was so down one day
and she just cried.
they both just sat and talked like brother and sister
(cuz the curtis boys forgot she wasnt in the car to go to the movies).
He loves it when people take his feelings into consideration.
Like when he sees "to 2bit frum sodopap"
(sodas handwriting is shit)
he loves it.
Feeling valued and like he matters
makes him happy.
Two-Bit is probably the most puppiest of them all.
once you have him in your grasp
tell eachother about your emotions
and your past...
(no offense johnny)
ask for his jacket once in awhile and he'll hand it over, he loves being kind
sometimes he'll give change to homeless people on the street just because he feels like it.
he once gave you his whole wallet to prove his love for you.
Steve / Verbal Romance / Words of Affirmation and Quality Time
"Stevie, you know you're so much more than your weight or your muscles."
and hes over here snot crying in fetal position.
hes head over heels for you and if you watch a movie with him and tell him hes so pretty or sum
he'll give you the moon.
Soda rn: damn. someone took my bitch.
Steve is the typa guy to want to spend time with you but not want to ask to or sum
But you comfort him anyways and push him out of that
He's such a sucker for you
like kiss him after the rumble
and tell him he looks tuff with his tooth missing
Darry / Physical Romance / Words of Affirmation
Darrell loves cuddles.
Lay on his chest and tell him he's pretty
please he'll do anything.
Darry is def a guy to like
get down in the dumps
when you come along
"Hey Handsome"
just ask him abt his day
let him cry in your arms.
hed be so in love that when he proposes
its a candlelit area at the park
and there are roses lined up like a heart.
Addie / Emotional and Physical Romance / Words of Affirmation and Gifts
If anything happened to her you gotta tell her its not her fault.
Tell her that and she will cry even harder but in a good way.
She loves gifts.
Sodapop spoils her on her birthday every single year
means you gotta Step up yo game bitch.
Listen to her
get her something shes mentioned she wanted and she is
but addie isnt much of a Touch Person.
she doesnt care for hugs unless she needs one shes ok with kisses and hates holding hands or being touched on her waist and neck.
but if you wanna show affection
ask bout her day and what not
shes a lot like darry mixed with soda.
ik what I said last night so this is my last post for awhile. ich liebe dich Leute.
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gothamslostboy · 8 months
Can i request bones characters and their pets headcannons?
She’s against pets in general but if she had to pick one she’d choose a monkey
But after researching it and realizing she doesn’t have the adequate amount of time to care for one she lets booth get a dog
Has to be one that’s known for its intelligence tho
A dog man through and through
Specifically a high energy breed he can take for runs
Also likes to play fetch with it
Teaches it tricks
Constantly gets lectures from Brennen every time he says they have the smartest dog
Wants to let it lay in the bed but Brennen says no
He sneaks the dog up after she goes to sleep sometimes
I bet you’re thinking dog huh?
Yeah you’re right
He has a American pitbull terrier he adores
Buys her sweaters for the winter
Takes her out to those dog friendly restaurants to play with Booth’s dog while they hang out
Cat lady 100%
Either a Siamese or a hairless cat
Spoils it with toys and treats, but makes sure it stays at a healthy weight
When no one is around she speaks to it in a baby voice
A cat he found at his local shelter
He doesn’t know what kind of cat it is
Has to take allergy pills because he developed an allergy after he already was attached
A hermit crab he keeps in his office
Gets an artist friend to paint new shells based on sci fi movies he likes
Before he picked a name he was calling it buddy, which just kinda stuck
Likes many animals, but not keeping them
Only got one after Michael-Vincent kept begging
Ended up getting a hedge hog
It curls up in her lap while she paints or draws
Has the hedgehog with Angela obviously
He lets sit on his shoulder when relaxing
Built it a fucking MASSIVE enclosure in their house
This lil thing has so much to play with it’s insane
After a year or two of owning the hedgehog, he convinces Angela to get a tortoise
Who he also spoils
He bought a beta fish one day bc he thought a pet would make him less lonely but he was scared of all the other species at the pet store
He named it Archimedes
Originally just had it in a glass bowl
Bought it a proper tank after Hodgins explained how bad that is
Hodgins also went with him to pick out things it could hide in
Honestly I’m not really sure
Maybe a hamster when she was young
But never got another pet after it died bc she was so sad
Loves Lance’s little hermit crab though
Says hi to it every time she stops by his office
An iguana
He brought him into work once and cam made him put it in Hodgins’ bug room
Takes it for walks
It wears a black spiked collar with its leash
He has two ferrets and and a set of Guinea pigs
Talks to them for hours telling them all the facts that pop into his head
Carries the ferrets around his body (neck, shoulders, arms, etc)
Talks about them like they are his human children
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coldasyou · 4 months
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Autistic Zack Addy
I am not good with metaphor, Doctor Brennan.
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autisticheadcanons · 11 months
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Addie Darrow and Keedie Darrow are canonically autistic sisters from the show A Kind Of Spark. It was based on the book by Elle McNicoll who helped create the show and she is also autistic. Both actors are Autistic and many autistic actors were in the show as a whole.
This show was incredible from start to finish. It's about Addie Darrow who is autistic and finds out about two autistic sisters who a few hundred years ago were accused of witchcraft and disappeared. With the help of her sister Keedie and her new best friend Addie researches the mystery of what happened while also trying to change the culture of the small town they live in. -Mod Dragon
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puppychase · 2 years
I think Bones (2005) is the show with the most neurodivergent characters per square inch
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spacepilotleela · 11 months
Hodgins and Zack Headcanons
hope you like to suffer (: most of these are post-season three so they're gonna hurt.
The first few weeks after Zack was institutionalized, Hodgins would forget he wasn't there anymore. He'd find something he thought Zack would like and go to show him only to remember that Zack wasn't there anymore.
He missed driving Zack to work in the morning too. They never talked a lot but even then he just missed quietly existing with Zack. They didn't have to talk to enjoy each other's company.
Something a little softer, they used to have movie nights. Hodgins would usually pick. He tried to get Zack into the plot but Zack would talk throughout the movie, mostly about how the special effects worked and correcting the bad science.
The only thing that Zack wouldn't talk through was nature documentaries but Hodgins would usually talk during those. Basically, these two are terrible movie companions for anyone besides each other. They went to a movie theater once and were quickly asked to leave.
They would always talk on the drive home from work. At first, they only spoke about work-related topics but soon they began to talk about whatever was in their heads at the time. They came up with many ill-advised ideas for experiments during those drives home.
Hodgins used to take the long way home but after Zack left he took a shortcut. He turned the music up in the car extra loud because he hated the silence. Even with the music turned on it was still too quiet without Zack.
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shelbgrey · 8 months
I've got your back(Zack Addy)
Paring: Zack Addy x Best friend!Reader
Requested: @isabellavolere
Summary: the reader is a photographer for the Jeffersonian Institute. The reader gets a fever and is trying to hide it from everyone but Zack notices and confronts her about it. Maybe the reason the reader hides the fever is because she doesn’t feel like she belongs or she’s not smart enough or something and doesn’t want a fever to set her back.
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Today wasn't my day, my skin was burning and my stomach was turning. I haven't felt this awful in years, but I couldn't just stay in bed all day. Especially when Dr. Brennan called me to a crime scene to take pictures of evidence.
It was always an unspoken rule to not get sick, you weren't sick and you couldn't get sick. Physically I broke the rule but I wasn't gonna let me stay home. I especially couldn't get behind, not again. I also process things differently than the others. I knew I wasn't exactly a genius like Brennan and Zack, but I could do just about anything with a computer and I could do amazing things with a camera. I have Angela to thank for that, she taught me everything I know.
I groaned as I tried to keep my balance as I shuffled through the forest, the evidence and victim was far back in the woods. I didn't say much to anyone, I took the pictures of the dismembered body parts and the growing insects in the victim's stomach for Hodgins.
I groaned as I tried to keep my balance as I shuffled through the forest, the evidence and victim was far back in the woods. I didn't say much to anyone, I took the pictures of the dismembered body parts and the growing insects in the victim's stomach for Hodgins. I looked at the screen and saw my finger got in the way. I sighed and pointed the camera at the stomach once again.
“sorry Dr. Hodgins, I need to get another”My quiet voice made him and Zack perk up. Zack put the mangled humorous down and squinted his eyes at me.
“Are you feeling okay Y/n?”
I tilted the camera away from my face to look at Zack. “im fine”
“You don't look fine” Hodgins added as he filled up a container of evidence. I sighed then gave the both of them a serious face. “Guys, im fine”
The two turned back to the corpse and I immediately felt my stomach turn again. I took a steady breath and tried to concentrate on the photos so I could go to the lab.
“y/n, will you please run this through the computer. It was found on the victim” Brennen said as she handed me a busted thumb drive. I set my camera down and took it with my twitching hands. Angela set her camera down and gave me a concerned look as I walked towards Angela's office to use her computer. I sat down and took a deep breath as I tried to ignore the dizzy feeling in my head. I hated how much I was off my game, I probbay stared at the computer screen not doing anything for about ten minutes.
“Hey, I wanted to see your progress,” Zack said. I hadn’t realized how zoned out I was till he came in. I grumbled to myself when I realized I've done nothing today.
I sighed and gave Zack a sad expression. “Sorry…I haven't found anything yet”
He could tell something was bothering me. Zack squinted his eyes at me, giving me a questioning look. “Are you sure you don't feel sick or anything?”
He didn’t believe me when I said I was fine. He gave me a questioning look and pushed the back of his hand to my forehead. His brow scrunched together as he flinched back. “y/n, your Temperature is very high! You should be home”
I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, as soon as I sat up I felt the room spin. Zack quickly caught me before I could fall on my face. “you should really rest”
“Zack I can't” he stated firmly. “I'll be right back, stay here while I collect a few things” he turned on his heel and headed for the door. Before he opened it he turned around to make sure I was right where he left me.
After Zack gave me a thermometer and some medicine, he left to finish up his work with Dr. Brennan, he was bound and determined to take me home when he was done. We also had a deal that if my temperature went down I could stay in the lab. I was determined to get better even if I faked it.
“what are you doing?” Angela asked, making me flinch, I quickly pulled the thermometer away from the ice water and put it in my mouth. “Nothing”
“she was trying to make the thermometer say a lower temperature” Zack said pointing at me.
I rolled my eyes as Angela snickered. “your the first person a I ever met that tried to fake a low temperature”
Zack turned to her and gave her a confused look. I guess he never thought of faking a temperature to get out of something. Angela smiled at Zack. “What? You guys never heated up a thermometer to get out of school or something?”
“no” me and Zack both said at the same time. Angela looked at the both of us like we were crazy, she raised an eyebrow as she chuckled. “okay, I understand Zack but you never got the idea? Really honey?”
“why would I miss out on a learning opportunity?” Zack defended himself.
“and I don't like being behind” I mumbled. I always felt like I wasn't that smart and It sucked being being on something when everyone eles knows about it. I didn't miss school unless I 100% had too and even then my mother had to convince me to stay home a rest. The jeffersonian was no different, I'm suronded by the smartest people I know and I'll be damned if I miss out on something that could help me get better.
Angela gave me a soft smile as Zack turned to her. “well you please inform Dr. Saroyan that y/n will be leaving today”
“Zac-” Angela cut me off with a nodded, she was clearly on his side. I guess it was a comforting feeling that they cared so much. She left leaving me and Zack along.
“Zack I'm fine, I don't want to get behind on the case”
Zack gave me an aggravated look. “forgot about the csee, your not well and you should be home” he sat down on the couch next to me and pulled me in for a hug. “I'll take you home and I promise to keep you updated on the victim, what matters right now is you get better”
I smiled softly and rested my head on his shoulder. “thank your caring so much”
“you don't have to thank me... I have your back”
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kaeyachi · 10 months
Kaeya would just have a shelf full of jars of homemade jam, and most of them are for Klee, so she would have bread with jam as a snack when she goes on adventures
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art-imps · 1 year
Bones Headcanons pt.2: Neurodivergent Characters
Main cast:
Brennan: Autism
Booth: ADHD
Cam: OCD, Panic Disorder
Angela: Bi-polar
Hodgins: ADHD
Sweets: Autism
Zack: Autism
Vincent: ADHD, Autism
Fisher: Autism
Wendell: ADHD
Arastoo: Autism
Daisy: ADHD, BPD, Autism
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Basically they're all autistic lol
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monstrsball · 9 months
sugawara koushi and his beloved light blue VW beetle named fraulein that he talks to like she's a startled horse
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bitchkay · 24 days
Can i get soft Addis Ira hcs?
[Ask received Aug 26th 2023]
Ouu soft Addis is definitely a thought
Let's see
In an AU where Addis isn't y'know... that😳 and where hes actually a dad and a non corrupt king
That's actually kinda wholesome hold on--
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Soft! Addis Ira Hcs☆
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In a world where Addis dosen't blatantly call Lance a terrible son(while also actively being a a terrible father) hes... well a completely different person
Lance's daddy issues started as young as the womb cus why I find out Lance's mom was actually married to Addis- WHY TF WERE THEY LIVING IN THE DESERT?????????????????????
Unlike the other kings that are just like "oh I'm trying to protect them" "oh I'm trying to prepare them for dadadada" "oh this that and the third" bro is blatantly abusive💀💀 I'm pretty sure he knows he's shitty, he doesn't give a fuck
So an AU where... that's not the case is literally just flipping the switch, take everything bad and get rid of it🥰🥰
In an AU where Addis isn't an asshole Lance's mom would def still be alive that's for sure
Yall they can be a family yall🥰💖
Lance deserves that much
Lance deserves to have a proper family
Lance growing up not only with a dad in the home but yk actually having a home to live in--
That could've saved bro so much trauma
Addis is getting the Toji treatment yall I'm sorry💀 call this the cod equivalent of dad toji with baby megumi au💀💀
Can yall imagine Addis doting on his wife💞
Lance's mom died of a curable illness so in a AU where Addis dosen't indirectly kill her I can imagine him sitting at her bed side while shes sick, holding her hand, a little Lance on the other side sleeping next to her
Yall that's so cute
Lance is a mama boy, don't matter how good of a dad Addis can be little Lance will stick to his mama's side
Even go as far as push his dad away to have her all to himself
"She my wife." "But she's my mommy😠"
Addis and Lance are constantly fighting over his moms attention
Its actually really cute how little Lance get so possessive over his mom
*Addis giving his wife a kiss on the cheek* Lance: Daddy what are you doing!?🤬🤬 *pulls them apart* Mommy can I have a kiss too😇😇
Don't get me wrong the little guy loves both his parents but that's his mommy!!
Don't get it twisted tho, the boys out number her so where ever mischief ensues you know the Ira men have been😼
Yall do you think if they were in love they would have more kids😭💞💞
Lance would be an amazing big brother
Nah like imagine Lance's parents going up to him like hey bud you're gonna have a little brother or sister I'D CRY SO HARD😭😭
Imagine Lance w/ a little sister
I mean sure not EVERYTHING is Addis' fault but we were truely robbed, like imagine if Addis was soft and sweet and nice and Lance had a normal (as normal as a prince can get) childhood
We really could've had at least a non hostile father-son relationship and didn't it's not fair😭
Omg imagine Addis as a girl dad😭
Like that's his princess
And w/ Lance as a big brother too like THAT LITTLE GIRL WOULD BE SPOILED ASF
And shes apart of the Ira clan too, yall forgot Ira represents wrath, that girl would be tough as nails, nobody can tell her shit
She beats the shit outta some fool being disrespectful and Addis and Lance look so proud.
I guess if Addis is good the country wouldn't be in shambles--
Well the country isn't in shambles perse
But if Addis isn't actively contributing to everything bad assuming Ira has been the way it is for a long time, I'd think there's at least a foundation there for Lance to take over as king to even more steps reform the country cus that's not an easy feat and can take probably decades maybe more to achieve
Please god makes the wealth gap not so violent--
Anyway guys they're a family imagine Addis taking a young lance outside to play
Playing out in the garden, hide and seek with papa
Let's get the old man involved imagine Zeneau is with Lance right, giving him his little princely etiquette lesson and stuff and then Addis comes to grab Lance for dinner and and Lance is like DADDY and runs up to him
I'm unwell guys
We were robbed
More than that bitch slaughtered this will never happen
Yall imagine if Addis was nice
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billkaulitzwife · 11 months
Okokok this is kinda based off ur darrell getting cheated on post but MORE PAIN 😤 plz do some hcs of what dar and sodas relationship would be like if darrys girlfriend cheated on him with soda, like would he ever forgive him?? I MUST KNOW PLZ ADDI
omg i hate you sm rn. also i decided im gonna try and get thru all my asks/ drafts so im not bothered anymore. :)
You're Still My Brother.
(Soda, Darry, F!Y/N)
Sodapop's POV
It was December 27th, 1965.
I was walking home from the DX when Darry's broad came up to me from behind.
"Hey, Soda! You walking home?"
"Uh- Yeah. Why? You coming over?"
"Well.. no. Uh... me and Darry broke up so I dunno if I'm allowed back there."
I was taken aback. I looked around slightly, my eyes pretty wild.
"Whoa.. whattya talkin' about?! Darry loves you with his whole life!"
"I guess not. I just wanted to talk about it before you headed home."
I looked at her and took a deep breath. I nodded slightly and sat down in the grass with her.
Sodapop is such a dumbass. As I sat in the grass with him, my façade didn't fade at all.
As I cried to him and told him the whole story, I had rolled my sleeves up enough so he could see the makeup I had put there.
"Y'know, Soda.. I really love him.. We were having a conversation but we didn't realise the twins were home."
I honestly don't feel anything in the moment.
"Addie burst in trying to tell Darry something and she ruined the whole thing.. She lied to him and told him that I was cheating on him."
"Addie? As in my sister?? She would never lie about anything!"
"Sodapop she's with Dallas of course she lies!"
"No she doesn't. Neither of the twins would lie. They love you like your their own sister!"
"Maybe not. Darry believed her over me. I tried telling him I didn't but he just didn't believe me."
Plan is ago. He looked at my arms.
"Y/N what's that."
I pulled my sleeve down so it seemed I didn't want him to know.
"Y/N is your Dad beatin' on you again?"
"...No. It was Darry and Pony."
His face softened with concern.
God he's fucking gullible.
"No, no, Y/N.. a-are you sure?!"
"You ain't a woofin.. Addie tried but I guess she was too weak."
Darry's POV
I was wondering where Sodapop was.
He was supposed to be home 10 minutes ago.
"Twins?" I called out. I didn't know if they were with Johnny Cade or not, so I had to check.
"Yeah?" Addie called back, walking out of her room putting a jacket on.
I smiled at her, "Where's Pony?"
"In the shower." She smiled back and grabbed a leftover Christmas cookie from off the table. "Pony! Hurry it up we gotta go meet Johnny!" She yelled into the bathroom.
"I'M HURRYIN' QUIT GABBIN'." He called back.
"Addie, you know where Sodapop is at?"
"As far as I know he should be at work." She said, shoving her cookie in her mouth. "Why?"
"He shoulda been home 'bout 14 minutes ago."
"Oh.. Well I'll be on the lookout for 'im on the way to the lot." I nodded and waved goodbye as she walked out onto the porch waiting for Pony.
God I missed Y/N.
Soda's POV
Would my siblings really do this?
I mean there's obvious bruises, but.. Darry? The twins..?
"Oh my god.. Y/N... I'm so.. I'm so sorry.."
She had tears running down her face and I didn't know what to do or say.
Next thing I knew she was on top of me and kissing me.
I grabbed her waist, pulling her in a little more. She were warm and her hands were so soft against the back of my neck.
"Y/N, Stop.." I murmured.
She stopped and I sat back up.
"Wha-- Why??" I muttered in shyness.
"Because you understand and listen, Soda."
"Oh.. Hey, Listen.. I oughtta get home so they aren't too worried about me. Ion wanna get put in no boys home."
"Alright. I'll see you around."
"Yeah. Bye." I got up and walked away towards the house.
Addie's POV
Pony had finally gotten dressed and walked outside when I saw Sodapop approach the house.
"Hey, Soda! How was work?"
"It was fine." He said, walking straight inside and to his room.
"He's home!" I said before I walked down the steps and out the gate.
"Hey, Ads. Something was off about Sodapop, don'tcha think?"
"You ain't a woofin'. He looked pretty Red- and pale, too.." I stopped walking towards the lot in realisation of something.
Sodapop had lipstick all over his lips.
"Ads, you alright?"
"He picked up a broad!" I smiled and hugged Pony in happiness.
He hugged me back and I jumped up 'n down.
"Ohhh my god ohmygodohmygodohmygod!! We'll have another sister!!"
Pony smiled and shook his head, laughing. We had almost reached the lot in about 4 minutes.
"Hey, Johnny!" I called out to the dark-haired boy I saw about 20 feet away.
Mine and Pony's dark hair had grown a LOT since August. His hair was just below his ears like before, and our blonde and grown out so our roots had came in some.
I ran towards Johnny and tackled him onto the couch, Pony following suite.
I told Johnny everything that had happened once we left and how we suspect a girl.
Darry's POV
"Oh, thanks Ads. Heya, Soda. I'm just makin' dinner."
"Cool." He said as he rushed to the bathroom to wash off his face.
Why? I'm not sure. I didn't think much of it.
"Darry can we talk? It's about Y/N. I'd prefer to sit down.."
"Alright..?" I lowered the stove to low and sat down at the kitchen table.
Soda sat down and took a deep breath. "Um..."
Third Person POV
Soda told him everything. The kiss, the lies, EVERYTHING.
Darry had tears forming in his eyes and he lowered his head onto the table.
"Darry I'm so sorry. I tried to believe myself but I just- I couldn't. I don't know why, Darrell plesse forgive me."
"Hey, Soda, this ain't your fault."
"But I feel so bad.."
"Don't worry. You're still my brother. You had nothin' to do with this. It's her fault, not your's."
. . . . . .
Pony noticed the streetlight turn on.
"Addie, time to go home."
"Ooh right. Dinner time! Johnny you wanna eat with us?"
"..Yeah sure!" Johnny replied.
The three walked to the Curtis'.
They entered and saw Darry and Soda hugging eachother.
"Woah.. what's happened?" Pony asked.
"Just sit down in the living room, I'll bring out the soup. Welcome in Johnny, y'all are just in time."
Sodapop wiped his eyes and grabbed Addie after she took off her jacket. He hugged her tight. "I'm sorry we didn't talk after I came home, I'll explain in a minute."
"Hey, Addie, Mickey's on TV!" Pony yelled to Addie after her and Soda hugged.
"It's all good, Soda. Love ya big brother."
"Love you too kid sister."
Darry had brought everyone a bowl of soup (JOHNNY INCLUDED), and he and Soda explained to the young teens.
Addie had broke into tears and Pony was left in shock. Johnny was just devouring his soup, but was shocked too.
"Soda.." Addie said, crying.
"Man.." Said Pony, his jaw dropped.
"Huh?" Mumbled Johnny.
They lived in harmony after they all dropped Y/N because she's a stuck up piece of SHIT.
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iamumbra195 · 8 months
Wait... looking back at ITSV how did Gwen and Peni explain their multiple day disappearance to their parents/guardians?
I think that after Peter died and Gwen's dad started obsessively blaming Spider-Women, the two of them started getting into some bad arguments cause they were both hurting and Gwen already felt guilty so having her dad unknowingly blame her as well probably worsened their relationship. So after they had fights, she would sometimes crash at a friend's house like one of the Mary Janes or if you wanna add comic elements, Harry Osborn. That's why her dad didn't find it all that strange when she disappeared
Ik the basic gist of what happened in Peni's comics so I headcannon that she doesn't have the best relationship with her uncle Ben and aunt may cause it seems like she was only SP//dr because she wss fed a bunch of stuff about it being her responsibilitity to do all this because she was only person with the same DNA as her dad and that was the only reason she became SP//dr as young as she did (she was nine). I think she had trouble making friends for a long while as well so maybe Addy, if you change up some comic elements, was her first since she was younger and she would sometimes do the same thing gwen did when she felt like everything was too much. That's why she was so ruined during ATSV because Addy, instead of just being a classmate and fellow pilot, was a friend she actually cared about.
And maybe sometimes Peni would chill with her universe's Daredevil
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At this point, you probably get that I kinda dislike her May and Ben even if I don't know everything about their relationship becsuse I have yet to read her comics
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scenessystem · 9 months
Probably done this before but
Bones ND/Disability headcanons/Canons
(Starting with just the ones off the top of my head, these also apply to the end of the show so some spoilers)
Angela Montenegro: ADHD & Anxiety
Arastoo Vaziri: C-PTSD
Camille Saroyan: Anxiety
Colin Fisher: Depression
Daisy Wick: Autistic
Jack Hodgins: ADHD, Chronic Pain, Paraplegic [Wheelchair User] & PTSD
Lance Sweets: Autistic & C-PTSD
Seeley Booth: Addiction Disorder, Chronic Pain & C-PTSD
Temperance Brennan: Autistic & C-PTSD
Vincent Nigel-Murray: ADHD, Addiction Disorder, Anxiety & Autistic
Zack Addy: Autistic, C-PTSD, Depression & STPD
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Are requests open?
ofc It'll be open until I say so on my pinned post <3
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mrsmiagreer · 1 year
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