#twst carter
Riddle: Why dose prefect seem so upset, all I said was hello and they were irritible
Ace: Do you not know? The greasy hair, the eyebags, the tanking grades.
Riddle: Greasy hair?
Carter: I fixed that with some dry shampoo
Ace: Do you seriously not know?
Riddle: Know What?
Carter: Ya bitch is goin through burnout or depression
Trey: Yea... it looks like it
Riddle: Then why are they angry and not sad or mopey
Carter: My guess Is that Ace forced then out of bed
Trey: Where are they now?
Ace: Deuce is forcing them to take a bath
Cater: I got em some clothes
Ace: Chill, I just swapped the lock around do Deucey boy is gonna lock them in the bathroom till they shower.....By the way Deuce and trey are in charge of emotional support
Trey: Not complaining. I'll totally do it but but why me?
Carter: LMAO he thinks the rest of us could do it
Trey:....Fair enough
Carter: Oh and Riddle your on their grades and shit
Riddle: *Visibly irritated* Shit?
Carter:....I meant stuff
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cyath · 7 months
I’m experimenting drawing with a new brush, enjoy the doodles :b
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violetlunette · 4 months
part of this series -- Carter: Yo! What are you doing? Yuu: Replanting flowers on the trees. Riddle threw a fit--even though I didn’t break any rules. Carter: Dude, you stole our roses! #rosetheif! Yuu: No, I borrowed them with out asking or the intent of returning them. It’s completely different. Yuu: Anyway, now I gotta do this. Carter: Okay, but what’s that? Yuu: *Holds up gun* Yuu: My roseblaster! I’m gonna shoot roses onto the trees. Carter: Uhh, will that work? Yuu: Sure! I modified the gun so that the roses will bond with the trees and come to life! Watch! Yuu: *shoots* *rose hits tree and bonds due to science magic* Carter: Hey, neat! *Takes photo* *Rosetree turns into a monster from little shop of horrors* Carter: O.O Yuu: Oops. Carter: #WTF?! Rose monster: Feed me, Seymour! Yuu: Well, shit. Here we go again. Carter: Again?!
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Dorms in the morning series
Riddle: RISE and SHINE!!!
Trey jokingly: I can’t believe these first year students haven’t caught the memo to wake up on time
Cater clearly tired af: yeah, I can’t believe it-
Ace: Deuce, come on, I thought you were supposed to be a model student, wake up!
Deuce clearly tired:I’m AwAke! Im awake!
Ace walking through the dorm door: what’s today again?
Riddle: it is said in queen of hearts rules that no one must walk through doors on this day, only windows.
Deuce walks straight into a window: OW!
Riddle: see Ace, Deuce has the right idea!
Cater pulling our his phone to record: oh watcha gonna do now Acey~
Trey: Cater, nothings going to happen-
‘Ace proceeds to book it out of there through the dorm door’
‘Heartsybul students are all charging out of the windows with Cater recording it’
Trey: ……yeah-I’m gonna make a tart.
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ruegaymeow · 1 year
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idk how tsums work, I think they have a mind of their own??, but anyways!! i got riddles card so i drew this😘😘
it took me a few days though so im probs gonna just go back to sketches for a while, unless i get motivation to do smthing big again.
also, the pillows were really fun to paint!!
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twistedoverbloat · 1 year
Tuu said the darnest things that Carter became Internet famous all because a toddler said wise words on nearly everything that a child can see and logic
Like " life it like cake, some good some bad, it okay as sometimes we need them both to try more cake! "
Some people are very surprised when they see or even hear how mature Tuu is since they are a kid, but even they know how to give wise words. Sometimes a child logic works more then adult since a child will just ask a question and then when answered they'll just nod and continue on their way.
Also yes the cake advice works a lot since Carter saw it as a eye opener. He makes little video's of Tuu doing and giving wise words. Like Tuu asked once why Merpeople were seen differently when Jade and Floyd were insulted by someone, Azul had to explain that some people think their weird. Tuu then scoff and said "I get people are scared of the unknown but it's dumb to just judge someone. It's like judging a book by it's cover without even reading the summary." Azul nodded and smiled.
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veliana · 2 years
TEA Problem ^^
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Trey: *serves Mc / Yuu english tea at a non-birthday party*
Mc / Yuu: Um where's the mint?
Carter: It's english tea, there's no mint.
Mc / Yuu: *shocked* No mint ??•_•
Trey: Mc / Yuu do you want milk in your tea?
Mc / Yuu: Milk in the tea???
Mc / Yuu : (Thinks ) They're all as mad as Riddle @_@
Know this is a scene that really happened with my sister when we were in England for the first time
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roxanaagriche111 · 1 year
I’m really wanting to make a new fanfic of twst. Idea is that it’s a yandere story where the characters are all in a world where the dorm members and leaders are all generals or people part of the army. They all happen to fall in love with the same darling who is a helper or a small time cook in the place. What do you think? I also plan to try and rework my masterlist.
(Tagging @blues824 @hanafubukki @rayroseu @rayroseu-reblogs please help me by either sharing or telling me your thoughts. Don’t know what to do 😖)
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novrium · 2 years
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@marshmeowee sent me the meme and linked the last line to my TWST OC they're right it'd indeed be their reaction and I committed after reading the word "tea" because there was only one dorm that came to mind
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surgelesshunter · 2 years
I annoyed my brother to tell me his thoughts on twisted wonderland characters. Part one (heartslybul & savannahclaw)
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Next was deuce but the picture of him was deleted but here's his thoughts
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kyla10 · 1 year
Love how random dorms members just popping up in my guest room like hello and good bye😂😂😂😂
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Carter: Hey Yuu what are your pronouns?
Yuu: I identify as a threat and my pronouns are Try/Me
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cyath · 1 year
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I had to draw a*e against my will bc my friend made me, hope u a*e simps are happy(•̀ᗣ•́)و/j
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violetlunette · 7 months
“Lilia, hand him over.” Lilia whipped his head towards Leona, eyes flashing.
“What?!” he snarled, teeth bared as his grip tightened on Sliver’s sleeve. Lilia was draped over his son’s weak form, ready to defend him from the enemy that surrounded them.
A series of events had landed Lilia, Leona, Carter, Grim, Yuu, and Silver in a dark gray wasteland with no food, water, or even sunlight. During these events, they met a tyrannical Overlord who instantly became taken with Silver’s beauty, demanding the teen as his. Silver—and, of course, Lilia—refused (loudly in Lilia’s case).
After their escape, they came across more dangers, one of these resulting in Silver becoming horribly injured, which eventually led to the severe illness the boy was now suffering from. Now, the vagabonds had caught up to them and demanded that—in exchange for their safety—they surrender his child.
And Leona agreed.
“We don’t have the strength or numbers to fight them,” the Savanaclaw House warden reasoned, tail flicking. “More than that…” His gaze dropped towards Silver and furrowed sympathetically.
“Silver is injured and sick. One of those would be bad enough? But both? In a place like this? It’s a death sentence.” The lion moved his gaze back to the surrounding enemies, who had their guns leveled at them, growling as they tried to approach.
He continued, “We have no way of helping Silver in our situation. We’ll be lucky if WE can survive out here. And if Silver isn’t treated soon, he’ll die,” he emphasized the last word to get his point across. Lilia pressed his lips as the logic sank in despite his stubbornness. Leona pressed on.
“These guys want him alive, and they have the means to treat him. So, if we want him to live, we have to hand him over for now. Otherwise…” He didn’t need to finish. Lilia knew it.
Day and night, Lilia sat at his son’s side, changing bandages—which were just torn clothing from everyone--trying to treat the wounds that became infected despite their efforts, watching what little color the boy had faded from his skin. He knew that without a doctor and medicine, Silver would die like Leona said.
‘But—’ Lilia’s brow pinched in pain.
Leona had no idea what he was asking Lilia. If they took him—if they took his son—then Lilia would never find him again. Lilia could never find anybody. That meant that he would never see Silver again and this moment would be the last memory he would have of him. And who knew what these villains wanted? They could be co-signing Silver to a fate worse than death.
Lilia lifted his hand, cupping Silver’s face.
Silver could barely open his eyes to look at him. His beautiful features were flushed with fever, and under his aurora-stone eyes were dark bags from exhaustion. He parted his chapped lips. Despite not just Lilia’s but everyone’s best efforts, they weren't able to get him the water they needed, being trapped in this cursed wasteland.
“Fa…” Silver’s voice cracked and fell to an airless gasp. The teen was so weak he couldn’t even finish his sentence. His breathing was irregular, and the breaths he did take took effort.
Lilia gripped the boy tighter, hand shaking violently with the rest of his body as he fought back his anguish. He then dropped his head, hair covering his eyes.
He made his choice. And it broke his heart.
Lilia stroked his cheek one last time, touching Silver’s feverish forehead to his.
“I’m sorry, Silver,” he whispered through haggard breath.
Lilia had to physically throw himself from the other, tearing a piece of fabric from the already damaged sleeve as he was unable to open his grip.
He fell to his knees, ripping his stockings and tearing his knees. He choked up a sob as he clenched his eyes shut, his heart aching more than it had done in a long time. Footsteps approached, and Lilia dug his nails in the soil, grinding his teeth as he fought the instinct to attack, to stop them from taking his precious angel, his light in the dark.
They didn’t touch him—they had too much of a survival instinct to do that—but Lilia still flinched as they grabbed Silver, hauling the boy away from the fae. Lilia’s form quaked with many emotions, his mind and heart begging him to do something, to stop them, to not let Silver be taken away.
Even so, he kept his head down, weighed by shame and guilt.
His shoulders were hunched, teeth grinding till they hurt. How could he let it come to this? To the point that he could only save his son by surrendering him to an enemy that had already proved itself merciless?
‘Have I really fallen so low?’ The fact he was on the ground with his head bent as others took his son away answered it all.
As he heard the footsteps walk away a few loose tears fell from Lilia’s face, hitting the ground.
This was it. Lilia somehow always knew they would part one day. But to be separated like this...
“Dada!” A little boy with the softest, most loving gaze stared at Lilia from a memory long ago, an acorn bracelet in hand. “Dada, you will always stay healthy. Then, let’s always be together, okay?”
The sob he had been trying to hold back escaped his throat, and Lilia couldn’t stop himself from lifting his head. He did so just as the ship holding Silver lifted into the air. The craft hovered for a moment --just to taunt him with the temptation to jump on it and take back what was his--before blasting off at a speed Lilia’s eyes were unable to follow until they were gone.
Till Silver was gone.
Lilia’s entire being went numb. He froze like a statue, paralyzed with grief. The torn sleeve with the Diasomnia insignia was pressed to his chest, serving as the last thing he had of the other.
This was it. Silver was gone. His son, his moonlit angel, was gone.
He barely felt the hand tightly clasp his shoulder in what could have been comfort.
“We’ll find him, man,” his friend Carter promised, bitterness edged on his words, his face scrunched with remorse. “We’ll find him.”
Lilia wanted to believe that but couldn’t. 
He just knew that--just like how he lost Reven--he lost Silver.
And like Reven, Lilia would never find his son again.
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Tw: swearing
Cater, on a remote island, without his magic pen, looking at a dead phone: How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy back in NRC-
Trey: CATER. We are on a deserted island, with no magic, if your phone is dead nuts, it’s dead nuts
Cater: Trey, wtf is wrong with you? If I have my phone, I can call someone to get us out of this mess!
Trey: I’m sorry, I’m just really freaking out right now, because we are stranded with no recourses, no connection, no magic, NOTHING!
Cater: yeah, yeah, also, wtf was that phrase? I need to post about that, ‘dead nuts’ my phone isn’t dead nuts, your dead nuts-
Riddle: considering the phone is only temporarily powered off due to insufficient battery, it is not ‘dead nuts’-
Cater; thank you-
Riddle: a better phrase for the situation would be ‘ dormant nuts’ or ‘ vacant nuts’
Cater:…. For fucks sake ( starts cackling) Riddle, if you’re trying to be funny it’s really FUCKING working!
Trey watching Cater loses his shit and Riddle is confused and attempting to look for recourses: we’re gonna die here. Dead fucking nuts.
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l1ttleclouds · 1 year
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