#type 2 diabetes diet
healthinsta1 · 2 months
What Is 1st Natural Supplements Are Good for Diabetes | Healthinsta
What is 1st Natural Supplements Are Good for Diabetes… Read more
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cicera43 · 9 months
Understanding Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Control Discver a Method To Support Healthy Blood Sulgar Levels Official Site: bit.ly/glucotrust-ordernow Official Site: bit.ly/glucotrust-ordernow In this informative and enlightening video, we will delve deeper into our understanding of Type 2 Diabetes, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition that can be prevented and managed with the right knowledge and appropriate actions. In this video, you will learn: What is Type 2 Diabetes: We will explain in a simple and accessible way what Type 2 Diabetes is, its causes, and how it affects the body. Risk Factors: What are the main risk factors that increase the chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes? We will examine how genetics, diet, lifestyle, and other factors play a crucial role. Prevention: Discover practical strategies to prevent Type 2 Diabetes. Tips for a healthy diet, physical exercise, and lifestyle changes that can make a big difference. Control and Treatment: For those who already have Type 2 Diabetes, we will address best practices for managing the condition. We will discuss medications, glucose monitoring, and how to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Watch this video to gain valuable information that can help transform your relationship with Type 2 Diabetes. Education and awareness are important steps in living a healthy and happy life. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the notification bell to receive updates on health and wellness-related content. Share this video with friends and family who may benefit from this information. Together, we can combat Type 2 Diabetes and promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone
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fatphobiabusters · 9 months
If your activism for diabetics stops as soon as you have to include type 2 diabetics, then not only is your "activism" ableist and almost certainly fatphobic, your efforts are also useless. You will never improve how society treats diabetic people if you only care about the diabetic people who are viewed more favorably in this fatphobic, ableist, and dieting-obsessed world.
-Mod Worthy
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samuelryanhealth · 2 years
13 Things to Keep in Mind When Managing a Type 2 Diabetes Diet
Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people and can lead to serious health complications. Managing this condition is difficult, but with the right diet and exercise, it can be done with relative ease. This article will discuss the most effective ways to manage Type 2 Diabetes in your life.
Managing a Type 2 Diabetes Diet is one of the most difficult tasks for patients. It is not always easy to find the right diet for some people, especially those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
The following are some of the key points that should be taken into account when managing a Type 2 Diabetes Diet:
- Be aware of your blood sugar levels.
- Follow a balanced diet plan.
- Don't go on extreme diets, as they can lead to complications like ketoacidosis or hypoglycemia.
- Take necessary precautions while taking medications and insulin injections.
Click here to Read More:-https://www.health-total.com/weight-loss-articles/13-things-to-keep-in-mind-when-managing-a-type-2-diabetes-diet/ 
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
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brattybottomdyke · 6 days
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mimyclub-blogs · 9 days
Small Habit Changes That Can Help To Manage Diabetes.
Managing diabetes involves a combination of medication, diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes. Here are some small habit changes that can help manage diabetes, along with examples: Regular Physical Activity: Habit Change: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as walking, jogging, or cycling. Example: Take a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Healthy Eating: Habit Change:…
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dingo-saurus · 11 months
non-exhaustive list of things i need to do as a type-1 diabetic whenever i eat in order to keep my blood sugars in a healthy range (which i need to do consistently to stay alive and not need to amputate limbs or deal with organ failure later in life):
count the carbs and sugars for everything i am eating or drinking in that moment. this is obviously harder if the meal is homecooked as you need to not only work out the carbs for everything in the meal but also how much your portion would be. fortunately and unfortunately there are a number of apps that can help with this built primarily for dieting that you can take advantage of
am i taking metformin (med that reduces insulin resistance) or not? if so, normal dose. if not, slightly higher. usually only by 1 or 2 units but this varies
test my current blood glucose. even if i am wearing a glucose monitor i need to do this manually with a fingerprick test to confirm the monitor is correct (they often aren't). is it in range? normal dose. too high? a little more, depending on how much higher my blood glucose is and how much my body personally needs to correct sugars. which needs to be worked out with testing, and is subject to change. too low? have a few sips of sprite or some jelly beans while meal prepping. how much i need to bring it up into range is subject to change and something that experience with my body helps me with
okay so now we need to figure out how much insulin i need with the meal, taking all the above into account. there is a mathematical formula that helps to determine this based on your weight that i was taught by a medical professional and type 1 diabetes expert (yes the advice is different between type 1 and 2. you need someone who knows your specific type or you will get Bad Advice). this is not infallible, in fact it does not work for me at all (i sometimes need about twice the insulin i should need, due to my body's fluctuating insulin resistance). so i have had to deviate from it and work things out for myself, increasing the ratio of insulin-to-carbs until i was getting it correct. this can change based on basically Anything. have i been exerting myself today? are the specific carbs in the meal quick or slow to release? is there protein? am i sick? do i have a migraine/have recently had a migraine? did i sleep well? am i stressed about something? did i take a dose of basal insulin today (and how much)? experience will help me feel this out. i can still get it wrong even after 4 years, and need to correct it after the meal
okay, i've done the calculation and have my number. when do i give myself the insulin dose? well that depends. i need to time it so that the peak of the insulin's effectiveness hits when the meal is hitting my blood sugars. i have a couple of rapid-acting insulin brands that hit at different times, but the one i'm taking rn takes about 30 minutes. so either before or during the prep/cook time i need to duck out and do my dose, or i need to wait for a time after i take my dose to grab whatever i'm grabbing. i set an alarm for this
inject insulin (thankfully this was not difficult for me to get used to as it's MUCH easier these days than it was in the past)
you are doing this 3 times a day, more if u want to snack. my body changes constantly, and requires frequent rethinking of all of the above (metformin is making this easier for me, thankfully. i had to troubleshoot and figure this out myself after 3 frustrating years)
as you can imagine, it generally means i do not eat out (most restaurants do not keep track of the carbs and sugars in their meals) and cannot eat homecooked meals unless the cook is willing to calculate exactly how many carbs and sugars are in the meal so i can figure out how much is in my serve
it takes a lot of energy, attentiveness, adaptability, determination, and perseverance to treat your diabetes effectively day-to-day and avoid damaging your body or putting your life at risk. thankfully i have the support to do that monetarily, medically, and socially. not everyone does
be kind to diabetics
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kittenofdoomage · 2 years
The update no one asked for but fuck it. Trigger warning for medical stuff and weight loss:
So I started taking a new medicine two weeks ago, it's an injection once a week of dulaglutide (one of a group of new medicines for T2 diabetics) and I've also started a new diet/exercise regime alongside it. Less snacking for one, and this medicine has a side-effect of making me feel full after only a small meal, plus I have to test my glucose levels before and after eating so I'm not reaching for the cookies or chips half an hour after dinner because I know it'll fuck my levels up and I really really wanna get this under control. The only time my sugars seem to be in the 4-7 range is when I wake up first thing but hopefully this will change with the new medicines and diet!
I don't actually know if I've lost much yet because it turns out my scales are busted and I can't justify spending money on new ones yet, so just gonna keep measuring with the tape measure instead and in the last two weeks I've lost a little off my waistline already (only 1 inch but it's progress!) through walking/cycling/pilates, all gentle exercise so I don't hurt myself 😅 I know the last time the doctor weighed me I was about 93kg, which is a little over 200lbs, same weight I've been for about 4/5 years. I'm gonna use MIL's scales next time I'm over there ☺
I know I'm never gonna be a supermodel because there is junk in this trunk, I'm built for playing rugby in all honesty, but I know I'm not gonna get anywhere with the doctors without losing at least some of it. My goal is 40lbs off, which would have me at around 72.5kg. I just wanna live longer (I said to hubby the other day that I'd like to see First Contact Day in 2063 at the very least) and possibly look halfway decent when we finally get to go on our delayed honeymoon next year.
Anyway, that's the update. Thanks for the tips and videos everyone sent me last time I updated, I'm putting a lot of them to good use 😁 I've lost this weight before, I know I can do it again, I just gotta stick to it! Plus, it's been 12 weeks this week since I quit smoking, and I was surprised how easy I found that!
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willowsearth · 1 year
Insulin Resistance: What it is and How to Reverse it
Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas that plays a crucial role in regulating your blood sugar levels. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, which is then absorbed into your bloodstream. Insulin helps your cells take up glucose and use it for energy. However, if you eat too many carbohydrates or have a diet high in processed foods and sugars, your body may…
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indizombie · 1 year
The predominantly cereal based ‘vegetarian’ diet that is currently being imposed on India, is contributory to the crisis of non-communicable disease in the country. 8.7% (50 million) Indians in the age group 20 – 70 year age live with Type 2 diabetes, an attributable risk factor for several complications affecting the eyes, heart, kidney, nervous system and circulatory system. Cutting down on sugars, reducing traditional cereals, and increasing the consumption of animal source foods has the ability to drastically prevent or reduce the large-scale prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and its complications. However, in India, politics, culture, religion, caste and economics around cereals, vegetables, fruits, pulses, oils, eggs, meat etc., constantly dictate what people eat. Even a suspicion of transporting beef or a mention of its nutritional/cultural/religious value can trigger a series of events ranging from abuse, arrest, harassment and lynching. This has been used with a great degree of expertise by politicians seeking to fragment India along caste and religious lines. Anaemia in children less than 5 years is 60 per cent in India. This, with chronic hunger and other nutritional deficiencies that invariably co-exist, can lead to less than expected performance of the child in school.
Dr Sylvia Karpagam, ‘A critical look at Indian healthcare‘, Aura
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blacktiedoc · 2 years
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6 unfortunate lies told to diabetics.
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healthsupplementpro · 2 years
What Is The CardioShield Supplement?
New Alpha Nutrition is the manufacturer of the all-natural cardiac support supplement Cardio Shield. This organization devotes time, resources, and research to assisting people in leading healthier lives. Cardio Shield works by raising blood levels of nitric oxide, which reduces blood pressure and gets rid of arterial plaque.
When this pill reduces inflammatory response, blood vessels can begin to mend, making the user feel younger and more prepared to tackle any physical challenge, no matter how demanding. This pill works to reduce inflammation in your body, which means that in only seven seconds, it can reopen your arteries so that your heart has access to enough blood to function properly.
The supplement’s formula enhances blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body to keep a normal blood pressure level. The powerful and natural components in Cardio Shield can support healthy blood pressure, protect the vitality of your heart, and assist in reducing the excessive creation of harmful free radicals.
CardioShield also contains an antioxidant component that seeks out a natural way to help you fight the superoxide anion, a blood pressure molecule that enables the blood vessels to constrict more quickly and causes the pressure within the heart to rise to dangerous levels.
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callahanslot · 2 years
Suggestions That Might Help You Deal With Diabetes mellitus!
All forms of diabetes is not going to actually scare individuals as a result of having their finger pricked daily. The most worrisome elements of diabetic issues range from the raised risk or developing diabetes retinopathy and diabetes-associated complications. Do what you may can to aid oneself ahead of arriving at that point. Utilize the ideas in the following paragraphs to handle the condition. Give attention to leg blood flow to battle diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. Keep the ft . transferring as far as possible to improve the bloodstream circulating lower through your foot. A single exercise that is perfect for a desk job would be to lift your feet up then wiggle your feet, switching your feet in communities at the ankle. Look at the blood sugar levels before you go to bed, and in case it's lower, take it with a simple treat. This enables you to ensure that your amounts are stable throughout the evening. Or else, your degrees may drop in the middle of the evening, leading you to get out of bed with sweats and disorientation. If you deficiency complete health care insurance and so are identified as having Diabetes mellitus, don't fear. A lot of drug firms and provide companies have courses that can provide you with either totally free items or perhaps a substantial low cost. You might need to have your doctor implement as your representative, attesting to the fact that you are in financial terms strapped. There are lots of inexpensive approaches people with diabetes can lose fat, this sort of having a run or working out with a play ground. Try performing chin ups around the jungle gym, or elevate weight load using canned merchandise or textile hand bags packed with hefty items. Make sure you visit your podiatrist usually for those who have Diabetic issues to have program ft . check out-ups. The feet are vulnerable to peripheral neuropathy and infection, so getting them looked around will ensure you don't end up having them becoming amputated. It only takes a tiny amount of time for you to be sure that your ft . are wholesome, so practice it! Stay a fun lifestyle. Don't allow diabetes mellitus allow you to get down. You might need to observe your blood sugar levels, nevertheless, you may still direct a whole, satisfying daily life. Have pastimes, to by helping cover their friends and also eat at a restaurant. Diabetic issues is really a condition you may have, nevertheless it isn't you. When you have all forms of diabetes, you would like to successfully limit the quantity of noodles you take in. It is definitely easy to consume an excessive amount of it because it is so delicious. Before very long, you are going to consume a lot more than you imagine you might have enjoyed, that may actually lift up your sugar levels. A cup of pasta has as numerous calorie consumption as 3 pieces of loaves of bread. Bear that in mind the next time you take in pasta. To make sure the sugars you take in don't result in a concern for your body, try to eat them together with healthy proteins. Healthy proteins will guarantee your system absorbs the carbohydrate food consume gradually, which can help prevent spectacular alterations in your glucose levels. Health proteins hardly ever boosts blood sugar levels, and it's a wonderful way to stability carbohydrates out. Creating the change to substantial fiber food products will assist reduce your threat for all forms of diabetes. Try to eat only whole grains, they are filled with fiber that permits the body to break down meals without having acquiring a increase in blood glucose levels which is what occurs when you take in largely refined carbs (white-colored a loaf of bread and any type of junk foods). Should you be a diabetes having never ever smoked, or who has not smoked in six months, you might want to talk with your doctor about employing an breathed in blood insulin treatment method. The latest health care research has shown that taken in insulin may be more effective for diabetic issues than tablets or shots. Ft troubles usually affect diabetes victims. Make it a point that you will be handling your toes, and do not forget that negligence may result in undesirable amputations. Pursuing these tips may help maintain your ft wholesome in spite of all forms of diabetes. Should you be a diabetes thinking about working as being an exercise alternative to walking make certain you consult your doctor initial. GS-85 Blood Sugar Supplement is essential to make certain that jogging won't make you produce orthopedic or cardiovascular system issues. Your physician can assist level you from the right course to ensure safe running along with your diabetes. As the introduction of this informative article pointed out, it's the opportunity to visit sightless and other unbearable unwanted effects connected with all forms of diabetes that basically frighten individuals. You are able to function past the concern and use the data you've discovered on this page to make sure that you're in no way a target of these nasty issues.
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eatclean-bewhole · 1 year
Know what’s much more effective without the harmful and potentially life-threatening side effects? A healthy diet high in disease-fighting properties, fiber, fruits and vegetables, and low in sugar, unhealthy fats, and processed foods. Big pharma will never be able to match what proper nutrition can do.
#bigpharma #Jardiance #drugs #type2diabetes #weightloss #fatloss #fad #medication #diet #lifestyle #health #nutrition #heal #integeativenutrition #integrativemedicine #dietmatters #americandiet #westerndiet #diet #disease #diabetes #food #healthy #healthyfood #healthcare #healthylifestyle #healthyeating #life #mentalhealth #healthyeating
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Divit Nutraceuticals is dedicated to enhancing health and well-being through its commitment to precision, performance, and purity. By leveraging cutting-edge research, the company formulates supplements with exacting precision to meet specific health needs. These products are designed to optimize performance, supporting both physical and mental vitality. With an unwavering focus on purity, Divit Nutraceuticals ensures all ingredients are of the highest quality, free from contaminants and unnecessary additives. This triad of precision, performance, and purity underscores Divit Nutraceuticals' mission to provide effective, safe, and reliable health solutions.
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