#u cant make me make ocs i WILL go ham with them
itsredpaint · 1 year
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Give me A D and L of your Twisted OCs do it
ty for always enabling me and my twst crimes despite not twsting yourself kjdsfj 🧡
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also tagging @cosmiccoincidence ty for the double enabling WOO
ok here's the sketchy whatever i did 2night, was gonna do some basic colors but i got sleeeepyyyy so maybe tomorrow ill do that lol
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HEHFHSFEHFJK anyway. alda beloved none of this will make sense to u so ill try to give spark notes explanations as i go but. these two goobers are rsa [royal sword academy - the rival school that seems to be more based on the Good Guy™ disney characters rather than the main school's villains lol] students.
the very short summary is guy on left (Char - I looked thru sooo many names for him and that's the one i ended up on lol. some twst names are really on the nose like VIL for the EVIL QUEEN so why cant i use char!) is cater diamond's [a canon character who's said to have moved around a lot] childhood friend from when they were like 5 but lost contact w/him. Dañarte (literally not a name. it's spanish for 'hurt you' and it only came up/his existence spawns from a typo turned autocorrect in a message i was sending my frined and we just kept it for funsies and i made a character out of it lol 😭) is his shady cousin that has a charming friendly appearance but is going to cause problems on purpose bc hes a bitter baby or whatever.
i have a lot more details w/them and their connection with BESTIE CATER but that's not what the ask was about so i will HOLD BACK!!! for now.
ok answering the actual questions under a cut bc blahblahblahblah
A) Why are you excited about this character?
because!!! i see a lot of people make really creative twst ocs based off other disney characters and i think that's SO FUN!!!! i dont really think i myself am very creative of a person, but this was something i kinda got to have fun with. i had the initial thought with char based off one random fanart I saw like forever ago, so i borrowed the starting idea and then just completely ran off with it to do my own thing, SPIN MY OWN WEB!!!! [i think the fanart was like, just some random rsa guy recognizing cater; it was japanese fanart so i had limited google translate on my side - idr if the childhood friend thing was part of it or if that's just a thing my brain decided to fill in the blanks?? anyway i went from there / designed my own random guy / started LORE BUILDING and EXPANDING]
also their involvement is very much a soap opera esque TEEN ROMANCE DRAMA which i think is funny. a lot of this came from just talking to my friend in discord cuz there was no engtwst at the time and she was the only person i knew that i could talk to about twst, so even tho these are my characters, it's something that spawned from me going ham in our discord messages and us bouncing ideas off each other and just havin private fun. unrestrained goofs!!!
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
HMMMM well according to all the doodles i'd compiled in one spot, it does look like i just went with my initial ideas for both of em and kept it. they r not that deeply thought out bc i am Not much of a designer - god bless the school uniform i could steal so i didnt have to come up w/clothes kfjlsdf. and tbh theyre pretty basic right now so for all i know, maybe this is the prototype. maybe they've yet to go through their first evolution. WHO KNOWS!!!! but in their case, their existence came more from the SOAP OPERA DRAMA storyline i came up with, and wasn't so much based on appearance/character design. i mostly just had doodles and sketchy concepts just so i could continue to doodle parts of said story for funsies to send my friend on discord lol
BESTIE THERE IS NO L!!!!! instead of asking u what u meant im just gonna assume u meant I since lowercase L looks like uppercase I 😌 SO YOU'RE GETTING I!!!
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
ya lol. this 'story' is very much based off like a few lines of canon lore that i just SPRINTED OFF with. drag and dropping these 2 guys into the story - not really related to much of the main story, but just kinda there to cause more teen drama. for funsies.
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liquidstar · 5 years
Not gonna lie, I absolutely LOVE seeing you Go Ham On Main about ur OCs!! I wanna do that with my ocs eventually but I'm still too nervous about them, but please Go Ham as much as u want to because I fuckin love it! Your world is legit so interesting and ur designs are all so freakin cute :eyes:
THANK YOU SO MUCH THAT MEANS A LOT... the only reason im able to go completely nuclear about them is because of the support people give me :0 like asking questions or rbing my posts abt them w nice tags, and of course sweet supportive messages like this!!! im sorry im replying so late but sometimes when i see a really nice ask it makes me so happy i cant gather my thoughts enough to reply for a while lol. but seriously thank you, and i really empathize with you feeling nervous- i used to feel like i wasnt allowed to talk about them unless someone asked (and i still at least Partly feel like i need prompting sometimes but not anywhere near as much!!) so i can promise you that the more you talk about them the better it feels. but i completely get your nervousness around it, theres no need to instantly step out of your comfort zone! but if you ever do wanna talk about them but dont feel like posting, i LOVE talking about ocs and hearing about other peoples! feel free to DM me whenever youd like :D im always here to offer back the support !!! 
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wlwtsubomi · 5 years
Who says, 'Flip Flops,' and who says, 'Slippers'? Which season do they favor? How often do they excersise? What's their diet like? Who spends the most time looking at the mirror in the morning? What do they dance like? Who's the best singer? Who can not turn down a dare? What's the character dynamic you find the most fun? Do you have a master list of ALL the heights? Who's the tallest and who's the shortest? OK I'm out of characters none of these are for a specific character group, go ham.
slapping this under a read me jsgjjas
gfkdgjasjdjg ok!! so like. first of all i see u trying to bring slipper vs flip flop discourse onto my tugunglr on this good ole 2019. all of my ocz say slipperz except like. tobi? from s37. makes im watching u gesture then blowz u a kiss.
also jeez therez a lot of characterz i can run thru for these questionz but um um um off the top of my head? im just gonna do it by. season. so characters who liek spring include but are not limited to: seven, sorin, ivy, atsumi, and chat.. for summer: bodil, conan and sol?? and thatz probs it. for fall just; SAGA. saga lovez fall. iovita and itsuki……for winter just. seizon and saccha and aludra…..
the people who spend the most time looking in the mirror are. DEFINITELY conan and hanagaski (the model guy from s37!). but saga and chat and molly and merope def run up.
god this is such a broad one and im trying to think of all of my ocs oh god oh fuck um.
the best singer out of all of my ocz? probably sorin honestly. nebula and cal dont like singing but then they get dragged into singing nad everyonez like bro what the FUCK you didnt tell me you could sing. what the fuck. aludra has a pretty voice ive alwayz imagined but idk if shes a good singer.
BODIL AND SAGA AND CAL CANT TURN DOWN A DARE. BRO THEY CANT HELP BEING FIRE SIGNZ. same w chat but idk chatz birthday. god i love chat. i should probably finish drafting out the thing so i can actually work on it more.
the character dynamic of the kidz is always smn i find interesting. though i mean im p sure you know this w how much i have saga and cal banter fgjasdjjg. sorin and iovitaz dynamic is also rlly good. bro itz. abt. the ritualz……… maybe im just a slut for found family but seven and saga alongside bodil and merope slap……..bro itz just. bro theyre SIBLINGZ…….. atsumi and kagami (also from s37!!) are rlly interesting too…oh oh oh also seizon and itsuki (minecraft guy!! a…agian from s37.)!!!!!!!!! oh shit oh fuck oh my god how could i fucking forget just. chat and dolores (#649…………….i couldnt keep calling her a number so i gave her a name) they make me. so sad. but i love them. but they make me sad.
i. DONT have a masterlist of all the heightz but. ur tempting me. the shortest of all my characterz is. probably all the warriorz. bro theyre catz. but jfdjjd out of the humanz/humanoidz??? uhh sevenz probs the shortest. again fuckin around w their height so idk the exact height but. theyre the shortest. the tallest is. DEFINITELY dolores. i dont remember the exact height i made her but. shes above 7 feet. shes tall bro.
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