#and u dont want to disappoint him despite knowing the thing is not him but only wearing his face
itsredpaint · 1 year
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
hii i love love how u write spencer omds🥸
uhh i was wondering if you could write sth based off the song “we’ll never have sex” by leith ross? pls dont feel pressured to write this btw😭😭😭 hope ur having a good day lovely💗💗
hello my love i have no self control so this is extremely long and plotty but i love this song and i hope that this is any good at all crying emoji (i'm on a laptop LOL) enjoy!!
warnings/tags: angst/fluff, fem!reader, negative self-talk from reader, mentions of past sexual coercion/feeling used, mentions of past excessive drinking to combat social anxiety, ive been watching a lot of new girl lately and i think it shows, SO FRIENDS TO LOVERS, happy ending
You weren’t expecting to end up on Spencer Reid’s worn-leather couch at two in the morning, clutching a chipped mug of coffee in your hands as you listen to the sounds of the city from the street below. But there you are, sitting with your legs folded under you, in your favorite dress and first date-night makeup (now bleeding and smudged from all the crying.) And realizing that despite considering him one of your closest friends, you haven’t been to his apartment in a long time. There are, of course, good reasons for that—but you try to push those from your mind. 
“I’m really sorry about this,” you sigh, staring at your warped reflection in the glassy black surface of your coffee. Spencer is coming out of the small kitchen, now bearing his own cup. 
“Please, stop apologizing.” 
You glance up, tentatively studying him from behind the safety of your mug. While he may not have been asleep when you knocked on his door ten minutes ago, lachrymose and barely verbal, he must have been getting ready for bed. He’s clad in patterned pajama pants, mismatched socks, and an FBI crewneck that is just big enough to reveal the collar of the tee-shirt underneath. He’s already taken out his contacts, and you were startled by the reminder that he also has glasses. 
“So...” he begins, bringing you back to the present moment, “we don't have to talk about anything, if you don’t want to, but...” 
You sigh, watching coffee bubbles swirl like stars in a galaxy. 
“It’s fine. Honestly, I’m kind of embarrassed. I didn’t really think, I just... ended up here.” 
“Yeah... where did you come from?” he laughs quietly. “Not that I’m complaining. But I recall you not living super close by.” 
“No, no. I was actually on a date. Kind of.” 
“Ah.” There’s a beat of silence, and ostensibly Spencer is waiting for you to say more, but instead you take a sip from your mug. “At two in the morning?” You nod dully, staring at the labyrinthine pattern of the Persian rug.  
“I’m taking it that it wasn’t a very good date...?” 
A whoosh of air escapes from your puffed cheeks. 
“No it was not. Not by the end, anyway. It actually started really well, which made it even more disappointing when he...” you laugh, but there’s not much humor in it. “Well, when he kicked me out of his car on a street corner because I didn’t want to sleep with him.” 
You don’t look to see Spencer’s reaction—only take another long, baleful sip of coffee and ignore the heavy silence.  
“I’m really sorry. You... you deserve so much better than that.” 
An attempt at a jaded scoff from you falls flat. 
“Yeah, well. Tell that to the last three white house interns I’ve gone on dates with. It’s the same thing every time.” 
“Have you considered going on fewer dates with white house interns...?” The nervous humor is a thin veil over genuine critique. You shrug, biting the inside of your cheek. 
“It’s not just them. Every single guy I’ve liked since I was 15 has been like this. Even my past relationships, I felt like I was almost... tricked into, you know? I mean, these guys, they act all understanding and willing to take it slow or whatever, until you’re in a relationship, and suddenly they’re guilt tripping you so hard and making you feel so obligated to...” you catch yourself just in time, glancing up at Spencer. You’re not sure what to make of his expression. The drawn brow and slightly squinted eyes trained so intently on you could be sympathy, or anger, or pity, or apathy—you look away, not sure you even want to know what he’s thinking. “Sorry. You don’t need to hear all about that. Basically romance is exhausting and since I’ll clearly be single forever I’m considering running away to join a nunnery.” 
When he doesn’t respond for too long, you look back up quizically. 
“I’m not sure you know what romance actually is,” he says as soon as your gaze meets his, like the eye-contact activated some kind of hair-trigger in his vocal box. 
You blink, lowering the coffee cup to your lap. 
Says Spencer Reid? 
He flushes, stammering to clarify himself. 
“I just meant—I—I know I’m not exactly fighting women off with a stick—” he interrupts himself with a self-conscious (adorable) laugh— “but... but I have been in love, at least once.”  
“Maeve,” you say, gently—trying to shove down bitter guilt as you remember how jealous you’d been when Spencer had first told you about her. “I remember.” 
He swallows and nods. 
“We never even met—we just talked. All the time. I had no idea what she looked like. But it didn’t matter at all. Because I knew her, and I loved her. Maybe things would have gone further if I hadn’t been calling her from public phone booths, but that wasn’t the most important thing to either of us. We were still in love.” You try to shut out the sharp ache in your chest. Being jealous of the way he speaks about a dead woman is so wrong.  
“What I’m trying to say is that romance isn’t solely about sex, or even physical appearance. It sounds to me like you’ve been with a lot of men who don’t understand that. And it would be such a shame for you to write romance off in general before you even get to experience it. You are... an extraordinary woman. You’re funny, and intelligent, and kind, and so capable of being loved. One day, someone is going to see beyond your pulchritude and prove that to you. I hope you let them try.” 
More tears blur the pattern on the rug, pooling in the rims of your eyes before spilling down your cheeks in fast, fat drops. Shakily you set the cup down, resting your elbows on your knees and hiding your face in your hands. You sniff once. Twice. Shake your head quickly, attempting to wipe the tears away without further smearing your makeup everywhere. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” Spencer breathes, leaning forward but obviously unsure how to comfort you. “Please don’t cry, I wasn’t--I was trying to do the opposite of this.” 
“No, I’m sorry! You didn’t have to—you didn’t—I’m sorry. That was way too nice.” 
But you're not crying because he was nice.  
Someone will love you, but not me. That’s all you can hear. 
His voice is a mere whisper when he next speaks. 
“I meant every word.” 
You take a shuddering breath, allowing yourself a moment of reprieve behind the peaceful black of your eyelids. You can’t be looking at his face when you say what you’re about to say. 
“I had a crush on you for the longest time, you know.” 
Ringing silence. But it doesn’t last as long as you’d imagined. It’s not as world ending. 
The little smile in his voice is like a fist around your heart. 
“Yeah. You know what changed?” 
“What’s that?” 
Absolutely nothing. 
“Every time I got super drunk and started hitting on you, you’d just drive me home. And I did it a lot. Like, for months. But you were such a gentleman. It drove me fucking crazy. So eventually I figured you just didn’t like me and I gave up.” 
Another stretch of silence. A breeze comes in from the open window, fluttering the curtains and cooling the tears on your face. His response is sad when it finally comes. 
“You thought I didn’t like you because I didn’t try to take advantage of you when you were drunk?” 
“Pretty much.” You smile ruefully, fingertips still pressed over your eyes. “God, listen to me. No wonder I get treated like garbage.” 
“Stop. Don’t talk about yourself like that. Did you hear anything I just said?” 
You sniff, looking to the ceiling. 
“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. It was really sweet.” 
More silence. 
“But you don’t believe it.” 
A bitter laugh poisons the air around you. 
“I don’t know.  I’m kind of tired of waiting for someone to prove it to me. Just for once, I want someone to be interested in me beyond having sex in the back of their fucking... Range Rover, or whatever. Like, maybe all that stuff you said is true, but there’s no evidence to support it, and I know logically you’re probably right but I can’t help wondering if... if I’m the outlier. Maybe there just isn’t someone for me like that. Maybe I’m just gonna be the sex in the back of the Range Rover girl forever.” 
A noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob forces itself from your throat and you bury your face in your hands again, shaking your head. 
“Wow, I am so sorry,” you say a little too loudly, “I did not mean to be this honest tonight. Did you spike my coffee?” 
“You are not the outlier,” Spencer whispers.  
You sniff, lifting your head haltingly to look at him. 
His voice shakes slightly as he speaks. 
“You said you can’t help wondering if you’re the outlier, and maybe there just isn’t someone for you like that. That’s not true.” 
“Spencer, those are just words. You can’t possibly know that. Statistical probabilities don’t count.” 
“That’s... that’s not how I know.” 
Your heart drops as you study his face.  
Surely he’s not saying what you think he’s saying. 
Surely he wouldn’t do this to you after you’ve just told him everything you told him. You have been harboring feelings for him for years. Since you met. He can’t just spring this on you one night because you’re a little bummed out. If he felt the same, you would have found out a long time ago; he had ample opportunity to tell you. There was a period of months where you practically threw yourself all over him at every chance you got, and he did nothing. So this... this is just cruel—something you’ve never known Spencer Reid to be. 
You stand up, trembling slightly with rage and grief and humiliation. 
“Don’t do that. Don’t say things that you don’t mean just to make me feel better.” 
“What are you doing? Don’t--” 
You scoop up your purse, trying to get to the front door as fast as your gelatinous legs will allow. More tears are streaming down your face now and you don’t need him to see what he’s done to you—to see how much you care what he thinks. 
“It’s fine. Thanks for the coffee, I’ll see you around—” 
A hand around your wrist stops you in your tracks 
“Stop. Just... please give me a second to talk, okay?” 
With nothing left to give, you turn to him. 
“Don’t be mean, Spencer. Don’t act like you liked me too. That makes me feel... so much worse.” 
He takes a deep, shaky breath, as if steeling himself. Tawny eyes bore into your soul, and you realize that there is so much sheer nervous energy radiating off of him it’s infectious. Your heart begins to pound as he speaks. 
“I’m not doing that. I’m being an idiot, because you just told me that you don’t feel that way about me anymore but... but I do. And I have to tell you now because for six months I tortured myself wondering why you would flirt with me so much when you were hammered and then act like nothing happened the next day. There were so many times I almost told you how I felt but I didn’t and now I am because even if it ruins our friendship you need to know that somebody... that I wanted to be that person for you. I still do.” 
Your heart is like an unmoored zeppelin in your chest, bumping against your esophagus and threatening to either burst or jump out of your mouth. You take your chances, whispering so quietly it’s almost inaudible. 
“You... you like me?” 
“Yes,” Spencer sighs. “I have liked you for a very long time. And I’m sorry—” 
Whatever ridiculous thing he was going to apologize for, you don’t give him the chance. Instead you launch yourself at him, capturing his lips in a kiss that feels so much better than it’d ever been in your fantasies because it’s real. You hear his sharp intake of breath, but it only takes a second for him to respond, cradling your face in his hands like you’re the entire world. For a moment, time bends. Years of longing, of buried dreams crash into the present in a brilliant, dazzling explosion.
And then, as quickly as it started, he pulls away. The absence of his touch is like a vacuum, so much worse now that you know exactly how it feels to have his lips on yours, even if it was only for a few seconds. How the hell did you live like that for so long? How are you supposed to live like that ever again?
“You’re not thinking clearly,” he breathes, tilting his head back toward the ceiling like he’s barely holding onto his self control. “You just want someone to comfort you, I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re in an emotionally vulnerable state and confided in me which is manufacturing a false sense of attachment—” 
You grab his wrists, which still graze your jaw.
“Spencer, stop intellectualizing for thirty seconds. I promise you I am thinking clearly.” 
“You said you used to like me, past tense—” 
“Yeah, I did. Do you believe every single murderer who says he didn’t do it?” 
“No, but—” 
“Have you ever heard the phrase; a drunk man’s words are a sober man’s thoughts?” 
“Of course I have.” 
“Then what more could you possibly need to be convinced that I really like you? I already kissed you! What is stopping you?” 
Another deep breath is taken by him that seems to suck all the air out of the quiet room. Briefly, you wonder if you’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake. If you really do like him so much more than he could ever like you.  
Until he looks back down, eyes so golden-brown in the dim light, so kind and full of affectionate concern as he carefully assesses every square centimeter of your face, looking for... well, you’re not exactly sure what. It’s like he’s extracting every thought from your head, turning them over like sun-warmed stones until he finds what he’s looking for. He smooths his hands over your hair, brushing strands away from your teary face. Finally, after what feels like an eternity of holding your breath, he speaks. 
“I just want you to believe what I believe about you. But I don’t want you to have to rely on me or anyone else for your own self-worth.” 
“Well, don’t you think very highly of yourself,” you tease with a sniffle. He laughs—it's quiet, but his smile is so bright without even trying that suddenly you can’t remember why you’ve ever been sad. The small miracle of his laughter makes you feel so light, and you realize it has nothing to do with the way he makes you feel about yourself. It has everything to do with who he is. 
Once the giggles die down, you tentatively mirror his hold on your face. 
“Spencer, I don’t like you because you like me. I’ve liked you for an embarrassingly long time. I liked you enough that I gave myself a severe hangover at least once a week for three months just so I could have an excuse to flirt shamelessly with you.” 
A half-sad smile pulls at the corner of his mouth, and he gently swipes under your eyes. 
“You never had to do that. I would have welcomed your sober brazen flirting with open arms.” 
“Well... do you believe me?” you plead. His amber eyes shine. 
“I do.” 
“Will you kiss me?” 
“If that’s what you want.” 
You nod, rising on your toes to meet him halfway. 
When your lips meet again, it is sweet, and honest, and slow, and deep. Still, there is no desperation--no race to an imagined finish line, no clash of teeth and pawing hands. It is a kiss for the sake of it—as if it were the greatest intimacy. Not a precursor to sharing a bed, but something bigger than that in and of its own. Something just as worthy and important. For the first time, you think you’re beginning to understand romance. And while you wouldn’t mind if things did escalate, you also know that Spencer knows that’s not what matters right now. Because he actually understands you—he actually cares. He will wait until you understand that you mean so much more than that to him.
To that end, he pulls away, gently supplanting his absence with a kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“It would be polite of me to offer you a ride home, wouldn’t it?” he whispers, like it’s the last thing he wants to do. You bite the inside of your cheek, coming up with reasons not to go. One ridiculous one arises from the depths of your memory that you know he won’t be able to say no to. 
“Or... I could stay here, and we could watch one of those nerdy foreign films you’re always talking about?” 
A slow, perfect, high-watt smile blossoms on his face, and you know you’ve said exactly the right thing. 
“Nerdy? Oh, my darling girl... Soviet-era filmography is far from nerdy. небесная машина will completely defy what you thought you knew about the life of an average Russian villager in the 1950’s.” 
“Oh, good. Because I’ve really been meaning to change the way I think about the average 1950’s Russian villager,” you smile, already closing in to kiss him again. 
Three hours later, you’re crying because the life of the average Russian villager in the 1950’s was so much worse than you’d previously thought. 
“It was good, right?” Spencer asks as the credits roll over a bleak snowy sepia landscape, leaning back to get a better look at you. You sit up from where you’d been leaning against him, furiously wiping your eyes. 
“It was terrible! Why didn’t you tell me that everyone except the kid dies in the end?!” 
“Because that’s the whole point of the movie!” he laughs, pulling you back into him. “I’m sorry. I probably should have explained how depressing this entire era of film was outside of the US.” 
“And also how long the movies were. I was not prepared for how many five minute long clips of empty fields there were going to be.” 
“You’re right,” he ammends, wrapping his arms around you in a way that gives you butterflies and makes you sleepy at the same time. “Next time we can watch whatever you want to watch.” 
Time passes like that—you in his arms, watching weak light slowly flood the room with half-lidded eyes and listening to the sounds of the city waking up from the street below, underscoring the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Thoughts float by like leaves on the ever-flowing current of your mind, and you’re happy to let them pass until one in particular catches your attention. 
He hums, like he’d been deep in his own proverbial river of thought. 
“What does pulchritude mean?” 
It takes him a split second to remember the bit of conversation from earlier to which you are referring, but when he does, he chuckles, running his hand over your messy hair. 
“Don’t worry about it.” 
And so you let it float away. 
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imwetforyourmom · 2 months
hi can u do headcannons (or a fic idm) of like people pleaser!reader and bf!matt who like stands up for her or tells people off on her behalf?
I really hope this makes even the slightest bit of sense
thank you so much, I love ur writing sm🤍🫶🏼
people pleaser!reader x matt headcannons!
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(I have never done hcs ever, so if its bad thats mb, also I didnt know if you wanted nsfw but I js didnt bc I dont rllt know how to nsfw people pleaser x matt but if tou want me to retry it dont hesitate to ask!!)
warnings: angst, swearing
a/n: I dont rlly know how to write people pleasers and such so thats why its short, but I can try again if you’d like, I also love this idea, thank you anon!! <33
- the second someone pushes you around and or walks all over you hes quick to shut it down.
“alright listen man, it was one thing when you told her to fuck off, but telling her to shut the fuck up is another. I need you to leave.”
- when matt notices that someone is using you to their advantage or even notices you going out of your way to please them on several occasions hes getting it done and over with, quick.
“okay. enough y/n, come sit with me. you dont need to do everything for that asshole, k?”
^ he made sure to say it extra loud so the guy heard what matt had said about him.
- after matt had told someone off for being rude to you, you sat down next to him with your head hung low and your eyes filled with tears of guilt.
“baby, whats wrong?” he asked, his arm coming over to your back and rubbing your shoulder.
“that wasnt nice of you to yell at him.. look at him, I feel guilty now.” you spoke, your voice slightly shaky as you motioned to the man whom was anxiously biting his lip with his mouth closed shut, after matt had told him to keep it shut.
“it also wasnt nice of him to yell at you and call you names, was it?” he grumbled, just looking at the guy made him angrier, especially knowing you felt bad for him.
- “no, no, if you want me to. I can!” you spoke, a soft smile on your face as you talked to the girl infront of you, in which the girl had a smirk on her face, catching onto your patterns.. doing anything for the sake of pleasing her.
matt, on the other hand, stood behind you and glared at the girl, his jaw clenching with pure irritation. matt cleared his throat, trying to get the girls attention. and once her eyes met his he brought his hand up and flipped her off.
- in ways of showing you he wasnt happy with what you were doing he’d do subtle motions with his hands or look at you a certain way. you’ve learned that his jaw clenched tightly shut and his eyes glaring at you, then a quick look at the person you were currently giving your everything, is a way of him indicating he wanted you stop what you were doing.
- watching you adapt someone elses personality to try and seem more approachable and less weird truly angers him, despite knowing he cant do anything about it. he feels you should know that you’re perfect just the way you are and dont need to be accepted by everyone, they should like you for who you are.
- “oh..” you mumble, your head hung low as somone insults you and your interests. you cant say anything nor do anything, its not in your nature. you just have to sit there and take it, in fear of disappointing them. and since matt wasnt with you, there wasnt any way in stopping the next few minutes of being insulted.
later that day, when you come home your cheeks are tear-stained, you have mascara running down your cheeks and your breathing is uneven.. theres no way in hell you’re hiding this from matt. you take gentle steps as you walk to his room, slowly pushing his door open and taking small sniffles.
with hearing the door creak open matts lips turn into a grin, that is, until he lifts his head up to the sight of you, looking like you just bawled for hours on end. he quickly tosses his phone on his bed and walks over to you, engulfing you in his arms. already knowing what was going on he didnt ask anything, instead just comforted you.
- “ok! im fucking tired of your shit dude! you’ve been bossing, walking all over her, degrading and just overall being a total dickhead to her!” matt yelled, finally getting enough of this kid being rude to his girlfriend. he stood up from his chair and walked over to carlos. he stood tall and high infront of him. y/n moved behind matt and grabbed his hand, holding it and lightly squeezing, at an attempt to calm him down.
“matt, baby, its okay. im fine. dont yell at him.” y/n whispered, your voice quiet as you spoke. you avoided eye contact with carlos. “no, its not okay! hes being a total asshole to you, y/n. you dont deserve to be treated like that.” he turned around to face you. his voice no longer being loud as he spoke with sincerity towards you.
- you being treated rudely didnt always end up with him yelling at someone. when he wasnt fuming with anger, he would grab your hand and hold it, rubbing his thumb gently over your skin, then pull you into him, in a sense of protection and to tell you ‘enough’ without speaking.
- matt would act almost immediately when he even sees the beginning signs of you starting to act and do everything possible for the person you’re talking to. he would lean down in your ear and mumble quietly, “relax, my love.”
- again, he would make sure to be extra loud about shit talking someone when calling you over to him just to make sure that they know what matt thinks of them.
“cmon baby, that poor excuse of a friend doesnt deserve you.”
“hes being an asshole, my love. dont suck up to him.”
@luverboychris @chrissturniolosfavoritesexdoll @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07 @genshin-addict @mels22lunchbox @ssilentzom @haunted-headset @dollyspsychoxo @sturnib-tch @b2cute @livvy4realll @graysturns
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lueurjun · 10 months
neighbours to lovers! jake sim.
neighbour!jake x reader! in which jake sim has been in love with you from the minute he set his eyes on you. thank u so much for your support<3
dead. cant breathe.
his family and your family obviously know each other well
and i see his house as being ‘the spot’ during your childhood where all the neighbourhood kids used to play
he had these monkey bars in his backyard that everyone always wanted to play on
but jake always made sure you got to go on them first
brace yourselves
are you braced?
i’m not sure you’re braced
i know!! so cute right?
fighting back tears rn
you were only eleven so you didn’t really think much of it. he was your first kiss and you were fine with that
jake on the other hand?
he still thinks about it
in fact, that’s one of the scenarios he thinks of to help him get to sleep
boy is hopelessly in love
and everyone knows it too
like he denies it but everyone just knows
because he will drop anything just to do you the smallest favour
“hey jake, are you busy? i could really use your help watering my parents flowers?”
jake, who is in fact busy, “nope. not at all. never. give me that watering can.”
i repeat: w h i p p e d
cant blame him tho. you’re the embodiment of warmth, the personification of excellence. you are simply amazing.
i got more rizz that jake just sayin… ;D
despite knowing you for so long, he still gets all tongue tied whenever you’re around
and you’re just clueless
a perfect little dumbass
no matter how many times your family and friends — and even HIS family and friends — try to tell you, you’re convinced he’s just being friendly
because boys like jake don’t like people like you
you’re not enough for him. and he’s certainly not attracted to you
keep thinking like that. i dare u. i’m outside of your house. ur perfect! MWAH MWAH. take all my love pls
in true neighbours to lovers fashion, your bedroom window faces his
and sometimes like the little creep that you are, you peek inside of his room to see if he’s there
unbeknownst to you, little jakey poo does the exact same thing
soulmates fr
twins asf
people that creep on each other, end up with each other
i do not condone staring into your crushes bedroom. do not do that. you may get arrested… but if you do send me your mug shot, i bet u look adorable! KIDDING IM TOTALLY KIDDING PLS DONT GET ARRESTED
anywhooo, one particular night you peek into his room
at the exact same time as him
cue that spiderman meme where they’re just pointing at each other
you both just kinda freeze
staring at each other
because now what? you’ve both caught each other out
eventually, you shuffle forward and open your window which coaxes jake to do the same
the confidence comes naturally because it’s only jake, you know him like the back of your hand
tho ur screaming on the inside because a) you’re embarrassed and b) JAKE WAS STARING INTO YOUR ROOM WHICH MEANS HE WAS LOOKING FOR YOU
it’s almost like he’s in love with u or sumn idk
“are you stalking me, sim?”
his cheeks go bright red and he kinda starts spluttering
“i—no. i promise i wasn’t—i-“
well. that was disappointing. you kinda hoped he’d keep up with your flirty banter
“it’s okay jake, i was doing the same thing.”
honest icon. you truly can do no wrong
even more spluttering. even more blushing
bro loves stalkers. IM KIDDING ILY
anyways there’s something about the atmosphere
and to jake, it just seems right to say what’s on his mind
which leads to him sitting with his feet hanging out of the window and the darkest shade of red on his cheeks
“i still think about that kiss.”
did u hear me scream?
your mind goes blank
because what tf does that mean?
the kiss?? THE KISS? THE FIRST KISS???
he can’t look you in the eyes, choosing to fiddle with his fingers instead
and you just stand there dumbfounded
bby talk to him before i lose my mind
when you don’t say anything, jake scrambles back into his room which kinda snaps you out of your trance
his fingers are itching to close the window
“i’m kinda upset that you’ve never come back for seconds”
i literally have a lambo and nine mansions
marry me rn
now it’s jakes turn to be speechless
“oh.” 🧍🏻
this is painful. it’s 5:30 am rn cut me some slack
you have this poor boy breaking out into a rash from stress
and it worsens when you grab your coat and demand for him to meet you outside
like the true gentleman, he doesn’t leave you waiting long and almost falls flat on his face trying to get through the door
what a loser. i love him
he shuffles towards you, hands in his pockets and a look that says he’s absolutely terrified
are you gonna slap him? tell him you never want him to speak to you again?
“look, i’m sorry if i overstepped—“
“are you gonna give me my kiss i’ve been waiting for or not?“
it’s then that he notices that you’re both in the exact same spot as you were all those years ago when the first kiss happened
literally giggling and kicking my feet rn
“a-are you sure?”
and those are the exact words he uttered the first time too
he was as nervous as he was back then, perhaps even more so this time around
because this isn’t an innocent childhood kiss
you’re grown now. it’s different
in true y/n fashion, you start to lose patience
so you trust your gut and you grip onto his shirt, tugging him closer giving you the perfect chance to collide your lips with his
jake’s hands waft around in stress until they finally settle on your waist and he gains enough confidence to pull you somewhat closer to him
i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend. i don’t want a boyfriend.
the kiss is a thousand times better than the first
it's passionate and sentimental, full of longing and tenderness. it’s everything and more.
pulling away is almost a chore as you rest your head against his.
“i could get used to that.”
jake goes to respond, a breathless chuckle ghosts your lips when suddenly a wolf whistle cuts through the street
sunghoon, the neighbour across the street who also happens to be jake’s best friend, is leaning out of his window.
that definitely should have ruined the moment but you were far too wrapped up in the bliss of having jake so close to you, that nothing could ruin the happiness you felt
not even sunghoon and his idiocy.
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bebe-writes-stuff · 5 months
Omgg hii i love love love ur page and ive been following for a while now yea😻 and i wanted to request a fic about Ran Haitani’s gf cooking something for him and he is NOT leaving her aline and it kind of a turns into a chaotic yet sweet moment🤭🤭 Its absolutely okay if u dont want to and u can just ignore this its okay i just wanted to ask anyways!!
Of course babes, I love you guys sm
Ran x reader, Chaotic but sweet love
It was always,
Hey, I got this for you.
I Thought you'd look cute in this so I got it.
Those reminded me of you so I ordered them.
It was his love language, you found yourself surrounded with gifts from Ran. He didn't think twice before buying you something that made you smile. It was always worth it, the way you smiled and your eyes lit up at the sight. The way you would giggle before saying,
"Gosh, Ran, where am I gonna put all of this? I barely have space in my room. You're so adorable baby, thank you."
The way he would melt like an ice cream on a summer day, at your words. After that he'd buy you more gifts just so you can baby him and cuddle him. It was his favorite thing in the world. He loved sleeping but you know what's even better. Sleeping beside you and holding you. But, you needed to surprise him with something also. It couldn't be just him giving and never receiving any special event in return, right?
So, your first idea is to make him breakfast in bed! After sneaking out of bed, making sure to be extra quiet so as not to wake him up. You quietly sprinted to the kitchen to start on your surprise which unfortunately, didn't last long. Womp Womp
You were in the kitchen for quite some time, before Ran started to notice his empty bed and lost warmth. He moves his hand around searching for you, he huffs and puffs when he realizes he woke up in a bed without you. Throwing the covers to the side and setting up, he stretched and then it hit him, he smelled something...was something burning?
Before you could do something, anything, you heard fast footsteps coming near you. You feel disappointed and downhearted when you realize what had started out as a cute surprise to repay your awesome boyfriend turned into an almost death by fire case on the news this morning.
"Y/n, what the hell is going on?" He sighed, still drowsy, as he put the fire out. He looked groggy and tired. You didn't mean to wake him up in such a bad way,
Despite your attempt to seem fine, the subtle quiver, an involuntary tremor that betrayed your underlying emotions. "Ran, I'm sorry. I just can't do anything right, can I."
That seemed to snap him out of it. With a compassionate gaze, he approached you, wrapping her arms around you in a warm, protective embrace. The world faded away as the strength of the hug conveyed both solace and understanding. In that simple gesture, words became unnecessary, and the shared warmth offered a comforting haven.
"I just wanted to make you breakfast in bed, I didn't mean to wake up in such a horrible way, I'm really sorry." You muttered as you managed to say between short breaths and sniffles.
"You're so sweet." He leaned in, your lips meeting for a swift dance, It was a quick, stolen moment filled with the electricity of shared desire.
"Do you want me to help you? Can we make it together?" He suggested, cupping your face gently and squishing your cheeks.
You nodded, rubbing your eyes and sniffling one last time.
Some time later, you've come to regret ✨cooking with ran ✨ because what you didn't realize was Ran couldn't take anything seriously.
"Y/n, catch!" Ran who was Grinning mischievously, and his eyes sparkled with cheekiness as he threw you the eggs.
'Wait, NO!" You couldn't catch them in time earning a beautiful Picasso painting on your wall made of...eggs. your eye twitches involuntarily, a tiny but visible sign of growing irritation.
"Ran, get the fuck out." your brows furrowed, and a subtle scowl etched across your face as irritation took hold and you grabbed a wooden spoon.
"I'll give you until the count of three." You threatened,
He leaned against the fridge, a playful smirk on his face,
"No ♡"
You chucked the wooden spoon, earning a laughter from ran, that echoed, injecting a playful vibe into the atmosphere, turning even the mundane into a delightful game. Your awful aim didn't grant you any luck either, as the wooden spoon hit the milk carton causing it to splatter all over the floor.
"Fucking hell, that was too good, you should've seen your face...also you're totally gonna clean this up." He deadpanned when his laughter died out.
"Kiss my ass." You instantly replied.
"Heh, sure thing baby. You do have a nice backside." He winked, receiving your raised hand with a swift and deliberate motion, of flicking him off.
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born-in-hell · 2 months
Ive been seeing lots of opinions on the QSMP admin situation here, after both Dapper and Pomme resigned and Quackity's statement, and i feel like some things should be said:
Firstly, yes, the abusive higher ups are to blame, immensely. But Quackity, as the CEO, is not free of responsibility. Not being involved, at all, with such an immense project, as the head of it all, is honestly so insane.
(I genuinely believed he didn't participate on the QSMP as a player because he worked so much behind the scenes, and it's unbelievable to me how he lied to us all.)
We must remember this is his project. With his name. He won awards and recognition worldwide because of it. He has so much to lose with all this situation. Money, reputation, friends.
Lets remember the admins have nothing to lose, at this point. They have no reason to cover things up or lie, unlike the Quackity Studios higher up team.
Now, about the statement he made last night.
The "legal reasons" — despite being a coherent explanation for not telling us, the audience, anything — arent an excuse for completely ghosting his employees. In fact, communicating actively with the people that work for him, could avoid him a lawsuit.
The leaks are not an excuse for not communicating w his employees. Keep in mind, Léa only came out because of the lack of communication. If Quackity had dealt with this stuff internally — as he should've done — Léa wouldn't have gone public in the first place.
Grouping all these people — the exploited and tired workers and the disappointed fans — into mere "haters" and saying they all just want the project to fail and to ruin Quackity's image is a really bad faith statement. Either he does not understand the situation (which is, imo, still really bad for him as the owner and CEO) or he just wants to discredit every and all criticism.
I can bet u every single admin in there put their heart and soul into the project. Their 2023 was defined by the project. They withstood way too much just so the project and Quackity's image would be protected, that's why we never heard about any of the exploitative conditions they worked under until Léa came out.
Most — if not all — of the admins signed up bc they love the QSMP, and wanted to help make it the best it could be.
But everyone has a limit. And this was theirs.
This might not be the end of the QSMP. But how will it hold up to what it was, without the eggs, the fun NPCs, the french, and Bad? I dont know.
About the Union:
Not emailing Quackity and waiting for him to contact them is certainly one of the decisions ever made. I don't quite understand the logic behind it, to be honest. It's not illegal, as far as i know, and i don't know how common that is, despite believing it's not very.
And i don't believe we should hold Quackity entirely responsible for not talking to them. Although, someone, like Aypierre, or Bad, or Antoine, or anyone else that has access to him and knows about the Union's involvement, must've told him.
Or not, we don't know.
And about the statement being public, i believe it was intentional. It's a public threat to him. They don't merely want to sue Quackity Studios, they want us, the fans, to know why they want to sue and that they are going to sue if they can't reach an agreement.
They are mobilizing the audience.
If that's a good move or not, judge it yourself.
I just believe not holding Quackity accountable for his decisions, as the owner of the company is wrong. And holding him accountable is not the same as hating the project.
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narwhalandchill · 24 days
spicy take incoming but i kinda wish ppl werent so desperately attached to and protective of this moniker of Great Big Brother 100% Perfect So True And Real when it comes to childe bc honestly. he really isnt (perfect or even that good at times) and to me acknowledging the ways both he and his family (for enabling him) are in some ways kinda just. doing teucer incredibly dirty in the long term but only with the best of intentions in the short term is so much more interesting than just pretending hes a flawless brother?? like it only adds to the drama and irony of it all man like theyre rly so dysfunctional as a family unit its great. even if hoyos likely never exploring that shit in its true depth it still lives rent free in my head for sure lol
like. you rly dont have to turn ajax into some sort of unfeeling uncaring monster of a shit brother to acknowledge that he does, in fact, repeatedly make incredibly reckless and selfish choices during his SQ with teucer and in general by choosing to obstruct the truth of who he is from lil bro so completely?
like this stuff can be nuanced and coexist with his absolutely 100% genuine commitment to protecting teucers bubble of a worldview (and w the theme of childlike dreams and wishes being so prevalent in general who knows what could be cooking w that one in particular) and his loyalty and love for his family without just having to whitewash the dumb shit he does lmao
like just bc hes capable of and willing to face the potentially grave repercussions of absolute bangers (🙄🙄) like teaching an actual fucking child to consider ruin machines fun besties and 100% insta ready to fuck himself up by protecting teucer at the cost of aggravating his still-unhealed injuries from the liyue AQ when dottores abandoned lab turns out to be more lively than expected doesnt. make that choice not a very irresponsible one yall im begging 💀
like. hes the adult here . the entire situation unfolding as dangerously as it does in the factory is Absolutely all on HIM for not being able and/or willing to disappoint teucer by just . Doing the mature thing and sending him away to safety because HES gotten too attached to this idea of being his lil siblings' loyal knight and perfect brother that Always finds a way to surpass the expectations no matter the cost its a role HE wants to keep playing despite the risk
like its So obviously a pride thing for him too and thats so fucking interesting because Of how flawed and questionable the logic is!! like yes he truly cares about teucer and ensuring he has a great unforgettable time during this impromptu escapade in liyue like thats not up to debate but the point im trying to make is that the choices he makes are Still very much intertwined with his ego and overconfidence and not really based all that much on Whats Actually The Best Approach Here. he improvises a way to give teucer the best mr cyclops outing he has ever seen bc HE wants to be the one offering him that experience and ends up biting off a bit more than he can chew and he can only blame himself for that one and This Isnt Fucking Sustainable
like i dont think that makes him evil but i do think it showcases his arrogance and flaws in a very concrete way and is a part of why calling him a perfect brother or at least one without an asterix just. rubs me off wrong lmao
like idk feel free to keep calling him that if its important to u and all if u want idc (and i do to some extent get why this defensive narrative of insisting hes great no issues at all emerged bc i remember 1.1 some ppl acting like hes childcare satan for how he treats teucer lol) but. at least like . Be willing to chip in to fund the therapy teucers going to need for those lifelong trust issues in the future man 💀
Bc Thats The Other Thing. now tonia and anthon i dont consider a part of this bc at least they Know hes in the fatui and hiding the gory details of ur harbinger job from ur baby sibs is like. fair enough and reasonable. but. crafting an Entire different AU version of yourself and feeding it to your baby brother as what constitutes actual reality surely is a choice of all times like ajax ily but genuinely . What the fuck if you were real id throttle you
AND HIS FAMILY ENABLING IT THE ENTIRE TIME ITS CRAZY LIKE. As a person with multiple siblings both older n younger with some similar age gap cohorts involved. God id snitch so fucking fast i dont think ppl rly stop and think much abt how objectively horrifying this shit is from teucers long term pov 😭 in the best way obviously given its fiction like its so scrumptiously awful and dysfunctional .
(& just in general man im just so obsessed with the way ajax 14 basically broke the eggshell of his past life and emerged to rise towards his destiny drowned in the guts and gore of the place and people and community he once called home unconditionally. Bro he fucked that town UP and now his family relations will never ever be the same its so fucking Delicious. those 3 days missing and what followed are just Actually a literal fucking horror movie when you stop blindly stanning our ginger menace, forget ajax' side and take the pov of his family and morepesok in general Why Are People Not Talking About This)
like. its not that i dont understand Why this is sth childe ended up doing as i said Thats The Point. its human. teucer is the only one in the family who wasnt there during that fateful 3 days/months . Like yea anthon and tonia were prolly sheltered from most of the carnage back then too but they still Know where he was sent when he became literally uncontrollable and almost killed the neighbors (everybody & their mom loves demonizing his parents as if his demon spawn ass left them a fucking choice JFEJSJSJSKDKS) . like its at least Known.
but then theres teucer.
And like. teucers the Only one with whom ajax can even pretend to have that delusion (ha) of normalcy and a family that hasnt seen him gaze into the abyss and stare back bloodied and grinning ear to ear . like. hes the only shot childe can have at even playacting some crude imitation of normalcy before Everything and even That comes with an expiration date hes fully aware of. so theres just lies after lies after lies and the fact that even his family just. if not actively partaking in the charade then at least silently allows the entirety of it to happen to teucer whos the Only fucking one out of the loop is just..... dude its not fair on him At All
Misleading teucer THIS much is just. its fucking horrible man but i GET it. thats why its so delicious man i GET it but god its just . imagine being teucer in this situation.... thats his entire fucking World shattered once the truth comes out. Everyone close to him has been lying to him his entire time. They all knew and they let him be misled. Like sure he might be happier Now with ajax dutifully protecting that childhood dream of his but after that. Just. sit on this for a bit. after everything do we Really think teucers just going to understand why it came to be and see it as worth it???? Will he really????
yet at the same time as awfully cruel it all is its just So human!!!!! Its so human of both ajax and his family to use the innocence of the only child that was spared the aftermath of worlds best/worst 3 month abyss training camp to indulge in this flawed false reality where their third son didnt walk into the void and come back hungry for More until only the fatui could take him and even then it only spurred him on further on that path. Like its all an act and a lie and its just. Not fucking fair on teucer but hes still doing it and theyre letting him even tho they Know it wont last theyre all looking teucer in the eye every day and letting him believe like man....
like in both the entire ruin factory sequence And in general hiding the truth from teucer as extensively as childe does hes being incredibly selfish but at the same time its selfishness only rly in the way all people are when it comes to Wanting to be seen a certain way by the ones they love and care about. and thats what makes it so interesting. bc as much as the choices he makes are dubious (or like. this decision makes sense to him. a morally bisexual total omnivore ethics-wise narwhalpilled since 14 who sees exclusively in abyss shrimp colors and acts accordingly) both they and the motivations behind them are also just. So very human ones . as terrible as the implications and eventual inevitable downfall of those choices can (will) be.
like. is it not that much more fascinating to consider all the ways that childe is neither a particularly exemplary nor an egregiously bad brother just one that. Happens to be wired weird in the head and proud and flawed and with a track record of heavily suspect decision-making but that also very much genuinely loves his family man. Like i can love that about him without dismissing the fact that theres parts to how hes treating teucer that 100% can and imo rly should backfire horrifically bc. It really just is that fucked up
hes not a good brother hes Worse AMD better than that and also not alone in this like. his family is an active fucking part of this . But like still . Is he trying his best with his abyss shrimp colored vision ? Yes. Is his love genuine? Absolutely. What are the marks? 3/10 meet me in the office after class mister youre just actually horrible (affectionate) 😭
A perfect brother? Not My Ajax man 🗣🗣 and like theres SO MUCH to explore in that it makes me so sad you just. Never see any of it p much in fanworks bc we all just call him best bro and whatever and thats that like its so sad. this family is terrible horrible awful and no good and they deserve it but also didnt deserve it it was misfortune it was fate it was inevitable . justice for teucer man i need to get him in therapy asap
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evelili · 12 days
As an immigrant child, your new fic had resonated with me. It made me tear up eating dinner with my family.
When Saffron said, “This selfish desperation to know that I haven’t lost my connection to my home." It instantly took me back to being constantly teased by my friends for not being 'in tuned' with my culture like how they were, or how I desperately tried speaking in my native tongue with my parents, despite having a very clear american accent and them constantly assuring me that speaking in english is fine. My grandmother had passed earlier this year, she was the grandparent that I knew the least. I started asking about her from her sisters as my mother isn't in the state to answer anything, I've tried so hard to pick up the pieces of what her sisters have told me to construct an image of her personality. She used to constantly ask me to call her so when I read about Saffron talking about how video calls have were never the same and never enough, it hit me like a load of bricks.
Your fanfiction is so tremendously beautiful in describing the feelings I have felt all my life. How I know that where I am right now isnt home, but my actual home has been so unfamiliar after my grandmothers passing. I have constantly felt like I have disappointed her, so when Sunset confessed to the same thing, I couldn't hold my emotions in anymore. The ending with Saffron talking about how she would be waiting for Sunset to come home if she was her mother made hope that was true with me and my grandmother, if I were to ever reunite with her again when I pass away myself.
Thank you so much for writing this story. It was the most comfortable yet intense stories I have ever had the blessing to read. I am sorry for rambling and I hope this entire message makes some sort of sense? I hope whatever you're dealing with gets solved to the way you have hoped it would.
You have also made me see dal in a new light, it was never a food that I used to like, but I am willing to give it another shot lol
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i looked at this ask earlier and had to take some time to process how to respond to this. i think tho i still dont really know how to, so i hope thats ok!
first of all, thank you so much for being comfortable enough to tell me ur story. it really means a lot that you would open up to me, a stranger, and the fact that you did so bc something i made had an impact on u quite actually moved me to tears. im a bit of a soggy mess rn lol. thank you again, truly.
second, i want to express my empathy for you and your situation with your grandmother. my grandad passed away before i could graduate, and it was during the height of lockdowns, so i hadnt seen him in a while. i didnt go to visit him in the hospital, so theres always this feeling of "what if i had called more? what if i had tried harder to visit? what if i spent more time with him?" that doesnt really go away. and, as a kid of 2 immigrant families, i can also really empathize with feeling a disconnect from your culture--when ur not surrounded by ur parents culture but u also visibly dont look like ur "from" the one u were raised in, it can feel really alienating, even though you havent done anything except just. exist in this sort of inbetween?
all of this i guess is to say that, i put a lot of my own experiences into this fic. and it's almost relieving in a way to know that u saw what i put there, and that this experience is something that other people have felt as well. thank you so very much again for reading ;v;
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ge · 10 months
what do you like about rotmhs? like what draws you in?
GAHH IM SO GLAD YOU ASKEDDD at the top of my head thhe top three things i felt really drew me into and made me fall in love w rotmhs is the found family/bonds before blood narrative, the action/fight scenes, and the comedy..
rotmhs is not a romance and i feel like that really pushes people away from reading it, especially folks who were first introduced to east asian novels through bl (specifically mxtxs novels like mdzs tgcf etc etc) which i feel is incredibly disappointing because yallre missing out on a certain depth of writing and nuance you otherwise wouldnt get in a romance focused novel. (orv is another extremely popular knovel with no romance.. if you like orv PLEASE give rotmhs a shot)
rotmhs is about a dead man resurrected a hundred years into the future having to come to terms w the fact that everyone he loved is dead and that the only home he ever had was destroyed, its inhabitants and centuries worth of teachings burned to the ground, and that it was partially his fault these things happened, so in order to prevent a future catastrophe he knows is on the horizon, he trains the youth of this new generation and finds a new home surrounded by ghosts in the wreckage of his home of his past
⬆️…very dramatic but somewhat accurate barebones synopsis of rotmhs which is fairly faithful enough methinks.. rotmhs doesnt make a point of going ‘heyy these guys are family nowww theyre brothers and sisters and love each other like familyyy’ LOL the growth is very subtle and before u can really blink ur like ‘oh man.. chung myung would kill for these kids. obliviously though. i dont think he knows he even likes them’ all the while hes still aching w the loss of his loved ones before.. if we’re being really really honest chung myung, the mc, truly is the star of the show and a character i got attached to incredibly quickly.. hes so stupid but so smart he has so many issues i want to hit him with my car then nurse him back to health just to hit him again
chung myung himself is a whole other thing i could get into but he has so many layers.. so much depth.. on the surface ud look at him and think what a punk but look a little closer and then ud think oh this punk has depression ptsd survivors guilt hallucinations etc etc LIKE DAMN.. I THIUGHT HE WAS JUST A FUNNY LITTLE GUY WHYD I GET SUCKER PUNCHED
what was i even talking about. OH right romance. please please dont let the lack of romance dissuade you, imo it is soooo refreshing to read something that isnt focused on romance like i love yaoi like the next bl reading bitch but damn.. ive always been into found family and while the bl novels i have read did always have a little hint of it, i always wanted more and rotmhs fills that void
(that being said i cant stop yall from shipping if yall want LOL im guilty of shipping charas too despite everythiing i just said… if yall want yalls yaoiyuri fix may i direct yalls attention to the ‘doomed by the narrative, tragic best-friends-to-almost-lovers tangchung’ & ‘love at first sight sweethearts iseolsoso’ ….. :SMILES: I LOVE TANGCHUNG..!!!!!!)
NEXT, the action and fight scenes in rotmhs, even in written text form, are sublime to say the least.. my fail cis dudebro trait is that i love crazy insane adrenaline rushing heart pumping shounen-esque battles so much that i could typically care less for the rest of that specific piece of media as long as the fights are good.. FORTUNATELY FOR ME rotmhs is crazy good at balancing its comedy, action, and otherwise more ‘mundane’ scenes together so harmoniously that its such fun read even when theres no swords crossing or heads being beaten in
also important to note, despite being a knovel w korean naming of characters/places, rotmhs actually takes place in ancient china in a wuxia setting so jumping head first into it wont be all that confusing for first time readers/cmedia fans and u can use ur knowledge of cnovels to fill in the gaps.
theres not really much more i have to say on the topic of fighting, im just personally a huge fan of the crazy spectacles rotmhs brings to the table.
saved this for last but THE COMEDY…!!!!!!!! after being soo dramatic w all my previous points and comments ur probably thnkng rotmhs is heavy and somber w no breathing room.. WELL YOURE WRONG. ROTMHS IS FUNNY AS HELL quips and jokes and simple funny actions and scenes litter nearly every page. i mentioned this novel balances its action and comedy well and im NOT LYING youd think maybe the heavy action and light comedy would awkwardly clash but u cldnt be more further from the truth.. rotmhs wears action and comedy like a pair of twin gloves
rotmhs handles its action and comedy in equal doses and it all fits together like matching puzzle pieces, like i really cant stress enough how fun it is to read. not every fight scene is somber, most of the time its chung myung oneshotting someone by hitting them across the head so hard they pass out..
unfortunately im not really the best at listing instances so its be better for u to go read it for urself but this scene from one of the later chapters is soo funny every time i read it i start giggling
(LIGHT/MINOR SPOILERS FOR THE NOVEL it probably doesnt even matter u wont even remember this when u start reading)
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right so i think thats most of it.. too lazy to read through everything i just wrote so if nothing makes sense… well. …well!
rotmhs deserves to have the same amount of fame as ORV and MDZS and TGCF have and it is my civil duty as one of the oldest mxtx novel outlets on tumblr to put yall on it..
my thumbs hurt from typing so im done now but if u have anymore questions PLEASE ASK IM SO DESPERATE TO TALK ABOUT ROTMHS ok byyyeeeeeeee
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
beach day episode mekakushi dan. which ones dont know how to swim??? (obligatory seto and momo joke) AND/OR who is afraid of the water?
HMMMM well of course seto and momo are afraid of it. i think they try to shrug it off and do a lot of Sand Activities ignoring that they're afraid. momo takes a bazillion selfies at the shore and screams when she gets splashed. i think guys like takane and kano would be a threat to them bc they have the Water Guns and now The Water Is On Ground and it freaks them out❤️
i think hibiya&hiyori are great swimmers idk why. i think theyre the kinda kids to spend every single summer at the beach, so they give WATER DOMINATING lessons to seto and momo, to get over their fear and also teach them to swim.
ayano kido and kano are fine in the water i think the tateyamas for sure had summer vacations at the beach ❤️ its not seto's first time in the beach, he probably used to stay on ground back then too.
oh u asked who would be afraid. ERMMM other than seto and momo i dont think anyone's scared. as for who doesn't know how to swim, mary. mary definitely never went to the beach or even a pool like Man i get so emotional with mary bc she never ever went anywhere in her life, and then when she moved in with the mekatrio she is also described as a shut in. but despite that she isn't unwilling to go out and was super excited about the amusement park, and there she was SUPER serious about visiting every single attraction... so personally i think that despite she's described as a shut in (kido and kano probably didnt go out a whole bunch either) i like to think the 4 of them went places together. not like the beach or even a restaurant but they probably have gone to a park and stuff idk
anyways that said, mary is suddenly seeing in real life things she's only seen in pictures/tv and read of!!! imagine her first time seeing the OCEAN!!!! thats gotta be so exciting!!! considering her attitude she'd be totally over the moon and would wanna learn how to swim IMMEDIATELY. tbh she'd be clumsy but probably has a pool float yknow the ones that are like a donut and ur inside chilling and playing from there. i think thats what she'd do!!! shes disappointed seto can't join in and that rly motivates him to try to get in the water. if he doesn't manage she definitely comes out the water to build sand castles with him and take a walk to pick up seashells :3
others who can't swim are a classic. shintaro and haruka. I'd also say takane but while i do think she was mostly kept away from sports and stuff i THINK takane Can swim, i don't think she skipped swimming lessons during elementary/middle school. so she's like. Ok at it. she's also rly excited about water guns and chasing YOU CHASING YOU CHASING YOU CHASING YOU CHASING Y
shintaro on the other hand can't swim, iirc this is canon cuz momo wanted to go on her trip with her dad to learn to swim Super good and then teach shintaro. ofc this didnt happen Lol and we know shintaro is the opposite of a sporty person so yea he also can't swim. in fact i think he just stays off the water and inside the tent with his phone. he hates it here its hot and he has sand in his ass he wants to go home. ayano keeps trying to drag him in the water 💔💔💔 i imagine ayano getting out the water like soaking wet with her hair all sticky and her eyelashes dripping with water like. VERY LITTLE KID ASKING YOU TO PLAY MERMAIDS WITH THEM ENERGY and goes to get shintaro and he's like AUGGHHH AYANO GET OUT YOURE GETTING WATER INSIDE THE TENT and ayano's breathing heavily like COME PLAY
i think shintaro ends up falling on the water on his stomach and face at least once and he's all icky about tasting the salty water. also takane definitely shoots him and he's DEFINITELY wearing a shirt so his shirt gets all soaked and he's so mad about it. on a more wholesome note i think he'd probably start a huge sand castle cuz hes bored and it gets RIDICULOUSLY huge and it looks amazing. people keep gathering to take pics of it. he probably wins some sand castle contest he didn't even know they were holding and makes a bunch of 10 year olds building castles with their dads rly upset
as for haruka. he DEFINITELY never swam😭 but i think haruka is just the kind to dip his feet in the water and sit there like Ah...effervescent..... while wearing a huge fucking hat to protect his paper white skin from the sun. ratio + takane shoots him with water gun + ayano splashes water on him begging him to get in the water. im describing ayano and takane as such menaces to poor haruka and shintaro but i think that's how it'd be. haruka is out of his comfort zone and excited but wants to take it easy, shintaro doesnt wanna be here AT ALL while takane and ayano are like OK WE ARE PLAYING THOUGH :3 SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH
kido can swim but i think they share this sentiment with haruka. they both kinda wanna chill at the shore with their big ass hats is that too much to ask (it is) (everyone attacks them) i think haruka also gets excited abt the water guns eventually. i think he and takane go a little crazy on each other with those. in my vision kano and takane are annoying everyone with the water guns and when kano gets bored and goes do something else haruka takes his place but instead of attacking anyone else he attacks takane. fatal mistake. they both end up like my ayano description from earlier. little kids dripping water after swimming for 2 hours energy. when kido loses their chilling by the shore buddy to takane they probably go see what's up with momo and seto cuz thats their gf and brother they wanna help..
UMMM i kinda talked about everyone even if they could or couldnt swim lol. ayano and kano are left ermmm ayano like i said A fucking menace it is her goal to get everyone in the water at once (except seto and momo cuz she gets it) and she probably wants to do beach volleyball or some shit everyone sucks at later. she's the Game Organizer. probably her idea to go to the beach. and she's playing mermaids with mary so much. SO MUCH
and kano is kinda everywhere i think. he's in the tent bothering shintaro. he's with hibiya and hiyori trying to get momo and seto in the water. he's with takane terrorizing haruka and kido with water guns. he's with mary and ayano playing in the water pretending to be a shark to freak out mary (he cant use deceiving cuz ayano wont let him since anyone else at the beach could get freaked out but he DOES keep going underwater and pinches mary's legs to scare her)
mekakushi dan beach episode❤️
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dollyprincessollie · 7 months
please tell us about avery pokemon i don't know much about him but you post about him a lot
but ask amd u shall receive. i will now be listing off every piece of canon information abt him i can think of. HERE GOES
Avery is a tall, skinny (but he has, and i usually dont like these words together, thick thighs) white guy with long blond hair and like. those creepy kinda icy blue eyes 👁👁
He's a psychic type trainer and minor-division gym leader!!! he's also an ACTUAL psychic, hailing from a long lineage of psychics, and has telekinetic abilities :3 however, telekinesis is the only psychic ability he has, so he's kind of the black sheep of his family
because his family thought of him as a disappointment, he developed a like. superiority complex to compensate for his simultaneous inferiority complex. he's very prideful and even would go so far as to LITERALLY LEVITATE PEOPLE if they won against him in battles. he basically covers up his feelings of inadequacy by flaunting his good qualities, though he's prone to exaggerating them as well. he literally straight up pretends to have psychic visions and literally goes "AVERY TELEPORT" when leaving the area
he initially arrived at the dojo in the isle of armor due to being kicked out of the league as a gym trainer for levitating people 💀 he was kind of an asshole at first but since mustard and honey were so nice to him, he kinda chilled out too. HOWEVER when he met the player character, his Superiority-Inferiority complex kind of came back in full swing. he saw that they were better than them and literally LIED to them to keep them away from the dojo. when they make their way to the dojo, he basically fought tooth and nail to make sure he bested them in all of the trials, going so far as to even cheat during the battle by setting up psychic terrain, giving himself an advantage 😭
after he's beaten, he basically goes tsundere mode and is like. "If Only I Was As Strong As . . . BAH FORGET IT ." and after the player beats mustard, avery like. kind of realizes that he wants to be acknowledged by them. he literally trains alone in the dam desert like "OH SLOWPOKE WE'RE REALLY IN IT NOW .... OH TO BE RECOGNIZED BY YOU-KNOW-WHO...." and from then on u can battle him every day :3
after all this, he becomes the minor-division psychic leader 🫡 hard work DOES PAY OFF
AND NOW FOR SOME MISCELLANEOUS but still canon facts
avery's final team is galarian slowbro, galarian rapidash, swoobat (she's the only girl in his team btw :3), alakazam, and galarian slowking! in the galarian star tournament, he only uses his slowbro, alakazam, and slowking :3
avery (and klara, by extension) has a chance of fighting alongside u in a raid battle on the isle of armor! idk what the exact likelihood is though but they Definitely don't show up with each one but. he still oulls up on occasion o7
in the galarian star tournament, he has special dialogue with mustard, bede, fucking SHIELBERT, marnie, and melony!
it's implied that he's afraid of dark types, considering said special dialogue with marnie is like "🥲 I Do Not Wish To Be On The Field With A Dark Type Trainer, But At Least We Are On The Same Side." becaude of this, it could ALSO be implied that he's afraid of ghost types and bug types, considering that dark, ghost, and bug are all strong against psychic types
according to the manga, he's a little weak and tires easily due to his reliance on his telekinesis
...HOWEVER, his second league card shows him.doing pushups with a whole ass galarian slowbro on his back WITHOUT telekinesis, so despite his low stamina, he can lift at least 155.4 lb
due to his speech patterns, avery seems to have a pretty keen ability to associate things with psychic types, or pokemon in general. he often incorporates different psychic type moves in his speech and talks about people (or, the player, specifically) as if they have like. pokemon natures (bold, quirky, hasty, etc.)
avery strongly values elegance and tries to conduct himself in a very gentlemanly way <3 however, he's not immune to being sassy and definitely will be snooty to someone's face
besides the psychic type uniform, avery's clothing is definitely 19th-century inspired! his hat, cravat, shoes, and socks are definitely inspired by victorian dandyism imo. even his glasses are very victorian
THIS IS ALL I HAVE FOR RIGHT NOW.... this is (almost) every piece of canon info i have abt my sweet booboo bear avery *kisses him*... i can also delve into headcanons but. i thought i would delve into the actual factual stuff
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hwaitham · 9 days
everyone treats boothill like a stray dog — dangerous and aggressive. he bites, and he barks, and exhibits unpredictable behavior. they all say he needs a firm hand to keep him steady. if he misbehaves, he has to be punished and locked up. and he runs away time after time, seeking revenge that others seem to mistake for evilness.
he needed to be like that for survival. he needed to shut his heart down. to replace the feelings with algorithms. the blood with fuel. love with hate. the warmth of his past body with the cold steel of the machine he has become.
but you approach him with tender hands, open palms to let him know that you’re meaning no harm. you are gentle and soft, not answering to the red glances with curses and violence.
you apologise. it makes him confused. for what?
you apologise for the way the world and life have wronged and disappointed him. with growls and suspicion, he moves away from you. but he doesn’t hurt you. he observes. you want to heal his wounds — those that didn’t leave his chest despite him throwing away his heart.
and now he worries. what can he give you in return for your love if his body is empty?
so he keeps calling you “my baby” or “my sweet pea” or “my girl,” lacing every sentence he speaks with the most honeyed endearments towards you, like it’s the only way he can truly show how much you mean to him ♡
i wanted to send this to you but you either had your inbox temporarily closed or tumblr played a trick on me. but now it’s all working again, so i’m not putting this on my blog, but — as intended — leaving you a gift :3 🧴
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what the freaaak ! ! 🥺 non - non ( i know vrie well who u are — so dont think i will let u off that easily :3 ) . . i am so weak to this man that i even started tearing up reading this :C . . . ‘ what can he give you in return for your love if his body is empty ‘ oooo he does not hv to give me anything in return ! ! ! 🥺🥺 waaah i love the whole dynamic of never seeing him as the monster . . not after he’s suffered through so much and stifled his rage for so long 🥺 it’s so sweet n i adore it loads ! ! reminds me of the selfship i hv w him too waaaah ! ! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
this is so pwettie n i will cherish it dearly . . 🥺 still ! i cannot comprehend whatever it is that i did to deserve your kindness litl lotion non - non ! ! n i dont know if i cn thank u enough for writing this ): for me ): as a gift ): i dont deserve it Or you for that matter 🥺 ! ! ooohh non - non , i so sincerely hope all ur days n nights are the sweetest and most peaceful ones . . u only deserve the loveliest and kindest things in the world ! 🌈🍀🤍 i love u so so so much , and rllie truly frm the bottom of my heart — thankyouuuuuuu ! ! ! 🥺🥺
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wildernezz · 3 months
Metal Lords: movie review
summary of plot (no spoilers): a dorky awkward kid named Kevin is friends with this wannabe metalhead named Hunter. they're starting a band together but because of their flaws, their progress fumbles a bit. however, after finding out about their schools Battle of the Bands, they start working to prepare for the contest. as they improve their skills, they also improve their social lives and their own personalities
general thoughts: I GENUINELY LOVED THIS MOVIE SM????? god if youre into movies about a buncha flawed misfit friends then this is definitely a movie i'd recommend. the first few bits are a little awkward because you can kinda feel that the actors are still getting into their roles, but sticking it to the end is ABSOLUTELY worth it. all of the characters were so lovable and it genuinely filled that "i wanna see a movie about people just being people" hole in my heart. i still have no idea how to describe those kind of movies, but i feel like if yknow then youll know.
movies "Metal Lords" reminds me of: Theater Camp, I Used To Be Famous, School of Rock, Love Simon
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in depth but also scattered thoughts bc i cant organize for shit:
I LOVE THE SILLIES SM???? THEYRE ALL MY FAVORITE SILLIES???????? LITERALLY THE ONLY CHARACTER I HATED WAS SKIP (HUNTER'S BULLY), EVERYONE ELSE WAS SO SILLY????? ofc theyre all flawed and there were parts in the movie (especially with hunter) that made me disappointed to see, but the character progression was so satisfying and i loved seeing them all grow. it was genuinely so silly to me i love them all sm
EMILY AND KEVIN WERE SO CUTE TOGETHER???? AND I HONESTLY LOVED EMILY SM??????? JUST IN GENERAL??? LOVED KEVIN TOO BUT MAN I THINK EMILY IS MY FAVORITE. i loved all of her moments sm???? she has a lotta flaws but theyre honestly all reasonable and understandable to me so i kinda just forgive her for them anyways. i also just really love how sweet kevin is to her. like ofc he's not a perfect boyfriend and makes some slipups, but he genuinely really cares about her and i think it's so cute to watch.
i also really loved hunter. like there was a lotta scenes where i wanted somebody to punch him in the face, but he was honestly still lovable even throughout those scenes and he started improving a lot near the end, which was really nice to see. he obviously wasn't completely redeemable since there were still a lot of things he could've done better, but i feel like the fact that he didn't completely become perfect is what made me love his character a lot more. it felt really real to me. he isn't perfect, but he genuinely wants to make up for the shit he's pulled and he's absolutely trying to show it, and isn't that what living's all about anyways? either way, we love hunter in this household <3333
KEVIN'S TIME TO SHINE: that was a lie, i dont have much to say on kevin LMFAO. i absolutely loved seeing him on screen and i just love Jaeden Martell in general, but despite that, there's not really a lot for me to say about him. i just think he's neat. that's enough for me <3333 (emily shouldve been my girlfriend tho smh how dare he /j)
i think thats all i have to say for this movie. either way, PLEAASEE check it out. i swear itll be worth it because the characters honestly all so adorable and so silly goofy goober. we love the silly metal lords here <33333
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crimsonsnippet · 1 year
Ngl I keep hearing Blackbriar songs whenever I think about Idol!Light because he's got Misa's goth aesthetic going on but I can't picture him being completely J-Pop. Does Light sing in a particular genre in the swap au, or is he more focused on the modelling/acting aspect? IS there an acting aspect? And how do Misa and L feel about Light's media creations? 👀👀 Does Matsuda fanboy over Light like he doesMisa in canon?
(Sorry I have so many questions I am far too invested in this AU lol)
HE DOES SING I CORRECTED HIS PROFESSION TO POP IDOL IN THE RELATIONSHIP MAP,, I always imagined light singing songs like Deco*27’s “The Vampire”! if u listen it has a very cutesy upbeat tune but the lyrics.
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are certainly something! upbeat and cutesy but undeniably dirty i think is what he’d go with. I don’t know if there’s an acting aspect! maybe because hes a celebrity of a certain niche, but he’s probably primarily a performer.
as for opinions! Soichiro probably takes it the hardest because he’s a very firm traditional man and he seems to have a hard time grasping things he deems out of the usual even if he accepts it. he would never make light stop, but he is undeniably a little disappointed in him.
Misa actually doesn’t think too much about it, she’s a lot more empathetic than L was as the top detective. She grew up in japan for a while because her parents were killed while they were all on a vacation to england and when they died watari pulled some strings and brought her to wammy’s, so she’s aware how strict japanese culture is and she’s a little blind to light’s maliciousness because she sees herself in him. he’s rebellious because no one seems to understand him and despite being a celebrity his peers think he’s a freak because of his demeanor and personality. overall she feels bad for him, but light is light and thinks her pity is unbearably annoying.
L likely likes him distantly for his open rebellion against people who don’t like the unusual (given the fact he grew up in a japanese orphanage so his oddness often separated him from his peers and made him a target for harassment), but he probably doesn’t pay too much attention to him until light starts dropping hints only another death note user could pick up through his songs or announcements. light would want to find kira, but he would never make as bold a move as misa did, he’s more strategic than that.
I dont know if matsuda is a fan, it’s possible given he’s shown he’s capable of thinking outside the norm, but light is likely very anti-government from the start even if he isn’t openly pro-kira so it could go either way.
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astraystayyh · 6 months
(I will not apologize on my knees with tears u caused me to be unbelievably soft for Hyunjin and now u must suffer the consequences of my overactive imagination but seriously ☹️☹️☹️☹️ him painting on u oml I love him)
I WISH I HAD QUESTIONS FOR U LOL I DONT I JUST WANTED TO SAY ILY LOTS 🫶 and also your latest fic will never let me see an orange the same way again 🥲 I want someone to peel my oranges now (I actually don’t know how to peel an orange 💀)
ok actually one tiny question hehe. I love how u see the members sooooo what’s like one thing u would say u love about Hyune? Yes essays r allowed I wanna hear them all :3 just how would u describe him to someone that has zero idea who he is! Ur fics always make me see the members in different lights and I just wanna see how ur brain sees them in general hehe
AKDJDJJDJD the consequences of my own actions...... (never complaining i LOVE ur scenarios) & ILY TOOOO,, manifesting someone to peel oranges for uuuuu U DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now for ur hyune question wow the deep breath i had to take. u said essays are allowed so. U BROUGHT THIS UPON URSELF
okay if i were to describe hyunjin to someone who doesn't know him I'd say he's brave. I've always believed that it takes immense courage to feel in a world that vilifies you for it. real strength is when you keep on feeling, loving, trusting, even after being hurt, because those are the emotions that make us humans at the end of the day, and to open your heart again, to not give up on seeing the good qualities in people even after being disappointed takes a lot of strength.
it's so easy to hate, to close your heart off because there is nothing to lose in hate, or indifference, you know? but there is so much to lose in love.. sometimes you leave parts of yourself in other's people's lives that you won't be able to recover, since loving someone, whether romantically or platonically, is to blindly hand your soul to them, not knowing if they'll treat it with care or toy with it.
but for hyunjin the risk is worth it. hyunjin saying that he trusts easily, gets hurts easily, but repeats again because isn't that what life is about. hyunjin saying that he always tries to look for warmth in people even after being hurt. hyunjin saying that he doesn't love someone hoping for a good outcome, he doesn't love someone because he knows he won't be hurt but because they're lovable. hyunjin who's still so open about love, who still regards it in a pure manner, who thinks it is the very center of our world, who views the feeling under a good light despite being disappointed. all of these things take so much courage.. that's why i said he's brave
but also since we're on the same topic, and u said essays are allowed AKDJDJ i'd say he's the embodiment of hope, the way he views our world, the way he talks, the way he reassures stays. he feels like sunlight spilling between tree leaves, not fully there to brighten the forest, but enough to infuse you with hope to keep going, to keep seeking the way out of darkness. "there will be an end to the sadness too even if you don't end it" (this one stuck with me because someday you wake up and you haven't really done anything new but suddenly breathing feels easier and you swear you're okay again) "you have to find happiness in your daily life, because if you look for it in ideals then it will become an untainable illusion" like his words aren't like u will be happy always!!!!!! or you will quit being sad this instant!!!!! but more of, happiness will sneak up on you when you least expect it, you just have to meet it in the middle. and i find that very comforting, and hopeful.
i could keep going but i will shut up now. ur words about u loving how i see the members always make me feel very warm :')) thank you i truly love you
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faerune · 1 year
in honor of finally getting nora’s board right have an info dump ☕
grew up in a poor town in the midwest raised by her father
her mother left the family when she was young and neither nora or her father were ever the same again
nora’s father poured all of his attentions into nora and inadvertently put a lot of pressure on her to succeed especially in a very typical way of like you’re going to be a lawyer or doctor or smth and leave me and this whole place behind
nora was never really like...passionate?? about being a lawyer but she was super ambitious and she found success in that field and pursued it
her dad was so proud of her and she eventually moved to NYC for law school
unfortunately, her father took his own life as she “didn’t need him” anymore and had been “holding on” just for her
nora has a very “cold” reaction to her father’s death, like it’s an inconvenience but it’s just...easier for her to deal with it that way? if she thinks about it any other way she’s going to break down and disappoint him
she graduated law school with honors and moved out to LA claiming she was “tired of the cold weather”
BOUGIE BITCH! and kinda has a stick up her ass lmao wants things her way and will tell you straight up
more of a one night stand person, hasn’t really had many serious long lasting romantic relationships
a bit of a party girl off the clock
loves her coffee, lives on it and she takes it black with a sugar
a week or so prior she got a call from australian authorities that her estranged mother had passed and custody to her younger half-sister grace had fallen to her as she was really the only next of kin (grandparents in nursing homes or passed, neither their mother or gracie’s father had siblings)
MAD MAD about being called away from this, treats it kinda like she treated her father’s death: cold and eager to get back to her work
grace is 13 going on 14 when this happens and is very excited to have an older sister but due to nora’s coldness and her own grief they start fighting immediately :’)
nora was in the mid section of 815 while grace had gone to use the bathroom in the tail section when the plane crashed leading to the either to assume the other was dead
gracie is a girl scout and was super helpful to the tail end section while nora was also very capable and adaptive despite her grief re: failing gracie and her prickly, cold exterior (she very much shows she cares sometimes by being like u guys dont know wtf ur doing idiots let me help)
grace and nora eventually reunite and the girls open up to each other slowly but surely. grace really likes how capable nora eventually considers her <3
nora eventually sacrifices herself so grace is able to get off the island with the oceanic six (seven now i guess) while nora spins through time on the island but she’s happy because she finally felt like she did something right for someone she loves SNIFF
nora and sawyer eventually strike up a lil fwb but definitely more situation during their time in the 70s
grace returns with the rest of the squad and now she’s 16 :’) growin up so fast!!!
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