#uggghhhhhh i want to write so bad!!!!!!
thepixelelf · 5 months
Jun healing soulmate au (your soulmate's touch heals wounds) where he's a mixed martial artist who met you when both of you already had partners (it's pretty rare in this universe to find one's soulmate, so dating/marrying non soulmates is commonplace) and so you both agreed to not pursue anything. Then, a while after Jun's broken up with his previous partner, he starts showing up at your place with little bumps n bruises, sometimes scrapes. You don't really understand why he needs you for these, and you tell him as much, but he just shrugs you off and stays relatively quiet until he leaves before your partner comes back from wherever they are. After that, the injuries start becoming more serious (he's scared you'll turn him away if you think he doesn't need you but you don't know that), and you're starting to get a little concerned about his job, but he still doesn't talk much during his visits, so you have to fill the empty space. It turns out that your current partner has slowly started to become abusive, though you don't call it that when you complain about them. Since it's not physical (it's mostly emotional and financial) and this is your first experience with a partner like this, you don't recognize the signs right away. Neither does Jun, but he still gets angry internally hearing about all the shitty things you tell him your partner is doing. At some point, you get acquainted with Jun's manager, who sometimes drops Jun off at your door when he's real beat up. One such time, they stick around while you heal a sleeping Jun, who normally tries to stay conscious while you heal him, but was just too exhausted to stay awake. You ask them a little bit about the MMA world, and they don't tell you that much, but eventually you say something about how if Jun's losing so much, why does he keep doing this at all— to which his manager quirks a brow. He's not losing, they tell you. He's their prize fighter. You're shocked, of course; you thought for sure Jun was losing almost every match, which would explain why he would need your healing so often. Apparently his manager has noticed that Jun's been letting a lot more hits land on him than usual, when (before a couple weeks ago) he'd normally dodge/block them with ease. And despite receiving a lot more damage, he still always comes out on top. You don't really know what to do with this information; the next time Jun returns for more healing, you don't fill the silence with mindless babble or more complaints about your partner, you just let the quiet permeate. Jun notices this, and he doesn't know why you've suddenly drawn back, but after the first day of that, he starts to speak up. He asks you about your life— not just the things you want to vent about, but your interests, your hobbies, the little things that make you happy. Eventually you start to look forward to his visits, gruesome and bloody as they are, simply because you like talking to Jun. It works. It just fits. One night, though, Jun comes to you and finds your cheekbone bleeding, a little cut just beneath your eye. From your partner's ring, you explain, wincing under Jun's touch because of the bruise forming there. Jun almost storms off then and there, wants to find your partner at whatever seedy bar they've gone to after hurting you and teach them a lesson, but you put your arms around him, and the healing sensation mixed with your warmth is enough to calm him down. Mostly. "Don't," you beg Jun. "Please don't. I don't want to make a mess, I just want to—" You look around your apartment "—I just want to go. Please, let's just go." And Jun helps you pack up everything, then escapes with you leading the way, riding the high of that "let's" all the way home.
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when people write sora as a one-dimensional, perpetually cheerful child or a bitter, angsty teen who is never happy and fakes everything or a jealous man’s man with toxic masculinity
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when people write kairi as a constantly jealous jerk or an always sensible, never-does-anything-wrong ~~uwu girl~~ or a badass with no fears who is perfect at everything and saves everyone bc she’s the only competent one apparently
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when people write riku as a manipulative abuser or completely ignore his trauma and just write a whole different character or this cool edgelord who is mean to his friends and must be a badass 24/7, also completely ignoring his character development
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nekoma-manager · 3 years
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includes: tendou, atsumu, bokuto and asahi
trigger warnings: mention of blood (obviously)
a/n: hi everyone, sorry for not posting for ages, i sat my midterm woooo!!! i also got my mark for one of my compsci classes back and got a 100
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although he feels bad when you’re on your period he secretly enjoys the fact that he now has an excuse to take extra care of you
tendou buys you chocolates, chips, brings you water - name anything and he will have it for you in under an hour
he has memorised your favourite pads and buys them for you in advance
he tracks your period on his phone so he can be prepared (such a sweetie)
he will get up and heat up a warm water bottle or wheat bag for you as soon as he notices it get even remotely close to lukewarm
will not rest until you’re satisfied - truly a knight in shining armour
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at first, he was grossed out
his brain was like “blood? ewwwww!”
but he knew all girls had to go through it and it couldn’t be avoided so he decided to read up on periods and what happens during them
let me tell you, he freaked out when reading all the symptoms
atsumu is baby and gives you back and feet massages to make the pains go away
showers you in kisses too so that you get distracted and annoyed by him instead of focusing on your cramps and discomfort - you’re definitely not annoyed though, he’s so adorable
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bokuto grew up around women so he knows what periods are and surprisingly doesn’t freak out
what does happen though is that he gets pouty when you’re on your period cause he feels bad for you
he has all the period hacks down, like lying on your left side with your legs elevated and he makes you follow all of them - he only wants to help his precious s/o
you’re very impressed
he also rubs his hands together to warm them up and puts them on your tummy to make you feel better
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panic mode: activated
asahi is trying his best to keep it together because he knows you’re the one going through pain and not him, but he’s still a bit scared
endless stream of hugs, because he heard from somewhere that they make period cramps better - they totally don’t but it’s the effort that counts
he tells you how great you look because he knows periods can cause your emotions and insecurities to be all out of wack
he got you a cute froggy heat pack for your birthday so that you had a fun little thing to look at when you’re feeling icky
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part 2 | masterlist
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a/n: i’m so tired and writing this at like 12:05 at night uggghhhhhh
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itsmeimcathy · 6 years
Why the finale of ahs apocalypse doesn't make sense
- devan (??) aka the new antichrist. his birth doesn't make sense: michael was born of a human and a ghost, inside a house that was basically a gate for hell, and that explains his being the spawn of satan. But the new one?? living in the suburbs with a loving family who never did any harm??? and yet has managed to catch the satanists attention???? w h y. boo. poor writing. an F for fuck you, ryan murphy
- honestly, it would have made more sense for those two (i don't even remember their name) to move to the murder house to live as the final plot twist, i mean every new family that goes there wants to have a kid anyway. that way you could have given the new antichrist the same conditions for his birth (wasn't the whole point of everything that the witches didn't save the future, just postpone something inevitable?) and his "supernaturality" (?) could have been better explained. anyway
- another F for running over the antichrist with a car, gods, this is so bad i won't even dig any deeper.
- actually it will bug me if i don't
- you mean to tell me that with all that building up, you really couldn't come up with anything?? you couldn't have given us a final confrontation between him and mallory?? something, idk, more epic?? a car, ryan??? for real??
- and what if constance had taken him to die inside the house. Wouldn't the antichrist's soul have stayed forever trapped there, with all the other souls, thus saving the humanity for good?? I mean, i suppose satan can only be that powerful. if his spawn's soul is trapped i doubt he can just birthing antichrists every other day. also at that point michael wasn't even a warlock yet so he couldn't have been able to walk out. Just a thought
- also why did michael lose time watching cordelia's body instead of going to mallory and grabbing her for the hair and taking her out of the water. like, anything. the guy just ate marie laveau's heart. if you write a badass character you can't regret it down the line and then give him a lame ending.
- and on this note: boooo. you brought back the queen of voodoo to make her die like that?? after five seconds of screen time? really?? shame on you
- i don't really like the endings where for some weird magic mumbo jumbo everything got solved and turns to normal, i find it's poor writing. I mean it could be nice, i guess - if done right. you didn't, ryan. you so didn't.
- i will probably update this post because i feel like i've missed something and this finale made me too salty to just leave it at that. uggghhhhhh
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teaandtodolists · 4 years
I set alarms for 7, 7:05, 7:10, 7:55, but there is no evidence of them going off and I woke up at 10:15. :(((( I wanted to go to class! I wanted to finish the homework beforehand! Nick kindly took my homework when I walked in at 11, but I put nothing for the last part of the last problem; I wanted to sleep and try again before writing, because I didn’t quite solve it, but I *do* know how to do one direction and two key steps that *must* be part of the reverse direction and I wanted to turn at least that much in :(((((((((
I am so bad, why don’t I do my work and wake up and uggghhhhhh
I wanted to have a normal-person-hours productive working day after class today but now I feel -- aaaaaaaaugh
I wanted! to go! to class! and hear! the lecture!!
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