#uk coronaviurs deaths
theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“The Week In Tory returns for the second time in 4 days.
The weeks grow shorter, but the days last forever...
1. The consultant who advised the government to look for "alternative arrangements" on the Irish Border is in line for a £200m contract if alternative arrangements go ahead.
But to facilitate this, the government has to break international law with the Internal Market Bill (IMB)
Nobody can tell us what the "alternative arrangements" are, but the IMB passed through parliament anyway.
2. The UK’s highest-ranking law officer in Scotland resigned over the IMB
& The UK’s special envoy on media freedom, Amal Clooney (yes, that one) quit over IMB
3. The former (Tory appointed) ambassador to USA said the IMB was "hugely damaging to our international reputation"
4. Those snowflake liberal Remoaners Toby Young, Peter Hitchens and Tim Montgomerie turned on the govt over IMB. As did every living former-Prime Minister.
5. Joe Biden said there would be no UK/US Trade Deal if the IMB went ahead
But, Iain Duncan Smith said "we don’t need lectures" from Joe Biden
Trump’s special envoy to Northern Ireland also said there would be no Trade Deal
Apparently, Iain Duncan Smith does need lectures. Who knew?
6. Oh, and IMB also includes a provision allowing the government to break absolutely any law, absolutely any time!!!!!
7. Unrelated, I’m sure, but the number of "problem drinkers" in England doubled this year
So the government cut funding to alcohol addiction services
8. Dominic Raab, whose job it is to understand the Good Friday Agreement, admitted he hasn’t read the Good Friday Agreement
His excuse is: "it’s not a novel". True. Novels tend to be longer than 35 pages, aren't vital to solving conflicts that killed 3600 people
9. The Prime Minister, who literally voted to break a deal he signed with the EU, said the EU was "not negotiating in good faith"
The next morning, Northern Ireland minister and arch memo-misser Brandon Lewis went on TV and said "I believe the EU is negotiating in good faith"
10. It was revealed the Smart Freight System to handle post-Brexit trade won’t be ready until at least April 2021.
That’s at least 4 months without a freight handling system, during the time of year we rely on food imports the most
11. The Road Haulage Association said a meeting with Michael Gove to discuss border checks provided "no clarity" and was "a washout"
12. An official report says 2-day queues at Dover in January are "a certainty"
So the government closed a Covid test site in Kent, to convert it into a lorry park, in what experts (well, me) are calling "the world’s shittest game of whack-a-mole"
13. The government said people would be fined £1000 if they don’t self-isolate after getting a positive test
And then all tests ran out in the 10 worst-hit Covid hotspots
And then all home testing kits ran out, nationally
And then the website for booking tests broke, and just showed a series of error messages.
And then the government said the system was under strain because people were asking for tests when they didn’t know they were infected
So [deep breath] you must self-isolate after getting a test that doesn’t exist, and you can only get a test if you already know the result
14. Naturally, honesty no-fly-zone Home Office Secretary Priti Patel went on Radio 4 and announced tests were available everywhere and there were "no problems getting tests"
Same day - same hour, in fact - Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the testing system "has huge problems"
Jacob Rees-Mogg, who simply cannot shut up about fish, said we should stop the "endless carping" about not being tested for a fatal infection
15.Prime Minister Boris Johnson went on national TV and announced a "£100bn moonshot" approach to Covid, which would test "10m people per day"
Three days later, in front of a Parliamentary Committee, said he "didn’t recognise" the figure of 10m a day
And it was reported his half-brother is on the board of the business that would get most of the £100bn budget, which I’m sure is just a massive coincidence
Officials branded the moonshot as "Moonfuck"
16. And then Health Secretary Matt Hancock had to ask other cabinet ministers to stop referring to him as "Matt WankCock"
Despite appearances, these are not 7 year old boys
17. Food news, and Tory MP Douglas Ross said "I have seen the difference free school meals can make, and I want to make sure nobody falls through the cracks"
Douglas Ross voted against free school meals
18. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said we cannot put punitive restrictions on food imports from the EU (to force them to give up on Ireland), or we will starve
And then, minutes later, he agreed with a Brexiter MP who said we SHOULD put punitive restrictions on food imports from the EU
19. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said "I venerate our civil service" after sacking the innocent heads of multiple departments to protect friends including Gavin Williamson and Dominic Cummings. And as a result, people leaving the civil service rose 14% in a year
20. Planning-ahead news: an international conglomerate pulled out of a £16bn power project because the government hasn’t performed its part of the deal for the last 20 months
21. Funding cuts since 2010 meant the government had to inject £700m to prevent further education going bankrupt
22. This week it was found the government– which last week voted not to implement the recommendations of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry – has also failed to deliver its promise to remove the same dangerous cladding from at least 2000 tower blocks. Sleep well.
And then the government said files on Grenfell were "lost forever", after a laptop was wiped. Because everything is always stored on a single laptop. We all know this.
The government runs G-Cloud, its own dedicated cloud backup service, which has been active since 2012. So... yeah.
23. At a committee in parliament, an MP read out the Covid test figures. Dido Harding, in charge of testing, said “I’m sorry, that’s just not true, I don’t know where that number is from”
It was from her own report. Page 8. In bold type.
Dido Harding said "nobody could predict" a rise in demand for testing
Government scientists predicted it, and in a July report sent to Dido Harding – maybe it was a different one? - said "July and Aug must be a period of intense preparation for a September resurgence in Covid"
Oh, and standard advice says the NHS must always prepare for cold and respiratory infections to spike immediately after the return to school in September
Dido Harding wasted £13m on a "world-beating" testing app that cost £12.3m more than the German app, and didn’t work
She is now in charge of the test-and-trace service which has collapsed completely
So naturally, it was reported the government wants to sack the head of NHS England and install Dido Harding instead. Let's make the most of that successful record, eh?
24. In June the government tweeted "grab a drink and raise a glass, pubs are reopening"
The Prime Minister said "it is your patriotic duty to go out and enjoy yourselves"
This week they said the public is responsible, and "people going to the pub fuelled the rise in Covid"
So the government closed pubs at 10pm, because it’s well-known viruses only pop out for last orders.
25. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said the government "threw a protective ring around care homes"
A leaked document said care homes are now being asked to accept patients who are known to have Covid
26. Hospitals were banned from launching their own testing regime for staff and patience because… nope, nobody knows why. Just because.
27. There hasn’t been a meeting of COBRA (the government’s committee for national emergencies, headed by the Prime Minister) since 10th May
28. As Covid infections surged, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said restrictions are increasing, and pointed to a chart showing the government has "moved to alert level 3". Level 3 is "a gradual relaxing of restrictions". Not only can't he remember his own alert system, he can't even read it.
29. Despite travel restrictions, it was reported the Prime Minister flew off for a long weekend in Perugia, where his friend the Russian billionaire Evgeny Lebedev lives. He denies it, but the airport has his landing documents. So either he’s lying or... no, that’s the end of that sentence
30. In June the government spent £500m on a GPS satellite system to replace the one we lose due to Brexit
In July it was reported "we bought the wrong satellites"
This week the government cancelled the programme and began asking the EU if we can keep on using their GPS system
31. A cross-party committee of MPs found nurse-Ratched cosplayer Home Office Secretary Priti Patel "bases immigration policies on anecdotes and prejudice"
It found her dept has "no idea" what its annual spending achieves, and referred to "the wreckage that [Patel’s department’s] ignorance caused"
She is one of the favourites to replace Prime Minister Johnson
32. This is because it was reported the Prime Minister is thinking of quitting because he’s worried about his personal finances: the poor man has to "pay tax", "buy his own food" and "support 4 of his 6 children". Oh, the humanity!
33. And Jonathan Aitken – look him up – continues to get privileged access to parliament despite a ban on MPs who have served more than a year in prison. Which he did. And it was hilarious.
34. And finally, because he always needs a guest appearance, Chris Grayling, the man who awarded a ferry contract to a company with no ships, has got a £100k appointment to advise ports”-Russ
56 notes · View notes
gontalde · 4 years
Revue de presse internationale (non exhaustive) et suivi des fils GontaldeMarch 31, 2020 01/04/2020 

 🇹🇲 Au Turkmenistan il est interdit de prononcer le mot coronavirus, tous ceux qui seront pris à porter des masques et prononcer le mot coronavirus à l'exterieur seront immédiatement arrêtés par la police, le mot coronavirus a même été supprimé des brochures de santé. (https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/dunya/2020/03/31/turkmenistanda-korona-virusu-yasaklandi/) 
—Churches and lotteries are now considered essential services and will be opened during quarantine in Brazil 🇧🇷✝ https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2020/03/31/trf2-suspende-decisao-de-primeira-instancia-e-retoma-igrejas-e-lotericas-como-servicos-essenciais.ghtml 
 Sйlection Sur les fils Sars-Cov Info https://t.me/nCovFR et COVID-Pandemic 19: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking et SARS-COV Info: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking et Coronaviurs Infolive: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking 
 Top new @COVID19Up cases which were recorded by the thousands: 
 🇺🇸- USA recorded +23,533 new cases today raising their total to 187,321 cases. 
 🇪🇸- Spain recorded +7,967 new cases today raising their total to 95,923 cases. 
 🇫🇷- France recorded +7,578 new cases today raising their total to 52,128 cases. 
 🇩🇪- Germany recorded +4,923 new cases today raising their total to 71,808 cases. 
 🇮🇹- Italy recoded +4,053 new cases today raising their total to 105,792 cases. 
 🇮🇷-Iran recorded +3,110 new cases today raising their total to 44,605 cases. 
 🇬🇧- UK recorded +3,009 new cases today raising their total to 25,150 cases. 
 🇹🇷- Turkey recorded +2,704 new cases today raising their total to 13,531 cases. 
 🇨🇦- Canada recorded +1,164 new cases today raising their total to 8,612 cases. 
 🇧🇷- Brazil recorded +1,087 new cases today raising their total to 5,717 cases. 
 🇵🇹- Portugal recorded +1,035 new cases today raising their total to7,443 cases. 

Même Trump fait machine arrière : American Media, ABC News: >Pres. Trump on extended federal social distancing guidelines: — "It's absolutely critical for the American people to follow the guidelines for the next 30 days. It's a matter of life and death, frankly."
🇮🇱 Israel: Riots in Jafo after police came to fine a man who violated quarantine orders. @COVID19Up
Trump et Poutine: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: — "🇷🇺🇺🇸 Following phone talk between Russia's Presidents Putin & US President Donald Trump, Russia sends largest cargo aircraft An-124 Ruslan with medical supplies (masks + equipment) to US to help fight COVID-19 pandemic, save lives of American citizens. 
 The plane is en route"
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan has banned state media from using the word "coronavirus", and removed it from health information. The country has not announced if or not it has any cases of COVID-19 - BBC. @COVID19Up
⚠️ Hong Kong ferme tous les lieux publics par peur d'une deuxième vague. Le Japon durcit les mesures. 
 ⚠️ De nombreuses usines ont fermé quelques jours à peine après avoir rouvert en Chine, face à de nouvelles contaminations en séries. Si jamais vous pensiez qu'on était sorti de l'auberge...
🇫🇷 Après la mort de 19 personnes dans une maison de retraite à Mougins (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur), le petit-fils d'une des victimes annonce son intention de porter plainte pour mise en danger de la vie d'autrui. (Liberation) et (Ouest France) 

🇫🇷 3,6 millions de salariés en chômage partiel, une prime de 1.000€ pourra être versée jusqu’au 31 août à ceux qui travaillent (ministre) 
 A l’issue du Conseil des ministres, Muriel Pénicaud, ministre du Travail, a indiqué que 3,6 millions se salariés sont touchés par le chômage partiel, 337.000 entreprises ayant fait une demande. 
 Elle annonce aussi que, pour ceux qui travaillent, une prime exceptionnelle de 1.000 euros pourra être versée jusqu’au 31 août. La prime peut passer à 2.000 euros en cas d’intéressement dans l’entreprise. 
 Concernant les élections municipales, la porte-parole du gouvernement français, Sibeth Ndiaye, annonce qu’un rapport scientifique sera remis au Parlement le 23 mai pour évaluer la possibilité d’organiser le second tour.
🇫🇷 Une commande française de masques détournée vers les Etats-Unis sur un tarmac chinois. L’épisode en dit long sur la ruée vers les masques qui occupe ces jours-ci les grandes puissances. Et sur les pratiques agressives de ces dernières. Il a été rapporté mardi soir, sur la chaîne RT, par le président de la région Paca et de l’Association des régions de France, Renaud Muselier. Comme d’autres présidents de collectivités, celui-ci a passé commande à un fournisseur chinois de plusieurs millions de masques hygiéniques, censés alimenter les établissements de santé et les EHPAD de sa région. «La commande avec le paiement a été réalisée, c’est-à-dire que les masques sont fabriqués et en attente en Chine, assurait l’élu. La difficulté que nous rencontrons c’est l’acheminement. […] Ce matin sur le tarmac [de l’aéroport], en Chine, une commande française a été achetée par les Américains cash, et l’avion qui devait venir en France est parti directement aux Etats-Unis. Devant ces problèmes, je suis en train de sécuriser la marchandise de façon à ce […] qu’elle ne soit pas saisie ou achetée par d’autres.» Au prix d’un retard de plusieurs jours dans la livraison. (Libération)
🇫🇷 Aujourd’hui, selon les chiffres établis par l’ agence régionale de santé (ARS) du Grand Est, sur les 138 EHPAD du département du Bas-Rhin, 71 sont touchés par le Covid-19, soit plus de la moitié. Selon les évaluations du département, 400 soignants, sur les 7.000 salariés de ces établissements, sont touchés par le virus ou suspectés de l’être. Et 71 résidant sur 9.000 sont à ce jour décédés. L’ARS reconnaît que « les Ehpad, leurs professionnels et les résidants sont en première ligne et particulièrement touchés ». (Humanité)
🇿🇦 La meilleure scientifique sud-africaine sur le VIH, Gita Ramjee, est décèdé dû au COVID-19. La chercheuse sur le VIH est tombée malade après son retour en Afrique du Sud à la mi-mars du Royaume-Uni, où elle avait fait une présentation lors d'un symposium à la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Il y a deux ans, elle a reçu le prix de la meilleure femme scientifique décerné par le European Development Clinical Trials Partnerships. https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2020/april/20200401_tribute-to-gita-ramjee
💰 Les sociétés qui se sont lancées dans la fabrication de tests ou dans la course au vaccin contre le Covid-19 flambent en bourse. Certaines entreprises ont vu leur valeur augmenter de plus de 25% depuis le 1er janvier 2020. (Les Échos)
🇪🇺 Un consortium de chercheurs européens, avec participation de l'EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse), est en train de mettre au point une application qui devrait permettre à tous d'être informé s'il a été en contact avec un porteur du coronavirus. L'anonymat serait garanti. Ce consortium regroupe 130 partenaires de huit pays, a indiqué mercredi l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Le but est de développer un protocole totalement anonymisé de suivi et d'alerte, basé sur la technologie Bluetooth. (AWP/ATS/AFP)
🎾 🇬🇧 L’édition 2020 de Wimbledon est annulé. C’est la première fois depuis la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
🇺🇸 L'administration a décrétée un moratoire sur les envois d'équipements de protection individuelle à l'étranger par l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international. Cette décision intervient après que les États-Unis aient demandé de l'aide à la Thaïlande la semaine dernière et qu'on leur ait dit qu'une expédition américaine du même matériel était déjà en route pour Bangkok. (The Hill) 🇫🇷 « Il est peu probable que nous allions vers un déconfinement total généralisé » (E.Philippe/AN) Intervenant devant la mission d’information parlementaire présidée par le président de l’Assemblée nationale, Edouard Philippe annonce que le gouvernement « étudie un déconfinement qui ne sera pas au même moment partout, mais plutôt un déconfinement peut-être par région, par classe d’âge ou en fonction des tests ». « Il est probable que le déconfinement ne soit pas général et absolu, en une fois, partout, et pour tout le monde » a ajouté le Premier ministre. 🇫🇷 Le premier ministre Edouard Philippe à son audition à l’assemblée nationale : « Le tracking n’est pas utilisé en France. Mais on pourrait le faire, cependant nous ne pouvons pas le faire légalement. » « On devra peut-être le mettre en place mais pour l’instant ce n’est pas le cas.» 🇫🇷 ‌La Martinique placée sous couvre-feu dès ce soir entre 20h et 5h (préfet) La Martinique placée sous couvre-feu à partir de ce soir entre 20h et 5h, a annoncé le préfet, en accord avec le procureur de la République et le directeur général de l’ARS. Il y a trop de « regroupements en fin de journée » malgré le confinement, et trop de personnes « qui vont faire leurs courses trois fois par semaine ».
🇫🇷 Toilettes mortuaires et soins de conservation des corps interdits (E.Philippe/AN) 
 Le Premier ministre précise que les toilettes mortuaires et les soins de conservation des corps des personnes décédées du Covid-19 sont interdits. 
 La mise en bière immédiate est imposée. 
 🦠 "Leur organisme se retourne contre lui-même": comment expliquer les morts d'adolescents atteints du coronavirus? En deux jours, deux jeunes patients âgés de 12 et 13 ans sont morts des suites du coronavirus en Europe. "Ils développent des formes sévères, sans forcément avoir de comorbidité. On sait au contraire que chez les adolescents qui vont plutôt bien, c'est un 'emballement de la machine', on appelle cela un choc cytokinique. C'est un orage, une cascade de protéines de l'inflammation, une violente réponse inflammatoire du système immunitaire. En voulant se défendre, l'organisme se retourne contre lui-même. On va avoir tout un tas de cellules d'immunité, comme du collagène, qui va entrer dans les poumons et créer une forme de fibrome. Au lieu de nettoyer, le poumon va s'enmagasiner des globules blancs et va créer une défaillance respiratoire". déclare le Docteur Benjamin Davido, médecin infectiologue à l'hôpital Raymond-Poincaré de Garches. (RMC/BFM) 
 🇫🇷 La France a accepté l'aide des médecins cubains dans les Antilles françaises (E.Philippe/AN) 
 A l'instar de l'Italie qui avait reçu de l'aide de la part des médecins cubains en Lombardi pour lutter contre l'épidemie, la France va recevoir de l'aide dans les Antilles Françaises.
Articles divers 01/04 France: Les Quatre-Saisons, où vivent 65 résidents, fait partie des quelque 7 000 Ehpad que compte la France. Dans cette maison de retraite de Bagnolet, en banlieue proche de Paris, le quotidien a été totalement bouleversé, à partir de la mi-mars, par les mesures de protection contre le virus. Les visites étant interdites, récit de la vie confinée.] https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/03/31/coronavirus-a-l-ehpad-des-quatre-saisons-la-vie-et-la-mort-au-jour-le-jour_6034982_3224.html 
 Le Lesotho, le Malawi, les Comores, Sao Tomé-et-Principe et le Soudan du Sud n’ont encore enregistré aucun cas de Covid-19.https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/04/01/en-afrique-cinq-pays-officiellement-epargnes-par-le-coronavirus_6035175_3212.html 
 La société spécialiste de diagnostic in vitro implantée en Bretagne va lancer un premier test sérologique de diagnostic rapide du Covid-19. Ce sera le premier de ce type à être produit en France. NG Biotech prévoit d’ouvrir un second site de production pour augmenter les cadences de fabrication. https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/le-breton-ng-biotech-lance-la-production-d-un-premier-test-serologique-de-covid-19-en-france.N948346?fbclid=IwAR1e4IGWUFQxa6qQX4mWptotLhWQHNqhZassMgIb-H0rdGSOPKfmuwT9nx8 Guyane: Une émeute a éclaté ce mercredi matin au centre pénitentiaire de Rémire-Monjoly, près de Cayenne, aux alentours de 8 heures. Les débordements ne concernent qu’un seul quartier. Un incendie s’est également déclaré dans les locaux. Les forces de l’ordre et les pompiers sont sur place. https://www.zinfos974.com/Coronavirus-Une-mutinerie-eclate-dans-la-prison-de-Remire-Montjoly-en-Guyane_a152079.html Chiapas: COMPAÑERAS, COMPAÑEROS, COMPAÑEROAS, SŒURS, FRÈRES, HERMANOAS. LA PAROLE ET L’ÉCOUTE, AVEC LE CŒUR, ONT BEAUCOUP DE CHEMINS, BEAUCOUP DE MANIÈRES, BEAUCOUP DE CALENDRIERS ET BEAUCOUP DE GÉOGRAPHIES POUR SE RENCONTRER. ET CETTE LUTTE POUR LA VIE PEUT ÊTRE L’UNE D’ENTRE EUX. C’EST TOUT. DEPUIS LES MONTAGNES DU SUD-EST MEXICAIN. http://cspcl.ouvaton.org/spip.php?article1479 
 Bulgarie The Border Checkpoints through which the “Green Corridors” Border for Supply of Goods will Pass are now Clear https://www.novinite.com/articles/203942/The+Border+Checkpoints+through+which+the+%E2%80%9CGreen+Corridors%E2%80%9D+Border+for+Supply+of+Goods+will+Pass+are+now+Clear 
 Turkmenistan The almost total lack of useful, accessible information about this virus can have tragic outcomes. Last month, almost 40 Turkmen nationals living in Turkey died because they used low-grade, surrogate alcohol under the impression that it would somehow keep them safe. Turkmen authorities refused to allow relatives to fly the bodies home for burial. Such unnecessary and arbitrary cruelties are far more descriptive of life in modern Turkmenistan. People are thrown out of their homes to make way for pointless sports venues. Children and old people are made to waste entire days and weeks of their lives rehearsing for mass parades in celebration of Arkadag, the patron and protector, as Berdymukhamedov is also known. If your dog wanders off somewhere, there is a fair chance it will be killed by an overzealous municipal worker bent on ensuring the unspoken diktat about there being no stray animals in streets. Most of the country languishes in poverty, despite the country sitting on gargantuan reserves of natural gas and oil. The country is not overly ruled; it is undermanaged. Berdymukhamedov develops passing fixations and makes the whole country dance to that particular tune until he gets bored and moves onto something new. There has been no coronavirus ban, because there is no need for one. https://www.azerbaijannews.net/news/264508855/perspectives--turkmenistan-has-not-banned-coronavirus 
 Grиce A specially chartered Antonov cargo carrier landed at Athens International Airport on Tuesday, carrying 80 tons of medical equipment from Tianjin in China for the Greek Health Ministry. The cargo comprises 200,000 FPP2 and FPP3 filtering face masks, 100,000 Tyvek coveralls, as well as surgical masks, face shields and disposable shoe covers to protect health workers and others on the front lines of the coronavirus epidemic. https://www.ekathimerini.com/251236/article/ekathimerini/news/more-medical-supplies-arrive-from-china 
 Lithuanie “It’s completely irrelevant to me, who the planes belong to,” said Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis at the time. “The most important thing today is that the [equipment] is here in Lithuania as quickly as possible.” On March 20, China also sent 20,000 medical masks and 120,000 pairs of gloves to Lithuania. The shipment was paid for by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and it was delivered free of charge by KlasJet, part of Avia Solutions Group which is owned by Lithuanian businessman Gediminas Žiemelis. https://balticword.eu/chinas-assistance-brainwashing-lithuanian-people-conservative-mps-claim/ 
 Lithuania bans exports of protective medical gear to non-EU countries https://balticword.eu/lithuania-bans-exports-of-protective-medical-gear-to-non-eu-countries/ 
 But the meeting comes as COVID-19 poses a huge challenge for the western military alliance. The US military has suspended all exercises and travel for its forces at home and abroad for at least two months, to try to curb the spread of the virus -- a move which has major implications for transatlantic security. NATO highlights continued monitoring of Russian military activity, as well as other alliance exercises. Yet a multinational unit based in Lithuania has been forced to reduce its activities after more than 20 troops tested positive for the disease. Military training was reduced and contact with other units restricted. The unit was sent to the country in 2017 because of Russian activity in the Baltic region and aggression in Ukraine. https://www.euronews.com/2020/04/01/coronavirus-we-are-helping-fight-invisible-enemy-says-nato-chief-jens-stoltenberg 
 UK This is nothing new. Britain has leant heavily on non-British nationals in times of national emergency in earlier crises: 574 pilots from countries other than the UK flew alongside 2,353 British pilots in the Battle of Britain. They came from Poland, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Australia, South Africa. How easily are they forgotten. 
They died fighting coronavirus: UK doctors from Sudan, Pakistan mourned Read More » Only months ago at the height of the election campaign, no-one - not even large segments of the Labour Party - wanted to campaign against the dark side of modern Britain which the virus has now exposed: the instability of workers on zero-hour contracts and in the gig economy, child hunger during holiday periods, nurses leaving the NHS in droves. These are now at the forefront of everyone’s attention, but they were not then. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/coronavirus-nhs-exposed-britain-dark-side 
 Lybie Up until the moment the first coronavirus case was announced in Libya, citizens were still hoping that the country would be spared the global spread of the pandemic, due to its isolation from the world caused by its ongoing civil war. But now, after almost a decade of bloody conflict and economic turmoil, Libya is facing a new battle - this time against the novel Covid-19. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-libya-brace-uncertainty-battle-war-economy-and-virus 

 Iran Trump warns of 'heavy price' if Iran attacks US troops in Iraq Tehran accuses Washington of leading the Middle East to 'disaster' after it deploys Patriot missiles in Iraq https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/trump-warns-iran-attack-us-soldiers-iraq
Media Round Up : https://www.jadaliyya.com/Category/129/media-roundups Palestine, Egypte, Turquie
Kenya Kenyan president apologises for police violence during curfew Police accused of using heavy-handed tactics to enforce the dusk to dawn curfew since its introduction on Friday. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/kenyan-president-apologises-police-violence-curfew-200401140202740.html 
 Afghanistan Afghanistan gov't, Taliban begin talks on prisoner swap The two sides met on Tuesday and are scheduled to meet again on Wednesday for further talks. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/afghanistan-gov-taliban-talks-prisoner-swap-200401161559059.html

 Economic Impact of Coronavirus Could Decimate the Middle East Wealthy Gulf States can no longer provide aid to struggling Arab neighbors and may soon lay off millions of foreign workers https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/.premium-economic-impact-of-coronavirus-could-decimate-the-middle-east-1.8731691
Goats in Wales; coyotes in San Francisco; rats, rats, everywhere: With much of the world staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, animals have ventured out where normally the presence of people would keep them away. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/science/coronavirus-animals-wildlife-goats.html 
Myanmar An estimated 350,000 displaced people across Myanmar are "sitting in the path of a public health catastrophe", says rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW). Overcrowding, movement restrictions and poor sanitation have left these groups especially vulnerable to the coronavirus outbreak, HRW said. Myanmar had its first infections last week and its first death on Monday. A government official had previously claimed the country's "lifestyle and diet" protected its people. Myanmar, which is home to around 51 million people, has a poor healthcare system. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52115969
Italie Coronavirus: The snorkelling mask that can help fight Covid-19 The Coronavirus outbreak in Italy has left hospitals desperately short of supplies including oxygen masks. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-52120587/coronavirus-the-snorkelling-mask-that-can-help-fight-covid-19 One company in northern Italy has used 3D printing to develop a valve that turns a snorkelling mask available at sports stores into a ventilation mask. It’s now being used across the world.
Afrique du Sud 
Shoppers queue at a grocery store during a nationwide 21 day lockdown in an attempt to contain the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Chatsworth near Durban, South Africa, March 31, 2020. (REUTERS/Rogan Ward) Despite loud appeals for caution, Africans are rushing to embrace chloroquine, the venerable anti-malaria drug touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus. From hospitals in Senegal to pharmaceutical companies in South Africa and street sellers in Cameroon, chloroquine has fired hopes of a medicinal fix against a virus that is set to scythe through Africa's poorly protected countries.
Malaisie KUALA LUMPUR — There are fears that cases of domestic violence in Malaysia would escalate during the movement control order (MCO) period, with the abuser and survivor cooped up in the same environment. Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) said while emergency calls from survivors have decreased modestly during this period, they are however anticipating the complaints to increase when the MCO is lifted. The group is of the view that victims would not be able to call in for help as they are being monitored by their abusers. “Of the calls we have received, many have asked if they can escape during the MCO,” said Ms Tan Heang-Lee from WAO. Ms Tan told The Malaysian Insight that before MCO was enforced on March 18, the organisation received an average of 77.5 hotline calls and WhatsApp enquiries per week. Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/world/womens-group-malaysia-fears-rise-domestic-violence-cases-during-countrys-partial-lockdown 
 Chine For years, Canadian, American and European production was increasingly outsourced to Chinese sweatshops, and to vast factories untroubled by the inconvenience of proper trade unions. At the advent of the plague, the world had become dependent upon Beijing for a vast range of medicines and for the supply of exactly the kinds of medical equipment the world needs to defend itself against the sickness. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-the-ventilators-needed-to-survive-covid-19-are-mostly-made-in-china-is-there-a-lesson-here 
 Afrique de l'est, Kenya in most countries affected by Covid-19, locust control efforts have been included under the essential services exempted from restrictions on movement. This means the teams that gather information about the location of the locust swarms, and the teams that are trained to contain them, are able to move freely. So far, supplies of aviation fuel and pesticide have not been seriously affected by global travel restrictions, Cressman said.For now, given the unusually wet conditions — “Locusts love that fresh natural vegetation” — Cressman does not anticipate that the locust swarms will move away from East Africa. By mid-April, the fully mature locusts are likely to breed again, possibly growing in size by another 20 times. It is only in June that the insects will move on, using the south-west monsoon to get to desert areas in Pakistan and India. https://mg.co.za/article/2020-04-01-in-east-africa-the-locusts-are-coming-back-for-more/ Afrique du sud South African researchers are poised to start enrolling patients in an international clinical trial launched by the World Health Organisation which will compare the safety and effectiveness of four different drugs or drug combinations against Covid-19. Enrolment of Covid-19 positive patients at 14 hospitals countrywide begins in the next two weeks and is being coordinated by Wits University researchers, Professors Helen Rees and Jeremy Nel. Rees, who is the Executive Director of the Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, told Spotlight that South Africa is more than up to the task ahead. We are "unique" as the country has "extraordinary experience" with HIV and TB trials. "We have done large trials with communities, we have followed up large numbers of people and we have managed to ensure participants stay in the trials." https://allafrica.com/stories/202004010754.html 
 Algйrie Le Président de la République, M. Abdelmadjid Tebboune a signé, mercredi, un décret présidentiel portant des mesures de grâce au profit d'un groupe de 5037 détenus, a indiqué un communiqué de la Présidence de la République. https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/tebboune-decrete-une-grace-pour-5037-detenus-336922 
 Lybie Authorities in Libya have announced the release of more than 450 prisoners as part of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus that has infected at least eight people in the country. https://africalaunchpad.com/libya-frees-prisoners-to-stem-spread-of-coronavirus/ 
 Zimbabwe arare City Council cites a shortage of money to purify the water.It says the water purifying plants, built during British colonial rule, are woefully inadequate to supply the city's burgeoning population. The water distribution pipes date back to more than five 50 years ago, and half of the purified water is estimated to be lost through pipes bursting. The government has been silent on how it will provide water to those whose taps have been dry for years or those whose supply is sporadic. https://www.fin24.com/Economy/Africa/water-crisis-could-sabotage-zimbabwes-coronavirus-lockdown-20200331-2 
 Rйflexions: https://lavoiedujaguar.net/Du-syndrome-respiratoire-aigu-severe-humain-au-syndrome-respiratoire-aigu 

Revue de presse internationale (non exhaustive) et suivi des fils GontaldeMarch 31, 2020 01/04/2020 

 🇹🇲 Au Turkmenistan il est interdit de prononcer le mot coronavirus, tous ceux qui seront pris à porter des masques et prononcer le mot coronavirus à l'exterieur seront immédiatement arrêtés par la police, le mot coronavirus a même été supprimé des brochures de santé. (https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/dunya/2020/03/31/turkmenistanda-korona-virusu-yasaklandi/) 
—Churches and lotteries are now considered essential services and will be opened during quarantine in Brazil 🇧🇷✝ https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2020/03/31/trf2-suspende-decisao-de-primeira-instancia-e-retoma-igrejas-e-lotericas-como-servicos-essenciais.ghtml 
 Sйlection Sur les fils Sars-Cov Info https://t.me/nCovFR et COVID-Pandemic 19: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking et SARS-COV Info: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking et Coronaviurs Infolive: https://ko-fi.com/covid_19pandemic_breaking 
 Top new @COVID19Up cases which were recorded by the thousands: 
 🇺🇸- USA recorded +23,533 new cases today raising their total to 187,321 cases. 
 🇪🇸- Spain recorded +7,967 new cases today raising their total to 95,923 cases. 
 🇫🇷- France recorded +7,578 new cases today raising their total to 52,128 cases. 
 🇩🇪- Germany recorded +4,923 new cases today raising their total to 71,808 cases. 
 🇮🇹- Italy recoded +4,053 new cases today raising their total to 105,792 cases. 
 🇮🇷-Iran recorded +3,110 new cases today raising their total to 44,605 cases. 
 🇬🇧- UK recorded +3,009 new cases today raising their total to 25,150 cases. 
 🇹🇷- Turkey recorded +2,704 new cases today raising their total to 13,531 cases. 
 🇨🇦- Canada recorded +1,164 new cases today raising their total to 8,612 cases. 
 🇧🇷- Brazil recorded +1,087 new cases today raising their total to 5,717 cases. 
 🇵🇹- Portugal recorded +1,035 new cases today raising their total to7,443 cases. 

Même Trump fait machine arrière : American Media, ABC News: >Pres. Trump on extended federal social distancing guidelines: — "It's absolutely critical for the American people to follow the guidelines for the next 30 days. It's a matter of life and death, frankly."
🇮🇱 Israel: Riots in Jafo after police came to fine a man who violated quarantine orders. @COVID19Up
Trump et Poutine: Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: — "🇷🇺🇺🇸 Following phone talk between Russia's Presidents Putin & US President Donald Trump, Russia sends largest cargo aircraft An-124 Ruslan with medical supplies (masks + equipment) to US to help fight COVID-19 pandemic, save lives of American citizens. 
 The plane is en route"
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan has banned state media from using the word "coronavirus", and removed it from health information. The country has not announced if or not it has any cases of COVID-19 - BBC. @COVID19Up
⚠️ Hong Kong ferme tous les lieux publics par peur d'une deuxième vague. Le Japon durcit les mesures. 
 ⚠️ De nombreuses usines ont fermé quelques jours à peine après avoir rouvert en Chine, face à de nouvelles contaminations en séries. Si jamais vous pensiez qu'on était sorti de l'auberge...
🇫🇷 Après la mort de 19 personnes dans une maison de retraite à Mougins (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur), le petit-fils d'une des victimes annonce son intention de porter plainte pour mise en danger de la vie d'autrui. (Liberation) et (Ouest France) 

🇫🇷 3,6 millions de salariés en chômage partiel, une prime de 1.000€ pourra être versée jusqu’au 31 août à ceux qui travaillent (ministre) 
 A l’issue du Conseil des ministres, Muriel Pénicaud, ministre du Travail, a indiqué que 3,6 millions se salariés sont touchés par le chômage partiel, 337.000 entreprises ayant fait une demande. 
 Elle annonce aussi que, pour ceux qui travaillent, une prime exceptionnelle de 1.000 euros pourra être versée jusqu’au 31 août. La prime peut passer à 2.000 euros en cas d’intéressement dans l’entreprise. 
 Concernant les élections municipales, la porte-parole du gouvernement français, Sibeth Ndiaye, annonce qu’un rapport scientifique sera remis au Parlement le 23 mai pour évaluer la possibilité d’organiser le second tour.
🇫🇷 Une commande française de masques détournée vers les Etats-Unis sur un tarmac chinois. L’épisode en dit long sur la ruée vers les masques qui occupe ces jours-ci les grandes puissances. Et sur les pratiques agressives de ces dernières. Il a été rapporté mardi soir, sur la chaîne RT, par le président de la région Paca et de l’Association des régions de France, Renaud Muselier. Comme d’autres présidents de collectivités, celui-ci a passé commande à un fournisseur chinois de plusieurs millions de masques hygiéniques, censés alimenter les établissements de santé et les EHPAD de sa région. «La commande avec le paiement a été réalisée, c’est-à-dire que les masques sont fabriqués et en attente en Chine, assurait l’élu. La difficulté que nous rencontrons c’est l’acheminement. […] Ce matin sur le tarmac [de l’aéroport], en Chine, une commande française a été achetée par les Américains cash, et l’avion qui devait venir en France est parti directement aux Etats-Unis. Devant ces problèmes, je suis en train de sécuriser la marchandise de façon à ce […] qu’elle ne soit pas saisie ou achetée par d’autres.» Au prix d’un retard de plusieurs jours dans la livraison. (Libération)
🇫🇷 Aujourd’hui, selon les chiffres établis par l’ agence régionale de santé (ARS) du Grand Est, sur les 138 EHPAD du département du Bas-Rhin, 71 sont touchés par le Covid-19, soit plus de la moitié. Selon les évaluations du département, 400 soignants, sur les 7.000 salariés de ces établissements, sont touchés par le virus ou suspectés de l’être. Et 71 résidant sur 9.000 sont à ce jour décédés. L’ARS reconnaît que « les Ehpad, leurs professionnels et les résidants sont en première ligne et particulièrement touchés ». (Humanité)
🇿🇦 La meilleure scientifique sud-africaine sur le VIH, Gita Ramjee, est décèdé dû au COVID-19. La chercheuse sur le VIH est tombée malade après son retour en Afrique du Sud à la mi-mars du Royaume-Uni, où elle avait fait une présentation lors d'un symposium à la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM). Il y a deux ans, elle a reçu le prix de la meilleure femme scientifique décerné par le European Development Clinical Trials Partnerships. https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2020/april/20200401_tribute-to-gita-ramjee
💰 Les sociétés qui se sont lancées dans la fabrication de tests ou dans la course au vaccin contre le Covid-19 flambent en bourse. Certaines entreprises ont vu leur valeur augmenter de plus de 25% depuis le 1er janvier 2020. (Les Échos)
🇪🇺 Un consortium de chercheurs européens, avec participation de l'EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse), est en train de mettre au point une application qui devrait permettre à tous d'être informé s'il a été en contact avec un porteur du coronavirus. L'anonymat serait garanti. Ce consortium regroupe 130 partenaires de huit pays, a indiqué mercredi l'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Le but est de développer un protocole totalement anonymisé de suivi et d'alerte, basé sur la technologie Bluetooth. (AWP/ATS/AFP)
🎾 🇬🇧 L’édition 2020 de Wimbledon est annulé. C’est la première fois depuis la Seconde Guerre Mondiale.
🇺🇸 L'administration a décrétée un moratoire sur les envois d'équipements de protection individuelle à l'étranger par l'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international. Cette décision intervient après que les États-Unis aient demandé de l'aide à la Thaïlande la semaine dernière et qu'on leur ait dit qu'une expédition américaine du même matériel était déjà en route pour Bangkok. (The Hill) 🇫🇷 « Il est peu probable que nous allions vers un déconfinement total généralisé » (E.Philippe/AN) Intervenant devant la mission d’information parlementaire présidée par le président de l’Assemblée nationale, Edouard Philippe annonce que le gouvernement « étudie un déconfinement qui ne sera pas au même moment partout, mais plutôt un déconfinement peut-être par région, par classe d’âge ou en fonction des tests ». « Il est probable que le déconfinement ne soit pas général et absolu, en une fois, partout, et pour tout le monde » a ajouté le Premier ministre. 🇫🇷 Le premier ministre Edouard Philippe à son audition à l’assemblée nationale : « Le tracking n’est pas utilisé en France. Mais on pourrait le faire, cependant nous ne pouvons pas le faire légalement. » « On devra peut-être le mettre en place mais pour l’instant ce n’est pas le cas.» 🇫🇷 ‌La Martinique placée sous couvre-feu dès ce soir entre 20h et 5h (préfet) La Martinique placée sous couvre-feu à partir de ce soir entre 20h et 5h, a annoncé le préfet, en accord avec le procureur de la République et le directeur général de l’ARS. Il y a trop de « regroupements en fin de journée » malgré le confinement, et trop de personnes « qui vont faire leurs courses trois fois par semaine ».
🇫🇷 Toilettes mortuaires et soins de conservation des corps interdits (E.Philippe/AN) 
 Le Premier ministre précise que les toilettes mortuaires et les soins de conservation des corps des personnes décédées du Covid-19 sont interdits. 
 La mise en bière immédiate est imposée. 
 🦠 "Leur organisme se retourne contre lui-même": comment expliquer les morts d'adolescents atteints du coronavirus? En deux jours, deux jeunes patients âgés de 12 et 13 ans sont morts des suites du coronavirus en Europe. "Ils développent des formes sévères, sans forcément avoir de comorbidité. On sait au contraire que chez les adolescents qui vont plutôt bien, c'est un 'emballement de la machine', on appelle cela un choc cytokinique. C'est un orage, une cascade de protéines de l'inflammation, une violente réponse inflammatoire du système immunitaire. En voulant se défendre, l'organisme se retourne contre lui-même. On va avoir tout un tas de cellules d'immunité, comme du collagène, qui va entrer dans les poumons et créer une forme de fibrome. Au lieu de nettoyer, le poumon va s'enmagasiner des globules blancs et va créer une défaillance respiratoire". déclare le Docteur Benjamin Davido, médecin infectiologue à l'hôpital Raymond-Poincaré de Garches. (RMC/BFM) 
 🇫🇷 La France a accepté l'aide des médecins cubains dans les Antilles françaises (E.Philippe/AN) 
 A l'instar de l'Italie qui avait reçu de l'aide de la part des médecins cubains en Lombardi pour lutter contre l'épidemie, la France va recevoir de l'aide dans les Antilles Françaises.
Articles divers 01/04 France: Les Quatre-Saisons, où vivent 65 résidents, fait partie des quelque 7 000 Ehpad que compte la France. Dans cette maison de retraite de Bagnolet, en banlieue proche de Paris, le quotidien a été totalement bouleversé, à partir de la mi-mars, par les mesures de protection contre le virus. Les visites étant interdites, récit de la vie confinée.] https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2020/03/31/coronavirus-a-l-ehpad-des-quatre-saisons-la-vie-et-la-mort-au-jour-le-jour_6034982_3224.html 
 Le Lesotho, le Malawi, les Comores, Sao Tomé-et-Principe et le Soudan du Sud n’ont encore enregistré aucun cas de Covid-19.https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2020/04/01/en-afrique-cinq-pays-officiellement-epargnes-par-le-coronavirus_6035175_3212.html 
 La société spécialiste de diagnostic in vitro implantée en Bretagne va lancer un premier test sérologique de diagnostic rapide du Covid-19. Ce sera le premier de ce type à être produit en France. NG Biotech prévoit d’ouvrir un second site de production pour augmenter les cadences de fabrication. https://www.usinenouvelle.com/article/le-breton-ng-biotech-lance-la-production-d-un-premier-test-serologique-de-covid-19-en-france.N948346?fbclid=IwAR1e4IGWUFQxa6qQX4mWptotLhWQHNqhZassMgIb-H0rdGSOPKfmuwT9nx8 Guyane: Une émeute a éclaté ce mercredi matin au centre pénitentiaire de Rémire-Monjoly, près de Cayenne, aux alentours de 8 heures. Les débordements ne concernent qu’un seul quartier. Un incendie s’est également déclaré dans les locaux. Les forces de l’ordre et les pompiers sont sur place. https://www.zinfos974.com/Coronavirus-Une-mutinerie-eclate-dans-la-prison-de-Remire-Montjoly-en-Guyane_a152079.html Chiapas: COMPAÑERAS, COMPAÑEROS, COMPAÑEROAS, SŒURS, FRÈRES, HERMANOAS. LA PAROLE ET L’ÉCOUTE, AVEC LE CŒUR, ONT BEAUCOUP DE CHEMINS, BEAUCOUP DE MANIÈRES, BEAUCOUP DE CALENDRIERS ET BEAUCOUP DE GÉOGRAPHIES POUR SE RENCONTRER. ET CETTE LUTTE POUR LA VIE PEUT ÊTRE L’UNE D’ENTRE EUX. C’EST TOUT. DEPUIS LES MONTAGNES DU SUD-EST MEXICAIN. http://cspcl.ouvaton.org/spip.php?article1479 
 Bulgarie The Border Checkpoints through which the “Green Corridors” Border for Supply of Goods will Pass are now Clear https://www.novinite.com/articles/203942/The+Border+Checkpoints+through+which+the+%E2%80%9CGreen+Corridors%E2%80%9D+Border+for+Supply+of+Goods+will+Pass+are+now+Clear 
 Turkmenistan The almost total lack of useful, accessible information about this virus can have tragic outcomes. Last month, almost 40 Turkmen nationals living in Turkey died because they used low-grade, surrogate alcohol under the impression that it would somehow keep them safe. Turkmen authorities refused to allow relatives to fly the bodies home for burial. Such unnecessary and arbitrary cruelties are far more descriptive of life in modern Turkmenistan. People are thrown out of their homes to make way for pointless sports venues. Children and old people are made to waste entire days and weeks of their lives rehearsing for mass parades in celebration of Arkadag, the patron and protector, as Berdymukhamedov is also known. If your dog wanders off somewhere, there is a fair chance it will be killed by an overzealous municipal worker bent on ensuring the unspoken diktat about there being no stray animals in streets. Most of the country languishes in poverty, despite the country sitting on gargantuan reserves of natural gas and oil. The country is not overly ruled; it is undermanaged. Berdymukhamedov develops passing fixations and makes the whole country dance to that particular tune until he gets bored and moves onto something new. There has been no coronavirus ban, because there is no need for one. https://www.azerbaijannews.net/news/264508855/perspectives--turkmenistan-has-not-banned-coronavirus 
 Grиce A specially chartered Antonov cargo carrier landed at Athens International Airport on Tuesday, carrying 80 tons of medical equipment from Tianjin in China for the Greek Health Ministry. The cargo comprises 200,000 FPP2 and FPP3 filtering face masks, 100,000 Tyvek coveralls, as well as surgical masks, face shields and disposable shoe covers to protect health workers and others on the front lines of the coronavirus epidemic. https://www.ekathimerini.com/251236/article/ekathimerini/news/more-medical-supplies-arrive-from-china 
 Lithuanie “It’s completely irrelevant to me, who the planes belong to,” said Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis at the time. “The most important thing today is that the [equipment] is here in Lithuania as quickly as possible.” On March 20, China also sent 20,000 medical masks and 120,000 pairs of gloves to Lithuania. The shipment was paid for by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and it was delivered free of charge by KlasJet, part of Avia Solutions Group which is owned by Lithuanian businessman Gediminas Žiemelis. https://balticword.eu/chinas-assistance-brainwashing-lithuanian-people-conservative-mps-claim/ 
 Lithuania bans exports of protective medical gear to non-EU countries https://balticword.eu/lithuania-bans-exports-of-protective-medical-gear-to-non-eu-countries/ 
 But the meeting comes as COVID-19 poses a huge challenge for the western military alliance. The US military has suspended all exercises and travel for its forces at home and abroad for at least two months, to try to curb the spread of the virus -- a move which has major implications for transatlantic security. NATO highlights continued monitoring of Russian military activity, as well as other alliance exercises. Yet a multinational unit based in Lithuania has been forced to reduce its activities after more than 20 troops tested positive for the disease. Military training was reduced and contact with other units restricted. The unit was sent to the country in 2017 because of Russian activity in the Baltic region and aggression in Ukraine. https://www.euronews.com/2020/04/01/coronavirus-we-are-helping-fight-invisible-enemy-says-nato-chief-jens-stoltenberg 
 UK This is nothing new. Britain has leant heavily on non-British nationals in times of national emergency in earlier crises: 574 pilots from countries other than the UK flew alongside 2,353 British pilots in the Battle of Britain. They came from Poland, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Australia, South Africa. How easily are they forgotten. 
They died fighting coronavirus: UK doctors from Sudan, Pakistan mourned Read More » Only months ago at the height of the election campaign, no-one - not even large segments of the Labour Party - wanted to campaign against the dark side of modern Britain which the virus has now exposed: the instability of workers on zero-hour contracts and in the gig economy, child hunger during holiday periods, nurses leaving the NHS in droves. These are now at the forefront of everyone’s attention, but they were not then. https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/coronavirus-nhs-exposed-britain-dark-side 
 Lybie Up until the moment the first coronavirus case was announced in Libya, citizens were still hoping that the country would be spared the global spread of the pandemic, due to its isolation from the world caused by its ongoing civil war. But now, after almost a decade of bloody conflict and economic turmoil, Libya is facing a new battle - this time against the novel Covid-19. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-libya-brace-uncertainty-battle-war-economy-and-virus 

 Iran Trump warns of 'heavy price' if Iran attacks US troops in Iraq Tehran accuses Washington of leading the Middle East to 'disaster' after it deploys Patriot missiles in Iraq https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/trump-warns-iran-attack-us-soldiers-iraq
Media Round Up : https://www.jadaliyya.com/Category/129/media-roundups Palestine, Egypte, Turquie
Kenya Kenyan president apologises for police violence during curfew Police accused of using heavy-handed tactics to enforce the dusk to dawn curfew since its introduction on Friday. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/kenyan-president-apologises-police-violence-curfew-200401140202740.html 
 Afghanistan Afghanistan gov't, Taliban begin talks on prisoner swap The two sides met on Tuesday and are scheduled to meet again on Wednesday for further talks. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/afghanistan-gov-taliban-talks-prisoner-swap-200401161559059.html

 Economic Impact of Coronavirus Could Decimate the Middle East Wealthy Gulf States can no longer provide aid to struggling Arab neighbors and may soon lay off millions of foreign workers https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/.premium-economic-impact-of-coronavirus-could-decimate-the-middle-east-1.8731691
Goats in Wales; coyotes in San Francisco; rats, rats, everywhere: With much of the world staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, animals have ventured out where normally the presence of people would keep them away. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/01/science/coronavirus-animals-wildlife-goats.html 
Myanmar An estimated 350,000 displaced people across Myanmar are "sitting in the path of a public health catastrophe", says rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW). Overcrowding, movement restrictions and poor sanitation have left these groups especially vulnerable to the coronavirus outbreak, HRW said. Myanmar had its first infections last week and its first death on Monday. A government official had previously claimed the country's "lifestyle and diet" protected its people. Myanmar, which is home to around 51 million people, has a poor healthcare system. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52115969
Italie Coronavirus: The snorkelling mask that can help fight Covid-19 The Coronavirus outbreak in Italy has left hospitals desperately short of supplies including oxygen masks. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-52120587/coronavirus-the-snorkelling-mask-that-can-help-fight-covid-19 One company in northern Italy has used 3D printing to develop a valve that turns a snorkelling mask available at sports stores into a ventilation mask. It’s now being used across the world.
Afrique du Sud 
Shoppers queue at a grocery store during a nationwide 21 day lockdown in an attempt to contain the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Chatsworth near Durban, South Africa, March 31, 2020. (REUTERS/Rogan Ward) Despite loud appeals for caution, Africans are rushing to embrace chloroquine, the venerable anti-malaria drug touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus. From hospitals in Senegal to pharmaceutical companies in South Africa and street sellers in Cameroon, chloroquine has fired hopes of a medicinal fix against a virus that is set to scythe through Africa's poorly protected countries.
Malaisie KUALA LUMPUR — There are fears that cases of domestic violence in Malaysia would escalate during the movement control order (MCO) period, with the abuser and survivor cooped up in the same environment. Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) said while emergency calls from survivors have decreased modestly during this period, they are however anticipating the complaints to increase when the MCO is lifted. The group is of the view that victims would not be able to call in for help as they are being monitored by their abusers. “Of the calls we have received, many have asked if they can escape during the MCO,” said Ms Tan Heang-Lee from WAO. Ms Tan told The Malaysian Insight that before MCO was enforced on March 18, the organisation received an average of 77.5 hotline calls and WhatsApp enquiries per week. Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/world/womens-group-malaysia-fears-rise-domestic-violence-cases-during-countrys-partial-lockdown 
 Chine For years, Canadian, American and European production was increasingly outsourced to Chinese sweatshops, and to vast factories untroubled by the inconvenience of proper trade unions. At the advent of the plague, the world had become dependent upon Beijing for a vast range of medicines and for the supply of exactly the kinds of medical equipment the world needs to defend itself against the sickness. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/terry-glavin-the-ventilators-needed-to-survive-covid-19-are-mostly-made-in-china-is-there-a-lesson-here 
 Afrique de l'est, Kenya in most countries affected by Covid-19, locust control efforts have been included under the essential services exempted from restrictions on movement. This means the teams that gather information about the location of the locust swarms, and the teams that are trained to contain them, are able to move freely. So far, supplies of aviation fuel and pesticide have not been seriously affected by global travel restrictions, Cressman said.For now, given the unusually wet conditions — “Locusts love that fresh natural vegetation” — Cressman does not anticipate that the locust swarms will move away from East Africa. By mid-April, the fully mature locusts are likely to breed again, possibly growing in size by another 20 times. It is only in June that the insects will move on, using the south-west monsoon to get to desert areas in Pakistan and India. https://mg.co.za/article/2020-04-01-in-east-africa-the-locusts-are-coming-back-for-more/ Afrique du sud South African researchers are poised to start enrolling patients in an international clinical trial launched by the World Health Organisation which will compare the safety and effectiveness of four different drugs or drug combinations against Covid-19. Enrolment of Covid-19 positive patients at 14 hospitals countrywide begins in the next two weeks and is being coordinated by Wits University researchers, Professors Helen Rees and Jeremy Nel. Rees, who is the Executive Director of the Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, told Spotlight that South Africa is more than up to the task ahead. We are "unique" as the country has "extraordinary experience" with HIV and TB trials. "We have done large trials with communities, we have followed up large numbers of people and we have managed to ensure participants stay in the trials." https://allafrica.com/stories/202004010754.html 
 Algйrie Le Président de la République, M. Abdelmadjid Tebboune a signé, mercredi, un décret présidentiel portant des mesures de grâce au profit d'un groupe de 5037 détenus, a indiqué un communiqué de la Présidence de la République. https://www.liberte-algerie.com/actualite/tebboune-decrete-une-grace-pour-5037-detenus-336922 
 Lybie Authorities in Libya have announced the release of more than 450 prisoners as part of measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus that has infected at least eight people in the country. https://africalaunchpad.com/libya-frees-prisoners-to-stem-spread-of-coronavirus/ 
 Zimbabwe arare City Council cites a shortage of money to purify the water.It says the water purifying plants, built during British colonial rule, are woefully inadequate to supply the city's burgeoning population. The water distribution pipes date back to more than five 50 years ago, and half of the purified water is estimated to be lost through pipes bursting. The government has been silent on how it will provide water to those whose taps have been dry for years or those whose supply is sporadic. https://www.fin24.com/Economy/Africa/water-crisis-could-sabotage-zimbabwes-coronavirus-lockdown-20200331-2 
 Rйflexions: https://lavoiedujaguar.net/Du-syndrome-respiratoire-aigu-severe-humain-au-syndrome-respiratoire-aigu 

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buzzonetv · 4 years
LA Marathon prepares for coronavirus Los Angeles
LA Marathon prepares for coronavirus Los Angeles LA Marathon prepares for coronavirus On Sunday, about 27,000 runners from 78 countries will flood the streets from Dodger Stadium to Santa Monica for the LA Marathon, making social-distancing difficult. KEYWORDS : coronavirus,pandemic,coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus pandemic,coronavirus update,coronavirus symptoms,coronavirus epidemic,coronavirus news,coronavirus spread,coronavirus china,who coronavirus,what is coronavirus,what is the coronavirus,corona virus,china,corona virus pandemic,covid-19,virus,china virus,wuhan,coronavirus prediction,coronavirus death,epidemic,coronavirus epidemic update 22,coronavirus in canada,coronavirus prepping, coronavirus,coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus china,canada prepares for coronavirus,coronavirus news,coronavirus update,preparing for a coronavirus case,novel coronavirus,wuhan coronavirus,china coronavirus,coronavirus uk,coronavirus india,coronavirus deaths,coronavirus france,coronavirus prepping,coronavirus symptoms,coronavirus latest news,china,virus,corona virus,kerala coronavirus,how to prevent coronavirus,cruise ship coronavirus, trendings, trends, top trends, best trends, trends videos, videos, popular, breaking, breaking news, news, best trending, best trends videos,, Italie, Coronavirus, coronavirus,washington,washington state,coronavirus news,coronavirus update,coronavirus outbreak,washington state coronavirus,who coronavirus,novel coronavirus,what is coronavirus,new coronavirus,symptoms of coronavirus,covid-19,trump coronavirus,what is the coronavirus,white house coronavirus update,cdc coronavirus,iran coronavirus deaths,us coronavirus death,us coronavirus update,how many cases of coronavirus in us, coronavirus,coronavirus china,coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus news,wuhan coronavirus,coronavirus wuhan,coronavirus update,casos de coronavirus,coronavirus death toll,virus,coronavirus uk,corona-virus,coronavirus us,le coronavirus,cdc coronavirus,new coronavirus,who coronavirus,coronavirus hoy,coronavirus snl,amlo coronavirus,corona virus,china virus,trump coronavirus,coronavirus spahn,coronavirus que es,china coronavirus,novel coronavirus ,south korea ,coronavirus italy ,ansa ,corriere ,italy news ,lombardy italy, covid-19,italy,covid19,coronavirus,china,italia,coronavirus covid-19,virus cinese italia,covid-19 news,virus covid-19,covid-2019,wuhan,operzione covid-19,world,japan,coronavirus outbreak,wuhan live,cina,china virus,news station,news channel,corona,notizie,canal 12,pandemic,real time counter,tv,wuhan coronavirus,world news,travel vlog,coronavirus live map,corona virus,nightly news,real time coronavirus,breaking news,february 12 2020, italy,virus,corona virus,coronavirus,china virus,corona,coronavirus italy,coronavirus in italy,travel during corona virus,italy coronavirus,coronavirus china,coronavirus outbreak,italy cruis ship coronavirus,italy cruise ship coronavirus,italy wich v aa gya coronaviurs,contagio virus,coronavirus news italy,italy news,coronavirus italia,china virus 2020,italy cruise ship,coronavirus in italia, coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus,coronavirus update,china coronavirus outbreak,coronavirus news,outbreak,novel coronavirus,coronavirus spread,coronavirus treatment,coronavirus us,coronavirus transmission,coronavirus explained,coronavirus death rate,coronavirus prevention,coronavirus cruise ship,scmp coronavirus,coronavirus symptoms,coronavirus epidemic,coronavirus fatality,china coronavirus,coronavirus infection,coronavirus latest news, ,lombardy ,veneto ,veneto italy ,lombardia ,lombardia italy ,italy virus ,lodi italy ,lombardy italy map ,covid-19 ,italy ,covid19 ,coronavirus ,china ,italia ,virus cinese italia ,covid-19 news ,virus covid-19 ,covid-2019 ,wuhan ,operzione covid-19 ,japan ,wuhan live ,china virus ,corona ,coronavirus in italy ,contagio virus ,coronavirus italia ,coronavirus in italia coronavirus ,coronavirus symptoms ,coronavirus update ,corona virus ,coronavirus in usa ,coronavirus news ,coronavirus usa ,symptoms of coronavirus ,coronavirus map ,cdc coronavirus ,italy coronavirus ,coronavirus vaccine ,coronavirus california ,coronavirus us ,coronavirus in us ,coronavirus death rate ,corona virus update ,corona virus symptoms ,coronavirus cure ,coronavirus oregon ,coronavirus new york ,coronavirus deaths ,trump coronavirus ,coronavirus united states ,coronavirus updates coronavirus florida ,coronavirus usa ,coronavirus map ,florida coronavirus ,coronavirus new york ,coronavirus seattle ,coronavirus washington state ,coronavirus in florida ,coronavirus washington ,coronavirus texas ,nyc coronavirus ,manatee county ,seattle coronavirus ,new york coronavirus ,hillsborough county ,coronavirus updates ,coronavirus satellite ,coronavirus deaths in us ,washington coronavirus ,manatee county florida ,san antonio coronavirus #trendings #trends #trends videos #best trends videos #breaking news https://youtu.be/Ga9kJDuWdxk
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“After United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson was asked in parliament why Germany & Italy are doing better on Coronavirus than UK and replied the difference is "ours is a freedom-loving country", Italian President Mattarella tells reporters "we Italians love freedom too but seriousness is also dear to us"”-Mark Lowen
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“What’s happening isn’t your fault. You’ve made sacrifices, while given advice that’s been inconsistent at best and contradictory at worst. People in power have set a bad example. I’m sorry you’re being asked to do more and disgusted you’re being blamed.
Tumblr media
“-Larry The Cat
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve already spent a small fortune on masks, admittedly as a result of losing them or forgetting them at home. It’s fine for me, I can afford to buy more on the road. For those on low incomes, though, this could quickly become a problem.
I’ve just paid £8 in Sainsbury’s for a pack of 10 before I boarded the tube. The more places we need to wear masks the more likely they are to wear out. Some regional/national governments (like Italy) have experimented with free masks. Might be something we come to consider here.
We know that Covid is more likely to kill poorer people. If masks are to central to our public health strategy for a long time and we’re convinced of their epidemiological value then it makes sense to ensure that part of the population has complete ease of access to them.
That’s especially the case of the government (as in Wales) comes to recommend a superior (and potentially more expensive) type of covering.
And for those saying it’s not a problem/they’re cheap/don’t lose them then, get out of the bubble you so often accuse the media of being in. Lots of people live on so little they count every penny- they can’t afford even the initial outlay. Hence foodbanks now accepting masks.”-Lewis Goodall
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“In WW2, Londoners were asked to black out their homes at night so the enemy bombers wouldn’t see the lights & know where to target. No Londoner said,”It’s my right to have lights on”. Cuz others would say,”your light on endangers us.”Substitute “light” for “mask”. Now argue.”-Jason Alexander
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“As a US citizen in Sweden, I’m disturbed when I see the US right push the “Swedish model” for dealing with COVID19. It’s an utterly cynical, disingenuous position that goes far beyond the question of lockdowns and masks, and highlights what’s rotten at the core of US society.
The US political right are using a misleading vision of Sweden’s COVID19 policy to promote a brutal philosophy of savage individualism, fatalism and “freedom from government.” The irony of this position is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Sweden’s COVID policy hardly a success (6000 dead), but natl. policy can only be understood as inseparable from Sweden’s developed welfare state, social system: universal healthcare, paid sick leave, paid leave to care for sick kids, subsidized daycare & pre/after-school care.
For many Swedes, social security policies in place mean getting COVID not a crushing financial blow; or, if jobs are lost, the state will help to support you. It’s impossible — and frankly stupid — to even try to see Sweden’s COVID19 strategy as separated from these policies.
So, it’s some pretty cynical bullshit for US right-wingers who have, under the banner of “Small Government” and “Liberty,” devoted their lives to crushing universal healthcare and other humane social policies now claim to support the “Swedish model” for tackling COVID19.
In pushing US version of “Swedish model” for COVID19 (in other words, w/none of the Swedish healthcare, social programs), the US right is just telling citizens to enjoy their “liberty” without restriction, but if they get sick, spouse gets sick, company goes bust...tough shit.
Let’s also be clear that even w/Sweden’s relatively developed, generous social policies, many here are struggling, and many in low-paying part-time jobs must continue to work even when they suspect they’re sick. So, pushing a “Swedish approach” w/even fewer safety nets? Crazy.
Political right cherry-pick two issues from Sweden — lockdowns, masks — & pitch them as symbols of “freedom.” But real freedom comes from not being bankrupted by illness, paying for childcare, sudden unemployment. The right wants you to forget the second half of that equation.
And we should never let it slip through cracks that in Sweden, just as in US, minorities have been hit disproportionately hard by COVID19, in large part due to relative poverty and the type of employment. Making access to healthcare and social programs all the more important.
....This isn't about Sweden or its COVID strategy being great (look at my tweets over past 6 months about that.) This is just about the cynicism of those on the right who hate the welfare state pitching a policy rooted in there being a welfare state.“-Christian Christensen
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“NEW: UK records 6,178 new coronavirus cases- biggest number since 1st May. Obviously more testing happening but all the same, continuation of the upward trend we've seen.”-Lewis Goodall
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“Why didn't we lockdown earlier?
This is a subject about which theories are put forward endlessly....
Two key areas emerged. The idea of lockdown fatigue and where we were on the epidemic cycle.
Lockdown fatigue first:
It seems hard to recall now but one of the main reasons given as to why Britain wasn't locking down as other countries were was the idea of behavioural fatigue.
The idea that this was a bullet which could be fired once and after a period we'd tire of it.
When you rewatch the govt briefings it's surprising how prominent it is.
Eg Whitty 9th March:
"It is important on this - it’s not just a matter of what you do, it is also a matter of when you do it. Once we’ve started these things, you’ll have to continue them through the peak and that is for a period of time and there is a risk that if we go too early, people will understandably get fatigued and it’ll be difficult to sustain this over time."
One of the leading modellers who sits on SPI-M (effectively govt modelling service for the pandemic) Professor Mike Tildsely, told us this assumption was a key part of their modelling. He told us their assumption was lockdown could last for four to five weeks.
But he couldn't tell me where the evidence for that assumption came from. It was just, kind of there.
You might think that if it came from anywhere, it would be from SPI-B, the govt's expert group which advises on behavioural science and psychology
But it didn’t.
In fact, one of its leading members, Robert West, told us there was no evidence for behavioural fatigue at all.
“It certainly didn’t come from Spi-B. And it is not a behavioural sci term. If you look in the literature you won't find it because it doesn’t exist.”
The fact it isn't in the science is really odd because Whitty spoke as if it were.
12th March: " An important part of the science on this is actually the behavioural science, and what that shows is probably common sense to everybody in this audience which is that people start off with the best of intentions but enthusiasm at a certain point starts to flag."
We now know that was wrong- the public were willing to tolerate lockdown for far longer than experts assumed.
But it isn't just hindsight- there were sceptics at the time
On 12th March Jeremy Hunt told Kirsty Wark that he was sceptical about it and he'd like to see the modelling and thinking behind the assumption
If he'd got his wish, what would he have seen?
Spi B Minutes from 4th March say:
"Empirical evidence for the behavioural and social impact of, and adherence to, each of the strategies is limited. We are not aware of any evidence on their interaction."
No joy there
SAGE minutes from 13th March -
"There is no strong evidence for public compliance rates changing during a major emergency."
So where did it come from?
Off the record, scientists and officials have pointed us to the influence of the Behavioural Insights Team (Nudge Unit)
In an unbroadcast interview w/ Mark Easton from 10th March, David Halpern (head of Nudge) talks about the idea of fatigue: "You don't want to cry wolf - you want to start asking people to do these things which are potentially quite a big ask when they're likely to be effective”
The BIT has told us they were categorically not responsible for advice on fatigue.
But it is striking that the CMO was talking about "the science" of this, for something with no science to its name
This is important. If ministers hadn’t been told about fatigue, it's is at least possible that they’d have been more likely to lockdown earlier and (as many experts say) lives could have been spared.
The other main driver of lockdown timing we focussed on was another assumption (or calculation) which turned out to be wrong: where we were on the epidemic curve.
On 12th March Vallance said the govt thought we were 10-12 weeks away from the peak
It was more like 4-5
On 16th March Vallance accepted we weren't 4 weeks behind Italy but more like three. That was later revised again.
When asked why we weren't locking down, ministers and officials repeatedly said that we were behind the curve of other countries
It was a fateful miscalculation
As Professor Paul Hunter of UEA told us: "Everything we were looking at was 2-3 weeks out of date about what the infection was doing in the community. That was a big error and, I think, that has undoubtedly led to the large numbers of deaths and the duration of the lockdown."
Ie the central assumption around trying to time precisely time lockdown was foolhardy because in so doing (and on basis of bad data) you just lead to a longer lockdown:" If you start the lockdown sooner, it goes away quicker cos you’ve got fewer cases to get back down again."
In many ways, these questions address one which has been striking for months- why it is that Britain, with all its scientific capacity could perform so much worse than countries with very little
The natural answer is the politicians but that's not the whole picture
Instead can make an argument that politicians
1) waited for the science too long to make judgments
2) didn't consult a wide enough body of science (too many modellers not enough from public health, a common complaint from those we interviewed )
Ie why did certain countries with less scientific capacity do better than us? They didn't think they could finely calibrate a response, model it and reap the benefits. They used the precautionary principle, that this was a virus about which we knew little and should act as such.
Greg Clark, Conservative chair of the Science committee told us: “if you commit to taking scientific advice - there’s something in nature of a scientific body that is going to proceeding on a scientific basis....”
Takes time for evidence to come in, be analysed and conclusions to be drawn. It maybe that other countries that didn't make such a big and public commitment to following the science were free to make judgements that anticipated the evidence.”
BIT (Nudge Unit) told us: "BIT categorically never proposed or suggested ‘behavioural fatigue’ with respect to covid-19, and in particular never proposed fatigue as grounds to delay or shorten social distancing or any other measures aimed at covid-19....
"However the phrase entered the public or policy discourse, it was not from us. We have given advice and undertaken extensive testing in the UK and elsewhere on some messaging around certain behaviour changes that help in the fight against covid-19. For example, effective handwashing. As with all our work, this has always been rooted in the most up to date research from across academia and the results of our own trials and analysis."
The government declined to be interviewed for the piece or for last night's programme. However, they did tell us: "“This is a new virus and an unprecedented global pandemic, and our strategy to protect the NHS and save lives was clear from the outset. At every stage, we have been guided by the advice of experts from SAGE and its sub-committees and our response ensured the NHS was not overwhelmed, even at the virus’ peak, so that everyone was always able to get the best possible care.”-Lewis Goodall
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“‘We’ll continue to hold press conferences to coincide with significant announcements’
- 23 June
Partial Lockdown Greater Manchester, East Lancashire and parts of Yorkshire, 4m people
-Matt Hancock via Twitter 21.16pm
30 July”-Paul Johnson
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“When the govt told us to stay inside, not see our loved ones, cancel weddings and miss funerals, we did it. When they told us to go out and support hospitality, we did it. When they told us to wear face masks, we did it.
How dare they say we are to blame for their mishandling.
No government would manage this pandemic exactly right. And science is open to interpretation. But the audacity of the PM to say we didn’t follow the rules he set us. We damn well did. And I fear he’s already planning a second dose of the blame game.“-Benjamin Butterworth
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theotherjourney7 · 4 years
“NEW: Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford confirms that from 27th July it will becomes compulsory to wear a “three layer face covering” on public transport in Wales (that includes taxis).
Drakeford says that “at this time, while transmission remains low” the Welsh govt will not make face coverings in shops compulsory. Says that might change if transmission increases again.”-Lewis Goodall
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