#underground bunkers
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Very interesting property- what you get in Jerusalem, Arkansas for $170K, is this underground bunker, built by a survivalist, plus 2 cabins in need of repair. There are no photos of the interior of the bunker, which leads me to believe it’s just a hole in the ground, but one cabin has an attractive feature.
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Okay, so this is one of the cabins.
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And, this is the other. They look like they could be beautiful if fixed up. The only thing is that the current owner didn’t have the electricity hooked up to the property. There’s electricity out on the road that can be connected. 
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This is a beautiful stone wall. Looks like it needs some new doors, though.
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But, what really attracted me to this property was this mosaic wall in one of the cabins. 
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Nice, isn’t it? And, there’s a wood burning stove b/c the property is off the grid, so that must be a source of heat. 
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The bd. has a nice built-in bed with storage.
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Storage for supplies.
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The construction looks sturdy, but I’ve never seen beamed ceilings with bolts. 
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The other situation is that the toilet is also off the grid and is a kind of dodgy outhouse style. There is well water on the property. 
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If there’s a sink, why is the toilet a hole?
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Apparently the real estate wants you to pay special attention to the beautiful knobs.
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I don’t understand how there’s a tub, too, and they didn’t hook up a toilet..
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They must have propane for the stove. Why are there lights and other things, when there’s no electrical hookup? 
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The tile countertops match the wall. 
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Fan and vacuum in the closet. Do they have a generator, maybe?
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There’s a stone basement. What is that stuff on the stairs?
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The real estate says this is a pond, but I thought it was just a puddle.
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Looks like a little garden.
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lifewithaview · 21 days
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Ella Purnell in Fallout (2024) The End
First episode kickstarts with a sneak peek into the normal world that turns upside down by a nuclear attack. While some take shelter in underground bunkers, others run from the disaster until it finally hits them.
A few minutes into the series we are taken to an unreal world, 219 years ahead of the attack, where the survivors of nuclear attack have built a secure life inside the vaults.
*One of the men that dig up The Ghoul uses a Junk Jet, a weapon from the Fallout games that is essentially a steam-powered potato gun, literally shooting whatever junk items you're carrying.
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terravivos · 10 hours
Fully Operational and Ready for Upgrades: Vivos Europa One
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Looking for the ultimate protection and comfort for your underground survival shelter? Learn about Vivos Europa One for the best possible shelter options.
Vivos Europa One is currently in full operational condition, ready for improvements to the common area and the 34 private living quarters. When completed, Vivos Europa One will allow these select families to autonomously survive virtually any catastrophe or disaster for several years without needing to return to the surface.
These upgrades will make Terra Vivos the safest place for families during any disaster.
Click here Membership is free
For more information about Terra Vivos - https://twitter.com/terravivos https://www.instagram.com/terravivos https://m.youtube.com/user/TerraVivos https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-vivos-group-and-fractional-villas
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lightman2120 · 5 months
Jesus is coming.
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lost-fool-wandering · 6 months
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nectar-cellar · 4 months
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chevvy-yates · 2 months
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[NC_RES]-31052046-EUR-GER ritter_f_portraits_002_CCR_HB_JT_WB.file ///core:_falco_garnet_ritter.file\\\
⚠️ READ:
Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Some bits of infos about Garnet.
Like Ryder, Garnet is from Germany. His real name is Falco Ritter. He's the owner of the Hell Bunker, a location that hosts diverse techno parties and concerts (but also some other genres), located under the Dark Matter Building in Japantown, Westbrook.
He's the inventor of the event 'Chrome Chamber Rave', the radio station "Hellbunker fm' is also his own. He wants people of Night City to experience that techno(ise) from Europe is simply the best, especially the one from Germany (as techno roots come from there).
He's well knwon in the underground scene and he even may have some connections to Maelstrom. I'm not 100% done with him, so some details might change and his background story is also more or less in the making. He's more of a side character but a very close friend to Ryder. I created him mainly as supportive character for Ry rather than that he's a V or going to be a main character. He's no merc, but a musician (DJ) who knows how to defend himself as he's got gorilla arms (it's me wanting to play with that set up as well so yea why not give him that).
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anartisticdreamer0 · 1 year
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Dadza gonna get the belt.
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angelcasendgame · 1 year
Okay I do love Bobby's but at least for Dean, he considered the bunker HIS home, as opposed to Bobby's home. He had his own space and decorated it the way he wanted, the Dean cave was full of things he adored, the first thing he did when he got there was making a home cooked meal, and spent a lot of the time just nesting and feeling like it was his own space. I'm not saying Bobby's wasn't a wonderful place for him or that he didn't feel safe, but I think just internally he wasn't able to call it a home the way he does the bunker. And I hear all the arguments that the bunker is underground and doesn't have light but it can still be a home if you feel safe and if you feel like it's your own. It doesn't have to be a permanent home but he still felt like it was his home. Anyways I love the bunker as the first home Dean's ever owned <33
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This is weird. It's a tiny home buried underground in Valley Springs, AR. According to the description, it "provides security in troubled times." $275K.
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What you see above ground is a greenhouse and a 35x100 garden with 7-foot-tall fences and a steel gate.
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This must be for the summer.
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A spring fed pond that is stocked with bass.
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It's so tiny down here in the house. I guess the ladder in the power room is the entrance, and this is a very small kitchen.
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The power room. The utility room has a 48-volt battery bank supplied by solar.
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And, bedroom. I would expect that the food comes with it. The whole house is 13' x 28' which includes the utility room.
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There are 16 acres of land.
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albiorixsims · 1 year
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RU Поздравляем! В вас распознали полезного члена общества и местом вашего обитания на неопределенное время становится самое безопасное место - Бункер 44.
Мы рады предложить вам множество удобств и кучу неудобств для дальнейшего проживания и труда на благо социума.
Вы - единственная надежда мира! Мы в вас верим!
ENG Congratulations! You have been recognized as a useful member of society and the safest place - Bunker 44 - becomes your habitat for an indefinite time.
We are pleased to offer you different conveniences and a bunch of inconveniences for further living and working for the benefit of society.
You are the only hope of the world! We believe in you!
RU Ссылка на скачивание, море превьюшек и много букв под катом. Прочтите описание. Серьезно.
ENG Download link, a sea of ​​previews and a lot of letters under the cut. Read the description. Seriously.
Lot size / размер участка - 40*30 (или больше / or more)
DOWNLOAD (CC included + links below)
!!! I don't know which packs are used - I have them all.
✓ RU Подробнее о CC: в постройке использовано немного кастомного контента. Все из папки BB можно заменить (ниже скрины что именно придется заменить на ЕА предметы, если вы не хотите использовать СС. Металлические полки скорее всего не пропадут, так как я использовала оверрайд версию, но предметы с них послетают). + CAS папка - там только Стренджервильский скафандр, его рекомендую установить, иначе у вас манекены будут голыми).
✓ ENG CC details: some custom content was used on the lot. Everything from the BB folder can be replaced (below are the screenshots of what exactly you will have to replace with EA items if you do not want to use the CC. The metal shelves will not disappear most likely, since I used the override version, but the clutter will disappear from them). + CAS folder - there is only the Strangerville hazmat suit, I recommend installing it, otherwise your mannequins will be naked).
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✓ Свойства участка: геотермальное отопление, природный источник, плодородная почва.
✓ Испытания на участке: жизнь без удобств, простая жизнь, разумное потребление.
✓ Сложности, с которыми придется столкнуться в геймплее: 1. бункер жрет электричество, как не в себя - придется постепенно докупить источники электроэнергии (или забить и убрать испытание "жизнь без удобств"); 2. кровати отвратительные - придется заменить; 3. ничего не улучшено; 4. теплица не засажена; 5. коровники спрятаны в ведра - ведра в режиме стройки не трогайте, иначе все сломается. 6. ракета не построена - свалить сразу не удастся.
✓ Рекомендуемые моды: 1. Animal Tweaks When Sheds Are Hidden (находится по запросу "sheds" в разделе Random Small Mods) - коровы не исчезают, когда спят.
2. Recycle Anywhere
3. Meat Wall for everyone (мясная стена на лоте добавлена через карьеру, поэтому данный мод необязателен)
✓ Lot properties: geothermal heating, natural spring, fertile soil.
✓ Lot challenges: off the grid, simple living, responsible consumption.
✓ Difficulties that you will face in the gameplay: 1. the bunker uses a lot of electricity - you will have to gradually buy more sources of electricity (or remove the challenge "off the grid"); 2. the beds are the worst in the game - you will have to replace them; 3. nothing improved 4. greenhouse not planted 5. cowsheds hidden in buckets - don't touch buckets in build mode, otherwise everything will break 6. the rocket not ready - you won't be able to get the hell out of there right away.
✓ Recommended mods: 1. Animal Tweaks When Sheds Are Hidden (found in Random Small Mods, search by "sheds") - cows don't disappear when they are sleeping.
2. Recycle Anywhere
3. Meat Wall for everyone
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RU >>>Легенда бункера
После обнаружения материнского растения в тайной лаборатории в Стрэнджервилле, споры с заразой начали распространяться по всему СимМиру. И хотя военные совместно с учёными смогли разработать сыворотку для излечения симов, купировать волну полностью не удалось. Очаги заражений продолжили возникать то тут то там. Через некоторое время удалось выяснить, что причиной тому стало влияние спор на экологию и экосистему в целом.
Для борьбы с инопланетной болячкой в каждом городе военными были построены бункеры, куда заселили группу специально отобранных симов, каждый из которых был выдающимся специалистом в своей области (экология, животноводство, медицина и т.д). Их задачей стала разработка и распространение “чистых” продуктов для остальных симов, которые оставались на поверхности. Работа предстояла долгая и тяжёлая, ведь необходимо было так или иначе постепенно заменить как продукты питания, так и некоторые обыденные предметы обихода “наземных” жителей каждого заражённого города.
ENG >>>The bunker legend
After the discovery of the mother plant in a secret laboratory in Strangerville, spores with an infection began to spread throughout the Sims world. And although the military, together with scientists, were able to develop a serum to cure sims, it was not possible to stop the sickness completely. Spores of infection continued to appear here and there. After some time, it was discovered that the reason for this was the impact of spores on the ecology and the ecosystem as a whole.
To combat the alien sore, the military built bunkers in each city, where they settled a group of specially selected Sims, each of whom was an outstanding specialist in their field (ecology, animals, medicine, etc.). Their task was to develop and distribute "clean" products for the rest of the sims who remained on the surface. The work was long and hard, because it was necessary, one way or another, to gradually replace both food and some everyday household items of the “on ground” inhabitants of each infected city.
RU В общем, вы поняли, да? Утопия, антиутопия, апокалипсис - все как я люблю. Ну, и просто так я в симс не строю, поэтому предлагаю вам тематический геймплей или челледж, как сами решите. Никого естественно не заставляю. Идея такая: ставите бункер в любом городке, меняете экослед на промышленный с помощью чита (eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2), заселяете в бункер от 1го до 8ми персонажей, можно не сразу (с одним будет сложно), а дальше делаете что хотите взращиваете команду мечты. Экослед нужно исправить, симы должны полностью обеспечивать свой быт и выходить из бункера только в скафандрах, чтобы добыть семена или порыбачить. Зарабатывать на оплату счетов (а они огромные) можно не только собственным производством - симов можно устроить на работу, но это должна быть социально обоснованная работа, т.е. врач, военый, экотехнолог. Взяли бы вы с собой бармена для основания колонии на недавно открытой планете, если колличество членов (ха-ха) строго ограничено? я бы взяла, член никогда не лишний Короче, если можете обосновать полезность профессии в данном контексте - вперед! А может вы вообще свою историю придумаете. Мне будет интересно посмотреть - тэгните плиз.
ENG In general, you understand, right? Utopia, dystopia, apocalypse - everything I like. Well, I don’t simply build in the game, so I offer you a thematic gameplay or a challenge, as you decide. Of course, I don't force anyone. The idea goes like this: put a bunker in any town, change the eco-footprint to an industrial one using the cheat (eco_footprint.set_eco_footprint_state 2), have from 1 to 8 characters in the bunker, maybe not all at once (it will be difficult with just one), and then do whatever you want build a dream team. The ecotrail needs to be fixed, Sims must fully support their lives and leave the bunker only in hazmat suits to get seeds or go fishing. You can earn money to pay bills (and they are huge) not only by your own production - sims can get a job, but it must be socially bound work, i.e. doctor, military man, ecotechnologist. Would you take a bartender with you to establish a colony on a newly discovered planet if the number of members is strictly limited? I would If you can justify the usefulness of the profession in this context - go ahead! Or maybe you can come up with your own story. I would be interested to see it anyway - mention me please.
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terravivos · 1 day
The Ultimate Vivos Shelter - Vivos Indiana
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Vivos Indiana is one of the most fortified, nuclear-hardened shelters within our network, located within a one-day drive from anywhere in the Midwest and the Eastern seaboard of America. Built during the Cold War to withstand a 20-megaton blast, within just a few miles, this impervious underground complex accommodates up to 80 people, for a minimum of one year of fully autonomous survival, without needing to return to the surface.
Vivos Indiana guarantees that you and your loved ones can stay safe and secure, no matter what happens.
Click here Membership is free.
For more information about Terra Vivos - 
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sewerfight · 3 months
M/Don Gaetano fancam
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pan-cakes-makes · 5 months
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Underground Bunker
The apocalypse has hit & your sims need a place to stay safe. Featuring a reinforced perimeter & multiple decontamination chambers, this bunker is the ideal refuge to secure survival & build up a thriving community. This apocalypse ready communal living facility is completely self sustaining with garden plots, livestock areas, water treatment, medical care, research facilities, & waste recycling. Rec & hobby spaces help you not just survive but thrive.
Lot Type: Residential
Traits: Geothermal, Natural Well, Reduce & Recycle, Simple Living
40 x 30
8 br, 5 ba
CC free
Enable “bb.moveobjects on”  before placing
Watch the build on YouTube here
Origin ID: pan-cakes_makes
Find the build & household on the gallery: Underground Bunker | Bunker Community
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orowyrm · 7 months
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last nights session was a lot of fun. kendel got pixie dust thrown at him that inflicted a confusion spell and made him attack kai uncontrollably and then promptly gmod ragdoll to the floor while kai was still trying to grapple him up against the wall... despite having one of the lower strength values of the party… it’s okay though kai and tiller promptly sprinted after the offending pixie at their maximum movement speed with murderous intent (while vik tried to reason with us against basically using a flamethrower on A BUTTERFLY WITH 1HP sheerly out of spite) (tiller did the fire breathing. kai was just there for emotional support [he cast pass without trace so they wouldn’t get pocket sand’ed again] [it didn’t really work])
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bal0neymalon3y · 1 year
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Underground office workspace in Bahnhof Pionen data centre, Stockholm, Sweden
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