#unordinary episode 148
the8worldking · 5 years
Unordinary Episode 148
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A fat R.I.P for our gurl Remi ⚰️⚰️⚰️
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 148
Honorable mentions:
Dumbass me is wondering when Seraphina found out that Arlo ambushed John in that field because I don’t remember her finding out, but at the same time she addresses it in this episode (?)
I love that Isen’s eyes turn almost a bright red whenever he’s using his ability
I would also like to point out that because he was using his ability while spying on Cecile and John, he probably has some sort of hearing enhancement, which would make a lot of sense because of the nature of his ability.
It just occurred to me that I would absolutely love it if Cecile developed a deep crush on John. It can be unhealthy and unreasonable (hell, that would be ideal), but think of the potential. How Cecile would react differently about everything even if she doesn’t tell him. How John would react to her. How Seraphina would (this is what I’d be looking forward to most).
Does John know that Remi knows who he is?
Shit went down. Let’s talk about it.
That beginning scene:
A.k.a. Where we were left off after last week’s cliffhanger.
There’s two things I want to talk about for this. One: Seraphina’s reaction. Two: Arlo’s.
Ladies first I guess.
I’ve said this a couple of times in a handful of different posts, but Seraphina really does tend to automatically assume things have to do with her. I’m surprised that nobody’s complained about this opinion yet. She seems to be a really popular character. Actually I’m not that surprised i made a post titled “Why i’m not a big fan of Seraphina” where i just dissed her for 3 pages and none of y’all reacted.
But honestly, whenever something happens, Seraphina’s mind somehow tells her that it has something to do with her. I believe a month or two ago, there was an episode review where I said that I believed she’d finally moved on from that due to her loss of abilities. lit
Unfortunately, her self-involved tunnel vision, or whatever it is I’m trying to say, has made a comeback. When Arlo tells Seraphina about John, her first thought is that he’s still obsessed with her friendship with John. She doesn’t even consider that maybe what Arlo’s saying actually has some truth or even has to do with John. Even knowing that something happened between Arlo and John. I’m sorry to say that this is also one of the main reasons why I will never consider Seraphina to be one of my favorite characters.
This point in general isn’t all that important, I just like to analyze characters and their thought process lmao sorry I’m extra.
Something else about Seraphina (positive this time don’t worry) is her automatic loyalty to John. I’ve talked about John’s loyalty towards her loads of times before, but don’t believe I’ve ever addressed Sera’s. I don’t really have much to say about this, but know that I’d like to aknowledge this thank you.
Now on to Arlo.
After Seraphina tells him to basically fuck off, Arlo shows off that character development more. He knows that he can’t continue to tell Seraphina the truth, that she’ll never believe him. Arlo realizes that he won’t have any success with her. His past actions have given him an untrustworthy reputation and he’s aware. I’m such a fan of that. Arlo’s logic always overpowers his other traits in the end. That’s what I love about Arlo.
Also: he apologized to Seraphina. She was shocked and I’m not sure if it was genuine or not, but this actually is pretty important. By apologizing to Sera, Arlo is:
Changing her opinion of him. She’s not used to him acknowledging that he is wrong or backing off. By acting more friendly and respectful towards Sera, Arlo is raising his reputation in her mind. This could help her actually believe him later if he tries to tell her something again.
Saving their friendship. Or at least creating a new one, one that’s based more off of mutual respect and happiness rather than the friendship they had before: based off of their powers alone. I would absolutely love to see a genuine Sera and Arlo friendship.
Guys. Isen is now aware of Cecile’s involvement with Joker. That makes me really happy. He knew before that Cecile knew who John was, but not that the two were allied. I’d really enjoy him trying to find connections between the two and figure out how long they’ve been working together. I’m not sure how, but I would like him to figure out that Cecile helped him find Seraphina and that Joker k.o.ed those students at the abandoned house. I’m sure there’s something else he could piece together.
Isen’s character really revolves around the things he knows and last time he found out something big, it was really cool seeing him trying to sway other’s minds of adjust ideas because he knows more than everyone else and knows better than them. I just want that back. That’s the whole point of this ksdjhgfkehjgfn.
John and his ability:
Guess what? John’s ability isn’t actually ability mimicry lmao. It’s aura manipulation, which not only sounds more exotic, it leaves a bit more leeway for me to theorize about it. :)
But before that, can I just say. Two years ago, John was a 7.0. His ability probably hasn’t grown all that much because of how dormant it’s been, but at least recently, it has to have grown some. Like… damn.
Okay back to aura manipulation lmao.
More so than the straight forwardness of ability-mimicry, aura manipulation sounds like it has more effect on other’s abilities. Rather than copying, John is changing, evolving in a way, his target’s ability. Like in the first ambush way back in like episode 60 or something, when John used Ventus’s ability, he changed it in a way, creating blades of wind. Meili even thought during the fight, “Blades of wind!? That’s not part of Ventus’s kit!” At this time, John obviously manipulated Ventus’s ability, creating something new out of it.
Don’t get all annoyed with me because of this. This isn’t anything new I’m saying. Nothing he did changed because we suddenly knew what to call it. I get that. We already knew everything his power entailed, or at least had a good sense. So this isn’t really all that important. I just hope the rest of John’s power or at least his boundaries will come into light soon.
That’s it for this week I want to post because I’ve been behind and want to get back on schedule :)
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