#until then i shall choose to be optimistically naive
why are they making them fight over every absurd thing in the book? first the whole job thing even tho mickey's always been a hard worker in the past so that's OOC, then the monogamy thing out of the blue even tho they've not cheated unless they're separate or under duress, and now the who's the man BS? what actual LGBT people even talk about that? i mean i've always just heard straight people projecting that narrative, not what this mess was? it's just so much pointless drama, like why this?
hey anon! thank you so much for the ask! i need to apologize up front though because i don’t think i’m going to give you the answers you are looking for. i most certainly can’t answer why the show is making ian and mickey have so many disagreements, but it does make sense to me. figuring out finances, fidelity and a future doesn’t seem absurd to me either. it’s been bumpy, but they are figuring out their expectations now that they are married, and since communication is still sometimes difficult for them, tensions are going to run high. i can totally understand the frustration you’re feeling though. it just seems like they should be past all this by now, right?! but everything is so different for them. they aren’t navigating in that old reality of abusive and controlling fathers, understanding mental illness, constant separation and prison sentences. they’ve never lived this life and they’ve never really had good role models for what a marriage could or should be. their learning curve is steep, but i just know they are going to get through all this and that they will figure it out together. and when they do, it will be all that much sweeter.
i didn’t personally think that the whole “who’s the man” thing was meant in the way it’s being perceived. there are different roles for each partner in every relationship, a balance must be found between sharing the responsibilities of caretaker and provider, but neither role is more important than the other. ian and mickey both had valid reasons to be upset with each other throughout the episode. ian wants to tell mickey what to do and mickey doesn’t want to be told what to do, so then this absurd question of who’s the man in the relationship becomes a ridiculous thing that they spend the rest of the episode asking everyone else what they thought, instead of just talking to each other. but for me it all comes down to that look they both had on their faces after v put them in their places. and she was right. they do need to stop one-upping each other and acting like they need to keep score. i believe they really heard that and in that moment it sunk in that trying to prove “who’s the man” is a fool’s journey that would only end in ruin.
is this all pointless drama? yeah, you’re probably right. we are watching shameless after all. but i’m honestly really liking this season. yes again, it’s a bit messy right now. but we’ve still got a lot of season to go and i for one am looking forward to it and there’s still a lot to look forward to! (ahem, that steamy kitchen kiss with our boys decked out in their camo gear. *swoon*) i’m really sorry that you’re frustrated, but hopefully if we just give it some time we might see that all this drama is leading to something and that it might just all be worth it. 🤞
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Bitties List 2.0
Finally, i shall list all the bitty types that can be adopted! More will be added eventually, but for now, this is the official list!
The list will include every bitty type and variants that they come in, including what sizes and amount of recommended professionalism you need to adopt them, don’t be afraid to ask about bitties that are unheard of, I will be happy to explain and answer any questions you all may have! Warnings will be applied to every bitty when necessary.
Decided to add extra info so that way its a little easier to decide on who to choose, so this is gonna be lengthy.
Disclaimer: if you have a history of abusing bitties, we, as a shelter, have the right to refuse your attempts to adopt a bitty.
Bitties are not things, they are living beings that love, cry, and get angry, they are sentient, they are basically people, treat them as such. Again, they are not things, nor pets, they are sentient beings, and should have a say in whatever you do, including adoption, if the bitty refuses to sign the adoption papers with you, then you cannot adopt the bitty, they are basically tiny roommates
 kudos to you if you get them into collage or get a job.
Available bitty types for adoption (Basic Bitty types):
Undertale Sans: 
comes in bitty and full-size,can have wings or be an lamia, 
perfect for beginners.
Undertale Papyrus: 
comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia, 
perfect for all types of people and beginner bitty owners
Underfell Sans (Red Variant): 
Comes in BItty and Full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
More suited for more experienced people, as they’re very aggressive at first, basically a tsundere asshole, they will bite if picked up without permission or if they don’t trust you. Very flirty as well, but are easily flustered.
Underfell Sans (Cherry Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
While its recommended to be experienced with bitties when adopting these skittish sweethearts, beginners are allowed to adopt them if they appeal to the bitty
Underfell Papyrus:
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
It’s recommended you’re experienced to adopt one of these bossy tol boys
Warning: These bitties WILL boss around Red and Cherry bitties, along with others, so it is recommended you set some ground rules with your Fell paps to prevent accidents or hurt bitties. You make the rules or the Fell Paps will do it for you.
Underswap Sans (Original Variant)
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Perfect for beginners due to friendly nature
Warning: these bitties act exactly like Undertale Papyrus bitties, but with short stature and optimistic, but they are no way in shape or form naive, they are mature adults, and will act like so if necessary. Cannot get drunk, and coffee can result in a very hyper skeleman, owners beware.
Underswap Sans (Berry variant, also called baby blue):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Good for beginners with high energy, not exactly recommended you leave them unattended
Warning: these guys are tiny, emotional, and are the true embodiment of baby man. They practically don’t even know what a argument is, and are EXTREMELY energetic, entertain them or they will entertain themselves, which can risk them injury or worse. ABSOLUTELY KEEP THEM AWAY FROM SUGAR AND STOVETOPS, DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO COOK FOR YOU.
Underswap Papyrus (Original Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Very good for beginners due to their chill and laid back attitude, if you’re allergic to cigarette smoke, please PLEASE tell your bitty, they will switch to suckers to prevent your allergies from flaring up, don’t ask where they got them, they just seem to have an unlimited supply.
Warning: they are protective of their brothers, which are mostly the original variant of Underswap sans, this is why it is advised that you adopt these guys first before adopting a Underswap Sans so the pap trusts you.
Underswap Papyrus (Carrot Variant):
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings or be an lamia
Very good for beginners, smoke alot though, and its hard to keep them from smoking. People with allergies beware.
Warning: very protective of the Berry variants of swap bitties, tend to flee from conflict and pun unendingly 
Fellswap Sans:
Comes in bitty and full-size, can have wings, no lamia variants as of yet
Warning: These bitties can be very destructive and violent if angered, do NOT call them short or they will end you or at least remove a finger or two. However, if you earn their trust, they WILL be a mom friend, which is equally hilarious and scary, especially to Fellswap Papyri or clumsy owners.
Fellswap Papyrus:
comes in bitty and full-size, no winged variants nor lamia variants
Adept owners, at least, beginners may struggle with their stubborn nature and absolute refusal to step away from electronics.
Warning: these guys will steal your portable game consoles and hide them, you gotta set some boundaries to stop this habit in the later days, won’t really work on the first few days of adoption. They look indifferent but they’re actually so excited. These guys are dark-dwelling gremlins, if you see orange eyelights staring at you in the middle of the night, that’s just your Fellswap Pap buddy keeping an eye on you (or stealing all your cherry pop-tarts like a weirdo).
Swapfell Sans:
*Not to be confused with Swapfell Red Sanses*
These purble bois come in bitty and full-size, a few winged variants and lamias, but aren’t as common
Adept owners, these guys sometimes act like brats, so a calm owner is very much needed to have one of these boys in your home
Warning: these guys can have “LV Flares” where they suddenly become extremely aggressive and destructive, and can potentially kill owners or bitties, this is why when this happens, you should keep them in a large, sturdy room with toys and items that are ment to take a beating, daily training and non-fatal fights are recommended to keep the LV Flares at bay.
Swapfell Papyrus:
*Not to be confused with Swapfell Red Papyrus*
This socks and sandals kind of guy comes in bitty and full-size, no winged variants and a few lamias
Owners that have had a bitty or two and know what to do is recommended for these guys, due to the fact they are blind in one eye and smoke so much that their bones are yellow neck down, you can’t cut them from this habit, but you can ask them to at least smoke outside, can be a bit flirty though.
Warning: these guys have no such concept of personal space, they will sleep on your face, your stomach, or even on your bed, right smack dab in the middle so you have to move their nonexistent bums to the side or into their own bed, full-sizes are really heavy too. Be prepared to have a lot of annoying moments, but these guys prove to be amazing when an owner has anxiety or often has panic attacks, they’re just soft boys trying to get by in the world, they can relate to you in most departments.These guys have LV Flares as well, look in the swapfell Sans category for more details.
Swapfell Red Sans:
These sassy wine addicts come in bitty and full-size, no winged variants have been found, but lots of lamias
Warning: if they find something breakable, there’s a good chance they’ll break it to get a rise out of you if they don’t trust you, they will explore what makes you tic and use those things against you if you turn out to be an abusive owner. These guys have much more frequent LV Flares than their swapfell variants, they can only be delayed, not prevented.
Swapfell Red Papyrus:
Flirty boyes come in bitty and full-size, a few winged variants and lots of lamias
Warning: These guys are moody, self-deprecating and are more stubborn than a mule when it comes to names that don’t degrade them, or anything really, they will only react to degrading names like Mutt, and will not react to their given names until you manage to convince them. They tend to act indifferent to the world, a resting bitch face and all, they rarely show emotions but when they do, it shows more than a tractor in the middle of a herd of cows. Can actually be quite caring and protective of loved ones, they also have LV Flares, but are normally less violent than Swapfell Red Sanses
Outertale Sans:
Soft babies come in bitty and full size, can have wings or be a lamia
Beginners are 100% recommended to get one of these good, soft babies
Warning: these guys are a bit TOO chill at times, there have been reports of outertale sans bitties sleeping while on fire (don't worry, they put themselves out before it gets too bad) and often do a float. Loves to go stargazing, or anything space related.
Outertale papyrus:
Tol constellation bois come in bitty and full size, can have wings or be a lamia
Beginners are totally allowed to adopt one of these beans.
Warning: these guys like to make ice cream! It's a specialty in outertale (which is known to have the best ice cream in the multiverse), but while they can make ice cream with ease, their pasta skills still need some work, you can let them cook, just check on them every now and then to help them out.
Something to note: their scarves can have varying constellations, like the big dipper, little dipper, and the zodaics, a few have even been recorded to have constellations from the Elder Scrolls series!
Available Bitties for Adoption (Unique Species):
*These bitties are exclusive to this store*
Strawberry Nightmare:
Comes in bitty and full-size, only lamias are available, wings wouldn’t make much sense seeing as they have tendrils
Perfect for Beginners! Ideal, even.
Warning: Extreme amounts of negativity can hurt a Strawberry Nightmare, and if exposed for long periods of time, they can turn into regular Nightmare bitties, though they will still have flecks of pink in their otherwise black sludge, along with the fact their eye color will remain the same. Very Rarely, Strawberry nightmares are born with a icy light blue eye, these bitties are completely blind, but have more magic than their otherwise normal brethren. They leave messes of goop when agitated or stressed.
These special little bitties can come in bitty and full-size, they always have wings, they are just hidden and are only visible when being used, lamia Omenerrors don’t exist 
Good for those who are new to caring for error bitties
Warning: these bitties can turn into dragons, full-size dragon forms are the size of a tiger, while the bitty dragon forms are the size of an average house cat, full-size Omenerrors actually weigh 18.75 tons due to the fact that their bones are made entirely of lead and gold, but, thanks to magic, they can weigh an actually reasonable and not insane weight of 36 pounds. These guys can grow to be very tol boys, maximum for a full-size is eleven feet exactly and bitties can be a maximum of ten inches tall. They are mildly allergic to store bought chocolate and can only really eat the hand made stuff with natural sugars, artificial sugars will make them suffer.
Omenerrors need some very specific things in order to be properly happy and healthy, while this is optional, its recommended, the care package includes everything you need for this. They are a burrowing species of dragon, and thus need a box of sand to burrow in, the sand that comes in the package will hold its shape when burrows are made, and shoeboxes can be buried in the sand for the omenerrors to nest in, clear plastic tubs are for you paranoid owners out there, live cacti are also included, make sure to water the live plants.
These energetic meme and vine inky boys come in bitty and full-size, they always have wings, no lamias exist
Better off with a more experienced owners
Warning: Omeninks need to drink actual ink in order to survive on top of a diet of mostly meat and calcium, they will eat their greens and fruits but it doesn’t really benefit or hinder them. They will draw on your walls if not provided paper or any kind of artistic surface. DO NOT touch their wings when they are wet, they are flimsy and fragile like actual paper and look like origami, omeninks will melt metal items with fire and attach the molten metal to their wings to reinforce them.
Omeninks need a pool of extremely clean water with no chlorine, chlorine can cause lasting health issues as they can breathe underwater. A water purifier is included in the care kit along with a inflatable pool, clean water also makes an omenink feel safe enough to actually have children if they happen to have a mate. These inks have souls, very delicate souls, a mere touch can shatter their soul into tiny pieces. They also need a lot of attention and care to thrive, and WILL attempt to help an owner with gardening if they have that as a hobby or profession. They also have dragon forms, sizes are the exact same as the omenerrors, all omen-types have the same size of dragon forms
Omenswapfell Sans: 
very secretive omen-type variants, often can’t be told apart from swapfell and fellswap sanses, thus, little is known about them, as their availability is quite sporadic, they always have wings however, and it seems that almost all of them are full-sized
If you manage to adopt one, its recommended that you are an adept bitty caretaker
Warning: they can be very violent and protective, don’t EVER touch their precious bass guitar, you will get hit. Other than that, they are pretty tame for a Fell bitty. They can cook perfectly fine, but they tend to experiment with flavors and spices, they will insist to cook meals every day. They also disappear every now and then for some mysterious reason, but they always return within an hour. They can summon weapons, which the sanses bear a sword that doubles as a bladed whip and a shield 
Omenswapfell Papyrus:
Again, very secretive omen-type variants. both the sans and the papyrus of this type is often disguised as a swapfell, swapfell red, or fellswap sans or papyrus, come exclusively full-sized, with no winged or lamia variants
They come with Omenswapfell Sanses, so adept is needed
Warning: Omenswapfell Papyri are blind, and can only ‘see’ images with sound, if its digital, the ability remains useless, so this guy needs sound in order to get from place to place and not bump into things, they can also spit a highly corrosive venom from their fangs, and their bites CAN kill, the venom is so potent that whoever isn’t given an antidote immediately, they will die a fast and agonizing death. This is a last resort defense mechanism however, so don’t be too afraid and keep a omenswapfell sans close by, as they carry antidotes. Very snuggly boys, get extremely sad and dismal if snuggles or physical affection is refused.
Plushie Papyrus
Only come in bitty size, and do not come in winged or lamia variants
Beginner Friendly! 
Warning: these guys are living plushies, and thus, they can mold if put into extremely damp areas, or if they’re not dried off, they stain easily and tear easily, they can repair themselves given they have the proper materials to do so, if they need to be cleaned, use a warm, wet wash cloth and clean them, they tend to get messy when coloring, which is their favorite activity.
That’s the list so far folks, whew! I hope this helps you all out, if you read this entire thing you get a cookie! 🍪
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bigbrothermonopoly · 4 years
Tumblr media
Please on everything let the nominations stay the same 😂. This is the perfect scenario to backdoor someone. I’ll be pissed if I don’t get taken out by Andrew. If I die and get evicted , I want the satisfaction of being defeated by my enemy, not someone who works for them. The ban hammer is coming though, once we get on an HoH , it’s time to play 
So let's see, Gwen now knows about Emma's advantage. Apparently Brien told her, I'm mildly worried she doesn't believe me when I told her I didn't know that Emma had the advantage though I stupidly said I knew she had a SINGLE light blue... so it was a sort of truth because that was true awhile ago. That's a storyline waiting to blowup in my face later I'll bet. I'm glad Jess won HoH because I feel like my odds of staying pretty much certain this week. ADDITIONALLY, I LOVE the current nomset, especially if Brien is the one that goes. But naturally fate will intervene and someone will win Veto shaking things up. I mean I didn't expect Eve to go, and look what happened. I'm trying to be optimistic since I don't think I'm bombing this... TOO hard. I just keep worrying I might make a social misstep (Assuming I haven't already). There's just so much constantly happening and honestly it IS tiresome playing this middle role. I think it'll eventually bite me in the ass. Gwen told me about Dem's tea apparently being about me according to Chris. I tried probing Chris to see if he'd tell me that Dem was slandering me, I was just talking about how much I trust our group. (To be frank, I think I laid it on too thick.) He didn't give though. I think it's a good gauge to see if people want Dem to go. We'll have to see if others beyond Gwen come forward with this info. In the meanwhile I made $50! I missed the last couple 1 to a mistake which Gwen got. The other I'm not sure since I simply wasn't online. If I can make back another $100 I'll meet the amount I'm "supposed" to have after having bought the utilities. I still don't think I'll ever have enough to "make a move" in this game, but maybe I can prevent someone else's. A railroad purchase isn't too crazy if I can get things and people to line up properly. I feel like my ideal 3 at THIS moment is Myself, Emma, and Jess. While my ideal next 3 boots are Brien, Dem, and one of Andrew and Chris.
I feel like Chris is lying to me about something, but I don't know what. I definitely trust Kori 100%. The information that I share with him does not get out. The only thing that I haven't shared is that Chris and I literally go on call every night and like fall asleep. I'm debating whether to tell him...I feel like if I wait too long, he might not trust me. But if Chris tells him, I might break Kori's trust. I might tell him tomorrow. We will see. I would say that on a game/strategic level, but Chris definitely more on a personal level. But like Chris COULD be totally playing me. I wouldn't put it past him. But luckily, I have my guard up and I'm totally aware that this could be a possibility. I really hope Brien goes home. He's toooo snakey. I'm still not totally sure who shared the info about the alliance with Dem...but time will tell. I have the Cloud 9 power. Chris, Austin, and I put our resources together to get it. I can use it on me or on them, but I can't transfer it. Obviously, I told Kori about it as it was going down. Lol. But I trust Kori not to throw me under the bus. I WANT to trust Chris. I'm trying to feed his ego in case that is the case. OMG Chriss you are such a great Will Kirby OMG teach me your ways. Like I haven't had people fooled before. But in all seriousness, I hope that Chris and I can continue to be friends once the game is over. BUT IN THIS GAME I WILL DO WHAT I NEED TO DO TO PROTECT MYSELF. Oh also, I'm getting closer with Kristine. I like her. I wish I was closer with Jess and William. I feel like Jess doesn't quite trust me, which is sad. We shall see.
Chris, Chris, Chris...you silly silly boy. I'm ONTO YOU. And you don't even realize you did it to yourself. You are sooooo lucky to be up next to a showmance right now. I might have to play this charade for one or two more rounds. I just need to try to get you out without you knowing I did it so you don't blow up my game. And get you to give me your money. (DEVIL EMOJI).
As I wait 8 more minutes until I can search for an idol in another ORG...I figured I would elaborate on my last DR. Chris, Chris, Chris. First of all, your talk with Dem today was complete BS. And you didn't give me a straight answer when I asked what was happening. You think you are soooo clever manipulating everyone a la Dr. Will. Not on my watch MR. You may have charmed me for a while, but I am onto you and I am coming for you. And for someone who doesn't want to be found on the internet, it was pretttttty lazy of you to post a picture of you with your work badge with your last name showing Mr. Chris. Easy Facebook search and what do I find? Mr. Chris has a girlfriend of at least a year. How does she feel about you staying up on call with me almost every night for a week? Sounds like either you don't tell her (which I would be pissed about) OR you think I'm just a tool to use in this game. Well, watch me hammer you out of here and give me your money in the process. I don't know how yet. But I will. Don't you worry. Until then, I'm just your sweet, innocent, naive Gwen. "OMG Chris how do you do it you are sooooooo good. OMG Chris get on call with me tonight. OMG Chris." Please. You may be lucky and not go this week, but guess what? I have someone that I actually trust 100% in Kori and between the two of us, we will cook up a plan. He will be finding out about your shenanigans tomorrow. Have fun in VL/Jury House. Byeeeee.
Ummmmmmmmmmm.... Alot happened in the last few days... 1.) Everyone found out about an alliance of 6. 2.) Dem lost his shit, both making everyone mad and showing that he is emotional but also exposed many more people. 3.) Kristine said the Brien started the whole alliance and decided to leave me out, and 4.) Chris (Who is on the block...) TOLD ME HE MADE THE ALLIANCE AND CHOOSE TO LEAVE ME OUT... Like do you want me to vote to keep you???
I believe I fucked myself. I decided to team up with Chris and Gwen so we could get a full property set. The plan was that I ended up with the set but I got stuck giving it to Gwen. I trust her but I don’t trust Chris. I need him to go so there is a better chance of Gwen using the power on me. Also he decided to throw me under the bus multiple times so I don’t trust him one bit. On the contrary, I’m in an alliance with Andrew, Jess, and Mackenzie and I feel very safe with them. 
Holy fucking shit. I knew my HOH reign would be messy but I didn't expect it to be as messy as it is probably going to be. A lot of people are cracking. There are sooooo many god damn cracks. Which was kind of the goal. I knew there was a high chance of there being some strong connections between people and people usually crumble under pressure. I know with me as HOH there is A LOT OF UNCERTAINTY between people so people are going to crack. So after nominations Brien had come up to me basically insinuating that he said screenshots to prove my word was shit which is fine because my word is DEF shit to people I don't trust aka: Brien. But the way he went about this conversation kind of had me dying lmfao. He basically was saying how my word was shit but then 5 minutes later.... outed an entire side of the house? IT JUST DOESN'T ADD UP SIS. BUT points were def made. He basically outed a majority alliance which had fucking two people I thought I trusted? Honestly though, I knew I couldn't trust Kori. The guy literally had the personality of a wet Kleenex, Emma is going to float to the end and probably win because she's harmless, Chris is a snake, and Kristine is charismatic. The End.
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thingsdoingstuff · 4 years
Kenosha and “Projects”
     I will admit something up front. I am pretty naive and optimistic when it comes to my hopes for humanity. So, when I found out about the shooting of one African American in front of his car happening directly in front of his family, I was distraught. On top of this, a 17-year-old went out and declared vigilante justice on protesters and was seemingly taken in by the police as a friend (story and CNN has a much better take on this one. story) I can’t really think of a much better example of a double-standard. A literal murderer and an alleged sexual abuser getting treated entirely out of proportion to their supposed crimes, they are of two different races and being found by the same police force. 
     Now, to cover my ass, a disclaimer.
     This is for me to share my opinions and start a gentlemen’s discussion. Whether you happen to be a gentleman, a lady, transgender, gay, bisexual, lesbian, African America, Native American, Asian, African, Persian, “The One Percent,” a cop, identify as a dog, named “Gordon,” or have sixteen toes makes no lick of difference to me unless it is valid to the conversation at hand (so do feel free to pitch in so long as it doesn’t get personal ‘lest I shall ignore thee). Your opinion is still valid and should always be valid in just about any community as most of the things we do was humans create a little discrepancy called “morality” in which we are entitled to believe anything is wrong so long as we can agree to disagree and by the end of the day we haven’t wrung each other’s necks. All that having been said barring mentioning the fact that I respected your opinion until you wrote it using the stiff end of your raging hate boner and still will so long as you put it back in your pants.     Furthermore, as these are my opinions, I am automatically wrong and will be regarded as such by about three thousand people by the time I have finished typing any given sentence. Feel free to gloat as much as you like so long as you don’t step on anyone’s toes and that includes the white ones, since last I checked all races and creeds were granted immunity and there wasn’t an asterisk at the end.
     Killing people of a specific race more than anyone of another race constantly has made our nation’s police force look undeniably racist, but there have been times that I’ve wondered whether or not it was truly hate that brought it on or just the fact that veteran cops jump to solutions of violence faster, because they’ve lost discipline over the years. However nothing defines racism like a good-old-fashioned double-standard. And while ‎all the evidence to our nation still having many pure racists in it is very apparent, I choose to give the benefit of the doubt whenever possible. Now, George Floyd’s death was obviously racially charged as well as many other police shootings on African Americans, but if you ever needed proof of inherent racism, just look at Kenosha and tell me there’s nothing personal about that load of honky.
     I’d be remiss if I didn’t propose a solution, because one of my many problems with mainstream media is that all public journalists complain and bitch and moan about how bad things are and never come up with any solutions or make any attempts to fix anything. But the root of the problem is deep-seeded racism that has been present since day one and attacking the actual root just happens to coincide with another issue that flat-out racists have brought to the forefront of media recently: Low-Income Housing.
     Now, hear me out, because this may sound bat-shit insane, but after the civil war and reformations, African Americans were still second-class citizens with very little money and very little housing opportunities. Fortunately, banks aren’t so biased nowadays as anyone with the potential to pay off their loan can buy a house and for the sake of interest, the banks make money. But there’s still so few opportunities left.      So the government decided to pitch in and build some houses themselves in their own neighborhoods, meaning the government can earn it’s money back by cutting the funding to those areas and it always adds up as such. Year one: no problems, there’s protection in numbers and everyone is content living in their own houses at an affordable price. Years later: the drugs start rolling in and the “projects” become dangerous and violent, because there’s still no opportunities and little funding. Hence, inner city schools have a reputation for being crowded, run-down and ineffective. Hence the infrastructure always looks decades old and corrupt with cracks and scars. Hence the people living there are always down on their luck and looking for a way out of the slums; then the people looking for said opportunities have to make some risky moves to get out. That’s when the violence starts and the police start doing some horrible shit, because they automatically assume “bad guy, black guy,” because of the area’s known track record for gangs and cartels and other nefarious stuff.
     I thoroughly believe that people of all races have equal potential to do great things and become industry leaders or successful celebrities, but the ability to actually act on that potential may be diminished by third party sources. Unfortunately, those third party sources are basically all controlled by the government, so the factor that has been limiting potential for centuries and still is would be the government and for once, I actually believe they can fix it.
     If you’ve ever gone on a drive around your town or city, you’ve probably taken a note of some of the houses and buildings that you see. Citing that a specific building has perhaps been unoccupied for a very long time or that a specific house has been for sale for decades. I for one have witnessed the same, massive red-brick house have the save bank-owned lock on it for seven years and it’s right in prime real-estate territory. So, to eliminate the slums throughout America and redefine a stereotype that’s kind of become a self-fulfilling prophecy, what if the government bought preexisting houses from banks throughout the United States, remodeled them and sold them at the price of the remodel? Now, maybe I made this up myself or maybe I’m just stealing this idea from someone else without realizing it, but at least then, the government can’t sanction off specific districts and plummet an entire population into poverty over and over again when they are inter-mixed with every other population.
     “But what if people don’t accept them and there are casualties?” you may ask. obviously, this plan isn’t without its faults, but the citizens of the area aren’t nearly as immune to being prosecuted as the police in inner-city areas, and having large houses with plenty of black family members or friends/roommates grants extra protection from angry neighbors and police. Plus, we don’t need to put them in states/communities with dip-shit racists that don’t understand the “melting pot” analogy. And with the “melting pot” analogy on our minds, I’m sure everyone would be happy if the “melting pot” had a smoother more consistent flavor across the whole thing, instead of one corner being extra spicy while the rest just tastes like cheese wiz on grits with a side of mayonnaise.
     Once again, I may be a total idiot, and feel free to tell me I am. I feel like a conspiracy theorist writing this essay, but actually fixing the negative stigma wafting around the country and giving equal opportunities to the marginalized all with one simple change to shit we’re already doing seems like a perfectly predictable outcome here, since extending opportunities to every minority means no need for drastic measures for both police and marginalized citizens.       So, tell me if I’ve been spending too much time in my own head. Tell me why your opinion is correct. Tell me what you think of our political situation and how it can be resolved, but don’t tell me that it’s hopeless. If you truly believed that, you wouldn’t still be here. As a wise man whose name I don’t remember once said: “If you love something, you critique it, but if you truly hate it, you leave it behind.” For most people, if you truly hate what you’re eating, you throw it away, if you like the taste, but not the texture, you bitch about the texture and you keep eating. American pie can be pretty gritty every once in a while, but we keep eating, because we know it gets better, because this freedom tastes better here than it does elsewhere and because we’re holding out hope that it will get better with change, respect and reform.
     Yours truly,
Jiminy Fucking Christmas.
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