#utena zenigata
kayohisei · 6 months
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Diligence-Eloquence The Weaver of Space, the Torchbearer, the Starforger, [redacted], [illegible]
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Diligence-Rigorous The Weaver of Time, The Clockturner, Clockwork Ballerina, Etoile of Hours
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Diligence-Tenacity The Harvest Sower, Deathless Dust, Magi of the Three Fields, Thousand Armed Reaper
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bandiiey · 2 years
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Oscar Zenigata
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wendy's current weeb watchlist, as a reminder to myself but also for your viewing pleasure i guess
★ = already started
★ Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
★ Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken (still hate the official title btw. The fansubs were right to call it Don't Mess with the Video Club! or w/e; much clearer.)
★ Mushishi
★ Lupin III: Part 4 (JP ver.)
★ Sherlock Hound (barely started)
★ Revolutionary Girl Utena
★ Tokyo Mew Mew: New s2
Ping-Pong the Animation
The Tatami Time Machine Blues (sadly not directed by Yuasa this time but I'll gladly revisit the titular Tatami Galaxy)
(longer shows if I have time:
Mob Psycho 100
Trigun (the ’90s one)
World Masterpiece Theater corner:
3000 Leagues in Search of Mother
Anne of Green Gables
The Story of Perrine
★ I just remembered I never finished Shoujo Cosette like 10 years ago either. Maybe I'll finally do that dgfjfjfkl)
MOVIES (short version bc this is actually crazy long in my mind/Letterboxd watchlisthole):
Mind Game
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Perfect Blue
Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa
Lupin corner, though tbh I'm not super motivated to watch these when I could just rewatch ones I know are good:
Lupin III: Italian Game (iirc this is just some Part 4 episodes smushed into a single special but I'm almost finished w/Part 4 anyway so why not)
Lupin III: Prison of the Past (literally only interested bc of the Jigen Ex™ and the Jigen/Zenigata subtext ngl)
Lupin III: Seven Days Rhapsody (I've heard this one's fun but I just. hate the look of the mid-aughts specials)
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icykalisartblog · 3 years
I had a hazy memory of this video from many years ago and I found it again, it’s real! I feel like this is an incredible relic of a bygone era. It’s a really detailed fan animation that edits Lupin III characters, mainly Jigen and Goemon, into the Utena OP!
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ask-carmen-sandiego · 3 years
Favorite Character Meme
   list your favorite characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego: Carmen Sandiego
Lupin the Third: Zenigata
Slayers/Next/Try:  Lina
Revalutonary Girl Utena:  Juri
Saiyuki: Sanzo
SAO:  Eugeo
Sorcerer Hunters: Tira Misu, Maron Glasse
Tenchi (anything):  Ryoko, Ryo-Ohki
Master of Mosquiton: Mosquiton, Inaho, Yuki, Hono
Gundam00: Lockon
Do I have a type? Not one that can be easily categorized. But I do love Strong women. And YES it’s ALL anime (except Carmen LOL) you never specified what kinda fandoms, these aren’t even in order of favs, I just put them down as I thought of them till I reached 10. I could go on but I won’t.
tagged by: @a-drunk-vampire
tagging: @callmeranka @frollothings @father-of-detectives @wolvenwitchdoctor @theothervonkarmagirl @unlikely-company @inmywhipitrust @ishikawa-goemon @sukreih  @banairai
No one HAS to do it, but I needed 10 people.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
6 Surprisingly Normal Jobs That Probably Exist in Anime Series
When it comes to anime (or any type of fiction), we're willing to suspend a lot of disbelief. That's a good thing; if we couldn't let ourselves believe that giant robots or magical girls or huge Titans could exist, we wouldn't have much fun. Sometimes, though, we can't help but have questions about the world of the anime we're watching—and not necessarily about big things like how magic or science work there.
  It's the little things that spring to mind when you're watching shows like Naruto or Pokémon: things that the characters in those worlds would likely take for granted, but that must be part of their daily lives in order for their worlds to work the way they do. Just like we have tech support to keep our computer-centric world running, the worlds of anime must have a few highly specialized jobs behind the scenes, right?
  We couldn't help but think of a few as we watched some of our favorite shows. Have you ever wondered about things like this in your favorite anime? Let us know in the comments what unusual jobs you think would be common—and necessary—in the worlds of your favorite anime!
  Ninja Headband Makers (Naruto)
A ninja's headband is an important part of who they are. It shows their dedication to their village, indicates that they are a trained shinobi, and also protects the forehead (unless their opponent uses magnet jutsu, of course). With the omnipresence and importance of the headband, clearly there must be someone—or rather, several people—making them on the regular.
  While this could be handled by blacksmiths along with weapons like kunai and throwing stars, we prefer to imagine there are headband shops that specialize in churning these out. Imagine a teacher ordering a box before graduation, or a newly-established village submitting their choice of design to make sure it isn't already taken. They already have custom fasteners; maybe they make novelty ones for parties, too.
   Rose Breeders (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
The great thing about Ohtori Academy (besides all the swordfighting and epaulets) is that it's pretty upscale... meaning that even ridiculously specialized professionals are affordable if necessary. That's a good thing when you've got an entire campus political system that requires the destruction of highly customized flowers on a regular basis.
  Tending the roses, as we've seen, is pretty much handled. But what about getting those colors just right to match each Student Council member's hair... er, theme? You could put white roses in food coloring, but we have a feeling Ohtori's Finest would prefer the real deal off their own custom rosebushes—and that means breeding and hybridizing unusually colored roses.
  That's especially impressive considering there is no recessive gene that will make roses grow naturally blue... so whatever they've managed for Miki is some high-level science.
  Pokéball R&D (Pokémon)
You know that feeling you get when you throw a Pokéball and have to wait for it to finish twitching to see if you've actually caught that Pokémon? Imagine that, but in real life and with a ball you've probably paid a fair amount of real money for.
  Pokéballs are as essential to Pokémon trainers as our own smartphones are to us. They're a bit similar culturally, after all: we take them everywhere with us, they store all our important stuff, and there's nothing scarier than thinking you've either lost it entirely or the contents have disappeared. Oh, and they're always coming out with newer, better ones.
  Considering how essential they are, we're pretty sure there are Pokéball beta testers whenever a new one comes out. We're also pretty sure they get paid in either college credits or "experience."
    Highly Specialized Therapists (Sailor Moon)
Living in the world of Sailor Moon means coming to terms with some seriously weird facts about yourself. As an innocent bystander in that series, your body would contain (in addition to the usual bones and muscle and stuff) a Dream Mirror, a Star Seed, and a Heart Crystal. Besides having those things stolen or corrupted, you could have your energy drained or be turned into a youma.
  The Sailor Guardians may keep their identities and overall mission fairly under wraps, but there's only so long a city can be under attack before people start realizing there's more putting them at risk than standard illnesses. Powers like Moon Healing Escalation take care of that initially, but you're going to find yourself with a fairly big group of people wanting answers for why they have these extra organs in their body that monsters can just take.
We've yet to meet a holistic therapist who'd be equipped for that sort of thing in the real world, but we imagine after a year or so there would be some practices springing up to help with post-Star Seed extraction and coping with the fact that you were a youma for a night and trashed your own shop. We hope so, anyway.
    Police Recruiters (Lupin the 3rd)
To be fair, there are absolutely police recruitment drives in the real world. But what if you had to get a whole bunch of cops really quickly?
Fans of Lupin the 3rd know that wherever you see Inspector Zenigata, approximately 75 fully-armed police officers can't be far behind (usually as soon as the camera pans out). That's because he knows his long-time nemesis is just that good, and he's going to need all the help he can get to bring in the world's greatest thief. Never mind that he's only managed to accomplish this a handful of times in the last half century, and then only temporarily.
  Recruiting police officers is all well and good. Constantly recruiting lots of police officers specifically to go on international trips with Inspector Zenigata? Probably not so easy. Everyone already knows what he does for a living, and if you're going to work under him, you will be crammed into one of 15 tiny police cars chasing down a yellow Fiat before the month is out. Whoever can fill out those ranks (on a regular basis, since we imagine turnover is pretty high) must be an exceptional recruiter.
  Architects and Designers (The Promised Neverland)
WANTED: Fans of early 20th century history and literature to research and designs orphanages. Must be as historically accurate as possible and hold many snacks. I mean children.
  The deceptively idyllic premium farms of The Promised Neverland were designed specifically to give children the happiest, healthiest, most enriching life possible. The setting is straight out of vintage American literature like Anne of Green Gables and Daddy Long Legs, from the furniture in the orphanage to Mom's uniform.
  A lot of time and effort went into making Grace Field and other farms like it as perfect as possible. It's for horrifying reasons, but it's also pretty impressive. Clearly the designers understood both the actual design elements of the time and the fictional depictions that made homes like these so enchanting to children. Though it's probably easier not to think about why they're doing it.
  What do you think goes on in the background of your favorite anime? Give us your thoughts in the comments!
Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
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kayohisei · 6 months
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Eulogy 71:10~"The puppetmaster whispered to the farmer thus: 'Till all but one of your fields for three nights and four days. As for the untilled, bury the bones of your last oxen. On the fifth morning, the Harvest Sower will appear before you. Collect the dust before it settles, and spread it over your sprouts.'"
Unknown Painter, ~2900 BG. Oil on canvas. Collection of the Houjou Foundation. Two angels are flying in the middle of a large wheat field. Traces of shiaeva pollen found on the canvas suggests this was painted somewhere east of Akogefor. Harvest Sower Tenacitas is shown spreading celestial dust that was believed to provide fertility to the land. Beside them is Puppetmaster Permanendique presumably stretching the Heaven's String to ensure the Lord's plan goes according to letter.
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kayohisei · 1 year
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The love for the idea of the person, and the love for the person itself. Seemingly the same, yet so different.
Isn't it strange, how they claim that the face you put on for the public isn't considered the real you? Is the person behind the mask not ultimately you? The things you are honest about, the things you lie about, the things you protect, the things you feel. There is so much that make up you that you are the only word that can define it.
That was what they agreed upon. Yet it is also what caused them to rip each other apart.
Two people, both of whom were so similar, yet distinct. A meeting that truly was once in a lifetime. A relationship akin to the breaking of the event horizon, two stars crashing into one another. Beautiful, breathtaking, wonderous, and destructive.
This piece is probably still my favorite one out of all of utenas lore art if im being honest.
i find both utena and iori to be extremely interesting, both living and post-humously.
as much as iori left marks on utena, i think utena left marks on iori, too. not in the same way, but in my opinion they changed each other's lives in an unalterable manner
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kayohisei · 6 months
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One half of the Weavers of Reality, the very universe itself expands within Eloquentia's cauldron. The Torchbearer delicately works to forge the stars that speckle the infinite expanse of space.
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One half of the Weavers of Reality, every second, every moment, all brought forth from Rigidus' never ending dance. It is thanks to the Clocktuner that the gears and sands of time continue to flow for eternity.
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Those who toil in the fields, pray that Tenacitas sees your effort. The Harvest Sower works to bring forth bountiful growth, even crumbling into dust to scatter themselves across the arid and infertile earth.
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kayohisei · 1 year
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To my dear Pandora:
It's been a long, long couple of months, but we finally made it! It's been hard, frustrating, and at times I genuinely felt like tossing myself down a flight of stairs, but I did truly enjoy playing you!
You were put through a lot, mostly by me, but I love you just as much as I do all my other children. In fact, you were probably the child I made the most art for, I think.
Thank you for these past five months!
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kayohisei · 1 year
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it's been a wonderful game! see you again for the next one :D
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kayohisei · 1 year
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These kinds of gatherings are always just a little too stuffy.
The night breeze may not be able to carry away the grief in the heart, but at least quiets the noise inside the mind.
If nothing else, it is a way to get free dinner for a night.
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kayohisei · 1 year
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"Well? How about I teach you? How to have eyes that can pierce through the human soul?"
"Uhh....What's with that chuuni nonsense? its just people watching skills, isn't it?"
"Oh, you have no imagination~"
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kayohisei · 1 year
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"Hey, hey, President! Did you hear? The other day, Hijitori-kun got in trouble with one of the professors over in the dentistry department!"
"Ehhh...Really? It didn't seem like it. Everytime he goes over there, he's always pretty happy looking. Recently, all the stuff regarding that department's been swept up by him..."
"Hmmm, well, the dentistry students have been talking about him a lot lately...You think he's showing up there on purpose?"
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kayohisei · 1 year
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"i Told u it was impossible to play!"
"Kindly erase that moment just now from your memory. Forever."
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kayohisei · 1 year
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アイラブユー貶してくれ 全部奪って笑ってくれマイハニー
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