#vagueblogging for robin
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Andrew Peterson, The Warden and the Wolf King × Edvard Munch, The Sun
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 4 months
I went looking and couldn't find any record of me ever actually posting this on tumblr, oops, but a couple years back I wrote this thread on twitter about how Emmeryn's sacrifice absolutely is not supposed to teach Chrom (or Robin, for that matter) that "sacrifice is necessary" or anything like that and mmmm for reasons I am getting Upset about it again so asdfghjkl I'll actually share the Rant with my tumblr followers this time.
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#i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just then whenever i see anyone say that chrom didn't “learn his lesson” about sacrifice from emmeryn i freak out#it's such a common take too??? well okay idk if it's “common” or if i just keep running into a niche take but either way i've seen it a lot#i could also get into (i think i have before at some point) that when robin says “what is one life when weighed against millions?” it's...#it's actually a misquote of emmeryn's “you each have but one life and i do not wish it weighed against mine.”#and despite sounding similar it actually has a directly opposite meaning#emmeryn's saying her life is not more important than anyone else's but robin's saying that their life is less important than everyone else'#also robin does NOT in fact believe in sacrificing for the greater good. look at their supports with virion. and walhart too actually#when chrom tells aversa that one person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions he's basically parroting robin#except neither he nor robin believe that. that's what they say when they feel powerless. like when emmeryn was on that cliff#(also the game literally does call out the hypocrisy? aversa points out he didn't feel that way when his sister was on the line...#like... you're supposed to notice...)#anyway sorry for vagueblogging but do note that i've had this take for 2 years (and well... longer but it took me a while to write it out)#and dang it i have a certain blog BLOCKED but sometimes i go to my mutuals blogs directly and for some reason tumblr still shows me reblogs#anyway normally i would keep my mouth shut it's just that i already had this one ready to go from 2 years ago asdfghjkl
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fooltofancy · 2 years
have finally caught up on the shoh alpha and let me just say that i am slightly desperate for someone to acknowledge how colossally fucked up and not okay this man is.
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
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✿ NAME:    Ray!
✿ PRONOUNS:    she/her/hers
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:   tags on posts, tumblr IM moving to discord
[inactive]: Minako Arisato ( @orokana-riko ), Robin ( @invisibleimpossibilities ), Basilio ( @feroxiox )
[other active]: Robyn Hill ( @trickshottruths ), Briar Rieka ( @hopeandharmonizing​ )
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): Since Sailor Moon was showing on Toonami in the USA and that was the only way you could see it. A long time.
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: yahoo forums, other forum board, AIM, tumblr, discord
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE: I always talk about the Persona stuff, let’s do something different. I was part of a small group in the FE rpc that helped organize some comm-wide events including volleyball tournaments, masquerade balls, muse auctions, zombie invasions, hedge mazes. It was always a good time.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:  I’ve been waiting for the pet peeve word to come up, because it’s not a deal breaker or something I super judge, but just a little peeve? yes: too many memes that put the burden of writing/creativity on the sender (make up your own question, send a nightmare, send a reaction to x, etc) like ‘send a kiss’ things are fine because ship fuel usually has extra reserves, poking for headcanons/meta/ships sometimes is fine bc you just want to open it up to hear what people think. but for the most part you’re the one posting the meme, you’re the one with the drive, you’re the one asking for interaction. Make it easy. Like, I want to interact and indulge, but If I have to do more than send a symbol or copy/paste a phrase when I’m already working on other drafts or tired and lurking, that just seems unfair. Especially if there’s a bunch like that in a row or every day.
Dealbreakers are too much vagueblogging, constant negativity that vastly overtakes regular interactions, not respecting my headcanons/boundaries.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  Blood, tears, and orgasms fuel my soul. But I’m up for anything that helps the muses develop, explores some depth or expression of character. If you’re willing to do some development first, then fluff in between can be fun too. (Also fluffy/soft/slice of life topics can still have development, in which case I wouldn’t consider them “fluff” threads.)
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:    both. usually the best comes from a meme that kicks off some plotting. I don’t always have the brainspace for big plots these days, but some context and tentative direction for the thread is always good.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:  I’ve done both. One-liners are rare and usually silly bouncing with muses already developed together. I can’t do full rps that way. I can get up to 1000-2000 words in replies, but lately just been loving the ~300-500 word medium length.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE: When I have the house to myself, which is usually only a few days a week and about to get less once I start work again lmao. In an ideal world, I would wake up, watch/listen/read some stuff/ catch up on the dash for inspo then churn some stuff out. Maybe take a break then repeat the process. Rare are the days responsibilities don’t break that up somehow. Such is life. I usually have more writing energy when other people are around on the dash or discord. Keeps the juices flowing and feels less like screaming into the void. Gotta agree with Shrimpy that sometimes the opposite extreme of everyone being quiet the whole time can help focus, though (if I have enough mojo to start in the first place). 
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I think we all fit our perceptions, values, pieces of ourselves in our muses somehow. That said, I am not very much like qrow except for some of those shared values (dislike of mainstream and propriety, caring about people, depth of emotion/sentimentality, some empathy) and maybe some trauma responses lmao. I’m not a 40 year old unlucky alcoholic fighter uncle man who travels the world and works with secret clubs. Although, we Qrow muns seem to agree some extra Misfortune slips into our lives since taking on this muse. The Qrow Curse (affectionate).
tagged by:  @lupusmatra <3
tagging: @the-gray-maiden​ @slaughtermachine @clockwork---heart 
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I’m suddenly very happy I chose not to follow Titans to HBOmax.
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fairymint-archive · 2 years
🔴 Red - Do you have a dream AU you haven’t written in yet? - Samus, felix
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I'm not really much of an AU guy in the first place, and I kinda don't write the secondary verses i already have and like, haha.
For now Samus is perfect the way she is, kinda wish my muse was bi (like my Robin muse, actually) but well, as a fellow homo I totally get it. My only suggestion might be interaction with Space Dandy and Star Fox? haha I'd love putting her in a space bar. but that's normal ass interactions.
As for Felix! His pokemon verses are cool! his Pikachu Verse is adorable (and nicer/gentler than him) while the trainer verse is pretty cool! (and haha, a bit meaner.) I just kinda fell out of the pkmn RP fandom at the time due to all the vagueblogging, confessional, and such drama like that. Plus competitive pkmn play is 2 salt 4 me despite being decent at it.
He also has fire emblem verses, there just isn't a huge demand for them imo.
I do also need to reboot his fursona verses; Sonic, BATIM, that kinda thing, when he's even more kitty, he becomes more of a cute little shit. like Kururun @aplushemporium
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magpiedragon · 7 years
The amount of Fitz-related exasperated sass Per is developing cleared my skin and watered my crops tbh.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Hi, this is a vagueblog that is very very Vague and not at all a blatantly passive aggressive response to an anon comment on someone’s fic about a Certain Favorite Topic of Mine (aka Let Dick Be Angry About People Being Dicks To Him).
But arguing that Dick was entirely and solely in the wrong for how everything went down between him and Tim, on the basis that “and the idea that a 16 year old should be responsible in any way for not helping someone 7-8 years older than him grieve is ridiculous” is textbook woobification.
Know why?
Because we’re talking about Tim.
As in the character whose entire existence as Robin is predicated on taking it upon himself to help Batman in the wake of Bruce’s grief for Jason, due to how it was affecting both his violence against criminals and his own recklessness.
So it is categorically disingenuous and dishonest to act like Tim is some helpless little baby at age sixteen who its completely ‘ridiculous’ to expect to take even a single scene anywhere throughout his solo series in which he jets around the world, solo, having adult adventures against adult villains with zero adult supervision by his own choice.....
And think “hey, maybe I, the kid who at age twelve made it my literal mission to help Batman through his grief....could take five seconds to look at this other Batman and acknowledge....he needs help because he’s drowning in his own grief.”
This is the blatant double standard that annoys people about certain Tim stans. 
Tim may have been sixteen, but we’re talking about a family of superheroes who have been doing adult acts since their preteens. We’re talking about a kid who’s helped save the world by this point, and how he responds to ‘being wronged’ by an older brother who in the most frequently referenced continuity was fired as Robin when hardly any older than Tim was there. Only Dick was actually fired, and by Bruce himself, and with the latter making NO effort to keep Dick from leaving, as opposed to Dick who made every effort to keep Tim from leaving. Tim left because he wanted to, despite Dick wanting him to stay. Dick left because he felt Bruce didn’t care if he stayed, because Bruce made no effort to get him to stay.
And yet time and again, the narrative is twisted so that Dick ‘fired Tim’ instead of calling him his equal (actual canon), kicked Tim out, instead of begging him to stay (actual canon), and asking other people to spy on Tim, follow him, and talk to him instead of handling it himself, when per actual canon....the reason Dick did all of those things was because he was still concerned about Tim and Tim wouldn’t allow Dick to talk to him and check up on him himself.
How do you hold someone responsible for not having a conversation that the other person literally refuses to let them have?
And yet, for over a decade, that is precisely what fandom has done.
And someone actually writes a story where in contrast to the dozens and dozens of stories that take the singular perspective that Dick wronged Tim and should grovel for his forgiveness, they instead suggest that Tim was mature and responsible enough at the time that he at least should have been capable of acknowledging that he wasn’t the only member of his family grieving and having a difficult time, and Dick wasn’t doing any of that to neglect or hurt him.....and this is what’s so objectionable to someone, they have to go on anon on that very story’s actual comment thread and argue that the author is being unreasonable and that Dick should be the one apologizing to Tim here, yet again, like the dozens and dozens of already existing stories posit?
Peoples’ issue with Tim and Tim stans and these stories aren’t that we don’t like Dick being criticized for his handling of the situation or people saying Tim was hurt by all of that....its that its treated as valid and factual for Tim in all these other stories to say things like “you’re never there for me” because the one time Dick didn’t support Tim exactly in the specific ways Tim wanted, despite years and years and years of dropping everything to rush to Tim’s side whenever he needed as Robin....
This apparently constitutes proof that Dick is “never there for Tim” instead of always doing his best to be there for Tim, except this one time he was literally overwhelmed and couldn’t be everything for everyone exactly as they wanted him to be. And yeah, unfortunately, he had hoped that Tim could pick up a little of his slack for a change. 
And he still tried to be there for Tim, after Tim blew up at him, he just literally couldn’t be because Tim left and avoided him the literal minute after Dick did one thing he didn’t agree with.
And thing is, that’s not to suggest it was a LITTLE thing, by any means. That Tim didn’t have every right to be emotional and upset and hurt by Dick’s decision. Its not even that its wrong to say that yeah, ideally, Dick should have pulled Tim aside and had a conversation about what he wanted to do with Robin before Tim found out from Damian.
But that’s not what Dick’s condemned for in fandom, is it? The common refrain isn’t “well, I know it was a tough time for Dick as well, but he should have talked about it with Tim first”....its “Dick is such a hypocrite for doing the exact same thing that Bruce did to him and giving Robin to someone who didn’t deserve it after firing Tim despite everything he’d done to prove himself over the years.”
These are completely different levels of criticism, and its blatantly dishonest to treat them as interchangeable, or to object when someone’s clearly taking issue with the latter, and instead try to frame it as though Dick stans are just unable to accept Dick ever doing anything wrong at all on any level - such as with the former.
Like, when people can’t handle one story existing that suggests hey, they were both in the same situation of being brothers who’d both lost their second father and felt lost and grieving, and it might be nice for a change if instead of just seeing Tim erupt at Dick over and over for being so fucking flawed as a brother and a human being back then, Dick has a chance to for once say he feels hurt that his little brother didn’t seem to give a shit about what he felt at the time, or didn’t seem to want to acknowledge all the other times Dick had been there for him, at his own expense....
That is the kind of thing that makes people feel like Tim stans have a victim complex or an insistence on seeing Tim as perpetually victimized and never ever doing anything that might hurt his siblings as well.
I mean, I can acknowledge and understand why Tim was hurt by Dick’s choices and the way things went down....and why Dick was too overwhelmed to be as on top of handling everyone’s feelings as he usually is or likes to be. They’re not mutually exclusive.
It was a shitty situation. It didn’t have to mean that either of them were shitty people.
But you all have ZERO chill, and after years and years of one singular narrative that posits that Dick was operating from a plateau of emotional zen and all his decisions should be weighed and measured against his own peak performance standard of catering to his family’s emotional needs (when almost no examples of the reciprocal even exist)....
Like, sorry if some of us are exhausted of trying to be mutually understanding and are more interested in focusing on the viewpoint of the character who’s been bashed to hell and back by that one singular narrative. Ad nauseam.
Apologies to @octoaliencowboy for jumping in and I’ll happily delete this if they prefer, but I thought their story was fucking excellent and something that some Dick fans have long wanted to read for a change of pace.
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lilquill · 5 years
You're stirring up a lot of hate in the community right now. Most writers on here aren't old enough to know how to respond when they get @ed in a post like the one you made. They will get emotional. Your points aren't wrong, but you can't foster a constructive atmosphere when you look for intentions that aren't there. We're not politicians. We don't know how to tailor all our words perfectly. Racism is bad, but being kind is an important first step. (Kindness and politeness are very different.)
Okay, anon. First off, thanks for sending me this directly instead of vagueblogging about me. I really appreciate that you’ve taken some steps towards openness and honesty.
Second off, I’m pretty sure I’ve already talked about this tone policing stuff I’ve been getting multiple times, so excuse me if I’m more impatient than usual.
Alright, the first (well, second, but I’ll get to that soon) thing you talk about is how these writers aren’t old enough to know how to respond. Well, guess what? They’re all adults! They all have their ages in their bios! I’m not going after children; in fact, I WOULDN’T go after children because it’s a shitty thing to do. But also? I’m like, their age or younger. If I can handle myself maturely in this space, so can they. 
Also, do you think I’M not emotional? Do you think racism doesn’t affect how I feel? Racism literally personally hurts me because I am a person of color, and has hurt me far worse and far longer, than some Tumblr post on the internet. Racism is far worse for me than getting called out for racism is for them. And yet, I’m able to handle my behavior better. You talk about “hate,” anon, but racism is far worse than anybody who’s sad that their wip and behavior are racist.
The entire POINT of all this is that people have repeatedly been kind. People have asked friendly, kind, polite questions. And repeatedly, those people have been disrespected. You can look in the screenshots of my original post, which you MUST have read if you are accusing me of stirring hate. So, where on earth am I going to get if I just talk to them nicely, when this is how they’ve responded in the past? I’ve already stated this, but I refuse to be the bone at the bottom of a dogpile. I talked more about the way I conducted myself (i.e. making a public post and specifically mentioning people) here: http://lilquill.tumblr.com/post/180938623408/you-responded-with-that-being-said-theres-been
I’ve been saying that this sort of tone policing, focusing harder on people of color talking about racism than, you know, actually stopping racism. People have also written excellent posts on this; you can find one here: http://hechiceria.tumblr.com/post/180945180491/can-you-leave-tumblr-please-your-dramatoxic-blog. 
A lot of people are talking about how we should just unfollow/block blogs we don’t like. The thing is, I can’t block or unfollow racism in my actual real life; that shit is going to be there every day, no matter what. Being able to ignore racism is indicative of white privilege. Overlooking racism because it doesn’t hurt you, not standing up for poc when they’re critiquing racism, refusing to tackle racism, and just…..that sort of limp attitude overall is what enables and perpetuates racism, and, once again, is indicative of white privilege. People are also trying to compare my criticism of racism to unsolicited critique. The thing is, once again: I can ignore wonky punctuation or typos or “plot holes” or whatever, but I can’t just…ignore racism. And seeing these people’s responses to critiques from marginalized communities, I can’t just cry artfully about it or make a vagueblog saying “racism is bad!” because then people will just be like “yeah it’s bad!” while failing to examine their own racist behavior. Other people have been less direct in critiquing racism, keeping it nebulous, and literally nothing has changed.
You also brought up intentions. As for the bad intentions of the people whose behavior I have critiqued, I have screenshots of that already. As for “well they didn’t MEAN to be racist,” another possible interpretation of your words, impacts > intentions. It’s literally racist. If we defined racism so narrowly as to only focus on things that are DELIBERATELY racist, then the majority of racism would no longer be able to be called what it is.
I think you should really consider why you are spending your time asking me to “be nicer” in response to racism, especially after I was polite and many others have been exceptionally kind already, instead of actually fostering a writeblr community that is safer for people of color.
I’ve been getting so many asks and messages from the poc of writeblr, and it’s been really great to have their support in this. It’s not just me. It’s a LOT of us. So, please, make this space better for us. I understand that it can be uncomfortable to realize the extent of your own prejudice, and to talk about racism with other white people, but we’re tired of constantly repeating ourselves. White people of writeblr, it’s your responsibility to make this space better for us.
(By the way, a term you should look up regarding the discomfort of white people when talking about racism is white fragility. There’s a book by the same name by Robin DiAngelo, and it talks a lot about what we’ve been seeing lately. In particular, there’s a chapter on white women’s tears that is particularly relevant to what we’re seeing right now.)
Hope you are doing well, anon.
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thinking about how Bart is the most tactile person on the team. how even though Dick Grayson, who generally speaking is thought of as the tactile one (an assessment that's fairly accurate, at least in YJTV season 1 iirc) is RIGHT THERE — but Bart Allen, who grew up in a horrific alternate future timeline, is the most openly affectionate. he arrives in the past and immediately wraps his arms around everyone who will let him — his family, a way he never knew them. he's constantly reaching out to Jaime, who pragmatically should be the LAST person he'd be so comfortable with, but then again, The Mission(TM) changed pretty quickly from "stop Blue Beetle" to "save Jaime Reyes," didn't it? Bart Allen, lonely boy, older than his years, cannot help imprinting on anyone who lets him close. he doesn't quite understand the concept of personal space, and how long has it been since there's really been anyone around him to push him away OR draw him close? so he stays as close as he can to people who let him. the Allens let him — Jay and Joan let him — Wally lets him, eventually — Jaime lets him. (Barbara Gordon, too, because she has experience with touch-starved boys who would never admit to being touch-starved. this is a thing neither she nor Bart talks about, but she's mentioned it to Dick once or twice, and Tim notices, and shrugs himself into Bart's space a little more after that, because the Bats tell each other these things). one thing about hugging is that it hides your face, and can hide your secrets, too. another thing about hugging, it makes you vulnerable, with your back to the world and your body trapped and neck exposed. but the boy who's been fighting for his life probably his whole life, once he's in a place and time where the people he loves are alive, are around him, young and hopeful and warm and welcoming, the boy who has every reason to keep his secrets close and hide himself away, to protect himself in any way possible, reaches out near-constantly to hold onto the people he cares about — and to BE held, as well. and maybe I'm just a little bit emotional about that.
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magpiedragon · 7 years
Fitz, a man who'd much rather drink tar, desperately trying to think of something normal to say: Coffee! Yes! Love coffee! Coffee would be great!
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there's something that I really love about characters who choose to do things that are inherently dangerous, because they're Good things and they love them and they know the risks, they know that those risks are a given, and anything could happen to any of them and they KNOW it.... but they're still shocked and shaken to their absolute core when it does. the line snaps and they knew it was always an option but they never thought it could truly become reality. they've weighed the risks and made their choices but they don't know what to do when those risks turn real.
#vagueblogging for robin#except this time it's mostly for kaylie and called-kept because this is brought on by a sudden influx of feelings about dick grayson#like yes i do know that his parents were murdered. but a fall like that is still a possibility ANYWAY in that profession#and maybe at that age (dick was 9 right?) he didn't quite Get It but like.... falling was always a risk#and i feel like that's just accepted as a given. but the given and the REALITY of it is completely different#same with vigilante stuff. like there's always the option for injury and loss and death. but they do it anyway#idk much about the whole thing where everyone thought bruce was dead but i feel like this applies there too#bc bruce is dick's dad basically for most of his life. and they KNOW that what they do is dangerous#but it's GOOD and WORTH IT and they bring hope and safety at risk of their own!!!#and then bruce is gone. and it's like.... dick must have known the risks and seen them so many times#but bruce??? batman??? dead (or presumed)?? not something that computes#for... any of them honestly but considering what happened to his parents I'm stuck on dickie bestie rn#idk just thinking about the inherent risks of acrobatics and acroBATics and the way they still don't seem quite real until they're TOO real#someone talk to me about this i feel like I'm going insane i just want to hug that circus boy 😭#Lu rambles#this post is fairly nondescript and can apply to many many things but I'm gonna tag it for my own blog anyway#batfam#dick grayson#meta finding tag
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maybe the biggest piece of proof that I am in fact very similar to Jason Todd is that I'm constantly, whether in my head or out loud, referring to Tim Drake as "Timberly"
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everyone said "you look fine" from the outside, but in my mind I was upside down and screaming-
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