#veganism mention
Opinions that can coexist:
* Animals should be respected and have rights
* Not everyone wants or even can be consistently vegan
*Indigenous folks or anyone really hunting for sustenance are doing nothing wrong.
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bebemoon · 2 months
so are you gonna share the vegan treats' '2o24 fatally yours heart chocolate box' with me or what
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the six-piece chocolate box includes:
speculoos cookie butter swan heart
roasted pecan gianduja skull
white chocolate peanut butter skull
blackout brownie bite heart
white chocolate strawberry pistachio praline flower
swiss chocolate hazelnut praline crunch leaf
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famousblueraincoatmp3 · 7 months
weird fucking animals in the sea tier list
big fin squid. what in the actual fuck is this?
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2. phronima. inspired the face hugger from alien
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3. big red jellyfish (thats its scientific name....)
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4. squid worm???????? wtf is this monstrosity against god? (i love it)
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5. frilled shark....just why?
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6. barrel eye fish. its cute i guess but it looks so sad like a renaissance painting:( hey little guy cheer up you have lots of fans x
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7. chained cat shark so cool but why tf is it in our ocean
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8. japanese spider crab (i love this freaking thing but even a fan like me has got to admit this looks like a dark souls boss you'll die to 500 times before looking up various elemental tactics on reddit and gamefaqs.
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9. bristle worms. they are sturdy to me ♥
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10. blobfish...shes not that weird to me the thing thats weird is that people apperently eat it??? but folks will eat anything i swear to god. leave it alone its just a weird guy!!!!!!!
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11. goblin shark. presented with no further explination. shark evolution is so fucked man
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12. sixgill shark. he's back and hes coming in hot. i love his goofy ass
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13. whatever in gods green earths name this is (black swallower, shes soooo real)
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14. is it a tier ranking without me bringing up 12 squids? i dont think so. this here's a vampire squid, miss, a fine specimen for sure
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15. gulper eel. ???
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kelsonius · 1 month
What I find really interesting about Dungeon Meshi is how it explores the role of humans/humanoids in an ecosystem and what is okay to consume.
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Take the kelpie for example. Senshi is attached to the kelpie that frequently joins him while he's fishing, even naming her. Marcille also thinks it's cute and supports the idea of Senshi riding it. After that doesn't turn out well Senshi apologises while delivering the killing blow, appearing remorseful. Nevertheless, he himself sets out to salvage usable ingredients from the now deceased kelpie and even Marcille uses some of its fat for soap.
That is an example of exactly the type of relationship I think humans should have with livestock animals. I'm mostly vegan (occasional exceptions made for fish and eggs) both because of the environmental and animal rights issues with large scale livestock farming/the meat industry. However, I very much support a harmonious approach shown by indigenous peoples and small scale farming for example. Where, similar to Senshi and the kelpie, the animal lives a good life and is loved by its keepers until it is killed and all its parts are utilised.
There is also something to be said about people's involvement in the slaughter of animals so they respect the origin of their favourite products, like Marcille with the soap, since that is likely one of the reasons people currently consume animal products in such copious amounts. I regrettably didn't save the post in my drafts, but I saw someone on here talk about how far removed we are in the west from the origin of our meat products and how absurd it is that people are disgusted by a fish served with its head for example.
Meanwhile, Laios and Chilchuck are arguing over whether it's okay to eat a fish-man since it resembles a humanoid. Laios naturally wants to eat everything but Chilchuck has reservations when it comes to humanoids. This comes up in later episodes as well, where the rest of the crew appears to have fewer reservations since the creatures are being killed in self-defense and they're now seeing the utility of not letting resources go to waste.
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Now I wonder if they'll take it as far as cannibalism, but humanoids are already a close metaphor. In any case, it is a great way to showcase how the arbitrary values we attribute to different species influences what we consider to be acceptable food, even though it's all just meat. I mean, I could never slaughter a cat for example but somehow would be fine with eating human flesh...
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hearthoof · 6 months
A "quick, clean, painless death" is not possible for a slaughtered animal. The death is messy, extremely painful, and it drags on. If you've seen any slaughterhouse footage, then you'd know this.
But it isn't just the traumatizing death that concerns me. It's the loss of life. The stealing of another being's existence.
As a hypothetical, say I went to someone and shot them in the head while they were asleep. Some would say their death was "quick and painless".. maybe not the clean part. But the way the person died isn't the only thing people would be upset about. It is the loss of their life. Even if I said I was using that person's body for products or food for myself, it wouldn't be okay. We all understand that taking a life is horrible because it deprived that person from their right to live.
I apply this same idea to animals. It's not hard to understand
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mactiir · 2 months
My sister-in-law is a vegan. And before you get weird about it, let me tell you I was at first too. My first question when my brother started dating her was, "Does she believe in like, modern medicine?" Because the general zeitgeist about vegans is that they are insane extremists who eat nothing but salad.
And my sister in law taught me single handedly that this is a propaganda lie.
Four years on, both me and my brother eat some type of plant-based diet, holidays are primarily vegan, and me and my sister in law have really interesting discussions-- ALWAYS initiated by me, not her -- about food ethics (cannibalism is oddly an favorite topic; she's pro, with consent, and I'm con, because prions) and environmentalism.
And I realize that the way she's swayed us to her philosophy is not through debate or preaching (she never brings up her diet unless asked or she wants to know if she'll eat an unknown food item) or judgment (never once has she even flinched about meat being eaten in her presence, although now that I'm veg-ish too I understand how uncomfortable it can be) but simply by being quietly warm, friendly, open, and by helping to cook the most incredible dishes I've ever had in my life for holiday dinner (credit also to my omnivore mother's plant based cooking). I actually like vegan food better than most omnivore food, which i never would have known if I'd just listened to the "haha-vegans-only-eat-rabbit food" teasing.
I'm not sure what I'm getting at except to observe: sometimes the best way to sway people is not through guilt, ultimatums, fear mongering, or debate. Sometimes the best way to sway people is through simply living your complete truth with a smile, by being kind yet uncompromising, and by introducing people to absolutely INCREDIBLE food. It's by connecting to people who aren't like you as a member of their community.
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reblog to give a disabled person a forehead kiss and breakfast in bed
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vegandalist · 7 months
Non-vegans often defend their choices by saying that they eat "local meat".
Not even taking into account that plant-based foods are still much more environmentally friendly, they think they're in the best place to be a farmed animal. That all that horrible footage they don't want to see is taken somewhere else, far away. That the actually polluting parts of the process are only applicable to some foreign countries they probably couldn't name on a map.
It's not like that at all.
This animal abuse is happening here and now, all around the world. And most of the time they have the ability to make choices that affect the world around them every day.
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sharkapology · 1 year
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Heavily inspired by this post.
Your fear/disgust for an animal does not determine it's worth. All animals exist for a reason.
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Eclipse: *sniffles and wipes his nose*
Kill Code Moon, who finally visited for the day: What is wrong, child?
Blood Moon: He’s sick!
Eclipse: Shut u- *starts coughing and choking*
Harvest Moon: Okay, styrofoam and plastic pellet soup is done.
Eclipse: I love you.
Kill Code Moon: My kids are somehow both kind to each other and also self-sufficient. What the hell happened overnight?
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 2 months
Does no one else check to see when posts were vaguely posted? Especially when they relate to dates or "trending"? Am I going to have to start putting little datestamps on my posts?
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st-twitter-sillies · 5 months
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thirstghosting · 1 year
put your age in the tags if you want, or if its for medical issues, etc
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fakeboitherottengirl · 2 months
I hate when people claim the dairy industry is rape like... cows don't have a sense of bodily autonomy or personal violation
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feliraeth · 5 months
so so pissed that there are always so few vegetarian options at restaurants where i live. at a burger restaurant where there's like 10 types of burger and none of them are veggie
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vegandalist · 7 months
I keep seeing footage of animal abuse. It is often framed so innocently.
If I open the news broadcast, there may very well be a clip of hundreds of fish gaping their mouths on dry land, in nets or on decks. Somehow at this point it isn't seen as a bad thing. We can see them suffering, their final, distressing moments, but instead we are led to think that we should instead empathise with the fishermen, who have to work by the (too loose) regulations, which have been supposedly tightened once again.
And I fear that some day, I won't care about non-human animals. That I will become so desensitised to violence, that I have forgotten all my values, or the inherent cruelty of animal agriculture. But I will keep fighting. I won't close my eyes from them, as they do not have that choice.
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