#venus square lunar nodes
seafoamreadings · 4 months
venus square the nodes
you may have already heard that throughout 2024 there are to be *zero* venus retrogrades. refreshing! but this square can feel similar to that vibe. fortunately, it passes much more quickly. meanwhile, if someone from the past, or a pattern you used to follow, rises up from some murky depth, ponder before acting whether that's a path you really want to go down again. if so, go happily! if not, well, just don't. you don't have to.
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: Full Moon 19° Aquarius 2022
This full moon, peaking tomorrow night on 8/11 is going to pack a punch. This is definitely the most energetic full moon of the season, if not of the year entirely.
Firstly let's break down why:
the Moon will be closely conjunct to retrograde Saturn in Aquarius and square to the lunar nodes and Uranus in Taurus
Saturn and Uranus are working their way towards their almost-exact square for the fourth time in this ongoing sequence
this is activating a fixed grand cross in the sky (Sun in Leo, South node in Scorpio, Moon and Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus and the North Node in Taurus)
this is the exact midpoint between our eclipse cycles and will carry with it eclipse energy
Venus will also enter Leo on Thursday
additionally, Mars is going to sextile retrograde Neptune
These are just the aspects that will be going exact during the energy of the full moon. It's worth noting that Venus is still in opposition with retrograde Pluto (was exact on 8/09) and Mars is working towards an exact trine to Pluto on 8/14. That shows that every planet with the exception of Mercury is heavily activated during this lunar cycle.
That's a lot - there's no way around it.
We are coming to a crossroads in the events of our lives. Something about the Taurus-Scorpio-themed lunar story which began in November of 2021 is coming to a head as our Sun and Moon square off with the lunar nodes. This creates a very liminal time when doors open and close. The events that the lunar nodes bring into and out of our lives are beyond our control and can create a lot of anxiety - the best thing to remember during this time is that you choose what doors you walk through. Just because a door opens for you doesn't mean that you have to take it. Doors closing is another matter but one that we all must live with and learn to accept in one way or another.
The contradiction of fate and free will is omnipresent during events such as these. Certain things are fated to happen to you; it's what you do with these events that dictate the story of your life. Are you at the wheel of your own journey? Are you giving your power away? Do you work to create your reality or do your laissez-faire let it just happen to you? Answer these questions honestly and then consider if that is how you want to live.
Big Daddy Saturn wants you to be aware of the decisions that you are making (and the ones that you are not making). Saturn is the king of responsibility - he shows us where we need to buckle in and work for ourselves in our own lives. He is often greatly maligned but without Saturn, there would be no structure and without structure, nothing would ever get built. Saturn wants you to show up for the things that matter in your life - the things that will move you forward towards your true purpose and personal advancement. Sitting in the sign of Aquarius, he is interested in (re) building the structures of community to create a better future. That's actually quite beneficial if you think about it.
On the other hand, Uranus is the great destroyer - the lightning bolt that fells the mighty tower of "what was". Uranus can be seen to be the spark of life but is also radioactive. Uranus is pure inspiration, devoid of any grounding or reality checks.
Said in that way, you can see why these two planetary giants don't get along very well. They have been at war for almost a year and a half - both stuck in their fixed sign ways. I have been calling this the Irresistible Force Paradox - Saturn is the immovable object and Uranus is the Unstoppable Force.
This event ties in closely with the contradiction of fate and free will of the lunar nodes and it is not by accident that Uranus and the North Node (the node of forward-facing fate) are conjunct in the earthy fixed sign of Taurus. So much has to change environmentally - I don't think that there is one of us paying attention who does not realize now that humans are irrevocably altering the nature of our planet. Uranus in Taurus, aided by the North Node, is the floods, the fires, the hurricanes - all of these bigger-than-life events that are hinting to us tiny humans that we have gone too far - that we have to change something fast before it is too late.
I reference the greater macrocosm of these events because as above, so below - we are seeing this unfold within the microcosm of our own lives. Something that has been stuck - something that has been duct-taped together for too long or held together by lies and falsehoods - is going to start moving. Stay aware of the earthquakes and tsunamis of your own life because it is a message from the universe letting you know that something isn't right.
If "change before you have to" was the theme of 2021, here, a year later, we're deep into the "have to". This full moon will almost inevitably highlight what you have been holding on to for too long. When it does, listen.
This will be personal, there's no way around it. Both of our relationship signs (Venus and Mars) are in aspect to the planet of death and transformation, Pluto. Stagnancy in relationships may be especially anathema during this time. If your Others are demanding freedom during these days, let them be free. Otherwise, they might run and never come back.
I say this with all of the love in my heart: if this happens, let them.
This is the hardest lesson that we as humans have to learn - to let people leave our lives with grace and understanding. Everybody is on their own path and sometimes we get to walk side by side with another human for a while. This is the greatest blessing and we shouldn't let that become a curse where we hold onto that other as if our lives depend on it. When you stifle the growth of an/Other, you stifle your own growth.
In this way, Uranus in Taurus highlights that codependencies are not healthy structures. In this one way, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus agree - it is to your own self that you must be the most dedicated. It is only when you are most loyal to yourself that you can truly be loyal to an/Other. And it is only when your Others are most loyal to themselves that they can be loyal to you.
These cycles have been demanding that we all step from a place of codependence (or, for some, toxic independence) into a space of interdependence. Where we have such good boundaries between ourselves and the group (Saturn in Aquarius) that we can show up and support the collective while still working on our own goals.
In its immature stage, the Sun in Leo gets lost in the inevitable ego story of all of this and is VERY against the idea of letting others do their own thing. An immature Leo sun type wants to strut around roaring "it's good to be the king" without taking any responsibility for the greater pride at large. But if we've matured through the rough lessons of the last two and a half years, we can be something else - we can enter the mature Leo energy that this grand cross brings up. We can take on the responsibility of being an elder, of having done the work, and we can step up to watch out for the tribe - to protect those that need protection - to watch for the dangers that inevitably arise - to care for the young and the sick.
Leo is the sign of the king of kings - it is the sign in which we all become the ruler of our own lives. (We all have Leo somewhere in our charts by planet or house placement) The question always is: will you be a benevolent ruler or will you be a tyrant?
The choice, in the end, is yours alone.
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hellofanappetite · 2 years
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“Lunar Eclipses are about relationships and polarities. With the Taurus-Scorpio axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at our needs, lacks, and wants concerning the balance between Taurus-ruled and Scorpio-ruled areas of life.” —cafeastro
Taurus: earthy, practical, peace-loving
☾ ♉︎: finding emotional fulfillment through the simple, tangible things in life
Scorpio: emotional, transformative, crisis-oriented
☉ ♏︎: paying attention to complexities, intangibles, & mysteries
The Taurus eclipse is conjunct Uranus & the north node—this means that freedom of expression is the end goal!
This eclipse is conjunct (working together) with Uranus—so freedom, awakening, and revolution hold weight during this time. Uranus manifests in experiences of sudden change—at once liberating and disturbing, jolting and electrifying.
♈︎ Aries rising (Taurus 2nd house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your values/resources/personal possessions/self-esteem
♉︎ Taurus rising (Taurus 1st house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to yourself/appearance/mannerisms/image
♊︎ Gemini rising (Taurus 12th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your sacrifices/seclusion/mysticism/hidden matters
♋︎ Cancer rising (Taurus 11th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your friendships/clubs/society/groups/local politics/astrology
♌︎ Leo rising (Taurus 10th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your career/goals/ambitions/public life
♍︎ Virgo rising (Taurus 9th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your long-distance travels/foreign interests/higher education/religion
♎︎ Libra rising (Taurus 8th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your shared finances or resources/intimacy/transformation
♏︎ Scorpio rising (Taurus 7th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your close relationships/agreements/contracts/open enemies
♐︎ Sagittarius rising (Taurus 6th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your work/health/fitness/daily routine
♑︎ Capricorn rising (Taurus 5th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your artistry/music taste/children (could be inner child)/creativity/crushes
♒︎ Aquarius rising (Taurus 4th house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your home life/family/past/history/mother figures
♓︎ Pisces rising (Taurus 3rd house) you’ll experience an awakening pertaining to your neighborhood/close friends/location/insight
Note: The eclipse is also opposing Mercury (communication) & Venus (values)
There’s a challenge with how we communicate along with our values
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astrologydayz · 5 months
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If you're into past lives with other people = go 2 both of your "Desc. Lunar Node persona charts", &save them to make a synastry chart! It tells/shows u about your past life together - IF u had one, ofc - what occurred between u/what u guys went through/what u were 2each other, if u "owe"/or is "owed" something, then what & why, how u felt about each other, etc. it gives u WAAAY more details about your past life together, than a normal synastry chart does. 
GO SEE If there's a name asteroid with your child's name = go look at that name persona chart, &I promise you that you will be amazed. Nothing is ever accidental baby.
Look at your Eros persona chart2 see what your sexual desires/fantasies exactly are - in details/how forward - or not, you are when it comes to your desires, sex/sexual things in general. It also shows u how you express your "sexual side"/what kind of people you're sexually attracted2/turn ons in details. 
Your Fama persona chart - 408 tells u about what other people gossip/talk about, when it comes2 u - also rumours/what u gossip about 2 others/if you're famous - then4what
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I'M TALKING ABOUT ROMANTIC/SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS👇🏽 A SYNASTRY CHART tells u how u how u guys "respond" 2 one another! Like what u think about each other, how u feel about each other, how u communicate, what u desire/love about each other, family influences/outside influences, what "differences" u have, what "issues"/challenges u have with each other etc.🏃💜 A COMPOSITE CHART literally shows us how u guys relationship dynamic is, how u communicate as a couple/show love, your sexual dynamic, "challenges as a couple", how "content" you guys are in your relationship basically&your "reputation together"/outside influences etc. It also shows what your relationship's "endgame" is ⛓❤️🔥.
A DAVISON CHART gives us a different perspective on your relationship& shows opportunities along the way4u guys as a couple, that a composite chart won't show🫵🫶. This chart chart also gives us an exact time&date + retrograde planets that isn't shown in your composite chart = provides us with "new insight" on the relationship! TAKE NOTE OF THAT DATE BTW💋.
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People with Saturn conjunct/trine Amor asteroid - 1221 usually only fuck with long ass relationships - not so much one nightstands. They want that stable&secure love - they don't fuck around just 2 fuck around. They're also in love with themselves, most of the time - in a good way!!! They're confident, &secure in who they are/in what they seek. They also know what they bring 2the table in a connection, so if somebody doesn't find it enough/or doesn't appreciate it?? They're out.
Someone with Amor asteroid - 1221 conjunct their 2nd house = quality, quality, quality. Quality is really the number 1 thing they always seek/want in life. They would rather not buy/have/eat anything than buy/have/eat something that's not good enough quality.
Venus conjunct/trine/quintile Mars people are typically the ones everyone almost always finds attractive - they fit the usual "pretty boy/pretty girl standards".
Venus conjunct/square/quincunx Pluto can get stalked/harassed pretty often by their love interests/old love interests, or by people they don't even really "notice". Sun conjunct 11th house can show up as having many male friends, or many male followers/fans in rl/online.
Venus conjunct/square/quincunx Uranus are the ones seeing somebody online, &be infatuated/"in love" after seeing one pic/video. They fall in love pretty fast in rl2, but typically ends up getting the ick real quick - when the other one goes all in, at last. They can change their minds pretty often when it comes to love/love interests, as they really don't wanna end up "missing something". Can be seen as "flighty"/non committal.
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Mera asteroid - 3553 "Purity being taken, or purity given away" - can show cheating in a synastry chart - "Mera" person is the one breaking the bond by being unfaithful - "purity given away", probably "shouldn't have done it". "Mera" can also show up as "corruption" - the other person taking the "Mera" person's "purity" away.
Galatea asteroid - 74 in synastry can show love triangles. It's really no joke. The "Galatea" person is the one bringing the 3rd party, &the drama in.
Moon conjunct/opposite Sado asteroid - 118230 in synastry shows up as Sado person getting a kick out of humiliating/embarrassing Moon - In private, &in public, doesn't matter. In short words, Sado is SADISTIC AF towards Moon - making fun of their emotions - making fun of them crying/making them cry/hurt on purpose, them "playing games" with Moon person's emotions, Sado degrades, &taunts Moon. Moon feels very belittled, small, & very non existing here. The opposition will cause Moon 2 talk back sometimes/not take it as often as the conjunction would. The opposition can also show that it happens in periods, like it's on & off with Sado being a dick towards moon - where the conjunction will cause Sado2always be like that.
Isolda asteroid - 211 can also show up as cheating - Isolda typically shows up in a synastry chart between the cheater, & the 3rd party. "Love at 1st sight", "loyalty forgotten", "new love", "off the charts infatuation".
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saturnsbabyboii · 6 months
🍓Synastry Astro Observations🍓
(Cause I haven't been active for three months)
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🍓Regardless of the sign a planet is in, it is important to check the aspects it makes to other planets. This is especially the case for synastry charts and readings as aspects create an activation that can enhance, block or overturn the energy of said planets.
🍓People with Sun conjunct Sun aspect are very competitive with one another. This is usually exasperated when one or both have this aspect in a Fire house.
🍓Natives with Mars squaring others Neptune are usually challenging people realities. For the Mars native, the Neptune person is usually a cause of drama or someone that is petty or inauthentic. The Mars person can easily see through the Neptune person facade. However positively, the Neptune person can soothe the Mars native, despite their defensiveness. For the Neptune native on the other hand, this could be a relationship where the Mars person helps them overcome and outgrow harmful cycles, or actualize their dreams. Worst case, the Mars person is very harmful to the Neptune native mental health and psyche. They could be an abuser of sorts.
🍓Mercury trine Mars are people that can help each other process things and brainstorm as they work very well with one another balancing ideas and workload. This is the dream team for any project.
🍓People with their MC in square aspect to your Sun might feel embarrassed to be seen with you in public. Best case they prefer to be more personal and private with you, bringing you into their personal space and away from their outer persona.
🍓Personally, I have found that the predominance of Squares usually only works in context of friendship rather than in romance, sex or family. Although it could create conflict between personalities, when done right, it can signify support, companionship or even someone that'll be instrumental in helping you break out of toxic patterns or elevate into a higher level and field.
🍓MC square MC is an indication of having drama or a falling out publicly.
🍓Lunar Nodes in aspect to your personal planets have a strong effect on you, although it would be temporary. Meanwhile, someone Nodes in your angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) will play a big role in your life. This is would be particularly true if they're in aspect to your Ascendant/Descendant/IC/MC.
🍓Aspects between Venus and Venus create more harmony and attraction than positive aspects between Mars and Venus/ Mars and Mars.
🍓Jupiter conjunct Saturn are two sides of the same coin. They're two people with the same ideals and principles yet they approach and practice them differently.
🍓Even though it is not "official" or as widely done, but I give great importance to the compatibility between the houses in synastry, regardless of the planets present. Since the houses are a reflection of our life map, it can help us better understand our similarities and differences, plus our possible standpoints.
🍓When looking over synastry with a parent, take a good look at the aspects made by their Saturn and Chiron to your personal placements. Chiron in specific can show where/what they unleash or heal their trauma through you.
🍓Mars opposition Saturn is a high indication of a relationship being described as a "Cold War".
🍓Having Chiron and/or Pluto conjunct someone inner planets means you're are here to serve them karma or bring them justice.
🍓Ascendant conjunct Venus creates a very beautiful pairing. Whether it's romantic or platonic, this pair accentuate one another's beauty.
🍓Check the aspects your Neptune makes to the other person. The planets aspected indicate where do you overlook traits, paint a false picture, or what are you in denial about regrading the person. This works in terms of justifying behavior, making up a connection, and possibly lying on or magnifying "bad traits" in others that don't exist. It also goes the other way around.
🍓The placement of someone's Moon in your houses can summarize their emotional state towards you or what they find in common with you on a deeper level. For example:
Someone's Moon in your 1st house can be a person that feels endowed or in awe of your appearance (especially when their Moon is inconjunction with your Ascendant). You may carry yourself in a way that they relate to or deeply desire. This person may also be someone that shares superficial feelings of you or thinks that you're shallow. Possible jealousy.
Someone's Moon in your 2nd house is a sign of codependence, specifically of the Moon native towards you. Since the 2nd house rules resources and self esteem, this person may require a lot from you, and might be a bit too comfortable taking things from you. You yourself may also enable this behavior and don't see a problem with it. In some cases, this could be a person that is emotionally supportive and reinforcing of your own worth. In contrast, this could be someone that creates blockages and hinders your material growth.
Someone's Moon in your 3rd house will be a person that you feel very comfortable talking to. This can be someone you find out that they're from the same hometown as you or have lived/is living in your childhood neighborhood. A potential life long roomie. An indication of a nurturing or "motherly" way of communicating with one another.
Someone's Moon in your 10th is similar to that of the 1st, in that the Moon person would be either in awe or jealous of you. In this house, this is exhibited overtly. This person could be your biggest cheerleader or biggest hater. Something about you succeeding (or even failing) affects them deeply. It's likely that this person won't have your best interest at heart and may use associating with you as a way to gain fame or monetary wealth. In positive cases, this person could be a confidant in professional environments.
🍓People that have more than two planets in your water houses (4th, 8t, 12th) will have a profound effect on you for the rest of this lifetime. These houses are not only related to our deeper selves and private life, but they're also karmic. Our relationship with such people is much more darker and intimate, showing hidden aspects of ourselves that we may not be aware of. Being around them may be draining as those relationships can feel like a blood oath, to say the least. Particularly for the 12th, this person can unravel you in the best (and worst) ways possible. As the house of hidden enemies, this person might be harmful to you in an unforeseen ways. If both of you share planets in these houses then it's an indication of trauma bonding.
🍓A person with their natal Mars in your 8th house can be someone oddly provoking. Its giving "why do I even like you?". These are not the people you usually find attractive yet they have a strange hold on you. They're your forbidden fruit.
🍓Aspects made to the ascendent can explain ones first impression of another. For example, Venus in aspect to the ascendent describes a sense of intrigue and attraction based off of desire (Opposition), envy (Square), resonance (Conjunct), belonging (Trine), or curiosity (Sextile).
Bye Ugly xoxo
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neptunianmuse · 9 months
Marriage in Transits and Solar Return charts 💍
I know this is a topic a lot of people interested in astrology care about. So I thought I should make a post about it. In the past couple of months I have read A LOT of solar return and Transit charts of married couples; from famous couples, my friends, my friends parents and family members. I have noticed these recurring placements...I hope you guys enjoy this 💗
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- Mercury in the second house - Sun in the second house - Lunar nodes in the 4th/5th house - Pluto in the fifth house - Chiron in the seventh house - Uranus in the first house/Conjunct the ascendant - Moon in the first house/Conjunct the ascendant. - Moon in an air sign or Pisces is very prominent in many charts I’ve looked at, like MOST of them. - Uranus in the fifth house - For women briede asteroid in the first house. - I've noticed in a lot of charts asteroid groom is in the same sign in the birth chart and when it's transiting. If it isn't conjunct then it is trine. - Mars at 12°. - Pisces moon at 10° I saw In like 8 charts. - Moon at 15° I also saw a lot of.
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Solar Return Chart
- Sun in the first house - Vertex in the seventh house - North node in the seventh house - ASC in Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Cap - Moon making an aspect to Uranus - Juno in 3rd, 7th or 10th house - Stellium in the 7th and/or 10th house - ASC at 19° or 27° - Pluto in the fourth house - Sun conjunct Mercury, this was also shown the year people got engaged. - Moon trine/square ASC. - Jupiter making an aspect to Saturn/Uranus. - Moon at 1° or 29°, I saw this in every married family member of mine solar return chart. EVERY SINGLE ONE. - Mercury at 16 degrees was in SO SO many charts, also at 13 degrees but it didn’t come up as much as 16 degrees. - Venus in Cap, Libra, Cancer and Pisces - Vertex aspecting Venus mostly square and opposition. - Venus sextile/trine mars. - Vesta at 15° - North Node/Vertex in 5th house - A lot of the solar return charts I've looked at when people had prominent 5th house placements or a stellium they had kids right after marriage.
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Asteroids I've mentioned (Juno 3, Groom 5129, Briede 19029, Vesta 4)
I hope you guys liked this post, let me know if you have any thoughts or questions. I would love to hear them 🙈.
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Guide: How to read a Lunar Return chart
A Lunar Return chart is a type of chart calculated by the position of the Moon. Basically, a Lunar Return is when your moon returns to its natal position. Lunar Return charts are similar to Solar Return charts; the difference is that they speak more about your internal world than external world (but we all know our internal world creats our reality lol)
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On to meanings...
ASC in LR chart: The first impression you're gonna give that month. How will you be perceived?
Sun in LR chart: Your main theme for that month. What will you focus on the most? Where will you shine that month?
Moon in LR chart: Your emotional needs during that month. Where will you feel extra sensitive? What will you hold dearly to your heart?
Mercury in LR chart: Your intellectual focus during that month. What will you learn more about? What will you talk more about?
Venus in LR chart: Your focus on the things that you love during that month. Will you fall in love? Will you glow up?
Mars in LR chart: Your drive during that month. Will you get things done? Will you have a high s8x drive? *cough* if you know what i mean *cough*
Jupiter in LR chart: Your luck during that month. Will you be lucky?Where will you expand?
Saturn in LR chart: Your realism during that month. What will you be dedicated to? How's your mental health going to be that month?
Uranus in LR chart: Your focus on unconvetional matters during that month. What will happen unexpectedly during that month? (only applies if you're active on social media) Will you gain sudden fame that month?
Neptune in LR chart: Your confusion during that month. What will be confusing to you? Will you be more creative, artistic or spiritual than usual?
Pluto in LR chart: Your focus on dark matters during that month. What will die that month? (metaphorically, of course). What will be reborn? What will you get obsessed with?
North Node in LR chart: Your fated events for that month. What's your lesson for that month? What's your soul calling you to do?
South Node in LR chart: Your fated events for the previous month. What were you supposed to learn during the previous month? Did you manage to do it?
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BONUS: Some LR observations for you lovesss
🌙 If Venus conjuncts ASC, you'll dress up like your LR ASC that month
🌙 If Mercury conjuncts Moon, you'll talk more with your mother aww, bonding time
🌙 But if Mercury squares Saturn, you'll have lots of verbal arguments with your dad :(
🌙 Jupiter in 2nd house brings lots of material wealth that month
🌙 If Neptune falls in 12th house, you might have lots of vivid dreams that month
Hope you enjoyed!💙
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astroamorsworld · 1 year
Astro Observations #3
I hope you guys like it! Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Please do not copy/repost my work.
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(I do not own this gif)
☁️Chiron in the 6th house in a lunar return chart indicates struggling with things such as your routine, health and/or work.
☁️Chiron transiting on your north node can indicate healing wounds and learning tough fated karmic lessons that ultimately help you grow and progress on your destined path.
☁️I’ve noticed that people who live on their Saturn line are mistaken to be a lot older than they are to the public.
☁️People who have Lilith conjunct midheaven tend to be disliked for no valid reason and get scrutinised a lot.
☁️Having 8th house placements can indicate someone who likes talking about taboo subjects.
☁️Having an 8th house stellium in your lunar return chart can indicate getting into witchcraft that month. I had this a couple months ago and started doing a lot of research on witchcraft and spells etc.
☁️Having your sun square your Jupiter can indicate having a ego that is far too big for your own good.
☁️I’ve noticed that people who have virgo mars at a virgo degree are disgustingly petty.
☁️Mars-Uranus aspects can indicate having some odd kinks.
☁️Having mars in the 7th house can mean that people see you as aggressive and strong.
☁️I’ve noticed that Venus dominants can be quite lazy.
☁️Having Moon conjunct Saturn can indicate having a mum who’s quite hard on you.
☁️Sun conjunct Saturn indicates the same thing, just with your father.
☁️Having a Libra Venus conjunct Libra Jupiter can indicate great beauty with your face and body. It can also indicate having taste for the much finer things in life.
Check my pinned post here to see more🤍
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talonabraxas · 7 days
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The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
Take note: The new moon in Gemini commences on June 6 at 8:37 a.m. ET. New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle and offer us a fresh start. Since this lunation falls in the air sign of Gemini, we are aiming to communicate our thoughts — even though some may call them pipe dreams and fantasies — in an effort to be seen, heard, and understood by others. In short: We aren’t holding back. In fact, we are making sure that we are expanding our desires and soaring to new heights.
The new moon links up with Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, and the nodes of destiny. With the BIG Gemini energy behind the lunation (there is a stellium of planets in the mix: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter), we will buzz around, seeking information before diving into our plans. It’s best to ask those we trust for support and pointers on how to start. If we don’t utilize our resources and connections, we’ll figure things out through trial and error. However, we can avoid this step by seeking the opinion of someone with experience to get the feedback and motivation we need.
The centaur Chiron in Aries offers a healing hand, allowing us to communicate our innermost sentiments. Talking matters out will give us the chance to mend wounds and trauma. Beyond that, we’ll be able to empathize with the plight of others and want to offer advice (even though it may be given without solicitation). Additionally, the asteroid Juno, currently in Virgo, squares the lunation, urging us to seek justice and fairness regarding relationships. Staying in our lanes is vital because people may not be ready or willing to hear what we say, so tread lightly when imparting counsel to others. Be sure to listen to people’s words because they’re trying to grant us their wisdom.
Rigel, one of the brightest fixed stars in the sky, which is found in the constellation of Orion, connects with the new moon. The giant blue star aims to provide abundance and luck. We can expect our desires and intentions to come to fruition quickly, opening doors and bringing success.
According to the astrologer Arielle Guttman, two days before the new moon, the yearly alliance between the sun and Venus is known as Venus “cazimi” and Venus Star Point. This is a magical time to embrace our dreams. The energy is taking us back to 2020 since this is the second part of the vision the Venus Star Point began then. We are at the midpoint of the eight-year cycle of Venus, which means the universe is checking in to see if we are following through on the objectives we set out to attain in 2020. There could be changes to the concepts as we’ve grown. Embrace them! Gemini energy is mutable and fluid, always transcending and evolving.
Since Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, becomes enlightened by Jupiter on the 4th, the celestial energy will inspire us to do amazing things — all of which will contribute to the new moon.
The new moon in Gemini is a marvelous time to set intentions and to manifest. Opportunities will feel limitless because we are more willing to experiment and switch paths to embrace a new game plan. Our minds will be open, and we will want to attain our desires. With the cosmos on our side, it’ll be easier to lean into our goals, and they will be more accessible than ever. The only caveat is that Saturn might pause our timeline and urge us to spend more fuel discussing our aspirations with others to ensure that we are on the right track; however, this won’t stand in the way of using our inventiveness and ideas to create greatness. The advice or opinions of others will benefit us since they’ll show us the right ways to move forward.
Demeter, Kore and Hekate, by Eduardo Chicharro Aguera
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astrosky33 · 1 year
What I use astrology for
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◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟
you can do this by checking square aspects or by checking your saturn (saturn represents challenges)
ex) mercury square venus can indicate you struggle to communicate your feelings to people you love. combat this by making an effort to communicate your love for them more often
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
you can do this by checking your opposite aspects (oppositions)
ex) mars opposite saturn can indicate lots of struggles with your father and tension in your relationship - if at a low enough orb
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞
you can do this by checking your north node but if you want to dive even deeper check your north node persona chart (asc lunar node persona chart)
⟶ how to find persona charts
⟶ what a north node persona chart is
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐠𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞
you can do this by checking your solar return charts and find the main themes of your year, challenges that may occur throughout your year, if you’ll get into a relationship, if you’ll make new friends, etc
⟶ what solar return charts are
⟶ how to find solar return charts
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞
if you want to understand each individual persons feelings in the relationship you can check your synastry chart
if you want to understand your overall dynamic and relationship as a whole with someone, compatibility, your purpose in meeting one another, how it may end, your struggle areas together, and more then you can check your composite chart with them
if you want to understand how the relationship will play out you can check your davison chart with them
⟶ what compatibility charts are
⟶ how to find compatibility charts
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞
the mc represents your highest potential and can show you how to get there. if you want to dive even deeper check your mc ruler
you can also check an asteroid called moshup that can tell you how to have your dream life
⟶ what are house rulers
⟶ moshup through the houses
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐨
to do this check your astrocartography map and relocation charts
⟶ how to find astrocartography
⟶ what astrocartography is
⟶ how to find relocation charts
⟶ what relocation charts are
◉ 𝐓𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝
you can check your ic or ic persona chart to discover more about your inner child. your chiron in your ic persona chart can tell about childhood wounds that need to be healed by you and the 12th house sign and 12th house ruler can tell you how to heal these wounds (since the 12th house represents healing)
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𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻
𝘁𝘂𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
venus square the nodes
your desires and ability to feel pleasure are somehow at odds with fate. maybe it is more about fate being quite boring if everything is just roses all the time.
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elminx · 11 days
Energy Update: June 2024
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June is a "5" Universal Month [6 (June) + 8 (2024) = 14 = 1+5 =6] in an "8" Universal Year. 5 months tend to shake things up and carry some level of tension. Some adjustments may be in order. This aligns with the astrology of the month as we have a major shift of focus as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all leave the fixed sign of Taurus for mutable Gemini.
The Set Up
We begin the month with the Sun Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Aries, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. By month's end, all our personal planets will change signs (Mars into Taurus and Mercury and Venus into Cancer), the Sun will enter Cancer, and Saturn will retrograde in Pisces.
The Nitty Gritty
We continue our month-long astrological lineup with a sequence of all planets stretching from Aquarius to Gemini. We are finally starting to move into new ground, symbolized by our personal planets finally transitioning out of the last quadrant of the horoscope wheel (notice those pesky outer planets still hanging out there), but something is holding us back. It's worth noting that while the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all chug away as trailblazers through Gemini this month, Pluto is working toward moving backward into Capricorn one last time.
If you're looking ahead, circle 9/1 on your calendar (the day Pluto enters Capricorn - it's gonna be a whopper) but for now, we just have to live in this in-between zone. With so many planets in Gemini, that shouldn't be particularly difficult as Gemini is nothing if not adaptable. (at times, perhaps, even pathologically so)
In a year made of ups and downs (8 years are the rollercoasters - they contain the whole gambet), we will find ourselves floating neither at the top nor the bottom of the ride. Maybe coasting is a better word. This isn't a bad thing - a lot has been going on and the aftermath of it demands some serious introspective and hopefully adjustments. The natural inquisitiveness of Gemini will likely keep things from being boring. But after some big bangers, June looks pretty...terrestrial?
That's a weird word to apply to a month ruled by mutable air and then cardinal water, but, here we are.
That's sort of it. We've been getting whopped by some major astrological conjunctions between the Big Hitters and our personal planets for the last two months. This can be seen as the hands of fate - or whatever you personally feel like calling the thing that is beyond us that seems to impact our lives - reaching down and having a good fuck around with our personal lives. It was a lot. If you can read these words, you've made it through - maybe some of you even got to beat the bad guys.
Take a moment to Breathe. June is not going to be like that, folks. If that shit is hitting the fan right now, it's strictly your own shit. That can feel worrying or freeing depending on your perspective. There's no judgment here, just note how that makes you feel. It's information about yourself and you can never have too much of that.
There are no non-lunar aspects on 6/1 (and honestly not even any interesting lunar ones, I checked) - that is just confirmation that this is a bit of a month off. Sure, there are some power days and a few days we should at least stay aware of. But if anything, we have a chance to get a bit jovial (Jupiter is in Gemini all month, let's talk big and worry about the consequences later) and enjoy life a bit.
Right now, our planets transiting Gemini will be in general alignment with Pluto by sextile and Chiron and the North Node by trine, but misaligned (square) to Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. The few days to watch out for are those Saturnian squares - those will always be the days to look out for. Gemini doesn't exactly ENJOY the consequences that Saturn brings to the table and is known for trying to lie their way out of a tough situation - that's the big thing to look out for this month.
Enjoy yourself but try not to shirk too much responsibility. By sign, Jupiter and Saturn will be square with one another all month and that always indicates some level of tension between our sense of enjoyment and our sense of responsibility. Saturn is preparing to retrograde as well.
Our Saturnian dates for the month are as follows: 6/8 Venus square Saturn, 6/9 Sun square Saturn, 6/12 Mercury square Saturn, 6/26 Mercury trine Saturn, 6/29 Saturn retrogrades We note the pattern here: Venus (emotion), Sun (self), and then Mercury (thought) twice over as our planet of Communication catches up with the Sun and Venus, and moves ahead of the pack. Whereas the hits from the last two months were from the otherworldly energies of Uranus, Chiron, and the Lunar Nodes - Saturn means business. Earthy business (Saturn rules the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, after all). You may need to attend to the practical things in your life that got tossed aside as the world got so scrambled.
Gemini isn't known for their staying power. They would rather flit about doing this and that than commit to a single path. Remember to schedule free time to explore this month, but Saturn will certainly demand that you stop now and again to regroup, if not actually hold down a home base. This is going to be markedly easier for earth signs, fixed signs, and anybody with a strongly Saturnian chart.
The big flex of the month is being able to tell which days are for exploring versus which days need focus and attention and fluctuating between the two. Mutable signs or people with highly Mercurial charts will have an easier time with this half of things. Magic done to gain higher levels of discernment about which paths to choose may aid in this effort substantially - Mercury will be a good guide here.
The good days look really good (for perspective here: my Venus is in Gemini so I may be a bit biased). Gemini/Mercury days are always going to be good for adventure, information gathering, and communication of all kinds. Have a little fun with your life, play around a little. Be less serious and more inquisitive. Actively explore the other side of an issue, just for fun. The world is Gemini's oyster because Gemini knows that now is the only guaranteed moment. If you've wanted to become better acquainted with Mercury, Gemini's planetary ruler, this will be a very good time.
Gemini/Mercury days: 6/3 - Mercury enters Gemini (the absolute perfect day for a road opener, amiright?), 6/4 - Sun conjunct Venus 14° Gemini (playful love/playful emotions), and Mercury conjunct Jupiter (the best day for writers/speakers to do magic for inspiration for quite some time), 6/5 - New Moon 16° Gemini, 6/14 - Sun conjunct Mercury 24° Gemini (I think, therefore, I am)
Our new moon on 6/6 is at 16° Gemini and pulls in the energy of Venus through conjunction and Saturn by square. Its numerology is 3/6 [3 (Gemini moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 6. and 6 (Geminin new moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.]. Both 3 and 6 are creative numbers which is echoed by Venus's involvement in this particular new moon - this will be a powerful day for creatives of all time to take positive actions (Saturn) towards their craft. Do some concrete magic and then put it into action.
Our full moon on 6/21 is one of the big power days of the entire year. As I have mentioned in past posts, 2024 is most auspicious money-wise in that it has two Capricorn New moons (one in January and one in December) and two Capricorn full moons (one in June and a second astrological blue moon in July). If you have money magic to do, this is the day to do so. This falls on a Friday so don't forget to include Venus in your planning if you're inclined towards planetary magic.
The numerology for this full moon is 4/9 [0 (Capricorn Moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 13 = 1+3 = 4. And 4 (Capricorn full moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 9.] which supports structure and completion. This is a Capricornian moon, after all, it's about getting money into the bank where it can make more money. Don't think fast cash, think big results. This is the kind of energy that requires follow through, do with that what you will.
The energy shifts a lot as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus all enter Cancer. Welcome to the Summer season - we recognize the switchover from willy-nilly mutable Gemini to focused cardinal Cancer as the seasons shift. Now we've had our fun and it's time to get a bit more back into the grind. Our planets in Cancer will get along better with Saturn and Neptune than they did in Gemini (by trine) but will run into some crunchiness as they square off with the Lunar Nodes and Chiron.
Cancer is the midpoint of the axis between Aries and Libra where our lunar nodes still sit for a little bit longer. This is going to be a bit of a hit back to eclipse season and whatever has been coming up in your life around Independence/Togetherness. Mercury squares the nodes on 6/23, this may feel especially intense because Mercury was strongly involved in our total eclipse stellium during April while they were in retrograde. Try not to get too emotional (Mercury in Cancer) about what has already happened. Venus in Cancer follows suit on 6/26 - this last week of the month just may feel overly personal.
Sometimes (most times probably) we all take things more personally than they actually are. Cancer does this especially because they seem to carry their whole very emotional world around with them like a little snail house. Cry it out if you have to, but then put on your emotionally mature glasses and acknowledge what has nothing to do with you. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes bad things happen. Some things just aren't avoidable - no matter how much you worry, plan, or cast magic against them.
That's the big lesson of lunar node aspects: some things happen. All you can do is change how you react to them.
If it feels like a lot, know that you are right on time. Saturn is deep in its pre-shadow retrograde all month and the energy is likely to deepen as we move through the last dregs of June towards their retrograde on 6/29. There's likely going to be a heaviness to the air, possibly a sense of oppression. Saturn stations twice a year, this is business as usual, but it can feel hard to get through in the moment. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will be July before you know it.
The Details
6/2 - Sun in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra, Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces, Jupiter in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 6/3 - Mercury enters Gemini, Venus in Gemini sextile North Node in Aries/trine South Node in Libra 6/4 - Sun conjunct Venus 14° Gemini, Mercury conjunct Jupiter 02° Gemini, Mercury in Gemini trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 6/6 - New Moon 16° Gemini 6/8 - Venus in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces 6/9 - Mars enters Taurus, Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces 6/11 - Venus in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries, Mars in Taurus square retrograde Pluto in Aquarius 6/12 - Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces 6/13 - Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries, Mercury in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries 6/14 - Sun conjunct Mercury 24° Gemini 6/16 - Venus in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 6/17 - Mercury enters Cancer, Venus enters Cancer, Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces, Mercury conjunct Venus 00° Cancer 6/20 - Sun enters Cancer, Sun in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces 6/21 - Full moon 01° Capricorn, Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus 6/22 - Mercury in Cancer square the lunar nodes 6/26 - Mercury in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Cancer square the lunar nodes 6/28 - Mercury in Cancer square Chiron in Aries 6/29 - Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus, Saturn retrogrades 19° Pisces Do you like my work? You can support me on Kofi. I offer astrology reports written by me.
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
2024 Libra Full Moon/Eclipse
Monday, March 25, 07:00 UT, 5°07’ Libra Chart erected for Washington, DC
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The key phrases for the Full lunar phase are “culminate, fulfill, illumine, manifest;” and “put all our efforts into our intentions.”
Really, there is just not too much going on with the eclipse itself, is there? Wide aspects to Pluto and Pallas Athene. Bit of a reach, I’d say.
So let’s look at the rulers. Venus (ruler of Libra) is in a very unpleasant sandwich between Saturn and the centaur Nessus. The phrase/taunt “throwing yourself a pity party” comes to mind. And, Steven Forrest (in The Book of Earth) wrote about “the drunken torpor and toxic stability of bad love” with a malfunctioning Venus/Pisces - “toxic” = Nessus and “stability” = Saturn. With the Moon and the South Node in Libra, this is a good time to purge that “toxic stability.”
Mars has just started its trip through Pisces. It isn’t making any close major aspects to anything (yet). There’s an exact semi-square to the Aries North Node, which shows how uncertain we are about what we’re “supoosed” to be doing - and how that uncertainty is very unpleasant. Patience! This is the perfect time for creative visualization.
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hoseoksssangels · 2 years
🌥🍭 Synastry observations 🍭🌥
[DISCLAIMER: everything I’ve written comes from personal experience and observation. It may not resonate with you and it’s totally fine! tysm and stay safe!]
🫧-Mars square Mercury = 100% confirmed that there will be verbal or psychological abuse. The Mars person will get very easily irritated over Mercury’s thoughts and words, even if what Mercury said wasn’t meant in a negative way. A lot of fights and miscommunication, the tighter the degrees the stronger the outcome will be. I don’t recommend to get in any sort of relationship (platonic or not) if there’s this aspect. (I’ve experienced this aspect myself so I know how damaging it can be to the Mercury person :/. )
🫧-Venus in the Earth houses (2nd/6th/10th)= One of my favourite placements to have with someone. The house person will ground and give more of a realistic view of love to the Venus person and it is amazing. Later on this placement can possibly make the two people settle down together. If someone’s Venus is in your 6th house (and it’s not afflicted or has any negative aspect) then Venus will take care of you and provide you with everything you need. It’s very heartwarming.
🫧-Moon/Venus in the partner’s 11th house= your partner’s friends will like you a lot! In some cases I’ve seen that one friend of the 11th house person might get a crush on their partner. The 11th house person will most likely talk good about Venus/Moon to their friends and even show them off. The Moon/Venus person could bring popularity and fame to the 11th house person.
🫧-Neptune conjunct the North Node= this placements in a synastry chart can give a good and a bad result. It depends on the karma you have with the other person. Either they will bring spiritual enlightenment to you (Neptune energy) or they will make you feel lost and delusional (again Neptune energy). Neptune rules drugs as well, and I’ve seen some people (that were the North Node person who had this aspect with someone else) start taking drugs bc of Neptune. (This is an extreme case and it won’t happen to everyone but this is how far Neptune can go sometimes)
🍓- Hi guys how have you been? How are you feeling after the lunar eclipse? Did it affect you? Cuz for me it did. It’s been quite some time since I last posted something. These 7th months (since May) I’ve had to let go of a person very important to me, and I needed some time to clear my head. He had his Venus,Mars,Sun,Mercury all conjunct my North Node (in the 8th house 😭) so I guess y’all can already understand how tiring it was ahaha. I’m slowly getting better so I’ll be fine. I’m so sooo sorry for being so absent guys ❤️‍🩹 I know this post wasn’t much but I’ll start posting more now that I I’m mentally feeling better.
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Lots of love, I missed you guys so much 🫶🏻❤️
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
Aries risings and eclipses: comebacks and rebrands
There's a few celebrities that caught my attention in the past couple of weeks and I felt the urge to look at their charts and talk about them a bit. What I've quickly realized is that… they're all Aries risings and we just went through a total eclipse in Aries and are still battling through a Mercury retrograde (also in Aries). So, this is an Aries rising-only astro news compilation.
During the recent Easter break I found myself having a Shakira moment, reminiscing on her old hits and belting out Underneath Your Clothes. I thought that's probably thanks to Mercury just stationing retrograde, which often makes people go back to old stuff. And then I thought… What if everyone's having a Shakira moment now?
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And this is when I realized suddenly she's everywhere: giving a surprise show at Times Square, being a guest on Hot Ones, giving a ton of new interviews that flood my YouTube recommend page. She just released a new album but seems like this is a huge reset for her and her name is, once again, on everyone's lips. Shakira is an Aries rising and an Aries Venus with nodes in her 1st and 7th axis - she's not quite an eclipse baby (although almost a Full Moon baby!) but nodes close to her axis may make her sensitive to eclipse seasons. Her ascendant ruler, Mars, is exalted in the 10th house in Capricorn, giving her a slow and steady rise to success and a grounded, solidified place in the public eye.
Interestingly, she received an MTV Vanguard award just last autumn at a time of her exact reverse nodal return, which already foreshadowed things for her.
Her new album was released on March 22nd this year, just a couple of days after Sun ingressed into Aries and a few days before the eclipse. What's important to note that she's also going through her Jupiter return in Taurus. Mercury retrograding in her 1st house makes people and the media reminisce on her career and what she achieved up to this point. Of course a planet retrograding in someone's 1st house can cause a hiccup of some sorts and that happened in her case as well - there was a small outrage surrounding her comments on the last year's Barbie movie and how she and her sons hated it.
Jojo Siwa
Switching lanes let's get to someone that is now talked about in the media excessively but for the wrong reasons and that is… Jojo Siwa. Now, I had to read up on her after I saw people poking fun at the way she's presenting herself but apparently, she was all rainbows and sunshines until she changed her color palette to black and is now calling herself edgy and groundbreaking. She was on Toddlers and Tiaras I believe… so you get the vibe.
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Siwa is a Taurus stellium (makes sense with the bows and glitter) with Aries rising, of course. Her ascendant ruler is right next to Neptune in the 11th house, which can bring potential problems when it comes to how she's being received by the public. The badazzledness of the sweet sweet Taurus is amped up by the flashy Jupiter in Leo (opposed by that Mars and squared by Mercury, certainly adding to the loudness of her personality and the, let's say, overall audacity).
The nodes are pretty significant for her as well, as her Sun is accompanied by the north node (really intensifying the Sun's radiant quality) and… she's actually an eclipse baby, being born in the middle of the eclipse season, only three days after a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. So we have double the strength of having eclipses in her 1st-7th house axis, as well as being an eclipse child in general.
So the "rebranding" seems, well, on brand for her at this time. But again, Mercury retrograding in her 1st house seems to not serve her well, especially given she has it retrograde natally as well. Uranus being co-present in her sign, a bubbly Taurus, paired with Jupiter, which is still a pretty badazzled planet, didn't result in a true 180° switch that she aimed for. In turn we got a somewhat inflated (Jupiter) sense of self and a warped view of things.
But the plus side is that the current Jupiter transit also helped her gain popularity as her video for the new song passed 23 million views on YouTube. Talk about expansion!
Rihanna didn't make a comeback in the same sense Shakira did but she surely made people talk. The singer is allegedly an Aries rising but she also has quite an Aries planetary party with Moon, Venus and Jupiter there as well. And in a true Aries fashion, even if she's not necessarily doing much with her career at the moment, she made sure to remind everyone of herself, especially that she's also in her 1st house profection year so it's all about "ME!" - something an Aries loves.
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Rihanna made the headlines by doing a fashion spread for the Interview Magazine. And, to be more precise, by posing in a nun-inspired outfit. The cover photo made some people outraged, while others were sighing in awe. The news broke pretty much on the eclipse (the morning after I believe).
Rihanna dabbles in these high-fashion, obscure themes probably because of the mixture of her Pisces Sun (religious themes? She surely went all-in for the Catholic-themed MET Gala a few year back) and her Aries stellium in the 1st. The ram likes to shock and be bold and sexual but considering she also has Moon and Venus - two feminine planets - in the sign, makes her bold and daring in her fashion choices as well.
Billie Eilish
The last person I want to talk about is… Billie Eilish. I know, I KNOW, you may think "but she's a Pisces rising!". Well Billie somewhat went through a different kind of rebrand and it's that her birth certificate has just been obtained and according to the new info, she is, in fact an Aries rising.
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The confusion might be there although if, like me, you see a massive Pisces influence in her, her "new" ascendant ruler is Mars… in Pisces! A corrected birth time is a big deal already, especially given the eclipse and Mercury retrograde - both helped "refresh" her astrological persona and "status" as an Aries ascendant. But that is not all, as on the day of the eclipse Billie announced a brand new album that she will debut on May 17th.
What's great about this date is that Mars will already be in Aries, probably making her a lot more active. Also, that is only one day before Jupiter cazimi and Venus conjunct Uranus - a great time to release new things into the world. Interestingly, Venus and Uranus will conjoin just a couple of degrees away from Billie's lot of fortune in Taurus. I truly love when astrology is doing its thing.
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saturniandevil · 3 months
March 2024 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's March Forecast.
February recap: The conjunction between Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto in Aquarius conjunction has aligned with new tech developments. The Venus-Pluto conjunction heralded OpenAI's new text-to-video generator and the ensuing discussion on its potential political, labor, and artistic effects. Mercury was conjunct Mars and Venus trine Jupiter (with Virgo Moon completing a grand trine & involving the Saturn-Pisces opposition) the day Neuralink tried its first human subject. How will different parts of society react to further developments in cybernetics and body augmentation? Past occurrences of astrological alignments can help us make predictions. Advances in robotics during a major transit in the humanistic sign of Aquarius will challenge us to redefine what it means to be human. On February 10th, around the Mars-Pluto conjunction, a group of people set a self-driving delivery car on fire in San Francisco. These robo-taxis are likely going to increase when Jupiter enters Gemini, and indeed a few companies are poised to launch in other cities.
In other Pluto in Aquarius news, last episode Chris noted there's work in using X-rays to ancient scrolls from Herculaneum and Pompeii that can't be opened without incurring damage. On February 5th, the day of the Mercury-Pluto conjunction, the first images of one of these scrolls have been made available. This fits with Mercury-Pluto themes of lost or buried information coming to light. On the same day King Charles of England's cancer diagnosis was announced--an announcement of mortality. We also had the first privately-funded lunar vehicle landing. Pluto makes large thing imperceptibly small and makes microscopic things enormous.
In Saturn in Pisces news, in 2020 Chris predicted success for Miley Cyrus's Saturn return and indeed she won the Grammy. This also marks part 2 of the Dune movie--the book was written under Saturn in Pisces as well. Other influential sci-fi & fantasy stories were written under Saturn in Pisces like Lord of the Rings, and our hosts predict that a new classic will be born during this transit. In other Mars-Pluto news, we have ambiguous stories about nuclear weapons and Israel's announcement of storming Rafah. Unfortunately the upcoming eclipses (connected to 6 months ago) do not bode well for cessation of warfare. On February 15th, farmers in India have begun striking again, and doctors in South Korea walked out on the job to protest working conditions--Mars in Aquarius squaring Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus reactivates these ongoing labor disputes.
Our hosts recorded the forecast before the perfect Mercury-Saturn-Sun conjunction in Pisces hit on February 28th (the day I'm typing this!), which is one of the major influences over the first half of March. The other big influence is Mars-Venus in Aquarius. In the mutable, indeterminate sign of Pisces, Saturn doesn't bring us as much order as he did in the previous two signs of his domicile.
March 2nd/3rd - Venus square Uranus Venus in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus--either a change is needed to bring us peace and pleasure, or something is disrupting our pleasure. Austin says either way, this placement prompts us for significant changes. Venus's is overcoming Uranus (earlier in the zodiac, has the upper hand), so we can make good use of this placement if we shake things up a little bit in relationships.
March 9th/10th - Mars square Uranus, Mercury enters Aries Mercury has entered the sign where he'll retrograde, stretching what would normally be a transit of a few weeks into 2 months. Mercury in Mars's sign amplifies the wishes of the red planet, who's doing some pretty interesting stuff. In a firey Mars-ruled sign, Mercury wants something practical to do. This clarity and decisiveness will be welcome after all the indecision of Pisces. However, the North Node is in Aries, with the power to obscure things even when it's not blocking the Sun's light. There will be an eclipse here in April, so the pathfinding is tricky. We'll definitely be doubling back as Mercury prepares to retrograde. Sometimes you need to dive into things while you have the vision, yet before you have the rationale. Austin likens it to clearing your way through thick jungle terrain to determine whether a route is viable--it's only by going forward that you find out that you're on the wrong path, and thus, where the right one is. Mercury retrogrades teach us to learn from our mistakes--third time's the charm!
Mars follows Venus's path, and along with Mercury, weighs heavily on the upcoming lunation. Mars-Uranus connotes surprise attacks, sudden severing, unexpected explosions. Internally this can make us feel restless and impulsive. Keywords: recklessness and action without planning. Think of a cigarette being dropped near an oil drum. Technology disruptions are also likely.
March 10th - Pisces New Moon
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Saturn and Neptune are close by to this lunation, and though Mars-Uranus is weighing in, Mars in particular is ultimately reporting to Saturn's broader plan. As Neptune and Saturn approach their conjunction, we'll seek escapism and the imaginal as a respite for our fatigue. We need to step out from being immersed in these waters. Mercury conjoined Neptune on the 8th before he left Pisces, leaving the imprint of confused or empathic communications in the air as the lunar cycle resets for the month.
March 11th/12th - Venus enters Pisces From here she builds up to a conjunction with Saturn at 11° on the 21st. As the sign of her exaltation, she's better able to bring harmony and reconciliation in our relationships, though Saturn brings a cool distance to our relationships. She'll conjoin Neptune in this sign next month. We may also see some kind of artwork that resonates with people on a deep emotional level.
March 17th - Sun conjoins Neptune, Electional chart
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At around 1PM local time, this chart has Cancer rising with a dignified Moon in Cancer, applying to a trine with Venus at 7Pisces and sextile with Jupiter in Taurus in the 11th house. This chart occurs before things go crazy later in the month and is the best time to start something new. It's especially good for friends, groups and alliances and doing new things outside of the box.
March 18th - Mercury enters shadow (not pictured) Mercury hits 15Aries, the point he'll retrograde back to, at the same time as he conjoins the North Node. This is a precursor of things that will occur in April.
March 19th/20th - Sun enters Aries This puts the Sun in the same time as the Node that will eclipse it.
March 21st - Venus conjoins Saturn Saturn and Venus bring a sort of melancholy beauty to things. Though we may see them at odds for signifying discipline and love respectively, Saturn does exalt in Venus's sign of Libra. In the sign of Pisces empathy is especially relevant--think understanding each other's feelings because we've suffered the same things. Nostalgia is another important keyword.
March 22nd - Mars enters Pisces This puts him on track to contact to Saturn (exact cojunction c. April 10th)--a dangerous combination. Along with the Sun in Aries and Mercury slowing, this represents the event horizon of major developments for the rest of the month and early April. This will be the first Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces; note the Aquarius conjunctions in 2020 and later years coincided with the COVID lockdown(s). Sea lane transit will likely slam on the brakes as well, and current maritime conflicts will see big developments. More figuratively we may ask "where are we going, and what dangers lie ahead?"
March 25th - Libra Lunar Eclipse
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For about a week things have been building up to this eclipse. Its twin will be visible across much of the United States in early April, meanwhile a comet will start to be visible in the night sky. Mars in Pisces copresent Saturn weighs heavily on this eclipse. The pace of events starts moving quickly and chaotically around eclipse season, and things start to move rapidly up or down, especially for prominent people & companies. This eclipse represents a culmination or next chapter of events started in October--major beginnings and major endings (in the Libra house of your chart for individuals). The picture may begin to get clearer. It's not the last installment, but things are clearly underway. Unfortunately this does not bode well for ongoing global conflicts. We can't see clearly with the eclipse, meanwhile Mercury is slowing down about to station retrograde, while right on the North Node. Combined with dangerous Mars-Saturn, it's a bit of a crazy situation. Jupiter's approach to a conjunction with Uranus indicates some surprising, amazing wins, and some people will find unexpected good fortune once the smoke clears. However, not everyone will be able to count on winning the Jupiter lottery here. (Later in April, when Jupiter conjoins Uranus exactly we can expect some kind of freedom and liberation).
The two weeks between these eclipses will be very active, dramatic, and chaotic, with beginnings and endings galore. In the Indian astrology dasha timing technique, the US Sibly chart has been in a time period ruled by Rahu (north node) since the early 2010s, making any eclipses visible in that country especially important to it. This is a time to be flexible!
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