#virgil negativity
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Me writing prinxiety like:
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werewroammin · 4 months
its not that i hate virgil i think he’s great. until he. speaks.
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tscritical · 1 year
You don't want, like virgil-heavy content? He just not your favourite or?
i just feel like he gets so much attention and i want us to focus more on literally anyone else. like i don’t get why everyone is so obsessed with virgil when roman is right there aksjdk (he’s my favorite so im biased but still roman is a lovely character :heart eyes:)
like season ones finale was all about virgil, and then season twos premiere was all about virgil, and just when it felt like we were focusing on other things, he was like “i was one of them” and made things all about virgil like bruh.
and the fandom puts him on a pedestal for… what? his aesthetic? that’s the only really appealing thing about him in season two
i miss pre aa anxiety. he was a bitch but in a good way. season two virgil is like. idk. less appealing. i cant explain why. something about the way he wasn’t coddled in season one, and now he can literally tear roman to shreds and roman can’t fight back without the others claiming that he’s in the wrong
FUCK virgil pisses me off
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transfemlogan · 2 years
hey hey. what do you think would be the worst possible plot thing Thomas could do with the series. like what would make you unironically stop watching it would be so stupid. I love hate <3
Dude what hes doing RN is making me wanna stop NSHDKFNFN
I have so many fucking things ... he has this weird thing w/ logan having alcoholism but its supposed 2 b "funny" or whatever. I think if he were 2 treat that Seriously & like have an episode where he talked abt alcoholism id stop watching. Bcuz thats fucking weird & i do not trust him 2 do it correctly.
Also maybe if he dealt w/ logans arc bad. Like.. it has a lot 2 do w/ how 2 healthily deal w/ ur anger & boundaries & not being listened 2 & etc but theres so many ways it could go so wrong. Bcuz its wrong 2 assume that logan is completely in the right w/ his actions, bcuz he isnt. He gets angry & guilt trips the other sides & yells at them hes an asshole.
BUT its also wrong 2 assume that logan is WRONG w/ his actions. Bcuz the sides treat logan like shit & constantly ignore him or talk over him & like... he HAS tried 2 b upfront abt his feelings & express himself & every single time they shut him down. So of COURSE logans angry & yelling & guilt trippy bcuz he cannot just "talk it out". PLUS they r not humans so i feel like... applying human morals & ethics 2 them is the wrong move.
Maybe adding another side after the next 1 bcuz we dont need anymore. Please stop adding characters. Or making the orange side & logan siblings. We dont need another set of siblings. OR MAKING LOGAN THE ORANGE SIDE IF THAT HAPPENS IM KILLING THOMAS SANDERS (/j /nsrs)
I would say adding unneccessary conflicts bcuz he doesn't know how 2 resolve them, but thomas is already doing that & I havent stopped watching so...
If he gave virgil valid rzns 2 dislike thr "dark" sides bcuz i feel like that 100% pushes the "all the dark sides r evil" concept that the entire series is supposed 2 b pushing AWAY from. There's still ppl that think janus & remus r the "antagonists" of the story when i would argue there isnt one because its a story abt a Single person & his Personal struggles. Its a story abt learning 2 accept ur flaws & 2 learn new things abt urself. Why would there be an antagonist.
OH IF HE INCLUDED THE ORANGE SIDE IN LOGAN'S ARC. Im just worried 4 logans arc im so scared that hes either going 2 do it b4 romans or do it completely WRONG
If he gave virgil anymore arcs please he doesnt NEED ANYMORE. The entire story is already so virgil centric when hes THE LEAST INTERESTING CHARACTER IN THE STORY can we have ANYONE ELSE . PLEASE!
ON THE FENCE ABT THIS 1 but maybe if he gave nico & c!thomas a healthy relationship? Like on one hand i hope they have a healthy relationship but on the other hand RN c!thomas is not in the right mindset 2 have a relationship PLUS. ITS ANOTHER STUPID PLOT LINE WHEN HE HASNT EVEN FINISHED ANY OF THE OTHER ONES. He has a million plot lines that will never get resolved bcuz he doesnt know How To Do That. & they all tangle in with each other & its SO BAD. Nico just shouldnt have been in the series i dont know why he's even here. What does he add 2 the series. ??
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casart · 2 years
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When I'm sad I make it Virgil's problem lol
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emoprincey · 1 year
Virgil and Logan are actually both so romance repulsed they told me themselves
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dystopiagnome · 2 years
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So meanwhile we got the prinxiety vampire diaries story over there, we have supernatural over here with Janus the angel sent to protect over Logan with a twist! A lot of stuff happens but anyways he’s a telepath, couldn’t read the angel’s mind until god grounded Janus for being a lousy angel but alas he’s already developed feelings for Logan by then.
This one features @expolikestoart’s Logan design.
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jack-enbyfold · 10 months
The Virgil Sanders kinnie experience is getting super angry at fanon Virgil then immediately feeling bad bc people experience media differently then getting mad again bc you found ANOTHER promising fanfic with really shit Virgil characterization
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remus-thecreative · 2 years
lol we hope patton expresses more and more negative emotions! let him be fucking angry, passionate, etc OPENLY. he hasnt just been repressing himself all the other sides (besides remus maybe) and so many fans have intentionally and unintentionally been repressing/disapproving of anything thats not Happy Pappy Patton or Sad But Still Harmless Patton. his past passive aggression was literally bc he felt like he couldnt be anything remotely "evil" fuck he turned into a giant frog monster due to that and yet!!! the second he voices his opinion in a way thats not kissing ASS. fans call him a master manipulator.
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solarwindsempire · 2 years
Oh my fucking, I'm not- oh I am- well-
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Me: uhh virgil is so annoying sometimes
Someone: IKR!? Patton and Virgil are the wors-
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werewroammin · 1 year
thomas: i decided to bring virgil back after his first episode, even though i wasn’t planning on it!
me: ruined a perfectly good web series is what you did. look at it, it’s got anxiety
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tscritical · 1 year
I know you were debating complaining about the actual sides rather than just Thomas before that twitter thing happened and idk if you decided whether you wanted to do it or not but if you did...
Any specific thought about the sides you want to let out?? I am a hater /lh so I love seeing others hate lol
honestly it’s been so long since ive rewatched the series that it’s hard to remember why i hate patton so much (i think it’s mostly projection at this point; i liken him to my dad even though they’re not really all that alike, for like. vent reasons? and it’s somewhat cathartic actually)
tho honestly i think his whole… point? in svs redux doesn’t help matters (i swear if empathy becomes an important talking point throughout the series im gonna McFuckin Lose It because thomas doesn’t know what the FUCK he’s talking about)
and virgils just a bitch that gets away with it too easily. i could elaborate but i think i have actually
and those two are really the only ones i have negative thoughts about. although. janus can be a real dick to roman (svs 1 and 2) but im still attached
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amazon-me-bitches · 1 year
Been watching too many creepy reddit stories and this happened..
Title:  Dear Reddit... part 1? ((maybe, if I decide to make more.))
Pairing: platonic or romantic Analogical
warnings: fire/horror themed stuff but nothing too graphic
The real warning is idk how to do well thought out paragraph breaks so read at your own will.
Summery: Virgil and Logan go camping and their night doesn’t go as planned
Let me first start off by saying this happened quite a while ago. For some context I am a 20 year old male, gay if that matters. I'm a photographer by hobby but by no means a professional. I mostly specialized in taking nature pictures. lakes, animals trees stuff like that. A few summers back I got a weeks vacation off work and decided to go on a weekend camping trip with my friend Logan and take some pictures for my nature blog while we were there.
Logan was and still is a huge natural science nerd so he agreed. We could hang out, fish and do some hiking, I could take pictures and he had a great idea for a video where I filmed and he talked a little about some interesting nature facts he knew about. The day arrived and Logan picked me up in his jeep, I had packed light but remembered to bring some important stuff. A flashlight, food, water, tent, that sort of thing. Where we were going was completely remote. Logan said camping in a campground was for 'sissy's, lightweights and fat couch potatoes.' When I replied 'cool! so we should just head on over then?" he cuffed me in the side of the head playfully.
We got to the forest easy enough and set got our packs out of the car. Logan put on bug spray because he is smart and when he offered me some I declined because it makes my skin feel sticky and gross. well by the time we were about an hour into our hike I was already starting to regret my decision to forgo the bug repellant and we stopped to rest and so I could apply.
We were making small talk until we heard a laughter coming from somewhere, it sounded pretty far off and we paid it no mind at first. We were on a remote hiking trail but it was still not inconceivable that we might run into other hikers. We stayed there talking for a while and rehydrating before we heard the voices again and saw some other hikers rounding the corner. Presumably going back down the hill. It was two older men, redneck looking types. They were sporting camo pants and scraggly beards. They seemed to look us up and down which is fair being that I'm sure we looked pretty out of place. I dress pretty goth and was braving the summer heat still decked out in black and purple. Logan was almost constantly in a tie but I had managed to growl him down to wearing his 'I need space' shirt and a very light jean jacket.
They were still a few feet from us but when they noticed me noticing them they took that as an invitation to come talk to us. Shaking hands, because they outstretched theirs first, the man paused the shake letting go abruptly when he, I assume, noticed my rainbow pride flag smart watch wristband. He shared a look I couldn't decipher with his friend, tried to resume a neutral expression then began talking to us all friendly like again.
The conversation started off pretty normal they commented about the weather, the hike and asked if we go hiking often. Somewhere in the middle though their questions started to get a bit too personal. 'how long were we staying?' 'where were we thinking about setting up camp?' 'did we have more people coming or was it just the two of us?' I gave half truths and vague answers the whole way though and eventually excused ourselves...wanting to get as far away from the men as possible. They were nice enough but I just got a bad vibe. Luckily we seemed to be going in opposite ways.
We walked on for an hour stopping to take pictures of some local flora and even some fauna. Logan talks for the last twenty minutes of our hike about how that tree wasn't originally grown here and where they were grown before someone brought the species to America, as well as some other tree facts. Logans love language is getting to share facts and knowledge he knows. He is never condescending when explaining either. Just a nerdy, cool guy, over excited about things and wanting to share what he knows so others can hopefully share in his reverie. He is hands down one of the coolest people I know.
We reached our camping spot just in time, I volunteered to set up the tent while Logan got the fire going. Sometime later we were sitting out cooking some hotdogs and having a few beers, when suddenly I thought I heard something in the bushes, I am a bit of a worry wart. known in my friend group for having high anxiety. Logan polightly calls it 'Expressing an unhealthy amount of concern' he is such a nice dude. I shushed him and pointed to the bush but we didn't see anything emerge. I knew it wasn't that crazy to believe that something could be in it. we were in a dense forest after all. It didn't make anymore noise and I soon forgot about it.
When it was time to go to sleep for the night we let the fire get down to a few dying embers and crawled into the tent. It was a cold night and I would be lying to say Logan and I didn't somewhat cuddle up. About an hour after laying down he was asleep but I just couldn't relax for some reason. I had been camping plenty of times, having grown up in a rural area, sleeping in the woods wasn't new for me. I had just had an eerie feeling since meeting those guys that I just couldn't shake.
I was almost about to give in to sleep when I heard a stick crack a ways from the tent. then what sounded like slow deliberate footsteps. My mind was of course thinking mountain lion or something which was scary enough. but when something touched the zipper of the tent I shook Logan awake. He was groggy and grumpy at first but I instantly shushed him,  pointing to the zipper.
"it moved" I whispered.
Logan wasn't having it. He grabbed a flashlight and reached down to open the door and see what or who was messing with us. I felt my blood run cold when he said it wouldn't open. He was moving the zipper but for some reason the other zipper was moving with it. Like they had been tied or locked together somehow. Effectively locking us in the tent. My breathing picked up and I instantly went into fight or flight mode.  Logan and I both bring knives when we come out here so we grabbed those up for protection. We heard some more sounds and started yelling at whoever was out there. threatening them, if this was a prank it wasn't funny and that we had phones and would call the police. However they never answered our questions or responded in any way.
I heard a clacking of logs and sticks thrown together near the tent and then the drip drop of some kind of water hitting the tent.  What the hell was going on? I  am ashamed to say in the panic of it all I didn't put two and two together until I heard the flick of a bic and then smelled smoke. THEY WERE TRYING TO SET US ON FIRE IN OUR TENT!  They beat feet away when the flames got too high and I found out real quick that 'water' on the tent was in fact gas. we were going up fast and the tent was filling with smoke. It burned the throat and eyes causing coughing fits for us both. They heat was too intense to try and escape though the side of our tent that was was burning, plus we didn't want to get melted plastic on us, that shit hurts! when we thought we heard them run away, we grabbed up what we could and I used my knife to start slashing at the tent wall opposite the flames even still some of the tent was melting against my knife blade.  
We finally stumbled out and took a few deep breaths of fresh air.  We didn't stick aroudn long though because we knew those guys might come back to look and see how their little murder plot was going. IF they weren't already watching us from some distance.  We heard one more rustling from some distance away. That was more than enough for me, camera and knife in one hand and Logans hand in my other we booked it back the way we came. I have never ran so fast or so long in my life, I am only a little ashamed to admit that I threw up when we finally got back to the car. We of course started it up and drove to a gas station down the road before calling the police and the fire department but of course by the time they got all the way up there those men were long gone.
I have no proof it was the men we saw earlier that day but Lo and I both believe it was them. Nothing else makes sense. So to the homophobic potential murderers in the woods that day; I hope you died out there but more importantly you better hope we never meet again. 
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transfemlogan · 1 year
(re: the reblog where you tagged virgil) YOURE SO RIGHT. i don’t understand why everyone is so obsessed with him 😭😭😭 like it’s probably his aesthetic cos everyone loves an emo but god damn he gets away with so much bullshit ksjdjfjfkf
HE IS SO ANNOYIBG. I dont understand how he became every1s fave character literally every other side is better -_-
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Because brain is being kind of an asshole, going to express some thoughts/feelings through the Sides again (and humoring myself):
Patton: Gosh, a new home! A new beginning! Isn’t it grand?
Janus: And all to yourself! Isn’t it absolutely dreadful to not have to deal with that “hell is other people“ problem?
Virgil: It’s nice not being aurally assaulted by The News Channel That Shall Not Be Named. Constantly.
Logan: Yes, that was... insufferable. So much factually incorrect and blatantly inflammatory material. You had to pick your battles and hold your tongue around those people.
Janus: I’m totally not happy you don’t have to deal with Mr. Control Freak and Mr. Trigger Everything, anymore.
Virgil: Yeah, I saw how it made you stress-eat...
Logan: And impaired your ability to do your workouts.
Roman: It stifled your ability to make art like you used to, too!
Remus: Couldn’t really get into talking about your juicy horror projects with the company either. Or the spicy things you want to write and draw... Or ANY of that queer shit.
Virgil & Janus, sighing: Especially the queer shit.
Patton: Well, you must be grateful for all the help you had in getting this new place, and keeping your spirits high during the wait! It’s only been a few weeks and it’s really looking like home, already!
Roman: Now you can create in peace!
Logan: It took awhile, but you also have internet again, too. So you can research things properly for whatever you need to know.
Patton: And being able to stream your favorite videos and music again is awesome!
Virgil: Which is great and all... but then everything ELSE went wrong today.
Logan: That can be addressed after some time and some sleep.
Virgil: Negativity bias can be a real-
Remus: Asshole? Oh man, remembered when you first saw Goe-
Virgil, clamping Remus’s mouth: Let’s nOT talk about that?
Remus, wriggles out of the hold: Or Lemon P-
[Roman & Patton look scandalized.]
Virgil: Please, we don’t need to be thinking of vintage shock sites right now.
Remus: Well, they’re hilarious! Oh, don’t forget the Two Girls-
Logan, interrupts: DESPITE this obvious derailment... I suppose it does sound like a good... distraction from that emotional state, yes?
Virgil & Roman: I hate that you’re right about that.
Remus: Yeah, you also have plenty privacy here too!
[Roman blinks and overly dramatically pantomimes gagging.]
Virgil: How about we don’t overshare that kind of-
Patton, hurriedly: That’s all folks!
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