#vizziepop critical
melody-pearl · 1 year
If you had to write Helluva Boss, what would you change?
Get ready for a long ass rant. I’m actually planning on doing a full rewrite of Helluva and Hazbin with redesigns as well. But the major things I would change for Helluva are:
Blitzos and Stolas’ relationship: How they met will be the same as “The Circus” but they actually form a bond. Like, Blitzo is bored from being forced hanging out with Stolas by Paimon but after Stolas shows him his interest for pirates, he immediately becomes interested and they talk and play pirates like little kids do and Stolas falls for him even more. Then after they met again in the timeskip, instead of Stolas getting sexual and Blitzo SA’ing him, Stolas tries talking with Blitzo and telling him how much he missed him and even confesses his love for Blitzo but notices that he is trying to steal the Grimore and decides to make a deal with him that Blitzo could have the Grimore but meets Stolas once a month on the full moon to give the book back and just hang out. They do eventually fuck after a while but they actually both consent. While Stolas actually loves Blitzo, Blitzo wasn’t interested at first but as they continue their relationship, he actually starts slowly gains feelings for Stolas, but due to trust issues and his dark past, he tries to hide it.
Striker: He is going to remain mostly the same, but there are some changes I want to add. First off, he doesn’t make fun of Moxxie for not having much physical advantage like he did in the introduction episode, in fact, he actually gets along with him and relates to him. And second, his plan for stopping the Goetia family and bring equal rights to all creatures of hell will remain, but he won’t be presented as the bad guy, more of a gray area at first, then he realizes that Stolas isn’t like the rest of the Goetias and regrets trying to kill him before.
Millie: As shown in the show, shes just violent and loves Moxxie to death. While that’s great and all, there needs to be more outside of her relationship with her husband. In my version, she very overprotective of those she loves, violent, loves her husband to death, has family issues, sibling rivalry, especially with Sallie May, secretly has self confidence issues, sometimes speaks unclearly due to her verbal problems, on the autistic spectrum, has severe anger issues, and hates being alone. Also, the reason why she hated Chaz so much was because he has secretly cheated on her multiple times and all Millie wanted was someone to truly love her.
Blitzos relationship with Moxxie: It’s mostly the same, but Blitzo doesn’t call Moxxie the r-slur, isn’t ableist towards him, doesn’t SA him, doesn’t threaten to rape him, and actually treats Moxxie better after the events of “Truth Seekers” and even forms a good, healthy bond with him.
Sallie May: I think she’s cool and all but I wished that she had more character since she was merchandised so much. In my rewrite, she’s actually going to be shown as an actual character. She’s going to be shown as confident, high mighty, has a sibling rivalry with Millie but she cares for her and even killed for Millie before.
Stella and Octavia: For Stella, she won’t be shown as a complete antagonist. Stella was arranged to marry Stolas since they were children but she wasn’t a complete monster, though she had anger issues. Stella actually cares for him and Stolas and Stella actually had a pretty good, healthy relationship before he cheated on her. She was heartbroken after that and the reason why she hired Striker to kill Stolas was because the family manipulated her too. For Octavia, everything’s the same, except that in my rewrite, she doesn’t completely forgive Stolas but she doesn’t hate him and Stolas actually improves as a father and he and Octavia slowly start to have a good father daughter relationship again. I know that was a lot. I like to rant so if you want me to share my ideas for my Hazbin rewrite, expect more of my rants.
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minion-against-ddlg · 5 months
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aupermittymeowmeow · 4 months
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Personally, I don't really think much about the show. It's good! But there are a few problems with it(and the creator), but I still love the rest.
Charlie seemed to much of a pacifist, like as much as Steven Universe, especially when she's killing the exorcists and apologizes for it??(Girl-). An her true demon form is kinda disappointing, like Lucifer and Alastor's. I just wish she was more scary looking and stuff, instead of having large horns and a red hue. Anywho, I don't really ship them together. They don't have a lot of chemistry much like Emily x Charlie in my opinion.
Charlie has more softer and brighter colors, since she wants sinners to get into heaven I think she should dress like Heaven?? I also made her a goat because it looks cute.
For Vaggie I changed her build, mainly because every single main character looks like an NFT broo. Just for a little change is all. I made her more muscular because, since she was an exorcist, I feel like she should look trained for the job.
Angel Dist and Alastor are next!!
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I love this episode, but this one line bothers me so much in the song because it feels so out of place, it feels like the writers had a completely different plan for the episode wrote the song and forgot to change it, because
"I wish all these girls would stop screaming my name"
This is never brought up again, or before, in fact this is her saying the exact opposite of how she shows she feels, which would be a thing they could do, bit the problem is she's not singing/talking to moxxie or anyone else and only for herself and its not implied anywhere that she's lying there besides the fact that she shows way more with her actions and words that she likes the praise(not as much as moxxie wants it but sill)
Am I missing something?
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deustux · 7 months
Okay so I need to get this off my chest but I have a massive issue with people making accounts to shit on others for critism. Like just an account dedicated to being an anti to someone for stupid reasons. The ONLY reason you should need to make an anti account is for someone who is genuinely causing harm and doing harmful shit to people.
Example being Jk Rowling. She has created a very bad environment for trans people and keeps spouting harmful and dangerous shit about them which is making the trans community more indangered as she is fear mongering. And is talking utter BS about them creating a terrible narrative of trans people to people who don't know about the community or already have a bad opinion of them. That's a good reason to make an account exposing the terrible lies and harmful narrative She's created.
BUT creating an entire account to hate on someone like idk Vizziepop is just pathetic. You can call out the stupid things she has said and done in the past but to make an entire account on her and taking every little thing she has said and done is just horrible especially when the male Co writer has said a lot worse. (Seriously I love Brandon Rodgers but just hating on vizziepop for the things she's done when he has more offensive content on YouTube vs Vizzie who posted on twitter where its harder to find her tweets than Brandon's very public and very famous channel is so weird.)
Jacksfilms did a good example of this since with his channel he made VALID criticism of sssniperwolf without bringing in any of her old drama to prove that he's not out for blood or to cause issues but to show her what she's doing wrong. He makes videos to give credit to the creators she's stolen from and even gives criticism on her editing. He never is rude about her looks and he never insults her personally but just critise her work.
Ofc making an anti account of Ssniperwolf would be good as she's done horrible Shit. Such as lying about someone being a sex offender cause he critised her work, ignoring a dying fan when she promised the mother to facetime her but kept making excuse but happily spent an hour on twitter defending her self when that time could of been used on the child.
She made children twerk for her on omegle saying she'd show them her tits if she did, she also got a teen girl to show her tits to her. Been transphobic and sexist to other women. Happily put down women for their looks. She's been arrested for assault and armed robbery (You can find her criminal record as proof I'll put it down here when I find it.) And much more.
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TLDR: stop making anti accounts for stupid drama and critism. Only make anti accounts for people who are actually harming people and communities such as: Jk Rowling, Andrew Tate, Sneako and Sssniperwolf.
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kaz3313 · 2 years
Yo Vizziepop and Helluva Boss critical people- I have a solution for you: Don’t watch the fucking show
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shadowwingtronix · 4 months
The Highs And (Mostly) Lows Of Hollywood's Union Crisis
BW Media Spotlight examines The Highs And (Mostly) Lows Of Hollywood's Union Crisis
This article is not about Hasbin Hotel, because if it was…let’s just say I’d be talking as a Christian more than a critic, especially the Devil’s new and wacky backstory. However, the above video did inspire some other thoughts due to why it exists. Hasbin Hotel started, like most shows, as a pilot, this one airing on YouTube. Creator  Vivienne “Vizziepop” Medrano managed to get the show…
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mauesartetc · 3 years
I think the pilot for Hazbin hotel is flawed in many ways. You can’t deny that. However, it is weird the way that some people are judging Hazbin. They criticize this show like it is a complete series with three seasons. Like, Hazbin Hotel is currently just a pilot with a few comics. Vizziepop has released some livestreams about this project, but this is not the same as actual episodes. There is a chance Vivziepop is actually making the show better than the pilot ever was. There are some fans who are overly critical. Likewise, many fans also overhype the pilot, thinking it was the greatest thing ever. Honestly, fans have such high expectations for Hazbin Hotel at this point that it is bound to disappoint everyone.
The thing about a series pilot is: Ideally it should be very tight and refined, maximizing the chances that viewers will want to see more. And if I remember correctly, the crew spent two years making this thing, yet there are several issues that could've been easily avoided from the beginning.
For instance, Husk and Niffty. They don't need to be here. They don't do anything after they're introduced. You could cut them out of the script and the story wouldn't lose anything. There, I just saved the animators weeks/months of work.
Second, the overwhelming red. The environment never needed to be this saturated and monochromatic, Viv. You could've worked this out in the visdev stage, perhaps opening up the concept paintings to honest feedback from the crew, friends and family, patrons, old art school professors, whoever's on your email list, etc. If they had a few color options to vote on, I'd bet the hyper-red one would be the least favorite. (Not to say every creative decision should be crowdsourced or that the audience is always right, but others' opinions can guide a creator toward whatever choices best serve the message they want to send.)
It also wasn't necessary to make every single background demon so friggin' unique and detailed. It visually clutters the frame and distracts from the actual main characters. If I were Viv, I'd stick to variations of the animal-inspired designs, assigning a certain animal form to each sinner based on the nature of their sin. I notice a pattern of animals associated with darkness (such as spiders, moths, and owls), so I'd continue in that vein with bats, rats, and possums.
I'm also confused as to why lots of demons show up to Charlie's news interview if they don't even respect her. It'd make more sense if there were no audience in the studio, or if someone supporting Charlie (Vaggie? Her goat friends?) actually paid demons on the street to go in.
Also, we never needed to hear Alastor's backstory from Vaggie, because she just warns Charlie that he's dangerous seconds afterward. It's kinda redundant at that point. That warning will suffice for a pilot, and leave some mystery around Alastor's origins, piquing the audience's curiosity. And yeah, that's another sequence the animators don't have to work on.
Really, the screen time saved from making cuts to the script would allow for a more powerful ending, as well. Instead of Alastor easily defeating Sir Pent by himself, maybe he raises a hand to him but is interrupted by Charlie and the others. Then Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust would use their skills to beat Pent as a team. A scrappy band of underdogs fighting for what they believe in is much more endearing than one OP dude summoning eldritch abominations by barely lifting a finger. We might hint at his immense power, but again, that's a mystery to be solved another day.
I wonder what percentage of those two years the writing and pre-production took up, because whatever that number is, it should be higher. Seeing how Viv's handled the writing for this pilot and six episodes of Helluva Boss, I'm not thrilled to see what she has in store for Hazbin as a series.
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melody-pearl · 1 year
I really think HuskerDust has so much potential to be such a great couple but knowing Viv, there will probably be a lot of gay fetishization and toxicity between Angel Dust and Husk similar to the disaster that is Stoliz. The reason why I think HuskerDust has so much potential to be something great is because Husk could help Angel Dust with his issues with Valentino and Angel Dust could show Husk that the ability for him to love is still there and that he truly loves Husk for his inner beauty. I really want their relationship to grow into something beautiful but I’m afraid that Viv’s gonna ruin it with the reasons I said above.
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melody-pearl · 1 year
From @muffinezo​ Twitter: 
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I’m not saying all HB fans are bad but if the fandom dying means less death threats to those who give criticism, drama, and Vizziepop losing money and getting her just deserts, then I’m all for it.
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melody-pearl · 1 year
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We might be getting four seasons of HB though I don’t know how that’s gonna go due to there being a lot more criticism towards the show (mainly season 2) and each new HB episode getting less and less views 💀. How do you all feel about this?
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melody-pearl · 1 year
I wonder what would happen if I were a Twitter user and just give Vizziepop praise for a GIF but with a very small criticism. She would definitely block me right away, I can tell that she has definitely done that before
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