#vtm disciplines
crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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Part Two of the Whole Collection of VTM Fangfest 2023! I’m very happy with the final turnout!
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dispotatorulzz · 3 months
Here's my sucksona. If you even care (yes I know his name is my name . it's EASY and I'm TIRED)
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BASICALLY he's a gangrel that got fucked up by Viv and Vex and now his beast form looks like the right and his humanoid one is just fucked up forever to
Me rambling about em under the cut
First this alt of him
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OK ANYWAY. ROUGHLY (may change this later) he kinda like. Works for the Weylin twins ???? He brings in bodies for them and aslong as he keeps up with that he's left to his own devices. Doesn't remember his own last name but he didn't really gaf anyways
I KNOWWWWW he's a masquerade breach.
ONE - it is la people up that late in that city have more to worry about than a gay furry running around
TWO- I do not gaf. I think he looks cool SO WHAT.
Ok beast time :]>>>
His funky little beast form was altered by the Weylin twins and now he's just like that . Since he's a gangrel tho he can shape-shift out of it and all that but they fucked him up a little and it altered his usual form to
The snake head doesn't have a brain also (they thought it would disorientate him to much). The eyes and mouth and everything respond to the tigers brain :]. If you cut off the snakes head it'd keep moving you need to cut off the tigers to go for the kill <3. Snake also cannot digest things ! Whatever it swallows will stay in it's stomach area and be coughed up later on, kinda like owl pellets but with literally everything it "eats".
The yellow bits on his back are a rattle !! It's fused to his spine so whenever he shakes it his whole spine does a fun little shake (could be problematic for him in the long wrong but it sounds cool as hell so . WHATEVER)
All I can remember rn is I didn't finish one of the pages for the beast but it is pretty big :)!!! I think vex would stand a little taller than the bottom line for the second set of pecs he's got (for his double wings <333)
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gith-zeri · 11 days
Las Vegas, circa 2012
Catalina(Tzimisce): "So where does a lost rosebud pick up vicissitude, you a former antitribu by chance?"
Felicia(Toreador): "Haha, very funny sister, but no, I'm not. It's just protean."
Catalina: "....."
Catalina: "That's not protean."
Felicia: "What."
Catalina: "God damn, they really did just kick you out the kennel. Haha! Didn't even bother to check you for "rabies." It's a miracle that asswipe's ivory tower didn't crumple faster."
Felicia: "What."
Catalina:" Come on, I have a Tremere that owes me a favor. We can see if you have all your "shots" with a quick ritual. Maybe even get your "pedigree" while we're at it.
Felicia: "What."
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bastiantj · 2 years
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found out you can get protean from beckett as any other clan and it’s all over for you bitches
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kentuckycaverats · 7 months
👁️👁️ hey what's your fav thing you learnt about del thru playing her? what surprised you the most abt her?
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oh man......her favorite thing is to surprise me. sometimes we'll finish a session and i'll be like heyyyy del quick q, what the hell was that about? and then 2 days later it'll hit me like oh is THAT where you were coming from??? girl thats insane. i love you.
favorite thing i've learned through playing her is the way her predator type reflects her relationship to physical and emotional intimacy! she's always been a blood leech, but she's shifted from "i only feed when i cant put it off any longer, i dont enjoy it, and dont even think about feeding from me or i'll kill you" to "i dont mind feeding or feeding from my coterie, it's kinda comforting" to "tara baby please if you dont bite me right now im gonna lose my mind i want it so bad." also that she likes it when tara bosses her around in that context specifically. ok dyke
what surprised me the most about her is how forgiving she is with the people she loves. she's a professional grudge-holder with like four dozen personal vendettas, but once she cares about someone she's too devoted to stay upset with them for long. her true parents lied to her about her fae nature all her life, neville tried to mess with her memories, delores successfully did mess with her memories - and she forgave them all in relatively short order, despite "denying me who i am" and "fucking with my head" being like, THE biggest triggers for her. she loves so hard and she's so fiercely, unshakeably loyal.
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del-uxie · 7 months
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ok cowgirl tzimisce. you dont regret staying over for dinner but also you live 8 hours away and have no idea how you're going to get home
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cynical-tuba · 2 months
Tonight on VTM Dark Ages, our Malkavian Coterie member Emir embraced his ghoul Æthelfrid, Godwin decides to take action, and a new prince steps into power.
I tried to keep the word count as tight as possible but you know how it be:
session length: approx 8 hours
On the way back from a blood ritual to summon a river spirit and put him into a town gaurds body to give him a physical form the party made their way back up river by boat, defeated and suddenly a flock of 12 owls descended on the group declaring they were looking for Leo (by description) and were sent by one of his fiancé's (Hengist) to insure his safety. He couldn't know where he and Godwin were though, however so, The Coterie of 4 vampires acted rationally reasoning with the owls to now reveal what they had seen. killed ten of them. The final two were caught by Godwin (Leo's other fiancé) and given names Enzo and Balthazar and we're kindly sent home with one of the aiding npcs of the ritual, Hunnydd.
Also the Ghoul named Godwin of the Current prince, Horsa, decided that he wants to be embraced Tzimisce. Only Godwin is so painfully clumsy and has made so many public mistakes that he needs to gain favour of a river deity (who by the way has recently been put into the body of a town gaurs via a ritual and is now flooding the city in about 13 days?) and in order to gain the favour of the deity.... The only solution that Leo helped him come to was patricide. So now he's planning to send his father a letter to hopefully summon him to Oxford
Æth died surrounded by Coterie member number 2, Leo and his other friends in a consensual embrace. Tears were had as the circumstances that were, were that he can leave the town tomorrow to escape the turmoil and fighting that surrounds Oxford. The embrace would ensure the malkavians would be connected no matter where they were.
So Æthelfrid will leave the only home he's ever known, with his (turned 2 years in vampire) partner, Owain (newly designated leader) to lead the troop to safety and Emir let go of the young man who he came to view as a son
Hengist was glad to see Leo safe proudly proclaiming "I had sent all the owls in Oxford to find you" unknowing of the decimated owl population...
Also Edmund ("Childer" of Ventrue prince Horsa) has reluctantly declared himself new ruler due to the coming flood, war with the library(separate faction removed from the medieval version of the camarilla) and an approaching force attacking the town. after and assassination attempt the Ventrue household (Nosferatu Sheriff is included in this btw) agreed to seek safety in the Cappadocian's Haven where they would likely have allies.
What a game.
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louisianabynight · 2 years
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crownedinmarigolds · 1 year
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Part One of the Whole Collection of VTM Fangfest 2023! I’m very proud!
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tzimiscecore · 1 year
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thecupsmith · 7 months
I found the best use for the dominate discipline
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immren · 1 year
i need to make a tzimisce oc only so i can draw horrific imagery bc fleshcrafting is so interesting to me
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nevertrustanoracle · 2 years
The Fledgling’s Guide to The Clan of Death (short version)
Didn’t have much time to write this week, so the full version is still coming, but I wanted to get something out before this week’s episode. So here’s the Cliff’s notes:
Who are the Hecata?
Necromancers; they can summon and control wraiths (ghosts), create zombies, cause decay or disease, and much more
An independent clan; they are part of no sect, but may deal with any of them
Made up of a group of related, but distinct, bloodlines, each with their own cultures and abilities
Have very strong ties within the clan; mess with one, and you’re liable to have the entire clan after you
A lot of those ties are familial; the Giovanni and their offshoots (Puttanesca, Dunsirn, Milliner, Rossellini, etc) are mortal families too, and traditionally ghoul and embrace (among... other... things) within their own family
Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Oblivion (necromancy). Some of the bloodlines can have different ones, but these are the standard three.
Bane: Painful Kiss. Their bite causes excruciating pain rather than the pleasure that every other vampire’s does.
Compulsion: Morbidity. They become obsessed with death (more so than usual) and must either solve or predict a death.
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clubconfession · 2 years
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[V5 is overrated. Dumbing down Disciplines and what made Independent clans so interesting.]
Picture Source
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'u actaully took lingering kiss, u absolute freak' damn right storyteller, what are u going to do abt it??? stop me from biting people and making them love me??
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porcelainseashore · 1 month
Into the Ether (5)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death, RE ensemble, VtM concepts.
Authors' Note: Some violence ahead.
Taglist: @admirxation @xoxostarlet @miss-oranje-disco-dancer ❤️‍🔥
AO3 Link
Chapter 5: Elysium
Within the next 24 hours, you had been given a crash course into vampiric, or otherwise known as Kindred, unlife. Leon taught you how to rouse the blood, something you would need to do every night before you could rise from your dead slumber. 
“Never go to bed hungry,” he warned. “You may not wake up for weeks.”
The next important thing was to use it for what he called the ‘Blush of Life’, so that you could pretend to look human. Without it, your skin was the color of ash, you were icy cold to touch and had no heartbeat. You remembered the shock on your face when you peered in the mirror at your grayish body and listless eyes. Resting his hand on your shoulder, he murmured, “You’re still beautiful to me.” You shrugged it off without a response.
Mending wounds required rousing the blood and so did using certain powers within ‘Disciplines’, but you hadn’t fully crossed that bridge yet. Apparently by focusing and channeling it through your blood, you would eventually be able to call upon the innate gifts endowed by your clan. 
Some already occurred passively for you. Like when Leon tested you by hurling a glass at your face spontaneously. You caught it with perfect timing, assuming it was just by pure luck. But he rewarded you by throwing another, which you seized again flawlessly; your reflexes working double time compared to normal. He said it was dubbed ‘Celerity’.
“What the fuck, Leon?” you seethed, before smashing the glasses to the ground.
He sighed. It was gonna be a long night.
As for the other abilities, they would come with time as you honed your craft. Leon appeared to be positively cheerful about the whole thing though. “You’re doing really well,” he praised. “I’m sure you’ll pick them up fairly quickly, especially the simpler ones.”
“Like the Jedi mind trick?” you scoffed, referring to the time he pulled that on you in the park.
Pursing his lips, he ignored your jibe and clarified cautiously, “Yes, though that would be under Presence.” 
He stretched out his back on his armchair; it took a lot out of his patience to educate you. You weren’t the easiest student to handle, seeing as how you were the opposite of what he had been like with Ada, always challenging him head-on, as if you were trying to catch him out on any slips he made. Not to mention the endless snarky remarks you doled out.
“There’s one more — Auspex, but we don’t have to worry about all of this for now.”
You huffed, shaking your head at all the strange terminology you had to put up with this evening. There were many things that depended on rousing, but that also meant that sometimes your hunger would increase. It was like Russian Roulette, you never knew when you’d get hit. And then, the topic that you’d been dreading came up.
“Feeding,” he began. “There are many ways to do it, but keep it discreet.”
“I’m sure bashing the guy on the head the other night was warranted,” you argued, your tone still fraught with bitterness.
His brows knitted into a slight frown. “It was an emergency,” he muttered, before attempting to change the subject.
Heading towards the fridge in his open plan kitchen, he opened it and handed you what appeared to be a blood bag. “If you want, you could try one of these… but they’re not to everyone’s tastes.”
You squished the liquid contents inside the PVC bag between your hands, causing it to pool on one side and then the other. Playing with your food. You shuddered. The concept was still so alien to you.
“The medical ones are almost undrinkable. However, the unprocessed ones could work, at least for you. Doesn’t really do anything for the older ones among us,” he explained, though there was a momentary pause when he noticed your discomfort.
“Hey, you okay?” Reaching out for the bag, he placed it back on the fridge shelf after you surrendered the item to him silently. “I know it’s a lot to take in right now. But, uh, we can go slow.” He swallowed anxiously, hoping he hadn’t touched a raw nerve with the subject matter. 
Gesturing towards the compartment, he mentioned, “I have a couple of these in here now. You’re free to have them at any time… or not.”
“Yeah, sure, thanks,” you mumbled, nodding despondently as you turned in the other direction. He was trying to be nice, but everything that had happened so far felt like a bad dream you wanted to escape from. You still couldn’t accept your new reality.
“Would you like to take a break?” he asked tentatively. “We don’t have to continue with this tonight, if you want.”
Clearing your throat, you waved away his concern, trying to put on a brave front. “No, it’s fine. You said it won’t be long before we’d be called in front of the Prince… and Sheriff?” The pitch of your voice rose at the end of your sentence, uncertain of whether you had used the right titles; they sounded foreign to you, as if you were living in medieval times. 
He had already explained to you the rough details of what had happened when you’d been attacked. It was difficult to wrap your head around the implications behind it, but the demonic face of your assailant continued to haunt you. Did you now have to testify in a sort of court? Would they bring you in for further questioning? How exactly did the judicial process work in this world? 
According to Leon, Kindred culture and politics were a completely different ball game from those in the mortal world. So, as much as you had a tendency to wing it in your previous life, you were way out of your league in this one.
“I’m guessing with the shit that went down, I should try to be prepared.” You gazed at Leon intently, trying to read from his expression how bad the situation was. 
There was a slight shift in movement of his lips, but other than that, nothing. Damn that man and his poker face.
“Okay, I’ll teach you what I can.” He took your hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly. This time, you didn’t pull away. “Just stop me at any point.”
He spent a substantial period enlightening you about The Traditions, the laws of the Camarilla — the sect you now belonged to, unfortunately not by choice. The first law and most crucial of them all, was to uphold the Masquerade and prevent anyone from knowing about the existence of your kind. As of now, Leon, being your creator, or sire, was responsible for your actions until you progressed on from being a fledgling to a neonate. Basically, a point in time where you wouldn’t be treated as a baby anymore. 
You began to understand that this was the same crappy autocratic system you had despised as a human, rife with contradictions. Especially when Leon proceeded to tell you about what he jokingly coined ‘Tradition 0’.
“The thing is, I can go on about all these rules, but whatever you do, don’t get caught.” He adjusted himself uneasily on his high stool, supposedly half-regretting what he had just informed you. You had a rebellious streak, he always knew that, and perhaps even liked it; living vicariously through your actions. But he was putting you in a dangerous spot by encouraging it.
“You’re telling me this?” you coughed out a laugh.
“Don’t make me regret it,” he cautioned right after, but you rolled your eyes at his remark. Typical.
“I’m just saying some rules are bullshit—”
“Glad we can agree on something,” you taunted.
“Right, well,” he sighed, the dull pounding at the temples of his head starting to grow more persistent. “Be smart about it.”
With that, he presented a burner phone and pager, nearly identical to the ones he owned. You grimaced at the old-fashioned, brick devices in front of you. One of the things Leon had iterated was the Camarilla’s blanket tech ban. He said it was a safety precaution against the Second Inquisition, or ‘SI’ for short, who’d managed to infiltrate hordes of Kindred through their carelessness. Personally, he shared his doubts about that, surmising it was more about the older generation’s fear of technology, and using the ban as yet another form of control.
“Technically speaking, you’re not even allowed to have one of these.” A slight smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth as he jiggled the phone, hoping you’d appreciate his word play. You didn’t, providing him with nothing more than a scowl.
Tough crowd, he shrugged before setting it down on the counter. “Anyway, I’m guessing your colleague’s gonna start worrying about your radio silence very soon.”
Fuck, Patrick. In the whirlwind of events, you’d forgotten about your instructions to him the other night.
“Pager’s usually for any comms from the Prince, among other more, uh, unconventional methods.” He recalled one of Hunnigan’s rats tailing him along the street with a spellbound look in its eyes, the dead drops, and the codes in graffiti at specific locations around the city, mimicking secret messages on ancient Venetian walls.
First things first though, you needed to allay any worries that resulted from your absence. You grabbed the phone, flipping it open. What was once a novel experience with Leon at the cafe now felt like a chore. You were unused to the stiff buttons, tiny screen and pixelated graphics as you punched in the numbers.
Pressing the age-old phone to your ear, the ringtone eventually came to halt, and you heard someone fumble on the other end of the line, along with a muffled shout over a wall of background noise, “Yeah, just a minute!”
“Patrick?” you addressed purposefully.
“Jesus! Where’ve you been? I tried calling you a million times; went straight to voicemail. Everyone’s been asking around for you! Did that guy—”
“I’m fine,” you cut in, stopping his rambling in its tracks. “Sorry I didn’t call earlier, I, um—” you glanced over at Leon as he eyed you inquisitively, wondering how you’d talk your way out of this one. 
“Lost my phone; think I dropped it somewhere,” was the classic excuse you settled with.
Leon nodded approvingly.
“Explains the unknown number,” Patrick inferred. “Anyway, you coming in?”
You sucked in a sharp breath. “Uh, actually, I’m not feeling so hot.” That was at least a partial truth. “Gonna take this shift off too. Tell the rest I’m sorry.”
There was a low, static chuckle. “Must’ve been a wild night, huh?”
“Come on, seriously?” you guffawed, cursing workplace gossip with a passion. “It wasn’t—”
“Later, boss,” he drawled. “You deserve it.” He hung up before you had a chance to argue any further.
“Yeah, fuck you too, Patrick,” you grumbled, slamming the phone’s cover back onto itself as Leon failed to stifle a snicker. 
He’d eavesdropped on the entire conversation. You flipped him off in response, which earned you an even louder chortle.
Both of you were interrupted by a series of beeps coming from Leon’s pager. He swiped it up in his right hand, taking a peek. His jaw tightened visibly, setting into a hard line as he regarded you with a rigid expression. 
“The Prince beckons.”
Huddling under the parasol that Leon held out to shield you from the pouring rain, you walked briskly beside him. Your heeled boots clacked along the city pavement, as you headed towards what appeared to be an inconspicuous underground shelter. Drawing closer, you saw the distinct mark of the Umbrella Corporation logo at its entrance. 
Security cameras lined the walls and an access control pad lit up by the side. Scanning his magnetic token against the reader, he keyed in a numeric code which caused a set of doors to open, allowing you to enter an elevator shaft.
“Umbrella’s involved?” you gasped in incredulity. It never occurred to you that the multinational conglomerate would be so intrinsically tied to the underworld.
Leon shot you a dour look, his brows puckered as a clear sign of his discomfort. “Yeah, the Prince is its biggest investor.”
You clucked your tongue. No wonder they’d always seemed shady. “So, this Prince… has he got a name?”
“Mm hm, Wesker.”
Given the way he had spat it out, you didn’t have to be a genius to guess that Leon wasn’t very fond of the man in any respect. It wasn’t a surprise, since to you, all corporate overlords were the same — evil, money-grabbing assholes.
“You would do well to follow my lead when we meet him,” he counseled gravely, as you reached the bottom level of the place, and stepped out onto the platform that serviced one of Umbrella’s many private subways across the city.
You were the only ones in the empty station. It was eerily silent until you boarded the automated train, whereupon a robotic voice announced, “This train is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination.”
Leon’s mood seemed to grow increasingly morose the further you journeyed towards Elysium, where the Prince had his quarters open as a neutral ground for the Camarilla vampires to be entertained, relax and attend to important discussions. It just so happened that Wesker considered himself to be the greatest scientist ever known to mankind and fancied his Elysium to be instated within Umbrella’s laboratory complex. Apparently, the location had been considered unorthodox, but no one dared to challenge the Prince, instead resorting to petty complaints behind his back.
As he gave you a brief rundown of the place, who you should avoid and how you should behave, the train braked, stopping at the facility’s station. Leon’s final words of warning echoed in your ears, “Remember, you answer to me, and only me. Not to my sire, not to anyone else. Got that?”
Under normal circumstances, you would have made some flippant remark and opposed his sudden display of authority over you, but you’d never seen him this unnerved before. He steeled himself, his countenance turning stoic and impenetrable; the only remnant of who he was shone through his sapphire eyes. It was as if he had changed into a completely different person and you weren’t sure what to make of it. Instead, you chose to hold your tongue and observe the situation. Nodding quickly, you stuck close to him as he requested while entering the sterile, clinical setting of Wesker’s inner sanctum.
As you walked across an extended bridge towards the East Area, you noticed cliques of what you assumed were other vampires hanging around the pathways and the circular main shaft. Sipping on scarlet liquid in wine glasses, they whispered to each other, sneering as they gave you the side-eye.
Your ears pricked up as you tried to zero in on their hushed conversations. All at once, you heard a cacophony of voices surrounding you.
“She won’t last a week.”
“I’ll give her three days at most.”
“I heard she tasted delicious.”
“No wonder Leon couldn’t restrain himself.”
The voices were overwhelming, coming from all directions, and at times sounding right up close to your ear. You felt woozy and nearly stumbled, if not for Leon wrapping his arm around to catch you. He threw you a look of concern, but said nothing as he led you away from the crowd.
“Easy there, wouldn’t want to accidentally fall off the ledge now, would we?”
You ignored the feminine voice, allowing her silvery laughter to wash over you as you resolved to focus on the task ahead. Harden yourself, you breathed, imagining a void abyss into which your emotions could be emptied. Leon had mentioned they would try to faze you, and you knew now, more than ever, that in order to make it out of here in one piece, you’d need to place your trust in the man who had upended your very life.
From one door to the next, the way this complex was built seemed to mimic that of a spacecraft. The final set of doors swooshed open as its panels glided along the tracks. You set foot into a neatly manicured greenhouse, its lower temperature and misty atmosphere contributing to the lushness of the plants it housed. 
There was a tall, athletically built man in a full black formal ensemble, topped with a smart, matching coat, standing with his back to you on an elevated section of the room that served as a podium. His sandy, almost platinum blonde hair was gelled back tidily, and his hands, donned with fitted black leather gloves, were interlocked behind him in a military stance. He appeared to be fixated on something through a glass window below him. 
At his side stood a svelte lady with a tousled, brunette bob, dressed mostly in camouflage garb except for a striking cobalt blue tank top. She wielded a broad, heavy-duty steel machete, its surface catching the light and casting a menacing glint. A Doberman Pinscher sat obediently by her side, vigilantly surveying its surroundings.
It was only when you passed through the pathway connecting the entrance to the podium that you realized others were lurking around the shrubbery. Their eyes gleamed in a variety of otherworldly colors as they looked on with aroused interest at the spectacle before them. The vibe was tense, but you couldn't quite place your finger on the exact cause.
As Leon reached the edge of the stairs leading up to where Wesker was standing, he placed his hand diagonally across his chest, bowing in reverence. “My Prince,” he greeted, casting a stern glance at you to indicate that you should follow. 
You dipped your head in an awkward semi-bow, feeling completely out of place amid the formality of such a situation. He wrinkled his nose at your halfhearted attempt but left it at that, deciding it would work more in your favor not to make an obvious fuss over it. It was only then that the formidable man turned around to acknowledge the pair of you. His height, accentuated by the elevated platform, made him appear even more imposing as he towered over you. Although he sported a pair of pitch black sunglasses, you could still see the red glow of his eyes like burning embers behind them.
“Leon Kennedy and his newly Embraced childe.” He grinned wolfishly, though you didn’t understand what was so funny. “I realize your initiation to unlife was under… rather dire circumstances. My sincerest apologies.”
The tone of his voice seemed to suggest that he was mocking you, rather than being genuinely sympathetic to your plight. Your temper was beginning to flare up again, but when you peered over at Leon, you saw the strained look in his eyes and the tautness of his neck, almost as if he was pleading for Wesker to show some form of mercy. His vulnerability struck at your core, and you felt a sense of pity for him to be reduced to such a docile position. Biting your tongue, you quelled the simmering anger that was threatening to boil over.
“Such fire in her eyes,” Wesker tutted, smirking at Leon knowingly, though your sire remained expressionless. Holding out his arms, he welcomed you with them, “Let me have a closer look at you.”
For the first time you had entered Elysium, a bone chilling fear ran through your entire body, though it was soon replaced by the warmth and weight of Leon’s hand on your back, gently coaxing and ushering you towards Wesker with a reassuring gaze. You knew he was supporting you through this, despite harboring the same trepidation and dread within himself.
Once you were inches away from Wesker, he reached out, tucking his fingers under your chin to tilt your face from side to side under the harsh beams of light hanging overhead from the ceiling. “Hmm, not bad.” He licked his lips suggestively. “Tell me, Leon, did she taste as good as Sherry?”
Sherry? Who was—
“I am certain that Sherry is more suited to your palette, Prince.” His evasiveness carried a wisp of sadness. 
A respectable Prince never needed to rely on any of his Disciplines to incite fear and control over others in Court. Wesker, as a Ventrue, was more than skilled at Dominate, and could have chosen to use it indiscriminately. But what good is a Prince who relies on the powers of the blood to achieve his desires? A weak pushover. An idiot who should’ve been overthrown yesterday. 
Leon knew that Wesker reveled in prodding at his vulnerable spots with an invisible stick just to put him in his place. In turn, he was expected to perform this little monkey dance each time around the Prince for his acceptance. He just prayed that you would continue to be sensible; you were trying your best so far to temper your emotions and he was proud of you.
“Very well.” Wesker released your face, before signaling to someone at the back of the room. “Bring the rat in,” he summoned.
A scrawny man clad in a torn and bloodied hoodie was dragged by his chains towards the center of the room. His face had been mutilated and bizarre, occult symbols were burnt into his skin. Kicked to the ground, he sniveled woefully, scrambling to clasp his hands together as he begged, “P-please, I-I don’t know anything else, I swear!”
“Silence!” his captor roared.
Turning back to you, Wesker gestured towards the prisoner. “This abomination was part of the group that attacked your kind. They conducted what we call a Mass Embrace,” he lectured. 
“If your sire taught you well, you would know which of the Traditions were broken?” The lilt at the end of his sentence informed you that this was a test, as he peered at you expectantly.
You caught a glimpse of recognition in Leon’s eyes, as he offered a subtle smile in encouragement.
“Two of them,” you answered, crossing your fingers that you had memorized the text correctly. “Breaching the Masquerade and unsanctioned siring of another Kindred.”
A slow, deliberate clap echoed through the room. “Indeed,” Wesker commended. 
For some reason, he then decided to recite the Third Tradition in its entirety, as if hinting at something to you. “Thou shalt sire another only with permission of thine Elder. If thou createst another without thine Elder's leave, both thou and thy progeny shalt be slain.”
Before you could respond, the woman with the machete stepped forward. “I am ready to fulfill my duty, Prince.”
“Oh, Jill.” He gave her a fond side smile. “So eager for blood.”
There was a slight pause before he nodded. “Final Death. See to it then, my trusted Sheriff.”
In an instant, she leapt across the wide distance separating the Prince from the captive, and hacked off the screaming man’s head with one clean sweep. You flinched, shielding your eyes from the gruesome display as the other vampires murmured to each other animatedly. 
This was meant as a lesson. Wherever you went, you would be observed and judged, and if necessary, put down like a dog just as that vampire had been.
As the corpse was carried away, the rest of the audience took their cue to leave the vicinity, boredom setting onto their faces once again as they sauntered out. You were about to head down the stairs, when Wesker grabbed your wrist, motioning for Leon to join him as well. “Wait a moment, little one,” he cooed.
When the room had emptied out save for the three of you and Jill in the background, Wesker spoke up, directing his question to your sire, “Since you were at the scene, any guesses as to who might be responsible?”
“Well, based on the particulars of the Embrace, and their love for creating shovelheads, the obvious choice would be the Sabbat. The clues seem to point there at least,” Leon deduced logically. “The Anarchs would be fools to pull off something so bold… and stupid.”
“The Sabbat, those insolent rats,” Wesker hissed. A hint of rage tainted his voice, as he balled his gloved hand into a tight fist, causing the leather to pile and squeak. “Do you know how much trouble this incident has caused me?”
“The Raccoon City newspapers and broadcasting network have been going off their rockers about this,” Jill piped up, making her way over with her Doberman in tow. “The fire covered up any real evidence, but the Raccoon Police Department suspects foul play. They’re calling for witnesses.”
“Leon, I have come to value your experience, especially with such delicate matters,” Wesker remarked. “I want you to investigate this for me. We can’t have any more of these imbeciles popping up where they shouldn’t be. Next thing you know, the SI comes knocking at our door.”
He glanced over at you again as a calculating smile spread across his face. “Take the fledgling with you. Let this be a way to prove herself as an asset to our domain.”
“As you wish, my Prince,” Leon obliged, though you could tell that he was dismayed by the outcome.
“Jill will brief you about the case after you’ve had your refreshments,” he continued. “Otherwise, our meeting here is concluded.”
At this, he released his grip on your wrist, the imprint of his hand still visible around it. Leon took the opportunity to loop his arm protectively around your waist, pulling you snugly against him as he escorted you toward the exit. You hated to admit it, but after the overwhelming events of today, you were thankful for the comfort he provided you.
However, after settling into a private booth in the lounge on the lower level of the East Area, Wesker’s words came back to haunt you. “Thou shalt sire another only with permission of thine Elder.”
The tenet ran through your mind over and over again, until it finally dawned on you that your Embrace was by no accident. Leon had planned to turn you all along. You would have been beheaded by Jill if he hadn’t acquired Wesker’s permission in advance.
Your lips quivered as you stopped drinking the ruddy fluid from the glass that had been offered to you on the way in. It clinked as you placed it down on the crystal countertop before facing the man in question.
“You’re a goddamn liar, you know that?” you reproached, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes. 
With just one look at you, he knew that you had discovered his dirty little secret. “It wasn’t meant to happen like this. I was going to give you the choice,” he asserted, shuffling closer in desperation as he reached out to cup your cheek in his hand.
“Like hell you were!” you jeered, pushing him back by the shoulders.
“I’m telling you the truth!” he exclaimed, unwilling to let you go as his eyes darted in panic, and his expression crumpled into despair. “Please, you have to believe me.”
Suddenly, the curtains drew open as a sultry, contralto voice rang out, “There you are!”
You jolted towards the source, finding yourself face-to-face with a glamorous lady in a rouge thigh-high slit dress. Her raven black hair was styled into a sleek, angular bob cut which was tucked behind her ears. A foxy smirk played across her bold red lips.
“Oh, Leon, why haven’t you introduced us? I’ve heard so much about you.”
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