pretzelpages · 3 years
Waldain Watches Kamen Rider Build
By waldangerous
All three of my friends who enjoy tokusatsu have recommended this show to me, as I had stopped watching all toku. I used to watch Kamen Rider every year until 2014, and even sooner for Super Sentai. Not that it had gotten bad, just that the adult enjoyment was diminishing. Shoutouts to the Japanese housewife demographic for all of their complaints and concerns about what their children were watching. Oddly enough, this show seems to have ignored those usual concerns as I looked up the wiki for this show and there was an advisory warning for blood, graphic violence, gun violence and murder. Those things in my kids’ show? Sign me up please!
    Kamen Rider Build premiered in 2017 and follows an amnesiac physicist Sento Kiryu uncovering the mystery of a catastrophic event a decade ago that literally split Japan into three, leading to the birth of three nations. His findings lead him down a path that crosses with Ryuga Banjo, a man falsely incarcerated for murder. However, their paths have more to do with each other than they originally realize!
    One thing I loved about this show was how once it picked up, the end of each episode legitimately kept me interested in what happens in the next one, which was a great feeling because I watched an episode a day to avoid the usual burnout from “marathonning”. The desire to always want the next one was due in part to Build not being held back by the 2-Part Plague. This was one of my least favorite things about Kamen Rider shows like OOO, Den-O, W and Kiva. It’s essentially when the series progresses in two-episode increments: the first episode presents a problem and it won’t be resolved until the following episode. Without this format, the show was able to go wherever it wanted or needed to to keep the story intriguing. Your time doesn’t feel wasted! Events feel significant!
    Another plus for this show for me is how it attempts to still appeal to kids despite it’s more adult tone. From the middle of the show on, however, it does feel weird considering how dark it gets, but I understand that there was a story they wanted to tell and they didn’t want little Taro watching at home to get too freaked out by the massive government conspiracy and war. So they add a little bit of Ryuga being an idiot and Misora being a cute eGirl to balance it out. 
This attempt at balance isn’t just for the plot content, but also for the actions scenes. I passed on watching Kamen Rider Wizard because of how much CGI it had. I acknowledge that a lot of CGI makes sense for the theme of the show, but it was still a turnoff for me personally as someone who originally watched Kamen Rider for karate bugmen superkicking aliens and robots on a weekly basis. My entry point into the world of Riders was Kamen Rider Kabuto, which was big on hand to hand fight scenes. It felt more real than huge super moves being added in post. Build, however, does both. The “wire fu” was obvious, but done in clever and interesting ways that add to the action and the CGI additions make sense where they are. Just as a physicist like Sento has to figure out how matter in this world exists in balance, the writers of this show did the same (that was a bigger stretch than downward dog, I’m sorry).
After finishing the show, I could definitely see why my friends recommended it. Especially in a time like now with the climate of world politics, this sort of thing was a nice piece of fiction to get me through the days. Highly recommended for fans of toku, and for non-fans of toku? What are you waiting for? If you’re reading this, I bet you like anime, right? Perfect, just hop on right over to tokusatsu. It’s pretty much live action anime anyway! We’d love to have you.
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guatemama-draws · 6 years
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@waldangerous I've been meaning to draw you stuff but i didn't know what, so have a redraw of one of your pics lol
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evienyx · 3 years
You stream on Twitch right? So in your professional opinion, who would win, Tumblr Anons or Twitch Chat??? (Feel free to delete this or smth, it's real out of the blue)
Apologies, for I was on vacation, but I have returned now, so I shall answer this very important question.
To start, yes, I am on Twitch, under the same name as on here and Ao3 (evienyx).
As for the real question...
I would, honestly, have to say that Twitch Chat would win. The main reason for this is the personal connection that I am able to form with people in my Twitch Chat. Tumblr Anons are cool, and are fun, and more chaotic, but it's very difficult to form an actual connection with them.
I know all of my regulars in my Twitch Chat, and their pronouns, which I keep in a private document on my phone so that whenever someone new enters the chat, I can make sure that I know what their preferred pronouns and nickname are.
jesc, who Reina and I call Desk-With-A-J.
waldangerous, who goes by Dain, but who Reina and I have both accidentally called Dale and Dan in the past, so now, in private, we just call him Dain-Dale-Dan.
anon, who has a really weirdly spelled full username, so we just call them anon and leave it at that.
ghost_cat_10, who we call ghost cat.
There are over twenty more written in my phone document. Some of them have never spoken in another stream beyond the one we got their nicknames and pronouns in, but some of them have, with some of the most regular ones being the ones listed above.
Reina and I talk with one another about our regulars in our Twitch Chats even when we're not on stream. It's a more direct connection, and it's easier to have conversations.
If anyone would want to be able to have more direct conversations with Reina and I (or just me, when I stream alone), come on by when we stream. It's a great time, really. We haven't done so recently, but we're back from our trip now, so hopefully we can get back in the swing-of-things, lmao.
(as soon as I publish Chapter 30 of Fractures)
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pavementlicker98 · 7 years
waldangerous replied to your post: the second season of the get down was definitely a...
The second part of season one* was a whole different show it felt like :(
yeah i keep forgetting it was technically the same season... like, part one was fairly realistic/historical fiction with a few Real People being treated as real people, with just a dash of magical realism in there, mostly centered around grandmaster flash and shao.  part two was kinda all over the place tonally, and it had a lot of very good moments but also just some weird ones.
im gonna pour one out for that one animation cel of flash on his bike that they reused like 5 times
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itsmesheep · 5 years
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Not really complaining, just musing. A couple people in the real world have told me I should "start a patreon or something" and I'm just like... for what lmao. I can't draw well, I can sort of write but not well enough to want to put it on the internet. I'm good at dancing and other performing arts, but that's better suited to a live show and doesn't really translate well. I'm exceptional at puzzle games but that's not a very entertaining twitch stream. I can write essays about symbolism but that only really impresses English teachers, and that's not even my major.
Despite how much I overshare on the internet I feel like my social media doesn't really reflect my actual personality much because the things I'm really passionate about and the ways I express myself just don't really fit in a text post (at least not one I'm capable of making with my poor communication skills).
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rubyshotbuns · 6 years
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So this was the funniest thing I’ve seen in forever and I had to redraw it 
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friskyfoxgirl-blog · 6 years
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For @waldangerous !^^
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waldangerous · 5 years
Anime vs "reality"
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pretzelpages · 3 years
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Waldain in Wallywood’s Basement Club tee
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maverynthia · 7 years
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your photo:
waldangerous: waldangerous: Skyrim, 2011, PC ...
Link VS Dovahkiin?
Is that it? It's the ones with skeletons in it.
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friskyfoxgirl-blog · 6 years
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This for mah bestfriend! @waldangerous
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waldangerous · 5 years
Trying to get the legendary once the raid battle is over 😔
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adrianusual · 9 years
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Aibou in his jammies gettin' buff. I tried to do this exercise when I got home and it was comical.
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Nowhere to go but up!
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