#wally clark x maddie nears
i-smoke-chapstick · 4 months
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; yandere/evil hcs w wally clark.
⋆ tags/warnings. wally clark x female reader. obsessive behavior. toxic white man !!
♫ “Oh, can't you see, you belong to me? How my poor heart aches, with every step you take?” ♫ Every Breath You Take by The Police
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You think you can get away? Sorry sweetheart, not an option.
Jumping straight into this, he will kill you. Find a way to orchestrate it. Manipulate Mr. Martin somehow, set it all up. You’re coming with him. Forever.
He’s been watching you from the get go. Even before he killed you, he studies you like his life depends on it. Rhonda and Charley can ask him why he’s standing in the hallways. He’ll come up with BS excuses- they don’t deserve to know you. Not yet.
He watches your friends with contempt. He’d kill them too if it wouldn’t be so damn awkward, running into them for all eternity. Yuck! The thought makes him sick.
Once your dead- he comforts you. He’s the only person to get to hold you. If anyone tries to talk to you to help you figure out what happened, he’s sending them a charming (a bit scary) smile, and saying “I’ll take over from here.”
He’s sneaking an arm around you. He makes big shows in the ghost circle when your present; pretending to care about helping you find out what killed you. Defending you from Mr. Martin or Rhonda.
He needs to be seen as your hero.
And you’ll be none the wiser.
“Wear my letterman jacket, yeah? For good luck?”
also makes you wear the necklace.
He just wants everyone to know who you belong too.
He’ll dig up CD’s in the school library for you two to have little dates. Listen to the 80’s music in a corner at night. Make you watch all his favorite original horror movies, just so he can see your innocent little face terrified. And then he can wrap an arm around you-
“Hey hey hey, I’ll protect you.”
Truly believes he’s given you everything the two of you could ever want. An eternity together.
If you don’t want to be his prom date, you don’t have the option. His eye will twitch- and with a smile, he’ll say he understands through gritted teeth.
But oh, oh, oh, poor Charley. Wally Clark is a jock- and classic one at that. His highschool bully roots will come through eventually.
He’ll have Charley pushed against a locker, threatening to kill him a second time if he doesn’t convince you to go.
You’re his girl. His only hope to find happiness in this shithole of a school.
“You- you love me, right?”
He asks, his eyes a bit too focused on his jersey number he doodled on the back of your hand.
If you say yes, he’ll practically wag his tail and put an arm around you possessivley.
If you stutter, he’ll nod with a shy laugh- a quick “i’m jus’ kidding,” muttered.
But…on the inside? He’s thinking what more he can do to worship you. To make you realize he’s your knight in shining armor, your best player.
He’s an optimist. And a patient man.
He’ll wait for you to come to your senses.
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veryberrydreamer · 1 year
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They're precious, truly🥺
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harringtonlovers · 1 year
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chapter 2: jennifer wilde can go to hell
wally clark x fem!oc
set in the 80s
lowercase intended
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because i think they all deserve happiness, and they clearly all mean something to each other, consider this:
both Maddie and Charley (best friends) dating Wally (the perfect golden retriever bf)
(and yes I will be expanding on this)
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flashbacksechoes · 1 year
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MADDIE NEARS and WALLY CLARK school spirits s01e07
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fangirlproblcms · 1 year
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you make me feel like i’m living a teenage dream ✨
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betty-cooper · 1 year
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School Spirits, 1.01 “My So-Called Death” (2023)
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tim-lucy · 1 year
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endless list of otps: maddie nears & wally clark (school spirits) “I don't feel like I've ever been able to talk to someone like I can talk to you.”
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kaceyrps · 1 year
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peaceofflights · 1 year
“What’s Three Years in the Eyes of Eternity?”
Rated: T for swearing, drug use, making out, slight references to sex.
Warning: slight age gap relationship. (And I made Wally 18).
Pairings: Wally Clark x Reader, Slight Wally Clark x Maddie Nears
Word Count: 4,000 (dear lord how did that happen.)
A/N: Honeslty I love this series and wanted to add some of my own stuff. It’s definitely not beta read so you have been warned. Might go back and edit later, but if I’m being honest probably not. If people like it I’m thinking of making it into a series.
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Even though you knew a lot of people who went to Split River High you always felt lucky that you didn’t have to be one of them. Though you wouldn’t call yourself exceptionally talented, growing up in musical theatre gave you a certain edge compared to your peers and landed you across town at an arts school for “gifted” children when it came time for highschool. Before death you could count all the times you had been to the public highschool on one hand, all of which had been to see your brother’s football games. It felt like a long shot when you applied to teach the school’s summer camp of guys and dolls, but when you actually got the job it felt like a weight lifted off your shoulders.
Then again they did pull a weight off your shoulders… well the majority of the catwalk when it collapsed and crushed you to death, but that’s a technicality. Being 21 is hard enough, but being 21 for eternity surrounded by high schoolers, that’s your own personal hell.
Don’t take it the wrong way, all the ghosts were nice enough. You’d think because you and Mina had similar death experiences you would be fast friends…unfortunately that wasn’t the case. Due to her young age you and Mina seemed to only have a love for the arts in common. And unlike you, her accidental death seemed to make Mina bitter, never leaving the theater. Even though the theater felt most like home to you it made the place unbearable to be in, leaving you to roam the halls.
Most days were spent goofing off with Charley. He was a good kid, he reminded you a lot of your friends in highschool. You both liked to think that if you had been in school at the same time you would have been inseparable, but who really knows.
It took Rhonda some time to get used to you. Since you’re both known for a dry sense of humor it took a while to figure out if you were joking or insulting the other. Even still people couldn’t figure out if you were friends or sworn enemies… and honestly you two liked keeping it that way.
Then there was Wally Clark.
Six foot three golden retriever disguised as a jock Wally Clark. It’s funny because you spent your whole life making fun of football players and now you're trapped in purgatory with one. One that was funny, and smart, and always knew how to make you smile. Who if you actually were honest with yourself is the best part of being stuck at Split River High.
It didn’t matter what you two were doing whether it was golf cart joyriding, smoking the weed you found in some weird stoners kids’ lockers, or even learning the moves to dirty dancing (which for some reason there is a copy of stashed in the teacher’s lounge). Life with Wally was good.
But that didn’t change the fact that he was 18.
Something you reminded him of quite often, though Wally always seemed to have his own comebacks.
“What’s three years in the eyes of eternity?”
“Technically I was born in the sixties… I’m older than you.”
Or his personal favorite;
“Can you shut up so we can make out already?”
Yeah, Wally Clark was probably the love of your after life… he just didn’t need to know that. It didn’t matter how many times you turned him down he always came back, patiently waiting for when you would be ready to say yes. It was your routine, and you were more than happy to keep it that way. But I guess Maddie Nears was the day that changed.
“y/n/n, y/n/n, y/n/n”
You could already hear Wally running down the hall calling your nickname even before he turned the corner. You couldn’t help but laugh and play along.
“Wally, Wally, Wally.”
Suddenly you two were standing face to face, maybe just a step too close for dramatic effect. His over the top waving at you made you crack a smile, making you completely miss the small blonde standing behind him.
“Y/N there is someone I’d like you to meet… Y/N, Maddie, Maddie, Y/N.”
Your smile dropped for all of half a second before you forced it back onto your face. New ghosts might not come very often but they definitely stuck around so you needed to make a good impression. You reached out to shake her hand, she took it and smiled.
She took in your appearance for a moment before cracking a joke; “what are you? Some kind of camp counselor?” Gesturing to your tie dyed shirt and jean shorts.
“Um, yeah actually.” You replied, scratching the back of your head.
You both awkwardly laughed, shifting your weight from side to side, waiting for the conversation to be over. It was clear you two weren’t about to be best friends. But it was one ghost, not much in your life was going to change.
It felt like your whole life had changed. In the span of a week you went from having your friends whenever you wanted them, to feeling like Maddie was taking up all of their time.
You weren’t dumb, you knew Maddie was going to need friends here too, and if you looked at it objectively there were only so many options for her to choose from. It was stupid to feel jealousy when they hadn’t really gone anywhere at all. It’s not like any of you could roam too far.
But your days spent gossiping with Charley were now spent reading books in the library. And nights of golf carting with Wally were now spent laying alone on the football field gazing at the stars. Even Rhonda seemed too busy for you, all three seemingly absorbed in Maddie’s recent murder.
You were currently on your way to see what Dawn was up to when you heard a familiar sound coming from a classroom.
But it couldn’t be.
You swore your ears were deceiving you until you heard a familiar voice say;
“You’re telling me you’ve never seen Dirty Dancing? Come on Maddie, it’s a classic!”
Your ears weren’t deceiving you at all! That was the sound of Hungry Eyes playing through one of the tv’s dragged into a classroom.
Look it shouldn’t have bothered you, it’s just a stupid movie. Well not a stupid at all, Dirty Dancing was one of the best movies of all time. Maddie was dumb for not having seen it in life, so obviously it was a must watch in her afterlife. But this wasn’t about the movie at all, but what it represented: this was yours and Wally’s movie. The movie you both knew every line to. The movie that you’ve spent years trying to learn the choreography to, and he was watching it with another girl.
“A classic? I don’t know if I would go that far. Was this movie even out when you were alive?”
You should’ve gone in there and yelled at him. You should have told him off for doing your special thing with somebody else. You should have at least listened outside the door to the rest of their conversation, but you didn’t.
Ever since Maddie joined your little group your life felt like it had been a whirlwind. You didn’t even realize just how much you were missing out on or how much time had passed until you walked into the school gymnasium.
“Shit, is it homecoming already!? I’m sorry Wally, how could I forget?” You exclaimed as you plopped down in front of the hand painted banner the crew was currently working on.
How could you have forgotten about the homecoming game? Despite the game not meaning anything to you, you knew it meant everything to Wally. Sure, you never went to a homecoming game while you were alive, but now that you knew how much it meant to him you spent every year making it as special to Wally as possible.
You along with the rest of the support group made sure to make him feel appreciated. With a homemade banner and decorations, Wally was well celebrated on his death date.
Plus it always made up for the fact that every year he asked you to the homecoming dance, and every year you said no.
“I’m 21, I don’t need to go to another shitty school dance.”
“You really want to go to the dance with the school chaperone?”
So every year Wally went to every school dance alone. And every year you spent the night locked away in some random space blasting Hair or whatever music you could get your hands on.
It was better that way. It helped you keep some remembrance of your old life. It was often difficult to remember you had a life outside the school before you died. And it kept Wally from realizing that he could do so much better than you. The closer he got to you emotionally the more he’d notice he’s way better than the musical theatre dork you are. Even in your adult life you were a loser, you came back to teach summer camp because you couldn’t pay your bills.
“You okay cherry pop, or did the mere sight of lover boy’s ass send you into a coma?”
It wasn’t until you heard Rhonda’s snide remark that you were pulled out of your spiraling thoughts.
That’s when you realized that Wally had left the gym, with Maddie (figures), and you (probably) stared at his ass while he did.
“Hey, what's wrong with you lately? You seem even more moody and distant than usual, and that’s saying something coming from you.”
You shrugged at Rhonda’s words “I don’t really want to talk about.”
“You think I want to talk through your oh woe is me crap? Trust me I don’t. But I’m getting tired of dealing with everyone’s stupid problems by myself, so spill tootsie roll.”
Your second shrug of the conversation had Rhonda groaning, but quickly cut herself off when she realized what all this was about.
“That is what this is about? You know for a college girl you really are stupid. Do you really think Wally could ever replace you? That boy hasn’t stopped drooling since your heart stopped. If you were half as smart as you think you are you’d get your head out of your ass and finally go lay one on him.”
And just as quickly as the conversation with Rhonda started she was out of the door. But this time you knew your friend was right, you needed to fix the situation and fast.
In a way you were killing two birds with one stone. There was no way you could go to the game in your t-shirt and shorts, for some reason even ghosts got cold. But looking at yourself in the bathroom mirror dressed in lost and found stolen jeans and Wally’s jacket you couldn’t help but feel confident.
You knew it was cheesy to show up to Wally’s football game wearing his letterman jacket and express your undying love for him. But you knew Wally, and he was absolutely going to love it.
You gave yourself one more once over before you decided to head out, trying to fix your forever slightly sweaty hair from the hot summer sun. This was it, this was your moment.
As the game started you quickly snuck out to the bleachers to hide out until the perfect moment. This part was nerve racking, but also probably your favorite. Watching Wally in his element was enduring and made you think about all the time you had missed out on by his side, all because you were too stubborn to tell him the truth. You ducked down as you saw him start to climb the bleachers to sit down next to his mother, but seemed to be caught by an entirely different ghost.
“Girl, I hardly recognized up here all by yourself in your-“
Charley cut himself off when he noticed what you were wearing.
“Has he seen it yet?” He asked with a special glint in his eyes.
Your cool and collected attitude was thrown out the window as the strong blush on your cheeks gave you away. “No, he hasn’t. I was waiting until he was done with his quality time with his mom to surprise him. It’s not too much is it? I know I should have just sat him down and told him-“
“No, no, no trust me, he’s going to love it. That boy is going to die when he sees you.”
“Hasn’t he already done that?” You softly laughed at your own joke, but Charley just deadpans at you, rubbing his temples dramatically like you’re the Bain of his existence.
“You’re gooood.” He quickly drops his annoyed act to smile warmly at you. “Wally lives for grand gestures, he might actually cry.”
You just smiled at your friend. He’s right about one thing, if Wally loves anything it’s a grand gesture, and now felt like the best time to do it, but as you scan the bleachers you realize he’s nowhere to be seen.
It felt like eternity until you finally found Wally. The game ended about thirty minutes prior when you finally see him walking behind the stadium, extra swagger to his step.
“Hey Wally! I’ve been looking for you all over! What’s got you in such a fantastic mood?” You giggled to yourself like a schoolgirl, this is it.
“I just asked Maddie to the homecoming dance and she said yes! You know as friends, I mean we’re going as friends. But she’s new and I figured it would be nice for her to know she has a friend In the afterlife. It also gives me someone to go to the dance with and -“ he continued to ramble on but you were no longer listening.
Your heart felt like it lived at the bottom of your stomach. It was silly of you to assume that he’d still want to go to the dance with you after how many times you’ve rejected him. It’s silly that at your age you want to go to the dance at all. These were things you never even thought about in your adult life, but here you were about to cry because some stupid 18 year old jock would rather go with a girl who was willing to immediately agree to a date with him instead of some bitch who’s turned him down how many times in the last fifteen years. Yes it all made perfect sense to you, but it didn’t stop you from wanting to cry yourself to sleep in the girls locker room.
“Hey, is that my jacket?” His words finally took hold in your ears.
“Um yeah!” You stuttered. “My clothes aren’t exactly weather appropriate, and I figured you wouldn’t need it tonight. I hope that was okay.”
“Yeah of course! That’s what friends are for!” He smiled, ruffling your hair before moonwalking out.
Of all the things you thought you would do this year, getting help from Mina wasn’t even on your metaphorical bingo sheet. But there you were, a hour before the dance having Mina help you sew together a dress fit for homecoming.
You thought it would take a lot more to get her to help you, but her assessment of the situation was simple.
“All technical work is underappreciated by the actors.”
You weren’t sure how that translated to your current conversation, but she wasn’t wrong. We were both stagehands, and stagehands stuck together.
With an extra set of hands putting together a dress wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be, and for the first time since your death you were ready for the homecoming dance.
Running your fingers over your baby pink dress you spotted the others standing in a circle by the punch bowl. You wiped the sweat from your hands onto your bodice before making your way over to them. If you had a functioning heart it would be beating faster than ever before.
“Hey guys, fancy seeing you here” You smiled, stealing a sip of Charley’s drink. Your false sense of chill would make others believe you did this every year, but the tapping of your heel on the floor made it obvious that you did not.
“Fancy seeing you here? That’s all you’ve got to say? You look gorgeous!” Charley the ever kind soul that he is says, giving you a half hug in the process.
“You do baby cakes! Who knew you had such nice tits under all that tie dye.” Rhonda’s voice cracked in her signature vocal fry, pinching at your waist trying to get a better look at your figure.
“Mhm” You smiled. “I’ve missed out on a lot of these things. I definitely owe it to my friends to make up on some lost time.” You looked directly at Wally as you finished your sentence, he swallowed hard before averting his gaze. He quickly put on a false over the top smile and grabbed Maddie’s hand while she was taking a sip of her punch. “Come on Maddie let’s dance!”
Wally POV
Wally laughed as he tossed and turned Maddie around the room flamboyantly, but couldn’t help but watch you through the corner of his eye sighing into your punch as you twirl your pinky finger along the glass.
“You know I think you came with the wrong girl.” Maddie said, breaking Wally from his trance.
“Ever since she walked into the room you can’t stop staring at her. It’s clear that you like her. Wally we came as friends, if you want to go ask her to dance it’s not going to hurt my feelings.”
Wally wiggled Maddie’s arms with humor but the look on his face was anything but.
“It doesn’t matter how I feel about her, she’s made it very clear she’s not interested. Do you know how many times she’s turned me down in the last fifteen years? Way too many times for me to deem her into me.” He stated as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“All I’m saying is that a girl doesn’t wear your jacket to your death date and show up to a dance she’s never once wanted to go to unless she’s at least a little bit interested.”
“Or something like that.” Wally replied back before smacking his happy go lucky façade back on attempting to teach Maddie his moonwalk moves.
That’s when you heard it, your song.
“And this one was requested by that weird kid, you know who you are. Next time put on a tie.” The dj said dramatically in the annoying voice only dj’s are allowed to talk in.
“(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” begins to vibrate through the gym as Maddie Nears comes to stand next to you.
“I had Simon request the song for you.” Maddie says simply looking off into the distance with you at Wally and the rest of your friends across the room, you had been too busy sulking to sit with them.
“I know it’s kind of your guy’s song.” She continues; “ I figured you two could use a little push.”
You're immediately puzzled. “How did you-“
“That dude is absolutely obsessed with you.” She smiled. “Plus when we watched the movie he wouldn’t shut up about the fact that it was your favorite and you guys had spent the last fifteen years memorizing the choreography, it only felt right.”
You gave her a big hug before whispering in her ear “thank you”.
“Now hurry up” she laughed, “This song is only like five minutes long.”
You rolled your eyes at her before making your way across the room. Yes, this was dramatic, and yes it should have embarrassed you, but for once it didn’t. When you finally made it across what felt like an ocean of people you tapped Wally on the shoulder even though he was already looking at you, stretched out your hand and said;
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner”
Wally smiled before shaking his head and grabbed your hand leading to the middle of the dance floor.
It didn’t matter that the song was already halfway over, you started your choreography regardless, laughing the whole way through it. Every part of it felt like a flirtatious inside joke. It made you realize just how much you missed your best friend. You held him as close to you as you could in peaceful silence until he stepped back from you three steps nodding his head. This of course was the best part so you nodded back and started stepping backwards.
As he lovingly put it each time, if you fell you fell. He would always break your fall, you were both dead anyway. However, just like actual Johnny and Baby you had practiced the move in the pool countless times before you got it right. Now despite the time away from the routine you trusted that both of you knew this lift like the back of your hand, and you were not disappointed when you got a running head start into your jump and were caught gracefully by a strong set of arms.
When Wally placed you down onto the ground again he smiled, pulling you as close as humanly possible.
“You know, I always thought the point of us learning this dance was so we could pull it out at every school function and show all these other losers who’s who.” He laughed clearly, making a joke out of the unspoken.
“They can’t see us anyway” You smirked, resting your arms around his shoulders. “But you're right, I’m sorry it took me this long to come to the dance with you.”
“Sweetheart, have you already forgotten? Maddie is my date to dance.” He smiled, lovingly pushing you away before grabbing you again as fast as he could.
“But I can give you the next best thing,” he said, looking down at you. “Be my date next year?”
“I can do you one better,” You smiled. “Go to prom with me?”
“I don’t knowwwww darling, might bring down my popularity to go to the prom with a chaperone.”
“Hey Wally?” You boink him very lightly on the nose. “Can you shut up so we can make out already?”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. His mouth was on yours in less time than you had to take a breath. Immediately you feel like you need to breathe but if lack of oxygen is your only problem right now then you’ll gladly take it.
His arms moved from rubbing up and down your arms to slowly being snaked around your waist pulling you in tight. You stayed wrapped up in his musky scent for what felt like eternity. You felt his hands slowly start to migrate south when you hear a low whistle from behind you.
“Alright kids break it up, nobody here wants to watch you two defile each other on top of the snack bar.” Of course Rhonda would be the one to break the two of you up after pawing at each other like cats in heat. But she was right about one thing, you definitely felt like a kid again in the best possible way.
“Haha laugh it up Rhonda, you’re just jealous. I know everyone wants to ride the pony.” He smirked, giving her a joking wink.
“Alright Stallion.” You said patting him on the shoulder. “Time to go.”
“Where are we going?” He asked as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“The teacher’s lounge.” You said giving him a similar wink he just gave to your friends.
While you tried to catch your breath as he dragged you through the halls at dare you say a record pace, you realized Split River High might not be as bad as you thought
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i-smoke-chapstick · 4 months
Mal!wally with an equally obsessed reader? Jade West style? wow, that looks hot.
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; yandere/evil hcs w wally clark, with an equally obsessed jadewest!reader!
⋆ tags/warnings. wally clark x female reader. obsessive behavior. wally being feral! Also, made reader more like Jade! So this includes Jade’s aesthetic and some physical attributes such as peircings, etc.
♫ “Down the streets I'm the girl next door, I'm the fox you've been waiting for.” ♫ Cherry Bomb by The Runaways
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• Let me just say, wow.
• Anon you are right- because you two are the hottest couple in that goddamn school.
• Wally looks at you with so much adoration. Knowing you belong to him, that he has you. That you’re just as infatuated.
• He is hard
• In all seriousness, he loves you. You reciprocating that is all he’s ever asked for. It’s perfect for him.
• He’s a naturally jealous person, although he will attempt to cover it up. The more you let your jealousy be known though, the more he finds it hard to control his. He becomes comfortable with his outbursts.
• Becomes less nice with you, more rough.
• “Whats the matter? You can take what you dish out, yeah?”
• You love it. And it spurs him on.
• He has a bad habit of picking at your peircings, invading your private space.
• In his eyes, you two are now mutually devoted to one another. There is no such thing as personal space.
• As Rhonda said, he is a golden retriever. His dedication and loyalty has only increased ten-fold now.
• Speaking of Rhonda, he won’t let you anywhere near her. Nuh uh. He hates seeing you two- the matching black outfits. You two look like you belong together, and in his words;
• “It just pisses me off. Don’t talk to her.”
• Aside from this, he is facinated with your aesthetic. He makes you watch the breakfast club in the school library with him at least ten times over, telling you how much you two are just like Allison and Andrew.
• He was a highschool jock. He was used to having the cheerleaders fawn over him. The difference is; he never paid them a passing glance. But you? You are his everything. The light of his life. He practically worships you- loves you like a dog. So when you show your devotion, whether it be a snide comment to someone your jealous of, or a full on makeout session in front of whatever ghost holds his attention (as if he even has an attention span), it makes him weak in the knees.
• I mean this literally. He’s definitely the type to get on his knees for you, reassuring you in MANY talkative whispers that he is only yours.
• “They don’t mean a thing. Not to me. They are nothing. Nothing compares to you, (Y/N). Please, trust me.”
• If you want someone out of his life just say the word- and they are gone. You’ll never see him around them again.
• If another ghost asks either of you out, he makes it a point to show off your relationship blatantly. He is unafraid of PDA. And if they persist? Well, someones getting clocked in the face by a 6’2 athlete. Even if he was the one said ghost was hitting on.
• He’s hopelessly devoted to you.
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veryberrydreamer · 1 year
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This was historic, truly.
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harringtonlovers · 1 year
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chapter one: bad hair day
first chapter of my wally clark x oc! book has been posted! please share 🫶
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This is going to be long. Contains Maddie & Charley, Maddie/Wally, Charley/Wally. because they all care about each other and deserve happiness together
(These are just my thoughts (there are a lot of thoughts), but I will turn them into a fic when I get the chance. and just an fyi: I started writing this after episode 6 but before we got episode 7&8)
Wally is bi (and so is Maddie but that doesn’t matter right now). it took him a while to come to terms with it because of when he grew up. it was only after meeting Charley, and the two of them started to trust each other, that Wally really let himself think about it. because he knew he liked girls: there was a cheerleader that he was supposed to go to the homecoming dance with. it wasn’t anything serious, but maybe it could’ve been if he hadn’t died on the field. after years and years of friendship with Charley, learning about the LGTBQ+ community from here, and watching how some things (but not everything) got better, he starts to accept that part of him.
Charley and Wally have had a few little moments that could be brushed off. Wally, while more comfortable with his sexuality, isn’t ready for the jump. Charley is just glad to have a friend to talk to. He gets along with the others, but Wally is probably his best friend.
They’re all teenagers, so things happen. The lines start blurring between Charley and Wally. Charley is tentative to ever initiate anything, knowing how hard it is to come to terms with the fact that you’re different. He doesn’t want to push Wally too far and loose whatever is building. Not when, for the first time since Emilio, he might get the chance at a real relationship.
They’re still brand new, new enough that only Rhonda knows, when Maddie arrives on the scene. Charley is assigned to greet her, try and get her to come to group. And he likes her, as a person. She can be brash and one-track minded, but she’s honest, real. She’s also the first one since Rhonda to be murdered, and the only one with gaps in her memory. For the first few days after she joined them, he’s the only one from their group that sees her. He’s her first friend of the ghosts.
Things change when Maddie first comes to group. She’s already had a run-in with Wally, and she’s unimpressed. The only one she even semi-trusts is Charley. Her trust in him only grows as he finds out Simon can see her.
The thing is, that isn’t the only thing that changes. The relationship between Charley and Wally changes, too. Wally knows Charley is hiding something from him, and he doesn’t know what. Wally also can’t help the ways his eyes are drawn to Maddie. Part of him hates it, hates that when he’s starting to feel comfortable with himself, she arrives. The other part of him, a lot smaller, but still there, wishes he could just give in and focus on her. It would be easier. And he hates that part of himself too, because he cares about Charley.
And Charley sees this. He sees the way Wally is being drawn into Maddie’s orbit. He knows Wally has a big heart and just wants to help, but he also recognizes that look in his eyes. It helps that Maddie is too focused on her death to notice the small things about Wally.
Charley doesn’t know what to do. He wants both his friends to be happy, and part of him will always long for closure with Emilio. He wonders if taking a step back will make a difference. But the three of them always end up together. Sometimes they’re not alone, and Rhonda is there, too. But as Maddie opens up and gets a little more used to being dead, they get closer.
Maddie is aware that of the ghosts, Charley is her closest friends. She likes him, and when she realizes she can help him with Emilio (through Simon), she vows to help. She asks Wally (who reminds her of a golden retriever) if he thinks it would be a good idea. She doesn’t know when the feelings she has toward Xavier go from being hurt and angry and heartbroken, to hurt and angry and annoyance. She’s pretty sure he didn’t kill her, but he cheated on her, so she’s not above using him to find clues.
It’s Charley who initiates the conversations with both Wally and Maddie, separately. He starts with Wally. They have years more of history, and their (still new and unlabeled) relationship makes things both easier and harder. They’re friends first, before anything else.
Wally feels guilty. His sexuality is a lot easier to accept now. He’s grown a lot as a person, and it’s nice to be open about that part of himself, at least with Charley and Rhonda. He hasn’t come out to anyone else except the two of them. But he promised himself to be honest to Charley. So he tells him that yes, he’s been drawn to Maddie, and how he’s confused and torn about that. How he still likes Charley, a lot. He doesn’t get how you can like two people at the same time, because isn’t that like cheating? And he doesn’t want to do that. (when he hears about the untrue stereotype that bi people are more likely to cheat, it hurts even more.) Charley is grateful that he’s being honest, and he does admit hearing that hurts a little. But he tells wally that he likes Maddie, too, as a person/ghost. That maybe they can figure something out so everyone can be happy. Because Charley is worried that if he clings too tight, he’ll loose both of them anyways. Might as well try and find something that makes them all happy.
Maddie denies everything at first, and Charley gets why. She’s so focused on what happened to her that she’s not thinking a lot about her developing relationships with the ghosts. Her friendship with Charley is the one she notices the most, and then her growing friendship with Dawn. But subconsciously she’s definitely noticed Wally. He’s so different from Xavier, in a good way. She thinks he’s sweet, and she knows he just wants to help his friends, all of them. She really starts to see him during the homecoming game. When he takes his jersey off and sits next to his mom. It’s around then that she clocks what’s going on between Charley and Wally. She didn’t see it earlier because she wasn’t looking, but now it feels obvious. But she doesn’t want to hurt either of them, or mess up the progress she knows that both of them had to have made.
She still helps Charley out with Emilio, because she knows how much he needs it. She knows Wally wants to help him, too, but she’s the one who has a connection to the human world.
When Wally asks her to the dance, she hesitates. Pauses, until he adds the “as friends.” Because she will not be the one to hurt Charley. She knows that the pause before Wally added the disclaimer means something, but she doesn’t think about it. Not yet. But she says yes. She likes Wally, as a person, and she’s glad to see him a little more free, free from the game that killed him.
She immediately tracks down Charley once the game is over. They sit in silence for a few minutes on the roof before she starts talking. She finds herself telling him more than she thought she would, finds herself trusting him more than she thought he would. He’s her best friend in the ghost world.
They talk long into the night. They know at some point they need to sit down and talk with Wally, all three of them. However, they come up with a solution. There’s a lot about modern relationships that are so different from what Charley and Wally knew from growing up. Maddie knows about how gender and sexuality had evolved, about different types of relationships. She mentions polyamory as a potential option.
When Wally joins their conversation, he’s oddly quiet at first. He is mind is racing, and he’s feeling hopeful. He might be able to be with both Charley and Maddie. But it also doubles the risk if it goes wrong. He doesn’t know what he’d do if he lost both Maddie and Charley.
When they ask him what’s wrong, gentle voices and wide eyes, he’s powerless to lie to them. They’re both important to him. He cares about them, a lot.
They reassure him that they care about him. That they care about each other, and they don’t want to hurt each other. Maddie doesn’t want to hurt Charley or Wally. Charley doesn’t want to hurt Maddie or Wally. Maddie takes it upon herself to be the rational one. They have so much more history with each other, and she’s the newer one. She can bring a somewhat neutral view to this.
They decide to all go together to the dance. But they decide that each pair will have their own time together. Maddie and Charley to bond more as friends. Wally with each of them to further those relationships. Charley was also going to use the dance to try and gain some closure with Emilio.
He does gain some closure. He sits and watches Emilio read and react to the letter. Charley knows that Emilio will always be his greatest what if, his first love. He’s always going to miss what could’ve been. But he has another chance to be happy now. He wants to take it.
Maddie and Wally do have their little moments from canon. The corsage, the kiss. Wally and Charley have their first dance together. It’s good, it feels right. They all find that they’re good with the arrangement they decided to try that night. Maddie was the one to provide them with the term: polyamory. Because they’re all aware of each other’s feelings, and are okay with it, Wally and Maddie can date, and so can Wally and Charley. Maddie and Charley become best friends. There are things to learn as they navigate this new part of their lives (especially as each relationship develops at a different pace), amongst trying to figure out what happened to Maddie, but it’s worth it. They’re worth it.
side note: Wally calls Charley “Char” and Maddie “Mads” when he’s feeling especially sappy, which is often. he’s definitely the most outwardly affectionate when it’s just two of them, or all three of them around. he’s not sure about being out to anyone else besides Rhonda (and dawn because she just seems to know everything somehow)
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I’m watching School Spirits and honestly I love this show so much I need more!!
The scene where Emilio is reading Charley’s letter is so sad but I’m glad both of them were able to get that closure so that Emilio could move on because he definitely has been holding that in even if he’d moved on and found love again and Charley is able forgive himself now and live his death.
I love Wally and Maddie I think that Maddie will open up a lot more eventually and she does tend to smile more when he’s around. I really do ship them and I want them to be a couple. This is actually a ship that could work because unlike other shows I’ve watched both of them are ghosts so that’s easier.
This might be mean but I found it so funny that Xavier thought he was going to die almost all the episode poor kid was sweating thinking he was going to get murdered by Claire lmao
What is Nicole doing I want to know I swear every time I think I know who might’ve killed Maddie I’m immediately shown another suspect. She’s so suspicious one scene and then normal the next I’m so confused!
Charley and Maddie’s friendship is probably one of my favourite things like I love Simon and Maddie but Charley and Maddie are just so sweet and I love when they have scenes together. I just get so obsessed with the platonic relationships in media sometimes because even though I love romance I love seeing family and friendship relationships too.
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neverscreens · 1 year
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My So-Called Death, 412 Screencaps.
The Fault in Our Scars, 406 Screencaps.
Dead and Confused, 369 Screencaps.
Ghoul Intentions, 426 Screencaps.
The Twilight End Zone, 379 Screencaps.
Grave the Last Dance, 487 Screencaps.
Séance Anything, 496 Screencaps.
Madison's Body, 491 Screencaps.
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