deputy-buck · 6 months
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This is a transfer post from my old blog!
Anon I’d like to personally propose we get married immediately- also i will be saying “boathouse” instead of “wheelhouse” now.  also I so didn’t mean to take this long-
GabeWalt: Dumbasses, idiots, literally so oblivious to the fact that everyone else can see them. Walt teases Gabe about the Iraqi hitting on him relentlessly, asking Gabe to take his glasses off as though Walt ““sees something”” and then just saying, “Oh, it’s just a set of beautiful eyes, false alarm.” AND WALKS AWAY- 
ManimalChaffin: Clingy👏Bfs👏 Seriously, Jacks has no sense of personal space, he will hang off Chaffin like a jungle gym despite the fact that Chaffin is at least a head shorter than him. Chaffin likes it, likes the physical weighted presence of Jacks right there, knowing he’s nearly always within reach. Once one of them gets out of the Corps, they get an apartment together, adopt a little Jack Russell and name it Shelby.
Manimal/Chaffin/Gabe: Chaffin now has two clingy motherfuckers to deal with, and even though Garza is a little lighter than Jacks, he seems to forget how strong his grip is, often leaving little finger-shaped bruises on Chaffin’s biceps and forearms. Jacks will often shimmy between them and put both his elbows on one of each of their shoulders, Garza will lean into the touch while James stays solid. Garza bends to Jacks, Jacks bends to Chaffin, Chaffin watches out for both of them. It works for them.
BradPoke: Poke forced his way into Brad’s life and Brad got attached- simple as that. Antonio for sure has Brad wrapped around his finger, they banter of course, but Brad will always give way to whatever Poke wants. Brad also doesn’t really know what the fuck to do with a boyfriend so he just kinda waits for Antonio to plan dates and other excursions, observing and taking mental notes from other gay couples, Poke knows he’s doing it and thinks it’s adorable. 
StineyTeren: Stiney stole a pair of T’s PT shorts the first day they trained together. It was an accident sort of, being assigned to share a barracks room meant that they shared the same laundry facility as everyone else in the barracks building, there are limited washers available to begin with and good luck getting two open washers. He was trying to be nice! He really was just trying to be nice, he thought Teren didn’t like him because T was so quiet, so Stiney thought it was a good idea to throw T’s laundry in with his own. Uhh, turns out they’re the same size in bottoms, and it turns out Teren labels all his clothes on the inner waistband and collar. Teren noticed it when they were grappling in the sandpits, Stiney’s shorts rode up to his waist and flipped down when he leaned and lunged for T’s legs, T saw the little Sharpie’d block letters on the tag and got distracted, allowing Stiney to finally take him to the ground on the first try. Things between them unfolded from there :)
WaltTrombley: It took so long for Trombley to admit he liked Walt too. So many freakouts, both internal and physical, he was a mess, Walt was patient though, letting Trombley settle down on his own time. Walt ““made a move”” on one of their last days at the abandoned tank repair yard. Bringing him to one of the odd buildings that was deemed too unstable for overnight shelter, Walt grabbed Trombley’s hand when they were behind enough cover that Walt knew nobody could see them and pulled the younger Marine close to his side, sort of leaning on him beings as Trombley is a little taller than him, but still walking. James blurted out “I’m not gay!” yet made no move to let go of Hasser’s hand or push him away, if anything he was the one to intertwine their fingers, rubbing his thumb over the back of Walt’s thumb.
ChaffinGabe: They’re worse about insults than Brad and Ray- That’s their show of affection in public. In private though, James gets a little sappy, Garza will catch James just staring and smiling at him, and when confronted all James says is, “Just can’t believe I got so damn lucky with you.” before pulling Gabe into a sweet, smile-broken kiss. Garza isn’t much better about staring, he can’t help it when Chaffin is fiddling with a new project he picked up, so caught up in how happy James looks. 
18+ content below
GabeWalt: Gabe -just like everyone else honestly- is easily distracted by Walt’s mouth. No, seriously, Gabe has completely forgotten what he was saying mid-sentence all because Walt started chewing at his bottom lip. Walt knows. 
Walt for sure knows and does it on purpose but acts all coy. “Ya’okay Gabe?” and pinches his eyebrows together in mock worry, all the while Gabe is desperately trying -and failing- to not get hard right there. 
Sometimes he’s painfully honest about why his thoughts sputtered out, “’m fine, just really wanna fuck your mouth right now.” Making Walt grin and bite the tip of his tongue.
ManimalChaffin: Stupid asses. In their tent at Camp Matilda, they fooled around a lot at night. Both of their racks were toward the center of the room which put them closest to the radio they left on all night for white noise, so most of their noises are covered up. Jacks sneaks his way to Chaffin’s rack almost every night, immediately tugging at James’ boxers even before their mouths meet, he’s just so damn eager to get Chaffin’s cock in his mouth. James pets down Anthony’s shoulders and back, not hesitating to squeeze the nape of his neck hard enough to bruise when he cums. Everyone in the tent is already covered in bruises from grappling so it’s not suspicious. 
Manimal/Chaffin/Gabe: Gabe didn’t get sexually involved until they returned from their first OIF deployment. It should have been embarrassing how fast they booked a cheap room at a hotel only a klick away from Camp Pendleton’s main gate. They already had their post-deployment long as fuck showers so they didn’t have to wait once they got through the hotel room door. Anthony was already rucking up Garza’s shirt, big hands exploring deceptively soft skin, too excited to finally be able to touch instead of just stealing a couple glances in the showers. Chaffin was really no better, palming his own stiffy and grinning at the other two like they were prizes -which they are to him- and saying how bad he wants to fuck the both of them ‘til they can’t walk. 
BradPoke: Brad is a total fuckin’ bottom and it came as no surprise to Tony; he took one look at Brad and just knew this motherfucker was submissive and breedable a bottom- He lets Brad dictate when and where they fuck because he knows Brad hates being all vulnerable ‘n shit, white boy needs to plan and feel in control. It starts pretty much the same every time: Brad eagle-eyeing Poke all day on base, Tony acting like he doesn’t notice but intentionally keeps his body language open and happy to let Brad know he’s not in any type of mood, Brad will ask if Tony wants to have a drink at his place once they’re released, Tony will agree and sometimes give Brad a knowing little once-over and sometimes he won’t. They end up grinding against each other like indignant teenagers on Brad’s couch the second they sit down, Antonio knocking Brad’s stupidly gangly legs apart and pinning his wrists above his head, rubbing his Cammie-clad crotch against Brad’s matching crotch.
“Think you’re fuckin slick, trying to get in your ATL’s pants? That’s just sick, dog.” Tony will say, grinning against Brad’s mouth while he reaches for the velcro and buttons of Brad’s blouse, Brad already going for Tony’s trousers and easily getting them open now that his hands aren’t pinned. 
“Like you’re any better.” Brad huffs, letting his head tip back and his eyes flutter closed, a shaky breath leaving him just from wrapping his hand around Antonio’s cock, anticipating the feeling of it filling him almost too full. 
StineyTeren: T regularly makes jokes that Stiney should have joined the Navy with his dick-sucking skills and how much he likes being fucked, he would have been a Fleet Admiral in no time. He likes making T feel good, okay? Ain’t his fault Teren makes the prettiest little noises when Stiney takes him all the way down his throat. Praise, lots of praise comes out of Teren’s mouth no matter what they’re doing, but especially when Stiney is prepping himself, three fingers thrusting in and out of his hole, trying to curl them enough to rub at the right spot. T will eventually take pity on the smaller Marine and replace Stiney’s fingers with his own, murmuring praise in Stiney’s ear while he squirms. Also a lot of T getting all hot ‘n bothered over Stiney in his shirts and hoodies, making Stiney wear one of his shirts almost every time they fuck.
WaltTrombley: Imagine sappy, sweet, patient sex... and triple the sweetness. It took a while for Trombley to get comfortable being naked around Walt in a setting that wasn’t just functionally efficient like showering on-base or changing in field tents, so it was huge when James tugged off his own shirt as he crawled over Walt. Lounging back on the couch, an old copy of Band of Brothers propped on his chest, Walt quickly abandons the book to direct his full attention to the pretty, shirtless boy suddenly in his lap. Trombley doesn’t say a word at first as he bends down to press his lips to the other man’s, his left hand cupping Walt’s cheek while he slips his other hand up Walt’s shirt, just petting over ribs for a while before speaking. 
“Want you to touch me, Hasser. Will you touch me?” James nearly begs, shifting his hips to grind down against Walt, fingers now toying with the button of Walt’s pants, he won’t pop the button if Walt doesn’t tell him to. 
“Yeah, fuck,” Walt groans, “yeah I’ll touch you. Where? You gotta tell me where, baby.” Walt greedily runs his hands over the exposed, freckled skin of James’ torso, dragging his nails up the younger man’s back to leave faint red trails for later, eager to please and ecstatic that Trombley wants to be touched. Trombley initially responds with a kiss, running his tongue over Walt’s bottom lip to ask to deepen it, and once granted he pushes impossibly closer, whimpering and pulling back when he realizes Walt isn’t going to touch him without basically written authorization. 
“Want you to jerk me off.” James mumbles like he’s embarrassed, eyes glassy and trusting. In the end, Trombley finds out that being with another man isn’t going to damn him to eternal hell immediately... and that it’s not just his own callouses he likes the feeling of against his cock-
ChaffinGabe: It’s like a fight sometimes, both struggling to get the upper hand, hands gripping and pinning until the other gives. They like it, they get off on it, so they keep doing it. Gabe usually gives first, not because James is stronger than him or anything, it just gets him in a certain mindset when Chaffin either gets him pinned or they’ve been grappling for an extended period of time. It gets to a point where Garza wants to see just how far James will go, wants to feel everything James has to give, wants James to take all he has to give. The physical strain and sweat are what gets to Chaffin, he’ll admit it’s a little gross to most people that he likes it when he can see the trails of sweat dripping down Gabe’s body, but it’s Gabe, and to Chaffin it just gets him so fucking hard knowing he’s the one making Garza strain and exert that much energy in order to sweat for him.
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inglourious-imagines · 10 months
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Through Trouble and Iraq (Walt Hasser x GN!Corpsman!Reader)
Requested by: @order-of-river-phoenix (hi!! love to see you back, first of all. i’d love to see you write a little something for my boy Walt Hasser with prompt 30, if you could. thank you <3) - anything for you ;))
Prompt: 30 – I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.
Summary: You are a Corpsman with the Marines and Walt just seems to go out of his way to find trouble so you could find him. Not that you mind. (Reader is part of Brad’s team and is in the seat instead of Reporter.)
Warnings: some f words, implied sex
A/N: First Gen Kill fic yaaay, so insecure but hope u like it.
You did not mean to fall in love with Walt Hasser. But like many things, it has slowly crept on you, until one day, when you were laughing your ass off with him somewhere in the middle of the Iraqi dessert and he put his hand on your shoulder like he’s done so many times before, something changed.
You did not mean to fall in love with your best friend. Until you just did.
Ever since that little incident you’ve been a little too nervous around Walt and the fact that he’s been running to you with even the most ridiculous (non)injuries, really doesn’t help your cause. Because when he looks up at you with those eyes, with that innocent look of his, you would do anything he asked you to do.
For example, one time you were chatting about possible medical aid to the locals with doc Bryan and your team, more specifically Ray and Walt, was brewing some coffee as Ray more than excitedly announced to every single person, including probably even the Iraqis on the other side of the town. Bryan seemed more at ease that day and you love talking medical stuff with him, when suddenly you heard your name being called. You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless because you would recognize that voice anytime and anywhere.
And when Bryan said: “I believe you got this one.” with a wink, you were blushing like a teenager as well. You still have no idea when Doc figured out you have it bad for Walt – and you intended for the matter to remain unknown to everyone for at least till the war is over, but Bryan found out despite your best efforts to hide your feelings.
To everyone else, Walt Hasser is your best friend, he’s always been and that’s what you have always said (to everyone, yourself included) but lately the word ‘friend’ has been more like a nightmare than a comfort to you.
You ran to your Humvee where Ray seconds ago had been brewing the espresso. Walt could be seen sitting just next to, holding his hand, looking at nothing in particular, and all red in face.
You smiled, as you kneeled in front of him. “What do we have here this time?”
“Oh, you know,” he started, avoiding your gaze, clearly a bit embarrassed by the whole situation, “I burnt my hand.”
You bit your lip to prevent yourself from laughing, but Ray laughing in the driver's seat certainly wasn’t helping. “C’mon, I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
He extended his hand to you to show you the damage done and this time you let out an amused chuckle. “Walt,” you laughed softly, “there’s barely anything on your skin. It’s just a bit red.”
He blushed at your words, looking you in the eye for the first time. “Alright, just wanted it get it checked by you, that’s all."
“That’s not the only thing he wanted checked out.” Ray laughed in the Humvee that made the man in front of you blush even harder than before and downright disappear from your sight.
That wasn’t the first time Ray has made a comment about Walt and you with a certain subtext but every single time when you pushed him about it, he just laughed it off. Of course, there was a time when you let yourself believe that perhaps, you might be the luckiest person on this entire planet because the person you are in love with is also in love with you, but then you let your intrusive thoughts won again and threw the whole ridiculous notion behind.
It is a hot day, not that any day in the dessert hasn’t been hot, but you somehow manage to ignore the weather. Your hands are sweating nonetheless as you’re gripping your weapon, your eyes squinting, looking out into your sector. Ray is humming some melody you don’t recognize – he is not off tune as he normally is but you’re not in the mood today for his signing because you know once he starts humming, a solo is coming too.
“Hey Ray, if you could do one thing in the world, what would you do?” you say. It’s the most ridiculous save but it’s the only one you can think of so you’re going with it.
Ray doesn’t even need a second to ponder. “J.Lo.”
Trombley bursts out laughing, and you just know Brad is smiling.
“Should have seen that one coming,” you say, chuckling.
“And you?” Brad surprisingly joins on the hypothetical conversation, “who would you do?”
You’re only taking a breath when Ray casually, as if it’s a common knowledge, answers for you: “That’s fucking easy. Our Walt here.”
The laughter dies in your throat. His comment surprises you so much that your mind is left blank, and you have absolutely no comeback to shoot back at him. Only after a few seconds you manage to get out of yourself a poor “What the fuck, Person?”.
You’re very much aware how Walt is awfully quiet up on the roof but you don’t blame him.
“Oh, relax!” Ray says, his voice full of pure joy and excitement, “Walt would most definitely do you too.”
That finishes you off.
“I’ll be damned,” Brad chuckles in the front, shaking his head, “and I thought you’re one blind motherfucker. But look how they’re both quiet.”
“They should at least fucking thank me. I saved them a lot of time.”
You manage to lean into a position from which you can see Walt’s face and you find him already looking at you. His cheeks are bright red and he’s smiling and he’s beautiful. You can feel the smile forming on your lips.
“Thanks, Ray,” you hear yourself say without breaking eye contact and Walt laughs and you could swear it is the most precious thing in the world.
“No problem, but me and the band? We’re getting back together just for your fucking wedding!”
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Ray: *mad rant about the government being shit*
Ray: And I'm telling you honestly... Imma start dealing drugs. Like, fuck this whole ass system!! *dashes away*
Brad: Wait, Ray. Get back here!!
Ray yelling while running: Fuck you Colbert, Imma get me some meth.
Walt: We're in the middle of the fucking desert you dipshit, where do you wanna get meth?
Ray, running towards horizon: I don't care.
(Half an hour later)
Reporter: Shouldn't we maybe, like, go after him??
Brad, playing cards with Walt and Trombley: Nah, he'll show back up.
Ray, opens door:
Everyone: 👀
Ray: Not a word😤
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z-ppy · 3 months
I watched the football fight several times in a row bc the dynamics are so interesting
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hey guys, whatcha doin? we were playing football?
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rudy do not kill ray. brad will kill us all.
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oh my god he might do it. on field day.
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how many marines does it take...
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stay white boy, stay!
trombley is enjoying this
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war is hell
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whiskey tango trailer park meltdown in full effect
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manimal and rudy are so tender. poke is trying to be tender.
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walt's going to cry too. q-tip crosses his arms in stressful situations it's a tell trust me. i think the other one is budweiser.
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war is hell pt2
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brad is trying his best. rudy is sorry he almost choked you out with his thighs.
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emotionally unavailableTM
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emotionally unavailable but widescreen. football can now resume.
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blood-mocha-latte · 18 days
hittin that inbox HARD (and hittin you up in the dms later for more almost certainly) bc genkill! twister! bradnate!
bestieee i already explained what little there was to you about this, so instead i humbly offer you. a Snippet of this hot mess and behemoth. i am kneeling with my head down and offering up my sword (divorced bradnate introspection and Hurricanes)
Brad was thinking, probably more seriously than Poke would be a fan of, of the best way to both kill himself and everyone else in the van in the least painful way possible. 
“He was fucking in love with that guy, I’m telling you that much—” Ray was saying, shouting at the top of his lungs over the roar of the van, the weather outside just as loud.
“Ray—” Brad shouted, louder than him, from the back of the van, knee knocking against Trombley’s. He hated sitting in the back. He was never going to forgive Walt for not wanting to ride behind the van in the middle of an F4 twister.
“And when he kills him? Most faggoty Greek tragedy of all time. Bet they explored each other's bodies, I’ll tell you that much—” 
Diagonal to him, the reporter coughed, like he was about to laugh. From where it was propped on his knees, the screen of Brad’s laptop skipped, like it was trying to commit suicide. It was understandable. 
It was an accident, looking up from the screen. Nate’s lips were pressed together, something between laughing and absolutely snapping. He met Brad’s eyes warmly, tired, and Brad stared back at him.
As uncomfortable as you are right now is the amount of times I want to throw myself into the fucking cyclone. He thought, wondered if the general gist of his thoughts would still translate, two years later.
The corner of Nate’s crooked up, and he looked away. Brad coughed and looked back down at the laptop.
“And if a goddamn movie can make someone that goddamn thirsty for Willem Dafoe, it has some sort of secret juice— ”
Ray went on, and the storm outside got louder, and Brad considered hurling himself out of the back of the van. For the third time.
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hbowar-bracket · 4 months
Albert Blithe 
Alex Penkala 
Alton More 
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks  
Antonio 'Poke' Espera  
Antonio Garcia 
Army Chaplain Teska  
Baba Karamanlis  
Bernard DeMarco   
Bill 'Hoosier' Smith  
Bill Leyden  
Billy Taylor  
Brad 'Iceman' Colbert  
Burton Christenson 
Capt. Andrew Haldane  
Carwood Lipton 
Charles (Chuck) Grant 
Charles Bean Cruikshank   
Charles K. Bailey  
Col. Robert Sink 
Cpt. Bryan Patterson  
Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje  
Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw  
Curtis Biddick  
Darrell (Shifty) Powers 
David Solomon  
David Webster 
Denver (Bull) Randleman 
Donald Hoobler 
Dr. Sledge  
Edward (Babe) Heffron 
Elmo 'Gunny' Haney  
Eric Kocher  
Eugene Jackson 
Eugene Roe 
Eugene Sledge   
Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford  
Evan 'Scribe' Wright  
Everett Blakely   
Father John Maloney 
Floyd (Tab) Talbert 
Frank Murphy   
Frank Perconte 
Frederick (Moose) Heyliger 
Gabe Garza  
Gale 'Buck' Cleven  
George Luz 
Glenn Graham   
Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn  
Gunnery Sgt. Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego  
Harry Crosby  
Harry Welsh 
Herbert Sobel 
Howard 'Hambone' Hamilton   
Jack Kidd  
James (Mo) Alley
James Chaffin  
James Douglass  
James Gibson   
James Miller 
Jason Lilley  
Jean Achten  
Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez  
John 'Bucky' Egan  
John Basilone  
John Christeson  
John D. Brady   
John Fredrick  
John Janovec 
John Julian 
John Martin 
Joseph 'Bubbles' Payne   
Joseph Liebgott 
Joseph Toye 
Josh Ray Person  
Katherine 'Tatty' Spaatz   
Ken Lemmons  
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley  
Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick  
Leandro 'Shady B' Baptista  
Lena Basilone  
Lew 'Chuckler' Juergens  
Lewis Nixon 
Lt. Edward 'Hillbilly' Jones  
Lt. Henry Jones 
Lt. Nathaniel Fick  
Lt. Thomas Peacock 
Lynn (Buck) Compton 
Maj. 'Red' Bowman  
Maj. John Sixta  
Mama Karamanlis  
Manuel Rodriguez  
Mary Frank Sledge  
Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton  
Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan  
Neil 'Chick' Harding   
Norman Dike 
Old Man on Bicycle 
Patrick O'Keefe 
R.V. Burgin   
Ralph (Doc) Spina 
Renee Lemaire 
Richard Winters 
Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal   
Robert 'Stormy' Becker   
Robert (Popeye) Wynn 
Robert Leckie  
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes  
Ronald Speirs 
Roy Claytor  
Roy Cobb 
Sgt. Mallard  
Sidney Phillips  
Stella Karamanlis
Teren 'T' Holsey  
Vera Keller  
Walt Hasser  
Walter (Smokey) Gordon
Warren (Skip) Muck 
Wayne (Skinny) Sisk 
Wilbur 'Runner' Conley  
William Guarnere 
William Hinton  
William J. DeBlasio  
William Quinn  
Winifred 'Pappy' Lewis  
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liebgottsjumpwings · 4 months
okay, so i'm making a Thing (attempting to set up one of those poll tournaments, with hbowar characters) but i haven't watched gen kill properly, so i don't know which characters i should include, except for ray person, apparently.
this is my list of gen kill characters that seem at least vaguely relevant:
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would you be able to tell me who i shouldn't include, and who i should, or if i've missed any of them?
(my criteria for inclusion is, for the most part, "would people who have watched the show remember this character?")
so, yes. thank you so much for the offer of help! hopefully this whole thing makes a decent amount of sense, and sorry if it's, like, a Lot. 💙
hey hey hey!! i will divide them into a few groups based on how much i see them being mentioned outside of the show/book itself! i don't see any characters not mentioned that i think you should include, your list is really extensive already as far as major and recurring characters.
i would categorize them like this:
fan favorites: ray person, walt hasser, james trombley (controversial), nate fick, doc bryan, poke espera, rudy reyes, pappy patrick and brad colbert
really liked by the fandom but have less screentime: q-tip, gabe garza, jason lilley, evan wright, gunny wynn, john christenson and eandro baptista
i see them being talked about sometimes: bryan patterson (I would say he'd also fit in the above category), manimal jacks, james chaffin, teren holsey, meesh, eric kocher, dirty earl
generally disliked as a character and therefore memorable: encino man, captain america, casey kasem, john sixta
i have never seen someone talk about them outside of like a few times on reddit or something: cody scott, daniel redman, hector leon, john burris, michael stinetorf, nathan christopher, smith, trevor darnold, rich barrett, alex aubin, todd eckloff, damon fawcett
if i have missed any on the list, let me know and i'll add them in the categories!
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georgieluz · 9 months
ok but can we talk about how walt isn't just brad's baby but the whole squad's? cause i'm only 8 minutes into this episode but already 4 people have tried their own genre of comfort speech to try and make him feel better. ray tried to joke around and cheer him up, nate tried to reassure him from a professional standpoint, then the others took a "you're only doing what they told you to do" stance and it's just very clear that they all look out for him (esp when you compare it to how people reacted when trombley fucked up)
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deputy-buck · 7 months
Tag & WIP Ask Game
Thanks for the tag @merriell-allesandro-shelton !!
Post the names of all of the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Untitled - (Speirs/Carwood Sub!Speirs drabble) Holy Mother, Let me Taste Him - (OCs) Out - (A/B/O Bull/Martin) The One You Don't Make - (OCs) Untitled - (OCs uhhh it's porn straight up) Gracious - (Q-tip/John but I've posted one version of it, this is the other unreleased version) Control - (Brad/Poke) Untitled - (Brad/Trombley first kiss heheh) Movie-Night (Brad/Ray exhibitionism) Untitled - (Gabe/Walt in-country) Gen Kill PuppyPlay AU - ()literally every likable character)
I didn't realize just how many WIPs I have, wow-
I'm taggin: @ableedingpen @military-bluebells @itookyoudown @acorrespondence @willowmckinley (I never have a lot of people to tag lmao) + @ anyone who wants to!!
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bowdre · 8 months
Generation Kill OC
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i. Basics
Juliet Reign Hawthorne
Julie, Jules
23 •Birthday•
January 18th, 1980
Rolling Stone journalist
ii.Relationship Status
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Marries Corporal Josh Ray Person in 2005.
Ray wasn't the typical guy Juliet would usually seek out. In fact, she found him quite repulsive when they first met. His arrogance and immaturity was too much for the reporter to handle. Brad Colbert often had to break up banter between the two. But opposites attract, and Juliet soon found herself becoming physically attracted to Ray.
Being a reporter in the middle of a war wasn't quite what Juliet signed up for, and Ray could tell as the weeks went on. Juliet could tell serving in the Marines was heavily affecting Ray, too. With their mutual struggle, the two slowly started warming up to each other. Night after night, the two would stay up talking, then kissing, then promising to spend their lives together.
When it was time for Juliet to go back to the States with Evan, the two exchanged phone numbers and addresses. Juliet promised to wait for him and Ray promised to come home alive.
iii. Appearance
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•Hair colour•
Light brunette
•Hair length•
•Eye colour•
Baby blue
•Skin tone•
iv. Personality
•Good traits•
Genuine, ambitious, charismatic
•Bad traits•
Squeamish, panicky, all around the wrong person to have in the middle of a war
Determined to fulfill her dreams and pursue her career
Has always been considered 'boring'
Rainy days, ginger tea, the color pink in any regard
Ray for the longest time, the immense nausea that came with being pregnant
Spinning her pen/pencil between her fingers
Writing in cursive, cooking
v. Relationships
Monica Hawthorne (deceased)
Warren Hawthorne
Sophia Hawthorne (1975)
Ray Person
Evan Wright, Nate Fick, Brad Colbert, Antonio Espera, James Trombley, Walt Hasser, Rudy Reyes
•Close friends•
Doc Bryan
vi. Backstory
Juliet was born and raised in Queens, New York. She was raised in a middle class family, and lived an ultimately normal life until her mothers death when she was 14. Juliet's mother, Monica was killed in a tragic car accident on a snowy night in December. This changed Juliet forever. The once bright and happy young girl became very reserved and closed off.
She remained that way throughout high school and college, and was eventually dubbed as being boring. Juliet was a smart girl, but she lacked the knowledge of how to cope with trauma.
Juliet worked closely with Evan, he was her mentor during her time at Rolling Stone. When the opportunity arose to be in the middle of a warzone for the sake of a book, Juliet saw this as her chance to get out of her shell and prove she was not boring.
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auroralightsthesky · 1 year
Thanks for replying <3 sadly i didn't find that many fics so i'll just try and give you a general idea of what I'd like to request if that's ok. Basically, the reader's younger than Brad and obviously lower in rank and yk.. a woman lmao, so he treats her more bossy (think Trombley) than the guys like Ray he's buddies with. The reader is sassy and as tough and crude as the other guys though so it creates a lot of tension when he reprimands her and she uses every opportunity to talk back, and “jokingly” flirts with him to mess with him further, but she also secretly has a thing for him. I don't know whether or not you write smut but if you do, I'm sure that could be incorporated pretty well too if you'd want to. And potentially as a funny bonus ending, (maybe via a timeskip) when everyone's home again and Evan releases the articles/book and they all read it together, they find out that he's been picking up on what's been going on between Brad & the reader too and included some of it in his writing. I hope that's not too much, too specific or doesn't inspire you, but yeah, I just really like that relationship/power dynamic and think it would be a fun read. Thanks! Lots of love <3
BAAAAAABES!!!!! Yes!!! I'm so sorry for this being super late, it's been absolutely crazy with Christmas being right around the corner and things at work being totally crazy on top of it. If it's ok I might do this as headcannons since it's a little bit easier to break it up into chunks, again, I hope you don't mind either way.
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You honestly thought Brad had it in for you from the get-go
Because he was always pulling rank with the others
There were days where you'd be a little bit stiff with him whenever he'd address you
But soon he saw a side of you that others almost never saw when you went to help civilians in a small village outside of Bagdhad
When he saw you holding a small child, it woke something in him
And the more he got to know you, the more he opened up too
He found out quick that you were one sassy little shit too. Sgt. Major even did a double take one day when he pulled his usual "police that moostache" business
You two would jokingly flirt with each other and talk back day in and day out
It didn't take long for other things to occur either
And you and Brad grew closer as a result
When you two went home, you guys decided to take things slow
And after two years you finally decided to take it further when you guys got married
All of the guys were there in their dress blues, Walt had his sword and Ray was best man
Your son put in appearance not long after that. Walter Ray Colbert was the spitting image of Brad
And when your son turned two, you guys got another surprise
Evan had released his book and the articles about what he saw and experienced
And when you and Brad and the guys read it together, you guys went wide eyed when you saw the details about what had gone on between you
You guys were laughing the whole time
Because it made you guys all the closer
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z-ppy · 18 days
generation kill civilian vehicle headcanons
ray: ancient blue tacoma that used to belong to his aunt gertie or sth
brad: his yamaha. borrows his sister's car when it rains
nate: prius :)
trombley: dodge challenger
walt: a giant, jacked up ford with deer lights n shit
-> ray: WALT, BABY, NO! walt: what? you don't like her? ray: she's... it's... *breaks down into tears* walt: i'm sorry, ray, you know i'm not a chevy man *pats his back*
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blacknifealecto · 8 months
Please... tell me more about Brad fucking Ray's body... please I beg you with my whole bussy
ok so i'm going to put this behind a cut bc i'm going to get as detailed as i feel like, as is my right. the bag says dead dove. (cw: necrophilia, abusive power dynamics)
i can't decide if i like one facially disfiguring kill shot, a casualty of driving that leaves everyone in the humvee fucked up and injured, and ray dead before anyone even knows what happened and brad is just sitting there shocked, splattered with ray's blood as he pulls him out of the drivers seat and throws him in the back with their gear to handle when they're out of the hot zone; orrrrrr ray snuck off for a combat jack and from the distance, brad hears gunfire and by the time two-one takes out the threat and he gets to look around for his driver, ray's body is slumped back just peppered with shots and everyone else leaves him alone for a minute while they deal with securing the area
in scenario the first, he makes walt take over as driver because FUCK trusting trombley to drive and he says as little as possible, that ice cold stare that he has the only thing they get for hours after they get out of there, he's full robot mode until they stop for the night, at which point brad goes and grabs shit out of the back and everyone just pretends they don't see ray's body slung over his shoulders as he walks off to the hole he dug to sleep in that night. brad throws ray down first, as gently as he can, making sure he's face down so that he doesn't have to see that pretty face ruined. the back of his head is a fucking mess, but they've seen that on the roads so it's less unfamiliar of a sight. ray's kinda twisted and fucked up from how he'd been thrown in the back, rigor still pretty fully in effect, so he doesn't lay flat in this bed for them to share, and it's a pain in the ass to yank his pants low enough for access, though not significantly worse than the nights when they first got there and he was having to work around ray's fumbling hands while he was blabbing in brad's ear. that first fuck is basically in a dissociative state and his expression still just doesn't change the whole time, though the rest of two-one can hear some crying. it's a real game of no one saying anything until the body starts to smell so much that it absolutely cannot be plausibly passed off as "there's dudes all over the road"
in scenario the second, he's a lot less cold, a lot more desperate and scared because he's alone there in the boonies with ray's still warm body, his dick still in his hand. this is the situation where i see him pulling ray into his lap and holding him and remarking "never seen you this quiet, person" and the heats still there and with the adrenaline coursing through him he's so fuckin hard and ray's pants are already down so it's no effort at all for him to pop the zipper and just hold the body in his lap as he pumps away, running his fingers through ray's hair and kissing all over his face as he fucks the body. after he finishes, he just continues to hold ray there until rudy comes and finds him and is able to kind of compartmentalize it a little better and let ray go instead of carrying the body around, but instead he gets like, freaky violent more in line of trombley but still just ice fucking cold and spends so much time around nate and letting nate take out all of his stress on brad, letting him really batter his body as much as he wants to and that ends up being an ace in his pocket because nate will find ways to make excuses for his actions and justify why brad is killing so many more "hostiles"
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hbowar-bracket · 4 months
Anthony 'Manimal' Jacks  
Antonio 'Poke' Espera  
Brad 'Iceman' Colbert  
Cpt. Bryan Patterson  
Cpt. Craig 'Encino Man' Schwetje  
Cpt. Dave 'Captain America' McGraw  
Eric Kocher  
Evan 'Q-Tip' Stafford  
Evan 'Scribe' Wright  
Gabe Garza  
Gunnery Sgt. Mike 'Gunny' Wynn  
Gunnery Sgt. Ray 'Casey Kasem' Griego  
James Chaffin  
Jason Lilley  
Jeffrey 'Dirty Earl' Carisalez  
John Christeson  
Josh Ray Person  
Lance Cpl. Harold James Trombley  
Larry Shawn 'Pappy' Patrick  
Leandro 'Shady B' Baptista  
Lt. Nathaniel Fick  
Maj. John Sixta  
Navy Hm2 Robert Timothy 'Doc' Bryan  
Rodolfo 'Rudy' Reyes  
Teren 'T' Holsey  
Walt Hasser  
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caffeinated-fan · 8 months
hi idk how active you are w/ GenKill rn but hear me out... Walt and Gabe getting married after they both get out (F-U DADT), Gabe having Chaffin as his best man, Walt having Ray or Trombley as his best man, all of them in their Dress Blues, Poke making fun of Garza for marrying a White Boi but actually being extremely happy for them, Q-tip being the flower boy, Leon being the ring-bearer, Doc being stressed the whole cake-cutting ceremony cause Marine+knife=uh-oh, Ray being the DJ and killing Brad with sappy country songs, Nate cries multiple times, Gunny acts as The Dad and dances with Walt and Garza, Christeson cries with Nate, Pappy&Rudy taking notes for wedding venue decor, hell Rudy probs officiates the wedding, Lilley is in charge of getting everyone trashed, Manimal dances w/ Chaffin (I ship them, shush)
okay that's all love you bye bestie
This has been sitting in my asks for ages, and I know I have a doc going for it. I have exams but I'll try and finish this after that.
I've been to three weddings and still can't remember how to write them (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠; )
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deputy-buck · 2 months
Writing patterns tag game!
Tagged by @jiang-mingyi ily thank you for the tag 💚
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Fetch Hawk was consumed in drafting a small speech for a function Senator Smith had organized —something about acknowledging McCarthy's threat to the State Department but encouraging diplomacy— when Tim showed up on his doorstep looking like a kicked puppy.
Unconventional Methods of Recovery Ray, in between his Afghanistan deployment and his first OIF deployment, was a nightmare.
Release Goddamnit Gabe and Walt helping each other with their turrets after a firefight, their hands “accidentally” brushing when taking pins out, heads knocking when they both try to look up the chamber at the same time.
Sunshine Pappy calling Walt “sunshine” then gently tipping his head up for a kiss, letting it linger, pressing multiple soft little kisses to Walt’s lips until Walt laughs
Marines on Watch "Since when did the Marine Corps start letting in faggots?" Trombley mutters into the dim light of the Iraqi dusk, straining not to smile.
Good Coffee and Good Mornings Maybe it’s their shared childhood trauma, or their rigorous training provided by good ‘ol Uncle Sam, but neither Gutterson boy can sleep past 06:30.
Docile Alpha All the downtime in Austria has lulled Speirs' body into a sense of safety, the routine of paperwork and strongly advising soldiers “not to drink too much” allowed his body to push for its neglected needs… in arguably the worst way.
Gracious Curled up in his ranger grave, John groaned as quietly as he could while curling in a little tighter on himself, head cushioned on his arm, only a couple moments away from precious sleep.
Sold For Temporary Use “I’m worth way more than a spring, Bradley! Who do you think I am?” Ray squawks, three different color wires twisted around his fingers attempting to make them more malleable.
MOLLE Pouch of Memories They're sitting out on the back porch like nearly every evening since moving to Georgia in '17, the three of them.
tagging: literally anyone who wants to do this, I'm too tired to look up URLs
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