marcmorrigan · 2 months
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According to the artist, when it was suggested that a smile might benefit the look of the finished portrait, Attaché Nohell reportedly replied, "I thought the purpose of this was to be honest."
Super fun commission of @waterloggedsoliloquy's OC Sicely Nohell (they/them) and their terrible, horrible, no good, very bad lusus figure Commanding Officer.
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k1spiegel · 1 year
for another, taav in la vie en rose?
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his ass Is reading
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2bu · 2 months
song rec: Bad Friday by Everything Everything!
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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asofterutena · 2 years
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(In another life, I was in the coffin.)
[requested by @waterloggedsoliloquy, original comic by @asoftersea]
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friendsyoyo · 8 months
if you were in charge of the next mother game, what would it be like? what system wouldit be for?
ideally there should never be another mother game (except one that makes cogdis canon) but if there had to be another, I would actually make a game taking place in the 1900s when the first incident above Mt. Itoi happens, because there’s lot of room for a cool story there! ORRR I would make an actual earthbound 2. i always had a whole post canon story in mind for earthbound because it left a lot of things open for an actual sequel with the same characters and setting. the mother series in 3D is something that I can’t really visualize unless it’s a clay-aesthetic game like that kirby one from a while back, so it’s either on the SNES, GBA, or on the gamecube because the gamecube is my weird little system I adore.
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unloneliest · 10 months
For the tmg album asks: The Life of the World To Come?
thank you so, so much for this ask - the life of the world to come was my first mountain goats album and remains the most important to me to this day <3
the best song on the album: matthew 25:21 speaks to grief in a way that is genuinely incomparable in my experience. i think it'd be a crime to suggest any other song off this album for best song.
my favorite song on the album: extremely difficult to answer. genesis 3:23 like. changed my life. i'd heard a few tmg songs before my best friend played me genesis 3:23 but wasn't Into The Goats. and since then i've been like. guy who almost exclusively listens to the mountain goats. it also had an insane impact on my original story. but if we're permitting bonus tracks too, the itunes bonus track, enoch 18:14, is like. one of the best songs in tmg's discography to me and i love it in a place beyond words.
my least favorite song on the album: my least favorite song on this album is ezekiel 7 and the permanent efficacy of grace, but like. it's still a song with complex layers of meaning and personal emotional connection for me, i very much so love and have cried to this song, the others just all outrank it.
the most overrated song on the album: psalms 40:2. people aren't wrong to love it as much as they do, but it's the song i see recognized the most off of this album and it's far from the best song on the album as a whole! no hate to psalms 40:2, just a wish that the rest of the album got More recognition.
most underrated: 1 samuel 15:23? i don't actually know the definitive lowest rated song on this album, but i also don't think i've ever seen any love for this track. it's not My Favorite of all the songs on this album? it's not top 3 for me? but it is like really important to me. it stands at the threshold to this album and stands by your side as you enter the emotional space the album occupies. it's a guardian of sorts to me, and i treasure it, and it brings me to some crystal clear memories of a beloved friend's home. the only other transitional guardian like it i can name in the discography is going to chino, which i love just as earnestly.
the banger of all bangers: i'd be lying if i didn't say psalms 40:2, straight up. to avoid repeat answers though i'm gonna shout out romans 10:9 which was my alarm clock when i worked at an airport starbucks for the 3:30 am shift and was getting at most 3 hours of sleep at a time but frequently less.
rate from 0-10: ten. i love you the life of the world to come.
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knifekris · 1 year
im sorry im desperate to know what pages made u cry now
had to reread to find them all n now im weepy in the breakroom T_T zizis name and design off the bat make me feel so tender..
ill actually post this one since its been in ur promos. the crash in the background of these two panels is heartshattering and makes me pause every time
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the first page/panels i always think of when considering my favorites is of course the scene where zizi sees the little terrarium in the lounge and presses their face against the glass to look at the insects. "bugs! like me!" fucking gets me, especially when amalthea takes the chance to talk about how he's made attempts to feel 'more at home' specifically with fireflies-- there IS a place for zizi here, there is a home, it just needs to be found T_T
on the same note. "you hold the keys to my room and you say to me 'this is for your own good'" "i came to an entirely different planet and nothing in my tiny little world has changed at all" and zizi maintaining that "its hard not to care about where you came from. even if it hurts you. even if you hurt in it." like yeah all of these fucking. feelings exist together as one huge mess, they just want to be free, they just want to go home, they dont wanna die in there. they dont wanna die in there
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For Juliana, How does your OC behave when enraged?
screaming, hysterical laughter, self-flagellating/self-pitying rants, ruining her own life and lives everyone around her, etc.
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necra-loid · 19 days
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I really like these posts next to each other
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cosmic-fault-comic · 5 months
Di'vi - Egg
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Did you know in some myths of the Mixtec, the first humans were born of a giant egg that fell from the sky, Laid by their creator gods. I love the idea of this story, humanity is an egg. Of course that is one myth from a large group of people. And there's tons of other mythologies and legends and stories. Another is that humans first were birthed from the underworld through caves…. yet another from trees that had wombs that the god Quetzalcoatl used to create the first Mixtec people My grandpa once told me, that the Mixtec were born from the mountains out of stones and wind….. I see that story arising from the cave one, its really touching to see that belief survives to this day… There's a strange theme I notice about these stories, that of humanity either falling from the sky, or rising up from the depths of the underworld. Does it mean something? maybe i can connect this to the comic as a whole. Maybe I am part tree, or made out of stone lol, that'd be cool. Also the sketch for the falling down Lali was drawn by my dear friend Cecil! @waterloggedsoliloquy (egg)
Next page: Nayivi'nui'ivi - People with two faces/ Queerness
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hello tumblr user waterloggedsoliloquy. i feel obligated to tell you that the pwi that i go to has a giant birdcage in the middle of campus that you can walk into and that plants grow in. also our research building has burned down several time. should i switch schools
it's fine it's fine it's fine. dont even. dont even worry about it ! its fine
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MY KEYCHAIN ARRIVED!!! from @waterloggedsoliloquy !!!!
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k1spiegel · 17 days
⚠️ National Alert ⚠️
United States Weather Service Has Issued A:
Hi :)
(visibly drenched and getting whipped around by wind)
hi :)
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marcmorrigan · 11 months
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artfight revenge on @waterloggedsoliloquy!!!
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eteroutsider · 1 year
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to celebrate @waterloggedsoliloquy 's The Guardian's Dilemma coming out I made some fanart :3 Zizi and Amalthea having some boba tea at the most scenic parking lot...
please check it out, it's a really good read!
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friendsyoyo · 8 months
What kind of shows/games/books/etc are u into that u'd wanna be asked about! let's start there!
hi cecil!!! :D oh man i could do just about anything rlly. mother series ofc because i guess I’ll never get tired of it. oh, my little bro got me psychonauts 2 so we’re actually going to start that together soon. shows… i just recently finished up fionna and cake, that was extremely good and we’re both currently watching ahsoka, lol. and, i’ve been on a vocaloid kick too because of project voltage AND I got mikuexpo tickets :D yeah i can’t really think about anything else though i suppose I can really be asked about anything too
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