#way better than stupid starco
ngame989 · 11 months
Goodbye (part 3)
Gonna make a separate post instead of reblogging this time but announcement: I'm fully repurposing this blog for my current interests now. The birdsite is slowly imploding and FF14 has some active tumblr presence that I've already begun to follow and I'm too lazy to make a new blog. Still lots of cute dorks in love, rest assured, just different ones now! Anyway before I fully ramp up posting/reblogging other stuff I figured I'd make a quick update to my rec list.
I was already a bit sus on The Dragon Prince with its graphic novel and I guess that was founded. The first 3 seasons are pretty strong as a package deal of fun and cute character/relationship arcs, but I guess they got bored of that, since the last season basically just decided to stop doing all of the things I liked about it before. Didn't even make it past episode 1 of season 4, maybe I'll catch back up eventually, but for now I'll rescind my recommendation unless you stop after S3.
Still haven't watched The Owl House myself but I'm aware that it didn't actually do any of the usual stupid bullshit its flavor of cartoon tend to with romance, Good For Them!
Generally have just gotten into a bunch of slice of life yuri manga. They definitely tend to settle in the romance tropes I prefer more - friends to lovers that doesn't just stop at the "lovers" part, comfy and cute overall but with enough character arcs to keep it interesting, etc.
In an odd change of pace for me I've actually gotten really into a ship for a work not focused on romance at all, that being Final Fantasy XIV, but it's so obviously sapphic that it just kind of speaks for itself. Plus I'd rather have nothing explicit than something explicitly bad. Stay if you're interested in that, leave if you're not, I'm just here to post cute shit now.
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creathechiboi · 3 years
Wow, hey, the rant’s here.
Just a heads up, this is (of course) gonna contain spoilers for everything up to S3 EP11 “Death Peck/Ponynomium,” so yeah, you’ve been warned. As for season 2, i’ll try to count everything but my god, it's a lot to say.
Seeing as i also have all the time in the world to rant, i will try and get into as many goods and bads, but i’m unfortunately as lazy as i am hooked to the show, so i guess i’ll take questions if i missed anything. at the end will be my plans for fanfics and fanart in the future and my last short thoughts.
Yes this is long as hell but deal with it, it’s my post, I do what I want. Be happy i got a spoiler warning on this or else this would’ve clogged your feed a LOT. (2.8k words incoming!)
I think i was nearly 12 when star vs. the forces of evil first premiered on Disney XD and it was one of the best times of my life, especially since i was just a kid who didn’t know jack about anything in life and just wanted to have fun. At the time, i don’t think i’d say that because… idk, what does a kid know about knowing the worth of ‘now?’
So when i am once again pulled into the temptation and great feeling of nostalgia and into the love of western cartoons such as Steven Universe and Owl House (which I will check out btw), i just needed to push away any worries i had and just return to what i loved when i was young. And it ABSOLUTELY did not help that the last episode I watched was Bon Bon the Birthday Clown, which is literally the front door of what i like to call ‘when-the-show-gets-real’ phase. So finally, years after its premiere and fewer after its end, here’s what i got so far about star vs. the forces of evil. I’ll go over what i consider crucial and all above.
(i’m not going back to episodes for a quick reminder, too lazy *after about 20 minutes in, i went against my word, but thank u to alyciadweeb for uploading reaction vids, saved me a lotta time.)
Season 1.
I think the episode list was fairly strong in this one. it nicely showed what it had to offer, what was to be expected going forward and how each character acted. Its ‘left-field’ progress is very charming, refreshing and random with each episode and the subject matter of everything under the list of ‘wholesome’ coming from Star mixed in with exciting and thrilling action and fight scenes is just so good.
Some highlights from this season were (and some are very obvious) Star Comes to Earth since it’s basically season one in a nutshell, Mewberty because i find it to be pretty suspenseful and i like star’s form, The Blood Moon Ball (you know why), Fortune Cookies for introducing Toffee nicely and pushing subtle plot, Marco Grows a Beard for Toffee again and showing off what Star is made of, and Storm the Castle. no words for Storm the Castle.
Considering the starco burn, it was nice and slow while staying pretty unpredictable as to how it would continue and even more conclude. Party with a Pony, Blood Moon Ball, and Storm the Castle were great for the burn because it showed what they were willing to do for each other and even through some rough talks, they can understand that they’re both on the same page of trying to stay alive.
Going over CHARACTERS, i think the main ones have contributed greatly to the season and are layered well. Star is naive but not so much to where it’s irritatingly stupid (imo btw), sweet, and so considerate of those who are in need of help such as in Mewnipendence Day when it clicked that PERHAPS monsters had it badly in both the history and present time.
Marco is cool yet awkward, he’s obviously super cautious being the Safe Kid he is, and the way he lets his concern take control to fight or monitor Star regardless of consequences displays just how much good he has for what he cares for.
Oskar and Jackie were pretty likeable whenever they appeared, their cool nature is relaxing and easy to love, and I understand love interests being an addition to the romantical aspect of the show and I can totally roll with it. I was super into Janna’s traits considering her side being stalker-ish (okay, VERY), forward, and a huge trickster, plus her dynamic with Marco is really enjoyable and I could side with their ship.
Ludo was playing a pretty good antagonist, but not enough for me to root for him. I think the ‘antagonist’ should be well made to where you despise them but at the same time you’re hyped the next time you spot him because the story will be pushed in a direction you didn’t anticipate. Which is where Toffee comes in.
This is pretty debateable; Toffee’s introduction is an antagonist’s introduction done right, at least as far as cartoon shows go. Maybe. At his first appearance, he only seemed off, strange, a character with a very ambiguous mission. Before I noticed, he became the one I wanted to see the most, the one that would bring the show its best colors and deepest moments. And his traits just make it so much better, he is meticulous yet his plans are mysterious, unsettling, unusually still and calm, and just truly evil.
And then the next season arrived.
Season 2.
Entering this felt pretty nerve-racking, but I was also excited to catch up to when I last separated from this show. After breaking through the Bon Bon episode and finishing the season, I can say that season 2 was really, REALLY good. To me. And seeing as this prick has 22 episodes, I will try to mention all the crucials and highlights in a messy mixture.
The first episode/season debut did a great job of starting a new plot with new moving parts and staying somewhat connected with the first season. ‘Dip down’ was a really cool ability to see Star unlock, yet I didn’t catch her continuing with said ability. Ludo’s episode was really entertaining and it got me wondering where the plot was going with Ludo still involved. There’s a moment where you just know when to drop the antagonist, and with Toffee ‘gone,’ I would say that dropping Ludo would’ve been the best choice to move on.
[Ludo in The Wild, Wand to Wand, By the Book, Bon Bon, Is Mystery] Except that it resulted in the best pair of villains for the season. Ludo finally became a menace worth taking seriously, someone who had minions who took him more seriously than his previous, and with Toffee technically ‘in charge’ and corrupting magic, it was the best hint to something huge and dangerous growing in the distance.
[Wand to Wand, By The Book, Into The Wand, Bon Bon, Just Friends, Face the Music, Starcrushed] The corruption of the wands was one of my favorite ongoing points in this season. At first, I would’ve never suspected Toffee was behind it all and that it was a result of destroying the wand (it just clicked how he ended up in the wand, omfg, S3). As it kept going, I understood that the wand was never supposed to work completely for Ludo, that it was all part of a much more complicated plan for Toffee to return and just destroy magic for good. As for Star, it’s...I don’t know. The fact that her emotions, either good or bad, were mostly the ropes pulling the wand to function properly was very interesting, and even more so when Star was distracted by her own jealousy and anger towards the Jarco ship.
(And being the fanfic lover I am, I would’ve loved for the jealousy to kick up the evil magic and anger to Jackie because… ._ . Because I like drama and I’m a weeb who likes yandere moments. All love to Jackie though, great character, I just need drama.)
[Mr. Candle Cares, Friend-enemies] Before hitting the romance portion, I just wanna shove in my appreciation for the bond growing between Marco and Tom. Despite being a pretty short 2 episodes, I think they did a good job of bringing the two to a better spot in their relationship and being able to discuss Star without weird tropes such as Tom trying to keep Marco away from Star (which I guess he did, but whatevs) or Tom trying to get with Star for 11 minutes, which would’ve been pain—ful. Much love to the Tomco shippers !
[Camping Trip, Sleepover, Naysaya, Bon Bon, Trickstar, Just Friends, Face the Music, Starcrushed.] Iiiiii..The triangle was great here. I think these episodes did a good job with progressing the Jarco ship and watching Star having to third wheel or try to suppress her feelings was saddening until she was hit with her own truth, which then led to her being the one verifying it instead of hiding it forever. It was relieving that she had the chance, even if it had to lead to separation because of plot, which was the best and worst cliffhanger to leave on.
[Cont. of above.] I didn’t really see a reason to bring back Oskar in the last episode, especially at the highest point and at the very end of the season. I suppose it was for Star to try and develop a new love, something to pull her away from Marco, but like—there could’ve been many other ways to accomplish distance, no? Maybe I’m wrong, but it didn’t feel completely right when I watched it. Also I only included Camping Trip and Trickstar because I like to wonder how Starco would’ve come closer by being alone in the woods and that line Marco gives when he has his joy sucked out is just so out there. They might have been Marco’s doubts or being insecure of how it would go with Jackie, but it’s also funny to think that it was written in because of its seriousness.
[Running with Scissors.] This is just ‘The Hekapoo x Marco Fanfiction’ episode, plus I think it was one of the best concepts for an episode. One thing that does tick at me is that Marco continues to be himself instead of mentally matured since his mind has aged 16 more years.
(this is becoming longer than I guessed, but let’s keep going. Kudos if you made it here, and more if to the end.)
[Page Turner, Into the Wand, Baby, Running with Scissors, Face the Music, Starcrushed.] The Butterfly’s and the Magic High Commission. I was very hooked to Glossaryck and his connection to what I guessed were some ‘very important people.’  It always felt like he played a much bigger role than just the explainer of the Book of Spells, and that he possibly knew what cards were going to be dealt later on. The members of the Commission were all unique, loveable, and clearly held power that I was excited to see. But even after saying all that, my biggest questions rested on Moon and Eclipsa. Moon coming into the picture was a huge alarm and seeing her involved in the conflict for the safety of her daughter and magic kept me on edge. Having Eclipsa pop up often meant she would most likely meddle with oncoming situations in the next season and Baby comparing Star to her made me want to know what that meant for Star, her desires, and goals.
Season 3.
aaaAHHHHHHH—Okay, let’s make this fast. Season 3 hit me really really hard. So what better way to start than with The Battle for Mewni?
[The Battle for Mewni episodes.] As much as I’d like to peek into the romance, I need to stay organized and follow my own plan. This portion was the best way to resume the plot and I legitimately couldn’t stop until I had finished it and witnessed the conclusion. Moon’s backstory brought much more info for Toffee and Eclipsa and gave her own perspective as to how she acted when she was Star’s age; she wasn’t any wiser than Star was in the present, she made mistakes too.
[Cont.] A part of me was worried that maybe evil would have the last laugh, everything just seemed to appear as if the worst was meant to happen. Glossaryck was gone, the High Commission may never return, Star would most likely stay within the wand forever. And then I reached the battle against Toffee and it was one of the most exciting, most moving moments I have ever seen. Plus, I get to see Star not only ‘dip down,’ but morph into a whole new beautiful yet scary form.
And can I just mention how AMAZING the ending song is?! I’m a big music fan, but even without my studies and without experiencing a pile of diverse music, this ending song would continue to give me shivers and bring a smile to my face.
[Cont.] If it wasn’t for the Blood Moon’s assurance that Starco’s souls are bound together for eternity, I wouldn’t reeeaally see a reason for Marco to arrive at Mewni and become roped into the conflict. I would’ve thought that maybe this would be Star’s fight and Marco would face a much longer wait before deciding to leave and stay in Mewni. With all that said, Marco’s experience with Mewni and then returning to Earth is a good way for him to realize that he couldn’t completely forget and that he truly wanted to live there.
I blame River for a majority of it. Dumb meat cape.
[Moon the Undaunted, Stranger Danger, Lint Catcher, Sweet Dreams.] My god, Eclipsa is so likeable and I absolutely cannot trust myself with the choice of trusting her or not. She is so sweet and understanding when both Moon and Star dumped their personal problems onto her, her attitude is nonchalant and cheeky, and I can totally see where Star’s rebellious side came from, both just have their own ways and plans to get what they need. All knowledge is good knowledge after all.
[Scent of a Hoodie, Lint Catcher, Sophomore Slump.] You know, I’m somewhat glad that Starco’s bond is taking a few steps back and even more awkward than before. It was super cute (and gross) that Star continued to miss Marco to the point where she lied in order to keep a piece of him with her. I don’t fully believe that Marco initially returned to Mewni for Star but more so as a result of his days being cooped up in it. While it meant that Jackie understood fully and tore her ties with him as to make the feeling go away faster, it was a new door for Marco to enter and better enjoy than to be the ‘croissant girl.’
[Cont.] The part where the roles were reversed and now Marco was the one dropping into Star’s life was a new take on a used beginning that I enjoyed, and showed that some time needed to pass before things would return to normal.
[Club Snubbed, Demoncism, Lava Lake Beach.] I almost ALMOST had this strong feeling, this permanent question, which was ‘why the hell would you bring TomStar back?’ If it was for the Starco slow burn, I was completely certain that there were better ways to develop the ship. If I remember correctly (if I’m wrong, this is still good), Star had her attention on trying to be the best princess she could be, so why not have her try and use that as distance and denial while Marco continued as he did, like a squire, just someone by her side?
[Cont.] After about 2 days of thinking, I just decided to drop it into the excuse of Star successfully finding a new love in an old flame (ayy, fire pun). Love is just complicated like that, even Marco faced the same feeling when seeing the two and found himself a breakup buddy in the form of the great Kelly (Kellco is great btw). While this explanation suffices, I still have a pinch of doubt in it.
I am not prepared to drop this show. These characters, this story, all of it just leads me to want more, for the story to continue and it’s what leads me to click the next episode but at the same time want to hold back to make it last longer. Sometimes wanting to feel what you felt before leaves a sharp feeling when it’s all gone. It feels much worse when I’m going through a big part of life, and trying to feel memories just makes you remember that it doesn’t last forever. While the Season 3 ED brings me joy, it constantly reminds me that I’ll have to finish the show soon.
But past the nostalgia, I feel a once dead love for shows return to my heart. This show reminds me that sometimes it’s okay to indulge in entertainment, in great plots and characters that you end up loving forever. I hope that I can find time for shows and bring back the great feeling this show always does when I watch it.
I’m planning to resume my fanfic writing and begin a fanart series based on SVTFOE, but also try and bring and continue other series that I love today and then. And these won’t be WIPS and drafts, I want to go all out.
Thank you for reading all…this. It means a lot. I’ll be back when I finish the whole show. This’ll be a painful, wonderful, great experience, and I won’t take it for granted.
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elleonmybeloved · 4 years
They started this game in a moment of tension Tartaglia should not have indulged. But well, when could he ever resist a direct challenge of his power? Like how he challenged himself to defeat an enemy with a bow instead of the other weapons he was more skilled at, he wouldn’t stand to let this go unmet.
Even if the one challenging him was the traveler. In his own bank, no less. As usual, Childe had to admire her guts.
“You’re not using me.” She’d said, getting all up in his face with that golden stare. “I’m using you.”
“Uh huh. You really don’t need to take this so personally. The Qixing sent the Millelith after you, and I was the one who helped you clear your name. We are still friends, aren’t we?”
“Friends? Do you have any idea how important this was to me, ‘Tartaglia?’”
“What’s it to you? The geo archon you sought to find was dead anyways, so how would seeing the Exuvia help you?” He’s genuinely curious.
There’s a sputter of grief in the fire of her glare. “It doesn’t matter now, since my chance is gone regardless.”
Her jaw works to hold back a perceptible damn of emotion, and Childe feels a pang of regret. She was just a tool, but he handn’t intended to actually hurt her. Morality was a loose tenet among the Fatui, but he liked to think he was the better of the other harbringers when it came to needless cruelty.
“Hey now, don’t blame yourself. This was above you the whole time, there was nothing you could’ve done.”
The grief in her eyes is gone, but it was the wrong thing to say. It’s immediately apparent in the open rage of her expression.
“How dare you look down on me as if I’m powerless. Like you’re some god and I’m just a pitiful worm!” Lumine yells, jabbing a finger into his chest with each word. She’s making less and less sense and Childe is running out of patience.
“Uh woah. Maybe you should sit down and try to relax, girlie.”
“You’re just another part of this pathetic, chaos ridden world that we never should have stopped for.” She goes to jab him again, but he snatches her by the wrist and holds it in a vice grip, slowly prying it away from his chest.
“Fine then.” He says unkindly. “Have it your way. I’ve honestly got no interest in being friends with someone stupid enough to get tailed by the simplest of my operatives and not even notice it anyway.”
“Excuse me? You are such a- a jerk! I can’t believe I thought I had finally found a friend in this god-forsaken irrrgh! -should never have given you those starco- ... As -as if I’m not more competent than any of those overgrown thugs with fake visions you Fatui employ, and you know it.”
Childe laughs, drily amused at this. “Please. You couldn’t take orders to save your life, which in Snezhnaya couldn’t make you more useless as an operative.”
Lumine’s anger has her flushing to her chest, a bloom of pink spreading from her shoulders to her cleavage. She has worked so hard to learn the foreign languages of this world, and he actually thinks she would struggle with something so simple?
“I can take orders.”
Childe just shrugs. “Sure.”
“I can take orders.”
“Okay then. Prove it.” He says, and the hand that was not restraining her arm moves to grip her around the throat.
Lumine freezes, and Childe watches as her expression shifts from anger, to shock, to... something else. Forced to breathe more shallowly, she calms down from her tirade. Behind the anger, he still sees trust there in her eyes, and something more. It quells the irritation inside of him too, deeply satisfying a craving he didn’t know he had. He releases his grip on her.
“Kneel for me.” He says airily, and his tone isnt harsh at all despite the command, more like a suggestion. He doesn’t really expect her to do it.
Lumine sinks to her knees and gazes up at him expectantly.
He raises an eyebrow. A hand brushes against the smooth pale skin of her cheek before clutching her by the jaw and chin. She doesn’t flinch. Childe tilts her face left and right and she still doesn’t give an ounce of resistance.
Childe thumbs at the swell of her pink lips, rubbing back and forth slowly. Something ignites in the meet of their gaze and he cannot deny that he is a liar, including the biting words of the past few minutes. She is a capable warrior, a force to be reckoned with, and one of the first people to show him genuine kindness and interest.
This time he doesn’t wait for her to comply, parting her lips to push into her mouth and rub his fingers against her tongue. He can feel the warmth of her through his glove.
Lumine makes a little sound, unmistakably of arousal, and it sends a electric jolt to his stomach.
“Good job.” He says, trying to hide his exhilaration. “Looks like you can follow orders after all. I could see you being mine. So, I’m going to revise my earlier statement. I’d really like for us to continue being friends.”
It’s with reluctance that he withdraws his hand from her mouth, but it’s more important to him to hear her response. A hand beneath her elbow prompts her to stand back up.
“Me too.” She says, expression hopeful with a smidgen of sheepishness. “Sorry, Childe, I shouldn’t have said... well, I shouldn’t have blamed you.”
There’s obviously something in between the lines there she’s not telling him, but as much as he’d like to know, she’s clearly keeping it to herself for a reason. And right now, he’s thinking more about that addicting expression she’d made at him, and that sound...
“Don’t worry about it traveler, we all lose our cool sometimes.” He takes a seat on the sofa. “Besides, you’re way too cute to stay angry at.”
Ahh, she flushes the most satisfying pink and he knows, has seen her turn down others who have approached her with much more flattering lines, so with that kindling to stroke his ego, he decideds to press his odds. Childe pats the spot beside him invitingly. “Come sit?”
“Don’t you have other matters to attend to?” She asks, but moves to sit next to him anyways. Her silver white skirt brushes against his leg.
Childe laughs. “Things’ll keep without me for an hour or two, or I’m terrible at my job.”
“Oh, okay.”
They gaze at each other for a moment in silence. Lumine gives him a hesitant look, and he decides to take the plunge.
Childe slips a hand over the bare skin of her shoulder to stroke at the back of her neck. The skin there is hot to the touch.
“You were so cute looking up at me like that.” He murmurs, voice just loud enough for her to hear. “You wanna go get some dinner after this, just the two of us? I know it’s late.”
“Yeah.” She whispers back just as quietly. Lumine didn’t miss the implications of after this. The anticipation in the air is tense.
“C’mere.” Childe nudges her towards him with gentle but insistent pressure on the back of her neck. He closes the distance with just a few moments pause to admire the look on her pretty face before leaning in and kissing her.
They both take a sharp inhale at the contact, and Childe surges onward with reckless abandon. She smells good, like she’s already discovered Ying’er’s shop. She lets him kiss her for a while before seemingly realizing she can do it back, and the pressure of her lips back against his has his stomach flipping. It’s straight up romantic, and he doesn’t remember when he got to rubbing her arm, or when she placed her hands on his chest.
Then she makes this breathy, overwhelmed noise in the back of her throat and the kiss ignites like a match on grease fire.
Before he can think about it he is lifting her by the waist and pressing her down on her back against the sofa, shifting himself on his hands and knees above her before pressing her down and crowding into her space. Kissing open her lips, he invades her mouth to lick and suck on her tongue with his.
Her eyes are hazy and glazed thoughtless, but throughout the kissing she mostly keeps them adorably closed. His are open, half lidded, and his hand finds her neck again and squeezes.
This time, she squirms her legs together and makes a low, very enticing moan.
“You like this?” He doesn’t mean it to sound deprecating but there’s a tinge of mockery in his sweet tone that Childe can’t help. “Tough little thing, I bet your throat can take a beating and you’ll still get off on it, huh.”
She gives him a look and he laughs, before leaning in to kiss her senseless again. Her skirt is rucked up around her waist and he takes his glove off before sliding a hand up her thigh and over her stomach.
Lumine trembles at the touch. He gives her a little smile, and moves his tongue lewdly against hers to distract her while he eases a hand into her panties.
Things escalate. When he starts stroking at the top of her sex, making firm little circles around her clit, she straight up whines into his mouth, and well. He’s never gonna forget the pleased, openly greedy look in her eyes as he swirled and rubbed around and over her sensitive nub with his bare fingers.
“So good-“ She pants out after several minutes of dizzying stimulation, “So good, don’t stop.”
“Don’t worry, Lumie. I don’t intend to.” He can tell she’s close, and Childe’s heart is pounding like he’s the one being fingered to completion on an office couch. Something evil tempts him to edge her for the fun of the denial, but not this time, he decides. Right now, he cannot wait to witness what her orgasm looks and sounds like, so that he can commit it to permanent memory. “God, you’re so freaking adorable... I’m gonna go faster, okay?”
“Mh- okay, o-okay-“
Her panties are really wet now, and he’s willing to bet that there’s an answering spot of pre forming in his own pants. The quick jerk of his fingers against her spot is making lewd little wet sounds.
“C’mon,” He urges, wanting to see it, fingers pressing in fast and hard. He’s painfully erect now, and doesn’t want to lose focus. “Don’t you wanna cum?”
“Yeah, &&3/@- I’m so...-!” She curses in a foreign language and squeezes her eyes shut. He grips her throat tighter now, cutting off most of her airflow. Helpfully.
When she comes, her whole face flushes and her mouth opens in the most delectable, overwhelmed with pleasure way. And her eyes glow. Literally, like a dim house lamp, and only for a second, but he saw it. Interesting.
Lumine shudders and goes limp. Childe gently releases her throat and withdraws his hand from her panties to admire the hazy, fucked out look on her face.
“Either you’re really into being choked and stroked, or it was me you were getting off to. Either way, I’m gonna take this as a compliment.”
Lumine shoves at him with an indignant “hey!”, but he can tell her heart isn’t in it from the shy smile tugging at her usually stoic lips.
“... And on that note, as much as I’d love to continue, things are gonna be closing up soon and I promised you dinner.”
Lumine eyes his boner, obvious even through the thick gray material of his pants. “I remember Ekaterina telling me of how you always keep your promises but... are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He says while sitting up, and she does so as well. “I can handle it. Plenty of time for that later, anyway.”
“Great. I’m actually so hungry.” She admits.
“Ahahaha! Alright girlie, let’s go.”
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Moments in a New World
Hey everyone!! Happy one year anniversary of the “Cleaved” finale and belated Starco day!!! Can't believe it's already been a year! It's still so fresh in my mind it might as well have been yesterday. Star vs has been a huge part of my life for five years now and I hope it continues to be well into the future and that others continue to like and enjoy this series and the fans who help keep it alive and kicking!!
Anyways, I have a little something here for the occasion that I hope and think you'll like. Just a sappy, fluffy Starco story about their lives after the finale. You know the drill. So now I'll leave you to it!! Please enjoy!!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters belong to Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them.
More post-Earthni fics: Marco's Birthday Blowup Blast, Starco Wedding
One Minute After Cleaving
Star and Marco stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, standing mere inches apart as their eyes gleamed with love and unparalleled joy as they were reunited once more. The world only consisted of the two of them, the sounds of chaos drowned out in the background, their new collided world an afterthought for the young couple, all that mattered was that they were together again, face to face, able to get lost in each other's shimmering eyes. The two had been completely silent save for a simple greeting, both teens too chocked up to produce any word more than “Hey” or “Hi”.
But finally it was as if the spell was broken, Marco inexplicably flinging his arms around the girl, bringing her into a tight hug that he never wanted to end, burying his head into her shoulder as his body shook with relief.
“Marco,” Star whispered out, surprised by the boy's sudden action.
“I thought I-” the hooded teen began, his voice choked and tight, like he was fighting back tears with every word, his grip on Star's small frame tightening. “I thought you were- you were-” Marco let out a shaky breath, unable to even finish the horrifying sentence.
“Shhh,” Star soothed, rubbing her arms up and down his back as tears gently dripped from her blue orbs. “It's okay. I'm here, I've got you and I'm never letting you go again.”
Marco let out what sounded like a cross between a chuckle and a sob as tears now ran down his own cheeks, dripping onto his girlfriend's shoulder, though neither of them cared. “Please don't ever scare me like that again.”
Star giggled before sniffing, finally pulling away as she rubbed tears out of her eyes with the back of her hand. “I won't. Trust me that was probably the most afraid I've ever been in my life!”
“More afraid than that time you got stuck inside of Toffee?” Marco asked, a smile on his face despite the red swelling in his eyes and the tearstains on his cheeks.
Star nodded. “Definitely... but it's a close second.”
The two shared a laugh together, letting all the anxiety and worry that had been plaguing them melt off until only their love remained. Finally, Marco paused, staring thoughtfully at the ground, before meeting his girlfriend's eye again, whispering under his breath, “I love you.”
Star smiled softly at her Marco, repeating in a chocked tone, “I love you, too.”
Then, without warning, Marco moved in for a kiss, catching Star's lips between his own as he poured every inch of his heart and self into the simple affectionate act. Star smiled against him, before closing her eyes and letting it deepen, a spark rising up in her as she cherished this precious moment with the love of her life and Marco happily doing the same. While all around them, the two worlds of Earth and Mewni collided into a beautiful chaos, as the first day of a new world began.
One Day After Cleaving
Star and Marco sat side by side on the couch in the Diaz's living room, as they stared blankly at the TV, watching as the news crew filmed random situations happening all over Earthni: an apartment complex covered in webs from a giant spider, warnicorns and piggoats blocking traffic on busy crossroads, giant Monster footprints crushing poor Principal Skeeves's car. And there were many, many more of these images, all accompanied by the confused ramblings of a startled news crew, struggled to make sense of it all, stuttering out halfhearted explanations and theories. Eventually, Eclipsa appeared on the screen, providing an explanation for this bizarre new world that had been formed, speaking clearly and calmly into the microphone being offered her by a wide-eyed news anchor, who kept casting weary glances at Globgore, who stood at his wife's side. 
Star bit her lip, letting out a low groan as she slumped over some on the couch. Marco looked over to his girlfriend with a puzzled look, before spotting the worry etched into her features and asked, “Hey, you want me to turn this off?”
“What's the point?” Star mumbled out, crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
Marco, sensing how serious this all was picked up the remote and turned off the TV before directing his full attention onto his girlfriend. “Star, c'mon talk to me, what's wrong?”
Star sighed, before giving her boyfriend a lost look, saying brokenheartedly, “I don't know, it just feels like we made things worse instead of better.”
“Do you... regret what we did?” Marco asked nervously, not quite sure if he could stand knowing the answer.
Star shook her head. “No. I'm glad we did what we did,” the blond stated no hesitation in her tone as she gave her boyfriend a small smile. But it quickly turned to a sad frown as she added, “I guess I just thought destroying the magic would fix everything. But things are just as crazy now as they were before, maybe even crazier! How are we gonna fix this?”
Marco put a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder, giving it a small squeeze as he smiled reassuringly down at her. “We'll figure it out, we always do.”
“Uh, did you not see the news report, Marco,” Star asked sarcastically. “Everyone is freaking out!”
Marco laughed, before saying, “Well yeah, it's only been a day, Star, of course they're freaking out. They just need time to adjust is all.” The boy put an arm around his girlfriend's waist, causing both of them to blush a deep red. But the boy added in a confident tone, “They'll come around once they get used to all this, trust me.”
Star raised a skeptical eyebrow at her boyfriend, before asking, “How can you be so sure?”
Marco shrugged, fixing his girlfriend with a loving stare as he said, “Well see, a few years ago, this crazy, magical princess came crashing into my world out of nowhere and I thought that she was gonna ruin my life or something.” 
Star laughed, before playfully elbowing her boyfriend in the ribs, “Heeeyy.” 
Marco smiled, but continued, “But then, the craziest thing happened, I discovered I loved spending time with her and being near her...” Star blushed, staring shyly into Marco's brown orbs as he continued. “And that the magical chaos that I was so afraid was gonna ruin my life, ended up changing it and me for the better. I wouldn't be the same without her and I wouldn't change a single minute of it, no matter how weird or wild it got.”
“Me either,” Star said, moving so her back now rested on his side, giving the arm now wrapped around her frame a tight squeeze. 
“So, you see, if this safe kid could learn to embrace Mewni and all its strangeness, than anyone can,” Marco finished, placing a gentle peck at the top of her head.
Star nodded, letting out a content sigh as she nuzzled Marco's form with the back of her head (causing the boy to blush like crazy), replying softly, “Yeah, I guess you're right.” 
One Month After Cleaving
Marco lay awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't know how late it was, though he guessed easily after midnight, yet sleep still continued to evade him. Not that he was actively trying to fall asleep, the concept of a good night's rest about as far from his mind as possible, not when he had a million other things on his mind to worry about, his thoughts running wild and refusing to release him from their cruel hold.
The nights were always the hardest for him, during the day it was easy to distract himself, his life full and busy since Earthni had come to be. He was constantly coming and going from meetings and speeches as he, Star, Moon, and Eclipsa worked hard to create peace amongst the three races that now dwelled on this dimension, trying to appease everyone to the best of their abilities, trying to set up boundaries, a new ruling system and constitution, and most importantly making sure everyone would be considered equal in their new home. All of this alone was exhausting but add in spending time with his friends, taking care of his new baby sister, and regular dates with Star and Marco barely had time to breath, much less think.
So at night, when everything finally quieted down and there was nothing but him and the empty silence of his room, that was when the flashbacks would start. He would lay there for hours on end thinking about that day in the Realm of Magic, the fear and sorrow he had felt when the two had separated for what might have been forever. How, in his moment of despair, he had been incapable of returning to Earth, planning on going to Mewni, to Star, only to find his only way back was now closed, leaving him stranded and alone. He remembered how relieved he had been to see Star, to hug her and cling to her for what might have been the end, only to be separated from her once more.
He could still feel his desperation as he raced across town to the portal, to the last chance he had of being with the one he loved again, only to have his final hope shattered and destroyed in a massive explosion, his own stupid legs incapable of reaching the portal in time.
The boy shuddered, letting out a shaky sigh, as he rolled over onto his side. Every night it was the same thing, Marco would lie there and think about how he almost lost his soulmate, his love, his Star forever. About how close he had come to losing his better half. What would his life even be like without Star in it? He dreaded to think about it and yet, he couldn't quite stifle the thoughts in his head... or the occasional nightmare he had about said topic.
Marco blinked away the few stray tears, before rolling over yet again, staring at his wall as he debated getting up and getting a glass of milk or something. It beat laying there in misery, right?
Suddenly, though Marco was pulled from his depressing thoughts as he heard his door gently squeaking open and a small ray of light shining through the crack, blinding the boy for a moment. Marco sat up, looking in shock at the doorway as a head pocked through the entrance, staring at him with startling blue orbs that made his heart dance.
“Star?” Marco asked, his voice tight and he coughed once to clear it. He moved so he was now sitting off the edge watching as Star slowly sauntered over to him, ignoring how adorable she looked in her nightgown. “What are you doing up so late?”
“Couldn't sleep,” Star admitted, staring down at her hands instead of Marco, biting her lip as her eyes filled with worry. Marco didn't even have to ask to know just what was bothering his girlfriend, her expression a perfect match to his.
“Me either,” Marco confessed, giving her a small smile as he patted a spot next to him on the bed. The girl plopped down beside him, bringing her bare knees up to her chest as the two stared off into space. They let out a simultaneous sigh, but made no other attempts at conversation, simply resigning themselves to their uncomfortable thoughts.
“Will we ever stop doing this?” Star finally asked, her voice so low and soft Marco barely heard it.
“We will,” Marco said as comfortingly as possible. “It's just gonna take a while, it's not gonna happen overnight.”
“I wish it did,” Star grumbled bitterly.
Marco put a hand on top of Star's. “Believe me, I do too.” The two finally locked eyes, as Marco gave his girlfriend a loving smile. “But it'll get easier, I promise.”
Star grinned back, before saying, “Well until it does, I'll be here for you, whenever you need me.”
Marco chuckled a little, before adding, “Me too.” And then he planted the softest kiss on Star's forehead.
“Well I better be getting back to bed,” Star said, reluctantly rising up off the soft mattress, walking slowly toward the door. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Marco replied, watching with suppressed sadness as his girlfriend left his room. The moment she was gone and the door closed, Marco let out a breath to sooth his nerves. It's okay, she's only going to her room, it's right down the hall, she's not going away forever, he reassured himself, using the breathing technique Sensai had taught him. You don't need to get her. You don't need to get her.
You need to get her. Marco whimpered as the panic set in and the boy was unable to stop himself as he jumped to his feet, running to the door and throwing it open, already calling out for his girlfriend. “Star!”
The boy froze as he came face to face with Star who hadn't moved an inch since closing the door, just standing silently out in the hallway unable to return to her own room. Marco panted as he stared into Star's startled eyes and he quickly gasped out, “I need you here with me, I don't want to be alone.”
“Me too!” Star squeaked out, the worry on her face clear.
“You wanna sleep in my room tonight?”
“Yes, please!”
Star quickly wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, practically hanging off him as Marco pushed the door closed with his foot, slowly shuffling them over to the bed. The boy laid down, pulling Star with him so she was now laying on top of him, Star gently laying her head on his chest, letting the sound of his heartbeat sooth her. Marco pulled the covers up over them, before wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist.
“Comfortable?” he asked and Star nodded.
“Mm-hmm,” she replied sweetly.
“Good,” Marco said, kissing the top of her head and causing his girlfriend to grin ear to ear.
The two settled down deeper into their warm sheets, their minds finally calm enough to allow them to rest. The two were asleep within minutes, snoring softly as they held onto one another, dreaming pleasant dreams, safe and secure in the knowledge that against all odds, they were together.
One Year After Cleaving
The loud sound of clashing could be heard echoing through the treetops, alerting everyone to the violent struggle taking place as Star and Marco were engaged in combat with Earthni's most wanted criminal: Mina. The woman, despite no longer having magic, was still putting up quite the fight, even though she was more of a nuisance for the veteran fighters than an actual threat. The crazy woman, armed with a broad sword, was swinging recklessly at them in the hopes of maiming one of her two opponents. While Star and Marco flowed around her attacks with precision and grace, their movements near synchronized, almost as if they were of the same mind.
Marco would do most of the countering for the two, since he was armed with the sword Star had gotten for him for this birthday earlier that year. Which left Star open to lash out at Mina with a brutal kick, her karate lessons from Marco paying off well, her foot practically a lethal weapon at this point. Mina seemed to be growing more and more reckless with every second that passed, clearly running out of steam as she struggled to hold the two off, growling in anger as she lashed out at them. It was obvious the fight was soon drawing to a close.
In a last desperate attempt she tried stabbing at Star, Marco quickly sliding into his girlfriend's rescue, his sword clanging loudly against Mina's, as he held her at bay. Star took this opportunity to strike, ducking low under Marco's arm and catching Mina by surprise as she suddenly rose to full height and punched Mina smack in the face.
The woman cried out in pain, stumbling back away from the two and dropping her sword. Star and Marco shared a look before running at her as one and swinging their legs around and kicking her square in the chest as one, sending Mina flying back and nearly into the rushing river behind her.
Star and Marco panted, the boy sheathing his sword, their exhaustion only as relevant as the joyful smiles on their faces as they shared a loving look. It felt great to be fighting together again like old times, it reminded them of why they fell in love in the first place.
Mina rose awkwardly to her feet, swaying unevenly as she shouted out, “Hey what gives, why are you attacking me, anyways? I didn't do nothin' wrong. Just wait till I tell the proper authorities you two attacked a helpless old lady!”
Star and Marco rolled their eyes, the blond arguing, “Mina, give it up already, we know you've been trying to poison the Monster's water supply.”
“Yeah, we already have multiple eyewitnesses,” Marco added.
Mina crossed her arms, childishly turning her head away from them. “I don't know what you're talking about,” she denied.
The two gave her a deadpanned stare as Marco pointed out, “We can see the vat of toxic waste behind you.”
Mina froze, turning to where a vat sat beside her, green smoke coming out of the top, with a massive symbol for 'biohazzard' was on the front. She scoffed, waving a dismissive hand at the two, before claiming, “Big deal. You monster smoochers can't stop me with your puny fighting technique, I was Queen Solaria's most trusted general, I don't go down so easily!”
“Oh, you mean the queen who helped us destroy the magic to take down you!” Star taunted.
Mina's eyebrow twitched, before exclaiming, “That was probably just a fake you made to fool me with your magic! Oh yeah, I'm onto you, I saw through your act in a heartbeat cause my mind is magic-proof, you see.” She pointed at her head with a superior grin.
“Could have fooled me,” Marco muttered under his breath.
“Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have a river to poison.” With that, Mina blew a sharp whistle, Manfred emerging from the trees a second later. “Manfred, hurry up and knock this over for me, I got two nuisances to take care of.”
“Yes, Lady Mina,” Manfred replied, already pushing on the large container, bringing it closer and closer to the river bed.
Star and Marco gasped, before turning to each other, the boy saying quickly, “You get Mina, I'll stop Manfred.”
Star nodded. “Sounds good.”
With that the two rushed at Mina, the boy in the lead, his sword already raised to strike. Mina, who had picked hers back up, rose to counter him, only to freeze in surprise as the boy dropped his sword.
Just before it hit the ground, Star slid out from under Marco's legs, catching the sword and bouncing to her feet, knocking Mina's sword out of her hands, with a single swing.
Marco altered course, running around the two and now headed for Manfred. Once he was close, he lashed out with a kick, being sure to get at an angle he wouldn't accidentally knock the waste into the river. The man went down with a hurt grunt, laying in a bruised heap on the floor, as Marco towered over him, a hand on the poisonous container to keep it steady.
He looked over to Star who was making quick work of Mina and allowed a grin to spread across his face at how beautiful she looked in combat. Finally, the crazy lady gave up, running for the treetops as she shouted to her partner, “Manfred, let's get out of here!”
“Yes, milady,” the man replied, rising shakily to his feet and running after Mina. Once the two reached the treeline, Mina turned and declared, “You may have won this round, monster smoochers, but next time I'll beat'cha,  I'll beat you all!” She raised an angry fist at them before disappearing from sight with a sinister cackle.
Star and Marco stared blankly at the treeline, before Marco turned to Star and asked, “Should we be worried about that?”
“Marco, it's Mina,” his girlfriend reminded him. “She threatens us every other day.”
“True,” the boy said with a quick nod.
“We should probably call Eclipsa, though and let her know the water is safe,” Star suggested.
“Yeah,” Marco agreed, digging into his pocket for his phone. “Not to mention picking up this toxic waste.” But as the boy turned on his phone, he gasped in shock.
“What, what is it?” Star asked nervously, instantly hovering closer to him with worry.
Marco let out a disappointed sigh, before showing her his phone or more importantly the time display. “It's after six, we'll never make it to the restaurant in time,” the hooded teen muttered sadly.
“Oh no,” Star said in dismay, but seeing the sorrowful look on her boyfriend's face she quickly added, “I'm sorry Marco.” She placed a comforting hand on Marco's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic look. “I know you really wanted to take me.”
“Well yeah,” the boy muttered, sulking as he stared at his feet. “It's our one year anniversary, I wanted to make it special. I even payed big money to hook us up with a table at Chez Platypus. But now it looks like our whole date is ruined.”
Star gently cupped his face in her hand, turning it so he could face her, giving him a bright, loving smile. “Marco, nothing's ruined,” she told him and the boy's eyes widened in surprise.
“Wait, really?” he asked, almost in disbelief she felt that way.
“Of course,” his girlfriend told him, her confident tone causing all his insides to dance. “Sure it would be cool to eat in some fancy restaurant, but all I really want is to spend time with my best friend. I don't care how we spend it, so long as we spend it together.”
Marco smiled, tenderly grabbing her wrists as he stared at his wonderful girlfriend. She was so good to him. There was no way he deserved to be dating someone as cool as Star. And the fact that he was made him happier than anything in the entire world.
“So,” Star continued, finally pulling her hands away from his face. “How about we call Eclipsa, head back to your place, and watch a bunch of cheesy movies and eat nachos until we puke?”
Marco laughed, putting his arm around his girlfriend, the girl hugging his small frame. “Nothing could make me happier,” the boy replied, as he led Star away to finish their date.
Three Years After the Cleaving
Star and Marco sat on the roof of the Diaz's home, a picnic blanket sprawled out underneath, an opened basket beside them and a plate of half eaten eggs next to them.  Star leaned her head against Marco's shoulder, sighing in contentment as the young couple watched the sun setting on the horizon. "Its beautiful," Star whispered and Marco nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, it is," the boy agreed softly.
Star snuggled a little deeper into Marco's arm, her mind reminiscing the wonderful day the two had spent together, saying out loud, "I don't think today could get any better."
Marco hid a smile, the bubbly eagerness in his chest almost making him float. He was about to prove her wrong. What Star didn't know was that he had a very special surprise for his girlfriend in store. So as subtly as he could he reached over to the plate of eggs and lightly tapped them with his hand causing them to slip off the roof and onto the ground, shattering. 
Star looked down in surprise while Marco let out a fake gasp. "Oh no, our roof eggs!" He said, making his voice sound as disappointed as possible. He clicked his tongue, before turning to Star and asking, "Think you can get some more from the basket?"
"Sure," Star said pleasantly, pulling away from her bestie so she could dig around in the basket. "Hmmm," she muttered in concentration. "I'm not seeing it."
"Check the bottom," Marco suggested, barely able to suppress the excited squeak in his voice, a wide smile on his face. 
Star obeyed, rooting around at the bottom of the basket, only for her fingers to brush up against something. Star paused, an eyebrow slowly raising as she looked over to her boyfriend, who was grinning ear to ear as he watched Star, the mischievous look on his face, telling her this had to be his doing. The blond pulled out the small object from the basket and examined it closely for a minute. It was a small velvet box and her mouth dropped open at the sight of it, looking over to Marco with a hopeful expression.
He gave her the tiniest of nods, saying in anticipation, "Why don't you open it up?"
Star grinned and instantly flipped the top open, gasping at what she saw inside. Sitting a tiny pillow was a golden ring with a diamond cut clearly in the center. A hand went to her mouth as tears began welling up in her eyes, muttering out in a chocked tone, "Is this- Are you- Are we really gonna-" 
Marco gently took Stars hand, wrapping his own around hers, as he said in a loving tone, "Yep. Sorry I can't get down on one knee but I though this was the best way to ask." He sucked in a deep breath, gathering his nerves before blurting out, "Star Butterfly, will you marry me?"
Star smiled at the proposal, her eyes shimmering with unparalleled joy, but to Marco's surprise, her answer was simply, "No fair."
"Huh?" Marco replied in confusion, a sudden fear rushing through him. Did I do something wrong? Am I rushing things?  Does she not want to? 
The blond reached into her small cloud purse, pulling out a matching velvet box to his. She waved it around in the air for a moment, shooting him a wink as she explained, "I was going to wait until after dinner, but you beat me to the punch." 
Marco stared at her silently for a second before bursting into laughter, which Star soon shared, tears welling up in their eyes but not quite falling. 
"Now what am I supposed to get you for our anniversary," Star said with a fake huff, her cheeks puffing up in the cutest way.
"Well, you saying yes would be nice," Marco said in a flirting tone.
  Star smiled, moving so their faces were mere inches apart, her fingers gently tracing lines on the front of his hood. "I'll say yes, only if you do," she offered, giving him the gentlest kiss on the lips.
Marco nodded, his cheeks painted pink from the kiss. "On the count of three?" he asked and Star grinned and nodded vigorously. 
"One...." the two said as one, their eyes shimmering with expectation. "Two... THREE!" 
Star and Marco sucked in deep breaths, before pumping their fists in the air and screaming, "Of course I'll marry you!" 
The two just smiled at each other for a moment as the tears finally burst free from their eyes, flowing down their cheeks in streams. Star laughed, throwing her arms around her now-fiance, nearly causing Marco to slide off the roof, his free arm gripping the siding in desperation. "Ah, Star, careful!" the boy screamed in panic.
"Who cares about being careful when I'm going to marry the guy of my dreams!" The blond squealed. 
Marco just laughed clinging onto his girlfriend, listening as she spoke a mile a minute, going on and on about their future wedding plans and how incredible everything was and how much she loved him, while he simply smiled and enjoyed this precious moment with the love of his life.
Five Years After Cleaving
Star and Marco sat across from each other, eating their dinner in silence, enjoying their time together and the delicious food in front of them. It was a simple dinner of just tacos from Britta's but they both were enjoying their meal immensely. It was once again their anniversary but the two had agreed to keep things simple this time, no gifts, no extravagant restaurants, just some take-out and maybe watching a movie or two. Too bad they were both terrible at keeping that promise, both having surprises lined up for their significant other.
Marco looked up from his taco to stare at his loving wife, mesmerized by her beauty even as she stuffed what had to be at least her third taco down her throat, his heart overflowing with love over how adorable Star was. And he couldn't help himself as he laughed at the sight of his wife's puffed up cheeks from cramming yet another taco whole into her mouth, chewing loudly. “Geez, Star, you sure have been eating a lot lately,” he commented playfully. “What are you planning on hibernating this year?”
Star swallowed before sarcastically rolling her eyes and saying, “Oh ha ha, very funny.” She stuck her tongue out at her husband, who laughed again and she soon was giggling along with him. Finally, once the two calmed down, Star quickly asked, “Hey can you pass me the syrup?”
An eyebrow immediately shot up as Marco asked, “Syrup, what do you need that for?”
“My tacos, silly,” Star replied with a scoff, as if the answer should be obvious.
Marco looked confused and slightly disgusted for a second before shrugging and standing up to get her the bottle. The moment the syrup was in her hands, Star was licking her lips and pouring endless amounts of the sugary substance all over her tacos, bathing them in an unhealthy layer of sticky maple. Marco could only watch in awe, he had seen Star have some bizarre food combinations before but this had to take the cake. Finally, once Star had what she believed to be a proper amount of syrup covered tacos, she quickly wolfed them down without a care, her hands soon dripping with syrup.
Marco, after a few seconds of watching her, pushed his plate away, no longer interested in eating as he watched his wife scarfing down more and more tacos until there wasn't a single left on the table.
The two cleaned up the kitchen in record time, working together to form the ultimate cleaning duo, and in less than two minutes the two collapsed on the living room couch, holding their full bellies and groaning in both discomfort and satisfaction. The two sat back to back on the sofa, staring off into space as Star said, “That was delicious! What was a great idea for dinner, Marco!!”
“Thanks,” the boy said brightly. “I mean you can't go wrong with Britta's Tacos!”
“Agreed,” Star said sitting up. She gave her husband a loving smile as she said, “This has been a great date so far! I'm glad we decided to keep things simple for once. Don't want a repeat of last year's anniversary.”
The two shuddered in unison at the memory, Marco nervously whispering, “Soo many pig-goats. I can still see their eyes.”
“It took them a week to put out the fire,” Star added, her own eyes distant and disturbed.
“I told you making it a double date with Tom and Janna was a bad idea,” Marco pointed out, his voice still in a dazed monotone.
But the two seemed to instantly snap out of it, after that, as Star added in her typically cheerful demeanor, “Buutt at least this year we both got to have a great anniversary without causing permanent damage to the city.”
Marco chuckled, before agreeing, “Yeah.” He paused for a moment before, adding sheepishly, “Uh but I do have a bit of a confession to make.”
Star gave him a confused look, watching as he rubbed at the back of his neck in that adorable way he always did whenever he was embarrassed about something. “What's that?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Marco coughed into his hand. “Okay, I know we said no gifts... but I couldn't help myself. I got you something,” he admitted, flashing her an apologetic grin.
But Star just smiled lovingly at her husband, taking his hands into her own as she said, “Aww, Marco you are so sweet! Of course I don't mind.” She hid her mischievous grin as she added cryptically, “Besides, I may have gotten you a little something myself.”
“Guess neither of us could resist, huh?” Marco joked, laughing at their inability to resist spoiling the other.
“Nope, guess not,” Star said, laughing along with her husband, doing her best to hide the knowing glint in her eyes. She wanted to keep her surprise secret right until the last second. Marco could read her like a book most times, if she showed too much emotion she'd give it away before it was time.
“I bet my gift is better than yours,” Marco said in challenge and Star gave him a playful smirk.
“Oh yeah, well prove it then, Mr. Diaz,” the blond replied. I seriously doubt that, she couldn't help but think to herself.
The young man gave his wife a confident smirk, slowly pulling his hands out of his pocket, while muttering, “Booooossshh.” Once, the gift was in sight, Star gasped, a hand flying to her mouth as she whispered, “Oh Marco.”
It was a locket in the perfect shape of a heart, dangling from a golden chain. The inside of the locket was opened, revealing a very familiar picture fit neatly inside: the Beach Day photo. The two smiling faces of their teenage selves, looking happy and blissful together enough to bring tears to her eyes at the wonderful memory. She grabbed the necklace out of her husband's hands in a second, examining it closely as she said in a chocked tone, “It's beautiful.”
“You like it?” Marco asked softly, a feeling of immense joy for making his Star smile like that filling his being and making his insides flutter.
She locked eyes with him, her familiar blue piercing his soul and making permanent residence in his melted heart. “I love it,” she said sweetly.
“I thought you might,” he said, moving over to help put the necklace on, Star moving her long hair out of the way as he did. “Well, nobody knows me better than you,” the blond replied flirtingly and Marco nearly fumbled with the clasp as blood pooled into his flushed cheeks. Once the boy was finished with the necklace, he sat back with a nod of satisfaction, saying, “There, perfect.”
“I hope you know I'm never taking his off, ever,” Star commented, wrapping a hand around the golden heart.
Marco laughed. “I figured as much.” He winked at her adding confidently, “Let's see you top that.”
Star inwardly smirked. Oh just wait and see, Diaz. “I'll try my best,” she said in a fake disheartened tone, putting a hand dramatically to her forehead.
Marco laughed again, before asking impatiently, “Okay but seriously, enough of the suspense already, what'd ya get me?”
“Welll I wasn't the only one who made it,” Star said cryptically. “Let's just say it was a... joint effort.” She winked at him and her husband, to her amusement, only cocked his head cutely to the side.
“Huh? What's that supposed to mean?” Marco asked, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion and Star could almost gush over how adorable her husband looked in that moment.
But instead of answering, Star just gently grabbed his hand and placed it over her belly, giving him a knowing and hinting smile.
Marco's eyes darted from his wife's face to her belly than back to her face than to her belly again as his look of confusion slowly turned into realization and then to shock as his mouth fell open in disbelief. He gave Star a hopeful look, as he stuttered out, “Wait, y-you mean y-y-your gonna...”
Star's smile was incapable of growing any wider as she nodded, squealing out, “Yes! We're gonna have a baby, Marco!”
A look of pure joy crossed her husband's face, goofy grin on his face as he stared thoughtfully into the distance. “I'm-I'm gonna be a dad!” he muttered breathlessly.
“And I'm gonna be a mom!” Star shouted enthusiastically, wrapping her arms around him in a bone-crushing hug. “Aren't you excited, Marco?! We're gonna be parents!”
“Uh yeah! Of course I'm excited!” Marco screamed and the two immediately hopped off the couch, jumping up and down as they still clung to each other in a tight hug. “We're gonna be parents! We're gonna be parents!” the two screamed as one. Eventually, Marco lifted Star off the ground and began twirling her around in a circle the two giggling in delight all the while.
But suddenly, Marco stopped, a look of fear crossing his face as he said, “Oh my gosh, Star! I'm so sorry!” He gently set her back down, before asking in a nervous ramble, “Are you okay? Did I hurt the baby? Do you need anything?”
“Marco,” Star spoke up, putting a hand on his cheek, instantly stilling his fears with a warm smile. “It's fine.”
Marco nodded, still looking so completely overwhelmed with emotion, his smile bright and infectious, his eyes filled with protective instincts for his wife and unborn child with tears brimming at the very corner of his vision. Star sat back down on the couch, pulling Marco with her, not releasing his hands for anything. “Everything's gonna be just fine, okay?”
Marco nodded, his eyes drifting down to his wife's stomach unable to keep his eyes off of it now, so many emotions flowing through him at once he nearly lost his breath. “I was wrong, Star,” Marco said, his voice chocked with emotion. “I couldn't have asked for a greater gift. This... this is the happiest day of my life.”
Star smiled, leaning over and planting a loving kiss to his lips. “Diddo,” she said sweetly as she pressed their foreheads together. The two stayed like that for a moment, before Marco asked, “Star?”
“Can-Can I feel?” he asked softly, almost nervously.
Star laughed. “Duh, of course you can, silly,” Star said, pulling away and leaning back so Marco could feel her belly. The boy reached out a shaky hand, setting it gingerly, if not hesitantly down on his wife's stomach. For a few second, Marco just sat there in awe, his eyes shimmering as he stared at Star's belly. He slowly grew more confident as he lay his head against it, his heart swelling with joy as he curled up in Star's lap.
Star just smiled down at her husband, running a hand through his soft, brown hair, her own heart almost bursting at this point.
“I didn't think it was possible,” the boy said in a breathless sigh.
“What was possible?” Star asked curiously.
“To love you any more than I already did,” Marco replied, in the softest, most tender voice Star had ever heard and her heart melted, her cheeks flushing against her will.
Star smiled wrapping her arms around her husband's neck and burying her face into his hair, chuckling softly as she just whispered out, “You dork.”
And the two, soon to be three of them, stayed just like that for what felt like an eternity.
Ten Years After Cleaving
Four-year-old Illumina Angela Diaz-Butterfly slowly crept down the stairs, listening to the sound of her parents chatting in the kitchen of their home. She peeked her head in, seeing her dad hard at work on their dinner, while her mom sat on the counter, the two laughing at some unheard joke. This was their typical routine every evening and sometimes every meal, and as Illumina snuck closer she could see that they were too deep in their conversation to notice her, causing the four-year-old to smile. Perfect.
She eyed her target hungrily, a plate of freshly baked cookies sitting out on a tray opposite her parents and licked her lips in want. Illumina slowly tip-toed over to the plate, keeping a weary eye on her parents in case they spotted her. But as she got closer, her attention was grabbed by the tray of sweets and a hand slowly rose to snatch one up.
“Illy,” came a scolding tone and the little girl flinched. She turned to see her mom and dad had spotted her, her father giving her a stern look, his hands on his hips. “Illy, were you about to eat a cookie without permission?”
Illumina quickly shook her head, giving her dad the most innocent smile she could. “I just wanted a teeny tiny one,” the little girl said with a begging pout.
Marco's eyebrow slowly raised, as he asked knowingly, “And how many have you already had?”
The girl shrugged, before admitting softly, “Umm, maybe one or two.”
“Illy, you know dinner is gonna be soon,” Marco reminded her in a semi-stern voice, trying to reason with his child. “And three cookies is way too much sugar for you.”
“But if your good and eat all your vegetables we'll think about letting you have one more after dinner,” Star spoke up, giving her daughter a bright grin.
“Yeah,” Marco agreed with a nod, smiling proudly at his wife, before turning his attention back to his daughter. “How does that sound, Illy?”
“Okay, I guess,” the little girl muttered sourly.
“That's my girl,” Marco praised, giving Illumina a warm grin. He quickly directed his attention back on the meal he was preparing, stuffing on his oven mitts and sliding the pan into the oven to cook.
The moment her husband's back was turned, Star leaned over and picked up a cookie, shoving it into her daughter’s hands. “Quick before he sees you,” she whispered and Illumina nodded before running off.
Marco watched his daughter run out of the room, before fixing his wife with an accusing glare, while she whistled innocently, staring up at the ceiling. “You know I saw that right?” he asked Star.
“I don't know what your talking about,” Star said with a shrug, feigning ignorance.
Marco sighed, but couldn't stop himself from grinning. He couldn't stay mad at the love of his life, Star had him wrapped around her finger and they both knew it. “You're gonna end up giving her a cavity, y'know,” he said, giving his wife a playful smile.
“No way, if she gets one it'll be your fault for not stopping me,” Star argued, her voice light and bubbly.
Marco rolled his eyes, before saying in a fake annoyed tone, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Come on, you know you love it,” Star said with a teasing wink.
“Yeah, I do,” Marco admitted, before wrapping an arm around his wife's waist, pulling her closer. Star just laughed, before the two's lips meeting in a passionate, if not playful kiss. The two stayed like that for at least a minute before the smoke detector started going off in the background and Illumina's voice called from upstairs, “Mom, dad, I smell smoke!”
Marco gasped and pulled away rushing over to the oven as he yelled in panic, “Oh no, my casserole!”
Marco managed to recover the casserole without it ending up too burnt and the family happily enjoyed their dinner, Star and Marco listening as little Illumina described her fun time being babysat while her parents were out of their date.
“It was soo much cool, mom and dad!” Illumina exclaimed, her eyes shining with joy as she practically bounced in her seat. “Aunt Janna showed me a bunch of card tricks and then Uncle Tom set them on fire by accident.”
Star nodded. “That sounds like Tom, alright,” she said cheerfully.
“Yeah and then Aunt Janna showed me how to scam suckers out of their cash,” the little girl added innocently and Marco nearly chocked on his water, Star having to pat his back to try and keep him from chocking.
“She did what?!” Marco exclaimed, slamming his cup down on the table.
“No, no, it's okay,” Illumina reassured her dad. “She said that they were a bunch of criminals anyways, so it was fine. Besides, she said if things got really bad she would just have Uncle Tom set everything on fire to cover our tracks!”
Marco face-palmed groaning in disbelief. “Janna, whhhyy?!” the boy muttered, before slamming his head down on the table.
“Well what did you expect, asking those two to babysit Illumina?” Star asked in a clear I-told-you-so tone.
“We didn't have many other options, Star,” Marco pointed out bitterly.
“Look, Marco's it's fine, it could have been a lot worse,” Star reminded him, grabbing his hand and giving it a small squeeze.
“Mommy, daddy, how come you never make me Mewman-man cakes? Gradma Eclipsa and Grampy Globgore let me have it all the time when they babysit and Grampy even let me have the head because he said that's the most delicious part!” Illumina suddenly blurted out, lost in her own little world as she finished her plate.
Star and Marco shared a quick look, before the latter said dryly, “So agree to only ever let Jackie and Chloe babysit her?”
“Agreed,” the blond said with a nod.
Illumina suddenly spoke up again, pushing her plate away before asking, “Daddy I ate all my vegetables, can I please have another cookie now?”
Marco shook his head, saying, “I don't know Illumina, four cookies is way too many.”
“Yeah, I think we should wait until tomorrow for another one,” Star agreed.
“But I reallly want it! I promise I'll be good, please, please, please?!” Illimina begged, giving her parents a pouting lip and shimmering, hopeful eyes.
Star and Marco stared blankly into their daughter's pleading eyes, feeling their resolve instantly crack and they shared a quick look before Marco said, “Just make sure to brush your teeth, afterwards.”
Later that night, in Illumina's room the girl's gentle snoring and soft breathing indicated to the two parents their daughter was truly asleep and they shared a quick smile. Marco turned off the lamp on Illumina's dresser, as well as switching on Illumina's night light (since she had grown an irrational fear of the dark recently) while Star made sure Illumina was nice and tucked in, pulling the covers up to her daughter's chin. Star and Marco took turns planting a kiss on their daughter's forehead, before quietly exiting the room, Star turning for only a moment to whisper softly, “Goodnight Illumina.”
Marco gently shut the door and the two let out a relieved sigh in the safety of the hallway, the two leaning up against the wall, exhausted. “Man, I thought she'd never get to sleep,” Marco commented tiredly.
“Well it was kinda our own fault for letting her eat so many cookies before bed,” Star pointed out.
“Good point,” Marco agreed with a nod. “We should really have a sugar limit for her from now on.”
“Sounds good,” the blond replied, the two now headed for their bedroom. “How about no more than three cookies before bed from now on?”
“Three?” Marco asked skeptically, with an eyebrow slowly raising. “Do you want her bouncing off the walls every night?”
“Okay, Mr. Diaz, how many do you think she should have?” Star inquired with a playful smirk.
Marco thought about it for a moment before replying, “Two, but only if she eats all her dinner first.”
Star nodded in agreement, saying sweetly, “That sounds fair to me.”
The two entered into their bedroom, before collapsing on the bed with tired sighs, Marco's body hanging off the left side and Star's body hanging off the right. “Man, it was a long day today,” Marco muttered.
“Yep, sure was,” Star agreed.
The two paused, staring up at their ceiling deep in thought as a comfortable silence settled over them. Both just laid there thinking about their life together, there was no denying that their life was without problems but they were nothing the two couldn't handle together and the joyful moments easily overshadowed the unpleasant ones and neither would change their lives for a second. And after a moment or two Marco slowly turned his head, so he was now staring at Star, saying, “Hey Star.”
Star turned her head so chocolate brown and sky blue met in a hypnotic dance. “Yeah, Marco.”
“I'm glad I met you,” he said with an affectionate smile.
Star felt her cheeks slightly flush as she added, “I'm glad I met you, too.”
The two leaned closer, giving each other a small kiss on the lips, pouring all their love and tenderness into one single act. As the two parted, both breathless from the wonderful emotion coursing through their bodies, Star asked, “What brought that on, anyways?”
Marco shrugged. “Just thinking out loud. I'm always grateful we found each other when we did. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it.”
“Aww, Marco you are such a sap,” Star said with a  playful wink.
Marco laughed, before admitting, “I'm always a sap when it comes to you, I love you, Star.”
“I love you too, Marco,” the blond said sweetly.
The two sat up before giving each other a loving hug, their minds for just a moment flashing back to all those years ago, when they had embraced for the first time in their new world. “Happy Anniversary, Star,” Marco whispered, squeezing his wife tight, knowing nothing could ever part them again.
“Happy Anniversary, Marco,” Star replied, snuggling deeper into the loving hold of her wonderful husband as a single tear dripped down her cheek.
The two stayed like that for far longer than either of them cared to count. And when the moment finally did come to an end, the two weren't worried knowing they had countless more moments to share, for many years to come.
Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed!! This actually might be the sappiest thing I've ever written, like seriously I was getting teared up writing this ending but I like to think that Star and Marco get super sentimental and sappy on their anniversaries. I also have a headcannon that they both became extremely clingy for a while after the Cleaving and had trouble being apart, which I of course put in here. Sorry for no big description on my Starco child Illumina, she's a recent idea I had but I don't have many details down for her yet like her looks or outfit so I had to leave it to you guys imagination, she just fit really well in here for the ending. 
Oh also, I drew some heavy inspiration from the second part from my good friend @jcabrera35 fanatstic comic “Lingering Baggage”. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend because it’s amazing and I try my best to promite it every chance I get!! Also huge thank you to my other good friend @kikithefox231 who came up with the idea for the cookie snatching going on in this chapter! If you haven’t seen her stuff go check it out cause it’s great also!! These two are both very talanted individuals and they deserve more love!!!
So anyways I'm gonna sign off now, hope everyone has a great anniversary Stardom!! Stay amazing, guys!! :)
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butnobodycame627 · 3 years
🐚 👀
Okay so this is probably gonna make some people mad at me but
This. Is gonna be a rant about SVTFOE. Please don't read this if you actually like the show, it's incredibly negative and it's probably just gonna upset you.
So I think Blue Order's video about this is better than my rant could ever be so go watch that if you want to hear like. Everything I want to say but more well put together.
Every time I think about this show I get so angry and I just. Aaagh.
This show! Used to be good! Like, the first two seasons were pretty great! And then they ruined it! I'm! So upset!
I'm not upset just because Starco's canon. That's fine. I prefer Tom and Star, but honestly, the show shouldn't have been about shipping anyway. I'm upset because the writing was horrible.
I stopped liking all of the characters except for Tom! Everyone was horrible! I hate Star so much! I hate Marco! I hate everyone in this show except Tom! What the fuck! Their personalities were inconsistent a lot of the time. But like also. A lot of the time they were mean to other characters for no fucking reason. I'm. So upset.
So um can I just say that the TomStar breakup was so fucking stupid. Like they could have broken up for so many reasons (maybe the fact that Star was being horrible to him? Just a suggestion) but they decided to go with "uh yeah our lives are going in different directions or something idk it's complicated". Huh? What? It came out of nowhere and was never properly explained.
Also like. Starco was so fucking rushed I'm so mad. Like if they want to go for that ship then at least give it some actual development? It happened way too fast, they had so much time to make that work!
ALSO WTF DO YOU MEAN THE BLOOD MOON BALL WAS FAKE? THAT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE! What was with Marco saying "I don't WANT to be in love with Star" all fucking episode then? He clearly wasn't interested, he was being forced into it by the curse! Star didn't want it either, she was already in another relationship! One of the main things that ruins Starco for me is the fact that for most of the show they are FORCED into this relationship because of the curse, stop trying to make me think this curse wasn't real when everyone was clearly bothered by it.
Tom was like. Actually well-written. But can I just say. The line "I'm a monster, you're a Mewman, if we can make it work then there's hope for everyone"? Yeah um. They didn't make it work. So. No hope I guess.
I'm just. Pissed off about everything. What the fuck was the end of the show btw? Huh? Yeah let's kill off tons of populations because magic is evil apparently also let's shove a bunch of worlds together because that'll end well and not cause worldwide chaos.
I'm. This show. Ended so horribly. I hate it.
Why did Kelly and Marco get an off-screen breakup? I actually cared about their relationship but okay sure let's just. Ruin that off-screen for no explained reason.
Why was Mina the final villain? And she didn't even really get defeated? I don't understand??
And like? Toffee said he'd be back, didn't he? Where is he? Was he wrong?
I'm. I'm so upset, I need to like. Stop thinking about this show.
Sorry this was an absolute mess I didn't put much thought into it I just. I'm angry.
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appleb18 · 4 years
Star vsThe Forces of Evil Season 4... One Year Later
One year ago, Star vs The Forces of Evil ended its fourth season and it was a disaster. It wasn’t always all that bad, in fact the show was pretty good on it’s first two seasons and bit of season 3 however it's just the final season that ruins it. It didn’t live to people expections and it felt rushed. Now let’s discuss how the show messed up shall we? 
Behind the Failure
Before I talk about the dreadful writing of season 4, I want to talk about behind the scenes of the show's downfall. According to Daron Nefcy Twitter, she tweeted that “Just finished the last episode of Star vs The Forces of Evil” a month before the finale. 
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It’s fine if it was an episodic show like Phineas and Ferb, Batman Brave and the Bold and episodic shows but writing an ending for an ongoing story is something you should NEVER do. Writing the ending without a plan is a terrible decision to make, especially past plot points that were established and most of them were left answered. 
 You’ll probably be thinking that they were rushed and while I understand that all plot points can’t be answered like Gravity Falls but they wanted to make the romance their top priority over the story, which I’ll talk about later. Daron actually knew she had four seasons to work with and it makes it so frustrating to hear! 
So now let’s talk about how it all went wrong. 
Character 180
Previously, I used to like most of the cast, they used to be enjoyable characters but in season 4, oh dear they all turned into pricks.  
The onlys characters that didn’t get ruined in the fourth season were
Eclipsa and Globgor 
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River Butterfly 
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Tom Lucitor 
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But everyone else, they all became such unbearable picks like The Magic High Commision. They used to act like decent people, trying to defend Mewni from Ludo/Toffee
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And they actually have character, especially Rhombulus growth when he befriends Star. 
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But they get character assassinated and become monster haters with no actual reason just like the Mewnimen and they never atone for what they’ve done to the Butterfly family. 
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Moon betrayal came out of nowhere and it only lasted like seven minutes then she joins Star and Eclipsa because she didn’t realize Mina and her soldiers are going to commit genocide. Why didn’t she see that coming? They were racist to monsters, did she think they’ll actually spare them? 
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Her reason behind is so stupid and that is because she doesn’t trust Eclipsa ruling Mewni but why all the sudden? While it’s true she let her get shot by Meteora but that’s an mother instinct to protect her child. Also she tried to kill her own daughter to protect Star and Mewni. So Moon shouldn’t see her irresponsbile. While she isn’t fit to be ruler, she is trustworthy. What’s worse is she admittedly teams up with them to defeat Mina.  
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Then there’s Star and Marco, the two main characters of the show and they became terrible people. All of the development from the previous seasons get thrown out of the window. 
Marco never talked to his parents after he left and barely visits because “he’s too busy” and he didn’t even know he’s gonna get a baby sister. Clearly doesn’t care when Star’s mom goes missing, his ego in the Neverzone and neglecting Nacho’s for a very long time at least 1000 years. Marco breaks up with Kelly for no reason and he knows what’s she going through.
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For Star, she acts more of a princess and has responsibilities, having a reason why she can’t go back to Earth but it doesn’t excuse her being a terrible person. She’s irresponsible that she leaves Rhombus and Eclipsa alone despite it’s very clear they want to kill each other, she’s a brat in “Junkin’ Janna”, she’s so rude to Tom when he comes a better person for her, she’s been eyecandy on Marco even though she has a boyfriend and she’s a complete dick in “Cleaved”. I hate the excuse for her acting like a prick because “she’s a teenager, and teenagers are dumb”. What a load of bull 
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Losing Focus 
Season 4 has to be the most unforced in the entire show. They present plot points and they barely explore it. They’ll make a comment about it and the show just moves on from it. Mostly showing shipping episodes and filler 
The show introduced that mewmens were originated from Earth but never further explored that. 
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Mewni hates monsters but never shows why and how. It just makes them complete dicks throughout season 
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They never had a set goal or what’s trying to be. The only thing that made the plot moving was Moon disappearance but it gets resolved in two episodes. 
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So the only thing left is Star trying to end racism for season 4. The problem with this is there’s no stakes, if she fails, monsters and mewmens won’t get along and that’s fine because their children on both sides won’t make the same mistake as they did, making it no need to push it.
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It would’ve worked better if they showed the Mewni perspective when Eclipsa became ruler. Unfortunately, they display them as unguided children, expecting Moon to do everything for them and complain. Also they hate monsters because they do not like them.  Most of them go live with Moon, making them not accept change nor monsters. They don’t deserve any sympathy, they are just a bunch of idiots who are racist. 
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And the thing that made the season so unfocused is the freaking shipping. 
Starco is Terrible 
Remember when it was good back the first two seasons but season 3 and mostly season 4 made it so hard to watch and instead of shipping being a subplot like most shows, they turn it into a main plot. I don’t understand why they have to prioritize shipping over the story. It’s inevitable that Starco will become cannon because that’s what people wanted but it cost to establish ships to be torn down in the most frustrating way.
Kelly and Marco break up with no reason why and it’s off screen.  
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Star is a bad girlfriend to Tom, leaving Star crying
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Then in a few hours, Star and Marco become a couple. Only a few hours and the resolution was so dang quick. It makes me wonder why they have to stay so long if she loves Marco more than him? 
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Star and Marco would rather die together instead of being with their family despite their relationship just starting. It would’ve worked better if Tomstar broke up earlier and Starco become cannon so we can see their relationship more than just a few episodes. There’s really no need to drag it for so long! 
Mina Loveberry isn’t Threatening
Mina Loveberry, the main villain for season 4 and yet didn’t do anything. Unlike Toffee scheming behind the scenes for three seasons, Ludo raising an army of rats and gaining better control of the wand and Meteora powers growing, she didn’t play her role for the whole season. All she did is she rebuilt her battle armor and send poison fruits to Eclipsa, that’s it. The show never showed how dangerous she is 
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While sure she can beat Star and Tom but she got oneshoted by Meteora who got defeated by Eclipsa. So she really isn’t that big of a problem to handle. 
In the finale, again she never did anything and she got knocked down by a Corrupted Unicorn, making her not so dangerous like other characters said she was
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Seth should’ve been the main villain instead of that crazy lady but unfortunately, they never introduce him even though he’s still alive according to The Book of Spells.  
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So the series finale and I have to say, my god how the show has fallen. This finale is a disaster, it’s way worse than any other cartoon finale such as Adventure Time and Steven Universe Future. 
With no build up, Star has come to a conclusion that she needs to eradicate magic because it’s bad. There weren't any clear signs that magic is truly bad. Star never actually thought about everyone else that is made out of magic or used it for their daily life. The only thing she realized is she won’t be with Marco. Not able to her friends or the many lives she’ll ruin but she won’t see Marco and everyone agrees to destroy the magic. 
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So Star and Marco go to the World of Magic to destroy it. As they enter and almost forget who they are, the pudding apparently helps them jog their memory and he’s carrying a lot of them. 
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They realized Tom was still at the realm and he’s riding on the Corrupted Horse so Marco will handle it while Star uses the whispering spell to destroy it.
Star gets help destroying magic by Eclipsa, Moon and for some odd reason Meteora can do it too with her butterfly form even though she never went through mewberrity. Then the past queens help them out too
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As they were destroying magic, Marco feeds Tom the pudding but gets impaled by the unicorn with dramatic music playing but that got completely scrapped when he goes back to Earth. 
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After they successfully destroyed magic, Star and Marco have to go back their worlds but then she decided she wants to abandon everything and everyone so she can be with Marco and he does the same by staying in the realm. They both hug and something happens through the power of love that links between two worlds and again they were a couple for two episodes. 
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She goes back to Mewni and sees that she doesn’t have cheek marks anymore. Moon, mewmens and Mina are reformed and no punishments were given.
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With magic gone, her and her family just caused the multiverse that relies on magic, face chaos and they will collapse entirely. Although they prevented genocide of the monsters but ultimately cause genocide at a larger scale than Mina’s in the process like all of Star spells, people who are made out of magic and The Magic High Commsions are dead. 
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Then two portals for each world exploded and both worlds collide. The writers made it out as if it’s a happy ending but it just causes panic between both worlds and racism towards monsters is now worse than ever but Starco can at least be together. 
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I used to like Star vs The Forces of Evil and I thought it would’ve been great but like most shows that disappointed me such as Steven Universe, and Voltron, this show really frustrated me. If the show actually didn’t focus too much on the shipping or made it as a romantic show, it would've been great but they didn’t and the show suffers for that. It’s a dang shame that it has to that route. 
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moonstone27ls · 4 years
TMNT being cancelled?
Guess I’m surprised cause there’s no official word. Second... I was hoping if they were planning to “end the series” to move to a movie at least do it evenly. I mean Nick we got 26 the first season. So its only fair season 2 gets an even 26 as well.
Am I mad? Not really, cause if Big Mama was their endgame for Splinter, I’d rather not dread the worse for the boys or for that matter more stupid love drama. I’m sorry I love this version but Nick or some shows in general seem to aim for love drama and it ruins the show/or characters for me. Star was ruined with that crappy love triangle/rectangle(being rushed), (starco people don’t start, I respect you love the ship. but the writers ruined the moment for me. Hard for me to root for a couple that hurt their partners and I’ll be honest the “best friend true love” trope’s been done a MILLION times. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I’m “ughhhhh again but I liked the other dude”) Korra... was that also damn love triangle I still can not look at Mako the same. with 12k version of TMNT it was that stupid love triangle they had to put with Casey/April/Donnie. Its the only time I had quit a turtle series and was actually sick and tired of Donnie. And before a shipper gets in my face let me not I did ship him and April before this series in 2003 version I thought the idea was cute. (Was really more of a Raph/April shipper but I digress). I only shipped her and Casey in the movie version. 2003 version was kinda not interested in them(same for the animated movie version) So I as I said love drama tends to ruin a character(s) for me or the story.
What did I want for the series before it ended
I wanted to see if Raph/Casey would still have that friendship dynamic. Every version for the most part has always had their special friendship.
Casey having girls night with April and Sunita
MEET APRIL’S PARENTS XD. The show acknowledge she has them. We were told she’s know the turtles for 5 years. Actually stating that I want a meet flashback ep. Little 11 yearold April being friends with them XD her meeting Splinter. Gah I can imagine the awesomeness!
Piebald, she was only given one ep. And Mikey tends to treat everyone like family XD. So kinda wish she’d come back and be part of this colorful family.
I wanted establish if the “mutants” could be returned to normal or not. I mean I dunno this story is different from the others. Draxum’s reformed kinda wondered if they would return the ones that want to be normal back to themselves.(or at least that poor kitten Mrs. Nubbins)
I kinda wanted Huginn and Muninn back. I dunno I thought they were cute little lackeys for Draxum. Again I can see Mikey offering them a “dog bed” they wanted so badly XD.
Speaking of characters... what happened to Mayhem? you’d think for the “finale” he’d be more useful than Big Mama (nick please drop that ship8P)
We didn’t get enough interaction with Baxter Stockboy/Stockman 8B.
Tang Shen, the fact that we didn’t give her a real character makes me disappointed. As I’ve said before would have loved her to come back, as either an old flame(whether just bitter ex, or the “one that got away), old co-worker, or one of the few people that knew about Yoshi’s calling. Seeing Yoshi’s grandfather made me imagine “what if she saw them have a fight... what if she tries to get him to talk to his grandfather.” or she chastized him for being selfish.
I wanted Bishop again and this time I want him as a villain. 2012′s version made me annoyed they wasted a good opportunity for a shady government character for a “oh yayz its another good guy”. You want another scary villain, in my opinion Bishop would be a good one.
Drop the Big Mama/Splinter thing. Seriously drop it, Big Mama has no real character (as a love interest). And I’ve seen couples were they dual with good & evil or whatever or maybe a better ref would be the “bad girl/boy”.Best example of that ship is Goldie/Scrooge, Batman with Catwoman/or Talia Al Ghul, Spiderman/Black Cat, Brock/ Moltov Cocktease (Venture Bros), to a degree Buffy/Angle/Spike(only 90s people know this ref), Lupin/Fujikio (though both are bad in some moral way) & Bulma/Vegeta, even 90s Xena and Gabrielle fell for a baddie now & then that got reformed for them. As a character Mama’s done nothing to prove to me she really loves Yoshi or his kids, the show knows she doesn’t care so her last scene doesn’t prove it to me. As a villain awesome. But is she Catwoman/or even a Goldie(Ducktales ref) nope. Archer’s more redeemable than her and he’s a selfish moron. (dont take that too personal I love that show but just admitting what he is). Don’t hate me shippers and yes I know I’ve said it more than once XD. But as I said some tropes work for me... and some don’t. This was one of them
We didn’t get Usagi crossover. (maybe if the movie proceedes they’ll do it for that) but we gotta have one 8B
Characters from the series I wanted either cameo or given more of a role Leatherhead, Klunk, & Jhanna. Would say whats her name Renet and the dino aliens but they’ve been done two times already, so while I’d like them as easter eggs or whatever kinda not gonna miss them.
More of Hamato Yoshi’s family, can’t really believe that Yoshi, his mother and grandfather were all that were left. Comic wise Hamato Yoshi does have a possible niece? So I dunno maybe they could give him a distant cousin.
Lastly tell us who Big Mama’s assistant was .We never got their name or who they are.... WHO WERE THEY?!!
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Animation Reviews:Star Vs: Mr.Candle Cares
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Tom is back! Yeah I know this took about a month, with the pride month reviews and life being kind of chaotic, I put these next two tom reviews on the back burner, even doing another star review in the meantime for Father’s Day. But with Pride Month winding down and our next episode up being gaytatstic, it was time to come back. It’s just a shame it had to be this one.  We’re in Season 2 now, and early in it, with this being only the third episode and the first to not involve the main plot, as the first two dealt with the fallout of the first season finale, and set up some of the main conflicts for the season. I WILL cover those arcs eventually and recap parts of them if necessary but for now they have zero impact on what happens here. That being said just because it dosen’t tie into the main arc with Ludo and Toffee-Wand, dosen’t mean it’s not important, as this episode both marks a major turning point for tom and also digs into the recurring theme for the next two seasons of star grappling with her responsiblities.. in this case future ones. We also get a peak into her mom’s personality. So with not much exposition to cover, I will see you under the cut.. please?
We open at school and it’s career day, something my school didn’t have for whatever reason, but is a common thing as new Gudiance Counsler mr candle has so far been giving everyone really great advice that fits what they want. Star is eager to have her turn and soon does.  Inside the office Star is offered Candy, which she politley refuses before we find out, unsuprisingly, Star thinks he’s a fourtune teller. A great bit. The mood quickly drops deep into the basement when Candle hammers into star that her destiny is to be queen and it’s carved in stone despite what other plans she may have. THen things get.. a bit creepy with Mr.Candle asking if Star’s dating marco and when she says no and that i’d be weird to date given they live together he urges her to start thinking about her future husband.  And yes I’m aware Tom probably wrote his script, and Tom knows about as much about school as star Does or else Mr Candle would’ve been suspended, at least for this, it’s still unnerving to hear a grown man not only before this tell a teenager she has no choice in her future, but then try and set her up with an unstable teenager in the creepiest way possible and somehow not get fired. It’s hard to watch Star leaves depressed and it’s marco’s turn.. and once again Mr.Candle proves to be a pretty terrible minon, suggesting Marco be a janitor on garbage island. Now as probably isn’t a shock to you given most of you have probably seen this ep, and we’ll find out in a minute anyway, Tom is behind this: trying to keep star and marco apart and get her back with him. And while parts of this do stink of Tom’s own lack of understanding of star, more on that later, and hatred of Marco, as well as not getting earth, as we’ve seen Mr.Candle is actually godo at his job and we see a bit of a real session that’s not part of an emo’s poorly thought out scheme that proves it. He could EASILY manipulate both, or at least try to with marco, but instead just goes along with a script written by a teenager that instead makes one of his targets depressed and the other instantly ready to tell him off or , had Candle been less lucky, go to the principal with this. Now granted this level of gross incompence is another day at echo creek, but it just dosen’t work. I don’t buy that tom couldn’t of found someone more competent with the giant amoutns of money he has to throw around. Then again Tom is really bad at evil when you think about it: I mean sure he can throw hands, as we’ll see in later episodes, but his evil schemes are poorly thought out at best and i’m certain if he had stayed a bad guy after this episode, he would’ve dropped to just proposing to star every time he sees her like teddy from brooklyn nine nine. 
So naturally Marco and Star talk about this with Star really depressed about seemingly being trapped becoming queen, while Marco gushes about how great being queen would be from his perspective... including never having to pick out clothes, fair enough, and never having people not like you, which is depressing. Poor boy. I missed this Marco: Awkward, insecure, but likeable. and also very much possibly gender fluid. Why they threw that out i’ll never know, but it’s canon for me now at least.  Anyways, Marco decides to confront candle int he bathroom because why not. It’s not any more awkward than Candle trying to convince star to make out with tom without saying tom’s name. But yeah as I let out of the bag early above, Marco finds Candle talking to tom via the toilet, and tom is livid he didn’t mention his name, while Candle insists he’s working on it and that Starco, and he uses that word exactly to Marco’s confusion and my delight as I do like when writers latch on to fan terms and poke a bit of fun at them, is platonic. Tom tells him to be sure and Mr Candle dismises him. Before tom can get too mad about this, Candle reveals i’ts becaue he has to pee and tom insists he flushes first. A really great gag.  So to try and compete with tom and candle for dumbest person this episode, Marco has his own stupid plan: Brag about being “smooch buddiess” with star to piss him off.  I assume the next two steps are ???? and profit. I”d also like to note for those unaware that this clip was used in the promo and assumed it was a love spell or some sort of altered mind thing, as it was way too early in the series for them to get together, and smacked of “let’s bait the shippers and hope they don’t get too pissed”. Given I did ship them at the time, it was massively annoying knowing this was obviously out of context, but it’s better than when I watched avatar first run and any hint of kataang was played up and an entire fucking episode was dedicated to fucking with shippers heads. I really need to rewatch avatar on netflix I have NOOOO excuse. Anyways naturlaly the obvious happened; A pissed off tom, who Need I remind you last time nearly killed marco and only didn’t because star used freeze dry and it was super effective, who drags marco away to a tourture wheel. Meanwhile, Star goes to her mom for support. So I get to talk about Moon: Star’s distant mother who’s her exact oppsite: strict, stone faced and in control at all times. And she does LOVE her daughter and get some development later on, but it still dosen’t change her core and she still has real issues actually listening to star that, like some of star’s own issues, she never really grows past. So natrually this goes about as well as trying to get a cat to do anything: She confirms star is kinda stuck inherting the throne before , in an oddly sad moment.. being genuinely confused when Star asks if she’s happy. It’s... a really good character moment to be honest, and sets up her character well now she’s being fleshed out better this season: Moon just.. really dosen’t care about herself or her own hapiness. I mean her marriage is , paradoxically, one of the only marriages in the mewni queenship that not only lasted but is very healthy, but otherwise she just dosen’t care. The kingdom comes first... and to me it comes from the later revlation she was orphaned around 15. She just spent most of her life putting the kingdom FIRST, just like she figured her mother would’ve and probably did, and putting her heart and soul intot hat. And thus she can’t really fahtom someone being SCARED of all that responsiblity and drudgery when for her, it was just a fact she had to accept at star’s age. She probably woudl never be happy but the kingdom’s what important. The thing is A) that’s deeply unhealthyt o begin with and B) it’s easier to accept something like that when you’ve lost your mom, your dad’s never been around and you have only one other person in your life supporting you. Star has LOTS Of other things to her life: friends, hobbies things moon never had a shot at. Not only that but Star’s lived her life iwth a mother who, rather than be supremley happy and beloved like moon’s own mother, seemd miserable, strict and a workaholic.. things star wants to avoid being. Their very strained relationshp probably isn’t helping this. Moon quickly leaves the conversation, but it instead just makes Star spiral further and decide to do something.. drastic.  Meanwhile in hell. 
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Okay not that bad. Let’s try this agian meanwhile in hell. 
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I said not THAT bad. Jesus. 
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Close enough. So in hell, specifically Tom’s room. Marco admits he was just getting tom’s goat, which his goat skull objects to, and while Tom is oddly mad Marco lied marco actually gets to tom by countering he lied to star... which is true not just this time but last episode too. Tom relases marco from his pain wheel. 
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And states that he can’t let him go, he knows too much etc etc, and challenges marco to a fight to the death, which marco acccepts.. inping pong. However tom is really great at ping pong and destroys him.  Back with star she’s gotten a great punk makeover. I do wish that star had a permanent outfit change at some point as her temporary looks are always great, and it woudln’t of killed them to do it in season 3 when they had to change over the intro anyway. Alas. She plans to do something drastic.. we’ll find out why in ab it. Back at ping point Marco challenges for double or nothing, despite tom having multiple paddles and him having none and the scorring demon begging him to stop. Tom obliges him, and the two.. actually start to bond. We’ll get way more of that next time. Btu the two bond over how star just tends to cheat, making up rules or changing them to win at the last minute, and how she just does what she wants.. and it’s then.. Marco FINALLY gets through to tom and points out the obvious: Star won’t get back together with him unless it’s what Star wants and Tom gives a face that screams ‘my god what have I done” realizing both how hew’s screwed up and how for now at least, he may never get her back and no amount of scheming will fix it. It’s a great character moment: Tom finally realizes that he can’t just.. MAKE star love him. You can’t MAKE someone love you, they have to want it too. And star dosen’t want him right now and his stalking is only hurting her.  It’s here Tom turns a corner. This episode was his lowest moment for sure, as while the blood moon ball scheme was sleazy, trying to make her love him via a magic moon thing was creepy, it wasn’t horribly intentioned and while I do think tom knew it’dmake her love him again I don’t think he knew the full extent of the moon’s magic or how it’d tear her apart inside if she say loved someone else, as ended up happening since it didn’t let her let go of her feelings for marco while with tom himself. Here he knows what he’s doing is wrong,  as Marco’s comment makes clear, but is so desperate he’s gone with an insane, dumb and really creepy and manipulative scheme. He TRIED being nice, that didns’t work so he probably felt he had to get more creative and more manipulative... i’ts just he didn’t realize while he LOVES being Royalty, star hates it. While Tom’s parents, who we’ll get into more in a review or two, were loving and supportive, even if his dad may not have been at this stage again we’ll get to his parents when they show up, are fully loving and supportive star’s are loving.. but one of them as we saw just dosen’t GET HER. So while to tom the crown is a great thing to star it’s not so mucha nd given he has trouble with empathy, Tom simplyc an’t understand how much he hurt her until marco spells it out for him And it isn’t just in the text either; As I said in the previous tom review, the writers clearly weren’t wure which way to go with tom, so this episode was the turning point: would tom get worse and become star’s enemy fully.. or would he do the unexpected, at the time anyway, and truly try to change and become another loveable member of her inner circle? And honestly.. I feel they made the right decision. Tom really dosen’t fit into the mewman oppresion cycle as neatlya s the other antagonists who are either the opressors or the result of them. He’s a privlaged kid on the outside of it, as , again , i’ll dig into more in the future. And the show kind of.. outgrew recurring antagonists by season 3. They had a few set up this season, but most either faded away or went all the way up to big bad, and I feel the writers realized that tom just.. didn’t work as that and worked better as a kid struggling with being better than as an incel douchebag antagonist. And given he’s one of the two things that helped prop the show up during it’s worse moments in the latter half, it was the right call and the reason i’m doing this arc at all.  Anyways Tom and Marco head back to the diaz house where Star.. has a mermaid and is complteplating chopping off her tail so she can legally never become queen... yeah I meant what I said when I said drastic. Tom however reveals his deception, and .. genuinely apologizes, another sign of growth, letting star go for now. He does get a WELLLLL earned slap, as I said his actions this episode were the lowest he’d sink and still really creeptastic.. but accepts his apology after that, appricating that he at least apologized and grew a bit.  Star, while now not going to disfigure someone to save herself, I mean that sort of thinking did give us the doom patrol but still, is still bummed about being queen when Marco, in a good bit of ship tease back when this ship wasn’t in my nightmares, tells her that yeah she’s stuck being queen.. but tid osen’t mean she has to be miserable. Don’t do it like moon, do it like you. They hug, and Tom, in another great bit of growth, just smiles and heads off, letting them have this moment and letting star go.  We get one final scnee where candle bails on local alpha bitch britney after tom recalls him which sends her into a depressive spiral later in the series. Ha ha... why did they bring this character back for Season 4?  Final Thoughts:  This episode is the queen of mixed bags. Seriously on one hand there IS some really damn good character stuff, with Star confronted with the hard truth of her becoming queen and begining this and next season’s theme of star building up to her future, and Tom going from 1 and a half dimensoinal douchey stalker to the complex and relatable character he’d become in future episodes. However the good is smothered like bad.. just like smokey the bear had to smother his joint before each PSA. Like “Red Action to the Future: over in my OK KO reviews, it feels like wasted potetial: the idea of both Star and Marco rexamining their future and Star being confronted with having a fixed path and trying to avoid becoming queen are great.. it’s just Star ends up being a supporting player in the episode, and I feel it would’ve been better if moon had been forced to deal with the effect of her words on her daughter, as she’s gone after her scene and what she nearly caused star to do never has any effect. And Mr.Candle is just an.. awful character. Incompitent, even if parts of that are on tom, unfunny, kinda creepy.. ther’es just nothing really enjoyable about him and it makes the first  few minutes a slog as he gaslights two teenagers for money and we never learn just what the hell he is or what his deal is. He just drags the episode down.  Really whiel i’ts not TERRIBLE like some of the series worst episodes (Lint Catcher, Stump Day, Marco Jr, Mama Star), it just feels like it could’ve been better paced or made a half hour so star and moon could have more of a plot.  If you enjoyed this you know the dril; like, reblog etc and if there’s a star or other animated show or movie you want me to review , just shoot me a suggestion or comission it outright for 3 bucks! I’ll get back to tom this weekend hopefully with freindenimeis and hopefully get to my last two reviews before pride lets up. Until we meet again, later days. 
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johnny-boy-17 · 5 years
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How Starco f***ed with my life in a good way
Welp, here we go again w/ another post on 7 reasons why an otp of mine is some gud s***. This is gonna be a bit different from the last one I did tho (it was about HiroTwo from DITF, here’s a link to dat) considering that one was an anime & the other is a D1dN3Y sH0w. Then again, both shows were pretty good w/ endings that pissed people off to the sun & cosmos so I guess it all evens out. But that’s enough stalling, let’s dive in (if you want of course)!
1: No Bullshit Zone!
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What I thank these two drawings and the creators for everyday I spend alive is that it doesn't have the whole “they don’t like eachother but they will someday Hyuk Hyuk!” bullshit you see in anime. This is a tsundere free zone! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU GOD ALL MIGHTY ABOVE!!
I mean it kinda throws you for a loop at first in the pilot with Star sorta f***ing up Marco’s precious little life...
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...but then she goes to find him and apologize, some other stuff happened, and all is forgiven and the two only become closer after that. In fact, they become best friends from that point on.
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Maybe it’s just my anime background, but I think it would have been SO FUCKING EASY to do the stupid tsundere bullshit you see all the time. But no: they legit are good friends in the entire run of the series. This brings me to the second point.
2: Multiversal tool
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Star and Marco are the kinda duo that could have never become a thing, and I would have actually been kinda ok with it. Their bond as “besties” so strong that it didn’t matter much to me whether or not they become a thing (though I would very much like it), I just liked their interactions either way.
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I dunno, something about them gives me Arin and Danny vibes (game grumps), in that they treasure each others friendship so friggin’ much and are so comfortably open about it. Star/Arin constantly exclaiming how much Marco/Danny is their best friend, and Marco/Danny reciprocating (plus the fun times they have together in different scenarios), their just so comfy being friends.
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3: Aesthetic dorks
These two just have look down to a T, and are total doofs, lookit.
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I’m convinced that the photo-booth on it’s own has more than enough good shit to go ‘round.
4: Patience rewarded
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And I’m not just talking about the actual ‘sailing’ of the shitp, I mean like any amount of time. One thing all of us can agree on is that the “will-thy-won’t-they” teasing kinda gets old after a bit, but they sure-as-s*** know how to  friggin’ deliver.
Lemme set this scene: a big battle has been won, star’s made a confession a few weeks back, and Marco’s about to leave to go home. d0 d3y K1$$?!? Nope, but do they give a big ol’ wholesome going away moment, like their actually leaving each other forever.
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5: Slow and Steady
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That fable about the tortoise and the hare is classic for a reason, and it’s cuz it’s right: slow and steady wins. Starco did take their sweet-time trying to get it working, and it paid off. As much as we all harp on how long it took, you can’t say they didn’t take their time to make sure it went off without a hitch... whether or not you see that those efforts worked is subjective I suppose.
6: Moral Support-hotline
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Moral support be super important in any relationship (real, fake, whatevs), and these two got that down in spades. Perfect examples being the above, when Star’s going through some abandonment issues when Marco is planing to leave for home. He comes in, tells her it’s gonna be ok, and that their still gonna be besties.
The other being (that in the beginning) Marco always kinda struggled w/ self-love and confidence and all that, then Star took off his fake glasses and used them to help calm his worries (NOTE: I think there’s alot more to those glasses now that I’m typing that out).
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7: Endgame
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Ok, before you start... OK. BEFORE. YOU. START.
Look, I’m not gonna deny that the show’s ending as a whole has a lot to be desired, because it does leave a lot to be desired. But let’s look at it from the standpoint of the whole point of this post has been about: the relationship between the two leads. This whole show has had the whole ‘cleaved’ theme going on, and this is them following through on that theme. It’s sorta like the old disney movie endings: it relies more on the emotions rather than the logic. Take any of the stories where the prince wakes up the princess w/ a kiss and they live happily ever after. Did you even for one split second think about the lack of consent? Maybe you do now, but did you as a kid? Nah, you were just happy for a happy ending. 
Likewise, I didn’t really think about the logistics for the two world merging and what the consequences meant (AT FIRST), I was just happy these two get a happy ending, and I still am.
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And hey, lookie there: Lucky seven reasons these two is guuuuuud s***. I realize I may be a bit late with this post, but better late than never, right? Besides, these two took their f***in’ time, why shouldn’t I?
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Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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artgirllullaby · 5 years
Murphy’s First Date
*Arrives late with a Starbucks frappucino* I won’t even ask because being late is now my thing so *shrugs and slurps from frappucino*
Well, after being forcefully transferred non-officially to my new position in my work, my time to write has been reduced (not to talk about the whole stress that consumes my energy to write) so when inspiration/motivation hits I literally have to go overdrive before it expires. Which is why I’m not joining many fandom events, sorry guys.
anyways, this is inspired on true fact events that happened this weekend at home which got me to think “what if was Starco” and it got me giggling so much to think that I have to write and share this. And since the shoe fits, why not join @starco-week Day 1 and try fill in again? :D
So let’s go!
Fun fact: The part that was inspired in true events it’s in the tags, but I recommend you to look only after reading the whole thing ;)
Murphy’s First Date
Marco let himself drop on Star's fluffy carpet. With the towel still on his head he tried to hide his face from her, frustrated on how the day went from awkward to a holy level of mess.
It was their first official date as a couple, but everything went down in the most awkward ways. First with both their parents wanting to tag along, it took them a run along the mall to lose them and get somewhere else, then they ran into Janna who was monitoring the date through one of the cameras in his hoodie. So while getting a new shirt and hood, they run into Ferguson and Alfonso, who decided to pay help Marco which was nice… until they left for their DND meeting and Marco realized they switched bags, leaving him with a elf costume he had to wear so Janna stop looking into his date.
So they finally get to tacos and made their order… And then Jackie and Tom arrived and sat by their table trying to find comfort and completely missing the fact it was a date by them (Marco couldn’t blame them when he’s wearing a freaking elf costume) because, one had a huge fight with her girlfriend and was afraid they would break up, and the other got stood up by his date. So instead of eating more tacos, Star and Marco ordered them to go and tried to calm down both the friends who were crying their hearts out and stuffing their faces on tacos.
That is, until Jackie girlfriend showed up and talked to her and they were making out right then and there (At this point he didn’t even know if he wanted to ask for them to take another table or just leave) and Tom's date (Janna?! Say what?!) Showed up eventually since she was late trying to fix her TV ("thanks, Marco." She had said and suddenly it got him that their date was spying on his somehow.)
It was almost night and things were a mess, but it was OK! Because he got Star, she was happily walking beside him holding his hand and they had some tacos to eat somewhere nice and finally things could be fine!
That was, until the thunder and sudden downpour went on them.
Holding her hand tightly and trying not to slip on the streets as everyone run for cover, Marco got in his house and search for his key… Which was on the hoodie he threw away with Janna embodied camera. He hitted his head on the door angrily as Star tried to call his parents by no results.
His parents got home ten minutes later finding them soaking to their bones as they waited by the door, trying to take cover in the little patio build there with no use (it almost could shelter one, two people was impossible). The Diaz opened the door to them, Star's parents walked in right after them carrying Mariposa under an umbrella.
He took a looked on the tacos in vain before throwing them in the trash for being soaked and ruined.
But the worst part, the worst of it all wasn’t the awkwardness, the shame or everything that went wrong. The worst was when he got her a towel and was about to tell her to take a shower to get warm and she began to sneeze.
Star got sick.
They stayed out in the rain for too long and she just had because a normal human, so it was only natural she as her body wasn’t used or weren’t prepared for such things as getting soaked in sudden cold rain, of course she would get cold!
And now here they were, sitting in Star’s fluffy carpet in the room she left ready for her visits in his house, as Star had her hair dried by her mother, curled under a blanket his mother gave and a hot drink (probably some mint tea by the smell of it) to try help her to avoid getting anything deeper than sneezing from cold.
Marco sighed frustrated as ever throwing the damp towel away as he finished drying his hair and left it a mess.
"Are you mad?" Star asked cautiously.
"Of course I am!" Hiding his face between his hands he confessed to her "I was right all along, I was a terrible boyfriend to Jackie and I a worst boyfriend to you!"
"Wait, what?!" Star put her mug with the tea down and took his hands away from his face "Marco, what are you talking about?"
"What am I talking about?! I am talking about this our first date as a couple being ruined!"
Star blinked at him "What?"
"Come on, everything that could be wrong today had gone wrong!" Marco pulled his pajama shirt up to hide his face "From our parents, to Janna, to Ferg and Al, to Jackie and Tom to the stupid rain and now you’re sick! I’m the worst boyfriend ever!"
Star smiled ever so lovingly at him, remembering how she fell for this dork. "Marco, you’re not the worst… You’re the best ever."
Gently, Star pulled his shirt down until it was down his neck and she could see his face again, but he avoided her eyes by looking to the other side.
"It’s not your fault… Actually I think it’s mine."
"What?" Marco asked confused looking at her.
"Well… I didn’t really think of this as our first real date or anything… I mean, dates are for couples to know each other and bond and we already have all that, we have for a long time… So when you told me we would go out, I thought it was, more casual hang out and stuff. So I told our parents and I might have let them think they were invited because wasn’t anything special… Like, you said ‘we’ as The Diaz and The Butterfly, not as Star and Marco."
"Sorry, I should have asked before talking to your mother and kinda letting her think the same thing."
"No, it’s ok…" He sat up thoughtful, "I think I also should have let more clear, I never mentioned about movie and dinner, now that I think about it make sound like hanging out… I wanted to make it kinda like a surprise, but I should have at least let you known I wanted to be just the two of us.” He smiled at her.
Star nodded and went on, "Then about Janna… I asked her to record it." Marco blinked at her several times too shocked to speak, so she went on "I… Once she said about the cameras, I thought would be nice to have some recordings for us, so I asked her to record… But when you found out you got so freaked out I couldn’t tell you! So… I just let on mine." She looked at her lace pin soaked and frowned "But I doubt something survived the rain."
Marco rested his hands in top on hers and caressed gently "I guess, I did freaked out more than I should have…"
"You guess?" Star chuckled
"Fine, I screamed like a little boy wetting his pants for finding monster under his bed." He sighed "Recordings are fine, but we can do that ourselves Star. We can take pictures, videos and whatever else you want. Even contract Janna, but let me know first, OK?"
Star nodded and held his hands, "Then… There’s Ferguson and Alfonso."
"How you have anything to do with us switching bags?"
"Cause I was trying to recover your hoodie and the camera without you noticing, so I dropped the bags, but both looked the same and were zipped, I didn’t have time to look cause they came and I had to guess, so I went with the lighter one because I thought his costume would be heavier!" Star facepalmed herself "When you checked and I realized the mistake they were already off. I had sent a text for them, but they were on the road until few minutes ago, Ferg said he will get your hoodie back to switch."
"I don’t care much about the hoodie, I just didn’t want to make you feel a idiot walking around with a guy dressed as a elf for no reason… But didn’t work much."
Star laughed "I guess it didn’t."
Marco smiled and sat closer to her passing his arm around her shoulders and giving her cheek a gentle kiss that made her giggle.
"Wait, you don’t have anything to do with Jackie and Chloe’s fight, do you?"
"No! No, no no no. That was just an unfortunate coincidence for real. Though Janna did get late because I had asked her to go get the camera you threw away" she smiled ashamed.
He smiled painfully back, "Yeah we gonna need to make it up to Tom somehow even if I ruined without knowing. He deserve better."
His girlfriend agreed and held him closer, "I thought you got angry because after you threw the hoodie away you lost your keys and got wet… And I know you hate wet socks. So I was afraid to speak and getting it worse… I’m sorry."
He smiled at her and rested his forehead on hers, "I was angry that the date went wrong and you were getting wet. I was never angry at you… Well, maybe a little bit now, but it’s already gone knowing you meant well."
Star smiled at her boyfriend leaning up and touching his lips with her own on a longing kiss before snuggling into his embrace wrapping them both in the blanket.
"You know, we don’t need anything else. This is good."
Marco hummed in agreement caressing her back, "Yeah, this is fine… As long as I have you it’s OK."
Star smiled "With or without dates, we belong together" she giggled.
"That was super clichê" Marco laughed.
"Shut up."
For a while they stayed like that. Getting warm in each other arms and being just comfortable in each other. And for that moment Marco realize he really was too stressed on what he wanted them to be instead of what they are and taking that into the natural way. Star was right, they had their relationship a long way already, some things did change now they were a couple, but they become a couple by who they were and that could not change; if so what would be the point?
Yes, they had flaws and things to solve as any other, but they were just in the beginning and sincerely? Marco couldn’t wait to see what was to be  in future.
They rearranged their position and he turned on his notebook in her room, choosing a movie to watch undercovers with her, and to be fair? This was as good as any date they could have. Maybe wasn’t fancy or epic, but they had each other and they were having fun watching some silly movie in the comfort of the home, and that was good enough for them. So what? They didn’t need anything else, opportunities for all the other stuff would happen eventually.
As he thought about all that, taking her shampoo essence and handing her tissues when she sneezed a few more times, he heard it. A squishy sound, so soft and low he almost missed if wasn’t for the silence in the room as he was selecting another movie.
"Star… Did you just fart?"
Suddenly looking like a red tomato, she looked down completely embarrassed "I-I guess that Taco didn’t get me so well… Sorry ha ha"
Marco laughed, "It’s ok, it’s very normal-" he was about to comfort her, when he stopped mid sentence and felt the smell looking at her horrified "I take it back, it’s not normal."
"Star, you’re rotten" Marco said getting out the blankets.
"Air! I need air!"
"It’s not that bad!" Star pouted getting more embarrassed.
"You can get worse than this one?!" He said surprised as he opened the door.
"Stop that!"
"Oh my God, Star!"
Star facepalmed herself, she was really being fart-shamed by her boyfriend? "Marco Diaz!”
"Marco!" Rafael called from the living room "What is this rotten smell?! Did you find the corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
Star wrapped herself under the blankets hiding embarrassed, as Marco replied "No, dad. Star just farted!"
She looked out the covers with a look that said betrayal to what Marco didn’t see as his back was to her.
"Oh my, that was a powerful one." Angie commented.
Marco suddenly took a moment to realize "Wait, corpse of Mr. Cinnamon?"
"Yeah, your hamster in Fourth grade stays for another time, Marco. Fix your girlfriend!" Rafael replied murmuring about turning the fans on and home essences.
Marco turned around and got attacked with a pillow by Star "I can’t believe you told them I farted!"
"What?!” He replied as he defended himself as he replied “They could smell!"
"Ugh! Marco Diaz, you’re the worst!"
Marco began to laugh as he knew she wasn’t serious just extremely frustrated on her embarrassment. Now this was more like them, switching from a sweet moment to awkward to laugh.
It would be a long and fun journey.
"We spiraled high on a gust of love!" Marco began singing as he got a pillow to defended himself of her pillow attack "And I knew right from the start, nothing could tear us apart… Until the day you farted hard-"
"Marco Ubaldo Diaz!" Star screamed at him angry. He began to fall down as if he was being dramatically defeated.
"-and now it’s too little too late!"
Oh oooooh
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hammerjarljurenhar · 5 years
Hello, I want to Ask about the SVTFOE..What you Think About the Show? Why you are saying about the Forced Romantic Plots and Messages about the Cartoon? What is the BrainWash what the Cartoon is Making? Can you Ask me, please?
Ok, I haven’t watched the show completely. I’ve said it before… but I think it’s right to make it clear… just so, you know, for everyone out there… this is my opinion on the matter, and not a fundamental reality about the show… but to some degree I know part of what I’m saying it’s true to the core.
I’ve watched like 15(?) full episodes between season 1 to 3, most part of that during season 2… and like 6 episodes in season 4… but just some parts of them, cause the rest was quite predictable in it’s own. and even for this finale, I didn’t even watched it… and I doubt I do. I honestly hardly watched season 1… only 2 minutes of episode 1 and I changed the channel… like, fuck, I couldn’t even tolerate star, her voice, attitude, everything about her disgusted me to watch the show, and I just started watching the show at some point for the cuckstar in it (thanks to my bro), during season 2, ignoring the rest of the show, but with enough understanding of what was going on at a big “panoramic scene”.
Now… enough of that.
Why so many people say that the “plots” for romance and the messages are kinda forced in the cartoon? and why am I with that side?
Let’s go back to the idea of the show. Star was a strong independant princess, that’s how she was being depicted, as an individual girl who doesn’t need others to make her what she is… “special”, but then, the “romance” is forced since the beginning cause she only wants attenttion and acceptance, and this is showed through marco, that understands how hard she is rejected by others… even her own family, cause something dangerous happened in her dimension: Star Butterfly getting the wand, that happened…
That’s ok?… I mean, yeah having marco as the brother she never had, and being there as the understanding pal of hers made the show better? Yes.But it was totally UNNECESSARY to make them a couple. Cause it only made it forced for her to need a couple in her life to be better…
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The show depicted them as FRIENDS, NOT AS A COUPLE. and that’s the crap I dislike the worst in the show. They re-wrote the character’s feelings to say star and marco loved each other since the beginning… marco during the show, and star in the book of spells… and just to make it clear, when a friend of mine told me about this book of spells and the implication that star “loved” marco since day 1. I only could laugh at it and say that the starcos must be eagerly accepting that; and that the worst, back then, they could do was to make marco do the same thing during the show…. and guess what? that stupid decision I mockedly mentioned, was done in season 4!
The excuse is that it was not “love” at first sight. but it’s implied it was there since episode 1-2. and why did they do this?… to get the “biggest part” of the fandom in their pockets for the final episode of the show (and some asses like mcarthur promoting the show everyday since past month but that’s more like his decision, cause he wants to make a career and besides svtfoe, he’s literally a nobody), they gave starco fans what they want… that star and marco are “true love”… problem is, first, that’s a lie… cause anyone who watched the show knows that they were friends and at best the “love” was friendship or something near to siblings caring for each other, also instead of giving that to the fandom early, so that they can leave at peace and not start a ship wars every week, they gave us far more potential ships than starco… be it Jarco, Janco, Markapoo, Tomstar, Kellco, and even the forbidden Marclipsa & Marteora, all of them were awesome and had much more value for many fans… meanwhile showing marco and star as egotistical assholes only made the show worse and worse… and it lost at least 80% of the public since season 3….
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The starco ship was the biggest? yeah… but that was cause their fans joined only after starco was confirmed years ago with the blood moon stuff and with daron and her team accepting defeat and saying starco will happen.So… that’s like betting on the winning horse, even if it’s a quadraplegic horse it will win cause author says so, and so, fandom bet on that horse.Now let’s move to the Messages topic.I honestly think the message about colonialism and racism had enough strenght to be important… we even had a “native american” monster shoot an arrow at Mina… we only needed her to be done ala little hiawatha style
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But this message paled and lose against ship wars cause, come on! it’s what it is, social inclusion…. and that’s been talked again and again, now, since past decade, we must have a chinese, an afroamerican, a french, a latino, etc… by force. cause otherwise your idea of a show is racist as fuck; sadly, now that the lgbt agendas are being included in cartoons, we also most have some characters in that matter… and that part was forced on our poor dear Jackie. She was a character so lovable, and still is, on her own way… but since she was left behind by daron. cotugno and her team took her and decided to use her for lgbt representation… again they re-wrote her, putting cotugno’s personal life on her to make her lesbi/bi, and despite how much anyone can accept that, it feels… so out of place.I honestly expected her to be alone, and being awesome, than coming back from france with the “I found myself, and you should date star cause she is so special and I’m not, our relationship wasn’t great cause star exists” crap they put on her… and yeah you assholes out there that don’t want to accept this, that’s what they did to poor Jackie… not in that order, but they made her say that Jarco relationship wasn’t great and that starco is the good shit, and that was the lamest lowest move they could do...What? You still don’t get it, reader?… just imagine this:>No Chloe.>By the end of the show star comes to marco >she says that she found herself in that magic dimension and that their relationship is not worth it.>She also says that Jackie is worth it and that Marco should date Jackie again… Now you get it?…. exactly. That’s the crap Jarco got, cause starco must be canon and Jackie must be out of the equation.Back on topic… even when this message of social inclusion was showed at least once in each season and in the books, the show had more interest from the viewers that bet on that horse… cause they only watched the show for that and that only… to get to the end and say “we won”, and there are MILLIONS of comments everywhere to back me up on this… the vast majority of the fans only joined to win this ship wars, betting on starco.Also, the show needed more continuity in that matter, cause yeah… each and every time that star learns more about anything… it’s for that episode only, star thinks about it and it’s trascending… then it’s forgotten right in the next episode and only bringed back to the screen when they want to remember what the show is about… I honestly feel that Steven Universe did better than svtfoe by far, cause ships were kept low in the show, and the important stuff of the show had more relevance. Ships were made? yeah… just enough, and they didn’t took relevance from the show for more than 1 part of the episode or at worst case scenario for an entire episode… but hey, they are in the hearts of the fans who want that, but it’s not damaging the show by their authors or crew hands… that’s the fandom!
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One last thing... I got bored of the “for star’s sake marco will do anything and everything” stuff they put constantly in the show.like...>Marco knows karate, and can beat almost any other mewman he faces? yes, but let’s make him fight only cause star.>Marco has interdimensional scissors to go anywhere or visit anyone, should he use those? No, he will only use his scissors to see star.>Marco skates, he did it for jackie, right?... let’s re-write that, make it so that marco skates to see star.
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chaoticsoulsword · 5 years
[Please, respectfully disagree in case you wish to write a reply]
Ahh, I’m not even in the mood to write a beautiful review as I was doing in the last few week, mostly because I feel so sad for Tom. He’s always left behind as if he were some kind of rock in the way for things to happen. He’s so much more, he’s done amazing things for Star and Mewni. I love him so much, he deserves better. But deep down I knew he would be left behind once more.
And it seems the svtfoe crew is not ready for a poli relationship. They are aiming for Starco, it’s pretty much clear to me as they simply got rid of Tom to make room for Star and Marco. I would be more than happier for this happen IF Tom were also there, since I’ve been always rooting for Stomco.
I miss the subtle hints. It’s been centuries this cartoon throws metaphors at our faces. But I guess this closure needs to be explicitly canon. My theory is that Starco was planned since day 1 and they couldn’t change that now, even when the fandom is divided. (why divide when we could have it all, though?)
It’s something I’ve recently discovered reading Voltron’s meta. There’s a book which the crew follows strictly, no matter what development the characters may have through the series. I couldn’d find this post anymore and thus I forgot its official name, so I’m gonna call “meta book” for easy understanding. In this book, Shiro was planned to die and remain dead. But the execs wouldn’t let this happen, so they couldn’t follow the meta book anymore. Alright, so for the second arc (season 3-4-5), since they had to “stand” Shiro instead of their previous guidelines, they decided to explore Shiro’s relationship with Keith. Everything was fine.
But have you noticed how the third arc was so off from the previous seasons? This happened because they were following the meta book. They did gave Shiro a spotlight when they presented us with a gay character, but it was just an easy way to keep him important while he was left behind from Voltron’s main arc. Yes, he was Atlas’ pilot, and this is amazing. But he was barely a main character in the last season. He barely interected with Keith! After all that “I love you” drama, they were like strangers in season 8. The same goes for Lance and Allura. The crew really intended to create drama with something else - by that, I mean Klance - but since day 1 Allurance was there to become the main plot for these two. Only they screwed up even with the only canon thing they could give us lol. Felt betrayed by Klance? Felt betrayed by Sheith? Felt betrayed by Allurance? It’s the goddamn meta book. They wouldn’t change it unless the execs told them so. A dirty trick indeed.
I guess the same goes for Star. Tom was terrible at first. He was a toxic character. But guess what? He changed. He became such a beautiful, special character. And for what? Drama purposes. It would be so much easier hating Tom and root for Starco than watching a love triangle, and for the worst, while the crew always knew Starco would be endgame. It was all written in svtfoe meta book. Yeah, it’s sadly a dirty trick, as I pointed out.
It doesn’t mean I’m blaming Daron and the crew. No, I love them. I love the things they’ve accomplished. Star is so much more than a stupid love triangle. Most of my rage is actually pointed to the Magic High Commission. I’ve always wanted to love Hekapoo, but I simply can’t. And this makes me so mad. They’re just a bunch of racists and I want them ripped off from existence ugh.
On the other hand, it saddens me such a beautiful crew sticked to their previous idea when they could accomplish so much more. Bi  Star, bi/pan Tom, trans!Marco: all subtle yet it’s right in front of our eyes. So why such a lame excuse for a trope? Again, why a love triangle when we could have it all?
The show isn’t over yet, but I’m not dumb enough to keep nourishing hope when it’s crystal clear where they heading to. I don’t know, I’ll keep shipping Stomco and ignoring canon, I mean, this is not new for me. For any of us, I’m sure of it.
I’ll just appreciate the rest of the show. I hope you all do the same. Oh, and for those children who keeping teasing fans over an OTP, I’ll quote Alex Hirsch: “Don’t feed the troll”. They’re not worth it of our time.
Be safe, folks.
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seddm · 5 years
¿Do you think is bad for me thinking that the show not making starco canon at the end of the day is plain on stupid and bad writing? I don´t about how long have you been a fan of svtfoe or when you started to ship Starco, but in my case in mainly was back on season 2 in which I felt more and more in love with the idea of starco being a thing. I don´t know what it was, but after bon bon episode aired it completely hook me to the point of me not just looking for fan art about it, but fanfics (1/5)
as well regarding this ship. And then it happen, season after season Daron not only did she prolong it the issue of Starco, but added more ships into the mix for the sake of drama (because honestly, I don't see other reason) and so far the show has done nothing more than hurt me emotionally because of it. There have been of course some people that say how "you shouldn't be complaining because she never promised you anything and she can do whatever she wants because is her show" or "that (2/5)you should be happy regardless of who ends up with who and that at the end of the day this is just a cartoon about fictional characters" and I know that they are correct with these statements,but even knowing that at the end of the day is Daron choice to decide what to do and how to end her own show, her creation, I just feel that after all the teasing, after those heartfelt moments that both characters have shown (showing how deep their chemistry is) and the fact that they (3/5)still tease it, with the whole Knight Shift episode (especially the last shot with the capes) I think is pretty unfair to end Starco after all that saying that the blood moon was mainly the cause of it and making those other ships canon, since to me they aren´t at the same height as Starco and I want to stop being so obsessed with Starco, but I just can´t do it (I really hate Daron Nefcy does she hate the people that ship Starco community, did we piss her off somehow) (4/5)I don´t know what type of response you can give me about this if you are reading this ,sadly even then I don´t know if it would help me ease my mind and hope that Starco becomes canon, after all, we have through (Obviously you might at this point be asking yourself ¿why the hell are you bothering me with this then?, but I just don't have anyone to talk to about this and it really gives a pain that you can´t imagine) I'm sorry to have bothered you and wasted your time with this question (5/5) 
Don’t worry, I completely understand, feel free to vent. Obviously Daron and her crew can make whatever show they want, and no one can be entitled to anything, it’s not like she/they owe the fans anything specific. This being said, it’d obviously look bad for any kind of show, especially one aimed at kids and made by Disney, to end in a way that glaringly goes against all its themes, going against expectations for the sake of it, or just to deconstruct a trope, when nothing in the series up to that point suggested it. And as of S4 (this was already true in S3, but there might have been some hint of wiggling room, now there isn’t anymore) there are essentially only three potential outcomes for the series (with hundreds of smaller variations and specifics obviously, I’m talking about macro themes here):
Star and Marco realize they love each other, Starco happens fully crowning the idea that the best relationships, those who can truly last a lifetime, are those based on strong friendships; the romance side is not just an extra but a whole new world that allows these two characters to truly intertwine their lives together forever with a level of commitment that platonic friendships can’t fully have
Star and Marco love each other, but for some reason the show decides to be a fucking coward and the ending is left vague and open, with the two in a state of mind along the lines of “we walk into the future hand in hand, we’ll probably get together one day but not today”, which would be ridiculous and pathetic and they essentially already did that minus the romantic undertones in The Knight Shift, the episode literally ended with them looking at their futures together while nestled in a heart.
Star and Marco decide that they work better just as friends, or that they don’t have time for love right now, which would be incredibly insulting because it’d retroactively mean that teens can’t have meaningful relationships because they can only be either like Kellco and Tomstar, which would be even more heavily characterized as useless wastes of times lead by crazy hormones by this kind of ending, or perfect mature adult relationships that can’t happen while one is young.
And it’s easy to see how the 2nd one would be absolutely infuriating and a cop out for no good reason, while the 3rd one would absolutely shit on everything the show stood for so long, essentially stating that all the shipping up to that point was useful just to make the characters feel miserable and fail over and over again, and that the final lesson was something like “True Love is unavailable to teens, don’t even waste time with it, you just can’t you pathetic kids, wait until you’re older!”.
So I’m not saying that Starco is going to happen for sure, nor that Daron HAS to give us Starco, but everything up to now (more than ever with The Knight Shift, see this post) points toward Starco, and going against such expectations wouldn’t simply be “oh what a twist!” at this point, but it’d betray the series’ intentions as a whole. There’s a difference between being entitled, and not liking being deceived and  mocked with no reason.
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yumi-kito · 5 years
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Okay now about the final episode. First of all, I kinda expected that Toffee would appear and have a role since in the last episode he just suddenly appeared and surprised all of us lmao. However nothing happens, same go with all the spells and The spell with no name. And yeah we still have a lots of questions that need to be answer, too.
Starco is still rushed and Tom still deserves better, you can change my mind on that. Star destroyed magic was fine to me, but leaving all of her family and friends just to be there forever with Marco is a nahhh, it's pretty irresponsible and stupid tbh, the same thing that Marco had done in ss3. Star had spent lots of time to find her mom, plus just look at Moon and River' reactions when they saw Star again, how can she just left them like that? The cliche love (romance) is the most important thing and it will solve everything and you only need love is just lmao. The ending is weird, too. Now Star and Marco can be together, ok. Mashing Mewni and Earth (or Echo Greek) together, wait what? They just finally solved the problem that had been there for centuries between monster and mewmans, now human, mewmans and monsters all live together? Btw, Tom lives in the Underworld, how does he gonna get home now, by digging lol? And the MHC, too. Just way too many plot holes
Ss4 was ok but after Cornonation it was all rushed. Overall, the show is cool and worth watching, but the ending is all messed up and rushed so kind sad about that. And now are some of my favorite scenes:
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Mothers and daughters (and grandmother) loving each others is really my thing, I really like the family loving things and easily cry about this ỤwỤ
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Some people said that Eclipsa's butterfly form was kinda mehh and simple, but I like it. It's pretty cute 💕
Janna was cool, too. Still one of my most favorite characters. Btw, tbh both TomStar and Tomco would make more sense than Starco lmao just personal opinion
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Still have lots to say but I will just stop this here now. I will try making more arts for those who want to see (sorry so much for the inactive) and I think I'll still be in the SVTFOE fandom for some more time
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
A Perilous Journey (Star is Anna AU Part 2)
Summary: A series of one-shots and multi-chapters proving why Star Butterfly should be considered a Disney Princess, as Star and company take over the roles of all your favorite Disney Princess characters! (Starco inevitable)
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. Frozen belongs to Disney. All rights go to their respective owners.
Part 1
Meteora let out a slow sigh, her breath fogged in the cold mountain air, but she didn't shiver despite the low temperature, the cold had never bothered her anyways. As she climbed higher and higher up the mountaintop, a trail of footprints left in the crystal white slow, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had just entered into a hidden world previously untouched by man, a kingdom of lone isolation and solitude. Guess that makes me the queen, Meteora thought bitterly to herself.
But this was honestly the least of her worries, much more depressing and guilty thoughts hovering around in her head, refusing to let her relax or feel at peace. Not that she had ever felt peace in a long time.
She ran her hands up and down her arms, but not of desperate need to stay warm, but out of guilt as every horrible decision she had made came crashing down on her at once. How could she have been so stupid? How, after all these years, had she allowed her powers to be shown? She had been so careful to hide them, locking herself away and letting no one in, even her own sister... and yet the moment she had left the safety of her boring, suffocating room look what had happened. Every fear she had ever had came true, she had let her emotions get the better of her and it had ruined everything. Just like it had all those years ago.
The air around her seemed to only grow colder as her mind flashed back to that day...
For about as long as Meteora could remember she had been alone.
Okay well that was a bit of an exaggeration, since for several years of her young life she had had Star. During that time, her younger sister and her were practically inseparable, spending almost every second together playing and having a great time. Meteora had so, so many great memories of their time together and part of her so wished that she could have her bouncy, energetic sister back.
It was around this time Meteora discovered her ice powers and if Star had been enthusiastic before, now she was completely spellbound by her sister. Meteora could recall the look of pure joy shimmering in her sister's innocent eyes whenever she would freeze some object or make it rain down snow from the ceiling. And the pride Meteora would feel every time Star squealed in delight over something she did was immeasurable.
But all that changed one fateful night.
It started pretty much the same as any night with Star wanting to play. Meteora was in a peaceful, soothing dream  when a soft whisper cut through the quiet of the night. “Meteora? Meteora, wake up?”
Meteora smiled but didn't show any other indication of being awake. She felt a small form crawl up onto the bed, before poking her cheek, “Wake up, Meteora I want to play.”
Meteora peeked open an eye, saying softly to her, “Star it's the middle of the night, go to sleep.”
Star's cheeks puffed up in the cutest way as she argued in a small whine, “But the skies awake...” She pointed over to their window where the aurora borealis was shining in the distance. “And I'm awake, so we have to play!”
“Star, go back to bed,” Meteora scolded, picking up her pillow and hitting her little sister with it, causing the blond to fall off the bed and land on her butt. Meteora laid back down but before she could even get comfortable, Star was back now sitting on top of her, giggling incessantly. Meteora felt a small hand trying to pry her eyes open and she held back another smile. Soon the girl found herself staring into Star's eager blue as her younger sister whispered, “Do you wanna build a snowman?”
Meteora finally let her smile slip, she couldn't argue with that. It was Star's code for asking her to use her powers and Meteora never said no to an opportunity to impress her little sis.
The two ran downstairs to the empty ballroom, giggling and whispering under their breath the whole way, being careful not to wake their parents or any of the staff. But the thrill of possibly getting caught had both of them giddy. Once they were in the massive room, Star began impatiently saying, “Do the magic! Do the magic!” shaking her sister's arm and hopping up and down on the balls of her feet.
“Okay, check this out,” Meteora said, forming a small snowball in her hand. Star leaned closer and watched entranced as her big sis blew onto the cold sphere, making it shine with bright blue magic. Meteora then threw the magic-infused snowball into the air, where it burst just before hitting the ceiling. A gentle snowfall soon began, tiny shimmering snowflakes sprinkling down from above. Star squealed in delight and ran around the room excitedly, sticking her tongue out to try and catch the falling snow. All the while Meteora just looked on with pride.
The two had a blast playing in the magic-made snow, ice skating across the ballroom floors, having a snowball fight which Star easily won (sure Meteora was magic but she couldn't beat the arm on that girl!) and, of course, building a snowman together... as well as an entire army of snow creatures since Star insisted the snowman not be alone.
Finally, Meteora began making piles of snow for Star to jump onto, the little blond hopping from one pile to the next, each one slightly higher than the last, the girl determined to reach the ceiling. But her impatient speed was proving to be more than Meteora could handle, calling up to her sister to slow down but Star was too caught up in her own world to listen, simply shouting to her sister to make it higher with each new jump.
Suddenly, Meteora's foot slipped and she lost her balance, falling hard to the floor. The girl groaned and looked up in panic, just in time to see her sister leap off the tall snow pile with a cheer, oblivious to the danger that awaited her, just blindly trusting her sister would catch her. Meteora felt a cold fear rush through her veins as she helplessly reached out for her sister, screaming at the top of her lungs, “STAR!”
But what Meteora didn't realize was that in her moment of desperation her powers had activated as she sent a wave of blue magic hurtling toward her air-born sister. The wave hit Star directly in the head and the girl's eyes instantly closed, her body going limp. Star's unconscious body hit a snowpile a second later, rolling down the cold hill before sliding to a stop on the ice. Meteora's vision grew blurry as she stared at her sister's fallen body, looking tinier and weaker than the girl thought she had ever seen, and she gasped out, “No, Star!”
The older girl was at her sister's side in a second, holding her frail and cold body in her arms tears dripping down her face as she sobbed pitifully. “Star, wake up! Please wake up!” she screamed, shaking Star's body uselessly. Star's skin was bitterly cold to the touch, way too cold to be good for her, and Meteora watched in horror as a single stand of Star's golden hair turned bright white.
“Momma! Daddy!” Meteora screamed, clutching her sister close, rocking back and forth in a comforting motion. Not that it helped any.
A few seconds passed before the doors to the ballroom busted open, a startled Moon and River staring at the scene in shock, their mouths simultaneously dropping open. “Meteora, what happened?” Moon exclaimed worriedly, rushing over to her two daughters. Meteora didn't protest as her mom pulled Star from her grip.
“We were just playing, it was an accident, I swear,” the older girl chocked out, wiping tears from her eyes with the back of her hand.
Moon didn't reply though, putting a hand to her daughter's forehead before gasping. She turned to her husband, saying in a fearful tone, “She's ice cold.”
River followed his wife's example, feeling his youngest daughter's forehead himself, his face now etched with concern. “What do we do, my love?”
Moon let out a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing heart and mind, before saying in a far-off tone, “I think I may know of a way.”
The family quickly departed from the castle, a sleigh carrying them swiftly out of the town and into the unknown woods. Meteora was on pins and needles the whole dreaded ride, sitting with her legs tucking up to her chest and casting worried glances at her little sister who was wrapped in a warm blanket in her mother's arms. Anxious thoughts floated through Meteora's head, praying that they made it to wherever they were going in time to save her sister, her negative thoughts leaving a trail of frost behind the sleigh.
It felt like years had passed when they finally made it to their destination, an empty glade. Meteora was beyond confused why her parents had brought them there of all places, which only grew as she watched her mother pleading to the empty night for help, explaining that their daughter was sick with magic. A few seconds passed before Meteora saw a flash of something in the shadows and jumped. Soon forms began emerging from the woods, tall, bizarre creatures that caused Meteora to gasp in surprise. “Monsters,” she muttered, looking around at the creatures in awe.
The Monsters all looked equally as confused as Meteora felt, gazing at the intruders to their home nervously, sharing hesitant glances with one another and keeping their distance. Finally a frog Monster stepped forward from the crowd, eying the queen and king up and down, his eyes pausing on Star and a sympathetic look crossed his face, his muscular form relaxing some as he realized they meant no harm. For a second Meteora thought she saw a small human boy peek his head around one of the frog's massive legs, but when she blinked he was gone and the girl just decided her eyes were playing tricks on her.
“Why have you come here?” the frog asked, his voice thick with an accent.
“My daughter is sick with magic, we need to speak to the witch of these woods,” Moon explained, holding Star a little closer to her chest.  Meteora could hear whispering from the Monsters around her at that, but they kept whatever comments they had to themselves.
Buff Frog eyed Star one more time before nodding. He yelled over his shoulder, “Eclipsa! You have visitors!”
A few seconds passed, before the crowd of Monsters parted, letting the witch (Eclipsa, apparently) through and Meteora leaned forward to see her better. The woman had teal hair pulled back into a bun and wore an elegant purple dress, complete with hat and matching gloves, there was a peaceful nature to her, she seemed kind and compassionate if not a little mysterious and Meteora almost felt an instant connection to her. She was a witch, did she have powers like hers? Meteora was shocked to see two little girls on either side of the witch, both no older than Star, one with white hair, the other with dark hair.
When Eclipsa reached them, she smiled at them pleasantly before saying in a cheerful tone, “Well, this is quite the surprise! I'm quite used to people showing up at all hours of the night for my assistance, but I didn't expect the king and queen themselves to visit my humble home!” Eclipsa dropped into a polite curtsy, before her eyes landed on the small child held tightly in her mother's arms. She gasped, moving closer and cupping Star's cheek in her hand, saying in a sorrowful tone, “Oh, you poor child.”
Moon and River looked uncomfortable at the idea of this witch touching their child but said nothing, instead the king just said, “Yes, that's why we brought her here.”
“I'm so glad you did.” Eclipsa said before clicking her tongue. She looked up at the older royals before asking, “What happened to her?”
Moon and River didn't reply at first, going silent and sharing a look, not sure how to answer that without upsetting their other daughter. Meteora shifted uncomfortably on her feet as guilt tugged at her heartstrings. She looked down at her shaking hands before blurting, “It was me. I used my magic on here... by accident.”
Eclipsa looked down at Meteora with sympathy in her eyes and where the girl feared she would be reprimanded or blamed for her actions, the witch did no such thing, instead only stating, “Well these things do happen, I'm sure you meant her no harm.” And then to Meteora's greater surprise she even smiled at her, tight and constricted but still a smile nonetheless. But Eclipsa immediately turned her attention back to Star saying in a calm but masterful tone, “But now first things first, let's fix up this little darling.” She sounded so in control, like she had done this a million times before and Meteora could only watch dumbfounded as with a single wave of her hand, she freed her sister from Meteora's magic, a small glowing orb now floating in the air above Star's head. She watched even more astonished as Eclipsa went to work cycling through Star's memories, watching as precious moments they had shared were changed, every time Meteora had ever used her magic to impress or play with Star was changed to something more mediocre and finally the girl realized what Eclipsa was doing. She was erasing Star's memory of her magic.  
Once the witch was done she gently held the orb over Star's head before it vanished back inside her sister's mind, Eclipsa putting a hand on the girl's forehead and brushing loose strands of hair out of her eyes. “There now, she should be fully recovered by morning.”
“We can't thank you enough, Eclipsa,” Moon said as her husband pulled Star from her arms hugging her close to his chest in relief. “I don't know what we would have done without you.”
“Oh I didn't do all that much,” Eclipsa replied modestly, waving a hand in the air. “I simply help out where I can. Just be thankful it was her head and not her heart, otherwise healing her would have been much... trickier.”
Meteora looked guilty down at her feet, waves of shame and regret washing over her, her heart aching painfully in her chest. Maybe she had accidentally used magic on herself, maybe that was why she felt so sick. She felt tears form at the corners of her eyes and she blinked them away quickly. Eclipsa must have noticed this, because her face softened as she bent down to Meteora's level putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Listen to me, Meteora, your power makes you special, never forget that,” Eclipsa said gently, her kind eyes looking deep into Meteora's wide magenta orbs. “Your gift can be a great blessing but it can also be a burden. You must learn to control your powers or fear will be your enemy. Do you understand?”
Meteora nodded, swallowing thickly. “Yes.”
“Good,” Eclipsa replied, giving her one more smile before standing up to full height. She returned her focus to Moon and River as she told them, “When your daughter awakes, she will have no memory of Meteora's magic. I've done all I can for now, what happens next is up to you. Now if you'll please excuse me.” With that Eclipsa bowed before turning and disappearing into the crowd of Monsters, the two little girls following quickly after her.
Meteora saw out of the corner of her eye the nervous look passed between her parents before they began to nervously mutter amongst each other. Meteora just stood their numbly, trying to fight back the overwhelming guilt still bubbling in her chest. “Mom, dad, am I... gonna hurt anyone again?” she finally asked, her voice trembling and her lip quivering against her will.
She saw her parents faces flash with fear before they hid it behind a determined mask. “Of course not, my dear,” River said quickly.
“We aren't going to let that happen,” Moon added, her features sharpening as her protective instincts took over. “We'll just have to be more careful from now on. Keep the gates locked, lower the staff number, minimum contact with anyone... even Star.” At this point her mother was mumbling to herself as if thinking over the necessary steps to keep her daughter safe.
Meteora's gaze slowly drifted down to her shaking hands, feeling bile in the back of her throat. These hands, her hands, had hurt Star, her own loving little sister. And  accident or not it was still her fault Star had gotten hurt. And so at that moment Meteora swore to herself she would never let anything like that happen to her sister again. No matter what that meant.
No matter what she had to do.
More memories passed through Meteora's head from there, years of loneliness and anxiety as she locked herself away in her room, fighting back her powers, struggling to keep control. She tried to push all her emotions down, to not feel anything, concealing her abilities from the world. She started wearing gloves (the thicker the better) after she realized she would freeze anything she touched. And no matter how hard she tried she couldn't control her powers, with every day that passed they only seemed to get stronger.
The only contact she had from anyone during that time was her parents, who she made sure to keep at a distance, just in case. She never hugged them and if they tried to touch her she'd flinch away from them. Most of the time she would stand on the opposite side of her room and try her best to think warm thoughts, fearful of injuring her mom and dad like she had Star.
As for Star, herself, she was a whole different story.
Even though Meteora was burdened by her guilt, she relished the moments when her sister would knock on her door asking her to come and play, thinking of crazier and crazier ideas each time or asking why she was staying in her room so much. And even though Meteora would decline every invitation it made her heart feel a little lighter to hear her sister's voice. Sometimes she would even press herself up against the firm wood just so she could hear her sister better, the longing threatening to tear her heart in half. For a long time, Star stayed persistent and even though part of Meteora wished she'd give up, the other part of her wanted nothing more than to see her little sis again. But she resisted this urge, because she was doing this for Star. Because Star wasn't safe around her.
Finally, Star started knocking less and less, her pleas became more desperate and sad. Until eventually, they quit altogether. Her door went silent. She had given up on Meteora and honestly she didn't blame her sister one bit for it. She would have given up on her to. But it didn't make it hurt any less.
She remembered the day her parents told her they were going away on a trip for a few days and she had begged them to stay, fearful of being alone, of losing control without her parents there to help calm her down. She remembered her mom and dad reassuring her that everything would be okay before leaving her room for the very last time. She remembered the stabbing pain and sorrow when she was told that their ship had sunken in a storm, that there were no survivors. She remembered her room becoming coated in ice and snow as she wept in misery. But most of all she remembered the dull sound of knocking just on the other side of her door, no life or energy in the action. She listened as Star pleaded with her to come out of her room, her sorrowful tone the only comfort Meteora had left in this world. And what hurt most of all was that all Meteora could do was lean against the door and cry, as Star's own painful sobs attacked her ears.
The next few years were some of the loneliest Meteora had ever experienced, without her parents there any longer and Star no longer even attempting to reach out to her she had nothing and no one to depend on. She was completely alone now, fighting back her emotions and her fears and everything else all on her own. Until finally, she was old enough to become queen. She had stressed and worried for days about the ceremony, knowing she would have to take off her gloves in order to be anointed queen. But somehow she had pulled it off, able to keep her powers under control long enough to hold both scepter and orb as the priest finished his speech, although she seriously wished he would speak just a little bit faster! She had practically thrown the objects back down and ripped the gloves back on, feeling safe once more.
And she had even gotten to see Star again for the first time in years, she got to stand next to her and talk to her and that was probably the happiest she had ever been in a long time. Until she went and screwed it up, upsetting Star and forcing her away again, the guilt eating away at Meteora's heart once again. She told herself she was doing this for her sister, that locking her away inside the castle was what was best for her. And then Star had suddenly appeared with Tom and claimed they were getting married and Meteora had lost it. Anger and frustration had overpowered her common sense as she and Star fought, her sister antagonizing her more and more until finally she had snapped... and lost control.
And in that moment, all Meteora could do was stare into the fearful crowd of onlookers in pure horror. Look into their frightened and stunned faces at what she had just done. And then her eyes locked with Star, she could see the confusion and doubt and worry written all over her face. Star sucked in a deep breath, a look of fear flashing through her eyes and Meteora felt sick. Tears flowed down her face as she reluctantly chocked out, “I'm sorry,” before she did the only thing she could think of. She ran. She did her best to ignore the world around her as she ran as far and as fast from the castle as she could, she ignored the wind whipping against her face, the tears streaking down her cheeks, the screams and cries of her people as she froze everything around her and the dull pang in her chest as a result. She ignored the frigid temperature as her powers again worked against her once more and she ignored the desperate voice of Star at her back. She just pushed that all out and ran. She froze the lake in her wake and ran into the nearest treeline and she didn't stop running until her home was a spec in the distance.
Meteora shivered as the memory faded from her mind, the dull ache in her chest almost suffocating. She had tried so hard to not lose control, to keep her powers under wraps, but she had failed and now everybody knew. It was all over.
That thought made Meteora pause, stopping in her tracks as she pondered that for a moment. Was it really over? After all the years of stressing and worrying and fearing the worst case scenario it had finally happened and now she had nothing more to fear. Star was safe so long as she was away and no one would find her up here in the mountains. She was free. Finally, truly free. From the guilt, from the worry, from everything. And for the first time in years, Meteora smiled as a long forgotten joy and peace fell over her and she let out a relaxed sigh, letting all the stress and anxiety that had built up in her go.
She quickly ripped off her only remaining glove, her cape, and her crown, letting them float away in the wind or fall to the ground forgotten as she began casting blasts of ice magic through the air, no longer caring about being seen, not having to hide this side of herself from everyone. Cause now there was no one around for her to hurt.
She let loose all her powers, seeing just what her magic could truly do. And as she cast spell after spell she began to laugh, hard and long, her bubbly tone echoing around the snow-capped hills. She stopped for a moment though, biting her lip as a new idea for a spell popped into her head, her mind just briefly flashing back to that night with Star, and before she knew what she was doing she was creating a snowman, waving a finger around in the air as a snowman magically formed in front of her. But she didn't stop there, creating snow creature after snow creature, the whole area around her soon covered in them and she laughed at the top of her lungs. She ran up the mountain, shouting in pure joy, feeling more free than she had in her life, until she reached the edge of a cliff. But even that wasn't going to stop Meteora. She was on a roll and nothing was going to stop her anymore.
So she simply threw her hands out in a burst of magic before the beginning part of a bridge appeared before her and as she stepped on it, the snow turned to ice and she didn't hesitate as she ran across the bridge, forming it as she went until she reached the next snow bank. She felt a rush of exhilaration, wanting to do something bigger and grander than ever when a new idea popped into her head. She smiled mischievously as a new idea came into her mind. She rubbed her hands together and muttered under her breath, “Oh this is gonna be good.”
And then she got right to work creating her greatest masterpiece yet, finally after all these years feeling like herself again.
Star and Marco rode in silence for a while. Close to an hour had passed without either saying a word, Star staring at the lights in the sky or casting occasional glances at the mountaintop, Marco just focusing on driving the sleigh. To Star it felt like they would never make it, every time she looked the mountain still seemed as impossibly far off as before and with every glance her spirits fell more and more, until she was practically sulking. She stayed tightly wrapped in the blanket but it still felt like all the warmth was leaving her body, her heart aching with loss and guilt for causing such a mess. Marco, however, was distracted by the single fact that he had a pretty girl sitting in the sleigh with him. He kept looking over at her, trying to ignore the way she was snuggled up against his side or the fact that his cheeks were hot enough to probably melt ice and instead tried to keep his focus on the path ahead. But it was a losing battle, Star's enchanting form easily more interesting than the snowy hills Nachos was crossing at a breakneck speed. Marco tried to think of something to say to the blond, hoping to strike up some kind of conversation to end the long stretch of silence but no words came to mind. Everything he thought to say only sounded stupid in his overly critical head and when he did try and work up the nerve to speak, he chickened out at the last second. Finally, though it was Star who broke the unending silence saying, "So have you ever been up the North mountain before?" Marco panicked, his tight throat refusing to work properly as he just stared blankly at the girl. Star turned to him in surprise, an eyebrow slowly raising and Marco shouted in his head, she asked you a question, quick say something, anything! "Uhhh y-yeah, so we shouldn't have too much trouble finding your sister," the boy stammered out nervously. "That's good," Star said in clear relief, looking much more like herself again, and Marco felt his body relax down some as he blurted out, "So why'd your sister run away anyways?" Star's smile quickly turned to a frown and Marco wanted to slap himself for upsetting her. You idiot, why'd you bring that up?! He yelled inside his head. "Y-You don't have to answer, I was just curious," the boy quickly added, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with his free hand. "No, it's okay," Star told him, though her voice was strained and tight as if she was holding back her emotions. The girl sucked in a breath, clearly trying to figure out the right way to put it. "You said something about you two getting into a fight," Marco helpfully supplied, trying to keep his curiosity to a minimum, even though he was burning with unanswered questions. The girl huffed angrily, before saying bitterly, "Yeah I got all mad because she said I couldn't marry Tom and then I pulled off her glove and the next thing I know shes shooting ice across the room!" The girl threw her hands in the air in exasperation. Clearly the girl was harboring some resentment toward her sister. "I mean I know I shouldn't have made her mad, but she was being impossible! She never thinks about what I want! I just wanted her to understand that!!" "Who's Tom?" Marco asked, unable to keep the slightest hint of disappointment out of his voice, though he wasn't sure why. "Hmm, oh he's a guy I met at the ceremony, we hung out for a while and then he asked to marry him and I said yes," the girl said absentmindedly, her thoughts on more pressing matters. "But then Meteora wouldn't give us her blessing because she said I couldn't marry a guy I just met and then I-" "Wait, you were gonna marry him after only knowing him a day?" Marco said in shock, unable to hide his disbelief. "Uhh, yeah, what's the big deal?" Star replied, raising an eyebrow at her companion. "Well I mean, no offense but don't you think maybe you're rushing things a bit," Marco said, trying to be careful of his wording so he wouldn't upset the blond royal. Star scoffed, crossing her arms in front of her chest before saying firmly, "No. I mean, I spent a whole day with him. I think I know if he's right for me or not." "But how much could really learn about him in a day?" Marco argued. "I know lots of stuff about him,” the blond replied confidently, before ticking each thing off on her fingers as she listed off the many facts about her fiance, “Like he's from the Southern Isles, he has 13 older brothers, his favorite animal is a bunny-” "Look, I know it's not my place but I just don't want to see you putting yourself in a bad situation," Marco told, rubbing the back of his neck. "You're a really nice girl, Star, and some guys take advantage of that." "Tom isn't like that," Star argued. "He's a really good guy." "Even if he is, don't you think maybe you should take a little more time to get to know the guy?” Marco suggested.
Star fumbled for an answer, stuttering as she said, “Wh-What, n-no way?! Tom is the first good thing that has happened to me in a long time and I'm not giving that up.”
Marco looked long and hard at Star for a minute, seeing the bitter loneliness in her eyes, before he asked hesitantly, “Are you sure this is really about Tom?”
Star froze, feeling her heart begin to hammer away in her chest and her mind come to a screeching halt. Her mouth opened but no words came out, as the boy's question rang around in her head for a while. But finally she got a hold of herself,  shaking her head free of her stupor as she replied in a firm, annoyed tone, “L-Look none of that stuff matter, it's true love and that's all I need to know!”
“Okay, okay, I'm sorry,” the boy quickly said as it became obvious he had overstepped his bound. The two sat in silence for a minute, facing forward, unable to meet each other's eye, until finally Marco risked a glance over and saw the girl's face set in a sad frown. He sighed at the mess he had made, before adding in a quiet tone, “I'm not trying to upset you, Star. I just... didn't want you to make the same mistake I did.”
“What?” the blond royal said in surprise, looking over at her companion curiously.
“I thought I was in love with someone once, but it turned out I was just in love with the idea of her and well, we didn't work out. I just don't want to see that happen to you.”
Star was taken aback by the boy's words, the pain in his tone clear as day. It was obviously a painful memory for him. One he had shared willingly with her, when he didn't really have to. And suddenly, she felt a smile rise on her face, her cheeks warming against her will. Marco really was a nice guy. Sure Tom was the guy of her dreams, but there was something just so warm and inviting about the boy in red beside her that she couldn't help but want to be around him, his friendship somehow meaning more to her in that moment than anything else.
So she scooted closer, wrapping her arms around him in a warm hug. She felt him tense in her grip, before slowly relaxing and she laid her head on his shoulder, telling him, “I'm sorry that happened to you, Marco.”
“It's okay, it was a long time ago,” the boy said vaguely, his voice tight as if he was having trouble getting the words out and for some reason he would not tear his eyes away from the path before them. And if that wasn't strange, Star would swear his face was turning red but it might have been a trick of the lantern light.
Star finally removed her arms from the boy's frame, giving him an apologetic grin as she added, “And sorry for being such a pill a minute ago. I guess I'm just a little defensive.”
Marco shook his head. “No, it was my fault for upsetting you,” the boy replied with a warm smile that made Star's insides do flips, although she had no idea why. “Friends?” he offered.
“Friends,” Star agreed with a nod. And just like that the tense atmosphere in the sleigh vanished, leaving behind the same comfortable feeling as before, only this time that feeling felt even stronger, more energized, as if the air itself was filled with sparks of electricity, though Star couldn't quite explain it. And taking advantage of the friendly atmosphere, she cheerfully asked, “So how long till we reach the North Mountain?”
“We should be there by morning,” Marco responded, equally as enthusiastic. “So long as nothing goes wrong before then. These woods can be kinda dangerous.”
Star scoffed, waving a hand as if it was nothing, “Oh don't worry, Marco. I'm sure everything will work out fine.”
As if the universe itself was intent on proving the girl wrong a wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere, taking advantage of their momentary distraction as it lunged at them, latching onto Marco's arm and pulling him off the sleigh. The boy let out a high-pitched scream as he clattered to the snow, the fast-moving sleigh pulling ahead of him in a second. Star, thinking quickly, grabbed a rope and threw it over to him shouting, “Marco, catch!”
The boy quickly grabbed on just as a pack of at least five wolves began to surround him. He felt the rope go taunt before he was dragged through the snow behind the sleigh. But the wolves were not going to lose their meal that easily, barking and growling as they chased after the teen, biting at him with their sharp teeth while he screamed and dodged them to the best of his ability, moving his legs out of the way as they tried to take bites out of them. “Star, help!” the boy screamed in panic, knowing he could only avoid the wolves' massive fangs for so long.
Star desperately looked around for some kind of idea to help her friend, quickly examining each item in the sleigh when her eyes fell on a large wool blanket. Her gaze then jumped to the lantern hanging on the side of the sleigh, providing a small beacon of light against the unrelenting darkness of the night. “Hang on, Marco! I got an idea!” she yelled over to him, before picking up the blanket and opening the small clasp on the lantern.
“Make it quick!” the boy yelled in reply, still avoiding the sharp fangs lunging at him, the wolves convinced they had their meal on the ropes... literally. It was only a matter of time before they had a tasty human to devour. The wolves all licked their lips at that thought, howling in unison as they all descended on the boy at once, knowing he couldn't dodge them all.
At that exact moment, Star held the now flaming blanket high above her head and screamed at the top of her lungs, “Hey wolves! Leave my friend alone!” Nobody had time to react as the blond threw the blazing blanket toward the unsuspecting wolves as hard as she could, shouting out in late warning, “Marco, duck!”
The boy screamed in fear as he saw a blazing projectile heading right for him and ducked just in time to avoid being burned, the blanket sailing over his head and onto the unfortunate group of wolves, the impact sending all of them tumbling in the snow. The wolves were all left dizzy and disoriented as they stared at the retreating sleigh and their lost meal glumly. Finally after a minute of sulking, their leader reluctantly barked, 'Well, we'll get em next time, guys.'
'Wanna go howl at the moon until we feel better,' another wolf suggested.
The pack all barked their agreements before heading off to their favorite cliff for howling, not one of them realizing their tails were all on fire.
Star, meanwhile, was cheering her victory, pumping her hands in the air as she shouted in surprise, “Wow, that actually worked! I'm even better at this than I thought!”
“Star can you please pull me in?” Marco asked between chattering teeth, the snow starting to seep into his thick layer of clothes, leaving him shaky and cold. And the near-death experience was certainly not helping calm his noisy teeth down any.
“Oh right, I'm on it,” Star said while doing a cute little salute. She quickly grabbed the end of the rope and pulled her friend back over to the sleigh, grunting from the effort. Once he was close enough the boy pulled himself into his seat, sighing with relief as he rested his head against its back, the warmth of the lantern soothing to his cold body as he felt some heat return to his frozen limbs.
“Marco, you okay?” Star asked with concern, placing a hand on his shoulder.
The boy shrugged before replying, “Yeah, I'm good. Thanks to you.” He gave her a tired smile, before adding, “That was really quick thinking back there. I would have been a goner without you.”
Star grinned happily at that, her eyes almost glowing at the praise and the cute look had several of Marco's brain cells short circuit. He was so distracted in fact that it took him a second to realize that it was getting much warmer in the sleigh than it was supposed to be. But when the smell of smoke reached his nostrils, he swerved around, only to stare in horror as the entire back of his sleigh was on fire, the lantern Star had used to ignite the blanket laying haphazardly on the flammable wood.
“Oh no, my stuff!” the boy screamed in panic, looking around for something, anything that could save his supplies. He quickly shrugged off his coat and used it to try and put out the flames, beating it against the burning wood in hopes of somehow stopping his livelihood from going up in smoke.
Star could only watch as her companion worked on extinguishing the flames, biting her lip in concern, unsure what to do to help. Suddenly though she heard Nachos make an odd sound, one that almost seemed like some kind of warning and she looked over to see what was going on, only to feel her heart drop. The two had been so distracted with fighting off wolves and fire that neither of them had paid any attention to steering and now the sleigh was currently barreling toward a ravine. “Uh Marco, we have another problem,” the girl said nervously.
“What now?” the boy asked in exasperation as he looked up from his task.
“We're headed toward a cliff!” the girl responded, pointing over to the incoming danger and the boy followed her gaze and gasped in shock. The fire was quickly forgotten as he grabbed the reigns, trying to correct their course but there wasn't enough time.
“Jump Nachos!” Star shouted to the reindeer.
“Wait, we won't make it!” Marco screamed back.
“Yes we will, we can do this!” Star replied, determination in her voice as she leaned forward.
Marco quickly thought through their options in the few short seconds they had before coming to a decision. He sucked in a breath and wrapped an arm around Star's waist, pulling her close to him, causing her to blush. But he didn't notice as he whipped out a knife from his pocket, cutting the rope connecting Nachos to the sleigh before shouting, “Jump Nachos!” He then leaped forward, pulling Star along with him as the three sailed across the ravine, landing roughly on the other side as a flurry of snow was launched into the air.
For a moment or two, the three travelers just lay buried before the two teens sat up coughing and sputtering as they freed themselves from the snow pile, Nachos just grunting and shaking the snow off her thick fur. Star and Marco panted as they slowly crawled over to the edge of the cliff, looking down the ravine to see the damage done to the sleigh. It had luckily landed on a snowy cliffside and other than a few pieces broken off the wood frame from the fall, the sleigh was still mostly intact. Star grinned before telling her friend, “Well, at least the sleigh is alright, sure it'll take a bit of work to get it back up here but at least it's in one piece.”
Out of nowhere, the sleigh burst into flames, destroying it and everything inside it, in a matter of moments nothing left but charcoal and ash. Star shrank as she watched the sleigh burn feeling guilt eating away at her insides, especially as Marco groaned and shouted in despair, “My stuuufff!” He slammed his head against the ground, letting out muffled cries. “That was everything I own,” he sobbed unhappily.
Star bit her lip as she stared down at the destroyed sleigh, before sighing in defeat. She put a hand on the boy's shoulder before saying in a soft whisper, “I'm sorry about your sleigh, Marco. I-I'll have everything replaced when I get back.” She swallowed thickly, not really wanting to say this next part but she didn't really have any choice. She had caused him enough trouble for one day. “And... you don't have to go with me anymore. I can handle the rest on my own.” She stood up slowly, keeping her head bowed, her eyes covered up by her hair as she whispered quietly, “Sorry for all the trouble.”
The girl then slowly started to walk away, heading in the direction she hoped to be north, the trees blocking the view of the North Mountain at the moment. But she hadn't gotten very far when a voice called out to her, “Wait.” She turned to see Marco stand, giving her a determined look. “I can't let you go alone. I'm coming with you.”
Star's eyes widened in surprise, feeling her heart race at the mere idea of having Marco come with her as she said in joy, “Really?” But she quickly got a hold of herself as she added, “Oh Marco, you don't have to do that.”
“Yes I do,” the boy insisted. “A promise is a promise. I said I was gonna take you to your sister and a Diaz never breaks his word.” He put hand over his heart to demonstrate his resolve, causing Star to giggle a little.
But her grin vanished, rubbing a hand up and down her arm as she said regretfully, “But I ruined your stuff and I made a mess of everything.”
“Yeah,” the boy muttered, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. “That was a... bit of a mess but I'm not mad at you. Not like it was your fault.”
“But that wouldn't have happened if you didn't come with me,” Star said, feeling tears form at the corners of her eyes.
Marco saw this and slowly walked over to her, placing both hands on her shoulders as he gave her a kind smile that sent her heart fluttering. “Hey, it was my choice to come with you, okay. I knew the risks and I still want to help. That is, if you'll let me.”
Star stared into his chocolate brown eyes for a moment, feeling a warmth slowly fill her chest, seeing the true resolve that lied behind them. He really did want to help her. Marco was a good guy and a great friend and she felt very thankful to have met someone like him. She felt Nachos nudge her with her nose, trying to convey her own affection for the princess and Star finally smiled, relief washing over her features. She wiped away the stray tears before saying brightly, “Okay then! I'd be happy to have you as my guide.” She then threw her arms around him in a tight hug, resting her head against his chest. “Thanks Marco,” she whispered gratefully.
Marco tensed in surprise at the hug before smiling down at the girl, wrapping his own arms around her slender frame, holding her close as he felt her warmth meld with his own. He chuckled a little before saying, “Your welcome, Star. What are friends for?”
When the two finally parted, bright grins on their faces and slight blushes on their cheeks, the blond royal asked her companion, “So what's the plan now?”
“Well we'll have to go on foot from here, it'll take a little longer but we should be there within a few days,” Marco told her.
“But what about your stuff, I thought we needed that to get up the mountain?” Star asked with slight concern.
The boy shrugged. “We'll just have to get by without it. Been a while since I really roughed it but we should be fine,” he said with a nonchalant wave of his hand, though his eyes conveyed some slight hesitation and concern.
“Well if anyone can get us there, it's you, Mr. Mountain Expert,” Star said, elbowing him playfully in the chest.
“Well I am an expert on many things,” the boy replied, puffing out his chest goofily before the two shared a long, hard laugh. But then the two heard a howl in the distance and clamped both of their mouths shut, covering them with their hands as they shared a fearful look.
“We should probably get moving before we end up as those wolves chew bones,” Marco commented, his voice now a soft whisper.
“Yeah. Totally, totally, totally,” Star replied in an equally quiet tone, her eyes wide with clear concern. But her cheerful demeanor quickly returned as she gave her companion a wink and said teasingly, “Then lead the way, Mr. Expert.”
The boy chuckled again before starting off in the direction of the mountain, his keen extincts helping him identify north almost instantly. Star followed along behind him, skipping with every step, while Nachos made up the rear watching the two kids with a knowing look. She had been with her master since he was a little kid and she had never seen him that happy in his life and the frequent looks that passed between the two had the reindeer excited. It was clear that the two were becoming close and although she didn't want to jump to any conclusions, she had a feeling she knew where this was going. But she would just have to wait to find out.
Morning came quickly enough, much to the three travelers' relief, since their long trek on foot would be much easier without the worry of being eaten alive by wolves or other nighttime predators. The group was now in the middle of some dense forest, which seemed to shine with otherworldly beauty as the freshly fallen snow made the whole place glow in the sunlight. The trees themselves were lined in white and the long vines that hung from them had turned to ice, creating thousands of frozen crystals for the group to walk through. Star and Marco gazed around in wonder, Star feeling like they had just entered into a page from a storybook. And Star briefly wondered if they were even allowed in there, like they were intruding on some hidden world, one no human was permitted into. A sudden sadness came over the girl, as she asked Marco softly, "'Do you think... Meteora had something to do with this?" Marco looked over to Star in surprise but, seeing the look in her eyes, he just gave her a sympathetic smile, opening his mouth to try and comfort her, only for a loud voice to blurt out over him, "Did you just say Meteora?!" The two teens jumped in surprise, immediately turning to try and spot the owner of the voice. "Who's there?" Marco asked, now on high alert, putting an arm up in front of Star to try and guard her from the unknown stranger. Star looked around in confusion trying to remember where she had heard that voice before, something about it oddly... familiar. And how did they know her sister's name? Star frowned, biting her lip, only to freeze as she heard a throat clear next to her. The blond's gaze slowly lowered, till she found herself staring at an odd looking snowman. It looked half finished for some reason, like whomever had made it had given up halfway, lacking either arms or a nose. While at the same time it was intricately detailed, features flawlessly crafted into its frosty form. But the weirdest thing of all was that it almost seemed to be... looking at her. And then, to Star's disbelief, the snowman smiled at her, saying pleasantly, "Hey there." Star screamed in panic, instinctively kicking the snowman's head and sending it flying. Marco, at the same time, turned at the sound of his companion's screams, and saw something white spiraling toward him. Without thinking, he reached out his hands and caught the object, giving Star a confused look. Was now really the time for a snowball fight? That was until he looked down and actually saw what he was holding, the smiling face of a living snowman causing his eyes to grow wide. "Wow that was a real close one, thanks for catching me-" the snowman began, only for Marco to scream, too. The boy in red dropped the head and stumbled back in fright, the snowman making a muffled oof as his face hit the snow. The two teens were still yelling as they watched the snowman's body beginning to stumble around looking for its missing head. "O-Okay no worries, I got it," the snowman head said in a confident tone, before trying to direct his body over to him, the two teens and reindeer watching the whole thing, startled. "U-Uh, over here. No, a little to your left. Yeah, just a little bit closer. That's it." Finally, the body reached its head, before immediately tripping over it and landing flat in the snow. Star and Marco shared disturbed expressions as they watched the poor snowman's body flip around in the snow, struggling to stand without arms. After a moment, Star took pity on the bizarre creature, and hesitantly approached it, Marco raising a hand up as if to weakly try and stop her. The blond didn't seem to notice him though as she just said softly, "Here, let me help." Star pulled the body into a sitting position, before lifting the head and  plopping it onto its snowy shoulders. Marco watched the girl quizzically and nervously the whole time, biting his lip to keep from blurting out a pointless warning. The thing was weird, but far from dangerous. "Oh wow, thanks so much!" The snowman said pleasantly once his head was firmly reattached to his body. "Uh sure, no problem," Star said, trying to hide her awkwardness with a small smile. "Mr. Talking Snowman." "Oh you can call me Doop Doop the Snowman!" The snowy creature replied. Star's eyes widened as a spark of recognition went through her mind, a fuzzy memory tingling the back of her mind. "Wait, Doop Doop?" "U-Uh yeah, that's my name," Doop Doop replied in confusion. "That's right! I remember you!" Star exclaimed, a wide smile on her face at the forgotten memory. "You do?" Marco asked skeptically. "Yeah! Me and Meteora used to name all our snowmen Doop Doop when we were kids!" Star explained. "Oh hey! What a coincidence, that's what Meteora named me!" Doop Doop shouted. Star gasped. "Wait, she did?! That's awesome!" "Your sister can make sentient snowmen?" Marco asked and Star shrugged. "Apparently," the blond replied, sounding equally as surprised. "Buuutt who cares!  This is great for us." She turned her attention to Doop Doop and asked, "Doop Doop, do you know where my sister is right now?" "Heck yeah, I do. She's up on the mountain in the ice castle," Doop Doop explained. "Ice castle?" Marco muttered under his breath. Star, however, squealed in joy, shouting over to her companion. "You here that Marco, we finally know she is!" Marco gave his friend a wain smile, only to suddenly realize something, asking the snowman, "Wait, if Meteora's on top of the mountain than how did you get all the way down here?" "Oh I was looking for my arms," Doop Doop explained. "Your arms?" The two teens said as one. "Yeah, they ran away from me again," Doop Doop explained. "Your arms... ran away," Marco said skeptically. "Uh huh, you haven't seen them around  have you?" Doop Doop asked. Star and Marco shared a look, before shaking their heads. "Uhhh, no. Don't think so," Star replied, looking as confused as her companion. "Okay, well let me know if you do," the snowman continued, turning to walk away. "I better get looking for them again-" "Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait," Star called out to him putting a gloved hand on his shoulder. "We were actually hoping to get some help, since we're not sure where my sister is exactly." Doop Doop stared at them for a second before saying, "Yes you do, she's in the ice castle just like I told you," The snowman replied innocently. "And where is the ice castle?" Marco tried. "On top of the North Mountain!" Marco face-palmed, while Star said in the calmest tone she could, fighting back her own frustration, "What Marco means is we need someone to take us up there." Doop Doop just stared at her blankly. “Like a guide,” she added in a hinting tone. "Oh well, I hope you find someone soon!" Doop Doop said obliviously, shuffling slowly away from the two again.
Star's face fell, watching sadly as her one hope of finding Meteora walked away, Marco putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. But suddenly Doop Doop gasped, turning to them and exclaiming, "Oh hey, I just had a great idea, why don't I take you to her!" Marco face-palmed again, shaking his head in disbelief, while Star's face lit up with joy. "Really?!" she shouted. "Oh thank you so much!" She quickly ran over to hug the snowman, practically squealing with excitement as she lifted him off the ground. "Well sure, who knows maybe I can get her to make me new arms when we get there," Doop Doop said hopefully.
"Uhh, maybe," Star replied with a shrug, setting him carefully back down. "Then follow me! I know a shortcut up!" Doop Doop said shuffling away quickly and Star cheered, starting to follow after him. But she was stopped as Marco put a hand on her shoulder, asking, "Uhh, Star don't you think you're forgetting an obvious problem here?" "What's that?" The blond asked curiously, cocking her head naively to the side. "The fact that snow tends to melt in summer," Marco replied quietly, tilting his head in the snowman's direction. Star looked over in the direction the snowman had gone, muttering, "Ooohh." She thought about her response to that for a few seconds before finally shrugging, telling her friend, "Eh, I'm sure it'll be fine. Who knows maybe my sister can make snow that doesn't melt or something?" "I don't know, Star. That seem like a pretty big 'if'," Marco pointed out. "Well, she can apparently make living snow so who knows what she can do," Star argued. "We don't!" Marco exclaimed in exasperation. "That's the whole problem!" "Hey where'd you guys go! We going to the ice castle or not?" Came Doop Doop's call. "Coming!" Star shouted back, before turning to her friend and saying, "Don't worry, Marco. I'm sure everything will work out fine." "That's what you said right before we got attacked by wolves," Marco responded but the girl was already walking away. She cupped a hand over her ear while walking backwards. "Hmm, what's that? I can't hear you from so far away," the blond said on a sing-song voice. Marco just let out a deep sigh, turning to his trusty reindeer with a tired look. "Why I am the only voice of reason around here, Nachos?" The reindeer nuzzled her head against his hand to let him know she understood and Marco gave her a quick pet on the head in response. "Marco, hurry up! We have to save summer!" came Star's scream and both Marco and Nachos smiled. This crazy blond was really starting to rub off on them. "What are we going to do with her?" The boy jokingly commented. Nachos however, just grunted knowingly. Her suspicions of his growing feelings becoming more and more apparent with every passing second. "Come on, girl, we better catch up to them before they get themselves in anymore trouble,” the boy said to his trusty stead.
And the two did just that, brushing past the hanging vines of crystallized ice, leaving the hidden world of the frozen forest to it's own devices, the only trace left behind being four pairs of footprints, all headed north.
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evilfairytales · 5 years
Star vs. The Forces of Evil Cleaved my Heart (not in the good way)
Okay, so massive spoilers are up ahead, needless to say. And frankly, if you enjoyed the finale, or really Season 4 in general, you’re better off moving along. More power to you, but there’s not much for you here, I’m afraid.
Okay, so I dusted off my old tumblr page here because I just HAVE to get this off my chest. Star vs. The Forces of Evil has been one of my favorite shows of the last five years or so. I like having it on in the background while I write or do other stuff. And I’m still going to do that, up to Season 3. Because I refuse to let Season 4 take my love of the first three seasons away from me. That would be letting it win.
The only other thing I can think of offhand that makes me want to rant like this are the Star Wars prequels. That’s because I don’t like to hate things. If I’m going to spend my time watching or reading or listening to something, I’d like to enjoy it. So even if I don’t think something is great, or even really that good, I’d far and away prefer to focus on what I actually did like about it and try to gloss over the bad things. 
So I tried to like season 4, I really, really did. And you know what? For most of it, I was doing a pretty good job of liking it! There were some very funny bits in there, and some very sweet ones. ‘Curse of the Blood Moon’ in particular was a great episode. I liked Kelly & Marco being break-up buddies, that was adorable, even if we all knew it wasn’t gonna last. I think Pony Head can be hilarious under the right circumstances, and she was in fine form in both ‘The Pony Head Show’ and ‘Queen-Napped.’ 
Right from the beginning, I thought that Moon just being on Pie Island and wrapping that up so nice and neat seemed kind of anticlimactic, but I could deal. As time went on and it became clear Eclipsa really wasn’t planning anything more sinister than getting Globgor uncrystallized, I started thinking that maybe this last season was going to call back to earlier days. Not so much an intricate plot, but just fun adventures with the characters we love. The fact that they seemed to be setting up Mina as the big last antagonist seemed to support that. Ludo, too was one of those cases where I thought they could have done more with it, but he ended up happy, so that’s okay. Maybe he’d help out a little in the end! 
In light of all that, when Star went back to Echo Creek, I was 100% into it. I was feeling it. Again, Beach Day ended up feeling rather anticlimactic, but it was sweet, and I saw what they were going for. We have some fun back on Earth, Mina causes trouble, they go back to fix it...maybe Mina ends up on Earth somehow and we gotta beat her there, whatever. Star probably decides she wants to stay on Earth with Marco, at least for now, the end. I might end up feeling like I wanted more, but I would have been quite pleased with that. 
Then they just decided to set fire to the whole fucking thing in the last four episodes. Let’s start with Mina working for Moon. That was a legitimately shocking twist when it was revealed. And if they had done something GOOD with it, it could have been a great plot point. But seriously, Moon’s ENTIRE plan was to turn Mina and the Solarians loose and force Eclipsa & Globgor to abdicate & exile themselves. And her only contingency plan was a spell to turn the Solarian’s power off that she obviously hadn’t tested. That is a STUPID and DESPERATE plan that puts so very, very many innocents, both Mewmans and Monsters, in lethal danger. It is unlike Moon on just about every conceivable level. 
But you know what? The fact that they just threw Moon’s character into the woodchipper DOESN’T EVEN MATTER, because the situation is just ripped out of her hands almost instantly. Seriously. Imagine if Mina had gathered her army by herself and was acting alone, and Moon really was just there to help. What would be different about the way the plot unfolded? I guess Star wouldn’t be angry at Moon, but she never really DID anything about that anger, so...yeah. You just made Moon a villain for no reason whatsoever. Nice. 
Or was that anger supposed to be what pushed Star over the edge into deciding magic was bad? This. This development, pulled COMPLETELY out of nowhere, was really what made me hate the whole thing. Frankly, this whole bit makes me so mad I can hardly see straight. Magic is bad, and we need to destroy it? When up to that exact moment we’d been using magic, learning about magic, protecting magic, remaking magic, loving magic. 
Up until that exact moment there had never been a single instant where the characters, or us viewers, were asked to even consider the idea that the world would be better off without magic. And in one little fit of pique, Star just turned one of the show’s central concepts on it’s head. It’s like one of those impulsive bad ideas she has that someone needs to talk her down from...except this time everybody, even people who will cease to exist, just go right along with it! 
To be honest, I actually don’t like the ‘In the End, Magic is BAD’ trope in fiction in general, even if it’s set up well. It’s reminiscent of those stories where someone from our world ends up in some amazing magical realm, saves the day, and decides to return to Earth. It’s like the lesson is that our mundane reality is somehow better than an awesome fantasy world. (For the record, if I was the magical savior of some mystical realm where I’d be a hero forever, unless I’ve got the love of my life and/or non-adult children back here, I’m gone. Sorry, friends and family. I’ll try my best to send word so you know I’m not dead, but...)
This time, however, it was NOT setup well. This was GARBAGE. They just threw it in at the last second, and expected us to go right along with it., despite it being completely against the tone of the show up to that exact moment. This is just BAD WRITING. 
Was it supposed to be some kind of allegory for power in general? Because if so, it’s a REALLY shitty one. The people in charge are always going to have power, magic, military, political, whatever. Whoever’s gonna end up in charge of Mewni Creek is still going to have power, whether they’ve got magic or not. The idea should be to use that power responsibly, for the good of everyone. 
So, magic is gone. The Magic High Commission is dead. I mean, I guess they were fiendish villains, even though we had no time at all to process them in that role. So, I guess they deserved it? Even though Moon was at least as culpable as any of them, and we forgave her instantly. Well, again, that didn’t really matter at all. And Glossaryck’s gone. I mean, he doesn’t necessarily have to make sense, and he really stopped being a character in Season 2, so that’s legitimately okay. I mean, it seems like they might have been going for something with him creating the wand and giving it to the first user in the past...that seemed like a thing worth exploring. But then a lot of other things did, too. Like ‘Eclipsa’s’ most dangerous spell. That REALLY seemed like that was going to be a thing. But it was really just Solaria’s Total Annhiliation Spell, and it didn’t really go anywhere. Eclipsa used it, and it was bad, and she didn’t use it again. Guess we’re done with that!
Poor Doop-Doop though, huh? And Spider With a Top Hat, the Warnicorns, the Narwhals...bummer for all of them. I mean, they REALLY fail to make it clear whether ALL magic is gone, or just the Butterfly magic. Admittedly, killing all the magic in the universe seems like a gigantic decision to make for literally everyone...seems like that would wipe who knows how many sentient beings out of existence. And then Pony Head can still float...honestly, it’s obvious the writers didn’t really care one way or the other, so why should we?
But either way, the spells in the wand are all dead, and so is Doop-Doop. Was Doop-Doop a subtle hint that the show’s creators had stopped giving a shit, and so should we? I mean, being voiced by Justin Roiland, he kind of automatically has that ‘nothing matters’ tone from Rick and Morty. And showing up at the end like that, his only real purpose seems to be to remind us that he’s gonna die along with all the other spells. To say nothing of Hekapoo. It’s ASTONISHING how little we’re supposed to care about the effects of what they did beyond ‘Magic is Bad, Stop Mina.’ Mina got slurped down by a corrupt unicorn that also never really got any kind of satisfactory exploration, by the way. 
This was SO BAD. AWFUL. TERRIBLE. It’s so bad, I honestly can’t believe the creators actually thought it was good. I mean, I can see Nefcy & Company being really upset about not getting more than four seasons...that is justifiable anger, and Disney should DEFINITELY have given them at least a fifth season. Were they so upset that they just kind of wanted to torch the thing on the way out? Or did they just not care and they felt this was just the easiest, laziest way to shut it all down? Because I do NOT believe that they thought this was a good finale. I will NEVER believe that. 
By the time the worlds merged, or Echo Creek was absorbed into Mewni, or whatever the hell that all was, I was pretty much emotionally numb. So, yeah, that part’s fine, whatever it’s supposed to be. 
I’m glad Star and Marco ended up together. But that was only one part of why I liked the show, and they were always going to get together anyway. If Starco was literally the only reason I watched the show, I probably would have been okay with the ending. But it wasn’t, and the finale shredded pretty much everything else. So, to hell with it. 
As far as I’m concerned, Divide & Conquer were the last episodes. 
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