#we are working together *holds everyone’s hands*
propertyofwicked · 2 days
based on this request ✧ my inbox is open for requests (or if u just want a chat!) ✧
warnings - none! just fluff (not proofread), oblivious reader and lando
feel like i could do a pt2 for this? - lemme know what you think!
masterlist the playlist
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the sun was shining brightly over the racetrack, casting on the 4 karts, lined up behind the group. max stood behind the camera, making sure everyone was in frame before running round to join Lando. at his other side stood y/n - long term friend of the two, and unofficial quadrant member.
lando flashed a wide grin at the camera.
“hey, everyone!” he announced, clapping his hands together, “welcome back to the quadrant channel. today, we have something special for you. me and max are going to teach our karting rookie here how to drive on a track like a pro,” he add, hands moving to gesture in y/n direction.
she smiled, waving awkwardly at the camera. it wasn’t her first time featuring on the channel, but she usually made small appearances when the whole team filmed. at the start, viewers had assumed she was lando’s girlfriend, noticing the way the two interacted with each other. but she wasn’t - not to say there wasn’t anything between the two of them, but they were just too stubborn to talk about it.
“you nervous?” lando asked her, smiling lightly.
“no different to driving a car right?” she replied, smiling back at him.
“not the way you drive, i guess,” he retorted, earning a light slap to his arm.
“so!” max started, clapping too as he faced the camera, “we’re starting y/n off in the lowest powered kart, and working our way up. when she’s comfortable, we’re going to have a small competition,” he added, his tone holding emphasised mystery.
it was y/n turn to speak to the camera.
“do i also need to clap when i start my sentence?” she asked max, grinning as she did. y/n could see niran burst into laughter behind the camera, all too familiar with the “who claps the most” argument.
“sorry, sorry,” she jokingly defended, holding up her hands when she caught max and lando both giving her a look filled with distaste. she turned back to the camera, “we will be seeing if the student really becomes the master, as i take on lando in a time-trialled race.”
the group moved closer to the first kart, y/n zipping up the rest of her protective clothing as they moved, balancing her helmet in the crevice of her arm.
“right, helmet on!” lando told her, though he moved to tuck loose hairs, that had fallen from her ponytail, behind her ears before grabbing the helmet from her, pushing it over her head. his hands rested on the side for a moment, wobbling her head slightly before moving to pop the visor up and look her in the eyes.
“comfortable?” he asked her, watching as she nodded, “ready?”
she hesitated for a moment, before nodding again. y/n wasn’t worried about injuring herself, no, she feared that she would do a bad job and the video wouldn’t be a good watch.
“you’ll be fine, angel, i promise,” he reassured her, his fingers moving to pull the zip of her suit up further, “if not, we blame max,” he joked. the two of them looked at the man stood on the other side of the kart, who quickly turned his head as though he hadn’t been watching the two interact, wondering when they’d figure whatever this was out. though he didn’t supposed it mattered, if this footage was left in the viewers would be quick to point it out, as they always did.
“it’s ok - if something bad happens, you’re the one that has to tell my mum,” y/n replied with a shrug, trying to grin despite her face being squashed.
“bagsy not me this time!” max called out.
“not fair! i did it last time!” lando shouted back childishly.
“in max’s defence, last time was your fault, lan,” y/n chimed in, patting his shoulder, “and all you did was leave a voicemail!”
“hiya, it’s lando - just letting you know y/n is in the hospital, but she’s fine. probably,” max mimicked, recalling the way lando left quite possibly the worst voicemail anyone had ever.
“not my finest moment, i’ll admit,” lando replied quietly before trying to manoeuvre the woman in front of him towards the kart.
y/n moved to climb into the first kart, her hand gripping tightly at lando’s arm to use as support before she sat down fully. he squatted down next to her, max following suit on the other side, before explaining the basics to her - when to brake, when to speed up, when to take a corner wide.
“last thing - the steering wheel,” he continued, making sure the mic could pick up his voice. his hands reached out to grab hers, placing them in the correct position on the wheel.
“what about the pedals?” she asked him.
“the same as normal? accelerator….brake?” he added, smiling as he pointed to each pedal as though it was obvious.
y/n nodded up at him, before grabbing the steering wheel and pretending to drive, making a ‘neeyowwwm’ noise as she did.
“she’s fine,” max laughed out, “strap her in and we’ll get started. oh, y/n don’t forget you have a the mic and the headset so we can communicate as you go round the track.”
“you’re doing great!” lando’s voice sounded through her earpiece, full of encouragement, “brake a little earlier for this next turn.”
y/n grinned, confidence growing with each lap. she was now onto the last kart, one lap left before she was supposed to race lando.
“how’s that?”
“perfect! you’re a natural,” he praised, his pride evident.
“i’m gonna kick your ass,” she threatened as she neared the finish line.
“looking forward to it,” lando remarked, this time in person as he stepped towards the side of her kart, “10 minute break before we race?”
“please,” she replied, nodding up and moving her hands to undo the straps before pushing herself up to step out from the kart. her balance faltered slightly as she did, though lando’s arms had shot out, his hands gripping her waist to steady her as she stepped out from the kart. even when y/n was fine to walk alone, lando’s hands never left, his hand firmly positioned on her lower back as they walked towards max.
“how was that,” max asked her, his eyes darting from lando to the woman who was struggling to pull her helmet off.
“really good,” she replied with an enthusiastic nod once lando had helped to pull the helmet from her head, “not sure on that last corner but we’ll see how it goes.”
“seemed alright on that last lap,” max reassured her, though he couldn’t help but notice the way lando looked at her face, smiling fondly as she explained how she might approach the race.
“right, it is finally time!” max called out, facing the camera as y/n took a seat in the kart behind him, “the moment we have all been waiting for. lando norris, formula one racer versus karting rookie y/n.”
“karting rooki- max i have so many better attributes to describe me?” y/n called out jokingly.
“sorry - lando norris, formula one racer versus ‘nine points on her license’ y/n!” he joked, “is that better?”
“NINE? i do not have nine points on my license?” she retorted, “it’s like 3?”
“it’s nine,” lando interrupted with a snort as he crouched down next to her to check her straps were tight enough, “two counts of speeding, and that one time you ran a red light - am i wrong?” he added with a grin.
y/n shook her head at him, though her silence confirmed his claim. the three moved on quickly, y/n finding herself breathing in sharply as lando pulled on the straps too hard, tightening them around her ribs.
“sorry,” he mumbled, loosening them slightly, “breathe out f’me,” he added, checking that she had room, before muttering a quick perfect as she did.
anyone who believed lando would go easy on y/n was a fool. she’d managed a good few overtakes, took corners well and maintained her speed, but as they approached the last lap lando seemed to slip further away. even with her foot to the floor, her kart was slowing more and more until the engine fully gave up, spluttering a few times before dying.
“well this is embarrassing,” she announced, looking into the gopro attached to the kart as she did.
“hold still for a moment, y/n,” max said through her headset, “need lando to stop before you can get out.”
so y/n sat, waiting for lando to stop so that she could climb out from the kart and do her walk of shame back to base. but she didn’t have to wait long before she saw lando jogging towards her.
“you good?” he asked her on approach, his helmet long abandoned with his kart.
“the engine just died on me,” she told him, annoyed.
“i told max i thought i could hear it struggling when i passed you,” he told her, holding out his hand for her to climb out, “however, can’t have you not finish your first ever karting race.”
“climb on,” lando told her, crouching slightly and tapping his back for her to climb on.
y/n didn’t argue, she knew she’d lose. so she stood behind him, bouncing slightly before jumping onto his back, his hands moving to grab her legs and her arms wrapping around his neck loosely. he started running towards the finish line, y/n clinging tightly onto him whilst mimicking car noises, lando laughing loudly as she did.
“you two look like you’ve been doing this for years,” max called out, breathing through his laughter at the sight in front of him.
“we have,” they said in unison as they approached him. max knew this - he himself had fallen victim to giving y/n a piggyback a fair few times over the years - however it didn’t make the situation less funny to him.
lando placed y/n down with a soft thud, before realising something, his eyes widening.
“wait who won?”
“what do you mean ‘who won’?” she asked confused, “my engine died, lando.”
“i didn’t cross the line,” he whined, “i went to get you before i crossed it.”
“funny you should ask,” max interrupted, using the opportunity to turn to the camera set up, “we ran the VAR and…”
“are you waiting for a drumroll or…?” lando asked impatiently.
“don’t be mean,” y/n told him, slapping his arm lightly, “god forbid you not be so competitive for once.”
“so!” max started again, knowing their bickering could last hours if he didn’t interrupt, “we ran the VAR and you’ll be glad to know that….y/n - your foot was the first to cross the line!”
“yes!” she cheered, pumping her fist dramatically.
“how is that right? i was carrying her?” lando whined again.
“her foot was in front of you mate,” max laughed, “should’ve tucked it behind you if you wanted to win so bad,” he added, shrugging.
“that is the last time i do anything nice for you,” lando seethed jokingly, turning to face y/n before ruffling his hand through her hair to mess it up.
she dodged his hand quickly, head jerking sideways as she shouted at him.
“you’re such a sore loser.”
“i am not.”
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joonsytip · 2 days
Only for Love || Mingyu - Part 2
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Pairings: Mingyu x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Husband!Mingyu, Cold Wife!Reader, Arranged Marriage au, Contract Marriage au, Divorce au
Synopsis: When an accidental discovery has your perception of happy married life crumbling down, you do what you think is the best for everyone involved. Naturally, your opinion of the best doesn't cater to your husband's. So what happens when things spiral out due to unforeseen events?
Warnings: NSFW, virgin reader, cunnilingus, consensual and penetrative sex, couple uses protection (you do too), mentions of past accident, workplace politics allusions, mentions of getting stalked and periods.
Word Count: 6.1k
Minors DNI! Minors DNI! Minors DNI! Minors DNI!
[ SVT Masterlist ] [ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
Teaser | Part 1 | Part 2
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It's been half an hour since your arrival to the party and the lack of interaction between you and Mingyu starts to raise some brows.
Mingyu stays rooted to the same place, his eyes fixated on you as he realises that it was wrong of him to totally wring you out and knowing your temperament he's not brave enough yet to place himself in the periphery of your vision.
"The marriage is really a sham, afterall."
Mingyu scoffs, not bothering to look at the source of the voice.
Kim Hanjun has been demoted under the obvious reason of underperforming and it's boiling his blood having to work under Mingyu because being a man with connections and boasting about it openly would have eventually come to bite him back given he's not even good at his job.
"Your wife isn't even interested in you it seems."
Fisting his hands, Mingyu decides to mute out his words.
"Oh so you're not gonna speak because you might accidentally spill something?"
But there's a limit to how much one can endure. Even though he has the patience of a saint, Mingyu just can't tolerate this obnoxious colleague of him.
Just as he opens his mouth to retort, he feels a hand circling his arm. It's you.
"You must be Kim Hanjun?", you say with a poker face, "You're quite the infamous one around here."
Both the men are caught off-guard by your presence.
"Now if you could excuse us.", your grip tightens on your husband, "I have some making up to do, as you can see husband's upset is at me for not spanning attention to him."
Hanjun is rendered speechless when you step forward and say in a dangerously low tone, "If I see you pestering my husband one more time, you might not find your company ID working while swiping."
The man is suddenly sweating and you cross over your arms with a smirk, "I usually don't interfere but sorry to break it to you, if we come down to this, I'd like you to always remember what position my uncle holds in the company. You're not the only one who can exert connections."
Mingyu looks at you in awe. He wants to record this on his phone so that he could watch this again and again. His wife is standing up for him and that's the absolute hottest you've looked.
Once Hanjun leaves, you also turn on your heels to do so but Mingyu doesn't let you.
"I'm tired.", you say turning to look at him, hand trying to scuffle out of his strong grip, "I'm leaving."
"We're leaving.", Mingyu says leading the way, hands still held together.
While it's a sight for others to finally see the couple, might be romantic to some as well by the way Mingyu is not letting go of you but you know the truth so does your husband.
The car ride back home is silent because halfway neither of you speak and for the rest of the path, you somehow fall asleep.
You wake up in Mingyu's arm as he carries you to the bedroom.
"Let me down.", you say tiredly.
But your husband only sets you down on the bed and once he does he starts spilling the apologies.
"I was mad at you and thought you won't come if I asked you.", he says lowering his gaze, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay.", you say not meeting his gaze either and fumbling your fingers, "You should tell me if any of my behaviour has hurt or is bothering you. I can't read minds, Mingyu."
There's a pang in his chest as guilt consumes him. His mind lingers back on how he had been ignoring you for the past few days. And now that he looks at you, he realises the chronic tiredness ghosting over your features.
"Now if you could please move so that I can get changed.", you say, hands gesturing the way out.
Mingyu swears he hasn't had a drop of alcohol present in his body at the moment so why is he all of a sudden, seeing and feeling things differently?
Why are you glowing in the poorly lit room? Since when did you have such deep beautiful pair of eyes? How are your lips looking so luscious?
Mingyu loosens the tie round his neck, clearing his throat. As he has been crouching, he stands up and sides himself so that you would get out of sight because somehow though it's chilly but by doing absolutely nothing you've managed to heat him up.
You walk upto the closet and after searching for a while you turn around to look at your husband.
"Can I wear something of yours?", you ask, leaning against the door, "I think all of my comfortable nightwears have ended up in the laundry."
The man chokes, he wonders if the stars are plotting against him tonight. He settles with a subtle nod, looking everywhere but at you.
You mumble a thanks and grab the first thing that looks comfortable, going into the bathroom to change.
Mingyu rushes out of the room grabbing a pair of clothes and proceeds to wash himself in the guest bathroom just to cool off. He watches his red tinted cheeks in the dazed vision in the mirror, notices his heavy breaths and eyes down to the semi grown tent in his pants.
Something's wrong with him. He can't comprehend his state. His mind lingers back to the moments when you were defending him against Hanjun. His heart beats erratically when he remembers the accidental view of your cleavage through the dress when he was carrying you inside. The slit of your dress wasn't helpful at all as he could see your trained thighs on display everytime you moved. And your long manicured nails, he's sure that they would look beautiful running through his nape and back.
Mingyu slaps himself twice on both the cheeks, he takes a cold shower.
But he's just a man afterall, so when sees you standing in front of the dressing table in his shirt and shorts he breath hitches and he gasps. Loud enough to catch your attention. As you look at him, he looks at your collarbones peaking out because his shirt is too loose on you.
And before you could say anything he's already laying on the bed hurriedly facing away, pulling over the covers to hide the re-emerging boner.
You follow his actions, laying beside him but facing his back. You wonder if you should sleep at the guestroom because your husband is still mad at you. And his actions are clearly saying so as the person who can't sleep without hugging is maintaining the distance, not bothering to even face you, like he has been doing for the past days.
With a heavy sigh, you tell him, "I'll sleep in the guestroom. We can talk when you feel like you can bear to look at me again."
Just as you turn on your back to get up, you're being held back and within a span of seconds your husband is hovering on top of you.
"I'm sorry, I can't control myself anymore."
And admitting that he crashes his lips onto yours. You gasp grabbing his arms before sighing into the kiss. Mingyu sucks onto your lips pacing them slower now. His hand roams up to rest on your neck, gently rubbing along the column, the sensation of his touch eliciting another gasp out of you.
His tongue enters your mouth and it's lewd in the way they slotting perfectly on each other. His mouth descends to press kisses on your chin and collarbones.
The one time he detaches his mouth off you to unbotton your (his) shirt, you're tapping on his forearm. His gaze follows your hands which are now covering your eyes.
There's a bit of silence. Mingyu wonders if he's forcing himself on you, without your consent and with the thought just as he prepares himself to get off, you say something that wracks his head.
"This will be my first time. I've never been touched before.", you say shakily, evidently embarassed enough to not uncover your eyes until Mingyu does so.
Though Mingyu has his mind too clouded to be pondering over anything but the first question he asks with those eyes now turned soft, after urging you to look at him is, "Do you want to do this? Is it okay for me to proceed? Tell me if you want me to stop."
"Please don't stop.", you breathe out immediately averting your gaze which causes you to miss the smile your husband directs at you before placing his hand under your head to raise it swiftly to kiss you.
"I'll make it worth, Y/N. I'll make you feel good.", he whispers in between the kisses.
You lay naked, all bared out under him as after spanning enough attention to your boobs, Mingyu shifts all his focus on your wet, leaking core.
"Gonna prep you first", he says in his husky voice, "and let me know if you want me to stop."
His tongue laps a long stripe against your cunt and you grip the sheet underneath desperately to hold onto. He keeps tonguing your cunt, holding your legs apart as they try to close off, his nose bumping against your clit making it impossible to hold your moans anymore.
You are squirming under the mercy of yoYir husband and his tongue. There's a knot tightening in the pit of your stomach and you could do nothing, not even speak out any coherent sentences.
"Cum for me, Y/N.", Mingyu urges you and that's the push you need before pouring out the juices all over his face. You're catching breathes when sensitivity hits you as your husband licks you clean off the juices.
You are biting down on your arm when Mingyu decides to prep you a bit further by scissoring his long fingers in your hole until it's oozing out for the second time.
Mingyu presses a soft kiss on your forehead before scurrying away for a few seconds and coming back holding a bunch of condoms in his hands.
"You had those?", you ask propping yourself on your elbows, genuinely amused.
Mingyu cocks his brow, "Not sure who it was but one of the guys has kept them in the drawer at one of the times they visited."
He climbs on the bed, straddling over you as he tears the wrapper with his teeth and rolls up a couple of condoms up his girth, "I didn't even know until all of them sent the same picture in the group chat."
You nod in silence, looking at his big veiny cock and it's red tip that's leaking precum, wondering if it's gonna even fit inside of you.
Mingyu hovers over you, pressing another soft kiss on your forehead.
"It's gonna hurt a bit at start but it's gonna feel good, okay?"
You nod again letting Mingyu hold your hands over your head, intertwining the fingers. He slowly pushes his length and sensing your ragged breathing he stills for sometime before continuing until he hilts all the way inside.
Tears roll down, as you try to adjust and your husband does nothing but kiss you softly trying to soothe you, divert your mind from the pain.
"Let me know when you want me to move."
He waits patiently and once you ask him to move, he thrusts ever so slowly, his lips never leaving yours.
"Gyu, faster please.", you say breaking the kiss.
And who is your husband to deny your wishes. He picks up his pace steadily thrusting in and out, as both of your moans fill the room.
Mingyu fiddles with your nipples by taking them into his mouth while his fingers rub your clit at a fast pace.
You're too dumbified by the way your body is reacting. Your legs are shaking, your stomach is pitting a knot again, your hands are gripping onto your husband for dear life and you swear you're seeing stars.
"Y/N?", Mingyu calls you out, seeing your dazed vision, "Are you okay?"
Your reply comes as another moan as your nails dig crescent shapes onto his back deeper, running through the back of his neck, grabbing onto the hair on the nape.
"Can you hold on for a bit more?", he coaxes you once he realises your gummy walls are clenching harder around his cock, "Let's cum together, can you do that for me right?"
Mingyu looks at the juncture where the bodies are meeting, where your cunt is swallowing him wholly. He groans at the sight of white foamy ring around his cock and kisses you hard making you squeak into his mouth.
"Let it go, Y/N.", he encourages you, his calloused fingers now rubbing your sides as his thrusts turn sloppy, "Cum for me."
Both of you are catching breathes. You lay eyes closed, not feeling your body at all. Mingyu lies looking at you, admiration laced in his eyes, his heart doing dibs thinking about how you trusted him enough to give your firsts to him. He realises that unlike him, you're not vocal so he has to focus on your body language to understand your needs. He also makes his mind to have a conversation with you like a descent person in the morning but before that--
"You need to pee.", he tells discarding the condom in the bin and while you groan he continues, "And we need to wash up. I'll run the bath, clean us up and change the sheets so please don't fall asleep till then."
You are incapable of registering his words so you just let him do whatever he wants to do with you.
Late in the morning, the conversation gets shelved until evening because Mingyu fucks you again because he is insatiable and so are you. Well, you both end up being each other's breakfast in bed.
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It's the day, you dread the most. It was the same day sixteen years ago when you lost your family. It's your birthday.
If only you hadn't thrown a tantrum about not wanting to celebrate the day at home as it had been done for all the years. Birthdays had always been a great deal to you. You wanted the celebration to be a bit grander which led all to unanimously decide to go the soaring picnic spot, inviting all your friends as well. Uncle being your favourite person, the rest of the family drove the to venue as it was an hour drive away a little earlier to set up things while you and your uncle drove in a van along with all your friends.
But instead of the picnic spot, you ended up in the hospital with your uncle identifying the bodies. The collision of two vehicles were severe enough to claim the lives of all present in them.
Though your uncle had never expressed anything as such but you know you are to blame for everything. You wondered if seeing you was even bearable to him. The guilt and regret changed you whole as a person. After the incident you distanced yourself from everything, everyone.
Birthdays mean nothing to you now. Unlike for other workers, no one receives your birthday mail as you have requested to the officials. No one knows, no one asks, no one cares and that's perfect for you.
It's been a long day, with you driving successive review and checkpoint meetings. One of the rare days where you want nothing but to fall to the comfort of your bed.
Just as you enter the house, you see a string a shoes lined one after another. You enter the hallway and come across the faces of your in-laws, your husband, his friends and your uncle.
Gatherings on any other day is always welcomed but not today. You have this look of disapproval on your face and the entire flock of people freeze. Without a word, you disappear into your room and it's about half an hour when you don't come out, Mingyu assures everyone and goes into the room.
"What are they doing here?", you ask as soon as he enters.
"Why? Are they not allowed to visit us?"
You glare at him, "They are. But why today? And you always inform me beforehand if anyone is coming so why's there an exception today?"
Mingyu sighs but walks upto you, "Y/N, they're just here to spend sometime with us. But if you want then I'll tell them to leave and trust me they'll leave instantly."
"Tell them to leave then. I don't want to entertain anyone today.", you say stoicly.
Mingyu nods, "All of them have brought something they've cooked for you. Hansol cooks occasionally and almost burnt his house but he came in so proud, bragging how he was able to cook something for you that's edible. And oh", he raises his finger plastered with a bandaid, "I've got a cut while chopping the vegetables. So are you gonna atleast eat them or should I tell them to take those back as well?"
There's a pang in your heart, it's constricts within your chest. Your eyes glistens with tears, the resolute within you starts to dissolve but you could never afford to do so. You don't deserve to be celebrated.
"It's the death anniversary of the people I love.", you say helplessly, "I don't remember them vividly, each year the memories of them are fading away. I can't bear to look at uncle without feeling guilty. He lost his son, his wife, his brother all because I wanted to celebrate a stupid birthday."
You are sobbing now and Mingyu holds you in his arms, letting his own tears fall. He hates that there's nothing he could provide to soothe you.
"There are so many words on the tip of my tongue but they're all meaningless.", he says and bites on his tongue to stop those tears from spilling, "I'm sorry but I won't let you wallow in sadness, I won't leave you all by yourself."
After staying quiet in his embrace, you tell him, "People are waiting for you, you should go. I'll be fine, I'm used to this."
Mingyu pulls away and holds your face gently, "Do you trust me?"
Your eyes say a lot, even if you hadn't given a nod, your husband would've known the answer.
"Then let's go and spend time with them.", Mingyu coaxes you, "They wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable, if they do, I'll send them back."
You ponder over for sometime. Past years have always been the same, you wanting the day to pass by anyhow. You've preferred to be alone but you think you'd make an exception for your husband and all those people who are waiting for you outside knowing they genuinely care for you.
When you both step out of the room, you could see the worried faces and it makes you feel bad.
"We're are really sorry for barging in.", Seokmin breaks the silence as he stands up and following his suite everyone does so well, "We'll get going."
And there's a lot of shuffling. Everyone is off their seats and packing the stuffs when you decide to interrupt.
"I'm hungry", you say everyone halt, "And I'm bored of eating his cooking.", you point at your husband who gasp in offence but smiles nonetheless.
And that's how the dinner table was set with everyone sitting together eating and chatting happily. No one wishes you birthday, none of them have bought you gifts and it does seem like another normal gathering except for the subtle wishes of wellbeing they launch softly at you.
"You are beautiful, Y/N, inside out.", Minhee says as she secures the seat beside you, "I hope to see you healthy and beautiful always."
Sometime later, when the topic of work is brought up, Soonyoung slickly tells, "Y/N is handling such a big project.", and looking at you he speaks with a mouthful, "I know it'll be a huge success. Hope we get to see you achieve many more milestones in your career."
And throughout the dinner you recieve such praises and wishes from every single one of them. You didn't want to send them off but you had to with a heavy heart. First time, in several years you feel like you have a family, you want to hold onto people, want to expect certain things and be a part of them.
First time in several years, your birthday didn't haunt you rather it gave you a reason to smile.
Lying the bed, tired after a long day when you feel an arm drape around your waist, you turn to face your husband, snuggling closer in the comfort of his embrace when he opens his arms for you.
His eyes droop in sleepiness but he strokes your hair saying, "I wish you to be happy.", smiling sheepishly he adds, "Thanks for trusting me."
And when you watch your husband drift off to sleep, stroking his hair with a hesitant hand, you whisper, "Thanks for tolerating me."
Your relationship with Mingyu progresses steady but it's beautiful in it's own way. To you, Mingyu hasn't only been a good husband, he has been a great companion. He takes care of you, knows your limits and shortcomings, never makes you feel weirded out and makes sure to sort things out to be on the same page.
Your calendar previously which had only meeting dates marked on them are now filled with many more events such as your anniversary, Mingyu's birthday, Minhee's birthday, your uncle's birthday, your in-laws' anniversary etc etc. A smile appears on your face when you reminisce how late you were to your second anniversary party and how pissed Mingyu was at you, avoiding you the whole night until after the party was over and you had stripped yourself naked in front of him which worked to dissolve his anger as you let him fuck you dumb till the dawn.
You have a best friend now and her name is Minhee. You've always liked her and over the years you two have grown closer. Mingyu's friends, well more of yours, are not scared of you anymore, they've dropped all the formalities to pit long ago.
Junhui shares every funny thing he sees on the internet, on appointment days he rants to you about patients and work. Soonyoung now shares table with you during lunch and eat your ears off. Seokmin calls you randomly during work and if you don't pick up, he just sends you a candid picture of your husband with a caption 'thought you'd be missing him, so here's your husband. Don't thank me, just name one of your gaming character after me.'
Hansol is the most random of all, he just pings you any fact he learned out of the blue without any context. Sometimes when on asking when you confirm that you're free he sends you a bunch of pics telling you to choose the best among the lot. Jeonghan is the quietest among all, he'd only talk to you during the gatherings.
You have started calling Mingyu's parents as what Mingyu calls them because you are comfortable to call them so. They've blended into your life making you feel as their own. These changes in your life have helped you bond better with your uncle as well.
It's been over two years and you think you're happy. You think your married life is perfect and you're in love with certain things.
You love the back hugs, love those forehead kisses, love the smell of coffee that hits the house in the morning, love the way his mouth opens and closes in sleep, love when the fangs graze his lips as he smiles wide, love when his hand sneaks to wrap around yours on a busy road.
You're in love.
In love with your husband because how could you not, he's so easy to love. Though you feel there's still a lot you both need to discover about each other, you hope he'd also love you one day. He's your first love after all.
You are in the middle of a meeting when your phone keeps vibrating continuously. Trying to ignore it, your brows knit in agitation but that soon turns into worry when you check the caller ID. It's Minhee. Excusing yourself, you call her back.
And now after a drive of an hour you find yourself in front of the park, near her apartment.
"It's okay, I'm here now.", you say patting on Minhee's back, "Once you feel better, tell me everything."
And after some moments Minhee does relay everything. There's a thug-like guy who has started visiting the café she regulars at because somehow Minhee has piqued his interest. Even though she didn't notice at first, it started to strike her that she has been seeing a face almost everywhere she visits.
He has been following her to and back from the school she teaches in. He's been bold enough to get in the way and ask her to sleep with him for a night, if she wants to stop getting bothered by him.
Minhee has had enough to slap him straight across his face, even threatening to report him to the police. And that seemed to work because he didn't appear before her for a whole week until today.
As she describes it terrified, he had an ominous gaze, when he had given her an ultimatum to be compliant or be ready for the worse.
"I was so shocked and scared. I could only think about calling you. If Gyu knows about this he'd kill that guy even before police knows about him and would never let me work here. I don't want that.", Minhee says, "I am planning to go to the police today."
"You're so brave", you tell her as your gaze sweeps across the surrounding, "Let's deal with that guy now. Is it that guy standing over there?"
And Minhee now ponders over if it would have been safer to call her brother because the stalker guy, all bruised from the beating he got from you is kneeling in front of you both with hands up in air.
You've called the police and as soon as they arrive, that guy is mumbling confessions of all the harassment he did and tried to perform on Minhee.
"Did I tell you, I'm trained in taekwondo?", you ask her frowning, "Uncle also made me take specialization classes on self defence.", you suddenly hiss because of the bruises inflicted on you during the hassle and look at her.
Minhee engulfs you in a hug, "Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver."
Your lips curl up and you say pulling away, "Let's go to the station and complete the formalities and then we'll have to inform Mingyu and mom & dad as well."
Minhee hesitates but she knows she'll eventually have to so.
"Let's do that.", she agrees, "I have something else to tell you."
Your brows quirk up questioning as you both head towards your car.
"I have developed a liking towards Soonyoung.", she smiles looking at your flabbergasted demeanor, "No ones knows except you and him."
You swear, your head spins at this.
And as if she could read your mind, she adds, "I don't know how he feels but he said he'd never date me because I'm his friend's sister and that's against bro code."
You scoff, how typical of Soonyoung.
When Mingyu stumbles upon his sister's apartment that night, he finds her sleeping peacefully in her room. And when he goes searching for you, he finds you in the bathroom clutching the slab. Your eyes are red, forehead glistening with sweat.
"Oh god, Y/N...", Mingyu rushes inside as the door was open and holds you up on your feet, "what happened?"
"Stop shouting, you'll wake her up.", you say groaning, "and why do you care anyways?"
Right, you both rarely fought but when you did it would go on for days, like now. It started with a simple matter but escalated real quick causing Mingyu to lash out on you and give you a silent treatment. You tried to talk to him twice, which was more than you think you have done but were met with radio silence. He went as far as being petty enough to not even wait for you at dinner table or sleep facing you. And that's how you decided to shut him out as well. It's been a week since you both talked.
As Mingyu holds your waist to support you, you cry out in pain. You tried to resist but when he glares at you, you give up. He unbottons your top and his eyes almost gauze out on seeing the cut on your waist.
"How did it happen?", he sits you on the counter and pulls out the first aid box.
You stay quiet.
"Y/N, I'm asking something.", he uses an authoritative tone, looking at you.
"I thought we are not talking.", you snark at him but gasp when he dabs the cotton with antiseptic gel on the cut. He does several other sorts of things which makes you think he's a trained nurse before pasting the adhesive.
"Y/N, please.", he gets up and holds your face, "I know I have been an asshole and I'll keep apologizing to you until you forgive me. But please tell me are you hurt anywhere else? Did that bastard do this to you?"
You sigh and peel his hands off your face, "Yes, he was swinging his knife at me so while tackling him, I got that wound. And I got some bruises but Minhee treated those, didn't want to worry her so hid this one. You should be worried about Minhee. I'm fine."
Mingyu looks at you with so much admiration. His heart swells within his chest when he thinks about how you saved his sister and handled the situation well while he was being a jerk to you.
"The first thing Minhee asked on calling me was how did I manage to marry someone as amazing as you. That I should have seen you, you were looking like a superhero fighting off the evil.", he smiles pinching the bridge of your nose.
You bite your lower lip, your brows crease and Mingyu instantly deflates noticing the obvious signs.
"Are you on your periods?", he asks concerned.
"The cramps are killing me."
"You should have told me sooner.", he immediately lifts you up and takes you to the guestroom and lays you on the bed, "I think I know what all things Minhee uses for her cramps and where they are kept. I'll be back."
"I was supposed to sleep with Minhee tonight.", you say frowning.
"No, you're sleeping with me", he smiles, crouching to peck your forehead, "Minhee rotates around the bed all night in sleep. Doesn't matter though, I won't be letting you out of my sight."
And while he spends the whole night making sure you get a good sleep, in the morning he makes you apply for sick leave. He scolds Minhee for not calling him sooner as it could have been dangerous for you both but in turn gets scolded by you.
He doesn't take his car, rather drives your car back home because you were scheming on sending him away first, not wanting to go with him. He sulks throughout the way back because when he leans in to you, in the guise of helping you putting on the seatbelt just to give a kiss, you slap a hand over his mouth. But that doesn't stop him from not letting you go to your office room the whole day and spend the time in taking rest.
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It's an important day for you. It's a success party of the new game launch and playing the key role in leading back to back projects you're going to get felicitated at the party by the director herself.
You have informed Mingyu beforehand and he has promised to reach the venue before time, also squealing for days on about how he'd capture everything and show others, that how proud he is of his wife.
Your eyes boringly scan through the crowd, waiting for your husband.
"How am I looking?", Soonyoung's voice startles you.
As he takes a seat beside you, you tell him, "As usual. Are you supposed to not look like a human but something else?"
He scowls, "Wow, you're really doing this to me."
He brings over a glass of wine from the waiter who was passing and says, "I heard there have been some changes in the management and they'll be announcing it today."
You take a candy from the bowl kept on the table, "I'll be reporting to someone who has joined the company recently. My previous boss is gonna take over the strategy planning unit."
Soonyoung laughs, "There are rumours about him being eccentric."
"Let him be anything, I don't care as long as it doesn't hinder my work.", you tell him, eating the candy and checking your phone, "They're gonna start soon. Any idea when your dear friend is gonna arrive?"
"He was supposed to leave from work early", he tells you, "Don't worry he's punctual."
Mingyu curses when he checks the time. He's late.
"Min, I think you should leave as soon as possible.", Seokmin says as he helps him pack his bag, "You'll go home, get changed and then leave for the venue, right? You're running late by almost an hour already."
Mingyu is hot on his heels as he hurriedly takes his bag and rushes out of his cabin.
"Be careful!", Seokmin yells seeing Mingyu's fleeting demeanor, knowing how clumsy he can be and as he takes the keys to lock the cabin as requested by his friend his gaze falls on the USB drive which he knows Mingyu would need to work on some presentation.
Seokmin rushes to catch him so that he can give him the USB just in time. As he punches out his employee card, he sighs in relief as he recognises Mingyu standing still just outside the main door.
He pushes through the door and is just about to call him, something catches his eyes from the periphery of vision.
Just like Mingyu, Seokmin freezes on spot.
Because it is Sora who's standing in front of them.
Seokmin doesn't know what or if they had any conversation prior to his arrival but he grabs Mingyu's arm when he sees Sora open her car door and his friend heading in the se direction.
"Min, don't go.", he speaks the next part in louder tone, "your wife is waiting for you."
"I know what I'm doing, Min.", Mingyu frees his arm, "Trust me on this."
Seokmin watches helplessly as the car drives off to who knows where.
You are dejected. Even when recieving the award your eyes kept scanning the crowd just in hopes of seeing your husband's face. And still now doing so you keep on checking your phone, too upset to call or text him.
"I'll call him after they make the announcement.", Soonyoung says equally upset, "I'm sure something really urgent came up otherwise he'd have not missed it."
Everyone is asked to stand near the stage where they announce the key changes in management.
You are shocked when you hear a certain name being announced, see a certain figure taking the centre of the stage.
Xu Minghao is going to be your boss tomorrow onwards.
Minghao seems to have taken notice of you as his smile widens, his gaze locking on you.
Soonyoung has noticed the change in your demeanor, has followed the gaze of Minghao. He observes quietly before motioning you to come with him to a quieter place.
He then calls Mingyu putting his phone on speaker who doesn't pick up. There's an uneasy feeling settling at your chest and hope that your husband is fine wherever he is.
Soonyoung then calls Seokmin and regrets putting the phone on speaker because you hear what he says.
"Mingyu left with Sora and I can't reach him."
Your heart sinks because even though no one has ever talked to you about her, you know that name very well. Your husband's ex girlfriend whom he to marry.
"Trouble in paradise?"
Both you and Soonyoong turn to see Minghao standing, his gentle gaze bestowing upon you.
You decide to forget any other thoughts and wear a tight lipped smile, "Been a long time, Hao."
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip.
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bby-deerling · 17 hours
law + craving (suggestive)
tagging: @willowbelle @kaizokuniichan @eelnoise @sanjisjuul @queenmimi2817
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law is proud of you. he really and truly is, but tonight he feels so selfish. he wants you close, your chest pressed against his, with fingers interlaced and hands held tight. law needs to consume you, to touch you, to spend the night buried in your skin until your souls melt together, but between your efforts to train the latest additions to the crew and your usual duties, you've been so busy, to the point where the only times he sees you are during meals, and when you fall asleep next to him at night, too tired to do anything more than curl up in his arms.
unable to spend another evening forced to choose between either sitting in the common room impatiently bouncing his knee while itching to be alone with you or staying in his office and feeling a cold, empty void next to him, he steals you away after dinner. it's abrupt, unsubtle, and makes law cringe at himself as he orders for you to follow him in front of everyone, but he knows he's made the right decision when he catches a hint of your energy, motivation, and optimism fizzling out behind your bright eyes—you've been working yourself to the bone, and he's been a fool for not forcing you to pace yourself sooner.
"stay with me a while," he whispers once he locks your bedroom door behind you, tracing his knuckles softly along your cheek. law's eyes are sparkling pools of amber as they plead with you; his gaze is hot, sticky, and preservative. completely encased in his stare as his eyes rake down your body, you feel the viscous fluid set and find yourself unable to move, too immobilized to even fidget.
"okay, i needed a break anyways," you hum contently as you lean into his touch, each gentle brush of his hand melting into your skin. for the first time in ages, you reignite the ritual you both have shared for years, of decompressing together for a while each day, which causes a cold rush of water to be poured over your head as the weight of how much you missed spending time with him hits you all at once. overcome with emotion, you wrap your arms around his torso and bury your face in his chest. "i'm sorry we haven't been spending much time together lately," you mumble, voice laced with guilt as it wavers.
law's warm lips press softly against the top of your head, letting them linger as he takes in the sweet scent of your hair. "knock it off—don't get all out of sorts, i know you're busy," he says reassuringly, holding you a bit tighter as his head goes light, "we just need to get back to our regular schedule, captain's orders."
nodding against him, you smile as your arms squeeze him tighter, though the embrace is soon broken by his inked hand cradling your face, keeping you close as he leans in and captures your lips with his. he tries to hard to start at a simmer, to not dive in too deep too fast, but he just can't help himself, turning the kiss into a mess of teeth and tongues as his heart melds into yours.
and law, for once, lets himself be more than a little bit selfish as he pulls you apart piece by piece; it's for your own good anyways.
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dokries · 14 hours
HII if your taking requests I would love a scoups image where him and reader are already dating but kuma likes her more that him and scoups gets a bit jelly thank you I love your work
number one
pairing: choi seungcheol (s.coups) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 596
warnings: an attack with love, being chased around, cheol being pouty, kkuma. my princess.
author note: AAA thank you so much anon <33 i appreciate the support so much 🫶 i hope you like this !!
related to how to get to know a dog (and their owner)
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seungcheol doesn’t know how this happened if he’s being honest.
yes, he did get to know you solely because of your interest in his family dog, kkuma, but he didn’t expect kkuma to love you as much as you loved her. in fact, kkuma warming up to you was a major accomplishment, all the way back when you first started dating. of course seungcheol’s glad; two important parts of his life being together is great! he can spend time with both of you at once and everyone’s happy.
however…he doesn’t understand why his dog goes to you first when the two of you enter the door of his family apartment. it can’t be because seungcheol goes to greet his mother first, giving her a side hug before entering the living room. his mother notices the sulky look on his face and cackles, calling your name. “look, cheol’s jealous of you because kkuma loves you more than him!”
you scratch behind the mentioned dog’s ears before joining in on the laughter—you stop when cheol’s pout grows infinitely worse, and he groans. “i never said that, ma! and you,” he looks at you sharply before pouting harder—somehow, that’s possible. “i love you but come on! we all know i’m number one in kkuma’s heart, so why are you trying to take my place?!”
you roll your eyes at his accusation, getting up to grab his hands, kkuma trailing behind you as if she owns the place—well, in a way she does, considering that the building is named after her. you grab your boyfriend’s hands before smiling sweetly. “my love.” cheol’s face warms at the nickname, and his mother groans about young love in the corner of the room. you continue, “kkuma just likes me better, and you have to deal with it! it’s not my fault i’m more interesting than you.”
you stick your tongue out at seungcheol, his mouth wide open before he closes his eyes, trying to calm himself. sensing danger, you back away from him slowly, almost tripping over kkuma. seungcheol calls your name eerily soft as his eyebrow twitches before he yells out your name and starts to chase you around the living room. cheol’s mother sighs at your childish antics as you run around her, using the light blue loveseat in the middle of the room to block your boyfriend.
“cheol, what—” you start before he lunges for you, grabbing you in a tight hug. seungcheol lets you go once you freeze in place, breathing heavily as he glares at you. “kkuma likes me better, okay? i promise you, i’ll always be her favourite, no matter how much she loves you!” he says as you giggle at him.
taking cheol’s hand in yours, you speak gently, not wanting to rile him up more. “sweetie, it’s not a competition, you know that, right?”
your boyfriend sighs before nodding, and pulling you into a hug once more—except this one is meant as an apology, and not to hold you down. kkuma barks up at the two of you, whining for more ear scratches and pets.
you grin mischievously at cheol before placing a kiss on his cheek. “you know…we can work together to give kkuma all the love she deserves, right?”
he looks back at you with the same expression on his face before giggling and poking your cheek. “we’re her parents after all, aren’t we?”
you nod at cheol seriously, choosing to ignore the offended scoff you hear from his mother, and bend down together to attack kkuma with as much love as possible.
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adxele · 3 days
BROS THE TYPE OF GUY TO! ...but featuring reo mikage!
cw: f!reader, reo and yn in their 20s, a lil bit suggestive but no nsfw activities, no angst mentioned, only fluff, unedited.
an: i love this little purple guy
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bros the type of guy to steal your perfumes so that he could spray them on his clothes when he flies to another country for his job😭
bros the type of guy to always get giddy when he sees you wearing something he bought for you.
bros the type of guy to be a PDA bf. hand holding, kissing your temple, leaning his head on yours, openly flirting, carrying you in bridal style and etc. but he crosses a line in making out in public.
bros the type of guy to fiddle with your hands. everyday, at random moments he always does that.
bros the type of guy to know whenever your period is coming.
bros the type of guy to get you bouquet of different flowers every month for no reason at all.
bros the type of guy to constantly crave for your attention. (he has abandonment issues, pls reassure him that you won't leave him.)
bros the type of guy to always be clingy with you in the morning to the point that he skipped many practices.
bros the type of guy to let everyone know that you're his. matching necklaces, rings, bracelets with your names on the pearls and hickeys. (and he isn't ashamed of how many marks he left on you.)
bros the type of guy to slowly dance with you in the morning while you're making breakfast. this may be cliché but it's reo after all so it's fine.
bros the type of guy to smile like a lovesick loser when he sees you wearing jersey with his name on your back. (makes him want to kiss you all over your face)
bros the type of guy to get a cute aggression when he's with you. he can't resist himself because of how cute you are!
bros the type of guy to introduce you to his friends! the first person he introduced you to was nagi obviously.
"Hey Nagi! This is Y/N! My girlfriend."
You friendly smiled with small wave, "Hi Nagi! Hope we will get along!"
Nagi looked up from his phone and eyed you up and down. Before Reo was about to ask what's up with the silent side-eye, he said, "Hi, Y/N. You look like a person who plays games."
"Uh.. I do!"
"Oh, that's cool, do you play genshin then?"
"Hmm, we can play together if you want. Just tell me your UID."
And Reo was glad that you quickly became friends with Nagi that day.
bros the type of guy to be a little spoon because he likes to be held! and your scent is just too comforting.
bros the type of guy to spoil you too much. honestly his parents shouldn't allow him having that much money atp.
"Reo I don't need it! I swear!"
"Uh uh! I saw your eyes linger on that bracelet 2 seconds longer than usual!"
"Oh my god!"
bros the type of guy to put your prettiest selfie as his profile picture on instagram. and put matching bios with you.
bros the type of guy to be head over heels for you.
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© ADXELE 2024. do not repost, copy, steal or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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scarlethexelove · 3 days
If you do a pt 5 the why are you here could you possibly show some grandma Wanda like after the baby is born, a maybe Agatha having a lactation/nursing kink? But if you decided to just leave it with the 4 chapter thank you so much for writing all that you have, and letting us have the privilege of reading such amazing work���️
This Is Family
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Pairing: Agatha Harkness x Reader
Word Count: 2679
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Enchanted Strap, Lactation kink, Cum Strap, Oral, Clothed sex, Grandmother!Wanda, Magic use, Small part of Pregnant reader, Little bit of breeding kink, Little bit of degration
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
A/n: Hopefully this rounds it out nicely for everyone. After this I don't have plans to go any further. So I hope you like it.
The door swings open revealing your Mother. “Aww my baby!” Wanda says happily crouching down to the stroller cooing over your daughter. “Yes, while your actual baby is standing right here.” You say exasperated. Wanda pulls your daughter out of the stroller and places her on her hip. She leans in kissing your cheek with a bright smile. “Yes you’re my baby girl but this little cutie is my grandbaby.” She tickles your daughter's stomach. You playfully roll your eyes at your Moms antics. “Love you too Mom.” Wanda can’t help but be so excited to spend the night with her granddaughter. “I love you too sweetheart.” 
Agatha walks up behind you wrapping her arm around your waist and sliding beside you. “Wanda.” She acknowledges the other woman. “Agatha.” Wanda acknowledges back. Since the birth of your daughter four months ago, the two have been more civil. Both of them have more in common with you and your daughter being some of the most important things in their lives. Vowing to be civil and kind to one another for both of your sakes. 
After you forgave Agatha for what she had done you two agreed it would be a good idea for you two to move in together to raise your daughter together. Agatha really stepped up in your final months of pregnancy and has been an amazing Mother to your daughter Luna. Things have fallen into a comfortable new normal. 
Yesterday Wanda offered to watch Luna for you both so that you two can have a night out. Wanda has an ulterior motive in getting to spend the whole night with her granddaughter and to just spoil her rotten for the night, missing having a baby around. So she offered to get to have the time with Luna and you couldn’t help but jump at the chance. So here you are standing outside your Moms door dropping your daughter off, dressed up and ready to go out to dinner.
“Are you ready to go baby?” Agatha asks you, holding you closer to her. “Just about.” You make sure to put the diaper bag in the stroller. “I put enough pumped milk in there for the night with some extra just in case she goes through what she has normally been drinking. If she gets fussy she just might need-” Wanda cuts you off. “Sweetheart, I have raised three babies on my own. I think I can handle my adorable grandbaby.” You let out a sigh knowing she is right. “Sorry Mom. I’m just a little nervous to leave her.” She is gently rocking Luna. “I know. I will call if we need anything.” You smile. “Thank you Mom.” Your Mom gives you a soft smile. “You’re welcome. You look beautiful baby girl, enjoy your night. See you in the morning. Me and this little one are going to have an amazing night. ” She tickles Luna’s stomach which causes the girl to squirm.
You bid your Mom farewell as you walk the sidewalk back to your home. Agatha stops you in your tracks from behind. Her hands grip your hips as she kisses your exposed shoulder. You are clad in a spaghetti strap red dress that hugs your curves perfectly. Agatha looks beautiful in a form fitting suit. 
“Fuck you look so beautiful. I want you for my meal.” She sucks spots on your neck. A shiver runs down your spine as you try not to let out a moan. “A-Aggie, we h-have a reservation.” You stutter out as she nips and sucks. “I just want you.” She breathes out making your legs buckle. “Fuck take me inside.” You moan. You both quickly make your way back into the house.
Agatha turns to lock the door behind her, giving you the chance to let your dress drop off your body, pooling on the floor around your feet. Before she can even turn around you are already making your way to the bedroom. The only sign of you left is your dress on the floor. Agatha groans when she sees it. She starts kicking her shoes off and shrugs off her suit jacket. She chases after you unbuttoning her dress shirt as she makes her way into the bedroom. You are already laying seductively on the bed. You slowly uncross your legs letting Agatha see the wet spot forming on your panties. 
Agatha drops to her knees and crawls to the edge of the bed. She kneels between your legs. Kissing your ankle as she undoes the straps of your heels. Slowly kissing up your thigh as she slides it off. Doing the same to the other side. Your chest is heaving in anticipation as you watch Agatha between your legs. She continues to kiss up your legs and kisses your plump thighs before she leaves a kiss on the wet spot of your panites. 
You lean up and lace your fingers through her hair. “Aggie please don’t tease me. I’ve missed you.” You were just cleared for sex again and you just want her to use you. She smiles, placing another kiss before she is pulling back, hooking her finger in the waistband and pulling down your legs before throwing them to the side. She moans seeing your glistening folds already so wet for her. “Fuck baby girl you’re dripping.” 
You tug her closer, she lets you do so without a fight. You roll your hips into her face trying to get some kind of relief. Agatha relents and licks a strip through your folds causing both of you to moan. After tasting yours for the first time in months Agatha can’t help but dive in. She eats you out like a starved animal. Her tongue expertly licks and sucks your bundle of nerves. Her tongue sometimes dipping down into your entrance. You grip her hair tighter, her scalp burning from your hold only making her want to bring you more pleasure. 
“S-so good.” You moan. Your orgasm builds embarrassingly quick with how long it has been since you last had sex.  Agatha can tell that you are already close by the way your hip twitches and how you sloppily grind against her. “You gonna cum? Fuck such a whore ready to cum already and I’ve barely touched you.” She mumbles against your pussy. You nod and look down at her. Gasping when you see how she is intently staring at you already. She sucks your bundle of nerves harshly and scraps her teether over your clit. 
“Cum slut. Be my good girl and cum in my mouth.” You let out a wanton moan. Your legs shaking and clamping around Agatha’s head. Your orgasm washing over you as Agatha laps at your folds, swallowing your cum as you continue to rut your hips into her face. You pull her hair harshly as your back arches off the bed. Moans still tumbling from your lips. Agatha continues to lick and suck riding you through your orgasm only stopping when your body goes limp on the bed. 
Agatha leaves a small kiss on your engorged clit before she slowly kisses up your body. Sure to leave a few extra kisses on your breasts that are spilling from your bra. Before kissing you hard, making you taste yourself on her tongue making you moan in her mouth. She continues to kiss you until you're breathless. “Fuck baby girl.” She leans her forehead against yours panting with a smirk on her face. You let out a small chuckle as you calm down. 
Agatha’s hips drop down as she grinds down on you. You’re just now noticing the bulge in her pants as she grinds. Both of you moaning at the feeling, letting you know which strap she is wearing exactly. You wrap your legs around her waist and grind with her smearing your cum and arousal on her still clothed bulge. She groans feeling you grind back. “Aww does my poor baby want my big cock filling your tight little hole?” She fauxes innocence as you whine. “Please Aggie.” 
Neither of you want to wait any longer. Purple swirls around Agatha and yourself removing the rest of her clothes and the bra that your breast is already spilling out of. Agatha’s mouth waters seeing your swollen breast free from their confines. Milk is pebbling from your full breast. You look down seeing what she sees before you start pulling away. “S-sorry. I thought I pumped enough.” Agatha doesn’t let you get far from her though. “Oh baby girl I told you you were going to be my meal tonight.” She leans down and kisses your leaking nipple. You don’t even notice how you're grinding against her strap already. Agatha looks at you hungirly making a gush of arousal leak out of you. 
“P-Please.” You beg not exactly knowing what you want. Whether you want Agatha to either fuck you or to drink you dry. Your heavy breast begging for her mouth. Or do you want her to do both? “What do you want, hmm? Do you want me to fuck you full of my cum? Do you want me to suck these full tits dry? Or you want me to fuck you while I suck you dry?” You’re not sure how she knows exactly what to ask but she does. Your only response is to moan at her words. “I bet my whore wants me to fuck her while sucking her dry. Isn’t that right baby?” You nod at her words, pulling her closer with your legs and grinding against her.  
Agatha lines her strap with your entrance before slowly pushing in. Your tight warm walls eloping her cock making her groan. “Fuck so tight.” She mumbles leaning down and starts to suck purplish red marks on your breast. Your hand threads through her hair trying to push her towards your nipple wanting her to relieve the fullness of your breast. She smirks against you letting you guide her where you want her. As her strap is fully sheathed in you she wraps her lips around your nipple licking over it before she sucks. Your warm sweet milk filling her mouth and sliding down her throat. She moans at the sweet taste adding to one of her favorite tastes of you.
“Oh fuck.” You moan and arch your back pushing your breast further into Agatha’s mouth. She starts to thrust her hips. Pulling the strap all the way out before slamming her hips back in. Your walls clenching around her strap as she laps at your milk and fucks your pussy. Whimpers and moans fall from your lips as Agatha continues her ministrations on your body.  When your walls clamp down on Agatha she moans around your nipple, some of your milk dribbling out and down your sides. 
You continue to buck your hips to meet Agatha’s thrust. When your milk turns to a dribble Agatha kitten licks your nipple and leaves a kiss before switching to the other side. Wrapping her lips around the other nipple as her hips piston into you. You let your head fall back as your grip tightens on her hair. Agatha loves the burn of your grip. Both of you are building to your releases. 
“Mmm.” You moan loudly as your head falls back and you continue to roll your hips into Agatha’s. Your walls tighten around her strap bringing her to the edge. Agatha holds back wanting you to cum with her. She knows that you are close. Her hips slamming harshly into yours as she grips your hips tightly. You don’t know how much longer you can hold back as your walls tighten and your legs tremble. “W-wanna cum.” You let out a breathy moan. 
Agatha sucks harshly on your nipple drinking you dry. “Cum for me.” She mumbles against your breast. You silently scream as you release all over Agatha’s cock. Agatha feeling your walls squeeze her tightly she cums filling your tight hole. Her hips stutter, painting your walls white and filling you full. She ruts her hips against yours as she releases your nipple, some milk pebbling around your nipple as she lays her forehead against your chest. 
Your hand rakes through Agatha’s hair as she helps ride the both of you through your highs. She thrusts slowly until she comes to a stop. Staying completely sheathed inside of you making sure none of her cum leaks out. Agatha wraps her arms around your waist tightly as she nuzzles your chest. Your hand moving to rub her back. Both of you breathing heavily as you calm down. 
“I love you.” You say softly in the mostly quiet air. Agatha kisses your chest and mumbles against your skin. “I love you too baby girl.” You both smile, enjoying the softness between you two. The softness only lasting for a short time before the two of you continue to fuck through the night only stopping long enough to get some pizza and water. 
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The air is filled with laughter and screams of your children. Still young, the prophecy pushed to the back of your mind for the time being. You watch how your brothers chase your kids around the pool. Luna jumping into your Mom’s arms for protection which works like a charm. Your twins Cordelia and Raven are running towards you at full speed.  
You're laying on a pool chair with your belly swollen with your fourth child. Agatha wanted to try for a boy after three girls. Which you of course agreed with. Successfully getting pregnant with the little boy that all of you are excited for. Agatha sits in the chair beside you reading her book. 
The twins jump into your lap getting away from Tommy as he stops in front of you. “Girls be careful. Mommy is growing your little brother in her tummy and you don’t want to hurt either of them do you?” Agatha lowers her sunglasses and lightly scolds the twins. “Sorry Mommy. Sorry Momma.” You smile at your girls and pinch their cheeks. “It’s ok.” They both swat your hands away as they climb slowly around your body. Luna crawls from your Mom’s lap and runs over joining the twins. 
“Hey I’m not a jungle gym.” You chuckle and the girls all giggle still climbing on your. “Hey, is anyone going to help me over here?” You call out to the other adults only getting chuckles from the rest of them. “You’re on your own sweetheart.” Wanda smiles leaning back and getting some sun in her chair. You gasp. “Mom, I thought you wanted your sweet grandbabies.” She chuckles again. “They want their Mommy it looks like.” She gives you a smile and the kids all giggle in your lap. 
“Aggie?” You look over to your wife who just smirks and shakes her head. You gasp at her response. “So I’m heavily pregnant with your little man and a jungle gym for your little girls?” Agatha gives you a pointed look. “Our little girls.” You playfully roll your eyes. Agatha smiles getting up and picking up the twins in each arm which causes them to squeal in glee. Your Mom making her way over and picking up Luna and bouncing her around making her also squeal in glee. 
You're now watching as your family laughs and squeals happily. Your Mom and Agatha are now chasing the girls around with your brothers behind the woman. You can’t believe how far your life has come in the last 6 years but you are so glad that you are where you are now. The love of an ever growing family. You have the best partner who has given you the world. Your Mom is the best grandmother to your kids and your brothers being the fun uncles that your girls love so much. Your heart swells with love as you rub your stomach, just imagining how your dynamic will change with the addition of your little man. A wide smile excited for what is to come in the future.
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pennylanefics · 22 hours
Spirit - Seth Jarvis
a/n: this one gets a little angsty for a moment bc insecure and scared jarvy hurts my heart and i need it more in my life. anyways enjoy as always <3
summary: you and seth decorate his place for halloween
word count: ~1.8k
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“Absolutely not,” Seth grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. You sigh and cross your own arms, copying him in a grumpy manner.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s one night. Why decorate the entire house and porch for one day?”
“Halloween is the entire month of October, Jarvy, for your information. Everyone knows that. Plus it’ll be a fun little bonding moment, don’t you think?”
You were trying to convince Seth to let you decorate his house for Halloween, as it is a few days into October and you were really getting into the spirit already. While you didn’t exactly officially live together just yet, you were at his place more than you were at your own, so it was pretty much like you lived there.
When he was on road trips during the season, you stayed there to take care of things and keep it clean, plus his bed was very comfortable and you loved being surrounded by the scent of him, curling up in his sheets late at night when you miss him.
After a bit more thinking and convincing from your side, he agrees, and seeing how ecstatic you were with just the thought of doing this with him, it suddenly became worth it; his main goal is to make you happy, and he was glad to be fulfilling that with this request.
“Well, let’s go shopping for decorations!” You jump up from the couch, rushing to put your shoes on. Seth laughs while shaking his head, standing with you to grab his keys and slide his shoes on.
Following a trip to Target and a restaurant for dinner, you return home with all the bags of decorations you splurged on, realizing you may have gone slightly overboard with it all.
“We’ll start working on the outside tomorrow, tonight we can put some decorations up in here,” you say, Seth dropping his share of bags on the floor next to the coffee table. “I think they’re all mixed in, so let’s separate them.”
You start removing things one by one from the bags on the dining room table, remembering things that you forgot you even put in the cart. Seth holds up a plastic skeleton of what appeared to be a bear.
“Babe, what the hell is this?” He wonders, examining it.
“I thought it was cute. It’s like a teddy bear but it’s a skeletal form. I also got a shark,” you say, pulling another skeleton out of the bag, “and a duck.” You slyly smile as you pull the third animal out of the bag. Seth stares at you blankly, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Because they’re funny. Sharks don’t have bones and I just thought the duck was cute. Plus they’re not just Halloween decorations, they can be kept up year round.”
“Yeah, if people want to think we’re weirdos.” Sighing, your hands drop to the table, pausing taking things out.
“Why are you being so sour about this? I thought you said it would be fun,” you say, your voice dropping, along with your shoulders.
Upon hearing the sadness in your tone, Seth’s eyes shoot up at you and he immediately feels bad. He steps over to you and wraps you up in a hug, kissing along your head.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “You’re right. I uh, I’m not sure why I’m acting like this, but I promise I want to do this with you. I’ve never really set up for Halloween like this, it’s always been I’ve just gone to parties to celebrate and wore a dumbass costume. I’ve never had a place of my own to decorate and think about these kinds of things, so I guess it’s just…new.”
“Is it me? Is it because it seems like I’m trying to move myself in prematurely or take over your house? Because I don’t want you to think I’d be that way. I know my boundaries, but I thought it would be fun, so-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he whispers, switching positions to cradle your face in his hands, his eyes burning into yours. “That is not what I think at all. I promise. If anything, I want you to move in officially because I love having you here.” He sighs as he chooses his words carefully.
“I think…deep down, I know things are changing and it scares me,” he continues, averting his eyes away from yours for a moment as he speaks. His tone is filled with shame and regret.
“Like…what?” You gulp nervously, staring up at him. Your hands shake ever so slightly against his wrists, where you held on to keep his hands glued to your face.
“Like, things are serious between us and…decorating for a holiday, in a home that we practically live in together, it’s…scary. I have always been terrified of settling down with someone, and now that it’s happening, I don’t…I don’t want to ruin it because…it’s perfect.” He chokes back tears as he describes his feelings. Your heart aches in your chest at his confession, not expecting the conversation to take a turn like this.
“Oh, Jarv,” you whisper, your hands trailing down to caress his forearms comfortingly. “I know it’s scary, believe me, I get it. And if this is too fast for you, we don’t have to do anything for Halloween. We can put all these decorations into storage for next year, if you’re okay with that.”
“I want to decorate, baby. I do. I guess I wasn’t expecting it and I haven’t had time to prepare.” You nod along to his words, ideas wracking your brain.
“Why don’t we wait, then? We can wait closer to Halloween to put things up or until you’re ready, or not even put anything up at all. I want you to feel safe and secure, Seth.” He nods and takes a breath, his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
“Can we wait till after the season starts, and after I get back from our first road trip? That’s about a couple weeks away, I think that time will help,” he replies shyly. You nod, his hands still on your face, which at this point was a way to keep him grounded.
“Of course. I’ll keep everything in the bags in the office while you’re gone. And if you get back and don’t want to do anything, don’t be afraid to tell me, alright?”
He nods at your words and kisses you hard, full of passion and love.
“Thank you,” he breathes out against your lips, his voice dropping a few decibels. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Jarvy. You deserve to express your thoughts anf feelings just as much as I do, and I never want to rush you for something that you’re not ready for, even as simple as decorating for a holiday.”
He kisses you again and continues to hold you to his chest, your hands gently running up and down his back to soothe him.
In the coming weeks, hockey season starts with a whirlwind. You gave Seth some space while he prepared for it all, going to his first home game of the season to cheer him on. Even when he was away for their first trip to Colorado to face the Avalanche, you were watching the game on TV, watching intensely as he plays his heart out.
Once the excitement of the new season starting settled in and everyone was finding their groove, Seth felt far more relaxed and conscious to have that talk with you, now that he’s returning home from their road trip.
He flew in from Texas late at night, getting in at around three in the morning. You were already fast asleep and the last thing he wanted to do was wake you up. But seeing as he didn’t feel tired, he put his plan into action after quickly showering.
Quietly, he took all the bags from the office, filled with the decorations you bought weeks ago, and laid everything out on the dining room table, separating it between outdoor and indoor. By the time he was finished, it was nearing five in the morning, so he finally decided to try and get some sleep.
In the morning, you found yourself wrapped up in Seth’s arms, smiling as you take in the sight of his exhausted face, his long eyelashes resting against his soft cheeks that you love to kiss. Yawning, you carefully escape his grasp and walk out to the kitchen to get started on breakfast, when something catches your eye.
The dining room table was covered with all the things you and Seth bought earlier in the month. Your jaw drops in wonder, your gaze running over everything.
“Want to decorate today?” Seth suddenly appears behind you, startling you. He laughs at your reaction and whispers a soft, “sorry” to you for scaring you.
“Did you do all this?”
“Yeah. I got home early this morning and I wasn’t tired so I set everything out. I feel ready, so let’s do it.”
“Really?” You gasp, your eyes filling with excitement.
“Hell yeah. I’ll start on breakfast if you want to make a plan on what we should do with everything.”
So, that’s what you and Seth did for the remainder of the day. Inside, you hung up paper bats all over, along with some fake cobwebs and cute little pumpkin and ghost items around. It wasn’t a lot, but it did set the tone for the holiday quite well.
The weather today was crisp and cool, a perfect temperature to set things up in. Seth stands on a step stool while you hold the string of pumpkin lights to hang them up around the porch, plugging them in to the exterior electricity. Stepping back to admire your work, you smile, feeling everything coming along nicely.
You also set up a projection light to show different Halloween objects and colors onto the house, a popular item as of late. Seth hangs up a few ghost figures on either side of the porch while you place a few fake tombstones with puns on them in the yard.
When everything is done and finished, Seth stands on the sidewalk with his arm around your waist, admiring how spooky your home looks.
“Move in with me,” Seth asks, although it’s more of a light demand. You gaze up at him and smile softly. “I want you to live with me, in our home.”
“Of course I will, Jarvy,” you beam, kissing him a couple times.
“Good. So, now all we need is candy to hand out on Halloween night, which is thankfully an off day for us. I get to spend it with my girl for our first holiday together in our new home.” You giggle and hide your face in his chest, hearing that he wants to spend the night with you instead of going out with the guys.
“Just wait until we get to decorate for Christmas,” you comment, raising your head to look up at him.
“Oh baby, I truly can’t wait, it’s going to be the best.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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weaveandwood · 2 days
Writing Prompt - Gale hosts a camp cookout! Everyone has to bring something to the party. Ora gets very flustered watching him cooking, and one thing leads to another...
Anything for you my love! I wanted to have this done closer to the holiday on Monday but here we are.
NSFW Words: 1982 CN: Oral Sex Watching Gale cook was one of Ora’s favorite pastimes. The sharp focus he got when he was doing something he loved was so attractive. From the very beginning of their journey together she had found her eye drawn to him, but especially so when he was cooking - something about the way his forearm muscles flexed, the furrow of his brows, the precision in his cuts. Someone that exacting with food would surely be as exacting in other areas of their lives, a fact Ora found out first hand almost a tenday ago, when he confessed he loved her and proved his diligence to her pleasure almost every day since. His attention to detail, whether it was spell casting, cooking, or remembering the exact amount of freckles that were sprinkled across her hipbone was one of the traits about Gale she loved the most. 
Now, with Ketheric Thorm out of the picture and Gale very obviously not blown up, he had suggested a celebration dinner where everyone would bring their own dish to the courtyard at the Last Light Inn and contribute to the meal before the party left on the road to Baldur’s Gate with the sunrise the next morning. Not one to relinquish complete control of the meal, he offered to cook the main dish, and claimed his usual prep spot in their campsite, leaving the others to find somewhere else to work on their contributions. Auroria walked up to Gale holding a loaf of bread that she managed to talk Jaheira out of.
“The best hunter in our party shows up with a loaf of bread?” He teased. “No matter, it will go perfectly with what I have planned,” he smiled and kissed her cheek as she pulled over a stool to keep him company while he cooked.
“I’ll have you know it took plenty of effort to get Jaheira to give up this loaf of bread. I’m positive the only reason she did was because we took out Ketheric. She also gave me this,” she smiled as she held up a bottle of wine, one of the better bottles housed in the basement of the Last Light Inn.
“Another thank you gift?” Gale asked, taking the bottle and looking at the label. “I’ve had this before, this is an excellent wine. Almost too good to be enjoyed at a party, better to be shared in more intimate surrounds,” he lowered his voice and winked - winked! -  as he put the bottle under the table, obvious in his intention to take it back to his tent to drink alone with Ora later that night. After they finished whatever battle, scouting mission, or strategy session they had for the day, she loved spending wine-drunk evenings with him while he read to her, his warm voice making even the most academic of passages sound downright sinful, often leading to other sinful acts before the night was over.
As he resumed his culinary work, the rhythmic sounds of the knife hitting the cutting board took Auroria back to the thumping of the bed against the wall the previous night, when the two of them managed to secure one of the rare private quarters at the inn - the first thank you gift from Jaheira after defeating Ketheric and restoring Reithwin, breaking the Shadow Curse. After so many nights spent together in bedrolls on the hard ground, sharing a bed, a real bed, was revelatory. They had chased their first releases that night quickly, desperately, a confirmation of their survival, of defying the gods. A fire burned within her as she watched his elegant hands curve around the knife handle much in the same way they curved around the back of her neck whenever he kissed her deeply. 
Why did he have to push his sleeves up like that? It was maddening how she couldn’t draw her gaze away from them or the tendons working in his hands as he grabbed a tomato. The way his hair fell forward into his face as he leaned over, slicing it - each slice precisely the same thickness. The way he bit his lip as he looked for the next ingredient needed. Was she standing too close to the fire? It was suddenly very hot in this area of the camp. 
“What’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” He asked, catching her staring at him. 
“Nothing appropriate,” she smiled. “Have you ever been told just how attractive you are when you cook?” 
He chuckled, slicing an onion now. “Well, considering how my last relationship before you was with a goddess who didn’t require food, and then I was a hermit for over a year…no, no one has ever told me that.” 
She stood up, brushing a strand of hair out of his face before leaning in to whisper into his ear. “Well, let me be the one to tell you that every time I watch you cook, I want to peel all your clothes off right then and there and give you as much attention as you give these vegetables.” She planted a kiss on his neck, knowing it drove him wild, confirmation coming in the form of a low groan. “And since we are the only two people in the camp right now, we should take advantage of it,” she said as she nipped his earlobe. 
He set the knife down, kissing her. “As much as I want to take you to my tent and give you every attention, there’s still some prep to do before we are supposed to reconvene at the Last Light Inn, my love. I promise to leave you doubly satisfied before you sleep tonight.” 
“You always do, and I will hold you to that,” she laughed. “But I said I wanted to give you all the attention, remember?” She kissed him again and pressed her body against his, feeling his growing desire for her. She reached between them, her hand rubbing his growing erection through his pants. 
He kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding against hers. She felt him gasp against her as she reached inside his waistband, under his undergarments and felt him, growing harder as her fingertips brushed over him. 
He broke the kiss and looked at her, a hint of nervousness on his face. “Out here, Ora? What if someone comes back to camp?” 
She kissed his neck again, smiling against it. “You are Gale of Waterdeep, I have utter faith that you would figure something out,” she smiled as she unbuttoned the front of his pants and loosened the laces on his briefs, enough to keep him covered but grant his hardness enough freedom for her to wrap her hand around it. His sharp intake of breath encouraged her and she started slowly stroking him, feeling him grow even harder in her hand. “I would have you right here, but I know you value privacy, and your tent is just over there,” she whispered. “Maybe you can take just a short break?”
“Gods, Ora, you will be the death of me. But I will die a happy man.” He kissed her and took her hand, putting aside his current duty and leading her to his tent, lowering the flap behind them. 
He put his hands on her hips and kissed her deeply. Her hands wrapped around his back, pulling them closer together. He reached between them for the bottom of her shirt, his hands running under the hem, against the soft skin of her stomach.
“Take it off,” he whispered. 
Auroria nodded, pulling off her shirt, leaving her in only her bralette, much to Gale’s dismay. When they stole time together at the end of the day she never wore anything under her shirts. He ran his fingers along the edge of the embroidered fabric, dipping just barely inside it to feel the even softer skin of her breast. His other hand drifted down, rubbing her over the fabric of her leggings. A soft moan escaped her lips. 
“Gale, I’m supposed to be giving you the attention, remember?” She laughed, her knees almost buckling from the friction between her legs and the way he was looking at her, a man starving. Like he hadn’t feasted from her the night previous, like they hadn’t spent the morning in each others arms, bringing each other into relaxed bliss as the sun rose. She reached between them, unbuttoning his shirt, sliding it off his shoulders. Gods, she thought, admiring his chest, running her hands over it. 
“You’re so perfect,” she whispered, kissing down his neck, over the orb marking, down his chest. “Now, take off your pants, my love.” She smiled as he gladly acquiesced, standing naked before her as she lowered herself onto her knees in front of him. She looked up at him as she wrapped her hand around him again, hearing him gasp as she stroked, his fingertips resting on her shoulders for balance. 
“Let me touch you,” he whispered. It was still difficult for him to accept receiving pleasure with no expectation of anything in return, no matter how many times she told him she enjoyed it as much as he did. She looked up at him, making eye contact as she flattened her tongue, licking the length of his hardness before taking just the tip in her mouth. 
She thought he might fall over. His eyes darkened with lust and he moaned loudly. His hands went to her hair, tangling in it as she took him farther into his mouth, sucking softly. One of her hands traced up his thigh, feeling the muscles underneath his gorgeous skin before settling on his hip. 
“That feels so good,” he said, watching her intently, his hips starting to rock in tandem with her hand and mouth, making her take him deeper. She hummed against him, loving the feeling of him against her tongue. She stroked him from base to tip, her mouth following, drawing new and louder sounds out of him. She was suddenly glad they were the only ones at camp - she loved when he let himself get lost in pleasure. His hips rocked faster, urging her to suck harder, faster, deeper. His hands were on her head, guiding her as he set the pace. 
She could feel his body stiffen, his breathing become more labored as he neared the edge of his release. She moaned against him, looking up and catching his eyes as the vibrations went through him. He looked down at her. He looked so undone, she had such power over him in this moment. 
“I’m going to…I’m almost…” he whispered. He maintained eye contact with her as he gave two more quick thrusts with his hips, crying out loudly as waves of pleasure washed over him, sending him over the edge. Auroria felt him pulse and throb in her mouth as his release coated her tongue before she swallowed it. 
“Gods, I love you,” he said, smiling as he reached down and stroked her face before helping her stand up.
She kissed him deeply. “I love you too. Thanks for letting me distract you for a moment,” she smiled as he pressed his forehead against hers. “We should probably get back out there and finish up. I’ll even help.”
“Ora, I’m not sure that’s the boon you think it is,” he laughed, remembering the last time she helped him unsuccessfully. 
She smiled and narrowed her eyes at him. “Get your clothes on wizard, and I’ll see you at the inn, then. And don’t think I won’t hold you to your promise of making sure I’m doubly satisfied tonight!” She laughed as she walked out of the tent. 
He smiled and shook his head as he reached for his discarded clothes. Gods, he was glad he didn’t blow himself up.
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lover-of-mine · 18 hours
i'm fine with the bt scene being what it was because it showed what is. a shallow superficial relationship that is not being written as endgame so I'm fine with them not having a more emotional connection make it more obvious its BONES in s8.
Okay, I'm gonna say this and I need everyone to know I genuinely mean it, I'm not fine with it. I am tired of the show giving Buck and Eddie love interests that exist to have no agency besides girlfriend/boyfriend or plot device for an exposition dump. I desperately wanted to care about bt. Buck being bi is such incredible representation and I spent the whole season waiting to be convinced I should like T and bt together for anything beyond the fact that they are a queer relationship but I keep coming up empty-handed. I like being a hater right now because no criticism of him is allowed without someone screaming that you're homophobic or hate gay people and that everyone in the show is problematic why doesn't he get a pass too so I am grabbing on to every wrong thing about him the same way people are blowing the good things to justify my aversion to him. But the thing is, T is a character who's being written in a way that is so hard to sympathize with when it comes to Buck. He has this shell that makes him rigid and he has this dry sense of humor and he could be interesting if he was willing to bend a little bit for Buck. That relationship was not something I could get behind when T left Buck on the curb, because while I do believe T was incredibly justified in not liking the situation Buck put them in, he could've communicated that better before he was literally in the car leaving Buck behind, so there Buck was once again in a relationship with someone who left him because they can't handle who he is. That was the impression I got from that first date and I keep waiting for them to be cute for me to move past it and the show is giving me nothing. Why did they make the choice to not let T dress up for the bachelor party and indulge Buck when the job by definition requires for him to change into a uniform so he could've put in some effort? Why did he let Buck walk around with his face covered in soot when they could've shown us a shot of him cleaning Buck's face before they walked into the room holding hands and give the impression that there's more going on there than a few makeout sessions? Why weren't they affectionate at the ceremony? Why wasn't that conversation in the hospital, where it would've shown a level of care and that joke could've been seen as an attempt to make Buck feel better about what was going on? Why are they always two steps to the left of being cute or having any fighting chance? And that's ignoring how intertwined Eddie is with the beginning of their relationship because that's just disturbing. The triangle thing is annoying as fuck if Eddie was not gonna get confirmed as queer and the sides wouldn't actually connect.
I think narratively Buck and Eddie getting together is the thing that makes the most sense for both of their characters, but if that's not gonna happen, I wanna care about the people they're with. I love Buck as a character, I want him to have a nice love story if for whatever reason we are not getting buddie because love is the thing he's been searching for, and whatever bt has going is not it. And the thing that's killing me is that it could be. It's the same thing they did with Taylor because if Taylor was as intense about Buck as she is about the job, they could work, but the show made a choice to use the development of her character to stir away from Buck. And T, he's just there. And it's frustrating. I don't even wanna get into the comparisons between buddie and bt because imma be honest I'm still processing the way the show had T refusing to dress on theme and then had Eddie suggest matching outfits in the next scene, what even was that?? But the way the show constantly takes the chances they have to give depth to their relationship, looks it in the eye, and runs the other direction it's just........... yk? This is Buck's fifth relationship and I can't for the life of me look at it and see where it's going because they are making it seem like it's going nowhere. T parallels Taylor all the time visually, when it comes to screentime he's just a step above Ali, he's nowhere near as developed as Taylor was at this point. I had hopes for that scene when they started to talk about parents, for 20 seconds, I believed they were gonna give emotional depth to them, but they didn't. And I was literally sitting here begging them to give me something to care about when it comes to them if they are gonna keep them together but I have nothing to show for it and I hate it. There's no emotional connection, they will probably breakup at some point during s8 and I'm just gonna be there "oh wow another failed romance what a surprise" while they keep playing up Buck and Eddie's partnership and not letting them go all the way, and it's just tiring.
And this is ignoring the way we keep getting yelled at for not resonating with them. I sincerely don't want to hate them but I can't find a reason to care about them.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
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while teen while goblin while aroace while injured while doing your best
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luvevee · 2 years
Scarlet and Violet, performance wise really lacking to the point where it's obvious there needs to be changes to how staff need to be treated better and given more time to work, are really some of the best games in the mainstream series I've ever played and I just really want to talk forever about how amazing it all is
#my switch is getting repaired for drift but man am i itching for it back#I was in the middle of the champion assessment too#but omg I really love the game and the writing and grgrgrgr#I want to bite sada/turo until they blow up#i want to hold arven nemona and penny for being such well written characters with their struggles and bonds together#i want to shake clavell's hand for being an older man in a very gen x/z environment trying to be hip but also wanting the acadamy to-#actually be safe and welcoming while taking accountability for how bullying was ignored and his own dismissal of team star#i want to cry because the teachers are so nice and understanding and actually educate their students while being open to help#and how miriam is an example of someone who tries so hard to achieve their dream for it to be just out of reach#and how the gym leaders have so much personality and how the e4 are so close-knitted together with a little girl in the middle of it all#how koraidon/miraidon thrive under the love the get from the protag and how they act just like giant dogs with the attention they want#and how they're considered low on the ladder in their species in terms of power and size but still have lots of pride and power#i wanna learn more about the crater grgrg#just really really love this game and i miss my lite neee come back to meeee#and yeah i've played from firered to now in terms of mainstream so yeah def i'm being serious#but for real the staff deserve more respect and time literally everyone can agree the game could've waited if it meant better treatment#I really appreciate the love that went into it despite the crunch but it's still shit about the obvious rush#like we know it's not the switch please lengthen the time for people to work on the games so both parties can actually enjoy things#but yeah#pokemon sv spoilers#rosebud posting 💐
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fizzytoo · 7 months
good morning who wants to kiss 🫵🏽
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wabblebees · 6 months
thought id update to say; i survived opening night!!! and not only that, it went REALLY fucking well, and people seemed to REALLY REALLY like it omfg... god this is so crazy
#i was literally holding the script in a bigass binder for almost the entire show (sparing only the parts where i had to BULLFIGHT)#(bc i needed two hands -- one for the cape & one for the banderilla.)(yall i had to learn how to BULLFIGHT TANGO & SWORDFIGHT. in TWO DAYS)#but the audience said afterwards it was like i wasnt even on-book; they hardly noticed it was there??!!#yall this is my real life rn. im failing my classes but yknow what??#i can pull it together enough to emergency understudy in a highly physical show 2 days before opening even with a script ive never SEEN#and apparently we made people fucking CRY. HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT#this playwright is just. incredible. the script is INSANE. BEAUTIFUL & CLEVER & HILARIOUS & TERRIFYING & VILE & TENDER & TECHNICALLY PERFECT#and apparently our production is like. only the eighth time this show has EVER been produced. for real#but god EVERYONE should know about this playwright's work. fuck i actually think tumblr would really love her. holy shit.#maría irene fornés is her name -- she was a queer cuban-american playwright+director who made radical heartwrenching magical theatre#im so grateful to be doing this & SO fucking sad for the original performer im covering for... god. bc this is just such lifechanging work#this play is queer in EVERY sense. its off-putting loving repulsive peculiar passionate holy and GAY AS HELL. its real its farce its SO CAMP#((IRENE & SUSAN SONTAG DATED. SONTAG AS IN 'NOTES ON ''CAMP''' SONTAG. ITS FUCKING GORGEOUS.))#its gorgeous its gorey its glamourous its also literally the first part ive played that i think might truly fit my casting type exactly lmao#which is INSANE. bc the character is literally just described in the script as ''ISIDORE: an androgynous clown'' LMFAO#but honestly what could be more homoerotic than 2 ''men'' locked in a room together dancing tango+talking abt beetles+stabbing each other#hmm. maybe its the fact that after i stab the other guy i call him ''saint sebastian'' and then we LITERAL ACTUAL GAY KISS#which is crazy bc we only practiced that ONE TIME before opening#and youd think this shit cant get Any Gayer BUT. IT DOES. bc my scene partner+the director are gay+together irl... and uhh.#ive literally been their third. like. more than once.#ISNT THAT FUCKING INSANE. THIS IS MY REAL LIFE?? THIS IS MY REAL LIFE#ANYWAY#so now im headed back out to rehearse more before we perform it again tonight lmao#i hope it goes as well as it did last night#that audience was fucking incredible i really hope the next two like it as much as they did🤞🤞 knocking on wood#so. if u read this far. u should go find+read ''tango palace'' by maría irene fornés. mwah okay bye#bee speaks
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codgod-moved · 2 years
I can tell you a bit about evolution/ natural selection for that. Humans have 3 colour cones in their eyes, red green and blue, to see colour because that had an evolutionary advantage. Our ancestors were heavily reliant on betties and fruits and such and so we can tell when things are red because ripe berry tasty. A lot of prey animals don't have red cones because they don't need it, and they specced into a wider field of vision sensitive to movement (predators) instead. If there's no evolutionary advantage to having red cones there's less chance of a random mutation of that occuring to spread through a population, even if it's technically benign. We are predators with front facing eyes to better judge dept. Modern day humans don't rely on full colour vision at all really. Colourblind people don't disproportionately die which is why those traits still occur in the population. But colour vision isn't exactly dissappearing either, because it's just kind of benign. Natural selection based on environmental pressure doesn't really occur in the current human population at large like it would for most other populations. As an addition to that, 10,000 years is a relatively short time in the scheme of evolution. As I understand it in this au netherborns were originally humans that settled down in the nether, and based on the above I'd say that for the most part they'd still have the normal range of colour vision, but that is a bottleneck event (a small non-representative portion of a population getting seperated from the rest) so it's perfectly possible the rate of colourblindness to normal vision is totally skewed in either direction. Or maybe the dna altering mushrooms messed with them idk. That's really up to you I just like biology
Also pigs itl have dichromatic vision (2 cones) but they apparently see red green and blue in varying amounts bc their cones are a bit different than humans, but they mostly see in large swatches of colour, less detailed. Piglins appear to be predators however with front facing eyes and with what you're saying, omnivores like humans. However thry also originated in the nether where green isn't really a thing at all for the most part, so maybe they just see red and blue? Maybe they can see ultraviolet like birds and such I feel like the mushrooms have some of that kind of colour.
Tldr; I think netherborns have a normal human range of vision and piglins see red and blue and maybe ultraviolet. Sorry this is so uh. Long and technical
do NOT apologise for this being long and technical that just made it fun to read. though my eyes did kinda glaze over reading this so thank u for the tldr at the end LOL
so i’m thinking based on All That. that maybe netherborns do generally have full colour vision Yeah but colourblindness is far more common among netherborns than it is in humans 🤔 especially taking into account the dna altering mushrooms (maybe they can see shrimp colours lol) and the fact that they’re almost all some varying level of piglin hybrid anyway
and yeah as rose mentioned in the tags it’d probably manifest similar to tritanopia considering the colour scheme of the nether
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theauras · 1 year
🕯🕯️🕯️ 🕯️🕯️🕯
🕯🕯️🕯️ Shidou Ryusei 🕯️🕯️🕯
🕯🕯️🕯️ 🕯️🕯️🕯
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danothan · 2 years
i wanna do succession handcanons (bc ofc i do) but i also realized that i have never and will never get anywhere close to wealth to even guess the way rich ppl dress or keep up their appearances. would they all regularly get manicures
#succ#danbles#i would love to make this one a bit more collaborative since i feel like i dont understand succession as well as my usual hypfixes#too serious + i dont have a wealth consultant + im not at s3 yet#but i wouldve def made tom the most likely to get a manicure out of everyone#idk i dunno how rich ppl work so feel free to chime in#but he makes me think of those guys that come into a salon and dont know what to expect#so when i ask them if they want their nails polished they always think im joking (it’s not 2007 anymore guys 😭)#and then i explain we have clear polish if they’re apprehensive abt colors#and that always gets their attention bc theyre like hmmm… that Would be shiny#and im like hell yeah youre already here might as well treat yourself!#anyway i think thats what tom’s first salon experience was like and now he always goes clear polish#sorry this turned into like a tom self-insert concept is it so bad to wanna hold his hand 😒#as for greg… i can see them going to a salon together (forced by tom) and tom giving him this exact rundown ive just given you#and greg would ofc laugh in that uncomfortable way that he does bc he thinks tom is making a jab at his masculinity#and yk he’s younger and more Hip with the kids but he doesn’t know tom’s intentions by asking#which tbf are muddied as hell#bc yes it’s a jab but also grow up man it’s 2022 guys get their nails done all the time#it’d be in that way where tom does say AND mean it as a jest but get fully offended when greg interprets it as such#so i guess what im saying is that up-to-date greg might also have clear polish??#but not like tom’s bc greg’s is already chipping due to his fidgeting + forgetting they were even polished#im gonna go out on a limb and say kendall roman and maybe connor dont care#they prob get manis (unlike tom they wouldnt go to a salon they’d have their own personal nail techs) but not polish#bc you can also keep your nails shiny without polish by buffing them#ohhh my god but tom would still choose the polish. he would still choose. wait hold on i need a second#and greg would ask why he has to get them painted like can’t he just get them buffed instead#like theyre always chipping and it ends up just looking worse#and tom is like wth man i thought we were in this together. not my fault you can’t take care of your hands.#jfc that was a lot of tags ​i hope you guys enjoyed getting a glimpse of my handcanon-making process
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