#we r tanking so maybe get injured???
kdsburneraccount · 1 year
League wilding rn (Marcus Smart to the Grizzlies and Porzingis to the Celtics)
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4ngeldusstt · 10 months
S I L K R I B B O N pt.2
A/N: originally this were two separate fics but I realized they worked well together and that they could be silk ribbon part two so here it is, y’all really liked the first part so i hope you enjoy this one too!! ( this is also the longest fic I’ve ever written lol )
Warnings: angst, mention of death, injuries, blood, swearing
Word count: 3,233
Part One
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He was about to lose it, all the control he had left before diving straight into insanity after his grey eyes land on a bloody baby blue ribbon laying on the pavement that clearly belonged to you.
All kinds of scenarios going though his head, ‘you were just fine, maybe injured and you happened to lose the ribbon on your way to a safe place, right?’ This kept replaying in his head like a mantra in hopes to manipulate his thoughts and as an attempt to calm himself down, you couldn’t be dead, he refused to believe that. His gaze going left and right, franticly looking for the face he so much longed to see with no luck, he cursed under his breath holding your ribbon tightly in his fist, his boots landing on the hard pavement, a small provisional camp was set up to treat injured soldiers and to be used as a meeting point for the ones who made it. The short man roamed around asking your friends, team mates, literally anybody he found if they knew anything about you, no one seemed to give him a clear answer.
With each passing minute his anxiety was getting worse, “if she happens to be injured we’ll find her Levi, she’s a tough one.” The commander said in hopes to reassure the raven haired man. “I know she’s alive, that brat not dumb enough to die.” He was upset at you, trying to think about the lecture he was gonna give you once you were in front of him for worrying him this much, how dare you? “Before parting I made her promise, she promised she’d make it back safely.” This part was a bare whisper lost in the background noise only perceived by him.
“I guess I’ll have to go find her myself.” Before the commander could answer the captain was already in the air swerving through buildings and roofs, the commander had no choice but to follow him, some of your close friends also took the hint and joined the pair.
After a while of franticly looking for you, Jean seemed to perceive a couple of soldiers a few rows of buildings to the left, “I think I found her! To the left, where that titan is, it looks like it could be y/n!” Levi’s ears perked up at the information with hope in his eyes and fear on his heart he changed directions towards where your friend notified, as they got closer they confirmed it was in fact the person they were looking for, landing in the nearest roof for better observation. “Hey! Y/n, we came for you!” Armin yelled, not loud enough to notice as you were too focused in the situation that was unfolding in front of you. “There you are.” Levi stated to himself, feeling a wave of relief dissolving his previous worries at the sight of you ‘well, at least you are alive.’ he thought.
Your eyes immediately landing on your commrade as a titan wrapped it’s fingers around him as if he was an annoying fly, having no time to process the situation you were already swerving around with your gear your only fixation being not having another death on your back, not if you could avoid it.
When you realized you were also trapped between the other hand of the titan, taking everything in you to move the blades with all the strength you had left in your body, refusing to die like this. You noticed your friends and superiors were watching the scene unfold on a near roof, most of them with little to no gas left in their tanks, Levi had his hand on the blade ready to engage but was stopped by Erwin “Don’t. You better than anyone know she hates it when she gets underestimated.” With a sigh and an annoyed look he stopped on his tracks still attentive to engage if needed.
The ambient was tense, all eyes on the hand that held you captive praying for you not to be dead. With a swift move your blades cut their way out the tender flesh of the titan, with a barely perceivable move you cut it’s nape freeing your friend, you could’ve stopped there but you didn’t, the adrenaline of being this close to death, made you go feral in rage as you started slicing the titan up and down with an amazing use of the gear making it almost impossible for them to follow your small frame as you maneuvered through the air, landing on the nearest roof after basically mutilating the beast that had the guts to even attempt to kill you, you went on a rampage and started going insane slicing every nape of every titan your eyes landed on.
Everyone was in awe, they knew you were good but damn this was excessive, once you were done and no titan was in sight thanks to your skills you made your way joining the rest that were waiting for you. The second your feet landed on the roof you collapsed on your knees, turns out the titan managed to break you a couple ribs along with some deep cuts you self inflicted by accident when attempting to break yourself free, with your levels of adrenalin going down, a wave of agonizing pain that you brain managed to ignore until seconds ago, went though your body as you tried your best to hold it together in front of everyone. You can’t show yourself being weak, you refused but failed as every breath turned into the sharpest pain you ever felt in your life, before you could realize, you felt your body giving out and falling forward.
Before your head could hit the tiles Levi quickly rushed to your side and held you, laying you down as careful as he could, “don’t worry, I’ll be just fine.” You reassured him, looking up noticing you had to make an effort to keep your eyes open. “I know, now stay awake for me will you?” He said trying his best to sound as calm as possible not to worry you. “I can try Captain, but in all honesty the pain is starting to be too much.” You said with difficulty attempting to not make a big deal out of it, talking and breathing was severely painful at this point you are certain a rib might of digged through one of your lungs at least. Your head filling quickly with thoughts, ‘I’m actually going to die.’ Suddenly your breathing started to fasten, to the point you were almost hyperventilating, the subconscious act causing your wound to worsen your eyes quickly finding Levi’s giving him a pleading look begging for help.
“Hey, breathe with me okay?“ he quickly noticed the traits of a possible panic attack, luckily he knew how to deal with them because of previous situations where you might of needed his assistance, “L-Levi, it hurts so bad.” Your voice barely coming out at this point, your body tensed at the feeling of hand lifting you up carefully “take her and follow me, we’re going to the medical camp we set up to treat the injured, she’ll get treated as a priority, we can’t loose such a good soldier can we?” Hange said in an attempt to break the tension, “Listen to me Y/N, I’m going to need you to hold onto me, okay? It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be just a few minutes I promise, try to stay awake for me a little longer, you’re doing good.” he had his sight fixated on your face taking in your features, pulling some loose hair strands out of the way cupping your cheek as he gently spoke to you, the fellow soldiers around stranged by the sudden change of attitude in their usually cold and mean captain, not even commander Erwin has seen Levi act like this. Let’s say he had a soft spot for you.
You did as you were told and wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled your body up securing his arm tightly around you, he was fast and great in maneuvering around buildings so as soon as you realized he was already on land. He carried you bridal style into the tent, you could feel his fast heart rate “calm down Levi, I’ll be okay. You are not going to get rid of me that easily.” Leaving a small laugh cut by a sharp pain that caused to groan out in pain. “You say it as if I wanted that to happen.” His lips turning from a frown to a side smile “it’s you who won’t get rid of me, brat.” He looked down at you with those beautiful stone grey eyes. Gifting him a smile in response.
Fast enough you were being checked and treated, Levi was not happy that he was kicked out and couldn’t be by your side at the sudden decision that they were going to have to perform emergency surgery on you. The man walked out with an annoyed expression, the commander approached him “what did they say? Her friends are worried about her, well, we all are any information is good to know.” “She’s going under surgery, overall she’ll be okay.” He exhaled in relief, still worried as there is a small chance surgery can go bad. He won’t be completely at peace until he is sure you are a hundred percent okay. “Thank god, that’s good to hear. I’ll notify her friends I’m sure they’ll appreciate this information, thank you Levi.”
Fluttering your eyes open, squinting at the natural sun light that came through the big windows as an attempt to adjust to it. Flashbacks flooding your mind as you remembered the previous set of circumstances that led you to this state. The smell of fresh laundry and lavender was still impregnated in your senses from when your captain carried you, “Levi” the image of him looking down at you with that much emotion as he caressed your skin, was printed in your head. “Y/n” a sudden voice pulled you out of your own thoughts making you turn your head in shock “you called my name but something tells me I wasn’t ment to hear, am I right?” the man said letting out a small laugh as he shook his head in disbelief approaching you.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, “I'm way better than I was that's for sure, I told you I was gonna be just fine.” You gave him a cocky smile playfully rolling your eyes, “well, you do in fact look better. Never thought I’d miss your brattiness but I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.” Your brows lifting in surprise, “You, Levi Ackerman missed me being a brat? Oh, and was the Captain Levi worried? about me?” You looked up him with fake disbelief, deep down you knew he cared about you and were thankful for that but you enjoyed teasing him way too much.
“Tsk, I don’t know why I said anything. Yes, I was very worried about you, I almost went insane when I found this on the floor and couldn’t find you.” He pulled out a small piece of fabric from his pocket, your ribbon, the one he gifted you a while back, blood almost hiding it’s original and beautiful baby blue color, seeing it made you understand what kind of thoughts could've went through his head when he found it. “I-I didn’t even notice when it fell from my hair, thank your Levi for bringing it back. It means a lot to me, I’d be very upset if I lost it.” You took the ribbon from his hand as you inspected it holding it in your own, remembering the day of how it got to your hands. It was a gift from Levi, it’s a very special item for you and you cherish it with your whole heart.
Feeling tears fill up your eyes as you held it close to your chest, closing your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks, when you opened them you looked at Levi with a warm smile, his instinct was to wipe away your tears with his thumb, like he always did when you cried. “thank you, for everything you do for me Levi, I don’t deserve-“ “you do deserve it, at this point it’s obvious I care for you and I don’t think you are that oblivious to not realize I have feelings for you. I don’t expect an answer I just needed to get this off of my chest.” He looked down and walked towards the door, ‘is he actually going to leave after confessing his feelings to me?’ “I care about you too and I also think it’s very obvious that I’m very much in love with you, Captain.” Your statement caught him off guard, turning around to face you trying his best to hold in a smile that was threatening to scape his lips. “Well, soldier I think we have a pending conversation for after you fully heal and get the hell out of here, don’t you think?” He smirked, this time not even bothering to hide it.
After chatting for a while he left the room allowing you to properly rest, you didn’t want him to leave but he has duties and paperwork due to tomorrow and needed every minute to be able to finish it.
Your recovery was surprisingly fast, in about a month your ribs and wounds were fully healed and you were ready to go, finally. Commander Erwin forbid you to train to the extent as you used to, having to take it a little more lightly at least for a while, afraid that you would get hurt and obviously the captain agreed with him in this decision.
As days went by the relationship between you and Levi changed, he was more attentive and went out of his way to do small acts of service for you, like preparing your horse before you had to use it, double check if your ODM gear straps were perfectly secured, picking up an extra plate of breakfast, lunch and dinner for you so you didn’t have to (and to make sure you ate properly), prepare you a cup of tea when you couldn’t sleep,... overall he was glued to your hip following you around every where you went. It didn't bother you, deep down you were aware that the reason behind that change was you being that close to death, for a while he actually thought there was a big chance you could be dead, so you just limited to enjoy the extra attention and made sure to thank him constantly for everything, the least you could do was to express your gratitude, being thankful for even the slightest thing he did for you.
One night you went to his office, as per usual, to provide him some company when he was busy that he very much appreciared. Sipping on your tea as you put your knees to your chest sitting comfortably on the red leather couch that was nearest to his desk, you observed him in silence as he sighed putting the pen down “It's done, fucking finally.” Meaning he now had all his attention directed to you. “I think now it's a good moment to have a talk.” You swallowed hardly, nervously shifting in your seat. “Let’s talk then.” You said attempting to appear as calm as you could be. “I want to be with you.” Words blurting out of your mouth, not even giving him any time to be the one to start the conversation. “Are you aware that it won’t be easy, right?” He stopped for a second “I want to be with you too, honestly it has gotten to a point were I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” His tone was low and sincere, he was for the first time in his life opening his heart for someone.
“Me nether, you have become an essential part of my life, a part of me I want to keep, take care of and cherish forever, only if.. that’s okay with you.” A small smile appeared on his lips, lowering his head “Of course I’m okay with that, Y/N. I want to be able to do the same for you. I can’t-I refuse to live a life without you in it.” Your cheeks feeling warmer with each passing second as you hid in between your knees, eyeing him. “So.. that means what I think it does?” He nodded, “It is, now come here brat.” He made a motion with his hand signaling for you to come closer. You stood up and took seat on his knees, arms wrapping securely around you. His next move took you by surprise, as your now lover rested his head on your shoulder inhaling your scent, your hand instinctively found it’s way to his head, fingers tangling with his soft black hair, causing him to dig his face further into your neck and groan. “You must be exhausted, you had a lot of work today, you should probably rest.” His arms tightened around you, “don’t leave, stay. Please.”
Levi never let himself to be this vulnerabe with any one, but you have proved him enough at this point to be worthy of seeing him like this, he felt like he could be weak around you and just allowing you take care of him. “alright, let’s get you ready to go to bed then, is that okay? Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere and that’s a promise.” The last part having a double meaning, you actually didn’t plan on going anywhere, not tonight or ever. “Mhm, you better keep that promise.” he mumbled tiredly against your skin, loud enough for you to hear.
Once you both were already tucked in the soft sheets of his bed, with his strong arms holding you close to his chest and your face burried on the crook of his neck. Picturing diferent scenarios in your head of a future with your lover, how you dream everything to be once you both retire from the Special Operations Squad. Maybe already married, maybe owning a small beautiful cottage in the hills away from the city, maybe having one kid or two, your only worries being what dessert are you going to bake that day and what flowers are you going to chose to refill the vase that will sit on the windiow sill in the kitchen. For now, you were happy here where you are right at this moment, that is being wrapped up in the safety and comfort of Levi's hold.
The next morning you woke up alone, coming to the conclusion that being a captain ment a lot of things, one of them getting up way too early for your liking. As you turned to your opposite side, facing the empty spot next to you, your eyes met with something placed on top of his pillow. Sitting up, you take the items which were a note, in it he appologised for not being there with you when you woke up, with a smile your sight was set on the other item he left for you, a brand new silk ribbon, this time he chose a beautiful shade of light pink.
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kabillieu · 10 months
CW for gun culture, I guess. Also, this went long, so here's a break:
Today, my parents took us to Burger King for a cheeseburger because my eldest loves them and has been missing eating them. My parents hate spending money going out to eat and they hate fast food, so it was a nice thing to do.
While there, a tall white man wearing a tank top, very short neon athletic shorts, and a backpack came in. He was immediately out-of-place. Leaving, I noticed he had parked his bicycle outside. I don't know anything about bikes, but it looked like a vintage road bike. My parents live in a small town in the South. No one exercises outside. My parents are considered eccentric because they go on long walks and my dad runs. There are no sidewalks. There is no culture of cycling. There is no culture of walking around in athletic short-shorts. Inside Burger King there were 1.) retirees, 2.) families with small children, and 3.) blue-collar workers in various uniforms on their lunch break.
There's a lot I have to say about the culture of conformity in small towns and in the South both generally and specifically. I won't get into that here because I want to talk about the god awful fear I have of guns in a country that refuses to appropriately regulate guns in a geographical area that defiantly celebrates guns. In a larger city somewhere else I might have never noticed this man, but he was so out of place visually, which is why I initially noticed him, and then I realized he was also acting erratically too. First he walked to a table without ordering and put his backpack down. And then he was rummaging around in his backpack and talking to himself. I was scared of that backpack. It wasn't big enough for an assault rifle, but it still scared me. Then he eventually went up to the counter to order, and although I couldn't hear what he was saying I could tell that he was being confusing or causing friction with the person trying to take his order. At that point, we were done eating, and I suggested that we leave. I don't know anything about this man, or where he came from, or why he was acting strangely, but I am very, very aware that my parents live in a part of the country where gun ownership is nearly a foregone conclusion and everyone has a gun in their car or in their purse or strapped to their body. The governor of Alabama made a campaign ad bragging about her little pistol she keeps in her pocketbook. It's insane. I hate it so much.
I don't want to die in a shooting. I don't want to think about having to shield my children from a shooter. I don't want to think about the sequence of run, hide, fight, and how with semiautomatic weapons, none of that works anyway. I feel genuinely scared when I'm in public places sometimes. Maybe this is me being neurotic or anxious, but I also think it's rational to feel fear when you know the majority of people around you have access to guns at home or on their persons.
My mom used to work with a woman who, in a freak incident, was held hostage by a man who escaped the county jail. Her and her husband's house was filled with guns. Guess what that man did? He threatened them with their own guns, tied them up, then stole all the guns! They're lucky this man didn't kill them with their own guns.
I'm fortunate that I've never been a victim of a violent crime. I'm sure it's unnerving and terrible and there's trauma that lingers, but people around here just expect that there are all these violent criminals running around (and for my mom's coworker, I guess there *was*, but that was statistically an exception), and they fill their houses with guns and put poorly socialized and neglected dogs outside their houses as "guards," but in reality, it's relatively safe here. You are more likely to be injured by your own gun than to be a victim of violent crime. Guns make everyone less safe. They do terrible things to the suicide rate.
I don't feel safe in this country. I also don't like it when old white people say racist things to me, expecting me to be sympathetic to their point of view, either! That's way off point, but is also something that's happened to me in the last few weeks.
Anyway! TLDR: There was a man who was behaving erratically in the Burger King and instead of just accepting that he was probably eccentric, I went down a rabbit hole of fear that my family was about to die in a shooting because this country cannot get ahead of its terrible, systemic gun problem.
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isabeladraws · 4 years
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harrington fam doodles 🌿🌟🌻 big headcanon dump below | ko-fi
jett phoenix harrington, air & metal att
thief player and very good at it (becomes captain eventually)
not so academic but get's good enough grades (beckett still pushes him a lot)
 loves to travel (one year he suddenly hates it)
 him and selene are T R O U B L E M A K E R S
 mischevious and playful
 knows the deans office like the palm of his hand
 popular at school
 takes every opportunity to show off like his mom
 sunday's clumsy twin
 cry baby
 runs hot and biggest cuddler
 loves animals. he would always bring an injured animal home to nurse them back to health
 sporty and energetic, can't sit still for very long
 kind and open minded
 has sunday’s chaoticness with none of becketts caution lol
 wears his heart on his sleave
 beckett was the only one that could calm him as a baby
he starts to thrive academically at penderghast after picking his major (there was a lot of comotion surrounding this because beckett wanted him to choose the right path and be involved but the friction in their relationship made it seem beckett was disappointed and frustrated with jett instead)
selene maeve harrington, air & wood att
daddy's girl tm
can do no wrong in becketts eyes
very good at school with not much effort
teachers love her. sunday taught her all the tricks
 her favorite subject is natural studies, anything with herbology and potions
butterflies are her motif
 veeeery michisvious and is never caught. atlas taught her a few tricks to get past professors/beckett (she cant fool sunday though)
 appears to be unapproachable but is very loving
 atlas is her favorite person
 loves to garden & animals (bugs especially)
 bff with shreya's daughter (shreya and atlas may or may not be married in my headcanon)
she likes to travel and meet new people/species
 keeps a journal that is spelled to leave you smelling like farts for 48h if you (jett) try to read it
 has sunday's chaoticness with becketts caution/awareness
 morning person, loves to watch the sunrise
 loveees to dance and beckett is more than eager to be her teacher and dance partner
 has beckett's snobby/expensive taste
 pro at skiing
 she hates how often dad pulls out his philosophy major card to scold them for using their powers on each other (they all do tbh)
 she names her plants
very curious bub
marlow archie harrington, water & metal att
the baby tm
a bit of a wallflower compared to his siblings
beckett sees a lot of himself in marlow
loovees water related books
enjoys being near the water a lot
has very specific interests, like we'll just spit out random facts at the dinner table and beck and sunday look at each other like ?? 
he takes long ass baths (very particular with his bath bombs too)
he can be a bit blunt and rude if he's flustered and with strangers
atlas taught him how to breathe underwater and he spends a lot of time exploring
the merpeople love him, he brings them snacks
mister know it all, the smarty pants
beckett doesn't seem to be as hard on him as he is with jett
lowkey hates to travel
he enjoys routine and being in familiar places
observant and forgetful
big video game fan
he's better at metal than jett but jett has a better grasp of other attunements than he does 
loves to sleep with his parents and it was a habit hard to kill
asked for a fish tank for xmas but felt bad for the fish so he released them in the middle of the night
he's the one that figures out the triplets together can make sun magick
sunday & beckett's grocery shopping buddy
loves to cook
he doesn’t have freckles like his siblings, just a bunch of moles
sunday & beckett as parents 
not sure what their jobs would be (i would love to hear your thoughts on magickal jobs?) beckett maybe would have a job that he could do anywhere since his major is magick philosophy? sunday i think could go on to do thief professionally for a while but quits after getting pregnant. i don't think she'd want to go back afterwards. i wish we had more info what could be done post uni or an idea of the majors we could take. i could see both of them teaching later in life though. 
in my mind, they travel aaaaa lottt. like maybe twice a year would be least they travel. sunday wants to see the attunned world and beckett is more than happy to give her that. they both love exploring and gives them opportunity to be espontaneous and nerdy at the same time. beckett loves teaching sunday about things he always knew growing up but she's only now discovering. it started when sunday was asked to join a pro thief team and beckett was studying away for his masters. they'd take mini trips almost every 2 months to escape their lives and have these unforgetable memories. they got the bug and never stopped since. 
sunday after getting pregnant - which i think they were parents quite young at 25 - she wants to stay with her kids, beckett too, and they both find this need to be home all the time. they want to be there 24/7 and not leave the kids with nannies or babysitters. do not get me wrong, they ask the pend pals and the family to watch them frequently for sanity and date nights. beckett officially went back to work after 1 year of staying home, he started working properly after 8 months of the triplets being born though. sunday didn't mind being at home with them. she found motherhood to be the greatest code she could ever crack. 
around 6 months of the babies being born, beckett and sunday tried to travel for a few days to a nearby lake town. there, they discovered marlow's affinity to water. they had a hunch, the kid loved bath time but being in untamed water sparked something in him. after that, they decided to keep travelling, to take their kids exploring. they went on a trip almost every 2 months after that. beckett went back to work and it was time to adjust a little and slow down.
sunday became an avid photographer. they had filled out 3 albums in a year. "they grow so fast!!" she would say when beckett made fun of her after pulling out the camera.
as you can tell, they travel a lot. after the kids get a big bigger, they try to stay places a bit longer, so they can really explore. they do settle when the kids reach school-age, but keep travelling during weekends, school breaks, etc. i think they'd make big moves every 3 years, until officially settling in in their forever home, before the kids join penderghast. (this could change, depending on their jobs. but yeah u get the gist)
sunday cant cook for shit when she becomes a mom. beckett is much better at that. she becomes better bc she cant lose to her husband, of course. the kids will say they prefer her food now over his.
WHEN DO THEY GET MARRIED? who knows folks jdsngk (secretly eloping after graduating penderghast?)
surprisingly, sunday is the one with an iron fist. she sets rules like cleaning up, curfew, no using their powers to hit or fight each other, etc and she’s the one the kids don't want to defy the most. beckett gets annoyed easily but settles down fast and lets them go do everything in the end. sunday doesn't disapprove of them exploring and doing kid stuff but she has a bit of fear given what atlas has been through.
sunday is the ultimate soccer mom. the kid's biggest cheerleader
beckett teaches the kids yoga super early, marlow and selene find it very relaxing
beckett makes the triplets wear penderghast's uniform
sunday packs them regular clothes so they can wear wtv they want when they aren’t visiting (beckett made a surprise visit once so now they have a backup uniform in their bags at all times)
every sunday of the month is tuneless food day. (get it) they usually also make trips to tuneless cities during weekends to get even more in the mood.
sunday and beckett collect postcards from wherever they go. they have a big wall full of mementos and family photos.
(i haven't decided on familiars for the kids and i kinda want a new type for selene *coughs* butterfly *coughs*)
sunday starts some homeschooling with the kids. being attuned to every element has its perks and she enjoys teaching them spells. they’re quite advanced for kids their age, magick wise
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Hi! Could you possibly give some of your favorite finished chaptered reddie fics?❤
Well do I ever! Enjoy these amazing fics by some amazing people! Its an extensive list so I’ve put it under a read more so as not to clog the tag! 
Is there somewhere by @tozier-boy | 11/11 | complete | explicit
Richie didn’t belong in boring, old fashioned, small Derry, that was for sure.
Richie Tozier wore leather jackets and ripped jeans. Richie Tozier had his ear pierced and he painted his nails black. Richie Tozier wore combat boots and let his curls grow wild and messy. Richie Tozier always had headphones around his neck and sometimes he wore eyeliner. Richie Tozier smoked weed on the school ground and told teachers to shut the fuck up. Richie Tozier was tall and skinny and he wore bands tank tops. Richie Tozier was the reason why Eddie had started biting his lower lip way more frequently than he did before.
Zero Characters Left by @stellarbisexual | 18/18 | complete | explicit 
Eddie works in social media at a tech start-up in Boston, and Richie's been hired to do some video production for the company.
Characters are aged-up to their late twenties, and this takes place in 2017.
Bright as yellow by @speakslowtellmelove | 30/30 | complete | mature 
“‘Remember that hot guy I couldn’t stop turning around to stare at while watching the movie? Y’know, the one I stalked? He’s being hilarious in my math class full of nerds.’ You honestly think that’s my fault, Eds?”
Eddie felt his cheeks heating up, because Richie was right about all of it. Well, most of it. “My name is Eddie, not Eds. And I didn’t stal–”
“Nice to meet you, Eddie. See, isn’t that better? Eddie and Richie, Richie and Eddie. R plus E. It has a nice ring to it.”
the sea around us by @eddiefuckinkaspbrak & @tozier-boy | 26/26 | complete | explicit 
Prince Edward, is due to marry Princess Myra in order to help secure his kingdom financially. In a last ditch effort to be free and fulfil a lifelong dream of travelling the world, he sneaks out of his window and on board a pirate ship. Captain Richie Tozier’s pirate ship.
or Prince Eddie & Pirate Richie AU
Beep-beep, Eddie Kaspbrak by Ragno | 5/5 | complete | mature
Eddie Kaspbrak is 14 years old and he just defeated a demonic clown along with his friends.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 16 years old and he's fighting against himself and the way he feels and the way he thinks.
Eddie Kaspbrak is 18 years old and he'd much rather fight a demonic clown all over again than face his true feelings for Richie Tozier.
The Order by @s-s-georgie | 10/10 | complete | mature
“You guys lost too?”
“Nope. Believe it or not Silent Hill is my actual destination.”
- The Silent Hill Au Literally no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
far too young to die (part one) by @catsbrak | 17/17 | complete | explicit
Eighteen year old seamster Eddie Kasprak is forced to put his survival skills to the test when he’s selected in the reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games, where twenty-four young ‘tributes’ who are gathered from each of the twelve districts must fight to the death. Eddie forms close bonds, his priorities undergoing a drastic shift, and he instead takes on a more difficult task: to try and protect his friends.
(in other words, the reddie hunger games AU no one asked for, and everyone will hate me for)
Kryptonite by hoeziertozier | 13/13 | complete | explicit
‘Richie looked down and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “There’s a reason I came to New York.”
“Isn’t it because of your job?”
“Yeah, but there’s a reason I specifically chose New York. I mean, it’s Wonder Boy’s home.”
Eddie choked on air. For the first time in ages, he wanted to use his inhaler. “What?“
"Yeah, I’m kinda obsessed with him. He’s, like, my idol.”
So, his new roommate was his superhero persona’s fanboy. Yep, that was definitely not going to be a problem.’
Or, the self-indulgent Superhero!Eddie and Superfan!Richie AU that literally nobody asked for.
Just Survive Somehow by @s-s-georgie | 21/21 | complete | mature
When the world ended, and the dead rose to eat the living, it turned into kill or be killed, but how do you survive when the creatures around you are constantly evolving?
Wishes by strictlyamess | 14/14 | complete | mature
It's one thing to vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth with all your friends.
Working there with them is another thing entirely.
(or: the Disney World Employee/Cast Member AU written by a former Disney World Cast Member that some people asked for but most did not)
Operation: Hawaii Honeymoon by @tinyarmedtrex | 9/9 | complete | mature
A plan formed in Eddie’s head. One that would benefit them both. “Does your ex have an instagram?” Eddie asked. Eddie shook his head. “Do you want to make her jealous?”
“More than anything.”
“Hear me out then.” Eddie said, plunging forward even though he knew his idea was ridiculous. “What if you came to Hawaii with me? We’ll act like the perfect couple- she’ll get jealous, maybe want you back, and Myra will have to accept that I’m gay and will leave me alone.”
Richie looked up at him, a noodle dangling out of his mouth. “What?”
[ or Eddie and Richie meet on a plane to Hawaii and strike up a deal. Pretend to be lovers to make Richie’s ex-girlfriend jealous and convince Eddie’s ex-fiance Myra that he’s gay. What could go wrong?]
Inexhaustible Source of Magic by @jem-carstairs-is-perfection & @tinyarmedtrex | 17/17 | complete | teen 
The Triwizard Tournament is back at Hogwarts and this time, two students from each school will be chosen to participate. When Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak are elected by the Legendary Goblet of Fire to compete, they must come together as a team and overcome their differences to prove to themselves and to others what they are capable of.
ask me to stay by @richietoizer | 7/7 | complete | teen
“Your lip is all busted,” Eddie said, as though pointing out that Richie’s lips were injured would somehow make it okay that Eddie was paying attention to them. Richie’s hand came up, long fingers wrapping around Eddie’s tiny wrist, and he gently guided Eddie’s touch away.
Eddie finally wrenched his eyes away from Richie’s lips and met his best friend’s gaze. There was a softness there that he rarely got to see, not even the smallest hint of teasing or joking there. It was just Richie, just Richie looking at him and Eddie looking back. For a single moment, it was just Richie and Eddie alone in the world. Nothing to bother them, nothing to live up to.
[or: the year is 1994, and Eddie Kaspbrak is in love.]
Sex, Money, Murder by @studpuffin | 8/8 | complete | explicit
“The only sin is mediocrity.” ― Martha Graham
the years go by like days by georgiestauffenberg | 4/4| complete | mature 
It’s Eddie he wants to get a hold of, though, and he does, tucking him under his arm, and ruffling his hair, making him laugh. He’s startled when Eddie looks at him with such happy, shining eyes. And, for a split-second, he’s tempted to kiss him right then, right there in front of everyone.
He wants to. Badly. He doesn’t.
He leans in, instead, and he smacks a loud, wet kiss to Eddie’s cheek, punctuating it with a “mwah!” He does it again and again. “I’m so proud of my little Eds Spagheds!”
“Get off me!” Eddie says, laughing and shoving him away, swatting at his hands.
AU. in the 27 years in-between, Richie and Eddie forget a lot, but they don't forget each other.
Fall Away From Me (I Just Can’t Take It) by @thelazyeye | 6/6 | complete “ explicit 
It’s okay, though, Eddie tells himself. It’s all fine. This is part of their arrangement. This is a casual thing they have going. It’s his own stupid fault for catching feelings for someone he agreed to casually fuck. Especially when that person is his best friend from childhood.
It Was Always You by eddie_kaspbraktozier | 12/12 | complete | teen
Eddie, miraculously, survives the fight with Pennywise. Richie is still hopelessly in love with him, even after all of these years. As Richie stays with Eddie to help him with his recovery and divorce, he tries to find the courage to tell Eddie his true feelings.
Eddie wakes up after the fight with Pennywise to realize his whole life has been a lie – his asthma, his marriage, god, his whole adult life. Although now, Eddie is finally free to decide what he wants out of life. Eddie slowly comes to realize his feelings for his best friend.
Told in alternating point of views – Richie and Eddie’s.
IT Chapter Three. The ending we deserve.
IDK, spooky stuff by varnes | 3/3 | complete | explicit 
“You’re a ghost hunter, aren’t you?” Georgie reminded him. “And he’s a ghost, or something. So obviously the police won’t find him, but you guys can, with all your equipment. You can find him and make the murders stop.”
From the couch, Richie’s whole face was lit up with delight. That was always a bad sign.
“I don’t know, Georgie,” Bill said, but before he could get the words all the way out, Richie was leaping up and yanking the phone out of his hand.
“Murderous ghost circus performer, love it, love it,” he announced. “Georgiekins, say no more, not one word, we are absolutely going to come bust the shit out of this clown.”
Or: the quasi-BFU AU where Bill, Stan, Bev and Richie go to Derry to hunt a ghost. Featuring a one-armed boy out for revenge; a Tiny Smol hotel clerk who can't decide if he wants to fight Richie or marry him; The Hot Fireman From LA?!; a local librarian who just wants to read books to children in peace; and, of course, Pennywise the clown.
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thereddeadredeemed · 3 years
An Ironwood meta that just randomly popped into my head.
So I’ve been skimming over a lot of the observations on RWBY from @bionic-jedi and aside from the glurge of absolutely adorable Nuts ‘n Dolts stuff (Which I appreciate, I ship it now), the part that really got my attention was all the shit going down around Ironwood. I don’t watch the show anymore, not that I hated it or anything I just sorta lost interest in the show itself, decided it ultimately wasn’t really for me and mainly just enjoy it through fanart and shipping now, but from what I gathered from bionic-jedi’s Let’s Watch Ironwood sounds absolutely fascinating in all the ways that I don’t think was intentional by the CRWBY but is still pretty awesome that it’s there.
Forgive me if I get the details wrong since I haven’t kept up with the show and all my info is coming second hand from @bionic-jedi​, but from I could gather Ironwood comes across as a man who:
- Is an experienced veteran fighter who individually is very badass with a proven tactical record on the battlefield
- Has the natural charisma to instill genuine loyalty and belief in his cause into his subordinates (To paraphrase Mass Effect 3 for a bit, you can pay a man to fight, you can pay him to charge up a hill, but no amount of money in the world will ever convince a man to believe in you), and does possess a genuine care for the troops under his command
- Will nonetheless still engage in abusive behavior if a subordinate is not performing in a way he believes is proper for their duty (Yeah I would consider forcibly hacking a sapient being to count as that)
- Carries around a very cool badass revolver as a signature weapon 
- While brilliant tactically, possess horrible long term strategic assessment skills that if allowed to be acted upon could have/did end in disaster
You know what that sounds like? Ironwood is almost a perfect RWBY equivalent for George R. Patton (with maybe a bit of Bernard Montgomery thrown in).
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Like, I think that the CRWBY may have accidentally written a scenario that asks “What if Patton was the Supreme Commander of the Western Front instead of Eisenhower?” And the results are an absolute clusterfuck unfolding in real time, but I feel I gotta clarify this.
Patton is one of America’s most celebrated and respected generals, and for good reason. Dude was a badass with a keen sense of armor tactics and mobile warfare that proved repeatedly that he could beat the Germans at their own game. His personal bravery could also never be called into question, having proven his mettle in direct combat during both the Hunt for Pancho Villa and WW1, as well as putting his own life in danger being very close to the front lines numerous times during WW2, one time even riding a tank into a German-occupied village to inspire his men. He also did genuinely care for the lives of his men, only ever seen openly weeping when mourning for the lives of his fallen soldiers, treating his wounded troops with the highest respect, and properly giving praise when they did a good job.
For all of Ironwood’s faults, his own mettle is certainly not into question given he suffered such grievous injuries that half his body is now cybernetics, and the man for sure knows how to fight and fight well, so that’s one similarity with Patton. He has also inspired real loyalty in Winter and the Ace Operatives, and in turn he does seem to actually care for them, and he had no real reason to give Yang a new prosthetic arm (and rather quickly fast tracking her an incredibly advanced one at that), so he’s not completely heartless or devoid of empathy. 
However, Patton was a man focused on the tactical short term in lieu of long term strategic planning, and possessed with some horrendous character flaws that bit him in the ass on several occasions. One of them being the, even by the standards of the 40′s, deplorable manner in which he treated soldiers wracked with what we in the modern day would diagnose as PTSD. The man flat out did not believe PTSD was a real thing, thinking of it as cowardice and...you know what? I’m just gonna let the Wikipedia quotes say it all, I bolded some choice quotes for convenience:
Private Charles H. Kuhl, of L Company, U.S. 26th Infantry Regiment, reported to an aid station of C Company, 1st Medical Battalion, on 2 August 1943. Kuhl, who had been in the U.S. Army for eight months, had been attached to the 1st Infantry Division since 2 June 1943. He was diagnosed with "exhaustion," a diagnosis he had been given three times since the start of the campaign. From the aid station, he was evacuated to a medical company and given sodium amytal. Notes in his medical chart indicated "psychoneurosis anxiety state, moderately severe (soldier has been twice before in hospital within ten days. He can't take it at the front, evidently. He is repeatedly returned.)" Kuhl was transferred from the aid station to the 15th Evacuation Hospital near Nicosia for further evaluation.
Patton arrived at the hospital the same day, accompanied by a number of medical officers, as part of his tour of the U.S. II Corps troops. He spoke to some patients in the hospital, commending the physically wounded. He then approached Kuhl, who did not appear to be physically injured. Kuhl was sitting slouched on a stool midway through a tent ward filled with injured soldiers. When Patton asked Kuhl where he was hurt, Kuhl reportedly shrugged and replied that he was "nervous" rather than wounded, adding, "I guess I can't take it." Patton "immediately flared up,” slapped Kuhl across the chin with his gloves, then grabbed him by the collar and dragged him to the tent entrance. He shoved him out of the tent with a kick to his backside. Yelling "Don't admit this son of a bitch," Patton demanded that Kuhl be sent back to the front, adding, "You hear me, you gutless bastard? You're going back to the front."
Corpsmen picked up Kuhl and brought him to a ward tent, where it was discovered he had a temperature of 102.2 °F (39.0 °C); and was later diagnosed with malarial parasites. Speaking later of the incident, Kuhl noted "at the time it happened, [Patton] was pretty well worn out  ... I think he was suffering a little battle fatigue himself." Kuhl wrote to his parents about the incident, but asked them to "just forget about it." That night, Patton recorded the incident in his diary: "[I met] the only errant coward I have ever seen in this Army. Companies should deal with such men, and if they shirk their duty, they should be tried for cowardice and shot."
Private Paul G. Bennett, 21, of C Battery, U.S. 17th Field Artillery Regiment, was a four-year veteran of the U.S. Army, and had served in the division since March 1943. Records show he had no medical history until 6 August 1943, when a friend was wounded in combat. According to a report, he "could not sleep and was nervous." Bennett was brought to the 93rd Evacuation Hospital. In addition to having a fever, he exhibited symptoms of dehydration, including fatigue, confusion, and listlessness. His request to return to his unit was turned down by medical officers. A medical officer describing Bennett's condition
And yet another incident like this:
Private Paul G. Bennett, 21, of C Battery, U.S. 17th Field Artillery Regiment, was a four-year veteran of the U.S. Army, and had served in the division since March 1943. Records show he had no medical history until 6 August 1943, when a friend was wounded in combat. According to a report, he "could not sleep and was nervous." Bennett was brought to the 93rd Evacuation Hospital. In addition to having a fever, he exhibited symptoms of dehydration, including fatigue, confusion, and listlessness. His request to return to his unit was turned down by medical officers. A medical officer describing Bennett's condition
The shells going over him bothered him. The next day he was worried about his buddy and became more nervous. He was sent down to the rear echelon by a battery aid man and there the medical aid man gave him some tranquilizers that made him sleep, but still he was nervous and disturbed. On the next day the medical officer ordered him to be evacuated, although the boy begged not to be evacuated because he did not want to leave his unit.
On 10 August, Patton entered the receiving tent of the hospital, speaking to the injured there. Patton approached Bennett, who was huddled and shivering, and asked what the trouble was. "It's my nerves," Bennett responded. "I can't stand the shelling anymore." Patton reportedly became enraged at him, slapping him across the face. He began yelling: "Your nerves, hell, you are just a goddamned coward. Shut up that goddamned crying. I won't have these brave men who have been shot at seeing this yellow bastard sitting here crying." Patton then reportedly slapped Bennett again, knocking his helmet liner off, and ordered the receiving officer, Major Charles B. Etter, not to admit him. Patton then threatened Bennett, "You're going back to the front lines and you may get shot and killed, but you're going to fight. If you don't, I'll stand you up against a wall and have a firing squad kill you on purpose. In fact, I ought to shoot you myself, you goddamned whimpering coward." Upon saying this, Patton pulled out his pistol threateningly, prompting the hospital's commander, Colonel Donald E. Currier, to physically separate the two. Patton left the tent, yelling to medical officers to send Bennett back to the front lines.
As he toured the remainder of the hospital, Patton continued discussing Bennett's condition with Currier. Patton stated, "I can't help it, it makes my blood boil to think of a yellow bastard being babied," and "I won't have those cowardly bastards hanging around our hospitals. We'll probably have to shoot them some time anyway, or we'll raise a breed of morons."
There were serious cries for Patton to get sacked after theses incidents, his reputation and job only saved because Eisenhower knew his tactical command abilities were simply too valuable to give up and so was only temporarily relieved of duty instead. Point I’m trying to make here is that while Patton could definitely hold sympathy and understanding for his men, it was contingent on them acting in a way he believed was properly honoring their duty. If they erred from his ideals of a how a proper soldier behaved, he could lapse into some seriously abusive behavior disturbingly quickly.
I can’t be the only one that sees some parallels between this and Ironwood hacking Penny am I? A man who cares for his troops but as soon as Penny acted in a way he deemed to be out of line, immediately sought to violate her autonomy and rights as a sapient being to force her back into line and back into his ideals of how a proper soldier should behave. Perhaps he wasn’t as violently physically aggressive about it as Patton, but arguably what Ironwood did was ethically much worse than slapping the shit out of and threatening people.
Patton also wasn’t the type to worry about the long term consequences of his actions. Before he died in a car accident shortly after WW2 he was unceremoniously sacked from his job after making one too many aggressive comments towards the Soviet Union, potentially nudging towards a potential Operation Unthinkable, and carelessly allowing former Nazis back into political power. Both of these were unthinkably horrible for obvious reasons.
There is one key difference between Patton and Ironwood however. Eisenhower was keenly aware of Patton’s potential shortcomings and he was kept on a leash and out of the highest levers of power, thus preventing him from ever being in a position where his worst traits would allow him to truly fuck up. Ironwood however I feel got Peter Principle’d hardcore and was promoted way above his level of competence (Always a risk for men who gain a reputation as “fightin’ generals”, see: John Bell Hood), where his positive qualities of personal physical bravery, combat skill and tactical leadership is wasted and his worst qualities of hyper-focus on short sighted tactical victories over long term strategic goals, paranoia and distrust leading to an excessive need for control, and moral cowardice are allowed to flourish.
And we see the consequences of it. He may have started with solid pragmatic ideas, but his insanely one-track minded obsession with short term strategic goals like making sure he has control over the Winter Maiden is costing him big long term strategically by burning bridges with potentially valuable allies and isolating himself and his command. Valuable time and resources that could have been spent coordinating forces against Salem wasted on various shenanigans involving Penny, RWBY and JN_R. Especially devastating given that Atlas is the only industrialized military power worth a damn in this world and isn’t reliant on mostly independent and unorganized Hunters and Huntresses (individually skilled but too few in number and takes far too long to train each one to reliably stop a Grimm invasion), and he’s just wasting the resources of the world power best able to hold the line against the Grimm.
Next part is a bit of a non-sequitur and really long so I put it in between the dotted lines if y’all ain’t interested and want to skip on over to the relevant Ironwood parts.
Getting a feel for the strategic situation in Atlas, I get a strong sense that what Atlas needs more than anything else right now is a Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower the the exact man needed to lead the Western allies, and I can’t see anyone else doing as realistically as good a job as he did, this is a hill I’ll die on. It wouldn’t look like it at first, the man had never once commanded a unit in battle (a fact that made many of his “actually seen combat” rivals bitter), and his softer, more easy going disposition would seem at odds with the alpha-male take charge image cultivated by men like Patton and Montgomery that would be stereotypically expected of a general, much less a Supreme Commander. 
However, that calm exterior hid a man with a sharp eye on the necessary strategic goals needed for victory, expert resource and personnel management skills, the humility to listen to his subordinates and admit his own mistakes, and most importantly, both the smooth negotiating skills and the iron will necessary to deal with larger than life figures.
The western allies were made up of many different nations and factions and filled to the brim with what I would call (to put it lightly) strong personalities. This was an organization that involved: 
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Winston Churchill
- Charles De Gaulle
- Bernard Montgomery
- The aforementioned Patton
- Occasional dealings with Stalin even
All of them larger than life personalities, all of them strong willed and possessed of their own ideas of how to win the war as well as their own political/personal motives, and all of them vying for dominance in the strategic decision making of the Western Allies. It was like herding a clowder of cats, but all the cats had frggin tanks and bombs. Eisenhower actually managed to cut through the bullshit and resist all the arm twisting and actually got all the different countries, armies and leaders together to act upon a united plan. He did this while still being able to control his subordinates worst impulses and (mostly) was able to resist the shitty plans put up and embrace the good ones (for the most part, Montgomery did manage to convince him to approve of Operation Market Garden, and it was the last major German victory of the war mostly due to Monty’s mishandling). Tactical battle ability was largely irrelevant for Eisenhower’s role, and his ability to see the big picture clearly and being able to maneuver through the internal politics meant everything to his success as a Supreme Commander.
If Eisenhower or an Eisenhower-esque figure was in charge of Atlas during this latest season, you’d probably get a drastically different turn of events. An Eisenhower would not be so quick to drastic action as Ironwood was. An Eisenhower would probably sit down with their subordinates, hear out all their arguments for why or why shouldn’t a specific action be taken, then calmly consider their actions. An Eisenhower would probably then say “Working with an enemy agent to hack into the Winter Maiden is a dumb idea” and proceed to create plans on how to coordinate all available forces in Remnant to best fend off Salem.
Atlas as a whole doesn’t really strike me as the type of organization that would raise an Eisenhower though. Militaries are always offshoots of the cultures that create them, and I don’t believe it to be a coincidence that a Supreme Commander like Eisenhower would be American. The country was literally founded on democratic ideals and it was enshrined very early into its history that the military would always be subordinate to the civilian government. This precedent makes it necessary that anyone that rises high enough in the military must be able to respect a strong civilian presence and be able to work with both internal and external politics. Any general that rises high enough must be half-general half-politician by necessity (there’s a reason why former military often do have successful political careers after retiring from service, including the aforementioned Eisenhower who eventually became the 34th President of the United States).
Atlas just doesn’t strike me as having that same sort of cultural framework. If anything the Atlas military strikes me as having a cultural framework closer to WW2 Germany where tactical efficiency and high tech weaponry/tools is prized above all else, often at the cost of long term strategic goal setting. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan never set realistic goals for themselves and predictably got steamrolled eventually. Occasionally you’ll get an online thread asking “What if Germany/Japan had smart top leadership during WW2?” But that’s a trick question. A WW2 Germany/Japan with sensible leadership...just isn’t WW2 Germany/Japan at all, it was intrinsic to the identity and character of those nations in that time period. Similarly, I just don’t see an Atlas military that sees a potential Eisenhower in their ranks and thinks to promote them to High Command as opposed to just shuffling them off as an aide to some random officer and never consider them for higher promotion. An organization that prizes short term tactical victory over long term strategic goals just isn’t the type of organization to do that.
Thing is though, I think just from what I gathered, Ironwood just shot up to be my favorite RWBY character because of how frigging fascinatingly horrible he is. He’s not an entirely awful person (at least not at first), but his own paranoia and fear combined with his habit of confusing short term tactical advantage with long term strategic goals leads him down the path of utterly despicable actions while convincing himself that it’s all for the greater good. All while being an idiot and wasting the legitimate game-changer resources of having an actual army when everyone else is still dicking around with hunters and huntresses as their only defense.
Smart money is he’s gonna die, it seems to be where he’s heading. If CRWBY’s writing staff has some serious cajones however, it’d be really cool if they pulled a Catra on him and see how low they can make him sink before making him hit rock bottom, realize his mistakes and force him to work hard for a redemption arc. I dunno, maybe I’m giving him too much slack but I actually do feel for him a little bit. The dude was clearly an alright guy that had the world fall down on him and just wasn’t suited for the massive responsibility that circumstances forced on his shoulders. He’s still a soldier that genuinely wants to protect Atlas, he’s just too short sighted to see how his actions just aren’t what Atlas is gonna need in the long term. Maybe a harsh talking to by Glinda would do him some good (I still ship IronWitch don’t @ me). I dunno, I just think that a redemption arc would be a lot harder to write than just killing him off, and thus would be that much more satisfying to see it pulled off right like what Noelle Stevenson did with Catra’s character in She-Ra.
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47pictures · 3 years
Link to original r/nosleep post:
My husband and I are the first guests to check into a new underwater suite with a full glass display. Yet, all of the fish are missing… but I don’t think we’re alone down here, either.
“No peeking still,” my husband nagged, his hands still over my eyes as he guided me.
“How can I peek with your hands literally over my face,” I remarked. He chuckled.
After what felt like forever with him making sure I didn’t bump into anything up to the mystery destination, my husband Jackson assured me that we were finally there. Thank the Lord…
“Alright, open up!” he said as he unveiled his hands from my face.
Now that we were here, I felt the rush of excitement again, and a shy yet exuberant grin grew over my face as I slowly opened my eyes. Once they opened, however, they widened tenfold at the sight before me.
“Whoa,” I exclaimed.
Jackson chuckled. “Soooo, did I pick out a good birthday gift or what?” he teased.
It was truly a sight to behold. An underwater luxury hotel suite, with all the delicacies and comfort a guest could dream of, encased entirely in an underwater tank with a view to die for at nearly every angle. Undoubtedly, it was a great birthday gift.
“Baby, this is amazing,” I spoke. I turned to look at him. “I-I was just kinda joking when I said bring me the ocean if you could, you know?”
He and the usher who led us to the room with our luggage exchanged laughs.
“You should know by now I take almost everything you say literally,” Jackson said as he stepped my way, towering over me by merely two inches.
“Mmm-hmm,” I uttered through my smile, and we both leaned in for a kiss.
The usher awkwardly rolled our luggage over to the king-sized bed (really, it looked even bigger than king-sized) and neatly set them to the side.
“Happy birthday,” Jackson said.
“Thanks, Babe,” I replied, as we both went in for another kiss. Poor usher, I thought. I know it must’ve been awkward for him right about now.
“Um, sorry to break the moment,” the gentleman timidly noted, “But if you two would like, the kitchen staff has prepared a lovely four-course lunch, which should be about ready in the next 30 to 40 minutes?”
“Oh,” I uttered.
“Nice,” Jackson followed. “What do you think?” he asked me.
I gave him a crazy look. “Shit yeah,” I replied under my breath, but quite loudly. I noticed the usher, “Oops, I mean-”, clearing my throat, “Yes, my husband and I would love to attend,” changing my whole demeanor.
Me and him both chuckled like idiot children. That’s simply how we were together. Like children. Though, when it was time to be adults, I was usually the parent in the relationship. He was a messy eater, I used proper dining etiquette. He needed a haircut, I did it for him. He got bruised up or injured doing god knows what, I fixed him up. He wants to travel to a random city over the weekend, I do all the planning (except this time, to my surprise).
Jackson was smart - very smart… but dumb at the same time. He was like a golden retriever. Had lots of energy and charisma, always the center of everyone else’s attention, yet, he couldn’t hold his own to save his life. Very all over the place. In a way, however, that’s what I find attractive about him. His zest for life and a childlike curiosity outlasting his years. I liked to have my fun as well, don��t get me wrong. But I was more Virgo-like in my ways, even though I’m a Pisces myself.
Lunch was held in the hotel’s center aquarium, giving us a full view of the ocean around us. Glass surrounded us with a bright blue luminescence as the sun reflected light through the large sea.
We were presented with a lovely four-course meal of seafood selections. Both of us got the seafood chowder as a starter. I got spicy Caribbean shrimp and he got oysters for appetizers. For the entrees, I got a nice big baked salmon, and Jackson got a huge lobster tail with a side of melted butter and mashed potatoes. It was all delicious, needless to say, and to top it all off, we had carb-packed tall slices of strawberry cheesecake. I could barely get up from the table after we were done.
After congratulating the head chef for such a fine meal, Jackson shot the question.
“Where are all the fish?” he asked.
It was one of those things I didn’t even think to ask, yet it was so obvious. Where were the fish? I didn’t know we were coming here until just a while ago. Had I not seen any pictures from the brochures in our room, I’d think this place didn’t have any fish at all. It was a good question.
“Ah, the fish,” the chef said. “They’re usually out most of the day and usually at night, they’ll obviously be harder to see and go elsewhere. But today must be one of those days where they’ll just… sorta hide.”
“Hide?” I remarked.
“Yes,” the chef replied. “Mostly from predators, if they’re around. But that’s strange, there usually aren’t any around. There’s the sharks, but even still, nothing that’s a serious threat to make the others leave.”
“There’s sharks here?” Jackson asked in a tone that I couldn’t tell was either amazed or afraid.
“Oh yes, a couple of them will show up from time to time. No great whites, or hammerheads, or anything crazy of the sort, but yes, there are a few.”
“Hmm,” Jackson uttered.
“Well, hopefully they turn up soon,” I added. “We gotta get some pictures, right Babe?”
I nudged Jackson at his side, to which he didn’t noticeably return much of a reaction.
“Mm-hmm,” he noised passively.
Maybe he was starting to get a food coma, too, and needed to lay down. I know I did. We’d gotten back to the room and done exactly that.
After a pleasant nap, I woke up to the magical view of the suite being illuminated with hidden LED lights outlining the bed, walls, and other pieces of large furniture. The room held a bright gold luminescence along with the now dark blue to almost pitch black abyss of the ocean. I wonder if that was something that could be turned off or it just stayed like that. Either way, I wasn’t complaining one bit.
Jackson woke up not too long after, and I barely saw him shuffle over to the bathroom in a hurry, as I was on my phone with my back turned. Was he sick?
“You all right, Babe?” I called to him.
“Yeah,” Jackson replied. “Had to piss.”
Oh, well that made sense. With that, I turned on camera mode for my phone, and began snapping random pictures, and was getting ready to do a panorama view. I had the lens set at one side of the room, starting at the edge of the first wide window, then began to drag across the room. I made it past the first window, then past the walls and door to the bathroom occupied by Jackson, then to the other side window, and was about to come around to the end of the last huge display behind me, until I noticed something through the lens.
I lowered my phone to get a look with my own eyes and saw that there was an enormous shadow of space outside the glass. It could’ve been the lack of sunlight reflecting down on that particular spot, but then I thought, was it really that dark already? It was only a half ‘til six, so it made sense for the water to be dark, but not that dark. The thing was, it stood out from the rest of the area like a sore thumb. You could still tell apart the ocean floor from other sections of the room, as well as the tiny rocks at the bottom. But over in this particular spot, it was near-total blackness. An abnormally large disquieting contrast in the area around it.
Maybe it was just a large rock structure. Like a fjord, maybe? No, those are like mountains or something, I think.
Then I heard the toilet flush. I waited for Jackson to come back out, but a couple of moments kept passing longer than expected. I was getting suspicious again.
“You sure you’re okay?” I called again.
“Yeah,” he answered.
It would make sense if he got sick from the food, perhaps. It was seafood, after all, and that among other recipes could have a tendency to make anyone’s stomach queasy if not properly prepared. But I didn’t have any issues so far. We ate nearly the same thing, as we picked from each other’s plates all the time.
I went ahead and gave him another minute, but as more time kept passing and I didn’t hear from him, I decided that was it.
“Hey, I gotta piss, too,” I announced, as I got up and started approaching the door.
No response. Then, a few seconds later, “Okay,” I heard him respond. Weird, I thought.
I slowly turned the knob and opened the door slowly, as not to budge right in. To my confusion, he wasn’t in the bathroom anymore at all. Huh?
“Jackson?” I called for him.
I looked across and saw that there was another door leading to a different room, or closet maybe? It was cracked open.
I went over and swung open the door to find a nice tidy compartmentalized space, the only room that wasn’t encased in glass, with Jackson loafing around. It had a nice window seat cushion that extended along the side of the walls of the entire room, and a circular window that simply showed the outside view of the ocean, which was also nearly pitch black as the shadow that cast over near the bedside window I’d a moment ago. Perhaps I was right. It was just large boulders or rocky structures blocking the light on those specific sides of the glass.
“You know this wouldn’t be a bad room to crash in,” he said, as he kept aimlessly searching around for something.
“I guess not?” I awkwardly replied.
“Could be a good place to do… other things, too, yeah?”
“It’s kind of a tight space, don’t you think?”
“We’ve managed with worse.”
“You know, there is a whole bed back there,” I said, pointing my finger to the door.
“Yeah…” Then his mind trailed off elsewhere before he looked at me again. “I’m done in the bathroom. You said you needed to go, right?”
I gave him a certain look. “I lied,” I answered. “You okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” he responded, but I knew when he was playing clueless.
“You’ve been acting kinda strange since lunch.”
“I mean, we both know you’re strange as it is, but… earlier you seemed sort of all right, but now since the sun is starting to come down, I don’t even know.”
“True,” he said, still not actually paying attention as he was still searching around the room.
I was getting a little fed up. “What are you looking for?” I asked.
“Something to cover this window with,” he said. “Can we get seasick from this? You know, with us being underwater and everything?”
“… Maybe?”
“There’s nothing but towels and a bunch of useless crap in here - are there any like really big pillows out there in the bedroom?”
My gosh, he was acting strange. The obvious question came next.
“Why do you need to cover the window?” I asked.
“Because… I don’t want anyone spying on us,” he answered.
“We’re underwater.”
“I noticed.”
“Who’s gonna spy on us? The fish? There aren’t any.”
“You don’t know, there might be people with submarines or something down here trying to capture a couple of lovebird guests having a good ole time down here to sell on the internet or who-knows-what.”
“Okay, one, I’m not fucking you in this room, and two, what is going on with you? You’re just acting so weird. What’s wrong?”
He looked around nervously, biting his lip like a child keeping a dirty little secret. Then, he finally fessed up.
“I have… thalassophobia,” he guiltily admitted.
“What’s that?”
“Fear of the ocean. Like deep water, all the shit that lurks in it, you know? Being stranded at sea, even. I’ve always been afraid of the water, babe. I tried to work on it, believe me, but nah. It’s just always been that one thing I can’t get over.”
I was dumbfounded. “Wh-” I started, trying to find where to even begin. “You have a fear of the ocean and you booked us an underwater hotel with literally a 360 view of open water?”
His face was red. “Yeah,” he muttered.
“Why?” I asked.
“‘Cause, it was for you. It wasn’t about me. I wanted you to be happy, and I wanted to get you something nice for your birthday, something I knew you’d love.”
It was one of the many sweetest things I’d ever heard him say that I almost forgot how dumb he initially sounded at this moment. I went over to him and gently cupped his face with both my hands, my back facing the window now and his facing the door.
“Okay,” I started, “Baby, you didn’t have to get me anything - though, I’m very grateful for all of this. And besides, I still don’t want you to be uncomfortable even if I’m not. We’re… you know, a marriage. A unity, or whatever. A team. I wouldn’t do something for you if I didn’t like it either.”
Jackson arched a brow.
“Okay, I didn’t mean for that to sound as bad as it did. Of course, I’d make sacrifices for you, too. But you get my point?”
Then I realized he wasn’t reacting to what I said at all, and was looking across the room past me towards the glass.
“The rock is gone,” he whispered.
“Hmm?” I uttered.
I turned to face where he was looking and saw what he meant. The black abyss of space beyond the glass was no longer there, and instead, we saw the faint blue glistening of the evening once again. Strange… it’d been black as night a moment ago, I thought. But Jackson said the same thing I was thinking. He, too, thought it was a rock.
I looked to him. “Tell you what, I’ll order us some drinks - you pick - and I’ll bring them back and we can just hang out here, okay?”
His face lit up with excitement again. “You don’t have to do that, Babe? Don’t let me ruin your b-day.”
“To me, it’s ruined if you’re not happy.”
I’d gotten room service to order us a tray of varied alcoholic beverages (only under his card, Jackson insisted). Champagne, Moscato, Grey Goose, and a few other cocktails, along with some crackers and cheeses to go along. We hung out together in the small enclosed room with our backs facing the window atop a fortress of pillows I pulled from the master bedroom and threw into the other room. I even fulfilled his request to cover the window with other stacks of pillows and whatever else I could find so he wouldn’t have to look outside.
We cuddled in the pillow fort we’d made and watched a movie on his phone. Any other person might view this as a complete downer to their vacation, but for me, I actually enjoyed every second of it. We never usually partook in high-end sort of living activities, even with me thoroughly planning and making sure we budget down to a T, so they usually ended in us doing things like this instead where we much preferred the comfort of doing things the unconventional way, such as sleeping in another room aside from the bed on a stack of pillows. Plus, it made Jackson feel better, and he was usually always braver than me. For once, I saw a true vulnerability in him.
“We’ve been to the pool and stuff together,” I said.
“Mm-hmm,” he replied. He drank way more than me. He’d answer anything at this point.
“You didn’t seem scared then.”
“The pool isn’t scary, the ocean is. Remember though, I couldn’t go past six feet?”
Then I thought about it. He was right. He never went too far to the deep end of any pools we got in.
“Huh,” I expressed. “I never noticed ‘til now.”
We kept on watching the movie for a couple more seconds before I had the urge to ask more questions.
“What about it scares you the most?” I asked.
He shrugged. “I mean, a lot of things. Like the thought of how deep it is… you never know what could be down there - here. The feeling of being surrounded by a vast bunch of endlessness, and being so small…” He shivered with chills. “Yeesh. Fuck that.”
“Yeah, when you put it that way, that does sound pretty scary.”
“Nah, you love it. You and the ocean have a pact.”
“What?” I smiled.
“Admit it, you would love to be a little mermaid just swimmin’ along in the abyss, waving at seamen - haha, seamen - passing by on their little boats and just having a grand time-”
“Oh shut up!” I laughed.
“-Just floating around with your long red hair collecting seashells singing, ‘Unda da sea!’-”
“-Unda da seaaaa!”
He was hysterical, and we were both having a good time. At least he was enjoying himself now.
I had to get up and use the bathroom again. After doing so, I decided to go get my phone that I’d left on the charger from the bed. But when I stepped into the room, it was nearly pitch black. I couldn’t see a damn thing.
What happened to the LED lights? Did they automatically turn off by themselves? It’d be weird if they did, though, because it wasn’t at our discretion to do it ourselves, and who’s to say we still needed the light or not?
I decided to use the bathroom light by swinging the door wide open to let the rest seep into the room and illuminate. Now, I could discern where everything was, if only faintly.
I went over to the bedside and pulled my phone from the USB. 100-percent battery life. Nice. While I was over there, I also turned on the lamplight perched next to me, and saw that it emitted a bright enough radiance to fill the entire corner of the bedroom. Might as well leave it on.
Then a thought occurred to me to check on the vast space I’d spotted earlier through the window. It would be directly in front of me. So I lifted my head to take a look, and to my stupidity, of course, it was indistinguishable now at this time of night. Some hours had passed since I last saw it, making the entire perspective a dark blue tint.
Though I loved the ocean and all the creatures that inhabited it, after hearing Jackson’s opposing view on the subject, in a weird sense, I was now starting to get what he meant. The vast darkness of the underwater. The endless abyss. I could imagine how terrifying it must be to swim in such a colossal space with no sense of direction, no other object in sight. No way out…
And what made it more frightening, I think, wasn’t that the water was pitch black. No, it was the fact that it was nearly complete darkness, but not entirely. You could observe the murkiness of the depths shift from light blue to an uncanny shaded indigo. Were the shadows underneath simply an indication of how far the light could reach from above? Or, could it be that something waited - patiently - down below?
Geez, I could have quite the imagination when I got to thinking too much by myself. I was even getting scared at my own thoughts. But if anything, I could now sympathize with my husband’s dread.
I turned to walk back to the bathroom door when another thought struck me, stopping me in my tracks. The rock Jackson and I noticed earlier, or at least what we thought was a rock… wasn’t it black? Like, entirely black. Black as night? And we both thought we were seeing things, where the rock had suddenly moved and we couldn’t identify it anymore through the window of the back room. It was hard to say if it was a bad memory or the alcohol, but I could swear…
I went over to the telephone next to the bed and decided to call room service again.
“Hello?” the female clerk on the other line answered.
“Hi, yes, I was just calling because I noticed the lights in our room aren’t working anymore. Not the main lights for the lamp and bathroom and stuff, but for LED lights, you know?”
“Oh, I see. Yes, there’s a switch on the wall right next to the thermostat where you can turn them on. It has a knob where you can adjust the brightness, and another one that lets you change the color to whichever one you’d like also.”
I shifted my eyes over to where she was referring to and found exactly what she meant. I could’ve found that if I bothered to look first.
“Oh, I see it now,” I laughed. “I guess I’ll check and make sure it’s on or off.”
“Okay,” the clerk responded, sounding pleased. “But that’s strange. They normally stay on unless of course, the guests decide to shut them off or when they automatically shut off at sunrise.”
“Hmm… maybe there was just a short power outage?” I suggested, though, it was probably unrealistic.
“Could be,” the clerk fancied. “But either way, hopefully you and your husband can enjoy the lovely moonlight from above as well.”
I was confused. “Moonlight?” I said.
“Yes. From where your room should be, it’s placed in the perfect spot for the moon to be seen from the top of the glass.”
“Really?” I replied, very puzzled. I looked up to see if I could maybe notice it through the top. “I don’t see any-”
At the sight I was now witnessing, I felt every bone, every muscle, every nerve in my body turn cold. There was something on top of the glass. Not just on top, but engulfing the entire tank. Above were faint details of what I could only imagine was its mouth. It was circular almost, with rows of what looked like razor-sharp teeth getting smaller at the center.
“Hello?” the clerk said on the other line.
I couldn’t move. A sensation more than just fear overcame me. I was petrified. At this moment, I never felt so small.
Then, the creature began to shift its entire body away from the glass, sending a near-seismic rumble throughout the suite. I dropped the phone onto the floor, and I followed suit as I got down, raising my arms as an instinctual reaction to try and shield me from whatever was about to happen next - as if that would do anything. I was in the presence of something further up the food chain than myself. Further up than any other predator that I knew that walked or swam the face of the earth.
As it released its grip from off the glass, shapes of monstrous tentacles began to flail about, leaving behind a powerful swooshing noise through the water, along with a resonant sound that the only way I could describe it as is something that couldn’t be replicated. Not on this planet. It was deafening, earth-shattering, like something from a different world.
It was so alien-like. It seemed to be coming from the thing itself. So powerful, even more so than the call of a blue whale or the roar of an earthquake. It was truly one of the loudest sounds I’d ever heard.
Suddenly, pure blackness no longer surrounded the view, as shades of the natural lighting of the ocean floor began to form again, and instantaneously, a white glow emitted from the glass ceiling. There it was. The moon. It had been there the whole time… and so had this thing.
As the creature rose higher away from my view, I was starting to get an even better look at its size. I still couldn’t even grasp its entire shape. It was huge. A behemoth of an unknown force lurking down here, waiting to be discovered.
I was amazed, astonished even, but not in a positive manner. The same sensation kept overtaking me as I began to curl up into a ball next to the bed. The sensation that I’d never felt so small…
I planned on staying there and hiding under the bed until it was gone. Then I’d be safe. But Jackson…
I got up and immediately ran towards the bathroom and over into the other room, shutting the door behind me. He was still lying against the pillows watching the movie on his phone, not noticing a thing about what lies beyond the glass. I couldn’t have been the only one to hear it, I thought.
“Baby,” I panicked.
He looked at me, concerned. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I guess he didn’t hear what I did after all.
But I couldn’t tell him, I thought. I was already scared as it was, but telling him might be catastrophic, and he’d never want to leave this room.
“I-I…” I stammered. “… I saw something.”
It just came out. What was I supposed to do, lie?
“What?” he said, now growing nervous as I was. Fuck, why did I do that?
“Th-There was something outside the glass, um…” Then I realized, I hadn’t told him the whole truth. “A shark or something. Like, a big shark.”
Jackson arched his brow, like he always did when he thought I was crazy.
“Are you pranking me?” he asked, his whole demeanor changing from worried to a perky suspicion.
I was dumbfounded. “Huh?” I said, still in a state of clear panic.
“I thought you loved sharks? Go play with your new friend,” he joked.
Without a doubt, the alcohol took the edge off of him from earlier, but he had no idea just how serious I was. Maybe that was a good thing, but right now, I needed both of us to leave this room asap.
I kneeled in front of him, looking him in the eye.
“Listen, I don’t wanna be in here right now. I’m getting… claustrophobic,” I lied. “Let’s just go to one of the lounges and hang out there for a bit where there’s no open water outside to look at, okay?”
He still wasn’t buying it. I’d be skeptical, too, if I were him. I never expressed fear of any sort in regards to the ocean. Even all the scary creatures he feared that swam in the sea, I took a liking to. But not that thing. Not that thing that waited outside…
“Your acting never fails to impress me, dear-
“Jackson!” I snapped.
He turned straight-faced again. I never snapped at him like that before. He knew I was serious this time.
“You’re serious,” he said. I nodded.
“Just put on your pants and let’s go,” I insisted. “I-I’ll cover your eyes so you don’t have to see out there when we cross the room.”
He got up and started to put his hands on.
“By the way,” he started, “Did you hear something a minute ago? Or was it just the movie?”
“Hear what?” I asked, a noticeable fear in my voice.
“Well I don’t know, I thought I heard something, like a loud rumbling noise. Thought it came from the movie, but then I was like, there’s no way, because-”
We both felt it rumble down in our feet and up to our rib cage, and stared at each other for a moment. Aware of precisely the same thing now, Jackson whispered under his breath, “Honey… what was that?”
Suddenly, the rumble sounded again, and was followed by both of us losing balance on both of our feet, and we both began to stumble. We both struggled to hold on to each other while simultaneously trying to grab onto the wall for support. Jackson managed to clutch one of the beams sitting atop the wall, and his strength alone was enough to hold both of us. I held onto him for dear life as the suite kept violently shaking.
His back was to the window as my arms hooked around him for balance. But I could see ahead that the barricade of pillows we’d put up on the window had now fallen, leaving the glass open for a full display of the outside. And to my confusion, I couldn’t see anything beyond it. It wasn’t a dark blue or black tint this time, but instead, a bright yellowish shade that now covered the window.
The rumbling had now stopped, and it was quiet as a mouse.
“You okay?” Jackson asked.
I didn’t say anything. I was too fixated on the window. Why was it that color? It’s like we shifted into a different environment altogether. Like a whole new backdrop.
“What the hell?” I muttered.
He turned to what I was perceiving and shared the same confusion. It was a strange sight indeed. Then we saw a black circle shift from nowhere and down into different corners of the circular window. The direction of the circle bounced randomly from corner to corner as if it were a corrupted game of Pong, until finally sitting dead center on the glass, facing us.
I felt a sick sensation in my gut, and Jackson’s jaw dropped in terror at the realization of what we were now both seeing. It was an eye… and it saw us.
The sound rumbled the whole area again.
“Go, go!” Jackson shouted, trying to lead us both out of the room, and we did just that.
We’d crossed into the bathroom when the lights cut off. There was darkness again. We were blind to the lack of light as we both tripped into each other, him almost knocking me down completely. I grabbed onto what I could only guess was the sink as Jackson quickly grabbed me to keep me from falling.
“You all right?” he said.
“What the hell is that thing?” His voice trembled.
“I don’t know,” I cried.
We needed to get ahead into the room and out into the main lobby and let someone know what was going on. But the lamp I’d left on in the bedroom ahead was out, too. Otherwise, there’d be some lighted path for us to distinguish. It was pure darkness. The only faint light, if any, came from the dark hue of the water surrounding us.
I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight to lead us.
“C’mon,” I demanded.
Jackson followed closely behind with his arms still over me for protection. Though, I’m sure it was more for him than it was for me. I could only imagine…
We raced through the bedroom and for the door in a matter of seconds. But in that time, we caught a glimpse of the outside. It was a nightmare. Just an endless void of murky dark water that appeared to stretch for an eternity. We were two small, meaningless creatures in the center of the vast universe.
When we got to the door, I turned the knob and pulled back without hesitation, as Jackson reached over and helped by yanking it back into the wall, and we both hauled ass out of there. In the halls, the lights were out as well. No source of illumination anywhere except the faint moonlight protruding the ocean’s horizon. Like the suite, the halls were made entirely of glass like a giant walkthrough tube to behold the ocean life exterior.
“Which way is it?” I anxiously asked.
“Here,” Jackson said, pointing down to the left corridor.
He and I made our way down the halls, but slowly this time. Something outside caught our eye. Indescribable. Countless dark silhouettes of fish. Hundreds of them. The ones that had been gone earlier were now all here for us to see beyond the glass. However, something was wrong.
The way in which they swam didn’t align in a fluid horizontal motion. Some of their bodies were positioned diagonally, vertically, and in a strange sense, seemed to be floating rather than swimming…
Then the realization hit me. They weren’t swimming at all. They were dead. Lifelessly drifting in the water down to us.
“Jesus,” Jackson gasped.
“L-let’s just keep moving,” I said, trying to be brave.
Then to our left, the creature emerged from below, its massive tentacles and fins rising into view, its bright yellow eyes glaring into us. The hall began to shake as the earth-shattering rumble sounded throughout the structure.
Without hesitation, the two of us raced down the hall to reach the next corridor that would eventually get us to the lobby. We just needed to make it. Where that thing could no longer see us.
All throughout the long glass tube, it followed from the outside. But not like a predator chasing its prey, but in an unsettlingly forbearing nature, as if it knows its place in the animal kingdom hierarchy. We were no challenge for it. It wanted to taunt us. It knew…
We’d managed to run down to the lobby and thankfully, one of the clerks was still there at the counter, likely the one I’d spoken to earlier on the phone. The woman saw us in our state of panic and immediately stood up to ask what was the matter. We told her of the creature that was terrorizing us, to which she was understandably struck by. We even told her about the fish we’d seen that were now regurgitated from the monster. It was hard to say if she bought our story or not, but based on her facial expressions, she innately knew we were dead serious.
The two of us refused to spend another night in that room. We asked if there were any other rooms available that didn’t involve windows of any sort, or better yet, any that were at the surface, but truly, Jackson and I both wanted to get the hell out of this place.
A couple of hotel staff offered to take our belongings out of the room and personally hand them over to us in the main lobby, as the clerk informed us that there was a vacancy in the only other room available at the top above the water, on top of the fact that neither one of us agreed to enter that hellish fishbowl again.
In our new more relaxing suite on the surface of the land, it’d taken a while for either one of us to fall back asleep. Jackson, in the shock of it all and for good reason, had taken it harder than me. I lied there with him in bed and stayed until he felt comfortable to drift off.
At some point in the night, I’d got up to peer out the window, which gave a view of the ocean’s horizon under the full moon. Any other day, I’d find the sight to be an ethereal beauty, not one to literally die for. What was supposed to have been a beautiful day for the two of us, at the expense of Jackson going out of his way to try and make me happy, was now ruined by the untethered force of nature that resided beneath.
I began to quietly sob, as not to wake Jackson from his slumber, my vision becoming blurred from the muddiness of tears.
But as I looked down again at the ocean below, I could sense that somewhere in my line of sight, it waited. And with a startling revelation that haunted me from when we first looked the creature in its eye, there was an undeniable fact that it knew.
It knew…
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Can’t Loose You
Summary: The avengers are calling in anyone who has experience with Thanos, and that includes the guardians of the galaxy. However, when a conference call with Tony Stark goes badly that’s when Peter realizes how much he has to loose. How there’s just certain things, maybe even certain people, that he just can’t live without. Suddenly Peter realizes that he just can't loose you. 
Word Count: 3829
Rating: v spicy, deff 18+
Song Pairing: Fooled Around and Fell in Love 
Author’s note: god this is something I wrote a long, long, time ago. still, I think you guys are going to really like it! I think after this I am officially caught up on all my marvel fics!!
♡if you enjoy this fic you’re welcome to leave a reblog/like/comment! feedback is not only welcomed but encouraged!♡
Peter getting genuinely mad was not something that normally happened. Sure he got into fights with Rocket or even the occasional fight with Gamora, but nothing super serious. They would be solved within an hour or so, and soon replaced with “We’ve been married for forty years” bickering.
Not today though, Peter was truly mad. He slammed the door shut as he left his room, “Have I ever told you that Tony Stark is a huge dickwad”. The Avengers were calling in anyone who had experience with Thanos, which meant he had to video chat with them.
Raising an eyebrow you said, “What happened did he say his gun was bigger than yours?”. Peter laughed dryly and gave you a bitch face, letting you know he was truly angry.
Raising his hands up in anger he said, “No he didn’t (y/n), but he insulted us all!”. You’d placed down the book you’d been reading, giving Peter your full attention. Trying to ease his anger you asked, “Have you talked with Steve he’s much more-”.
Peter cut you off, “He said we were inexperienced, that I don’t care enough about you guys and put your lives in danger!”. You had expected something like that to annoy Peter, but not make him fuming.
You walked over to him, “Why did he say that Peter?”. His anger only grew, and he avoided your gaze. He punched the wall, “Doesn’t matter, the asshole said it! I care about you guys so much!! We’re family and-”.
This time Peter was cut off by Rocket, “ I think we all know who you care about Quill”. You felt yourself blushing as Rocket tried to subtly hint at you but failed. The rest of the team had walked in, done running errands for the day.
Peter pointed a finger at Rocket, “Don’t start with me right now I’ve seconds away from calling you the “r” word!”. Rocket just rolled his eyes, and took Groot to go sit down with him.
Gamora asked, “Maybe Tony was referencing your trip to Morag with (y/n)”. That was one of the missions that the team could never forget.
Drax added, “Oh yes, that was the time where Peter made a huge mistake and got (y/n) seriously injured”. Gamora turned sending daggers at Drax while he looked confused. That mission was something Peter hated talking about.
You and Peter had been sent to Morag to retrieve an ancient script that the Nova Corps needed. It was supposed to be the classic run of the mill mission which is why only you and Peter went.
Morag was an oceanic planet, and only housed various species of animals. The script was located in a sea cavern, but you had a map telling you directly where it was.
Rocket had given you and Peter special equipment to breath underwater. The mission couldn’t get any simpler.
You and Peter easily found the cavern, and it was amazing to be underwater but have everything be clear as day. Peter smirked watching you take it in, “Guess swimming with the fishes ain’t so bad in this case huh (y/n)”.
Smiling back you said, “As long as either of us don’t go belly up”. This caused the both of you to laugh, you were the only one who was able to share Peter’s sense of humor.
Being from Earth helped greatly, Peter had first found you on Xandar. You’d been a shield agent sent to help handle intergalactic communications.
It had been love at first Footloose reference, except both of you hid your true feelings from each other. Settling for friendship in order to not lose everything. Peter knew he needed to keep you in his life no matter what.
Peter swam ahead of you, entering the cavern. The script was right in front of him, “Uh houston have a problem...this was too easy”. He turned around expecting to see you roll your eyes or try not to smile at his joke.
Peter grabbed the script and shoved it into it’s waterproof case, slinging it around his back. Quickly he jumped back into the water, wanting to make sure you were okay.
His eyes widened when he saw you being dragged down deeper by a huge shark like creature. As he sprung into action Peter said, “We’re gonna need a bigger boat”.
He wondered why you hadn’t yelled for help but then saw the various scratches all over your helmet, the bastard had cut the communication cord.
The creature was thrashing around, going behind and infront of you. Peter noticed you motioning to your suit, and he realized the air tank had been punctured by the creature's teeth.
He had to do something quickly before your air supply ran out and the creature dragged you out of range. It was a risky shot but he took it anyway, firing an underwater gun the Nova had given him.
At last second the creature had moved, but Peter still hit it. He swam over to you watching the creature sink to the ground. Blood clouded the water around you, turning it from a light blue to a dark red.
Peter’s smile faded when he saw you clench your side, realizing although he’d hit the creature he’d also hit you. Things got worse when he saw your eyes begin to close, your mouth opening.
With all of his strength Peter carried you to the surface, swimming as fast as he could. The entire time he talked to you, “We’re gonna get out of this and you’re gonna wake up and give me that classic smirk”.
As he dragged you out of the water he continued, “That look where you pretend to be mad at me but we both know you find me irresistibly charming and when you think I’m not looking you finally smile”.
He quickly placed his breathing peace into your mouth while with the other hand he applied pressure to where you’d been bleeding.
Peter shook his head, “Come on (y/n) you can’t quit on me yet, you still owe me that drink from when I beat you in pacman!”. His smile returned when he watched you open your eyes and begin to cough.
With all your strength you said, “We both know I let you win Quill”. Somehow he found himself smiling, god you were just as stupid as him.
Peter was scared you’d heard everything he’d said, but maybe you’d be too out of it to even remember. He called for Rocket to come meet you with the Milano, and he carried you aboard.
That had been one of the worst memories of Peter’s life, the moment where he almost lost you. In that moment he realized how he didn’t love you like a friend, he loved you loved you.
That had been the exact moment Stark had brought up on the phone, and it made Peter furious. Speaking up you said, “We all know that wasn’t Peter’s fault, we had thought the water was clear”.
Peter shook his head, “I should’ve checked thoroughly, I was too cocky”. You could’ve checked the water more thoroughly too. Peter lowered his head, “I should’ve known something was up when you weren’t right behind me..I thought you were just enjoying yourself”.
Softly you asked, “So Tony did bring that up? Peter he’s made countless mistakes himself...we’ve all come close to losing someone!”.
Peter looked at you, “But I can’t lose you (y/n)!”. Gamora patted Drax on the shoulder, signaling for them to both leave the room. Loudly he asked, “But Gamora we were about to see if Peter would finally adm-”.
Gamora shut him up by pushing him forward, thankful he hadn’t finished his sentence. Peter’s anger had finally left him, but he was now filled with guilt. You took a step closer to him, “And you won’t Peter”.
He shook his head, “But what if-”. Walking over to him you took your hands in his, trying to stop your dirty mind when you realized how huge they were.
You looked into his eyes, “Peter you’ll never lose me, I’m like the terminator-”.
Peter smiled softly finishing your sentence, “You’ll be back”.
You could always make each other laugh at the most fucked up times. Peter still held onto one of your hands, and you blushed when you realized it.
With his other hand he picked your chin up to meet his gaze. Peter’s eyes looked deeply into yours, “You’re so beautiful (y/n)...”. You bit your lip with all the attention he was giving you, feeling your own feelings for him start to surface.
Smirking you said, “Peter Quill, are you trying to seduce me?”. Peter also found himself smirking as he pulled a remote out of his jacket pocket. Before pressing the button he said, “If I were trying to seduce you, there’d be music playing”.
His face lit up when , “Fooled around and fell in love” blared through the ship's speakers. He pulled you into his arms whispering in your ear, “Peter Quill doesn’t try to seduce women, he does seduce women”.
I must have been through about a million girls
I'd love 'em then I'd leave 'em alone
You rolled your eyes, smiling when you thought he wasn’t looking at you. One hand rested on the small of your back while the other held your hand in his.
Teasingly you said, “You don’t seem to be able to seduce any women lately”. You’d been happy that lately Peter hadn’t brought any women back to the ship because every time he did it broke your heart.
I didn't care how much they cried, no sir
Their tears left me cold as a stone
Sarcastically he said, “Bit of a dry spell lately” the both of you knew that wasn’t it. Playing along you replied with, “ I thought Starlord never had dry spells”.
Peter’s heart raced hearing you call him that, it was a huge turn on, but it felt more intense coming from you. Together your bodies swayed to the beat, “Been awhile since you’ve brought anyone back”.
You laughed, “Since when do you keep track?”. Peter was happy you weren’t looking at him, that way you couldn’t see his blush. Trying to play it cool he said, “I just want to make sure you don’t beat me”.
That was a lie. Peter noticed every time you brought someone back to the ship because it just confirmed his own insecurities. He pushed down his feelings by distracting himself with women, but it just made it worse...they weren’t you.
But then I fooled around and fell in love
I fooled around and fell in love, yes I did
You rested your head against his chest, causing his breath to hitch. He couldn’t explain it but every time you touched him it was like the first time anyone had. Things just felt right with you.
Softly you said, “I don’t think that’s a contest either of us would win”. Peter heard the hurt in your voice and thought that maybe you’d felt the way he did. Slowly Peter spun you out, but instantly missed the feeling of having you so close.
Ah, but since I met you baby, love's got a hold on me
It's got a hold on me now, I can't let go of you baby
Peter dipped you, feeling his own desire growing looking down at you. You just smiled up at him, your eyes so inviting. Feeling nervous for the first time in his life, he quickly brought you back upright.
When Peter saw the happiness leave your face he realized that he just had to go for it. He found himself laughing, realizing what Drax had said earlier was right. There are two types of beings in the universe; those who dance, and those who do not.
Confused you looked up at Peter and asked, “What are you giggling about?”. Peter looked down at you with love in his eyes. He moved his hands to your hips, “You and I both dance”.
You were even more confused, “And? We both eat and drink-”. Peter’s smile grew, “That’s not what I’m saying...I’m trying to say that…”. Peter knew that once he told you he loved you everything would be out on the line, but he couldn’t pretend anymore.
Peter moved one hand to cup your face, “I love you (y/n)”. You stood there for a moment, unsure of how to react. This was something that had played out in your head almost a hundred times, but now it was happening.
When you saw how happy he looked any doubt you had vanished. Smiling you said, “I love you too Peter”. Peter just smirked, and you knew something fun was about to happen.
He picked you up into his arms and yelled, “If the ship is a rockin’ don’t come a knockin’”. You threw your head back in laughter along with Peter.
Not wanting to miss the opportunity Rocket yelled back, “Finally!! Groot you owe me 10 units!”. Rolling your eyes you realized they’d been betting on how long it would take you and Peter to finally tell the other how you felt.
You didn’t care though, you were in Peter’s arms. He closed the door to his room with his foot and smiled smugly, obviously proud of himself. Joking you said, “Real sexy Quill”.
Peter crashed down onto his bed, you on top of him. Once again his hands found your hips as he kissed you passionately. Peter couldn’t help himself, as the kiss continued he moved his hands to cup you ass.
You shook your head, “Someone’s eager”. Peter only gripped your ass tighter causing you to squeal. Smirking he teased, “Someone likes it”. The man wasn’t wrong, you did like it.
You loved his big hands running up and down your body. Leaning back you pulled your dress over your head, and Peter watched you while licking his lips.
Eyeing you up and down he repeated, “So beautiful..so fucking beautiful”. Feeling daring you put your hands behind your back and slowly took off your bra.
Peter’s mouth feel agape, and he felt himself getting harder. Before he knew what he was doing he brought his hands up to cup your breasts. You threw your head back and moaned, loving the way his calloused hands felt against your skin.
As Peter began to suck on your nipples you bucked your hips, it felt so good. He moaned, “You’re going to be the death of me (y/n)”. Peter only stopped sucking to take off his shirt and pants, needing this just as badly as you.
You ran your hands up his chest slowly, marveling at how toned he was. Raising an eyebrow he smirked, “Like what you see?”. You started to slide down his boxers, “Something tells me I’ll like the full package better”.
He didn’t know how but you caused him to swallow hard, stunned for a moment. Peter was experienced, this wasn’t his first rodeo...but just something about you did it to him. Made him feel like up until this point he didn’t even know what pleasure felt like.
You slid your body down so you face now rested above his extremely hard member. Peter just looked down at you, feeling the desire in his stomach grow like hunger.
Slowly you slid down his boxers, watching his member spring forward. You bit your lip, “Fuck Peter”. It felt so good to hear you say his name like that, and it made his member pulse.
Slowly you licked up his shaft, watching his eyes widen. When you got to the tip you sucked the precum off of it, moaning. You kept eye contact the whole time, “You taste so good”.
Peter moaned loudly, everything you did made him feel like he was going to explode. You kissed your way back down his shaft, knowing what you did next would drive him wild.
You began to suck on his balls, one of his more sensitive areas. He threw his head back, “Oh fuck”. No other girl had ever done that, it was like you were made for him.
Before taking him in your mouth again you said, “I want you to look me in the eyes baby..it turns me on”. Peter nodded his head, watching you intently.
You took as much of him in your mouth as you could while your free hand massaged his balls. Peter had never been more turned on in his life, especially knowing that you were enjoying this too.
You started bobbing your head up and down, obscene sounds leaving your mouth. Small moans and groans kept escaping Peter’s mouth, this had never felt this good before.
Finally you took him out of your mouth with a “pop” of your lips. Peter brought your head back up, kissing you once again. You smiled knowing that he didn’t care about tasting himself.
While kissing you Peter turned you on your back. With a devilish smile he said, “My turn”. Peter pulled you towards his face by the backs of your knees. He teased you through your panties, running a finger up and down your slit.
Your breath hitched and he noticed, “So wet for me already”. Your panties were practically soaked, and he loved it. He loved knowing you felt as good as he did, needed this just as badly.
Slowly he took your panties off, you were fully exposed to him. His hot breath teased you further as he whispered, “I wonder if you taste as good as you look”. With one hand he spread your folds, exposing your clit fully.
He sucked on it as he groaned, “You taste even better”. The way he moaned against you sent vibrations all over your most sensitive area. You threw your head to the side, damn he was good at this.
With his tongue Peter traced patterns around your clit, occasionally taking it between his lips and sucking deeply. The amount of pleasure you were feeling was insane, no one had ever made this feel this good before.
Peter would dart his tongue into your entrance, loving the way it made you moan. Instinctively you ran your hands through his hair, tugging at it. This caused Peter to moan making your clit vibrate.
Gasping you said, “Oh Star-” but then you caught yourself. Peter brought his head up, “What did you just call me?”. You were scared it might’ve turned him off, but you’d always thought about calling him Star lord during sex.
A devilish smirk returned to his face, “You’re an awful liar”. You found yourself smiling taking in how blissfully happy Peter looked. You waited until his face was buried between your thighs again, “Star lord”.
Peter moaned loudly, feeling his hard member twitch. He moved his body back up and hovered over you, “You’re such a tease (y/n)”. He tried to look angry but failed miserably, the boy was head over heels in love with you.
Smirking you asked, “Am I not supposed to call my commander Star lord?”. He closed his eyes as a moan escaped his lips, maybe heaven was real. You found yourself smiling, he was such an idiot.
Slowly Peter ran a hand down your body, spreading your legs once again. He kissed you passionately on the lips before kissing down your jaw and neck. Peter massaged your clit with his fingers, “Say my name again”.
As you moaned, “Star Lord” he finally inserted a finger inside of you. You moved your hips up towards him, needing more. Peter was leaving obvious marks all over your skin, wanting everyone to know how good he’d made you feel.
He started to pump his fingers in and out of you slowly, driving you wild. Begging you asked, “Star Lord..I need more”. Reluctantly, Peter took his fingers out of you, but not before bringing them to his lips.
Peter licked his fingers clean as you watched with eyes wide open. Holding your gaze he said, “I could taste you all day”. You couldn’t contain yourself anymore, you needed him so badly.
Letting go of his hair you said, “I need you inside of me”. Peter didn’t need to be told twice, he brought his body up to hover over you. You pushed him onto his back, “I have a feeling you’ll enjoy the view”.
You turned around, slowly sinking down onto his member. Peter closed his eyes and moaned loudly, feeling you stretch around his walls. You arched your back as you began to ride him, bouncing up and down.
Peter spanked your ass, “Fuck this is perfect”. His back rested against the headboard of his bed. With his hands gripping your hips he started thrusting inside of you. The room was filled with the sounds of your loud moans.
You loved the feeling of Peter filling you up, “Oh god”. Grabbing a fistful of your hair he pulled your body back, your head resting in the crook of his neck.
With this new angel Peter went even deeper inside of you, hitting your g-spot. Peter loved looking down at you and see you coming undone. Holding his gaze you said, “I’m so close”.
Peter was holding on by a damn thread, just as close to the edge as you. To your surprise he moved his hand to rub your clit, “Cum for me (y/n)..cum right now”.
Between Peter rubbing your clit and his words, you were sent over the edge. A tsunami of pleasure washed over your entire body, wave after wave of pleasure hitting you. Peter only rubbed your clit faster.
As he looked down at you and how beautiful you looked, Peter felt his own orgasm shake throughout his entire body. It was like a bomb had gone off inside of him, every nerve in his body exploding with ecstasy.
Together you rode out your orgasms, yelling out each others names. It was one of the most intense moments the both of you had ever felt. It redefined what pleasure meant.
Finally when he caught his breath Peter moved you so you were now cuddling his side as he laid down on his back. He looked so blissfully happy, a look you mirrored. Peter giggled, his happiness overflowing, “That was awesome”.
You rolled your eyes, but found yourself smiling. Nuzzling into his side you said, “It’s never felt that good before”. His expression softened, his eyes now filled with love.
Looking down at you he smiled, “I think this is what love is”. Love was something Peter Quill thought he’d never be able to feel, but you changed all that.
If this was love...he could get used to love...hell he never wanted to feel anything else. Peter kissed you on the forehead, and just enjoyed being blissfully happy with the love of his life.  
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♡ thank you for taking the time to read this, you’re a babe♡
Forever tags: aka some amazing people: @moonlessnight14 @sexyvixen7 @angieptt​ @painkiller80 @becca-dolan @team-heichou @thatpeachybandgirl​ @allthesesonsobitches @buckybarneshairpullingkink @couldabeenamermaid​ @taeeemin​ @littleredstarfish @nali67​ @only4wakingup​ @mcenziehughes​
*if there is a line through your name that means that for some reason it won’t allow me to tag you*
*forever tags are always open*
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axther · 4 years
children are meant to be cradled, not placed in wars
a bnha/reader fic
chapter one 
YN was normal. 
She lived in a neighbourhood that had good families and minimal crime. She was popular at school, and her best friend was the quiet, weird kid stereotype. Some part of YN wondered why it was all monotone, but then her friend would pull her along and they would commit some minor crime like regular teenagers. 
One day, after hopping over fences into a house that YN and her friend had deemed their own but definitely hadn’t bought, said friend was staring at YN. 
The friend, Soma Quinn, wasn’t normal. She always wore the same clothes (a pair of worn jeans, a Bethesda Dark Brotherhood jacket, grey converse, and a black tank top), and had to repeat herself to get her points across. She had only one ear, as when she was seven, she played with scissors too much and sheared it off. She kept to herself and looked constantly like she wanted to fight someone. But Soma was sweet and would babble for hours about her games and stories. 
Today, though, something was off. 
Soma had a slight staring problem. She would retract into her head like a turtle, it’s shell and stare into nothing. But, if she was staring at something in particular, like YN, then that was exactly what she was thinking of. 
“What’s up? Thinkin’ about, uhh,” YN dropped her voice. “Murder?” 
“Kidnapping, actually.” 
“Ooh, fancy. Who?” 
“You.” Soma batted her eyes. 
“Oh?” YN smirked. “You should take me out to dinner first.” “What do you call this?” 
“Oof, fair.” YN blinked. “But seriously. What’s up?” 
“I’ve been having dreams again.” Soma frowned. “Nightmares.” 
YN furrowed her brow, standing up. “What is it this time?” 
“You know that thing where your ear rings out of nowhere and you wonder if you’ve got tinnitus or something?” Soma began biting her lip, the previous abrasions on the bottom lip not even having scabbed over yet. 
“It starts out like that. Then I see this big ass comet. And then, like, it’s Fallout Four, without any green mods. And there’s no Sole Survivor.” 
YN was silent. Soma had nightmares, ones that she took medicine for, but they would always come true. They varied; from YN’s father getting into a car accident to one of their classmates trying to shoot up the school. Every time Soma called out her dreams, actions would be taken, and disaster would be avoided. And they were always right. 
“What can we do, Som?” 
“Gay panic, probably.” Soma put her head on her fist. “We can’t stop a comet, but…”
YN stopped pacing. “But, what?” 
Soma said nothing but continued staring at YN. The bigger youth began pacing again, and her eyes started tearing up. 
“Oh my god. I don’t want to die. What about Mom and Dad? And...and we didn’t get to grow up! I wanted to go to the WTF Championships after my internship! You wanted to work at Bethesda! God! What the fuck!” 
“There’s a hack we can use. But just us.” 
“But what about-” 
“Everyone else thought I was a freak. Even my own parents. But you don’t. Or if you do, then you don’t care. And honestly, that’s even better. I would kill for you, and I would die for you.” Soma glanced up at YN, and YN felt a chill go down her spine. There was a dark look in Soma’s eyes that was dangerous, like something deep and primal that neither of them had seen before had been untapped. 
“I can’t let you die.” 
Before YN could say anything more, a blue light lit up the floor. At first, it was just a circular pattern with a script that YN didn’t recognise, but then it filled out until lit looked like a cyan liquid (definitely not water; it wouldn’t be this bright) that splashed around and landed on YN’s bare arms. The outside of it began to collapse, with splintered wood and asbestos crumbling into dust and nothingness. YN started to pant, trying to grasp the situation. 
“What the hell? Som, Som, what-” 
“I am so sorry, YN/N.” Soma’s dark look became guilty and sad. “You and I can live free, now.” 
And then, YN fell. 
Falling to her death was nothing like what YN expected. 
In all the movies and books and shows, it took a long time, with inner dialogue playing and no actual worry. But this was completely different. YN couldn’t think, and her throat felt like it had been sucker punched. The wind rushed past her, and she couldn’t breathe, and oh god, she was going to die- 
But then, the smell of pine trees and sweat and a swath of white and black took over her senses. 
Something, someone, had grabbed her bridal style, seven hundred feet in the air. 
“I’ve got you! Don’t panic!”
The voice was loud and almost squeaky, but male. He seemed like a teenager, but no teenager could jump as high as YN was. She shook, her mind fuzzy and boggled. There was a controlled descent now, and YN could breathe again. When he landed, he gently set her down on her feet, and she fell to her knees. 
“Oh! Are you ok? Are you injured?” 
His voice was drowned out by the buzzing in her ears, and a distant humming. She could’ve sworn that it was familiar before it abruptly stopped. 
“-s hurt, and she won’t respond, and oh gosh! What if she’s injured? How do I get her attention? Eraserhead hasn’t shown us emergency procedure yet, and what if she’s in shock? Of course, she’s in shock, you idiot!” The boy, who too had kneeled, was non-stop mumbling to himself. YN didn’t look up, but she listened. 
“She hasn’t suffocated, I don’t think...ah! What would All Might do? Should I get Thirteen? He’ll know what to do! He is a pro-hero, after all! But she shouldn’t be left on her own...should I ask Ochako? I probably shouldn’t yell, she might have a headache from that fall. And I didn’t bring my phone! Ah!” 
YN glanced up, and she had her breath taken away for the second time that day. 
The boy before her (he was definitely a boy, she conceded) had huge green eyes and a smattering of freckles in perfect twin diamonds, but what astounded her the most was the mop of green hair. It looked perfectly natural, and even a little bit ungroomed, and it was increasingly surreal the more she looked at him. He was ridiculously pretty and seemed like he had stepped out of a movie. 
“Excuse me,” She croaked. Her throat hurt, but she was confused above all.
“Ah!” The boy jumped again, striking a pose that seemed like an exaggerated surprise. “You can talk!” 
“Where am I?” The more she glanced around, the less familiar it was, and the boy got out of the pose. 
“You’re in Mustafu, ma’am.” He kneeled again. “Are you feeling alright?” He stuttered a bit on the ‘alright’, but seemed determined. 
“For, uh,” YN glanced up, but the sinkhole was gone. “For falling, I think so.” 
“Can you walk?” He held out a hand, and YN grabbed it. It had scars littered all over it, but it seemed quite soft. 
She tested her weight and found that she was alright, for the most part. She nodded. 
“I need to take you to some pro-heroes, so they can take care of you. Okay?” He tilted her head when she let out an undignified snort. 
“Yeah,” He looked confused. “You know, like Thirteen, and Present Mic, and All…” He trailed off when YN’s brow furrowed further.
“Oh no!” He looked shocked and guilty. “Maybe you hit your head and forgot!” 
“Forgot-no, I didn’t forget-” 
“Come on! We need to get you checked!” 
He ushered her towards two figures and an ambulance, one of which looked like an over-inflated astronaut. Only then did YN realise that there was a huge crater in the ground, stemming from where the sinkhole was situated above. She blinked, perhaps stupidly, before pointing to it. 
“Did I...do that?” 
The boy glanced over and grinned sheepishly. “No, haha...that was me.” 
YN paled. “You?” 
“Yeah. It’s kind of a side effect of my quirk. I can’t control it too well. I’m getting better though!” He grinned cheerily, and YN paled. 
“What?” She whimpered, but the boy didn’t hear her. He took her to the astronaut and a blonde man. 
“Thirteen! This is the girl that fell! I think she has some memory problems…” 
“Good job, Midoriya.” The astronaut turned to YN and took her spare hand. “Please, come with me. We’re gonna give you a check-up.” 
YN choked on her words, glancing between the astronaut and the boy Midoriya, and then to the blonde man with the gravity-defying peaked hair and yellow sunglasses that wouldn’t stop grinning. The astronaut gently guided her to an older woman, letting the teen sputter the entire time. 
“This is Recovery Girl,” He gestured. “She can take care of you, and see if you have any head injuries.” 
He handed her over, and YN stared at the woman. She was most definitely not a girl and reminded her of her grandmother, but she looked matronly and had a pink and purple visor. 
“Hello. Come, sit, sit!” She patted at the edge of the ambulance, and YN did as she was told. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a massive medical needle and felt her heart leap up to her throat. Recovery Girl followed her line of sight and laughed. 
“Don’t worry! That’s my cane! It matches my line of work, obviously.” She smiled, and YN felt a little less apprehensive. 
“What?” YN murmured, biting her lip. 
“Does anything hurt, my dear?” Recovery Girl began putting pressure on YN’s limbs, seeing if there was pain. “It doesn’t look like anything is broken, but it is a precaution to check.” 
“My head…” YN felt like her skull was splitting from her fresh migraine. “It hurts.” 
“Ah!” Recovery Girl leapt up, and YN had to admit, she was surprisingly spry and youthful. She went behind YN and gently placed her palms on her cranium. There was a feather-light touch, and the pain seeped away. Inexplicable sleepiness came over YN, and she felt her eyes begin to drop. 
Her head nodded forward, and she fell asleep. 
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(Me, a full ass gamer w/ Xbox, Playstation, PC, and Switch: what r some,,,,,,,,vido gaem word)
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Survey #298
“i don’t like what i am becoming  /  wish i could just feel something”
Do you have sensitive skin? Very. Do you wear necklaces or earrings more? Just my tragus piercing, really. I only ever wear a necklace sometimes if I'm taking a "nice" picture. Rings or bracelets? I currently don't wear any bracelets, but I do always have one ring on. How many toilets are in your house? Two. Is your current crush younger than you? By just a couple years. Are you a lighter complexion than your father? Yes; he's very tan, especially his arms from being a mailman. Ranch or barbeque sunflower seeds? I don't like sunflower seeds. Do you know the first five books of the Bible in order? No. Do you have a pet fish? Nah, they're not my thing. Do you believe being gay is a choice or a "disorder"? Neither; I believe it's a genetic mutation. It defies biology and the very motive for life, but I always say that a mutation does not, in any way, equate to "wrong." I am extremely adamantly pro-gay rights and bisexual myself, so I can't shit-talk it. What are some of your favourite sounds? Crunching leaves, rain gently tapping on windows, windchimes, birdsong... mainly nature sounds. There are others, I'm just blanking right now. Are you a warm weather or cold weather person? Cold, 100%. What time do you wake up? What for? This spans over a massive gap, honestly... I can wake up as early as 5 or as late as 9:30. Most often, it's pretty early, and I call that my "trial" of being awake, lol... because I will almost without fail go back to sleep for a couple more hours. Hell, that happens even if I sleep on the later side. Do you ever listen to music to fall asleep to? I used to do that in middle and maybe some of high school, I think; I'd fall asleep with my iPod on and earbuds in. I haven't done that in a very long time, though. Could you spend the rest of your life with someone who had bad taste in music? ... Yes? Their taste in music has nothing to do with them as a person???? Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for? No, and it's best I don't. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yes, and that's how I found out I'm far from a lightweight. I wasn't going to drink more than I actually wanted to drink just to get wasted. Did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? Yeah. Who is the last child you held? My youngest niece. Have you ever woken up not knowing where you were? Maybe for a few moments after my surgery? I don't really recall. When is the last time you made the wrong choice in anything? Every fucking day when I decide what to do with my time. What is the most interesting thing in the room you are in? My snake, I guess. She's a champagne morph ball python. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first? I put on soap first. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance? Probably when Mom literally dragged me home after I tried to walk to Jason's to talk the night of the breakup. I lost my fucking mind. Which gift cards do you have in your wallet? I don't think I have any. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. I hate Pepsi. What is better: cute smile, or amazing eyes? A cute smile. What song are you listening to? "Drilled a Wire Through My Cheek" by Blue October is on currently. Name your best friend(s): Sara. Do you know any mechanical stuff about cars? Nope. Last night you felt? I wasn't suicidal, but still kinda wanted to die lmao. Do you still watch Disney channel? No. How do you like your eggs? I only enjoy them scrambled, and preferably with cheese. What’s your all-time favorite song? "False Flags" by Massive Attack. If you could be any TV character, who would you be and why? Idk, I don't watch TV enough. Maybe Donna from That '70s Show. Very strong and independent, outspoken, and not to mention she has great taste. I find her to be a good female character to look up to. Do you ever come up with really good ideas for stories or movies? Do you do anything with them? Yeah; I'll try to integrate them into RP characters and plots. What sort of things do you post on your Tumblr? Vintage photos, screen caps, girly things? It's a Markiplier cesspit lmao. Sometimes I'll reblog shit I find funny. I've been very inactive on it, though. Have you ever had a dream that you couldn’t shake, even for days after you woke up? Oh yes. When was the last time you felt like a nuisance, or unwanted? Recently, I'm sure. When was the last time your dreams were crushed, or at least hindered? I dunno. How’s school going? I'm not in school. Are you angry at anyone right now? Myself. The last person to say they loved you? Mom. When is the last time you laughed hard? Hard? I'm really not sure. Are there any words on your shirt? No, it's just a blank black tank. Does it take a lot to make you cry? NOPE. Do you tell your parents everything? No. Do you get bored easily? I'm bored to the point of thinking being dead would be more fun at some point almost every day. I have anhedonia badly. I'm honestly starting to think I've over-medicated to a numbing degree so am trying to wean off some things. Have you ever burned someone's picture? No. How long was your last nap? Maybe three hours? I was really, really tired, though. Can you name the last time you felt happy? Probably when Sara and I talk-talked for the first time in a while. When was the last time you played with sidewalk chalk? Oh, I have zero clue. Probably not since I was a kid. Do you have friends obsessed with World of Warcraft? Bro wtf don't @ me. Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? No. Have you ever told someone you hated them? The only time I've seriously said that was to my dad before we reconciled after the divorce. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to? I actually don't remember... Favorite thing to do on Facebook? See The Memes. Do you wear flip flops, regardless of weather, all the time? I SAID don't @ me. What is in store for your future? I both do and don't want to know. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yeah. I adore bats. Do you chew on straws? No. Do you have any trophies? Yeah. Who’s the last person that creeped you out? Some guy who walked into the store I was at with Mom, continuously looking back and forth. Would you believe an ex if she/he said they love you? Well, that would depend on the person. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? Yeah. Anything exciting happening soon? My half-sister and her kids are visiting tomorrow and staying for a few days. It's a surprise for Mom. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? You could say these surveys kinda are. I don't have a designated "diary," though. When was the last time you took a painkiller? What was it for and did it work? I had womanly issues a few days back, and yeah, it helped. Have you ever had to go and rescue someone because their car broke down? When was the last time that happened? I mean, I've driven /with/ Mom to do so. I myself don't drive. What’s one sweet/candy you miss from your childhood? Is this item something you can still buy or has it been discontinued? Y'all remember Baby Bottle Pops??? 'Cuz I do, and I love those fuckin things. I still see them sometimes in gas stations. When was the last time you used some kind of moisturiser? A few days back for my hands. They were painfully dry. If you’re under lockdown/stay at home orders at the moment, are you struggling or managing okay? A bitch is s t r u g g l i n g. Has anything positive come out of the pandemic for you? Fuck no. Do you wear a watch? Is it analogue/digital? Does it it have things like a step-counter in it? No. Do you have any gifts from Christmas that you still haven’t opened or used? Not used, yes. Well, then some things are still in their boxes, but they're unwrapped. Do you know how to tie a tie? If so, who taught you? No. Who was your last missed call from? Did you ring that person back? Some number I didn't recognize, so no. When was the last time you had some kind of problem with your internet connection? Is this something that happens often? A few days back. It has occasional instances where it'll go out but come back on shortly. Do you have a favourite celebrity chef? No. Do you prefer pizza or pasta? Pizza. Have you ever volunteered anywhere before? What was the reason behind doing so? Once at PetSmart when they had dogs to adopt out, which was for school volunteer hours. I spent time with them, giving them attention and taking them outside. I also had two other animal-related volunteer days, but each was only a few hours because my fucking weak-ass body couldn't handle them. Have you ever been truly obsessed with something? What was it and how did you come to feel that way? I have an incredibly obsessive personality; I could probably name near on a dozen or so things I've been genuinely obsessed with. I don't know what it means to love in moderation. Some are/were pleasant obsessions, some aren't/weren't. Does it bother you when people turn up at your house without asking or waiting to be invited? Yes. Are you taller or shorter than average height? I'm the average for an American woman. Do you have any family members whose beliefs or ways of life completely embarrass you? YUP YUP YUP YUP. Are you scared of heights? Yes. When was the last time you lost something of great sentimental value? Did you ever end up finding it again? I don't know. Have you ever injured anyone in self-defense? No. What food do you find to be the most filling? Is this something you eat a lot of? In relation to its portion sizes, oatmeal or eggs. I can't have a whole lot of either. I wouldn't say I eat either a lot, but oatmeal is more common. Have you ever heard people talking badly about you behind your back? Did you confront them about it? Yes, and in at least two instances. Do you consider “home” to be the place you were born, or is it somewhere you create for yourself? I consider it to be my childhood home; not the one I was actually born in, but only because I was way too young to remember and we only lived there like, maybe two years into my life. Have you ever experienced having to leave your home due to a fire, or due to the threat of fire? No, thankfully. When was the last time you felt you were in a dangerous situation? When we had a serious tornado warning Christmas Eve. Yes. In winter. Are there any superstitions that you believe in? Which ones and what are your reasons for doing so? No. Are there any series of books/films that you never finished - either because you got bored of waiting or just lost interest? Oh, I'm sure. I Wouldn't say I lost interest in a lot though, I just wasn't interested enough, like for The Hunger Games. Which theme park is your favorite? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Like, just one. Do you eat healthy? I try to be, at least. Though I've been doing very poorly about it lately because I'm a emotional goddamn eater and am having a very hard time. Do/did your parents fight often? They're divorced for a reason. Do YOU fight with them often? No. Would you say that you're respectful? I hope so. Are you a fan of Green Day? Yeah, I love them. Would you rather have 4 kids at one time or never have a kid? Jesus Christ, never. I don't want any anyway. Do you think 'friends with benefits' relationships really ever work? No. Do you or have you ever known a drug addict? Yes. Do you turn off the water while brushing your teeth or leave it on? I always turn it off. No reason to waste it. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Lots, if you include my half-siblings. Are caterpillars more cute or disgusting? I tend to find them cute. What's your homepage when you bring up the internet? Google. Was the last book you read for fun or was it for some type of assignment? It was for fun. Have you ever dated someone you met online? Yes. Would you go on a date with someone right now if they asked? Depends on who's asking. Do you own any band tees? Oh, I have lots. Off the top of my head, some that I frequently wear are Metallica, Otep, and Korn. Do you know someone who wears a wig? No. Have you ever kissed someone under fireworks? I don't think so. What kind of dressing do you eat on your salad, if any? I strongly prefer the Olive Garden kind, but I also enjoy ranch. What genre of music do you listen to the most? Metal of some sort. Have you ever dated someone who was way overprotective of you? No. Do you personally know any cops? No. How many different colleges have you gone to? Three. How much stress can you handle? Not much at all. How confident are you in achieving your dreams? I ain't got the slightest clue by this point in my life. What is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing? There's a lot of things, most bad, some good. Do you have to take medication for any mental illness? A lot. Do you like looking at pictures? It depends on what's in them. Specifically pictures from my past, that's usually a big no. Do you believe the dead can have connections with the living? I guess in very vague ways. Which family member do you get along with the most? Well, define "get along with." I by far have the strongest relationship with my mom, but we fight sometimes. As for who I stay on the most stable ground with, that's probably my dad. Would you ever be able to become a vegan? I know I couldn't, but I'd love to. How did you meet your newest friend? Who even IS my newest friend... Have you ever watched the show Teen Mom? What did you think about it? No, and I think it's an awful fucking idea for a television show. Put a spotlight on and money into teen pregnancy, yeah, that's a genius plan. Are you old enough to remember MySpace? Yeah. Do you think you’ll be a good mother/father? I wouldn't be. Do you have trouble deleting your text messages? I don't need to. Is there something that you haven’t told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone? No. Have you ever been called a tease? Yeah. Do people ever make fun of your religion or lack thereof? No. Do you say/do things a lot for shock effect? No? What was the last compliment you gave a guy? I probably told my nephew Ryder he was a good brother. Was one of your grandpas in a war? Maybe? Idk. I never knew either well at all. Have you screamed in a pillow before? Yes. What do you like more, acoustic or electric? Electric. Have you ever ordered something off a commercial on television? No. What's worse, having someone mad or disappointed in you? Disappointed. Do you still consider Pluto a planet? Yes. Didn't they reinstate it as one, anyway? Right now, are you at a high, leveled, or low point? What's lower than "low?"
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uhgoodmoni · 4 years
Nothing That Lasts Forever
A BTS fanfiction
Trailer - ch1 - ch2 - ch3 - ch4- ch5 - ch6 - ch7 - ch8 - ch9
Ao3 link - Wattpad link - Soundtrack 
Warnings: Major Character Death, Blood, Demons, Fighting, Verbal and Physical Abuse, Mention of marijuana, Death, Cursing, Fire, Unintentional Self-harm, Gore. Yoongi’s injury
Chapter One: Otsukare 
Yoongi’s POV
I glance down at my phone, a new text from Hoba. ‘5 mins away :p’. I don’t bother responding but instead, give Jungkook a slight shove. His shoulder is digging into mine, dozing off on the couch. Drool comes from his lips to the cushion, luckily not my shirt sleeve. He barely lifts his head as I stand up, heading to the table where our things are packed. I roll my eyes looking over him slumped on the couch. I get it, I’m tired too, but he can rest in the car. 
“Hoseok will be here soon, you better not forget anything,” I lecture, and he nods his head. He isn’t listening and I know it. I shake my head, double-checking my bag for my charger.  I don’t want to forget it, even if I won’t be on my phone that often. Hobi’s charger has been lost and there wasn’t time to get a new one so he’ll want to borrow one of ours on the trip. I glance at my phone, at full charge and it will probably stay that way. 
“No no, I won’t,” he mumbles, groggy still. It is gonna be a long drive, so we had woken early, he’ll likely claim the back seat to crash in. I pout, knowing I won’t be able to rest my eyes. It’s better to drive with an extra pair of eyes on the road. I’m glad that Hoseok volunteered to drive in the first place. Jungkook had agreed to drive on the way home so maybe I can nap in the backseat then.
“Your charger?” I ask, grabbing the bag of food and placing it on the counter. Chips, bread, some soda, mostly sweets but Hobi is bringing the cooler with our sandwich makings. 
“Yeah it’s in there,” he mostly whispers. I shrug, won’t be my problem if he hasn’t packed it. He just won’t have a phone, no biggie since we are meant to be on holiday. Slinging the bag over my shoulder I take up my suitcase, heading to the door.
“Come on, why don’t you help me bring some stuff outside so we can just stick it in the trunk and go.” He gives a short hum as I head out. Whatever, I’ll just make him unpack everything when we get to the cabin. The door slams behind me as I walk down to the elevator. It takes me slowly to the lobby, but I head out the back where I know Hobi would be parking. The air is chill against my cheeks as I push myself out the door. The summer is just at its tail end, making the mornings and evenings quite chilly. Looking around for his car I hug my bag tighter. Hopefully, the weather will warm up for our trip. 
His car pulls in, stopping in the spot ahead of me. As he exits the vehicle, the trunk opens up. Stuffed inside is the cooler and his suitcase.
“Hi hi hiii,” He cheers, a huge grin spread across his face. He jogs over to me, taking the bag of food from my hands. “It’s a good day aye?” He hums, walking me back over to the car. 
“Yeah,” I grin, pulling up the suitcase into the trunk beside his, giving it a push to leave room for Jungkook’s. “Hoping for nicer weather.” I nod up to the cloudy sky, a blinding white, but the sun is still hiding.
“When we get there it’ll get warmer,” He assures, dropping the bag in, and pulling me in for a hug. “Where’s Jungkook?” He says, releasing me and shutting the trunk. 
“He probably fell back asleep upstairs,” I sigh as Hoseok leads the way back inside shrugging. 
With a cheeky smirk, he hops inside the elevator, “Can’t lie I almost fell asleep on the road.” And with my silence, he gives a chuckle.
My elbow finds his side, “Hey drink some coffee next time.” I sigh, “Oh, and don’t text and drive either.” I scold, crossing my arms. He makes a pop with his mouth ignoring what I said. “I’m being serious you could get killed,” I mutter as we walk into the hall back towards the room. 
“You’re right, I won't anymore.” He smiles, opening the door for me. I take a step in, Jungkook looming right over me. I bump into his bag just as he is coming out the door. 
“Ohp sorry Yoongi hyungie.” He laughs, eyes slightly swollen, but awake nevertheless, hair draped over his cheeks.
“You left nothing behind right?”
“Nope,” He shakes his head, “stop worrying so we can have fun,” He huffs. He’s lucky I know he’s teasing. 
“So we are ready to get on the road?” Hobi asks, leading the way back to the elevator. “Good Morning Jungkookie.” they squish right into a hug. “Are you excited?” Jungkook hums an answer, stepping in after him.  
“Where is it exactly that we are going anyway?” He questions, and I’m wondering the same thing.
“Gangwon Province, a little cabin that I rented for us in the woods,” He informs us. “I don't know, I just thought it would be nice for us three to get away for a little.” I nod, it is a good opportunity for us, this weekend we have no upcoming filmings or recordings to do. Namjoon is helping Jimin on his own solo album and Taehyung is going to be with his family. Not sure what Jin hyung’s reason for not attending is. 
“Yes yes, I’m glad that collab got pushed back till next week because I really wanted to join you guys,” Jungkook says, taking the first step out of the elevator as it reaches the lobby. 
I bud in, “I think it will make us think back to when we did In the Soop, don’t ya think?”
“Agreed,” Hobi starts, “I brought some canvas…” 
“Hey hey!” Jin calls out, running over from the stairs. He’s still in his RJ pajamas, hair strewn and eyes half-closed. I grin watching him hobble over to us. 
“Jinnie hyung?” Jungkook smiles, turning back to greet him. He must have come to say goodbye and send us off.  Jin squeezes Jungkook tight, muttering goodbyes. 
“You drive safe now.” He tells Hoseok after releasing him from an embrace. “I hope you all have fun together.” I smile, hugging him tightly as well. “Go fishing for me,” He beams at me, grabbing my ears.
“There aren't any fishing spots.” Hobi frowns.
“Sorry to disappoint,” I say, patting his back. 
“That's the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” He scoffs. “Who goes camping and doesn’t fish?” His lip curls up. “Well I only came down here this early to tell you to catch me a fish but I guess I did it for nothing.” 
“Pshhh,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “Yeah right, you love us and came down to give us all kisses goodbye.” 
“Okay now seriously,” he points at each of us, “be safe, I’m tired and going back to sleep, text us when you get there.”
“Yes, yes, hyung. Don’t worry, got a full tank this morning,” Hobi smiles, giving Jin’s hand a squeeze before he walks away, sending a wave as he heads to the elevator. 
“Too bad he has a meeting on Saturday,” Hobi pouts, as we head out the back door once more. Jungkook squints his eyes as the cool breeze hits him. All of us rushed to get in the car and turn the heat on. I’m not so sure Hoseok is right about it warming up later. 
“Don’t worry,” he says, buckling his seatbelt, me next to him in the passenger like I had figured would happen. “There is full heating and air conditioning at the cabin, so if it stays cold we can just cuddle up indoors.” He turns, facing Jungkook, backing up, and exits the lot.
“That sounds really nice,” Jungkook mutters, leaning his head now covered in his hoodie against the window. I nod with a smile, turning up Hobi’s heat in the car. 
“No matter what I think this will be a healing weekend for us,” I assure, after all, we have been busy filming concepts and the new music video all week. We hadn’t gotten much time to relax but the three of us would at least be able to get some R&R together. Hobi has been especially stressed, he had a pain in his ankle and was trying to not get injured while we learned the new dance. Of course, he was still overexerting himself, but now I’m glad he’ll be able to rest. 
He got on the highway, it will be about an hour drive which isn’t that bad. Maybe another thirty minutes after, to get to our campsite. If it ends up being a bust I suppose we can just go home. 
Hobi had turned on the radio, humming along to what had come on. He’s been looking forward to this since he rented the cabin months ago. If I can help it this will be the best weekend ever.  
It’s been a quiet drive, Jungkook slept the entire ride, but he probably needs the rest. Hobi plays Otsukare as we get off the main road. Playing it from youtube it sounds awful, but I can’t stop myself from laughing. 
“Don’t, don’t.” I plead, shaking my head.
“It’s sope!” He calls, looking to me for a response. I laugh, tossing my eyes to the window. It’s too early for this. I glance at the clock, 9:15 and we haven't eaten breakfast. “We’re sope!” He continues singing.
“Okayyy, let’s go!” I mumble, crossing my arms as Hoseok breaks out into laughter. He continues singing as I hum along, embarrassed. It has been years since I heard this last. It would be fun to perform again with him. Maybe I’ll ask management.
Hoseok makes another turn, the trees taking over both sides of the road. There aren’t any other cars that turned along with us. It isn't a holiday weekend so we’ll likely be the only ones on vacation at this time. Not to mention the weather, it is the same as when we had left earlier. A white cloudy blanket over the whole sky, blocking out the sun but leaving the daylight to light the road. If you look deep into the trees though, there it would be dark. Hopefully, the cabin will be in a clearing so it will be lit up, then there would also be fewer bugs. I smirk, thinking about how Hobi will likely panic once we arrive, upon the amount of bugs. Hopefully, he brought bug spray. I made sure to have mosquito nets so there is that. 
“Pay attention,” He starts again! Hopping up in his chair, still keeping his eyes on the road. I don’t respond so he continues, “Okay, let's smile. It's human relations. There are mountains too” He raises eyebrows to me, turning a dial for the volume.
“There are valleys too,” I sing quietly, licking my lips and reaching for my water. 
“Well, that's just what life is” He grabs my hand, stopping me from reaching for the bottle. “But the earth rotates” He holds my hand back up to my face, making me roll my eyes.
“Your dream will surely come true.”
“You too,” Getting louder.
“Me too,” And louder, producing smiles. 
“Let's do our best, thank you!” We sing together, Hobi turning off onto a dirt road, making the whole car shutter.
“Ayooo, why are you sooo loud,” Jungkook moans, pressing his hands into his eyes. “It’s so early…” 
“Mhmh, not really anymore.” I turn back, patting his leg. “I’m sure we are almost there anyway. Right Hoba?” I flip back up to the front, where he is turning down the volume. Eyes confused, staring off, and slowing the car down to a crawl.
“Right,” He whispers, looking into his mirrors. 
“What's wrong?” Jungkook sits up, looking outside the windows. It’s getting dark under the trees, just the light coming from in between the road shining down on us. It’s deep emerald green, glowing at the treetops from the light attempting to penetrate. At the base of the tall trees though it is hard to see through, getting darker and darker the further you try to look. There aren't any paths on either side and no turn-offs. Is Hoseok lost? I look over to him, but he just stops the car completely. 
“Uh, I thought the turn was around here.” He pouts, pulling up his phone which has the GPS turned on. He sighs, “yeah see.” Flicking the phone in between Jungkook and I. There it is, the turn right in front of us. But there is no road and no sign that there ever has been. 
“The internet connection must be bad out here.” Jungkook bites his inner cheek, sliding down in his seat. “What’s the road called? Or like the company for renting?” 
Hoseok sets his phone in the cup holder, slowly releasing the brake and letting the car continue slowly forward. “It's just like a number marker and then we drive down further to reach a small clearing and hillside where the cabin will be.”
“What number?” I ask, sitting up in my chair. 
“Mhm, 189.” He mutters, mouth screwing up. We sit in silence for a while as he drives down the road. Looking at the clock it is 9:25. 
“It’s been ten minutes,” I announce, and Hobi only shakes his head. He’s getting annoyed. “Maybe we missed it?”
“We are going five miles an hour,” He huffs, squeezing the steering wheel. “Oh well, we could turn back around.” He shrugs, letting out a sigh, but I can tell he is still bothered. Must be stress weighing him down.
“Oh look!” Jungkook’s finger comes in between us, pointing forward to the right. Both our heads turn to look, but I can’t see a damn thing. 
“What where?”
He scoots closer to the center seat. “There there, low to the ground!” He hops up and down, and there it is. A few inches from the ground a small yellow reflective sign marked ‘189’.
“Oh thank goodness.” Hoseok speeds up, reaching the turn-off in no time. 
“Why is there just some random cabin marked ‘189’,” Jungkook complains, sorting through his things. “Where is 1-188” He huffs, making Hobi smile.
“Yeah it is kind of weird,” He responds, taking the turn. It’s a tight road, trees looming overhead and thus enclosing us in the dark. So much so that the car's headlights turn on automatically, the day becoming the evening. Here the road is even bumpier, grass grown in on the path. We all go silent, eyes training over the forest as if there is something in it. But it’s just trees. 
“Hobi where the hell have you booked us?” Jungkook laughs, peering out his window with a huge grin. These kinds of things excite him, exploring and whatnot. 
“You know, this is not what I was expecting. Even I have goosebumps.” Hoseok shivers. His face looks slightly disappointed. He isn’t a fan of spooky things so hopefully, the cabin is much more welcoming than the road to it. 
“It’s okay, you’ve seen the pictures of the cabin and it looked nice you said.” He nods to me, trying to pick up the pace of the car. Another ten minutes later and we are still driving straight down the road. The end not in sight, nor the exit behind us either. Hobi runs a hand through his hair, his whole face dropping into a frown in that familiar disgusted look. The road is so narrow that he won’t be able to turn around, so none of us say anything and he just keeps going. 
“This is really getting weird,” Hobi says, his voice shaky. “I can just back us out if you want.” 
“No, no, no.” I say, “this has to be the right spot.”
“I’m sure we are almost there,” Koo adds. So he does, a sigh of relief from us all as the road begins to widen and trees begin to clear. There is a little picket sign ahead marking that there is a cabin on the left. 
“Finally,” Hobi smiles, pulling around a wide circular clearing, a path to the right, and a short path leading to a small wooden cabin. He pulls around, parking the car in front of where we would be staying. Jungkook is getting giddy in the backseat, opening the door as soon as Hoseok puts us in park. I smile at Hobi who is already seeming a little more relaxed to be at our destination. 
We join Jungkook outside, the air still a bit nipply. Hopefully, neither of them has forgotten to pack warmer clothing. All of us are in hoodies and sweatpants as of right now. Jungkook left his things hopping around the clearing, which at the center is a fire pit and some chairs. The fire will warm us up if we want and would shoo away the bugs. Past that is the path, looking like it would lead up to another clearing and the hills Hobi had mentioned. All around us on the other sides are just trees. Without the clearing, it would be just as dark as the road in. Later tonight we’ll probably be too nervous to go outside to even light the fire. 
“Smores tomorrow?” Jungkook hums, coming back around to the trunk. 
“Let’s get unpacked first and then decide what we are going to do,” I say, taking out my suitcase and the bag of food. Jungkook scoffs, taking his own suitcase along with the cooler. 
“Yeah it’s too cold today, so tomorrow sounds good,” Hobi answers him. “And worst-case scenario we do it on the stove inside.” 
“There’s a stove?” He asks backward, as we head over to the door. 
Hobi gives a little laugh, “It’s a fully functional home. Despite what you would think driving up.” Making me smirk, “Even the door has a key code instead of physical keys.”
“Oh, so it's pretty new.” I nod, as he types in the code making it obvious for us both to see 456782. “Yeah definitely wouldn’t have guessed that.” I look back to the forest, closing in on us as we file in with our things. 
“Wow!” Jungkook’s voice brings me back inside, the lights flickering on in the small living room. 
“Oh yess.” I nod looking around. It’s well furnished, a couch and a tv, blankets, and pillows dotted all around the room. The kitchen to the left, all stainless steel appliances. There’s a hallway to the right, likely leading to the rooms. While it’s freezing, the thermostat is located next to us on the wall. Hobi immediately turns to it, flipping it up as much as he can shivering and exaggerating the cold.
“What a pad.” Jungkook grins, leading the way into the home. The hallway stops at a blank wall and then turns to the right and goes down, four doors, two on each side and a window at the end of the hall. “One floor?”
“One floor,” Hobi answers, turning into one of the rooms. “Oop,” He comes back out, “That's the bathroom,” he announces, heading to the next door across from him. I peer in, a double bed, looking cozy. Hobi turns back to us outside wagging his finger at us. “This one's mine!” Sticking his tongue out. We shrug, moving down to the next rooms. It isn’t fair really since Hobi had likely seen the images online. 
Jungkook took the next room, it was also a double bed, and I curse myself for letting him have it. There is likely a single person bed in the last room and I just knew it. And I was right. I open the door and there it is wrapped in a pink duvet. At least it looked warm and comfy. My room looks the most updated, and their room’s looking dated.
“Aww shit.” I hear Hoseok cry, making me peek my head out into the hall. He doesn’t continue. 
“Hoseok?” I call and it sounds like he had tossed something in the room. 
“I forgot a mosquito net.” He sighs, peering out his own door to see me. I grin, coming well prepared for this. He isn’t even forgetful but it’s always good to have an extra on hand. 
“I got one.” And so I got it for him. While the cabin warms itself we settle into our rooms, helping each other set up our nets. We pack up the fridge and make sure that everything is working properly. The tv doesn’t have any cable signal but there is a DVD player and some random DVD’s in the cabin. At least there will be plenty to do if we can't go outside. 
“I’m so glad we didn’t pull up on some creepy run-down haunted-looking building.” Hobi giggles, taking a seat on the couch. “I got a little nervous there.” He smiles crossing his legs. 
“A little? Pshh.” Jungkook teases, looking around, and finding his reflection in a beautiful gold framed mirror. I join Hobi, pulling out my phone. 
“Aye, none of that.” he makes a click with his tongue, pushing my phone down to my lap. I shake my head, lifting it back up.
“We told Jin that we would text the chat when we got here.” he nods, as I pull up the chat. “Made it safely!” Immediately it returns a failed message. I frown, seeing that there is absolutely not a pinch of service. 
“What’s the wifi?” I turn to Hobi who pulls out his phone as well. 
“Glamping189 is the name, 456782 is the code.” He reads off of a screenshot. But it isn’t there. In fact, there isn’t anything listed under the available networks at all. 
“Ah well, that’s shit.” I groan, turning to Jungkook who just shakes himself from staring at the mirror. Vain much? “Will you look around for a router?” He nods as I get up to help him search. There isn’t one, we search each and every corner but there isn’t one at all.
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sirjustice1122 · 4 years
sometimes the fall airplane just off taking off esp in islands nation, where they got water proof Grinder to break the wreckage even much more into small parts to fit the submarine or have like 4 such submarine vessels to tie the fallen airplane in between and even 1 above it or below to shallow lonely water or another coast to turn the wreckage in the boom to like iron roofing or glasses as u can see a spirit emanating out of such if u visit like schools in Kisumu Kenya or the New ATL stadium, so that its a signal to us of the same above to stop which i will stop in due cause come what may dude cause funds hooliganism and lies that this city or man is rich yet monies collected from such and even ransacking for jewels and monies from the pockets of deceased dude. This gives us false impression plane was made bad or the radar people wrong or the pilot not trained to outsource from those nations conducting such who planes are spared of such cause they are into that bad thing
The radar that detect like in gun the metal used and the lead or detonator chemical inside and 4 the bomb as well can as well be placed on roof tops alongside all house sideways to combat and monitor crimes and even we got 1 km sensor motor alarm and lights as u can reduce on the distance u want to be detected. The underwater detectors even sense on air and when placed in all itinerary of airplane from a city off the sea at intervals maybe, say, one such detects up-to 7 KM the after each 7 km another placed until we finish the sea and even sometimes on land where they are wireless as 1 to another signals the same and on and on like relay marathon until the end monitoring intruders on waters as 1 can be many mouth that captures a wide range of 180 degrees as both the side-views and the sky high. This helps when intruders under water detected the airplane can be told to divert and escape the people wanting to fall the same and even such underwater radar at intervals can harbor water missiles and bullets to subdue the enemy as much as the airplane having such radar sensors on all side of the plane of 180 degree measure dimension dude as in the link below, upon ya city or country to install to boost customer want and security to afford much clientele out of the same that those airline which have not installed the same as minimize air accidents and falls.
Deep Under-soil metal detectors can even be placed in ya cities or houses and business to detect foreign particle that may be erupting from below like the world crust depth 16 km and from below 1 tries to reach you or ya premise to hurt or rob you as in the link below can save in such situation a big time dude
Kids and people who hear not but insist to be right, when they persist and can be arrested or injure or killed, u see an array or group of them each of same plight a slanting wood placed on their heads on tarmacked roads and trucks ready to follow on the wood to crush their heads and sometimes with one actually targeted even 4 kidnap u see thick blood drop and sometimes what detectives are up-to in locating ya b4 ya advice or arrest
Red flash flood water place tomato or mattress then rub cockroaches or rats on ya heap penis or tip of ya toe or fingers as withing each makes another thing with the same heap, makes trains, missile radar system and try with rubbing any animal on the same above or if big get down and Rab ya fingers or manhood r toe on belly of such big animals as reptiles and boom another products but maintains the environment thing as described above. Salted iced grass Rab the same makes fab houses and even sky scrapper if u Rab termite on ya manhood when heap salted ice normal grass dude. U can even rub cereals, veggies, fruit or leaves, both raw, cooked, iced or rotten to give ya other products like with groundnuts gives ya radar missiles and of Pay tv or telephone as said earlier either on ya all toes at a time or finger, the tip of, or on ya glans penis dude. Try many people in all boom environment as name above
sometimes the pulse rate and a combination of temperatures readers can be placed in machine to facilitate their operations as computer log in or door shut and open or switch on/off of any machine dude to hamper such theft relented activities when such aint new technologies not around
The above placed detectors on see bed can monitor even indiscriminate fishing or illegal fishing in water bodies where fish are much in season which facilitate hooliganism among the lazy who doe such or govt official tyranny sponsoring such dude so such helps most so when such radars armored and armed and digital dude beside threat to security as explained above
Wireless electricity can even be made in a one bulb way or products without being incorporated at one meter 4 all ya house or business power consuming products as much with each electronics or gadget having its on WiFi units to eliminate wiring wires once and for good dude
As in the above plane fall saga, the fall the airplane using the hexagon as in the link below or lift the spies drone emitting mini missiles using the hexagon b4 they make them pull a part to break the rope or the like SA 1 called umbani which they have not showcased on net to hidden to facilitate the above so such blame of falling the plane not befall them if investigation loaded to say later they have invented the same after that plane case atrophies long ago as in the links below
Doing the same above 4 other nations to leave them all alone, thinking they are all ahead saying, slogans as “Proudly made in Nigeria“ but alas now, with any nation got their proudly made and even their artificial oil a thing that make them frustrated and angry as they see themselves poor in the region out of high population so its 2 fold wants war out of the same to reduce its population on the people they have marked to them possessing bad characters which in future if not checked may plunged the country into the same again as above and even more on a high scale, so wanna stop it 4 good dude
Kunde vegetable made when few pieces brought close to like kale in up tank b4 u chop concrete bar soaked in carrot juice or wood soaked in yam juice or chop iced butternut, with veggies mostly the best to be placed closed to has got medicinal values are either pumpkin leaves, butternut, need tree leaves, wild sunflower, mango seed, avocado, white guava, tree herbs or planted grass, grinding all veggies, fruit and leaves, cereal and even meat b4 soaking in wood or concrete bar, and mark them 4 everyday boom process and even of iced, cooked, ripe, raw, sun dried or rotten type as in the link below
Where getting with ya kids that u place them well ahead, yet your feared innovation of AE u got from Otutu generator Nigeria, so u deemed copy cats, going to the moon dude, answer me, leave kid to play all alone provided safe and not bored, as u got your car they got the toy drone, bike or car to make them busy not like a snake close to grown ups dude as machine how made we now know, not made with them in future where thy be a snail next to ya or maybe they are glutton thinking they will eat with ya as u eat not to find the same to upset both the parent and the kid dude. Why pride ya self and u know shit dude, stop hommies
Sleeping around with women who should see a psychiatrist and they know they know to want to upset ya, it has taken months yet not slept with ya to laugh at you as u r sluggish as its 2 fold, failed on their plans to get cash from ya via the wifi to fund the dubious angered inflicted ways. Big shame dude, wanna reap where u did not sow, better i die or give out my cash and still do dude, a people who know nothing but 1st in such above dude. Kula jasho/luya chako, eat ya sweet dude not a parasite bro
The the tool below 4 ya Garbage if u have the crusher, u want not to pay the city 4 the same and let out ya grinned refuges to ya sewer line by adding much water 4 it to get a way bro then buy whats in the link below and best 4 ya dude
Boom made Malagasy Arena in the link below
Cooker timer generator sample in the link below
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sirjustice1119 · 4 years
Falling airplanes
sometimes the fall airplane just off taking off esp in islands nation, where they got water proof Grinder to break the wreckage even much more into small parts to fit the submarine or have like 4 such submarine vessels to tie the fallen airplane in between and even 1 above it or below to shallow lonely water or another coast to turn the wreckage in the boom to like iron roofing or glasses as u can see a spirit emanating out of such if u visit like schools in Kisumu Kenya or the New ATL stadium, so that its a signal to us of the same above to stop which i will stop in due cause come what may dude cause funds hooliganism and lies that this city or man is rich yet monies collected from such and even ransacking for jewels and monies from the pockets of deceased dude. This gives us false impression plane was made bad or the radar people wrong or the pilot not trained to outsource from those nations conducting such who planes are spared of such cause they are into that bad thing
The radar that detect like in gun the metal used and the lead or detonator chemical inside and 4 the bomb as well can as well be placed on roof tops alongside all house sideways to combat and monitor crimes and even we got 1 km sensor motor alarm and lights as u can reduce on the distance u want to be detected. The underwater detectors even sense on air and when placed in all itinerary of airplane from a city off the sea at intervals maybe, say, one such detects up-to 7 KM the after each 7 km another placed until we finish the sea and even sometimes on land where they are wireless as 1 to another signals the same and on and on like relay marathon until the end monitoring intruders on waters as 1 can be many mouth that captures a wide range of 180 degrees as both the side-views and the sky high. This helps when intruders under water detected the airplane can be told to divert and escape the people wanting to fall the same and even such underwater radar at intervals can harbor water missiles and bullets to subdue the enemy as much as the airplane having such radar sensors on all side of the plane of 180 degree measure dimension dude as in the link below, upon ya city or country to install to boost customer want and security to afford much clientele out of the same that those airline which have not installed the same as minimize air accidents and falls.
Deep Under-soil metal detectors can even be placed in ya cities or houses and business to detect foreign particle that may be erupting from below like the world crust depth 16 km and from below 1 tries to reach you or ya premise to hurt or rob you as in the link below can save in such situation a big time dude
Kids and people who hear not but insist to be right, when they persist and can be arrested or injure or killed, u see an array or group of them each of same plight a slanting wood placed on their heads on tarmacked roads and trucks ready to follow on the wood to crush their heads and sometimes with one actually targeted even 4 kidnap u see thick blood drop and sometimes what detectives are up-to in locating ya b4 ya advice or arrest
Red flash flood water place tomato or mattress then rub cockroaches or rats on ya heap penis or tip of ya toe or fingers as withing each makes another thing with the same heap, makes trains, missile radar system and try with rubbing any animal on the same above or if big get down and Rab ya fingers or manhood r toe on belly of such big animals as reptiles and boom another products but maintains the environment thing as described above. Salted iced grass Rab the same makes fab houses and even sky scrapper if u Rab termite on ya manhood when heap salted ice normal grass dude. U can even rub cereals, veggies, fruit or leaves, both raw, cooked, iced or rotten to give ya other products like with groundnuts gives ya radar missiles and of Pay tv or telephone as said earlier either on ya all toes at a time or finger, the tip of, or on ya glans penis dude. Try many people in all boom environment as name above
sometimes the pulse rate and a combination of temperatures readers can be placed in machine to facilitate their operations as computer log in or door shut and open or switch on/off of any machine dude to hamper such theft relented activities when such aint new technologies not around
The above placed detectors on see bed can monitor even indiscriminate fishing or illegal fishing in water bodies where fish are much in season which facilitate hooliganism among the lazy who doe such or govt official tyranny sponsoring such dude so such helps most so when such radars armored and armed and digital dude beside threat to security as explained above
Wireless electricity can even be made in a one bulb way or products without being incorporated at one meter 4 all ya house or business power consuming products as much with each electronics or gadget having its on WiFi units to eliminate wiring wires once and for good dude
 As in the above plane fall saga, the fall the airplane using the hexagon as in the link below or lift the spies drone emitting mini missiles using the hexagon b4 they make them pull a part to break the rope or the like SA 1 called umbani which they have not showcased on net to hidden to facilitate the above so such blame of falling the plane not befall them if investigation loaded to say later they have invented the same after that plane case atrophies long ago as in the links below
Doing the same above 4 other nations to leave them all alone, thinking they are all ahead saying, slogans as “Proudly made in Nigeria“ but alas now, with any nation got their proudly made and even their artificial oil a thing that make them frustrated and angry as they see themselves poor in the region out of high population so its 2 fold wants war out of the same to reduce its population on the people they have marked to them possessing bad characters which in future if not checked may plunged the country into the same again as above and even more on a high scale, so wanna stop it 4 good dude
Kunde vegetable made when few pieces brought close to like kale in up tank b4 u chop concrete bar soaked in carrot juice or wood soaked in yam juice or chop iced butternut, with veggies mostly the best to be placed closed to has got medicinal values are either pumpkin leaves, butternut, need tree leaves, wild sunflower, mango seed, avocado, white guava, tree herbs or planted grass, grinding all veggies, fruit and leaves, cereal and even meat b4 soaking in wood or concrete bar, and mark them 4 everyday boom process and even of iced, cooked, ripe, raw, sun dried or rotten type as in the link below
Where getting with ya kids that u place them well ahead, yet your feared innovation of AE u got from Otutu generator Nigeria, so u deemed copy cats, going to the moon dude, answer me, leave kid to play all alone provided safe and not bored, as u got your car they got the toy drone, bike or car to make them busy not like a snake close to grown ups dude as machine how made we now know, not made with them in future where thy be a snail next to ya or maybe they are glutton thinking they will eat with ya as u eat not to find the same to upset both the parent and the kid dude. Why pride ya self and u know shit dude, stop hommies
The Uganda water or Nigeria Generator uses the theorem as in the links below dude
The city creates a software or website where each van/commuter service after buying the ticket the money is channeled dude to owner a/c minus city tax
Even on the other electronics machine like Stereo or TV and computers, u can be traced if made in a such way using the sense heat panel of the thump to read your temperatures and pulse rate if the govt had taken the same of all citizens to display or relay to the radar dude and even with guns and other ammunition like grenade and cars and even door 4 houses bro.
The metal detectors and of guns and bombs can be placed into all sides of the house of all angle to curb house theft as burglary in those aiming to use guns to terorise and rob the house man, a thing that the security firm can install in houses and businesses and properties to bar the same above and create employment altogether dude and even got software to read into ya smartphone. This will be first if the security firms got gun drones not making it to the scene to enable ya sweet escape dude. Crime must be solved once and 4 good dude. Such methodology lies on such capture relayed to the server with already store of ya detail dude. Like with the Russian drone radar below on water lands to identify such related crimes, are placed next to water masses, beauty is, the sensor tip can be tickling or rotating at 180 degree back and forth to increase the censoring or capture surface area as they are lined in linear way at intervals of the measure so not to detect another radar sensor to bring false information, the interval is 7 KM as state in the below link and same can be twisted to look upward to get data from the sky, as enemies or intruder via the air dude. So no escape from sabibo dude, got to think twice if ya agenda was to get well in life via the same. Even airplane should have the same on all side as well as beneath and up the plane to get such data to evade the falling of airplanes as recently witnessed with air china, Malaysia and Philippines and even military vehicles, choppers and jets and on any car the owner desires to whose life are in always danger to increase sales of such products to pump more monies into the economy and employ such who will install the same and work in such corporations dude. Even submarine can have a mini tiny drone that runs on water alongside the submarine to detect foreign radars as above and now they are using the begging/wanting ya food gimmicks to way people it could not be them of tiny/minute minds. As in the links below
Most nations 10 years back i had sent information on how submarine and military drones using radar are made, they made the same and kept using such in ambushes like falling airplanes after using those who transfigure to ransack through it and if the find much valuables or monies they fall it and even take the wreckage and place in the submarine and get away with it so not know where the plane crushed, to breed rumors of false black box or play amidst grown up. Like the Rwanda drone, SA 1, Kenyan, Tanzania one, Ghana one or Nigeria 1 were made long as the launch of Innoson and kantanka cars but hidden to facilitate the above. Now mostly Kamba, luo, kikuyu and most rwandi and Tanzanians or Nigerians and many more nations, around burst into anger or are furious, reason be, sources of free cash blocked to facilitate their agendas as recently seen with mega developments into the city estates or buildings as much as roads, airlines and even car or rail of such nations mention above. Like with fake currency we got such reading machines to get them offline and the radar like with Russia they fear are placed or the airplane harbors the same dude. If u did not know and 4 ya information period dude
Gadgets, foods and other necessities can well be made in the city liter hanged on a post garbage like a banner, still it can be automatic as it moves up it makes another machine or downwards at the height u made tomato, u got to get up the pole 4 you to make another something else like ripe paw paw or baby shampoo, napkins and pumper or powder or bomb detector and more but can be made big and still in the city ones still makes gadgets dude and even with a big squire or rectangular tank with its hind tip immersed on water, sand or soil or hay/grass can make submarine, buses and airplane if made big and can be metallic or another material no limitation dude as in the link below. Both can be placed in uplifted lands which can be made artificially or on queries, sea, lake shores or in flat or depression dude
Butter nut made when few sample placed next to kale in such above container then just underneath or on the other immediate side of the road chop that concrete slab bar juice of cooked cabbage poured or place close to chilies and chop wood soaked in avocado juice or kale juice or chop guava seed when place closed to avocado seeds and even can be made in plane or side hole of the factory basement dude and even Sodom apple tree leaves place next to grown grass in tip immerse into water big container then u chop wood immersed in clay soil water or hurl acid unto cut tomato and tries as well with all veggies soaked in something else dude. Top squash growing world nations
Tank immersed in stagnant water half way in a tank, when heap in  such tanks makes alternator generators dude, like in a dug big quarry u  do the boom process next to down water level bro
Ng’ani  ng’icho nadi gi wang moner ka ng’a moneno thel nyako mosegombo, same to  a woman with male one dude. Be energetic and futuristic not at that  point only kinda dude
Buy ticket as in the link below or  introduced in every nation where their aint touts, but tickets bought on  ya phone with receipt information of the car u want as u see it  approaching as they can have wifi to know which at where with seat  occupancy to place your bookings or go the city way where not as the  mobile payed one, where belongs 4 that buses all but 4 the general 1  away from phone all matatus numbers can be in that gadget as below with  WiFi showing location and occupancy to book but this at the end of the  day the owner of the van is given her share minus tax to build the city  as they can confirm via receipts dropped at the entrance door by the  passenger to the driver
In  the office nowadays it is solved like in the bank, we got reserved  seats 4 those who care of the next person who sat on and same with all  life concepts as with daily credit pay. U get to that office provided  not smelling people recognize and forgo that sit and sit on general seat  every1 seats on dude as u care not or love humanity or have been via a  lot dude as in the link below
The  drone control monitor esp 4 the military tiny bomb drones can harbor  the battery free technology as goes the touch temperature way, where the  next enemy can identify ya if one as their radar can read waves used to  direct the drone on air and even locate the tiny drone and overwhelm  you, so u can hide your tiny drones on crevices and on top of buildings,  when u stop holding the monitor control tool so they know not where u r  and vice vice as they can as well have detective mechanism to detect  LCD screen and more used within that interface even from drone mounted  with the same fly up high, having the detector looking down to even  detect ya clothes, blood components and even guns as much as shoes and  bombs/bullets, so be ware as u got the same need to have radar sensor to  sense the radar as well as they sense yours and their sent drone and if  it goes that way ad-infinitum then 1 who listens not needs to be  annihilated like the Kikuyus cause if not they will continue that way  ad-infinitum not listening. Some times the drone control monitor has a  remote as it, itself can fly, when detected to fly it away using the  remote by u power off ya remote dude, so not be caught dude
With  like the foreign drone detective radars fold the photo into 2 halves  and place under like heap of kale in upper tank or on open ground with  grass when car tires all round the heap and find anything to chop to  make ya radar too, respecting all veggies, fruits, leaves or berries  theorem of being placed in sand or in boxes either rotten, raw, cooked  or ripe and acid being added to water and all placed in such acid and  even fruit seeds and of veggies and even all scrap metal when u have  such next dude and boom ya radar and most also made on big tanks like  tip of the bottom parts inside soil or on water body shallow shore water  or just in pool with low water level maintaining the above protocols  dude. The above ticketing reduces hooliganism associated with such  people operating the same and with police as witnessed in many African  nations dude
They think they will be granted longevity is they  mistreat people or if have much kids, the truth is, if resources are  slim as per your number, God cant grant u longevity as their will be  more people lest your are few in number
Winter drones or cold days  drones need not to have the hanging propellers on top as always in the  case with many drones, in fact the propeller can be 1 big 1 hidden like  with a computer fan to add effectiveness and beauty dude as in the link  below
Duluth  has line of weakness and many in any world big water bodies as even on  shore like seas and oceans, deploy military radar watch on such lands as  many now have know to make nuclear bombs and can detonate those lands  to capsize 4 water to fill the empty voids as valleys as it keeps on  moving to kill people all around such low lands and destroy much  properties as can be the agenda of many people refusing to get it their  lands are poor as compared to a certain point as it got large water down  pour in-case the same is done to kill all in such low lands to reduce  the population or champion the agendas as said b4 dude
Your  smartphone can contain your pulse rate and temperature detector and even  of alcohol so that if u have it its know behind ya consent or u knowing  to trace ya GPS as where u r dude when the combination gotten as few  people have likewise the same dude
Using the step on or sit on  panels to generate electric power b4 stepping up the power can use the  vacuum flask technology where u place heated water inside or that flask  has an automated stopper to let out gas as water boils using a coil  placed at the back inside of the flask where such as well is an  automated response where if temperature reduces to a certain degree it  switches on automatically to some set minutes to heat back the water  again to a desired temperature b4 the stopper open up or not to release  the air bro as in the links below, USES the very very stima that has  being magnified to heat the flask dude, a phenomenon worth noting dude  like along time steam engine operated dude
The  radar as above detect a bulb inside gas or the heated gas cylinder gas  contents as either any such heated when cold air blow lifts the cylinder  upwards dude and that's it, so think twice as another day in paradise  with you, Kill me kill you philosophy 4 the hooligans if u fathom not  the reality and refuse to relent not or subdue to one above ya or ya  equal. The Ninja Mind NM dude
Diamond ice made much when few  sample brought close to kale in tank placed half way in the ground then u  chop wood soaked in cooked cabbage water or more as detailed above or  just the folded photo inside glass container or in the banner  illuminating all sides as with coin or angle to try with any chop dude  and with many cooper wires made when placed closed to kale in same tank  as above and that one even in water or in side hole made big basement  within the factory house basement as in its walls dude as explained  earlier bro. Still fail to see what am doing, thinking its Zero work so  still disturb me and wants my food as always and with ya silly  investigation. U have not stopped dude with all i have said that we are  not equal as my mind super cedes yours as if it were so u could have  written the same well a head of me in ya own created a/c b4 announcing  it us not saying your r the 1 telling me, yet this i had said b4 and now  it years past bro. Stop and live ya own life bro, stop cashing into  other men affairs dude. Mr Hindu be warned dude and Kisii arresting me  kinda, next time, with my hate 4 ya, not a slap but a bullet will be on  ya face and Mr white man on his chest as i escort him to the police  post, legs on a lever as i hurl him not calling the corpse to take him  or if they relent not to the morgue to confirm the truth they had know a  lot past but not yet dude as in the link below, in Kenya people  transporting timber on roads to reduce friction and the timber being  scratched dude, to affirm my hate 4 ya, you luo blooded of knowing much  esp women, without such as above, your land can be overtaken, not  wanting to be ahead of men thinking another technology cant crop same as  those who knows not how to play PS4 and those who knows how to play the  same. Same with Wifi drone, they overwhelm ya not women thing as in the  bible even if u r rich, Security fast as they monitor people good in  such PS5 or 4 games to annihilated them not us knowing cause can guard  the nation and those good in computers even if u love food and women  better you than that who eats less and know shit regarding playing such  games and with high vision or sight degree to monitor and view the same  laid on screen signals as in the in below
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Ch. 4: Finding Family (College AU)
A/N: Wow I’m writing something. Wow it’s not an ask prompt: it’s a random part of the college AU! I just reblogged the Chicken Nugget the Caterpillar post and got inspired. Take Virgil being nurturing. And don’t let my disdain for Henry David Thoreau ruin your opinion of him! *Random note: a college English survey course is one that dips into a bunch of different authors and works within a single subsection of literature, like American or British. A crisp, sunny afternoon found Virgil in the middle of campus; he reclined with his legs bent against a metal outdoor table, his eyes scanning over the words of Walden, for better or for worse, for his American Literature survey course.* As Virgil rolled his eyes at another one of Thoreau’s self-proclaimed epiphanies, he jumped, suddenly feeling the hairs on his left arm shifting. His gaze snapped down, and he gasped audibly at the bright green creature inching its way toward his hand. “Where the hell did you come from, little guy?” Virgil slowly laid down his book and tenderly poked at the little being with the very tip of his right index finger. The little bug froze, and Virgil giggled. “Sorry I scared you.”
Virgil sighed and leaned his head back, soaking Florida sunshine with a deep inhale. For fear of all types of cancer, he usually stayed inside, but today was Friday. Campus was virtually empty; the air was calm and clear, the sky reflecting this tranquility, and Virgil simply found himself drawn to the small gathering of tables and chairs that were guarded by thick bushes. He supposed that must have been where the caterpillar creeped over from. Virgil peered back at his arm, still finding the insect in the same spot, and he quirked a brow. “I really did spook you, huh?” Guilt tugged at him a bit, but he had an idea. “Patton has been a little sad lately.” Virgil mused to himself and the little one. “Roman, too. They’d love you. Maybe...” Virgil slipped his phone from his pocket and Googled types of green caterpillars in Florida and what butterflies they changed into. “Hmmm....green’s a pretty popular color with you guys, huh? Well, they all look great, so whatever you turn into will be cool.” Virgil eyed his clock and turned off his phone, carefully rising and stretching before bending over for his bag. “We can head home, now, little dude. Pat should be back, and I’m sure he’ll love to see you.” Virgil muttered random thoughts to his new companion as they trekked back to Virgil’s apartment, and just as he pulled up to the door and pulled out his keys, the little bug’s grip came lose, and it fell toward the unforgiving concrete. Virgil yelped in surprise and knelt after it, relieved to see it landed on the welcome mat and not the hard slab, but his breath was labored and eyes intense as he slowly straightened back up. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, little guy, oh my gosh-“ “Virgil?” Virgil’s head snapped up, and he clenched his jaw when he absorbed Logan staring at him, brows quirked and hair mussed. Logan napping was unusual, but the thought escaped Virgil when he realized the question asked for more than just identification. “Yeah, uh-“ “Are you alright? Who are you talking to? Are you having an attack?” “No, no, I’m fine....god this is embarrassing.” Logan stepped aside. “Oh, thanks.” “You do live here, after all,” Logan commented, no hint of jest in his voice. “R-right...” Virgil scooted inside, keeping his hand cupped gingerly over the being on his arm. “Are you injured?” Logan peered at his domed fingers. “I...no, but...it might be.” His voice trailed off, and he peeked under his hand before fully revealing his charge. “Ah, a caterpillar. Judging from the bright green hue interspersed with the black and yellow accents, I would assume it will grow to be a swallowtail butterfly.” “Seriously?” Virgil started in awe. “I saw those at the botanical gardens. They’re gorgeous and fun to draw.” “Indeed. You said it might be injured?” “Yeah....” Virgil laughed nervously. “It fell off my arm when I tried to get my keys out. That’s why you heard me talking to myself.” “Oh, I see. Caterpillar’s bodies tend to allow them to be pretty resilient, and if it fell on the doormat, it should be alright.” “Caterpillar?!” Virgil jumped a bit when Patton padded into the room, his eyes a little watery and his steps a little stiff. “Where?!” “Here, Pat.” Virgil extended his arm, and his roommate gasped and inched toward the tiny creature. “Hi, little guy!” Patron whispered and waved, prompting a chuckle from Virgil. “Where’d you find it?” “It found me, actually. I was reading for Am. Lit. over in the Little Grove, and it decided to use my arm like a walking trail.” “So cute! You’re chosen!!” “Chosen? Like the Chosen One?” The final member of the rooming quartet shuffled into the room, stretching and yawning after a heavy nap. “Sure! The Butterfly Whisperer!” “Butterfly?” Roman looked around slowly. “Where? And how did you capture it humanely?” “It’s still a caterpillar, Ro.” Virgil pointed his arm toward Roman. “It found me on campus.” “Well, hello, there, little one.” Roman cooed softly. “Do we have a name for this button-sized beastie?” “No, not really.” Virgil shrugged. “Then, I dub thee: Carterpillar.” “But what if it is female?” Logan interjected. “Katiepillar!” “Kathypillar!” Patton giggled, and Roman shot him fingers guns. “Good one.” “I like ‘Swallow,’ since Logan said it will grow into a Swallowtail.” Virgil piped up quietly. “Swallow...I like it! Very YA Fantasy.” Roman mused, a hand on his chin for show. “Me, too! It’s cute!” Patton fluttered around the stagnant creature, checking it out at all angles. “Yes, you can hold it, Pat.” Virgil rolled his eyes affectionately and carefully plucked the bug off of himself and placed it in Patton’s eagerly awaiting palms. “Ooo thank you!” Patton danced a little, being sure to keep his hands as still as possible. “It’s so cute! Can we keep it? And raise it into a butterfly?!” “I imagine so. I can look into online resources on butterfly rearing.” Logan pulled out his phone and began searching, muttering to himself about making sure they could obtain the proper host plants for their new charge. “I have a tank!” Patton exclaimed, and the others turned to him. “You do?” Virgil asked. “I....had a pet turtle.” Patton blushed. “I’ve been wanting to get a new one, but I just...haven’t quite gotten over Franklin....or had the money to properly care for one.” “That’s...fair.” Roman raised his brows quickly. “We can leave it on the coffee table or the breakfast bar.” “I’ll get it! Here, Ro.” Patton slowly handed the insect off to Roman and headed for his room. “It is a rather lovely creature, isn’t it?” Roman mused softly, drawing his hands to his face. “Amazing that something like this should exist naturally.” “Indeed. The wonders of the natural world are endless.” Logan sighed softly, traces of a fond smile pulling at his lips. “Would you like to hold it, Logan?” “I would prefer not to, honestly. I can observe him quite well from here.” “Okay.” Roman shrugged and went back to bug-gazing. “Amazing that the anti-social butterfly should bring us this little gem.” “It’s because of that, Caprincious.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “Gimme my bug baby back.” He twitched his fingers in Roman’s direction. “Or put it in Patton’s tank.” Logan gestured toward the approaching youth who placed the tank on the kitchen counter. “Let’s get some sticks and leaves and stuff first.” After outfitting Swallow’s new home, the quartet stood back and admired their handiwork, but Roman’s face soon fell. “Why is it just sitting there? Surely it would want to explore.” “It is likely making sure it is safe first.” Logan commented. “It has been transferred between unfamiliar, moving bodies, after all. Let’s give it some space.” The other three nodded in agreement and scattered to their respective afternoon activities. A little while later, Virgil slipped into the kitchen for a snack and smiled; Swallow had inched its way up a thick stick Roman had found (or...broken off of a tree...) for it. Virgil laughed under his breath and whispered, “Just takes a bit, huh? I relate, little guy. It’s...a lot to take in at first, but once you get settled here, it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else.” “AWWW, VIRGIIILLLL!” Virgil jumped and Patton sat up from his reclining spot on the couch, an English text in one hand. Virgil tried to smile in return and shrank into his hoodie, shuffling back toward his room. “Don’t worry, buddy.” Patton murmured toward Swallow. “You’ll both grow into yourselves one day. I just know it.” The young man hummed happily at the thought and was just settling in when a quiet chuckle made him jump. “Are you talking to Swallow, Pat?” Patton peeked over the back of the couch to find Roman standing outside of his door. “I heard voices and you yelling...or squealing.” “Virgil was being all soft and sweet with Swallow, and I couldn’t contain myself.” Patton gushed, giggling at the recent memory. “We both know well that he is a softie, no matter how hard he tries to seem.” “Shut up!” Virgil yelled from beyond his half-open door. “Virgil!” “Get used to it, Swallow.” Roman stage-whispered conspiratorially. “It’s always loud around here.” “Because we’re a family!” Patton cut in, smiling brightly. “Yes,” Roman mused, gazing at Patton fondly. “I suppose we are. We even have a pet.” Patton giggled and disappeared behind the couch again, missing the brief, misty-eyed longing on Roman’s face before he schooled his expression and padded back toward his room. “Chinese for dinner?” Roman asked over his shoulder. “We just had Chinese.” Virgil quipped from his room. “I like Chinese, but I like a lot of food!” Patton called back. “I have a coupon for the sandwich shop on Main.” Logan added from his room. “Perfect.” All three replied simultaneously. “Yup. Just like a family.” Roman thought before falling into his bed with a sigh. “Please let it stay this way.” Angst on the horizon? Who knows! I don’t. Hope you enjoyed!
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TTDS: The Emerald Girl; Chapter 4
Torture Tower Doesn’t Sleep: The Emerald Girl infomine under the cut
Scene 1
The three sisters and Rabiah spring into action just as the sun’s gone down. They have a few usable torture implements with them (not Josephine R, though). The girls select their weapons of choice, and Rabiah has the horses hide elsewhere.
Rabiah will make a ruckus outside, distracting the people in the house so the girls can sneak in and get Beritoad. According to Rabiah, whether they can use their full power in the mansion or not depends on how much of Hank’s “malice” is left in there (different word from Evillious malice). Maiden is also in a bad state because she can’t really use her powers at all.
They girls get in position, and Rabiah calls (not really a voice, more like a sonic blast of some kind?) out to get the humans’ attention. The girls then head inside.
Scene 2
Rack jimmies open a window with one of her spikes, and the girls are able to enter the mansion.
They’re found out almost immediately because it turns out this is a person’s room (a middle aged man in a bathrobe). Gibbet throws a ball gag at him to keep him from screaming for help. He tries to run away, but Rack stops him, putting a knee splitter (she calls it “knee crusher”) on his legs. He passes out from the pain. Rack is going to completely destroy his knees but Gibbet presses her that they don’t have time.
There’s no one in the hallway. They can hear fighting going on outside. They are on the second floor. The first floor has a large gathering hall in the center, and that’s where the chapel is. Despite being only two floors tall, the mansion is roughly double the size of Torcia Tower.
The place is basically really dangerous for them, considering its occupants. However, as they discover, everyone seems to be outside.
Maiden leads them towards where Beritoad is (the closer she goes to him, the more she can feel her power returning).
Scene 3
Cut to Rabiah, fighting outside by himself. He has the ability to control grass and rocks (which doesn’t sound that impressive until you see that he’s using the grass to hold people in place and pelting rocks at them at the speed of bullets). Unlike Beritoad he doesn’t take joy in hurting people, he’s just doing it because he has to.
There used to be a looot more wraiths than there are now.
Rabiah is still injured from Tsukumo’s attack earlier. He wonders on how Maiden and Rack have no signs of damage from their battle with her, thinking maybe it’s because they were originally wood and iron.
He continues fighting.
Scene 4
Beritoad is sobbing in his tank from having been vivisected earlier. He still insists that he doesn’t know where the document Hargain is looking for is (claiming he’s never told a lie up to this point). Hargain doesn’t buy that obviously, but then he’s taken by a coughing fit (consuming some kind of powder to stop it) and goes to take a break, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.
Beritoad hears the racket going on outside. Hargain does not. He exercises his eyes to look around the mansion and sees that Rabiah and the girls have come to free him.
Scene 5
Liam had run outside when Rabiah attacked like the others, but all he can do is watch from the sidelines as the guards and such are slaughtered by him. He has a gun, but obviously that won’t do much good. He decides to run back inside and get Raymond and Tsukumo (Raymond is still locked in his room, and Tsukumo won’t go anywhere without someone telling her to).
Scene 6
The girls approach the door to the lab where Beritoad is. At first they quibble a little over how to get inside, before Maiden reveals she’s regained her “moving objects through walls/ceilings/etc” power and just sticks her hand through to unlock the door.
Before they can go in, Tsukumo arrives. She’s forgotten who they are (Rack thinks she’s mocking them and strikes at her with her cat’o’nine tails), but then her “wraith hunting tinnitus” (my term, not the book’s) is triggered and she starts summoning a wind to attack them.
Gibbet whips out a “witch’s spider” torture device that attaches to the ceiling, giving her something to grab on to. Maiden uses a hanging noose for a similar purpose, and Rack stabs her spikes into the ground.
Tsukumo’s wind basically wrecks the whole place. Some servants who were still inside hear the noise, and when they run out of their rooms they’re blown up in the gale too.
Scene 7
Beritoad watches the fight outside with his special eyes. This room is untouched by the wind (as it’s specially sealed). Tsukumo’s power reminds him of Hargain (who is sitting down with the weird contraption on his head from before).
Hargain explains that his and Tsukumo’s powers come from the occult. Basically (if I’m understanding right) they borrow the magic from spirits that have these powers themselves, through prayer. Tsukumo is particularly well suited to being a medium for these powers due to how she was made using wraith techniques.
Beritoad asks him why he made her, but Hargain brushes off the question (saying that Beritoad, who sees humans only as food, would never understand his reasons).
Scene 8
Raymond is stuck in his room, hearing the chaos from outside but unable to get out. He prepares to use his lightning to blow the door off, despite the risk of burning the mansion down and killing himself in the process, but just as he’s about to Liam opens the door (with a head injury from having been blown into a wall).
He tells him the situation in brief, encouraging him to help the people outside (as Tsukumo is fighting the girls inside). Raymond realizes that the “black wraith” outside is Beritoad’s familiar, and so despite worrying for Tsukumo he agrees to help stop Rabiah. Liam hands him his estoc knife (which Ramond turns into the estoc proper).
Liam goes to make sure Tsukumo is safe, and Raymond dives out the large window in her room.
Scene 9
Tsukumo stops the wind when she notices the servants are getting caught in it. She doesn’t want to hurt humans.
Tsukumo can’t form new memories, but Hargain has a technique to implant certain rules and memories inside her that she can’t forget. These implanted memories are simplistic, and she can only retain so many. Two of them (the only two?) are to kill all wraiths she meets outside of Beritoad, and to not harm humans.
She instead pulls up the stone flooring of the mansion until it resembles a large hand. The large stone hand attacks Rack, but Maiden takes the blow instead.
Gibbet takes out the Gossiper’s Violin to stop Tsukumo’s attack. It traps her, restricting her movements. Rack takes the opportunity to throw her spikes at her. But Tsukumo summons more stone hands that protect her.
Tsukumo starts making the flowers that had gotten thrown around during the earlier gale grow extremely fast.  The stalks grow long, and then wrap around Tsukumo. They get inside the violin and break it off of her.
The girls start panicking, realizing they are out of their depth.
Scene 10
Meanwhile, Rabiah’s killed most of the people outside. Those who aren’t dead are either unconscious or fleeing. During the battle (he’s winning pretty handily) they wound up getting a little farther from the mansion.
He turns into his raven form to fly back to the mansion, but is then attacked by a beam of light, which he just barely dodges (which chars and burns the grass below). It’s Raymond.
Rabiah recognizes him, having seem him twenty years ago when he murdered Hank.
Raymond sees he’s in bird form (paraphrasing, not a translation: “Is that why Gibbet hates birds?” “Excuse you! I only just met her!” “Well I hate birds too”). Raymond dashes up and grabs Rabiah, throwing him to the ground. This hurts him, but he’s able to fly up again.
Raymond hates birds because he was attacked by another bird wraith a long time ago—an owl, who sealed him inside a gem that she released on the moment of her death for fifteen years. Rabiah realizes he’s talking about “Stolasphia”.
Rabiah pushes his rock attack, having turned back into his humanoid form. Raymond readies his estoc.
Scene 11
Liam arrives where Tsukumo is fighting the girls, but of course he can’t do anything but watch. Tsukumo obviously has the advantage. As he’s watching the “miracles” that she performs, he can’t help but be moved by grief, starting to cry. It doesn’t say why (I think upset that Hargain used her for such a purpose? There’s obviously something about her Liam knows we don’t).
Suddenly, Tsukumo realizes that Raymond is in danger. Maiden attacks her while she’s distracted, using the large blade stuck to her right arm (it’s a guillotine blade, as Gibbet couldn’t pack the whole device in the carriage).
Tsukumo disappears right before Maiden can cut her head off. The girls are on high alert for a moment, thinking Tsukumo will appear again to attack them. But she’s gone.
The girls are then surrounded by Crossrosier people in robes, wielding things like staffs, books, and crystal balls. They claim they’re going to take them down, but of course the girls aren’t worried in the slightest.
Scene 12
Raymond is having trouble getting his hits to connect with Rabiah, as he’s in his bird form. He’s caught by the grass magic, pretty much trapped. Rabiah taunts him.
Raymond reflects on how, with his previous fights, he’d gathered info on his foes beforehand, and had time to prepare. Fighting a pureblooded wraith head on without preparation is hard. It’s also not a good location, with lots of grass and rocks that Rabiah can use to his advantage (Raymond’s not sure if he has other powers, but still).
He realizes the humans he ran out here to protect are all gone, thus making the fight pointless (outside of defeating Beritoad’s familiar). He shifts his plan to making a retreat. He distracts Rabiah with lightning and goes to dive for Lake Last. But Rabiah trips him with the grass and fires rocks at him.
His strike is blocked by boulders firing his way. Raymond realizes that Tsukumo has arrived to protect him, and she looks furious.
Scene 13
The speaker (it doesn’t say who, but it’s Hargain) can hear the screams of the people the girls are torturing outside, but he doesn’t care about that now. He can feel his strength leaving his body. This is the cost of his power that exceeds human knowledge.
This bit is a little bit vague—he seems to wish to keep giving Tsukumo her powers (her “miracles”), as it’s the only thing he can do to atone for taking everything from her.
He reflects that there are no gods, nor demons, but he prays to something that doesn’t exist to be reborn again.
Scene 14
Rabiah and Tsukumo are battling. He realizes he can’t win against her and tries to flee using his bird form. As he’s flying over the lake, Tsukumo causes a wall of water to rise up towards him, dragging him back to her.
She prepares her ice spears to kill him with, eyes growing brighter. But then suddenly the light leaves her eyes. She says something about no longer being able to see the spirits, and her powers leave her.
Scene 15
The girls get the lab door open. They immediately find Beritoad (who apparently has his organs showing from his stomach from the vivisection, though he’ll have Maiden fix him up when they get to the tower).
Gibbet is the only one to notice Liam and Hargain there. Beritoad informs them of who they are, and the girls prepare for battle. However, Liam has no wish to fight them. Hargain is dead. His body was overtaxed with the strain of using wraith powers.
Beritoad explains that the gold ring thing that was on Hargain’s head was conveying his “magic” to Tsukumo, who was able to amplify it to the extremes to manipulate the natural world. She has no powers without that.
Liam freaks out when, during the discussion, they reveal that Tsukumo ran out to help Raymond. He runs out to help his friends, and the girls run after him, leaving Beritoad behind.
Beritoad is miffed, but finds he can walk of his own power, and hops out of the tank to freedom. He’s disappointed Hargain died without suffering fear.
Scene 16
Rabiah is preparing the killing stroke, with Tsukumo powerless. He’s once again in human form. Raymond intervenes, and so Rabiah calls forward his wraith horses, making it three against one. Raymond prepares to fight to give at least Tsukumo a chance to escape when Liam shows up.
The girls are shortly after him, and Rack throws her spikes at Raymond. Now it’s six against two.
Liam tosses his gold bracelet at Raymond, telling him to wear it and then gather his lightning magic inside. Raymond does so (despite the fact that he’s normally forbidden from using lightning magic with metal on his person, as it’ll conduct the electricity and shock him too), feeling pain from his own electricity.
Rabiah tries to hit him with his rocks, but they’re blasted away. It turns out that what Raymond is doing has given Tsukumo power again. She gathers up a giant lightning attack to use against all of the wraiths present (appearing to have lost her sanity in the process). The scene ends on it striking the lake, the mansion, and everyone present.
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618: "Raid! An Assassin from Dressrosa!"
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The whole squad catch up at the end of arc wrap party!
Back from the trip, so it’s business as usual again. Will do one episode a post until I get back into the old routine. Will also catch up with all replies this week. The reason I didn’t post yesterday was because I am way too excited about the RE2 remake and watched my first ever Twitch stream. If anyone has any recommendations for good streamers playing the RE2 remake, please pass them on. :)
As for this episode of OP, it follows on from 617 but feels even less like an ending, as Oda is introducing new characters directly and also some new contexts via Caesar’s DDM stream to the brokers. More than ever, Punk Hazard now feels like a prelude of plots to come (this is a good thing because I cannot handle endings).
Plus, I’m sensing another *wild ride* coming up. Haven’t had the joy since Water 7′s Sea Train, so looking forward to that truck busting out of Punk Hazard. :D
Best Captain
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The action picked up where 617 left off. We had a lovely shot of Caesar tanking that massive double punch. But this time, we saw Caesar flying down a rather long tunnel, unconscious and out of sight.
The whole “out of sight” thing would turn out to be... not ideal.
Caesar’s Live-Stream DDM picked up Caesar getting his ass handed to him. The Brokers were disturbed by the turn of events. “What the hell? Is this what they call a public experiment? He kicked Caesar’s ass!” one shouted. Tamago turned to Pekoms and warned that, “Mom should hear about this right away.” 
Another guy in an Abraham Lincoln hat said to a nearby messenger, “Joker is going to take action. Let Jack know about this.” When the messenger said, “Are you sure? It’s not going to be pretty,” he replied, “I think they’ve made an alliance. Let the world know. This is not just an underground problem anymore.”
That one was interesting. I have no idea who Jack is, but he seems a cranky, “head guy” type too. Whoever top hat guy is was important enough to be allowed to deal with plot exposition. (Unless he’s filler, in which case....)  One potential theory: a Jack is a type of card, as is the Joker. Might Jack be connected to Joker? Who knows? Well, you guys do, but that goes without saying.
But the fact the mess on Punk Hazard has been broadcast all over the New World does mean the whole “shaking up the New World” part of Law’s plan was a huge success. Everyone is now after their blood. Love it.
To be honest, I hope Law has a crew to return to after this because I am still wondering where the hell they have been hiding all this time.
At least we know where the other Strawhats are. Usopp played another blinder. He has gone through some major but subtle development this arc. Up in the Secret Room, Usopp took charge of the control panel and communications. He could see the other Strawhats running for cover to the R Building. He spotted Chopper and Mocha first, then Nami and the others. He gave them directions and encouragement. Excellent. 
Not only that, Usopp also is also, if I am not mistaken, about to act as a leader to directionless, crestfallen, used and abused Minions. One guy lamented, “I can’t believe Master was such an awful person. Who will we trust now?”
Usopp. That’s who. The guy who is about to lead you out of the crumbling lab building - though only after he ensures everyone else is on the right track. Not only does Usopp earn major brave points, he also earns leadership points.
I also like how the other Strawhats can act as leaders to other people when Luffy is not around. Nami guided all the kids out. Sanji took charge of the G5 guys. Brook dragged Kinemon out of the gas when the idiot went running in, thinking his spirit would carry him through anything (nope) and Chopper calmed him down and told him what was happening. And Usopp guided them all.
What a guy.
The only two he didn’t help out were Law and Smoker. They already had another plan in the works.
Smoker Has Been Watching Too Much Marie Kondo
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Just when Tashigi was wondering whether Smoker had prevailed in his battle with Vergo, he rocked up to Building R with Law! Three cheers for the existence of “the enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend!”
Between them, they dragged a SAD truck, the kind, Law said, that had been used to transport the lucrative substance off Punk Hazard. Law’s plan was to let everyone jump on and they would ride that truck off into the sunset together. Good plan, I thought. Since that building is crumbling faster than an overdunked biscuit, it’s gonna be a wild ride.
When they entered Building R, Luffy was there to greet them. “Tra-guy! Smokey! Didn’t expect you to come from that way!”
Of course, Law is a pragmatist. Concerned about his plan, he glanced round and noticed an important factor was missing. 
“Where’s Caesar?” he asked Luffy.
“I kicked his ass and he got blown that way. How far did he go?”
Law was not pleased. “Our plan was to kidnap him!”
“But I don’t wanna catch that bastard anymore.”
I could hear Law’s internal sigh of despair. “That was the plan whether you like it or not. What are you going to do if he runs?”
“Who cares about that jerk!” Luffy scoffed.
“You think you can just change a plan as you like. I shouldn’t have trusted you. I need to get him.”
At this point, I don’t think Law regretted entering an alliance with the Strawhats. He was maybe regretting trusting Luffy with the whole kidnap part, as it is a delicate operation requiring laying aside morals and grudges for a sneakier purpose. That’s not Luffy’s strong point. He is a straightforward, loyal and faithful kind of guy.
That’s why when Nami looked back and asked Luffy if he thought Chopper, Usopp and Brook were alright, Luffy stared straight ahead and said, determinedly, “I’m sure they’ll get here.”
Meanwhile, outside the lab a couple of others had managed to get there too.
Well, they got close.
Two New Challengers Enter!
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Baby 5 and Buffalo were back, sent by Doflamingo to retrieve Caesar. Baby was still mad about the whole fiance situation. Apparently, Doflamingo killed her “sweet fiance” by burning down an entire town. The weirdly hilarious thing? He has done this eight times.
Reminds me of that line from Chicago: “he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.”
But did this guy have it coming?
Yeah....... he kinda did. 
Buffalo (who must have eaten a DF because he is a freaking plane right now) said that Doflamingo did it because he loves Baby like a sister, so he doesn’t begrudge destroying an entire town. Why is Doflamingo like this? Turns out Baby has a hard time saying no to guys she thinks “need her”. She lends too much money and has major 98 million debt. The last guy who proposed to her was majorly skeezy and only after Baby for what he could get out of her. So Doflamingo must have taken him out, just like the others.
That was interesting because, in a very weird, brutal way, Doflamingo is looking out for his useful crew members. You guys have mentioned that Doflamingo was inspired cartels or the mafia. Now I can see it. There’s the “young Master” term they all use to address him, the older people working for him, and now he loves Baby “like a sister.” 
But still, this guy is a villain, so it’ll be a business type family. If you cross him, there’s no way he’d let you away with it. I expect Law knows this and that’s why he was so careful.
While flying over Punk Hazard, they noticed right away that the Shinokuni gas was a problem. Buffalo used a “typhoon-like power” to blow away some of the clouds. This revealed a SAD tanker docked at port. Since they were travelling when Luffy kicked Caesar’s ass on TV, they didn’t know what had happened. They decided to wait until Caesar, Monet and Vergo escaped.
Then there was a loud whoosh, a flash, and a sparkling KABOOM as Caesar tore through the air and slammed into the tanker.
An unorthodox entry, but I liked it. Maybe knock a point off for grace and finesse, but the speed was impressive.
As soon as I saw Caesar sprawled on the dock, I facepalmed. “Luffy,” I thought, “you have just handed them Caesar!”
And that is exactly what Doflamingo thought too.
Buffalo checked in with the boss and was given a new set of orders.
“Joker! This is Buffalo from Punk Hazard. We’ve just arrived but Master Caesar was blown out of the building, injured.”
Doflamingo was shocked, but only for a split second. The guy recovers quickly from setbacks. “Recover Caesar immediately and come back to Dressrosa.”
“Okay,” Buffalo answered. “We’ll recover Caesar. What about Monet and Vergo?”
I didn’t hear Doflamingo’s answer, but Baby said, “There must be a reason. Do as he says.”
I’m guessing Doflamingo has cut Vergo and Monet loose. They are on their own now. Damn, this guy is ruthless. Even Vergo, who served him so faithfully for decades is not immune. The message here is: if you are no longer useful, you are done.
Luckily for Caesar, he’s one of the most useful guys in the OPverse, as Doflamingo himself admitted in a private, villainous monologue.
“Hey, Squirts. Luck is on *my* side. As long as I have Caesar in my custody, he can create SAD for me.”
And this was why Law was so irritated that Luffy had let Caesar out of his sight.
This could go one of two ways. Caesar will slip away from the Strawhat/Heart Pirates alliance and they will be forced to storm Dressrosa to retrieve him. Or the certain robotic someone who has just shrieked back into the plot will save their asses and help them kidnap Caesar. Then Doflamingo will go after them directly.
This is getting good! :D
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Franky is back: freshly waxed and ready to fire.
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