#welp i hope that you all enjoy this!!! o
bones4thecats · 10 months
Hello ^-^ may I please request the housewarden's reactions to their s/o working REALLY hard on a paper for a school contest, but it gets stolen and turned in by someone else. On top of that, the paper wins the contest and the thief gets the credit. Thank you in advance ❤️
A/N: Apologies that this took so long to write, I've been getting ready for my classes starting up again. But I do hope you enjoy this Anon!!
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❤️ Riddle knew you were working hard on this next assignment, and it made him very happy to see you finally taking a lot of time to make the paper perfect. And seeing your nose scrunch up in concentration made him chuckle inside.
❤️ Without your knowledge, your tart-loving boyfriend had read you paper, and he swore on the inside that this was going to be the winning paper! It was so good, the way you explained the topic was amazing!!
❤️ He had expected you to run back to the dorm with a very happy look, which seeing you frowning was something he did not expect in the slightest.
❤️ Hearing about the student who dared to do this to you made his blood boiled, if his cherry-red face didn't scream 'behead trial', welp!
❤️ Riddle obviously yelled at the student and beheaded him, along with informing the headmaster and contest's leaders about the 'incident', which, because of his reputation, they got punished severely for this.
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🦁 This lion could care less, at least that's what he says. Seeing you work tirelessly away on this paper was quite hilarious to him, he didn't even put that much effort in his familial relationships!
🦁 He didn't doubt you abilities to write, which is what he did enjoy you for, as if he was having a hard time sleeping somehow, he would just read a short story you wrote, it was like a bedtime story for adults!
🦁 When he heard from Ruggie about what happened, he was angry, just not visibly. He walked up to you and asked who it was before sending out another Savanaclaw student to retrieve the 'victorious' bastard who dared to hurt his S/O.
🦁 Leona didn't even have to use his fists against the student who had used your hard work, all he did was glare and scold them in a far more violent manner than the previous did.
🦁 Afterwards, he just lets you stay the night and sleeps the night and parts of the next day with you.
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🐙 Azul is a hard-working man, octo-mer? Whatever! He had built his life of his effort and amazing social skills, he can read people like open books, and he definitely understood how hard it is to win something of this caliber.
🐙 Your boyfriend was someone that you had read the article over and over, making sure it sounded good and flowed like, in your words, the sea that he swam in.
🐙 He had expected you to get the first place because of how excellent it was made, but when you came back alongside Jade and Floyd attempting to hold your emotions back, he immediately understood.
🐙 He had seen the student parading himself around the hallways alongside his buddies, laughing about how easy the mission was and how he was finally going to get the spotlight he deserved. Though, Azul could careless at the time, he recognized the paper once he saw you and sent the twins off to 'assist the student in manners'.
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☀️ Kalim is a very devoted lover, so, even when you were busy writing this paper for the contest, he was right there next to you, reading whilst you wrote the words down.
☀️ He wanted to appoint Jamil to help you out, because normally Jamil would help him out on a difficult subject, but every time you turned his offer down, he learned to just accept it and watch the words flow down on the papers.
☀️ Seeing you cry was something Kalim never liked, he loved seeing others smile and have fun, not sobbing their eyes out. So when you came running into his room crying, he grabbed onto you like a piece of tape to your fingers and didn't let go.
☀️ Eventually, he sent Jamil to grab the student, which he gladly did, knowing how much you were valued by the Al-Asim heir, and let's just say they weren't spared from a rare Kalim-yelling.
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👑 It was hard to make anything for Vil, but with this subject, he'd be not in an average, 'Vil is angry' mode, he'd be in a whole different level of pissed off.
👑 Because of how much he values his beauty, he would make sure whilst you spent hours upon hours on the paper that he'd check you face for any markings from concentrating and staring at the dreaded screen. (if you wrote it on a computer)
👑 He knew you would win the contest, you were his S/O after all, why wouldn't your effort prove victorious?
👑 Vil didn't see you immediately, in fact, he had heard from Rook that someone had stolen your paper and submitted it, and in the end, winning the contest without being caught, which caused him to freeze and glare at the hunter, obviously not mad at him, but at the person who did this heinous action.
👑 If they were in his dorm, he'd punish them accordingly, but if they were in another member's dorm, he'd speak with them and eventually trap them into punishing the guilty student with as much power as they would use.
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🎮 Idia was one of the first to see this happening, but he couldn't react accordingly, at least, the way 'normies' would.
🎮 He had seen you at his door the next day after submitting the paper that you had work graciously on and he believed you were attempting to trick him with the 'fake sadness to shock' trick.
🎮 Well you weren't, and that scared him tremendously.
🎮 Who would do this to you?! You were literally the nicest person he had ever met! And, thankfully from his availability to the school's cameras, he found out who did it and ended up sending the video to the contest's heads anonymously
🎮 This Shroud brother may be a very shy and reclusive person (don't tell him I said that, he'll flush and get upset again), but when it comes to the people he cares about, Idia would go through a massive crowd for them all.
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🐉 Malleus has no words.
🐉 He valued your hard work nearly more than anything really, it was fitting, as you were with him, and in turn, were destined to rule Briar Valley alongside this powerful dragon fae.
🐉 It surprising that somebody had the balls to face any potential harm by hurting you. Everybody has seen you and Malleus talking in either the halls or in Diasomnia's main lobby, so hearing about this was shocking.
🐉 Malleus definitely has Lilia stay with you, unless you requested his presence. If you did the latter, he'd send out Silver and/or Sebek to find the certain student who did this and would give them the scariest warning ever.
🐉 If you allowed him to confront the student himself, he'd have Lilia (most likely) stay with you as he hunted them down like a hawk.
🐉 Either way, the student gets the shit scared outta them. There's no stopping him here.
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twisted-lover-boys · 7 months
Can I get Heartslabyul with male Pokémon Trainer S/O who just has a Darkrai? S/O managed to befriend the nightmare Pokémon than catch him, so he decided to willingly go into the Master Ball or in his trainer's shadow
Darkrai is one of my favorite pokemon, so I had to ask.
Heartslabyul & Darkrai
{not proof-read}
I hope you know, Darkrai was the second dark legendary Pokémon I’ve ever caught (that was in Arceus). My first was Yveltal from X&Y
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Riddle isn’t one to believe in eye tricks or scary stories without proof but he couldn’t deny seeing your shadow move on its own behind you. It was like Sam’s, but it was different. It didn’t look like you at all
Again, not wanting to believe in something with no proof, ignored it until it popped up again. You were simply hanging out when he saw what looked like your shadow fidgeting with other object’s shadows. Now he couldn’t ignore it
Being reasonable, he decided to tell you that he thinks your shadow is moving by it’s own which he knows sounds stupid. Only for you to give a somewhat knowing look before saying “Darkrai!” Suddenly, your shadow stopped moving and out it came. Welp, guess he has his proof now
Now that he knew of its existence, he was sort of hyper-aware of it. He saw the way you battled with Darkrai and how well you were bonded together. It made him happy to know such a being could make you this happy
He didn’t really expect Darkrai to be so friendly, especially when it’s called the nightmare pokemon but he’s been wrong before. It loves to help with unbirthday parties and dormitory chores. It even has its own little pink scarf to care for the flamingos with!
Riddle enjoys having tea with Darkrai and even makes sure there is Pokémon-safe food and drinks for it to enjoy. It’s fun just seeing them relax with each other
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Surprisingly, Ace has a very good memory. It comes with the tricks business. So of course he’s noticed if your shadow did something…not shadow-like. Instead of saying something, however, he just decided to observe it. See what happens
It was only when he saw the shadow fidgeting with other shadows, including his own, that he brought it up to you. It wasn’t something he could ignore and had enough proof to prove it if you didn’t believe him
He was fully expecting you to call him crazy, but instead you just called out “Darkrai!” and there he spawned behind you. Well, that explains the shadows
At first, he was wary of it. I mean, it was called the nightmare Pokémon in his defense. But seeing how well you battled, how in sync you were, and how close you two were, he settled down a bit. You were in good hands…claws…? Eh, whatever
Ace was actually pretty shocked to see just how friendly Darkrai was. It helped him with dormitory chores and lessons, and even helped him come up with new prank ideas
He never thought Darkrai to be a prankster. Ace loves planning pranks with the Pokémon and seeing the reactions of his victims. You’ve had to pull them out of trouble a few times before
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Deuce always felt like he’d seen your shadow move or flicker on its own. He never brought it up because he thought that it was just his eyes playing trick on him. Besides, there’s no way a shadow could move on its own, right?
He pretty much ignored it until he literally saw your shadow messing around with other shadows, including his own. That’s when he decided to bring it up, now not being able to ignore it
When he did, he really thought you’d call him stupid or that his eyes were playing tricks on him. Instead, you just called “Darkrai!” and almost immediately your shadow shifted. At least now his eyes weren’t playing tricks
Deuce couldn’t help but initially worry about you. He knew you said you had a good bond but with it literally being called the nightmare Pokémon…he had his doubts. It wasn’t until he saw you both battle and the extent of said bond that his doubts withered away
He never expected Darkrai to be so friendly. It often liked to help Deuce with dormitory duties, homework, and the like. He had grown used to having it around
Deuce would often just do his duties with Darkrai but it always helped when it came to punk students who don’t know any manners. It was also when Deuce realized how protective it was of him, and of you
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Cater likes to keep things to himself sometimes, seeing it as bothersome to others and himself. That’s why he didn’t really think much when he thought he saw your shadow moving independently from you
It was only when it became more frequent, and he actually saw it unfold in front of his eyes, did he finally say something. Your shadow didn’t really look like you and it was fidgeting with other shadows around it, hopping around basically
Sure, he expected a weird look or maybe a dismissal from you, but instead you just said “Darkrai!” and your shadow immediately moved and transformed, becoming more physical. He wish he had his phone out for this
Cater was a little weary since it was literally called the nightmare Pokémon, but he trusted you when you said you had a good bond. I mean, he probably has enough proof already what with all the photos and videos he’s taken of you both
You’d think that a nightmare Pokémon would be scary, but Cater found that to be otherwise. Darkrai was super friendly and loved posing for his magicam
Speaking of magicam, you often see your Darkrai and Cater doing various poses, trends, and filters for his magicam. It’s a treat to see them bond together
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Trey doesn’t really think about anything supernatural since, while he knows that it exists, he doesn’t really think about it too much. So seeing your shadow move a bit out of the corner of his eye didn’t really draw his attention
However, as he saw it move more and more and become less human-like, he couldn’t deny that something supernatural was indeed happening. So he brought it up
When he did, he even said how silly it sounded, but you just shook your head and called out “Darkrai!” Before his very eyes, your shadow morphed and became physical and there before him stood this supposed “Darkrai”. It was a bit disorienting
Trey could tell how good your bond was just from how you both fought together and interacted together. He could really see the care between you two and it eased him to know you were both in good hands
Trey also loves how helpful Darkrai is. It helps makes his vice dorm head duties much easier and even helps keep unruly kids in line for his and the dorm head’s sake. He couldn’t be more grateful
He likes to show his gratitude and bonding time through his baking hobby, having Darkrai help him back it even giving it Pokémon-safe foods to eat
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(Genshin Impact) Shenhe, Yae, and Lumine with a tsundere reader
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The S/O will be gender neutral, but sure thing! Thanks for the ask @unmotivatedpotato , hope you enjoy!
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Poor Shenhe's brain has to go through a mental gauntlet trying to decipher what (Y/N) actually means.
They say one thing and act like they hate it, but they actually don't Was this commonplace in human society?
But then again, (Y/N) is pretty direct and far kinder to her in private. Even in public, they didn't seem to beat around the bush.
At the very least, it trains Shenhe how to properly read social cues and pay attention to body language, instead of solely going by words.
But she'd be lying if it wasn't horribly confusing.
(Shenhe) "(Y/N), may I ask you something?"
(Y/N) turned to her and nodded, a gentle expression on their face.
(Y/N) "What is it?"
(Shenhe) "Why do you only say what you mean around me?"
First, silence. Then (Y/N) starts turning red.
(Y/N) "W-What do you mean?"
(Shenhe) "I have noticed you tend to not say what you want around others. Yet when you're with me, you never lie."
(Y/N) "W-Well, I mean...It's cause...I don't want to be mean to...you..."
Shenhe innocently tilts her head.
(Shenhe) "Do you want to be mean to others?"
(Y/N) "NO! No it's not that, I just...Okay let me put it this way. I trust you with my feelings more than I do others. There."
They began pouting, which gave Shenhe all sorts of mixed signals.
(Shenhe) "Have I offended you?"
(Y/N) "No! No you could never!-"
(Y/N) sighed and spoke more softly.
(Y/N) "...I'm sorry. I mean it when I say I trust you, Shenhe. I've...never really been good at telling others what I'm feeling, if it wasn't obvious."
(Shenhe) "I did not mean to pry. I was simply curious."
(Y/N) chuckled, turning to her with a smile.
(Y/N) "Plus, I don't want to confuse you even more."
(Shenhe) "I admit I am but, thank you for trusting me enough with your feelings."
(Y/N) "Y-Yeah."
Shenhe noticed their face was turning more red, but they were smiling. They were also looking at the floor.
Maybe she should ask Cloud Retainer what's with them...
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Y/N is in for a horrific time with their tsundere tendencies around Yae.
Their whole relationship can be summed up in a single meme when it comes to (Y/N) not saying what they mean:
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Yae has an endless amount of fun teasing (Y/N), always playing a game of how red she can make them.
Until she hears what they mean, she will NOT relent.
(Yae) "What was that, little one? I'm afraid I cannot hear you over the mumbling."
(Y/N) "Gah...! I-I said I wouldn't mind eating dinner with you, tonight."
(Yae) "Was that so hard?"
Yae's day always brightens up whenever she's with (Y/N), something she openly admits to them.
Half because it is the truth, and the other half is of course, watching their reaction.
But when she's completely alone with them, she takes note of how their tsundere tendencies seem to die down. Which is no fun, but at the same time it's touching.
Yae seems to be the only one who knows the softer side of them.
And strangely enough, some her favorite times with them has been when they're completely honest.
She makes sure to tease lightly whenever this happens, since they're letting down their walls. She doesn't want them raised back up.
At least not when it's the two of them.
(Yae) "(Y/N), do come visit more often. It gets quite boring up at the shrine without lovely company."
(Y/N) "I'll be sure to do that, Yae."
(Yae) "..."
(Y/N) "...W-What? Was it something I said?"
(Yae) "It's the lack of words you said...Ahem! Nothing, just thinking to myself is all. Do take care, now."
(Y/N) "You too. Good night."
Yae watched them walk off, but they stopped to turn around and waved goodbye to her.
Now that tickled her heart.
(Yae) "And here I am, touched by the lack of a flustered reaction..."
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One word and one picture.
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Lumine and Paimon are absolutely relentless on the teasing, moreso than Yae because the two work together.
(Lumine) "Welp, you heard (Y/N). They don't wanna join us for dinner."
(Paimon) "Such a shame! Paimon's gonna have to eat all this dessert by herself!"
(Y/N) "Ugh, fine! Fine, fine, I'll come."
(Lumine) "Lovely! We'll be glad to have you!"
They two have experience with Eula, (Y/N) is an extremely easy egg to crack.
Lumine loves watching how flustered they get from her flirting, and has Paimon add insult to injury by noting how red they get.
But to make sure (Y/N) doesn't rip their hair out, they know when to ease up.
In her Teapot, Lumine has (Y/N) watch the skies above with her, regaling tales of her and her brother's journeys in the cosmos.
They're listening with such genuine interest, it's hard to tease them for it.
Paimon makes sure to conveniently vanish so the two can share a moment.
Seeing their smile makes Lumine smile as well.
(Lumine) "You're cute when you smile, you know that?"
(Y/N) "H-Hey now, don't tea-"
(Lumine) "No, I mean it. Really."
(Y/N) "You're not teasing...?"
(Lumine) "I'm not. Mostly, anyway."
They let out a small chuckle as they shyly look away.
(Y/N) "Then...t-thanks."
The smile comes back, though they're blushing madly.
Lumine liked this reaction. If she said this in public, she's 90% sure she'd get a projectile Paimon to the cranium.
...Part of her wanted to try it out in public now.
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rosaletarosie · 1 year
"Give me monkey hcs"
"Angst or no angst?"
Your wish is my command >:')
Hope it helps your motivation though ! ^^
Category: headcanons
Fandom: lmk
S/O Gender: gender neutral
The sun and moon duo reacting to their S/O's death
Let's start with..Sun wukong !
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Oh shi-
Welp..let's start this! I hope I don't cry-
Soooo...let's say that wukong has been calling you on for hours now and you haven't been picking it up
He thinks that your just busy and forgot to tell him but what he didn't realize is that you were already killed at your apartment and he didn't know about it
An hour later mk called wukong telling some kind of bad news, he rushed over to where mk was and he was at the police station
He thought mk did some kind of misunderstanding but it was far more worse..
He wore his disguise and went inside the police station, there he saw mk crying and mei comforting him
He gets closer to mk and asks what happened..this is what mk replied "monkey king I..S/O.." he mumbled, "WHAT?! WHAT HAPPEND TO THEM?!" wukong replied
Mk wiped his tears and stood up and gives his mentor a soft hug, "S/O is...gone monkey king.."
Once he heard about the news, he knew someone killed you because I mean who would kill the only thing HE loved? It could have been someone who he didn't have good relations with or a vengeance scheme?
The first thing that came to his mind was macaque..he thinks macaque was the one that killed you
He went to see macaque but he would never realize that macaque would actually be this..honest before, macaque explains that he was not the one who killed his lover because he knows that he would be dead by now if he did..
Once wukong came home to flower fruit mountain without a lead he goes on a RAMPAGE!
After he went on a rampage he just sat down..looking at the sky..crying...
He will never feel the same again without you..
He doesn't want to fall in love again..if it means losing someone mortal again..
He..he could have given you a immortal peach as soon as he could but he didn't...it's his fault..it's his fault..
Next up..the six eared macaque !
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Wish me luck trying to survive while writing this yall
Anyways..I believe that macaque would have already known in before anyone knew you were missing and assassinated
He sends out his shadow clones to check if you were alright but..he was too late..
He would hide away and lock himself in a room and all he will think about is who and how someone would kill the only good thing that happened to him in his entire life
He would probably think that it was wukong but declined it because he knows that he isn't the type of person to kill his lover...right?
He then visits wukong to reassure himself and by his surprise wukong actually wants to help him
Wukong told him that he will help him since his S/O actually helped him on some tough times
But when they have no leads macaque retreats back to his base and screams and punches the walls and then have a breakdown
....he would never thought he would lose something so important to him..he tried but..I guess it wasn't enough..
Of course it wasn't enough..when was it enough anyway..?
Why did I have to make macaque's last part WAY TOO RELATABLE WJSKJWJSWJ
Anyway I really hope you enjoyed it <33
Also sorry if it's too short :')
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mchlgayser · 1 year
( ✮ ) TWO WORLDS III ft neymar jr
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🧺 𓂃⭑ᜊ an: HELLO! As promised, here is the third and last part of my short series of two worlds featuring neymar jr!!! Thank you to those that have been reading this from the start and along, I love you guys and hope you like this one too xx
🗯️ 𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: pregnancy (and poor translation)
🔖 𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's navigation
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Liked by neymarjr, yourmother, yourfriend and 6,647,836 others
yourusername My blessing. His blessing. Our Godsend. We are thankful for all the meaningful words from both parties fans and supporters, you guys are just THE BEST! Thanks to all xx 💘🙏🏼
yourmother I can't wait to see the baby! Bring her to my home soon 😂
@neymarjr said don't forget to make him your best dish mama lol
@yourmother I will not
liked by yourusername
@fans1 SO CUTE!!!!!
@fans2 we can clearly tell y/ns mom favor ney sm LMAOOO
liked by yourusername
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send message ❤️🚀 send message ❤️🚀
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Likes by 4,648,386 others
yourusername 20 weeks done! 16 weeks left to go! Can't wait to see our spicy, kickin' baby girl! ❤️ #shekicksalot 😂😂
View all 23,383 comments
@fans1 I can't wait to see an angel with a goddess beauty face of Y/n's and the distinguished talents of Ney's WOOHOOO LETS GOOO!!!!
liked by yourusername
liked by yourusername
yourusername your wish is my command 😉
liked by yourusername
fans5 Welp fuck- pls now I want one too 😭
fans6 she's so cute doing cute things with her fans like this
yourusername replied I'm showing them how grateful I am to have you all xoxox
fans7 I love her and if you don't you are sick in the head somewhere cus she's an angel!!! She's so nice brb I'm gonna cry
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Liked by lucaspaqueta, richarlison and 9,373,110 others
neymarjr Meus amores. O Deus nos deu uma linda menina perfeitamente saudável. Minha esposa, Y/n, muito obrigado por este presente incrível. Palavras não podem descrever o sentimento que sinto agora, mas Obrigado. Você é para sempre minha melhor amiga, minha namorada, esposa e mãe de nosso adorável filho. Eu te amo. (My loves. God delivered us a perfectly healthy cute baby girl. My wife, Y/n, thank you very much for this amazing gift words cannot describe the feeling and how I feel right now but thank you. You are forever my best friend, my girlfriend, my wife, and a mother to our lovely child. I love you) To my daughter, Angelina. Thank you for coming to this world as our daughter. Your mere existence changed both me and your mom drastically. You will be the only reason we change and become the better person from now onwards. I love you ❤️ To my fans, supporters, friends, and family who had been there all along with us, helping us with our lacks, thank you very much. I am so thankful to all of you. May God repay your kind deeds for us. 🙏🏼🥰
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Liked by yourfriend and 3,497,393 others
yourusername Us today because @angel.lina keep pestering me saying that she wants to see her papai 😹
p/s: she was enjoying the game more than I do Loll
yourfriend pls tell Angelina I want her at my house this weekend so you and your hubby can spend your days alone 😆😆😉 thank me later
yourusername What are you suggesting???? 🤨😒
yourfriend she prolly wanted a younger bro or sis or sum like that 🙄🙄🙄😬
yourusername I'm currently considering it rn
fans8 They are hilarious af LMAOO replying to each other things like this like they're on their dm
neymarjr @yourfriend @angel.lina will be at ur house by 9, be ready
yourusername OMFG
notes: the series has officially ended!!! YAYYY and NAYYY!!! Yay because I had finally finished it and saves it from rotting inside my draft but Nay because it ended. I fell in love with the series. I think I grew fond of the pregnancy and baby parts but most of it, I enjoyed it ALL! I think I pretty much did a great job LOL but yes as I said, I'm sad because it's ended. Oh well, who knows I might as well do another series similar to this one but much longer and fluffier!!! I love babies OMFG you don't even know!!! I need to write another one ASAP Ok I think that's all for the ranting, I hope you enjoyed it, please, as much as I do SKSHSKSK nah jk. Enjoy it or not doesn't matter at least I know I did a pretty fucking great job hehe hehe Goodbye xoxox
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moustacheshe · 2 years
Yandere! Otto Octavius (tssm) x Reader
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Warnings: kidnapping, drugging, yandere-themes
This one shot is a little bit longer than my other stories <3 I hope I didn't make to many mistakes and that Otto is not to out of character ^^' Anyways enjoy reading :D
You put the last packing case down in your new apartment and wipe the sweat from your forehead. Moving all these cardboard boxes solely by your own was not your brightest idea. Of course several people asked you if you needed help... But you decided: 'No, I'd rather break my back before I let anyone do something for me.'. Yes you are stubborn and YES stubbornness hurts. You stretch your sore muscles and your back makes an unhealthy cracking sound. After hearing the crunching of your bones you decide it is indeed time to call it a day. Unpacking needs to wait until tomorrow.
The next day you slowly start to unbox your stuff and clean up a little bit. At least you have some days left of your leave until you need to go back to work.
Suddenly your door bell rings. You jump a little at the sudden sound and wonder who it might be. You're expecting no one. As you look through the peephole you see the postman standing outside your door. He holds a package in his hands. 'Weird...I didn't order something.' You open the door. "Hello?" "Ah, good afternoon ma'am! I'm so sorry to bother you but I have a delivery for your neighbour. Nobody is home and I need to give it to someone living in this house." You look at the small package and back to him. "O-Oh, I just moved here and I don't know the neighbours yet..." He just smiles at you, looking a little desperate. "I left a note for your neighbor, that the package is at your place. Please, my time schedule is already cut short." You sigh and give him a little nod. "Alright I'll take it." The postman seems relieved with your answer and hands you a device to put your signature on. You sign it and take the package. The man thanks you and hurrys back down the stairs.
You close the door behind you and look down at the package. 'Dr. Otto Octavius? Welp, it's always good to have a doctor in the house.' You think while putting the package on the wardrobe in your hallway. After that you continue with unpacking your stuff, trying to get some form of system in the chaos you've made.
It is late in the evening and you are exhausted. You're all sweaty and you look like a mess. You sigh and stretch. "Time for a shower." You say to yourself. Then your doorbell rings again. "Oh!" You go to your door and again look through the peephole. In front of your door is a rather adorable looking man. He has big nerdy looking glasses and a cute little bow tie. Underneath his big brown coat he wears a green sweater with a yellow shirt under it. Carefully you open the door only as far as a gap. "Yes?" "Oh, g-good evening. I-I'm so sorry to bother you this late but I saw the note on my door. It says that you may have a package for me." He seems nervous as he speaks, looking at you through his thick glasses. Now you open the door completely, looking at him in realisation. 'This must be Dr. Octavius...my neighbour...' He's a little taller than you...if not even the same height as you. The man looks a little taken aback upon seeing you now fully in your messy state. "O-Oh, you must be Dr. Octavius. I just moved in yesterday and-" You pause.' He probably just wants his package...and I start rambling about me moving in... Great...' "I-I'm sorry...I'll get your package." He couldn't respond as fast as you vanish into your apartment getting his package. You hand him the small box and laugh nervously. "I-I still have a lot to unpack so..." He just smiles at you and rubs the back of his neck. "I completely understand. Thank you for taking my package in. Have a good evening." "Y-You're welcome! And you too..." With that you quickly close the door. 'Welp, that was awkward...'
'Great job Otto...You could've started a nice conversation with them but no... Gosh, they were cute...' He sighs quietly and goes into his apartment right opposite from yours. Otto puts the package down and looks outside the window. He can't get the image of you out of his head. A little blush forms on his face. "Stop it, Otto. You've just met them." He whispers to himself.
The next day you've spent unpacking the rest of your stuff, calling your apartment now officially finished. You sigh at the thought of going back to work in a few days. But for now you have some time to relax a little bit. It is then your doorbell rings again. You stand up and go for your door. 'It is around noon, who could this be?' As you look through the peephole it is your neighbor from yesterday. He's holding something in his hands. You open the door and greet him. "Hello Dr. Octavius." You smile at him. "Oh, p-please call me Otto. I don't really care about formalities." He smiles back at you. "Okay then...Otto. I'm (y/n) and... I'm sorry about yesterday. It wasn't really a great start." You chuckle nervously. "Oh no, there is nothing to be worried about. I didn't quite made the best first impression myself." He answers getting a little flustered. "But I'll make it up to you. Since you just moved here and you were so kind to take my package in. I made you a little something." He holds out the thing in his hands and it turns out to be a cookie jar. "Oh, that's...that's so nice of you. To be honest nobody ever made cookies for me...at least not in a looooong time, hehe... Thank you very much, Otto." You take the jar and look at the cookies inside. "They look absolutely fantastic." A big smile spreads across your face. "Thank you, I baked them just this morning. It's nice having such a kind new neighbor. The last one was a little..." He frowns. "...unpleasant." Then his face lights up again. Seeing you smile so sweetly at the the cookies HE has made...it just makes him feel all warm inside. "I'm... I'm really sorry to hear that."
There is a moment of awkward silence between you two before Otto speaks up again. "Oh, I completely forgot the time! I need to go to work." He puts his hand onto his head in shock. "I-I'm sorry, I need to leave. Enjoy the cookies and I'll see you around." You look surprised at his sudden reaction. "O-Oh, okay. Have a nice day!" You answer and give him a little wave. With your goodbye he's already hurrying down the stairs. You look after him a little confused but then decide to shrug it off. As you close the door behind you a little smile forms on your lips. He's very kind and adorable.
"Dr. Octavius!" Otto snaps out of his daydream. He looks at his boss Norman Osborn. "You seem quite distracted. Whatever might cause this, it has to wait until later." The tall man gives him a strict glance. "Yes Sir, I'm sorry..." He quickly turns back to his work, typing the data into the computer. His four mechanical arms start working on the generator again. "I want to run the test tomorrow. The subject is already waiting to-" His phone interrupts his lecture. "Get this done until tomorrow!" Then he picks up his phone walking away. Otto sighs and rubs his eyes underneath his glasses. He can't stop thinking about you. His focus is drifting off no matter how hard he tries. "Get it together Otto!" He mumbles to himself.
It has been a few days since you've last seen your neighbor. You started working again. Dealing with rude costumers and trying to get work done while serving some people in between. It's pretty busy lately and one worker after another calls in sick or goes on vacation.
It's one of those days where you leave work and feel like a zombie. You don't want to talk to anyone anymore and your head feels empty. As you look for the keys in your bag you hear a door open up behind you. "Good evening (y/n)!" You turn around slightly and give Dr. Octavius a sleepy smile. "Good evening." His smile falls a little the moment he notices your tired state. "You look exhausted, dear." He frowns. You choose to ignore the nickname and keep this conversation short. "Yeah, it was a rough day. I actually just want to go to bed and get some good sleep." Otto wanted to stop you. He wants you to spend the evening with him. Maybe get to know each other a little better. Well, at least he wants to know everything about you. "O-Oh, that's okay...I-I just... It doesn't matter." He looks a little sad as his eyes dodge yours. You now feel bad for not wanting to talk to him. "Is everything alright?" Otto still doesn't look at you, his eyes fixed on the ground. "I-I actually... I wanted to invite you over for a cup of tea." He looks up into your eyes. "It'll help you relax after your hard day of work." Not that this offer comes surprising to you but...you really didn't think that he would invite you. At least not now. You really want to say no and just go to bed but he looks at you with this cute little blush on his face. With a sigh you smile at him. "Okay, what bad is it going to do." His eyes start to light up and he feels his heart skip a beat.
You look around in the room you're seated in. It's a open eat-in kitchen. It is very simple but overall pretty cosy. There are a few pictures with him shaking the hand of another person on them. He seems to have numerous 'awards' for new scientific inventions. 'Soooo not a DOCTOR doctor but a doctor of science...alright.' You think while looking at a picture with him and what appears to be 4 mechanical arms. It looks kinda cool but at the same time a little creepy. You can't help but to be amazed at how fast technology evolves. "These actuators help me with my work." You jump a little as Otto suddenly speaks up, standing right next to you. "Oh I'm sorry, I...didn't mean to startle you." He gives you an apologetic smile and puts down a cup of tea on the table in front of you. You mumble a small 'Thank you' and look at the cup in front of you. The tea smells wonderful. "This tea always helps me when I have a rough day at work." He sits down on the chair opposite of you on the table and places his cup down.
You carefully nip at the tea and much to your surprise it is not burning hot. In fact it is the perfect drinking temperature. Now you take a big sip and it tastes as amazing as it smells. "Wow this tea is really good. What kind of tea is this?" Dr. Octavius smiles at your praise. "Well it is indeed a recipe I created myself. My experiments are not limited to the laboratory. I like to try new things in my free time too." He blushes a little. 'This is adorable.' You giggle a little at his behavior. "Your wife must be very lucky." He pauses for a moment before looking down at his cup. "I-I don't have anyone... I mean I don't have a wife. I'm...not exactly the social kind of guy." Otto chuckles nervously, still not looking at you. "Oh...don't worry I'm not that big in social activities myself. I'm...mostly at work over the day. And the weekends...are not much of an adventure either." You smile at him so sweetly he could melt down on the spot. "Speaking of work, what do you do for a living?" He changes the topic, leaning forward on the table and resting his elbows on it.
You two talk for what felt like hours. Well Otto asks questions and you answer them. Every time you ask something about him he replies with one or two short sentences before returning to sounding you out. Nevertheless it is a really enjoyable evening. You feel like talking to a friend, relieving all your stress and easing out your worries. The tea really did its job... Otto makes a mental list of the things you told him, things you like, things you hate and the worries you have.
As you look at the time, you are startled.
"Oh no, I completely forgot about the time. I need to get up early tomorrow!" You notice and quickly finish the rest of your tea. Otto checks the time too. "Oh yes, it's getting quite late. I'll accompany you to the door." You two stand up and make your way to the entrance. "It was quite the enjoyable evening. We should do this regularly." Otto suggests while handing you your jacket. "Thank you. We'll...um...why not." You answer while putting on your shoes. "I also enjoyed the evening but can we put this on a weekend, maybe? I don't think I'll survive the week if we do this regularly during the week." Otto smiles and opens the door for you. "Well of course, my dear. I don't want you to over do yourself. We'll do this on a weekend and then we both have more time to spend." You smile and give him a thumbs up. "Cool beans." Otto could just die here and now of how cute you are. "Well then have a good night and I hope you're not to tired in the morning." "You too and don't worry I'll survive it." You chuckle and leave his apartment. "Good bye." You give him a little wave as you enter your apartment. He waves back and waits until you close the door behind you.
Then he shuts his door and sighs. As he closes his eyes a big smile forms on his lips. The image of you smiling at him so sweetly imprinted itself in his mind. He walks over to the table and takes your empty cup. There's still a little wet spot on the rim where your lips were. Your lips look so soft. Otto takes the two cups to the kitchen, putting them into the sink.
It is when he lays in bed his thoughts start to get...less innocent. He hugs his pillow, imagining it is you he is holding. Your soft skin, your smell and your warmth, everything just for him. Otto lets out a soft moan as his thoughts turn sinful.
"Finally!" You sigh as you let yourself fall down onto the couch. It is weekend and you are more than happy to get some rest. This week made the circles underneath your eyes seem even darker. You're so tired and nothing seems to go right...at least not at work. Suddenly you remember something you wanted to do after you get home. You get up again and take your spare key from the key hook. Leaving your apartment you make the few steps over to Dr. Octavius's door. You ring the doorbell and wait. Then you hear soft footsteps coming closer from the inside. The door unlocks and opens. "Ah, (y/n) dear. I'm so glad to see you, do you want to come in?" Otto asks smiling softly. He's wearing a sleeveless white shirt with a pair of dark green pants. "Oh no, I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask you something." You open your hand and show him the key. "Since we are neighbours and you are the only one I know here in this house, would you be willing to take my spare key? I mean, if I'm on vacation and/or there is an emergency. Y-You don't have to if you-" "Of course, I'll take it!" He interrupts you, maybe a little bit to enthusiastic. You pause and blink a few times before smiling at him. "That's very nice of you. In the house I lived in before moving I gave the key to one of my neighbours too." You hand him the key. "Oh that's not a problem at all. You just need to tell me when you're away for a longer period of time and I'll look after your apartment." He puts the key in his pocket. "Thank you very much. Um...have a good day then." You say a little bit awkward and turn to leave.
"Wait!" Otto calls grabbing your hand out of reflex. You turn around looking at him a little surprised. "O-Oh." He lets go of your hand, shocked by his own reaction. "I-I'm so sorry." Otto nervously apologies and lowers his head. You start to chuckle. "Don't worry, I was just a little surprised. What did you want to say?" Dr. Octavius looks up at you again, his heart starts to race. You're not mad about him grabbing your hand? "Oh um...I-I just wanted to ask..." He rubs the back of his neck. "Since it's weekend, would you like to come over for dinner? You look pretty tired and I thought you would like it if you didn't have to make dinner yourself." You again look at him a little surprised. For a moment, you think about it. You don't see the problem with having dinner with Dr. Octavius. No matter how...odd this may seem. It's not like this is something extraordinary, right? Is his behavior strange? Or is it normal and you are just being paranoid... "Are you alright?" Otto's voice interrupts your thoughts. "O-Oh yeah, sorry. I was just...lost in my own thoughts. Yes, I would like to come over for dinner." You answer and smile at him.
A few hours later you stand in front of your neighbors door again. He said that you don't need to dress nicely, just put on something you feel comfortable in. So you did. You ring his doorbell and he opens right away. Like he was waiting for you to finally arrive. "Hello again, please come in!" Otto steps aside and you enter with a small 'thank you'. He leads you to the open kitchen area you already know. It smells really good and the table is already set. "Please sit down, dear." You do as you're told and watch him go into the kitchen. "Should I help you with something?" You ask while observing his doings at the kitchen counter. The scientist turns around and looks at you with a strict glance. "Oh, absolutely not! You are my guest, I don't want you to lift a single finger." He almost sounds offended. "Alright, alright." You say raising your hands in defense. Otto smiles, satisfied with your answer and turns back to preparing the food.
He places the dish on the table. It looks fantastic and the smell...your stomach starts to growl. "This looks absolutely amazing." "Thank you very much." He blushes at your compliment. "W-What would you like to drink?" For a moment you think about what goes best with this dish but then you decide to keep it simple. "Well I really liked your tea last time, could you make it again for me? O-Of course only if it's not to much work for you." Otto's heart aches, seeing you so tired and still you ask if it's okay for him to make a tea for you. He'll do anything to make this evening as pleasant as possible for you. "My dear, of course I'll make a tea for you. Don't worry about anything okay?" You nod and whisper a little 'thank you'. How did you deserve to have such a kind neighbour?
You two eat together, the dish he made tasted as amazing as it looked. Otto asked you about your work and if you've already settled in your new apartment. The answer to your apartment situation was easy, though the part about your work...
"It's not...bad but..." You start but then fight for an answer. Otto puts the tableware into the sink while listening to you. You on the other hand start to feel like crying. The stress on your job and at home really start to get to you. You swallow hard. You can't cry in front of someone you barely know. He has probably enough own problems, he doesn't need to worry about yours too. You feel your eyes water and your vision starts to blurr. You try to blink the tears away. "Is everything alright, dear?" Otto asks now turning away from the sink. You don't respond right away, you're to afraid that he might notice something. Although you didn't know he already did. "Yes, yes I'm alright. I just get worked up over nothing sometimes. I-It's getting late I should probably-" You didn't notice Otto walking up beside you. "No, you're not fine. I'll not let you leave in this condition. Come on, let's sit on the couch and you tell me what's wrong." You're not all about discussing right now so you just do as he says. Now the tears start running down your cheeks while Otto lays an arm around you, guiding you to the couch.
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." He places you down onto the soft couch and hands you a handkerchief. "Now, now there's nothing to be sorry about." Dr. Octavius even gets you a blanket and puts it around your shoulders. He wants to just grab you and pull you into a tight embrace, never wanting to let go. Just lock you away from all the bad things that cause you to feel like this. He sits down next to you and takes your hand in his bigger ones. They feel soft and warm, it's a weird feeling, a person you barely know holding your hand, but you accept it. "Now tell me what's going on, dear." You sniffle not wanting to look him in the face. "It's just...work is really stressing me out lately. I can't sleep properly and...it's just to much for me at the moment. I-I'm sorry, I know this is nothing to be crying about..." Otto squeezes your hand, watching you cry your heart out hurts him. He inches a little closer to you, careful not to scare you away. "I know how you feel...sometimes everything seems to go over ones head. But I'll be here for you. You can cry all you want and talk about everything that's bothering you." You now look up at him and smile while more tears stream down your face. "T-Thank you, that's really nice of you." Otto smiles and one of his hands strokes your back in a soothing manner. "Oh, don't thank me I-"
His heart almost stops as you suddenly throw your arms around him and hug him. You don't know why you decided to hug him but you just needed this right now. At first Otto is taken aback but then quickly puts his arms around you. The moment you notice him returning your hug you relax in his arms. Otto could die a happy man right now. You find comfort in his warm embrace, he smells sweet, something like cinnamon sugar. The moment of comfort doesn't last long (not long enough in Otto's opinion) before you pull away from him. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... But nevertheless thank you for not pushing me away." You whipe the rest of your tears away but your eyes are still puffy and reddened. "Now why would I push you away? You can have as many hugs as you want." The scientist pulls the blanket back up around your shoulders, which you lost while embracing him. You chuckle a little followed by a yawn. "Oh, I think I'll go to bed...I'm pretty tired." Otto stares at you for a moment, deciding rather he can let you go home like this. What if you can't sleep after this? What if you feel not good enough to be on your own? "Stay just a little longer. I'll get you another tea, you must stay hydrated and it'll help you sleep better. Plus watching a little TV might distract you from everything that's on your mind right now." On one hand you really don't want to exhaust your visit. On the other hand Otto has been so patient and sweet with you, why not stay a little longer. "Okay but not for to long." You answer and lean back into the couch. "Wonderful." Dr. Octavius is delighted by your answer. He turns on the TV and hands you the remote control. "Just put on whatever you like." You nod and Otto goes into the kitchen.
As he prepares your tea he fights against his conscience. He's about to do something he's not very proud of. But he does this for you, for your own good. He'll make sure you'll rest well and like this he can 'monitor' you a little longer. As he puts the drug into your tea he mutters, ''I'm sorry (y/n)''. Otto knows this is wrong but he can't help himself, seeing you break down like this...he just has to do something. At least that's what he tells himself.
Meanwhile you look through the different channels. There's nothing that's really interesting you. Not until you put on the news. The news reporter talks about a incident with another 'villain' who fought against Spider-Man. Pictures show a fight scene between Spider-Man and a guy they call 'The Green Goblin'. This guy crashed some charity event, the police doesn't really know his true intentions. "The man stole and used Oscorp technology, which was confirmed by several eye witnesses at the scene. ..." Otto hands you the tea. "Isn't Oscorp the company you work for? Did you see this guy?" You ask pointing at the TV. The scientist follows your gesture looking at the picture of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. He swallows hard. "Y-yes I... I even had an encounter with him. It was..." Otto stops for a moment. You take a sip from your tea. "...scary." He sighs but then turns to you and smiles. "But let's not talk about work." Dr. Octavius sits down beside you. "Oh man, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." You quickly change the channel. "Don't worry, I'm fine." He gives you a reassuring smile.
After looking through many other channels you end up watching some action movie. At the beginning you two talk a lot about the movie and how bad some of the actors and special effects are. But after a while you get quiter and it gets more and more difficult keeping your eyes open. "Man...this movie sure is...boring." You say trailing off at the end. "It sure seems like it." Otto agrees, watching your head drop to the side before it bounces up again. "I...should really...go...home..." The last word is only a whisper as your head falls back into the backrest and your eyes close. The man beside you waits for a moment, until he hears your steady breathing, telling him that you're now fast asleep.
He sighs, "I'm sorry (y/n) but this is for your own good...and maybe for my own egoistic self." Otto carefully lays you down, resting your head in his lap. He covers your body with the blanket he gave you. Once everything is settled he admires your peaceful sleeping face. "You're so beautiful." He whispers while running his fingers through your hair. Otto imagined your hair feeling soft. Now that he's really touching it, it feels like velvet to his fingers. He continues to stroke your hair while watching the rest of the movie. Otto trys to imagine that you've fallen asleep on his lap on your own.
After a while he slowly grows tired too. He hasn't felt that comfortable and happy in a long time. Otto leans back into the couch and closes his eyes. One of his hands rests on your sleeping form. "Good night, dear. I love you." He whispers before he falls asleep with a smile.
You wake up with a small whine. It is warm and comfortable. Slowly you open your eyes, blinking away the sleep. Looking around you notice that you are not at home. You gasp and quickly sit up. "Oh shit, I fell asleep!" You curse yourself. Suddenly you hear a door open and you turn to see Otto coming from another room. "Ah, good morning dear. How did-" "I'm so sorry, Otto! I-I must've been so tired... Oh man, I should've gone home. I'm so sorry!" You quickly stand up. "It's okay (y/n), I didn't mind at all. I wanted to let you rest, you looked so tired." Otto smiles at you, playing innocent. "NO, this is not okay. I can't just fall asleep at other peoples places. I'm so sorry, this is embarrassing." You walk past Otto, quickly grabbing your stuff and putting on your shoes. He follows you wanting to stop you. "(Y/n) I said it is okay, don't blame yourself. If I wanted to have you out, I would have woken you up. I actually wanted to ask you if you want to eat breakfast together?" He blushes a little bit. "I-I'm sorry, I've already outstayed my visit for to long. Thank you for the nice evening and for the meal, I really enjoyed it." You give him an apologizing smile. "But I need to go now, I'm sorry...G-Goodbye." The moment you've finished your sentence, you've already vanished through the door of his apartment and closed it.
Otto stays behind, not knowing what to do. He wanted you to stay so badly...and now he made you feel bad. He didn't want this. It's all his fault. He just wanted to make you feel better or make himself feel better? No! He does this for you and not for himself. Otto slowly backs up from the door and goes into the kitchen area. He sits down on the table, thinking about where it went wrong. It's obviously not about the way he treated you. Maybe you're just a little confused? It isn't far-fetched that your mind is clouded by the stress you're enduring. "My poor dear..." He whispers looking down at his hands. "I need to protect them..." An idea pops up in his mind but then he shakes his head. He can't do this to you...
You didn't talk to your neighbour for over a week. Because of the fact that you fell asleep on his couch AND because you made such a big deal out of it right in front of him...
You stand in front of his door not sure about what to say or to do. You're embarrassed and you'd rather not knock, but you feel like you own him an apology. Before you can overthink for any longer the door opens in front of you. You freeze and stare at Dr. Octavius who looks surprised at you standing in front of his door. "Oh (y/n)! What a pleasant surprise. I didn't see you in a while." He smiles and it doesn't look upset nor bitter. "H-Hello, I-I actually just wanted to..." You sigh and look at the ground. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for acting so stupid and childish... And that I ignored you for over a week." "Don't blame yourself, dear. You're young and you still need to learn that sometimes things happen that one can't control. Like our feelings..." You look at him and for a moment he's lost in your eyes. Then he slightly shakes his head. "But I start rambling again. I need to go to work, how about you come over later?" Something about how he's acting seems a little odd. Or is it just you? Still you're relieved that he's not mad at you. "I-I'd really like to come over but I'll be working until night today... Maybe another time."
Otto is shocked that you're working THIS late today. "Don't you normally work until afternoon?" He asks not showing that he's angry about you working so late. "Well yeah, but there're so many workers absent lately, we're understaffed. I can't choose my work time at the moment..." You sigh and rub your arm. "I see..." Otto can't watch you suffer any longer, something needs to be done quickly.
At work Otto's thoughts are with you again. Not that any other day would be different. It is until Mr. Osborn enters the room and starts lecturing him. He is used to his boss bullying him but today really pushes him to his limit. He just wants to see Norman Osborn suffer. This ungrateful bastar-
"Otto are you listening?" He snaps out of his thoughts. "Y-yes, of course." That's how it always is... He wants to speak up but then...he just can't. At least he is looking forward for tonight. He's going to wait for you to return back home and then he's going to surprise you.
After Norman was finished insulting him Otto was left alone in the room. He sighs and goes back to his work on the generator. While he's working someone reinserts the safety key into the control panel. Otto watches in horror as the generator starts building up electricity. He trys everything to get out of the room. Otto shouts and pounds against the door trapping him. There's no way out... He sinks down to the ground onto his knees. "(Y/n)... I love you..." Dr. Octavius whispers before a sharp pain goes through his body and he loses consciousness.
Upon waking up the only thing he feels is pain. His harness melted into his spine. The voices in his head...no they're not voices...they're his own thoughts. The voice of Norman Osborn ecos in his head. That's when the pain turns into hate. He starts to attack Spider-Man and Norman Osborn, who actually just wanted to help him. He's going to show everyone what he's capable of. Weak? No. Dr. Octopus isn't weak. He's the genius that is going to take over the whole world...
During the fight with Spider-Man the accumulator for his arms signals him that his power is running low. He remembers there is a spare battery for his harness at his apartment. Otto grabs the nearest heavy object with one of his mechanical arms and throws it at Spider-Man. This gives him enough time to flee from the scene.
The wall to his apartment bursts open and he enters the building. "I can not believe I used to live in this anemic hovle." He says to himself as he looks around for the spare battery. After a moment he spots the accumulator and grabs it. "Hm, I need a more permanent solution." Then he suddenly stops in his motion. Right there on the table underneath the spare battery lays a key. He carefully picks it up. "(Y/n)..." There it is again, this warm feeling in his body upon thinking about you, just...much more stronger. "I still have plenty of time until I run out of energy. There is something I need to take care of first." An evil smile forms on his lips and his actuators start to chirp in excitement.
You almost fell asleep on your way home and now as you enter your apartment you let out a loud sigh. Your body aches, especially your back. "Ouch, my back is killing me..." You hiss and put your bag onto the floor. As you enter your living room you turn on the light. You yawn and rub your eyes. "Oh man...what a day..." "What a day indeed.~" The sudden voice behind you makes you jump and quickly turn around. You freeze and your heart starts hammering against your chest. "W-Wha... O-Otto?" He's wearing these weird mechanical tentacles, strange looking glasses and a outlandish outfit. This is not the Otto you know, he looks...evil. You take a few steps back. "Do not be afraid, dear. I have no intentions of harming you." "W-What are y-you doing in my apartment? W-What happened to you?!" He smirks. "The only thing that happened to me is that I have improved...expanded my mind. As for the reason I am here..." Otto takes a few steps towards you. "St-Stop don't come any closer!" You reach into the pocket of your coat and grab a hold of your pepper spray. When you're walking home alone at night you always carry it with you. Otto frowns. "You might want to think about what you do next. I know you always carry a pepper spray with you... Just let me explain." You take another step back. "Please just leave Dr. Octavius, you're really scarring me." Tears start to rise in your eyes. "(Y/n) dear, you really do not need to to be scared. I am not here to harm you. In fact I am here because I-I am actually...in love with you." Your eyes widen and you swallow hard." Y-You w-what..." Otto smiles softly at your reaction.
"Oh sweetheart, you are so cute. That is the reason I fell in love with you the moment I first saw you. You were so kind to me and understanding. I saw how exhausted you were and still you could not bring yourself to say no to my invitations. I wanted to make you happy... I have to admit I could have done more for you. " He crosses his arms and looks to the side, seemingly thinking about something. You are still starring at him, speechless about what he's just said. 'Was this the reason for his strange behavior?' Then his head turns back to you and a smirk forms on his lips. "That is why I am here, I can not stand seeing you work until night and almost fall asleep while standing. You are exhausted and your muscles are hurting. I can change that and I will change that." You can feel your heart beating even faster and a cold shiver going down your spine. "I-I... I can't... T-This isn't right. You need to let me go!" Otto tsks at you shaking his head. "I am afraid I can not let that happen, dear. I do not expect you to understand my reasons...at least not at the moment. You just need to know that I am perfectly capable of taking care of you and that I will cherish you like the beautiful gem you are." He slowly closes in on you.
You don't think for to long before spraying the pepper spray in his direction. He growls and his mechanical arms come into the way and block his face from the spray. You use this opportunity to make a run for the door, dodging the actuators on your way. "Do not make this difficult (y/n)!" Otto growls turning around. "HELP! SOMEBODY! CALL THE POLICE! I- AH!" Before you can reach the door something wraps around your waist, pulling you back. "PLEASE, ANYBODY! I'M GETTING- hmpf!" Otto pulls you into his arms and covers your mouth with his hand. You trash around in his arms as he tries to calm you down. "Shhhh, (y/n) it will okay. We do not need any unwanted attention." His actuators come into your view, they seem to stare at you. Your pleas stay unheard as tears now stream down your cheeks. The mechanical tentacles grab a hold of your arms. Otto gets a cloth from the pocket of his coat. "You will stay here for a little while, dear. I need to get some things settled." He presses the cloth over your nose and mouth. You try to hold your breath, you know if you fall asleep your life is over. "You can not hold your breath forever, sweetheart." He's right and you know it. After a few seconds you can't take it any longer. "There you go." Otto whispers as you slowly begin to lose consciousness. Your strength fades away and your eyelids get heavy.
Otto sighs as you finally stop moving and lay in his arms fast asleep. He holds you tight and nuzzles his face into your hair, smelling your sweet sent. Somewhere deep in his heart he knows that this is wrong. But someone needs to watch over you sweet little delicate creature.
Upon waking up you notice that you're laying in a bed. 'Was it just a bad dream?' You open your eyes and blink a few times. The room you are in looks unfamiliar it's very small and it is sparingly furnished. But the worse thing is that it has no window and only one door. The only light source comes from a writing table with a desk lamp in one corner of the room. It looks like someone left it just a moment ago. 'I need to get out of here!' You think while throwing the blanket back, getting quickly out of the bed. It is until you stand on your feet that you notice how weakened you still are. You sink down to the ground as your legs give in. "Damn it!" In this moment the door suddenly opens and Otto enters the room, humming a little tune until he sees you on the ground. He's wearing his sleeveless white shirt and his normal glasses again but those nasty tentacle-like arms are still attached to his back. "Oh, (y/n) dear! Did you hurt yourself? You should not have stood up in this condition." One of his actuators gently picks you up and brings you closer to him. You glare at him trying to wiggle out of the grip of the mechanical arm. "Let me go! What is this place? Where have you taken me? I want to go home!" You ask him feeling a little bit dizzy. Otto takes your face in his hands and strokes your cheeks with his thumbs. "Shhhh, it is okay. This place is just temporary, until I find something else for us to settle down. I know this may be to much for you to take in at the moment, but please try to be good. I do not want you to get in any trouble..." You stare at him in disbelief. How are you supposed to react to his 'request'? Does he really think that you are just going to stay here with him? That you won't fight back?
You shake your head which causes Otto to let go of your face. "N-No! I'll not stay here with you! I have friends and family who are probably already looking for me. W-Why do you do this? Why me?" The scientist sights and places you back onto the bed. "I do not expect you to understand my methods, but what I need you to understand is that I love and care for you. In order to protect you I needed to do this. You were in pain and so exhausted... I know that this seems selfish but I will do anything to make you happy. I will not force myself onto you...but maybe after a little while you will understand..." While talking Otto fiddles with his hands.
For just a moment he looks like your kind neighbour again...
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Can I ask for the goth kids with a s/o who’s being severely bullied?
Of course you can! I hope you enjoy :) And if you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, you can always shoot me a message!
Warnings: reader being bullied, mentions of bullying
Unfortunately, you were a subject to bullying. You had no clue why. You were sweet, stayed to yourself, hell, you usually had your face buried in a book 24/7. It made you wonder why you were subject to people’s taunts, and even more so made you wonder why these young adults were acting like they were still in highschool. You thought since it was college, all the senseless bullying and bitching would end. God, you wished you were so lucky.
Leaving your college for the last time that day, you trudged to your car. Cranking the engine, you whipped out of your parking spot, practically flooring it as tears began to bubble up in your eyes. Your heart hurt at the words of the bullies, your stomach twisting uneasily as the weight of their words finally began to settle in your mind. Nearly blinded by the tears welping up in your eyes, it was like your body had taken control of itsself, managing to get you home with water clouded vision.
Arriving at your home, you shut your car off, not bothering to grab your stuff as you ran to the front door, flinging it open and slamming it shut behind you. You looked to the couch, seeing that you’re love was sitting there, the television running but attention on you. You flung yourself on them, burying your face into their lap. Stroking your hair, they asked you:
“Hey, what’s the matter?” your boyfriend, Michael, asked softly. You never picked up your head, mumbling something into his lap. “What?” he asked, brows furrowing. Turning around, you rested your head against his thighs, his fingers never stopping running through your (h/c) locks. “I feel like I’m in fucking highschool again.” you groaned, your (e/c) eyes looking into his deep brown ones. Michael winced, noticing how your eyes were red and slightly swollen.
“What happened?” he prodded, reaching to grab the television remote to mute the background noise. “I’m getting fucking bullied. For everything. My hair, my body, my voice, hell, even the way that I act. I can’t read my book while not bothering anyone without someone saying some shit about it. I fucking hate that stupid ass college. Everyday makes me want to drop out!” you snapped at no one in particular, hands moving wildly as you explained your woes. Michael wiped away the tears that you didn’t even know were running down your cheeks, too caught up in your story to notice.
“Don’t let those dickhats get to you, (Y/n),” Michael started, rubbing your cheeks to soothe you, “They’re nobodies. They peaked in highschool, and all they know is how to be an asshole. If you wanna drop out of college, I support you 100%, but they don’t deserve your tears. We can get you enrolled into some online classes, as long as you’ll be happy and stop coming home crying.” You stared up at Michael, listening to the sweet tone in his voice. Smiling up at him, you leaned up, pressing a kiss against his lips. “Thank you, Michael. I love you.” you murmured, pressing your forehead against his. “I love you, more.” he replied, wrapping an arm around you to pull you close.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Henrietta hummed, her fingers twisting in your hair. You sighed heavily, breath catching as though you were ready to sob. “I’m just sick of being bullied, Hen. Like, that’s middle school shit, I’m in college. I shouldn’t have to feel like ripping my hair out because of some stupid ass words.” you huffed, the sadness you came home with being replaced with anger by the whole situation. Your girlfriend hummed, beginning to braid small strands of your hair.
“Bullying sucks, no matter what age you are. And sadly, it’s just gonna happen. That’s the sick, twisted reality of being alive.” she explained, using logic to make you feel better. “But when will it ever fucking end? I don’t do anything to anybody. Why is it just me?” you retorted, voice cracking as you started crying. Henrietta sighed, her fingers stalling their braiding. “Turn over.” she ordered. You obliged, turning to lay on your back instead of your stomach, your tear filled eyes looking up at her. It hurt her to see you upset, but she knew sugarcoating things was not the way to go.
“It’s not just you, (Y/n). I was bullied for years because of my weight… Not even was. I still get comments made about my body, but I literally do not give a shit. Because at the end of the day, they go home to their dog, or cat, or no one, and end up crying themselves to sleep because they’re sad and alone forever. Meanwhile, I get to go home, eat dinner with you, and then sleep in the same bed as someone who loves me. The only difference between our experiences is that I never gave a shit. I don’t care what people say about me, and you really shouldn’t either. It’s not good for your brain.” Henrietta explained, tapping your forehead. You stayed silent, thinking on her words.
“I guess you’re right…” you said quiety. Henrietta smiled, leaning down to plant a kiss on your forehead. “I know I’m right.” she quipped, pressing a few more kisses over your face. “Now, stop crying. It’s gonna make me kill a bitch.” your girlfriend threatened, resuming her attention back to the show she was watching. You smiled fondly up at her, a dreamy look in your eyes. “I think I’m more attracted to you than I ever was.” you mumbled, your heart fluttering in your chest.
“What’s up?” Pete inquired, turning his full attention to you. You turned on your back to look up at him, a frown evident on your face. “I’m being bullied… I feel like a teenager again.” you griped, anger flaring. You couldn’t even be sad at this point. The fact that you were a victim of this bullshit did nothing but make your blood boil. Pete’s heart broke seeing how bad the bullying was affecting you.
“Why don’t you just drop out?” your boyfriend suggested, snapping you out of your thoughts. Dropping out was definitely a possibility, but it was going to be such a pain to find classes to do online. “Well, I’d have to enroll in classes online.” you replied. “No you don’t. Drop out of college completely,” Pete said nonchalantly, “What good is it doing you anyway? If you drop out, then you never run the risk of being bullied.”
You listened to his words, mulling what he was saying over in your head. Pete was right. The senseless bullying would end and you wouldn’t have to be subject to the terror that is college-turned-highschool ever again. Sighing, you nodded, confirming his offer. “It would also give me more time to annoy you.” you snickered, reaching your hand up to pinch Pete’s cheek. He grumbled, rolling his eyes. “Nevermind, stay in school so I can have my 8 hours of freedom.”
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mamamittens · 9 months
*unhinged screaming* your follower event, omgomgomgomg!!! Okay, now that I've gotten my excitement out of the way, do you think I could put in a request for Sabo (one piece)? I'm a F! With short brown hair, brown eyes and lightly tan skin. A little chubby and about a head shorter than Sabo. (Actually, I'm about Koala's height). I'm generally optimistic and nice, though I don't put up with people's bs. I'm caring and enjoy having a good time within reason (though I don't like *real* alcohol) and would like to wear lolita clothing. If Sabo and I could get a.... chocolate milkshake with caramel syrup and cherries, add shots of white Russian (cream pie), Jell-O shot, Jager bomb, pink schnapps, black jack, afterburner, brain hemorrhage, and motor oil for me. (Just in case, I'd like to be the sub being edged, restrained, lightly choked, overstimulated and marked.) Yes I know it's a lot, I'm sorry. If you can, thank you! And congratulations!!!!
Welp! Order up! Hope you like it~!
This is an order for my 500+ follower event "Date Shake"! It's running through my ask box until 9/19/23, please refer to this post for context!
Warnings: edging, marking, unprotected sex/creampie, rough sex, choking, and overstimulation.
Word count: 2,899
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They looked so good together.
That’s the one thing Sabo heard endlessly whenever he went out with Astra. And he never got tired of hearing it, though it flustered his friend to no end. They were right and they should say it, honestly. It wasn’t just a matter of style and looks.
Though Sabo’s tendency towards posh button ups from his affluent childhood certainly paired well with the sweet lace dresses and blouses Astra so favored. Bows and ribbons adorned her short, soft brown hair that he put in himself every morning upon request. And she always requested. Complaining that he made it look so effortless to weave the fabric into her locks when all he needs to do is tousle his hair a bit.
Their relationship went deeper than ribbons and ribbing, though. All the way back to kindergarten, in fact. When Sabo saw a pretty little girl struggling to buckle her polished shoes and insisted he help her. Dark brown eyes wide with appreciation as she smiled and… well, that was that. He was her staunch friend from that moment onward.
Far past the point of failure most childhood friends fall out during. Sweet and easy summer days all the way to harsh, bitter winters. They alone remained, though never truly alone. And Sabo appreciated it more than he could ever bear to admit. His brothers rambunctious and wild while Astra was just so… sweet and sincere.
He was especially fond of today’s ensemble. Unwittingly matching, they strolled through a new addition to the local art gallery. Rich blue lace ribbon tied around her hair and dress collar. The darker blue fabric of her dress swaying around her knees with every click of her heels, sleeves brushing her wrists in lace trim. Sabo wore his favorite blue silk shirt that nearly matched her dress and couldn’t help but wonder if it was on purpose.
Sabo had known for a while that he was quite attached to Astra. Hard to deny when he had to restrain himself from taking up every moment of her time and sneering at the idiots who tried to get her number. He had two brothers—he knew the feeling of being protective. But this was… a fair bit beyond that. Sabo certainly never felt this way when his brothers dressed up—although it would be a miracle if Dadan managed to ever make Ace wear a shirt again after the incident with Newgate.
He was getting off track. Luckily, Astra didn’t notice as she admired an old oil painting of the sea. It was quite bewitching to gaze into the painted depths but Sabo found his eyes slipping elsewhere, regardless of the artwork quality. In the carefully curated light of the gallery, Astra was pretty enough to frame on the wall. Soft, warm skin bright against the jewel blue fabric. A study in life and color Sabo found difficult to look away from.
But he simply must!
Huffing to himself, Sabo looked back at the artwork with a soft smile.
Current troubles aside, he was glad Astra was enjoying the exhibit. Shame it was nearly over. The exit mere feet away and three paintings left to admire. It was probably for the best, though. Sabo had gotten distracted enough thinking about pinning her to one of the artworks to see if she would outshine a masterwork of the ages under his hands. More likely to end in an indecency charge of some kind thinking like that.
And he did not want to have that conversation with Gramps.
Sabo sighed, walking close to Astra as they left the art gallery. She paused, steady rhythm of her heels on pavement interrupted with a questioning glance.
“Did you not like the art, Bo?” Astra asked softly with a worried frown. “You look kinda pissed.” She noted. Sabo smiled back down at her and shrugged.
“Oh, no it was good! A nice way to spend a night out. But it still feels too early to call it quits.” Sabo pulled the excuse from his ass, not wanting to admit where his mind was going. He’d long since put his hands in his pockets to refrain from teasing her skirt to feel the soft line of her thighs under ruffles and lace. It felt like a crime to know the socks she was wearing actually went up to her thighs and wasn’t actually stockings.
He should know. He bought them for her birthday.
“You’re right!” Astra laughed, looking up past the peaks of the sky scrappers where the clear sky was still a soft purple from the setting sun. “Way too early to stop here. How about… we have dinner at my place? Pizza maybe?” Sabo snorted.
“What, don’t want to cook?” Sabo teased.
“Nope! And just for the sass, you can pay.” Astra sniffed, much to Sabo’s amusement.
Sabo hadn’t let her pay for a single outing since the third grade when she bought him a very disfigured character ice cream… of what was maybe a dog? Certainly didn’t look like it by the time he got it. Still, point remains standing that she wasn’t going to pay even if he didn’t have ‘sass’.
“Alright, fine.” Sabo sighed dramatically, reaching out to gently pull her closer to him as they passed by another couple going the opposite way. “Pizza it is!”
Sabo dropped the box onto the coffee table and plopped down on the overly stuffed couch cushion. Astra kicking off her shoes in the entryway.
This was their normal Saturday night. They’d go out somewhere, get food, come back to one of their homes, watch a movie, and leave.
But… Sabo didn’t want to do that tonight. He wanted to stay. The restless heat in his chest reaching a fever pitch as he watched her grab two sodas from the fridge. Bending over in the process as the dress flared around her knees. Excess fabric draping over her ass and hips. Not enough to see everything, but enough to remind him of how easy it would be to look. Really, actually see her.
Not startled glances when someone forgot to knock or the polite once-over when they went swimming in the summer. His hands twitched and he grit his teeth, attempting to release the tension.
But the tension remained in his shoulders anyway the entire time they ate. Every movie scene barely glossed over as Sabo found his eyes drawn to Astra tucked under his arm. Dress skirt pooling out and obscuring her legs.
All it would take is to drop his arm and sweep it up her folded legs. She’d probably be a bit cold but he wouldn’t let her freeze for long.
“You feel like a rock, Sabo. What’s got you so tense?” Astra asked during what sounded like an action scene. “We’ve seen this before. You know they don’t die in this battle.” She pointed out with an amused glance.
Sabo smiled back, a little pained at losing track of his thoughts so quickly.
Clearly, this wasn’t something he could just pretend to not feel.
Just like a band aid.
“We’re friends. Right?” Sabo asked, causing Astra to sit up in alarm and look at him with concern.
“Sabo? What’s wrong?!” She asked with wide eyes, glancing around as though the answer was on her shelves. And in a way, it kind of was. Countless pictures of them growing up together lined the walls, collecting dust. And over time, more and more photos caught him gazing fondly down at her. “Of course we are!”
“What if I want more than that? Would you want the same thing?” Sabo spilled, too late to turn back now. No amount of covering his ass would explain away the strangeness of his original question.
“…More? Like what? Sabo, you’re freaking me out.” Astra commented nervously.
Sabo moved, turning towards her and cupping her cheek. Slowly, painfully slowly, Sabo leaned in close. Watching her eyes widen as thoughts raced through her head. Realization, doubt, and confirmation clear in her brown eyes as he got closer.
Sabo’s lips quirked up as he noted she wasn’t stopping him despite the glacial pace he was setting. In fact, she gasped, tipping her chin up and meeting his lips in a soft brush.
That faint slide of her lips across his set his heart alight.
“Like this.” Sabo whispered, pressing hard against her lips in a deep kiss. His hand curling back to support her head as she fell backwards slowly. A low moan tickling his skin as he lapped at her bottom lip. Sucking it between his teeth to nip as she gasped. The moment capitalized on by his tongue sliding across her own.
Astra was laying down beneath him, battle cries fading in the background as Sabo finally rested his hand over her knee and slipped under her skirt. Following the soft fabric until it dipped into her thick thighs. Palm and fingers hot as he stroked the hidden treat, slipping under the hem to snap the band. She moaned, panting as he pulled away to look at her.
Seeing her wide, flustered look as he pressed his fingertips to her damp panties. Mouth falling open with a moan as he rubbed her slick across her clit. Circling the bud slowly as he kissed her neck. Biting and marking the pale column of her throat as she began to squirm, hands fisting his shirt with building shudders. He listened as her breath quickened, heart thundering as he nosed the collar of her dress away from her shoulders to make room for his teeth.
He bit down hard and she keened, the sound curling into a cry as Sabo pulled away his hand before she could truly peak.
Flushed and wanting, Astra swallowed hard and glared at him.
“O-Oi!” Astra whined.
“Answer the question.” Sabo commanded bluntly, smirking as she blinked in confusion. “Tell me you want this.”
“I-I do.” Astra admitted breathlessly. Sabo immediately shot up, slinging her over his shoulder as he stalked to her room. Tossing her onto the bed and closing the door before she could even sit up. Sabo grinned over his shoulder.
“Trust me?” he purred, drinking in the excitement on her face.
Sabo turned, unbuttoning his shirt before tossing it on the floor alongside his undershirt. Confident steps carrying him to the edge of her bed as he grabbed her legs and pulled her further down. She reached back, probably to deal with her dress, but Sabo stopped her with a soft click of his tongue.
“Oh no, let me. I’ve been dying to take this dress off all day~” Sabo hummed, delicately pushing up her dress until her thighs and wet panties were exposed. He pushed open her legs and kneeled for a closer look. Teasingly blowing across the wet fabric. He hooked his fingers into the white lace trim and slowly pulled them down her thighs, pocketing them once they slipped past her feet. “What a pretty cunt for a pretty lady.” He sighed, biting her thigh hard as he watched her clench on nothing.
He sucked on the soft skin, digging in his teeth just shy of drawing blood as his cock ached.
Suddenly, his hair was pulled. Hard.
“Sabo! S-Stop teasing me when I need you!” Astra growled.
Sabo let go of her thigh and grinned, pressing his bared teeth into the darkened mark on her soft skin. He nearly snapped his teeth into a fresh spot as punishment.
But he had a much better idea.
“Alright, alright! I’ll get to it, already.” Sabo acquiesced, moving quickly before she grew suspicious of his sudden change of tone. He sat up and kissed her lips, bracing himself over her as he tugged her hands up into his. Pulling them together before reaching into his pocket.
He tied up her hands in the lacy panties with a grin, flipping her over to reach the buttons up the back of her dress.
“Hey! You can’t take off my dress with my hands tied—did you use my panties?!” Astra huffed as he flicked open the back with practiced hands. Grabbing her skirt and shoving it up her body, laughing as he forced the fabric over her head where it bunched around her hands.
Astra panted, looking over her shoulder in confusion as Sabo leaned down and kissed her again, drinking in her slow submission as she relaxed beneath him. His hands fondling her curves greedily. Twisting and pulling her soft breasts as she sighed.
“S-Sabo~ You’re still teasing me!” Astra whined, ass grinding into his cock.
Huffing, Sabo reached down to his pants, loosening them just enough to free himself as he bit down into her shoulder. The tip of his cock slipping against her wet cunt in a slow grind.
“You keep trying to rush me, baby. You should quit while your ahead~” Sabo warned, gripping her waist as he kept grinding against her pussy. Her breathing picked up when his free hand slipped down her soft belly to pinch her clit. Toying with her roughly as he kept his rhythm. “That’s it. No more talking~” Sabo cooed, still teasing her body.
Her thighs trembled, squeezing his cock as she dripped over him freely. Closer and closer to the edge as he considered if it would be more satisfying to eat her out bent over until she screamed or—
“Sabo~! A-Aaahhn! O-Oh! Oh fuck, s’bo! Sabo!” Astra moaned, shaking as her cute pussy dripped down her thighs, clit pulsing beneath his fingers.
Sabo hissed, removing his hand from her clit and gripping her throat. Pinning her between his hand and chest against the bed. Almost burying her face into the pool of lacy fabric.
“Shut! Up!” Sabo slammed into the hilt, feeling her breathless scream against his palm as he squeezed. She was so fucking tight, he nearly couldn’t make it. Her cunt clenching as he pulled out just to slam back in. “Just take what I give you!”
Sabo pulled her under him further, tilting up her hips to his heavy thrusts as he railed into her cunt. Balls slapping with a wet thud against her pussy as she quivered around him. Strained moans slipping free despite his grip on her throat that only grew more desperate when he squeezed harder.
“You like that, huh? You like finally being fucked? Finally shut you up, didn’t I?” Sabo hissed, driving her into the bed hard enough to rattle the frame with a steady beat.
“A-Ah! Aaaahhhhh!” Astra keened, pussy clenching down. Sabo slammed in as deep as he could go and stayed there, laughing as she whined. Her high dying down slowly as he eased up on her throat. Desperate gasps audible, though muffled in the fabric of her dress. “S-Saaaa~! Oooooooooh!”
Sabo pulled out and started back up again.
Then stopping before she could cum and waiting until she cried out.
Pushing her closer each time with a smile and a sweet kiss despite the growing bruises on her throat.
He did this six times until she was crying, desperately rocking her hips back to try and ride his cock.
“Are you ready to be good, baby?” Sabo asked sweetly, squeezing her throat to cut off a whine as he pulled out of her drenched pussy. After a moment, he eased up.
“Y-Yes! Please! Sabo~oooooooooh~!” Sabo pulled her up against his chest by her throat, slipping his cock back into her hot cunt.
Sabo bounced her on his cock hard and fast. Lips smearing over her cheek as he sought her lips. Despite desperately panting for what little air she was allowed, she kissed him eagerly. Tongues tangling as she started to shake. The sound of her dripping cunt sucking in his cock mixing with the headboard slamming into the wall and the mattress squeaking. Her own moans nothing but pathetic pants around his tongue.
She came with a cry, drenching their thighs as she squirted around his cock still drilling into her. Legs shaking hard as he kept going, her face turning colors as she came again.
“A-Ah-bo~!” Astra swallowed hard when finally let her breath, panting hard as she shook, tears streaming down her face. The coil in his balls snapped, his hips slamming against her ass as he filled her cunt.
The excess dripped down her thighs as he panted, letting go of her throat to pet her hair, kissing her cheeks softly.
When they both calmed down a little, Sabo rubbed his hand up her spine, slotting his palm over the back of her neck.
Slamming her down into the bed with her ass raised. She yelped as he started fucking her again, shaking violently as another orgasm rapidly approached.
“Oh, pretty baby, I’m not through with you yet~” Sabo cooed, leaning back to admire how her socks were now stained with cum and slowly sliding down her thighs. “You wanted me to stop teasing you, didn’t you?” Sabo laughed, palming her ass to admire the thick white ring around his cock that grew with every thrust.
She cried out into her dress, creaming on his cock again. But it wasn’t enough.
“A-Ahhhn~ ‘bo! Bo-oh~!”
It wouldn’t be until she lost her voice and her pretty dress was ruined for good. A shame, but he’d just buy her another one to ruin all over again later.
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aniron48 · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for the tag, @anyawen! These were so much fun!
Answers under the cut, and tagging @sweetbabyangels, @mr-iskender, @stinastar, @aprettyspy and @thestalwartheart, in case you haven't done this already and it's of interest!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30! That number seems astonishing to me now, considering I started writing fic in earnest like a year-and-a-half ago. 😁
2. What’s your total A03 word count? 138,358
3. What fandoms do you write for? James Bond, Glass Onion/Knives Out, and I just wrote my first fic for The Old Guard fandom, which has pulled me in by the lapels and refused to let me go. And the very first fic I ever wrote was for Stardew Valley.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. A Good Man (Benoit Blanc/Phillip) 2. rain (00q) 3. open line (00q) 4. The More Loving One (00q) 5. Must Love Cats (00q)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Ok yes I definitely do and I love to *and also* I'm so sorry, I'm 288 days (yes I just checked) behind in responding to comments, because this year has been...something else. So, taking the opportunity to say that a) all of your comments are incredible bright spots for me, and b) I am working my way steadily through and enjoying your comments all over again as I re-read and respond to them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? WELP (eyes my pile o' fics warily). If we go based off the fics with "Major Character Death" as a warning, for a certain value of angst, it's a tie between offering and and the wind at their backs. But both of these fics deal with grief, and the complicated emotions that result from the persistence of love even after the object of that love is gone, and there's some hope in that, too, I think.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? lmao most of the rest of them other than the two in number 6? 😂 this is a hard one to answer, so I'll list my RomCom-iest fics for now (Must Love Cats for 00q and in a space that they belong for The Old Guard). Special shout-out to 'tis the damn season, though, because the happiness at the end of this fic feels like some of the hardest fought, to me, and some of the tenderest I've written, I think.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No--I've gotten a few less than diplomatic comments, and a couple people making unflattering notes in bookmarks that I don't think they meant for me to see, but nothing terrible.
9. Do you write smut? ::offers you rain and for the age of the earth, and after as if I am a sommelier presenting you with some very fine wine:: "this one has notes of--" you know what I'm just going to stop there.
10. Do you write crossovers? I haven't yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, thank goodness (knocks on wood).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not yet! #goals
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Use. Your. Words., which was a collaborative poem for 007 fest 2023. 😁
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? I spent about five minutes hemming and hawing about this but you know what, it's impossible to pick. 😂
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Like Anyawen, I have aspirations of finishing all the ones hanging out in my Scrivener app...someday. Probably the one I have the most doubts about is a 5 + 1 fic where Bond tries out different activities post retirement. I still love the idea and some of the vision I had for this one, but it lives almost entirely in my head, still.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think maybe I have a good ear for language, both in terms of the rhythm of sentences and paragraphs, and for conveying a character's voice or accent. But it's hard to assess your own strengths, sometimes, so that's just my best guess!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm actively working on trying to be better at descriptions, especially in giving details about setting or background. I realized I give these things short shrift, sometimes, and want to change that!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'll do it with languages I'm fluent in (and have done it with Spanish, since I'm a native speaker).
19. First fandom you wrote for? Stardew Valley, in What Dreams May Come.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Omg, another one that is almost impossible to answer! I think I have to go with all the flags we've hung. This is one of my least popular fics--it's a rarepair, the love depicted in it is complicated (though no less real), and it deals with light topics like, you know, structural racism in the United States. As one does. But it's a fic that's incredible close to my heart, for many reasons, and I remain so proud of this one.
Phew! If you have read all of this you deserve a cupcake. 💜
xoxo, Ani
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g-on-ef · 4 months
NikoBran family
Okay so it's been decided that you guys wanna see my nikobran x devil nights headcanons but before I do let me introduce you guys the Sokolov-King Family ^^
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These two are my prime nikobran and how I imagine them so yes these are my babies ^^
Now on to the kids {these are the kids ill be using in future stories as well especially (spoilers) for the heart was build to break whether its mpreg surrogate or adoption these will be the kids ill be using} also I'm a firm believer that they would want a big family
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Name: Azaliya Hope Sokolov-King
Age: 18
Birthday: May 7th
Azaliya is the oldest of her siblings she's a lot like her dad Brandon quite a control freak perfectionist but also can let loose when she wants to she enjoys figure skating and always works hard on her crafts unlike her siblings she's not an artistic person she does love singing and has a lovely voice but her passion will always be the ice.
She use to date Jeremy's oldest son but realized she didn't like him and broke up with him
She's overprotective of her siblings especially her younger brother after he went through a traumatic event
She meets Ivarsen Torrance after a prank gone wrong and Ivarsen becomes obsessed with her
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Name: Jason Kazimir Sokolov-King
Age: 18
Birthday: May 7th
Despite being Azaliyas twin Jason is the opposite of his sister hell he's more Niko than Bran and isn't afraid to show it he's a talented painter especially when it comes to landscapes. Unlike his dad he had a passion for it and everyone can see he has a gift for it. He's not afraid to fight and beat the shit out of anyone family included if it means keeping his family safe.
He meets Madden Mori in a underground fight and he definitely follows in his father's footstep when it comes to following people around till they give in and admit they love him
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Name: Hunter Lyubov Sokolov-King
Age: 14
Birthday: June 13th
If there's anyone that's a mini Niko it's his second daughter Hunter. Her name came from Niko wanting to honor his father and decided to give her his last name as her first especially when he sees how much she reminds him of both himself and his dad. She's a tough as nails chick and isn't afraid to fight people twice her age. She's overprotective of all her siblings {yes including her older ones} but none more than her twin brother She's a fashion designer and is always making such beautiful clothes loves drawing especially anime characters
She meets Finn Grayson at the library and since meeting her Hunter has never been the same
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Name: William Anatoliy Sokolov-King
Age: 14
Birthday: June 13th
If Hunter is a mini Niko William is definitely a mini Bran. Niko is overprotective of his youngest children especially since they both remind him to much of his lotus flower. William is a shy thing and rarely talks unless needs to he unfortunately went through a traumatic event that makes him afraid of being touched and can sometimes make him mute. He loves writing and enjoys reading a good book. Hunter his sister is his best friend and he adores her.
He and Fane Torrance meet when William was being picked on by his cousin Fane not knowing that was William's cousin beat him up and made a silent vow to protect the small boy that reminded him of a prince
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Name: Autumn Maya Sokolov-King
Age: 8
Birthday: October 31
The youngest Sokolov-King member the one everyone is the most protective of Autumn is known as Nikos and Brans little Blessing and her older siblings agree. They all love her and are extremely overprotective of her. Being a Halloween Baby Autumn loves horror gore and of course anime she especially enjoys creating music dancing and playing instruments. She's playful and has a fun and outgoing personality
When Dag Torrance sees her he thinks she's annoying and doesn't like her but after a while she grows on him and as they get older together Dag realizes that he harbors strong feelings for her and won't let anyone take her away from him
Welp that's everyone ^^ I'll start on the headcanons right away and post them soon ^^ im so excited to incorporate these children into my stories especially in the heart was build to break cause spoilers they will make an appearance ^^
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rengokuneedshugs · 2 years
Hey hi! I saw the Heisenberg headcanons you wrote and I absolutely love them❤️ would you mind if I also make a request? I am obsessed with Heisenberg headcanons with a S/O who has ADHD
Oh my goodness! ofc!!! This is such a sweet request thank you so much Anon!! I'm also in the process of a fic that should come out soon so I hope you check that out when i post it!
Karl Heisenberg X ADHD! Reader
Karl didn't really pick up on your ADHD for a while there
He just thought you were really hyper
After a little bit of time it clicked
He always thinks it's funny when he walks into room that are halfway clean
Only to walk to the next and find it the same way
He'll follow the trail until he finds the room you somehow got roped into
After he finds you he does his best to help you clean and stay on track to finish the others too
He made you your own craft room for things you hyperfixate on and then leave for who knows how long
Every now and then when he notices you don't really have a project he'll bring up an old one in case it sparks your interest again
He loves seeing you work on things you love and when you put them away for who knows how long to start new things he still loves it
He thinks it's beyond cute when you zone out for a few minutes and just sit there
Although he knows it means your brains not working good so he always tries to find ways to help
And on days where your brain won't let you get things done you guys cuddle all day long
And when you have a dissociation day he always looks after you ten fold
He cares about you and when you have those days he feels so bad because he knows they suck
He isn't very educated on certain coping mechanisms so he does what he knows helps him
He holds you
He's never too sure what helps with certain things so he holds you to try and help
WELP that's all for today my lovelies i hope you enjoyed and if so drop some love and leave a request in my inbox if you have any ideas!!! Have an amazing day, night or evening and hydrate well!!!
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buckttommy · 2 years
like the petals in our pockets (may we remember who we are) {40k}
IT'S HERE! My Big Bang fic is finally here!! I'm so excited to finally put this out into the world for you all to read. This fic is sans art, and therefore no longer apart of the challenge since my artist unceremoniously dropped out, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless! Please be mindful of the triggers and enjoy the ride <3
His name is Evan Buckley. Alias: Captain America. The year is 2022. He is not on the battlefield. This is not World War II. He is alive. He is alive. He is alive. What a goddamn curse that is. or; seventy years is a long time
.i. сон (slumber)
Sunlight streams through the curtains, a warm August breeze ghosting the soft skin his neck from the open window.
Buck is dreaming.
He knows the weight and feel of the dream by now like the lingering sweetness of cream soda on his tongue. Can probably draw every inch of it from memory, down to the notches in a wooden floor that’s long since been torn down and gentrified, and the dark shadows of the mouse hole in the kitchen baseboards.
Slightly chapped lips press against his temple right where his hair meets his skin, Eddie’s body a warm, solid anchor beside him where Buck’s head is pillowed on Eddie’s bicep. Late afternoon sun heats the worn patch of floor underneath their backs.
Buck turns his head and studies the side of Eddie’s face—the slope of his nose, the hills of his cheekbones and the soft curve of his mouth. He is beautiful in a painful sort of way, a crystal so sharp it cuts your hands when you cradle it, but Buck wants to cradle him forever. Wants to keep him tucked into the ventricles and chambers of his heart, locked away and kept safe from the world at large. He wants, he wants, he wants. If he had a sketchpad and stick of charcoal, he would draw every inch, every plane of Eddie’s body over and over again and never get bored, but he’s never been good at art, and he’s not sure he’d be able to capture the resplendent beauty of him anyway.
read on ao3
tags list (please interact with this post if you want to be notified when i post a new fic!) also, if you asked to tagged and weren't included here, it's because i tried to tag you and was, for some reason, unable to <3
@trickster-archangel @dadbodbuck @hetrez @iwasrunningwiththew0lves @ravipanikar @eusuntgratie @shannonhutchins @treesofgreen @stardustsea @welp-that-didnt-work @ellelans @goldenretrieverfirefighters @person-personified @slowlyfoggydestiny @rosepersomnium @kananjarus @hearteyesdiaz @recklesslyhealing @paxbe @bitchhans @stromlidjess @magiicisms @queen-of-books13 @fear-o-phobia @bibuddie @wild-fire-heart @leothil @kaseysgirl86-blog @eddiecore118 @anthotneystark @elenaazra @timothyonlyfans @raemarr @likeawesternwind @oriyatea @simwizard43 @enbyeddiediaz @ekstasisandangst @toboldlynerd @yeaheddiediaz @imsupposedtobewritting @prettyboyandthekid @alex1424 @captainhaterade @dearbuck @wallflowerjournal @peaceoutbitchez @buddierights
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b--b-3 · 1 year
Sooo I've decided to finally cross-post my Obey Me crack-fic from ao3, I hope you enjoy!✨️
Cheek Clappin' Behavior
summary: Mc gets bamboozled by the game we all know and love 😭. They also happen to get yeeted right into it at full throttle, oops. How, you ask?? Who knows-
warnings: swearin/strong language, a quick innuendo, Mc just bein straight up wild tbh
misc: this fic doesn't accurately follow the story, literally just random shits 'n giggles for now lmao [pls it's so unserious ajfjshsjs] + the memes you see edited were done by me in my absolute mess of a gallery 💀
word count: almost 1k
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It was just an ordinary day for Mc… Well, that is if you could call simping for fictional characters from a story-based gacha game ordinary. Okay, maybe they're a liiiiiiittle bonkers in the head, but we still love 'em 😋.
[Mc's POV]
'You've gotta be clappin' my cheeks unequivocally rn.'
"How tf am I gonna pull up AND get bumblefucked by this yee yee ass game 🤨🤨🤨??" Okay, so maaaaybe I got raw-dogged by a fictional world, but I can fix this for sure‼️
I didn't fix this. Far from it, in fact. Yet another 10 pull, wasted… 😟
Even tho he plays hard to get, he ain't a match for MY sluttish behavior 🤪—
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THIS? FUCKING?? $ Ł Ü ✝️? ? ? "The absolute fuckin' audacity I swear— AND this mf blushin' too? Consider tears runnin' down my leg fr fr for real fr‼️" YOU SEE THAT TUB OVER THERE MAMS?? YEAH HOP IN THAT BITCH CUZ I'M BOUTTA 😩😩—
Caught myself lackin' for a sec there sorry bout that y'all 💀—
I then end up playing this damn game for a psychologically questionable amount of time. Such a long time, in fact, my raggedy ass fell asleep with the game open. O p e n. I didn't even get to charge my shit— hot damn 😬.
Next thing I know, I'm exposing my eye sockets to a ridiculous amount of light.
'Now why in the ass-eatin' fuck does this place look familiar?? This ain't my house OR my room🗿. Tf is goin' on in here on this ass-chappin' day 🤨🤨??'
Like, the more I look around, the more shit's appearance becomes clear to me [no d U h Mc?? C'mon get it together 😭].
'Tho it does look a bit [a fuck ton tf you mean?? 💀] like my room in Obey Me…🤔'
"Did my bitch-ass get isekai'd into the world of Big Boobie Bitches— I mean Obey Me??????⁉️🗣📢🔥"
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' …You've gotta be tuggin' my schlong rn this shit is a different breed. No, literally. Does that mean I'm a whole ass sheep now⁉️ This ain't gonna work. I swear on my left kneeca—'
All of a sudden, someone's headass bursts into the room. I was about to chew them tf out like a baddie, but then I SEE 🕕🫦🕕—
"Yo, human! Ya were s'pposed to hang out with me today! What's goin' on?"
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'Ugh. What a cutie 🥰. Look at him, lookin' at me like that 'n shit 😭💖.'
I stare right back at the white-haired babygworl— I mean demon, trying a lil TOO hard to fight the inner voices that are telling me to jump him unprovoked.
"Well, tbh tbh honestly tbh, I haven't the slightest fuckin' clue Monie.. Buuuuuuut you can still take me out if you want tho 👀." I give him a lil look. Yano, a look. A little lookie look. A look that looks like a lil look because it looks—
"Whatever, let's just go. You've been makin' The Great Mammon wait long enough." He then drags me outta the room as if I'm his bitch.
'OW MY PUSS- now hold on for just a diddly ding dang darn second ☝️🤓— here I thought it was supposed to be the other way around 🤨🤔❓️ ❓️ ❓️'
Welp I'll just have to worry about it another time ig 🤷.
Anyways, now we were makin' our way [downtown] through the Big Ass House of Lamentation, BAHoL for short, trying to get to wherever tf Mammon has plans for. Well, that is until we run into a certain someone.
"Yooo, Levi! Funny seein' ya outside ya room for once." Both Mammon and I then proceed to start gigglin' like two lil bitches lmao.
Until this mf turns around 🗿.
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…My face just about shriveled up inside itself.
"Levi.. you good?? You're looking a bit differently different there bud 😭😭."
'I swear to shit there are literal SPARKLES just shootin' me in the eyes rn.'
"Idk what you're talking abt lol." He blinks and just shrugs at me like absolutely NOTHING is wrong like wtf my g—
"Tbh tbh honestly tbh Levi you're looking MAD ✨️bbg✨️ rn and idk how to cope with that so I think it's best you induce an anime withdrawal for just a singular sliver of a second the sake of my sanity 🗣🗣."
It takes him a couple seconds for the matter inside his cranium to process whatever tf just came out my mouth.
"B-Bbg!? WOOOAAAHHHH❗️🗣🗣🗣📢💥.. I-I can't believe you're calling a no-good otaku shut-in like me that!" He takes a moment to cover his now blushing face sextillion times more than his hair already does with his hand.
'Omg what a lil cutie I swear— got me swooning 'n shit <3.'
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever! We've gotta get goin' now. See ya later, Levi!" Mammon cuts off the ENTIRE interaction quicker than it even started before dragging me away like a fucking rag doll.
'L?? M?? A?? O?? Tf is all this motion for 🫨🥴?'
What the plans are?? I still haven't the slightest of darn clues, buT I GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT 🗣.
I kid you tf not we literally only managed to reach the main entrance before getting jumpscared by none other than Lucifer himself—
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[✨️To Be Continued✨️]
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Headcanons (with a small oneshot at the end) for Kou, Teru and Yamabuki Lemon(separately) with an S/O who is sleepy all the time
Kou, Teru, and Lemon with a s/o who is sleepy all the time❣︎
Warnings: none
A/n: HELLO!!!
Lemon is amazing-
Yall are so precious 
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- He could tell you were tired
- But he knew that people have bad days and get tired sometimes
- He will try and find a quiet place for you to rest if you want!
- He will just sit by your side doing homework as you sleep
- When he sees that you are tired more often, he will get concerned
- What’s your sleep schedule like?!
- He will try and convince you to sleep more
- He will invite you to him house just to see what time you go to bed
- If it's anything later than two, he is making you go to bed
- He will wrap his arms around you and cuddle you
- And he will make sure you fall asleep before he does
- He wants you to have good rest
- If you wake up in the middle of the night
- Welp… there isn’t much he can do about that
- He’s a heavy sleeper so if you russell around in the bed he wouldn’t notice
- And don’t get me wrong, his sleep schedule isn’t the best ether
- He stays up late as well but not anything later then one in the morning
- He will get good sleep if you get good sleep
Kou walked into his room, about to turn on the lights until he saw you face down on his desk. He walked to your side, concerned until he saw you sleeping. Relief washed over him knowing that nothing bad happened to you. However, he was saddened seeing you so tired. He looked at the clock, seeing it was almost midnight, he knew it was time for you both to go to bed.
“Y/n…” he shook you softly to wake you up.
“What is it, Kou…?” You yawned as you looked at him.
“Let’s go to bed, alright…” He picks you up, wrapping his arms around your waist and taking you to his bed. He tucked you in the covers, laying next to you and holding you tightly.
“Please sleep well… I love you…” He whispered to you before falling asleep himself
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- He can tell you were tired right away
- He will try his best to keep you from falling asleep in class
- He will give you stuff to play with, gum to keep you chewing, other tricks he knows for staying awake
- He will invite you to sleep during lunch and after school in the student council room
- You will be able to get a couple hours of sleep in
- Teru would gladly cuddle you if you ask him too
- He will hold you on the couch and stroke your hair, staring at you lovingly
- He just wants you to sleep as much as you need to
- If you ever go to his house, he will make sure you sleep at a decent hour
- He will watch a movie with you then, bedtime!
- And his bedtime for is like 10 or 11
- He needs you to get decent sleep-
- If you wake up throughout the night, you will wake him up too
- He really enjoys sleeping but he is a light sleeper when he feels movements
- He will try his hardest to make sure you get a good night's sleep!
Teru watched you carefully as your eyes started to close due to how tired you were. He wanted to make sure you wouldn’t fall asleep and hit your head on the desk. He wasn’t worried about you falling asleep now since it was lunch and he actually thought a nap would be good for you.
He was amused by the way you would start to doze off but quickly wake up again, looking at him to see if he was watching you.
He soon decided enough was enough, picking you up and taking you to the couch. This caught you off guard, not expecting him to move you.
“Teru…?!” You held onto him as he placed you on the soft couch. “What are you doing?”
“You are falling asleep, my love… If you want to sleep, sleep here” He took off his jacket and placed it over you, letting it act like a blanket. He nuzzled next to you, holding you tightly in his arms. You sighed soft as you hugged him back, not being able to help but smile by his sweetness.
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- You think he wouldn’t notice you falling asleep? Ha!
- He notices you dozing off right away
- Even if you are in class, he will let you rest your head on his shoulder
- He will let you sleep on his lap as he plays on his phone and strokes your hair
- May or may not have taken photos of you sleeping-
- He thinks you are very peaceful like this
- It’s beautiful
- He wouldn’t let anyone disturb you ether, telling others to be quite or taking you to a different place to rest if the area you were in before gets crowded
- You don’t need to tell him how many of hours of sleep you get
- He already knows you don’t get much
- The moment you come to his house, he will let you sleep on his bed whenever you want
- You don’t even need to ask him, just plop on his bed and start falling asleep, he won’t say no-
- He will just hold you while you sleep rubbing your back so you don’t wake up
- It will be shocking if you do wake up with all the affection you are receiving-
“I’m tired…” You whined softly as you laid your head on your desk. Class just ended and you were exhausted. You tried to stay awake and work in class but all you wanted to do was sleep. You were often tired but you were used to trying to cope through it.
You groaned but you felt someone tap your shoulder and you looked up to see your boyfriend.
“If you're tired, you can sleep in the library. It’s quiet in there” He told you. His voice was soft but he still kept his eyes on his phone.
“Sure” You smiled and took his hand, walking to the library with him. You found a small corner and Lemon sat down, letting you sit down next to him. You rested your head on his lap, snuggling into him. He placed a hand on your head, stroking your hair in hopes you would fall asleep faster.
He looked down at your sleeping form and smiled softly, actually looking off of his phone.
“Good night, sleep well…”
Tagging~ @stuckindreamland06 @sleepless-simp @old-poptart @bladethrowsshade @lev you are murdering my spirit brah-
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reticent-writer · 2 years
can i request a high tier demon s/o x redson so like redson has a crush on them and their always in their human form but he found them without it on? have a good day!
I'm sooo sorry for the wait and I hope you have a good day
Requests are open again
I had deja vu about writing this
Red son x demon reader
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Macaque is your friend. Macaque knew who you were and thought it was fun to keep it hidden and let everyone assume something that's false.
Everyone thought you were Macaque student and MK's rival even though you never actually fought.
Macaque was right, it was funny watching red son call you a peasant knowing full well that you could defeat him in a second.
Red son on the other hand had fallen for you, luckily for him you liked him back.
Red son had asked you to go out with him. He wasn't specific with anything just that he wanted to go out.
While getting ready you thought of the perfect accessories to where but one piece was missing so you called macaque over to help you look for it.
"What are you looking for again and why should I care." Macaque said obviously not enjoying being called out of the blue for (whatever piece of jewelry).
"I'm looking for (jewelry) and you are my go to so help me." The jewelry in question was part of a set and had some magical presence but in your human form it was hard to sense it.
You were in your demon form so your senses were heighten. It should make it easier to find it right? Wrong.
An hour passes and you still havent found it.
"Welp, I'm done. You can continue but I'm not gonna waste my time out here anymore." Macaque saying while walking to the door. When he opens it here is met with Red son standing awkwardly.
"She's in her room." He says moving past him not bothered at all.
Red son walked into your apartment, it was very easy to tell which room was room from the commotion coming from it.
He watched in your door away as you in your demon form look for the (jewelry).
Seeing him out of the corner of your eyes you completely freeze subconsciously turning back into your human form.
"H-hey Red son."
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biographydivider · 2 years
Can we please have a fic about Bruno being oblivious and getting thorns silence and death glares from his sobrinas due to them being on their period on Bruno not realising. When he finally realizes though he feels bad for them and decided to spend some time telling them stories of their mothers when they first got their own cycles, much to julieta and pepa's dislike
Welp - I finished my novel chapters, and a promise is a promise. It's not the situation OP asked for, but it's still period-based and I liked writing it, so I hope you enjoy.
“Mami, my tummy really, really hurts…”
“I know it does, mi vida.”
“It’s like, achey-sore.”
“I’ll make you another chocolate con queso after dinner, sweetheart – you can’t have too many or your teeth’ll fall out.”
“What’s up?” Bruno asked, as he passed the kitchen and heard his sister and oldest sobrina in conversation. Little Isabela – how was she ten already, he was holding her in her arms at her baptism just yesterday, right? – turned to him with the saddest puppydog eyes he’d ever seen.
“Tio Bruno, I’ve got my period and it’s really, really sore.”
“O-oh. I see.”
Julieta laid a hand gently on her daughter’s head. “We’ve been talking about how periods are a natural, normal thing, Tio Bruno.”
Which, you know, was true. Bruno just didn’t realise we were…there, yet. She’d be all grown up before he could turn around twice, at this rate.
“Julieta?” Mamá called, from the main hallway. “Is Isabela with you? I want her to come with me to the Guzmán’s house with me, to organise some arrangements for Mariano’s Mamá’s birthday party.” Isabela winced. Julieta squeezed her shoulder, guiding her towards the sound of her Abuela’s voice. “Mamá,” she started, “Isabela isn’t feeling too well.”
“I’ve got my period, Abuela,” Isabela added. “It’s really bad today.”
From the kitchen doorway, Bruno watched his Mamá glide down the stairs. Descending to give judgement. “Ay, mi vida,” she crooned, taking Isabela’s cheek in her hand. “You are a woman, now. All grown up.”
Julieta cleared her throat. “Oh, Mamá…”
“And, sometimes,” Isabela’s Abuela continued, in a voice so filled with kindness it made Bruno feel a little sick, “grown-up women like you have to do things that they would rather not. For the sake of their community. For the sake of the ones they care about. You don’t want to leave Mariano’s Mamá without flowers for her birthday, do you?” Isabela nodded with a hard swallow. “I know you don’t. Because you are a kind, brave young woman. So why don’t we walk down there together? You can hold my hand all the way, and squeeze it tightly if it hurts. Okay?”
Isabela looked at her Mamá. Her eyes looked wet with tears, even from the kitchen doorway. “Oh…o-okay –”
“A-a-actually, Mamá,” Bruno said, stumbling into the conversation, “I kinda needed to borrow Isabela today. We’re gonna, y’know, organise a surprise for lil’ Mirabel. To…celebrate her…learning to spell her name nice an' neat. Right, Isa?” Bruno widened his eyes at Julieta and Isabela – praying they took the hint. Julieta laid her hand back on her daughter’s head.
“That was right, Mamá. They’ve been planning it all week. You know how hard Mirabel worked on her spelling.”
“Yeah – hey, y’know what?” Bruno said, snapping his fingers, “I’ll take Isabela to the Guzmán’s tomorrow, nice and early. That okay, Isa? Then we can celebrate both…occasions.”
If there was one thing that trumped showing off to the neighbours in Alma Madrigal’s eyes, it was showing off to the neighbours twice in the same week. Mirabel learning to write and having the most perfect granddaughter in the Encanto? Fuhgeddaboudit. Bruno’s Mamá took the bait hook, line and sinker – as long as Bruno promised she’d go tomorrow.
“Hey, kiddo,” Bruno said to Isabela, once Mamá had safely been led away by Julieta. “Gimme, like, five minutes, and come knock on my door, ‘kay? Got a surprise for you.”
Isabela tugged him down to her height (a gap that was closing day by day). “I need to go to the bathrooom,” she whispered. "I need to change my pad."
“Okay. Gimme ten minutes, then. Do what you need to do, then come find your tio.”
Bruno watched her go. Then, he bolted to the kitchen, and then up to Isabela’s bedroom. Casita let him in, this once. The house knew it was extenuating circumstances.
When Isa finally made her way to her tio’s room, the entire ground level of the vision cave had been transformed. Bruno had draped one of her bedsheets – her favourite one, the purple one with the flowers on it – over two of his statues, so it made a little den. Her favourite dolls and pillows and books were in there, lying on a blanket, waiting for her to snuggle up with them. Bruno had brought down every single candle from the cave and lit them all, so the room was filled with nice smells and warm, cosy light. Isabela gasped, hands to her mouth.
“Tio it’s so pretty…!”
“Oooh, a-and, and! The best part…!”
Bruno produced a mug of chocolate con queso from behind his back; still steaming gently, warm and rich and just a little salty. “It’s not magic like your Mami’s, but it means we can sneak in one more before your medicinal…oof. H-hey, kiddo.”
Isabela had wrapped her arms around his middle, giving him as tight a hug as she could. “Thank you, Tio Bruno.”
“Anything for my baby sobrina. Now, c’mon over here and read me a story…”
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