#werewolf: the forsaken
manyworldsofdarkness · 10 months
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Official desktop backgrounds from the old White Wolf website.
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the-gamling-dog · 23 days
When a garou gets hayfever, do the others see the punishment of Gaia at work and judge/ostracise them?
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crimsonmoonberserker · 10 months
I love Werewolf: the Forsaken.
As the title says, I love Werewolf: the Forsaken, especially 2e but I started with 1e back in high school. I was fist introduced to it through an admittedly shitty Naruto crossover fanfic, but I loved the concept a lot.
For me, 2e does the game so much better in terms of lore and mechanics. I love the concept of the Sacred Hunt, the tribes having their own unique preferences for prey, the auspices having their own Hunter's Aspects, the ways Gifts are handled, the rites are now more thematically appropriate, and the Idigam are all such cool concepts.
One of my favorite things to do is take preexisting fictional characters and turn them into werewolves, work out their tribe, if they fit one; their potential auspice; their Gifts; their merits; and even change things around to see how it would affect their character story.
My favorite attempt at this was making Emiya Shirou from Fate/Stay Night into an eldritch abomination of a werewolf, more so than other werewolves.
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songoftrillium · 1 year
what do you think of werewolf the forsaken
When I consider any one system to use for gaming, I often will look for a building point for me to find narrative inspiration from which I'll build my story. While specific system mechanics are key to being able to run a cohesive game, I find the story component to be really my make-or-break on whether I try out a particular game system or setting. I remember hearing about Forsaken back during a gamer preview period and being really interested in the changes to attributes and feeling really positive about it. And then, I read the book, learned about the tribes, and got about 2/3rd of the way through before I found myself uninspired to find a story in it. There was a game preview event happening and I couldn't find real inspiration to build a character for that either, and in terms of my own involvement, that's where it ended! Granted, this is a game that's now old enough to vote, and despite my ignorance of the game, it's managed to build a large following of it's own through not one but two editions. To call it a fad or a failure would be disingenuous on my part and I welcome their players to my table. It's also not entirely beyond me that a large portion of those who would be playing the 5th edition of Werewolf are themselves coming to it from Forsaken, and that the game will need to be relatable to not just me, but them and hunter/vampire 5th edition players as well. In a manner of speaking, it makes for a crowded table, but that's a good kinda problem!
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polkanight · 10 months
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🙃 some Cibele censoring
(another old one, 2014ish)
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probablybadrpgideas · 10 months
Werewolves can turn into a wolf.
Until they reach Primal Urge 5, they can't turn back
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suminotomi · 26 days
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Wata, the Thyrsus mage.
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huntunderironskies · 1 year
It might not be the type of game for everyone but there's something so fascinating about "daily lives of monsters" type games in Chronicles of Darkness for me. Something about the alienation from human society but the inevitable draw to having to deal with it.
Sure, you might have died last night, and there's a death god sitting on your shoulder who won't shut up but you still have to turn in the rent check tomorrow.
You thought that the shitty dollar store you worked at was sucking your life away, and it turns out not only is it literally doing that, you can now see the spirit baron embodying the store who's controlling it and helping make everyone miserable, and you could try and mobilize against him but it'd take an incredible amount of manpower and resources that you barely have, and you're so tired. Not to mention the power vacuum you'd create and the fact being too heavy-handed with one spirit court is going to potentially turn all the other ones against you and that spirit baron is a petty little bastard who'd probably start targeting your mortal loved ones just to get you to back off.
The trods need constant maintaining and somehow you got talked into being a Summer Courtier so it's your problem. So you go off into the Hedge and just hope you come back at a reasonable time because you sure as hell can't afford to miss a shift, or for that matter that you even return in the right timeline. The hobs are fine compared to the absolute dread each time you unlock a Hedgegate. But hey. Goblin Fruits are pretty filling and sometimes the Absinthal gives you free booze, so your grocery bill's gone down.
Drag yourself into a dead-end job and hide in the bathroom when your Scars act up. Memorize where the cameras are on the path there. Pray it doesn't take more than fifteen minutes because that's all you're legally allotted for the day. You can't have your boss coming in and seeing you like this. For one thing, he'd give you an infraction and you're already on your second strike, and for another you're about sixty percent sure that this company is a subsidiary for the Conspiracy that made you. You can't get fired, or caught.
I dunno! We do a lot of chest beating about how the personal horror aspects of being a monster, and to be fair that is fun, but for me there's something a lot more interesting to me about how being a monster can expose the innately monstrous aspects of modern human society. Probably not a coincidence all of the examples above are capitalism induced. Also this is a very messy off-the-cuff post so hopefully it makes sense.
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enddaysengine · 3 months
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Sketch of a horrible little cigarette spirit I did the other day. While it is in no way polished, it is one of my favourite recents, not in the least because it went from idea to art in under an hour.
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theexaltedbride · 11 months
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(Image is not mine. Taken from the Werewolf The Forsaken book "Signs of the Moon". )
I don't know what it is about this image but it manages to be so wonderfully bittersweet within a dark setting. Werewolf dad watching out for his kids and making sure they are okay. Still trying to be a part of his family's life even while fulfilling the duties of the Uratha.
It might be inconsequential to most people, but it's one of the things in Chronicles of Darkness that keeps coming to mind and is one of the glimmers of light that show the setting is worth fighting for.
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To all fans of World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness and anything else by White Wolf and Onyx Path. This here is a fan server for both veterans and people interested in learning WoD lore, a fun inclusive server open to everyone with an interest in any of the games! Come talk about your characters, post fan art, discuss the games you want to play or your favorite editions and make some like minded friends who also happened to be obsessed with psychotic monsters.
We’re hoping to spread info about World of Darkness all over tumblr so more of you self proclaimed monster fuckers can get on in this.
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the-gamling-dog · 2 months
an rpg that crosses Werewolf: The Forsaken with A Court of Fey and Flowers. Call it Faeral.
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sarahcarapace · 5 months
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Happy First Werewolf Wednesday circa 2024 >:D This is Cody Cross from the Werewolf the Apocalypse x Forsaken game running in his Dalu/Glabro form.
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enddaysart · 1 month
Cigarette Spirit
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Been working on this little dork for a bit. Not nice, not fun, not something you want to meet in a dark alley, but its oh so very friendly.
Instagram Patreon Writing and RPG Tumblr: @enddaysengine
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trans-mouse · 10 days
hey if you like chronicles of darkness, check out the redesign of the Safe Place merit I posted today on my patreon! It's free for anyone to see, but if you like what you see and want to support similar stuff in the future, even a dollar helps out more than you can imagine!
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