#mummy: the resurrection
To all fans of World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness and anything else by White Wolf and Onyx Path. This here is a fan server for both veterans and people interested in learning WoD lore, a fun inclusive server open to everyone with an interest in any of the games! Come talk about your characters, post fan art, discuss the games you want to play or your favorite editions and make some like minded friends who also happened to be obsessed with psychotic monsters.
We’re hoping to spread info about World of Darkness all over tumblr so more of you self proclaimed monster fuckers can get on in this.
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Please enjoy my Mummy: The Resurrection OC, the Sakhmu Herru Izem, courtesy of the perennially-talented and endlessly-impressive @cadhla182​ ! With respect your honour; she is babey. I love her. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
She’s gonna beat the crap out of just. SO many servants of the Wyrm you guys.
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Vampires are horny like queer fuckboys on Grindr. Werewolves are horny like anarchists in a squat. Changelings are horny like starving artists in a drug-drenched commune. Mages are horny like overworked university students. Hunters are horny like soldiers crowded in a trench. Demons are horny like repressed feudal courtiers. The Hungry Dead are horny like creepy cult members. Wraiths are horny like a depressed motherfucker who just wants to feel anything again. Mummies are utterly and completely devoid of horny, as unhorny as a job application, they are antihorny. This is why nobody ever plays Mummy: The Resurrection.
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pumaloafing · 24 days
Sorry for all the tags
Edit: I wonder if instead of Hunters I should have put Humans.
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tlwebb · 7 months
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ambiguouswren · 10 months
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Here are some art I made for @incorrect-house-of-nine 's TLT BRE Fic Arcadia Rising: Dead Women Tell No Tales. ITS SO FUN YALL. I did so much for this fic. Keep an eye out for...3 more posts with stuff from this!!
Check out my other pieces for this fic: TikToks Cosplays Cosplay Movie Poster
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osatokun · 5 months
I don't like posting very rough sketches, but I FINALLY sketched Charlie's arch nemesis, the one who stole Monica's soul. Charlie temporary destroyed his body in the end of the story. And then he and Glinda dedicated themselves to the searching of the way to permanently trapping his soul so he'll never return in our world.
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It's funny how Charlie managed to trigger both a mummy and a demon in this game. Like, one undying creature isn't enough for you, silly little mew mew?
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petoskeystones · 25 days
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anyways are we talking about jorrington i’ve been dying to talk about jorrington. buddy i would have done tons of vitamin c with you and kept you alive for a while longer
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spoonyglitteraunt · 2 years
So, with Dracula coming to an end today and reading the epilogue, I finally realised what Mina and Jonathan remind me of.
Evy and Rick from the Mummy.
Same I would throw myself into hell and back for you, ride or die, complete adoration, give them the prize for most disgustingly in love couple you can think off but you can’t hate them for it because they are just so dang adorable, relationship goals™ dynamic. (not to mention ALL the queer vibes and potential polycule options) And I’m not saying we need crossover fic, buuuuuut..
Okay yeah that is what I’m saying.
And also I checked the years you could totally make a case for Quincey Harker potentially being friends and having grown up with the Carnahan siblings. And if you think about it mummies and vampires are both sort of undead creatures. So now I’m imagining Harker O'Connell team-up monster fighting adventures.
Something or other followed the O'Connells home again, because of course it did, and shows up right when the very-nice-and-completely-normal-never-saw-an-undead-creature-in-their-life-we-swear next door neighbours the Harkers are visiting. So now Evy and co are scrambling. Trying to keep the evil minions of the undead whatevers away from their childhood friend and his parents without being obvious.
Cue Ardeth is-it-Imhotep-again-or-is-he-just-chronically-unable-to not-know-whenever-the-O’Connells-have-messed-with-something-they-shouldn’t-have Bay popping in because his medjai senses were tingling. How did he get here? Who knows. He’s here and he’s queer down to kick ass. What they do know is that’s one more thing they have to try and explain away to the Harkers, while also discussing the next apocalyptical threat off to the side. And making sure her brother, her kid, and maybe Quincey’s kid, don’t get themselves in ever increasing amounts of trouble which they have a knack for. (Let’s be honest, it’s the family curse really. Rick’s blood pressure has never been the same after he met the Carnahan siblings.)
Meanwhile the Harkers are watching this pantomime go down with ever increasing baffled amusement. Knowing something is up but not what exactly. Until undead minion or minion of the undead crashes the (tea) party.
So now the undead cat is out of the bag and Evy is ready to just throw hands. Because no, you do NOT crash her tea party and break her best china and ruin whatever relationship she had with these people. Because they are nice and normal and this will be a shock to their nice and normal sensibilities. Look at them they are just the sweetest older couple who are nice and normal and never had any excitement in their entire lives, how do we possibly keep them from freaking out and keep them safe?
At which point Mina cool-under-pressure-age-only-made-her-more-competent Harker turns to her husband and goes, are you calling the boys and Van Helsing, or am I?
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lord-soth-dk · 11 months
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manyworldsofdarkness · 9 months
Wanna go into detail? Join our discord
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
Scar you canNOT call yourself The Mummy Unwrapper that is doing Bad Things to my imagination. >:(
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kalianos · 9 months
"Cringe is dead and I'm still breathing." -SpeakerD
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dreampearls · 1 year
collei's arc is about reanimation versus resurrection btw
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terman · 2 years
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Dnd ocs, artfight, commissions, setting swap etc.
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kajaono · 2 years
My taste in movies is simple:
if there are three super popular movies from the 90s and they make a remake of it in 2020, and everyone hates it, I will love that movie with my whole heart and claim it is the best movie ever made
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