#what does it mean what does it all MEAN.gif
pochapal · 10 months
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yashley · 2 years
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Fearne: *keepin’ on the Grass*
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legboats · 10 months
A while back I read a review that called this book pretentious but every time I have a moment where I start to think I might agree I'll have this breakthrough understanding that totally rocks my shit and makes me want more.
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vyragosa · 2 years
absolutely impossible that seimei won't be his own self but his eyes are supposed to be without light and somehow it continues to haunt me that....
one line about seimei talking just the same as holmes...and the lack of silhouette bothering me so badly it's definitely not related but oh...seimei.......another one who would only "reveal" himself for his rival...?
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topless-oncology · 2 months
what the fuck is this whole dance with "come to my baby's naming ceremony I insist" "she said come so come" "wtf hes gonna come?" "she said come so obviously don't come" "I'm disinviting you" "oh you actually didnt come :(" whyyyy is everyone saying something different I don't understand what they want or why this has gone so far
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maschotch · 2 years
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is anyone else a little weirded out by hotch calling his kid the same thing foyet did? anyone?
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cometcrystal · 9 months
i had two very vivid peanuts dreams last night. it was in 2 halves, in the first they were canon age, in the second they were in high school
Lucy focused. There's narration to this one but I can't remember most of it. Someone in the neighborhood made a wish for everything to be perfect? And it starts having adverse effects? Lucy is walking around the neighborhood and things keep going wrong for her. I can't remember specifics but it gets so bad she runs home crying. When she gets home, it's revealed to us that she's afraid of butterflies and allergic to birds? These get mixed up some. But they realize, bc of the wish from before, birds and butterflies are gonna swarm the house. Idk why. She, linus, and their mother lock all the doors and retreat to a bedroom after grabbing rerun and their pet caterpillar. (??) While taking refuge in the bedroom, their mother is suddenly possessed and wants to open the door and let the birds and butterflies in. Lucy and linus have to physically restrain her by laying on top of her and holding her down. Meanwhile, the pet caterpillar morphs into a butterfly. End of this section. What does it mean what does it all mean.gif
2. Linus focused. He and cb are sitting in class at a table next to the table that heather and her friend are sitting at. Note that this heather is VERY different from real heather. Dream heather is really mean. Note passing happens, and heather gets the memo that cb likes her. She and her friend are texting about it. They start silently making fun of cb for it during class by gesturing to him. Linus moves his seat so that it's blocking cb's view of heather and tells him to just ignore her. Heather starts to do some sarcastic flirty gesture, and with linus in his line of sight, cb looks like he has a realization that he likes linus instead. Linus gets up to leave the classroom and gets ambushed by two male bullies who start to beat him up. Class ends and lucy comes to the rescue. She physically drags the two bullies to the gym and beats the living shit out of both of them. When she's done, before the teachers catch her, she goes to sit by schroeder in the bleachers (this is his gym period) and he lays his head on her shoulder while she explains why she beat up those guys (they were calling her brother homophobic slurs)
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god-i-love-theatre · 1 year
thinking about how Broadway.com just stopped posting editorial content and features and all of their fun vlogs and videos after last year’s Tonys…what does it mean what does it all mean.gif
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there hasn't been another (living) visenya targaryen after the first one... rhaegar wanted to have a third kid after naming the first two aegon and rhaenys... maester aemon said the dragon must have three heads... what does it mean, george! what does it all mean.gif
ha! honestly i'm not sure if it has a particular meaning? i just find it interesting.
or rather: i think it's the kind of thing that may or may not have intentional meaning on george's part, but that readers and fans can infer whatever meaning they like from!
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truckeeriverkiller · 1 year
If you'd like an answer about the My Little Pony post, earth ponies are the in-show term for ponies with no horn or wings. Without magic or flight, they mainly take on jobs that involve lots of heavy lifting, like farming. The unicorn's comment about earth pony work ethic could be interpreted as a microaggression because it's framed as an ignorant compliment based on the show's equivalent to race (and since the unicorn is trying to flirt with the earth pony because he likes her 'work ethic,' it gets a bit creepy on top of it being ignorant.)
Ahh oky. Thanks very much, anon! This actually was bothering me because I initially thought it had to do with cutie marks (that's what they're called, yeah?) But all those are unique to individuals right?.. how can that be racism? What does it mean what does it all mean.gif
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jiangwanyin · 2 years
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if i had a nickel for every time i ran into someone quoting this in a piece of media i read/watched today, i'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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pochapal · 1 year
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feeling slightly insane about this. there are now multiple letters so now we must consider multiple authors with multiple agendas and now also reconsider everything that seemed to be otherwise apparent about the letter given to maria. i thought the letter stuff was done and dusted you Cannot be throwing curveballs like this umineko!!!!!
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fallmutual · 3 years
why don’t you listen to “togetherness ii” & “end of the hall” and “the lady circles” & “the man in the hat” one after the other and then you’ll understand
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mvkagen · 3 years
processing the things revealed by talking to Persephone would be hard enough without me also having to process the fact that I made it to Greece so quickly while playing with wasd controls
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bimbonaparte · 3 years
guys i am so sorry but can someone please explain the gaslight gatekeep girlboss thing. it is everywhere and i do not get it. help
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next-semester · 4 years
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