#what the fuck is wrong with mw
so0ppa · 3 months
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hairtusk · 11 months
migraine. AGAIN.
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adoraboy-moved · 10 months
in trying to restrain myself from eatinf two more slicws of pizza (i already ate four)
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anethum-etcetera · 1 year
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raulfernandez · 2 years
Honestly I just really badly wanna take an actual adhd and an autism test because those are like the things that I think I might have after like all the things I've read and looked up etc...
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bluegiragi · 2 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
this is such a never-ending nightmare.
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. Also, the art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for literally six months.
genuinely, my only crime is not unfollowing + blocking this artist earlier on, and then daring to retweet a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
and now i have pedophile claims because I accidentally retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it.
And people are calling me a zoophile for supporting someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs (???) and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
And the same people called me racist for making Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive because they thought I was making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid and cats are sensitive to light (and I'm Chinese).
I tried addressing all this in a simpler way earlier on, and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it again - yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist under the bus - I genuinely believed them when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time.
And also I'm now called a rapist bc I like to entertain fics with dom/sub dynamics that dip into cnc, as an asexual woman who's personally repulsed by sex when it comes to myself.
That's everything so far. I really don't know what you people want from me anymore. I followed the wrong artist. I retweeted the wrong post. And I've undid those actions now. And for so many people to have taken literally everything spread by these people at face value, without even checking if their claims are true, is incredibly hurtful and isolating.
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Random Simon 'Ghost' Riley headcanons
sfw and nsfw
pairing: l.t. Simon 'Ghost' Riley x reader (cod mw)
tags/tw: domestic stuff, afab!reader, size!kink, dirty talk
a/n: and of course a few HC's for Ghostie as well🤭
Simon 'Ghost' Riley MASTERLIST
-you know those mascots in full-body costumes? Yeah, Ghost hates those, gets on edge each time he sees one. He just gets this uncomfortable feeling in his body bc why go around masked like that?
-yes, he's aware of the irony
-your first kiss, technically, happened with his mask on,
-he wanted to kiss you but wasn't ready to commit fully, showing you his face meant a lot and he wasn't there, yet, so he just kinda directed your face from the TV to him by your chin and pressed his lips to yours despite the clothing concealing them
-you don't scare easily, even if he would disagree, but when having a shadow the size of him creeping up on you silently, which should be physically impossible for someone his size, it always makes you jump
-Ghost enjoys it for some reason, always repressing a smile when you gasp and clutch your chest with a hissed 'Simon!' despising that you never got used to it
-what you don't know is that he actively makes it harder for you, always staying in your blind spot when coming up behind you, silencing his step just like he does on stealth missions
-standard case of you falling first but he fell harder, it was a slow endeavour getting to know him, even slower when you started dating and he demanded that things wouldn't be rushed, but once he opened up he was practically already in love with you considering he rarely did open up to people
-he doesn't like gifts
-contrary to what people think, it's not because he doesn't know how to react, closer to the truth is that he's picky and doesn't like random things coming in surprises
-that's why Ghost always keeps a list of things he wants or is in interested in buying, one that you have unaltered access to just to keep track if you ever feel like gifting him something for a special occasion or if other people come to you when he just won't answer what he wishes for read Soap
-the ONLY casual gift he doesn't mind is when you get him a book, within reason of course bc yeah, he likes to read
nsfw below the cut
-on the topic of books, he doesn't read romantic stuff, if it isn't a book you push into his hands, then he knows what's between the pages: raunchy ass stuff you more often than now want him to act out, leaving you nervously giggling and then panting when he fully went into the role of fucking you silly
-another thing about Ghost that people think, but is wrong, is that he always so reserved
-this man can run his fucking mouth when he wants to
-perhaps others just don't notice, because he doesn't do it with them, but when you're by his side his face is for the most part ducked in level with your ear, making it his mission to rile you up enough so you're the one who grits out 'we're leaving '
-and the cocky bastard knows he will manage too, your resolve wearing down quick when he whispers stuff like 'pretty necklace, lovie, would rather it was my hand wrapped around your throat' and if he manages to catch you off-guard with that, mouth agape kinda surprised, he'll muse 'pretty little mouth like that’ll send a man wild'
-in the Riley household, there's one particular rule: if you buy any piece of clothing, either online or in-store, you're going to model it for Ghost
-doesn't matter what it is, he's gonna sit down in the living room waiting for you to come out for him to drink in your pretty self
-he always twirls a finger in a sign for you to spin around, not because he has any sense of fashion more than the normal man, he just likes to see all how your clothes flatter your figure
-and if it just so happens you only bought a pair of pretty panties or a flattering bra, his rule applies to those too, with the addition you'll come out in only those
-and so help you, but if your tits are on display or that pretty cunt of yours bared, he will not only make you spin but curl his finger, beckoning you towards him
-usually ends with you in his lap as he either plays and sucks at your nipples or you grind against his growing bulge before riding him
-guilty pleasure of his? your obsession with his arms and tattoos
-when you first started seeing each other, he always noticed how your eyes strayed to the ink peeking forth from his long-sleeved clothing, when you both got more comfortable and you saw him without a hoodie constantly, the way you drooled at his bulging biceps made it difficult adhering to his own rule of things going slow
-in fact, the first time you slept together was a consequence of your intrusive thoughts winning during a cuddling session
-you'd been positioned in-between his legs, running your hand over his arm curled around your waist, gaze following those delicious lines running along his forearm and then you just... dragged your tongue over his bicep, licking a long wet stripe on the muscle that tensed upon feeling your tongue
-there was a rumble against your back and a 'what the fuck was that?' making you glance up at Ghost with a sheepish smile with some explanation he didn't fucking buy for a second
-it ended with the both of you kneeling on Ghost's bed as he fucked you from behind, his arms circled around your neck, your nails digging into his forearm, a moaning mess as if you didn't know he killed men just like this but in a tighter chokehold
-so that's why he always wraps his tattooed arm around your front when you cuddle with him behind you, most time also seating himself on your right side, offering you the opportunity to trace the intricate lines decorating his skin
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eyesxxyou · 8 months
★‧₊˚ 💋⋅ hobie brown x camgirl!reader
rating. m
word count. 4k
synopsis. after a scandal, hobie decides he needs a change in his career. that's where you come in, a camgirl he plans to make a sextape with.
🍓・.❕warnings. mentions of cocaine usage, recording sex, p in v sex, protected sex heavily advised, oral (f & m receiving), doggy style, hair pulling, spitting, dirty talking, ass slapping, ass grabbing, degrading praise, condom taken off
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Hobie really fucked up according to his manager. If you asked him, he did nothing wrong. It was perfectly normal for a rockstar to be doing coke in the bathroom of a venue in his opinion but for some reason it had caused a lot of controversy. It’s not like he was addicted or anything, that time being only the second time he’s ever done it but his manager put out a statement that he would be taking a break from his tour in order to attend rehab. Which he did and it sucked. He was in for 2 months, “working on himself” supposedly.
“Why’d ya do it?” His manager asked him as they sat side by side in the back of his car, his driver taking him home from rehab after 2 of the longest months of his life. “I mean– you have all anyone could ever want. So why?”
It was such a stupid question that deserved the half-assed answer Hobie gave. He just shrugged and grunted. Why did he do it? To escape this fad of a life. This was never what he wanted, all of this. This expensive car, a designated driver, a manager. This was never what he fucking wanted. Somehow, in his pursuit for success, he lost everything that made him who he was, lost his initial values. He was nothing but a poser now.
He was done being a poser. He’d get back to his original self somehow, some way.
So the moment they got back to his boat, Hobie fired his manager as well as his chauffeur. “Take the car wit’cha.” It was the best decision he could have made for himself, for his dwindling career. He had to get back to his roots, just him making music on his boat with his guitar and his mates.
He needed something to reignite his career, to appeal to the crowd who once supported him for being a voice against authority and establishment. The coke incident had riled people up, weeded out the posers from the real deal. He needed something more.
That’s where you came in.
“So you need my help to get your career back on track…how exactly? By having sex with me?” You sat across from Hobie inside a bar you two agreed to meet at. You were a pretty girl, gorgeous actually, with make up that told him “I put in effort, just not for this” and a pretty, delicate, white dress, black shawl, platform, leather boots, and a long rosary around your neck, though something told him you weren’t catholic. It could be the extensive history of porn you have online.
You were a camgirl. And he was a fan. Turns out, you were a fan of his too.
Hobie bought you a drink and a couple shots for you to share. You teased a cherry between your faded glossed lips and used your tongue to tie the stem into a knot. He liked you, liked you a lot. You were perfect for the job.
“By leakin’ mw own sex tape.” Hobie corrected you. “‘M jus’ tryna stir the pot. Drum up some interest, y’know?” You of all people would know better than the rest. Your entire career was built on this. You were a master at it. He was right to come to you.
“Bu’, Ion wan ya to think ya haf’ to. The offer’s on the table.”
“I know I don’ have to do anything.” He liked your attitude, the twang of your accent in your pretty voice. He understood why you had so many fans, you were borderline perfect, pretty lips, pretty eyes. He’s watched some of your videos, with partners and alone, you’re so captivating. He was an instant fan. “I just want to make sure I understand before I agree to anything.”
You leaned in with your chin resting upon your hand with your elbow on the splintering wood of the bar counter. “I’ll do it, just ‘cause I think you’re pretty.” You stood up, even while sitting down, his abnormally tall body towered over your. “I’ve got rules though, strict rules, not even a pretty boy like you can pass them.” Your hands were on his thighs as you looked up at him. He could kiss you now if he wanted to, but he waited to hear these rules of yours.
“You have to use a condom.”
“Done, already got one.” Hobie assured you. He always carried one with him just in case.
You chuckled a bit, “Good for you. We also have to do it at a hotel, you pay. I don’t wanna be at your place and I don’t want you at mine.” Hobie also liked how serious you were, how you didn’t play about your business. He appreciated it, found it a little hot too. How in the world was he supposed to keep his hands off of you until then? “FIne by me.”
“FInally, no catching feelings.”
Hobie began to laugh, a snarky grin growing across his full, pierced lips. “Confident, are ya? You don’ haf’ta worry about nothin’ like tha’, luv. I’m just attracted to you.” He reached out and pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. He leaned in close, his breath fanning your lips until he touched his lips with yours and kissed you softly. You didn’t kiss him back.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to get at, Brown but I’m not with it. Text me the details when you get them.” You pulled away from him with a scoff and tapped his cheek softly with your hand before grabbing a shot, tossing it back down your throat before walking off to take your leave.
Hobie set everything up for the following week, a nice hotel where the two of you could hook up for the night and leave it at that. It didn’t have to be anything more. Hobie was out to jumpstart his career while you were in it for the followers you would gain from all of this. It didn’t have to be anything more than just this.
“Hobie, open the damn door, I’m not waiting out here all night!” Your fist met the door for the third time since you’ve been standing here. You were just about ready to leave when the door finally swung open and Hobie was standing there without the slightest look of apology on his face. “Sorry, luv. Come on in.”
You waltzed in past him, wearing a black dress, black, distressed stockings that clipped onto a garter around your thighs, thick, mary jane shoes, and a leopard print, fur jacket that all fit together with your locs tied into a ponytail with hair clips that matched your coat. Your lips were full and glossy, eyes framed in dark makeup that made your gaze all the more mysterious. You were adorned in hanging necklaces and large rings, the prettiest person he’s ever seen. “Nice setup. We just recording on your phone?” There was no camera but you supposed that it wouldn’t be that believable of a leaked sex tape if it was on a professional camera. You two weren’t exactly Kim K and Ray J.
“Unless you brought a camera.”
“No, no, it’s fine.” You waved your hand and set down your bag before beginning to remove your jewelry and set them down on the bedside table with a small ‘clack’. “Pretty ingenious idea you got here. How’d you come up with it?” You began to remove your necklaces one by one and placed them beside your rings, glancing over at Hobie who sat on the bed beside you.
“I was horny and tired, luv. Le’s cut the small talk ‘n get on wit’ i’, yeah?” Hobie reached out for you, pulling you in between his legs while holding the slope of your waist, stroking and caressing until his hands slid down your thighs then by up under your dress. There was nothing but your panties, small and lacy.
Your lips curled into a smirk. “I thought you’d never ask.” You climbed into his lap, straddling his hips with your thighs as you pressed your lips to his. It was a curt matter, a nicety you offered him. There was passion but nothing behind it except lust, feverish, violent, tearing lust that had you rolling your body against his and your pussy pressed against the growing bulge in his pants.
Hobie placed his hands on the underside of your thighs and lifted you up, your legs automatically coming around his narrow waist. He held you with a surprising amount of strength for someone so lean. He pushed you up against the wall, your hands pulling at each other's clothes in a fervorous attempt to get the other naked. He tore your stockings while you pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side. He helped you remove your shoes between kisses and you helped him remove his.
Hobie licked down your body, the warm, smooth skin of your naval all the way down to the waistband of your thong where he kissed and licked, his hands grabbing at his pockets to find his phone before handing it off to you so you could record.
You gazed at him through the camera, moaning softly as he pulled down your underwear and you stepped out of them. You lifted one leg over his shoulder, soon followed by the other, your entire weight supported against the wall, your pussy on display for him to devour with his eyes and soon, his tongue.
You were already wet, your lips nice and slick, your pretty cunt slightly gaping and ready to be filled. Hobie licked his lips and looked up at you, nodding to signal you to start recording. You kept a firm grip on his phone with one hand while your other grasped at the hair closest to his scalp. You pulled him in, forced his lips to kiss your cunt, to praise and worship.
You tasted like fruits and berries as he dipped his tongue between the gates of heaven and teased at your cunt with the warmth of his tongue teasing at the underside of your clit. His fingers played in your creamy juices, coating them before he eased a single digit into your aching hole.
“Ah~ fuck– Hobie. Mmh.” You ground your hips against his face, the friction of his hot tongue and long finger drove you crazy. You bit your lip, made sure the camera was on him, and pulled him in further. “Add another finger.” It was a plea for kindness, you needed another finger or you’d go crazy. His tongue worked you in a way you had never experience before, it was fluid yet stiff and so precise against your swollen bud. His lips latched and suckled and his tongue swirled.
Hobie eased another finger into your cunt inch by inch, curling in search of the soft ridge that would send you into ecstasy. He spat on your pussy, ate it with the eagerness of a starved dog while looking up at the camera with those pretty, deep-set eyes of his.
You cried out for him,“God, Hobie– pl–ease.” He slid his tongue into your cunt with his fingers, stretching you just a little further while the bulb of his nose nudged your clit. You would have collapsed then and there if not for the fact he was the only thing holding you up, on his knees with his face in your pussy, devouring.
“Ya gonna cum fa me, luv?” Hobie spoke against your core, making you thrash and moan his name in something of a pornographic sound of pleasure. You reacted to every flick of his tongue, your back arching from the wall and your pussy aching, pulsing, squeezing around his fingers that have finally found your sweet stop and is now playing it like a fiddle.
Your grasp on the phone became shaky as your orgasm threatened to grasp you and hold you in a grip so tight you’d cease to breathe. Never before have you come upon your climax so quickly. Hobie was skilled at this. He’s made more people come with just his mouth and fingers than he can count on said fingers. He left them bleary-eyed and pleading for more, all of them dreaming of just another chance with him.
“Hobie, Hobie, Hobiehobiehobie.” His name was on your lips like a prayer to a god who did not exist in this room. Hobie had the face of angel but the mouth of a demon and how much you praised whatever high power above for it.
He chuckled against your pussy as you gasped, all your muscles tensing then relaxing at once, an orgasm seizing your body like a demonic possession. You held his face against your core and let him taste the product of his work. You worked hard to make sure you tasted good for your partners and Hobie appreciated it, adored it.
He slipped his fingers from your cunt and lapped at the creamy juices you excreted in the midst of your orgasm. Hobie moaned at the taste of you on his tongue, licked you clean until the taste of you stained his tongue. He smiled up at the camera with his wet lips and grabbed it from you, pausing the video before helping you down from his shoulders.
His hands were on your waist again, pulling you into his body before kissing you again. He forced his tongue against yours, sliding and lapping, caressing every portion of yoru mouth he could reach. You could taste yourself in him, your cum still wet on his tongue. You liked it, you liked the taste of his mouth and you intermingled.
Your hands soothed over the sides of his face, one sliding behind his neck to pull him closer while his large, slender hands grasped handfuls of your ass. He was so much bigger than you, so much taller, he was so easily able to toss you onto the bed. You landed on your stomach, looking back at him as he removed the rest of his clothing and remained just as naked as you were.
God, his cock was so fucking beautiful. It was perfectly fitting, nice and long with a good amount of girth but not two much and a few veins here and there. The tip weeped with precum, begging to sink into a nice, tight, warm hole, preferably yours. Your pussy fluttered at the sight of it, at the way he came over and forced you face down ass up with him kneeling behind you.
Hobie rubbed his length against your ass, his precum smearing against your pussy every time his tip teased against your entrance.
"Condom." You reminded him firmly, pulling away from him until he complied. You'd get up and leave right now if he didn't abide by your rules.
Hobie got up and searched through his discarded pants for his the condom he made sure to bring with him. Once he found it, he tore it open and placed it against the tip, rolling it down the length of his dick until he reached the base of his cock.
He took up his phone and began to record again as you whined and pushed your hips back, begging for him to fill you up and finish you out. You spread your legs wider, arched your back, anything to entice him to fuck you the way you needed.
"Aww, the pretty slut wan's my cock." Hobie brought his free hand back and spanked your ass with a sharp swing of his hand as it met the flesh of your behind. He ran a soothing hand against the burning mark he left. "Go 'head 'n beg fo i' then."
Your pride wouldn't let you, your lips remained sealed but they parted with another slap to your ass. You gasped again and whimpered out something pathetic as your ass ached in pain and your back arched. "Please."
"Say i' louda fo tha' camera, luv."
"Please fuck me, Hobie."
He scoffed and chuckled behind you, lining up his tip and easing it into your wonton cunt. "I knew you wan'ed me to slut ya pretty pussy out." You let out something of a squeal as he sunk into your hole, his cock stretching out your walls unused for months now. You were tight, your pussy lips parted to accommodate his size. Hobie let out a hiss then a moan of pleasure, his hand grasped at your hip and ass almost to assure himself you were real. "Fuck, doll. Oh my– shit."
He wished he could feel you, just skin to skin, flesh to flesh, your silky, wet walls against his bare cock. He might have came right then and there if not for the condom as a slight barrier keeping his from absolute euphoria.
Hobie fucked you like it was the end of the world, pounding, borderline abusing your poor pussy all while you squealed and moaned and choked beneath him. Yours hands grasps at the sheets, neatly made by maids who had no clue what their hard work would later be used for.
Hobie recorded it, the way his cock dove into your pussy like he'd die if he didn't fuck you with everything he had. His dick touched places you weren't even sure existed within you, caressed parts that haven't been touched in many, many years. It's been a long time since you've had a good, thorough dicking down and you had forgotten how good it felt.
"Right there! Please…Hobie, please!" You moaned into the pillow beneath you. Cohesive sentences evaded you, all you could think about was how his cock was stirring your guts and how you didn't mind at all.
Clapping filled the room, the sticking of skin to skin from sweat and slick made it hard to distinguish where you ended and he began. It ran down your thighs, your arousal, the way he pushed it out of you and smeared it along your inner thighs and the base of his cock.
Hobie was obsessed with the way your ass jiggled against his hips, the way your back arched, how you seemed to be fucking him back with each other this thrusts, meeting him in the middle. Your makeup was smeared against the pillow, messy against your eyes and lips as you turned your head to the side to look at him with those pretty eyes of yours.
Now he understood why you had that last rule. A pussy like this could make him catch feelings. It was so tight and creamy and good god, the way you moved was so perfect. He was losing breath, losing sanity.
Hobie grabbed you by the hair and pulled you up to hear your moans better, your neck craned back. He leaned over and pressed his body into yours. "Say hi, dove." He put the camera in your face, only to see you all fucked out and drooling. You could only whimper, your gaze meeting the camera with teary eyes before closing. "Fuuuck." You cried you as he sat back up, his hand readjusting his grip on your hair, and fucked you harder.
"Yah makin' me lose it, luv." Hobie let out a huff. His hand grabbing the round of your ass and squeezing the meat there before sliding up to the small of your waist where his hand settled so he could pull you back on his cock. “Go ‘head ‘n take wha’ ya wan’, pretty slut.” He paused his hips, let you do all the fucking since you were such a pro. “Put on a good show.” He adjusted his hold on his phone camera and watched through the screen as your spread your legs a little further and pushed yourself back onto his length.
You started with just the tip first, just playing with that before taking the whole of his length. You were a professional at this. Looking back, biting your lip, working his cock like it was your last night alive. His mouth fell open with a moan, pussy so tight Hobie was scared the condom was gonna come off.
Hobie shuddered with the beginnings of an orgasm. “Jus’ like tha’, doll. ‘M so close.” He let out in a breathless moan. He watched your greedy cunt take him fully, down to the hilt, the grip of your walls sending him overboard.
"Take off the condom, cum on my ass. It'll look good for the camera." You were a pro at this. You knew what got the most clicks and a cumshot on the ass was only second best to a creampie. Hobie held no objections as he pulled off the condom quickly and wrapped his hand around his member to jerk himself off.
It didn't take much. Hobie muttered incoherently under his breath profanities and obscenities as he came hard. His balls tightened as he came against the round of your ass. "Fuck!" He barked and squeezed out all he had to give, coating your plush flesh in white, dripping in wet globs down your trembling thighs.
You rocked back and forth against his cock, milking him for everything he was worth, another ribbon came and dribbled down the slope of your back. There was just so much, nice and creamy, all over you. The fans would eat this up.
You stretched out much like a cat, even purred a little as you groaned and looked back at him, a little dazed, completely starstruck. He stopped the recording and put down his phone in the middle of the bed. His hands grasped your waist as he bent over you and began to kiss down the slope of your back, his gorgeous lips peppering butterfly kisses against your shoulder blades.
"What did I tell you, Hobie? No feelings."
"Nothin' felt, jus' needed to appreciate ya a little. Lemme clean ya up." Hobie gave you one more firm slap to your ass. He went to go grab one of the fancy, white washcloths hanging in the bathroom to clean you up with. He wet it, wrung it out, and came back to run it down your back in long, gentle strokes, folded it over, then got the rest of your behind.
“I guess I should return the favor, huh?” You said, getting up, sitting down before his kneeling figure. His cock was still half hard and dripping wet with the remnants of your juices and his cum. You look up at him with those eyes that could make a person fall in love, biting your lip to hide a smirk as you wrapped a hand around him to guide his cock into your mouth.
You wrapped your lips around him and lavish your tongue across the expanse of his member. He was so sensitive, shivering as your tongue passed over the salty tip. “Fuck, doll. You’re a masta’piece.” He stroked the side of your jaw with the tips of his fingers before reaching for his phone to record a little more.
He recorded you lazily sucking him off, the outline of his cock inside your cheek. The sink there was so soft, so wet, so good. “Look a’ the camera, luv.” He lightly slapped your cheek when you averted your gaze. You looked up at the camera, sloppily sucking before hollowing out your cheek and letting him go. It was a bit of a power play.
“Nice and clean, no?”
“You’re such a tease.”
You watched the video back when Hobie posted it a few days later, smiling as you bit your nails and watched the shaky, unprofessional camera work. It looked pretty authentic, just two people fucking and the video getting purposely "leaked" by him. It worked perfectly. Hobie was slowly returning back to his controversial, anti-establishment roots and your account was swarming with new followers.
As you watched, Hobie's contact popped up as a drop down notification at the top of your screen.
Wanna do it again?
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wordstome · 8 months
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Last night I did what I always do when I can’t fall asleep: think about fictional men. Here’s a list of wonderful stories written by incredibly talented people who have helped me think about fictional men by providing the most delicious playgrounds.
In the interest of keeping my recommendations brief, I'm going to talk about what I liked about the fic instead of summarizing what it's about. To know what it's actually about you're just gonna have to click through and read the fic <3
(and just in case anybody's gotten lost, this is all COD, mostly modern MW)
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✦ complete ║ ➠ ongoing
✦Just Friends by @kneelingshadowsalome Salome is so good at capturing a very unique interplay between König’s social awkwardness and his deep, dark, nasty inclinations. He’s so feral and enjoyable to read, and the sheer force of his desire for Engel is downright intoxicating. I find it difficult to describe how much of an impact Just Friends has had on me and my portrayal of König, to be honest. There's a reason why three of Salome's fics are on this rec list.
✦Fatum Nos Iungebit by kneelingshadowsalome Five words. König with his cock out. That's it. Okay, but in all seriousness, I love his character applied to this setting. All the raw visceral violence a König could ever want, a pretty little lady in his bed—he's so boyish and happy in this au it brings me such joy. The way their relationship between him and Fee develops is so natural and so sweet. Please for the love of God read this.
➠Cat/Mouse/Den by @papaver-decervicatus The chase. The pursuit. The adrenaline when Mouse dances out of König's reach once more. I'm a little biased because I adore Julius and Jenny (I could call her Lucretia but the double J names make me giggle) as ocs already, but CMD is so, so well written. The tension, the flirting, the scene where he catches her falling out of the tree?! As I said in a reblog, I shrieked. You know when you're reading something that's so good you want to bite down on it and shake like a dog with a toy? (No? Just me?) That's how I feel about CMD.
➠Anything by @darklordofthesimp Anything, in only 7 chapters (they are hefty, don’t get me wrong), has turned König and Birdy’s dynamic from “THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS IRREVERSIBLY SCARRED MY BODY AND MY BRAIN, AND I CANNOT TRUST HIM” to “these two are going to get married someday”. (author if you’re reading this, I say that not as an expectation or prediction, but as a vibe reading.) This one is for the hurt/comfort girlies. Also, shoutout to all the other stories set in the Anything-verse. Sunshine and Ghost are just soooo *grips my hand in a fist so hard it shakes*
➠If you need to be mean by @gremlingottoosilly This mostly serves as a blanket recommendation for all of Gremlin’s fics. I found If you need to be mean, and then visiting Gremlin’s author page was like opening a treasure chest. Want to be König’s pampered, (unwilling) little housewife? That’s If you need to be mean. Want a harem fic with almost all of the COD MW men? Gremlin has two, both with their own little spin to keep it fun. Do you want König to keep you in his basement or hunt you down as a serial killer? Gremlin's got it. Monsterfucker? Gremlin has that too. Special shoutout goes to 1295 kilometers. I think about fucking König on a train a lot now.
➠Break my mind by @kaiasdevotion (kaiasown on ao3) There’s no way around this. This fic has the most unhinged, kinky, downright dangerous smut I’ve read in the cod fandom so far (positive). Just Friends König is the metric by which I judge all other Königs’ nastiness, and Break my mind König is tipping so hard on the “unhinged horny violent freak (affectionate)” end of the scale he’s about to fall off. I don't know if you guys have noticed, but I've developed a taste for writing/reading from König's perspective, and he's so chillingly deranged in the most controlled way possible during the chapters from his pov. Incredible writing. Chefs kiss.
✦Experimental by @uhohdad (surgeoninspace on ao3) Alright, enough of just König being nasty. He is still nasty in this one, but he’s not the only one who gets to have a little fun and be a total creep. Our little scientist here is a grade A pervert, and I was delighted the whole way through. The most important thing I need in a fic is suspension of disbelief, and Experimental takes an unrealistic, maybe a little bit silly situation and makes it so believable. Everybody reacts the way you would expect them to, even if the scenario they're in is A Lot.
➠Little Mouse and Rotes Madchen by @sprout-fics I'm combining the recommendation for these two because while they are both very much distinct, unique fics, I love them the same way. Sprout is such an engaging writer, and the internal dialogue of her characters is so well done. It reveals their personality, motivations, and internal conflicts without being overly expository. Do you guys remember that post I put on the König bible about instant obsession? It's this inexorable attraction borne from obsession that sticks me to Little Mouse like a glue trap. (Is that too morbid?)
✦Hot in Sarajevo by @50cal-fullauto Rags' König characterization post is on my Königcore bible, for very good reason. They get it. König is a feral dog forced to live as a man and loves like a total maniac, emotionally and sexually. I marked Hot in Sarajevo as complete but I don't know how many parts there are going to be, and frankly, I do want more. However, if you're going to only read one part (which. why would you do that??? read both.) I recommend the second part. I want to write love like that. Goddamn.
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Yeah, this list is a little bare bones right now. I'm gonna get back to it, I promise.
✦Anhedonia by kneelingshadowsalome The way. Salome takes the "I would take a bullet for him but he's so cold to me" premise and then flips it entirely on its head for the second part is so important to me. The way Simon craves the reader is like human catnip. I reread this fic all the time.
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✦For the Weak and Weary by @halcyone-of-the-sea Read this if you want to believe in true love. That's all. Go on now.
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✦Easy by @danibee33 When people say "I wish this were a book!" about fanfiction, they usually mean it in a "this is good enough to be published by the traditional publishing industry" way. When I say I want Easy (and Diablesa) to be a book, I mean it in a "I want to get this story bound in a beautiful ass cover and keep it on a shelf so I can take it down and reread it whenever I want" way. I don't want the traditional publishing industry to get their claws in this, because it's perfect as it is. This fic is so wild and fun, and the character moments are so special and well done. Do yourself a favor and savor this one.
➠@ghouljams's entire blog [masterlist] "What do you mean someone's entire blog" YOU HEARD ME. Those aus are some good shit. Good characterization, delicious premises, love the group effort of it all. To absolutely nobody's surprise, my favorite couple is König and Bee from the cowboy au (ditzy but well-meaning and competent in her own way woman x big strong man who is obsessed with her and maybe also creeping on her, my beloved), but I also have a fondness for Ghost and Die from demon darlings au. Trust me on this one. Dig into those masterlists babey.
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eva-stator · 1 month
I think I can try to answer anons questions about the characterizations. Apologies in advance because this is LOOOOOONG.
First things first, to be in the SAS means more than just being a soldier. The British SAS are the literal top of the top, cream of the crop of their special forces. They are compared a lot with DEVGRU (seals) and Delta Force. Less than 1% of armed forces members can pass selection and complete their training. They are all, in their own ways, very hardened individuals. They’re all extremely intelligent in several skills, and equally competent. (This isn’t to stroke off the special forces. They are not superhuman and are never immune to dying from their own mistakes or pure bad luck. It’s extremely dangerous to be in counter terrorism or do raids like they do, and a not insignificant amount die of dumb mistakes or unavoidable circumstances. But they’re not to be fucked with either)
Soap is sniper, demolitions expert. These require math skills and chemical knowledge. He’s intelligent, stoic sometimes but more spirited. He wants to help. He gets angry when bad things happen, and he seems to really care about civilians. He’s got a strong sense of right and wrong, and voices his opinions always. He pushes buttons and boundaries, but he’s no braggart. Equally, he is intense. His humour is actually kinda dry and teasing, banter style humour. He’s not actually very silly.
Ghost is more ambiguous. He’s more rugged and detached. More introverted. He only starts joking with soap in alone, more than halfway through the game, so his trust is gained through time and effort. His humour is dry, sometimes dad jokes and sometimes fucked up jokes. Overall, he’s emotionally detached and goal oriented. He’s got a bit of the sillies though, just a taste.
Gaz is an extremely important main character. He was vital in all games, including the first mw reboot game in 2019, his character was made before soap and ghosts were. (Which is why his deliberate exclusion is a goddamn travesty). He’s spirited and strong, his skills of resistance to interrogation, escape and evasion, as well as VIP protection means he’s an intelligent independent mind. While injustices anger him, he’s got a level head and can cede to reason and keep that anger supressed, as well as be an important voice of reason. He can also be sympathetic and guiding, as seen in the mission where he guides a civilian through an extremely dangerous situation to safety.
Captain price is a staple character for the series. He’s confident but also slightly unhinged. He’s experienced, maybe a bit detached, he doesn’t give a god damn about consequences unless he gets what he wants or completes his goal. He will throw every law out the window. He will abandon basic morals and principles. He’s extremely dangerous and not to be fucked with or questioned. Hes called John “war crimes” price by the fandom for a reason. He has his more gentle side, but it’s rare and he will only show it to people he seems worthy of it, like Farah Karim or Kate laswell. He saves people but he does it roughly, he never seems to handle civilians with kid gloves, and he’s kinda rough and detached from them. He’ll save your life, but he’ll probably break your arm in the process and definitely won’t apologize for it. It’s important to note he knows what he does is fucked up. He knows people don’t like it. He gives people a way out, lets them choose if they really want to fully jump in the mud with him. He also smokes cigars with car windows rolled up. Absolutely evil action. He’s also my favourite and I love him in a way that you love a grizzly bear.
Obligatory Kate mention. Kate is a cia agent who is basically the leash that keeps John from acting out too hard. She reins them in, keeps them informed. She’s level headed and a quick thinker. She knows how the game of war is played, when and how to play by and within the rules and keeps everyone from breaking them in ways that could spiral out of control. She also knows when to let them do shady shit, and how to get them out of the messes they get themselves into. She is a very strong character, mainly in mind but also in body, and will get her hands dirty if she has to.
TLDR these are deceptively complicated characters, as in, it’s easy to mistake them as pretty surface level. They’re also easy to mistake with their fanon characterizations, which while fun, are often headcanons that the fandom has taken and run with. They’re also, not always very accurate depictions of the characters. If you wanna write them right, you gotta watch and listen to their mission dialogue.
These are generally simplified introductions based on what I observed playing the games.
Tip and trick, if you’re writing a dialogue line, imagine the characters voice saying it out loud. Say it out loud yourself. If you can fully hear the character saying the line, it’s probably a great line. If you can’t picture them saying it, tweak it until you can. This helps me a lot.
Thank you :)
Also love the kate mention
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moonwatcher was such an asshole in book 8, scratch that, ALL the protagonists except peril were assholes in book 8. Peril got attacked by winter for no reason, she tried to be the better dragon and leave so she didn't accidentally hurt him, only for him to crash into her because he was attacking her, and then blame it on her? Then everyone else arrives and blames her too? Then moon watcher CASUCALLY drops "erm, I bet qibli knows how to kill you in like six different ways already heheh" THAT IS SO FUCKED UP?? HELLO? and then qibli SMILES and says "only 3 so far" like this is NOT a cute moonbli moment they just told peril that if it came down to it they would KILL HER. SHE DID NOTHING Wrong. and when peril pointed out "hey you have no problem with turtle using his powers for the war if his queen asked him but suddenly hate MW when I do?" Everyone just kinda stared at her like "O shit she has a point" AND THEN HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO IGNORE IT? LIKE "she's right... TURTLE you shouldn't have to use your powers for anyone!" WHAT. I hate how everyone treats peril in her book even turtle himself who's supposed to be her friend.
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Chubby Reader (Fluff)
Alright guys I am Ghost fan and yes man has a fucked up past, but as Soap said “That’s why I love the Ghost”. I had this requested by an anon so here we are. This will be a fluff/comfort fic since it wasn’t stated in the request. Hope you all like it. I do not own CoD: MW 2. This will be based on the newest game not the OG, but I would be willing to do an OG Ghost one as well. Warning: Some Adult situations, Nudity, Sexual Comments and Body Worship.
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It had been a long day as you angrily typed up reports on the 141’s recent mission. It didn’t help that you could hear one of the men making comments about your weight. It had bugged you when people couldn’t understand how you got your position on the elite base. He rambled on as you started to think that he may be right. You were “thick” as Soap would tell you when he was trying to help cheer you up. Then again the words still stung, and the only reason you were here was because of General Shepherd.
The man across the way was starting to irritate you as you tried not to eavesdrop. It was so hard not to listen to his rude comments about your size. It was a few moments more before you finally snapped. You shut your laptop and quickly left your office space. You were done and you had started to cry as you walked down the hall away from the mean comments. Not paying attention you ran into something solid and looked up to meet Ghost’s mask, and then his eyes.
He tilted his head at you then lifted his hand to your cheek. He pulled his hand away inspecting the tear he just wiped away. “What happened?”, he questioned. “It’s nothing”, you replied. “It wasn’t nothing if you're crying love, what happened”, he said more like a demand. “Not here please I just don’t want to be here”, you hiccuped. Ghost looked past you to see what had upset you and automatically understood. He knew from your many rants about a coworker that he was the reason, and the look of absolute terror when he made eye contact with said man was priceless.
The man quickly went back to his desk trying to break Ghost’s gaze on him. If you weren’t here Ghost would have had more than words for him, but you were here and you were his top priority. He put his hand on your lower back and took you to his room quickly. He opened the door for you and you sat down on his bed as the tears started all over again. He sat beside you and pulled you into his lap as you gripped his tactical vest. “Shh love it’s okay. Just breathe. In slowly and out slowly”, he soothed. 
His hand rubbed your back as you finally calmed down enough to relax. “You wanna talk about it love?” he asked. “It’s nothing I’m just having a bad day”, you tried to dissuade him. He just sat there silently and you were trying not to break under his silence. He always did this where he would wait for you to just tell him without having to push you. He always knew how to read you and you couldn’t. You always blamed the mask, but that wasn’t true because after being together for almost a year you couldn’t read him when his mask was off. 
“It was the coworker I told you about”, you sniffled. He stiffened and his grip tightened on you as he tried to control his anger. “What did he do?”, he all but growled. “He was making comments about me being chubby, and commenting that I did lewd acts to get here”, you sobbed. “Simon he isn’t wrong about me being chubby”, you sob. “He is dead wrong. (Y/N) I love every inch of you even if there are stretch marks”, he relays. Next you feel his lips on yours as he praises your body. He runs his hands over your thighs as he comments that they are strong and how he loves to hold them when he eats you out or how you try to squeeze his head as he brings you to orgasm. 
He rubs your stomach as he tells you how much he loves the softness there, and how he loves to lay his head on it as you card your fingers through his hair. He grips a breast as he tells you how sexy you are and that nothing is going to change his mind. You start to giggle as he starts kissing all over your face and down your neck to your chest. You swat lazily at him as he starts to leave some hickies only stopping when you put your hands on each cheek bringing him back to your lips. 
“I love you”, you confess as if he didn’t already know. He hums and asks if you want to cuddle and sleep. You tell him you would love to and he gets up to get you his favorite hoodie (or jumper as he calls it) for you to change into and a pair of sweats you keep in his room. He watches you change and he has to will himself not to get hard because right now you need comfort and reassurance. Once you change and turn around you can see the look in his eyes as you giggle.
“What’s so funny darling?” he asks. “I know that look. The look of a man that is hungry for more than just cuddling. We can if you want to do more”, you shrug. “Maybe later dove. Right now you need a nice warm cuddle puddle as Soap calls them”, he smirks. You outright laugh at that as you make your way back to his bed and he pulls you to him. He calmly talks to you about his day and it isn’t long before you're asleep on his chest. 
The next morning when you wake up Simon is gone as he is always awake and gone before you get up. You make your way to your room to change into your work clothes and start the dreaded walk to the offices. When you get to your desk there is a rose and a small note from Simon telling you to enjoy the silence today. You look around and realize everyone is there except for one. The co-worker that had been bothering you was nowhere to be seen. 
When he didn’t show up at all you were sure that Simon had killed him until he came in a day later. He was automatically chewed out and he complained that he couldn’t help it, that his car was totaled because someone had put sugar into the gas tank. He got no sympathy from his superior and was told he was taking the next couple of mission reports all by himself. You couldn’t help but smile at his misery.
When you got done you went straight to Simon’s room to wait for him. When he entered you were waiting for him under his covers. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about a car getting sugar poured in its gas tank would you?”, you grilled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about dove”, he told you as he stripped down and put on a pair of gray sweats. He slid into the bed with you and when he rolled onto his side to kiss you his hand touched warm flesh. 
His hand traveled your body and he looked into your eyes when he realized you were naked. “Well it’s too bad you don’t know anything about sugar in a gas tank because I think that person deserves a reward”, you smirked as he rolled over top of you keeping his weight off and taking you into a blissful kiss. “Well I may know a little about a gas tank and sugar”, he smirked as he captured your lips again. 
Alright guys I hope you like this one. I have only been getting about four hours of sleep for the past month and working so I’m sorry if this sucks. Just remember y'all are beautiful just the way y'all are!
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mrzombielover · 2 years
soap nsfw alphabet
prepare for some more headcanons while i take some time to write actual fics :)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he strikes me as a guy that will just fucking conk out immediately after. if you want to clean up you gotta move fast before hes dead asleep and holding you in a death grip.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he’s pretty neutral about himself, not really insecure but not the most vain. i bet he likes his arms and hands, he’s a strong guy and likes his mooscles plus he enjoys being able to manhandle you. also proud of his leg gains
on you he likes your hair. he thinks it frames your face real prettily and loves how it smells. will start using your shampoo and conditioner to your dismay
other than that hes an ass man, so that’s probably high on his list too
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
doesn’t have a particular preference for where he should but one time he pulled out and came all over your thighs and ass and he’s not gonna let that image go any time soon.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
chronic panty stealer. i cant really imagine him being ashamed of any kinks or anything but this is something you might not need to know about for a while. he kept a pair hidden in his barracks and freaked the fuck out when ghost almost found it. he returned them later that day
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
one of the more experienced of mw characters, he’s had a few girlfriends and random hookups once in a while but pretty standard
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
prefers intimate positions with lots of skin to skin contact and eye contact. you cant go wrong with classic missionary, but he’ll bend down with his face close to yours and hold you against him. also likes when you wrap your legs around his waist.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he def has the capability to be silly and goofy and perhaps a tad whimsical. to him, sex with his partner is about making you both feel good and he can be laid back and crack some jokes if the mood is light. not that he can’t be serious, but he likes laughing and not taking things super seriously
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
pretty hairy guy, he’s very clean and i imagine he’d keep things trimmed but i cant see him shaving lol. i bet he has a super sexy happy trail too. pubes are brown and curly like his hair
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
surprisingly romantic- in his own weird way. he can be traditionally romantic, too, if the situation calls for it like on an anniversary or smth.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
tends to quite often when you’re not there, he gets wound up very easily and uses it as a way to let off some steam, and relax before bed
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
usually p vanilla but there are times where he like to step it up. he’s def a switch so when you take the reigns it gets him all excited.
also likes blindfolds, on him and you. just thinks it’s sooo hot how it heightens your other senses and makes you extra sensitive.
the same can be said with temperature play- ice and wax. the different sensations get him so riled up and he loves the little gasps and whimpers it elicits.
Again both of these can be done on him or you this guy is the biggest switch ever.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
prefers classic bedroom, it’s private, comfortable, and you can really go all out without worry. unfortunately, neither of you are home very often, so the showers or barracks are the most common places.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
honestly everything you do. it doesn’t take much to get him going, he has a pretty high sex drive. watching you concentrate on something just gives him the insane urge to annoy you and ruin your concentration, and even more so if you’re actually doing work. especially working with your hands in some way
watching you get ready is another one, smth abt the contrast between how you look in your gear vs all dolled up really does it for him.
basically anything you do
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
hes a very clean guy, hence the nickname. not into piss or blood or a ton of dirt and grime. granted he might find it hot if you’re all sweaty and nasty from a workout or mission but that’s a very specific circumstance. this makes shower sex fair game.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
likes giving and receiving, again sex and making eachother feel good is very important to him in relationships. he can give very enthusiastic head but he’s def not gonna turn down a bj
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
tends to go pretty hard. hes a strong, big guy who can manhandle you and hold you down if needed, and usually goes at a pretty deep and rough pace. can always slow down if you need it tho hes so sweet at the same time
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
though he likes the convenience, especially as you’re both busy people, he much prefers when he can take his time with you and properly go multiple rounds
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he can be real cheeky and smug, loves teasing you in semi-public situations. he’s down to experiment, mostly to have fun. doesn’t mind doing it if there’s a slight risk but wouldn’t wanna do it like in public
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
absolutely insane. from how much he works out to his relatively clean diet to his high test levels he can go for a while. tends to bust a little prematurely but he makes up for it in how many rounds he can go
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
doesn’t use them a ton but he def sees them as an ally, not a threat. prefers using them on you but he’s not opposed to them being used on himself aswell
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
very much so, but he also enjoys being teased. if you’re in a meeting he’ll love to have a hand on your thigh trailing dangerously high while you’re talking, trying his hardest to break your focus and embarrass you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s def on the louder side, not afraid to be whimpering, groaning and grunting all in your ear and it’s so fuckinf sexy he reminds me of those memes like “other dudes be afraid to moan in bed but i’m in my girls ear like”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
has threesome/gangbang fantasies with you and the guys from 141, but he would literally never say anything to any of the guys nor you cause he’s worried about making things awkward with them. he could maybe maybe consider asking ghost
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
oooh do i have thoughts abt this 😭😭
so very thick and long. not the biggest (my man könig) but it’s very substantial. 6-7 inches hard and if the length doesn’t get you then the width WILL it feels like you’re getting SPLIT. base color #a95840 with a slightly lighter and redder tip
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very. it doesn’t take a lot to get him going and on a good day he can go 3 rounds. whenever you’re in the mood, he’s in the mood and ready to go.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
as previously stated after he busts you got like 2 minutes before he’s knocked the fuck out and probably pinning you down with him. he can’t help it he’s so content and warm and he’s just gonna wanna take a nap
+ i plan on doing the rest of 141 and könig versions too :)
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annaphoenix1994 · 2 years
Simon Says
An innocent game turned erotic.
"Bend over. All the way until I say so."
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Tags: Smut/Brief Bandana Play/Praise kink/Power kink/Domestic Simon
Additional tags: Carried-away smut (not sorry), dirty sex, teasing, Simon's personal thoughts, creampie, blowjob, throat fucking, consensual sex game, rough play, slapping (ass only - Simon would never think about slapping your pretty little face), minor biting.
Word count: 3,647
A/N: Y'all I'm severely feral for this man and my fictional retirement for him has come to a hilt after this new release. He's always been hot but I never crushed on him this hard, even since the first MW. I stayed up an extra hour to write this when I have an early morning at work, so y'all better enjoy!
What started as a sexual joke turned literal after the encouragement of your teasing and a few shots of bourbon. He vaguely remembered Soap telling you at a bar one night: "You should get him to play Simon Says in the bedroom. Maybe that'll make him lose his attitude!"
You were in the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for yourself after playfully slapping his rear when he was scavenging through his own refrigerator. You couldn't lie, Simon had a better ass than you did.
Your playful slap didn't go unnoticed as he knew he'd get you back for it, slapping your ass hard enough for the water to come over the brim of the glass, smirking as you cursed at him.
His hand stayed on your rear, squeezing it firmly. All mine.
You two hadn’t been intimate for a while, and that was okay as both of your working lives had been hectic the past week. He wanted to try something new with you, knowing he had you exactly how he wanted you. He watched how your breath hitched and that innocent, yet teasingly abusive bite to your lip had his attention.
“How’s about we play a little game, yeh?” He whispered gruffly in your ear before pressing a kiss behind your ear. You nodded anxiously, wondering what he would do. “Shut those pretty eyes for me. We’re going to play a game of Simon Says.”
“How fitting.” You giggled, doing as he asked.
“That’s right, darling,” He replied. “Now, keep them shut.”
“Yes, chief-” You said, a tone of play at your voice, knowing he got a rise out of correcting you.
“Lieutenant,” He corrected, swatting at your ass at the wrong title. “Simon Says bend over. All the way until I say so.”
He guided you to where you were bent over the kitchen islander, the piece of furniture a little bit shorter than the countertop as he was sure you were more comfortable with the lower height. His palm rested heavily between your shoulder blades before he walked into the entryway of the house, retrieving one of his bandanas that hung on the hook along with keys.
You couldn’t help but peek at where he had gone, closing them quickly to look obedient as he returned, hoping he didn’t catch you.
“I saw that,” He breathed, feeling his weight behind you again before feeling the cloth of the bandana covering your eyes. “Don’t cheat.”
You hummed in satisfaction, feeling him part your legs with his foot, but he didn’t do anything yet but admire the view below him. His palms traced up your spine and back down to your rear, eager to slap your ass one again when you were closer to him.
You couldn’t help but arch your back in anxiousness, your hips almost begging him to grasp them and pull them into his erection, but he was having too much fun taking his time. He took notice of this and as your punishment he withheld from entering you until you didn’t seem so anxious for him. “Simon Says hands behind your back.”
You did as you were told, pressing the back of your hands to the small of your back, feeling his left hand clasp them together to keep you still before you felt the sensitive head of his velvety length prodding at your hot core. He was always amazed that you didn’t need foreplay when it came to sex as you always seemed so ready for him.
You felt the tip of his length at your core, anxiously waiting for him to slip himself inside, but you knew he was teasing you at this point. He couldn't help it -- he loved to watch you wreath under him and beg him for more. He wasn't narcissistic about it, but it was definitely a trait of dominance that he loved to have over you.
He gripped your wrists slightly harder, pulling them back towards him as he slowly entered you. Each inch stretches you to accommodate his size as a smirk sneaks on his lips at the sudden gasp at his length. Fully sheathed inside of you, he pulled out slowly, nearly making himself lose it after feeling how well you clenched onto him. Almost as if you were made for him and only him. His free hand grasped your buttock, gripping it firmly as his thrusts became rougher after toying with the sound of your moans, careful not to make you uncomfortable.
He continued to rut into you, too blitzed in his own arousal that one of your hands slipped free from his grasp to cover your mouth as it was an insecurity of yours to hear your own voice. You let out a loud, muffled cry as he curled his hips upward, his attention now fixed on you as he noticed the usual loud whines he loved so much were now muffled by the enemy of your palm. "I don't think so," He said gruffly, removing himself completely from you and grasping your hips, making you turn to where you were on your back on the islander, the cold tile sending a shiver down your spine and your sudden chill showing in your pert nipples. "Simon Says look at me." He said, removing the bandana from your eyes and moving your wrists to where they were caged between his left hand.
You knew eye contact was a big turn-on for him when it came to sex and you liked it too, but to an extent...
You hated being seen naked in natural light, afraid that he wouldn't find your cellulite, stretch marks, and "plushy" stomach and thighs attractive.
Oh, how you were wrong.
He wished you'd quit comparing yourself to the standards of society - being the strong and well-built man that he was, you were sure that it was "more appropriate" for him to be seen with a slender and toned woman to match his appearance.
Simon didn't give an absolute fuck.
You were going to be the mother of his children one day and his perfectly-chosen wife. He didn't give a damn how you looked. Quite frankly, he wouldn't want to see you all "built and skinny" (unless you wanted to) as he felt you looked comfortable in your own skin. He never heard you complain about how you looked, although you joked about it a lot and would hint at how you always felt in the dark when it came to being looked at by men when you were single. You always felt like you were a "third wheel" when out with your friends, watching men look and gawk at them like they were a princess, feeling like they wouldn't turn a blind eye to look at you.
Oh, but you got Simon's attention the first time he ever laid eyes on you. He loved your round face and slight dimples, your hazel eyes and soft smile. It didn't take but two conversations with you to realize that you had an absolute heart of gold who had seen and dealt with too much heartbreak that you didn't deserve. And that's when Simon vowed to himself to be the last man you'd ever have to be with...
Because he wasn't going to risk losing you.
Although he wanted to take you completely how he wanted to, knowing you consensually allowed him to, he pushed that thought aside as he couldn't help but put your insecurities at bay.
He tested the waters a bit, looking into your eyes as he entered you again, waiting to see if your body would naturally react to its own insecurity that he knew you were too afraid to say. Naturally, your head tilted back and away from his view, which was something he noticed as a way for you to hide your face from him, although you hoped he just took it as your reaction to his penetration.
"Eyes on me, sweetheart." He repeated, his tone low.
You forced yourself to look at him, his eyes studying you intensively as you fought the urge to lean your head back again, but the intense grip on your wrists kept you from escaping his sharp stare. He allowed you to lay back as his grip stayed on your wrists while his other hand rested on your sternum as he watched himself penetrate you. He was obsessed with how well you took him.
His gaze slowly made its way to your mouth as you gasped out another moan, watching your eyes close to your own satisfaction.
Suddenly, Simon lifted you up effortlessly and quickly, his hands firmly under your buttocks as he carried you to your shared bedroom. Your lips were locked as he carried you, your fingers making their way through his hair as your other hand dug crescents into the strong muscle of his shoulder.
He lay you gently on the bed, not bothering to turn on any lights or lamps as the moonlight beaming through the curtain was enough light for him as he preferred the darkness anyway, but he figured the dim lighting would ease your subconscious thoughts about yourself.
You lay splayed out in front of him. God, he wanted to do so many things to you, but he couldn't decide on what.
That was until he saw strands of your hair dangling off the side of the bed. Perfect.
Perfect height, too.
"Simon Says hang your head over the bed."
You were taken aback by his statement, but a ping of excitement fluttered in your stomach as you were eager to try what he was wanting to do.
His hands were delicately on either side of your face as he guided you to the preferred position. "Simon Says open your mouth for me."
You did as you were told, feeling the pads of his fingers on your jawbone, his thumb pressed against your chin as he helped you open your mouth to accommodate his size. "Put your hands on me. Let me know if I'm hurting you and I'll stop." He said sincerely, his tip leaking with excitement as your hot breath reeled him in further. God, I just know I'm going to see myself bulging through her throat. Fucking hell.
Your palms were gripping at the back of his thighs, keeping even pressure there as he slowly, so very slowly, proceeded to enter your mouth. The intense rush he felt was euphoric as he swore goosebumps erected on his forearms. Your tongue flattened against his shaft as you forced yourself to relax and prepare to hold your breath when he entered you.
He then pulled back slowly every time he felt your throat constrict against him with a firm press against his thighs, indicating to him that it was uncomfortable for you briefly.
He felt you nod and pull him closer, wanting him to go in again as you were more prepared to feel him now. You ignored the painful sting of a new feeling and splayed your tongue against him anyway, forcing your eyes shut and focusing on his soft touch to comfort you, knowing he would never force anything out of you. Free of judgment.
You heard a deep and satisfying groan escape his lips as he was looking at what he was expecting - his length left a perfect bulge in your throat. He couldn't help but push in farter before pulling away to let you breathe, watching as a thin rope of precum connected the tip of his penis to your red lips.
You breathed heavily after his exit and your palms stayed on his thighs, eager to feel the sensation again, but this was his game and you were waiting on his call.
You looked up at him, tears streaming from your eyes from the pressure. He looked down at you, using his thumbs to wipe those tears away before you watched him smirk, biting your lip in response. "Simon Says open your mouth."
You smirked, doing as you were told and keeping eye contact with him as you opened your mouth more confidently. Bloody fucking hell.
Your tongue was ready to elope his shaft as he entered your mouth slowly, keeping that eye contact for as long as he could until your mouth took him completely -- all without one single gag or resistance from your throat. He savored every thrust, keeping his hands securely against your cheeks to comfort you as he wanted desperately to destroy that pretty little mouth of yours, but he wasn't about to be selfish. You came first. Always.
You groaned in satisfaction as you took him completely, sending a shiver up his spine at the new sensation. Your nails dug into the flesh of his thighs as he began to thrust a bit faster. You held your breath as you knew he was enjoying the sensation. You didn't want to ruin it for him by gagging, but you almost got to the point where you needed to take a breath as he was filling your mouth completely.
You curled your head against the side of the mattress as his thrusts began to slow. You knew he wanted to cum, but you also knew that he wanted to take his time with you. He removed himself slowly from you, again wiping the tears from your eyes and gazing at the blotches of blush on your chest complimentary of your arousal. "Simon Says present yourself to me."
You were nervous as you did so, always afraid that he wouldn't like going down on you, but what you didn't know was that he wished to God you would just sit on his face and go to town on you. Full weight on his face. He wished you had the guts to do so. Eventually...
It was a boost to his confidence and enthusiasm, it was full-on, he pictured the view as perfect, and knew gravity was on his side when it came to your orgasm. He imagined he could feel everything -- knowing there was no way for you to get away with it. Fuck, it's overwhelming in the best fucking way possible. It was also torture for him that he would so love to experience. Knowing you had complete control of not only his face but his cock as well. It was satisfying to be frustrated like that -- when he couldn't do anything about it... when you had all control over him while he was in erotic heaven.
He reached down to touch your soaking wet core as he moved to his knees, putting your left foot on his shoulder as he began to trace his lips from the inside of your ankle all the way to your inner thigh. You wriggled under his touch, his hands pinning your hips down onto the bed. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." He said lowly, his tone alone sending an erotic shiver up your spine.
Your left foot was still on his shoulder as he went down on you. Please, fucking trap my head between those thighs and keep me there.
He didn't know why he was so primal in his sexual behavior, but he didn't fucking care. You were so damn hot and all his and only his and vice versa. He loved you until his lungs would go out and he would fight to the death.
He loved the idea of having someone to fight for - to fill that void in his once-sad eyes.
Since you came along, even his closest friends noticed a certain gleam in his eye. He was alive.
He flattened his tongue between your folds, slowly, oh very slowly, up towards your aching bundle of nerves, latching his lips around your clit as your body's natural reaction was to tense your legs. Thank fucking God. Keep going. Wrap those thighs around me.
Your hands immediately went down to grasp at the longer strands of hair on his head, your nails digging at his scalp. Fuck!
He helped guide your legs to where both of them were draped over his shoulders, your body naturally tightening them to the sudden spark of sexual energy. You didn't know you were doing it - it was just a reaction. But God, he loved it.
He continued to lap at your clit slowly, teasing, even. Smirking against your hot core as he felt more of your slick come from you. His hands traveled to your breasts, cupping them firmly as he closed his eyes briefly, savoring the sweet taste of you as if he were a hummingbird enjoying the much-needed nectar. Fuck, he was absolutely mad for you. You gasped once he flicked the tip of his tongue against your clit, your stomach tightening and your thighs finally trapping his head between your thighs, his hot breath adding extra sensations to your rushing orgasm. Crush my fucking head with those legs. I'll die a happy man.
He kept the pace up, his eyes looking up at you, catching a glance at your pleading eyes looking down at him, but he didn't mind the way you bit at the sheet nearby as you didn't know how else to react. He loved how he had you all over the place. All because of him. He wanted to retreat to tell you to look at him, to really get off on that eye contact, but you tasted too damn good and were so damn warm against his mouth that he didn't want to let up.
His fingers dug into your hips before sliding back up to your breasts, feeling your hand grasp his right hand before feeling a warm sensation on his index finger. You had put his finger against your lips, kissing each pad of his fingers as if you were worshiping them, your delicate touches compared to his rough ones as you traced the blunt veins that showed his strength. You soon felt your heartbeat in your stomach and your core tightening over nothing. Your orgasm was coming like a tidal wave. He knew it too and kept his pace slow and sensual, waiting patiently to taste you.
Your grip tightened on his hand as you came, your legs really tightening around his head shamelessly, your other hand tugging at his hair as your moans filled the room. Thank God his neighbors are further away.
His pace slowed, feeling him inhale as he tasted you in pure erotic heaven as he eased you down from your high. He slowly stood to his feet, savoring the taste of you on his tongue as he watched you catch your breath on the bed, grinning as you looked up at him. He was as hard as a rock at the sight below him, grabbing your left leg and draping it back over his shoulder as he penetrated you slowly, your new slick from your orgasm welcoming him. You were hot and tight for him and he knew he wasn't going to last long.
Fully sheathed inside of you, he let you pull him down towards your lips, tasting yourself on him as he proceeded to thrust slowly into you. He was genuine with how you felt before him. He let you ride out your orgasm and adjust to his girth, waiting for your gestures to tell him to get rougher with each thrust.
He continued to kiss you, groaning at the sensation of his bottom lip between your teeth as his thrusts became harder. His right hand came up to cradle the top of your head before it hit the headboard, his other hand gripping the headboard, soon to use it for leverage to ride out his own orgasm that wasn't too far behind yours.
You moaned into his mouth, helplessly rolling your hips as both of your legs were wrapped around his waist, holding him against you, practically begging him to fill you full. Your hands explored his body -- your left hand digging crescents into his back while your right hand traced up his left arm, feeling the valley of muscles as you continue upward.
You couldn't help but roll your hips, matching his thrust as you couldn't help but tighten around him, feeling a satisfying grumble come from his chest. "Come on, baby," You whispered, your hands now in his hair as his lips were latched to your neck. "Please."
He felt victorious. He had a smoking hot woman beneath him that nobody else had a chance with. You were everything he could ever ask for and he felt he didn't deserve it, but you never pried into his feelings as to why. You were just there for him - something he wasn't used to. Your lips locked again before his thrusts became needier - he was desperately finding his release. You moaned into his mouth before your legs tightened around his waist. Fuck!
He stilled, his seed filling you completely. Sweat pricked at your body as you felt his arms shake with adrenaline as well as holding himself up off of you. Your kisses were somewhat sloppy but rewarding. He proceeded to kiss your neck slowly, savoring every last bit of your hot skin as he enjoyed your palms rubbing against his back. He hummed against your touch, placing a tender kiss on your sternum. "I love you, sweetheart."
You smiled, "I love you too."
He kissed your sternum once more before forcing himself to stand, walking towards the bathroom, and getting a clean cloth. You heard him run the warm water over it before returning to your presented body. The light from the bathroom ignites your insecurity once more.
He sat the warm cloth on your knee, letting your skin get used to the feeling before he proceeded to clean the sticky mess he left between your thighs. You giggled, "We should play Simon Says more often..."
"Oh, I plan on it."
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trashiewrites · 2 years
What would the MW Boys be like in relationships? Here are some HCs (wrote these like last year tbh :/)
+this one has trouble showing his love at times
+work is honestly the worst obstacle
+very lightly brags about you to the boys.
+loves getting home and seeing you in the kitchen cooking.
+mainly because he can hug you from behind
+ he also enjoys going to bed and cuddling you.
+you would think hes light sleeper, you guessed wrong.
+neck kisses for days
+you two leave little notes for eachother.
+usually before he goes to work you pack him a note in his lunch
+ if you feel gracious enough you'll put chocolate in there too.
+this man doesnt need drug he needs chocolate.
+yall playfully argue over stupid shit. Like how snickers is better then kit kats
+He like big spoon alot.
+motivational couple of the year
+honestly when it comes down to relationships it scared him
+you two bond over music for sure
+there are legit times where you too do not speak. Silence is just okay with y'all.
+he likes to quietly sing you little love songs
+he isn't fond of PDA but if any guy start getting too cozy, he will fucking dip and kiss you
+he trusts ya around the 141 boys.
+I refuse to think he doesn't randomly hug you throughout the day
+Such a gentleman deadass.
+will get the boys to help intimidate other guys
+you wonder how someone so sweet and soft became a SAS soilder.
+you also wonder how you got so lucky with this sweet baby.
+yall never wake up before noon
+B a d p u n s f o r d a y s
+Alex is a mean cook
+cannot clean for shit tho.
+making you laugh and smile is his ultimate goal in life
+you hate it but he calls you "pumpkin" or "crack master" either one.
+In spite of this you call him "mushroom" or "methhead" again, either one.
+puppy, HE IS A PUPPY
+he loves talking to you on his free time at work
+ “no you hang up first” for 5 mins straight
+tbh you two are very competitive with eachother
+video game couple
+tbh whatever COD equivalent games their is in there you two prob play together
+protective but not confrontational. He knows you can stand your ground and that you are loyal but he cant help but when you two cuddle after to hold you a little bit tighter than usual.
This was written a while ago and I'll be making stuff for Alejandro and Graves separately
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hostilecandle · 10 hours
I know this fandom loves their Ghoap. (And I do too! Don't get me wrong. Quite frankly all the 141 are gay and dating if ya ask me) But I LOSE MY MIND the second I see even a crumb of just Soap and Price 😵‍💫😵‍💫
I am barking like a feral fucking dog. I am looking as disrespectfully as possible. Foaming at the fucking mouth over this ship. The blind faith Soap has in Price both in the og mw series and the reboot (while subtler we still get dialog options that shows Soaps full trust in Price even against ghosts warning in response) just gets to me in a way none of the other ships in this fandom do.
I'm such a manwhore for that mentor/mentee dynamic. Go absolutely nuts for it. Younger man trying so desperately to impress the man he looks up too just for a drop of praise and the clap of a hand on the shoulder. Full unwavering certainty the man he looks up to will be there it's just sooooooooo good😵‍💫😵‍💫
Bonus points for Soap seducing Price. He knows what he wants and he wants that man right now.
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