#when the one thing is LITERALLY water...GIRL....!!!! HE 'S DYING!!!
bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Tuvok’s intake of breath/slight straightening of posture when Janeway says she spoke to his family before she left....................................................I can’t speak
#yes this is important enough to merit its own post <- favortism#Janeway & Tuvok are so <3#you know that fanfiction trope where Kirk is like 'Spock please - we're in private. No need with this Captain stuff' ?#they are the COMPLETE opposite HEHEHE#Janeway (to her friend of twenty years): Hello Mr. Tuvok. / Tuvok: Hello Captain v_v <- just got done telling an ensign that HE knows the#captain would not appreciate being referred to as 'ma'am'#Janeway & Tuvok: what if 'you're right as usual' could be our always?? <- something's wrong with them#AAAAAAAAA 'they're worried about you' (Vulcans do not worry) 'they...miss you.' (...as I do them.)#Then Janeway immediately rising with her wide eyes and promising to get him back to them like she's making a blood oath AAAAA#H E ALREADY MISSED THEM. HE ALREADY MISSED THEM AND THE Y ALREADY MISSED HIM.#Tuvok is the 'I lived bitch' meme twiceover but specifically to T'Pel#Tuvok's goes undercover with the Maquis - The Maquis ship is lost - Voyager is lost - Voyager is found but thousands of light years away -#AND YET HE MAKES IT BACK TO HER IN THE END#NO GRAVE CAN HOLD MY BODY DOWN!!!! I'LL CRAWL HOME TO HER!!!!!!#Anyway Janeway and Tuvok would make a blood oath to each other about anything they are so dramatic and duty bound#O H MYGFUCKING GOD IS THAT NEELIX~!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!#HI NEELIX~!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3 HIII!!!#Janeway (to some guy she found in a dumpster): My Name Is Captain Kathryn Janeway Of The Federation Starship V-#Also I love Neelix trying to act like 'oh there's just ONE thing really you could get me to make me cooperate...'#when the one thing is LITERALLY water...GIRL....!!!! HE 'S DYING!!!#me seeing the scene where Tuvok meets Neelix: WOOW just like leolaroot's moth to the flame music video!!#Tuvok's speech pattern my beloved <3#'I aSsure you that everything in thisrom HAS a specific fuuunctiooon.'#B'Elanna: (so scared she's literally shaking) Sorry I'm just freaking out bc I'm Klingon#BABY. GIRL. NO. YOU ARE /NOT/.#how she pronounces her name changes...here she says BAY-lanna instead of BUH-lanna#livetweeting
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flwrkisses · 6 months
tiktoks enhypen would make with you.
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happy 3 years of enha!!! to celebrate here's my first ot7 enha headcannon !! i hope you guys enjoyyyy.
genre: fluff. established relationship.
warning: links to tiktok. i do not know anyone in the videos below. not proof read.
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he's not one to outwardly ask to make tiktoks with you, or be really on top of current trends. however, you thought it would be funny to record his reaction to you playing the "water" song associated with the tiktok trend to see if he would look over. it was something most people were doing with their boyfriends and it looked funny. heeseung was well aware of the "water" trend and even did the dance for you one night to make you laugh. however, he did not know people were testing their boyfriends to see if they would look over in attempt to see a girl doing the sensual dance on the screen. so when you take the video you both can't help but laugh uncontrollably. watching him playfully sulk in the corner was also an added plus.
a lot like heeseung, jay is aware of tiktok and maybe some trends however he had never need the lipstick trend you had been dying to do with him. so when you show him the tiktok he can't help but smile a little at the fact that you wanted to do it with him. as you placed the kisses all over his face he giggled and looked in the mirror. it was safe to say that jay had never been covered in lipstick like this before so it made him extremely giggly. even made him want to snap a selfie once you had planted each kiss and made sure the lipstick stain was visible on his tanned skin. you'd have to film the video multiple times because he'd get a little too distracted while looking at you. theres no hiding the love in his eyes for you... fr.
he was the one who saw this trend on his fyp and showed you the videos. he thought it was the cutest thing and literally begged you to film it with him. after a couple days on convincing you said yes. so on your way to your dinner date, jake props up his phone on a street lamp and with out rehearsing much filmed the interaction with you. what you didn't expect was for him to lean in and kiss you so passionately and aggressively as he did. in between kisses all you can hear were his happy giggles because he knew he took you off guard in the best way possible. so that one and only take was the one he used to upload, and man he was reaaaaaal proud about it.
you've been dying to post something cute with your boyfriend on social media, however sunghoon is so anti pda and couples content it took him a little bit on convincing. luckily, when you showed him this trend he realized he hardly had to be in the video and the focus was on you, which in his shy nature he really enjoyed. so when you guys went outside to film it, he didn't think about his speed or force. grabbing you to his chest a little too roughly made the both of you burst out into laughter uncontrollably. he obviously apologized for almost snapping you in half in between his sweet smile and chuckles. and when you both looked back at the video, sunghoon begged you to post it because he just thought the end result was way too funny not to put out there.
sunoo loves scrolling through tiktok, he's on all the trends and knows all about the "sassy man apocalypse". and is very proud to say he is in fact part of it. he always talks about how you're so lucky to have such a soft, sensitive, and sassy boyfriend to keep it real with you all the time. however, he never thought you would make a tiktok like this and post it. he honestly had no idea why you were filming him while he played on his phone, and of course gave you the hardest side eye on earth. but, later you show hin the video you made and it made him laugh. he knew he had to watch his facial expressions moving forward because his face said it all in that video. yes you have a sassy man but you wouldn't have it any other way!
being honest, jungwon has always let you know how much he hates cringy couple tiktok trends and tends to make fun of them. so one day when you're out in the park he sees another couple doing a rather sweet looking trend and it makes him want to immediately make fun of it. so when he gives you the idea of spinning and then running at you at full speed you laugh and agree. while filming you couldn't help but notice his bright dimpled smile coming at you at as he ran towards you. you fought the urge of stopping him in his tracks and kissing his excessively cute face and ran away as instructed. watching the video back, the both of you couldn't help but laugh. it ended up being much cuter than intended but, you guys were always an unintentionally cute couple.
riki is the definition of your hype man. if you do something he stands and watches happily all the time and usually hypes you up while doing it. so when you pull out your phone and prop it up while on a walk home after dinner, he couldn't help but watch you dance to your little tiktok song. if he's being honest, he's not a tiktok type guy and a little like jungwon finds couple tiktok trends kinda cringy and honestly most tiktok trends cringe in general. he's always in his head about looking cool... but, when you encorage him to dance a little he gets kinda into it making it fun for both of you. looking back at the video he thinks it's funny and actually kinda cute. but he never expected you to post it. it was just a video of the two of you messing around like young people do, deep down however he's actually kinda happy you're showing him off... even if it is on tiktok.
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
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cosmicmunsonwrites · 10 months
Drunk reader meets rafe while he’s talking to his friends. Your drunken status leaves you falling asleep on his lap with him taking you back to his house so your safe
but you came right on time
pairing(s): rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption
summary: after having one too many drinks, you find yourself talking to outerbanks’ golden boy.
authors note: guys i’m so sorry for not updating but with school starting last week, i’m literally dying rn. i changed it up just a tad :) thank you for the request though and i really hope you enjoy!
not edited
do not copy my works. i do not condone rewrites, translations, or edited versions. all my content is my content that i wrote.
not my gif
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you were currently sat on the couch with a cup of cheap beer in your hand, waiting on your friend to return from wherever she’d gone. she was your ride after all.
“dude, shes smokin’ hot,” you heard a boy say from your right. you then saw him point to a girl across the room. he was standing with a green beer bottle in hand while talking to another guy sat right next to you.
the boy next to you was very pretty. he also looked very troubled.
“are you okay?” you drunkenly asked, trying to provide him some sort of comfort.
his blank expression immediately morphed into one your couldn’t quite make out when he looked towards you. “what?”
you had thought it was a pretty straightforward question. “are you okay?” you repeated a little louder this time incase he couldn’t hear over the music.
he looked almost confused. “yes? why do you ask?”
you opted for a simple shrug before you took another sip of your drink. “you look upset,” you replied. “jus’ wanted to see if you were alright.” then you held out a hand in front of you. “y/n.”
he hesitantly took it. “rafe.”
“cool name,” you slurred out. once your hands were freed from one another, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder and cuddled into his side in desperate need of a nap.
you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to slowly find sleep.
rafe hadn’t even noticed, still engaged in a conversation with topper and kelce. but when he did, he couldn’t help but feel the urge to protect you in your vulnerable state. he gently grabbed the cup from your hand and placed it on the table along with his own. “i think ‘m gonna get going,” he alerted the other two.
“so soon?” kelce asked. “it’s just getting started.”
topper chuckled and hit the boys chest. “you gonna take her to your place or somethin’?”
“what else am i supposed to do? leave her here?” he asked with a quirked brow.
the blonde smirked. “i’m sure any other guy here would gladly take her home.”
“you’re disgusting, top,” kelce grimaced.
rafe simply rolled his eyes, not wanting to engage in a conversation with the idiot he called his best friend. he slowly stood up while making sure you wouldn’t fall over. once he was up on his feet, he lightly tapped your shoulder. “hey.”
you grumbled and stirred slightly. “what?”
“c’mon. ‘m gonna take you to my place, okay? i need you to follow me though,” he said softly, grabbing your hands and gently pulling you up on your feet. you drunkenly stumbled into his chest before finally gaining balance. “ready?” he asked as he snaked a hand around your waist for stability.
you nodded and leaned into him a little closer as you walked towards his car. once you arrived without falling over, he opened the passenger door and helped you get in and buckle up before shutting it and doing the same for himself.
fortunately, the ride to the cameron residence was short.
and to make things even better, his parents weren’t home. nor were his sisters.
with his assistance, you two had successfully made it up the stairs and into his bedroom.
“here,” he said, handing her an unopened bottle of water on his bedside table he’d placed there before he left earlier in the day. “take a seat and drink it.”
you groaned, closing your eyes as you sat down. “i don’t like water.”
his brow raised in confusion. “you don’t like water?”
you immediately shook your head slowly to avoid worsening your headache. “no. too bland.”
he couldn’t help but chuckle. “well, i need you to drink a little bit then you can head to bed.” he began to rummage through his drawers before dropping something onto the mattress next to her. “here. change into these. if you need anything, i’m gonna go get some ibuprofen from the kitchen.”
you nodded lazily and waited until he closed the door behind himself to change into the clothes.
when he returned, he knocked softly and asked a soft, “can i come in?” when he got no answer, he slowly opened the door to find you knocked out already. you were dressed in his hoodie and sweats that absolutely swallowed you. he glanced over at the water bottle as he headed to the closet, noticing you’d taken a few sips. he pulled out a soft blanket from inside and draped it over you in hopes of making you as comfortable as possible.
the thought of you not being here with him right now and having someone else take you home to do only god knows what to you was making his blood boil. it didn’t matter though. after all, you were here with him.
he grabbed out another blanket from the college and a pillow, making his bed for the night on the floor. if this were anyone else he was sleeping on the ground for, he’d be pissed. but knowing you were here and protected by him somehow just made him feel a whole lot better.
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ithinkabouttzu · 4 months
omg feel free to ignore but can you do BoB headcanons of having a female medic s/o with big boobs 🙏
Easy co.’s reaction to having a nurse s/o with big boobs
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genre: Fluff; suggestive
warnings: Language, suggestion (sorry guys)
description: Easy company’s men reaction to you (their s/o) being their nurse and having big boobs.
a/n: Hey!! Sorry I totally didn’t see the medic part and I accidentally wrote it as nurse i’m so sorry 😭 Anywho, just a reminder that this isn’t any hate towards any itty-bitty-titty community at all! (love you guys for real!) Also, some of these might seem like they’re sexualizing the reader but please don’t take it that way, it’s all supposed to be about love!! Hope you enjoy reading <3
Taglist: @sweetxvanixlla @ronsparky @samwinchesterslostshoe @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl (if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!)
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Dick Winters: - He tries to be the most respectful, it’s inappropriate to look at your body that way and he really respects you.
- But he also is fighting himself from blushing when he sees how your figure looks in your nurses uniform
- He finds you beautiful regardless though, no matter what your chest size is (even tho he’s had a very hard time trying not to stare)
Lewis Nixon: - his eyes get really big when he sees you in your nurse uniform, your cleavage out almost perfectly.
- His throat becomes dry, he feels the urge to drink water, lots of it from his recent thirst, but it seems the only thing he’s thirsty for is you.
- After seeing only men for the past months, and you being the first women he sees in the hospital, he almost dies flat out and he would be completely happy to do so
Carwood Lipton: - He doesn’t even notice at first, he only looks when you have to reach across his body in order to find a good vein.
- His face gets so red, one because he’s guilty for looking, another because he’s absolutely in awe of the beautiful things in front of him
- He still tries to not objectify you, but he truly finds you beautiful in general. He can’t help but get goosebumps at the thought of seeing you again
Joe Toye: - Man when he sees you in that nurses dress, after almost a year of seeing only the men around him, he gets so close to losing it
- He literally starts drooling at the mouth whenever he sees you, you’re like a dream come true, an answer to every single one of his prayers.
- When you do get close to him it’s like he can’t breathe, your body only clouds his mind with unholy thoughts and the dying urge to feel your pretty chest. He’s absolutely desperate for you and getting to know you for the rest of his stay at the hospital.
Joe Liebgott: - NOW WE ALL KNOW THIS MAN IS HAVING THE TIME OF HIS LIFE When he sees you, he actually does lose it, a big smile rising onto his face as though the girl of his dreams is now assigned as his nurse
- He’s an absolute slut for you. Like he’s gonna try his absolute best to make you his, whatever he has to do, he’ll do it. He can’t help but flirt with you any chance he can get.
- When it’s getting close to the end of his stay, he’s dreading it. Only wishing to see you everyday. He’ll practically beg to see you again sometime, or if he can write to you. And being good friends you say yes, making him the happiest man alive.
Bill Guarnere: - He’s probably the biggest flirt you’ve had as a patient. The look on his face is the equivalence of a kid in a candy store for the first time. He’s quick to introduce himself to you, bringing out his best charm for you
- “You always walk around looking like that? It’s killin’ me, doll, and you know it” He would whisper in your ear as you take care of him. It’s hard not to give in when he’s so enticing like this, his voice sending you chills when he talks to you so romantically.
- He’d promise he’d write to you once he gets better, making sure that once the war was over, he’d find you again and take you out the right way.
George Luz: -He gets so smiley when he sees you, he doesn’t mean to stare at your chest, in his defense your chest was kinda staring at him first, your uniform was a bit tight in the upper half making you a bit more revealed, but he didn’t mind one bit.
-He was actually rather joyful, whenever he saw you, you brought his hopes up a bunch. It always made him so happy to see you. Just being around a women and getting to be taken care of by you was a dream.
- He loves every second that he has with you, I could definitely see him being quite smitten with you after you taking such good care of him.
Eugene Roe: - He gets super shy around you and finds it pretty hard to make eye contact for the longest. He never thought he’d be the one to end up hurt, especially when he was supposed to be the one to help people get better, but being around you makes things a lot better.
- Sometimes he’d like to imagine that you guys are together while you’re taking care of him and when he’s really sad. just a lovely girlfriend taking care of her sick boyfriend is what he sees in his head (even tho he knows that’s not the case)
- When you ask if he’d like for you to write letters, he almost finds it impossible that a gorgeous girl like you, would want him to be your man. He’s estatic and would say yes immediately.
Bull Randleman: - It’s love at first sight for him. “Wow” is all he can say under his breath when he sees you for the first time. It’s an amazing sight.
- In the most non-offensive way possible, you’re like a wet dream come true to him. A sweet, pretty girl, with the prettiest tits known to man, taking care of him while he’s hurt.
- It’s like a dream for the rest of his time there. He waits and counts down the hours until you take care of him again, he’s just so happy to be in your presence.
Floyd Talbert: - After everything he’s endured the past months, you’re the best thing he’s ever seen. Literally a gift from God. You and your amazing top half mesmerizing him by the way you do practically anything.
- He looks forward to every-time he sees you. And when he does he’s flirting with you nonstop. “You know, when all this is over with, I would love to get to know you better.”
- He’s gotta a staring problem really bad, he tries to stop, but he can’t help it. You’re the first woman he’s laid eyes on in so long and he just can’t get enough of your body.
Skip Muck: - “Christ in heaven, you’re the best thing i’ve seen my entire life” He says when you walk to his bed, urgent for your care. “How are you today beautiful? Do I need to fight any fellas for giving you a problem?” He’s very playful with you, but there’s only truth to his words.
- He thinks you’re so pretty though, he’s like a schoolgirl crushing on her teacher, anticipating for your arrival everyday, and being a pet to you everytime you are around.
- When his stay is ending, he finally confesses his feelings to you, letting you know how much he actually enjoys spending time with you, and how he would love to see you after the war.
Don Malarkey:- He’s like a little boy around you, so cheerful and happy. When he first met you he was struck by your pretty face, and its was no surprise that your chest was perfect too.
- He tries being respectful every time you’re around, but it’s hard not to steal a glance at your pretty chest every now and then. You never fail to send butterflies down his body when you get close to him too.
-He’s extra sweet to you always, calling you ma’am respectfully, asking if he can do anything for you despite his physical condition. He’s just very happy to have a positive energy like you around him.
Babe Heffron: - “My goodness, what have I done to deserve you” He says when he sees you walk over to him, it doesn’t even matter if he’s hurt, he can’t feel it anymore. Only thing he can feel is a burning desire for you.
- You’ll catch him staring towards you a lot, he doesn’t even try to hide his staring eyes. He is truly fascinated with you.
- When his stay gets cut short, he asks you if you’d like for him to write to you, it was the sweetest you’d ever saw him. When you said yes he would grab you in a hug and swing you around with joy.
Shifty Powers: - He’s the most respectful out of all the guys. He’s well aware of how perfect your chest is, but he’s not going out of his way to make you uncomfortable at all. He’s pretty mature about it.
- But he does find you beautiful, to him, your body is obviously amazing, but you are so much more to him then just a nice nurse with pretty tits. You’re amazing girl that he would love to know more of.
- He probably would tell you how he feels later on once his time there was up, it he would be super nice and respectful about it.
Frank Perconte: - He’s like a dog to a bone, absolutely enamored with you and your smokin’ body (as he would like to call it)
- “What a dame” He’d say under his breath, suddenly in the need of water by your nice looks. He’s definitely gotta staring problem (he really can’t help it 😭)
- “When all this is over with, you wanna come home with me, pretty girl?” He would flirt with you until he physically can’t anymore
Ronald Speirs: - He doesn’t want to give you a huge reaction, but if you could read his mind, you’d be surprised about the things he’d been thinking about….
- “Doll, do you know the effect that you leave on half of the guys in this place? I can’t tell you what all they’d do just to touch you”
- In all, he’s mesmerized by your body and the way you move. Even in the most basic moments, he just can’t help but watch you do your job.
Skinny Sisk: - “You’re my nurse, wow. Is it my lucky day or somethin’?” When he sees you, he’s so happy that you’re gonna be the one taking care of him
- He’s a big simp for you, if you need anything, someone to talk to, help (if he’s physically able) then he’s more then willing to do it.
- He’s so smiley and happy around you it’s so sweet!! He tries not to stare at your amazing rack but he thinks you’re the prettiest he’s ever seen.
Chuck Grant: - “Golly, am I in heaven?” He thinks you’re an absolute angel after all of the hell he’s seen. If good looks could kill, he’d be willing to die under your watch.
- He has to remind himself constantly than your eyes are “up there” instead of anything otherwise, but he can’t concentrate on anything when you’re in the room (for obvious reasons ofc)
- He’s well behaved on the most part though, just a sweet bby who loves your chest like it’s nothing LOL
Johnny Martin: - He actually feels so much better when he finds out you are gonna he his nurse. Christmas day came early for him (a pretty girl with nice tits was for sure on his list)
- “What are you doin’ here? Shouldn’t you be performing at some show or something, you’re too pretty to work” He doesn’t understand why you’re having to move a finger tbh, you’re too precious to him 😭
- “I had a nice time with you while I was here, if you ever wanna write to me, you can, doll” He honestly gets kinda sad when he knows he won’t be able to wake up to your pretty face (and tits) everyday.
David Webster: - Tbh you’re the real reason why he’s in the hospital for so damn long 🤣 like the moment he met you he just had to be around you at all times
- He stares a lot, and has a quite bit of dirty daydreams containing your chest and him 😭
- Honestly he didn’t even think he was a boobs guy until he met you, you really changed him for the better
Buck Compton: - He’s this emoji: 🤤, actually drooling at the mouth, you look so good to him.
- He’s never been happier to be in a hospital at the moment, your presence is enough to bring him back to full health tbh
- He’s super thankful in general that he has such a pretty and well rounded (see what I did there ) nurse taking care of him while he’s down
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Thank you for your request! If you enjoyed, make sure to reblog or like! 🩷
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encrucijada · 6 months
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HAZE DOGS — a wip by ester cuervos
【 genre & categroy: horror, low fantasy, adult 】
【 pov: 2nd person retrospective 】
【 what if princess mononoke, the hunt from the magnus archives, and night in the woods had a baby. guy too scared for horror keeps writing it. great news for all the girls (gender neutral) who've ever wanted to go apeshit!! i'm technically catholic so i'm allowed to bastardise catholicism 】
【 cw: cults, blood and gore, religious blasphemy, cannibalism, harm to animals 】
【 tone & themes: feminine horror, corruption, bottled rage, divinity, unhinged, atmospheric, eerie, immortality/mortality 】
a b o u t : an isolated town is haunted by otherworldly canines incapable of dying. when connor hidalgo mejía comes back to life after being sacrificed by her old classmates, the town finds a temporary solution to their problem that will keep more people from dying: they offer connor and only connor to the animals. with her boyfriend's mother at the head, connor becomes the reluctant but not entirely unwilling idol of worship of a cult that begins to form around her. the people of her town really believe she can somehow free them of this haunting. but aurora vidal isn't the only one pulling the strings for power. everyone wants a piece of connor's divinity, a god is easy to manipulate when she's actually just a nineteen-year-old girl who up until last month only had two concerns: make it to tomorrow and get to know her estranged brother. the temporary solution starts to feel like a permanent one with connor soon not being able to find peace in life or in death.
another story about a girl in a white dress getting sacrificed... except she's wearing cool alternative clothes on top of that white dress. also the dark academia plot of "person we all hate died under mysterious circumstances" except this time the person keeps coming back to life, worse each time.
c h a r a c t e r s :
connor hidalgo mejía. she/they. embodies the energy of the "alt friend" from 00s teen movies. would have bitten you to win an argument even before things got freaky. what if jesus was a dog.
ángel quijada vidal. he/they. connor's boyfriend. dark academia protagonist who got lost and ended up in a horror movie. ignoring social cues on purpose because he thinks they're stupid.
delilah estévez herrera. she/her. connor's best friend. literally the prettiest person in the room at all times. not joining your cult bestie sick aesthetic tho. borrowing her from my buddy jude <3
acacia quijada vidal. she/her. connor's frenemy. would befriend you and then vaguepost about you online. ángel's sister. youngest sister syndrome. dead blue eyes.
aurora vidal ochoa. she/her. ángel's mum. gaslight gatekeep girlboss. woke up and decided to become a cult leader. marisa coulter energy (derogatory).
benjy hidalgo mejía. he/him. connor's brother, apparently. has the energy of the bum older brother with a shitty band and a warning sign of his door you'd find in a 90s movie.
zagreus. he/it. pubby :3 nothing weird going on here i prommy.
aesthetic: a foggy open field, coyote howls in the dead of night, wiping blood from your mouth, maximalist teen girl bedrooms, light reflecting off of animal eyes, an empty dilapidated church, bite marks on your shoulder, tall grass swaying in the breeze, an abandoned fountain filled with greenish water, broken statues, taxidermy animals, the rattle of a dog's chain, crackling television signal, cloudy weather and the smell of ozone before a storm, glitter makeup rolling down your cheeks, music so loud others hear it on your headphones, a lake with party trash floating on the surface, your fanciest clothes splattered with blood, the cold smoothness of fine jewellery, low quality camera footage, a trail of kisses down your spine, teeth that are too sharp, halos made with neon bracelets, cupping your cheeks with bloodied hands, curling up under the covers in bed when it's cold
“Cool, right?” you asked your reflection, answered yourself with a smile that cut your purple mouth in two with white teeth.
You grabbed your keys.
Benjy was in the living room. He still occupied space like he was a guest instead of a resident, you looked at him and tried to find yourself on his face, on his shoulders, his hair, his hands. But other than the brown of your skin and his skin, you couldn’t, the only thing you shared that your mum had too were the freckles, but what did that prove? If that was proof of kin then Ángel would be your brother, Dafne a quarter of something with the smattered speckles on the bridge of their nose.
“Where the fuck are you going?”
He was your brother enough to talk like he’d known all nineteen years of your life.
You stopped in front of the television, a horror movie screaming behind you, blood and guts and bad sound effects of tearing skin, someone’s burbly wail from a cut throat.
“Vidal party.”
“What’s a Vidal? Am I supposed to know what that is?”
“They own like half the town, huge house, can’t miss it.”
“And they invited the likes of you?”
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jojikawa · 2 years
Im sorry but this idea is running around my head everyday, can you do a fic where yoru gets so nasty and asks his s/o to ride him, but s/o is very shy. Oh and him teasing his s/o im sorry this might sound so cringe. Love ur work btw!!!
Thank you so much for requesting me! I’m pretty bad at writing headcanons so naturally, I write full length works. That’s usually why my content output is slow! I hope you enjoy! ❤️
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Tw// NSFW (literally sex) Fem-bodied reader (breasts and puss), riding, dirty talk (?)
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There’s nothing more that Yoru loved than his girlfriend. It was like a breath of fresh air. He was practically dying of boredom in the protocol before you showed up. The ability to push you over the edge with teasing AND still be the only person you could seek refuge. Any normal person would recognize this as controlling…maybe a red flag here and there.
But it’s Yoru. We do not care!
After missions or long training days, Yoru would take you out on his motorcycle. He believed your gentle and reserved nature was a good break from everything. There were just some days where he just felt like up and leaving with you and never coming back. He can’t and this is the closest he could get.
He had a private garden that he would take you to. You loved coming with him here! It was always so warm, no one ever bothered the two of you and it was ideal for quality time. Sometimes there would be picnics but there was mostly fucking. Yoru’s angst translated to a lot of sexual frustration. This made you the perfect fleshlight for him to dump his cum into.
Being timid and shy made you so much more sexier when he had you on your back or on all fours with your ass in the air. He would be balls deep inside of you, thrusting those beautiful moans out of your throat.
His favorite thing was to cream pie you. He loved pulling out just to see it gush out like water from a hose. Though, on no particular day, he felt like being more frisky. He wanted to lewd you so much more and push you to the limit.
He would always bother you instead of relaxing during his breaks. He would whisper lewd comments that would make you blush and shudder. During breakfast, you tried to have a normal morning, choosing to eat with Jett, Phoenix, and Neon. That was when Yoru came to sit next to you. You hadn’t even gotten to kiss him good morning before he felt you up under the table. He leaned in close to your ear before whispering a cold “I’m gonna fuck you later.”
He loved to rub your thighs and ghost his fingers over your clothed pussy. The way your face heated up as you struggled to not let your teammates know what was going on made him feel so alpha. He wanted nothing more than to bury his dick inside you just to make everyone jealous.
The surprise came later after the day ended. He insisted you two spent the night together. You figured he was being needy and just wanted to relieve himself. He always made you feel really good so you never minded having sex often. You wanted it just as much as him but…
“I want you to ride me.”
Your eyes widened as a huge blush covered your face. It was such a lewd act. “R-Ryo-“ You uttered before he began to remove your clothes. His favorite thing before sex was to edge himself off your body. Taking off articles of clothing, little by little.
He pulled you into himself and you crashed into his chest. You held onto him for support as he had his way with you. He pulled your bottoms down, taking in the texture of your panties with the tips of his fingers.
“Mmm. You’re such a naughty girl. I’ve barely touched you and your panties are so wet.” He mocked you like always but it was just to make you intimidated. Intimidation wasn’t always bad, though. His energy turned you on so much. “Pleasure me.” He added as he picked you up. He sat at a desk chair with you on his lap.
“Take it out.”
You obeyed, unbelting his pants and letting him play with your breasts. The nipples hardened and he latched his mouth onto them until he was satisfied. When you took out his dick, it was semi-hard, needing to be stroked to grow bigger. You wrapped your dainty fingers around him before pumping accordingly. You did this until he was big enough. He grabbed your wrist firmly, demanding that you ride him now.
Like an animal, he tore your thin shirt, revealing your perky breasts. Your nipples hardened and waiting to be sucked. Yoru waited patiently as you straddled his lap. You seemed nervous about taking his size. Bullying you had to be the best thing he could do with his time. The shy ones always held the best surprises.
You slowly lowered yourself onto him. The wet sounds of alone made him want to grab your hips and slam you down on his cock…but he waited for you to adjust. His pleasure levels skyrocketed when you began to move. The feeling of your wet pussy squeezing his cock did wonders for him.
Using all your strength, you slammed down on his dick. He moved his hands from your waist to your ass cheeks. He squeezed and spread them well enough to stimulate your pussy without even touching it.
“Fuck, you’re riding me like a slut!” He choked out, causing you to blush. He only described you like that when he was feeling a lot of pleasure. There were many layers to his thought process. He adored having such a timid girlfriend. It was always entertaining to fuck the innocence out of you. In times like this, one thing he wanted was for you to fuck him good—like you were paid to do it.
He was fighting to hold back his urge to cum, refusing to do so until you did first. He could never cum first!
But your face.
Your bouncing tits.
Your fat ass and tight pussy.
“R-Ryo…I-I’m gonna cum.” You said softly, trying to hold back so that agents passing by wouldn’t hear you. Yoru wanted them to hear you, though. He wanted every man to know you belonged to him. No man like Chamber, Sova, Pheonix—Hell. Even the girls wouldn’t stand a chance with how much he could fuck you.
“Then cum.” He commanded. “Cum all over my dick.”
You felt yourself elevate. He moved into the perfect position to thrust himself into you. His balls slapped your bottom and his dick was practical, causing you to lean forward. You wrapped your arms around his head for support. Your breast crashed into his face, causing him to blush madly. You held onto him as he thrust into you aggressively.
“Ryo~! ♡” Despite your attempts to stay quiet, your climax prevailed. You moaned much louder than you wanted to as you squirted all over him. Your insides contracted and caused him to cum too.
Yoru coated your walls with his thick, hot cum. He came so much that it ran down his shaft, getting on his lap and the chair before he could even pull out.
You were covered in a thin layer of glistening sweat with his cum dripping out of your cunt. Your breasts were out and your ass was almost bruised from the copious amounts of groping he has done.
“Fuck…you’re so sexy.”
Without another moment to spare, he grabbed you by your neck. He squeezed lightly with the tips of his fingers and made you look at him. There was lust in your eyes, begging for a round two. He was sure to give it to you too.
The man brought you down and pressed his lips to yours. The kids only went on a moment before he became needy and hungry.
You would be his and his only. Forever.
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skynapple · 3 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 2
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
multi-chapter | A03 link
Chapter 2 | <- previous | -> next
Jeremiah is not used to this version of MC. Meanwhile, she learns some surprising things about Jeremiah.
(Short update.)
In no time at all, she was back with another sick plant. It was the middle of a weekday. The shop quiet with customers only walked in on their breaks. He assumed she was doing the same, and also seeing that she was still in her hunter uniform. It looked different than the one he'd seen before. A bright white and grey. After a moment he realized it matched Xavier's. He wondered if the man was around.
"This one's dying," she explained once he had a free moment away from the other customers. The little plant in a plain white pot was mostly still in one piece but the tops of its leaves had gone crisp and brown, nearly shrinking in on themselves.
"What did you do, ma'am?" He exclaimed, taking it grimly from her hands and walking it to the back counter, wiping a bead of sweat from where his curly bangs met his thick brows, unknowingly smearing dirt from his gloved hands there.
"I don't know, Jeremiah! I'm following all the watering and sunlight instructions but the leaves just keep turning brown."
He examined it and sighed.
"Where's it at?"
"Pardon?" She blinked in confusion, seeing that it was quite literally in her arms.
"In your house. Where do you put it?"
"Oh! It's by the window so it gets lots of sun."
"Thought so. Well that's your problem, ma'am."
She squinted at the formality, hadn't he said lately they were friends now? For the time being she didn't question it further and tried to listen as he explained.
"Too much sun," he was saying, "Not enough humidity. Ah, you should be spraying the leaves too. There's a mister on the shelf back there."
"Really? I don't see him." She retorted with quick speed. The response nearly short circuited him.
Seeing his reaction, she laughed again. "Get it? A mist-er?"
She's... funny now? Is Xavier sure he has the right girl?
"Oh." Was all he said out loud, completely not used to her playing along with anything.
Or is this.... a sudden thought struck him.
Is this the side that only he sees?
Was she just more comfortable in this present timeline now that she didn't quite have the responsibilities or weight on her shoulders that she did when he knew her? Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he tried to think of a quick reply to cover his reaction, as if he'd been thinking of one the whole time.
"The only Mister on a shelf in this shop is me, ma'am."
She bought it, indeed thinking it took him a moment to think of a comeback.
"Really? I'm surprised."
He blinked. "Come again?"
"That you're single."
"I- well. Uhh-"
"With all your wit and looks I'm surprised this shop isn't full of ladies."
Looks? Is she serious? Astra on high this is payback for all those years I tormented both of them isn't it...
His gaze had suddenly found the monstera in front of him very intriguing.
"Whatever do you mean? I have to use this bottle of neem spray to get them to leave. You only ever walk in by the time I've scared them off."
He glanced at the door, unsure why he did. Almost like he was expecting a certain man to come bounding through.
"Ok, well," His voice suddenly quieted. There were things he wanted to say for a long time now; things that as a friend he'd wanted her to know. "There was a girl..."
He couldn't read her tone when she said that, but she asked poignantly "Where is she then?"
He hesitated. "She... died."
A/N: This is based on a @nobodys-saviour 's theory and the Chinese translation of Xavier's anecdote 2, in which Xavier contacts a man named Noah. Noah is likely Jeremiah.
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thegeminisage · 2 months
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME quick fast. last night we watched tng's "gambit part ii" and ds9's "cardassians"
gambit part ii (tng):
well, this continued to be underwhelming and frustrating for reasons outlined in my previous post
i will cop to maybe not following the plot as closely as i could have been but i thought the artifact turning out to be a weapon was fucking stupid, especially considering it was a Mind Weapon. girl what on earth. we didn't even get to visit vulcan properly
i DID however call that vulcan racefaking as romulan which i was quite thrilled about
vulcan race purity extremists right as we're having bajoran race purity extremists in ds9...girl what is in the water out there. everybody calm down. globalization (galaxization?) is not the end of the world
i did perk up a little when riker was forced to play his literal charade with other people, such as worf and beverly, but it was so brief as to be nearly insulting
this is the only time i think i have not sided with data in an argument...i don't think there was any reason to take poor worf to the woodshed like that :( i'm glad they're still friends though
cardassians (ds9):
oh i had STARS in my eyes this entire episode. i have been COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS until we see garak again and he did NOT disappoint
from what i saw of gifs i never expected his and julian's relationship to be like this...i expected julian to be mister stammery and for garak to enjoy making him squirm. which would have been great and i would not object to it in future content but what we got was a welcome surprise in that it was way more complex!!
like, julian as the garak whisperer...sisko didn't summon garak to his office directly he told julian to have garak there at a certain time. "he never tells me what he's actually thinking i just sort of deduce it"etcetc. i also like julian instinctively knowing when to let garak come to him and when to be firm with him ie stop the whole fucking shuttlecraft until his ass gets some real answers. we havent seen much of his bedside manner yet so to speak but he actually CAN be good with people! or maybe just good with garak
i can't wait to find out more about garak. the worst part of a garak episode is knowing now you have to wait a long time until the next garak episode. i love that he deliberately keeps us out of the loop even though i am DYING to know everything about him. you get the idea that he's really been through something
side bar how and why is he able to get into julians room in the middle of the night???? did julian give him the door code jic 👀other side bar i love this mans little silk pajamas. actually everybodys pj game was on point
cardassian war orphans FUCKED UP. no one is coming to take them back to cardassia, except the one who doesn't want to go. i am SO relieved they didn't pull a tng here by the way. going in i was almost sure they wouldn't but still
bonus points for obrien being fantasy racist in front of his japanese wife. she used her teacher voice to set him straight and not another word of that came out of his mouth for the entire episode. one that man knows about happy wife happy life. two it's a good callback to him also having a card in the cardassian-hating game. pretty sure we said "that was a very ugly thing you just said i dont need to hear it twice" about 1000 times to each other during the rest of the episode
my only gripe with this episode is that i would have liked to hear where kira comes down on this...this episode was very full and not really About her, but the absence of her felt very weird, especially when most of the cardassian stuff involves her so heavily. you can sort of guess where she'd stand ("if they don't like the way we parent they shouldn't have left them here and also we're being way nicer to them than they ever were to bajoran children") but i'd still like to hear it FROM HER. a shame we just didn't seem to have room
of course, i cannot possibly end this post without a shoutout to my very best friend sisko. my favorite sisko moment in this episode was his increasing incredulity when bashir interrupted his MEETING WITH A CARDASSIAN POLITICIAN to interrogate him without warning and then said "it was the highlight of my day. don't do it again." and then bashir did it again. my second favorite part was when bashir woke him up at fuck o clock and said he needed a runabout and sisko was like girl why and julian was like im sorry i have no idea and sisko was like well by all means. will one runabout do. like. he's so wry and sarcastic and at the same time so chill with breaking the rules when it matters - he trusts julian enough to know he wouldn't ask for a shuttle without a good reason and julian trusts him enough not to get mad at the request even when it comes at fuck o clock in the morning. like, he's so GOOD with his people and they respect him so much. im anxiously waiting for more sisko-centric content almost as much as i am for more garak content!!!
TONIGHT: tng's "phantasms" and ds9's "melora."
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kaelio · 1 year
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slightly longer cactus chat about what might be our favorite watering hole for anne rice discussion (the end of TVA)
kaelio: well there is a little clip going around that reveals the only thing she said she KNEW going into TVA was the benji and sybelle bit
And I'm like GIrL WHaT
----that---- what is the part you were set on and had planned out?????
thecactifindahome: Lmao that is fucking iconic. Insane but iconic.
kaelio: I sincerely appreciate the number of curveballs. Again, finding out that she had siblings was genuinely shocking.
thecactifindahome: I'm sorry that's so fucking funny I'm cracking up
kaelio: It's hysterical tbh
I had assumed that the book was too sad, and she decided that it needed some positivity or something!!!
thecactifindahome: I would never have guessed that in a thousand years, I thought she was like, hmm how to walk back the suicide thing and came up with a bonkers fix
kaelio: not "he Must meet a precocious child and an overly saccharine 25-something blonde lady in a cliche soap opera situation"
"BUT I can add some S&M on the way in"
I. KNOW!!!!!
"i've got a vision in my mind, but it's going to take at least two hand jobs to get there"
thecactifindahome: What a fool I was. Of course she was like "Human pets are the key to this guy, who should have wacky hijinks with them, now I have to come up with something to say about Armand that isn't cute, hmm 🤔"
kaelio: Thank you!!! When I heard that I was like
thecactifindahome: "You know what would ease this tonal transition? Hallucinatory visions of like, eggs and the Eucharist and his parents. Perfect."
thecactifindahome: God, that horse had some fucking WORK pushing that cart
kaelio: And???? I guess???? That's why it works out???? Still one of the most incomprehensible decisions in the entire canon. to me.
kaelio: Literally in blood communion like benji is the equivalent of the puppy that keeps an elderly person from dying from grief when their last friend at the hair salon finally kicks it. Oh master master don't go master, benji still needs kibble every morning 🥺
-Anne Rice: see, nailed it. this was a great idea I executed perfectly
thecactifindahome: Omg fgdshhk that is literally exactly it
kaelio: The absolute audacity tbh
kaelio: because yeah my impression had been VERY much the same "ehhh let's actually take a swing here and end this differently." it's like writing happy days by starting with wanting to have a guy waterski over a shark
thecactifindahome: Like, I always did love that it was such a bizarre left turn out of fucking nowhere, but knowing that that was supposed to be the main story...!
kaelio: The icing on the cake is that the very opening of that sequence doesn't make any sense, and even he himself admits that!!!!! so somehow, that's both the one part she had planned, and also the very opening of it is very hard to parse in terms of what's fucking happening
thecactifindahome: And the fact that she doubled down on "yeahhh there was no way for that to happen, but it did so who cares really" in that Facebook post years later just means that nope, she intended it to make no sense and never second guessed it, good lord
Again, I love that. Would never have the nerve for a stunt like that.
kaelio: Which is also incredible because it absolutely didn't have to happen that way, she didn't get boxed into a corner. She decided to do that.
he falls down on the roof, he's in the snow on the roof for a little bit and overhears what's going on, he himself manages to crawl into the building at some point and attack the brother. No problem.
thecactifindahome: Or hell, they see him burn and are like 'what the fuck' and go check it out, bring him home, events ensue from there!
There are a thousand rational ways it could have gone down and she didn't like any of them
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vodka-glrl · 10 months
A Leviathan's Song
Get it A Sirens song A Leviathan's song hehe I'm a genius >:)
Tw:Adult content, oral sex, superiority kink (is that a thing?), semi-non consensual
Minors dni(except for bee because they are the only one reading this shit) bla bla bla I have no idea what I'm doing its literally 40°c outside I'm dying its so fucking hot
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Waves... Waves... Waves... That's all you have seen for the past hour or two, why you ask. That's because I made a bet with your friends that you can take a photo of the infamous leviathan of the dark seas of Inazuma.
You have been studying this 'almighty leviathan' for a while now and have figured out where and when to catch him outside water.
You sat there behind a rock waiting for the leviathan to come to the shore. You were getting impatient until you heard an almost silent sound of humming coming from the distance. You felt a strange attraction against the humming you felt like it was pulling you closer to it.
The closer you got to the beautiful humming noise the more you got a glimpse of him... The infamous Leviathan.
The leviathan looks at you and chuckles.
"Oh my~ looks like I got quite the catch today~"
"What a cutie~"
You felt like his voice was hypnotizing you. He was pulling you closer to him. His piercing white eyes stared into your soul, making your face heat up.
Suddenly the leviathan's tail wraps around you and he starts walking into the water, pulling you in with him.
"Now brace yourself sweetheart this might take your breath away~"
Just as he said that he lowers his tail to the ground, putting you in the water.
You felt weird as you were pulled into the water, was it fear... Or was it lust.
No matter what you were feeling at the moment the leviathan surely had a lustful look in his eyes, as if he was waiting for this his whole life
"What a naive and gullible human~ I like that in a woman~"
His deep and raspy voice sent a shiver down your spine.
"So tell me human~ why were you spying on me?"
He knew you were watching him?
"I-im sorry I was just trying to prove my friends that you were real and that I wasn't delusional"
He let out a cold chuckle
"What a selfish reason to spy on someone... Maybe I should punish you for that~"
"Yes~ for ruining my peaceful moment..."
His grip on you with his tail got stronger as he lowered you down on your knees.
You close your eyes scared of what he was about to do until you feel a long piece of meat hit your face. You open your eyes to be met with his long and erected penis resting on your face.
"Go ahead human~ suck it~"
You take his penis into your hand and hold it over your mouth and hesitate for a while before he forced his cock into your mouth.
He grabbed onto your hair at the back of your head and forced you to suck him off
"Oh you pathetic human~ not much you can do over here huh? You can't pull away you can't run away either~ so stop struggling and take it like a good girl~"
You didn't listen to him and tried pulling off but you couldn't, his grip on your head was much stronger than you trying to pull off.
You kept struggling and struggling but you just couldn't find the energy to try anymore... This was your faith... This was was inescapable... So you decided to give in.
The leviathan notice your lack of struggle and chuckled
"Good girl~"
The process went on for half a hour until you felt your mouth fill up with hot semen. Your eyes tear up from the sudden contact.
As the leviathan pulled his penis out of your mouth you panted to catch your breath.
"You're sorry for what you did right~?"
"Y-yes... I'm s-sorry"
"That's great, that's great~"
You start feeling your eyes blur out
"Now don't go around spying on sea creatures again~ they might not be as merciful as me~
Your eyes black out
You... Woke up... On the sand
Did... Did he bring you back up?
No that can't be right...
You got up and and shook off any remaining sand on your clothes...
You took a deep breath and got away from the beach...
You're never coming back there again...
Or maybe you are...
"See you soon darling~"
(This is terrible omg💀)
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
Haikyuu characters are all so dramatic. Hinata and him wanting to be the ace and yelling at everyone about it, breaking into training camp, and trying to photobomb Kita's interview. Kageyama's whole "I'm setter because setter is te playmaker who touches the ball the most and controls the team." Tsukishima's "just a club" until it isn't and he becomes so impassioned he practocally begs to get put back in uring the Shiratorizawamatch even with an injury, literally the whole Akiteru situation, "Sorry I took your extra special job" to Hinata during the Inarizaki game. Yamaguchi yelling at Tsukki, "What more do you need than pride?" and running to get an AED when Hinata stops breatjing after being reminded of final exams.
Ennoshita's "if I can't get this ball I don't belong on the court" and him being unofficial wrangler of the problem children. Nishinoya in general but 1) "I'm not playing unless I have my (*coughs* boyfriend *coughs*) ace by my side, 2) pouncing on anyone who mentions his height, 3) the whole "guardian deity" thing ("ROLLING THUNDER!!!!") and the joy he takes in being called senpai, 4) Kiyoko (need I say more?) or any other girl giving him the time of day, 5) him deciding to come to Karasuno specifically because of the uniform's cool looks... (I could continue for ages here). Tanaka in general: ripping hia shirt off, screaming every time he hits, shaving his head to show his dedication to the club, the whole Amane "I LOVE ANOTHER!" situation, etc etc etc.
Asahi "I lost one game so I quit volleyball completely and got into such a huge argument over my (*coughs again* boyfriend *cough cough*) libero that he got suspended for a week and we broke a fucking broom handle clean in two. Suga getting scolded for screaming at them for missing two recieves at their first game at Nationals, I think it was, naming every attack, and putting together an inpromptu cheer squad for Yamaguchi during their first Aoba Josai game. Daichi dying, 'nuff said, but also him not-so-subtly threatening to beat the snot out of anyone who misbehaves (dad behavior indeed).
Takeda saying that groveling is one of his talents and offering to pay out ofnpocket for travel expenses 👌. Ukai not wanting to come back as coach to preserve his high school memories of Karasuno and ends up as their coach anyways. Kiyoko saying the only time she'd be caught dead wearing the shirt the club made for her is if her only other choice was to go naked. Yachi getting so worked up about everything she ends up spouting nonsense or about to pass out. Saeko and her insane driving, the tenko drum squad, her arriving late becase she was out drinking til 5am.
Inousuke communicating with Hinata in gibberish. Lev and his ace big talk. Shibayama getting so excited after syncing up with Lev because he was worried about not living up to Yaku's presence. Kenma cursing out gravity when he's tired. Tora and him getting into multiple catfights because of their different personalities and philosophies. Fukunaga splashing them with water multiple times to break up said fights.
Kuroo being a closet dork, him and Yaku insulting each other with science names, the whole "blood, heart, brain" speech. Yaku parenting Lev and literally kicking his ass. Kai being the calm one but only in comparison to them and enabling Fukunaga's water-throwing antics.
Akane leading the cheer squad. Alisa jumping to thinking about being sister-in-laws with her after Lev does something tall. Coach Nekoma and the Battle of the Trash Heap yhat's been in the works since he, a grandpa, was in high school.
Kindaichi telling Kageyama not to apologize becaise he'll win their next match. Kunimi glaring because everything's a chore. Kyoutani and his dramatic entrance and playstyle. Yahaba dropping the nice guy act and doing the kabedon. Oikawa's everything: picture posing, hair styling, Mr. "At least I get to see one of them lose," the nicknames, that one scene where he "hmph!"s in public and tries to cover it up as humming (unsuccessfully). Iwaizumi chucking volleyballs anytime Oikawa gets a big head and being the only one Mad Dog will listen to because he won an arm wrestling competition.
Aone not talking unless to correct someone about Hinata and their super serious bows. Konegawa falling for every taunt that gets thrown his way. Fukutachi and his habit of antagonizing everyone, ever to exist.
Bokuto literally wilting if he doesn't get enough attention, getting excited at the most unusual things, his ace shirt. Akaashi plannihg his entire high school around playing with his husb- I mean, his star. Yukie eating everything in sight.
Ushijima intending on doing literally nothing but who "invites all challengers." Tendou SA-TO-RI and his "Oooooooops!!" Shibaru studying his ass off to go to Shiratorizawa and play "power volleyball" with Ushijima. Goshiki competing over every. Single. Thing. Washijou, the crotchety old geezer, shouting "Superglue! Bird lime!"
Kita seeing everything as not really a big deal but crying when he got named team captain. Osamu and his huge fight because he and Atsume disagreed about whose future was better so they made a deal to compare their lives on their deathbeds and whoever was happiest wins. Atsumu declaring he'd toss to Hinata one day after Inarizaki loses to Karasuno, his soul leaving his body after he messes up post timeskip, and him being a menace and little shit in general. Suna filming all of the twin's fights instead of getting a teacher or trying to deescalate somehow. Aran being forced to play straight man and mediate all the time.
Terushima trying to emulate the sync attack and whiffing the ball. Hana scolding her team's asses and getting them back into shape.
Sakusa grilling Kageyama about every scrap of information about Hinata, carring a lint roller around, bevoming friends with Ushijima because he dried his hands with a handkerchief correctly. Komori being basically his handler because he hates crowds.
Hoshiumi getting upset when Kageyama wasn't in awe of him then getting more upset when he got called a "good reference." Hirugami not realizing that people wouldn't die if he played badly.
They're all drama queens and I love it. Go read Haikyuu!!
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quinntamsin · 2 years
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The Shadow was growing,s he could sense as easily as seeing the blight upon the tree of Lindon. The amber leaves were dying and it filled her with such wroth as none could forsee. As her Hroa was still healing her fea called out. And so as she awaited in the Houses of Healing in Lindon she called for her blade. The silversteel weapon as she started to sing in Sindarin, the words flitted fro her lips as she swore the oath over the weapon. Upon the tears of Vairë the Weaver, and her husband Lord Námo. Thus would she unleash the fury of her Hosue upon the Shadow, and would cut a blaze of blood across its Eye. --- Rings of Power S1E8, the finale, "Alloyed" opens with the stranger on his travels deep into the greenwood. We are reminded of the actions of the previous day as we watch the Harfoots traveling after the stranger. In the wet of the Wood the stranger hides in the foliage out of the rain. His forlorn face shows how walking away into Eryn Galen has brought him to the wonder of the land that will become Mirkwood. His travels have seem him chilled with water. Watching him stare at the apple "You are not a peril. You're good." A gift from NOri reminds brings to mind how he walked away. He seems to see a delusion of the Harfoot as his applied walk falls and a figure snatches it up. However, the thing appears to be NOri, but it shows itself to the Dweller, one of the Three Hunters seeking the Stranger. The rest appear, the Nomad and the Ascetic. All three have hunted him, but why. THey speak to him in Quneya calling him Lord Sauron. Is he really Sauron? Seriously, the Stranger is Sauron? Well, damn they went with the fucking obvious. This seems all to fucking easy. Like is this Sauron's power? I mean I thought he was a fucking Blue Wizard. I am so fucking confused about all of this.  Honestly, this all feels to damn easy honestly. Back into the actual series we see Galadriel riding to Ergion with Halbrand. Suddenly, we switch to Elrond and Celebrimbor. They discuss how to save the Noldor and the man appears to have some sort of idea. Elrond is right though, the Elves should go fucking back to Aman. You know since the Noldorin Elves literally left their home in a revenge Quest? I am looking at you House of Fe̎anor. Galadriel rushes in and speaks to Elrond. The two talk of actions no long gone, and we can see that Galadriel no longer harbors illfeelings for the man. I like how they settle in as good friends. I mean Elrond is going to marry her fucking daughter in the future. Galadriel's newly updated look on life is refreshing honestly. In Celebrimbor's office we see that Halbrand has appeared (how very fucking Sauron of him). I call it, Halbrand is Sauron. this fits all too well. He's in CElebrimbor's workshop and starts laying on the brown-nosing. He says he's a smith and he immediately notices the gemstones. Watching him snatch it all up at sounding him to alloy the mithril is interesting. This all to fucking well written. Hehe, this is Sauron, Halbrand IS Sauron. He is FUCKING ANNATAR. It's as simple as when he starts rambling about akin gan alloy, hell it was easy to see when he started saying niceties. "Call it a gift." HAH FOUND YOU FUCKING ANNATAR! Back in Armenelos Pharazon is discussing the upcoming death of the King. He talks about what they will do to build a grand monument to the King. This all speaks to how the Numenoreans will become obsessed with avoiding death. Yes, as he speaks, it almost seems to fall upon him like that lighting gin the room of how he will doom all of Atalante̎. Earien is given a portent by the King after she starts to design a monument to him. GOds, I hope she doesn't end up dying. And suddenly the King is gone after she calls for help. He reveals the way to the palantir. THe girl will see something mayhap? To turn her from the foolish path of the King's Men. THe light bathes her red dress in red as the music swells. She pulls it apart as we find ourselves now suddenly back in Eregion. They are discussing the Ring, they are talking about all of the design for the magical item they are about to craft. Gil-Galad questions the power and I like how he is hesitant. It's funny, two future ringbears, Galadriel and Elrond are present. The king is not having it. Heh, "the Low Man" Sauron is smart little bitch. As Lord Celebrimbor begins to answer the rebuke of the King we can see he does not want to give up. THis man's hubris is so massive, but I can see Galadriel also doesn't want to give up. I like how she immediately notices the words and she gets sus. Smart girl. Elrond presses, and he tosses the High King's words back at him. WE switch to the workshop where Annatar-I-mean Halbrand is starting to power up everything to begin the work of crafting the ring. This is a good scene, little details are bringing it all up. I like especially how Galadriel is being smart, and acts upon her suspicion. Halbrand is all too smug all of a sudden as he talks about offering aide. I like how that foolish exterior, the man is truly a perfect picture. He thanks her, and we can almost sense he knows. He thanks her and yes, this is a true nicely saddled villainous monologue. Damn, I like how they did this, smaaaart. Yeah, this was a nice easy twist. Back in the Greenwood,  the Hunters are here to take the Stranger back to Rhǔn. The Stranger doesn't seem to really like this, he brings up the lore around him, and he rises up. HE calls up a whirlwind around them, and yet I think they have realized he is not as they think he is. THe Harfoots find the, and we get an up in the stakes. Sadoc bemoans their status as the Dweller disappears. She's likely going to outflank the Harfoots as they sneak in to free their friend. Goldie goes around as she comes across something, and sees the stranger on the ground. That form in the bind is the Dweller existing as glamour to trick them all. sadoc is killed by one of the Hunters who grabs Nori. Heh, the fools, the fools have threatened a friend. And the Stranger has come, and he's NOT FUCKING SAURON. He pushes gainst them as the Dweller Moves to put him down and seemingly binds him with her Power.. THe scary armored one goes POppy and gets her foot staked by Sadoc, who is not dead, nicely done old man. As they prepare to harm the Stranger more, it makes me wonder. The Harfoots go all HObbit on the Hunters and literally toss rocks at them. Dweller goes for fire again cuz the bitch likes her shitty destruction magick (Skyrim joke). This is the greenwood though, a place of Yavanna Kementari, her power might hold for a bit sure, but the Ents will quash her I hope. IN the vision of Stranger we see NOri pushing the staff at him. "actions speak louders than words" That is the message she is telling him as the Hunters turn toward the Harfoots. HE is here to help, the fucker is a damn Istari! My theory is the Hunters went after him because he's a Maia in human form same as Sauron same as the IStari (The Istari are). Yup, and as I FUCKING CALLED IT HE IS A FUCKING ISTARI. As the spirits are cast away we see they are in fact Wraiths! This fucker is a damn Blue Wizard! He has to be only the Blues popped up in the Second Age. So when the Hunters were cast out you can see that they appeared like the Nazgul in the OG Trilogy. Hell, the Dweller looked like the Witch-King! Sadoc is seemingly dying it seems, as he says he's about to go off trail. So, I want to say, I was right about the Sttranger! Watching Sadoc die on screen was saddening, and especially since he was watching the sunrise. Changing to the rising sun we see the ship carrying everyone home is covered in sunlight< Valandil walks atop as Elendil walks below to speak to the Queen. Tar-Miriel is learning the way of the ship, and is learning to walk around so she can get about blind. Hiding her blindness is something that makes sense. She could lose her place for an "injury" as many went after royals for such thing. I like how she counters his offer of help in a way to his sorrow. "You once asked me why I pulled Galadriel from the sea." He gives a statement of what his name means "Faithful". The Faithful were called "Elendili" the Faithful. So about this, his name is Quenya, but it can be in a way rendered in Sindarin to have secondary meanings. This scene continues the pretty solid theatric acting of this series. The writing is a tad cheesy, but really it hits home the level of grandiose emotion we expect. Valandil calls land ho above and they separate from their collective grieving to see the shores of Aremenlos. TO see holy Meneltarma above. THe black flags fly above, the King has died, and thus the Queen Region is now truly Tar-Miriel. Or in Adunaic, Ar-Zimraphel. Pharazon sits above the dead kings body with intent, he covets the throne. IN Region we see the smithing continues as nothing will bond to the mithril. Nothing will bind to an ore capable of splitting asunder the Hroa (the body) from the Fea (the spirit). The unseen is about the spirit. And once again Halbrannatar offers up something as the scribe from earlier drops some evidence for Galadirel. Annatar knows he's onto him. She has the "Lineage" of the House he should claim to be from. But he's not, because the entire fucking family died out. And out she comes to call him out. "Tell me who you really are." Mic drop, she tosses the family tree aside calling him out. He sniffs and comes down in all his villainous splendour. I love this actor, Charles Vickers, and he reminds her that Adar was his enemy. The same man who had killed him. "I have been awake since before the breaking of the first silence. In that time... I have had many names." SHe moves to stab him and she is stopped. For she is not the White Lady again, and she is drawn into a vision of Aman, of the lands of Valinor. And she sees her brother. This is a mockery of her memory, as she sees him there to pick her up. She gets to see her brother, but oh the fool she is as the villain has created a glamour to fool her. This entire situation is so fucking condescending as he weaves this fakery before her eyes. Lol, Sauron wants peace. That's a fucking lark, yup, the peace of domination, of the Secret Flame. The fucker want's to burn it all down in adestructive fucking industry. Well played Annatar, well played. This is a well-played spell, as she stares at him with wonder and that foppish face needs to be punched. Sauron is discovered and his delusion is scattered because she is ARTANIS. THe White Lady, greatest of the living line of Finarfin. Sauron claims that he was freed by the death of Morgoth. This mother fucker is smart, but he is truly foolish in thinking he could bend the will of Galadriel. Her determination to stand is because she knows that the man was not a slave. He was the bloody Lieutnenat, the Captain who wants to free his own lord. He tries to spin her about her greatness, and this is because he knows she is a threat. The man has tricked elves before her eyes including the very children of Earendil. Heh, this idea of him spinning a love story of it, is lol. This fucker is so damn a walking story how shitty neg riddled fuckwads are. Crypto bro doesn't trick her, as she is the will of Aman. I love this scene with how he is spinning all of these lies are masterfully done. Damn, these scenes are twisting me as we just have to make Galadriel the fool. It's kind of sad since she's really a tortured figure. Elrond drags her from the water and he tells her a truth so she can tell he is not Sauron. Wow, they really are playing the idea that the "dude" is being assaulted and we can see that she is smart. She is going to rip up the little shits plan to prevent Sauron from grasping the power of the Dark Lord. And oh shit, she is going to give up her brothers knife to create Narya, Vilya and Nenya. IN the lands of the Harfoots as he says he must go east. I hope we get to see east, (that's what Rhǔn means). Heh, this convo is so proto-Gandalf, which makes me think that they really leaned into that trope. Daniel Weyman must have either spoke or studied how Ian McKellan sold Mithrandir. THe harfoots see that Marva is now the wayfinder. And she is no sadoc, and Poppy steps up to be a proper trailfinder. "I wish the old goat was still with us." This bit of the story feels so much like how the white council felt in Fellowship of the Ring. The Brandfoots basically tell her to travel off with the Stranger. So wait, is NOri suppose to be the second BLue Wizard? Well, whatever, seeing the East of MIddle-Earth will be fun. I wonder if they'll give us a view of wainriders. This shot again brings to me memories of an unexpected party and Samwise running after Mister Frodo. Hell, a bit of Bilbo running after Thorin-Senpai! Markella is a seriously good actress, wherever these geeks dig up their cast they did a good job. The music swell as we get a Bilbo and Frodo scene between Largo and Nori. They all hug as Goldie sees her off. Our wee Harfoots are just one Kindred of what we'll call Hobbits by the third age. The light again here is playing a big part. THe sun shining on the hill illustrates to me the awaiting Wizzard as he sees them all giving their goodbyes. As Gandalf does when he waits for everyone or sees the last goodbye. With one step, we see a new adventure being carved as a lone gets a hug from Poppy and she asks why she loses so much. Nori gives a good line about learning new things and I just want to sob in this happy tear-filled ending. The Stranger (who I think Morinehtar, aka Darkness Slayer). WE sweep above the Harfoots in the grove and face off toward the east. THe music lingers as he slide into the forging of the Three. The sword of Finrod Felegun son of Finarfin is melted down, An elf song similar fills the air as the doors to the forge close and Galadriel mourns for the memory of her brother. The gently camera shots are almost like a funeral pyure as the metals are split smelt. Both Elrond and Celebrimbor hold the molten ore's carrier with a soft reverence which holds respect in my eyes for Artanis. The actors give this shot a gravitas that is fulfilled as the Mithril is tossed into the ore and they spin it to craft the alloy. I can feel a sense of anticipation as if the very Lore of Gwirith is with me. This scene is one of my new favorites. The fire casting itself as three small tings are created. The little ingoes then crafted by Jewelers carefully. SO I've seen a few videos on TIktok of ringcrafting and the small shots sell this final bit for the elves. The Winding of the metal and then Elrond's nervous pacing in and around the Glanduin. Guess what he finds, the lost lineage of the Southlands. THe fact that Halbrand is FUCKING SAURON! As he climbs we see the rings are done and the gems to be set. These are the first of the twenty rings of power. As he climbs the final step he comes to stand beside Galadriel and I think he knows why she is smiling and what she has done and said what she has. Before the three of them sit the Three. Nenya, VIlya and Narya. Fire, Wind and Water. And as the camera zooms in Elrond glances at his friend, and I think he can sense that they must prepare themselves. For the Shadow has come to MIddle-Earth once again. And that their work is only the beginning of something wondrous and quite terrible for the future. Meanwhile, in the eye of Halbrandhe sits near the edge of Mordor over the burned Southlands with Mount Doom. Gay Canon Well holy shit I am shipping Earien and Miriel harder, papa Elendil as a awesome bad ass. Got some ideas for a story, I'd need a good sensitivity reader though. ANother good story would be one with Elrond and Celebrimbor and how maybe their love would be torn asunder by the actions of the Gwirith. The trickery of Annatar, and how they could not afford to be without his trickery. Hottakes:
Heh, the Hunters fucking up in the start was a good bit. Ilike this obvious fake out with Halbrand and the Stranger.
So, the three Hunters, Dweller, Ascetic and Nomad were a nice introduction of the Unseen world. THese have to be proto-ringwraiths.
Using a human for rather than the typical "Pretty Elf" was a nice spin in how
Annatar's entrancing form was described.
The reveal with Galadriel being mentally tortured was hard. This brought up memories of how victims of abuse, manipulation and worse are gaslit. The outright gasligting scene was purely villainous.
Painting Sauron as the Gaslighting prettyboy is a good decision. He's the false prophet we often see in a lot of cults and he is a fucker who likes to lie about others.
Sauron in the Simarillion was a master shapeshifting and conjurer.
An entire buddy storyline with the Stranger and Nori will be worth the wait.
I really hope Earien doesn't die in Numenor!
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knowlessman · 1 year
benny no hill adventures (bnha) s2e17-20
why DOES this man have no nose, anyway?
think this OP's growing on me more than the other ones tbh
"look properly at what you want to be" damn I wish I wanted to be anything
hm. is Stain cleaned up, then? nobody's been dying so far, I doubt they did him in by accident (in spite of, y'know, covering him with fire, which can fry your lungs like instantly according to a CSI episode I saw once)
okay, now THAT is either a dead nomu or Mr X, no way that's not lethal force
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huh, Brooklyn has a hostage (starting to kind of miss that show, but dang did Goliath Chronicles get boring) -- elemental spears? who are you, Gwyn?
"the fight with Stain probably only took ten minutes" I've played DnD. ten minutes is forever. heck, ONE minute is a long time.
-- well I guess that one's explicitly a dead nomu
handface's costume just kind of looks like nothing when he's only got the one hand on him. looks like a shitty onesie. thought wearing baby clothes was mineta's bag
:O he DOES have a nose. I guess it was burned off, maybe? kinda looks like michael jackson's, tbh
"at that moment, a broken rib pierced his lung" …deku did you just kill a man
"on that water tower. are those onlookers? why's one of them wearing a black onesie?" wait I think it's not a onesie, I think it's a black long-sleeved shirt with completely featureless black pants but wow is that just not even a look, especially next to portal guy's fucking classy bartender getup
-- googles sorry, apparently what I thought it was was a romper
the piece of chileaf is a dog man. …idk, tracks (as it were) I guess? one of the detectives is a catperson.
-- …this "we have to punish you for intervening but only if this is made public" bit is very long-winded and, tbph, not really understandable. hell, the kids were doing some kind of ride-along thing to begin with, and considering they're all effectively armed and far closer to combat-ready than makes any sense outside of shonen… yeah this kind of just feels like a waste of time. although I guess, realistically, if superpowers became the norm it'd take hella long for any country's laws to be able to change enough for anything to make sense
-- …come to think of it, america would probably encourage this kind of thing but holy shit the place would just look like a pile of warring apocalypses by a couple generations in, the life expectancy would be down the toilet
there was some kid's show that had dog heads on top of human bodies, it was a bit terrifying and I have no earthly idea what it was called but I'm sure it was real. might've just been one segment of a different show
this random newscaster guy either is part tiefling or just wandered in from jojo part 6
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DANCING BOY. IT'S THE DANCING BOY, THE BOY WHO DANCES. IS HE THE GUY MAKING NOMUS, DON'T TELL ME -- wait, nomu. yoshimitsu soul calibur, that's what it's been reminding me of. 's one of his mantras.
if a radio buzzes in the forest and no one is around to hear it - oh nvm, apparently alt-color Blanka is around to hear it
ohey it's knife girl… shit, I've sort of heard a little bit about her quirk, wonder if she's a relative of stain's
…wait, handface was literally just competing for ratings? what a loser.
hehehehehe bakugo still has that boy band reject 'do
'XD (todoroki going "I must be cursed, people around me keep fucking up their hands!")
"stain's Cha stat is too high" krisma. bags of it. -- "those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. and if they ever figure that out…" um, good thing Stain and Every Villain is Losers have nothing in common then.
I thought facepalm's only motive was killing all might. stain apparently thinks All Might's "the only true hero." …shrugs Well, I guess we haven't seen any of these copycats or whatnot actually interacting with the League yet, so maybe those auditions won't go anywhere and they'll have to start their own thing
todoroki: "they said endeavor defeated the killer when he didn't actually do anything. I want to see his expression." deku (to himself, thankfully): "you become kind of mean when it comes to endeavor, huh todoroki?" …! deku. deku wtf, you say the weirdest fucking things
…jeanist's costume is so friggin weird, it has a built-in cone of shame and the cone has a belt on it, I can't get over it
bakugo's fucking internship hair tho 'XD he looks like a snooty nepo baby, rather than… well, the opposite I guess… but anyway, rather than a guy who had to be put in a Hannibal costume after winning first place
jeanist's cone of shame has fucking back pockets, really tho wtf
'XDDD the fucking slime monster hostage thing again, bakugo is gonna be hit over the head with that for the rest of his life and it is gonna be hilarious every time -- "I wasn't captured, I was strategizing" "he's too proud" water's damp
gonna say. earphone jack's costume might be my favorite. it's just regular fucking clothes. it's, like, idk, stylish-(?)-but-not-overstated, normal-ass, comfortable-looking clothes that you can run in. (I might have already said this, not sure)
(froppy's internship with the smugglers or whatnot) "Boss Innsmouth" oh, that bodes well -- Innsmouth must be the Parent Inkling, judging by the size of that tentacle -- …hm. aye, that was fun
next one's a loredump, judging from the title, but let's have it
it's not a big thing, but I swear I don't remember iida always waving his arms around like this in season 1. he just kinda started doing it around the beginning of season 2. still feels kinda weird tbh.
let yaoyozorazoru - …let quiet metal gear (sorry) wear clothes challenge whatever year this was
(rescue race) "who do you think will win?" "deku will be last!" 'XD bakugo could be watching a competition with neither him nor deku in it and he'd still say that
all might with the american thighs. gonna be honest, was not expecting buttcam in this show.
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(worst character found something) oh, for fuck's sake -- (kyoka put his eye out) damn straight.
("you remember how One for All is transferred, right?") uhhh… -- JESUS CHRIST
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…well dang, ancient evil and everything huh (well, if a handful of generations counts as "ancient." a forgotten evil anyways) -- "as long as you're with me, I can do anything!" you're talking to a guy who coughs up blood every coupla minutes when he's not in super mode
seems like a decent stopping point. -- …they hid more episode after the ending; I coulda missed this bit. : / …I coulda missed mineta yelling about hot springs, anyway. is there anything here that I wouldn't just get from the next episode? -- "that kid will be the next me" dint know orochimaru was in this show
"here's the preview!" thanks for the warning deku; aye, this's my stop
0 notes
primordialgod · 2 years
adventures in the byzantine empire
A list of things she did while in the 6th century in the Byzantine Empire (and other places in the world) in an alternate universe. On that version of Earth, the supernatural is not hidden and so it’s considered normal and natural. This is the very first time she ends up in an alternate universe. She is 16 when this happens. List will be updated as I think of more things.
Moodboard link here.
Stopped the volcanic winter, plague, and famine in the year 536. In that universe, it had started in early 535. All three events were far worse and on a far greater scale on that version of Earth than on our own. She healed all the sick people and killed all the fleas/lice/ticks/mosquitos/flies/parasites in the world. She went a step further and entirely got rid of all the disease-causing germs.
Saved a young girl named Zoe from dying; she had been attacked by wild dogs. Everyone else in her village had died already from various different causes. Alyona buried everyone in the village herself. She got on a horse and took Zoe to a neighboring town where her relatives lived.
That town was being attacked by a horde of rabid corpses and vampires when she arrived. They were being controlled by the sorcerer Anastasius. She incinerated the corpses and vampires, healed the injured people, and led the survivors to a city. Zoe’s relatives had in fact survived the attack.
She tracked down Anastasius. He was in a large town and was about to sacrifice all its citizens in a massive blood ritual. She fought him and killed him but unintentionally  destroyed a large part of the town in the battle. She healed everyone who got injured and helped them rebuild the town. No one died. The townspeople were extremely grateful and declared her not just a hero but a living saint.
Rescuing a dragon and other mythical or ’exotic’ creatures from a man who ran a traveling circus; the dragon ate the man and she flew off into the night on the dragon’s back after relocating the other creatures (as in, tearing open dimensional rifts to send them back to their homes).
Saving a herd of unicorns, winged horses, alicorns, and golden-antlered stags from a group of hunters.
Breaking into a castle to rescue the souls an old sorcerer had stolen; he had been planning on using their life energy to make himself immortal.
Stopping a war between two cities; they were fighting over a holy healing spring located between their cities so she made two more healing springs so they’d both have their own.
Gods don’t die in the same way mortals do so different laws apply to them; this is what allowed her to bring many “dead” gods back to life by converting her own energy into pure life energy and giving it to them; they were so old that they had existed long before even the homo sapiens.
Stopping a war between four clans; they were fighting over an orb of energy that was held in a mountain shrine. She separated it into four equal parts to end the war. They used the energy to help their lands and people. Heal the sick, purify the waters, make crops grow faster, etc.
Freeing people who were trapped in a pocket dimension that was inside a painting; she went inside the painting and then tore open a dimensional rift for them to escape through (imagine Charmed’s The Painted World episode or W.I.T.C.H.’s The Last Tear comic).
Saving what are now the Slavic countries from a strange mystic blight that was responsible for many horrible things; the blight had corrupted the forests and animals, cursed both the land and people, made people’s dreams and nightmares literally bleed into reality, caused literal darkness to enshroud the area (imagine the Shadow Fold from the Grisha Trilogy), etc.
Calming and healing a sea dragon that was causing a massive storm; she sang to the dragon and her voice calmed it down since her voice has a hypnotic quality.
Killing an ancient prehistoric death god (from a long-forgotten pantheon) who was abducting many mortals to his underworld in order to feed on their blood and life force because he was growing weak from lack of worshipers and he needed to find a new way to sustain himself and maintain his strength (he would not have died from lack of worshipers, just gotten severely weak); she rescued all the mortals and souls from that specific underworld and they later moved on to a different afterlife. Despite being killed, the death god still exists because energy cannot be created or destroyed but only converted.
When she noticed people thinking about children being eaten and people going missing, she decided to investigate. She discovered that a drakaina was living in a cave near a small coastal fishing village with a population of 500 people. The village had already lost several people to the monster; they had tried to kill it but failed. She killed the drakaina with her hellforged blade but not before sustaining several bites. The people helped her the best they could by using leeches to try to remove the venom --- and it helped, if only a little. She stayed in the cave which overlooked the village; she refused to stay in the village because she wanted to avoid accidentally hurting or killing anyone (the venom was making her both hallucinate and unintentionally start fires). One night, while the venom was overwhelming her with pain, a group of 50 raiders attacked the village. They pillaged and raided the village, burning and slaughtering all its inhabitants. She tried to reach the village to save them but the venom was too much for her body to handle and she fainted from pain. When she woke up hours later, it was too late. Everyone was dead. She buried all the bodies herself in one large grave. She tracked down and killed the raiders --- killing them by impaling them with ice or freezing their blood. To this day, she feels immense guilt and grief over what happened and blames herself for failing to save the village.
Sailed the seas with a group of immortals for several years. They weren’t pirates or marauders. They were only explorers and adventurers. She kept the seas and skies calm and used her control over the wind and water to make the ship move faster. They found many phantom islands, discovered treasures, fought off pirates, etc. 
She soothed and calmed the Flaming Dragon of Lake Baikal thereby preventing him from flooding the world. She sang to the dragon and telepathically spoke to him.  She also met the other dragon of Lake Baikal. The Black Dragon (黑龍 Hēilóng), also called "Dark Dragon" or "Mysterious Dragon" (玄龍 Xuánlóng), is the Dragon God of the north and the essence of winter. His proper names are Ao Shun (敖順) or Ao Ming (敖明). The two ancient dragons live in peace with each other and get along wonderfully. 
 ((Here’s some background info: A legend says that one day at sunset, a fiery dragon came. A smash of his tail cracked the earth, and his breath melted snow and ice on mountaintops; the water filled the crack that became Lake Baikal. Flowers and trees sprouted everywhere, birds sang and animal roamed around the lake, and the dragon went to sleep at its bottom. Every 120 years the dragon would come out of the lake, and people would greet him with festivities. But there was a year when people forgot about the Fiery Dragon, and in his wrath, he flooded everything with water. Nobody has heard about the dragon ever since; only Lake Baikal remained.))
Somewhere in the north in the area of the Saxons and Germanic kingdoms, she came across a village. She healed the sick people there and got to know the people. She became a mentor of sorts to a group of younger kids and taught them some things. After a few weeks, she left to go wandering again. A few days after she left, a group of soldiers came through and took the children. They were taken to a training camp in order to be taught to fight and kill the monsters that roamed the forest. Many children from nearby villages and towns had been taken over the last few years. Why? Because most of the adults had gone off to fight the monsters but there still wasn’t enough so the local army’s leader decided to start using the younger people too. She only heard of this because she returned to the village after realizing she lost her prayer ring (she found it there). She promised to free the children and stop the soldiers. She found their training camp --- a fort several miles away from the village. She killed the soldiers, freed all 500 children and took them home, then decided to get rid of the monsters roaming the forests. There were many monsters roaming the forests, she couldn’t hunt them down and kill them individually. So she killed them all at once through reality warping.
Over the years she stole things from royalty, nobles, and other rich people from all over the world. Clothes, jewelry, scrolls, weapons, magical artifacts, anything that caught her interest.
She stopped an army of monsters from another plane from invading the human world. They weren’t demons. She didn’t know what they were back then and still doesn’t know now. They were sentient and intelligent but weren’t interested in having a conversation so she had to stop them. Their leader was the Mother of Monsters, named Kalisinra.
She saved 100 people who had been kidnapped by a group of sorcerers and were being experimented on. The sorcerers had turned them into blood-drinking creatures similar to vampires but far stronger and more feral and bloodthirsty. She turned them back human and healed them. She killed the sorcerers.
She slayed a barghest, vukojarac, manticore, nachtkrapp, and several jötnar in the northern forests. 
She later met a lot of elves (the Svartálfar, Dökkálfar, and Ljósálfar). She got along well with a lot of them and disliked only a few of them. She enjoyed sword-fighting with them. 
She killed a lich-king and stopped his army of draugar from destroying several towns and villages. 
She traveled throughout the world for many years. She slayed many different monsters and saved a lot of villages, towns, and cities from destruction.  
She stopped a network of poachers who were capturing and selling various rare animals such as dragons, gryphons, chimaeras, hippocampi, unicorns, alicorns, phoenixes, firebirds, etc. 
She found that universe’s version of Ignatios at some point. She told him about her universe’s Ignatios and showed him his alternate self’s life. The two of them got along and traveled together for a few years. She later came across Smaragdus and several other people she knew on her version of Earth.
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
pairings: baji keisuke, draken, hanma shuji x fem!reader
genre: fluff, crack (?)
request: heyyyy would be hella cool if u could do some hcs for tokyo revengers boys with a idol s/o who is a rapper on a girlcrush group <3 xoxox
a/n: omg this was so fun bc i used to be so into kpop!! i still have so many photocards and albums displayed in my room <3 thanks anon for requesting, and the freedom in choice of characters xoxox
part 2 / part 3
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"you're.. an IDOL?! AND YOU'RE THE GROUP'S LEAD RAPPER??!!" - is the first thing he says (yells) when you tell him you're apart of a music group that specializes in a girlcrush concept
i hc baji doesn't really listen to music,,, he only knows some stuff through chifuyu (who i hc listens to kpop) so he doesn't really know about your group
so one day, you show him the most popular music videos and songs from you guy's
he's prancing and jumping around when he hears your verses come on
"oh shit.. oh SHIT.. OH SHIT !! YUH GET IT BABE!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!"
he's swinging his hair everywhere and you're dying at the sight of him- he's the cutest, and he is always hyping you up and promoting your group to his gang
he downloads your songs on his phone and listens to them on the way to and from school
one time he handed you and earbud to share and it was your guy's debut song
"baji, y'know im tired of hearing my own songs over and over."
"okay... and im not so either listen or give it back."
baji is so so fucking impressed how you can spit such verses at such fast paces, but also while dancing??? and you can sing too???honestly how... he can't comprehend it
which is why he's so proud about your career, he knows you've worked incredibly hard to get to where you are now
but he is also extremely cocky,, he doesn't shut up about you to chifuyu but chifuyu literally doesn't mind
he wishes he could rap but he won't try, nope, not with you in the room to make fun of him in front of everyone!
aw man this big bitch is so happy to see you living your dream on stage, being the bad bitch you are
his heart pounds at the sight of your bright smile
he is your number one supporter, and constantly streams your music in hopes of your group winning an award one day <3
and he streams it properly, like no loops, watches on regular speed, switches the video now and then- he knows what he's doing ;)
if he can attend your shows, he's really loud- yelling, cheering, whooping, all while waving your lightstick around LMAO
the girls at his brothel also know about you and your group! he sometimes shows them your music awww
when you first told him about your career, he immediately wanted to see some content
he was surprised that you were so.. famous- and that he was dating you.. a famous person
he knows how tiring it can be to be an idol, so he's always there to hand you a helping hand
he keeps a keen eye on your health, knowing the physical strain that constant training and practice does to someone
you need something? he's got it for you asap
water bottle empty? oh it's filled now. you hungry? boom he's got snacks in his bag. you want something more filling? he's already ordering takeout for you. whatever you need, draken's got your back
and he lets you know every single day, with a tender kiss on your forehead and a gentle smile <3
shuji is so excited for you
when you show him your group's music, he is over the moon estatic that he's dating an idol omg
and he thinks you're so cool and just the energy you exude when you perform is so attractive to him
"you're fucking insane for that ♡"
asks you to rap one of your verses for him, and is awestruck- he just looks like :D HELPPP
he finds himself falling for you all over again!
you always catch him watching fancams of you, and there's this specific one he always goes back to because 'you look hot as fuck that's why'
you better believe that when you have a late night practice, he will be outside waiting to pick you up on his bike
on the drive home he'll ask you about your day, if you ate yet, if you wanna eat, etc etc.
some days he'll offer you massages, he knows you're tired and he wants to help as much as he can
and my god are his massages the absolute BEST- he can really work magic with those hands
oh, and he will undoubtedly fight (kill) any creep or stalker that you may have- he knows the world is a fucked place and people will go to extreme measures to please themselves
taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @samu-sorbet (apologies! i forgot to do this initially hehe) <3
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bellatrixscurls · 3 years
“achy” ☁️ draco x reader x harry
warnings : smut, dom/sub, sub!reader, sub!harry, dom!draco, soft aftercare, praise kink.
summary : you feel needy so you make harry skip transfiguration, and draco finds out.
a/n : not me writing for drarry again bc i’m literally obsessed with this ship- chile 😳.
“but please, har! i really need you” you pouted at the bespectacled boy, staring up at him as your hands tugged at his scarlet and golden tie, “you’re so pretty. please, angel.”
harry only sighed, biting his lip at the sight of you. you needed him so much, and seeing you in that state made him want you too, more than anything, “okay” he agreed, feigning indifference but a smile crept onto his face as soon as strings of ‘thank you’s and ‘i love you’s left your mouth, along with your arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
you wasted no time in dragging him up the stairs to his dorm, knowing that draco wouldn’t be able to catch you there.
closing the door behind him, harry let you undress him. you began with his tie, that you’d been dying to get off him since that morning, then with his pants and briefs, and finally took off his shirt, leaving him bare in front of you. you smiled weakly at him, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on his chest, making him giggle at the action, “so fucking precious, ‘m love” you said as you got down on your knees, gripping his thighs for support as your lips lightly touched his red tip, causing him to shudder.
“so pretty” he whispered as he guided your head, your mouth taking all of him, making you gag at his impressive size, “f-fuck, y/n/n. taking all of me like such a good g-girl, fuck!” whined harry, pushing your head closer so you were forced to breathe through your nose, tears leaking out of your eyes at the roughness of his thrusts.
a few more thrusts along with your boyfriend’s praises and you couldn’t ignore your neediness, your hand immediately sliding down and playing with your clit. you hummed around his cock as he continued to fuck your mouth, and you heard harry chuckling from above you, “couldn’t take it anymore, could you, lovey ?” he questioned rhetorically, but you shook your head nevertheless, “stop that, angel.”
and although his tone was gentle, your hand immediately left your wet cunt, at the same time he cupped your face and eased himself out of your mouth, “lemme taste my sweet little girl” he said, earning a soft moan from you as you held two fingers up, close to his lips. harry’s tongue poked out as his mouth opened and he took your fingers between his upper lip and tongue, sucking and humming around them as his eyes closed.
the sight was pure sex. harry, with your fingers inside his mouth, tasting you and actually enjoying it. “d-daddy” you whispered, and harry’s eyes immediately snapped open, watching your glossy eyes and pouty lips, “wanna- wanna be fucked, please. wanna cum ‘round your cock, pretty please” and although a sub himself, harry couldn’t say he wasn’t enjoying that — you calling him ‘daddy’, while begging for his cock.
“well, good girls get what they want, don’t they, sweetheart ?” he asked, brushing some strands of hair out of your face. “m-i’m a good girl ?” you asked hopefully, watching as he nodded, satisfied at how submissive you were for him, and only him, “a good girl that’s gonna receive exactly what she wants, hm ?”
so you didn’t even try to control yourself anymore, and got on your back on the floor, pulling harry on top of you as you kissed him passionately, running your hands up and down his chest. chuckling, he pulled away for a second, “easy- easy, my love” he pressed his forehead against yours, slowly pushing his cock inside of you, pulling breathless moans and whines from you as he couldn’t control the endless groans escaping his parted lips.
“just l-like that- so good! so fucking good.”
an hour later, after cumming three times each, you were finally done. laying on the floor, sweaty bodies pressed against each other as you tried to catch your breaths. “should we t-take a bath now ? use some lotion for s-sore muscles ?” you asked, remembering the usual things draco’d do after sex.
harry was aware about those things, but being a sub himself, he couldn’t do it properly so he just said “i- i think we should go to dinner first, you know- so draco won’t be suspicious” he offered and you agreed, feeling hungry yourself.
you put on one of harry’s tshirts and your shorts, while harry dressed himself as well, and you headed to the great hall. while walking, your legs were visibly trembling, and harry seemed tense and uncomfortable as well, but you just brushed it off and continues walking.
once there, you made your way to the slytherin table, where you and harry sat on either of draco’s sides. but then again, sitting down wasn’t comfortable either — your pussy was aching and you swore that you could hear harry hiss as well.
frowning, draco glanced at you, then at harry and back at you, eventually opening his mouth, “didn’t see you in transfiguration” he spoke matter of factly, turning back to his food as he waited for an answer.
“i-i forgot to do my essay a-and you know how minnie gets” you told him quietly, your cheeks burning in embarrassment at what happened just a few minutes before.
draco hummed, not really impressed as he turned his gaze to his boyfriend, “and you ?”
looking down shyly, harry stuttered, “i was h-helping her.”
“right, so who’s idea was it ?”
“what idea ?”
“skipping class to fuck. without me ? d’you think i’m stupid, potter ?”
“we didn’t-”
“oh yeah ? explain this, then” draco said arrogantly, sliding one of his hands inside your underwear and slapping your clit lightly as you cried out in pain, half of the table turning to look at you, but they instantly looked away when draco glared at them.
deep in thought, draco removed his hand from your underwear and brought it up to nose, inhaling the scent with closed eyes. inhaling deeply, his eyes snapped open and he groaned, gripping both yours and harry’s wrists and practically dragged you up to his dorm.
“did you apply lotion ? take a warm bath ? wash your hair ?” draco yelled at both you and harry, as the only thing you could do was shake your heads, waiting for the punishment he had in store for you, sooner or later.
groaning in frustration, draco disappeared behind the door of his spacious bathroom — as he was a prefect. you shot harry a look as well as he did you, tears leaking out of your eyes as you waited for your boyfriend to come back.
“in here, now” his cold voice instructed and both of you obliged instantly, your legs quivering as you entered the bathroom, trying to stand straight in front of the blond, “my poor little babies...” he spoke softly as his hands went to cup one of your cheeks and one of harry’s, pulling you closer to his chest and holding you there.
you sobbed against his pale skin, the achiness increasing as well as your guiltiness, “m s-sorry, dray...didn’t wanna- i knew you w-wouldn’t skip class with us and- and harry looked so pretty...i’m so so sorry” by the time you were done speaking, your tears were dripping down your chin and all the way down draco’s shirt.
but instead of yelling or punishing you like you thought he would, draco shushed you, depositing harry and then you into the spacious bathtub.
“next time don’t do these things without permission, bubs...see ? it hurts now, doesn’t it ?” he cooed when you and harry winced as the hot water came into contact with your sore muscles and your overused bodies.
you nodded shyly as harry laid his head upon your chest, closing his eyes, “m sorry too...” he whispered, too shy to even look at any of you as he buried his face into your chest, “for being a bad boy, i mean...wanna be good f-” but harry couldn’t get the last words out of his mouth as his adorable little snores filled the room, causing both you and draco to giggle quietly.
“he’s probably gonna do this again, isn’t he ?” draco sighed, squeezing some shampoo on his palm and rubbing his palms together.
“if this is what we get, i’m most likely gonna do this again as well.”
“wh- hey!”
🩰 taglist; @daisyyy2516 @maybanksslut @fjorelaant @fredshufflepuff @amixedwitch @dracofknmalfoy @journeyofem @notthatchhavi @whisperingwhisper @stoleurmomsvan @olicity-believer @dreamy-clousds @harmqnia @v4l3nt1n44 @roonilwazlibswhore @drachoesimp @sluttylea @g1nnyslove @adrianscumslut @steveharringtonswhore @o-rion-sta-r @dracomalfoyswifeee @sweetbagelranchathlete @lolooo22 @ravenclawcartier
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