#when they awaken khan
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I really like the trilogy that is Star Trek II through IV ❤️
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seaslugdisco · 9 months
nuzi is not a proship, i understand the confusion of the unclear timeline, but this is my understanding and how it places n and uzi at similar ages:
this theory has two versions, depending on the gap in the timeline of events between the core collapse and the disassembly drones arrival. first, the larger amount of time between these two events. the core of copper-9 collapses, nuclear winter ensues, all humans on the planet die, etc. etc. khan is one of the worker drones who defect from humans and begins to try to start his own life. nori, after being trapped in cavin fever labs and being experimented on and gaining the absolute solver, escapes with yeva. they meet as camp 98.7, fall in love, and move into a deserted human bunker with some other families and start a sort of civilization. they have uzi, but nori begins getting visions of the future- khans line in episode 4 about nori at the beginning, "she was always all: 'build doors against the coming sky demons!' 'the singularity awakens.' 'look at this cool s i can draw!'." nori tells khan to build doors, as in, on the existing bunker, not build the bunker.
uzi grows up to be about 19-20 when the events of the series play out, (the ages of kids her age from other bunkers on missing posters in episode 3 at the very beginning) you know the rest. this probably means that living under the ice in the bunker is just how she grew up, but the disassembly drones are a threat that appeared in her lifetime and killed her mother, presumably before she was a fully functional worker drone and still one of the smaller round baby drones (??? i dunno what to call them) this WOULD explain why she doesnt remember nori much but this always confused me because theyre robots??? they literally cannot forget unless they manually delete something from themselves??? actually thats probably a lore thing. whatever it doesnt matter for this theory. ANYWAYS, a big thing that i see people miss is that if disassembly drones have been alive long enough to kill nori, they have really barely gone through changes like the workers do as they "grow up". its understandable that they were just made to kill and didnt really need it, but this still places them at a much younger age than they look or are in the series. this means that uzi and n can be very close to the same age, even if they dont look it. im not sure if n v and j were just like actually pretty short because in the pilot opening sequence we never see the disassembly and worker drones in a same frame good enough to compare or if there was to change at all.
just really short disassembly drones is kinda a funny thought though lol
option two, which i find less likely but also more interesting, is very similar, but instead of after the core collapse, nori and khan meet BEFORE it. maybe khan defects from the company??? nori and yeva are able to escape??? idk if that could even happen or where i was going with this everything else is basically the same but uhh its a cool thought right
in conclusion: people who think nuzi is a proship what the fuck are you doing
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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storiesfromgaza · 7 months
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I took this picture from my apartment window, and this is the latest photo I took in Gaza. Shells rained down on us crazily; I pulled my daughter and wife, and we ran amidst the fog. Dozens of families residing in our building and the surrounding ones joined us.
We headed to Al-Shifa Hospital on foot and then were transported by cars to Khan Younis.
Every step we took on the street felt like a complex horror, holding my scared little daughter; it was like Judgment Day as we ran! By the grace of God, we reached the south of Gaza, but death didn't stop there. Over 30 days of displacement, the enemy targeted us with dozens of shells. I took pictures of many remains and martyrs, but I can't share them here to avoid account restrictions. One day, we'll share everything when humanity awakens.
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trainsinanime · 11 months
The Movie - The Bad Parts
Based on discussions with @emsylcatac earlier today, let's talk about Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir - The Movie (also known as Miraculous Awakening), and specifically what sucks about it. I want to clarify that this post is meant to be unfair on purpose. It's all about complaining because complaining is fun! Overall I think the movie was perfectly fine, I had fun and I recommend watching it on a big screen because it is really pretty. This post is full of spoilers, and I'll put it in the queue for the 29th so people who watch on Netflix can see it then.
Let's get to it. There are a number of different directions from which you can criticise the movie. Too many fart jokes. Too many Volkswagen cars. Not enough metro trains. Uninspired songs. I'd like to pull it back a step, though, and ask fundamentally: What was the movie trying to do, you know, as a story? Because I don't think it knows.
About something
The movie has set itself a fairly difficult task, trying to fit a monster-of-the-week show into a single cohesive narrative. This isn't impossible, other superhero movies from Marvel and sometimes Sony and even the odd DC one do that all the time. They do that by finding a core story to tell about the people involved. Tony Stark goes from war profiteer to taking responsibility. Shang-Chi fled his father and must now face him. Jessica Jones faces her trauma. Kamala Khan must figure out who she wants to become and what it means to be a hero. Hawkeye must shoot an arrow out of a bow. Stuff like that.
As a show, Miraculous Ladybug doesn't really have that. Marinette isn't standing on the wrong side of a central dramatic argument and must learn to find and believe the correct answer. Her only real problem is that she isn't kissing Adrien right now. Similar things go for Adrien, who has plot attached to him, but not really any arc beyond going from not kissing Marinette to kissing Marinette. And that's perfectly fine for a show like that, there are plenty of arcs for each individual episode. And sometimes you don't even need that and can just save yourself with twenty minutes of being fun.
The movie is exactly like the show in this regard, and in my opinion, that's a mistake. Marinette is clumsy and afraid of being awesome, but that is just basic hero's journey stuff, that isn't a real character arc. Adrien doesn't have an arc at all. So really, there is nothing here, no theme, no arc. Stuff just happens. The stuff that happens is very adorable in my opinion, but most of it doesn't mean anything.
And really, that seems to be the main point of the movie: Have adorable stuff happen. There are a lot of great trailer moments, but then if you see how they fit together in the movie, well, they mostly don't. There are some cute Adrinette scenes, but they are just here to be cute, they don't actually matter. There's some excellent Ladynoir banter, but it doesn't actually change anything or tell us anything about the characters, it's just here.
The movie certainly pretends that there's an arc here. Marinette gets an "I want" song that tells us she's unhappy about being clumsy, and she'd like to design clothes. We have a bit of a hero's journey. We have a tiny bit of a conflict when Chat Noir is in love with Ladybug, but she can't be in love with him because she's in love with Adrien, and he reacts poorly to that (oh god, are we going to get Adrien discourse again? Please, anything but that!). We defeat the villain, and Marinette learns the "Miraculous Ladybug" healing power. It feels like an arc, but the things don't connect to each other in any thematic way.
And sure, the movie pretends there is a theme here, which is "we're stronger together". Except being together is not really that relevant for the conclusion, and besides, nobody ever said they weren't stronger together.
Weirdly enough, there is one character who gets an arc, which is Gabriel, who realises his mistakes when he sees that Chat Noir is his son. That's nice but comes a bit out of nowhere. And the way Adrien forgives him that easily also feels unearned to me. If you go strictly by which character learned the most and changed the most, you could technically argue that this is Gabriel's story more than anyone, which is just silly.
So it all feels a bit lifeless. Many subplots start and stop at random, and many scenes in between the trailer moments feel too short and lifeless.
The Changes
The other thing that feels weird is all the ways that the lore was changed. I'm totally okay with changing the lore to fit into the movie, but so many of the choices just feel less interesting.
Most crucially, when Marinette falls in love with Adrien in the show, it's the culmination of a mini-arc in which she was wrong about him, and he was bad at social interaction, which they resolve with a ritual umbrella exchange. That is really meaningful. In the movie, Marinette falls in love with Adrien because he's handsome and he asks her if she's alright after she drops some books. That's less interesting.
A smaller detail, but in my opinion even more important, are the Akuma villains. There's no doubt that the gargoyle looks great… but it's a random person who we don't know. We certainly didn't know Ivan that well at the end of season 1 either, but we had at least some connection to him. Most importantly, Marinette had a connection to him, and so her fear for this guy she knows felt real and important. That's gone here. Same for the other villains. They're all just some guys Hawkmoth found somewhere. They don't matter to us or to the heroes, they're just around. In their fight for great visuals, they made the story less interesting.
There are plenty of other examples where the show weirdly forgoes personal moments. The Adrinette montage, for example, is sweet, but it passes by way too quickly. And it's not like the movie didn't have the time, I mean, have you seen these fart jokes?
When it comes to the superhero fights, I am mostly stumped. The movie invented completely new rules, but these rules are for the most part not better or worse, just different. It feels like they feared they'd infringe someone's copyright, but doesn't Zag own the copyright? I think the lack of insane plans prompted by a lucky charm was a bit sad, but I wouldn't call it a dealbreaker.
The Music
I think the songs were alright, I'm just mentioning them here because I know others hated them. My main issue with them is that they felt so unmotivated. It felt like someone had said, "this is where a Disney movie would have a song, so we'll put one here as well".
The Ending
Cutting there? Come on. Not gonna lie, that part got a big groan at my cinema.
The Nachos
Mine didn't taste that great.
In Conclusion
I really should have written this Sunday or Saturday when my memory was still fresh. But I think you get the gist of it. It was a fun experience, but I think it squandered most of its opportunities. There were fun moments, but the connection between them wasn't really there. Most importantly, the movie just didn't really have any story to tell other than "that Ladybug one". But while that is a fine story to have as the premise of a show, it doesn't really work well for a single movie.
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krii-bolts · 1 year
And some-what the 1st of 2 parts, as I got things to connect revolving N's Flashbacks.. and trust me, Spirals are now my most feared enemy by the end of this
Ofc, This is Heavy Ep 4 Spoilers.. So I recommend watching that before continuing down...
Ya ready? Cause I feel like a Drone with a Malware sickness right now over this.. Lets go
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^ I'll admit, I had to go back and rewatch this specific shot for What Khan said and it was " After the core collapsed, I didn't notice the collars.."
This photo, by my Speculation and by the Dialogue, Seems to Be a Expedition Team to search and find other drones (Especially with that downed Drone hanging from the trees)
Also, NORI!!! Trust me, We got a entire fucking Bread Slice with this episode when it comes to Nori Lore and not some crumbs
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^ 1. We see both Nori and Yeva (From eye colors and hair to the Badges hanging from their necks) in this photo, along with other drones
I also see some backpacks on most of the drones here, including Khan (I think those are backpacks) so further evidence on a Expedition team
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^ (Insert Comment on Khan having Dad energy from what he said on this photo)
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^ AND HERES THE START OF MY SPIRAL MADNESS!! I know we get closer looks of these drawings but still, we do see drawings that don't pop up on the other shots...
And by that I mean that Very Bottom Drawing with the Spiral and Red Text. All I can read from that Red Text is "They ___ Everything" and could either be "See" or "Hear" in that blank spot, or even "Are"
But it sure does look like a Gravitational Field, doesnt it?
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^ OH BOY. 1 . Theres Nori's ID Badge, making more and more clear of that "Employees" theory that I saw before, like with yeva's badge
2 . " Build Doors against the coming sky Demons!" so it was NORI who was all for the doors. That Makes Khan's obsession more.. traumatic (Poor dude)
3 . OK. MORE SPIRALS. And also Drawings of the Corpse Spire.
Along with the Spirals and Spires are many Drawings of Disassembly drones so Nori mustve knew before hand that they were coming (I KNOW SOMEBODY ELSE ON TUMBLR HAS SAID SOMETHING FAMILIAR, I DONT REMEMBER WHO)
There also seems to be Red Text on the Spiral drawings, almost Like a Equation... and Finally
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^ This. This shot. This shot is the reason why Im terrified of N's flashbacks now. This shot is why Spirals are my Enemy now.
Khan DOES say something here, and while It was at first hard to notice the first couple of times, I now know what he says:
"The Singularity Awakens."
Trust me, this quote holds wayyyy more significance when I go over N's Flashbacks.
ANYWAYS, More Drawings of the Spirals and this time I can see those Equations some more on the Bigger Spiral on top! Starting with a "F=" with the other half being a Fraction of Two unknown Numbers /symbols
The Bottom spiral... the one thats covered in many small equations, that one intrigues me. I MAY BE DUMB, but that looks like a blackhole with Time Dilation and Rotational Spin (From the graphs above said spiral), with the spiral going inwards and not outwards...
I'm not gonna include the Funny S shot, as I got nothing on it BUT KNOW THIS: N's Flashbacks are next for my rants..
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certified-breogan-stan · 10 months
Logging back unto this account to drop my Murder Drones theory after the newest episode.
We see in this episode that :
-Earth has been destroyed by Cyn/Absolute Solver
-The facility the gang just explored was dedicated to the study of the AS
-Nori, in the facility’s flashback, has a purple solver
-Alice, a study team member, tells a restrained Uzi that she looks like her mom , « minus the yellow eyes ».
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That means that Nori had already fully awakened her solver to the point of having fully yellow eyes when she fucked off the facility … and yet still went on to have a life and family with Khan ? Who allegedly mercy-killed her after she got hit by nanite acid by hitting her with a wrench ?
No way a drone with full solver powers would get killed by something so inconsequential.
Now here’s where the crackpot starts.
First off, no way Nori’s dead.
Secondly, she evolved into another absolute solver entity that is NOT a copy of the original Cyn one, but instead its own thing. Cyn somehow became aware of this and mindwiped the murder trio (J/V/N), before sending them as murder drones to the colony to exterminate it as fast as possible.
So for those of you fine folks who’ve played the original Dead Space trilogy, the Solver is essentially a Brethren Moon-like entity that needs a critical mass of dead matter to trigger an extinction-level event like it did on earth. Nori evolved into one and Cyn wants to exterminate it as fast as possible before it becomes an existential threat to her, and that’s what this whole series is : two hypercompetitive lifeforms who cannot coexist alongside each other and fight each other via proxies.
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Pre-Episode 4 Theory
Post Episode 4 Theory
I knew I was right to be skeptical about Uzi going full Murder Drone! But wow—there is a lot too unpack with what this one introduced.
First off, what’s wrong with Uzi’s classmates? Why were they so afraid of her when Doll was going all prom murder? The first time I slightly get cause they were surprised by her speaking a bit suddenly. But the second time? They all saw Uzi exit the tree lining before she spoke!
Unless it’s right in front of them—they barely react/register tragedy, going as far as to play it off as a joke. I thought Lizzy was a singular case due to being best friends with Doll. She at least seemed far more nonchalant about killing off her classmates. And she isn’t even AS infected!
The promo showed who was going to be killed.
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Once again, I’m reminded these are robots trying to mimic human society. Their emotional intelligence is pretty poor overall considering they barely react to deaths afterward. Following mob/herd mentality, no continuous sense of self-preservation, and having very loose morals.
The fact they found more comfort in known murderers is concerning. Makes me wonder how their parent's generation even survived.
(Also, it was Nori’s idea to create the doors and not Khan's? “Build doors against the coming sky demons!–The singularity awakens...”)
Two; How in the world can Uzi’s AbsoluteSolver create organic matter?! I was under the strong impression that it used nanites to affect general things. Yet this is on a completely another level.
Something which her mother seemed to be aware of. Uzi made f*cking bat-like wings and a mouthed tail out of nothing. People appear to be debating whether she was fully herself or AS crazy during that scene in the ep comments. It. It could either way to be honest. We see her puke up (streaming) oil from Daren and look at her oil-covered hand in horror. Her eyes/visor flickering between a Murder Drone X to high temperature warning to AS symbol in one eye.
And yet she goes into murder mode pretty quickly. Laughing eerily similar to V from Ep 1.
She tricked V by begging to speak to N, then during the falling talk was clearly in full control of herself. I hate the Absolute Solver program.
Sidenote, We see how V has indeed been hiding things. “New body, same horrors, huh, Cyn?” Who from a very brief flashback from N is the fourth yellow-eyed drone Tessa restored. We kinda knew about her from the beginning since we see “Absolute Solver attempt block by Administrator CYN.” post-reboot slap. She had the AS symbol plus the large distended mouth in the flashback. She—she had a human arm in her mouth showing it off to N (I think.)
How she maintains an Administrator position in the JCJenson corporation—shown to hate rogue/free-thinking AIs—I’ll never know...
Another, or the same arm, was shown in a chandelier a few seconds after. The flashback ends with what I believe to be a black hole in the sky. Or maybe a blotted out sun?
Red eyes were visible when N fries that monitor touching the buttons. Except for them being rounder than a drone’s so we can rule out Doll.
Thirdly. There was more to Nori than we could imagine given the little bug recognizing 02.
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Register Torture Chamber complaint??? Either Nori used torture chambers(!) on other drones or was subjected to one. She seemed to have a descent into madness after the core explosion. If the box of “Family Memories before Nori went Kooky & Insane” was any indication. I did miss that when I first watched the episode...
Nori didn’t just see the three Murder Drones, she saw countless descended from the sky that the doors were her idea in the first place. There are so many questions we can ask about this: Did Nori and Yeva know about the Zombie Drone thing? Did they not use their abilities in public to avoid turning as Uzi does? Will Doll eventually turn—or is it only older AS “02”? How often did Worker Drones turn into Zombie Drones back on Earth that there needed to be a training tape about them? I really hate AS.
4th—AbsoluteSolver does indeed cause the same overheating issues in Murder Drones. It feels nice to get a confirmation for this since we could only speculate. Uzi burns in sunlight now. She can regenerate like a Disassembly Drone too. All while still having wings, a stinger/mouthed tail, and the AbsoluteSolver abilities. The purple protagonist has the programming to become a far deadlier AS/Murder Drone hybrid.
Took down V like it was barely anything. Where did her new wings and tail even go when N caught her? Do they fold into her body like the Murder Drone's own ones do?? Her tail??? I thought J’s AS heart-thing was fleshy cause it used human ribcage remnants. Clearly, we know otherwise that it becomes an extension of advanced AbsoluteSolvee users... What did Cyn/Tessa/JCJenson create? (nightmare fuel)
Lastly, character growth! Uzi showed her softer side and insecurities in this episode. N appears to be losing his doormat qualities defending himself. V’s still mean—but worried mean~ She is looking out for N, and very afraid for them.
Glitch and the crew really stepped up their animation ability in this episode. Characters are far more fluid. We see their expressions range, the episode was less joking to bring home how serious Cabin Fever was. At least more so compared to the other three episodes—nice.
More in the tags. >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd Post-Ep Four Theory
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fancoloredglasses · 1 month
Star Trek, Part 3: The movies I-VI (Thank you, George Lucas!)
[All images are owned by Paramount. Please don’t sue me]
[QUICK NOTE: This is a bare-bones review of the films rather than my usual tongue-in-cheek blow-by-blow review since I’m trying to cover six movies in one review. If you would like to see any of the films reviewed in-depth, please let me know]
After the end of the original series (and the brief flirtation with animation), fans were certain that was the end for Star Trek. There were rumors that a new series was in the works, but most knew they were just rumors.
That all changed in 1977 when a film set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away hit theaters and changed the landscape. Suddenly, Paramount was VERY interested in a movie based on Star Trek! Fortunately for Paramount, everyone was on board for a motion picture-sized paycheck.
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A few years have passed since the end of the series in canon. The entire crew has received at least one promotion.
Since most of the sets, models, and costumes were either destroyed or not suitable for a larger screen, a number of changes had to be made, starting with the uniform.
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(Thanks to veniceogar.xyz)
Most fans complained about the new uniforms, saying they looked like sleepwear.
But if they complained about the updated uniforms, there were little objections to the updated Enterprise!
(Thanks to Paul Scollon)
The ship looked much more futuristic than the series (in canon, following the five-year missions, the surviving Constitution class starships underwent a major overhaul with updated warp drive, updated deflector array, and a larger body. In fact, there were so many changes that the class was re-designated “Constitution Refit”) One interesting cosmetic update: The class lost the “battleship grey” paint job in favor of the metal plates of the hull being visible.
But if the exterior was significant upgrade, wait until you see the interior!
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Yes, the controls were still chunky as hell, but at least it didn’t look like the 60's vision of the future (more like the 70’s vision)
There was another major change when the franchise hit the big screen…
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The Klingons somehow developed bumps on their forehead. This has been mentioned in canon (over a decade later), but was never explained until over 20 years later!
The film felt like a 2 hour episode of Star Trek (in fact, you could say it was inspired by an episode!)
The film was well-received enough that a second film was green-lit. However, the tone would shift to be a bit more action-oriented as Paramount brought in Harve Bennett as executive producer with little input from Roddenberry.
The sets were a little darker and another uniform change was made that would endure through the next six films (though I'll only be covering the next five in this review. Stay tuned for the sixth in a future review!) and (canonically) the next 70 or so years.
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(Thanks to Nerdist)
The second film (considered by many to be the best film of this era, if not the entire franchise)…
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…brought back a villain from the episode Space Seed…
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Khan Noonian Singh (played by Ricardo Montalban, who was famous for playing Mr. Roarke on Fantasy Island), the result of genetic engineering in the late 20th century (you all remember that, right?) In the episode, Khan was awakened after being asleep for 200 years, attempted to take over the Enterprise and was marooned when he failed. Now he’s back and looking for revenge!
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The movie also introduces Carol Marcus, an old flame of Kirk’s who developed a technology known as Genesis that could instantaneously terraform a planet (of course, if there’s already life on said planet, it wouldn’t be there for much longer!) In addition to revenge on Kirk, Khan wants the Genesis technology.
Fans were excited for this new take on Trek, but were up in arms due to a scene near the end…
(Thanks to TheAmazingSkipper)
It seems that Leonard Nimoy was tired of being associated with Spock over the past 2 decades and wanted out. However, perhaps due to fan backlash, he agreed to return…if he could direct his return!
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In the third film, it’s revealed that the planet Genesis (that was created at the end of the second film) has somehow brought Spock back to life. The Enterprise is due to be decommissioned, but in a desperate attempt to save their friend, the command staff of the Enterprise steal the ship to rescue Spock.
(Thanks to Prometheus of Videos)
…but run afoul of a Klingon Bird of Prey (commanded by Christopher Lloyd of Taxi and Back to the Future fame)
If the fans were happy about the return of Spock, they were horrified about what needed to be done to do so!
(Thanks to spartakirk109)
In the end, Kirk and the crew capture the Bird of Prey and seek asylum on Vulcan, which is where we begin with the fourth film (also directed by Nimoy)
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In this film the Earth is threatened by a giant vessel looking to talk with whales (which are extinct in the 23rd century), so the crew (finally returning to Earth to face judgement for stealing the Enterprise) goes back in time to the 20th Century to get some, saving the planet.
Starfleet is grateful, but someone needs to be punished for stealing the Enterprise, so they demote Kirk to Captain and ship the crew off to their new assignment.
(Thanks to April 5, 2063)
Yes, their new assignment is the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A (AKA the Enterprise-A, but we’ll just keep calling it the Enterprise) In canon, the ship was the USS Yorktown, but is re-commissioned as a thank you to Kirk.
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As far as the fifth film…it is considered the worst of the franchise. There are a number of issues, beginning with the film being made in the middle of a strike by the Screen Writers’ Guild (see? It’s not just a modern issue!), meaning no possibility for rewrites (and boy howdy did they need several!). Additionally, the film wanted to work with Industrial Light & Magic (the company responsible for the effects on the Star Wars franchise), but their primary teams weren’t available. Rather than work with one of the secondary teams, the producers went with another company that…well, let’s just say they should’ve gone with the ILM B-Team. Finally, William Shatner made his directorial debut, and let’s just say he should’ve stuck to acting.
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The final film of this era of the franchise (released in time for Star Trek’s 25th anniversary), The Undiscovered Country, dealt with a conspiracy to end peace talks between the Federation and the Klingons with the Enterprise stuck in the middle. It also marked the decommissioning of the Enterprise-A after only 3 films (though canonically it's as old as the original Enterprise was when it was destroyed)
(Thanks to Arrow Of Videos)
Of course, this would not be the end of Star Trek, as a brand new television series debuted shortly after Star Trek IV hit theaters, but that’s a tale for another review.
If you would like to see any of the films reviewed in depth, please let me know!
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By: Tom Slater
Published: Mar 30, 2024
‘Forte non Ignave’, ‘Bravely not cowardly’, is the motto of Batley Grammar, a free school in West Yorkshire, founded in 1612. How grimly ironic, then, that three years ago, it became the site of one of the most craven capitulations to religious bigotry Britain has seen since the Satanic Verses controversy.
On Monday 22 March 2021, a religious-studies teacher at Batley Grammar showed his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, as part of a lesson on blasphemy. The cartoons were from Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French magazine whose staff paid the ultimate price for their supposed blasphemy in 2015, when two al-Qaeda gunmen showed up at their offices.
The cartoons had been on the syllabus for at least two years, and no one had batted an eyelid. Up to that point, Batley Grammar – a secular state school – had no reason to suspect it should have to respect Islamic blasphemy codes, especially when teaching about religion, free speech and blasphemy. It was in for a rude awakening.
‘The lesson descended into chaos as pupils took out their phones and attempted to film the teacher’, according to one report. The teacher, according to another, had a heated phone call with the father of one Muslim pupil. Then things spun out of control. Word got out online. Protesters – a mix of parents and activists from Leeds, Rochdale and beyond – pitched up outside the school gates, shutting down the school for a number of days.
All the while, the teacher was menaced by death threats. A local Islamic charity, Purpose of Life, published a statement, outing the teacher and comparing his indiscretion – bizarrely – to the brutalisation of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. A group called Muslim Action Forum also published his name, alongside more lurid libels, accusing the teacher of ‘inciting hatred’ and accusing his supporters of ‘blind hatred of the Muslim community’. These groups were, in effect, putting a target on the back of a man they had likely never met. Young men were spotted knocking at the door and trying the handle of the teacher’s house, where he lived with his wife and their children.
The bigoted caricature bore no relationship to reality, of course. According to the teacher’s Muslim neighbour, his was a nice family, who bought cards and sweets for the Muslim kids in the neighbourhood during Eid. Even so, no one should be expected to go through what this teacher went through – facing all the violent intolerance and hysteria of a medieval village, only spread far and wide by social media. He spoke to Dame Sara Khan, for her new report on modern-day mob censorship, which was published by the UK government this week. His treatment, Khan writes, left the teacher feeling suicidal.
He feared for his life, and with good reason. Five months before that fateful religious-studies class in West Yorkshire, French teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in a Paris suburb by an Islamic extremist. Paty’s ‘crime’ was almost identical: showing Charlie Hebdo cartoons to his pupils in a lesson on freedom of expression. Adil Shahzad, an imam from Bradford who shot straight to Batley to lead the protests, warned darkly at the time that Britain risked ‘becoming like France’. Shahzad insisted Muslims should make their feelings known in the ‘democratic way’. But it turns out he has a history of praising murderous anti-blasphemy groups in Pakistan.
Where Britain after Batley certainly differed from France after Paty was in the reaction. Thousands took to the streets in France, in solidarity with the slain teacher and in support of free expression. The murder inspired President Emmanuel Macron to mount a personal crusade against Islamist extremism. In Britain, there was just capitulation. The school suspended the teacher and penned a grovelling apology. For some reason, a West Yorkshire Police officer was enlisted to read it out to the protesters. All this was welcomed heartily by Labour’s Tracy Brabin, then MP for Batley and Spen. She said she was ‘pleased that the school has recognised it was inappropriate and apologised’. After an investigation, the teacher was cleared of any personal wrongdoing, but the cartoons were removed from the syllabus. The mob won. And the teacher is still in hiding.
None of this has calmed tensions, of course. It has only emboldened the hardliners. Capitulation always does. There’s been a string of similar blasphemy scandals since. In 2022, Sunni Muslim protesters managed to get Cineworld to pull screenings of The Lady of Heaven, a Shia-made film they deemed to be blasphemous. In 2023, another school, less than 10 miles from Batley Grammar, this time in Wakefield, found itself in the zealots’ crosshairs, after a schoolboy brought a Koran to school and accidentally scuffed it. He too was bombarded with death threats. In the end, the police took no action against those trying to intimidate a child. A child who also happened to be autistic. But they did record a ‘non-crime hate incident’ against him.
A hardworking teacher forever looking over his shoulder. Shias censored at the behest of sectarians. A schoolboy threatened with death and arson. This is the cost of our cowardice, of our institutions’ inability to make clear that no one can expect to have their views forcefielded from criticism and that a free society cannot tolerate violence and threats in response to mere speech, words, cartoons. Blasphemy trials are back – only they are conducted by the mob, rather than a court. We’ve sent out a signal – loud and clear – that threats and violence and intimidation work.
And we’ve done so due to some genuinely bigoted assumptions about British Muslims. The first is that they are incapable of being citizens of liberal democracies – that, unlike any other religious group, they should expect to have their heretics burned, or at least punished. The second misconception is that the screeching rent-a-mobs that now show up whenever a ‘blasphemy’ scandal erupts are the authentic voice of British Muslims. They’re not. In fact, British Muslims and ex-Muslims are often on the sharp end of anti-blasphemy intolerance. In 2016, Glasgow’s Asad Shah and Rochdale’s Jalal Uddin both lost their lives, within weeks of each other, for their respective ‘blasphemies’. Hatun Tash, an ex-Muslim turned Christian preacher, has been stabbed and been the target of a terror plot for railing against her former faith. Thankfully, she’s still alive.
Three years on from Batley Grammar, we need to fight for the right to blaspheme all over again, before any more Brits – Muslim, non-Muslim or ex-Muslim – pay the price for our cowardice.
Said it before and I'll say it again: start revoking citizenship and deporting those who make these threats. They're trying to make our liberal societies into their Islamic hellholes.
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definesanity · 2 months
Gentle Madness
A dull light shone overhead, painting the walls a sickly yellow. Only to then be overpowered by the colours of midnight purple and gold.
Uzi took a step into the lab(? She thinks it's a lab.), and the thing followed her. Said thing she finally came up with a name for.
Scyn. Clever, she knows, no need to praise her intelligence. (She does not mention that Scyn came up with it. She said it was an 'attempt at humour'.)
"So, this place is...?" Uzi drawled out, keeping near the door as she looked over the ruins and copious corpses.
"My mom." Uzi bitterly replied.
"And in the end, everyone died?" came the dry prediction.
"...So I have more troubles... ack." Uzi groaned into her hand. "...Why me? Why does it have to be me...?"
"DEATH ISN'T REAL, AND I AM BASICALLY GOD." Scyn replied as easily as she faked breathing.
Uzi sighed. "We're going back. And you're going to teach more more about how to use this... thing."
Scyn gave her a mock salute. "I AIM TO PLEASE."
"N, do not touch me, I will explain why." Uzi quickly snapped. She didn't mean to, but she was getting annoyed at why she couldn't use the Solver correctly.
N deflated a little, but perked back up. "Oh, it's something important, gotcha! I, ah... was just a little worried, you know? This back and forth between locations no one knows about, not to mention with that puppy of yours..." N knew that Scyn wasn't a puppy. But he just couldn't remember where he's seen her before.
"I'm fine, N, sheesh. I'm getting closer to figuring this crap out... but anyways, don't touch me. You'll get a virus."
"Say what now?"
"Scyn gave me a virus that infects personalities. And they still haven't given me a straight answer as to why."
"T-The puppy is evil...?" N looked horrified at the thought.
"No, she isn't, just... a little weird." Uzi had still not gotten over whatever N is, but there are slightly more important things at hand.
N gave a such sight of relief. "Oh, okay! Well, I'm gonna go now, V's been getting cranky recently... eh, it's probably fine. See ya!"
N soon left the room, and Scyn came out of the closet. Literally.
"So why did you hide?"
"Noted." Uzi got up, and pointed at Scyn. "Stay."
Uzi lifted up a can of oil. "I'll buy your silence."
"CURSES." Scyn took it and sat back down, pouting. Fucking pouting. What the hell.
Uzi is tired.
Uzi is now awake.
Ever since two weeks ago, more and more people have gone missing. No one knows how, though.
Uzi took a long look at the posters. Then, she looked around. An oddity was how no one was able to catch a sighting of then.
...That camera was wrong.
Uzi quickly took the posters and near enough skipped back to her room, a grin growing and giggling manically to herself. She connected them, and looked up--
It was gone.
She blinked. Then again. Then she saw Scyn leaning over her.
She near enough stormed her way to where he was, glaring at him, with his eyes widening at just how quick Uzi caught him.
"MY CRAZED RAMBLINGS!" Uzi raged at him, getting closer and closer. "STAY OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!"
Khan only looked at her in mild concern. "Personal space for a very alarming coping mechanisms isn't covered under a--" the bitch consults his manual for how to act as a father, "--'non-optional family support structure'."
Uzi ripped the manual out of his hands. "Oh, well I'M sorry for being vulnerable for five seconds! You were never, EVER, there for me! So don't think for one goddamn SECOND you can try and save the day!"
Khan remained silent.
"Stay distant. For both of us. I'm going out now, and I'm bringing Scyyyyyyyyyyywhat the hell is that?" she said, looking at a skeleton of a human.
"Prom tux! Child's small. You're banned from seeing those no-good murder drones and from going on adventures to who-knows-where."
"Huh?" Uzi looked confused.
"Buuuuut I was able to talk to your teacher to find classmates help you with getting you ready!"
"HUH?" Uzi now looked distressed, with Scyn looking equally as worried.
Khan opened the door, revealing a smirking Lizzy and a blank faced Doll.
"'Sup, Uzi." Lizzy gained a determined look and Doll somehow looked more scary. "Get ready to be popular!"
Khan then nailed the coffin shut. "I'm chaperoning!"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Uzi screamed as Scyn's eyes displayed 'DANGER: 1,000,000%'
Deep underground, a different kind of despair was brewing.
Deer antlers wobbled as the one called 'Alice' looked through drawers upon drawers, but found herself lacking something she needed.
A new visor. Hubris for her mistakes, she guesses...
Beau looked at her with concern, also looking through, but coming short of nothing.
"This sucks ass." Alice groaned, sitting down and tapping her fingers together. "Ya know what this means, righ'? One'a us has ta' go to the surface ta' get a new'un."
Beau nodded. Then, the cheeky shite pointed at Alice.
"Geez, thanks." she rolled her eyes, but made her move.
Then she nearly shat herself, seeing familiar purple and gold shine.
Before long, it was gone.
"Oh, um." Uzi was very on edge, but tried to salvage the situation. "...Nice room?"
["Thanks. I cleaned it."]
No offense to her, but Doll did a shit job. It was like taking a comically large brush and sweping it under a rug, which shows how much shit is under it.
Not only that, but the smell...
"So, Uzi, babe--can I call you babe--cool, anyways, I'll ask first and foremost: dress or suit?"
"Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm." Uzi shrugged. "Suit, I guess?"
"Coolio. Always thought you'd look good in a suit."
["No, she didn't."]
"As if you were any better. I saw you stalking Uzi!"
["I was not 'stalking' her. I was making sure she was safe."]
"From what?" Uzi blinked. Honestly, she wished Scyn could have kept her viruses to herself. It was much easier...
["Don't worry."]
'Worrying. Okay, they're keeping me hostage... the heck can I do...?'
"I appreciate the help. Really. I do! But, I'm just gonna g--" Uzi's eyes widened at the door shutting in her face.
"You're hilarious," Lizzy turned to Doll, "She's hilarious," then, back to Uzi. "We're gonna make you look badass, and I'll be dammed if I don't help you. We're gonna make you look cool, in a brave sort-of way!"
Uzi looked at the door. Doll was there.
Uzi looked back between them. 'Holy shit, Doll can teleport.'
["Bedroom is done the hall, on the right."] something about Doll's grin got her on the wrong side.
Oh well. Thank god they don't have that thing activated...
"TASTE ZIP BOMB." Scyn said, delivering another zip bomb, this time to Doll. "SATISFIED LOOK. GUESS I SHOULD, GO CHECK UP ON MY THIRD FAVOURITE, 'IDJIT'."
Like a spider, she made her way unto where she detected Alice.
It was easy. Annoyingly so.
The Solver of The Absolute Fabric, now Scyn. And she felt... happy, at it. She thinks. She is not sure. She is a program, playing puppet to a mentally unhinged Worker Drone who she made skin her only friend and wear the corpse for years.
She felt a weird emotion. She analysed it as 'guilt'. She ignored it, much like Uzi does. That was a problem for future her. Is she a her? Whatever.
"SNEAKY, SNEAKY." she narrated.
She'll find that weird deer. Sooner than later.
Uzi ducked her way into the bathroom, first, if only to try and get her suit on.
She admits it looks good on her. Pretty kick ass, all things considered.
She then swore to herself as Scyn sent a zip bomb to her.
"Easy there, Solver, I'm trying to make this work..."
She looled at the mirror again. The mirror shattered as the symbol appeared.
"Oh for...!"
"Oh, relax for a sec, Doll! Listen, I'll keep the doors shut, and you can go fetch Uzi!" Lizzy's voice echoed. "This had better be worth the trouble of getting you an alibi for you, just to get to V."
"...The fu--?" Uzi cut herself off, for once, seeing something drip. It was black.
She moved her way over to the bathtub but, as she grabbed the curtain, she heard the door opening. Looking around, she spotted her exit.
Doll yawned as she walked in, rubbing her eyes. Then she blinked, looking at the empty bathroom. Then the vent. Which was open.
["Well, as they like to say in Russia: 'Oops, I knew I should have kept that vent shut, because now the only other person I know who is infected with that virus has escaped through it via broken mirror shards, leaving me to try and find them."]
It's a real saying. Believe her.
Uzi coughed, catching her breath. Ugh, this so annoying!
Feelings! Friends! THAT GODDAMN--
Her thoughts halted as something landed in front of her. It was N. In a... suit.
To each their own.
"U-Uzi?!" N looked shocked to see her.
"Why are--/You look--" the two spoke at the same time. "How did--/Well, um--"
"Something, er, happened--"
"I, could help!" N then turned around, muttering. "Though, you probably don't..."
"No, I... could... use. The. Help. Please?" begging. It doesn't suit her.
In an instant, N came next to her, gasping. "Dapper buddies!"
"Bite me... though, you kinda look good in that suit."
"Right?! I thought it wasn't gonna work, given how I only ever wore my coat up until now, but hey, it did and OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH." he looked around, and then began to virtually sweat. "Um, bad news! V is kinda... maybe... gonna kill everyone?"
"Wha--SHE GOT OUT?!"
"I know! I-I thought that chain could hold her, but she must have cut through it!"
"But why wait? And why now?" Uzi screamed into her hands. "AAAAAAAGHH I HATE NOT KNOWING THINGS!"
"O-OKAY!" N took a deep breath. "Okay. Calm... now, wanna go save everyone?"
"Yup. Let's go." Uzi started to run her way there, with N unfurling his wings and flying above her.
N didn't say anything, but he did blink in surprise at Uzi teleporting around in a purple glow.
Cool! His friend is maybe a child of Satanael!
Alice saw something flash around the corner, and immediately brought her butcher's knife up into a defensive position.
There was exactly two points of entry. Behind her, and in front of her. Slowly, she made her way forwards, slowly walking and keeping an eye on the shadows.
Did she imagine it? She didn't want to admit it, but she was getting older...
A sudden rush of air next to her right leg put those worries to rest. Something was there.
"Aigh', coward, show yerself!" she called out.
No reply.
"What, 'fraid of a lil' ol' lady like me, are ya? C'mon, I don't bite!"
No reply. Something was moving.
Alice raised the knife.
Something was moving. Fast. Quick--Where is it?!
Alice screamed as a claw lifted her up. And she came face to face with the Devil.
The prom was... alright, Doll will admit. Still, showtime approaches.
V looked good in that dress. Shame it'll get stained with oil...
She lifted her arm, ready to strike--
Only to hear a thud from behind. Everyone turned to see another Disassembley Drone... and Uzi.
She was then punched in the face.
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satureja13 · 9 months
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Ji Ho and Yang Mal finally reached New Appaloosa. There is Diablo! In front of the 'Oak Barrel'! And Vlad! And - Morgan? Oh no - she found them!
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Ji Ho: "Leave Vlad alone!" Morgan: "He is the one who ordered me here. He now knows you beguiled him with your siren's song to obtain acess to his powers. He booked this hotel room to bond with me and get rid of you before you can cause more harm to him and his friends." Ji Ho: "What???" Vlad turned around with a cold gaze: "Morgan - come."
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Morgan: "You heard him. He is aware that all of their hardships started after you joined them. Do you want them to be on the run forever? The Council is only after them because of you and the prophecy. Vlad alone is no danger to them and your friends neither. You only brought them misery."
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Morgan: "He'll bond with me and this finally will be over. The prophecy will be null and void and Vlad and your friends can live in peace. Leave now for good and don't bother us." This said, she went inside - to become Vlad's bonded.
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Ji Ho knows she is right. His inner turmoil caused a thunderstorm and he watched them helplessly from the street below.
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And when they turned off the lights and closed the curtains, Ji Ho awakened from his stasis. What is more important to him? His friends being save without him. Or selfishly clinging on them - and Vlad. And put them in jeopardy.
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He is in despair. And torn. Unable to think straight. And so he asked the gods and the universe for a sign. Shall he stop them?
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And they answered...
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And what a sign it was! Ji Ho was just about to storm inside to stop them - when Morgan left. Possibly to report to the council of her victory. It was too late.
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Oh no! Ji Ho ran over to the entrance...
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But should he enter? What would that matter now anyway? Wouldn't it be better to leave silently - like he came? Now that it all was decided? He could go back to Genji, his first bonded and live with him?
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'Once upon a time I was falling in love but now I'm only falling apart There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart Once upon a time there was light in my life But now there's only love in the dark Nothing I can say, a total eclipse of the heart'
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
(OMG Ji Ho! The sign! Go in already!)
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The epic scene from Blues Brothers with James Brown singing 'The Old Landmark' -> here (Maybe you can even spot Chaka Khan inmidst the Gospel Singers!)
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest
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rest-in-being · 7 months
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"The heart is a being that sleeps sound until it is awakened to life by a blow. The heart is a rock, and the hidden fire within it flashes out when it is struck by another rock. The awakened heart says, 'I must give, I must not demand. It is I who must love another and must make another happy.' Thus it enters a gate that leads to a constant happiness."
- Hazrat Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan
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random-xpressions · 3 months
Career life is something one needs to take very seriously, as much as they would for other aspects, like their love life or their spiritual life etc. Perhaps in the earlier years one may actually not kick off with a promising note. But those are essential too. Call it coincidence or signs that universe is so clearly sending, in just this week I came across three stories which actually was very intellectually pleasing and also quite soul awakening. Here they are:
Story no 1: I happened to stumble upon an interview that was taken with the famous soccer star, Messi, in which he was asked - "what would you be doing if you were not playing football?" Sensing that the interviewer was perhaps under the impression that there was hell a lot of money that was being made in all his club contracts and advertisements etc, the legend simply answered: "I will still be playing football even if i made no money!"
Story no 2: Two great individuals who have hit the success in their industry almost with no match, a movie director - Yash Chopra - and King of Bollywood - Shah Rukh Khan. Now the kind of movies this amazing pair has gifted to the world is unforgettable. So just last night I came across an interview in which the Director was saying that in his entire career span of 50 years of which 20 years he had worked with the actor, not for once did Shah Rukh Khan ever speak about his RENUMERATION! All that Yash Chopra did was to call him and say a movie is being planned and Shah Rukh was there. What happens is that once everything is completed and a day or two before the movie release date, a cheque will be sent to the actor and everytime upon receiving it Shah Rukh would say: "this time its really such a huge pay!"
Story no 3: Dr Mohammed Hisham Naji, an anaesthesiologist, leading rather a comfortable life in Washington (Syrian-American), after recently seeing the plight of Palestinians and the heavy casualty especially when it came to that point where there were no qualified doctors to do anaesthesia and treatments were being made without giving anaesthesia, his conscience got so badly shaken that despite his old age and despite that Gaza is literally a battleground with zero security he volunteered to go all the way down to the epicenter of war to make his contribution!
Now all of these individuals in their own circle of profession - be that sports or theatricals or medical - one thing is common in all of them. They did what they did not because of money but something within them was giving them a greater call to answer it. Their craftsmanship was in their DNA, inseparable. They would do it even if they're not paid. They would do it because they really enjoyed it. They would do it even if it cost their lives.
Money is just a result and a natural consequence that follows the zeal, the enthusiasm, the passion. Now comes the big question which each one of you must ask yourself:
"Is what you're doing right now to earn your bread something which you would do even if your bread is denied?"
If the answer is NO, then that's not what you're made for. Your calling is elsewhere - go find it!!!
Random Xpressions
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Eddie Kingston Imagine:
Winning The AEW Championship
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Idea by @sheinthatfandom
The feud between Eddie Kingston and AEW World champion Claudio Castagnoli was slow building. But it was about to come to the end at the main event at Full Gear; where The winner would take the championship.
The set up couldn’t get any better; the pay per view was happening in Philadelphia. The home of Chikara Pro where Kingston and Claudio both started. Tony Khan even assigned Bryce Remsburg a former Chikara referee to officiate.
The match wouldn’t have any gimmicks or distractions, it would be a classic wrestling match. The crowd and people watching at home did not have high hopes for Eddie.
It was known that Eddie didn’t typically win the big ones.
The lights in the arena dimmed for a minute before coming back on. Eddies music began to play and he practically ran to the ring.
Claudio took his time to the ring, the crowd booed and yelled insults at him. They were still angry he turned on The Blackpool Combat Club.
Justin Roberts began announcing this was Full Gears Main Event and it was for the AEW World Championship, before introducing the challenger and defender.
The bell rang.
It started with a classic lockup, Claudio easily overpowered Eddie. Basically just dragging him around the ring with punches, kicks, and a German suplex.
Eddie found himself in a corner, out of breath and defeated. But that changes when Claudio tries to mock him with chops to the chest.
This awakens Eddie. He chops back harder and faster. Lowering his singlet off his shoulders and asking for me. Until both men a back in the middle of the ring.
Eddie is able to take Claudio down with a butterfly suplex. And he leans against the rope, waiting for his oppenet to get back up.
When Claudio is on his knees, Eddie runs towards him going to for the kitchen sink. But Claudio catches him.
Unbelievable Claudio is able to get to his feet while holding on to the back of Eddie’s knees. He pulls Eddie up with him.
The crowd can’t help but count out loud as Claudio swings Eddie around 20 times.
But their astonishment turns to boo as Claudio hits the neutrlizer
Eddie raises his shoulder just before Bryce hand hits the mat for the third time.
A cocky Claudio thinks he’s won and demands the refreee raise his hand. Bryce explains that that match is still on.
Claudio turns back around but is quickly knocked down by a spinning back fist.
Eddie doesn’t go for the cover though. He hits Claudio with two more back fist before applying the stretch plum.
Claudio tries breaking out, but Eddie tightens his hold and will not let go.
In the middle of the ring in front of the thousands watching in the arena and the millions watching at home. Claudio taps out.
The bell rings.
The crowd is so loud that nobody can hear Justin Roberts announce the new champion.
Even the people in the front row don’t notice Claudio roll under the bottom rope and out of the ring.
All eyes are on Eddie as he falls to his knees and tears filled his eyes.
He stands up and Bryce hands him the belt.
Eddie proudly holding the championship belt over his head as confetti falls down over him, is the last image before the pay per view feed ends.
Eddie Kingston is The NEW AEW Champion.
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iamwestiec · 2 years
Good night happy pride your queer headcanon of the day is Kamala Khan whose bisexual awakening is gonna happen when she sits bolt upright in bed one night and goes, "Wait, that was a CRUSH. I had a CRUSH on Captain Marvel!!!"
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FNV Minor Character Poll - Round 2-A, Day 1
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Left: Beagle, deputy to the late Sheriff McBain of Primm and hostage in the Bison Steve. —Deputy Beagle's Journal: "Those tough-looking fellows must be Great Khans. I recognize those funny helmets and leather vests from stories I've heard…so what are they doing with that dapper gentleman who wears a checked suit? I wouldn't mind a suit like that."
Right: Red Lucy, caretaker of The Thorn, a creature battle coliseum beneath Westside. —"Our lives are cheap, and fragile. Death is our assured fate, striking when least we expect it. The Thorn awakens us to the truth. Here we escape from our bonds, and choose the moment of death against the will of destiny."
Designated cheerleaders were not available for this match-up.
[Bracket | Info & FAQs | Become a Designated Cheerleader]
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