#where's da beef???!!!!
petitjury · 6 months
hey friends!! when i'm finished reading this current book (the trauma beat by tamara cherry), which one should I start next?? :)
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
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finally found out what these cunts are called suffice to say im gonna kill them all
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die-tenebris · 1 month
I'm so so so so so sick of straights cheating on each other in shows all the time constantly. Especially mutual cheating??? Come ONNN. And there's never any discussion or acknowledgement of polyamory or open relationships. What are you afraid of? Is it too gay to be honest to your partner and not hurt them? GROW UP
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wordsbyrian · 5 months
Divine - Kelley O'Hara x Reader
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Summary: Request was along the lines of Kelley x Reader where R is like divinely attractive. like the sun always hits her perfectly and everybody is in love with her. maybe she catches her teammates watching edits of her?
A/N: it was a request and then it was on the poll from ages ago and then i told @wosobullshit that i would write it so yeah. ta-da!
No one on the team is really sure how you do it.
It seemed like no matter what was going on around you, you managed to look perfect at all times, at least in your girlfriend’s opinion.
Doesn’t matter if you just finished running the beep test, or played a full 90 in a torrential downpour, or had just rolled out of bed for one reason or another. You always looked like you just stepped out of the pages of a sports magazine, even when you were forced to wear the hideous Portland jerseys.
The thing is, your girlfriend, Kelley, can’t even explain it but she’s more than willing to stand and stare and enjoy the view.
Currently, she and the rest of the team are watching as you help some of the trainers set up the cones for a drill and for some reason it seems as though no matter how you turned, you seemed to catch the light perfectly.
“Christ,” Sonny says, whistling lowly, “the fans might be right about Y/N.”
Kelley’s quick to reach out and swat at her young friend, “Hands off Sonnett.”
“I’m just looking.”
“No looking either!”
Unfortunately for Kelley (and the rest of the team) her voice travels just enough to be heard by the coaching staff, who are quick to rush them onto the field to get practice started.
Throughout practice, you do feel more eyes on you then normal but you brush it off as the training staff wanting to keep an extra close eye on you since you were still bouncing back from an injury. Of course, you noticed Kelley staring but that isn’t really anything new as you catch her staring at all hours of the day.
There’s also the cameras that feel like they're constantly on you. Which is weird to you but you push through and get on with the drills.
That afternoon when everyone has been loaded back onto the bus and you’re on your way back to the hotel, you notice the eyes on you again and you’re also pretty sure you hear someone whispering about the vein popping out on your forehead but you’re too busy arguing with Crystal to care.
“No, Y/N/N, there’s no way that you’re trying to tell me that ‘Hit Em Up’ is a better diss track than ‘No Vaseline,’” Crystal says, “‘No Vaseline’ is the diss track.”
A very important topic of conversation.
You shake your head fiercely before speaking, “Pac started the song by saying and I quote ‘that’s why i fucked your bitch you fat motherfucker’ then ended it by making fun of Prodigy for having Sickle Cell. Cube didn’t say anything that brutal.”
“Cube also didn’t need 3 of his friends to back him up in his beef,” Crys shoots back.
“He was beefing with the dudes that helped make him famous! HE DIDN'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS LEFT TO BACK HIM UP!”
The two of you have been having this argument on and off for weeks. Always over the same two songs and there is no doubt in your mind that your teammates are sick of hearing it. Especially the ones that have to put with you in POrtland and with the national team.
“Helped make him famous?!”
The two of you are both leaning across the aisle, glaring at each other at this point, faces so close together that anyone else would’ve found it uncomfortable but the two of you had grown up together and as such were unfazed by it.
Out of the corner of your eye, before you or Crystal could continue, you noticed Kelley and Sonnett sitting in the back row glancing at a phone, then back at you, then back to the phone before giggling.
“I’ll get back to you in a second, Dunny, this isn’t over,” you say before getting up and heading towards your girlfriend.
It's not that hard for her to spot you coming, being in a confined space and all. The whole tall and tattooed thing you have going isn’t really beneficial to sneaking up on people either. BUt your height is currently working in your favor because it means you can easily see the way both Kelley and Emily scramble to hide the phone (and its screen) from your view.
“Hi, baby,” Kelley says when you reach them and drop into the seat across from them.
“Yeah, ‘hi baby’” Sonny mimics, earning an elbow to the gut from her fellow Georgian.
“That’s not suspicious at all,” you mumble under your breath. “Anyway, I was wondering if the two of you troublemakers made any plans for tomorrow or if I’ll actually be able to hang out with my girlfriend at some point this camp.”
“You can have her, Y/N/N, I’ve been trying to get rid of her days,” Emily jokes.
Laughing at the offended look on Kelley’s face, you press a kiss to the side of her head before heading back to argue with Crystal.
The next day, you and Kelley are basically attached at the hip, or more accurately, the hand with the way she’s been dragging you from place to place the entire time.
And now after much convincing (read: whining) from you, you’ve finally got her to agree that a nap is a good use of your afternoon.
There’s only one issue…
“Babe, the key to a successful nap is having your eyes closed.”
“My eyes are closed.”
“They aren’t,” you say.
“How do you know my eyes aren’t closed? You’d have to have your eyes open to tell.”
“I can tell,” you say, still not opening your eyes, “because I can always tell when you’re looking at me. Even in the world’s most crowded room, the feeling of your eyes on me is unlike any other. So close them so I can sleep.”
A soft kiss is placed on the underside of your chin and there’s a bit of shuffling as Kelley tries to get comfortable. You let her squirm for about 30 seconds before you tug her firmly against you.
“Yea that’s enough of that,” you say. “And for love of God, stop staring at me.”
“You say the sweetest things to me when you’re tired.”
“Mhmm, love you too. It’s time to go night-night now.”
“That’s the tone you use with Charlie,” Kelley’s voice is indignant.
“Shhh, it’s time to go night-night.”
There’s some grumbling from the older woman but you ignore her in favor of going to sleep.
When you wake up from your nap, Kelley is nowhere to be found which isn’t very surprising. Luckily you know exactly where to find her or so you thought.
The walk to Sonny and lIndsey’s room is a quick one but you get turned away at the door by LIndsey who tells you that neither Frat Daddy is inside. She tells you that they said something about the social media team but you instantly decide you want nothing to do with that.
So instead you head off to find your best friend.
But to find him you need to find his mother, an easy task especially when all you have to do is follow the music. Which leads you down the hallway to the room where the PTs are set up.
Walking in, you’re not surprised to see Crystal on one of the tables getting a massage, while Lynn plays with Marcel on the ground. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Uncle sitting on the other table getting her hands looked at, but you don’t pay any attention to that. Instead you walk in and pick your little homie up.
“Hey,” Lynn calls out.
“Sorry Lynnie,” you say, “Marcel and I have some very important business to discuss.”
“He’s one!”
“Gracie’s corner is incredibly serious stuff, Williams. Crys, I’ll come find you when he needs a diaper change.”
You hear small chuckles from Lyss and the trainers but you’re mostly focused on the way Crystal grumbles her breath while shoo-ing you out of the room.
As you leave you can just mak e out the voice of one of the trainers saying, "It's like she doesn't even know she's doing it."
Whatever that means.
You spend the next 30 or so minutes wandering around the hotel, alternating between letting the toddler run ahead of you and carrying him while he mushes his fingers against your face, babbling on about whatever 1 year olds like. You make sure to respond when he pauses, wow-ing or asking him simple questions to encourage him to continue.
Eventually, the two of you make your way down to the conference room that’s been converted to a common area for the team.
The amount of heads that immediately turn to face you makes you slightly nervous and the nerves only worsen when you see Kelley and Sonnett once again shoving their phones behind their backs.
Rolling your eyes, you go and ploop yourself and Marcel down next to Charlie, finding the company of the two toddlers more entertaining than that of your teammates. 
Unnoticed by you though, both of the kids' mothers as well as a member of the social media team taking photos of the three of you. There’s also a few unheard comments directed at Kelley that may or may not have something to do with baby fever.
Life at camp continues in the same manner for the next few days with you going about your business while your girlfriend, her goofball friend, and the social media team continue to act strangely.
It all comes to a head one day after training.
The media manages to corner you before you get on the bus and they ask you to react to a few tiktoks that fans have made about you.
It takes you all of 3 seconds before you realize what you’re watching.
“Are all of these thirst edits of me,” you gasp, not removing your gaze from the screen. “This one is captioned: I’d let Y/N Y/L/N tie me. NEVERMIND!”
You manage to get through the next 5 minutes.
You stutter and blush and sweat your way through all 5 but you manage to make it through.
Not all the videos are as sexual as the first one, some feature clips of you with Marcel and Charlie but it still makes you very very uncomfy.
When you get on the bus, you’re greeted by the sight of most of the team grinning at you like maniacs, clearly already knowing what just happened.
“Who’s idea was that,” you ask, still standing up front.
No one speaks, so you groan before beginning to trudge your way to your normal seat across from Crystal.
On your way you notice the way both Kelley and Sonny can’t seem to hold back their giggles, so you pass your normal seat and go and sit with them instead.
“The two of you aren’t nearly as funny as you seem to think you are,” you say, dropping into Kelley’s lap.
“But we really are,” Sonnet laughs while poking you in the back.
“Yea it’s not our fault that the entire internet thinks you’re divine. I’m not going to be the one who argues with them.” Kelley leans up to press a kiss to your cheek but pouts when you lean away then stand up. “I love you,” she tries.
“Love you too.”
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moonit3 · 8 months
Olá! Tudo bem? Espero que sim! Bom, eu conheci seu blog recentemente e me apaixonei! Estou amando sua escrita, seus personagens, etc! Seu trabalho é incrível! Queria saber se você ainda aceita pedidos. Se sim, poderia escrever algo para um alienígena yandere? Com o leitor encontrando esse ser estranho e cuidando dele em sua fazenda, tendo que mantê-lo escondido dos olhos do público para que o alienígena yandere não seja capturado.
Obrigada pela atenção. Continue seu trabalho; ele alegra os dias/noites de muitas pessoas, certeza! Obs: desculpe por não escrever em inglês. Sou um pouco insegura.
Um abraço :)
um abraço pra você também anon! sim sou brasileira 🇧🇷. não tem problema nenhum em fazer pedidos em outra língua se ficar nervosa(o) em escrever em inglês. eu gostei muito da sua ideia em fazer um alien obcecado com a leitora(o).
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➥ warnings/notices: yandere, exophilia, mentioned deaths, gn! reader, licking, biting, blood, alien has a tail.
➥ yandere! alien x gn! reader
➥ synopsis: like every small town, there is something weirdly awful about the one you live and you are the only one who knows why.
➥ a/n: got a little struck on this one as I found the concept of yandere alien really cool ( ̄∇ ̄) and i originally wanted to write about an alien parasite stealing someone’s body to get closer to the reader, but then i lost the draft :( so i wrote this instead and i felt proud of this one. so enjoy guys!
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it’s been already three months that your entire routine has changed. instead of waking up five-thirty in the morning to help around the farm, you began waking up five am just to prepare food to the new resident of the family’s farm, one that only you have knowledge of it.
“kurt.” you whisper as you make your way inside to a separate part of the barn, behind the large yellow door, where none truly comes as it’s become forget in recently years. “I brought you food.”
the mention of food makes the large creature raise from the ground. standing a little higher than 6’0 feet and eyes everywhere in his dark figure, kurt became your best friend since his the arrival at planet earth three months ago.
you place a bunker full of meat that was supposed to be wast as it didn’t got sold at the local market in the beginning of the week, “enjoy your meal, kurt.” with that, the alien start eating it like there is no tomorrow. his sharp teeth chewing the beef brought memories of your younger siblings refusing to cut the meat when little. isn’t he adorable?
it didn’t took much time to kurt finished devouring the meat and so, you are ready to leave to start for today, but he holds you back by one of his long arms. kurt doesn’t want you to leave him, the sounds of purring coming from him says all, he wants you to stay here.
“oh, kurt.” a smile form on your lips while you patted his head, not able to contain your emotions seeing how his multiple eyes look sad that you are leaving him. “i can’t stay! mom and dad will notice that i’m gone if I don’t start working soon.”
another sound comes from his throat, one that you know that comes from sadness with his eyes keeping staring at you, it’s reminds of a stray animal who wants to be adopted. but his grip on your arm got harder and brought you back to reality, reminding that kurt isn’t a cute cat, rather an alien who sharp teeth can easily kill you.
feeling his breath growing deeper, you have to be careful to not upset him and prevent the barn to become a mess like last time when you made him angry. kurt almost escape from the barn to hurt a random guy who he thought that was hurting you. so you have to carefully around him.
“w-well, i can ask father and mother to give me a rest for today.” the grip on your arm was relieved, but it will leave a mark for how stronger kurt hold you. “just wait here, okay?”
more happy noises comes from kurt’s throat before you left the barn to speak with your parents, and after a couple of minutes you’ve return to the barn, but this time with a more casual outfit in contrast of the clothes you were wearing before.
without losing a second, kurt used his long tail to bring you closer and then hug you from behind. feeling his breath behind your ears and his arms suddenly around your waist makes you freeze on the spot, trying to not panicking as you feel he is going to do something you won’t like it.
“k-kurt?” you look up to see his smile growing, showing his sharp teeth and tongue approaching your face, it’s long and purple. suddenly, you try to get away from his touch, only to be hold still on his lap with his tail preventing you to get away. “d-don’t hurt me—“
you couldn’t finish your words, not when kurt covered your lips with one of his hands and bit your neck. it’s hurts like hell, you can’t even scream in an attempt to cease the pain away, making your body trembling as kurt lick the blood away.
the sounds of crying and screaming become fainted after minutes of kurt holding you on his arms and tail, not bothering to stop licking your neck, where a mark of teeth now exists and it’s despite how bad it’s look, isn’t that deep. and when he finally stop doing it, kurt notice how bad your state is.
mostly of your shirt is dirty by blood and your face is full of dried tears that ruined your looks that you did earlier today. oh, he messed up.
kurt began snuggling his head against your shoulder, trying to gain a positive reaction from you and using his tail to tickle your skin under your shirt. ultimately failing in making you feel better, kurt didn’t know what to do other than keeping you into his arms to make you feel better.
somehow, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier as the sounds of kurt’s purring began again, making you closer you eyes and dream about tomorrow. seeing your sleeping form brought relief to him, with you resting in his arms must mean that you feel comfortable around his presence.
“[name]…” he repeat your name, kurt listened it when other humans come over your house to a stay the night there. he remembers seeing you wearing that outfit that barely hide your body. would you let him see how you look underneath those vests? “Mine…”
he hopes to one day come back to his planet with you at his side, kurt knows that his family will love to meet someone so kind like you.
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@moonit3 writings
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ranchiballz · 10 months
Operation Wingman
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Pairing: Darry Curtis x F!reader
Word count: 1271
Description: Y/N is a new employee at Jim’s burger joint in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ponyboy and Sodapop have been on a mission of helping Darry find a gal.
Authors note: heyyy. so, i’ve been gone. for like a whole year. my bad g. but anyways here’s part two when i publish it -
You push through the swinging door into the kitchen of the small but homely neighborhood diner, Jim's Burger Joint. The smell of fresh beef and fries hits your nose. You almost wince at how pungent it is, but then remember the smell of your other diner job at the Dingo. That place was the most rundown diner filled with robbers and pedos left and right. You couldn't go a day in that joint without something being stolen from you, whether it was your wallet or your innocence. You would have stayed if it wasn't for the never ending impending doom and soulless labor that they put you through. A dinging sound and the sound of shuffling boots pulls you out of your thoughts.You roll your way out of the kitchen and to the front counter.
“Come on Pony! Just one fresh soda and then we can go, I'll even get you a milkshake.” Says a chipper young boy with a wink, flashing a bright smile.
“But the movie starts in 30 minutes, Soda.  Johnny will be waiting for us . I don't want him to be alone. And why can't you just get a coke at the movies?” States an even younger boy.
“Because, child, their coke isn't as… crisp as this fine establishments.” The accentuation on the word crisp really pulled it all together. By the looks of them you had to guess they were Brothers. The slicked greasy hair, the soft eyes, the sibling banter.
 “Fine, but if Darry gives us shit about not being where we are supposed to, I'm blaming you.” The boy pouts. Both of them walk over to the end of the counter and take the last two seats. You quickly deliver a few burgers to the men at the bar counter. Each one looks at you, winks, thanks you, then digs into their oily fries like they haven't eaten in days. You make a face of disgust then smile when they notice. You roll your way over to the two young boys.
“Hi there, sorry about the wait, what can I get for you boys today?” You say pulling out your pad and a pen, you click the pen as you wait for the boys to give you their orders. As you look up you can see the youngest one staring at you. He sees you notice and looks down at his lap. The other boy is still looking at the menu of drinks. You can see the thoughts pondering in his mind, he was acting like this decision would be his last.
“Hm lets see here, a nice Coca- Cola sounds good, but i haven't had a Dr. Pepper in a while…” The boy continues to contemplate his decision. Your shoulders slump in boredom as he takes what feels like years to decide. You can feel your eyelids get heavy until you are interrupted again by his loud and excited voice. “Ok i will have one large, no, medium. No wait! Large, Dr. Pepper!” You jot down his drink and turn to the other boy.
“And for you?”
“Just a chocolate shake please, Ma’am, Thank you.” The younger boy says. You smile at them and nod as you skate off to back to grab their drinks.
“She's new here, right? Have you seen her here?” Ponyboy says turning to Soda 
“Nope haven't seen her til’ now. Hey, she's a pretty good looking gal” Soda says with a smirk on his face. “Wanna pull the good ol’ operation wingman?” Pony gave soda a disapproving look. Operation wingman was Soda's way of saying ‘Hey! That's a cute girl! Lets harass her into giving her number to their older brother because he's just a grumpy, lonely, muscle man that needs a loving gal in his life.’ Has it ever worked? No. Is that gonna stop him? Absolutely not.
“I don’t know Soda… The last time we did it we got in huge trouble, I mean, Darry got slapped. Can you imagine what would happen if it goes even worse?” Pony mentioned.
“First of all, Slapping her butt wasn't the original plan. I just HAPPENED to mention it to Two-Bit. He did it, then Darry paid the price. In all honesty I thought it would work.” Soda rebuked 
“Really, that was your plan. Wow you are quite the genius.”
“Hey woah man now don't get ugly on me.”
“Soda, I don't know. Shouldn't we let Darry find love for himself?”
“That workaholic is never gonna find a date. He goes to work, comes home, showers, reads his newspaper , and then goes to bed. No gal finds that attractive. He needs major help. I mean, the last time he talked to a woman was Mrs. Crawly down the road asking if he could get her cat down the tree.” Soda rants on. If Darry were here he would say otherwise. ( but yes that is the last time he had a conversation with a lady).
“I don’t know Soda, she's new, I don't want to scare her off already. And maybe she's a soc.”  Pony fights back.
“Oh come one man. Believe in something. Believe…” Soda looks at Pony with a pleading look. He knew that he was just trying to help his brother. But Soda wasn't Darry. Darry was a charming guy, but not like Soda. Soda had a natural effect on women and never struggled. So when he sees his brother struggling to get anywhere in life romantically, he plays cupid… more or less.
 Pony looks at the window through the diner to the kitchen, catching a glimpse of you. You were a pretty girl and from the sounds of it you were nice as well. Welcoming customers, smiling at them. You had just a nice smile overall, a very bright and kind one. Pony knew Darry needed someone like that. Almost on cue you started walking out with their drinks
“Fine, but we are doing it my way this time.” Pony whispers to Soda but quickly shuts up before you get there. 
“Alrighty boys here you go! Is that all for you today? You say pulling out your pen and pad.
“Yep, Thank you Ma’am. Um, but do you know when you guys close. Me and my friends were planning on coming in later.”  Pony takes a long swig of his shake. “And I-I mean this is the best shake I have ever had. If you are here tonight, would you be able to make me another one?” Ponys' request was sly and smart. Asking the perfect questions, all while keeping it subtle. You couldn't help but smile at the compliment. ‘What a weird thing to say’ you thought to yourself.
“Well lucky you, I'm actually closing today. The best time to come is 10. After rush, but before all them truckers come in. Guess I'll be seeing y’all tonight then” You smiled and handed them the bill and walked off to help another customer. Ponyboy looked at Soda with a smug look. Soda then looked at the clock and panic spread over his face.
“Shoot Pony we gotta go! We're gonna be late!” Soda yelled as he hopped off the bar stool and pulled out enough to cover the bill and a dollar as a tip. Pony and Soda ran out the door of the diner, But Pony hesitated and ran back inside. 
“What's your name Ma’am!” Pony yells in, grabbing everyone's attention.You whipped your head back. 
“Y/N!”  You yelled back. Ponyboy nodded and ran out the door again. You shook your head, and thought to yourself ‘what a bunch of funny kids’.
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yarpharp · 1 month
The one thing I have a lot of personal, PERSONAL beef with about the entire Solas/Elvhen vs. City Elves/Dalish thing is simple: a lot of people in this fandom keep ignoring that this is one huge allegory for generational trauma and colonialism. Including Solas.
Maybe it hits home harder with me, especially because the real world inspirations the writers admit to using are Natives. And boy, I see the bones that make up the Dalish are absolutely Native-coded.
Constantly hunted? Constantly looked down upon for trying to keep to their traditions, even if the memories aren't as complete as they once were? Their very positive views on magic and the spiritual that run counter to common belief? Their religion is outlawed by the DA equivalent of the Christian church? The illegal verses of the Chant speaking about Chartan? The facial tattoos, the traveling camps, their attention to raising wild breeds of painted horses (the famed Dalish All-Bred in DA:I), the harts, following the migrations of the halla?
And then factor in the City Elf vs. Dalish experience. It reflects a lot of the same issues we have now. "City Indians" vs. "Rez Indians." The arguments about blood-quantum parallel a lot with the "elf-blooded" shit in DA. They don't have the ears, but they were raised like an elf! It reminds me of a very small dialogue in The Masked Empire between Fiona and Michel de Chevin, where Fiona immediately clocked him as half-elf because he never treated her poorly or called her slurs and subconsciously ducked his head slightly in doorways like he expected to bump his head in an alienage shack. Michel clings to his Chevalier code desperately, because if anyone found out he was half-elf, he'd be tossed back into the Alienages. It's peak "You're mixed but you can pass as white" coding in my eyes.
So then Solas rolls up, shitting on all the existing elves, calling them "children" and decrying them as idiots clinging to barely-remembered bits of history.... Good God, you ass. Like, I get it. I'm sure if one of my ancestors appeared before me and saw what has become of our people, they'd be horrified. But idk, there is also pride to be had in resisting and enduring and outlasting every government's attempt to erase what they see as a subpar culture.
When he asks "Did I judge the Dalish too harshly?" I always wanna just reach through the screen and go "YEAH ACTUALLY"
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first i wanna say that the royalty au fic was soo enjoyable to read!! and can i request platonic!headcanons with piper mclean x daughter of hades?? where the readers like kinda scary and off putting and they somehow create a bond with piper😭 i’m also sure ur inbox is going to be flooded with requests so take ur time !!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ platonic! piper mclean x daughter of hades! reader hcs
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𝜗𝜚 content...platonic! piper mclean x daughter of hades! reader hcs 𝜗𝜚 warnings...lanauage and (technically) sexual innuendos 𝜗𝜚 letter's from the author...ta da!!!! After doing this, i realized i have a negative grasp on piper's character lmao- (pretty sure I didn't like her as a kid but tbh i dont really remember as for the whole of the lost hero i was completely distracted by leo and jason-) so, i don't know how good or bad this is but uh it's here!! so enjoy ig but if you don't no worries we'll just forget this ever happened!!
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-`♡´- "hey, you look cool and lonely. wanna be friends?"
-`♡´- what an opener, am i right???
-`♡´- i don't think piper is one of those people to be like, ashamed lmao
-`♡´- so im sure she had no problem marching right up to you and asking to be friends
-`♡´- though, this is a little jarring at eight in the morning over your bagel, but you let it slide because she seemed to have good intentions
-`♡´- and also, she called you lonely...which was true, but most people don't just say that.
-`♡´- especially not to a kid of the big three (mother fuck the big three, it's just big me-)
-`♡´- you simply shrugged and nodded, which caused piper to nodded back before returning to her table.
-`♡´- you didn't think anything of the interaction, shrugging it off and nearly forgetting about it, until piper came up to you later and started talking to you about your earrings and your clothes and basically everything else under the sun
-`♡´- and, strangely enough, you didn't mind the daughter of aphrodite, not one bit
-`♡´- in fact, you found her company...endearing.
-`♡´- from that point on, it was hard to find the daughter of hades with out her bestie daughter of aphrodite
-`♡´- she brought out a fun side in you and sometimes you were able to keep piper from going completely crazy
-`♡´- hang outs in the arena is a must
-`♡´- partially to train but also to watch all the other cute demigods get sweaty and flustered
-`♡´- i know you guys talk about crushes like you would not believe, code names and all
-`♡´- but the code names are always like 'abe lincoln' and 'angel food cake' which def have a meaning that only you guys know
-`♡´- ALSO big on the whole 'sweet treat' thing
-`♡´- i know daddy tristan mclean be keeping piper's credit card MAXED
-`♡´- and i also know piper would only enjoy spending it on her friends
-`♡´- sometimes, just for shits and giggles, you and piper trade aesthetics
-`♡´- they aren't super dissimilar but it's noticeable enough
-`♡´- ummmm matching pjs for the sleepover??? YES YES YES
-`♡´- obvi pipers are pink and yours are black, duh!
-`♡´- but they are still matchy matchy
-`♡´- and horror movies are BIG at these sleepovers, which also includes themed snacks
-`♡´- "should i be concerned about whether or not the blood in these cupcakes is real?" piper asked, eyeing them and you suspiciously
-`♡´- "it's not animal blood if it makes you feel better," you teased back.
-`♡´- "that does, in fact, not make me feel better."
-`♡´- that being said, you are the biggest defender of piper and her vegetarian
-`♡´- will fight anyone who tries to give piper meat, even on accident
-`♡´- but, you've also DEF bought piper a shirt that says something along the lines of 'the only meat i eat is roast beef ;)' or 'eat pussy, it's organic!"
-`♡´- piper wears them, unironically
-`♡´- you guys aren't really known for your raw moments, but late at night, when you're both lying in bed after a sleepover, the strong sense of girlhood just takes you over and you can't help but spill your guts.
-`♡´- "you know, you're my best friend. thank you for, uh, calling me a loser basically."
-`♡´- "of course. i'm glad you were being a total loser that day so that we could be losers together from that point forwards."
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Smash or Pass: Part 4/4 (LA!Buggy the Clown x Reader)
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Summary: It's the last stop before the Grand Line and you slink away for a quiet evening. The universe, however, decides to clown on you. Sequel to Kiss, Marry, Kill. Pairing: LA!Buggy the Clown x F!Reader Rating: Semi-explicit. Warnings: Attempted murder. Word Count: ~3.6k.
PART 4: In which you prepare for a walk of shame, avoid eating your hair, and do some storm prepping.
Oh, what a wonderful dream. There you were, the High Surgeon Princess, besieged by uncultured swine. You thought for sure your time was up, but then the Harlequin Outlaw swooped in like the incorrigible, irascible rapscallion you've always wanted in your life and saved you from certain doom and dishonor. You graciously treated his wounds and one thing led to another and you fucked like rabbits in springtime. You got married and had two-point-five children and lived happily ever after in a castle with a white picket fence.
Unfortunately, your marital bliss is interrupted by the sun on your face and a battleaxe pingponging around in your skull.
You grumble. You hate Drunk You. She’s a bitch who doesn’t know her limits. Next time you see her, you’re gonna kill her.
Your cheek is stuck to something smooth, your arm is under something heavy, and something wispy tickles your lashes. You open your eyes to find that they’re all the same thing -- a broad expanse of tanned skin stretched taut over hard muscle, draped with a head of long, blue hair.
Alright, maybe Drunk You isn’t so bad. She knows your tastes and left you a thoughtful gift. Maybe you’ll get a bonus round.
You drape your other arm over him and explore. Nice pecs, fuzzy chest, cock semi-erect… ooh, soft belly. Very nice.
You walk your fingers up to his face. Stubble, pierced ear…  what the hell is that on his face? 
You sit up as much as you can with your arm stuck under your gentleman friend.
Your memories come rushing back like water through a sluice. Your blood turns to ice. You’re never drinking again.
You’re stuck. In bed. Naked. With Buggy. Buggy. Fucking Buggy. Not Kuro, who at least had some class while he tried to eviscerate you. Not Mihawk, who has no beef with you personally and doesn’t wear a shirt. Not even that handsome Marine with the sword and suit.
You could have lived with any of those, but no, you wake up next to the most pathetic man in the four Blues. A literal clown. A vainglorious loser. A man who wants to rip your captain, your best friend, limb from limb and feed him to sharks.
Do you think you could chew your arm off before he wakes up? 
You look for any sign of him stirring. Eyes closed, hair falling in his face, lips parted slightly as he breathes. One strong arm tucked underneath his head and the other in a loose fist by his mouth.
He looks so cute and peaceful. Ugh.
He shifts enough for you to free your arm and, just as you thank the gods, he lets out a snore that could have come from an ox. You can’t help but laugh.
Maybe this wasn’t a mistake. Maybe this was two people fooling around. Maybe nothing will come of this and you'll both go on your merry way with a fond memory of a night of drinking, dancing, and screwing. La-di-da-di-day. Everyone wins.
You stand up on shaky legs and examine yourself. A lot of little bruises on your thighs where he gripped you, but no hickeys. Thank God.
There’ll be no hiding the walk of shame, but you can at least maintain some dignity. You fix your hair, rinse your mouth out with the water in the dry sink basin, and sponge bath yourself with…
Hmm. No washcloth and you're out of rags. There’s gotta be something around here you can use.
Like the candy cane bandanna on the floor. You snatch it up and, wetting it, give yourself a quick wipe down. Pits, tits, pussy, as the saying goes. You'd never forgive yourself if you got something nasty from this.
“Oh,” says a soft voice. 
You turn. Buggy, propped up on his elbow, blinks sleepily at you. The sun lights up his hair like a shallow sea on a calm morning, shifting and shimmering as he brushes a few strands out of his face.
Your stomach jumps up your throat in a most pleasant way. Clearly, it’s conspiring with your heart against your brain.
He rubs those wide, gorgeous eyes. “Thought you’d’ve made your exit.”
You were about to. You shrug. "Just enjoying the view. Counting the masts.”
Hook baited. The joke is right there. Right there. He’ll say ‘I’ve got a mast for you right here, hur hur’ and you’ll have an excuse to get the hell outta here.
But he smiles. Not the showman’s smile he gets before he says something he thinks is clever. It’s soft. Warm. The kind of smile one bestows in private to those deemed worthy.
"Glad you didn't," he says.
Your brain puts up a valiant defense, but the heart-stomach alliance is winning. You swallow.
His smile wavers slightly. “Is that my bandanna?”
Shame burns your ears. "Sorry. I'll wash it--"
He flaps his hand dismissively. "Keep it. I've got plenty."
He pulls the sheets back and by God, nothing has ever looked as tempting as him. Him, a pirate with a weird nose who tried to kill you, sprawled out on scratchy, threadbare sheets, his fat cock laying there so deliciously—
You swallow again. Your pussy has joined the siege on your brain and they’ve voted to rename it the Organ Entente.
He stretches as he stands, his muscles rippling as he pops and rolls his joints. Sunlight pours over his body, draping him in liquid gold. He pulls his hair from its ponytail and gives it a good shake before putting it back up.
Lest your eyes join the fight as well, you turn away. Count the masts in the harbor. See if you can spy any Marines. Find the Merry.
Two strong arms drape around your shoulders, pulling you against a broad, warm chest. He rests his chin on your head. “Think I can see my ship from here,” he murmurs.
And in jumps your skin from the top rope. The nerves have betrayed the brain, charging over the ridge to aid the Entente in its assault. “Yeah?”
“Right over there. The Big Top.” He points to a perfectly normal-looking ship, nothing like the beast that waylaid you a few weeks ago. “Well, she’s the Loosey Baru now. Heard the Marine captain's a real bulldog, so we did her makeup and gave her a costume change.”
“Amazing what you can get away with when your sail’s not a big Jolly Roger.” You were the only one against putting a giant WE ARE PIRATES sign on your mainsail, but you got outvoted.
His chest thrums as he giggles. “Subtlety is for cowards.”
You scoff. “Subtlety is for people who like not being in prison.”
"And being flashy is for people like me.” His head moves to your shoulder. His stubble scratches against your cheek. “Who like meeting girls like you.”
The Entente breaks through the wall and feelings flood your brain. Warm feelings. Fuzzy feelings. Feelings that make you absently kiss the side of his nose before you’re even conscious you’re moving.
Buggy goes stiff and not in the fun way that pokes your kidneys. He jerks away from you, gaze hard as he searches your face. Whatever he’s looking for, he must not find it, because a moment later he kisses your lips.
Overwhelmed, your brain surrenders. The Entente celebrates by jumping around all through your body, bouncing from your head to your toes. They also must have fired off a twenty-one-gun salute, too. Why else would your ears be ringing like bells? Big bells? Big, glorious, golden wedding bells?
But it's over as soon as it started. He pulls away and straightens up. “C'mon, let's get outta here before the matron gives us the hook."
Dressing goes smoothly enough for the both of you. Socks and gloves are retrieved. Drawers are located. Your bra and his scarf are found. You stuff his bandanna into your pocket and he settles on a ponytail.
You’re pulling on your trousers when you see him looking in a small compact mirror, carefully drawing green swoops on his face with what looks like an oil pastel.
“Makeup at a time like this?” you ask.
“Flashiness is next to godliness.” He draws a cross on his forehead, then regards himself. “Ech, I need a shave...”
You pause as you fasten your belt. “Gimme a few grand and I’ll shave you so smooth you’ll look like a ten-year-old. Promise not to cut your tongue off this time.”
“Done.” He swaps the green pastel for a tube of lipstick and moves on to his mouth, smearing his lips red. “Gonna have to straighten out my cabin first. Place’s been a mess since... well, always."
You pause mid-bra hooking. "Huh?"
“Haven’t shared with anyone ‘til now.” He rubs his lips together. “Not like it’s dirty — just clothes and shit everywhere. Hope you don't need much closet space.”
What the hell is he on about? You pull your shirt over your head. “Sharing quarters?”
“What, you think I’d stick you in with the freaks? My bed’s big enough for two.” With the back of his wrist, he smears the color onto his cheeks and into the gruesome smile he’s known for. “Not to mention that it's a bed and not a hammock. You ever try to fuck in a hammock? Ain't easy, lemme tell ya."
You lace up your shoes. "I have no idea what you’re on about."
"I’ll show you when we get back to the ship."
"What ship?”
Any mirth in Buggy's face vanishes. He looks at you, brows knit. "My ship," he says slowly. “We’ll get you settled, then I’ll go take care of my business, and we'll haul anchor when I get back."
The audacity of this man. "You really think Luffy'll let you kidnap me? He'll be on you like suckers on a squid."
He’s giving you a look you know well: the do-you-need-a-psych-eval-cuz-you’re-talking-crazy look. “Since when is going with someone willingly kidnapping?” 
You return the look. "What the hell makes you think I'm going with you at all?"
He pockets the lipstick and clicks the compact shut. He steps towards you. “You said if I screwed you to the wall, you’d come with me. I did just that. And then I asked if you meant it, and you said you did.”
"That's not--" You falter. Okay, you can see how bringing up what he said and telling him to do it could be misinterpreted.
Well, shit. Miscommunication strikes again. "Sorry you got your hopes up."
Buggy falters. Something stirs the rivers of his eyes, the same vulnerable, hurt something you saw lurking when you'd insulted his nose. His gaze drifts downwards and his jaw clenches.
Remorse douses you in a bucket of ice water. You're officially a giant asshole. And a slut. And a dumb bitch lush who hurt someone you actually started caring about.
For a moment, you consider recanting. Go with him. Run off and join the circus like you always threatened you would. Sail the seas with a colorful cast. Get rocked every night.
You stop yourself. Enough. You hate a captive audience, you're not a pillager, and while you are a slut, you're not desperate. You have people you know you can trust. Stick with them. Don't jump in with the wildcard.
Buggy huffs, snapping you out of your musings. The hurt in his eyes has faded and the rivers are still. The eerie calm before the storm surge.
"You led me on," he growls.
"I did no such--"
A knife flies past your head, taking off a few strands of hair and shattering the window.
Buggy's shoulders rise and fall rapidly. He readies another knife. "I'm gonna rip your lying tongue out."
You suppose that's karma. You edge towards the window and he matches your step. Another knife narrowly misses the back of your head.
“And then I'm gonna drag you across the keel by your fingernails."
Ouch. A third knife sails past your nose. You're almost there...
"And then I'll nail your corpse to the figurehead!" 
He lunges at you and you at him. You dive low, hitting the floor as he hits the dry sink and leaves the way to the door wide open.
Unfortunately for you, it's locked. You turn the bolt only to be pulled away and spun around by the strap of your satchel.
Buggy pins you against the door, yet another knife at your throat, his arm against your chest, and his knee between your legs. It would be hot if it wasn't for the deranged churn and roil in his eyes.
"I'm gonna ask one more time," he says. “You coming with?”
“No,” you spit. You try to kick him off, but he holds you fast.
He cracks a bit in both composure and voice. “What’s that little rubber prick got that I don’t, huh?! What's it gonna take?!”
“He’s never tried to kill me.” Not on purpose, anyways. “And he doesn't hurt innocent people.”
Frustration ripples through his eyes, and his gaze drifts downwards. “Well, I’m hurt.”
"You're not exactly innocent!" He doesn't notice your hand sneaking towards the knob. "He'll have to be dead, dying, or catatonic before I leave him."
He looks back up. Defeat hardens into determination. "Consider it done."
You really shouldn’t say what you’re about to say, but the words are out before you can stop them. “Good fuckin' luck, big nose.”
The river rages. The floodgates crack and the levees break. He drops the knife and reels back a punch.
You twist the knob. The door opens outwards and he sails past you, landing a heap on the floor. 
"Sorry," you say. You really do mean it. He tries to grab your ankles, but you dodge his hands.
The bar looks like a stampede went through it. The matron looks up from her cleaning as you leap down the stairs. "How's your boyfriend?"
"Trying to kill me." You sprint for the front door, only to pause. "This happens a lot. Situation normal." One more pause. "And he's not my boyfriend."
An impotent roar hits your ears. "I'm gonna make you eat your hair!"
And there's your cue. Exit, pursued by a clown.
In hindsight, it makes sense that Sanji would be in the galley making breakfast. You still scream like you saw a corpse when he greets you, but he doesn’t take it personally. Just offers you a warm drink and a place to sit.
You sit at the counter while he pours you a steaming mug of black coffee. You drink deeply. “How do you always manage to make a perfect cup?”
“If I told you that, I’d be out of a job.” He returns his attention to the stove. “So what’s his name?”
You almost spit your coffee all over him. “Say again?”
“You're gone all night and come home in the morning looking like you ran the whole way.” He gives you a sympathetic smile. “Will you at least tell me if you were chased? Just in case we need to bust some heads.”
“I think I lost him by the shipyard.” You stare into the swirling steam. “If you fell in love with someone, would you leave the crew to be with them?”
Sanji’s gaze drifts upwards. "Didn't I already?" 
But he's... Oh. Ooooh. "Alright, that was smooth. But you know what I mean."
He pulls a frying pan from the cabinet, gazing into its sheen like a scrying mirror. "I'm not sure. Depends." He looks up. “Is this the same person who sent you running?”
“No,” you say on impulse. Sanji continues to stare at you. You slump. “Yes.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Love always hits like a hurricane,” he says. You quirk your eyebrow at him. “Old East Blue saying. It's sudden, fast, and sweeps you off your feet.”
Not the only thing that does that. "Speaking from experience?”
“First time I saw you, love,” he says with a wink and a smile.
You blush in spite of yourself and laugh. “Call me in ten years. I’m a bit old for you.”
His smile grows. “Could have fooled me.” He clicks the burner on and turns to dig around in the refrigerator. “So, tell me about your temptation.”
“What's there to say? Boy meets girl, boy drinks with girl, boy dances with girl, boy kisses girl…” Boy blows girl's back out, boy gets his heart broken, and boy threatens to make girl eat her hair. “...and here I am.”
“Sounds like a swell guy.” He sets a stick of butter, a rasher of bacon, and a dozen eggs on the table. "At least you had fun."
You snort. “So what do I do about B—” You catch yourself. “About this hurricane of mine?”
Sanji looks at you. Not that accusing right-into-your-soul look that Nami does, but like a man contemplating fish in a pond. “Well, you could build a sea wall, evacuate to higher ground, dance around naked in the rain…”
You chuckle. You wouldn’t mind seeing that. “What would you do?”
He smiles. “Batten down the hatches and enjoy the rising tide.”
You nod. Certainly something to chew on.
Standing, you take your mug. “I’m going to sit on deck. Photosynthesize a bit,” you say. You smile. “Thanks for listening, Sanji. I mean it.”
"Any time, love. I'd never judge." He cracks eggs one by one into the frying pan. “Every big storm has a name. What’s this one?"
You pull the bandanna from your pocket. You should hang it out to dry. “Hurricane Buggy.”
As you head out on deck, you hear the mighty splat of eggs hitting the floor.
The Buggy Pirates are no stranger to their captain's mercurial temper. Laughing one moment, shouting the next, then throwing a violent fit about who knows what, then back to cackling.
But this is extreme even for him.
They linger outside his cabin, listening to the crashing and slamming. No shouting, though. Just the occasional huffing and puffing, followed by the crack of splintering wood and the whunk of knives hitting the wall.
"How long's he been at this?" the strongwoman asks the fire eater.
"Longer than usual," he mutters. "No one knows why."
The old fortune teller -- also the cook -- crosses her arms. "He was gone all night and he comes back with a love bite. Could only have been a woman."
The shatter of glass makes everyone flinch. Still, not a sound from the captain.
"Could've been a fella," the strongwoman says.
The cook shakes her head. "I've been around a long time, girl. Only a woman could drive a man to this sort of madness. The fury of a woman scorned is nothing compared to the rage of a rejected man."
The contortionist rolls his eyes. "So he fucked around and found out. So what? Mohji said he had eyeballs on the rubber kid's crew. We need to move."
The strongwoman casts him an appraising look. "If you wanna go in and get him, be my guest."
He blinks, then frowns. He crosses his arms. "We could all go in there."
"I'm not gonna fight a guy with a shitload of knives."
"We can take him. Not like he can't stab all of us."
"He literally can."
"Wait. Shh, shh, shh." The fire eater puts a finger to his lips and holds up his hand. "You hear that?"
They all listen. They hear nothing. Silence.
He presses his ear to the door. "He's singing," he says with a frown.
They all glance at each other. That's never a good sign. "Singing what?"
"You know the one about the guy who gets drunk and kills his woman and gets hanged for it?" They nod. "That one."
The cook gives the strongwoman her famous told-ya-so look. The strongwoman rolls her eyes.
The door opens. The fire eater leaps away and everybody tries to look like they weren't eavesdropping as Captain Buggy comes strolling out, fiddling with his scarf and humming. He looks perfectly normal -- well, as normal as a man like him can look.
He speaks like he hasn't spent the last hour tearing his cabin apart. "Mornin', folks!"
The marksman looks at the strongwoman. Say something, it says. She shakes her head and looks at the cook. She looks at the contortionist, who looks right at the captain.
"Rough night, cap'n?" he asks.
Captain Buggy freezes. Everyone flinches.
Slowly, he turns to the contortionist. His expression doesn't change as a disembodied hand snatches the man by the neck and throws him into the water. Everyone jumps away, but nobody dares move any more.
Captain Buggy recalls his hand. "Mohji's found Rubber Boy, huh?" he says. "Great! Right on schedule. One little last minute change, though. The brunette with the long hair? I want her alive."
They look at each other again. "I thought we were gonna kill them all," the strongwoman says.
"Oh, we will. First, I kill Rubber Boy. His ass is still mine. Then you all clean up his little friends. And then..." His voice drops. "I teach the little diva a lesson, and then I'm gonna kill her." The darkness vanishes, and he returns to being jovial. "But first, breakfast!"
He strolls off, humming to himself. As soon as he's out of earshot, the cook speaks.
"Oh, he has got it bad," she says.
Take a look at a boy like me
Never stood on my own two feet
Now I'm blue as I can be
Oh, love come get me down!
A/N: And here end the melodramatics! a big thanks to everyone who read and commented and reblogged and liked and sent asks (askers ilu especially, i see a 1 by the envelope and my day is immediately made) 💙 i've got some ✨idears✨ in the pipeline for what's next, but in the meantime... stay flashy~
⬅⬅⬅ | To the "Curious Courtship" Masterpost | To the Mastahpost | Tip Jar | ➡➡➡
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one-piece-aus · 18 days
Unbottle Your Emotions
Eustass Kid x Reader (Part 2)
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Part 1 | Part 2 Ahoy, here with Part 2 of this series. Quick A/N that if Apoo is ooc, I don't care. This story is about Eustass Kid :3 Enjoy ^-^
"Yo yo yo! How are my favourite non-party people doing?"
"Hi Apoo," you greeted the DJ who slung his long arms around you and Hawkins.
Apoo's the extrovert friend that adopted you and Hawkins. At first, you didn't understand why he decided to hang around you guys until he admitted he felt excluded by the social crowd in school. You and Hawkins had let him be a part of the conversation and he liked being around you guys after getting to know you. He invited both of you to a few of his parties but then realized you weren't party people, hence the nickname.
"Greetings Scratchman, are you planning to join us for lunch?" Hawkins asked Apoo while you closed your locker.
"You know it," Apoo replied and took his arms off your shoulders, aware you didn't like physicalness for too long. "Where we heading?"
"We're going to the vegan restaurant Hawkins wanted to try," you answer as the three of you head out of the school.
"What?" Apoo look at you dumbfounded. "I thought you didn't like that stuff [N/n]."
"[Y/n] had been partnered with Eustass in English and their last conversation left her not wanting to face the redhead again, so she asked me to get her stuff and we're going to the restaurant as her returning the favour," Hawkins explained to Apoo.
"Oh, you're partnered with Kid?" Apoo looked to you for a response. Seeing you only nod, made him switch topics. "... Hm, to the restaurant we go. What's going to be served there anyway? Salads?"
"You are aware vegans eat more than just vegetables," Hawkins stated with an unamused expression, though to those who pass by, he still kept the same face.
"My bad." Apoo held up his hands in defence. "But you can't blame a guy for thinking vegans just eat rabbit food."
Hawkins would've glared at the DJ if not for you giggling, seeing you amused made him let it slide for now. "Rest assured, there are a variety of dishes you'll be able to choose from."
"We'll see about that," you said.
"Yo, the coconut cheese nachos were da bomb!" Apoo exclaimed as he exited the restaurant. "Who knew vegan food taste so good!"
"Ehhh, I still prefer my burgers," you teased the blond who held the door.
"I'm at least grateful you gave it a try, even if it was for paying back a favour," Hawkins said, letting the door close and joining your side.
"Yeah, yeah." You waved it off.
Your mood has picked up since this morning, practically forgetting what had happened in the first place. You suppose you could thank Apoo for his infectious upbeat vibe. Despite how annoying he can be, it's nice to have someone who can distract you from stressful things in life.
"Next time I'm picking where we eat!" Apoo declared walking backwards in front of you and Hawkins.
"Sure, do me a favour sometime and we'll go." You smiled. "Just as long as it's not you trynna sneak us into a club with a bar again."
"Aw right!" Apoo threw his arm up. "Trust me guys when I say, you are gonna love- Oof!" He stumbled forward when he bumped into something, or rather, someone.
"Watch where you're going," a blue-haired guy said.
"Yo-" Apoo turned around, his defensive mode switched on. "Maybe if you didn't stand around blocking the sidewalk I wouldn't have to," he "countered".
You deadpanned, it's not the first you've seen Apoo puff his pride to where you can hardly tell the difference between him and a barking chihuahua, it just gets old after so many times. Perhaps this attitude of his is the main reason he's excluded from the social crowd at school. Though, it never bothered you much since you knew it wasn't real beef, and Hawkins... tolerated it? Well, he never brought it up so you can only assume as much.
Hawkins rolled his eyes and passed by the two. "Leave it, Scratchman."
"Come on, Apoo." You walked by him and patted the other's shoulder. "Sorry about him."
"Yo, can't you see I'm not the one at fault here?" Apoo questioned you guys.
"People who don't watch their surroundings get killed." The guy glared at Apoo, and that's when you recognized who this guy was. He's Heat from Kid's gang, which means the rest are nearby.
No... no no no. You already didn't want to bump into Kid again, being in range of his anger is so much worse. The thought alone caused stress to weigh on your mind. Haistly, you spun on your heels.
"You threatening me or some- hey!" Apoo didn't finish when you grabbed his arm and scrambled to get away. "Ayo, what gives [Y/n]?"
"Go. Go! Before-"
"What's the going on here?"
Fear ceased your haste, and colour drained from your skin. You knew the voice belonged to Kid before you turned around, though it didn't surprise you that the rest of his crew followed in company. Seems like they came out of one of the restaurants.
"Nuh- nothing! My friend just accidentally bumped into your buddies, sorry about that." You bow to show your respect as you apologize, nudging Apoo to do the same.
"What? I ain't apologizing." Apoo frowned at you.
Kid got ready to pick a bone when he saw you throw a deadly glare at Scratchman while gripping the guy's arm and not two seconds later it had Scratchman saying sorry. He eyed you, intrigued, the actions you just displayed shined a different side of you he had not seen in English class. You gave off the impression you were an academic scatterbrain, then he found out you listen to metal which confused him. You seemed too submissive and agreeable to be into something so hardcore. That glare you threw at Apoo told another story. You were strange, he couldn't figure you out. Perhaps there's more to uncover.
Kid narrowed his eyes at you as if staring at a puzzle. "You should hang out with other classmates, [L/n]."
"It's not like anyone else wants to be around me," you muttered to yourself, not knowing Kid picked it up. "We'll be leaving now, have a good day Eustass." You flashed a soft smile at him.
Little did you know the effect your smile would have on Kid would start something.
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|No Mercy Rants| Rant post: Profily, the puppeteer and hiding from the truth
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Anyways, hello, lads, lassies, fellow letter mafiosos and attack helicopters, since this is my THIRD rant on this blog, I decided to make a series out of it called the ‘No Mercy Rants’, which is a play on Undertale’s ‘No Mercy Run’. Now, to stop myself from further digressing, I’ll put in a disclaimer. (I know that PAF was done to death at this point, but bear with me- T^T)
(Disclaimer: This rant will be discussing topics of harassment and theft. If you’re not a fan of these topics, then please click off and view something else. Do NOT harass anyone mentioned, as I don’t want yous to stoop to PAF’s level. All of the testimony is screenshotted with the users’ consent.)
Now, the next one on the chopping block is @profily-and-friends, which I’ll refer to as PAF for short. So, let’s start from the beginning. In around August, 2023 (I was on my summer holidays, btw-), PAF had started posting several artworks that have been stolen from Twitter (or X, as Elon Musk puts it. Such an eejit-), Deviantart, Tumblr, and other sites. Somewhere around that time, maybe later, @knighttobreath, a user on Tumblr, started the spree of crediting the stolen art to their respective artists. This is where the drama and the beef began…
Now, a few months later, @akalikestodraw, a mutual of mine, was harassed multiple times by PAF because she ‘allegedly stole her art’. Now, take note that this is false, and that Aka has made amazing artwork on her own. She was also accused of tracing artworks. There’s also been asks sent to other users, like @justapplenothinghere, @galaxy-brushs-posts, and many other users, telling them to cancel Aka. Fortunately, no one took the steps to cancel Aka. They instead supported her. PAF told @wowwzaaxei-aster, that Aka was deactivating her account (also false). I’ve interviewed Aka on the matter, and she sees this as them trying to pin the blame on her. All of this had happened on her birthday. (Wow, that’s a shitty way to celebrate one’s bday… ) This whole thing made Aka, and her partner worried, and I’d be worried too, if I was in her place.
Another sin that PAF has committed was the harassment of other artists, requesting them to draw Profily with multiple asks, presumably using alternative or burner accounts, otherwise known as ‘sock puppets’. For some unfortunate artists who fulfil said requests are met with harsh criticism from PAF that they drew Profily ‘incorrectly’. They even get upset when their request is ignored, spamming the artists’ inboxes. I’ve seen them and their sock puppets interact with some of my posts, and the only criticism that I had from them was asking where were the other algebraliens when I made the Eight as Sans post. (In my defence, I was lazy af, and I had school shit going on).
Now, another thing I’d like to mention is that they’ve tried to cancel @talkingteardrop, another mutual of mine. There was a conversation between PAF and their sock puppets about how TD was ‘allegedly racist’, (another false claim) because they ignored PAF (I smell insane troll logic here-). They even claimed that they and TD were ‘best friends’, which they weren’t. (That pissed me off the most, as assholes in my school claimed that they were my friends, even though they’re not.)
Now, as the drama goes on, it becomes even more apparent that PAF is a manipulative puppeteer who’ll harass others to get what they want. They actively hide from the truth and tries to bend the narrative as to how they see it. Their actions have real life impacts, as it has made people feel terrible and having anxiety about going on with their business.
With that said, “What the fuck do we do now..?” Welp, for starters, block every single alt and sock puppet PAF has and report them all for harassment and art theft. Do NOT engage with them, just for your own mental health and to not waste your time and energy on them. (The fact that they use sock puppets reminds me of ZR0finix).
Make sure to drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep and stay determined, lads. It hurts me to see that people like PAF are making this much trouble in our little community on Tumblr. (I guess my work on rants will never be done-)
Evidence under the cut-
Evidence and testimony from these files:
Knighttobreath's testimony
Talking Teardrop's testimony
Aka's testimony
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
top 5 widely accepted fanon you have beef with, go
OH MAN. My dash is curated like a well-funded museum so I am blissfully sheltered from nonsense. However, based on hearsay and in no particular order...
Literally anything about Mo Xuanyu. My primary frame of reference is CQL (a disclaimer I feel obliged to put on any meta posts, this one included!), which says next to nothing about MXY. I genuinely thought, based on what I'd seen in fandom, that Novel MXY was canonically a petite uwu soft goth boi who'd been part of the Jinlintai Demonic Cultivation Research Department until JGY falsely accused him of harassment and expelled him as part of his Evil Keikaku(TM). And like... that's all possible, and fully workable within the canon framework, but it's not indisputably textual. It's a shame, because I'd find all of these fanons compelling if they weren't repeated as fact!
Mean Lesbian Wen Qing. As with the above, this is fully workable within canon, and I fully sympathize with being a queer woman who wants to see other queer women in fiction. This is even hypocritical of me, perhaps, given how I am so deep in the weeds with the fanons of Lesbian Margaery Tyrell and Lesbian Johanna Mason (for the books, not the adaptations) that I genuinely forget that this isn't canon. But Johanna and Margaery both have meaningful (and quite charged imo!) on-page interactions with other women outside their families in their source material. Wen Qing doesn't, because this canon is deeply disinterested in what its female characters are up to. Lesbian Wen Qing feels less like desperately latching onto queer subtexts and more like a convenient way to remove her from the male characters and/or dunk on Jiang Cheng. If there were an abundance of Wen Qing femslash to accompany this fanon, I'd fell differently, but as it stands... nah, son.
Mean Hypermasculine Dom Nie Mingjue. Maybe it's different in the novel (though based on my understanding of Novel Da-Ge, why would you bother?), but in CQL? Where he feels his emotions up to 11 and cries about all of them? Where his memories of Meng Yao in Nightless City feature an assertive Meng Yao with flawless contouring, on-point eye makeup, and a level of manhandling and verbal degradation that is not at all present in the original version of this scene? The sensitive man with comically horny memories of being captured by his ex gets off on being a macho seme caricature? lololol okay.
Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang, Diabolical Murderous Supergeniuses. Canon is quite clear that neither of these men are the brilliant chessmasters fanon makes of them. Jin Guangyao plans meticulously, but he's far from ruthless; as others have pointed out, Jin Guangyao preserves a whole slew of people it would've been more practical to kill, with results that lead directly to his downfall. Nie Huaisang is ruthless, but he doesn't plan for shit; his strengths are his swift reaction time and his ability to hold a grudge, because it is straight-up not possible for Nie Huaisang to anticipate all of the events after the timeskip. They're both forces to be reckoned with, but they both get too much credit as schemers.
Wei Wuxian is basically A-Yuan's dad. This might not even count as a fanon, but 1.) I cannot STAND the tendency for fandoms to impose nuclear family roles onto character dynamics, and 2.) Wei Wuxian knew A-Yuan for like 1.5 years when A-Yuan was a toddler and wasn't even his primary caregiver. Do you think of your preschool or kindergarten teachers--who spent more time with you per day than Wei Wuxian spent with A-Yuan--as your long-lost parents? PROBABLY NOT.
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cartoonrival · 7 months
HEY YOU Hit me with some Julie Su propoganda cuz I'm mostly lukewarm on her character and don't know all that much about her.
OK OK ... well baseline info she's the daughter of dark legion general luger, and half sister of lien-da and kragok, who are twins and both high ranking legion soldiers. when their mother (merin-da) died and luger remarried, ld and kragok hated his new wife (julie-su's mother) (mari-su) so bad they orchestrated her death, info which was they kept on the DL for a long time until js eventually found out about it. memory situation, js is raised by other folks who actually love her and doesn't learn who her blood family is until later. she joins knuckles because she feels inexplicably drawn to him (soul touch) (echidna soulmates) so she defects from the legion to join the chaotix. the soul touch thing sucks and i hate it but this is how it goes. ill talk about my au version of her at the end lol bc things ive built on top of canon are part of the reason why shes one of my fave charas in the series lul
ANYWHO i honestly find it pretty frustrating when people talk about js as just being pink knuckles, shoehorned into the story to give knuckles an obligatory girlfriend, because it really demonstrates that they like. weren't paying a lick of attention to anything because she genuinely has a LOT of personality but since people just go in anticipating anything penders touched to suck they don't even bother to think about her for longer than half a second.
js fills a niche that, imo, could always use filling, especially with regards to girl characters, which is to say shes a well meaning asshole. shes incredibly blunt, she's pessimistic (immediately assumes knuckles must be dead when enerjak returns and they cant find him, tells knuckles not to search a fallen ship that his mother was on because shes probably dead and she doesnt think he'd want to see that). shes terrible at handling interpersonal conflict (knuckles confesses to her that he feels guilty and stressed over all the pressure put on him as guardian and she scolds him and says "this isn't just about you", which results in a minor shouting match when she really had zero intention of starting an argument), she's almost constantly beefing with vector (tbf its because hes sexist he refuses to see past her history as a member of the dark legion). these might suond like cons but i love characters like this LOL and they fit especially well in archie where people love to get mad at each other and make dumb mistakes and it just feels very genuine and interesting and endearing to me. shes rough and difficult but she's also DEEPLY loyal. she'd die for knuckles and the chaotix and the way she interacts with them always makes me soooo ........ im just gonna give some examples i can find.
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(knuckles is on the phone with her)
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^ this was the genuine conclusion of an argument they had and im obsessed with it because both of them suck with emotions so they both give the worlds strangest apology and know that the other means it and they move on. plus putting her arm in front of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while theyre confronting eggman even after watching him CHAOS BLAST, primarily because she feels like this is more her fight than his (its about knuckles).
theres def more and i could find them if i was more on top of archie but unfortunately im #narutopilled rn. BUT ANYWAYS. shes just a very fun character with a messy personality and fun interactions and she loves her buddies sm even tho she bickers with them. shes just very special. she fits well with knuckles in a way that makes their relationship actually feel plausible instead of just forcing him to have a girlfriend (tho ofc the writing is fumbled sometimes like. ITS ARCHIE. bffr. but thats the case with literally everything ever in archie so you take what you can and its amazing). also see below. BASED AS FUCKKKKKKK
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and ill discuss my au briefly bc u r asking me my opinion on js and that does play a large role in how i feel abt her, but rly im just expanding on elements of her story that werent discussed as fully as i wouldve liked. her relationship with lien-da is obviously BAD in canon, but theres not a lot of time spent lingering on precisely how lien-da and kragok feel about julie-su as the product of their fathers second marriage to a woman they KILLED because they hated her so much. ive also given her much more internal strife over turning away from the legion, originally joining the chaotix planning to betray them from the inside then being slowly convinced to join them for real after realizing how much she'd been brainwashed by the legion and what its like to have people who truly love and care about you. her story as someone who is trying to find herself outside of her history as a child soldier is something that TOTALLY deserves to be expanded on and its a bit sad that it wasnt explored. but i mean really im not changing her actual PERSONALITY at all because as i discussed shes oozing with it.... im honestly never going to make the full comic i wanted to so at some point im just going to compile all the lore and concept art and stuff into one big post to share. but thats like a spoiler free taste.
she also has a gun. which is fucking awesome because not enough sonic characters have guns. people make shadow the guy with a gun but he hasnt been seen with one since shth. hello....
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cleverclovers · 14 days
My food is definitely*not* going to make it to the 8th. Fml
I'm so tired of begging for help online. I'm so tired of barely scraping by with help. I'm tired of skipping meals to try to make food last a little longer.
Listen. I'm not very good at keeping my patreon up to date. I'm trying, but I'm not good at it, because most of my patrons are friends on other services that I throw art at on a regular basis anyway. But if you want to support me, if you want to help me get to a point where I can just. Pay my Internet bill with my patreon money and not worry about it coming out of my SSI?
God id love you forever
I'd try so much harder to keep things up to date
I'm going to start offering patrons monthly sketch requests. I don't do enn ess eff double you. I love fluffy art, I'm willing to try my hand at furry characters, I'm awful at Mecha stuff but willing to try, I do my best with animals but I make no promises. I can work from photos.
I just. I want to stop struggling so badly. And. I want to work on personal art without guilt.
I'm Rosesinclover on patreon, just like Ven and Cash, and DA. I'm super easy to find.
Also.. uh. If. Anyone is willing to help me with food today? I'm shaking really bad. I think it's anxiety, the residual effects of yesterday's migraine (which is possibly still going) and blood sugar. I don't have butter to properly cook eggs so I haven't had much in the way of protein in a couple days. I don't know if I can safely make it to the pet food bank like this, today. I have like. Five? Days worth of wet food, so I could make it to Thursday when it's open again, if I can get something for breakfast and some butter, maybe some chicken or ground beef to have more substantial protein? Cereal just. Isn't going to cut it.
I. Uh. Thanks.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Could we please get more of the yandere rottmnt with a younger sibling reader?
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Sure! I've been kinda laughing for a while now over some random shitposting haha.
Tw: mention of murder, overprotective behaviour, controlling behaviour, crack and fluff
Some Hcs with Yandere Turtles with Younger Sibling MC
(MC is a turtle mutant for those who don't know)
As we all know, he's the mama of the group. That solo mission episode where Mikey got babied at times? Yeah take that but amp it up.
He likes to carry you around just so he knows where you are and what you're doing. He especially does this if you're in the Hidden City.
Works together with Mikey and Donnie to have a nutrition management system. Primarily because he has a habit of spoiling you.
Bedtime at 10. No questions asked.
"No, you are not going to stay up until 3 AM giggling at videos on social media. Now, bed."
Asian kids, you know how your mom/dad just walks in and randomly gives you cut-up fruits? That's him. Gives you a hug when he leaves.
You are not allowed to touch hot foods/containers, let big bro handle it.
✦Le' bottomsworth✦
The spoiler/rule breaker brother ig.
You need to buy/get something but aren't allowed to leave? He has you covered, just say the word and he's sassily homosexual walking over there.
Teaches you sword art when you guys are free. Lets you win before going in for the "kill".
If you can't sleep bcs it's too early/insomnia then he'll know. He teleports or pokes a head through and keeps you company.
"Yeah so um. Do you have any dirt on Donnie? I need something good to attack him with."
You guys break rules together. It pisses both Raph and Donnie.
Texts you memes at 3 AM with 13 emojis alongside.
If you ever speak about a friend he'll get jealous real quick. He'll start interrogating you and makes up his mind to frame them somehow.
He teaches you self-defense yet does everything to ensure he does most of the actual fighting. He's not risking it.
✦Da Hermione Granger but in Purple✦
Builds you a protective shell whether you like it or not. You will wear it at all times other than sleeping. Oh did I mention there's a camera on the back side?
I know siblings aren't supposed to have favorites but Donnie will have a personal beef meter with Leo. (Right? I'm an only child so idk)
"I'm the favorite. Why else would they come to me every day? Leo, you stand nothing against me."
Tries to teach you about his tech, not only because it's his special interest but so he can brag he's the better parental-brother (oh and favorites).
Loves playing video games with you.
If he doesn't like certain media on your phone/devices he'll eliminate them. Including some of the memes Leo sent.
Shares his playlist like it's the last thing on earth to do.
If you like an interest in something and he notices it he'll buy/invent stuff.
✦Mi Left Gripper✦
Aww, it's your twin. Welp time to activate clingy af.
He whines if he isn't in the same room as you, to the point Raph and Leo have to pry him off.
Loves cooking your favorite meals! It's his way of showing that he loves you so much and that everybody else should burn away.
Draws you a lot too. If you're an artist he likes exchanging art styles, portraits, anything really.
Freaks the fuck out if sees even the slightest inconvenience in front of you.
Do you like fashion? If so, please exchange outfits with him so he can take the clothing to his secret shrine of his adorable twin!
Will jump on top of you to wake you up.
No leaving the lair without a trusted member of the family.
Friends can only be friends after background checks and approval.
Daily head pats are a must.
That was really on crack ok. Do you guys like the names I chose? I used all my brain cells for "Mi Left Gripper".
- Celina
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DannyMay Day 5: Nails
Warnings: Injury
Summary: Danny and Jack bond best while building things.
PS I was low-key sick while writing this, so sorry if it's not fully cognizant.
"Alrighty, Danno! Just hold it in place and gently tap down!"
Danny tried to copy his father's movements. His small hands struggled to keep the nail in place, and he ended up slamming his finger.
"Ouch!" Tears welled up in the child's eyes. Jack stopped his work and went over to comfort his son.
"Hey, kiddo, it's ok! Here let's wait for the pain to simmer down then we can get back to work, and I'll hold the nail this time!"
"But, I don't want you to get hurt!" Danny choked out between sobs. Jack smiled.
"Well, son, when you get to be my age, getting accidentally tapped with a hammer happens so often you barely feel it anymore!"
This seemed to calm the child down, so Jack positioned the nail on the wood for Danny to hit it. Eventually, the two of them finished their birdhouse.
It's been years since he and Danny got the chance to build something! Jack decided today would be a perfect day to replace the old railing on their back porch. Danny has an extra day off this weekend for the holiday, so it's the perfect chance!
The two of them gathered supplies and got to work. Danny seemed eager to do something with his father that wasn't fishing or ghost hunting. Although, Jack doesn't know why he wouldn't like ghost hunting. It's a family tradition after all!
First, they removed the old railing. After that they took nail guns and started adding new posts. They worked in silence for a while, until the lack of conversation irritated Jack.
"So, Danny, how come you don't like going ghost hunting with us?" The tone was innocent enough, but it startled Danny, causing him to accidentally aim the nail gun at his hand instead of the post.
"Ow, fuck," Danny murmured. Jack walked over to his son and watched Danny expertly mask his pain.
"We should call 911," Jack said staring at the injury. There wasn't a lot of blood since the injury was still sealed. Danny panicked and barely stopped himself from lurching back.
"NO! I mean- it's not that bad. I'm sure we don't need to bother the paramedics about it."
"Danno, your hand is literally attached to the post! We need a professional to safely remove it!"
Danny sighed and pinched his nose with his free hand. Jack watched as his son seemed to internally debate something. Finally, he spoke.
"There's a beefed up first aid kit underneath my bed. If you can bring it here, I'll be able to get unstuck and save us some money."
Jack raised a brow. Why would his son have a first aid kit?
"You should see a professional. What if your injury gets infected? Or what if you start bleeding out?" Jack stated.
"Trust me dad. I know how to treat an infected injury. Once you live the life I have, getting hit with a nail from a nail gun feels like nothing."
Jack experienced a flashback to when he first taught Danny how to use a hammer. When he said those words, he was lying. He just wanted Danny to not feel bad if he got hit. Now here his son was making a similar statement. Was he lying to?
Jack looked over his son, like really looked. He saw half healed bruises and fading scars. What had Danno been up to?
"Fine. I'll grab the first aid kit, but if it starts becoming more than you can handle, we are going to a doctor." Jack trekked off to Danny's room.
When he arrived in Danny's room, curiosity overwhelmed him. Sure enough, under Danny's bed, his son's bed, was enough medical supplies to be a small clinic. Jack looked at the red fabric of the kit bag. Red and green stains splattered the sides, especially by where the zipper was.
Jack hauled the large bag downstairs into the backyard.
By the time he reached the backyard, Danny had already removed himself from the post. The nail was still stuck to the post, which confused Jack as to how Danny removed it.
When he got to the edge of the porch, Danny pulled a spool of ecto fishing line out of one of the pockets.
"Son, why are you using the Fenton Fisher line for your hand?" Danny looked up, but didn't comment.
Jack watched in horror as his son quickly stitched up the gash between his index and his thumb without flinching. Danny silently finished by wrapping around the wound in gauze.
"Sorry, Dad, but I don't really want to explain. Can we just go back to building the railing? I really wanted today to go well without everything getting in the way."
And so the duo finished working on the fence, occasionally engaging in small talk.
That night Danny explained everything, and Jack readily accepted his half-ghost son.
The end ✨
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