#which I get when I was an older kid and didn’t need coddling but I remember cleaning up my own puke at like 6 bc my parents wouldn’t lmao
rosenallies · 5 months
Can you write sashnarcia adopting a lil kid 🥺
Ever since I read that one prompt of Marcia saying she wanted a kid my heart died
tbh I know the prompt says “adopting a kid” however I’m sick rn and I’m too tired to think about the ins and outs of adoption and also idk I feel like Marcia in this au would maybe want to carry the baby so it would biologically be theirs and Sasha’s <3 but anyway idk I haven’t thot about it a ton <3
“You’re sure we don’t need to bring him in?” Marcia fretted, pacing the living room with the phone pressed to their ear while Sasha and Anetra cooed over their crying son, his tiny body warm with fever.
The doctor on the other line sighed, so used to the anxieties of first time parents. “He’s how old again?”
“He’s 3 and a half months,” they huffed.
“Okay, so if his fever is only at 99.9 right now, it’s not necessary to bring him in unless he’s having difficulty feeding or breathing. Has he had any of those other symptoms?”
Marcia shook their head. “No, just a runny nose and a slight cough.”
“That’s good then, just give him some infant Tylenol and keep an eye on his temperature. If the fever exceeds 100.4 or if it persists over 48 hours then I would recommend bringing him into the ER. Do you have any other questions?”
“No,” they replied quietly, a sniffle in their voice, “thank you.”
The doctor bid them a goodnight and hung up, the whole conversation doing nothing to ease Marcia’s nerves.
“Mar, come here, love,” Sasha said gently, beckoning them over to the couch where she and Anetra sat.
They trudged over to the couch, tears blurring their vision as they sat beside Sasha, who held Kai in her arms, his wails turning to gentle whimpers.
“Here,” Sasha cooed, passing him over to Marcia, “look, see, he’s okay. I think the medicine is kicking in.”
Marcia held their son close to their chest, bouncing him softly while they whispered to him that it would be okay and that he’d feel better in no time.
“You’re so good with him,” Anetra whispered as he began to doze off in Marcia’s arms, their hand firm on his back to make sure his breathing remained normal.
Of course, they all loved their baby son more than anything and all of them had already proved what their parenting strengths were. Marcia was the soft, gentle one, putting baby Kai to sleep in minutes with their softly sang lullabies; his favorite being a Hawaiian one that Sasha had taught them. Sasha was the more practical parent, always double checking the diaper bag before they went out and always making sure every appointment was scheduled in advance. Anetra was the fun parent, always pulling laughs out of him the quickest with her funny faces and magic tummy tickling fingers. It was also her who’d spent weeks painting his nursery, a mural of a beautiful Hawaiian beach and sunset so he’d always know where a part of him came from.
Sasha smiled, lacing her fingers with Anetra’s. “So are you, darling.”
“We’re all perfect for him,” Marcia then said barely above a whisper so as not to spook him back into crying. “Do you think tonight we can put his portable crib in our room? So we can check on him?”
They all checked on him constantly all night every night, but Sasha and Anetra could tell this was more for Marcia’s comfort than Kai’s. “Of course, baby. Neech, come help me set it up?”
Anetra nodded, following Sasha into the bedroom, leaving Marcia and the baby still on the couch.
They lovingly pressed their lips to the top of his head, his soft whispy hairs tickling her. “We love you so much, sweet pea, we’ll always take care of you no matter what, no matter how old you get, you’ll always be taken care of.”
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clunelover · 1 year
I was going to do this as a reply but it was getting too long, so @alfa-lima-limon and anyone else who is interested - how we got the idea to check out OT is actually along the lines of what you just said - he would have big meltdowns over seemingly small things (or sometimes just nothing, as far as I could see). If I go through my MyChart messages between me and his pediatrician, I think as far back as 2 years old I was asking her about what I considered unusually explosive tantrums…but we were told “well it’s age appropriate still, just keep an eye on it” and then “everyone is stressed due to the pandemic and it’s especially hard on some kids” etc etc until he for sure became too old to be tantrumming like this. e
I really didn’t know what to make of it, I thought he was just “difficult” (I know not a good label but I didn’t think he fit the profile of any specific condition) but my best mom friend has a kid who’s a year or so older and autistic, and she was the one who first said “it sounds like sensory issues actually” and then I asked social worker BFF and she said she agreed - it’s still sort of amazing to me, I could not put these pieces together on my own, but now I can see he had:
- extreme meltdowns especially at times of transition, like trying to leave in the morning, which is often a hard time for these kids
- when in the midst of a meltdown about leaving in the morning, he would try to strip off all his clothes. If he was prevented from doing it he would at the very least take his shoes and socks off in the car. At the time I thought this was him “being obstinate” and just seizing at any possible thing to delay, but now I know he was overwhelmed and seeking a particular sensation to make him feel better (air on skin, or escaping clothes that feel confining or scratchy and thus upsetting). He still doesn’t like to have shoes and socks on.
- really rigid about getting his way or having people play exactly how he wants. Again, another thing I thought was him just being…kind of a jerk (🫣) but is more to do with changes feeling upsetting, so anything he can do to control what is happening will make him feel better. It doesn’t mean that’s okay for him to do of course but now we know that if he’s not overloaded with sensory stimuli he’s more likely to be able to go with the flow, and sometimes he just needs a little extra time to calm down and accept what is happening.
So, I was kind of skeptical (and still in dark moments sometimes think “isn’t all this just CODDLING him?”) but we got him evaluated by a local place that does OT among other therapies and services (like speech, psychology, etc) and they said he did seem like a good candidate for OT.
As part of the occupational therapist’s initial assessment, she checked for “retained primitive reflexes” …like, the Moro reflex is the only one I’d ever heard of prior to all this, but there are others! And you’re supposed to not have them by a certain age but if they don’t go away, it can lead to issues with integrating sensory information. C has retained a couple (I forget which) that, when retained, can cause issues with tracking movement with your eyes (which then leads to getting overstimulated easier than people who don’t have it). Isn’t that CRAZY?! This is something that is still a little in the “sounds fake but okay” realm for me, but at the same time does make sense to me. It’s weird.
So a lot of our OT activities involve things where you need hand eye coordination and balance.
This whole thing about “being afraid to fail” is something he’s only recently started bringing up, but the occupational therapist told me he probably did already have that fear, but he’s only now become able to express it. And it goes right back to wanting things to be a certain way, unexpected outcomes feeling bad, etc.
So yeah, it’s been a journey for sure! A lot of the work is of course us learning how best to react and help him get what he needs.
He had the recent evaluation for autism and didn’t meet criteria for a diagnosis, but has symptoms for sure. Jeremy has bonded with his mom over this, because according to her this is exactly what he was like as a kid (eventually diagnosed with ADHD as a teen). So we just kind of keep an eye on it and get him evaluated again if his symptoms get markedly more severe.
Okay that was a large dump of info, but anyway, happy to answer any questions about it any time!
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
The Future Silva Family Part 4
I now present to you the final group of next gen ocs belonging to House Silva. These are the children of Asta and Noelle Silva: Aimee, Naru, and Filomina.
Aimee Silva
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Her name comes from the French word “aimé” meaning “beloved.” The pronunciation is twisted a little to be “eye-mee” to include the Japanese word for “love,” that being “ai/愛.” It's an ode to Asta's time in Hino.
Age: 11
Birthday: October 6
Magic Attribute: N/A. Uses anti-magic.
Appearance: Aimee has pure silver hair just like her mother Noelle. She decides to grow it out because her mom's hair looks pretty long but she chooses not to style it up. She likes the freedom of loose hair. Her eyes are green just like her father's.
Personality: Aimee is a friendly, optimistic, and honest girl. Noelle and Asta have inspired her greatly. Aimee greets everyone with a smile and she also throws in a hug for people she really likes, such as Yami and Nero. Aimee is the type of person who can easily see the strengths of others and praise them for those abilities. She knows she’s at a disadvantage without magic but she believes she’ll find the strength to overcome challenges. Her parents did it and so can she. Aimee on the adventurous side too, so when she first visited Elysia and met Elfrieda, they immediately clicked. Aimee’s biggest flaw is that’s she’s ditsy, not knowing when honesty becomes bluntness and she can be overly casual with the wrong people.
She's close friends with Elfrieda and Jesse. Aimee and her cousin Eirlys are surprisingly close despite their very different personalities. Ann is someone Aimee looks up to for her strength and courage. She's friendly with Miku (@lyranova's oc) and is acquainted with Eleonora (@thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc).
Aimee faces a lot of judgement from the more stuck up members of noble society. She’s the first person born into Clover royalty to lack any magic whatsoever. Noelle faced criticism for her poor control but at least she has magic. Nobles with an especially strong distaste for the lower classes blame Asta for creating a “defective” royal and think poorly of Aimee. Her older cousins were protective of her early on but eased up on her as Aimee showed that she didn’t need coddling.
When she was 9, Asta and Liebe gave Aimee a dagger infused with anti-magic so she could start learning to fight. Noelle was a little concerned by this but eventually went along with it. Noelle made Aimee promise a thousand times not to take the dagger in public however.
Aimee becomes a Magic Knight in the future, belonging to the Blue Rose Knights.
Naru Silva
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Naru’s name is is an alternative reading for the character 愛 meaning “love.” Again, he was named in honor of Asta's time spent in Hino.
Age: 9
Birthday: February 19
Magic Attribute: Water.
Appearance: Naru's hair is a shade of grey between his mother's silver and his father's ash blond shades, it doesn't have the same metallic shine as Noelle or Aimee's hair. In his youth, his hair naturally spiked like Asta's but it flattened out as he grew up, to his disappointment. His eyes are a deep, ocean blue.
Personality: Naru has a natural talent with magic, which Noelle is quite relieved by. Naru is definitely closer to Noelle than Asta because of their shared magic. But Naru gets his wild energy from Asta and the father-son duo often go out camping or other adventures. He's also the curious kind of kid. He loves trying new things with his magic and is honestly bummed out by the fact that he doesn't have his grimoire yet because it means there's more he could do. Naru is also prone to asking a lot of questions. "Hey why do people wait until 15 to get their grimoires?" "Where did Lord Vangeance get his funny mask?" And he tends to just keep asking questions until he can't think of anything new to ask. Naru likes to play around too, usually re-enacting the stories he hears from books or his parents' youth. Can be prideful in his skill and reckless when trying new things. It keeps his rivalry with Ferro strong as Ferro challenges Naru and Naru wants to prove he's still getting stronger.
Naru's closest friends are Alfred and Jesse. He'd form a friendly rivalry with Kito (@lyranova's oc) and a less friendly rivalry with Ferro.
Despite using Water Magic, Naru sinks like a rock in water. He is a terrible swimmer and nothing except magic will change that. He's tried swimming lessons but he just can't do it.
Frequently trains with his cousin Aecor because they share an attribute.
Naru eventually joins the Black Bulls once he's old enough for the Knights.
Filomina Silva
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Filomina’s name comes from Greek. It can either mean “friend of strength” or “beloved one.”
Age: 7
Birthday: July 13
Magic Attribute: Ice.
Appearance: Filomina has ash blond hair just like her father though it has the softer, silkier texture of her mother's hair. From a young age, she takes to wearing her hair in pigtails though she wears them higher than Noelle did in her youth. Her eyes are (supposed to be, darn you picrew) a pinkish-purple hue, leaning closer to her mother's eye color.
Personality: Filomina is as sweet and cheerful as a child can be, and she loved everyone in her family. She's excited to see what the world has to offer each day. She's highly energetic but surprisingly polite. She won't barge into a room but she will probably dent a door with her knocking. She doesn't say "please" and "thanks" but shouts those words from across a hallway. Hardly a mean bone in her body, save for the moments when she tugs on someone's clothes or hair to grab their attention. Her thought process is that people love her so it doesn't make sense for her to not love people in return. She's surprisingly empathetic towards others, she can often tell with a glance if a person is troubled and whether or not it'd be a good idea to approach them. Asta hasn't taught her ki reading and chalks it up to Filomina being naturally in tune with people. Very clingy to anyone willing to give her attention even for a moment (she is still very young after all).
Filomina is pretty much the favorite of everyone in House Silva. Her parents and siblings dote on her so much. Her aunts and uncles are unable to resist when she asks something from them. Her cousin Ferro proudly said he'd be her teacher since they have the same attribute. Even Skylar would tone down his chaos and Chalivas would stop being such a stick in the mud when spending time with Filomina.
Filomina is would be very close to Kya (@lyranova's oc). She's basically considers everyone she's met her friend too. She's fond of creative people like Cynthia and Dawn's kindness is also a big inspiration to her.
Filomina (and her siblings) has met Kahono and Kiato. The two of them actually inspired Filomina's dream to become an idol. Once a year, Filomina spends a whole week with Kahono in Raquey to have singing lessons and generally learn how to be an idol.
Filomina once turned down a marriage proposal from Alfred. She told him that it's against to law to marry your best friend's sibling and since Alfred doesn't know laws well, he bought it.
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jannelbabblessims · 2 years
Poppy Oliver: Part 7- Lou’s clues & The pup trials
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Things have been kinda relaxing as of late. Poppy and I have spent far more time together and little by little I have been weaving bits of my “life” into our conversations and giving her the ability to get to know me better. I have to tell you, this is a very hard thing for me to do given my whole life hasn’t been surrounded by the friendliest of people and even with Rory, who has been there most of my werewolf life, doesn’t know a lot about me, we just have this understanding and we work with it. The rest of the pack is another story, we will need to unpack at a later time. but overall, I am just happy things are getting to the point that Poppy can trust me more.
But she still doesn’t know my secret life as a werewolf, or the fact that Jasper could potentially be one as well.
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Which has brought us to today.
Jasper has been doing super well in advancing in all his toddler abilities. He has no problem walking, learning to talk (it’s choppy but that’s ok) ,potty training and everything. Super smart child, I am sure he gets that from Poppy because it sure as shit ain’t from me.
I also haven’t had any signs come through of the Werewolf gene. Usually, it will sprout pretty early on with slight howling as infants but Jasper rarely cried as a baby (could be from Poppy’s constant coddling). Now that he’s a bit older I can test his abilities a bit more and hope that he doesn’t come out with the gene.
As bad as it sounds to say that, I just want him to be a normal kid. While I love who I am and where I belong, it was a hard road to get to this place in feeling this way and there will be changes galore for him…
Well I need to get Poppy out of the house at least so I can make this happen and quick.
“Pops” I called out.
“Yes?” She responded, her voice carrying from up the stairs, ” I’m with Jasper”
I quicky made my way up the stairs and into his room. On the floor her and Jasper sat, playing with the dolls in his doll house….And I heard it…As well as felt it..
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He was quietly growling while playing…It was quick and I am pretty sure Poppy didn’t even notice anything at all, too consumed by the enjoyment she was having by spending time with her son. She always glowed in these moments of just being a mom. But he was growing, and with it included a small twinge of power lingering around, naked to the human eye but very apparent for me.
Thank God she didn’t notice a thing because right now I am a bit worried already. This testing really needed to happen NOW.
“Pops,” I whined, not normally my thing but it will have to do,” There’s nothing to eattttttt.”
Poppy immediately snorted at this, “Lou, you’re a grown-ass man. Go find food.”
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I will have you fucking know, I hunt every night. I provide food for myself… Then come back and eat more when she makes our meals. It’s even been requiring me to go on extra runs just to make sure to keep the weight off.
Right now I needed her out of the house.
“I’m gonna die if you keep this up girlie, What about Jasper? He has one jar of food left.”
This stopped Poppy in her tracks, frowning as she thought about this. She hated when I pointed out any sort of semblance to her potentially not providing for our son. Usually, this will start a battle of wits and back-talking, but today I think she might genuinely be worried
“How long has it been since I last when to the store,” She asked thoughtfully, mentally counting back the days I assume.
“Who knows, the first time you practically bought out the entire store of baby food..” And she really did too, the second Jasper was born she went into full-on perfect mom mode. It was insane and terrifying. That woman is a fucking force.
She glared at me briefly for that comment but in the end, her anxiety got the best of her.
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“Ok, I should probably grab some groceries for all of us and maybe we start working on some soft food options for him to try now, what do you think?”
I needed her to be out for a while so anything she could think of would be fantastic.
“Take all the time you need, the kid and I need to bond more anyways since you take up all his time,” I smirk crossing my arms at her, getting a rise out of her is my favorite thing to do. One day she will get me for it though.
Again her arched brow raised in annoyance, a small smile playing on her lips as she looked at me hard. Trying to figure out what to say. She pulled herself up from the ground and starts making her way to the door, giving me a side glance before continuing through.
“I’m done, I’m not even going to fight this. Take care of Jasper and I will be back.”
she continued down the stairs and out the door.
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Time to start.
Trial #1: Growling
Since I heard him growling earlier, I knew that was the first test to do. It will definitely be the easiest. Then from there, we will work on other gifted mannerisms then we will move on to some safety basics if he is successful. This is now the Jasper trials.
Jasper obviously had no clue what was going on. His sweet little toddler face just peeking at me from around his toys. Of course this would be a tough time and I would not be willing to comfortably transform in front of him till he understood what was going on to himself.
How the fuck do you explain this to a toddler?!?!
I reached out to pick him up and take him outside, we also needed to be somewhere a bit discreet and thankfully to my handiwork and slight scare tactic of ensuring our child was safe, I was able to make a tall fence (I’m a handsome handy man after all) around the perimeter of the yard for mostly this moment. to be away from prying eyes without putting ourselves in danger.
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“Ok Jasper, we are going to play a few games ok?” I scooped him up and pushed him up onto my shoulders. “This is what we call a secret though, you know what a secret is right?”
Jasper nodded his head enthusiastically at me, “I Know, I know!”
Damn he was real smart…
“Ok so that means we can’t tell mommy, she is scared of these games, “I mean I’m not lying, she would be scared, “But you’re a big strong boy right?”
Jasper put on his big smile and nodded his head quickly again.
We make our way outside and into the backyard. I put him on the ground and had him facing me.
Ok hear goes, so us the difference between the growling a Were can do vs. a human is that it puts off an effect, almost a small pulse of power. I know, it sounds fucking weird to humans, but it’s in our nature to have the power behind our voice. And this is also how we communicate, in the form of our power providing many things from intimidation to dominance, or even a cry for help depending how we push the force out. As a Were it is also easy to produce without much practice, so in Jasper’s case, if he is Were, it will be like nothing for him. It will be natural instinct for him. He will also respond to the power as well, much like howling, if I react a way in growling, he will unconsciously do it as well, so let’s see if it works.
I look to him and smile, “Alright bud, We are gonna play a hearing game,” Yeah that should work, I’m improvising here, “I’m going to make a sound and I need you to let whatever you feel happen ok?”
I let out a small playful growl and watched Jasper carefully, immediately I could see his face light up in a surprised recognition, like he had heard or felt this way before, which he might’ve been the link of us both being family, the tie pushing him to respond. He already was answering my call with a tiny growl of his own, matching my power with his but a twinge of excitement lining it. Natural for a newly-turned wolf or pup.
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Well, that was the first round and he is definitely showing signs.
This time I pushed out a much more aggressive growl, yet not too much to scare him. To my surprise, he shot back with a large growl of his own! His force pushing at me to the point I stumbled back slightly, losing my footing.
Are you fucking kidding me? He almost outdid some of the newly-turned members of our pack! I growled back again to match him, we were a duo of power!
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This brought on not only some worry but a swell of pride flowing through me. My son was not only a Werewolf judging from this moment, but a strong one at that.
“Well done!” I clapped my hands at him, kneeling down beside him. Very good indeed, “Next we will try a more advanced one.”
Onto howling, much similar to growling, it is a force of power we push out as a sign of communication. I took a deep breath and let out a howl, not for the pack but for just us two.
Without skipping a beat he sat up on his knees, howling alongside me. Again his power crawling to match my own.
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Dare I say it, but if this goes on… We may have a future alpha on our hands..
That’s a terrifying thought.
We worked on a few other things, Digging, running, and most of all just getting him to understand his need to control his power and at the same time make it seem like a game. He’s too young yet to fully understand everything and I want him to stay as young as he can.
Also don’t want Poppy getting freaked out either.
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We kept on running around the yard, thinking how freeing it was to do this without prying eyes.
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(Or so he thought……)
Later that night:
By the end of our training it was getting dark, Jasper was clearly tuckered out but enjoyed every second of the “games” we were playing. I took him back upstairs to prep him for dinner and bed.
I decided to test his diet as well. I brought up two plates of food and asked him if he wanted to try two pieces of meat, cooked little pieces of steak or…..Raw meat.
He looked to each plate, eyes shifting quickly between both. Licking his lips as he did.
Surprisingly he reached out for the raw meat and chomped his little teeth into it. A look of content as he started chewing away. Another mark checked on the Werewolf trials…
“Daddy my teeth better,”
A wash of worry hit me, ” Your teeth have been hurting?”
He nodded his head at me and chomped again on the meat.
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“But this good!“ he squealed, humming slightly as he finished the meat.
This meant his fangs were starting to come in. The meat being chewy was helping him cope with it. Thankfully we can play that off as normal teething for a bit… I hope.
I’m also going to need to hide the evidence of the raw meat before Poppy gets home..
And hunt double time now!
After a quick potty training session I was surprised to see Poppy in Jasper’s room, Waiting for us.
“Hey Pops, How was your day?” I stammered out, still a bit shocked by her presence and feeling the guilt seep in, sneaking around like this was getting to me.
“Actually pretty well,” She smiled, happy to talk about her day, “On the way to the store I ran into that stupid fucking welcome wagon gang and well…They dragged me along for a welcome lunch at Chez Llama. It was kinda nice actually as much as I hate to admit it.”
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That was actually very nice to hear. After learning of her mysterious amnesia, she never had any relationships aside from us and well this may now be a good advantage for many reasons.
Not being selfish or anything…
Before I could say anything in response, Jasper came running in, his little Wolf onesie on and being super adorable as usual.
“Hi Mommy!!!” He squealed, giving her a big sloppy kiss on her face. He sat on the floor as he animatedly babbled at her.
“Did you have a good day sweetie?” She asked him, her face brightened at his happy attitude. I am thinking him being able to let his Wolf tendencies out took alot of aggression out of him and helped him to better control his mood. Hmm will have to keep up with that.
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“YEAH!” He screamed in a high pitch voice, bouncing around and suddenly getting up and barreling into me. “Daddy and I played games all day!”
Please dont say anything. Please don’t say anything.
“We pretended we were Puppies!!!” HE giggled out and a little gallop around the room.
Thankfully she didn’t think anything of it.
“That’s wonderful honey!,” She beamed at her son’s laughter then looked to me, ” But now it’s time to wind down, who do you want to put you to bed?”
He looked to me and smiled the cutest little toothy grin.
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“DadDDdddddYYYYY,” He squealed again.
“Okay okay, I can see where I am not wanted,” She sighed in a playfully dramatic tone, “Thankfully Mommy could use some sleep so Daddy can handle Goodnight time.”
She stood up and quicker pecked a small kiss upon his head and started to walk past me.
“Have fun.”
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Within minutes I was passed out in bed. I sat down next to him. Mentally drained by the day… My son is for sure a Werewolf and a powerful one at that. This poses a lot of factors….. Within our family, the pack, and the world… I had no fucking idea what I was going to do about this…
I just know I gotta tell the pack before hell breaks loose. We at least need to figure out protection before anything else…
A/N: A humongous thank you to Snarky Witch for commissioning some werewolf pup training poses for my series!!! She was amazingly communicative and quick!!
And she will be releasing these as early access soon on her patreon! Check out her patreon here!!! https://www.patreon.com/snarkysims/posts
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messers-moony · 3 years
Help | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Daughter!Reader
Summary: At first it was for him, now everything he does is for her. 
Warnings: Rape, cursing, death, etc
Being wise comes with living. Dumbledore had lived a lot of years. Everyone knows that. The man worked his way up the hierarchy from being a Transfiguration teacher to the headmaster at Hogwarts. He was even offered a place as the Minister of Magic. What people didn’t comprehend or, rather, didn’t think about was, when living that long you realize every button to push, every nook and cranny to get your way. 
Manipulation at its finest. Now, truth be told, manipulation isn’t always evil. It can be good, per se, manipulating someone to stop doing something that’s particularly harmful - alcohol, smoking. But when used negatively, it could make everything worse. 
The Order of the Phoenix was manipulated. From beginning to end. Dumbledore convinced the young kids - naive kids - that they were safe and that’s what they needed. These kids needed reassurance that everything would be okay, and Dumbledore assured them that they were safe. 
But were they safe when the McKinnon family died? Were they safe when Fabian and Gidian Prewett died? Could James and Lily truly depend on Dumbledore to keep them safe with a newborn? 
When Sirius Black joined the order, he had one request. Just one. A linear, singular request. It was saving Regulus Black. That’s all Sirius wanted, was for his little brother to be safe. Sirius knew about Regulus being a death eater, and he needed saving. Regulus didn’t want this life, and he especially didn’t want this with a baby girl. 
He was seventeen, and he was forced. Sirius knew it. James knew it. Remus knew it. Regulus had come to the Gryffindor portrait crying on his knees, begging - no - pleading for his older brother. The Fat Lady was cursing him out for not having the password and being a Slytherin. Luckily, James heard the ruckus and ran to his aid. He was yelling for Sirius. 
“Sirius! Sirius, I need you!” James had never sounded so frantic, so panicky, “Sirius, now!”
Sirius threw the textbook on the floor. James’ voice reminded him of an alarm - crazed, loud, repetitive. The black-haired boy ran down the dorm steps, almost falling over his feet to see the portrait wide open. Everything went in a vignette, zoomed in and black around the edges. Immediately Sirius was pushing James off his little brother and embracing him tightly. 
“S- Sirius.”
Godric, he sounded so broken, “‘S okay, Reggie. ‘S okay. I got you. It’s me, Sirius. You’re safe here, Frère.”
“It- It hurts.” Regulus muttered, his voice shaky and helpless, “Need you.”
“You’re okay.” 
Sirius looked up into James’ worried hazel eyes, “C’mon. We’re bringing him up.”
“Are you mental?!”
“James, he’s my brother!”
James scowled, “He’s also a Slytherin!”
“He needs me. I’m not letting him go.” It was the first time Sirius’ voice had gone stern with James, “Either I’m sleeping out here with my brother, or you’re helping me bring him up to the dorm.”
“Fine, fine.” 
Sirius looked down at his brother, who was tucked under his chin, silver streams trailing down his flushed cheeks. His cheeks glistened with anguish and pain. His fists were balling the back of Sirius’ white button-up, tightly, stressed. 
“Reggie.” For the first time, Regulus didn’t cringe, and instead, he melted into Sirius’ warmth, “James and I are going to bring you into our dorm, okay?”
Gently Sirius helped him up, placing an arm around his shoulder. James put his other arm around his shoulder. Both boys helped the sixth year into the Gryffindor common room, getting multiple stares and glares. Regulus managed to up the stairs onto Sirius’ bed, a sniffling and trembling mess. 
James smiled gently at them, and Sirius sat beside Regulus on the edge of his bed, “What happened?”
“She- She forced me. I didn’t want to. Please, Sirius, I didn’t want this.”
“Want what?”
“She touched me.” Regulus whispered, and Sirius rubbed his back, “I- I didn’t want it….”
Sirius hesitated, “Did- Did mum have anything to do with this?”
Regulus nodded, and silent tears fell down his cheeks, “She- Mum, is the reason. I was supposed to be arranged to this woman but- but she did this and- and-“
“It’s too much.” Regulus wailed. 
Sirius held his brother close until he fell asleep. The trails of tears dried on his cheeks, and Sirius laid his head on the feathery pillow. The fleece comforter was placed over his wrinkled button-up, black pants, and socks. Regulus’ black curls contrasted the pillow, and his cheeks were a pale pink. Sirius had never felt so upset. 
Releasing a breath of air, he left the dorm room to go to the common room where the boys were sitting. James perked up, and Remus’ head was pulled into a book, a cup of tea on the table beside him. Peter was playing chess with a fellow Gryffindor across the room, not paying attention to anything but the checkered table before him. 
“Is he okay?” 
Sirius plopped beside James, “He will be.”
The silence was killing Remus to the point of his curiosity tipping over, “What happened exactly?”
“Some girl, my mum, arranged him with did something that he didn’t consent to.”
The teacup that was in Remus’ hand dropped to the carpeted floor, staining, “You’re shitting me?”
Regulus was in pain, physically and emotionally. Although the boys didn’t understand completely, they understood that Sirius’s time would be dedicated to his little brother. No matter what was going on in the wizarding world at present, Sirius’ time was needed with Regulus. 
It was nine months later. Thirty-nine weeks later. Two hundred and seventy-three days later. Left on the doorstep of the Noble House of Black’s residence was a baby girl. Orion and Walburga had left the house previously, leaving Regulus alone with Kreacher, their house elf. The baby girl was crying and helpless. 
His lifeless grey eyes met the young girl's e/c ones, and everything clicked. This was the product of his emotional pain in his sixth year. Regulus couldn’t deny the warmth in his heart looking at the young girl. Gently he leaned down to take her in his arms. A pink silk blanket wrapped around her to keep her warm despite the summer months. 
Once in his arms, the girls stopped crying. The warmth of his body and the softness in his eyes calmed her down. There was an envelope inside the baby blanket, which Regulus opened after placing the sleeping child on his lap. Essentially the letter was telling him to name the baby girl and her birthday. Along with now that the marriage was called off, she wanted nothing to do with him. 
Regulus threw the parchment to the side furiously. Despite his frustration, he picked up his daughter and smiled at her, “I dunno what to name you precious.”
The girl wrapped her hand around his thumb that had been caressing her cheek, “Y/n? I like that name.”
She smiled, and so did he, “You like that too, don’t you, précieux.”
Regulus placed a kiss on Y/n’s forehead, rocking her back and forth, “I love you so much.” 
During the school year, Y/n stayed with Sirius, who was overjoyed to stay with his niece. Regulus only saw his daughter one more time before he decided it was his end. Regulus knocked on Sirius’ flat, looking utterly exhausted. Sirius answered with a big smile on his face. 
“Heya Reggie!”
Regulus struggled to smile, “Hey, Siri.”
“Come on.” Sirius beckoned, “Y/n is sleeping, but you can see her if you’d like.”
He walked in to see a door open to a small room. Inside it was painted in a pale lavender color with white furniture. Regulus walked inside to find a crib with his one-year-old girl sleeping inside. She made this so much harder. Regulus didn’t want to do this, but he needed to do it if he wished Y/n to have a safe life. 
Regulus’ arms cradled his daughter to his chest, “I love you, précieux. I love you too much to express. I know that you’ll never remember me. I’m praying that Sirius will tell you about me.”
“You’re my baby girl. You’ll always be my baby girl.” Regulus’ eyes welled with tears, “And- And I’ll be with you no matter what.”
Y/n’s eyes opened, and she smiled, being cradled in her father's arms, “Dada?” 
Regulus had tears streaming down his face, and Sirius watched from the doorway, “Yes, hi petite fille.”
She giggled, and Regulus had the brightest smile on his face; he nuzzled his nose with hers, “Dada’s here, little girl.”
He spent an hour with her. The last sixty minutes of his freedom was spent cooing and coddling. Regulus wanted to engrave her beautiful e/c eyes in his head, her soft smile, smooth skin, and fuzzy hair. Regulus placed his daughter back in the crib and kissed her forehead one more time. 
Walking back out into the living room of the flat, he saw Sirius waiting for him. Regulus didn’t make any appoint to try and sit down. That’s how Sirius knew was something wrong. He released an air of breath and dried his tears. 
“Sirius, you may have to keep Y/n with you a little longer until it’s safe, okay?”
“‘Course Reggie.”
“If- If I don’t come back-“
“Don't say that, please.”
Regulus looked at his brother solemnly, “But it’s realistic.”
“Okay, just- try to make it back.” Sirius replied. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll try.” He lied, “I- I want you to tell her about me, yeah?”
Sirius chuckled, “You’re her father, Regulus. I wouldn’t not tell her.”
“Don’t let her mum take her. I don’t care what she says Y/n will be in your care.”
Sirius nodded, “One- One more thing. This may sound stupid but, teach her French?”
“Teach her French? Why?”
“It’s how I used to talk to her before seventh year started. I want her to know how to speak it. French was something I enjoyed learning, something that kept me sane at our horror house.” Regulus confessed, “I want her to learn it.”
“If it means that much to you, Reggie.” Sirius replied, and Regulus nodded, “It does.”
“Then Y/n will learn French, after English.” 
Regulus began walking out the door when he felt arms around him from behind and a head in the crook of his neck, “Come back alive, okay?”
“I’m gonna try, Siri.”
He never came back alive. Regulus walked toward the entrance of that cave, knowing that today he was going to die. In the start, this was for Regulus to right his wrongs. Now it’s for his daughter. If anything, Y/n deserved a happy, exciting life. Not one of pain and suffering like Regulus had. 
The Daily Prophet the next day said everything it needed to, “REGULUS BLACK DECLARED DEAD.” This was it. Regulus had inevitably left his daughter and got himself killed. Sirius cried - sobbed - for his little brother who had a child. He wept for his niece, who would grow up not knowing her father. 
Ten years later, Y/n was getting ready for her first year at Hogwarts. Sirius had introduced baby Harry with one-year-old Y/n at the time where they became best friends. Harry was gravely disappointed at his best friend leaving but excited that he’d see her the following year. 
In the bathroom, Y/n was sitting in front of the mirror with Sirius behind her. Sirius was brushing her hair, not because she couldn’t do it but because Sirius didn’t really want to let her go. After setting the brush on the counter, he placed his hands on her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror. She looked so much like him. His hands twirled through her h/c hair. 
“You look like your father.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, “I- I do?”
“You do.”
“I don’t remember much from him.” Y/n stated, “I remember him calling me précieux, vaguely, which I know now is precious.”
Sirius chuckled, “He also made me teach you, French. It was one of his wishes before he- you know.”
“Learning French is a pure-blood thing. Regulus said it kept him sane.” Sirius answered, “I honored that even if I hated that language.”
It was silent for a while, “You know, sometimes when you’re angry, you just start ranting in French?”
“I don’t!”
Sirius laughed, “You do. You definitely do, amour.”
Y/n giggled, and Sirius began tickling her sides. Her laughter and smile were contagious, just like how Regulus’ was. Regulus had such an infectious laugh and beautiful smile. Sirius was almost glad Y/n inherited it. After tickling her, she melted into Sirius’ embrace, hugging him tightly. 
“Je t'aime, oncle Sirius.”
“Je t'aime aussi, amour.”
It was a system Sirius had created with her instead of saying, “Toujours Pur,” like his mother had made him and Regulus say. Y/n is what made him love French again. The way she swore in the language unintentionally. How she’d say the language like a native, just like her father. It meant everything to him. 
Years later. Y/n was in fifth year, and the Triwizard tournament members had just been called. Viktor Krum was called first. Then Fleur Delacour. Then Cedric Diggory. That was meant to be the finality, but nonetheless, Harry Potter’s name got called. As all the members walked into a room away from the Great Hall, Dumbledore began speaking to the worried children. 
One sentence stood out to Y/n particularly, “Help will always be given at Hogwarts for those who deserve it.”
It brought so much rage in her that she couldn’t help but speak, “That’s bullshit!”
Everyone stared with jaws slack, “My father deserved help! Hell, he needed to be saved, and here because of your bullshit, he died! My father is gone because of you and your shitty manipulative ways!”
“He may have been a death eater, but it wasn’t what he wanted. Godric, he needed saving! His own brother turned on him. So fuck you and fuck your stupid sayings. Because you aren’t a saint, and I don’t have to fall to your knees like a worthless soldier.”
Dumbledore was astonished by her attitude as she began leaving the Great Hall, “That's one hundred points from Gryffindor, Ms.Black!” McGonagall yelled. 
“Pardonnez mon français, mais je m'en fous.” Y/n yelled as she flicked off everyone in the room. 
Before she left, she turned around and faced everyone, “If anyone- and I mean anyone, touches, talks badly, or even remotely glares at Harry Potter, so help me, I won’t hesitate to hex you.”
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thestarsanctuary · 2 years
hi!! can i request the rooftop trio of bnha with a reader that has tourette's syndrome? they can b aged down or up idc
Pronouns: They/Them but in 2nd person
Note: I don’t honestly know which way I wanted to do them so it’s kind of a mix because of Shirakumo- I just combined it all lol.
If anyone finds something in this offensive and/or unsettling, you can comment/dm me and I will take it down! I don’t have tourettes and can only reaearch so much.
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For Aizawa your condition isn’t really something that sparks major feelings and thought. You have tourettes, alright now let’s go get dinner. That’s kind of his way of thinking, he’s not gonna coddle you like a child because he knows you’re an adult who can take care of yourself. Since you’ve been together since high school, he’s already seen you at your worst and your best. He won’t lie and say he’s always been the best boyfriend who can tend to your needs, the stories tell otherwise.
“Well what do I do when it gets too much? Just like- sit there?”
“Why would you just sit there? What does that do for me?”
“That’s why I asked no need to be a jerk about it.”
Yeah…he really needed some time to figure out his way. It was hard for him to find a balance between leaving you alone but also not just dismissing everything- but he got there.
As he grew older he knew to keep you calm and happy, it was better for your tics that way if they weren’t being driven from your anxiety or a more stressful situation, so if he could help you out he 100% would. Whether that was succumbing to your rather untasteful wishes of playing Just Dance 2.
“Shut up and watch this combo.”
Or whether you just wanted to cuddle and take a break.
“You know I love you don’t you Shota?”
“Well you better….I love you too”
Other times when tic attacks would get rough he would try to comfort you, maybe by stroking your back, or just staying close by. He doesn’t make a big deal out of it and just lets it happen. He’s cool like that.
He doesn’t like going out a lot in general, so when you and the other boys get together it’s chaos. You’re all practically bouncing off the walls and Shota has to make sure you all don’t accidentally break your necks.
“Hizashi would it kill you to stop challenging my partner to an mma throwdown, they’ll literally kill you.” All while in a supermarket.
It didn’t really matter how upset you got or how stressed and tired he was you made time for each other. That was just how things worked with you both, sometimes you were attached at then hip watching a cringy netflix original as he complained to you about some kids in his class, and other times he was watching you play games as you sat on his lap complaining about your boss.
It wasn’t hard to understand that Shota would give his all for you. You’d get whatever you please from him. His time, his loyalty, his heart, all because he loves you. Simply put.
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Hizashi was always easily excitable, in high school, as a pro hero, you’d see him smiling and grooving anywhere at anytime. Maybe it had to do with the way anytime you were around he wanted to make you the happiest person alive.
When he was a kid in high school and had just met you, he didn’t really dwell on your tics, nor the eyes that seemed to follow you, which seems nice but because of this sometimes he was a bit…dense. He just thought you were nice to look at, the slight noises and twitches coming with it were just there, who cares?
And that’s how you got together, a collision of love between the two of you created a glorious relationship lasting all the way up until now, and he’s learned a lot more along the way. He learned that sometimes tics would just get aggressive for no reason, and that you weren’t mad or stressed, it just happend. He learned that when it did happen he shouldn’t just sit there like a tree but also shouldn’t try and stop what was apart of you.
He learned that sometimes he’d get hurt by accidents involving your tics- and god forbid you’d hurt yourself, but none of that mattered as long as you two were together. He’d do anything under and over the sun for you.
And that truly meant anything, it was almost concerning how much power you had over him. Some would even say embarrassing the way he watched over you like a newborn puppy, following you around and bending to your every need.
Sometimes that would cause fights though. You could feel- smothered by his constant need to please you, it would feel less like a relationship and more like a caretaker and his elderly patient. You didn’t need everything under the sun…just a little bit of patience and a lot a bit of love would suffice, and he understood.
Instead of smothering you- he took you out on weekly outings. He liked it when you got super excited to go out and wear your best outfits that you couldn’t wear to work, and he liked showing off his s/o in flamboyant ways. He’d take you to random restaurants that served portions enough to feed not even a hamster, or amusement parks to eat glorious disgustingly bad for you food and the occasional romantic picnic of his own making.
He just loved you, and anything that came with you- including the tics- was apart of that love.
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Shirakumo is…something else. He loves to please, loves to assist, and loves to love. So when he met you, nobody knows if it was just him being him or he really wanted to be with you. Time can confirm though, with how long you’ve been together? It was and is, love.
When you told him about having tourettes syndrome, he didn’t quite understand. Do you need medication? Should he be watching out for stuff? Like a spy?! And he asked you every question and spit out every comment he had under the sun without a bit of shame.
“Do you not watch scary movies then?”
“Have you ever tried counting how many tics you get in a day?”
“As long as I get to kiss you does it really matteer? I’m good.”
Yeah he’s…something else.
He tended to coddle you sometimes but it was only because he didn’t want to see you hurt. In which you had to explain to him that he was literally going to a school to be a pro hero and fight crime just like you were, and getting hurt was inevitable, so he shouldn’t worry.
“Aizawa literally almost broke your arm the other day Oboro. I really shouldn’t be your concern right now.”
When your tic attacks were more frequent he didn’t really like to be with you even if he knew he had to be. He didn’t like not being able to help you and only just stroke your back and make comforting comments. It made him feel useless so you had to reassure him sometimes. You had to explain that you appreciated what he could do and that it was much better than him interfering and trying to stop it (like clueless people had tried to do in past situations.) You liked space. And he gave you just that.
Now aside from the space he gave you every once in a while, most of the time you were glued at the hip. He loved kissing you, holding your hand, or when you would hold one of his sleeves or the bottom of his shirt instead. He just needed some form of skinship from you at all times.
Sometimes you would have tics and they would come from random song lyrics or something funny Aizawa would say to Hizashi, and those were his favorite ones. It took him a long time to acknowledge that sometimes things are just funny, and that he doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around you, but also that some things are not. There’s a line and it’s not thin, and not very easy to cross, so he tried not to dwell on it. All he had to do was love you, and he was rewarded with lots of love back.
What a life he was living.
I tried not to make this repetitive to my other one shot so I don’t know how decent it is. Have a good day everybody reading this! Stay safe,
- SS <<<33333
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Welcome to another edition of Encanto head cannons that live rent free in my head.
What the children were like PRE gifts
- Isabela was in fact a VERY independent child growing up. She didn’t need anyone’s help and did not like being coddled or babied at all. But, at the same time, she liked being helpful and in some ways wanted to be seen as a equal.
- Isabela also ADORED her abuela and would always follow her snd whenever abuela needed something she was always the first one who volunteered with a loud “I GOT IT BUELA” and would proceed to go to the task at 100% speed. Validation was her love language.
- Dolores on the other hand was extremely shy. She kept to herself, stuck with Felix and observed every single person with wide eyes.
- her and Isabela were I. Fact best friends growing up and acted like sisters rather than cousins. Isabela acting like the leader and Dolores silently following behind and always helping her execute her plans.
- Luisa was a whole other story in terms of how she was prior to getting her powers. She was the definition of a daddy’s girl. She would look at agustine like this man invented the moon and hung the stars and ADORED him. She clung to him every change she could and he loved it. Another thing is I could see her as a toddler asking a lot of questions. “Pa.... why is Isa so bossy?” “Pa.... can mr. Unicorn have a hug too?” “Papa.... I had a nightmare can I sleep with you and mama?” “Papa I drew you this” * holds up a little stick figure drawing of her and him holding hands which causes him to melt”
- Luisa was also very sensitive as a child. I imagine her walking around with her older sister and cousin, sucking her thumb and carrying a little stuffed unicorn. She liked doing simple things- helping julieta cook, drawing, hearing stories from her uncle Bruno and playing with her dolls. She didn’t get ‘tough’ until a village boy made fun of Isabella one day, to which she beat the hell out of him the best a three year old could and everyone realized that she wasn’t a ‘cry baby’ and or softie- but instead someone who will protect her family at any cost.
- Camilo is and always will be a mamas boy. ( I’m not backing down on this period).
- Dolores originally was very excited to have a sibling. But as soon as he was born and she saw how loud he was she decided she didn’t want a little brother anymore. So one day when her mother was doing chores and her dad was helping, her and Isabela put Camilo in a basket and took him to the local church and left him there. Needless to say they both got in a LOT of trouble.
- Camilo was always a happy baby when he was in pepas arms. Which always made her happy to see her baby happy. He always knew how to make her smile. Before he could talk and really express himself he would blow bubbles in order to get her to laugh. His first word was mama and his first steps were to her too.
- this kid- the first boy out of all girls so far was like the girls little Barbie. They would dress him up and do tea parties with them snd taught him everything they knew.
- also he was too good at the game hide and seek and would always win. He also loved startling and or playing tricks on other people in the house- except for pepa because Felix told him not to. His favorite person to prank or scare was Dolores.
- Mirabel was a combination of a mamas girl and abuelas girl. She would always love to hear stories from abuela and also follow her around but also spent time in the kitchen with Julieta. Julieta actually taught her to sew and the first thing she ever sewed was for abuela.
- her and Camilo were always together. Their favorite activity was to do make believe outside and go on ‘adventures’ in the town.
- Antonio was known as everyone’s baby. Since the age gap was so large, everyone part took in his upbringing. But the majority was left to Mirabel who spent time with him in the nursery. At night she would so shadow puppets for him and tell him lavish Stories till he would fall asleep.
- Camilo was glad to have a brother and not be the only male cousin. He made sure thaf no one messed with him because rhat was HIS little brother.
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you?
in which you and harry are exes, but still remain good friends when you’re always there for each other. both of you can’t help but reminisce…in your head.
a/n: super sorry i haven’t written in FOREVER!! been crazy busy with school (still am) and i will get back to the writing grind when i’m not as busy, with that being said this is just a quick thing i was thinking of. also, no hate to olivia and harry’s relationship at all. pr or not, both deserve respect and anything written in this piece is solely for writing purposes only. no hate will be tolerated toward an individual. we’re all human.
it happened when you were on your way home from dinner with your friends. a call from harry. this wasn’t out of the ordinary for harry to call you, being exes and all. you both apologized after the breakup and agreed that you both couldn’t let 5 years of love, being close with each other’s families, and a pet cat all go to waste. you agreed upon being friends with him. still hang out here and there after the breakup, acting all platonic. you can’t help but have a glimmer of hope its a call wanting to start a relationship again.
“hello?” you said, one hand on the wheel, other holding your phone.
“hi love, sorry s’a bit late, was wondering if i can come over. it’s about olivia.” harry says. still sending you butterflies when he said the simple yet warming term of endearment. but once he said olivia, your heart dropped.
she’s beautiful, confident, and makes your harry happy from what the tabloids portray. the last time you and harry spoke was before he went off to LA, filming for don’t worry darling, a movie his new lover produced. still a few texts since then like “happy birthday!” “congrats on the grammy,” or “how’s the cat?” you two always saved catching up for in person. it was just your thing you kept during the 5 year relationship and after. it keeps things more meaningful at the time, rather than texting or quick phone calls.
“ah, olivia. isn’t she my replacement?” you teased while laughing. you hear a burst of giggles from the other end of the line. god you missed hearing that everyday.
harry on the other end of the line, heart aches a bit hearing you say that. no one could ever replace you. ever. you are so special to him. if only it wasn’t for his team making it difficult for him to ease down on touring for a bit for you. you asked for one thing from harry, which was to start settling down. you both were only getting older and the talks of marriage and kids were frequently becoming the topic of discussion with family. a year and some after the breakup, which happened to be during quarantine, where he had so much time on his hands without you, he reflected on what could’ve been and how stupid he was for letting you go. you were always so patient with him. going to his shows, god awful dinner parties with industry people, changing your work schedule just to fit into his. you asked for one thing. and instead of fighting for you with his team, he instead sided with them, and let you go.
teasing not dying down, harry goes, “someone keeps up with me in the tabloids, eh?”
it’s the fact that he’s not wrong. you remember that tabloid very well. when the first pictures of harry and olivia came out in an article titled, “harry styles and olivia wilde new romance? is y/n replaced?”
your heart was hurting.
“of course i am. keep having to make sure my name is finally out their mouths.” you joke. “i’ll be home in about 15 minutes if that’s okay?”
you pull into the driveway already seeing harry sitting on your porch chair. he waves at you and you get out of the car, walking up to him. he stands up and greets you with a bear hug.
“missed you, y’look nice. where’d ya head out to?” he asked, hoping and praying you weren’t out on a date looking like that. he knows you only wear a red lip when its date night. his mind filled with jealousy at the thought of you with someone else. whereas he has no right being there are pictures of him kissing, cuddling, and whispering to olivia on a yacht in italy. all for the cameras. his stomach turns. that was supposed to be you and him. on a yacht on italy. except leaving the display of affection for the bedroom.
“on a date” you say blatantly.
his heart drops. and lets you go from the hug. lying through his teeth he says, “ah really? happy for ya, you have to tell me about it, hope it was with a good bloke.” he says lightly.
“i’m kiddingg, was out for dinner with friends. mel got engaged by the way! was celebratory dinner for her.” you say, unlocking the door, letting harry in.
harry sighs in relief. “that’s good! m’happy for her, pass on my congratulations.” harry follows you into your kitchen, sitting down on the counter stool, watching you making his favorite “calm down” drink, loving that you remembered how he likes it. he didn’t even have to ask you to make it. you just know its what he needs right now. he can’t help but ponder that it should have been you. it should be your friends out for your celebratory dinner for your engagement with him.
you pass him his tea, knowing he’ll only take a few sips of it yet keep it in his hold for warmth. you were on the other side of the counter across from him, making a mini cheeseboard you two can snack on while talking.
“so..what happened?” you ask, heart not ready if you can handle what he’s about to say about his new lover.
“s’just so complicated. originally it was supposed to be a pr stunt for the movie. but now i don’t know how the pr team messed up so badly but they did. no one is really believing it. everything was executed poorly. it sucks because it’s her team conducting everything which means i barely have a say in it. i look like the bad guy being portrayed as a home wrecker, and she’s not doing anything about it! s’like she’s enjoying it. the kissing, the night outs, etc. she knows that if my team did have a say, it would have been over a while ago.” he breathes out. he’s been wanting to rant to someone for so long about this. he also just wants you to know that he’s not into her. it’s all for show. he’s still all about you. he wants to make that crystal clear.
you nod your head listening to everything he’s saying. body feeling uneasy filled with jealousy when harry says she’s enjoying the intimacy they have to do for show.
“well, did you talk to her about it? or talk to jeff at least? there has to be something he can do..?” you ask.
harry sighs, “i’ve tried so hard. jeff said nothing they can do about it. and he’s telling me not to mess with olivia because her team can do more damage than good with my name. not that s’already ruined.” harry rubs his face with his hands, feeling stressed.
the way he’s acting is familiar to you. early on in your relationship, when you two were a freshly new couple, you guys wanted to be completely private. during that time, with harry and the band’s album coming out, his management made him do pr stunts like these. he was as stressed as he is now. you were so new to dating something in an industry. he didn’t want to scare you away. but you understood. you get it. and you still get it as he’s speaking.
“hmm..if i can recall, back when you had to do a stunt with kendall on the yacht, m’pretty sure it was the same situation. with kendall’s team being difficult, your’s not having much of a say. do what i told you back then, stand your ground, harry. tell olivia like you did with kendall. also kendall’s team at the time played dirty, yet they still were understanding with you and got someone new for a stunt. olivia’s team will probably get someone new as well. and how badly can they ruin your rep? everyone knows you’re the nicest person who wouldn’t kill a fly. and tabloids are tabloids. would you rather have a few bad headlines about you or would you rather deal with a stunt for what? another year now? that you feel uncomfortable with?” you state. smiling a bit because you know harry knows your right, he’s smiling a bit too. he knows you love being right and debating, pulling out facts. that’s what you always did during an argument. which is why you were always right.
man. why couldn’t he stand his ground with his team. why didn’t he take your advice back then? he should’ve sided with you. not his team. why is he always so scared of them?
self-loathing, harry breathes out a laugh, “always have to be right don’t ya? you know what to say every damn time,”
“what can i say? the lady is always right.” you say, smiling proudly while cleaning up the remains of the cheeseboard you and harry snacked on.
“thanks y/n, really, i know i can always come to you with this stuff,” harry states. looking at you with his piercing eyes, meaning every word he said.
you smiled and nodded, cleaning the kitchen a bit. it started to pour early on when you guys were having a chat about his situation, hoping silently it would come down faster so harry has an excuse to stay, you offer nonetheless. “why don’t you stay back for a bit, hm? s’pouring out there, only gonna get worse. we can watch something?”
“love island?” harry suggests.
“thought you’d never ask.”
few gasps and scoffs at some of the islanders and their drama later, you slowly were drifted off to sleep. harry, sitting on the other sofa from you, peaks to see if you’re still watching. his face was in awe. he misses this. domestic nights with you, chatting away eating in the kitchen, then watching something afterwards. only difference is that you two are on different sofas. whereas before you’d be coddled under his embrace. he slowly drifts off to sleep as well. rain still going on, technically he can still go home. driving in the rain was never an issue for him. but he’ll always use an excuse just to be with you.
iMessage: Olivia Wilde
1:34 AM - I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it.
that was one part harry left out of the story. he hooked up with her.
ahhhhh!!!! lmk if you guys want a part 2!!!
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
(google translate again, yeah)
(I forgot to thank you for the last answer, I really didn't know that the drama used the music of my compatriot, it was a pleasant surprise for me)
I don't know if anyone has asked you this before, but do you think JC was good with WWX as a kid?
I mean not just their childhood, but the time of their training in Gusu.
I really love JC, and I understand perfectly well that he is the most dick in character, but I love him precisely during my studies at Gusu, I can not give any arguments that then JC was directly GOOD to WWX, but he is clearly cared a little about him and even ... worried? at least that moment after the punishment where JC helped WWX get to the room...
Yay - I'm so happy to hear about Stravinsky :)
Hahah loving jc as the dick that he is is the way to do it! go for it. :) also, sorry this was so delayed I wanted to reread the Cloud Recesses arc so it would be fresh in my mind before answering.
In terms of jc the Cloud Recesses arc is perhaps the most 'mellow' we see him aside from the Lotus Pod Extra but for me it's still impossible to find him a worthwhile person. I can already see the faults in his character that I know will only get worse as he grows older. Canonically I don't see how he would have any friends studying in the Cloud Recesses if he didn't come as a package deal w Wei Wuxian. I mean I doubt jiang cheng would have any friends without WWX period. In fact jiang cheng doesn't make any friends over the course of 13 years. He's also unable to find a wife bc of his temperament and behavior...
What we can glean about their relationship in the Cloud Recesses arc (and even the Lotus Pod Extra) is that any time WWX gets a kind word or understanding from someone, jiang cheng scoffs at it. Any time someone shits on WWX, jc is there to agree, to relish the idea of WWX being punished, and shit on him some more. He would be an immensely exhausting person to be around. He doesnt believe in WWX's ideas and ingenuity, (as NHS does for example), he doesn't believe WWX is hurt, he always assumes the worst of him, he doesn't believe LWJ might like WWX. The only thing he ever seems to believe is that WWX will dishonor YunmengJiang and that WWX should be punished. So for a kid who supposedly wants his father's approval so badly he instead constantly acts like his mother's mouthpiece/minion. He reprimands WWX like he's trying to become Madam Yu 2.0. I see jc stans all the time being like oh he had to keep WWX in check bc WWX was such a lOOooose canon, for the good of the Clan!! lol listen JFM didn't give a f...about WWX's behavior (in his letter to LQR) why are you so concerned? JFM would have preferred for jc to try & save his peers in the Xuanwu cave or at least to understand why that was the correct course of action rather than for him to just sit in front of the class in the Cloud Recesses and tell WWX off for giving LQR as good as he got, while actually still breaking the rules himself but eschewing punishment.
salt up here, quotes below :
Even when Nie Huaisang picks up on the fact that WWX is being treated unfairly by LQR, jc dismisses it and piles on WWX instead.
Nie Huaisang said, “Old Man Lan really seems like he’s coming down especially harshly on you. Every time he reprimands someone, it’s always you.” Jiang Cheng grunted. “He deserves it. What kind of answer was that? He can get away with saying that sort of nonsense at home, but he had the nerve to say it to Lan Qiren’s face. He was practically asking for the old man to kill him!”
But does WWX get away with ANYTHING in Lotus Pier? When we know he is punished constantly for EVERYTHING? This is jiang cheng fully being his mother's mouth piece. It's not something WWX would get away with, it's something jc knows JFM wouldn't mind. Which is why he's so pissed off. Which begs the question if JFM would not be upset with WWX's behavior why does jc need to criticize him? Again :
A dark expression shadowed Jiang Cheng’s face, and his voice was filled with anger. “Why are you so proud of yourself? What is there to be proud of?! Is being told to get out some amazing accomplishment? You’re making our entire clan lose face!”
and his glee at the idea that WWX will be punished leaves a bad taste in one's mouth considering how WWX was perpetually punished in Lotus Pier by jiang cheng's mother for... existing.
Jiang Cheng smiled grimly. “Now that you’ve thoroughly offended both Lan Wangji and Lan Qiren, you’re basically dead tomorrow. No one’s going to clean up your corpse either.”
and again
Without the old one, only the young one remained. This would be easy to deal with! Wei Wuxian rolled off the bed and laughed while putting on his boots. “Heaven’s charmed clouds are blessing me with shade.” Jiang Cheng was beside him polishing his sword with loving care when he decided to spill cold water over Wei Wuxian’s head. “Just wait until he gets back. You can’t escape punishment.”
Where others like NHS see value in WWX's thoughts
Nie Huaisang thought for a while. “Actually, I thought what you said was very interesting,” he said, not entirely able to hide his envy and yearning.
jc is always dismissive of WWX's ideas. These are inventions that WWX realizes. Demonic cultivation in the first conversation and The Spirit-Attraction Flag and The Compass of Evil in the second:
“Enough,” Jiang Cheng warned. “Whatever nonsense you spout, you better not head down that sort of dark road.”
Changing the topic, Wei Wuxian said, “If only there was something like fishing bait that could draw the water ghosts in. Or, something that could point in the direction they’re hiding, like a compass, that sort of thing.”
“Lower your head and watch the water,” Jiang Cheng said. “You’re letting your fantasies run wild again. Concentrate on looking for water ghosts like you’re supposed to.”
“Hey, mounting swords and flying was also only a fantasy once!” Wei Wuxian said.
He's also a hypocrite. Because even though he berates WWX for misbehaving, he himself breaks the rules. He drinks, he even goads WWX into buying liquor, the only difference is that he doesn't get punished for it, and he doesn't feel like coming forward and getting punished for it :
Naturally, Jiang Cheng was too embarrassed to talk about what Wei Wuxian had been up to. After all, all of them had egged him on to go and buy alcohol, and they all deserved to be punished as well. He could only speak vaguely. “It’s nothing. It’s nothing. It’s not that bad! He can walk. Wei Wuxian, why haven’t you gotten off yet?”
It's no wonder WWX is so impressed by LWJ's integrity in spite of his social status, when he's clearly used to the other dynamic :
“Lan Zhan, I really admire you,” Wei Wuxian said sincerely. “After I told you that you had to punish yourself too, you actually did it. You didn’t let yourself off at all. I can’t argue against that.”
A dynamic which is shown repeating in the Lotus Pod Extra where WWX is the only one to get punished for sunbathing, and which repeats here when Wei Wuxian here stops jiang cheng from confronting Zixuan over YanLi's honor (and jc's) and does it himself.
Zixuan :“Why don’t you ask what about her could make me satisfied?” he said in return.
Suddenly, Jiang Cheng rose. Wei Wuxian pushed him away and stepped between them, smiling coldly. “You think you’re very satisfactory? As though you have the right to be so picky!”
Zixuan: “If she’s unhappy, then let her break off the engagement! I certainly don’t cherish your wonderful disciple-sister. If you cherish her so much, why don’t you take it up with your father? Doesn’t he love you more than his own son?”
After hearing the last sentence, Jiang Cheng’s eyes narrowed, and Wei Wuxian was no longer able to contain his own fury. He flew at Jin Zixuan, his fist raised.
WWX takes the punishment alone. Same way he offers to do when he hurts himself falling from a tree because jc threatened him with dogs. meanwhile jc is gleeful to see him being punished.
[Wei Wuxian] was kneeling on the stretch of pebble road to which Lan Qiren had assigned him when Jiang Cheng walked over from afar and mocked him. “You’re kneeling so obediently.”
“It’s not like you don’t know I have to do this all the time.” Wei Wuxian’s voice filled with schadenfreude. “But this Jin Zixuan guy, there’s no way he hasn’t been pampered and spoiled rotten since birth. No one’s ever forced him to kneel, I’m sure of it. If he doesn’t wind up crying for mommy and daddy today, I’m not named Wei.”....
Wei Wuxian "...It’s a good thing you didn’t do anything.”
“I was going to. If you hadn’t pushed me away, the other side of Jin Zixuan’s face would be hideous too.”
“Stop it. His face is uglier for being lopsided."
WWX is happy to have spared jc from getting into trouble but jc makes the whole thing about himself anyway (like everything else ever) and is upset JFM would rush over for WWX - in his mind. Even though JFM clearly had to rush over to meet with Jin Guangshan not to coddle WWX in any way.
"Jiang Fengmian had never rushed to another clan in less than a day because of him. Regardless of whether what happened was big or small, or good or bad." Never
WWX on the other hand tries to be observant of jc's feelings and reassure him & distract him from his moods :
When Wei Wuxian saw Jiang Cheng’s melancholy expression, he thought he was still upset with what Jin Zixuan said. “You should leave. You don’t need to keep me company any longer. If Lan Wangji comes again, he’ll catch you. If you have time, you should find Jin Zixuan and watch his pitiful kneeling.”
Later in the book after nearly dying in the Xuanwu cave WWX leaves his sick bed to run after jc and comfort him after his mother's rant, even though WWX had to listen to his parents (and himself) being slandered by YZY. jc doesn't spare any thoughts for how other people might be feeling or suffering. His entire perception of the world is centered around himself. To him even WWX's greatest fear doesn't generate empathy, only amusement or later on a form of torture.
From that point onward, they made trouble everywhere together, and if they encountered a dog, Jiang Cheng would always chase it away for him, then enjoy a peal of derisive, unbridled laughter at Wei Wuxian’s expense beneath whichever tree the boy had leapt atop.
he grew up on the streets, often having to fight for food with vicious dogs. After several bites and chases, he gradually became extremely scared of all dogs, no matter the size. Jiang Cheng laughed at him because of this quite a lot of times.
This brings me to the last point. jc's resentment of WWX's interest in Lan Zhan, or in a serious friendship outside of him. I see so many ppl say that bc WWX fought he was kicked out of the Cloud Recesses early... but was he?
Jiang Cheng was somewhat taken aback. “Lan Wangji? What was he doing here? He still has the nerve to come see you again?”
“Yeah, I think his bravery is laudable if he still has the nerve to come see me. His uncle probably told him to check on me and see if I was kneeling properly.”
Jiang Cheng’s instincts were sending him ominous signals. “So were you kneeling properly?”
“I was then,” Wei Wuxian replied. “But I waited for him to walk away a bit, then took a tree branch, lowered my head, and dug out a hole in the dirt near me. It’s the pile right by your foot—there are ant tunnels there. It took me so much effort to find them. Anyway, I waited for him to turn back and see my shoulders shaking. He had to have thought I was crying, so he came back and asked. You should have seen his face when he caught sight of the ant tunnels!
“…” Jiang Cheng said, “Why don’t you just get the hell out and go back to Yunmeng? I bet he never wants to see you again.”
Thus, that evening, Wei Wuxian packed up his things, got the hell out, and went back to Yunmeng with Jiang Fengmian.
Repeatedly throught his stay in the Cloud Recesses even while NHS was observing that LWJ's behavior around WWX was strange and unique, jc was telling WWX he is hated and bothersome. When WWX wanted to apologize to LWJ jc is completely dismissive of it :
“He hates me already? I was thinking of apologizing to him,” Wei Wuxian said.
“Oh, so you want to apologize now? It’s too late!” Jiang Cheng said derisively. “He’s exactly like his uncle. He thinks you’ve been wicked ever since you were an embryo, so it’s beneath his dignity to pay you any attention.”
Later on when WWX mentioned wanting to invite LWJ to Lotus Pier jc categorically says no.
“Jiang Cheng had on a stern expression, “Let’s make this clear. I don’t want him to come, anyhow. Don’t invite him.”
jc also always doubts WWX. He suspects him immediately of wrongdoings. He doesn't believe that getting hit with the discipline ruler in Cloud Recesses actually hurt him until LXC confirms that WWX might take more than a few days to heal. He doesn't understand WWX is in actual trouble from the Waterborne abyss and assumes he's fooling around luckily Lan Zhan is there to rescue him:
The disciple’s lower body had already been swallowed by the black whirlpool. It spun faster and faster, and he continued to sink deeper and deeper, as though something hidden beneath the water was pulling down on his legs.
Mounted on Sandu, Jiang Cheng had risen calmly until he was about sixty meters above the whirlpool before he looked down. Filled with displeasure at what he saw, he shouted and dove down. “What are you up to now?!”
The suction force inside Lake Biling grew ever stronger. Wei Wuxian’s sword was optimized for agility, and consequently, its strength happened to fall just short, and they were nearly pulled to the surface of the lake. Wei Wuxian steadied himself and held on to Su She with both hands.
“Someone help! If I can’t pull him up soon, I’ll have to let go!” he shouted.
Suddenly, the back of Wei Wuxian’s collar tightened, and his body was lifted into the air. He twisted his neck and saw Lan Wangji holding him up with one hand.
He maintains this same mindset when he tries to whip LWJ and WWX as they're attempting to leave Lotus Pier after the ancestral hall confrontation when WWX passes out.
Is jc evil in the Cloud Recesses ? No. He's just an annoying, basic, disagreeable asshole who doesn't bring anything positive to someone like WWX. People like jc become obsessed with kind, outgoing, generous people, people who don't set boundaries on what they give and what others take in their friendships. Even though they're dependent on them for their social interactions, because who else would socialize with them willingly, they resent them in equal measure, but at the same time they wouldn't be drawn to another selfish, self centered piece of shit person like themselves.
On a personal note, even Cloud Recesses jiang cheng is someone I would exclude from any personal friend group. Friendship with him is adding a minefield of jealousies and snide comments to every interaction. Things that then others will need to compensate around because he won't compromise or empathize w issues outside of his own concerns.
Translation source : x
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bbydclls · 2 years
rayne  here  again  !!  with  my  other  muse  who  has  also  been  hidden  away  in  my  brayne .  there’s  a  lot  of  work  and  development  that  she  needs  to  go  through  and  i’m  super  excited  to  have  that  happen  for  her  through  willow  !! 
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(   coco  jones  ,  female  ,  she / her  ,  twenty  one  )  $$$  — i'm  pretty  sure  i  just  saw  DESIRÉE  MONET  headed  out  of  the  estate  .  it's  weird  though  …  i  didn't  see  them  with  their  DISPOSABLE  CAMERA  .  i  didn't  know  they  left  the  house  without  it  .  i  feel  like  i  can  never  catch  them   ;   they're  always  so  busy  …  guess  that  makes  sense  since  they're  a  YOUTUBER - STREAMER / INFLUENCER  .  have  you  met  them  yet  ?  they  live  in  JUNIPER  DRIVE  ,  so  you  might've  missed  them  .  i  think  you'd  like  them  a  lot  ,  actually  .  i  swear  their  aura  is  PINK ,  and  that  seems  like  your  vibe  .  maybe  you'll  get  lucky  and  run  into  them  sometime  .  i  can  always  tell  when  they're  coming  up  the  hill  ‘cause  they're  constantly  blasting  BABYDOLL  by  ARI  ABDUL  …  it's  pretty  much  their  anthem  at  this  point  ,  so  if  you  hear  it  ,  you'll  know  they're  around  .  y'know  ,  the  other  day  ,  i  saw  a  tabloid  with  them  on  the  front  page  that  said  "  FROM  FANDOM  TO  FAME  :  HERE'S  DESIRÉE  MONET'S  THREE  TIPS  ON  FOLLOWING  YOUR  DREAMS   “ …  do  you  think  that's  true  ?  guess  we'll  see  what  the  neighborhood  watch  thinks  !   
、 ⠀ ་ ⸼ ⸒ ✴ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬  ›
full name  :  desirée lorraine monet
nicknames  :  dez  ,  dezzie
age  :  twenty - one
occupation  :  youtuber  (  vlogger  )  +  occasional  streamer  &  influencer
birthplace  :  LA  ,  california
orientation  :  pansexual
lives  in  :  juniper  drive
、 ⠀ ་ ⸼ ⸒ ✴ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝  ›
first things first , desirée is the youngest of the three monet sisters with charlotte being the middle and yvette being the oldest . and they grew up as quite a trio . 
with her dad being a cop and her mom being a nurse who never knew how to say no when asked to come in , it was no wonder the sisters grew close over their years spent together growing up . it was the three against the world .
they practically coddled her when she was younger . being a kid growing up with parents who were always gone and with one who always had his life on the line  ( because you never know what could happen in the blink of an eye ) , des was always a little anxious , a little paranoid . her sisters had to reassure her that everything was fine & that their parents would always be home in time for dinner .
unlike her two older sisters , she had never come face to face with their dad’s tough way of loving them . she was the youngest after all , the baby , and that just seemed to make her perfect in the eyes of her father .
their mother swore up and down that she didn’t have a favorite out of her three daughters and it was easy to see that she meant it but with their dad ... he could say he didn’t have one but he never was good at hiding that it was a lie . 
she grew up being able to do no wrong . it didn’t get to her head . she really was a good kid growing up . too scared of her dad being mad at her for getting bad grades so she always kept them up , loved by her teachers , not quite the straight A student but a few B’s here and there weren’t the end of the world .
her teachers did have to have a few conferences with her parents to discuss her bad habit of talking with her peers in class when she should’ve been paying attention . but what can you do ? she loved to talk 
and more than that , she loved to gossip .
that’s exactly how she met her high school best friends and they were the ones who had her kick off her youtube career . well , technically it was their youtube career . yknow , as a collective . 
it started off with her and her four friends venturing abandoned buildings and haunted locations which she had been absolutely crazy about . but as all good things do , it fell apart after they all graduated and went their separate ways . she kept with making videos though . 
with both her sisters being incredibly creative individuals she fell into the habit of comparing herself to them . she couldn’t paint or draw like yvette could and she definitely wasn’t as good at singing ( or writing music ) as charlie . she felt like she was at a standstill with her lack of talents and their multitude of them . so she kept with making videos .
whatever she thought of to film she did --- makeup reviews , clothing hauls , she even had a couple videos of her judging met gala outfits ... she gained a following at a fairly quick pace . 
her all time favorite video that she’s ever done though was when she interviewed her sister charlie . i mean , charlie is her all time favorite person in the world . wouldn’t you be stoked to interview your role model after looking up to them for so long ? i mean like yea it’s different since they’re literally sisters but that doesn’t change the fact that it meant everything to her that she got to make that video with her sister . 
now with quite the number of subscribers and one hell of a following on tiktok , desirée can safely call herself an influencer .
her favorite thing to do though with her career is interview other people . she even has an entire channel dedicated to interviews . and !  she’s even in the midst of starting her own podcast . because let me tell you , this girl truly does love to talk . 
、 ⠀ ་ ⸼ ⸒ ✴ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  ›
honestly desirée’s personality can be summed up into two words : she’s sweet .
if you need someone to talk to about anything , she’s your girl . she’s probably one of the least judgmental people you could ever meet because she knows better than to judge people when it’s not her place to .
she likes to talk . not like , love . you could get her going in any conversation and she’ll take you down a rabbit hole until you’re talking about something so far from the original topic you had . 
literally she’s just an extremely friendly person . her biggest fear is knowing there’s people out there that don’t like her because she really does try her hardest to be nice to everyone she meets . even if they don’t deserve it .
not to say that she’s nice all the time --- she’s only human , of course she has her bad days . she’ll snap at you if you catch her on one but i promise you she’d apologize immediately after .
i wouldn’t say she’s a flirty kind of person but she can be quite the romantic if she wanted to be . her standards are high from years of watching cheesy romcoms with happy endings + she grew up with parents who always seemed very in love whenever they were together . can you really blame her for having high standards ?
she’s not the type to actively search out for romance , she just likes being friendly with people yk ?
and to go along with friendly her love languages are acts of service and gift giving so don’t be surprised if she shows up when you’re doing something just to help or do it for you , with a complimentary coffee in her hand for you .
、 ⠀ ་ ⸼ ⸒ ✴ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬  ›
i know it deep down in my heart that desirée has a pet hamster . i feel it in my bones and it feels right . and he’s named something stupid : hammy ( short not for hamster , but for hamburger )
the one thing des will never walk out of her house without is a disposable camera . she loves taking pictures when she’s out and about because , usually , she’s out with friends not by herself . she always wants to be prepared to catch important moments .
and she’s in the influencer house here in juniper lane . so like there’s that LMFDSKLJF
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Strangers | Joaquín Torres
✦ pairing — Joaquín Torres x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 5.8k (I’m sorry, I don’t have much self-control left)
✦ loosely based on the song Strangers by Mallory Merk
✦ request — I’d like to ask for something where Bucky and the reader are roommates but she’s younger (Joaquin’s age) and one day Sam and Joaquin are there for whatever reason and that’s how Joaquin and Reader meet and they get along (and flirt obv) and Bucky is like a protective older brother and Sam vouches for him but Bucky doesn’t loosen up until Joaquin saves reader from danger or does something nice for her
✦ warnings — angst, awkwardness, Bucky acting like a jealous brother, mentions of beverages and food, light depictions of anxious worry, fluff.
Bucky and you were in the middle of discussing whether you should adopt a cat or not when a rhythmic knock on the door interrupted the urgent conversation.
“Are you expecting someone?” he asked, eager to go back to the pressing matter at hand.
“You know I am not. I didn’t order anything either...”
Bucky sighed. “I’ll check.”
“No!” You stood up abruptly from the couch. “You’ll scare whoever is behind the door off like you scared our poor neighbor.”
“Can you let that one go?”
“Nope,” you replied as you crossed the small living room.
You would never. The lady still tried to hide from him when she saw him down the hallway which was hilarious because it wasn’t due to the fact that he had famously been The Winter Soldier but because he grumpily opened the door when she needed a favor and closed it on her face.
As you opened the door, you found two attractive men standing in the doorway.
“Is Barnes here?”
“Oh, God. What did he do now?”
“I didn’t do anything!” he exclaimed in your ear, making you jump.
“Jesus, Bucky.”
“Sorry.” He then acknowledged one of the men in front of you, the one who had asked for him, “What’s wrong, Sam?”
“Can we come in?”
Both Bucky and you moved out of the way so the pair of handsome men could come inside.
“So you’re the roommate?” Sam asked.
“I am.”
“And you don’t think he’s the most annoying person you’ve ever met?”
“No. Should I?”
“I’m joking, I’m joking.”
“I’m Sam Wilson,” your interrogator introduced himself properly. “And this is Joaquín Torres.”
“Nice to meet you.” You smiled at Sam, then at Joaquín who smiled back.
Bucky cleared his throat.
Sam looked tense as he ominously said, “We need your help.”
“Give us some privacy, sweetheart,” Bucky told you.
You retreated to your bedroom, wondering what the secrecy could be about. You knew who Bucky was, what we had done, and everything in between.
And sure, some people thought you were crazy for being his roommate, but you weren’t scared of him. You trusted him and cared about him. In the few months you had gotten to know him he had become an important person in your life, one of your best friends.
His visitors didn’t stay for too long. You hadn’t even gotten comfortable on your bed after having put on a tv show to have something on the background when you heard the front door close.
A couple of minutes later, Bucky knocked on your door and opened it just enough to ask if he could come in.
He sat on your bed, fixing his eyes on your desk.
”So...” you broke the silence, “should I be worried?”
“Bucky. Look at me.”
He turned to the side, fully facing you. “What?”
“You don’t have to hide things from me or coddle me.”
“I know. But it’s nothing that can’t be fixed,” he assured you.
“Promise.” He gave you a small smile. “Now, about that cat...”
After a long week of work, you found yourself relieved to have the apartment just for you. Bucky was a lovely roommate, you just wanted an alone moment.
Saturdays were usually the day you had the apartment for yourself, Bucky had a strict routine until something extraordinary happened and you were comfortable with adapting to it.
To your luck, somebody knocked on the door. You hoped it was somebody looking for the neighbor or something because you weren’t in the mood for people.
Your mood, however, did a 180 as soon as you opened the door.
Joaquín gave you a small smile. “Good evening, (Name).”
Why did he have to come by when you were in sweats and an old t-shirt?! You smiled at him. “Hi.”
“Is Bucky home?”
“No. But he should be back in a couple of hours.”
“Oh. Well, I’ll wait for him outside.”
“Do you want a cup of coffee?” you asked. A part of you wanted to be polite, the other wanted to chat for a little bit. “I just started a batch.”
“Uh—“ Joaquín cleared his throat. “I would really like that.”
You motioned for him to come in. His eyes fixed on you as he did, but for some reason, you didn’t feel uncomfortable. There seemed to be no malice in his eyes.
“Free day?” he made small talk.
“Yeah. I actually don’t work on weekends.”
He shifted in order to face you and asked more about your job. You hoped it wasn’t part of his small talk anymore.
As the conversation progressed, you were sure it had been. His gaze remained on you whether he was speaking or listening, interest never wavering as he found more things to ask about you.
His eyes were such a peculiarity and you couldn’t understand why. Brown eyes were common, you had seen them thousands of times.
“I think the coffee’s ready,” he murmured.
“Right!” You abashedly stood up, smoothing your t-shirt as though it really mattered anymore.
“Do you need help?”
You shook your head. “I’ve got it.”
Glancing at him as you poured the beverages, you saw him staring at you too. Either you weren’t being subtle and were making him uncomfortable or he wasn’t being subtle either. Both options were terrifying.
You walked slowly towards the living room and put both cups down. “Sugar?”
As you went back to the kitchen, you checked the state of your hair on the microwave. Deciding there was nothing you could do to it, you left it as it was and took the container of sugar in your grasp along with a teaspoon.
You placed the sugar container on the table. “Cream?”
“No, thank you.”
Joaquín sweetened his coffee as you sat down next to him once again.
“You don’t like it with cream either?”
“No. I only remember to buy it for Bucky.”
Giving you his entire attention back, Joaquín lifted both eyebrows. “He takes his coffee with cream?”
“Oh, yeah.” You nodded enthusiastically. “I was as shocked as you are.”
“My grandma loved coffee with milk. She added so much that I don’t think it was coffee anymore.”
“Did you ever try it?”
“I didn’t. Well, maybe as a kid?” He tilted his head as he tried to remember. “I would prepare her coffee all the time...”
“That’s so sweet.”
He took a sip of coffee. So did you. For a moment both of you remained silent, and although it wasn’t uncomfortable you found yourself wanting to ask more about him.
You were out of practice in terms of social interaction. It was terrifying to admit, but the fear only made it truer. The blip changed and ruined lives, and while you were getting back on your feet, you still found yourself socially and emotionally stunted at times.
Joaquín didn’t seem to mind the silence. You wondered if he sought it.
Peacefulness and silence didn’t last. The front door opened unexpectedly and Bucky’s heavy steps cut the harmony of Joaquín’s and your breathing.
“I didn’t know you would be coming over,” Bucky grumbled.
Joaquín jumped off his seat. He took the file in his grasp and handed it to Bucky. “Sam wanted me to give you this.”
Humming, Bucky opened the folder. He gave the contents a quick read, then closed it again. “Well, you gave it to me already.”
“Right. Uhmmm...” Joaquín turned to the side and lightly bowed. “Thank you for the coffee, (Name).”
“Anytime,” you said, voice too enthusiastic even for your liking.
Joaquín gave you another smile before leaving the apartment, causing your face to flush.
You attempted to entertain yourself by washing the cups, but you still couldn’t believe you had spoken like a teenager with a crush.
Bucky leaned onto the wall. “I saw the way you were looking at Torres.”
“With my eyes?” you teased.
“With too much enthusiasm.”
“He’s cute,” you admitted as you twisted to look at him.
“Nope, not happening.”
“Not happening what?” Feigning innocence never worked with him, but you still liked trying. However, his glare told you this wasn’t the time to be playful. “Bucky, come on, I just admired the view. It’s not like I’m planning on running after him to ask him to marry me.”
He narrowed his eyes.
“Do you believe me capable of asking somebody I barely know to marry me?” As soon as the question left your mouth, you added, “You know what? Don’t answer that.”
“He gave you the same eyes you were giving him,” Bucky said grumpily.
“He did?”
“Can you be serious for a moment?”
“Oh, Buck, I’m being more than serious.”
He rolled his eyes. “Is this my first time seeing you with a crush?”
“Do you find it charming?”
“You weren’t this cocky with him.”
“Were you eavesdropping?!”
“I thought you had another type of company. Wanted to make sure it was safe to come in.”
“That’s such a bad excuse.”
“Not as bad as your flirting.”
“Just because you used to be a good flirt doesn’t mean you still are. Be humble, Barnes.”
“I’m still better than you.”
You stuck your tongue out. “I’ll become the best flirt in the world. You’ll see.”
“Absolutely not. And Torres is off limits!”
“Awww, do you want him for yourself? Can I have Sam then?”
“You don’t even know him!”
“Sam or Joaquín?”
“Joaquín,” he grumbled.
“Whose fault is that? I couldn’t even get his number because you had to show authority or whatever macho bullshit is clouding your judgment.”
“My judgment isn’t clouded.”
“You need to get laid so I can get laid.”
“What’s wrong with taking things slow? The last date I went on was a disaster.”
“Nothing,” you assured him. “I just think you need to de-stress, have some clarity and see I just have a mild crush.”
“Yeah. I was kinda intense in high school.” You feigned a shudder. “Dark times.”
“What about college?”
“We don’t talk about that. I had terrible taste.”
You tried another approach, “We’re acting like children and I’m pretty sure we are adults. I pay taxes, dude, I can have a crush on whoever I want.”
“Of course. You’re a big girl.”
You could tell he was only going with your flow. But you would take it.
Bucky sat in front of Sam. Brows furrowed as he went through the same file Joaquín had given him a few days ago.
He didn’t like the idea of going after anybody. He had left violence to the side already. Did this count as ruining it all so soon?
Glancing at Sam, who was expectantly watching him, Bucky sighed. “What about (Name)? What should I tell her?”
“I could send Torres—“
“Barnes,” Sam sighed, “you know we can trust him.”
“For this type of stuff. Not with (Name). You didn’t see the way he was looking at her the last time.”
“He might have a crush,” Sam conceded, “but you’re acting like he wants to murder her.”
“He might,” Bucky said without really meaning it.
Sam crossed his arms. “Do you like her or something?”
“Not like that,” Bucky replied, almost offended. “She’s like a sister to me, Sam. I care about her, I want to protect her.”
“By not letting her see people?”
“You don’t get it.”
“No, I do. And I know damn well this isn’t the right way to do it.”
Bucky scowled, yet knowing Sam wanted to say something else, remained quiet.
“Think about this. You’re worried something will happen to her while we do this, and I’m telling you Torres could keep her safe but you’re being childish because you think you should act like a jealous brother.”
“What if he breaks her heart? Huh? What then? She likes him!”
“He’s nice, of course she likes him! You should be glad he likes her too, dumbass.”
“She’s not ready to date people.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
Bucky shifted in his seat. “I’m not trying to be a dick, Sam. She’s been through hell.”
“Something might not even happen between them, you’re jumping to conclusions way too quickly.” Sam then added, “Unless both are into fast dating in which case things would be fine too.”
“You don’t know that. He could hurt her.”
“You already managed to run a background check on him and—“
Bucky interrupted, “How do you know?”
Sam nonchalantly shrugged. “I’d do the same.”
Bucky hung his head, staring down at the file on the small table. “Can I beat him up if he does something he shouldn’t?”
“He won’t.”
“But can I?”
“Will you shut up if I say yes?”
Sam withdrew his phone, tapped the screen a couple of times and brought the device to his ear. “Torres. Are you busy?”
Bucky huffed through his nose and then went back to read the file for the hundredth time.
The forecast that morning had forced you to carry an umbrella and a jacket that you ultimately had to shed. It rarely rained around your workplace; you couldn’t say the same about your apartment.
You weren’t sure what type of natural phenomenon was at play —or fault, really— but you were not happy about it.
Hoping you hadn’t forgotten to close your bedroom window, you quietly wished your coworkers a good night and made your way towards the exit.
You found a face you seemed to see everywhere. Mostly due to your daydreams, but who could blame you apart from Bucky?
Joaquín slid his right hand off his pocket and waved at you.
Waving back, you approached him. “What are you doing here?”
“You weren’t home so I contacted Sam so he could ask where you could be and Bucky said you worked here so I came here.”
You couldn’t hide your smile upon hearing his convoluted explanation. “I imagined as much. What I meant with my question is why are you here?”
“Oh! I’m making sure you get home safe.”
You frowned. “Is something wrong?”
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “But we don’t want to take any risks.”
You didn’t know who was we exactly although you could assume he was talking about Bucky. And about himself. The realization made your stomach flip.
“Are we walking?”
“I drove here,” he explained, hesitating to make the first move towards his car.
You gave the first step forward, getting slightly closer to him. A whiff of his cologne hit you and just like that it was gone. He started walking too.
“Had a nice day?”
“It wasn’t too bad. How about you?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary.”
You wanted to oh so badly ask what his ordinary was. Fuck, it was like you were having a crush for the first time all over again.
“So... are you staying at mine or...?”
“I’ll sleep here in the car.”
“There’s a couch right there. Kinda comfy if you ask me...”
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“Please, you’ll be there because of me, it’s the least I can do.”
“It’s no problem,” he hurried to assure you.
The streets looked different from the car. Bigger. You were so used to public transport, to see people from afar — to perceive everything from the perspective of somebody trapped in a box that had been created to make things easier for them.
You didn’t feel small per se, yet people looked bigger too. It was as though you had forgotten that people outside of your bubble existed.
Friends were almost nonexistent in a world that still was trying to recover from a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
The people you considered friends kept their distance from you and each other because they didn’t have other choice. Work, school for those privileged enough, debt, grief... all those things got in the way. And perhaps it was better that way for now. Everybody needed to heal.
An empty hallway greeted you. It wasn’t too late, but your neighbors kept mostly to themselves. Bucky preferred it that way.
You pushed the door open after unlocking the two locks, allowing Joaquín to get in first.
He shed his dripping jacket, bashfully hanging it on the coat hanger.
“Can I offer you anything to drink or eat?” you asked, placing your belongings next to the couch.
“Whatever you’ll be having.”
You tugged the fridge door open. “Are you allergic to anything?”
“Not that I know of.” He approached you, leaning on the kitchen bar. “Surprise me?”
“Oh, yeah, I will. With a visit to the ER.”
“Hey, it’d be a surprise nonetheless.”
You giggled and took a glance at him. The ghost of a smile crept into his face before he started laughing too.
“You don’t have a boyfriend that would get mad at me for staying here, do you?”
You chuckled. “No.”
“Are you even into guys?”
“I am.”
“That’s good.” Realizing he had sounded too happy, he added, “I mean... it would also be good if you weren’t, obviously.”
“I get what you meant.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah, it’s cool.”
Neither of you stopped smiling. You only moved when the fridge’s door alarm interrupted.
You ended up ordering takeout and talking to him past midnight.
But not every night was lighthearted. Such a thing was true to life and to this particular week.
Joaquín was a good distraction before and after work, but the moment the time to say goodnight arrived, worry heaved on your entire body.
You tiptoed your way towards the kitchen, desperate for a glass of water. Hoping the stream of water wouldn’t make too much noise, you filled the glass and stood in the middle of the kitchen, slowly drinking it.
“Can’t sleep?”
You jumped, splashing water onto you and in consequence the floor. A couple of days or so weren’t enough for you to be completely used to Joaquín’s voice. Albeit nice, it was still new.
He turned the light on. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
You clumsily placed the glass on the counter. “It’s okay. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Sleep was elusive, something you had assumed was in the past. Insomnia had been your loyal friend throughout the blip, then grief joined.
Bucky was the closest thing you had to a family now. What if you had to grieve him too?
As though he had been reading your mind, Joaquín softly said, “He’ll be okay.”
“You sound so sure...”
“He’s strong and skilled. Sam is too.”
“I’m scared,” you confessed. “I don’t wanna be all alone again.”
He placed his hand on your shoulder. It almost burned you. “You won’t be.”
You pursed your lips. You had heard that one many times before.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, just... you know...” You started laughing instead of truly explaining yourself.
But you didn’t need to explain anything. “It’s okay, everything will be okay.”
You laughed again, louder this time, nodding because what else could you say? That you couldn’t believe him if you wanted to?
He looked at you with worry. “Do you have any tea?”
You nodded once more, unable to speak as you continue laughing and pointing to the top cupboard.
“I’ll fix you a cup.”
Crying out of laughter, you sat at the small table, leaning on your forearms as you tried to watch him — the tears didn’t allow you to truly assess the damage.
Said tears worried you. The last time you had properly cried seemed to have been too long ago to be healthy.
Then again, not many people were in a healthy position as of now.
Before you could even realize what was going on, Joaquín softly set a cup on the table. “Sorry for not adding sugar, I didn’t think it was a good idea.”
Embarrassed due to the fact that you couldn’t stop laughing, you avoided his eyes and wrapped your fingers around the cup. “Thank you,” you mumbled.
“Hey,” he said softly, “it’s no problem, okay?”
You hummed, inhaling the scent of the tea before taking a small sip.
He made you company as you drank the hot beverage at your own pace. In complete silence, trying to hide from you that he was playing with his fingers under the table.
“I think so.”
“Do you need anything else?”
“I don’t know.”
“You have work tomorrow...”
How could you forget? You stood up with the cup in your grasp and went into the kitchen to wash it.
“I can wake you up for work if you want,” he offered.
“My alarm is loud enough.”
“Oh, yeah,” he said as if he was just remembering, “I’ve heard it.”
You huffed a laugh. “Good night.”
“Good night.”
Before he could turn around, you called for him, “Joaquín?”
“Would you keep me company until I fall asleep?”
“Of course.”
It felt strange to have somebody that wasn’t Bucky in your bedroom. Joaquín curiously eyed the room while you got comfortable in the bed — his eyes eventually landed on you.
He gripped your desk chair and took it out.
Before he would sit down, you told him, “You can sit on the bed if you prefer. That chair ruined my back.”
Considering the offer, he approached the bed, slowly as he looked at you in case you changed your mind.
You patted the empty space. “I don’t bite.”
Tentatively sitting down, he asked, “Why haven’t you changed the chair?”
“I like the color.”
He softly laughed. “It’s pretty,” he agreed. “Looks nice with your decoration.”
“Thank you.”
His hand brushed your forearm as the two of you shifted at the same time. Your face heated up, and now you wondered if his palm contrasted the softness of the back of his hand.
Joaquín cleared his throat. “Try to sleep,” he whispered, “I’ll be here.”
You took a deep breath before closing your eyes. Focusing on trying to remember what you had been thinking before falling asleep the last time you got some rest, you got lost in your own head.
The door creaked as it was pushed open. Bucky opened his mouth.
Joaquín brought his index finger to his closed lips, signaling for Bucky to not make a sound.
Joaquín looked down at your form, still fast asleep. Your head was on his shoulder, face semi-buried in his t-shirt.
Bucky watched as Joaquín softly removed your head from his shoulder, delicately making it rest onto the pillow — he then left the bed in silence and tucked you into the covers before leaving the room.
”Everything in order?”
Bucky grumbled in affirmation. “What was that?”
“She was worried about you. Couldn’t sleep.”
“Nothing else?”
Joaquín shook his head, hoping he was managing to mask his disappointment.
Bucky hummed. “Thank you, Joaquín. For everything.”
“It was no problem.”
Joaquín collected his few belongings in a minute, taking a glance at the ajar door that separated your bedroom from the lounge area.
“Could you text me when she wakes up or if she needs anything?”
Bucky stood silent for a few seconds. Seconds that for Joaquín felt like hours. “I will. Go home.”
Having Bucky back at home was relieving. Except for the fact that he looked like he wanted to say something but didn’t know how to spill it.
“Is there anything you want to say?” you yelled from the couch.
He stopped chopping carrots to lift his head. “Did you get Torres’s number?”
Turning the TV off, you pushed yourself to a sitting position and eventually left the couch.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Have you called him?”
“I sent him a meme.” You extended your hand, taking a piece of carrot. “He laughed and sent one back.”
“I assumed you would have asked for his hand in marriage by the time I would be back.”
“Ha ha, you’re so funny.”
Bucky snorted. You munched on your cube of carrot.
“Maybe you’re reading too much into it. He’s genuinely nice, you know? People can be friends regardless of gender.”
“What happened to wanting to get laid?”
“I doubt it’s mutual.”
“He likes you and you like him. That’s practically the definition of mutualism.”
“You said he was off-limits,” you accused.
“He isn’t anymore.”
“I didn’t get the memo.”
“Don’t get grumpy with me.”
“I’m not grumpy.” You pouted. “But what if he doesn’t like me that way? He’s a really nice person, maybe that’s it.”
“Oh my God,” Bucky exhaled, shaking his head. “You’re impossible.”
You whined, “Buuuuuuuuucky. Don’t be mean.”
“Don’t act obtuse then.”
“I haven’t dated anybody in years. I don’t know how to do it. He’s fun to talk to, don’t get me wrong — I’m the problem.” You sighed dramatically. “We should throw a pity party for me,” you sarcastically said.
“Why do you think I’m making lasagna?”
“I honestly thought Sam was coming over for dinner.”
Bucky blushed due to his inability to be subtle which was the most shocking thing you had learned about him.
Truth to be told, Bucky’s words stayed in your mind for days. You continued casually texting Joaquín, not sure if you should ask him out or let it go.
You wanted to, and it wouldn’t be the first time you had made the first move — that didn’t bother you. What bothered you was the mere idea of asking him out too soon.
Seeing your phone light up with Joaquín’s name and a message attached to it genuinely improved your day every single time.
It was so hard not to be in his orbit when apart from being handsome he was so nice and easy to talk to.
You liked him, you really did. You also liked that things didn’t feel awkward with him when you knew they would’ve been unbearable with somebody else. It was liberating.
Are you home?
If you were looking for Bucky, he’s out on a date.
I know. But I’m not here to see him.
You’re there?
Yeah. I’ve been here for a few minutes now.
I’m having drinks with my coworkers. Two of them are celebrating their birthday. I can ditch if you need anything.
I wanted to see you.
I also wanted to ask...
Are you busy next Saturday?
Your heart skipped a beat. I’m not.
Eyes glued to the three dots that signaled he was typing, you finished your drink in a single swig.
Would you go out with me?
You can pick wherever we go, I don’t mind.
I would love to!
Was the exclamation mark too much?
Fuck, you felt like a teenager again.
And I don’t mind if you pick.
Why don’t we make that decision later?
Sounds good to me.
Sorry for making you wait outside for nothing.
I’m the one who appeared unannounced, but it’s okay. I got almost everything I wanted.
You’re making not ditching really hard right now.
Good to know I’m doing something right.
But you should hang out with your coworkers.
And be careful. If you remember, text me when you get home.
It was stupidly hard not to be smitten by him.
“For the millionth time, you look fine.”
You glared at Bucky.
“He’s right,” Sam assured you from the couch. “You look fine, and it’s just a casual date. You’ll be okay.”
“Just a casual date?” you asked in a high pitch that surprised the three of you.
“He’s seen you in the morning already,” Bucky reminded you, lifting his eyebrows. “I don’t understand why you’re so nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” you defended yourself. “I’ve had these jeans for literal years and I’m scared I’m gonna rip them.”
“Take a jacket or coat with you just in case.” Sam offered the solution immediately.
You did as Sam suggested and carried your favorite jacket over your forearm.
In contrast to what you saw every morning, there wasn’t a single familiar face in the subway. As you checked the time to make sure you wouldn’t be late, you saw that one of your other friends had wished you good luck on your date.
The fact that somebody apart from Bucky —and Sam— openly wanted you to succeed at something outside of work improved your mood. You had lied to Bucky earlier regarding being nervous, less due to embarrassment, and more because you didn’t want to admit you were scared of still not knowing how to handle things when they went wrong.
Rejection was easier to take in comparison to the way things crumble after they seem to be going well. Rejection is quick, it eventually passes — regret and what-ifs potentially stay forever. You had the scars to prove it.
You had to walk a couple of blocks from the station to the place you would meet Joaquín at. The area was new to you, colorful and lively from what looked to be brand new businesses.
Upon arriving at the diner, you understood why Joaquín had chosen that place. It wasn’t crowded by any means, but it looked far from empty. It was the perfect middle ground for a first date.
Such observation didn’t ease up your nerves, yet giddiness couldn’t stop itself from bubbling up.
“Oh!” he exclaimed from behind you. “I was about to text you.”
You turned around. “I just got here.”
Joaquín silently stared at you, taking a shaky breath and bobbing his head open and closed.
He settled for a short compliment, easier to say than the jumbled mess of euphoric reactions he internalized, “You look great.”
“I—“ You weren’t expecting that. “Thank you. You look really nice.”
You might have been selling it short, he looked as handsome as ever and more — but you didn’t want to sound intense or say too much and scare him off.
He looked down for a moment, trying to fight the warmth crawling up his skin. “Thank you,” he said quietly before looking up once again.
His bashfulness was a good sign, it would be less awkward if both of you felt the same way about the prospect of a first date.
“I found this place by mistake a few weeks ago,” he told you as he opened the door for you. “Their coffee is great.”
He let you choose the table, arguing that it was your first there and he wanted you to have the best experience. You appreciated his effort.
Bucky and Sam mentioned you could come across as being uncomfortable around others, he must’ve been under the same impression.
In all fairness, it was less about being uncomfortable and more about being scared of oversharing.
“Are you a big coffee guy?”
“Kind of. I’m used to instant coffee even though I don’t like it so I try a different one every time I can.”
“I have a coworker who is obsessed with that stuff.” You chuckled. “But they drink it cold.”
Joaquín huffed a laugh. “It might taste better like that.”
The conversation deviated from mindless small talk to work, and then to your interests — it was refreshing to know you shared a few and even more so to find he was open to giving things he didn’t know a try.
After eating, the two of you decided to take a walk just so you could talk some more.
Your hand brushed his by mistake. Joaquín looked down. He pressed the back of his hand against yours, momentarily pushing his fingers between yours.
“Is that okay?”
He pulled away then slid his hand under yours. Clasping his palm against yours, he stared at your face in search of your reaction. “How about that?”
“Also yes.”
He smiled. “Good thing I listened to Sam when he said I wasn’t imagining things and you were into me too.”
“You know, I almost made the first move.”
“What stopped you?”
You shrugged. “Maybe I would have drunkenly asked you out if you hadn’t beat me to it.”
He hummed yet made no further comment.
“You don’t believe me?”
“I do, I do!”
“It took us a while to exchange phone numbers. Imagine if it had taken us the same to go out?”
“Oh God, we would be stuck third-wheeling Sam and Bucky.”
“I’m so sorry you have no escape from that,” he joked.
“I just hope they never have sex when I’m in the apartment or I will need therapy I can’t afford.”
He lightly squeezed your hand. “I’ll rescue you, don’t worry.”
It was your turn to smile. “I’ll take that as a sign that I’ll be seeing you again.”
“As long as you don’t see it as a threat...”
You giggled. “I would never.”
According to the blog posts you read online, guys seemed to like it when the other person assured them they had a good time with them. You hoped he had gotten the hint.
In case he hadn’t, you said, “There was this coffee shop near my childhood home that I used to love... They had the best chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted and the coffee was delicious too. I heard it reopened...”
“We should go there next time.”
“Sounds good. I haven’t visited the neighborhood in a while.”
“Any reason in particular?”
“I don’t know anybody around there anymore.”
It was getting late and you knew your time together would be over. At least for tonight.
He walked you toward the subway station, swinging your intertwined hands. The conversation didn’t seem to end, he could thread on any topic and you would’ve listened to him until his voice was hoarse and his throat dry.
You couldn’t leave without properly telling him what a great time you had. It was too soon to know what would happen, you weren’t naive, but you also really fucking liked him.
“I had a great time,” you reassured him. “Thank you.”
“Me too. I hope it repeats soon.”
You did too. All those nerves had thankfully paid off.
He scratched the back of his head with his free hand. “I’m sorry if I’m being too forward, but... can I kiss you?”
“You’re not being too forward.”
“Is that a yes?”
Joaquín licked his bottom lip and cupped your cheek with a hand. His other one tightly held yours, giving you time. You wetted your lips too. Then he leaned in and kissed you.
You basked in the kiss’s bliss. Short, sweet, perfect in every single aspect. The kind of human contact you had longed for years and had been too scared to look for.
His eyes were on you as you opened your own — shining with a happy glint.
“You’re even prettier from up-close,” he commented lowly, hand still on your face.
Your gaze fell to his wrist for a second. Then you held his. “I could say the same to you.”
“Thank God.” He giggled.
“You said you needed to wake up early tomorrow...” you said, much to your own dismay. You didn’t want to be selfish.
“I’ll wait for your train to get here.”
And so he did, and you almost cursed the stupid giant can when it arrived.
You reluctantly let go of his hand. “Text me when you get home just so I know you arrived safely, yeah?”
He nodded. “Promise.”
He kissed your cheek. “Goodnight.”
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Road Not Taken (one-shot)
Part of the Stray Wolves Series
F/M Pairing: Y/N x Bang Chan (SKZ)
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Language, Lots of dirty talk, breeding kink, mentions of knotting, heavy degradation...basically, this is pure filth (but only at the end)
Word Count: 5.5 K
Genre: Werewolf AU; Marriage AU
Summary: It’s true that Bang Chan, the legendary pack alpha of the Stray Wolves, had never felt the need to take a mate until he met Y/N, the much-younger she-wolf who stole his heart. As the pack alpha’s mate, there are certain expectations that she must meet in her position, but she’s still learning while also getting into trouble with her close friends Seungmin and Jeongin. 
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Honestly speaking, the concept of mates and mating had never held any influence over me until the day I officially presented as an Omega. Suddenly, the idea of growing old with someone while taking care of our pups seemed like a scenario that I desperately needed in my life. Consequently, it consumed all of my dreams involving the future, but I still didn’t expect a proposal from my pack alpha whose dimpled smile made me feel incredibly special.
For starters, Chan was much older than me, and he was friends with my older brother, Jisung, who was caught off-guard by our sudden romance. You see, Chan became pack alpha after our last leader formally retired, and he had been serving in his place for many years. It was always customary for the pack alpha to find a mate, but Chan didn’t seem to favor the traditional approach. In fact, many of my pack members thought that he would never find a mate.
At least, until Chan approached me one morning after the two of us spent the day hunting together, which wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Despite being Jisung’s friend, Chan and I were fairly close, and I liked spending time with him because he never saw me as a younger member who still needed time to mature. And maybe I was young and reckless, but Chan never treated me like I was something to coddle, even if his overprotective instincts occasionally intervened.
When I officially mated with Chan, the entire pack was shocked. It seemed somewhat scandalous considering our age-gap and the numerous women who Chan had passed on throughout his tenure as alpha. But Chan had never concerned himself with the opinions of others, and he simply brought me into his life like I had always belonged next to his side.
It was an enormous responsibility, and I was still learning how to properly navigate the complexities of my responsibilities as pack Luna, especially in consideration of my age. But I wanted to do my best for Chan since he was giving me everything that I wanted, and, for the most part, I stayed on my best behavior for him, even if it was sometimes hard to resist the occasional moment of mischief. Especially when my friends Seungmin and Jeongin were involved, and they were a big part of the reason why our little trio had been deemed the pack’s troublemakers.
Maybe that’s why Chan always hesitated whenever I brought them up in conversation, and I carefully studied my mate from the warmth of our bed as dressed himself in regular clothes. “What are your plans, love?” he asked while busying himself with the buttons on his shirt.
“I don’t know,” I answered mindlessly. “I’ll probably just spend the day with Seungmin and Jeongin.”
Chan grimaced at the mention of their names, adjusting the leather strap of his belt as he considered me with dark eyes. “Just be careful,” he said, approaching the bedside to lean down and inhale deeply against my neck. 
“I’m not a kid,” I grumbled against his touch, squirming around on the mattress.
“I know you’re not,” Chan said, smirking when he pulled back. “But it’s my job to worry about you.”
“You don’t have to worry all the time,” I protested, but Chan’s smile was still warm as he left our shared bedroom, and I waited until I could hear the sound of the front door closing before jumping out of bed.
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When I was barely of age to leave my mother’s side, I met Seungmin and Jeongin by accident. Apparently, the younger two pups had formed a formiddable alliance, and they always did their best to push the limits of their mother’s patience. They were brothers by blood, but they were also best friends, and I never thought that I would find a place in their dynamic.
However, when we met for the very first time, I found out that Seungmin and Jeongin shared a lot of the same mischievous nature that often resulted in my mother apologizing to the older wolves who complained when I disrupted their frequent slumber. Because of our natural inclinations for mischief, I found myself joining the brothers as we wrecked havoc and mayhem on our other pack members who were certainly not impressed by our hijinks.
I’m sure my past behavior contributed to my pack’s hesitance when Chan accepted me as his mate. After all, they would be expected to show the pack Luna respect, but that was hardly feasible considering who I liked to keep in close company. Initially, Chan had tried to discourage our meetings by forcing Jeongin and Seungmin to join as many hunting and border patrols as he could manage. But we still found ways to see one another, and I think Chan gradually decided that he couldn’t stop the inevitable, even if his most recent warning to the brothers had forced them to reconsider some of our more impressive pranks...
“Are you sure about this?”
There was a slight note of trepidation in Seungmin’s tone, and it matched the look of insecurity on his face as we stood outside of the abandoned house in the woods. It was fabled among our pack’s younger members to be haunted, and some of the elder had warned us that it was strictly off-limits which, of course, stoked my curiosity. So, I scoffed at his hesitation because both Seungmin and Jeongin had been excited to talk about visiting the house last night. Yet, confronted with the real thing, they were both suddenly the world’s biggest cowards.
“Come on, guys, we all want to know what’s inside,” I said, reaching back for Seungmin’s hand. 
“Yeah, but if it’s something bad...” Jeongin trailed off, and his eyes widened with a sudden realization. “What if Chan finds out?”
“He’ll never know,” I assured him. “Let’s just go inside and look around.”
I started forward without an ounce of hesitation, walking up the front steps of the house’s porch with confidence. I could also hear Seungmin and Jeongin following me from behind, and I took that as a good sign that my friends has refused to feel intimidated by my alpha’s attempts to ruin our fun. After all, what’s the worst that could happen in an abandoned house?
With this in mind, I reached out to open the front door, and it was unsurprising when I found it unlocked, allowing it to fall back against the hinges. The inside of the house was musty and old, and there was a foul smell in the air like the house was hiding something that was slowly rotting away. Whatever it was, I nearly gagged around the smell as it assaulted by sensitive nose, looking back over at Seungmin and Jeongin who both wore matching expressions of disgust.
“Where is that coming from?” Seungmin asked, and I allowed him to take the lead as we walked into the first room.
It appeared to be some form of kitchen, and I could identify dozens of places that might generate such a foul-smelling stench. “This place is disgusting,” Jeongin said. 
“What did you expect?” I snorted. 
“It’s really cold too,” Jeongin remarked, and I startled when I realized that he was right, and that was a bit strange considering the weather outside.
Nevertheless, I continued my exploration of the house, leaving the kitchen and approaching some of the rooms at the back of the house. I heard Jeongin and Seungmin laughing at something in the kitchen, but I paid them no mind as I opened the door to the first room.
It wasn’t anything special, but there was a bed in the middle of the floor and a closet near the heavily boarded-up window. I exhaled slowly, walking across the creaking floorboards as I noticed something strangely familiar tickling my senses. My wolf was suddenly on high-alert, and I was trying to look for anything that might be triggering the hair-raising response to whatever I was smelling that was right on the edge of my consciousness...
I nearly jumped out of my skin, spinning around on my heel at the sound of Jeongin’s high-pitched shrill. “Hey!” I shouted, leaving the bedroom door wide open as I retraced my steps to the kitchen. “What’s going on?”
“Y/N.” Seungmin’s voice was hushed, and the two boys were standing shoulder-to-shoulder in a defensive posture. I stood on my toes to look over them, and I felt my breath hitch at the back of my throat because standing at the entrance to the kitchen was a man. But I knew immediately that he wasn’t just an ordinary human who happened upon the house...
“Vampire,” I whispered, but not like our neighbors who lived in the mountains. These were rogue vampires who had been cast aside, and they were left without the necessary vampire bonds and fresh sources of blood required to sustain them. It certainly explained the metallic smell that had been all over that bedroom, and it provided justification for the lack of sunlight penetrating the inside. 
This vampire was in the late stages of decay, and his blood-red eyes revealed that he was in no mood for our playful adventure. In fact, I could detect the hunger in his gaze, and I reached for Seungmin’s arm because I knew that we were in trouble.
“We need to get outside,” Jeongin said, and I nodded in response. 
Because this vampire would not last in the sun, and it was our only possible form of salvation since there was no fighting a desperate vampire. 
“Start walking the other way,” Seungmin said, and the three of us started to back up carefully, keeping the vampire in our line of sight as we tried for another means of escape.
However, I had taken no more than a couple of steps backwards when I felt another cold blast hit me from behind. I immediately stopped, and it caught Seungmin’s attention. He turned around to confront me, but his eyes widened and I knew that he had found the source of that chilly presence.
There was more than one vampire in this house. 
“We’ll have to fight,” I said, and Jeongin whimpered at the idea.
“Stay close,” Seungmin said, and we formed a protective circle as the Vampires started to approach, fangs bared and with sinister snarls interrupting the quiet of the kitchen.
I held my breath, waiting for the right opportunity to shift, when I heard Seungmin let out a warning growl, and I realized too late that the first vampire had launched himself at my friends. Our circle was broken, and I nearly lost my balance at the force thrown against me from behind. Yet, it also created the perfect opportunity for the second Vampire who quickly took advantage of the distraction. 
I fell to the ground hard, groaning at the pain jolting through my shoulder from the impact. But I was given no time to consider my injuries as my adrenaline kicked in and affected all of my concentration. It was enough to take my mind away from the fall, but not enough to muster an offensive strike. I was left playing defense with a rabid Vampire who knew that I was much weaker on my own. 
I whimpered as the Vampire stood over me, teeth glinting menacingly as he hissed in my direction. I closed my eyes at the harsh sound, ready to accept my fate at the hands of the cruel Vampire, when a familiar howl broke through the haze of fear and confusion. And I realized with a barely-restrained gasp that an enormous jet-black wolf had suddenly attacked the Vampire, saving my life. I took a moment to catch my breath before using the counter to help myself stand up again, looking around the room at my pack members fighting the Vampires who had almost successful in their campaign.
I winced when I realized that the familiar jet-black wolf was my mate, and he was savage in his assault. Yet, at the same time, I realized that Chan was not inflicting much damage to the Vampire - almost like he didn’t want to harm it. I was puzzled by the consideration, but a quick tug on my arm alerted me to Changbin, our pack Beta, who was yelling at me to join the others outside.
I immediately obeyed his order, trying to avoid the Vampires and Werewolves engaged in heavy conflict, noticing that more Vampires had somehow joined the attack. But the escalating situation was left behind for the much-needed sunlight, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I found Seungmin and Jeongin unharmed. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” I said, allowing them to wrap their arms around me in familiar embrace.
“Y/N,” Seungmin said, looking at me with concerned eyes. “The house is protected by King Felix. It’s meant to provide a place for rogue Vampires to die in peace.”
I swallowed hard at the mention of the Vampire King who Chan had tried so hard to maintain good relations. “What have we done?” I asked, turning around at the sound of an all-too familiar voice.
Of course it was Chan, walking with our pack members as they diligently followed their alpha. He was talking to an older Vampire, one who I had never noticed before, and she was positively enraged as she practically screamed in my mate’s face. Apparently, the situation had evolved into something that held far more consequences, and I had never felt so ashamed.
When Chan came closer, I shivered at the rage in his eyes, and I refused to meet his gaze when he pulled me behind him. “We’ll talk later,” he growled, reminding me of the intimidating alpha who was feared throughout the neighboring packs.
“King Felix marked these lands as neutral,” the older Vampire said. “And you agreed.”
Chan stepped forward, keeping his hands behind his back as he addressed the elderly woman who sneered at my pack mates. “I’m sorry for their intrusion,” Chan said, bowing low at the waist. “It won’t happen again.”
“I hope not,” the old woman said. “You should train your pups to behave.”
I could feel myself blushing at being categorized as a pup when, as the pack alpha’s mate, I was expected to be one of the most mature members. It had a chastening effect, and I cowered behind Chan with my wolf’s tail metaphorically caught between my legs. Surely, everyone else in the pack would find out about our misadventure, and if they thought the same thing as this older vampire...
I shivered, resisting the urge to whine and lean into Chan’s familiar weight.
“They’ll be disciplined,” Chan reassured the vampire, glancing at me from the corner of his eye with a look that screamed punishment. 
“I’ll let this go since it’s your first infraction and my vampires weren’t harmed,” she said. “But if I catch any of your wolves out here again...”
She closed her eyes as if she wanted to control her latent rage. But Chan understood the inherent warning. “The agreement was made for everyone’s protection,” Chan said. “This is the last time you will see wolves here.”
The older vampire snorted before retreating inside the house, and I tried not to whine when Chan took a firm hold of my arm, pulling me along next to him as we returned to camp for the evening.
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The pack alpha’s cabin was located strategically at the back of our defined camp where Chan and I could find privacy together. I usually savored the distance from my pack mates, but I was feeling increasingly wary following my embarrassing blunder with the rogue vampires. The idea of spending unsolicited time alone with Chan was suddenly an intimidating prospect. 
Still, it wasn’t in my nature to avoid my mistakes, and I followed Chan inside our shared cabin. He paused at the entrance to remove his shoes before heading in the direction of our bedroom, and I quickly followed his lead. Even as my wolf cautioned us to approach carefully, I didn’t want to exhibit that kind of behavior around Chan because it would only contribute to my immature image.
“Hey,” Chan finally addressed me, standing in front of our dresser. “Sit down.”
I held my tongue, eliminating the few steps to the edge of our bed where I deposited myself on top of the mattress. My weight sunk down into the foamy material, and I supported myself back on my arms, waiting for Chan to speak again. In the meantime, I fought the desire to try and explain myself since I knew that speaking out of term would only infuriate my older mate.
“What did your mother teach you about Vampires?” Chan asked. “Or, did you not pay attention?”
I flinched at his cruel tone. “She told me they were our enemies and that I should avoid them.”
“Did she?” Chan questioned. “Because your actions suggest that you ignored that lesson.”
“I’m sorry, Chan,” I said, deciding that, instead of justifying my bad behavior, I should try and appeal to him instead.
“I don’t really think you are,” Chan scoffed, looking at me from over his shoulder. “In fact, I’m wondering if you were even serious when you agreed to be my mate.”
I shuddered at his claim. “How can you say that? I love you, Chan.”
“You can love me and still be unprepared for the responsibilities of pack Luna,” Chan said. “Otherwise, you would think twice before putting yourself in situations where you could send a bad example to the rest of our pack.”
“I’m ready,” I insisted. “I want to be a good mate for you.”
“Then you better start proving that those aren’t just empty promises,” Chan growled, and I was thoroughly unprepared for his sharp tone. “What if you had gotten hurt? Those rogues weren’t able to control themselves, and you put yourself and your friends in danger.”
“I didn’t want anyone to get hurt,” I said. “It was a mistake.”
“I’m so glad you realize that,” Chan said with heavy sarcasm. “Why didn’t that cross your mind before taunting a group of vampires?” 
“We didn’t know that there were vampires in the house!”
“Have you lost the ability to smell?” Chan snapped. “Why didn’t you take precautions?”
“I-I guess we weren’t thinking about that,” I said, stumbling over my answers to his difficult questions.
Chan sighed, turning around to look at me before his eyes grew darker, and I found myself on the receiving end of an approaching alpha with malicious intent. Instinctively, I crawled backwards on the bed, colliding against the headboard while Chan closed the distance between us, looming over top of me with one hand wrapping itself around my throat. It wasn’t enough to cause harm, but to send a message:  “One second,” Chan said. “That’s all they need to snap this pretty neck.”
I swallowed hard, and I could feel my throat constricting from his powerful grip. “Channie,” I whispered. “You don’t know how sorry I am.”
He closed his eyes, leaning in closer to inhale sharply against my scent gland. “What if I had lost you?” 
The words sent shivers down my spine because I could feel the heavy and warm humidity of his breath coating my skin. I stiffened from my position underneath him, suddenly realizing that Chan’s concerns went beyond potential conflict with the vampires. Those rogues would likely never attack an entire pack of wolves unprovoked, but the delicate balance of life and death hung on a narrow precipice when it involved younger wolves playing foolish games. “I’m still here,” I assured him, releasing calming pheromones to alleviate the ripe smell of fear masking his usual scent.
“You can’t do these things anymore,” Chan said, lifting his head to look at me. “Do you understand?”
I nodded in response, keeping steady contact with his stormy gaze. “I’ll be better for you, Chan.”
He sighed, and there was a sudden change taking hold of his demeanor, hardening the corners of his eyes and the harsh upturn to his upper lip. The transformation was subtle, but his scent was becoming thicker, a reminder of something dominant lurking beneath Chan’s soft, curly hair and dimpled smile. I knew better than to push him in this state, so I simply bared my throat, relaxing my arms across the bed.
“Such a good bitch when she wants to be,” Chan growled, and I swallowed hard, eyelids fluttering closed when his nose pressed into my swollen scent gland. His teeth nipped the delicate flesh, and I could feel his tongue tracing the ridges of his faded mark. Chan released another warning snarl, telling me to keep still for him while he examined my body with wide, studious eyes. Under any other circumstances, I would’ve considered it intimate, but there was something that Chan wanted to prove, and he was waiting for the right opportunity.
I watched as he explored my smaller figure, hands gliding along my waist while his nose inhaled along his journey south, exciting my senses and the wolf inside of me who was impressed by her mate’s display of alpha dominance. However, I couldn’t help but think that it was embarrassing to feel his nose press into the private junction between my thighs, and I squeezed my legs around his head when his tongue attempted to lap at me through the fabric of my pants. Chan growled, lifting his head to send me a warning look, pushing open my legs to continue his exploration of the place where my scent was most prominent. 
I had no idea what Chan’s motivations were, and this unfamiliar territory was making my inner wolf increasingly desperate. However, I knew better than to question him, and perhaps it was nothing more than a display of strength meant to send me a warning against disobeying him. Whatever it was, I certainly liked the attention, even if it was difficult to fight the temptation to run my hands through his hair.
Eventually, Chan sat back on his heels, watching me through narrowed eyes. “Take off your clothes,” he said.
I squirmed on top of the mattress in pure delight, eager to please Chan since I knew that our argument was, more or less, finished, and he was clearly waiting to re-stake his claim. “Okay,” I replied, complying with his order as I unbuttoned my shirt and jeans, removing them with careful movements. Then, I let the bundle of clothes fall into the floor before I adjusted my position again, keeping my arms splayed out across the sheets.
Meanwhile, his eyes swept across my naked form before Chan’s evaluation continued, but this time he was undeterred by the barrier of my clothing, and everything felt heightened without them in place to stop him from attacking smooth flesh with his teeth. Nipping at the sensitive skin and leaving marks that would remain visible for days. 
His hands also made themselves comfortable on my hips, holding me in place while his mouth did most of the work, tasting my scent gland until I was light-headed from his efforts. When he pulled away to catch his breath, I recognized the oily residue from my scent gland painting his lips. It was an erotic sight, and my wolf howled in delight when she could smell our intermingling scents permeating the air around us.  
And I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Chan’s mouth until he reached down for the hem of his shirt, tossing it aside to reveal his sculpted torso - nothing but defined planes of hardened muscles. It was a beautiful distraction, and I didn’t even notice when his jeans disappeared next, leaving him in nothing but the boxer shorts that did very little to hide the evidence of his arousal. My mouth immediately started to water, and I could feel myself practically salivating at the prospect of his thick cock hiding beneath a layer of fabric.
“You have a beautiful body,” Chan said, and I beamed at his compliment. My smile didn’t last, however, when he ghosted his tongue over one of my nipples, staring up at me from a curtain of long lashes. I watched his hands as they reached out to squeeze my breasts, testing their weight with a heavy groan. “They’ll be even bigger full of milk for our pups.” 
I inhaled sharply at the mention of pups because every instinct desired nothing more than to breed with my mate. It was a result of centuries of survival genes embedded within our DNA, and our inner wolves wanted to pass them onto our children for the next generation. For most werewolf couples, they always wanted the same thing, and Chan had only spoken to me briefly about having pups in the future. But Chan was responding to his alpha’s natural inclination to breed his mate, and he growled at the back of his throat, tugging on my nipple with his fingers while his tongue prodded at the hardened peak. 
“It hurts,” I whined, even though I was aroused by his practiced tongue attempting to soothe the harsh sting of his sharpened canines.
Chan glanced up at me before pulling away to survey his work, nodding in satisfaction before moving down my body once again. I could never predict his next movement, and I gasped when he started to nose against my pubic bone, warm breath tickling the sensitive skin. This time, he could inhale my scent straight from the source, and it didn’t take long for his tongue to lick a long stripe against my slit. 
Immediately, I arched my back in response to the pleasurable sensation, closing my eyes as his hands tightened their grip on my hips and forced his tongue inside my pussy, eating me out like he couldn’t get enough of my taste. I whined at his aggression, and more of my juices collected down the inside of my thighs. Chan purred when he realized, and he slurped loudly around my clitoris, bringing the engorged bud between his teeth. 
I wrapped my fingers through his hair, making a mess of whatever style he had attempted. But it only made Chan look even more appealing, and he rumbled deep in his chest as he chased after my taste, lapping at my juices as if trying to consume every last drop. “Y/N,” Chan said, and his voice was husky and guttural.
“It feels so good,” I said, and Chan hummed around me, supporting himself higher on his arms so that I could moan at the sight of the wetness surrounding his mouth. 
“Get on your hands and knees for me,” Chan requested. 
I nodded, turning onto my side and trying my best to support my upper body on thin arms and trembling legs. I wasn’t surprised by Chan’s request because the position was the ultimate sign of submission, and it was most often used during heats and ruts since it was best for breeding. The thought had me shivering, dropping my head against the pillows as I felt one of Chan’s hands run down the smooth expanse of my back.
I jerked forward when he landed a quick slap to my ass, and I let him mount me, legs caging my thighs between his stronger ones, moaning when the fat head of his cock brushed against my ass. His actions were incredibly rough, and I could smell his thick alpha scent as it clouded the air with a cloying mixture of fresh pine and something much darker. But I was also surprised by my body’s compliance, allowing Chan to press against my lower back and force me into an arch. 
“Are you ready?” he asked, and I hummed in acknowledgment, groaning when he slid in without resistance, and my pussy swallowed his cock greedily, desperate to milk him of everything that he had to offer me. “What a tight pussy,” he commented, forcing himself inside the rest of the way with a slight hint of desperation. 
I moaned when I realized that he was completely buried inside my wet heat, and I could practically feel the tip of his cock against the head of my cervix. There was nothing comparable to the feeling of fullness weighing heavily on my lower body, and I curled my fingers into the sheets to stop myself from rutting back against his cock. “Chan,” I said, shaking my head as tears started to form.
“Be patient, Y/N,” Chan said, and he pulled his hips back so that just the tip of his cock remained before slamming back inside with an unprecedented amount of force. I was completely unprepared because my legs weren’t strong enough to hold me up against his vicious thrust, and I fell forward against the bed - turning my head to the side to breath as Chan continued his rapid thrusts inside of my pussy. 
“Is this what you want?” Chan growled, nipping at the back of my neck. “Do you want me to stuff you full of pups?” I whined at his words, even if I knew that it was impossible outside of my regular heats. “You’d look so good after I bred you,” Chan said, pumping his hips faster as if he was trying to make that idea a reality. “Like a good little bitch.”
I cried at his filthy language, burying my face further into the mattress as I let Chan do whatever he wanted to me, moving me along his cock like I was just a warm hole for him to use whenever the moment was convenient. “Oh god,” I whispered as he switched angles, hitting my g-spot perfectly on every upward thrust.
“Maybe if you’re swollen with my pups, you won’t get into any more trouble,” Chan snarled, and I whimpered when his hand smoothed across my lower body as if imagining the swell of my bloated stomach.
“Please,” I said, reaching down for his hand to move it closer to my clitoris, encouraging Chan to touch me while he continued to pound into me over and over again, pushing his cock deep inside to the point where I could imagine feeling him at the back of my throat.
It was an abrupt descent from there, and he continued to stimulate my g-spot and clitoris perfectly because he knew my body so well after all this time together. Still, my orgasm hit me like a freight train, and I nearly screamed at the intensity, noticing stars along the edges of my vision. There was no strength left in my body, and I collapsed into a pile of heavy limbs while Chan continued to chase his own orgasm, growling when his knot started to swell in place. I whimpered, closing my eyes because it was starting to overstimulate my exhausted body, but Chan held me in place and sighed as he filled me with his cum.
For a moment thereafter, I was convinced that I would pass out, but I was able to control my breathing and steady my accelerating heart rate, feeling Chan fall onto the bed next to me. “Hold still,” Chan rumbled, adjusting my leg over his hip as he pulled me tighter against his chest, fingers petting over the place where his knot was securely stuffed inside my sore cunt. 
“Channie,” I whined, and it was a pathetic sound resulting from the steady feeling of his cum pulsing from his engorged length and the harsh way that he handled me, like he could fix me into any position that he desired.
“Are you gonna cause me any more trouble?” Chan growled directly into my ear, and my inner wolf howled at our predicament. There was no better way for Chan to assert his dominance - locking me onto his knot in submission, and lowering the regular pitch of his voice.
“No,” I managed, stuttering around a broken moan when Chan started to grind his hips, stimulating my throbbing clitoris to the point where it actually began to feel painful.
“Maybe I should just knot you all the time like this,” Chan said. “Then you can’t wander off without telling me.”
I gasped at the suggestion, turning my head to the side to expose my neck to him. It was a vulnerable position, but it pleased Chan who started heavily scenting the mark he had left on me - a permanent reminder that I belonged to him.
It was also a visible reminder of my place in the pack, and I was determined to stand proudly next to Chan’s side.
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Oh oh! If you still take requests, could you maybe do something with Reiner first introducing you the The Kiddos? Like, maybe you're still in the early stages of the relationship but both ypu and Reiner know that you're keepers and he wants to introduce you to such important persons in his life 😭
I'd love to do that! My heart melts just imagining Reiner thinking you're the one while looking at you in adoration, and so he decides to introduce you to his cousins whom he'd protect with his life.
Reiner introducing you to his cousins
{ Reiner x reader | tw: none | fluff | modern }
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{ "Tea Time" 1905 byMyrtle Jean MacLane 1878-1964 }
It's after Reiner saw how much you've stood beside him and supported him even through his weakest moments when you didn't have to, that he knew you're the one for him.
The one he could see himself with in the future, the one he adores and deeply cares about, the one he wants to protect and cherish.
And love. He wants to love you in every way possible, just like you showed him what being loved feels like.
He knows it will be a slow process to merge your lives together and get used to each other around, so he takes it slow, introducing you to his friends and older cousins.
Zeke and Pieck were the first to meet you. So far they've been nothing but really kind and charming, Pieck making you feel at ease and comfortable around her like you're old friends while Zeke making you laugh and being really respectful of your boundaries.
After that it was Bertlot and Annie, his two closest friends. They were more stiff and less easy to start a conversation with unlike the previous two, but by the end of the day you actually found yourself understanding them better.
It's not that they don't like you, it's just their personality. Annie actually cares and gives you genuine compliments despite coming off as cold in the start, while Bertolt is just not good with meeting people and small conversations which is why he seemed stiff and nervous at first glance.
Reiner tells you that it went really well after they left, he knows them and knows how they act around people they're starting to like.
Lastly you met Porco and Colt, it was a really short meeting because Colt had somewhere to be while Porco just didn't want to be alone with Reiner for long.
You learned about Proco's older brother who's currently working in a different country, Marcel. And about Colt's younger brother Falco.
As an attempt to piss Reiner off, Proco hits on you and tells you to ditch Reiner. When you laugh it off and refuse you notice the smug smile on Reiner's face.
Colt tells you to tell him if you ever need anything, he's usually busy but he knows a lot of people around here and has worked at different jobs to gain a lot of experience, he's also really respectful with you.
After you meet all his friends, he plans on introducing you to his younger cousins. He seems nervous about it
"How bad can it be?" You say, "i can handle kids."
How bad can it really be huh? Well.
Gabi hates you. Straight up she says it to your face. Not dislike, but hate.
Flaco says he's sorry for how she's acting, yet he doesn't really try to stop her.
Udo avoids eye contact with you, he'll literally find the fork in his hand more interesting to look at even when you talk to him
Zofia just stares, coldly, unmoving and uncaring.
Yeah, it's not going well at all.
After some time, it's Falco who starts liking you first. Being your only friend, he attempts to get to know you more and hype you up to the other three.
It's Udo who starts getting curious and starts asking you questions about your life and hobbies, you know how kids basically have no mouth filter and will ask you anything? Yeah that's him.
Actually thanks to that, your answers will get Gabi's attention. If you mention something you're particularly good or talented at, she will want to know more.
Flaco reasons with them that getting to know you will make Reiner happy, and Gabi really cares about Reiner so she tries her hardest.
You're making progress, the three of them are actually talking to you now.
Except...Zofia isn't buying it, while Falco was the easiest to gain his approval, Zofia's the hardest.
It will take a lot of time and effort before she is comfortable around you.
Getting close to Udo is your key to gaining Zofia on your side.
And showing interest in her hobbies and likes. She's really into drama shows, dresses designs and true crime. While simultaneously being kind to Udo, you'll gain her trust slowly.
She observers how you treat her friends and others, how you react when someone makes a mistake and how you talk about people when they're not in the room. Paying close attention to small details and expressions.
Especially Udo, how you treat him and talk about him will be her final judge on you.
When Gabi invites you personally to cheer for her at her school soccer match, you know she started to open up to you. Especially how she spares you a couple glances and a wave while on the field.
For Falco it's when he starts opening up to you about his own needs and worries. He's so used to putting other's needs before him that he rarely talks about his own. Also the way you treat Colt will greatly impact your relationship with Falco.
You know Udo accepted you when he doesn't shy away from direct confrontation with you or gets cuts himself halfway through talking about something in fear he's being annoying. Instead he'll seem more passionate about his interests and more comfortable with physical touch around you.
Would literally spend hours talking about space and turtles to you, the biggest smile on his face and the most energetic and confident you've seen him that even Zofia can't correct him because he knows his stuff and is sure about it.
The way you react whenever he makes a mistake or accidentally does something bad, will greatly impact your relationship with him.
Reiner isn't oblivious to his cousins's feelings, he's actually really in touch with their emotions and can read them easily. He doesn't pressure Gabi at the start to like you nor does he guilt Zofia into giving you a chance after a year of knowing you.
He just reassures them that you're a good and kind person, you're trustworthy and you've showed him care and love. That you're his partner now and a thing that will be constantly permanent in his life.
He also reassures them that it doesn't mean he will leave them or pull away, he won't love them any less actually they'll have double the love since now you're here to offer that too.
And that talk from him is what pushes them over the line, realising they could get double the attention and care, they slowly began competing for your love.
They share their days with you, maybe add you into their memes groupchat where Falco posts his fortnite wins just for Gabi to demand to 1v1 him on Cod. Or how Udo sends pictures of lego sets he finished building, or maybe where Zofia shares the freshest influencer drama directly from twitter, is Kanya really cheating on kim with jeffree star? Who knows.
They try to manipulate you into helping them to break the rules Reiner set for them. Take that coffee away from Falco and get that mature rated horror movie away from Gabi, no udo you can't turn the kitchen into a chemistry lab and Zofia you can't stay up till 3am, i don't care that you're trying to summon a demon, you have school tomorrow.
Reiner told them no for doing something? Okay they'll just ask you instead, what will make you say yes when he said no?
"Because he's not the boss of you" is what Zofia says.
Falco is in dire need of hugs so offer them as much as you can, if they stay over let him sleep between you and Reiner, he can't do that at home anymore.
Gabi needs attention, so make sure to include her in everything and praise her for any accomplishments. She gets jealous easily so make her know that your love is unconditional and you'll always be proud of her even if she doesn't come first place at an event or challenge.
Zofia needs her space and respect, don't coddle her or belittle her interests. Show genuine attention to what she likes and support her. Also know when she says something she actually means it, so listen carefully.
Udo needs reassurance and safety, he also needs someone to believe in him. Comfort him yes but also have faith in him that he can do things, tell him mistakes and failing is okay but also have hope in his abilities and strength.
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hb-writes · 3 years
The Small Acts
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Clara rested her chin on her knees, arms wrapped tight around her legs as Polly finished weaving her damp hair into a braid. She had been tender with the brushing and the plaiting, something the woman often wasn't when dealing with Clara’s long tresses, but Polly knew it wasn't time for tough love or rough handling. Her niece needed to be coddled a bit. She needed to be a girl and not the nearly grown woman she imagined herself to be.
A few moments after she finished, Polly tapped a foot into Clara's side, prompting the girl up from the carpet when she seemed not to notice the ritual was through, her gaze lost in the fireplace while her mind, Polly assumed, was still a bit trapped in Warwickshire.
Clara reluctantly climbed onto the cushion beside her aunt, wrapping herself tightly in her borrowed robe as she drew her legs to her chest. Clara's stomach had been unsettled since she arrived, before that even, her nerves frayed by the time she arrived at the halfway point between Warwickshire and Sutton Coldfield, once the adrenaline borne of her row with Tommy finally subsided. It had all happened right around the same time that the rain started to come.
"He's gonna murder me," Clara said, the first decent string of words she had put together since coming out of the bath.
The bath had been at Polly's insistence, because Clara had been chilled to the bone when she showed up on Polly's doorstep in the middle of the night and because Polly needed a moment without Clara's presence to have a frank phone call with Tommy. And most of all, Polly hoped the bath would calm Clara's sputtering tears, same as it often had when she was a small child.
Polly could see now that the bath had helped Clara in a way, had at least dealt a bit with the cold bones. But while she was calmer, and very much quiet, Polly thought Clara seemed less soothed and more numb than anything else so Polly decided it would be time, then, that would ultimately make it better. She had been suspecting it for weeks, that her niece and nephew both needed a bit of time apart.
Tommy hadn't seemed particularly soothed by the call informing him his sister was safe at Polly's, his voice clipped and methodical as they sorted through the particulars. Sure, Polly had noted a certain measure of relief in her nephew at hearing she was present and accounted for, but the relief was quickly cast aside, and a certain gruffness returned to his tone. Polly couldn't help but think his tone wasn't just from the itch to shout at the girl for making the three-hour hike out to Polly's on her own in the middle of the night, though that certainly would have been enough to warrant it.
"Is he on his way?" Clara finally pulled her eyes from the fire and looked to her aunt.
"No." Polly moved the brush from the couch beside her to the end table, noticing the way Clara's shoulders had slumped a bit. "I told him to leave it for the night. It's already late. And an evening apart will do you some good."
Tommy would have been out to collect her directly after the phone call if Polly had allowed it. He intended for his sister to finish out the evening under his roof, in her own bed. He intended on seeing to it that his sister spent her evenings there for the foreseeable future, actually, but Polly put him off, delaying his collection until the following morning. She said it was on account of the storm and the hour, but it was also on account of the fact that Polly Gray didn't want to release her niece to her brother's care quite so soon, not with Clara in her current state and Tommy being as he was.
"They'll be fine. Your brother is a grown man and Charles has his father and a whole staff to look after him."
An argument was already well-formed in Clara's head, even before Polly's interruption, because Clara and Tommy spent plenty of time apart these days, largely at her brother's behest. And after Polly's words, Clara couldn't quite dispel the swell of anxiety at the idea of her nephew being looked after by someone other than her. She knew on some level that Mary was entirely capable of caring for the boy, and under normal circumstances, her brother was quite capable too, but it had been Clara reading him bedtime stories and tucking him in every night since Grace's death, answering his late-night calls and soothing the bad dreams with her off-tune humming before the staff woke. And Clara hated herself a bit for not being there now.
"I know you worry after him, but it's not your job to mother."
Clara was sixteen, but Polly still saw a child when she looked at her. She saw one of the two babies she’d raised almost from birth, having done more nurturing of Clara and Finn than she’d done of her other niece and nephews, more rearing of the twins than she’d done even of her own two children. And though Clara and Polly rarely fought on subjects relating to the girl growing older as Clara and Tommy did, there were moments when it did make Polly a bit sentimental.
“And that can go for either one of them,” Polly added. “You’re a sister and an aunt, and there’s no expectation for you to be more than that.”
When Polly was sixteen, before that even, she had been helping her older brother’s wife to mother her niece and nephews, cleaning up after Arthur Sr.’s messes. By twenty-five, when her sister-in-law passed, Polly was tending to the responsibilities he left behind on Watery Lane, the business and the brood he had never helped with, the family he never deserved.
The relationship between Polly and her brother had been dissimilar in every way from that between Clara and Tommy, but Polly knew intimately the nature of the girl’s pain. She understood what tugged at Clara’s heart when she heard her brother wasn’t coming to bring her home. She knew how a bit of innocent worry could nag even when one’s heart was filled with rage or in Polly’s case, hate. Polly knew what it was feeling compelled to fill a void for motherless children and for a moment, the circular nature of life struck her. 
“Same as you, then?” Clara said, the notion striking her at the same moment. “A sister and aunt, mothering when it’s not her job.” 
Polly sighed. “That was different, love.”
Clara knew her aunt was at least partly right. It was different. Charles had a father and Tommy had resources. She could meet nothing more than the minimum requirements of sister and aunt and Tommy and Charles would certainly be fine. Clara wasn't sure the same could be said if Polly hadn't stepped in to raise them, especially during the war.
"I shouldn't have run."
"Probably not," Polly said. It had been a hot-headed response, not one of the well-thought-out reactions Polly was used to seeing from the girl, but she was grieving and rowing with her brother, and a bit of impulsivity could be expected under such circumstances. "But there's no use in troubling over that now."
Polly figured Tommy would give her plenty of time to trouble over the insensibility of her choices later. There was no need to discuss them with her now.
"I shouldn't have bothered you so late."
Polly waved her off. "It's okay, love. I couldn't sleep anyway." She pulled Clara closer. "Now, come here." Polly maneuvered the girl so Clara's head rested in her aunt's lap and settled a blanket over her. "You know it's never too late to bother your Aunt Polly." She cleared her throat, her tone a bit sharper. "Unless you're bringing me nonsense, in which case, you can take that right to one of your brothers or your sister and leave me out of it."
Clara nearly smiled, the both of them looking at the flames of the fireplace while Polly rubbed her hand up and down the girl's arm. Despite her aunt's pointed tone, Clara knew Polly would never turn her away. Not if it was midnight or if she brought the woman nothing but nonsense or got herself into some sort of real trouble or ran out on her brother in the middle of the night. In sixteen years of late-night intrusions, grand tantrums, difficult questions, and bits of heartbreaking melancholy, Polly had never turned Clara away without providing something, whether it be a bit of love or wisdom or strength.
They were the small acts of Polly's self-conscripted mothering that Clara had always taken for granted, but she recognized them for what they were now.
"You're a good mother."
It was the type of comment Polly would usually shrug off, announcing that she wasn't the kids' mother, claiming she was just an aunt doing her duty, stepping in when the kids had no one else, but she didn't fight Clara's mumbled declaration now. 
The comment actually left Polly unable to speak for a moment, so she squeezed her niece's arm instead, blinking away the wetness in her eyes, grateful Clara's head was still in her lap, her face turned to the fire while Polly regained her composure.
"Alright, love,” Polly said. “It's late. You get some rest now."
Peaky Blinders (Little Lady Blinder) Masterlist
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bokutoslittlebird · 4 years
hi~ can i ask for hcs?
uhm older sister s/o with kids and deceased husband who died just a week ago? lmao i watched a hentai wherein the s/o is his older sister and she have two kids and a husband. i just thought of this since there are requests with bokuto being the older brother, now I want to know how bokuto and kuroo would corrupt their older sister. thanks so much bb!
I’ll admit this is a lot and I’ve never really considered onee-san with these boys, but there’s a first for everything! Also drop the deets anon-chan 🥴
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Mission : Corrupting Onee-San !
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> It was an unfortunate accident that caused your husband to die and really, you needed a lot of time to grieve for him. He was a good man and never mean to your or the kids, so his death really tore you apart. Your sisters offered to watch over your kids when you came back home, your son going to live with one while your daughter lived with the other.
> It was decided that was best and they’d visit you every weekend when they came home. You were the eldest, so you were the “favorite” amongst your sisters, but all of you were loved. Your mother coddled you and refused to let you live along after all that, especially in the house you had with your husband.
> This meant you’re home when Kōtarō is! He’s attending college and he’s almost always home and he gets to see you again! He’s missed you a lot and that’s his excuse for why he’s always around you. He’s usually not this overly touchy with his sisters, but you need comfort! Hugs and cuddles!
> It hurts him, though. The cries at night and the somber aura encompassing your body. It hurts him because you should be happy to see him! He understands your husband is no longer here, but that’s different.
> When your face glows up a bit when his nephew and niece come over, he gets a bit upset. He likes the kids, but they make you feel happy and he can’t. It’s a competition. He doesn’t want to lose.
> There’s no way he can compare to your husband, but he tries! He does things you mentioned your ex would do and tries to make you feel better. Eventually, it works. It’s a routine you’re used to.
> There’s a connection he feels when you open up again. You’re still grieving, but you’re confiding in him. You ask for hugs and don’t turn down cuddles, letting his arms wrap around you as you relax in his hold. It’s sweet and it’s completely innocent.. in your eyes.
> To Kōtarō, this means you’re finally understanding his feelings. He’s missed you for so long and now he has you back. When you try to leave, believing you to be fine and can go back home, it’s world shattering as he realizes it’s not what he thought.
> He makes it look like an accident, of course. A stranger running you off the road? With your children almost dying? Your daughter is in a critical condition and not expected to survive, another round of grief hitting you. Your son is better than his sister, but is put in the care of your mother as you grieve in silence.
> Kōtarō joins you, hoping to make sure you’re okay. It’s a sweet gesture, but you’re broken and alone. There’s no one to say what you’re doing is wrong, nor him. When the news of your daughter passing reaches you, Kōtarō is there to hold you and shush you, carrying you in his arms to the bedroom.
> If you’re so upset about your daughter passing, you can always have another child. He’ll replace the husband that left you. In your state, you had no energy to push him off of you nor to tell him it’s wrong. You just have to let it happen.
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> Different situation. Your husband was an asshole who knocked you up in high school. Your father forced you to marry him and you had another daughter with him. It was an unfortunate situation, but the news of your husband in the hospital due to a damaged liver didn’t surprise you. Didn’t surprise you when the doctors said he’d most likely be dying in the next week.
> However, the bills and necessities that you needed to make were higher than expected. Not only that, but you needed to pay for his funeral “as the wife”, which forced your budget to strain. You were then treated as a horrible wife by others because “what kind of woman can’t pay for her husband’s funeral?”
> Your older sister is there to help you, but she mainly is there for moral support. Her own husband won’t let you live with them because it would strain them and you understand. Tetsurō is your only hope. Tetsu is rich now and has a secure job, but you worry. You haven’t seen or talked to him since your ex-husband, then boyfriend, got you pregnant.
> It was pitiful, really. Walking to his fancy house and knocking. You called him and he said he’d be home, so you could come on over. You felt like a hopeless little girl again, waiting for him. You should let him turn to you, not be turning to him for help.
> Tetsurō, on the other hand, is thriving. The asshole finally kicked the bucket and you’re free. He knew you’d be struggling and you’d need someone, so he of course would be there for you. He’d finally have his sister back in his life, the sister that was taken away from him. You were the only good family member he had, your father turning to the drinks when his divorce was settled. When you left, he really felt alone. But now you’re back.
> When he opens his arms to welcome you, you cry and sob as apologies spill out. How you’re weak, how you’re sorry for leaving him, everything that makes you feel worse and makes him feel worse as well. What matters is you’re here now. With him.
> your daughters don’t see Tetsu as their uncle, just “Tetsu” because that’s what you call him. He’s the positive father figure in their lives and that’s what matters. They get the loving family they needed and they get good education, they get to see you happy again.
> Well, happy as you can be. When Tetsu finds you drinking a bottle of alcohol per day, he gets real pissed. He lost his entire family to the bottle and he’s starting to lose the only sister that was there for him, he doesn’t like that. So, he enforces rules.
> You’re not allowed to drink, you need to be a good mother. No smoking, you could get lung cancer. No dating and bringing home random guys, he’s the positive male influence your children need. It’s just him being a caring brother! He wants the best for you!
> At least, that’s what it is at first. It’s him being protective of you. It’s him wanting to not lose you again. As he enforces rules, it’s hard to not see the parallels between him and your ex. The only difference is Tetsu is smart enough to force you into submission in privacy. Your daughters don’t see the ugliness behind closed doors.
> What would they think of him if they saw the bruises along your wrists and the hickeys on your skin? You won’t tell them because Tetsurō can easily pinpoint blame elsewhere. This isn’t the same as your ex. Tetsurō is much more powerful and possessive. He will keep you, no matter what.
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
I wish we discussed italian daniel more!!!!!!
Oh my god you know I love Italian Daniel!!! And Italian Daniel who’s really pompous about it too. Like you meet him for the first time and within the first 5 minutes of talking to him, he’s already told you all about his Italian heritage and where in Italy his family’s originally from. And it’s just like, “Okay king thanks for that, but I didn’t need to know about your entire family tree, can we please talk about something else?” 
It’s a cornerstone of his personality too. Daniel grew up bilingual because of his dad so he can speak Italian fluently, which he does with Lucille all the time when they’re together. It’s a way of remembering his father, but it also means he can talk about people (Johnny) openly without them realising. And he has a habit, when he gets angry or emotional, of slipping between English and Italian without realising it. 
He also loves cooking Italian food and is really snooty about any kind of fast-food Italian. He makes his own bread and pasta from scratch, and he stocks his pantry with the most eye-wateringly expensive Italian wines, vinaigrettes, peppers, olives, you name it. This means he refuses to take the kids to Olive Garden because he thinks it’s a disgrace to Italian cuisine. He won’t even let them order pizza on the weekends. Instead he insists on making pizza himself from scratch, which admittedly tastes amazing, but sometimes Amanda and the kids just want something easy! And they can’t have it!! One night Daniel finds a pizza box in Sam’s room after she comes home from hanging out with friends and Daniel’s so offended it takes him the entire weekend to recover. 
And maybe if Daniel had grown up during the High Renaissance he would have been the muse of artists and his visage would have been painted in churches and castles across Italy. But instead he grew up in New Jersey and couldn’t be coddled, he had to be tough and scrappy to survive. But with his cross necklace glimmering against his collarbone, and his thick hair and creamy skin, people’s eyes would still catch on him as he ran down the street. Especially when he moved to the Valley and felt like a misfit in the sea of blonde, blue-eyed kids. He was like something unknown, almost too wild and pretty to look at head on. He stood out everywhere he went, like a swoony boy from a painting. At least until he opened his mouth and said something ridiculous in his husky voice. And people realised, oh he’s not an angel, he just looks like one.
In his 20s, after graduating from college, Daniel also went to Italy and spent a summer there to reconnect with his roots. It’s there that he learned all about fine art and the difference between the grapes in Italian wine and how to ride an unbridled horse. And while he was there, standing out because of how American he was, like a modern soul in a renaissance angel body, he had a reckless, wild affair with an older man. It’s something he never tells anyone about when he goes back to America, but every now and then Daniel will read the man's old letters, or look at the sketches the man made of him, the nude ones where Daniel’s in the bath or sitting outside against a Tuscan sunset, and feel nostalgic. It was just a summer fling but it was the first time Daniel has ever felt truly desired by someone, and the sunlit, syrupy weeks he spent in the man’s bed and in his studio seem like something from a dream, especially now, in his 50s, when he has a wife and children. But sometimes he looks at the young Daniel LaRusso in these drawings and thinks, wow, that was really me.
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