#which doesnt happen often
jacqcrisis · 7 months
Shoutout to my brother for not killing me in my sleep. Dad got us a hotel room to share for his wedding reception lunch thing and despite having ear plugs, a fan, a white noise video to listen to, and me trying to stay awake as long as i could so he could fall asleep first, he ended up having to sleep in the bathroom to get away from my snoring which he has described like 'someone dragging heavy furniture across concrete'. A problem I've had since childhood that I have inherited from my grandfather, that bastard.
But we made it through, I'm alive despite being dog tired from only getting four hours of sleep a night on purpose, and my brother shockingly doesn't have a sore back. And we made it to our respective homes safely.
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nieves-de-sugui · 11 months
Even though I knew (without having read the manga) what we were gonna discover about how Ren ended up in France it still impacted me just the same as if I hadn't guessed it. I knew the parents were gonna find out and Ren was gonna blame himself and that's why he wasn't there when Kazuma woke up.
Did I or didn't say we were getting a philkas-like coming out? I knew it!! And it was so good, so satisfying, so gut wrenching. This show is giving me everything.
Ren knows now. He knows Kazuma might have felt something more than just being worried Ren was making a mistake going with a stranger to have sex. He now knows there are feelings there.
But Kazuma doesn't know yet!!
I wonder if the parents will reappear? Next week we're going on to office problems but... at some point Kazuma will want want know. Aaaaah!! I can't wait!!
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flarefighters-fr · 2 years
Tomorrow I'm throwing 10 Fire Eggs at the ground - but! I'll only keep 1.
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orchidyoonkook · 8 months
I wish you would write a fic where: UTWT Yoongi and Reader were cuddling while it was raining outside. 🥰
(This is just for that post you shared - although I would be over the moon if you did do this. But you do whatever your heart desires!!)
You're the best and I hope you have a lovely week. 💕
Rainfall Brings Tomorrow | MYG
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Pairing: UTWT Badboy! Min Yoongi x (F)!Reader
Genre // Rating: (T) | fluff, touch of angst, some self reflection
Summary: You leave tomorrow, and there's one thing you need to say goodbye too.
Warnings: none! I think. Reader just thinks a lot.
Word Count: 923
Release Date: October 19, 2023, 3:00PM
A/N: Well I wrote this from 2am to 6:14am. I didn't even see this ask until about 1:30am and then I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I hope it lives up to your expectations, dearest Anon.
A/N 1.5: This was written in 3 hours and then only edited twice. I think it's coherent but if there are mistakes, please forgive.
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The soft patter of rainfall falls around you, filling your ears with earthsong. His soft breaths flow in a steady rhythm to its beat, and the patio umbrella you shoved into the ground is doing its job well, keeping your resting forms dry from the delicate cadence of an afternoon shower. 
Your pond vibrates in its own little symphony of ripples, ducks hidden away in their nests while it plays. The boughs and branches of your home away from home rustle in its light wind, their tune mixing in beautifully with the rest. 
It’s cold and overcast out, but his body keeps you warm, as yours keeps his. He sits in your usual spot, back against the years worn wooden truck, while you sit against his chest, both covered by his leather jacket, preserving the heat you two were just beginning to learn to share with one another. 
It’s the day before you leave.
The day before you say ‘fuck you and goodnight’ to everyone and everything in your town, hop on the back of a motorcycle and never look back. 
But you needed to have one last visit to the place that brought you and Yoongi together for the first time, plus all the times after. And you wanted him here with you when you did. 
To say goodbye. To the one thing you would miss more than anything else.
Your willow tree. 
Yoongi’s arms circle your waist as you lean your head back against his shoulder. His touch still sends sparks anywhere it lands on your skin, and you hope that it never goes away. Hope it never dulls or fades. Because you’re learning way too fast that it’s becoming one of your favourite things, and you don’t even want to think of what you’d do if you lost it. 
A gentle kiss at your exposed neck, under your ear, lets you know he’s finished the page. But you still have a couple sentences to go as you hold The Mysterious Island open with a hand through the jacket sleeve for both of you to read.
You found it suiting, to truly bring this chapter in your lives a full three hundred and sixty degrees before closing it forever. And that’s what you need more than anything, you think. 
Because as much as you hate it here, and as much as you can’t wait to go, it’s all you’ve ever known. And while this change is good and needed and necessary, it’s also incredibly scary. 
You hate that a very small part of you doesn’t want to go, for the sake of familiarity. It’s safe here. You know what to expect. You know what will happen, when it will happen, what to do, where to go, who you’ll become. There’s a guideline written into your future by your past here. One you’ve never wanted to follow and always wanted to change.
But there are the absolutely terrifying ‘what if’s’ that comes with big change. What if you leave and it’s no better than where you were? What if you somehow mess all of it up? What if nothing goes to plan, everything goes to shit, and you’re forced to come back?
That’s your biggest nightmare, and it could very easily become your reality. 
But it’s not enough to change your mind. 
You’re going. Tomorrow morning, you’re leaving, come hell or high water or…maybe rain water if this keeps up. And you’re taking the man currently drawing you closer into him with you. 
He takes a quiet inhale of your hair, happily drowning in your scent. Yoongi’s still settling into the fact that the woman he’s holding is his. At least for now. The one that always caught his eye. The one that he never knew he could want so badly. The one who reads with him on a rainy afternoon in their shared space so she can say goodbye to the only thing that was kind to her, with him here to support her.
He’ll support you however you need, forever if he can.
His girl.
Pulling your legs up to rest the book on, you flip the page though your focus wavers, and you stare out into the shower blurred haze of your favourite place. 
This is the last time you’ll ever be here, so you take in every detail you can. The way the grass feels underneath you, the shape of the pond and the colour of its water. You commit the height of the tree and the ebb and flow of its leaves to memory as best you can. You take in the feeling of Yoongi behind you, remembering how he used to sit a foot away from you.
How every day, whether you realized it or not, he got just a little bit closer.
And before you can stop it, a silent tear slides down your face. You wipe it away but Yoongi catches it, and gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“You okay?” he asks. 
You are.
It’s just finally hitting you that your years of pain and loneliness and misery are ending. You’re finally taking control of your life like you’ve always planned, and better yet, you aren’t doing it alone. You have someone now. 
You can’t remember the last time you had that. 
“Yeah,” you say, lifting your chin to look at him. “I think I’m going to be just fine.”
Holding the book back up, you see you’ve reached the final chapter. And somehow you know, it’s the first chapter of your own.
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A/N 2: Thanks for reading, loves. Xoxo, Yoon <3
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memorys-skyscraper · 30 days
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please pray for the hephaestus sprint nuke in these trying times
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stiffyck · 5 months
Always safe to assume Scar in my aus is trans and aroace unless stated otherwise
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lesbiandardevil · 9 months
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young mattkaren if i had it my way + panel redraw (og under the cut) also they're both lesbians because i said so ☝️
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robotsafari · 3 months
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deep in the kingdom hearts trenches..
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Soooo....... if you don't mind me asking
What was that about a cult in the human au👀👀👀
(I hope I'm getting that right and if not I'm referring to the one implied( ?) In I think the eddie short story you posted a while back)
I hope you have a good day/ night whenever you are <3 <3, you're like one of my fav welcome home creators rn <3 <3
HA uh it's not a real cult! it's more like a cult following if anything, the Guys™️ are just dramatic / passive-aggressive about it
a 'cult following of what' you may ask! well! it's a cult following of Wally! or more specifically, Wally's art. it isn't like, Famous or anything, but there's a niche group of art enthusiasts/snobs/etc that are borderline Obsessed with it (in my mind his art Is pretty funky! i like to think that he has mild associative synesthesia, which bleeds into his work along with his disregard for art 'rules' and the like)
it's not a huge problem? just a minor nuisance. and as a plus, it means that those people will pay absurd amounts for Wally's pieces when he sells them (or is doing commission work)!
Wally has mixed feelings about it. on one hand, he does Not mind attention & loves to talk about his art and meet new people. on the other hand, a lot of his "fans" are overbearing / over-familiar and blatantly misinterpret him and his art. so while Wally loves attending art shows etc, whenever he recognizes one of his "fans" walking over he'll often make an excuse to leave for a minute (or one of his friends will act as sort of a bodyguard lol)
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timeisacephalopod · 7 months
The type of Christian who asks atheists how they don't like, murder people on the reg are so funny to me because they seem to think their religion makes them the Peak of Morality when statements like "if you don't believe in God how comes you don't do X thing" all but outright state they have no idea why shit like murder and rape is bad except that God doesn't like it lmao. Like way to admit you have no intrinsic sense of morality and need to be afraid of a higher power to be a decent person, but I promise if you're not a piece of shit it's actually very natural not to want to do heinous evil shit all the time potential punishment from a higher power or not 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
#winters ramblings#seriously its SO funny when that happens because every time its like ??? the FUCK kind of thoughts do you have#to ask HOW i resist doing evil shit all the time because i dont fear god because i dont believe in God??#what kind of fucked up person do you haveto be to only resist killing people because of fear of a higher power??#these are people to avoid because typically they also come with the issue of using their religion to make any action they want#perfectly Good and Moral because GOD said it its in the BIBLE whether thats true or not and like bible or no#if you have no intrinsic sense of morality i dont want to hear about atheist morality from you lmao#not that athiests lack issues i swear to god white dudes who evangelize atheism like its their new religion#have WILDLY missed the point and often suffer the same problem as the aforementioned Christians#wherein the onky thing thats ever given them any kind of pushback is the church so they decide RELIGION is horrible and bad as a whole#which isnt true religion can be a perfectly lovely amazing thing for people but that brand of atheist#doesnt seem to understand that people turned away from the church because of wide spread abuse and discrimination not because#believing in god makes you literally mentally ill like some of these fuckos act like. abelist AND shite to religious folks in one fowl swoop#so you know atheists have problems too but like they arent making laws in their beliefs images across the world so you know#temper the criticism with how influential the group actually is although richard dawkins types DID get a lot of space to spew their idiocy#like dawkims if you think youre SOOOO much smarter than christians how come you have ALL the same misogyny problems??#youre not that smart and logical if youve decided a whole kind of person is inherently less than you buddy. in fact thats very Christian#of him actually. funny when that happens but again if you dont actually know WHY something is a problem#its very easy to say Thats Bad and then literally do the exact same thing you just condemned because when YOU do it its no longer bad#because its got YOUR flavor of fucked up morality on it now instead of being like hmm maybe Christianity isnt a problem#because it EXISTS but because a lot of people use their religion as a pointed barb to discriminate against huge swaths of people#and often the intolerance becomes a legal issue when Christians and other religious majorities shove through laws based on EXCLUSIVELY their#religions and opinions and that doesnt mean religion should be dismantled it means we ahould tell religious folk who would know what#morality was if it fucked them up the ass to shut up and figure out what morality is outside of rekigion before they start legislating about#it and whatnot. also i wish extreme opinions werent ALL the news focused on exclusively on the political right#can we platform some NORMAL well adjusted christians who are god loving AND not a bunch of wingnuts#who are two steps away from arguing thou shall not kill only applies to people they LIKE because they dont seem to understand#maybe murder is bad when EVERYONE does it not just The Bad People??!?!
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theythemsaulgoodman · 1 month
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Went on my first bike ride of the season yesterday & gave myself bangs, hamboning will save your life someday
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inkstaindusk · 6 months
mmm, from the prompt list, since i'm a bit curious... 4 or 51, for anyone from alkaloid or crazy b...? i hope this isn't too vague aha
No worries, that’s perfect! 51 would be a good rinniki prompt but I’m furthering my Rinne-Aira agenda instead with 4. It sure is fun to make things happen to Aira in empty alleyways huh 4. “Hold on, you died.” “Yeah, well, it didn’t stick.” send me prompts!
Aira screams when Rinne’s eyes suddenly shoot open.
“Whoa, whoa, where’s the fire, Ai-chan?” Rinne exclaims. Aira continues to scream until Rinne gets to his feet and manages to slam his hands over his mouth, and then he just stares at him with wide, deeply confused eyes. The place where Rinne’s throat was sliced open is completely healed now; the only indication that anything happened at all is the still-wet blood soaking his shirt.
“If I let you go,” Rinne says carefully, “are you gonna start screaming again? I really don’t want anyone finding us back here.”
Aira shakes his head slowly. He’s right—it would be bad for two idols to be found in an empty alleyway, one of them with obvious blood on him. It’s a miracle no one came running already.
Rinne narrows his eyes but slowly removes his hands. As promised, Aira doesn’t scream, though he does stumble back a little, finding purchase against the wall at his back. Rinne doesn’t pay him any mind, patting himself down and making a face at his shirt.
It takes Aira a second to find his voice. “Hold on, you died.”
Rinne shrugs. “Yeah, well, it didn’t stick.”
“How did you not die?” Aira doesn’t shriek, but it’s a near thing.
“The better question is, how did you notice?” Rinne looks at him again, head tilted with intrigue.
“How did I—I can’t just not notice someone dying right in front of me?!”
“No, no, you don’t understand. It’s a thing: people don’t notice when I die, their eyes just kinda glaze over. Well, except for Niki. Oh man, he’s gonna be so mad…”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“But here I am. You saw it yourself.” Rinne tries to smirk, but it comes out as a grimace instead. “Ugh, I really don’t like having blood on me. Look, how about we talk about this somewhere that’s not on the street? Niki’s apartment is close by.”
“Do I have to?”
“Would you prefer not getting answers?”
Aira wants nothing to do with Rinne, but he knows that he’ll have nightmares about this no matter what. He won’t get any sleep at all if he doesn’t understand it.
He glances out of the alleyway. It’s the middle of the day. There are a lot of people walking around. “We’ll be seen.”
Rinne waves his hand nonchalantly. “Nah, we’ll be fine. I know a shortcut, no people.”
“…You’re not gonna kill me, are you?”
“Ha! No need to worry about that, Ai-chan. I like you too much, and even if you tried to tell someone, they wouldn’t hear it. Trust me.” He smiles sardonically. “But uh, don’t try it out with my dear little brother, hm? Who knows what he might hear…”
Aira wouldn’t have tried telling anyone—much less Hiiro—anyway. “Fine.”
“All right!” To Aira’s disgust, Rinne takes that opportunity to throw an arm around his shoulders and shake him in a friendly manner. Aira eyes his shirt, hoping he doesn’t get blood on him too. “Off we go!”
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vyragosa · 24 days
i'm eagerly looking forward to vyra's daily tumblr posting of games i don't know anything about 😊
i'm very relieved to hear this fr......play dotAGE if you like hard management games...it's pretty good
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chatdae · 1 month
The Great Gatsby (1974) au where Gatsby doesn't die and instead Nick takes on the no-paying job of trying to get Jay to move on from Daisy.
Bad ending is Gatsby never does & he and the Buchanans become a never-ending shitshow. Good ending is Jay moves on. Super special bonus ending is Jay and Nick fall in love (toxicity optional)
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vaugarde · 3 months
im starting to crawl to poketubers again and im watching lumiose trainer zac’s ranking vid on the gym battles and im realizing once again that i have a veryyyy different definition of what makes a good battle vs other people’s definitions
#then again idc about that aspect as much so. idk#like in a minor way i would have the elesa battle under the cress one bc the cress one is just kinda embarrassing and doesnt make sense#while the elesa one is just really awful all around from a battle and story standpoint#but idk i give the anime a lot of leeway in certain cases. like im shocked he put ash vs valerie so low just bc he broke trick room#like the fact that ash somehow broke the trick room was part of the fun for me even if it wasnt faithful to the game#the point to me is that ash is extremely unpredictable and doesnt play by the rules#also i dislike when ppl go ‘’ash was dumb here bc he brought a weaker pokemon to this typed gym!’’#like in some cases sure#but with hapu the point wasnt ‘’oh he just wanted to round things out with pikachu again’’#it was that pikachu lost to mudsdale before and ash wanted pikachu to redeem itself. plus he liked the challenge#of the one on one electric vs ground#idk like from a storytelling standpoint sure this happens kinda often but this is done to create an underdog story#its more of an obstacle to overcome if the weaker pokemon overcome the stronger one#which makes the win more rewarding#idk i definitely wouldnt put hapu on the same tier as elesa where ash’s writing is just straight up bad#as opposed to him wanting to give pikachu a revenge win in his trial battle#like in the elesa ep they make another joke that ash cant tell his snivy is a girl and he uses his dumbass palpitoad#echoed voice
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
okay sorry for having opinions on sonic shipping but . the more popular a ship is the more likely i am to be annoyed by it so its probably for the best that my favorite ship is one of the not as popular ones . but also the way sonknux gets talked about (or not talked about) as a result of it being less popular drives me up the wall . what do you mean it doesnt make sense. hes literally not staring at the moon and thinking about him💔
#theyre literally the sun and the moon and you dont even CARE ....#okay but ive actually seen random sonknux posts get a bunch of comments from so/nadow and kn/uxouge fans#along the lines of ''umm i prefer so/nadow :/'' or ''this doesnt make any sense so/nadow is better'' or ''nooo knuckles likes rouge''#like ohhhh my godddd shut UP#anyway theres so many things that sonic and knuckles have done that if it was sonic and amy or knuckles and rouge#or sonic and shadow doing it instead it would get labelled as peak romance#i know this to be true because it literally already happens sonic and knuckles do something gay and its cricket noises#then sonic and shadow do the same thing later. sometimes in the same show/comic/whatever . and it gets reposted everywhere . what#hell none of the other pairings i mentinoed even have to do what sonic and knuckles do they just have to stand near eachother#and people start freaking out ...#also im not saying youre legally obligated to like sonknux too if you like so/nadow or that you cant prefer so/nadow#but. if you think so/nadow makes perfect sense and have convinced yourself that its basically canon and every interaction between them#is a hint from sega that theyre secretly dating or something and you make the biggest reaches imaginable to prove it#while also thinking that sonknux doesnt make any sense at all and labelling it as a crackship or whatever#i can only assume that you arent paying attention to anything that happens in knuckles centric stuff#and/or being That obsessed with so/nadow has just heavily warped your perception of things. because how#and its not even just so/nadow .. knu/xouge is constantly overshadowing sonknux too#but at least so/nadow is actually okay its only crime is being too popular and having some annoying fans as a result#knu/xouge on the other hand is too popular and has a lot of annoying fans AND sucks . which is worse#but so/nadow is one i find myself comparing it to more often because its another gay pairing#and also people are obsessed with taking stuff from sonic and knuckles' relationship/interactions and giving it to sonic and shadow instead#and acting like knuckles doesnt exist and stuff that sonic and knuckles did first is exclusive to sonic and shadow or something#whatever . runs away
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