#i dont think i have sleep apnea
jacqcrisis · 7 months
Shoutout to my brother for not killing me in my sleep. Dad got us a hotel room to share for his wedding reception lunch thing and despite having ear plugs, a fan, a white noise video to listen to, and me trying to stay awake as long as i could so he could fall asleep first, he ended up having to sleep in the bathroom to get away from my snoring which he has described like 'someone dragging heavy furniture across concrete'. A problem I've had since childhood that I have inherited from my grandfather, that bastard.
But we made it through, I'm alive despite being dog tired from only getting four hours of sleep a night on purpose, and my brother shockingly doesn't have a sore back. And we made it to our respective homes safely.
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storm-of-feathers · 10 months
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cosmicdisastr · 10 months
don't you just love seeing 1 tiktok about something that can be wrong with your body that you resonate with which leads you down a rabbit hole of research and diagnosing yourself with a new thing that explains everything you've been dealing with but didn't have the words for but you don't want to bring up official diagnoses with your doctor bc you either can't afford the testing or you're afraid you wouldn't be believed and/or told you're wrong even though you KNOW something is wrong w you but dont have the mental energy to pursue it and so you just walk around with a bunch of shit in your head about things you may or may not have but cant/wont do anything about and scream
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gumioe · 1 year
holy god on high I sleep so damn much it can't be healthy or normal. I just took a 5 hour nap. after sleeping like 7 hours the night before. I sleep like 10-12 hours every day. and I'm still tired all the time
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spacetownhigh · 2 years
workshopping a chorus. was randomly inspired to write this after meditation like a week ago. was supposed to be a line about moving beyond a traumatized worldview from my frankly fucked up relationship w/my m(other). but i do like that it can also be a love song - i like that ‘after you’ can mean after i met you or after i left you. i’d like the tune to be able to be either/both. who knows if the tune will actually go anywhere but i can see it maybe becoming something. i do need to actually figure out verses and that’s a challenge. this always happens where the seed of the song is planted but yr like ‘oh now i have to actually write a song around this idea’ and that’s a tricky place to be. 
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anarchoarchie · 2 years
can’t sleep because i keep worrying i’m gonna stop breathing!!! i hate you brain
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frozenmagz · 5 months
i did an at home sleep study last night and the second night is tonight but i had so many issues with it last night like i got no fucking rest i ended up taking everything off at like 8am and just going to sleep for real. i had to sleep on my back so im so fucking sore and stiff AND the little yellow light kept coming on throughout the night because i couldn't get the belt tight enough for it to sit on my chest properly. i gotta call the support line and leave a message but like. i have to do this AGAIN tonight and i have work in the morning. torture
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softzindagi · 6 months
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things you send your sister when everything falls to shit
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hickoryhorneddevils · 8 months
think i finally need to go to a pulmonary specialist this is so fucked UP
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nexttothelamp · 2 years
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storm-of-feathers · 6 months
Holy shit man.
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It should be a federal crime to purposely wake me up 4 hours before I'm supposed to get up
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orbees · 1 year
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i was thinking of adding some blinkies to my page which led to me joking w/ some friends "i wonder if theres any for sleep apnea" and well. i didnt find any but dont worry. i have corrected this mistake.
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I have been dealing with sleep issues for so many years, at least since my early teens. I legitimately thought it was just depression fucking with me. And yeah depression played its part. However as i found out several months ago, it was far from the only reason. I snore, all night and very loudly. Someone told me that if you snore really loudly you might have sleep apnea so i talked to my doctor about it. I wasnt totally convinced so we did a take home pulseox monitor test to see if my readings over night might indicate if it was possible. It was very much possible. I am now convinced so i agree to an overnight sleep study in the hospital. the whole shabang. They put electrodes or whatever all over my body and i slept. I got up, checked out. They said ur doc will be in touch with your results and sent me on my way.
In my personal experience, nothing in the medical world works quickly unless death is on the line and sometimes not even then. So i was more than a little surprised and concerned when i got a call from the sleep doctor's office affiliated with the hospital i was tested at only a few hours later. They scheduled me an appointment to come in and discuss next steps and the appointment was so soon, i knew they squeezed me in because no doctors in my area have availability that quickly. I go to the appointment and im very nervous and this very concerned woman started explaining more about sleep apnea and my results.
The average adult stops breathing 3-5 times a night. I stopped breathing 117 times in 1 HOUR.
Do you know what its like to be told you are basically fighting for your life in your sleep every night? Its TERRIFYING. This poor woman was horrified on my behalf and ordered a cpap machine for me. Unfortunately due to the supply chain issues, cpap machines had months long wait list. So when i was laid off work a month later causing me to loose my health insurance, i wasnt even close to getting a machine. So i get a new job and wait the 3 months to get insurance and start the process of finding doctors that my new insurance will cover. So now 5 months after my sleep study i am sitting in another sleep doctors office. I hand this man the papers detailing my sleep study and watch the blood drain from his face while he reads.
If you have never scared a doctor before I wouldn't recommend it.
This poor man sees that i have been waiting to get a cpap machine for 5 months and puts in the order for one. While he is putting in the order he is trying very hard to be casual while asking me questions that boil down to how the fuck do function normally? How can you drive a car without falling asleep at the wheel? I then have to admit that i have been compensating for extreme exhaustion since i was a teenager so its all very normal for me now. I thank him for his time and go about my day.
This doctor let me know that the wait for a cpap now is about 3 weeks so im already happy, like that is sooo much shorter than it was 5 months ago. He says the home health equipment office will call me when my machine comes in.
I got the call from the home health office that same day. Turns out i horrified that sleep doctor so much that he put a rush on my cpap order so i got bumped to the front of the list. I had my machine 2 days later.
I have had this thing for 3 weeks now and i cant describe how amazing i feel. I am used to waking up at least a dozen times a night, now its only once or twice. Im used to having trouble keeping my eyes open long enough to turn off my alarm clock in the morning and i am used to making myself keep moving so i dont instantly fall back asleep. Now i am awake and alert when my alarm goes off. I dont wake up already exhausted anymore. I learned early in my driving life that i have to listen to audiobooks in the car to keep my mind engaged enough to not start to fall asleep at the wheel. For the first time in years i was able to just listen to music in the car and not start nodding off. I haven't needed to take a nap after work even once.
I have been told that i might not notice changes until after the first month with the machine so i am so excited about what else might change because of this machine. I cried actual tears the other day because of it.
It has already changed my day to day life significantly. The machine is so small for the miracle it has already given me. I cant even hear it when its on. I have a fan on at night and the machine is quieter than my fan.
Getting tested is so so worth it. The benefit to your life could be so significant.
I have other things that i need to take care of for my health but taking care of this one has made it easier to work on the others.
If you think you might have it, get tested.
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meefling · 10 months
Hello Beau!
Congrats, you've been visited by your LU Self Care Anon!
I hope you had a great day, and if not, don't worry, you did your best, and tomorrow's full of new possibilities!
Have you drank enough water? It can really help, abd since I've bought this really neat canteen with included straw I've been drinking a lot more (I think for me it acts as a stim too) Also, remember to get enough sleep, I might be an hypocrite now that i haven't slept at all this night, but it's only one night and I knew it would come, I'll sleep a lot the next. Did you know sleeping on your side may reduce snore or sleep apnea?
What have you been working on lately? Would you like to show me a wip, or describe it? I'm sure it'll turn out amazing, even if you now think it's nowhere near good!
You can do this! Believe in yourself, you're awesome!
CRIES THIS IS SO SWEET THANK U FOR CHECKIN UP ON US <333 beau themself isnt fronting rn but I am so i can pass the message along!
i slept a good 10 hours last night to catch up since ive been sleeping poorly this week, and today i had a coffee, a bowl of chips, a ramen, and some chicken curry leftovers. i'm about to go out to get some fresh air and head to a friend's house for a movie!
i dont have any WIPs im actively workin on but i did draw a bunch of things today! here they are! 3 LU pieces and 2 TGS pieces
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i do wanna draw more sometime, maybe ill take some art requests here too! :3
see u later, dont forget to care for urself too!! <333
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pissbuddys · 3 months
I've gotten two sleep studies done before. The first one was because of sleep apnea which led to get my tonsils removed. The second was a follow up on the surgery. The nurses were amazing even during my anxiety attack. I got to stay at a hotel on the follow up so I got to get breakfast the hotel served the next day
i'm doing mine at home! my doctors think i might have sleep apnea but i really hope i dont because i dont thing id sleep well with a cpap...
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