#whipped it up while the thought was fresh in my mind
bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin characters reaction when someone's creeping you out
Part 2
Part 1
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Kaeya, Diluc. Ayato
Warnings: Creeps, Creeps touching you, sexual connotations [Diluc, Zhongli] Violence [Xiao], empty threats [kaeya]
Notes: if they're immortal you're immortal!!
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Your relationship with Ayato hasn't been released yet. People did know he had proposed to a person, though. This allowed both of you to complete your moving process without people bombarding you. You walked just outside of Kamisato Manor after you had just finished emptying your old house. Now, it was time for relaxation. Or so you thought.
Being such a renowned family meant people were always waiting outside of the building, ready to ask questions. They were often moved by the guards, but a few stragglers would always stay in place. You walked along a slightly glowing path, enjoying the fresh air before you walked back. "Uh- excuse me!" An unfamiliar voice called out to you. You turned around, "Hello?" The man smiled at your response. Usually, people would just ignore him. "Why, hello! I - uh happened to see you walk out of the Kamisato Manor.... are you perhaps Mr.Kamisatos lover?" His response was blunt and straight to the point, causing your blood to drain from your face.
"No, no, of course not, haha, I'm just here to visit an old friend." You did a little victory dance in your head at the quick lie you made. The male nodded. "So that means you're single... are you not?" His body got closer to yours. "Well, I- uh- it's complicated!" You stumbled over your words, a pink hue from embarrassment flushed your face. "Seems to me that you are blushing~" he got even closer, causing you to walk backward, but you bumped into something.
You go to turn. However, a familiar sturdy hand placed itself on your hip. The males face drained from any blush it had, his eyes widening. "Why are you pushing yourself on this person?" The noble voice rang out through the air. The man bowed down "S-sir I promise I wasn't. We were just about to go on a date." The creepy male was stumbling over his words, Ayato held an amused smile. "Really? Well, I didn't think that my fiance would get tired of me that quickly" Ayato stated.
The male looked up, shocked. He apologized far too many times and ran off like prey. Your fiance knelt down a little and kissed your ear ever so slightly. "Don't worry about it. He won't say a word, " You nodded and turned around, softly kissing his lips. "You're truly amazing, Mr.Kamisato." he smiled at you, giving you another kiss, leading you back to the manor. "As are you, soon to be Kamisato"
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Clicking and clacking glasses could be heard all around the tavern. Tonight was particularly rowdy. People were celebrating the 'fall' of Dvalin. This was definitely the most filled night this Tavern has seen. You turned towards your husband, smiling softly. He walked over to you softly, placing his hand on yours before turning back to his work. Whenever it got busy, you would help him make drinks while he washed the glasses and made food.
"Hey, hot stuff." A voice rang out. You assumed he wasn't talking to you. I mean, it was often for those to flirt near you, so you just continued to do your job. "I'm talking to you." Finally, you look up only to find an adventurer drunk out of his mind glaring at you with hungry eyes. You shivered uncomfortably, going back to work. 'Hopefully, if I ignore him, he'll go away.' However, when you turned, he grabbed your wrist. "H-hey!" You said causing him to smirk.
"A whiney one, huh?" You pull your arm back only for him to yank you forward, half of your body practically across the counter. Kaeya quickly alerted his older brother, Diluc whipped his head around, watching you struggle against the grasp of the man.
The Tavern got quiet, everyone watching Dilucs Wrath as he marched towards the male. His hand gripped the adventures arm, "Watch it!" The drunken male said. "Out." Dilucs tone was cold, making the males grip on your arm loosen, and you slid away. Kaeya and Venti rushed over to check on you. "You can't just kick me out! Who even are you?!" Diluc smirked, "I'm the owner." He grabbed the male by his collar and shoved him out the door. "Come again, and your consequences will be detrimental."
The Tavern went back to its usual business, and Diluc knelt down beside you. Kaeya and Venti moved out of the way after he thanked them. "I'm so sorry, I would've done something sooner." You shook your head as he grabbed your arm, assessing the bruises you had. "It's fine Luc, it happens, plus now everyone knows not to fuck with my husband" he blushed at your words and kissed your arm. "Go ahead and sit with Venti, I'm going to close early." You nodded your head, pecking his lips softly.
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You walked out of your house, making your way to the Knights of Favonius to drop your fiances lunch off. It was a soft breezy day, the sun was out but it wasn't too hot. You made your way up the stairs, carefully not to drop the food. However, as soon as you made it, a fatui member stared down at you. "U-uh hello." You mumbled a greeting and went to walk your way. However, their hand grabbed your arm. "Not so fast," your heart dropped at their actions. People were around, but no one really seemed to notice how uncomfortable you were, so they went on with their day.
"Is there a problem?" You asked nicely, trying to avoid any problems. "Every day I see you, every day you bring food to the Knights, and you ignore my hellos. Why is that?" You were genuinely confused. You knew he never said hello to you. In fact, you made note of him always being stone cold. "There must be a misund-" your voice was cut off by his grip tightening. "You think I'd say it if it was a misunderstanding? Hm?" His voice was filled with fury, you weren't sure what had caused this but you really didn't want to deal with this.
"Listen, I really don't know what's happening. I'm just trying to give my fiance his lunch. " The male smirked."What if I don't let you? " His dark demeanor made your blood drain, and your hands started to shake. However, a hand grabbed your shoulder. "Then I'd have to take you out myself." You fiancé appeared out of the blue, "Yeah, you're not getting away with that. You're under arrest for harassment." He quickly motioned the other Knights to detain him.
He looked back towards you. "You're just irresistible, huh my love? Everyone wants a bite, " he joked around, trying to lighten up the mood, which worked. "Don't worry, my love magnet, I'm off for today."
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When it came to dating the anemo yaksha, it meant you HAD to be safe, and if there was any situation, you needed to say his name. But in this one situation you couldn't. A knife was held up to your throat, your arm already aching from being slashed earlier. A singular treasure hoarder behind you. He was randomly yelling commands, causing you to start to hyperventilate. The man smiled at your 'weak' reaction. "Who would've thought... I got lucky after all, huh? " His free arm snaked around your waist as the knife slightly pierced the skin on your neck, a small amount of blood dripping down. You winced and whispered a quiet help. "Go on yell, at this hour no one will hear you," he tightened his grip on you. His breath disgustingly touching your neck. "I'm gonna kill you." The knife dug in deeper. "Xiao," you whimpered quietly. The man went to ask what you said but was quickly slashed down.
It didn't end there, Xiao lost it. You turned away, but your ears still picked up on the slashing of the treasure hoarders body. It quickly came to an end, and Xiao ran over to you, his mask now off. His hand lifted your chin, exposing your neck. "Archons," he muttered and quickly lifted you up, teleporting you to his room in the inn.
"Sit." You did as he said and sat on the bed, slowly removing the fabric from your arm. Your hands shook heavily from the traumatic events that you had just gone through. "Hey. Look at me." The calm voice said, you oked up at your beloved, "I'll help you fight, okay? The demons on the outside and in here, " he poked your head softly. You tackled him in a hug, "Thank you so much," he stumbled back but wrapped his arms around you. "It's my duty, now sit down so I can fix you"
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You sat at the teahouse with your beautiful husband, Zhongli. It was a calm tradition the two of you had for hundreds of years. After your duties, you would both meet up and sit in silence while drinking some warm tea, most of the time reading a book or draw. He excused himself to use the restroom, you nodded and continued to sketch out some drawings.
However, a red-haired male sat down beside you. "What's that there?" You stared at him, he looked awfully familiar. "Do I know you?" His freckled face turned towards yours. He leaned in a little two close to your comfort, causing you to back up a bit. "No, but I can teach you who I am." You shook your head "That won't be needed." The male smirked and grabbed your pencil "Oh yeah then-" he was introduced by a booming voice "Childe. Leave."
He smirked and bowed down, leaving after blowing you a kiss. You look up at your husband, heavily confused. "What was that?" The geo Archon didn't answer. Rather, he grabbed your shoulders, bringing you into a passionate long kiss. "It was a nuisance trying to take What's mine"
This highkey sucked💀
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grugruel · 1 month
Say it Again
Pairings: Cooper Howard x f!reader
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Summary: For a long time, there'd been a quiet, reciding fondness between you and your companion. And when you finally journey back to your old vault, feelings are stirred from the depths and brought to the surface.
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: (mentions of blood, violence, death), angst, pinv sex, passionate sex, strong feelings, "I love you", pet names (darlin', sweetheart, honey), hair pulling (squint and you'll miss it), overstimulation, creampie, praise (both recieving).
AN: Not yet proofread! Let me know what yall think about the music inserts. I figured since its such a big part of the fallout universe, I might aswell ad it in a fic too! Enjoy yall!!
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The vault was open. . . It took my mind a few moments to wrap around the idea.
The thought of it being perpetually shut was so hard-wired into my being that I would've thought the gaping door a hallucination had it not been for my own departure a few months prior.
And I knew- I knew it ment nothing good. But perhaps they'd all left–alive, wandering the wasteland in search of better luck–a better life.
♪ Yes, pretending that I'm doing well
A familiar melody rang faint, barely reaching through the howling wind as it sang up a storm of scorching sand, whipping and tearing at my clothes.
In abivalence, I made my way toward the facade. Eyes examining the number 33 written in a bold, weathered font on the hefty external door.
A pang of guilt hit me–maybe I shouldn't have left, maybe I could've prevented whatever happened here. With the inhale of a calming breath, I stepped up to the construction, running the flat of my palm along the beaten but familar metal.
Then, without so much as a single thought of caution, I stepped over the threshold. The safety of a vault- my vault, was too fresh in my mind. That allong with the trust I placed in the hands of my shadow, suspecting his vigilance to be enough for the both of us.
Tracing the cool, grand archway with my fingertips as I entered, feeling the wear of oxidisation on its surface. Such a small detail I'd never payed any mind to before. How aged it was, yet still standing strong. A reminder of its resilience- of its impenetrable metal, planned to withstand outside threats for hundreds of years. And now, there it stood–wide open. The derision of the situation nagged me terribly.
♪ I'm lonely but no one can tell
When no longer veiled by the wind, the song sang clearly, its notes reverberating throughout the metal in a forboding fashion. Setting off a feeling of unease in the pit of my stumache.
While I stood familiarising myself again, I could feel a pair of eyes watching me, observing me. Monitoring my grief-struck and conflict ridden mind with a commiserating gaze. Their constant and reassuring prescence hovering behind me in semblance of a specter, keeping a respectful distance as my mind worked through what might have transpired while I was away.
♪ Oh yes, I'm the great pretender
The volume grew stronger as we made our way inside, my feet moving with slight hesitation as they clanged along the grated flooring.
♪ Adrift in a world of my own ♪
Stepping on the elevator, I steadied myself against the railing, feeling it vibrate beneath my hands with the frequency of the music. Those sweet well-known tunes only growing more and more eerie as we descended, accompanied by that strange constant hum from the bedrock, from the quiet. A white noise that only lived in vast open constructions such as this. Inhabiting the walls, the floor, and open spaces made from metal and stone.
A shiver ran down my spine, I'd never liked the quiet, despite the volume of the music, the quiet resounded. It'd always made to much noise in my mind.
♪ You've seen and you've left me to dream all alone
But when the doors opened to the floor below, a reassuring hand placed itself on the small of my back, amicably giving me a final push when I'd stood too long hesitating.
And it helped, it really did. The eclipsing stillness of the vault and the distorting of the music softened, fading and returning to that of good times–when they'd still existed.
♪ Too real is this feeling of make-believe
But the possibilities of what I might find ahead launched a gruesome assault on my mind. I tried distracting myself–thud, thud, thud. Our dull steps tapped against the floor. A pair of spurs clicking along with the steady rythm, leather groaning. Turns out I could only hear him, and I prefered it that way.
♪ Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal
It was a better focus then the constant searching for bloodsplatter and unmoving bodies, splayed out on the floor or tucked into a corner, seeking shelter, protection–spurs, leather-
I snapped back, the lyrics echoing in my mind and bouncing of the walls simultaneously, resonating throughout the empty halls as I jumped off of that dark train of thought before it could spiral further. The hands scrunched the fabric of my clothes, silently checking on me, attempting to refocus my mind. On the music, on him, anything was better.
♪ Yes, I'm the great pretender
I followed the words, thinking of the ones before and those to come. I still remember the list of songs. They'd played during weddings and social gatherings. We had them in our houses. I remember dancing in the kitchen, with swaying to the music with those I love. It was one of those moments which you knew you'd remeber forever, which would become a core part of you. Always to be looked back on, and sure enough.
I could't help myself from smiling, such fond memories. In my peripheral, his eyes softened. Still keeping his vigilant watch over my well-being, returning my smile with no intention of ever telling me, unkowing that I had indeed noticed him as he did so.
♪ Yes, just laughing and gay like a clown
But now, as I wandered the abandoned halls of the vault, they were only a tragic reminder of a time gone by–yet, I could see no bodies, no evidence of a fight or struggle–relief flooded through me. However, I still didn't dare make my way down to the compost section, I'd walked that path to many times on my last day here.
♪ I seem to be, what I'm not, you see
The hand angainst my back brushed my clothed skin with a thumb, circling a vertebra, moving to squeeze my arm as it then fell back to his side. The loss of his touch was dissapointing, but the closeness of his body made up for it.
We took a turn, away from the chance of decaying bodies and toward the fields of crop. I wanted to see it one last time, remember that last wedding–the good times, before I left and the place had become this, before it was reduced to a graveyard of memories.
♪ And I'm wearing my heart like a crown
I found my eyes wandering as we walked, constantly sliding to the man beside me. An aching arose in my heart, the two of us could've been something real sweet. Something true, something strong. If only we had the freedom of chance and opportunity. But as it were, we simply coexist, solely striving to survive in a world swallowed up by nuclear waste and feral brutality. I don't know what I would've done without him, it was a long road for us to grow this close–we didn't get along too well when we first met.
♪ Oh yes, I'm pretending and praying that you're still around
The music tunes out, fading into quiet nothing, like dust particles leaving rays of light–simply seizing to exist. I felt the comparison too familiar for my liking, turns out anything is just a metaphor for something else.
After waiting patiently and biding it's time, that strange hum takes up again. Making me wish he'd hold me steady, a d let the drumming of his heart be the only thing I hear. A wish that frequented my mind a lot as of late.
It's interesting how much you learn about yourself and the world when leaving the safety of your vault. The most ironic thing–radiation, and the fact that its the least to be worried about on the surface, the real danger being what dwells in the midst of it. Creatures–beasts, savages and monsters. The rad mutated animals are nothing compared to the barabarians that the human species have become, I really had no idea what stripping someone of their basic needs and a guaranteed future could do to a person before I entered the wasteland. And now, I cant help but marvel at the fact that only a few have resorted to eating eachother and worshipping radiation.
Dog-eat-dog is an old expression that comes to mind. Apparently it was used way before all of this befell us, and I can't help but imagine how bad we could've been back then to create such a phrase in a law-abiding society. But they were the poeple to destroy the world and we to rebuild it, so perhaps its not that strange after all.
Either way, I don't remember it personally. I wasn't alive back then, but it was told to me by someone who was.
The next song started up, the sorrowful tune keeping the deafening white noise at bay, and as I had predicted the list, it was my favorite to be played.
♪ There's a place where lovers go
To cry their troubles away ♪
The tape, surely damaged–played a slower version than I remembered, but it was all the same to me as I let it envelop me in a veil of comfort before finally laying eyes on what we'd come here for–corn. I felt their green stems beneath my fingers as I walked along the field, it was a miracle they were even alive and surviving whatever hardships they'd encountered. Another metaphor.
There came a rustling behind me, my companion doing the same as I had. A scarred hand reaching out to slide his fingers through the crop, keeping a stunned expression on his face, the corners of his lips curling upward.
♪ And they call it Lonesome Town
Where all the broken hearts stay ♪
It must've been a long time for him since feeling something living like this. Much, much longer than it had for me. And I'd just taken it all for granted.
Keeping our pace, we followed the path through the crops until fianlly, the familiarity of a huge wall welcomed me home.
Surrounding me was a vast sky with millions of stars and endlessly stretching mountains, following a path so distant I could not spot the end, all the while the high moon cast silvery blue light upon the world. A projection of the Nebraskan countryside. I used to stare at it for hours, dreaming myself away to a place that no longer existed. 'Did it really look like this? The world- I mean.' I hatched out of me.
♪ You can buy a dream or two
To last you all through the years ♪
'It sure did.' My companion turned to face me, choosing a lesser view over the pretty one before him. He was a mere arms-length away. 'It could be real beautiful.' He said, his eyes roaming my face.
♪ And the only price you pay
Is a heart full of tears ♪
He was a brute, that is true. He was the outcome of living through literal hell, but he'd fared quite well through it all in my opinion. He had his humanity left, which is more than I can say for the majority of the population. Charming and quick-witted, dangerous and cold. He'd seen who we were and what we had become, it's no wonder he acted the way he did. But it was all the same to me, he was strong and handsome, he could even by kind-hearted at times, and I loved him through it all.
♪ Goin' down to Lonesome Town
To cry my troubles away ♪
The implication made me blush, and shy away from his eager eyes while I averted my own, leading them back to the contryside. 'I wish I could've seen it.' I tried to focus, studying the sight meticulously, jotting down every detail in my mind. I hadn't had time the last time I was here- not to dwell. Too late now it seemed, the memory resurfacing with a passion as my eyes drifted over the scorching cloud in the sky, burned into the irreplaceable film. My lips drew into a thin line as I swallowed, it was reality, it was life. But it didn't stop my stumache from churning, the stench of wet metal revisiting my nose.
♪ Goin' down to Lonesome Town
To cry my troubles away ♪
A scarred hand reached up to brush strands of hair from my face, again, distracting me mercifully. Rough knuckles gently sliding over my cheek and the neighing of my jaw. 'I wish you could too.' He grasped my chin between this thumb and index finger, tilting my face upwards, our gazes meeting eachother.
♪ In a Town of broken dreams
The streets are filled with regret ♪
I leaned into his touch, for it was rare. Rare that he allowed himself simple pleasures such as touching me, even though I would willingly give myself to him at a moments whim. 'I love you.' I whispered. 'Please, please let me.'
♪ Maybe down in Lonesome Town
I can learn to forget ♪
The music glitched, the sound warping spookily as the needle scratched and jumped the groves in the needle. Shutting off for a second and then coming back on, restarting the song.
He shook his head, eyes uncharacteristically soft as met mine. Uncharacteristic to anyone but me. 'I can't feel ya', sweetheart.' He reclaimed his hand and took a step back, squeezing it into a fist, frustration shaking it as he cursed himself. The music tuned out, and all I see was the blue light contrasting his red-burnt skin, enforcing its texture as shadows settled in the contours and the pale silver on his high points. All I could hear were his words, the frustration and insufficiencies hinding in his tone, mirroring my own. 'Can't feel your fuckin' softness, cant feel your skin.'
'You can–' I followed his movement, gaining on the distance he'd created between us. '–it might not be ideal, but it's us.' I slid my fingers along his clothed arm, grabbing his coarse hand.
'I'm here, not perfect, and that's what you can feel. Imperfection. . . It's something that belongs to us.' I gave him a faint smile, doing my best to reassure him. To truly make him understand.
'I dont deserve you.' He leaned his forehead against mine, his cowboy hat sliding up his head as he did so.
It was my turn to shake my head now. 'Oh, but if you only knew what you desvered.' My voice broke, eyes watering. 'The world, coop. You've been through so much, you survived the bombs dropping for fucks sake, and the following 200 years after that. What you did during those years was for your own survival, please do not ever feel bad about any of it.' The silence that ensued became too long, too deafening. 'I wish you could see yourself through my eyes, so beautiful in your own right.' A tear fell down my cheek.
'I dont feel bad 'bout it sweetheart, thats the problem. I aint any of that, 'm a selfish killer. There's nothin' left of who I were–the good part. . .' his hand slid down my arms, squeezing my biceps to emphasize. '. . .what little good there was, it died a long time ago.' His drawl thick as he spoke, kissing my forehead. 'You can do better, 'n I cant allow those precious years of yours to go to waste on somethin' like me.' He wrapped his arms around me, placing one hand on the back of my head, cradeling it to his chest as he pulled me close, resting his chin on top of my head. The wetness of my cheeks transfering to his shirt. 'Don't cry, sweetheart. Dont cry 'cause of me.' He kissed my forehead again, working his way downward–cheekbone, jaw and finally–my lips.
His hands slid down the outline of my body, shoulders and ribs, then settled on my waist. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss in the same motion.
♪ Maybe down in Lonesome Town
I allowed him to kiss me for too long, I allowed him to believe his own words for too long. I pulled free, tearing away to breathe, to lock my eyes on his. 'I dont want who you were, dont you understand?' I cup his face, truly feeling him beneath my fingers, and loving every bump and dent. 'I want who you are now, scars and all. It's not for you to allow me anything. Get that in your head.' My voice had gone harsh, and even though he needed to hear it with all the conviction I muster, I added 'Please. . .' As softly as I could.
♪ I can learn to forget
The last notes of the song died out.
He shook his head as a small, breathless, humorless chuckle erupted from his lips. '. . .I love you too. . .'
♪ Only you
The next song started, the voice vibrating through his bones. A song he'd danced to when it was first released, twirling a life that no longer existed in his arms. He closed his eyes, humming along to the tune as he embraced the memory, arms wrapping tightly around its waist, hugging it lovingly one last time. Then let go.
♪ Can do, make this world seem right
He mouthed the words as he opened his eyes, finding her sweet face looking up at him, his pretty girl. It'd taken him more than he wished to admit, to say those three words. How such meak and fruitless words had cause him so much turmoil, he didn't know.
♪ Only you
Because when he looked at her now–stars projecting in her glimmering eyes, the wetness of tears remaining on her cheeks, anf with the backdrop of a countryside from a bygona era–the prevailing feeling was grief, a mourning over the precious time wasted, time he could've spent in admitant love with her. Holding her, kissing her, loving her. Things he just hadn't allowed himself to concede to, to fall slave under it. To truly feel it from the bottom of his heart–instead, reciding in the pit of it, in some dark, tucked away corner, was the feeling of being lesser and undeserving of her softness, her own kind heart.
♪ Can do, make the darkness bright
'Come.' She said, a faint smile on her lips as she grabbed his hand, pulling him with her. Away from the corn, away from Nebraska. He followed her willingly, blindly trusting her as she pulled him to wherever. He didn't care, as long as he was with her.
♪ Only you and you alone
The music grew fainter, devolving into a sweet hum, a lullig as the distance of the speakers tossed the sound boucing after them, echoing along the vaults longevous walls while they moved through them.
He turned her hand over as they walked, observing it quietly as he rubbed gentle circles into the plush skin of her hand, admiring what softness he could feel, his distorted hands dulling the sense unbareably.
♪ Can thrill me like you do
But it didnt matter in the end. Imperfection is what she'd said, and it belonged to them. His heart ached, eyes drifting over the small form leading him. The way her hair swayed and body moved, he could feel himself harden. Guilting himself. It was love for a woman, a family, that had once driven him to survive- with that life now long gone, it was that beautiful girl infrontnof him that kept him going.
♪ And fill my heart with only love for you
They passed several doors with accompanying mailboxes, until she slowed and halted her steps so suddenly, she almost collided with his chest. Her form stood frozen, contemplating, just as she'd done when they first entered the vault.
A scorched finger rose up to stroke her cheek. 'You alright, sweetheart?'
♪ Oh, only you
'Mhm. . .' She hummed. 'One moment.' And whipped around to face him, opening his saddlebag to rummage through it.
Unsuspectingly, a blush crept it's way up her cheeks, seemingly caused by the intent gaze he focused so tightly on her.
♪ Can do, make all this change in me
They'd just kissed, professed their love. Yet, it was his closeness, his warm breath against her that made her blush. He'd never want to be anywhere else. His gaze wandered, studying the home they stood infront of. Eyes landing on a mailbox, he read the full name aloud with a loving smile on his lips.
'I like the way it sounds when you say it.' She whispered, a coy smile on her lips. Suddenly- her eyes widened, finding what she'd been looking for, she pulled the object out of the bag, holding it up for him to see. An old pipboy.
"Welcome" it read, and as she turned one of the kogs, the door to the house opened.
♪ For its true
It was exactly the way I remembered it, not a detail out of place–rather an added layer of dust coating every surface of the place.
I ran a finger along the top of my scratched desk, gathering a pillow of dust on top of it. And then I saw it, standing lonely and abandoned–my old radio. Glee filled me as I turned it on, reflecting the song that was already playing outside. Filling my little house with soft waves of sweet tunes, all thr while weighing my heart terribly. Strong nostalgia splitting me in two. 'I used to love dancing.' The words left my lips in a soft murmur. 'Some of my favorite memories are from this kitchen, and now. . .' My voice broke. Inspected the dust and rubbed it between my fingers, observing how it crumbled to the floor. Perhaps another meatphor–how I myself am responsible for my old life crumbling.
♪ You are my destiny
A pair of hands found my waist, a chin coming to rest on my shoulder. He pulled me close, my back thudding against a strong chest. 'Its alright. . .' He breathed against my neck. 'We can make new ones.' Kissing my skin softly as he began moving with the music.
♪ When you hold my hand
My lips curled into a smile as I declined my head against his chest, snaking my hand behind his neck as the other fell on top of his hand, squeezing it with gratefulness. 'Thank you.' I whispered.
♪ I understand the magic that you do
He twirled me around, luring a giggle to erupt. He caught and pulled me close again, this time face to face. His eyes were still so clear, such a stark contrast to his muddled skin.
♪ You're my dream come true
The lyrics seemed to speak for us as my fingers interlocked behind his neck, my thumbs brushing his jaw. While his hands squeezed my sides, exhaling a long breath as we swayed, his eyes intently searching mine. 'I love you, sweetheart.'
♪ My dream come true
Without hesitation, my lips met his. 'Then prove it to me Coop. . .' Coyness tugged on my lips, my hands sliding to the buttons of his vest, '. . . Let me feel it.'
♪ Oh-oh, only you
He grinned against my lips. 'Anyhtin' for my girl.' And his hands wrapped around mine, helping them unbutton his clothes, skiding them off of him. Barechested as he was, he twirled me again. Back to chest, he whispered in my ear, 'Your turn, darlin'.'
♪ Can do, make all this change in me
Gladly, with my hands still guided by his touch, I brushed them along my torso, undoing every button of my shirt as I did so and slid it off my shoulders, my bra coming off next. He cupped them eagerly, a groan leaving his lips as he massaged them. Ingiting a pulse deep in my uterus. The music seemed to tune out off my mind, selective hearing I suppose.
Moaning in response, I could feel him harden as he pressed his hips into my ass. 'Need to feel it.'
'Undress.' Was all he said, removing his own clothes as I did mine.
A short moment later, he had my back pinned against a wall and my legs wrapped around his hips as he held me up with a firm arm around my waist–the other busy lining himself up with my core.
Suddenly- he pushed inside, leaving me as a whimpering mess. 'Good girl, sweetheart. . .' He whispered, doing nothing to ease the aching matter. '. . .sound so pretty for me.'
And without warning, he pulled out, and thrusted back into me again with full force. 'Mmh- Fuck!' I cried out. But his lips were on mine before I could fully register how big he was. Again and again, he trusted right into my core. His tongue fighting for control as it battled my own. My body was aching with a burning want for him, a need so strong I already felt myself closing in on my orgasm. '. . .'M gonna cum, Coop. Slow down, p- please. I stuttered the words, strained breaths dividing the sentence.
'Its ok sweetheart, you're doin' so well.' He reassured me, then took my words as a direct command and pushed us off the wall, walked over to the bed and threw us onto it with a cloud of dust kicking up around us.
Obiding my request, he backed up, hooked my legs over his shoulders and re-entered me with a shuddering moan. The feeling of my core effecting him as badly as his member effected me. With one hand burried in my hair, the other palmed a breast while his lips found my neck, gently taking my skin between his teeth as he pushed so deep inside me I almost screamed, but managed to bite my lip to keep quiet. That's when I felt him shake his head against me. 'Don't go all quiet, let me hear ya', honey.'
And so I did, releasing a string of curses disguised as moans while I wrapped my arms around his neck, placing kisses on his cheek while nuzzling my face against him. But I felt that blinding pressure building again, slower this time, but with an unrelenting force.
His warm breaths against my neck accompanied by the feeling of him inside me and the slick sound we created had my head swimming. It was too much, too fast. But this time, I wanted it. '. . .'M close Coop.' I whimpered.
'Me too, honey. Real fuckin' close.' He panted, voiced muffled as he kissed and sucked at my neck, hands fisting my hair and squeezing my breast. His thrusts began faltering as we both approached climax. 'Fuck, feel so good.' He cursed, groaning the words in my ear as our bodies rocked together, moving in sync. I was aflame, the pulsing in my body acting the accessory to his own members pulsing inside me. My eyes screwed shut, he felt so fucking good it was a simple reflex.
He kissed his way along my throat, pulling on my hair to angle my jaw for him, his lips trailing along it's sharps points, then up my cheek, settling in my lips. 'Look at me.' He breathed.
I wanted to listen to him, but my eyes did not. The pleasure was to much, the wall inside me so near collapsing-
'Look at me, sweetheart.' He ordered again, his voice sharper this time.
Having no other option I forced myself to open them. But it was worth it, listening to Cooper always was.
'Good girl.' He praised, his lips colliding with mine. And that wall burst, his words being the final battering ram. Tidal waves of pleasure rolled through me, roiling like crashing waves inside me. 'Love you, sweetheart.' He moaned.
No words would ever spur me on like those ones did, my uterus was quaking with every act of him. 'Say it again.' I pleaded.
'I love you' he whimpered. . . Whimpered. Strong and dangerous as he was, he whimpered as he came inside me. His rocking thrust strained as he continuing rutting into me, doing his best to lead us through our orgasms.
'Good boy, Coop. Again. . . Please.' I begged.
And he listened, repeating the words "I love you" against my lips, his voice pitching and breaking from the sheer pleasure he was submitted to. And when moving to softly nip at my ear, he whimpered those same three words in my ear over and over again until I felt a wetness on my cheeks–tears, I realised. He was overstimulating himself, crying as he made love to me. 'Fuck-' he shuddered the word, the slickness he'd created only coaxing more sounds out of him. 'Love you real fuckin' hard, darlin'. . .' He cried again. And I could've reached a second orgasm from that alone.
'I love you too Coop, love you so much. Youre so good to me.' I reassured him, my own voice near a cry as he was putting me through the ringer in the process. Finally, he began slowing down, his entire body shuddering from the way my insides clenched around him, milking the juies out of him. He kissed me one final time, then pulled out and collapsed beside me.
I had to take a moment to collect myself before turning to face him, my hand reaching up to brush the wetness from his cheeks.
His eyes met mine, both full of unconditional love. We laid like that for some time, loosing ourselves in eachothers gazes as we regarded one another in silent contemplation. All the while I could feel his seed leaking out of my core. 'You're a good man, Cooper Howard.' I whispered.
'I do what I can to deserve ya', sweetheart. The day I'm anythin' else but good to you-' He began. But I stopped him, not wanting his thoughts to walk down that road.
'You'll never be anything but good, Coop.' I inclined my head, kissing him softly before I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck. 'Don't forget it.' My voice a murmur against his strong neck as I slowly drifted off to sleep within the safety of his embrace.
♪ We'll meet again
Hand in hand, our gazes stay on the halls infront of us as we walk back the way we came.
♪ Don't know where, don't know when
My eyes were on the sand as we left, attempting to distract myself by studying the way the the kernels dent beneath my weight. But with a deep breath, I stop and raise my pip-boy clad arm, looking back toward the falling night, toward the empty timecapsule.
♪ But I know We'll meet some sunny day
The words once again faint as they stab through the howling wind. I turn a kog on the pip-boy, and the vault door rolls into motion. The world around us painted in red-pinkish hues as the door's mechanics shut in the echoing vocals completley, the entrance closing with a heavy, reverberating grating sound.
I can feel my heart thudding hard, beating with a sadness and re found happiness. Revisiting my old home had given me melancholy and a new love. 'You coming?' The voice was soft, considering–unwilling to leave my mind wandering through old, lonely thoughts.
'Let's go.' I murmured, my eyes still on the weathered number 33 as the wind whipped at my cheeks.
'Look at me, sweetheart.' my love drawled, gathering my attention, and I redirect my gaze to his. 'We'll come back.'
I nod. 'We will.' A faint smile make its way to my lips as I stood on my toes to place a kiss on his lips.
Then, with his hand in mine, we wandered the wasteland. Searching for better luck–a better life.
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perlelune · 1 month
Training Wheels | Coriolanus Snow | viii.
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Your mother's macabre work never appealed to you as you always preferred the comfort of your books, but when her apprentice takes a special interest in you, your safe, quiet world is flipped upside down.
Warnings: DUB-CON, NON-CON, Gaul!Reader, Shy Reader, Manipulation, Parental Neglect, Drinking, Peer Pressure, Hazing, University set, Loss of Virginity, Dumbification, Insecurities, Abusive Relationship, Degradation, Suicide Attempt
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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The rest of the morning flies by in a befuddling blur. Coriolanus takes you to the heart of the Capitol’s busiest street to have breakfast in a fancy tea house, one you’ve never set foot in before. For a while you ogle every item on the menu, brows furrowing at the prices. 
Coriolanus smiles at your expression.
“It’s my treat, angel,” he assures you.
The scent of fresh coffee and food hangs in the air. 
Your eyes roam about. Colorful flowers decorate the door frames. Mouth-watering pastries are exposed behind the glass under the front desk. The waitress comes over. She is nice. Her red curls bounce above her shoulders as she raves about the menu for the day. It’s clear the blond is a regular here.
He orders for you as you can’t bring yourself to decide, even after perusing the dizzying list of choices. You offer no resistance, glad to be relieved of your predicament. None of the dishes described particularly excite you. You’d rather let him pick. After all, he’s familiar with the place and you’re not.
He pays the waitress a compliment in that smooth, easy way of his and her cheeks glow pink as she tucks a strand of her behind her ear. It’s clear even the sweet waitress isn’t immune to his boyish charm.
Food is brought to the table and you stare at your plate for a while.
Your stomach stirs but you’re bereft of appetite. You’re distracted, the events of the night before still whirling through your brain in a hazy succession. Coriolanus’ soft reassurances collide with your unease. You fuss with your syrup-coated toast and strawberries, slicing little pieces you set aside but don’t touch. 
“You don’t like it?”
His deep voice startles you. You’re yanked from your numb haze, your head snapping up. A concerned frown mars his brow.
“You’re not eating, angel.” He glances at your plate. The whipped cream has long since melted, forming a snowy pool around the strawberries and toast. “I can have it sent back if you want.”
Bristling, you shake your head. You’ve never been too fond of wasting food. While it’s a luxury the elite allow themselves since the rebellion was quelled, those horrid days of despair and rationing have never parted from your mind. Just a decade ago, gaunt children roamed the streets begging for scraps.
“No, I’ll eat.” You shove a forkful in your mouth, forcing your expression to be more cheerful. 
He admires you, a subtle smile tugging his lips. His gaze does not waver until you finish your plate. Your skin prickles beneath the sharpness of his scrutiny. Despite the tightness of your stomach, you force each bite down your throat. A thought appears to cross his mind, his head slanting.
He reaches over the table to cup your cheek. 
“You look beautiful when the sun hits you like that,” he says, his blue eyes twinkling. Your heart skips a beat. 
You duck your head, mumbling below your breath, “I…thank you.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you fidget in your seat. 
It sounds exactly like a line from the romance books you cherish. The kind that would have the girl melt. The same way you’re melting now.
You lift bashful eyes to Coriolanus as he fondles the side of your face. 
After breakfast, he drags you along a path you don’t know. You trail behind him, hesitant when the front of a clothing boutique comes into view. He tries to pull you inside but you plant your feet into the concrete ground. 
He casts you a puzzled look. Anxiously chewing on your lip, you explain, 
“Coriolanus…my monthly allowance is only for school supplies and food. It’s barely enough for me and Walter to eat.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re overfeeding that cat,” he jests.
“Well, he doesn’t like it whenever I try to give him less,” you say with a shrug. 
His lips quirk upward.
“You really don’t know how to say ‘no’ to anything, do you, angel?”
Your gaze finds the floor.
He lifts your chin, his mesmerizing gaze drawing yours like a magnet.
“What’s the harm in looking?” he inquires. “You could still try on some dresses. You don’t even have to purchase anything.”
Your feet contort as your brows draw together.
“I don’t know. I probably should be home by now anyway.”
You can’t afford to fall behind. A mountain of studying awaits you at home. Between Saturday with Clemensia and the girls, the party and now…this is the longest you’ve gone without going over your notes. 
His expression dims, his fingers loosening around yours. You find yourself almost missing the contact, the warm, gentle pressure you’ve slowly grown familiar with. 
“Well, I suppose I could take you back home if you really wanted. I was just looking forward to us spending the day together.”
Your insides twist as you take in the glimmer of disappointment in his eyes. The thought of letting Coriolanus down makes your stomach ache. He’s gone through so much trouble to be nice and make you a part of his friend group. He’s spending time with you even if he’s always so busy.
“I guess there’s no harm in looking,” you belatedly relent. 
He beams at you. 
You let Coriolanus escort you inside. The high ceilings and gold accents of the place make your mind spin. 
He goes through every rack in the shop, running a critical eye over every garment that catches his attention. The saleswoman makes suggestions at his side, informing him of the current trends and which colors would compliment your complexion the best. You don’t utter a word. Their conversation fades as your focus bounces around the boutique. The feminine flair of the clothes you flip through are a sharp contrast to the contents of your wardrobe. 
You don’t see a single piece of you reflected here. You feel like an alien as you drag your feet across the soft carpeting. 
Rare items appeal to your scarce fashion sense but when you show them to him, Coriolanus hums his disapproval. 
“I know more about these things, angel. Trust me,” he whispers, his thumb caressing the back of your hand before he disposes of all your choices
You deflate but don’t argue. You’re only here to window-shop anyways, at his behest at that. It’s not like you’re craving new clothes. Or even need them. Still, a pang of regret lingers as the saleswoman strolls away with every piece of clothing that caught your eye. 
Once Coriolanus is done with his selection, you head to the fitting room.
You end up trying a bunch of dresses while he watches you. His intense gaze is glued to your frame as you pose and walk across the room per his demands. Every outfit draws a slightly different reaction from him, ranging from appreciative hum to skeptical groan. One in particular has his lips stretching in a wide smile. He beckons you to come to him with two of his fingers. You take shaky steps forward.
“I really like that one,” he says, hands rubbing up and down your waist. 
You fidget awkwardly.
“It’s not really my style.”
He cocks his head.
“How can you say that when you don’t have a style yet?”
You gape at him. Clemmie said similar words to you. But he gives you no time to ponder on that, grabbing your hand to make you twirl.
“I think you look very pretty in it, angel.” He leans closer to mutter in your ear. “In fact…I’m getting hard just watching you prance around in it.” To emphasize his lewd admission, he wiggles his hips against yours. The thick protrusion inside his pants carves a sizzling dent into your belly. Your breath snags, heat rushing to your face. You gawk at him, bewildered by his boldness. The saleswoman could walk in at any time. But this seems to be the last of his concerns, his blue eyes alight with lust as he drinks you in. 
“I-I should go change,” you mumble. 
When you try to shuffle away, Coriolanus’ hands tighten around your waist. Your chest grazes his as he murmurs, his deep voice riddled with desire, “You’re really gonna leave me like this, angel?” His half-lidded gaze drops to the bulge in his pants before landing on your face. “It won’t come down on its own.”
At a loss for words, a weak apology trickles through your lips. 
His rich chuckle penetrates through your skin.
“No need to apologize.” He angles up your chin, mischief dancing in his eyes. “How about you help me…take care of it?”
Shock rounds your gaze. “I-I don’t know,” you stammer, your skin growing hot all over.
“Come on, angel. It’s the least you could do for making me like this.”
Your mouth opens but before any word can pour from it, the blond’s lips slot over yours. His hand sweeps over your back until he finds the swell of your behind. He gives your ass a firm squeeze. You squeal against his mouth. His tongue slips between your lips. Eager digits relentlessly wander over your curves as he explores your mouth. 
He nudges you inside one of the fitting cabins, drawing the velvet curtain to hide the two of you from sight. When your hands push at his chest, his fingers clasp around your wrists, shoving them against the cushioned wall of the cabin.
“Coryo, please…Not here,” you implore. 
“We’ll just be quiet,” he insists while reaching under your dress. He gropes you as you squirm. A triumphant smile blooms on his lips when he finds the waistband of your panties. He’s impatient, swiftly dragging the pesky material down your thighs until it pools limply at your ankles. He makes quick work of his pants’ buttons, freeing his hard cock with hurried motions. While holding your hands above your head, he grabs his length and guides it to your entrance. “I’ll be quick, I promise. You’ll barely feel it.” He buries himself inside you to the brim. You keen sharply, your eyes flying open.
You definitely feel it. Feel him. His large girth tearing you apart, warring to fit between your tight walls. 
Coriolanus begins to fuck you at a steady peace. His cock splits you apart, dragging torturously against your sensitive walls. Fog forms on the nearby mirror as heat swells in the cabin. 
Your mind spirals. Your thoughts become white noise. White dots flicker in your sight every time he thrusts inside you.
A little whimper spills from your throat.
“You gotta be quiet for me, sweet girl,” he rasps, teeth nipping at your throat. His hand covers your mouth, stifling the helpless sounds you produce. His other hand grips under your thigh, the only thing keeping you upright as you sag against the wall.
He swallows his own moan, teeth sinking in his plump bottom lip when your walls squeeze his cock. After a few deep, languid thrusts, he goes still against you. He nuzzles the crook of your neck, thumb stroking your thigh. His cock twitches between your walls. He plays with your swollen clit, dragging wet, sloppy circles and pressing until you come apart too. A wave of heat crashes over you. Your walls flutter, milking his cock as he spills inside you.
Coriolanus unleashes a muffled groan against your shoulder. His eyes roll back as he finds his release. He takes a deep breath before letting you go. 
He steps back and fixes the stray blonde lock hanging over his forehead. He buttons back his pants as you slump against the wall, struggling to catch your breath. He pulls a pristine white square from his breast pocket and approaches you. Gingerly, he wipes the milky rivulets leaking from your spasming core and sliding along your trembling thighs. 
He does it until no trace of what he’s done is left. Except your shame, and a vague sense of pain and discomfort. 
He drops a quick peck on your cheek.
“Pull yourself together, angel. I’ll wait for you outside.”
You give a feeble nod. A great emptiness fills you as you watch him disappear behind the velvet curtain. 
The second he’s gone, you sink to the floor. You take a few minutes to bask  in how numb you feel, how sore and spent. Slowly, even breaths return to you. Hands shaking, you pick up your underwear and gather the clothes you came in with from the hooks on the opposite wall. 
You fumble with your clothes as you get dressed, your clammy hands catching into the material. Your chest burns with a feeling, one that sears through your bones and drops in your gut like a hot stone. One you can’t give a proper shape or name to. You just know you’re a bit nauseous and eager to go home. 
You unleash a drawn out exhale as you step out of the cabin. You arrange your messy hair in the floor length mirror nearby. The sight that greets you is doleful. Your chest seizes as you note the darkening bruises over your neck, where Coriolanus scattered rough bites and kisses. A burst of warmth invades your face. You pinch your cheeks and force a benign smile onto your lips. 
When you leave the fitting room, you're flabbergasted to see every single dress he insisted you try piled up on the front desk. Your eyes collide with the saleswoman’s. She takes a fleeting look at you before lowering her head. Embarrassment floods your insides as you realize she must have heard you and Coriolanus. 
Fleeing her gaze, you clear your throat and whirl to him. 
“Coriolanus. What are you doing?”
The saleswoman places all the items in boxes and bags, pointedly avoiding looking at both you and Coriolanus.
A disarming smile unfurls on his lips.
“Like I said today’s my treat, angel.”
He approaches you, cupping your cheek. 
“It’s a gift. Am I not allowed to spoil my sweet girl?”
Stumped, you stare at him. His thumb skims over your lips. 
“How about ‘thank you, Coriolanus’?”
“Thank you, Coriolanus,” you echo instantly.
“That’s my girl,” he lauds, bending to plant a kiss on your forehead.
On the way back to your place, you can’t help but steal nervous glances at Coriolanus. It’s not that you’re not grateful. The time and attention he lavishes upon you. His caring gestures. 
It doesn’t entirely bother you, being the center of someone’s attention for once. Mattering. In a strange way, it’s new and exhilarating. 
Perhaps what happened in the fitting room wasn’t... entirely comfortable, didn’t feel too nice at times. Hurt even. A lot. In fact you’re so sore, you can barely sit straight. But somehow you can’t bring yourself to dedicate an excessive amount of thought to the matter. It’s not a big deal, is it? You lost your virginity last night and it was weird. And this morning’s even weirder. Weird in its striking normalcy. 
Your fingers twiddle in your lap. You swallow a deep breath.
 It’s fine. Everything’s fine. So you let the morsels of doubt sink in the hollow space inside your chest. Until your hands stop shaking.
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“Walter?” you call. Coriolanus slams the door closed behind you. You dart across the apartment, combing every corner in search of your furred companion. Every spot he favors is inspected. Under the sink. Below the bed. The duskiest, dustiest corners of your wardrobe. Even the drawers. 
The blond is relaxed as you frantically unleash a storm upon your place, uncaring of the mess you trail in your wake. 
“That’s strange. He always greets me when I come home.”
“He must be around here somewhere,” he casually replies.
You call his name again and again. Still, there’s no sign of the orange ball of fur. No familiar purr or meow. No big yellow orbs staring up at you curiously. A sinking feeling grips your insides. 
Tears rush to your eyes. 
His concerned gaze settles on you. 
“What’s wrong?”
You draw a sharp breath that you slowly release, panic swelling within you. “I don’t think he’s in the apartment.”
“Did you check the windows?” he offers.
Your eyes bulge. It didn’t cross your mind. You heed his advice, checking every window in the apartment. When you inch towards the one in your room, your stomach coils. Your bedroom’s noticeably colder than the other rooms, which you didn’t linger on before.
As you find a crack in the window, your hand covers your mouth. 
“Oh my god.”
Coriolanus wraps his arms around you as you sob. 
“He can’t be too far if he jumped through the window,” he says gently. “He’s likely nearby playing or chasing after mice. The city’s crawling with them.” He cradles your face, eyes diving into yours. “Don’t cry, angel. We’ll find him, okay?”
Your chest grows tight, too many emotions surging through it at once.
“What if he doesn’t come home?” you mumble quietly.
“Don’t worry. He will.”
“I…” Your voice falters. 
The blonde tilts up your face, urging you to go on. 
“What is it?”
You sniffle and chew on your lip.
“I know I’m asking for a lot but can you help me look for him?”
That tight-lipped smile you know too well spreads on his lips. 
“Of course.” He pauses, seeming to ponder something. His expression lights up. “Maybe bring a treat. If he smells it, it might lead him to you.”
You acquiesce and fetch one from one of the drawers in the kitchen. 
As promised, Coriolanus spends the rest of his day helping you look for Walter. The both of you shout his name in the streets but his drooping little head never peeks from a dank alley as you keep hoping. He even drives around the area to see if perhaps he’s stuck on a roof somewhere, to no avail.
As the evening veers to its end, the sky coming aflame above you, hope dwindles inside you. 
You lost Walter. Of all the things in the world, it had to be him. Your only friend. Your only light in the darkness. You want to climb into bed and never leave the cocoon of your warm blanket. 
In fact, you do just that the minute you return home. You toss your key and wearily plod to your bedroom. Even that simple act has you aching at the loss. Usually at a time like this, his little form would be curled somewhere near your head, his eyes closed and his tail whipping against the headboard. 
Your chest threatens to burst from your quivering sobs. 
A lot of things are slipping away from you these days. Things you’re losing quickly. Too quickly. You’re not sure how to cope with any of it. 
Your body weighs a ton. Your mind throbs, the onset of a headache pressing insistently at your temples. 
Coriolanus is sitting beside you. Caressing the top of your head, he says, “We could put up missing posters, in case someone sees him.”
“No,” you answer, gulping down yet another sob. 
“Why not?”
You wipe your tears with your elbow. 
“I’m…I’m not really supposed to have him,” you confess. He slants his head, his expression inquisitive. You suck a wide breath and say, “Remember that day at the Academy when we were small? The thing she did to that poor creature in front of us?” 
It says a lot that you don’t even have to specify that you’re talking about your mother, immediate understanding creeping on his face.
He nods, displaying no emotion besides a subtle flicker in his eyes. “It does ring a bell indeed.”
You fiddle with the frayed edge of your pillow.
“I didn’t want the same thing to happen to him, so I took him home.”
Perhaps that was your true offense, your original sin…Interfering with your mother’s work. And now you’re paying the price. 
Weariness settles over you, bone-deep.
“It’s all my fault.”
His knuckles drag over your cheek.
“You just forgot to close a window. It happens.” He smiles down at you, his tone soft as a caress. “We’re all a little careless sometimes.”
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hello can you do a Percy Jackson reader when she try to impress him by skating but monumentally fail because she faceplant in the ground. And softie Percy that kiss your bruise and all (yes I just fell down the stairs and it f*** hurt) please ❞ — @hope92100
in which you try to impress your skater boy (and fail miserably)
pairing percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings reader gets hurt (bruise + bloody nose) but she's fine dw
on the radio sk8er boy (avril lavigne)
an song has nothing to do with the oneshot i just thought of it as soon as i read the request LOL
When your [mortal parent] told you you were moving to New York for their new job, you were elated. Not only do you get a fresh start in a big city, but you also get to be closer to Camp Half-Blood, and closer to him. ‘Him’ being your boyfriend of a couple months, Percy. 
The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Before, you used to only see Percy during the summers - which didn’t really count, considering you spent half your time doing quests for the Gods - and occasionally during school holidays, if you were lucky. Now you could see him all the time! As soon as you heard the news, you Iris messaged Percy, planning all the things you’d do together once you got there.
The first thing Percy suggested (or insisted on) was going skating. He didn’t get to do it very often, since when he wasn’t busy being a demigod he was busy catching up on schoolwork, but it’s one of his favourite pastimes and so he had to introduce his favourite person to it! That’s how you ended up at the biggest skating park you’d ever seen, dodging random mortals in beanies and sneakers with Percy’s hand tightly tucked in yours.
“Hey, watch it, man,” Percy said, scowling at some guy who almost bumped into you. You simply smiled at him, really not in the mood to annoy random mortals. Together, you walked to the scariest looking ramp in the whole park. Even a non-skater like yourself knew that a ramp like that needed to be avoided at all costs. While the rest of the park was full of people, the area surrounding this ramp was empty.
Handing you his backpack, Percy did a few warmups, a grin making its way onto his face when he noticed your look of pure awe.
“Percy, have you ever gone on this one? It looks kinda terrifying,” you said, fidgeting with your fingers. You knew your boyfriend enjoyed thrilling experiences, having dragged you to every rollercoaster in sight the one time you decided to go to an amusement park together, but this seemed to be a little much, even for him. 
To your surprise, he replied, “nope! But what better time than now? My lucky charm’s with me, after all.” 
That was that. You knew you couldn’t convince him not to go on that awful ramp. You whispered a prayer to your Godly parent as Percy made his way over to it, wishing on all the stars in the sky that your first outing in New York wouldn’t end in a hospital visit.
At first, you were scared to watch, sweat beading at your forehead as images of Percy’s limbs pointing in directions they definitely shouldn’t be littered your mind. But then you heard him yell your name and let out a laugh of nothing but pure excitement, and decided maybe this trip wouldn’t end up in broken bones and hearts.
He was beautiful. Percy could’ve passed for a son of Zeus as the wind whipped around him, blowing his hair in the most flattering directions. Apollo seemed to be watching from above too, as the sun hit him in just the right way, highlighting the different shades of green in his eyes and making his skin glow. When he noticed you looking, he waved at you, doing only a few more flips before carefully stopping and running towards you.
“I told you I could do it!” He exclaimed, nearly bursting with excitement, “I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you! I failed all those other times but of course I get it perfectly when you’re here. You really are my good luck charm!”
“Percy, you said you never tried skating on this ramp before.”
“Oh… Well maybe I had a bit of practice, just so I could impress you.”
You giggled at his cuteness and suddenly had a surge of confidence. Maybe you should impress him too. Have you ever skated? No, but that didn’t matter, it couldn’t be that hard! You’ve done all sorts of hard things in combat training at camp, this was nothing in comparison.
Taking the skateboard from Percy’s arms, you set it on the ground and stood on it, causing him to frantically grab your hands so you wouldn’t fall, his eyes wide as he double and triple-checked that you were in one piece. 
“What are you doing?” He nearly screamed, “you’ve never done this before, you can’t just scare me like that babe!” His fingertips turned white from the amount of pressure he was putting on your hands and he slowly walked you around the park. After you circled the ramp he went on a third time, you decided you had enough of his help, wanting to really impress him.
Tugging your hands from his grip, you smiled and said, “Percy, let go, I’ve got it now.” He was hesitant, but did as he was told, kind of curious as to how this was going to go. It started off good, you did actually get the hang of it. As your confidence continued to skyrocket, you went faster and faster, and Percy’s cheers began to blur in the background. 
The issue came when trying to stop. You had gone slightly off course and were now skating in the midst of other people. Wanting to get back to where you and Percy were, you decided to stop and then switch directions, since you didn’t know how to turn around. That was when you realised you didn’t know how to stop, and you were heading right towards a wall. 
“Y/N!” Percy yelled, but it was too late. You face-planted right into the wall and then landed on the floor, nose bloody and bruised. You tried smiling at Percy to assure him that everything was alright, but your face must’ve looked pretty bad because he wasn’t having any of it, grabbing you and bringing you back to his house. 
Sally’s jaw had dropped when she saw the state of you. Did you seriously look that bad? Setting you on the couch, Percy ran to the kitchen, getting you a bag of frozen peas and a sliver of the ambrosia they kept for emergencies. You ate the ambrosia and put the peas on your nose, breathing a sigh of relief as they soothed the throbbing pain. 
Eyebrows furrowed, Percy said, “Are you feeling better? I’m never letting you skate again, y’know.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the irony of the situation you were in. There you were, worried Percy would get hurt on your first day in New York, when it turned out to be you. 
“I’m okay, Perce,” you began, smirking as an idea planted itself in your mind, “but I could use one thing from you.”
Immediately, Percy got up, ready to do anything to make you feel better, “what is it? We have more medicine in one of the drawers if that’s what you need, but I don’t think I can give you more ambrosia since I don’t know exactly how much –”
“A kiss,” you interrupted, watching as his face contorted from worry to confusion to a bright smile. You put the peas away and Percy held your face, giving you kiss after kiss after kiss, all over your face. Maybe getting hurt wasn’t all bad.
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halfvalid · 8 months
the blade daughter, pt. 3
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pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
alternate title: dracule mihawk cures your daddy issues!
rating: mature
characters: live action!roronoa zoro | fem!reader | live action!dracule mihawk | live action!straw hat ensemble
pairing: live action!roronoa zoro x fem!reader
word count: 23.6k total | 7.3k this part
description: you finally soothe the uncertainty you've had surrounding going out and making a life of your own. somewhere inside, you find the bravery to finally tell zoro how you'd feel about him.
tags: mihawk's daughter!reader, female reader, canon-typical violence, cursing, no use of 'y/n', pet names per mihawk ('dear', 'darling', 'sweetheart', 'little hawk'), emotional hurt/comfort, slow burn, kissing, confessions, a lil suggestive at the end
author’s note: ANDDDD SHE'S DONE!!! this was a wild 8 day long ride of writing, i'm a bit uncertain about the ending so please tell me what you thought of it!! hopefully you liked the fic, thank u so so much for reading.
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The two of you emerged from the room a little while later. You’d finished cleaning up, and Zoro had kept you company as you cleaned both his swords and Hiru. The both of you walked together afterwards, wandering into the kitchen where Sanji had whipped up a meal. 
“We’re close to the Grand Line,” Nami reported, having apparently steered the ship far enough away from the other pirates to leave the helm alone. “Should reach the mountain by early morning.” She glanced over at you. “Kuraigana Island first, right?” 
“Yeah,” you affirmed. “The Grand Line is… screwed, though.”
“We’ll be fine,” Luffy said brightly. You just shrugged, taking a seat at the table. “Zoro! Did you get everything cleaned up?” Zoro had changed into a fresh shirt, one not so bloodstained, and he gave a curt nod. “Good. Come and eat so we can get ready for tomorrow?” 
Sanji passed you a bowl, and you let out a thin breath. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you wondered how and when this had become your norm—it’d been a week with the Straw Hats, now, and— 
You dropped your chopsticks in your hand. It’d been a week. “Fuck,” you said, the word dropping out from between your lips before you could stop them. Your entire body had gone rigid, pink flushing up your arms and face as something burned deep inside of you. 
Everyone’s heads had snapped up to look at you, matching concerned expressions on all of their faces. “I, um—” you said, scrambling up from your seat, words too big in your mouth. You opted not to finish them, dropping your sentence as you yanked your shell phone out of your jacket pocket. “Sorry, I—” 
You shook your head, hurrying out of the kitchen. The cold gust of the ocean breeze hit heavy on your face, and you let out a breath, the gust of air exhaling out of your chest in a rush. You heard footsteps behind you, but the panic hadn’t bled out of your veins entirely, and your hands shook as you tried to open your phone. 
Zoro’s hand was pressed over yours before you could snap the case open. You stared down at it, and your gaze lifted, the tremble of your hands subsiding as his warm grasp sunk deep into your skin. “What’s up?” he asked, low and steady. 
“I, um—” you swallowed hard, hitching breath soothing at his touch. “Um. It’s—I have to call my dad.” 
Zoro was serene, tone even and still. His words from before echoed around in your head, the proclamation of not having patience. It’d been untrue after all. “Did something happen?” 
“I’m supposed to have dinner with him,” you blurted. “Tonight. I’ve never missed it before. Because I’ve always been on the island, in our—I’ve never missed it before. I’ve been with you all for too long.” 
“I’m sure he’d understand,” Zoro said, though his hand didn’t fall from yours. He paused, lips parted as his eyes ran along your face. “Or is it something you’re upset about?” 
“I don’t have friends,” you whispered, words fierce. “I don’t go places. I stay at home. This life isn’t mine. It’s—” 
“I don’t think you should dictate what you do based on what your father does,” Zoro interrupted. His tone wasn’t harsh, exactly—but it was strong, tone firm, jaw set as he spoke. “So you miss one dinner. So you’re out and about for longer than a week. Does it matter?” 
Does it matter? Your heart pounded in your chest, and you took in a steady breath, trying to soothe the adrenaline that still pulsed in your veins even now. “I don’t… I’m not used to this,” you admitted, somehow managing to keep the contact of your eyes even as your brain screamed at you to look away. “I’m not used to being away from home.” 
“Everyone starts somewhere,” Zoro said. 
You hesitated. His hand moved carefully away from yours, nudging your fingers to open the phone. Your gaze dropped, staring at the little snail waiting for you inside, nestled in his little bed of velvet. You picked it up, tucking it into your ear as your shaking hands dialed Mihawk’s number. 
He answered on the first ring. “Hello there, darling,” he said, and you closed your eyes, a soft exhale leaving your lungs at his voice. “Are you calling me about dinner? I’ll be there in a few hours, I promise. Just finishing up over here.” 
“No, actually, um—” you cut yourself off, teeth coming down to halt your tongue. You opened your eyes, turning to glance tentatively over at Zoro. Does it matter? he had asked. Which… it did, right? You weren’t a part of the Straw Hats. You hadn’t joined their crew; you’d been insistent on that, pushing away any idea of a life out at sea in exchange for the comfort and familiarity of your home lifestyle. But you’d been making bonds with them despite, and helping them out with their ship, and fighting alongside them in battle. And you’d just patched up Zoro’s wounds a mere hour earlier. You didn’t make friends.
But you were making them. 
“I’m not going to dinner this week,” you said, the words all slurred as they spilled from your mouth. There was a pause of surprise on Mihawk’s line before he spoke again. You squeezed your eyes shut, feeling Zoro’s gaze on you. 
“Finally departed from the nest, have you, darling?” Mihawk said. His voice was soft—tender, almost. “Very well, then. Any idea when you’ll be on the island next, or shall we keep it a suspended date?” 
“I should be home in a few days,” you said, voice hitching in your breath. “I’ll—I’ll call you! I don’t know what I’m going to do afterwards, but I’ll—I’m not going to just disappear.” 
“Well, of course,” Mihawk said simply. You tightened the squeeze of your eyes, trying to suppress the tingling prickles at your waterline. “I’m glad you’re making friends, dear.” 
You made a face, letting out a breathy scoff. A defense mechanism, really. “Don’t get mushy on me, old man.” 
“Me? Mushy?” There was a staticky scoff crackling over from Mihawk’s side of the line. It was such a simple conversation, so—why was it driving you to tears? “I could never, darling, do you even know me? I’ve got to fly, anyway—there’s some pesky pirates around here I’ve got to deal with.” 
“Bye, dad,” you said, the words choking up your throat, all raggedy at the edges, too big as you shoved them up and through your mouth. They grazed your tongue, but the points weren’t edges; they didn’t draw blood. “I—um.” 
The Dracules did not say I love you. Your father was doting, certainly, but he expressed his affection in far more unspoken ways. Presents from all four Blues. A weapon of the highest caliber quality when you were thirteen. Personal lessons in sword fighting. The murder of anyone who dared send an off look in your direction. 
“Me too, little hawk,” Mihawk said simply. “Now go have fun.” 
The den den mushi let out a soft little croak, signaling that Mihawk had hung up. You let your hand fall, the fingers holding the case of your phone going slack. Air punctured your lungs as you inhaled, the salty, crisp breeze loosening your muscles with every breath. 
“Are you alright?” Zoro asked. The words were gruff, awkward. Like he wasn’t used to saying them. You tightened your grip on your case, and then tugged the snail out of your ear, setting it carefully back where it belonged. You met Zoro’s gaze, heart thudding a bit faster as you saw flickers of concern in his eyes. 
“Yeah,” you said. “I think I am.” 
The sun shone bright on your face, the weather of the Grand Line being more forgiving today as the ship sailed carefully through the ocean. Your route was still towards Kuraigana Island, although you were growing more split about it by the second. You’d just had a conversation with Mihawk a day or so ago about you not being at the house—and the fact that you’d have to choose whether to go home and potentially never see the Straw Hats again was a decision that gripped heavy at your heart. 
“Looks like you’ve got a lot on your mind.” You glanced up to see Zoro at your side, forearms propping at the Going Merry’s railing as he gazed out at the ocean. You shrugged, eyes flickering down his side profile before falling back to your hands. 
“I don’t know,” you said. “Just thinking about what to do, I guess.” 
Zoro fixed you with a look. “You should try not doing that.” 
A startled laugh escaped your throat. “What? Thinking?” 
“It gets old,” Zoro said with a firm nod, brow slightly creased to shield his eyes from the sun. “I’d recommend dropping it for at least a few hours. You’re getting wrinkles.” One of his hands moved upwards to nudge against your forehead, and you ducked, another laugh gracing the edges of your lips. 
“Right,” you said, dubious. “How are your wounds?” 
“I’ve taken worse,” Zoro said with a shrug. “Though I guess I’ve still got that one, huh.” He grimaced, lips tugging back to bare his teeth into a scowl. It took him a while to speak again, and you turned your gaze back towards the ocean, waiting for the unspoken words to leave his lips. Minutes ticked by, but you just basked in the sun, trying to air your mind of any thoughts. Maybe Zoro had a point, there—sometimes it really wasn’t necessary to think at all. 
When Zoro finally spoke, his words were quiet; muttered under his breath. You had to strain to hear them, as the thin ocean breeze swallowed them up almost immediately. “I really thought I could beat him.” 
You huffed out a breath, unsure of what to say. Unsure if Zoro even wanted you to say anything. Your grip on the boat’s railing tightening, palm running across the soft wood. You found words falling out of your mouth anyway, though, although you yourself were surprised by them—“You can.” 
Zoro glanced up at you, surprised. “Maybe not now,” you hastened to say, not wanting to add to his clearly already-inflated ego. “But you’re good. You’re good enough to beat him, eventually. In a few years, given the proper time and training. I think…” You swallowed down the phlegm in your throat, alarmed by how wet your voice was starting to sound. You took in a breath, steadying your tone, making certain your voice wasn’t quite so thin or reedy. “I think that’s what scares me about you.” 
“I’m sorry,” Zoro said, all low and hushed. You just shrugged. 
“I don’t mind,” you answered. You felt his eyes on you, burning like a sun on fire, like the stars dotting his skin were crisping over your skin, charred and burnt and broken. Or maybe it wasn’t quite so destructive. Maybe it was a tender fire, crowning a pile of wood and cared for with iron stakes, embers glowing deep in the night to keep warmth fueling a pot of soup, or healing ragged hands after a long battle. 
“Let me get you a drink.”
Zoro disappeared. He returned with a flask, handing it over to you after unscrewing its cap. You knocked it back—it was rich but bland, all dry and earthy. Sake. You’d pegged him more as a beer guy. “Thanks.” 
Zoro’s gaze didn’t move from your figure. It was warm, you decided then. The swordsman was vicious at times, relentless in his fight, sinewy figure slashing cuts into flesh as he sparred with his enemies. But there was a distinction behind the hot, heavy iron of those glares at the look at which he placed upon you now. You couldn’t go as far to say his eyes were tender, or soft. But they were warm. Fire was a calamitous thing, but it had its blessings. 
“Let me take you out,” Zoro said suddenly. Your entire body froze, murmurs of warmth and tingling buzzes pricking up and down your spine. Something inside you lurched—no, it didn’t lurch, didn’t have the unpleasant sensation associated with it. It was softer, burning, guttural. Like a sharp knife cutting straight through your abdomen, sliding into your stomach, prying apart the bones like they were putty. Your chest squeezed inwards, heart pulsating with soft pangs of something. Hunger; desire, maybe. Yearning. 
“Why?” you asked. Zoro just shrugged, effortlessly casual in his movements. You saw a hitch in his throat, a flicker of something in his eyes, a strain in his jaw. Not so effortless after all. “Actually, more importantly—where?” 
“I’ll figure something out,” Zoro answered. “Is that a yes?” 
You turned, glancing up at him tentatively. “I’m not used to this sort of thing,” you said carefully. Zoro just shrugged. He still looked effortless, all guarded, but you could see the tremors and quivers underneath. 
“Neither am I.” 
You pursed your lips, raising your face to let the sun glow down onto your skin. “I have a rule, though,” you said, voice lifting up, more of a tease now. There was a ghost of a smile at the edge of your words, although your mouth wasn’t shaped in one. It was hesitant, careful not to scare you, really; creeping on you inch by inch. “I can’t go out with men who haven’t beaten me in combat.” 
Zoro snorted. “I have beaten you,” he said. “But if you want a rematch—” 
“Let’s not strain your injuries too much.” Zoro let out a scoff, but it was light-hearted, laced with amusement. You just shook your head, the dawning smile at the edges of your lips now, tugging them softly upwards. “I accept a loss when I get served one. You beat me, fair and square.”
“So I get to take you out now,” Zoro murmured, words careful, hovering in the air just barely out of his lips. He turned towards you, the sun outlining his face with a soft glow of gold and orange. He didn’t smile, but there was that soft, burning look again, lips slightly parted, taking in air. “That’s the rule, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” you said. “It is.” 
“Tonight, then,” Zoro said. “Ten. Aftercastle.” 
You spent some time contemplating what to wear. You hadn’t brought a very expansive wardrobe along with you, only the essentials, so there wasn’t much to choose from—just some shirts and pants, no dresses or skirts in the bare bones of your luggage. You eventually picked out your favorite of the grouping, sliding your signature jacket on like usual, Hiru fastened securely in its scabbard at the back. 
Zoro was waiting at the afterdeck when you arrived, dressed in a dark wrap shirt and his usual green obi. The cloth was nicer, though: his pants were missing their usual wear and tear, and his shirt looked to be made of finer cotton. “Hi,” you said, slipping up next to him. The tangerine tree’s leaves brushed at your ear, and you glanced up at it. The fruit was ripe, round and as bright orange as Nami’s hair. 
“Hey,” Zoro replied. One of his forearms was propped against the afterdeck railing, and the other wrapped around the side. You put your hand beside his, pinky just inches away from his. “Do you know any constellations?” 
“Some,” you said, squinting up at the sky. You could point a few of them out, but not many—the sky was cloudy tonight, most of the stars blocked out by dull puffs of gray and blue. “You?” 
“No,” Zoro answered. “Was never really interested in that kind of thing.” He glanced over at you. You’d turned your attention on the trees, again, plucking one of the tangerines off the branches. The tree trembled, its leaves quivering with soft swaying motions. You dug your nails into the flesh, peeling it carefully. “Why’d you just stay home?” 
“I don’t know,” you said with a shrug. “My dad used to not let me leave. He stayed with me until I was maybe twelve, for the most part. Then he started going out more, but he didn’t want me to come. Something about it being dangerous. He dropped the ban when I was sixteen, but…” you hesitated, tucking the shredded pieces of tangerine peels in your pocket. “I just kind of stuck with it, I guess.” 
“Weren’t you lonely?” 
“Kind of.” You broke the orange in half, moving on to pick at the pith with your fingernails. You gathered that up, too, little white lines piling up in the crease of your palm. 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“He always wanted me to leave, I think,” you said. “To find my own life. I was always happy staying there with him, though. Or waiting for him.” 
“You wouldn’t be abandoning him by leaving,” Zoro said. 
“Logically, I know that.” You peeled a piece of orange off from a half, offering it to Zoro. He took it, carefully pushing it between his teeth. He broke skin, a burst of piquant citrus juice dripping on his lower lip. Your eyes lingered there a moment too long, but you looked away a second later, speaking again. “I think it’s just a habit, really. I worry.” 
“I mean, he’s a Warlord of the Sea. I think he can take care of himself.” 
“It’s not that I’m worried about,” you said with a sigh. You popped a slice of orange in your mouth, sucking at the tart juice. “I don’t want him to get lonely.” 
“That’s not really your responsibility,” Zoro answered. His pinky crept closer to your hand, from where you’d returned your grip on the railing. His touch was feather-light, a soft breath of skin against skin that was there and gone again within a moment. “Did you think any more about it?” 
“I didn’t,” you said. “Took a page out of your book.” 
“It’ll come to you eventually,” Zoro said. “Like that one Shanks guy said—actually, I don’t remember the quote. Ask Luffy about it in the morning. He’ll probably go on for a few hours.” 
You snorted. “You’re kind of bad at giving advice, Zoro.” The name came easily, and you stopped, feeling the syllables on your teeth. It was comforting. Natural. 
Zoro seemed a tad bit offended by that. “At least I’m trying,” he muttered, voice defensive but not hostile. “Onto lighter topics?” 
You popped another tangerine slice in your mouth. “Like what?” 
“Nothing light about my life, so I’ve got no idea.” You snorted, choking on the orange that’d made its way halfway down the passage of your throat. You coughed, shaky laughs escaping your lips as you cleared your airways. An amused smile had perched on Zoro’s face, eyes glimmering with warmth as he watched you.
“That was unnecessarily edgy,” you protested. You finished with your tangerine, letting the pith flutter out of your palm, some of the white floss sticking. You didn’t mind it. 
“Got a laugh out of you, didn’t it?” Zoro nudged you, the skin of his finger pressing fully against your pinky. This time, he didn’t move away, letting the warmth of his skin bleed into yours. 
“You never answered my question.” You raised your pinky, lifting it to brush against Zoro’s knuckle. Carefully, you slipped it into the gap of his interdigit, looping your fingers together so they were intertwined. Zoro exhaled shakily—you glimpsed his other arm moving away from the railing, lowering to his side. “Why you wanted me out here, I mean.” 
Zoro pulled up a flask, unscrewing the cap with one hand. He didn’t drink, though, just held the bottle suspended in his hand. He didn’t say anything for a while, letting the soft rush of water from below and the tranquil rocking of the boat fill the silence. For a moment you thought he wasn’t going to say anything at all. To your surprise, though, he raised the flask to his lips, taking a short sip before letting his hand fall again. “You feel different.” 
“Care to be a little less vague?” 
“I don’t know if I can,” Zoro said carefully. His guard was up, that much was sure. You didn’t exactly blame him. “Things have changed since I joined Luffy. Sometimes I can’t describe it.” 
“The crew,” you said. “It makes sense.” 
“It does,” Zoro agreed. There was something magnetic about it, about him—something that drew you in. But you weren’t afraid of it, really. The Straw Hats weren’t scary. Their bared teeth weren’t fangs; their canines remained unsharpened at their maw. Their lure was more peaceful than that. “We like you. You fit in.” He paused, mouth slightly ajar, a tremor of something on his lower lip. “I like you.” 
Your lungs were empty, devoid of air. Something in your chest clawed at you, trying to climb up your throat, compressing your organs. Zoro’s touch burned into you, interlocked fingers searching an imprint in your skin. You were certain you’d feel it for hours; days; months; years after. “I think I like you too,” you said. 
“Well, you like my earrings,” Zoro said easily. “That’s a start.” 
You turned towards him, at his open stance, tucking yourself in the space between his figure at the side of the ship. The motion forced Zoro to raise your hands away from the railing, but he slid with the action easily, fingers fully interlacing with yours. His other arm remained propped along the ship, flask in his fingers, the skin of his forearm brushing against your side. Your free hand raised up to skim along his earrings, dull clinks of the metal sounding out at the emotion. “I do like your earrings.” 
“Enough to let me kiss you?” 
You tugged gently at Zoro’s earlobe, angling your face up to meet his. “Yeah.” 
Zoro kissed you square on the mouth, mouth full and open, hand slipping around your back. The edge of his sake flask dug into your spine, but it wasn’t a sharp pain, and you didn’t mind it. Your fingers tightened against Zoro’s, chasing his lips with yours, letting him swallow you whole. He was patient with it, smooth and languid; tongue licking into the crevices of your mouth, firm as he mouthed kisses at the lines of your lips. 
You breathed in from his lungs, chest getting tight as he sucked the air clean out of you. Still, you were addicted, utterly devoted as his fingers nudged against your hand and his tongue skimmed along your mouth. He was a good kisser, effortless and smooth, nearly elegant with his motions. He tasted like sake; earthy, woodsy, reminiscent of some sort of mushroom, maybe. It suited him well. 
You let out a little whimper as Zoro’s tongue pressed deep to your throat, and he swallowed it up, flicking lazily along the roof of your mouth. You were getting short of breath, though, so you placed a gentle litany of faint kisses along his mouth before tilting your head back and letting the night air puncture your lungs. Zoro’s pupils had gone wide, deep black swallowing the walnut of his irises. His hand pulsed against yours, steady as ever, but he didn’t speak.
“I like more than your jewelry,” you said, staring down at where your fingers tangled with his. They looked like two pieces of a puzzle, extremities manipulated to slot along each other, palms molded together. “I like the way you move, and the way you fight. I like your face.” You hesitated, playing with Zoro’s fingertips to distract you from your words. 
“You don’t have to say it,” Zoro said. 
“No, I think I do.” A ghost of a smile flickered up your mouth; a corpse, really, one that had forgotten it wasn’t really dead after all. “I like you, Roronoa Zoro.” 
Zoro’s fingers squeezed tighter against yours. There was no click, no noise of finality, no settlement of a suspended thread. You supposed it didn’t work like that. Life didn’t stop and end. You went on. You’d see Zoro in the morning, again, after you’d gone to sleep, and things would continue like normal. “Okay,” he said. “Late enough for you to go to bed, yet?” 
“I could go either way,” you answered. “Staying out here wouldn’t be so bad either.” 
“Fine by me,” Zoro said, not moving from where he stood. “So, Lady Dracule. Where to next?” 
“Wherever the breeze takes me,” you answered, but there was a decision settling down in your chest. One you weren’t so afraid to look at anymore. 
Kuraigana Island was just as you’d left it, sky dark as night even in the middle of the day, rotted ground crunching dust and rocks underneath your feet. The Going Merry had docked in one of the number of homemade boat berths Mihawk had made sometime in your youth. 
Usopp let out a low whistle as the Straw Hats stepped onto the island, head practically turning around in a 180 degree spin as he craned his neck to look around. “You live here?” 
“It’s quaint,” you said defensively. 
Nami gave you a sympathetic look. “It really isn’t.”
“Why is the sky black?” Luffy murmured in amazement, casting his gaze upwards to the overhang of rumbling clouds that existed perpetually over the island. “Have you never seen sun in your life?” 
You rolled your eyes, leading them through the gravelly path up to your house. Their reactions were, well, nothing short of the expected—Sanji’s eyebrows lifted, and Zoro let out a low whistle as he took in the sight. 
“It’s like Kaya’s house,” Usopp breathed. “But… bigger. And more spiky!” 
“It needs a paint job,” Nami deadpanned. You snorted. 
“I’ve been trying to get him to renovate for forever. Good luck.” You cleared your throat, suddenly awkward as the group walked closer and closer to the house. Your footsteps slowed, until you came to a full stop a few meters off the front door. The Straw Hats grouped around you, curious. “Just… don’t be weird, please. Nami, don’t steal anything unless it looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in thirty years. I only bother to polish the important stuff.” 
“Is that an open invitation to rob your house?” Nami asked with a snort.
“Do you have any food?” Luffy asked. 
“Probably not. My dad can’t cook for shit. Sanji can make something,” you said. “Our kitchen’s kinda nice.” 
“Working in a Warlord’s kitchen? I’d be honored,” Sanji said, with a little flourish of his hand. You rolled your eyes, but Luffy at least seemed satisfied. You glanced over at Zoro, who was the only one of the group who hadn’t said anything up to now—his lips were set into a thin line, but he met your gaze, and they flickered upwards just a quarter of an inch. The action was reassuring, almost, and you were soothed enough to start walking again.
The door flung open before you reached it, although the sudden motion didn’t startle you like it did to your compatriots. Dracule Mihawk stood in the doorway, dressed in his usual hat and jacket, Yoru heavy off his shoulders like usual. “I thought I heard footsteps,” your father trilled, voice wonderfully monotone as he bent in front of you, taking your hand to press a gentle kiss upon your knuckles. “Have you brought your friends along, darling?” 
“Clearly,” you said with a soft laugh. It was like all the tension evaporated from your body as soon as your father got near, and you found his hand, giving it a tight squeeze before turning to your friends. “Do you need introductions, or do you know them all already?” 
“I only remember the future pirate king and the swordsman,” Mihawk said with a dismissive wave. “Oh, and Yasopp’s child. It’s no matter, really. Well, come on in, you’re letting in the cold air.” 
Usopp stuttered something incomprehensible about his father, but Mihawk had already disappeared. You glanced over your shoulder at the rest of the Straw Hats. “He’s like that,” you said apologetically. “Just… come in.”
They followed you into the house, glancing around the lobby to take in the decor. You had to admit, a lot of it was rather gaudy, but it wasn’t like Mihawk cared much about what adorned the walls, and you had little resources to work with. Sanji made quick work moving to the kitchen after you made sure that Mihawk hadn’t prepared dinner. 
“So,” Nami said, the words mulling around in her mouth as she lounged by the kitchen island. “Nice place.” 
“It’s kinda scary-looking,” Luffy said honestly. “Interesting choice of decoration. I guess if you like it, though.” 
“Are you okay on your own for a moment?” you asked, getting up from your seat. “I’m going to go talk to my dad.” Luffy nodded, and the others all hummed their assent. Zoro caught your gaze—soft, curious. You just gave him a reassuring smile and slipped out of the room. 
Mihawk was waiting in the living room, long body stretched supine along the couch, booted feet thrown up on the arm. You narrowed your gaze at it. “Don’t put your feet on the furniture,” you grumbled. 
“Sorry, dear,” Mihawk said, though he made no move to alter his position. “Did you end up getting that jacket for me?” 
“I did,” you said, glancing through the satchel that hung at your hip. You pulled it out, folding it with a solid shake and holding it up for Mihawk to see. His golden eyes flickered up and down the garment, taking in the material. Black cotton twill, with red paisley silk as the lining, delicate red lace at the hem and sleeves. The lapels were wide, buttons shiny and black, and it used red stitching rather than black, giving a sort of exoskeleton look to it. Mihawk sat up, pushing his hat back. 
“It’s beautiful, darling. I love it.” 
You folded the jacket in half, slinging it across the back of the sofa before moving around to face Mihawk fully. “About the crew.” 
Mihawk glanced up to meet your eyes. “Yes?” 
“I…” you took in a breath, the inhale shaky in your lungs, bones and muscles rattling in your chest. “I think I’m going to stay with them for a little while, if you’re okay with it.” 
“The Straw Hat crew,” Mihawk said carefully, shaping the words on his mouth, tasting them on his tongue. “My daughter, part of the Straw Hat crew. Well, it’s not the most terrible-sounding thing to say, I suppose.” He paused. “No idea why you’d think I wouldn’t be okay with it, though, sweetheart. I’m not horrendous.” 
“Well, I figured—” you started, voice trailing out into a protesting whine. “You’d be against them? Garp sent you after them. One of them tried to kill you.” 
“Oh, you know I don’t hold grudges over such trifling matters,” Mihawk said with a dismissive wave. “Roronoa Zoro, right? He was watching you the entire time you entered. Wouldn’t take his eyes off you, darling.” There was a particular glint in his eyes, hunted, like he was searching for a quarry. “Something to tell me?” 
“No,” you said, too fast. Mihawk lifted both brows, and you broke almost easily. “Maybe. No. He’s—no.”
Mihawk clucked his tongue, sounding amused. “I suppose your rebel streak was bound to come out eventually. And from what you told me, he did beat you, so I can’t exactly complain.” You flushed, warmth heating up your skin, bringing a rosy blush to your cheeks. “Make sure he doesn’t get himself killed before I can fight him again, will you, little hawk? I’ve got my eye on that one.” 
“Okay, dad,” you muttered, but the tension of your shoulders had gone slack, and your muscles were loose. 
“Will you be leaving after dinner, or will you stay until the morning?” Mihawk asked, standing up to his full height. He stretched, sinewy limbs long and supple. He looked nearly odd without Yoru perched along his back. “I’ve missed you.” 
“Morning,” you answered. “I’ve missed you too, dad.” 
Mihawk smiled at you. “Go make sure our guests aren’t burning down the kitchen.” 
Dinner was less of an awkward affair than you’d expected. Usopp spoke the most through it, and Mihawk was fine to goad him on, occasionally switching topics to inquire about the rest of the crew. 
Sanji had made a fine meal; a grilled steak and onions with a side of asparagus to some kind of white sauce pasta you didn’t recognize. It felt… nice, really, having them all around you. Mihawk certainly knew how to socialize, and Luffy didn’t seem to mind his acerbic tendency. 
“And after I defeated all the enemy pirates,” Usopp was rambling on, “We hit a cannon straight into their mast, and it came crashing down! Oh, you should’ve seen it, man. It was me—well, Luffy—I guess he was the one that chucked the guy into the ship, or whatever. It wasn’t actually a cannon, but the details aren’t that important—”
“What about my little hawk?” Mihawk interrupted, and you had the vague sense to start whining. “I don’t suppose she just sat there throughout the whole fight.” 
“Oh, nah, she got some guys too I guess,” Usopp said, lazily waving an arm in the air. “She’s the one who stationed me at the cannon, she knew how great I was at it. She almost died to this one big dude—”
“I did not almost die!” you snapped. Usopp cackled out a hearty laugh. 
“No, she totally did. Thankfully for her, the great Captain Usopp came to her rescue—”
“Me,” Zoro muttered, words barely audible as he spoke them into his cup. You cracked a smile, and he glanced up, catching your eye. A tender look crossed his face. 
“Okay, yeah, it was Zoro who saved her,” Usopp admitted. “Cut the guy’s head straight off his body. But that’s just because I was busy fighting off the other pirates!” He motioned with his hands, mock-punching the air in front of him. 
Mihawk just raised his eyebrows. “Did he, now? I hope you thanked him properly for that, sweetheart.” 
You shot Mihawk a warning look. “Dad.” 
Mihawk didn’t let that faze him, raising his glass of wine to his lips. “You might want to take him around the island. There are some fairly romantic spots here, ones I brought your mother to while she was pregnant,” he said, mouth around the rim of his glass. You flushed, resisting the urge to lunge over the table at your father—clearly, he could see your vexation, mirth dancing in his eyes. 
Zoro didn’t say anything, eyes tilted downwards like there was something particularly interesting in his cup. Nami and Sanji were murmuring things to each other, and Sanji raised his voice to speak. 
“I knew there was something between the two of you! Come on, Lady Dracule, you could do so much better than the mosshead here—”  
“Shut it—” Zoro started. 
“You most certainly did not know, and you owe me fifteen hundred berry for that!” Nami said, offended. She elbowed Sanji firmly in the ribs, and he let out a low cough. Her head spun towards the head of the table, where Luffy was sitting across from your father. “Luffy, tell your cook to honor his bets.” 
“You bet on us?” you demanded, a squeak of embarrassment entering your voice as you protested. Nami gave you a look. 
“Please. You were obvious.” 
“Well,” Sanji jumped in, “Personally I thought you had better taste than—”
“I said shut it, waiter,” Zoro said, finally looking up to fix Sanji with a glare. He tilted his head to the side, one eyebrow raised, and you stifled a laugh. “And if I were you, I’d give Nami her money as soon as possible.” 
“This is so unfair,” Sanji muttered, but he fished a wallet out of his pocket and slapped a few bills onto the table. “There you are, madam. I hope you’re happy.” 
You groaned. “At the dinner table, really?” 
“Money waits for no one,” Nami said with a little wink, tucking her winnings carefully into a pocket of her skirt. 
“Sanji, did you make dessert?” Luffy wondered. Sanji rolled his eyes, but the sigh he let out was kind and good-natured. 
“Well, lucky for you, I did have the mind to bake some cookies while here.” He got up from his seat. You just gave him a dubious look; everyone had more or less finished with their food, though, so you got up, collecting the dishes to wash. 
You did chores, Nami hanging around you and lending her aid while the other Straw Hats got comfortable in guest rooms or whatever else. Zoro hadn’t budged from the dining room, apparently not interested in exploring the different parts of your house—you could just barely see him out of the kitchen doorway, nursing his drink as he stared thoughtfully into the distance. 
The familiar shape of your father’s jacket joined his side, and you narrowed your eyes, straining to hear. Mihawk had bent over the table, a pleasant smile on his face as he spoke. He didn’t bother to speak quietly, so everyone in the near vicinity heard his words— “If you hurt her, I won’t show the mercy I did the first time. My little hawk’s more important than finding a worthy opponent.”
“Dad!” you snapped, dropping the plate you were in the middle of washing. Mihawk didn’t even look in your direction, even as you stormed out of the kitchen to stand protestingly by the mouth. “Don’t—” 
“Oh, hush, dear,” Mihawk said with a dramatic eye roll. “I’m off to bed, then. I’ve got business in the morning.” He came over to you to brush another kiss along your knuckles. “I’ll be gone before you wake up. Safe travels.” 
“Good night,” you said with a sigh. Mihawk left, then, disappearing around the bend of the corner to head off to his room. 
“...I still don’t really forgive him for almost killing Zoro,” Nami said warily. Zoro got up from his seat, moving over to where the two of you had gathered in the kitchen. “But your dad’s fine, I guess. Not terrible, as far as fathers go.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed, then glanced apologetically towards Zoro. “I’m sorry about him.” 
“It’s fine,” Zoro said with a careless shrug. “It’s getting late. I’ll walk you to your room.” You nodded, drying your hands on a nearby kitchen towel and prompting Zoro to follow you up the steps. The house was large, a castle, really; all dark and winding, with long corridors and tall ceilings. Your bedroom was grand, on the second floor, with a sweeping balcony and wide windows that bore a full view of the island’s perpetual darkness. 
“What’d you say?” Zoro asked, stepping into the room. He glanced around, but didn’t remark in his surroundings, turning instead to look over at you. 
“I told him I’d be joining the Straw Hat pirates,” you said. Zoro smiled at that, the edges of his lips curling up. 
“Good,” he said simply. You moved towards him, forcing him to back up until he reached the plush of your bed. He sat down, eyes not flickering away from yours, soft brown that held an entire universe in them. Planets lined his cheeks, spatters of galaxies that you thought you might revolve inside. “Living here for years alone doesn’t seem like the most interesting life.” 
“It was fine while it lasted,” you said, bending your head down, lips hovering over his. Zoro’s hand came up to press firmly along your waist. “I think I like the ship a bit better, though.” 
“Hm,” Zoro murmured, eyes on your mouth. He tugged you down, but the kiss he pressed against your lips was chaste, and he was leaning back again before you knew it. “I decided, by the way. On whether I wanted your dad to like me or not.” 
You arched a brow, thinking back to that night so long ago when you’d first heard the words on Zoro’s lips. I’m not sure if I want him to like me. “Well?” 
“I do,” Zoro said, nudging against your chest, chin bumping along your shoulder. “It makes sense, with you.” 
A comfortable silence filled the space. His thumb ran a tender circle along the skin of your torso. “I should probably pack,” you murmured. 
“Eh, you’ll have time for that later,” Zoro said dismissively. You laughed, the sound full, straight out your throat. 
“Do I, now?” Zoro’s lip quirked, eyes grazing over your figure. You prattled on as if you didn't even notice. “Did you have something else in mind? You realize after this we have all the time in the world to be together—”
“I told you I was impatient,” Zoro interrupted, and then he was tugging you down, pressing a full kiss to your mouth again. You parted your lips to argue, but Zoro just took that as an opportunity to side his tongue in, and, well—this wasn’t so bad, either. One of your hands came to tangle in his hair, nudging his head just the slightest bit upwards to allow you better access. Zoro’s thumb didn’t stop making lazy revolutions into your skin. “Doesn’t seem like you mind.” 
“Shut up,” you mumbled against his lips. You leaned forward, pushing him back onto the bed, before pausing to lean down and unfasten the straps of his shoes. 
“You’re a real charmer.” Zoro didn’t complain, though, seeming more than pleased when you returned to kiss him, allowing him to fall back onto your bed now that you’d shed him of his footwear. “Little hawk, huh?” 
You huffed out a breath. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s cute,” Zoro said casually, one arm coming to prop behind his head. He drank you in properly, this time, from where you were on your knees on the mattress, unstrapping your own shoes before joining him up on the bed. “You are.”
You met his eyes, and a flicker of warmth crossed over your heart. For a soft, silent moment, you let it breathe. Let it exist there. Let the realization that you may one day love this man fill your soul. 
“Come here,” you said, climbing over to Zoro even as you spoke. “I’m going to kiss you again.” 
Zoro just grinned.  
The Going Merry was just as you’d left it, although Mihawk had provided you with any extra provisions the crew might’ve wanted for the rest of your journey. You’d packed up and brought along your stuff, too, managing to finally decorate your cabin in the ship more to your likeness. Everything was ready, and you stood at the edge of the aftercastle, Zoro to your side as you stared down at the island you’d called home for all the years of your life. 
But Kuraigana Island wasn’t your only home anymore, and neither was the hawk eyed man who resided in it whenever he was not busy doing something else. Mihawk had left in the early morning, but the ghost of his presence still warmed you. This way, it was easier to let go, you thought. This way, it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. 
“Casting off!” Luffy yelled, his voice puncturing the stillness of the island air from his usual spot on the goat at the ship’s bow. You turned away from the island, jacket lapping around your legs as the wind whipped against it. 
“Ready to go?” Zoro asked carefully. 
“Yeah,” you answered, turning away from the island. Zoro stood to your left, one hand perched on the hilt of his sword, the other relaxed at his side. His brows were creased, strong against the shimmer of the glinting sun just barely peeking through the darkness of the island. 
The fog washed his features in blue, all blurry around the edges, but you couldn’t help but think he was the most beautiful man you’d seen anyway. 
“I’m ready.”
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pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
taglist: @untoldshortsofthefandoms @ellisaworld @yeonieesss @sarcastic-sourwolf @rouzuchan @dashcrashbash @blossomedfloweroflove @ fangeekkk @winuvs @katiemrty @asexualimmortal @fayetheenthusiast @freedom-kitty @ren-ni @je4nc4tb0y @dwcode @albedosfiance @13-09-01 @dimplewonie @cellgore @ shabzy1644 @applepie972 @mayo0ma @smoochesfromlevi @ csmbrainrot @intoanothermind @junieloonie @yourlocalgoose @swthrxrry @lovefooi @dailybrekker @taeriffic @xxemmarldxx @alastorswife63 @butterfliesinthenightsky @mukeovernetflix @wonuskie @mysingularitybts @sorasolarium @chaitea-69 @wishyouwere-sober @mchlist @bibi-bieber-winchester @prowkarma @loveyluv7 @hhighkey @jesssssmaybankk @threadofdestiny @hinata7346 @thevampiricprincess @wreckmyimage @prettyinsatiable @fairygirl18 @idcalol @bangtannie7 @carav4l @kookie-doughs @bluesiebirdie @endeaz @q8852p @addisonwilkins1 @louweasleymalfoy @alelovesmitski @fnlyroe @swthxrry @jamieeboulos @scarletrosesposts @jesssssmaybankk @vonpeachy @sincerely-aaronette @tsubaki3192
author's note: i also wanted to pop in and say that i'm not opposed to writing more fics/oneshots of this character and in this universe (hereafter referred to as md!reader) with zoro <3 if you guys have any requests pop them in my box when my requests are open, plus i may write some on my own time too!
© halfvalid 2023
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milqueandsugar · 15 days
🌼☕` Breakfast In Bed `☕🌼
Gen / Fluff
Includes / Alastor
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It was never easy keeping secrets from him. You didn't have many to hide, but the ones you had always came to light. That only meant you had to work a little harder to impress him, something you were very willing to do.
As quickly and carefully as you could you folded the mix of blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries into the batter, the once pale beige leaning a bit more pink. He would be up soon, lucky for you he was a man of habit and in all your years sharing a bed with him he had never risen before five am. If he ever rose at all. It was only recently, and because of you, he dedicated his nights to sleeping rather than lurking around the hotel or the city of Pride.
You glance up at the clock, 4 45, just enough time to fry up the pancakes and serve them before he wakes. Finally, a surprise.
"What's this now?"
God damn it. Or Lucifer, any deity you could think to swear to you do.
"How! You're never up before five!" You gasp, exasperated, tired from creeping out of bed at four in the morning and more irritated than anything else.
"You weren't in bed." He said simply, like an obvious fact as he draped himself over you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder. He was only ever affectionate in public like this when he had upset you. You weren't really annoyed, you weren't even surprised really. You learned to expect anything really while being with the radio demon. "What's the point of sleeping if you aren't in my arms?"
"Don't be romantic I'm annoyed with you."
"hmmm? Is that why you were trying to make me breakfast in bed?"
"Shut up Alastor."
"If that's what you want." He pecks you on the cheek, a simple gesture but your heart flutters all the same. He spins you around, dipping you low before taking you by the hands and leading you to the crooked little kitchen table that no one really used. His shadow pulled the chair out for you, miming blowing kisses towards you.
It was Alastors time to cook, humming and swaying his hips like it wasn't before the sun of hell had even risen yet. You envied his energy. He fried the pancakes, flipping them perfectly and dramatically, the smell of the cooking berries made your stomach growl. He pulled two plates from the cupboard, his smile faltering at the sorry, chipped state of them before tossing them into the trash and summoning his own. He plated the pancakes equally onto both plates, summoning cream, fresh berries, syrup and jam for the table before setting your plate in front of you. Strawberries appeared on the top pancake in the shape of a heart and when you looked up he held his head in his hands, eye brows raising at you in anticipation.
You furrow your brows in thought, before scooping some whipped cream onto your finger and smearing it across his forehead in playful retaliation.
"you're forgiven, you may speak now."
"Of course, my dear."
He took your hand in his before you could properly pull it away, kissing each knuckle before licking the whipped cream from your finger. He shot you a grin.
"My, my, your as red as the strawberries."
"I change my mind, shut up again."
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northsoulss · 4 months
breakaway - leah williamson
(a/n: im so sad about jen leaving arsenal, but shes in bay fc now so i hope we get news about her soon :”). also i LOVED leah’s cover of breakaway by kelly clarkson and it inspired me to to write this lol. also i’ve just been sad and stressed sooo. part 2?)
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it was a gloomy day in your apartment, your clothes strewn all over the floor, dishes pilling up in the kitchen. you laid in bed, unable to move, absolutely heart broken. leah and you had parted ways not too long ago, the memory of her telling you she couldn’t do this anymore fresh in your mind.
you remember seeing leah hunched over at the dining table, phone in hand, not even acknowledging your presence. you could feel her pulling away from you, spending almost all her days outside and away from you. you really wanted to ask her what was wrong now that you’ve caught her at home. you’re sick of her silence and you want an answer.
“leah, what’s wrong?” your voice small, afraid to provoke her.
“nothing’s wrong, __. i’m fine.” she says in a deadpan voice, a slight bite to it.
“no leah! we aren’t fine! you don’t even call me baby, and you won’t even look at me anymore.” you lose it, your voice booming.
“yeah, i’ve had alot on my plate lately okay?!” she snaps back, and you finally see her face. her hair unkempt, eyes full of tears, her signature frown on her face. oh how you wanted to reach out to smooth her brows, your hand coming up to cup her face, but her hand pushes you away.
“well that doesn’t mean you get to just keep me out of it! i’m your girlfriend for goodness sakes. i want to be there for you.” your voice breaks, and you feel that familiar fear creeping back into your body.
she’s going to break up with you.
“look, __. i just can’t anymore.” leah says exasperated, hand pulling back her hair. you search her eyes, trying to find any ounce of love left, but all you saw was coldness.
there it is. that dreaded feeling.
“that’s it? you’re just going to give up?” you had more anger in your voice than you expected, the tone making leah flinch.
“i just can’t. you keep pestering me and i’m sick of it. i’m sorry.” and like that, she left your apartment, leaving you standing in your hallway, the extra set of keys to your house clutched in your fist. you sunk to the floor the moment she slams the door shut, your knees hitting the ground with a loud thud. a part of you felt empty, a vacant spot left in your heart. you spoke a language only she understood, and now that she was gone, no one will be able to understand you.
it stung, knowing that you didn’t know the reason why she left, but you couldn’t take it anymore. you couldn’t just sit in your apartment all day, not moving while the world keeps spinning. you sit up, and immediately get hit with a memory of leah. you see your guitar collecting dust in the corner of your room. you haven’t played since ever since leah left, for it was too painful to have to relive every waking memory of her each time.
one of your favourite memories of leah was singing with her. you were classically trained in guitar, always pestering her to be your singer while you played. eventually when she relented, you would always beeline to your guitar, whipping it out from its case and taking it to where she sat.
one of your favourite songs to play was “break away” by kelly clarkson, it being the first song leah sang with you. you remembered the first time she did, her voice sounded like warm honey to your ears. your ears flushed and face warm as she sang, her eyes trained on you, watching your agile fingers strum the strings. from then onwards, you always asked her to sing while you played, wanting to only hear her angelic voice.
that memory was like a punch to the gut, knowing you can no longer hear her voice other than on the arsenal women’s Instagram which you still followed. you shook away the thoughts, a long sigh escaping your lips as you massaged your temples. you look around your house, and immediately start to clean up, slowly putting things away.
after a few hours of cleaning up, you collapse on your couch, completely exhausted. you open your tiktok, planning to doom scroll till midnight when a video of jen beattie and leah pops up. you forgot you were still following jen, becoming good friends with the older woman the moment leah brought you onto the pitch two years ago.
you instantly sat up straighter, eyes fixated on leah who sat next to jen, hoodie over her head with a smile. jen held her guitar, and the moment her fingers started to strum, your heart wanted to jump out of your chest. leah’s voice, oh how you missed it. she’s singing it again.
“shes singing our song.” you mumbled to yourself as you watched, a small smile growing on your face. you read through the comments, some of them mentioning you. you were a public figure as well after all, known for playing finger style covers of different songs. when leah and you started going out, you started posting videos of you two singing and playing, the very first video being that song.
“is it true? did they really break up?” “i miss your videos with __ leah!!” comments like this made your heart ache. you went MIA the moment you two split, not posting videos for over two months now. you really missed her, so much. after watching the video, you decide, fuck it. leah doesn’t get to ruin your love for guitar, and you sure as hell are not going to step playing just because she’s not here.
deciding to finally play again, you felt a sense of relief wash over you as you strummed, a sigh escaping your lips. propping up your phone, you record yourself, you play the introduction to breakaway, singing softly. you weren’t used to singing, only ever playing with an accompaniment. certain parts of the song hit harder than the rest, you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
trying hard to reach out
but when I tried to speak out
felt like no one could hear me
wanted to belong here
but something felt so wrong here
so I pray
i could breakaway
when you finished, you look up to the camera and stared wordlessly. this was the first time you truly saw yourself post breakup, and goodness. you looked terrible. hair in a disheveled bun, eye bags big enough to fit your dog in, bloodshot eyes. you’ve definitely had better days, and this is just the start.
“i’m sorry i’ve been gone for so long. i’m currently going through one of the toughest periods of my life, so have this song for old times sake.” you say with a smile, and stop recording, posting it without any second thought. you fall back onto your bed, ignoring the ringing of your phone. things are going to become better, you thought, yet another heavy sigh escaping you.
leah’s cover: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFLBWYhs/
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sunshinescribes · 8 months
Birthday Boy
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Pairing: Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
Rating: NONE
Summary: Law doesn’t celebrate his birthday, but even still, you try to show him how much he means to you on his special day.
Warnings: Mutal Pining, Comfort, Fluff, Law is whipped but still bad at feelings, this may be my sappiest fic yet (I love that for Law)
Something feels…different when Law wakes up.
The warmth he remembers when falling asleep is gone; the space occupied by you in his bed now empty. Save for the tousled sheets and slight impression, it’s as if you were never there.
Law is surprised by the disappointment that settles in his chest. This relationship with you is new—complicated in that he isn’t exactly sure how to navigate it or if he’s even doing this right, and a part of him feels like he’s already fucking up. He craves too much—wants too deeply, and yet has so little to offer.
She can’t even stand to stay in the same bed as you, a cruel voice in the back of his mind mocks.
Law sighs, sinking deeper into his mattress as his mind wars with itself. He had been slow to admit his feelings—kept a respectable distance from you the second his heart began to beat irregularly whenever you appeared, or the way his words would get caught in his throat when you attempted to strike up a conversation.
You had been the one to come to him. You would grace him with one of your lovely smiles and laugh at his side while he flipped through his volumes. Sometimes you’d stop him as he made his rounds, asking for a helping hand with the repairs you were making to the Polar Tang.
Those moments only served to make his budding feelings metastasize, making you more lovely with each passing day.
Sometimes you two would even sit in comfortable silence on the deck, enjoying the cool sea breeze as the rest of the crew drank in the fresh air and blinding sun after days in the ocean’s depths.
And then one day, as the sun set over the horizon, you turned to him, bathed in a golden haze, your beautiful eyes alight as you gazed at him, and Law was lost.
He couldn’t stop his less than romantic confession, his words more matter of fact than flattery, but you hadn’t recoiled or looked at him with genuine revulsion as he had expected. You had batted your eyelashes, as flustered and stunned as he was, and then your lips curled into that soft, gorgeous smile.
It had been a long time since he had felt so lucky. So hopeful.  
And now he felt as if his luck was beginning to run out, as it always seemed to do.
“You’re up!”
Your voice breaks through his ruminations, so sudden and surprised that it nearly startles him. Law turns his head, catching sight of you closing the door to his room while your free hand holds something he can’t make out.
You take tentative steps towards him, as if debating what you’re about to do next. Law watches you inquisitively, his golden eyes catching the nervous twitch of your lips.
“I wanted to surprise you,” you mutter, holding out your hand.
Law finally makes out the item in it—a small box wrapped in what looked like his crumbled, forgotten notes.
He casts a curious look your way, but you say nothing. You only wave the box lightly, wordlessly encouraging him to take it.
“What…is it?” he inquires, glancing between you and the mystery package.
You laugh lightly, shrugging your shoulders playfully. “You have to open it and see.”
You take your place back at his side, sinking onto the bed as Law hesitantly peels the makeshift wrapping. A nervous smile plays on your lips as you watch him.
Your heart beats rapidly in your chest, so loud you swear Law can hear it, but he continues to carefully unwrap the box until it’s free of his notes. He stares at the wooden box in the palm of his hand, curious. Slowly, he lifts the lid.
“I know you don’t do birthdays... but I thought you’d like it,” you explain as Law peers inside. He stills; it looks as if he stops breathing for a second, and you panic at the unreadable expression on his face.
Fuck. Shit. FUCK!. He doesn’t like it. Look at his face; he hates it.
Except, that can’t be right. You would be a fool to think you have Law completely figured out; the mask he wears slips, but never fully falls for you—not yet, at least, but what Law doesn’t offer freely, you ascertain.
You had seen the way he had eyed the coin in a tiny shop nestled in the heart of the last town the ship made port in.
You noticed that scarce glint in his eyes, the one that appears when he sees something he truly wants—his eyes always linger—but when you came up beside him to catch a glimpse of the coin that had caught his attention, Law swiftly moved on, explaining that he’d thought he had seen something the crew could use.
You had put that silver tongue of yours to work that day, smiled wide, and batted your eyelashes until the storeowner offered a price for the silver coin that you could reason with.
“Happy Birthday,” you whisper.
Law lifts his gaze to you, blinks for a second until his lips curl into a rare smile. Not the smug sneer he reserves for other pirates and marines—the soft, almost uncertain grin that gets prettier each time you see it, no matter how infrequent.
He whispers his thanks, staring fondly between you and the silver coin. Another for a collection you suspect must be hidden away. In that beloved desk of his, no doubt.
You glance over at it, as if you can will it to expose its secrets (and perhaps more about your tight-lipped lover). Calloused fingers brush against your skin; shift your attention back to Law as he cups your cheek. He tilts your head slightly to the right and leans in.
You are so hopelessly lost—so stupid in love with him, beyond happy to be at his side, to show him just how lovely he is—to care for him in a way that only you can.
You all but whine when Law finally pulls away. You attempt to chase his lips, but he tsks lowly, still cradling your cheek.
If I start, I won’t want to stop, he thinks to himself as he stares down at you, so beautiful and thoughtful and all his. He could kiss you for a lifetime and never grow tired of it—drink the image of you like this until the world fades.
Maybe one day he can, but for now, there’s still work to be done.
"I need to get up…”
And yet Law still holds you, is still a hairbreadth away from your lips.
Your hands settle on his tattooed chest, lightly pushing his lithe body down flat on the bed. Law lets you, equally as dazed, rendered senseless by his infatuation.
You straddle his hips and take in the sight of him beneath you—such a pretty view.
You sigh, your voice is light and sweet as you speak.
“That’s not the only present I want to give you.”
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divider credit @/cafekitsune
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luniarix · 4 months
synopsis: in which you spend valentine’s day with toji ❤︎ inspired by kali uchi’s “fantasy”!!
NOTE: i finally. figured out. how to do the font color gradient. LESSGOOOO!!! YALL DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW HYPED THIS MAKES ME,, but anyway! happy valentine’s day everyoneee ♡ no matter if you’re spending this year on your own, with your friends, or partner, remember to show yourself so much love today and always ₍₍ (̨̡⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)̧̢ ₎₎ !! muchos besitos 🩷
CW: fem!reader, poc reader in mind, fluff, non-explicit smut, praising, showers of affection, soft sex, lingerie!!, established relationship, softdom!toji, cream pie, food!play (whipped cream and strawberries hehe), dirty talk, blowjob, self-fingering, cowgirl!position, whipped!toji, whipped!reader,, both of y’all are just madly in love, non-proof read (i will come back later), u get the idea right? right!
valentine’s day with toji!means that as soon as you wake up, you’re greeted with the fresh smell of breakfast. as you’re walking into the kitchen, you’re squealing in surprise as toji picks you up and twirls you around with ease. he shows you to the dining table and pulls your chair out, and brings you your big plate of food; filled with your favorite treats. you look up at him like a child who’s been served their most favorite food ever, and he’s chuckling at the way your eyes twinkle. beautiful, he thinks.
valentine’s day with toji!means that as soon as you’re done eating together, he takes you by the hand and leads you down the hallway of rose petals and into the living room, in which a gigantic teddy bear holding a heart, lots of designer gifts, candy bags, heart balloons, and a sign that says “will you be my valentine?” is waiting for you. you’re looking at him as if he’s crazy, and then you two have a laughing fit as you pull him into a sweet kiss as you nod, whispering a “you know damn well what my answer is, baby.” in between.
valentine’s day with toji!means that you’re watching a favorite comfort movie together, both laughing and cracking jokes every few minutes, and toji is ever so softly drawing circles around your waist as he pulls you in closer; nuzzling his chin on your head and leaving forehead pecks. you tilt your head up to catch his lips against yours, the kiss that was supposed to be innocent and sweet turning into a heated make out session as he holds your face in his big hands, and you’re squeezing his shoulders. your tongues dance against each other, and you gently nibble on his bottom lip as you pull away before it got too hard to do so. you quickly tell him that you’re going to take a bath and then give him the gifts you had gotten for him as well.
valentine’s day with toji!means that when you finish washing your body, you giddily skip over to your closet and pull out the lingerie set you had bought for this occasion a few weeks ago. once you laid your eyes on it, you knew that this was going to be the perfect surprise for him. as you slip it on, you become more and more aroused by the minute. just the thought of toji’s piercing eyes never leaving yours or your body had you going crazy, and you knew that he’d so much fun taking it off. you spin around in the mirror, very much in love with the way you look, and with a few sprays of perfume, a few final touch ups— you’re out the door on your way back to toji.
valentine’s day with toji!means that once you walk back into the living room, toji’s eyes immediately change into a recognizable carnal expression. your body is covered in goosebumps, nipples perked against the thin lace fabric that barely covers your pretty tits. you place the gifts that you brought out with you to the side and slowly slide yourself onto his lap, gyrating your hips in a salacious manner. you begin to undress toji, starting with his shirt first, while you kiss from his jaw down to his neck, sucking a little harder on his sweet spot. he's kneading at your hips and ass, grinding his erection against your clothed cunt. you're moaning in delight as you leave a trail of hickeys down to his tatted chest, all while you feel toji slipping off the straps of your lingerie.
valentine’s day with toji!means that he's reaching for the whipped cream and a small bowl of strawberries from the living room table (that you hadn't even noticed were there) with a cheeky grin, and you know what was about to go down. toji's quick to have your tiddies out, as he places swirls of whipped cream on your nipples, dipping the strawberries into the cream and eating them in a leisure manner, and once he's done it on both your nipples, he adds more whipped cream on your nipples and tits to lick it off of you. you're whining and throwing your head back while squeezing his biceps to support your trembling body. the feeling of his teeth gently pulling at your skin and then soothing the soft sting by licking away at where he nipped, had your mind spinning.
valentine’s day with toji!means that once he's done playing with your mounds, you're quick to get on your knees and in between his legs. you place whipped cream from his lower abdomen down to his happy trail, feverishly licking away and creating marks. with toji’s help, you pull down his sweats and boxers as his cock eagerly springs out, softly slapping his left thigh. you swallow down a groan, placing your hands at his shaft. you begin to jerk him off as you leave wet kisses from his tip down to his balls, and back up again. once you have him in your mouth, toji's soft groans get louder, and you reach a hand down to move the lace fabric to the side, running two digits down your clit and slowly inserting into your pussy. you gag on toji's length when you push him in as far back as you can, and the whine that vibrates throughout your throat sends him over the edge along with the way you're looking up at him with teary eyes as you fondle his balls with your other hand.
valentine’s day with toji!means that once he shoots a load into your mouth, he pulls you back up to quickly (but carefully) yank off the rest of the lingerie, only leaving you in your thigh highs. you're now on his lap once more, fisting his cock as you rub your puffy folds and clit against his soft-pink tip. once you feel like you're slick enough to slip him inside you, you line him up with your entrance and slowly but surely slide down his length and girth. murmurs of "you're doing so great sweetheart," and "you feel so fuckin' good baby, cmon, you can do it," eggs you on to continue. and even after the regular sex, you felt like he was splitting you apart for the first time every time. and you loved it. you cry out in pleasure when you finally have all of him in you, and you're eager to begin bouncing on his cock. your thighs are trembling, and toji's "fuck"s and "oh yeah"s have you twitching in ecstasy as you grip onto his knees to support your body. toji is practically on the brink of cumming already when he sees the way your ass is rippling against his thighs, the clapping noises making him grin devilishly.
valentine’s day with toji!means that when you reach your limit, you're arching your back as a high-pitched whine releases from your throat, eyes crossing as you shake in pure delight. toji's lolling his head back as he grits his teeth, soft whimpers leaving his lips as he soon after cums inside of you, a creamy white ring forming at the base of his cock. you're breathing heavily and he's panting, but that doesn't stop you two from looking at each other for a few seconds; and then hungrily kissing. when you pull apart from each other, he's looking up at you as if you're the only person in the world, the only one that really matters. and you know that rings true as he intertwines your fingers together, leaving a gentle peck on your hand as he never loses eye contact with you. the way he loves you, not only on valentines, but every day, will always be something you cherish.
valentine’s day with toji!means that you're being pulled down into the couch with him, arms securely wrapped around your waist, and legs hooked over yours as he gives you a boyish grin. god, if only he knew the way you see him, the way you think about him. and when you're telling him that you two should probably get to opening your gifts as you were excited to see his reaction in what you got him, he's shaking his head and burying his face into the crook of your neck. "we can do that later, baby. how 'bout a round two first?" a smirk forms on his lips when you lightly hit his chest, but your flushed cheeks and pleading gaze say otherwise. he knows you all too well.
i hope this wasn't too late for valentines!! hehe. feel free to leave ideas in my inbox or a comment ♡ if i made any grammar mistakes that i missed, lmk! and thank u so much for reading (●´ω`●)
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angelicsoka · 5 months
SARA, l. hughes
word count | 1.3k
pairings | luke hughes x fem!reader, platonic!quinn hughes x reader, platonic!jack hughes x reader
summary | luke’s girlfriend has suffered in silence for too long, and luke noticed the warning signs too late
warnings | HEAVY themes of suicide and suicidal ideation, mentions of self-harm and depression, underage drinking and smoking, mentions of blood. ANGST ANGST ANGST, open ending, this is not a happy fic, luke is fucking oblivious. based on the song sara by we three. no use of "y/n". lowercase intended
a/n | this is my first time posting in here so i'm still figuring out how this all works lol. this is NOT proofread. also this is probably the darkest thing i have ever really written.
little sara, you're a diamond in the rough
and i know that you don't hear this all enough
and i'm sure that's why your wrists have tons of cuts
and i'm sure that's why you think you're not enough
fingers traced over the faded scars and onto the raised ones, the urge more than she can handle. but she deserved this. she deserved to feel so shitty, she was shitty. she ruined everything good she had, her relationships and job. a repeated process, be happy for a while and then fuck everything up. “who would care if she fucked one more thing?” was the thought that ran through her head, crimson covering the sink.
your mind can only think about the things it shouldn't
your brain is filled with thoughts of wishing that ya didn't
little sara, perk your ears up, try to listen
but she can't hear a sound because she's locked in a prison
the room was loud, but the noise sounded so far away as she dazed off. she was brought back to reality by luke swinging his arm over her shoulder, pulling her close. the sudden movement made her quietly hiss as her arm brushed against him, the fresh wounds in the back of her mind. she forced a smile on her face, looking to luke who gently kissed her forehead. he offered her a beer, to which she took, ignoring the concerned look on quinn’s face. she had been drinking all night  but luke didn't have to know that. it slowed the thoughts, so how could it be a bad thing?
luke began to chat with his brothers and their friends, oblivious to the smile that had dropped from her face. oblivious to the fact that she was practically chugging the beer in hopes to stop the horrible thoughts that had begun to invade her brain once more.
and she was oblivious to the concerned looks of her boyfriend and friends as she abruptly got up, walking outside. she sat down, pulling the cigarette from its box, lighting it. she took a drag, jumping when a voice spoke up:
“you’re killing yourself, you know that?” she whipped her head around to see quinn standing there with his hands in his pockets. “does luke know you smoke?”
“why do you care?” she snapped, turning to look back at the yard. it was quiet, crickets chirping being the only thing making noise. she ignored quinn as he sat beside her, taking another drag. she held back her tears, not wanting to break down in front of her boyfriend’s oldest brother.
“he loves you, you know? the way he looks at you says it all. you're good for him. i don’t think i've seen him this happy in a long time.” she forced a small smile at quinn’s attempt to comfort her. he was lying, he had to be, because who could love a fuck up like her?
all your friends they wanna smoke 'cause it's a friday
but you've been smoking straight probably since last sunday
i know you know you shouldn't say that you are okay
but you still look 'em in the eye and lie then go to use your ashtray
she was high, but when was she not? the boys passed around the blunt, each taking drags from it. they were joking around, jack and trevor wrestling beside her. luke held her close, his fingers gently running down her arm. she ignored the burning sensation that occurred when luke’s fingers accidentally brushed over her wound, a smile plastered on her face. luke seemed to be the only who didn’t notice that the smile didn’t meet her eyes. she huffed out a laugh at a joke made by cole, settling her head against luke’s shoulder. for a moment, she felt happy; carefree. 
that all ended when that singular thought crossed her mind: they hate you. such a simple thought, but she felt as though she had been sucker punched. she subtly shifted off of luke, who seemingly didn’t notice. she twiddled with her thumbs, ignoring the feeling of someone looking at her. she felt jack nudge her, handing her the blunt. she accepted it, unable to really meet his eyes. “you okay?” quinn mouthed to her when she met his eyes. 
“yeah.” she lied through her teeth, averting her eyes and grabbing the ashtray.
little sara, last night, you got it bad
in that moment, you could barely even
add up two or three reasons why you're glad
and i guess that's why you grabbed your pen and pad
it was 6:14, and you could barely even read
all the words you'd written down when it was time for you to leave
your phone was on the ground and you could barely hear it ring
couldn't even hear a sound, couldn't feel a single thing
nights were the worst. being alone in her thoughts led to serious consequences, this night no different. she did what she was suppose to, all the coping skills she had learned. still, she couldn’t come up with any reason to stick around, which is why she now sat at her desk, scribbling rapidly. she couldn’t hardly read the words on the paper, tears cascading down her rosy cheeks as she practically destroyed her desk in search of the blade. the distance sound of her phone ringing stopped her for a moment, the contact name and picture for luke clear on her phone. she pushed the second-guessing thoughts aside, muting the call.
luke swore when she once again did not pick up, the text that started this now open: i love you, lukey. i hope you can forgive me. he swore to himself, angry that he had missed the signs. as he thought about it, the signs were so clear, how could he have not noticed? he begged for jack to drive faster, dialing her number once more. luke wiped his tears as jack sped up, praying for her to be okay. he hoped he would make it in time, to be there when she needed him most.
now it's 6:15, and you're on your knees
blood is on your sleeves, and your lungs won't breathe
eyes are watering, body's shivering
and you're wondering what is happening
now it's 6:23, and they're on their knees
begging "jesus please, can you make her breathe?"
'cause they finally see what was happening
underneath their nose and underneath your sleeves 
she sat against her bed, sobs racking through her body. her chest was tight, her breaths short as she began to lose consciousness. she began to shiver uncontrollably, curling into herself to create any kind of warmth. she looked up when the door was kicked in, her vision blurring. her eyes fluttered close as luke ran to her side, her life slowly leaving her body. 
“get something to stop the bleeding!” luke yelled to jack who was frozen under the doorframe. he snapped out of it, grabbing the blanket that was balled up on her bed. he began to put pressure on her wounds as luke pleaded with her to wake up. they continued this until the paramedics arrived, luke hesitant to leave her side. for the first time in a long time, luke cried into his brother’s shoulder. and he swore to himself that he would never miss the signs again.
she can barely see the pavement
she can barely read the signs
people think she's complicated
but never wanna look inside
'cause she's a little too r-rated
and they're a little too damn blind
she's just looking for her angels
but they're a little hard to find
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niefics · 5 months
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Sypnosis : Y/n L/n struggles to keep her friendship with her closest friend Sunghoon normal, however they struggle horribly, fighting their urges for him in more ways then one. PART ONE !
Warnings : not proofread, car sex, making out, cursing
Word count : 1052, idk if I fw it fr but wtv
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— His soft lips touched mines as we softly kissed in the tight space of his car. My phone vibrates as I break the kiss to check to see what it was. “Shit, my friends are wondering were I went.” I spoke grabbing my things rushing to put my jacket on and fixing my hair. He watched as I rushed to gather myself. Especially after the make out session we just had.
The party I was at was getting very boring anyways, my friends enjoying it more then I was. The smell of weed making my head hurt slightly as I hung around my friend until I noticed sunghoon, across the party staring at me, telling me to meet him at his car.
I felt my chin get pulled closer to sunghoon, his lips touching mines again, whipping my slightly swollen lips after. “Text me whenever you get ready to leave, we can finish what we-“ “I don’t know Hoon, my friends are planning to go to another party soon, so we might have to finish this another time.” I spoke as I got out of the car shutting the door and walking back into the party to see my friends.
“Y/n, we’ve been looking for you, for 20 minutes !” One friend spoke worriedly. I tried my best not to worry them and not inform them that it was my close friend sunghoon I was with, making out in his car as I ignored their first few texts until I realized it’s been 20 minutes. “Guys im fine don’t worry I was just tour for some fresh air that’s all.” I lied sheepishly. “Don’t do it again before telling us, we thought you got kidnapped or something!” Another spoke.
Sunghoon sighed in his car after watching me leave so quick and suddenly. It’s been almost 3 months since the night I helped him out with his aching boner. After sleeping together for a second time after ditching a party, it was his idea to become friends with benefits. His feelings for me are bigger then what he thought they were. Normally if had a “quick fuck” he wouldn’t be this upset if it got cancelled so suddenly.. but he was and he couldn’t understand why.
Maybe it because of all the time hes recently spent kissing, and being intimate with me. Either way he was so upset the quick session ended so soon.
“Should we go to the next party now ? There’s so many cute boys there, and jakes there y/n! Maybe you might get lucky ?” My friend spoke, Jake was a simple crush I had, until I realized how much of a flirt he was. He knew I liked him but never said anything thankfully, the only reason I know now is because of of sunghoon, who was know where to be found inside the party. Maybe he just was ready to go home early after a night of partying, something I wish I could do simply because I just didn’t want to go to a party near Jake and his fuck boy antics.
Sunghoon sat in his car staring at message he was gonna send to me. “Text me when you get ready to leave the second one ?” He shook his head, starting to delete it until he saw 3 dots pop up from me.. and just as soon as it popped up it disappeared. Maybe that night he asked for my help was a simple mistake. His horny thoughts were getting to him that night, maybe I was truly using him for just sex like expected, whatever it is he wanted more of me then ever. “I really need you right now.” He quickly texted, hoping that I could make a good excuse to ditch my friends for the rest of the night.
Believe it or not, I wanted him just as much as he wanted me right now, but there was no way I was gonna be able to even leave for the rest of the night.
“Ahh, the weed smell is making my head hurt, you guys mind if I walk outside for while ?” I spoke. “I do have to agree it is strong in here, but answer our texts and calls!” One of my friends spoke, I nodded quickly walking off to see sunghoons car telling him I’m on my way.
Getting into his car, I see a shit eating grin growing on his face. I smile too getting in quickly. “We have to make it quick!” I spoke. Both of us being pulled to the backseat quickly to have more space.
— my dress was around my waist bunched up, as I sat on his lap riding him with a fast yet slow pace from time to time. Squelching noises, noises of the leather of his car and my quiet whines were the only thing heard besides the sudden passing of a nearby car. The fear of being seen long gone.
We kissed sloppily as he thrusting into me, my hands wrapped around his neck. A constant vibration was suddenly heard, my head shoots up looking for the noise of my phone, sitting near on the back seat. “Shit.. it’s my friend.” I spoke, trying to pull myself together. “I have to answer.” A breathless moan leaving me as he kept the same pace. “Fuck- I’m close .. ju-st, just answer it, I’ll slow down.” He spoke, slowing down as I answered.
“Hello ..?” I spoke, trying to keep my moans under control. “Y/n where are you? We’re a getting ready to.” I felt as sunghoon slammed into me from under. Making my knot that was tightening quickly. I gasped muffling my mouth with my hand looking into his eyes as I struggle to swallow down the pornographic moans. He gulped, struggling to hide his moans and groans, his hands bruising my ass indefinitely. “Are you okay ?? You seem like you’re out of breath.” “No! I’m .. I-m fine.” I rushed out, clenching around sunghoon the more I stayed on the phone call.
I patted his chest trying to get him to slow down, fearing to get caught. Sunghoons fear of getting caught long gone, “fuck, y/n-“ my eyes grew big surprised by his sudden words knowing they heard.
“Wait, are you with sunghoon?”
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chang-bunnie-bini-bop · 3 months
⋆˚。⋆˚ 𝙙𝙤𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 • 𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣
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✰ words - 620
✰ pairing - stranger!chan x gn!reader
✰ summary - two fellow dog lovers meet for the first time...coincidence or no?
✰ notes - i wrote this in two hours cause seeing chan back home made me feel so happy, hope you enjoy 🤍
masterlist | requests open!
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“aish, minnie! behave!” you tugged on your dog’s leash once, but the small puppy kept trying to run in the opposite direction.
it was so weird. she had never behaved this way. she started straining at the leash harder, almost pulling you along with her. 
you finally decided to go the direction she wanted, curious as to her peculiar behaviour.
after walking for quite a while, it became almost dark out, and you knew you had to turn back before you lost your way. 
however, the second you tried to turn away, she tugged particularly hard on her leash, and you could feel your foot trip on a crack on the sidewalk. 
prepared for a painful impact, you cursed yourself for being so clumsy. you waited and waited, but then became aware of an arm fastened around your waist, holding you off the ground. 
you whipped your head around to view your strong-armed savior, and your eyes met with a very handsome man with beautiful facial features. 
you could feel you cheeks heat up in embarrassment, and you quickly straightened yourself out and apologized promptly. “oh, i’m sorry! i’m so clumsy…”
he laughed, and you thought you had never heard a prettier sound.  “that’s okay! what’s your name?” he asked kindly. 
you told him, and he introduced himself. chan. that’s a nice name, you decided. 
you realized that minnie had stopped dragging you around, and was now pawing at chan’s dog, who he introduced as ‘berry’. 
“i think my dog’s in love with yours.” you admitted, and he looked at you with a mild confused face. 
“she was dragging me in this direction and stopped when she saw your dog.” you chuckled, smiling fondly down at berry. 
“that’s so cute!” he squealed, clapping his hands together and cooing playfully at the two. 
you didn’t even notice that time had seemed to slow down, and your entire attention was on the man in front of you. 
“can i…have your number?” you blurted, and he looked at you in slight shock and amusement. 
you were quick to speak again. “you know, so we can organize a doggie playdate.” you grinned involuntarily at the end. 
chan’s entire face lit up, and he typed his number into your phone quickly. “so…it’s a date?” he joked. 
“mhm.” you winked at him, walking away with minnie while relishing in the sight of his red face. 
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you cautiously rang the doorbell, fixing your clothes and making sure minnie looked her best in your arms before the door opened. 
chan, clad in black pants and a grey shirt, looked so casual but so perfect at the same time. 
he grinned and greeted you happily, inviting you into his apartment. it was cozy and warm, and you were certain you could smell cookies somewhere. 
minnie immediately ran to berry, and the two started playfully wrestling on the floor while chan excused himself, walking into the kitchen and then back into the living room with a fresh batch of macadamia nut cookies. 
whilst the two of you chewed and talked about anything and everything, the time passed quickly, so quickly that you didn’t even notice the time as it became 11 in the night. 
you gathered your pup in your arms and walked to the door, said your goodbyes, and were about to leave, before chan stopped you. 
“wait!” he started, and you turned, raising both of your eyebrows curiously. he walked up to you, leaned in and pressed a small kiss to your cheek, sending your mind into a frenzy. 
“we should do this again sometime. having you around made me feel better.” he admitted, and you were absolutely sure your cheeks were bright red. 
“yeah, it’s a date.”
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masterlist | requests open!
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b0ng05 · 5 days
Over this - Toxic!Amber Freeman x Reader
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Word Count: 6151
Prompt: Y/n receives a text from an unknown number. Only to find out it's her ex. She can't help but think about all the toxic stuff Amber did to her.
Warnings: Toxic Relationship! Mentions of abuse! Angst!!
Also, Not Proofread💅
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
I thought I was over it. I thought things had been left in the past. I thought she forgot about me. But after receiving a text from an unknown number, it was clear she didn’t. I laid in my bed, gazing at my ceiling as tears streamed down my face. It had been over 3 years. Yet the traumatizing memories that flooded back in felt so very fresh. Each incident vividly clear as my eyes fluttered shut.
Amber stares into her mirror, adjusting her dark hair and touching up her makeup. My arms were wrapped around her waist, my hand gently rubbing her stomach as I watched over her shoulder. Her TV was hooked up to her phone, playing her playlist that wasn’t all that rangeful. Most of the songs were just replaying, mainly the same artist’s songs. It was getting quite bland hearing the same voice over and over for the past hour. But I endured it while staring at her, utterly smitten.
“Isn’t she kind of overrated?” I tease playfully, referencing the artist singing, knowing she was one of Amber’s favorites. While poking Amber’s side in a playful manner, hoping to gain her attention for at least a moment. Having had been watching Amber for a while with no commentary or affection on her end for 15 minutes. Not that I minded, being with her felt more than enough.
Instead of hearing a sarcastic quip back from her like usual, my head is whipped to the side faster than I can register. Her hand hung in the air, giving me an explanation to my now turned face. “You just slapped me.” I say slowly, registering what the fuck just happened. “Yeah. Quit saying dumb shit.” She scoffs, turning back to her reflection, quite unfazed with her own actions.
I remove my arms from her waist after seeing the forming red print of her hand on my cheek in the reflection of her mirror. I backed up, going to grab my phone off her charger to leave, wanting out of the situation. But before I can even make it three steps away, her hand is wrapped tightly around my wrist in a strong grip. She turns me to face her, one hand trailing my hip.
“Where are you going?” She asks, her tone turning seraphic and sweet. “I’m leaving, I don’t want to be here.” I say, trying to move away from her grip to no avail. “Oh don’t be a baby. You know I didn’t mean it, Y/n/n. You know I wouldn’t hurt you like that seriously.” Amber's deceptively sweet tone calls out. Her hand moved to caress my cheek softly.
“Don’t go. Please?” Amber hums softly, a small pout on her lips and her eyes pleading with my own. I give in, unable to ignore the ache in my heart at the desperate look in her eyes. I put my phone down and move to sit beside her once more.
That was just the beginning of a toxic relationship that was to soon blossom. A lesson that I wasn’t aware I needed to learn. You hear the stories of toxic relationships and think it could never happen to you, that you would never fall for the sob stories and the twisted manipulative ways of lovers that seek oblivious prey.
Amber and I were at Tara’s house, all sitting in her living room watching some action movie on the TV. I was curled up to Amber’s side, her arm wrapped around my shoulder. Tara was sitting on the other side of me, her arm resting on the armrest and her chin resting in the palm of her hand. Tara lets out a huff of a laugh as a new actress enters the scene of the movie.
“Don’t you think that chick’s dress is ugly?” Tara jokes, the dress the actress wore was adorned with yellow and orange polka dots with a weird neckline that was not at all flattering for the actress’s figure. “I don’t think you should be judging Tara, especially with your body,” Amber chuckles as she glances over at Tara with a douchy smirk. Her hand rubbing along my shoulder as they have a moment of a silent stare off.
“Fuck off,” Tara mumbles, before setting her popcorn bowl down on the coffee table and walking upstairs to her room. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I whisper, looking at her completely disgusted with her rude behavior. “Oh come on, it was just a joke. She’ll get over it.” Amber rolls her eyes, attempting to pull me closer to her embrace.
“No. That was seriously fucked up. You don’t comment on someone else’s body.” I state, removing her arm from me as I stand up, going to follow Tara upstairs to apologize for Amber’s unacceptable behavior. “Seriously? Tara made a mean comment and you didn’t give her the cold shoulder!” Amber huffs, as she stands up, her arms raised outward in anger as she tries to make an excuse. “No. She commented on a dress design that was ugly. Not the woman’s body.” I scoff, walking over to the stairs. Fully intending to apologize to Tara on Amber’s behalf.
As I step on the landing to walk up the stairs, my vision goes black. Everything was too fast to understand. I feel a heavy pressure around my neck, and the back of my head aches with the force it slammed into the wall with. My body feels a numb tingly feeling, my legs much like jelly. As my vision tunnels back in, the sight I’m met with is Amber’s hand around my throat, slamming me against the wall behind me. Her grip was so tight that I could barely gasp for breath, surely to bruise later on. Her eyes were darker than before, the look was terrifying and had a sadistic essence that left my skin crawling and spine shivering. Her cocky smile no longer there, in place was a twitching snarl. I felt my heart drop in utter fear.
Before I could say an attempt to stutter out anything, she tried to play off her violent actions after seeing the fear written on my face. Her lips shifted into a flirty smirk, and leaning in to kiss me, her lips pressed against mine in a bruising manner that left mine aching and not in a good way, her hand still gripping my around throat tightly. As my senses start to come back to me, I push her away as hard as I can, making her stumble back a bit, and then I rush upstairs to Tara’s room, not bothering to knock. I open the door and shut it behind me. Tara looks up at me bewildered as she sees the fear, betrayal and confusion written on my face.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Tara asks, getting up from her bed to wrap her arms around me in soft gentle embrace. “I- I um- I’m sorry for how Amber was acting, it wasn’t right.” I apologize, struggling to find the words that I desperately wanted to speak. Fear eating at my mind, knowing Amber was just beyond the door. “Hey, hey, no, you don’t have to apologize for her, Y/n. She is her own person, and so are you, okay?” Tara soothes, her hand softly rubbing my back trying to comfort me. “I-”
Before I could speak another word, the door swung open, Amber entering the room. Her gaze hardens at the sight. She walks over and grabs my wrist, pulling me towards the door. “We gotta head out,” Amber states, but her tone was more so demanding. “What- wait-” Tara tries to intervene but to no avail with the intense glare that Amber sent her way.
Amber drags me out of Tara’s room towards the stairs, and once we got downstairs, she didn’t waste a second getting us out the front door and into her car. “What did you say to her?” Amber demands as she enters the driver’s seat of her car.
She quickly floors it out of Tara’s driveway, taking a left turn, wheels squealing, meaning we were going in the direction of her house. My stomach turns, a sickening feeling overcoming me at the sound of her tone and the look in her eyes. Mentally, I couldn’t help but think back to the psychology class Amber and I had attended yesterday at school. More so the lesson, the one on gut-brain connection. Never thought I’d actually use the information, but seeing and feeling it happen in real time made something click in my brain. I didn’t deserve this.
“I just apologized for you being an asshole.” I huffed, a new found confidence bestowed in my mind. “Excuse you? I was the asshole? No. You were a bitch for running off when I was trying to kiss you and make up.” Amber quips, her face contorting in anger and annoyance as she grips the steering wheel tightly. “You’re the one that wants to be a stubborn bitch about everything.”
“You put your fucking hands on me. I had a pretty good fucking reason to run. Pullover.” I uncross my arms, one hand going for the door handle. “No! I’m not fucking pulling over.” Amber seethes, running a hand through her hair in frustration.
“I don’t want to be near you right now! Pull over.” I demand, my head whipping to the car door when I hear her press the lock button on her side of the car. “I’m not fucking pulling over, we are gonna talk this out. I don’t wanna lose you!” Amber starts to make herself cry, a skill she had mastered in order to manipulate me into letting her have her way.
My phone starts to ring in my back pocket, I pull it out and check the screen, the caller ID showing my mom’s name. I let out a sigh of relief. “My mom is calling.” I state. I don’t bother to glance at her direction as I answer the phone. My parents taking priority over my highschool girlfriend. “Hey honey, we need you to come home and watch the dog. Your father and I are going out for date night,” My mom’s soothing voice informs.
“Yeah of course, I’ll be home in a few.” I say before ending the call, making sure to say an ‘I love you’ at the end. “My parents need me home.” I state. “Okay, so we’ll talk this out at your house.” Amber nods, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie.
“No, my parents don’t want anyone over while I’m home alone, and they just got new cameras installed last week.” I throw in a lie at the end, just craving some space away from her.
I had spent my whole summer, every single day at her home, at her side. It was already halfway through the school year and I still barely had room to breathe with her constantly at my side. Not only that, but she had been so controlling. The whole summer, she would refuse to let me go home when I wanted to unless my parents called me practically begging me to come back home. She went through my phone, blocking every friend that she deemed a threat to our relationship, some that didn’t even do anything wrong at all. All just so she could feel more in control of our relationship.
“Okay, so you can still facetime me when you get home right?” Amber asks sternly, her hand moving to grip mine in a tight grasp. “Yeah, I’ll call you after my parents leave.” I lie through my teeth, planning to fake a low battery before the call.
“Okay… Promise?” Amber asks, glancing at me for a brief moment before her eyes turn back to the road, taking a turn towards my house to drop me off. “I promise.” I nod, lifting her hand up to my lips to kiss the back of it. She smiles and caresses the back of my hand with her thumb. “Also, we gotta talk about Tara. I don’t want us hanging out with her anymore.” Amber commands. “But why? I thought you liked Tara? She’s nice.” I say bewildered by her.
“Yeah, a little too nice to you.” Amber scoffs, her hand moving to grip my thigh possessively, “You are mine, and I don’t want you seeing her. Is that clear?” Amber questions, her hand gripping my thigh in an increasingly painful grip. “Yes ma’am.” I mumble, wincing in pain.
“Good girl.” Amber smirks in satisfaction as her hand gently rubs over when her nail marks are now indented. Amber turns into the driveway of my house, parking her car in the driveway. She turns to me, reaching out to caress my cheek. Looking at me with the same look that always won me over. “I’m gonna miss you.” Amber pouts, tracing over my bottom lip with her thumb.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” I say, feeling a pang of guilt at the sight of her pout. “Okay… Give me one more kiss?” She asks, leaning closer, her breath brushing against my lips. “Okay,” I nod, leaning in to kiss her softly before pulling away. “I love you,” Amber calls as I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the car door. “I love you too…” I say back before closing the car door behind me.
I walk up my driveway, feeling her eyes on me as I get to the door. I quickly get inside and lock the door behind me. Upon entering, my mom appears from the entrance of the kitchen. “There you are,” She walks over to me, “Your dad and I will be back in a couple hours, take care of our dog, alright? Make sure he isn’t lonely.” My mom laughs a bit at the end as she hugs me.
She grabs her purse and coat, “Let’s go!” She yells up the stairs to my dad who was taking his precious time on his hair. He quickly rushes down the stairs, nearly tripping down them, but catching himself with a nervous smile as he looks over at my mom who was unamused by his inability to be careful. “We’ll be back soon, love you kiddo,” My dad grins, patting my shoulder before offering his arm out to my mom as they walk out to their car.
Once they exit, I make sure the front door is locked, checking the back door too. No, I wasn’t expecting Amber to show up again, but I wouldn’t put it past her. Once I made sure they were secure, I called my dog to come with me up to my bedroom.
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
Unknown: I miss you 11:24 p.m.
I sigh as I rub my eyes with the back of my hands. It hurts to think I was so naive. And now, with her texting me, it was all just carving open old wounds that weren’t fully finished healing. A speedy thump to the heart in my chest, one that I didn’t want but couldn’t control. My mind flashes with memories that I wish I could forget.
We were laying in Amber’s bed, her head resting on my chest as we watched videos on my phone that I held on my stomach. Her hand was softly rubbing my hip. “She looks familiar.” I comment, referring to the woman in the video who was explaining an ongoing situation in the world. “You think she’s pretty, don’t you?” Amber scoffs, lifting her head off my chest to look back up at me with an unamused look, her eyebrows furrowed.
“No, I’m just saying that I think I’ve seen her videos before,” I elaborate, softing stroking her hair trying to ease her mind. “Don’t fucking lie to me.” Amber scoffs, sitting up and taking my phone out of my hand. “I’m not lying, baby. I promise.” I say softly, my hand moving to gently caress her cheek, but she pushes my hand away. “I can’t even trust anything you fucking say.” Amber gets up from the bed, pacing her room, her face contorted in anger, that dark look in her eyes coming back.
I felt my heart race in my chest, not liking when she got like this, usually I could calm her down before a total meltdown. “You’re such a fucking liar! I saw you at school talking to Tara on Tuesday, y’know that?!” She seethes, lifting her arm back as she chucked my phone with no intent in direction. It felt like it happened in slow motion as the phone smacked me right in the face, hitting my nose and lip in a harsh manner. My hands quickly rush to cradle my face in pain.
“Fuck!” I cry in pain, blood gushing from my nose, my lip now busted from being pinched hard between my tooth and phone. Blood dripped down my lip and momentarily stained my teeth. “God don’t be so dramatic, it was an accident.” Amber rolls her eyes as she grabs a towel that was hanging off the back of her closet, walking over to hold it to my face.
“One that you could have fucking prevented!” I scoff, trying to push her hands away as I tried to hold the towel myself. “Baby, you know I didn’t mean it, I wouldn’t do that to you on purpose, I just got angry” Her tone turns sweet and soft, her hand running soothingly through my hair. “But you did!” I say, trying to move away from her. “It wasn’t my fault!” Amber huffs, pulling me into her arms, tight enough that I couldn’t get away.
She leans down and presses soft kisses on my cheek, whispering sweet nothings to calm me down and get me to stop trying to squirm away. After almost 20 minutes, I no longer fought her embrace, rather leaning into it as she rubbed my back softly. Her hand holding the towel to my face, coddling me. My mind was busy thinking on how I would explain the injuries to my mom when I got home.
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
Unknown: I miss you 11:24 p.m.
Unknown: Please baby 11:27 p.m.
I let out a shaky breath, my eyes closed as I stewed in my thoughts. My hand brought up to my face, tracing over where the bump on my lip used to reside, the memories felt so fresh that I could almost feel the old wound. Then another memory flashed through my head, an invisible stake of pain piercing through the back of my skull. Remembering her was only gutting my stability further.
Amber and I were walking around a bar in a busy part of town, her mom was a busy woman, and one of her friends was having a cancer benefit. Her mother was only able to attend for 30 minutes before having to leave for a work meeting. She requested that Amber and I stay behind in her place, also asking us to make sure her name was at the top of all the raffle items for the benefit. Amber agreed after being lectured by her mother. I remained by her side, trying to be a supportive girlfriend.
We walked into the room that held the raffle buckets next to the items and the clipboard to list your name along with your bid for the item. Amber’s mother did not spare a dime with the tickets she bought, wanting to be as supporting as she can for her friend, as well as wanting to win a full massage and mani pedi. “God this is boring,” Amber whispers, guiding me to a wall for us to lean on. I lean my back against the cold brick wall, Amber moving to stand in front of me, her hand caressing my waist. “Calm down, we only have to be here for a bit longer like your mom asked.” I mumble quietly, my eyes scanning the room, observing the people in the crowded area. “Why not make it a little interesting~?” Amber smirks, her hand moving to cup my jaw as she leans in and connects her lips with mine, trying to start a heated makeout session, I push her back slightly. “I don’t feel like this is appropriate. This isn’t the time or place, I don’t feel comfortable doing this here.” I voice my concerns softly, trying not to upset her as I caress her cheek gently.
“Uhuh sure~” Amber’s smirk doesn’t falter as she leans in and forces her lips against mine once more. My hands move to her shoulders trying to push her back. Her hands move to grip my waist tighter, trapping me between the wall and her. With the crowd as busy and as drunk as they were, didn’t notice my struggle. Except for one woman, who just so happened to be working at the cancer benefit. “Excuse me, you two need to go. Out. Now.” An older woman with dark brown hair and a Monroe piercing scolds, her thin eyebrow quirked up.
I recognized her as one of the women Amber’s mother was talking with earlier before she took her leave. I felt a disgusting guilt building up inside me. I felt dirty, not in a good way, in a vile way. Amber knew how I felt about PDA, especially in settings like this. “Yeah, yeah.” Amber rolls her eyes, smiling cockily as she grabs my hand dragging me out of the room into the bar area where they would soon announce the winners. I went to sit down on one of the only empty stools left, but Amber stopped me, sitting down in the seat, making me stand in front of her as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. A blonde woman with glasses in an olive green dress stood up to begin announcing the winners from the raffle and bids. After a harrowing thirty minutes, all the winners were announced, none of which were Amber’s mother. My legs were killing me, having stood the whole time with the pressure of Amber’s head and arms resting on me.
“Whatever, let’s go.” Amber scoffs, feeling some sort of selfish anger for having wasted her time. I couldn’t understand her anger. But Amber got mad over a lot of minor things, so it wasn’t really a surprise that this was sparking a flame of anger in her. Amber grabbed my hand and dragged me through the crowds of people in the small bar. We get out the door and after a few steps outside, Amber stops me. She was shivering, having worn only a t-shirt and jeans in the middle of fall.
“Give me your hoodie.” She states, holding out her pale ringed hand. “Why? You chose to not wear a hoodie when I told you to wear one.” I say, my eyebrows furrowing, still kind of pissed off about her making me stand up the whole half hour. “Maybe because I’m your fucking girlfriend and your ride home.” Amber snaps back, her jaw clenching as she snaps her fingers, cueing me to give her the hoodie. “Okay..” I sigh, peeling off my dark green hoodie and handing it to the girl, leaving me in t-shirt and cargo pants. I didn’t want to walk home tonight, so I didn’t see the point in arguing with her further. I could feel the cold dry sting of the air hit me. I shivered, and we began to walk to her car. When we got to her car, she was livid, the parking meter had expired, a ticket sat under the windshield wiper. Her eye twitched a bit as she hastily walked over, snatching the ticket off the windshield and getting in the car. I quickly follow suit, not wanting to piss her off more. I get into the car, shutting the door behind me. I buckle my seatbelt, feeling an absolute need to, knowing she’s seething in anger. As I got in, she seemed cool for a minute, before her fist drove into the steering wheel, punching repeatedly. I reached out and held her hand with mine, preventing her fist from hitting it again, not wanting her to hurt herself. I unbuckle my seatbelt and lean over, holding her head to my chest, embracing her tightly. I move over to straddle her lap. Her arms wrap around me, holding me breathlessly tight, letting out a frustrated and muffled cry out into my chest.
I felt guilty. She was having a hard day already, her mom yelled at her earlier, a woman scolded us, she was upset about the raffle, I argued about the hoodie, and now she has a ticket. I kissed the crown of her forehead and whispered sweet nothings trying to calm her down. Once her breathing was more normal, I pulled back and looked back into her eyes, feeling a jolt to my heart as hers met mine.
“You okay?” I whisper softly, kissing her cheek a few times. Her lips were puffed out in a small pout and her eyes were teary as she stared back at me. “I’m sorry, I just- I got overwhelmed.” Amber mumbles, pressing her face back into my chest
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
Unknown: I miss you 11:24 p.m.
Unknown: Please baby 11:27 p.m.
Unknown: I need you 11:30 p.m.
I bit my bottom lip, as I thought about her eyes. Back then, I thought I always saw her eyes softening when she gazed back at me, but now that it’s been years, I have come to realize it was her loving the power and control she had over me. The way she had me wrapped around her finger no matter what.
It was a few days after the incident where she had slapped me over a joke I made about her music.
Amber and I were cuddling in her bed when my phone buzzed in the sheets next to us. She picked it up and checked the notification. My head was nuzzled into the crook of her neck, her hand that wasn’t occupied with my phone was stroking my hair softly. “Your ex fucking texted you.” Amber scoffs, opening the text. Her hand stopped stroking my hair, moving to aid her other hand with the phone.
“Block her,” I mumble, too sleepy to care about whatever my ex wants. “She said she found your hoodie and wants you to come pick it up.” Amber says after reading the text. “Tell her to throw it away.” I say, pressing a soft kiss to her neck. “No, actually…” Amber pauses thinking, “Go pick up the hoodie.” She states, pushing my head off her neck. “Why? I don’t want it.” I huff, a bit pouty about her ruining my comfortable position.
“Well I do, because then the next time that bitch stalks your instagram, she’ll get the pleasure of seeing me in your hoodie.” Amber smirks, handing my phone back to me. “Why does it matter if it’s that one? You’re on my instagram wearing my hoodies in most of our pictures,” I ask confusedly as I lean over to kiss her cheek before putting my phone in my pocket. “Because, I get to rub it in that you’re mine. If she’s willing to go through the trouble of giving you your hoodie back, she gets to go through the trouble of seeing me in it later.” Amber states before kissing me softly. “Now go get that hoodie.” She smiles, waving me off. Within a ten minute walk, I was outside my ex’s house. She stood on her burgundy colored porch, holding a familiar black hoodie in her hands. I walked up to the stairs of her porch. She smiles at me, sitting down on one of the steps as she hands it to me. “Hey… how are you?” She asks, her tone nothing but friendly.
Before she and I had broken up, we used to be close friends. Even after the break up, we remained friends until I met Amber. We broke up for the main reason that while being with me, she discovered that what she thought were romantic feelings towards me were nothing but platonic. I had felt the same way and hence the being friends thing. “I’m okay, how are you?” I ask, my voice a little rough from having walked over on a hot summer day with no water. “I’m alright. But I’m worried about you,” She pauses, “Mindy told me that you stopped talking to most of the group. What’s going on with you?” She asks softly, her hand touching my shoulder in a comforting manner. I let out a shaky sigh as tears welled up in my eyes. “Things have been difficult lately.” I state vaguely, running a hand through my hair. “What do you mean? You can talk to me. You know I won’t say a thing,” She says, knowing I’ve had a past of people telling my business to other people who have no right to it. “Amber has been getting more controlling, and well…” I sigh and wipe my face with my hand. “And what?” She whispers softly, trying to remain supportive and comforting. “She slapped me the other day,” I mumble, not wanting to have to face the reality, but knowing I need to. “What? Y/n, that’s not okay,” A small gasp comes from her mouth as she rubs my arm comfortingly. She knew this kind of behavior from anyone, especially a teenager, wasn’t okay whatsoever. She didn’t honestly have any other words besides, “You need to tell an adult.” She pauses her words, to try to lay them out more kindly, “What she’s doing isn’t right. You don’t deserve to be hurt.” She says. My phone buzzes in my back pocket, I pull it out to check it. The realization of how much time had passed brings me concern as the notification from Amber popped up. She asked what was taking me so long, and told me to hurry up.
“I gotta go, I’m sorry,” I say, slipping my phone back in my pocket before turning to walk off, missing the look of pity that my ex sent me as I walked off. I quickly hurried back to Amber’s house, despite the smoldering heat that threatened to wind me down to the sidewalk. I get back to her house, to see her waiting on her couch with her feet propped up on the dark brown coffee table in front of her. “You get the hoodie?” Amber asks, looking up from her phone. “Y- yeah.” I say through heavy breaths. I toss it over to her. She picks it up, inspecting it and the design.
“What took you so long?” She interrogates, looking back up at me with a bated stare.
“It was a long walk in hot heat,” I excuse, moving to sit beside her as I pick up her water bottle off the table to take a swig. “BS, what took you so long?” She scoffs, turning to face me with a raised brow. “My ex asked how I was doing,” I admit, looking up to meet her eyes. “And what did you say?” Amber asks, squinting her eyes. “I said I was fine,” I shrug, setting the water bottle back down on the table. “And that was it?” Amber asks, not convinced at all. “That was it.” I say, my eyes accidentally diverting from hers out of guilt. “Bullshit. What else?” She demands, grabbing my chin to force me to look at her. “She said that Mindy told her I wasn’t coming around the group as much anymore.” I admit further, wanting her to let my chin out of her tight grip. Amber lets out a dark chuckle, pinching the bridge of her nose. “A whole month without speaking to you and she still can’t keep you off her damn mind. No wonder I felt the need to keep you away from her.” Amber rolls her eyes, pulling me into her lap. I don’t say anything, not wanting to argue and cause a bigger reaction from her. Instead I silently snuggled up to the crook of her neck as she ran her ringed hand over my back in small soothing circles.
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
Unknown: I miss you 11:24 p.m.
Unknown: Please baby 11:27 p.m.
Unknown: I need you 11:30 p.m.
Unknown: Answer babe 11:33 p.m.
I didn’t hate her, after all the bullshit she did then. Not until Richie. That’s when I started to.
I walked into Amber’s home, a happy grin along my lips. I came over planning to surprise her with a cute box of snacks and drinks I made for her. I spent hours on the box alone, painting each side, attempting to recreate her favorite Stab movie covers on each side, paying close attention to each detail to try and make it near perfect for her. The box was nearly overflowing in her favorite snacks and drinks. I walked up the stairs towards her bedroom, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I heard a bed creaking. I didn’t see anyone else’s car in the driveway so I made the stupid assumption of her having a reasonable explanation like taking care of her own needs. I balance the box on the side of my hip as I open her bedroom door. What I didn’t expect to see was Richie on top of her as she moaned out his name. The box dropped from under my arm, loudly crashing to the floor, capturing the attention of both of them. Amber’s eyes widened as she was at a loss for words. I saved her the brain power by running out of the house and driving away before she could even reach me. By the time I reached my house, I ran inside, tears leaving my eyes as I called one person that I thought I’d never call again. Tara. I called Tara. No explanation, just telling her I needed her to come to my house immediately. I went to each door and window in my house, making sure they were locked and if possible covered with the curtains and blinds. Knowing that Amber was persistent and if I didn’t pick up her calls eventually, she’d show up. I just prayed Tara would be here before then. I needed to tell someone the truth, because I didn’t quite frankly know what to do with it. Being a teenager, you don’t expect to be used like a punching bag or cheated on with a grown ass man.
I was sitting on my living room couch, my phone was tossed on the coffee table, buzzing with texts from Amber. All I knew was that I didn’t want to hear it. As I cried on the couch, a knock on the front door broke me from my sob session. I got up quickly, making my way to the door quietly before peaking out the peephole, seeing Tara standing at my doorstep. I unlock and open the door, letting the girl in before locking the door back up.
“Hey, what’s going on with you?” Tara asks softly, seeing my tear stained face. I shake my head to prevent a sob from breaking through as I hug her, burying my head in her shoulder. As my cries wrack my body, she holds me close, stroking my hair softly, shushing my cries. “It’s gonna be okay, we’ll get over this.” She whispered, unsure of what the situation was, but more than willing to try and help.
Unknown: Hey, you awake? 11:21 p.m.
Unknown: It’s Amber 11:22 p.m.
Unknown: I miss you 11:24 p.m.
Unknown: Please baby 11:27 p.m.
Unknown: I need you 11:30 p.m.
Unknown: Answer babe 11:31 p.m.
Unknown: Fucking answer me 11:33 p.m.
“Babe, turn your phone off, I can’t sleep with the constant notifications,” A tired brunette groans beside me in bed. She turns over in the sheets, burying her face in the crook of my neck with a tired pout. “Sorry, love. I’ll turn it off.” I kiss the top of Tara’s head, turning the do not disturb on my phone. I hover my finger over the button on my phone screen. I press down on the block button. I’m over this.
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Naughty Little Secret Pt.2
Reactions of Genshin men finding your spicy literature.
Ft. Childe, Albedo, and Alhaitham  (Aka blue eyed boy edition)
(PART 1) Ft. Diluc, Cyno, and Thoma  (PART 3) Ft. Scaramouche, Itto, and Xiao
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Tags: PG-13, Sexual Themes, GN!Reader, Technically SFW, Crushes, TW!Blood (Albedo) but it’s very mild, LOTS OF TEASING Notes: I swear my first time writing a character always turns out so long. I so appreciate everyone cheering me on tho! Feel free to send suggestions to my inbox! 💘(Repost!)
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Spicy romance novels were your guilty pleasure. After a rough week at work, you deserved to sit back at Yanshang Teahouse and let the flow of words on the pages guide your imagination. You held your newest purchase in your hand and pondered if the cover art was a coincidence. Perhaps deep down, you subconsciously picked the book with a pretty ginger boy on the cover.
Tartagalia hadn’t visited Liyue in a while... and maybe there was a part of you that missed the tall handsome Snezhnayan boy just a tiny bit. You were a tad totally heartbroken when your friend departed from the harbor. He would come by your work quite often just to chat and whenever he had time to kill. Eventually, his company and charming words just became a part of your routine. It was impossible not to be dazzled by the boy’s abundant attention. But as time passed and you felt confident that you were completely over your little crush. You shook your head of those thoughts, it wasn’t important why you chose the book you did. You were here to enjoy yourself and you were hell bound to do just that.
The orange haired protagonist finds himself swept up in trouble much bigger than himself. To protect what’s dearest to him, he becomes a spy to an organization he holds no loyalty to. While behind enemy lines, he meets a girl who sees right through the mask he puts on. She not only figures out he’s a spy, but also sees his bleeding heart that has the ability to turn for the better. Your heart ached for the boy. The way he was stuck between his duties and who he loved made you feel endless sympathy for the protag. He had to betray one in the end to accomplish the other. 
His mission was going to be completed in the morning. After that, he would never see the girl again. The handsome ginger spilled his feeling, laying himself out bare to the girl he loved. She knows, she always did, and she wanted to show him now on their last night. Emotions flood forward as their bodies tangle with one another. He wants her to feel his earnest passion.  He wants to bring her joy, to bring her the happiness she deserved, to bring her pleasure...  A low familiar whistle pulled your mind from the scene. No way...
“Huh, so this is what you do while I’m away...” A cheeky voice teased. You whipped your head to look at the widest shit eating grin that you’ve ever seen since.... well since he left.  
“Tartagalia? What- When did you?” You were reeling and sputtered in surprise and embarrassment. You attempted redirect his attention and tuck the novel behind you as a last ditch effort to save your pride. But alas, Ajax was not known to be a merciful guy.  
“Ah ah ah Y/N, I hadn’t got a good look at that last page. I just have to know about those ‘rippling abs’ mentioned.” Childe playfully reached behind you and snagged the book from your grip. You tried to swipe it back but his reflexes were too fast. “You don’t mind sharing right?”
“I’m serious give it back Childe!”  You threatened, but it only spurred him further. He had a whole head up on you, and was talking full advantage of it. Childe held the book open above you and dramatically cleared his throat before reciting naughty lines from the passages. Your felt your face burn red in both embarrassment and now absolute fury. 
This kid was so dead!
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There was urgency in your steps while you trekked through the snowy path. You visited Dragonspine enough times to know the beaten trail even when covered in fresh snow, but it was still your least favorite part of coming to the lab. If you had to list your favorite part, well...... your friend Albedo wasn’t exactly terrible to look at. You were glad to see him again so soon. Typically, you purposely spaced out your visits up the mountain, but when you received a letter asking for your assistance in a research matter you really couldn’t say no. 
As junior librarian of the knights, you were tasked with dropping off books and other study material to Albedo’s lab. It’s a grueling task but the two of you got along very well so you were always happy to do it. That being said, you weren’t exactly a person of science and opted reading into history and arts most times. Through years of knowing Albedo, you had to set a clear cut boundary on being a test rat for the alchemist. So far he has respected your wishes, so you didn’t assume it was why he’d call you out here. The curiosity was almost as bad as the blistering cold hitting your nose. As soon as the light illuminating from the lab was in view, you rushed forward desperate for warmth. 
“Y/N, I’ve been awaiting you.” Albedo greeted you kindly. 
“Hey Albe-” The words died in your throat when you caught sight of your friend. The blond’s hair was free from its usual up-do, messy locks framed the boys handsome features and flowed over his shoulders. Albedo’s neat attire was now lax, his knightly accessories nowhere to be seen. What could be seen was the expanse of the alchemist’s collarbone since two additional buttons were undone on his dress shirt. Somehow even while fully clothed, it felt indecent to witness him like this. “Is... everything alright Albedo?” You asked, averting your eyes to keep from ogling your friend. 
“Of course.” Albedo answered easily, his voice was low and sultry. “Please take a seat Y/N. I have something urgent that needs your eyes.” He directed you, cocking his head towards the small table. Your brain was short circuiting and all you could think to do was obediently sit. You had never seen the serious and calculated man like this but you weren’t exactly complaining either. Albedo served you a cup of hot tea and opted to lean against the table instead of sitting. 
“So... um what did you need me to look at.” You asked awkwardly, unsure what to do with yourself. 
“Well obviously I want you to look at me Y/N” A light smirk formed across Albedo’s lips and he smoothly leaned over your chair. Your eyes followed every single movement while your face quickly began to heat up. Where was all of this coming from? Should you be concerned? 
“W- what do you mean by that?” You blurted out, mind racing a mile a minute.
“I want you to-” Everything came to a screeching halt when your chair, that Albedo had been leaning on, began to tilt backwards. Both you and blond were sent crashing to the ground, ruining any kind of mood that was building. Your head ached from where you bumped it but Albedo intentionally took the brunt of it, completely face-planting into the hard floor. 
“Albedo are you alright??” You hovered over him. The boy simply turned to you and blinked. His stoic expression was more akin to what you typically were used to. 
“I apologize Y/N. It seems I didn’t fully grasp the concepts in the experiment before executing it. Are you hurt?” He stood up and carefully helped you to your feet. He examined you for any signs of injury, regardless of his obviously bleeding nose. 
“Im good, the chair broke most of my fall. You on the other hand...” You grabbed a handkerchief and try to assist him. “Wait... experiment? Is that what this is all about?” You accused, slightly irked. 
“Yes, I saw a fascinating book among the study material you left behind recently. I assumed that it was a new subject you had recommended for me.” Albedo stated simply. “Its contents was um... quite intimate at times, but I thought it was a interesting perspective on forming human connections.” You felt froze, but this time not from the blistering cold. 
“Did the book have um.... did it have a pair of cuffs on the front?” You asked, praying to the archons that you were mistaken.
“Yes, I studied it extensively.” Albedo replied without a hint of shame on his features.  You replayed his interactions and what had just transpired in your head and looked back over to your friend.
“Okay two things. One, don’t you dare breathe a word to anyone about that book or else I’ll be very upset with you. And two, that was fucking hilarious.” You bursted out in laughter at the absurdity of the whole happenstance. Albedo gazed back at you confused, but your amusement was undeniably infectious. He smiled fondly back at you. Although the experiment couldn’t be labeled a success, the outcome was still one he found pleasing.  
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It was grueling working in the Akademiya recently. The overthrow of power left everyone with plenty to do. You would go mad from attending meeting after meeting if you didn’t have some sort of stress outlet. Writing was a way you liked to ease your mind, like an escape of sorts. You loved writing loose plots for light novels and dreamed to one day send an entry to the “Wow This Novel is Amazing!” contest in Inazuma. You were far from a finished manuscript, but it’s days like these that gave you inspiration. After working through piles of paperwork, you earned yourself a moment of indulgence. Especially when stress was eating you alive, your scenes tended to take a turn for the... suggestive. 
The scene opened to the main character pondering why their mentor kept themselves at arms length. She respected him immensely and strives to uphold his reputation by improving her skill. He was young and handsome, skilled far beyond his years. They held a close bond, closer than either of them have ever experienced. Now it was unclear why he was giving her such a cold shoulder. She confronts her mentor about the reasons behind his actions. He expresses his pride in her, how she has come far in the their time together. But for her to achieve new highs, she must leave him behind. His feelings for her would only be a hindrance now. 
She felt the tension between them for some time now. It was lingered in soft bushes between fingers, meaningful glances over meals, and caring gestures done without thinking. She’s fallen for the beautiful man, to a point that it wasn’t logical. No words need to be exchanged, only body heat. Arms hold onto the other in yearning desperation. Lips hungrily meet, as if they’ll never to be sated. Her want clouds all her senses and she could feel his willingness to give her everything, all of him. Hot needy breaths trail down her body, discarding any clothes that stood barrier, until he finally put his mouth directly on- 
“Busy Y/N?” The amused man asked from the doorway. You jump in response, quickly pushing aside the parchment that you were writing on. 
“Alhaitham! What are you doing here?” You pipe up, surprised to see your friend for more than one reason. Alhaitham had been promoted to acting grand sage while the rest was still settling, he had to be incredibly busy. 
“I see you’re not very excited to see me,” Alhaitham teased, strolling casually into your office anyway. “Even after I went through the trouble of coming to grab the data reports myself and pay you a visit.” He tsked. 
“You came to see me? Ah, so you need a favor.” You playfully jabbed back, easily finding comfort in the other’s company. It really had been quite a while. If it weren’t for the man’s inflated ego, you might have told him that you’ve missed him. 
“You wound me. It’s not an oddity for colleagues reconnect reminisce while also carrying out an errand for the acting great sage.” Alhaitham replied smoothly, not bothering to go through the motions and pretend to act hurt.
“Yikes, already pulling the ‘acting great sage’ card.” You chuckle. Alhaitham and you have worked closely together for years, so you didn’t mind going out of your way to do him a favor. But maybe one day he would learn that all he had to do was ask nicely. 
“It would be foolish to not use the assets as they are presented to me.” The former scribe shrugged. He opened his mouth as if to continue the witty banter, but a beep from on his person alerted him of something. “I’ll have to brief you later. I’ll just take the data reports and be on my way.”
“Right, here it goes.” You handed him the prepared stack of papers on your desk and just like that Alhaitham was gone, off to his next endeavor. Wow he really is swamped now a days. You thought, ready to get back into your writing. Ideas kept flowing through you as you looked for the parchment you just had.... Wait it was just right here. Oh no.
“ALHAITHAM! I NEED THE DATA REPOR-” You barged into acting grand sage’s office, which was no easy feat. You were stopped again and again by all the matra crawling about. Your mouth ran dry when spotted the parchment in the smirking man’s hands. You wished the floor would just open up and swallow you whole so that you wouldn’t have to look at that cocky handsome face. 
“The data report? Certainly, it’s right over there on the desk.” Alhaitham stated, not bothering to take his eyes off your handwriting. “I’m still going over some of it now and I have to say, it’s quite in depth.” He went on.
“You are such a jerk! Give it!” You resorted to trying to snatch it, but the former scribe easily turned away without sparing you even a single glance. You knew what he wanted and damn did it feel like making a deal with the devil. “I’ll owe you a favor, no questions asked. Just hand it over and keep your mouth shut.” 
“Two favors.” He bargained without batting an eye.
“You’re pushing it-”
“One is for my silence and the other for the safe return of your... passion project.” Alhaitham interjected, finally tearing his eyes from your writing to shoot you a glance above the paper. You willed a stern expression onto your face, even while a furious blush bloomed cross your cheeks. A curt nod sealed the agreement and the man casually returned the parchment to you as promised. You snatched the paper from him and averted your gaze.
“Y/N you have quite the knack for imagery.” Alhaitham added slyly. You expected he would tease you a little longer, so you braced yourself for the worst. What you did’t expect was the tall man to lean over you with his hand braced on the desk. Your eyes shot up to his in surprise. “If you’re ever in need for another peer review, I’d be happy to offer my services.” He winked. 
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<A/N: These men need to be stopped>
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bomber-grl · 3 months
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Nico Di Angelo x Son of the fates ♾️
Pairing(s): Nico Di Angelo x Male! Reader
The request was one of the specific fates but I feel like my hcs could be applicable to any
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Definitely an interesting dynamic
When you’re first introduced to each other there isn’t much interest but then he hears your godly parent
I’d imagine that there would be a ton of thoughts going through his head but one especially comes to mind
That would be Bianca
Sure, he’s learned to accept what happened but the pain and need for her still exists- even if it’s a bit different
You two were introduced in a group, probably while things were being discussed in the big house between cabins
Either way you peak his interest and his eyes follow you wherever you go
Unbeknownst to him, you’re aware of this-
Not many people know but you’re able to see glimpses of the future and especially in visions
And lesser known? You’re even able to manipulate the fates of people
With some limits of course but it’s still all the same
So when Nico approaches you it’s probably in the middle of the night and asks you a single question
“Could Bianca have met a different fate”?
It’s shocking to say the least
The person whose so closed off and secretive comes to a complete stranger and asks a question that no one would’ve expected
You can’t say u don’t know what he’s talking about, you know of Bianca
I mean who doesn’t remember her? Maybe some newer campers but you’re especially familiar
So, with the options of letting Nico be torn apart by harpy’s from finding him out after curfew or letting him in, you chose the latter
You let him in and let him know it’s a bit difficult to see the possible alternate futures without the person directly there- but someone close to her would do
So you do what you need and see into her possible futures- albeit a bit difficult as her thread was cut many years ago
Well in the end you have to break the terrible news of the fact there was no way around it- unless someone else died in her place but even that was close to impossible of happening
He left with a small thanks and you knew he was gone once the crickets started chirping again
The next morning you see him around again- maybe even more
It was hard to say how it happened but before no time you two were like this 🤞
That’s to say- close)
It was before sunrise and the two of you were just chilling in the morning freshness near the lake
Usually Nico despised the morning- but he’d be up before 12 p.m today, just for you
You two sat there going about your usual teasing and sarcastically dark humored comments when he turns to you and blurts out
“I like you”
Your head obviously whipped from the rising sun to him just to see him facing the other way
Knowing him, he was probably flushed and even more? Scared of ruining your friendship
Maybe he was braver than you thought because he turns back to you and asks “did you see that?”
Obviously referencing your ability to see the future
The whole situation was just funny, maybe there was something wrong with you but maybe not since Nico was laughing too
Of course you two actually discuss things and soon after you were proud to announce your new relationship
Things weren’t all that different- Nico was still your best friend but even better, your boyfriend
You two would usually go on quests and stuff together
I mean it’d mean the possible end for anyone who dared to separate you two
Your future sight could confirm that
Well anyway,
Things remained the same, demigods you cared for died and life happened
Normal things for any demigod to go through but there’s a memory that especially stuck out
That one being when Nico had discovered your ability to change fate
It was not something to be expected of a demigod- especially a power as strong as this
Of course there’s some limits- you’re not exactly a god but it’s whatever
Yknow, because of the limits (rarely being able to use it unless in dire need)
when Nico ran out of juice and tired out, a monster or whatever it was that you guys were battling got him trapped and fear overtook you all at once
You don’t exactly remember how it happened but all you know is that it just did
And while the monster was originally fated to die and Nico was to be direly hurt- you changed it so it’d die from complications and Nico would be alright
What happened wasn’t really discussed until after the quest and until after you reached Nicos cabin
No one else (Hazel) was staying over so might as well join him in a nice cuddle sesh
The silence stretched for ages and everything must come to an end, so obviously that silence did
Nico spoke up in a way you could tell he was hyper aware of his wording and tone
“What…what was that power? I was clearly going to get hurt in the end”
He continued “and you blacked out, you don’t have to explain but if anything I’m just worried”
He tried being non chalant about it but his worry was prominent
“I’m able to change the fate of people- but only when in dire need and when I’m especially scared!” You arose and faced Nico panicked, trying to make sure he didn’t get the wrong idea.
Especially since you know how he resented Percy for not doing anything about she that shall not be named)
Nico sighed, sensing how you feel “I hope you didn’t hold that information thinking I’d be upset you didn’t change her fate- it hurts,it does and we both know it’s a sore topic but I’ve matured past blaming people”
You were surprised he directly brought up the elephant in the room but it didn’t end there
“I’m also sorry that I made you feel like you couldn’t talk about something about yourself.” He looked at you with a calm smile and his eyes softened “I love everything about you, so I wouldn’t blame you for anything that has nothing to do with you, even if something could’ve been changed.”
His whole speech was so heartfelt and the night ended with the tension eased and the two of you guys snuggled tightly with each other.
There’s of course some sweet moments between the two of you
It definitely makes for an interesting dynamic when you confess that you knew you’d end up with Nico and when he asks how or why or whatever
You simply reply that your strings are intertwined with one another
This definitely makes Nico more flustered than he’d like to admit
Even if you two never discuss this again he’s always thinking about
And thinking about how you and him are basically soulmates always reassures him when and if he ever feels insecure of your relationship
Not to mention how it’s got him giggling in secret but let’s not discuss that
Of course he doesn’t know if you’re being honest but it makes him feel warm and fuzzy all the same (it is true, I confirm)
Eventually you explore your abilities more but you end up wherever fate leads you(get it?😉) cringe ik 😔
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eiightysixbaby · 10 months
How would all the guys react to a condom breaking during? 👀
oooooooh this is juicy.
first and foremost, let me just get it out of the way and say that all of the guys’ first priority would be making sure you are okay. if you realize that the condom’s broken during, they’re going to ask if you want them to put on another or if you’re comfortable going raw. if you realize the condom broke a little too late, after they’ve finished, they’re apologizing profusely and asking what your next ideal step is. I feel like that should be a given but it’s very important, so yeah. I am going to take this the spicier route, though 🔥
aaaaaanyways. Eddie is a dirty little freak (in my mind at least) and he would be sooooo fucking smug if the condom broke and you insist that he fucks you raw. he’s going at it, fucking you like an absolute animal, his pace is ruthless as he’s slamming into you when all of a sudden he falters. he’s like “shiiiit shit shit, babe. I could be wrong but I feel like the condom just snapped,” and he’s fully expecting to go get a fresh one and pick up where he left off, but he’s floored when you actually respond. “don’t worry about it, take it off and keep going,” and he’s got an eyebrow raised at you, making sure you’re serious. “just fuck me raw, Eddie, please,” you’re growing impatient and he doesn’t need to be asked again. he’s pulling out and ripping the condom off, whipping it across the room faster than you can comprehend. all you ask is that he doesn’t cum inside of you, and he honestly loves the fact that he’ll get to cum all over you instead. on your face, your chest, wherever you prefer. he’s secretly so damn grateful that condom broke, because the thought of no barrier coming between you and his cock makes him genuinely feral.
when the condom breaks with Steve (and let’s face it, the man is packing so he’s definitely putting some pressure on those poor condoms), you’re just like, too blissed out to care about it. it took you a while to warm up, for him to fully fit inside of you comfortably, and neither of you want to stop now. he feels too good and you’re too full of him to worry, even though he warns you when he feels a sudden tear. “don’t care, Steve, need you to fucking fill me up,” you whine, and in that moment I think he’d become a whole different animal - a switch just flips for him. he can’t hold himself back, he starts fucking you so hard and so well you’re seeing stars. you swear you can feel him in your throat and all you want is to be full of his cum, too. he’s growling in your ear, “yeah? sweet girl wants my cum?” and his head is literally spinning with how hot he finds everything about this moment.
Jonathan is a little sweetie, so he’s probably worrying the most when it initially breaks. “f-fuck,” he pants, and he’s trying to slow his movements but he can’t help his cock twitching as his hips stutter against yours. “think the condom broke, shit,” his pupils are blown out in his wide eyes and he’s scrambling to pull out of you before you stop him. you grab his arm gently, “are you close?” is all you ask and he’s visibly confused. “yeah, so fucking close,” he says, and he’s still moving to pull out of you before you reply. “if you’re close then just finish in me. it’s okay,” and if it was a cartoon his eyes would bulge out of his head, his cock twitching again simply from your words. he needs reassurance, of course, asking you if you’re sure and you’re eventually begging him. “please cum in me, I want it, I’m serious,” and he doesn’t need more convincing after that. it takes him maybe another minute to cum, spurred on by how you moan in his ear and beg for it.
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