#white fucking lizard
burnin0akleaves · 2 months
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Damn okay whatever take over my blog then
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ladytargtower · 4 months
So just found out my newest crush Rudy Pankow was in a movie called Chocolate Lizards and ….
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So yeah another cowboy man I lust over and need to see this asap . Anyone seen it already ? Let me know
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archangeltama · 1 month
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So I got to Chimney Canopy
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worldblight · 3 months
I wish Erin Hunter would hire me not because I particularly care about Warrior Cats anymore but because I know a lot about cat behavior and it makes me really really irritated seeing people draw cat body language so incorrectly
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whitehank scug hours
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velvet-apricots · 5 months
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This is my Templar vestige and everyone and their mother wants to fuck her. :)
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A California surfing school owner who was charged with killing his two children in Mexico is a follower of QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories who thought the children "were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them," federal officials alleged.
Matthew Taylor Coleman, 40, was charged Wednesday with foreign murder of U.S. nationals in connection with the death of his 2-year-old son and his 10-month-old daughter, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California. Authorities said Coleman confessed to the killings and told the FBI that he used a spearfishing gun to stab them.
A criminal complaint alleges that he told the FBI that he killed his children because he believed they "were going to grow into monsters" and that conspiracy theories led him to believe that his wife had passed down her "serpent DNA" to the children.
Coleman's wife, identified only by her initials, contacted Santa Barbara police after her husband had taken the kids out on Saturday but didn't tell her where they were going, the complaint said. She grew concerned after he failed to respond to her messages, and, knowing that her husband didn't have a car seat with him, she called police.
A missing person's report was filed Sunday, and officers asked her to use Apple's Find My iPhone feature to see whether she could find Coleman, the complaint said. The program showed Coleman's last known location in Rosarito, Mexico, it said.
Police alerted the FBI to the investigation as it became a case of suspected parental kidnapping. Coleman was detained Monday after an inspection by border protection agents of his van upon his re-entry into the U.S., where agents didn't see his children and found blood in the vehicle, authorities said.
The complaint alleges that Coleman confessed to the killings upon being interviewed Monday and gave authorities the location of the murder weapon and the discarded bloody clothing. He also identified two bodies recovered by Mexican authorities as those of his children, it said.
A judge ordered that Coleman be held without bond Wednesday and scheduled his arraignment for Aug. 31.
According to the complaint, Coleman said that he knew what he did was wrong but that "it was the only course of action that would save the world."
"Serpent DNA" is a likely to be a reference to the "lizard people" conspiracy theory, which falsely purports that reptilian aliens secretly run the world and have taken over important positions in government, banking and Hollywood.
The complaint says Coleman told authorities that he learned about "serpent DNA" through QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories, even though the lizard people conspiracy theory predates both by several decades.
The believers in each conspiracy theory have melded together over the last several years because conspiracy theory influencers and algorithms on social media frequently lump the theories together.
QAnon is a more recent conspiracy theory premised on the belief that a similar global cabal at the top of the U.S. government is secretly murdering and eating children and that Donald Trump was quietly working to defeat them during his time in office.
Anthony Quinn Warner, who bombed his own RV outside an AT&T building in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Day, claimed that lizard people were taking over Hollywood and the U.S. government. Warner died and three other people were injured.
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nickismyspiritanimal · 9 months
Edgar was a rich white billionaire ain't no way he wasn't getting secretly homosexually fucked
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cursedthing · 9 months
.still stuck in chimeny canopy however it WAS proven that the route works it's just we keep dying to either lizards who are in the way or we die literally one jump away from the shelter due to rain.
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dramaticqueerio · 3 months
It’s really strange how one short debate can completely change your opinion on someone, huh.
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shiro-maiko · 8 months
Ok so I'm playing monks campaign on my switch as saint, and when I met pebbsi he just, shot me to karma 10, anyways imma get slugtree ending with ascended saint, but before that I'm currently carrying three neurons I stole from pebbsi to give to moon through industrial, and I'm gonna go through the wastes route to shoreline because even though I ate two neurons in pebbsi I still hate citadel and I will do whatever I can to avoid going through that hell-hole if I can help it, the only reason I would be forced to go through citadel would be if I'm trying to get all data porls for moon, and I would still try to make my time there as short as possible
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shalpilot · 1 year
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ok listen i just. i enjoy the new plant designs theyre like sea angels <3 and who am i to deny shal a lil taste of being ethereal and pretty instead of A Little Fucking Gerblin every once in a while
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mochapanda · 1 year
i find it so incredibly fucking weird that people who are like so socially conscious and intelligent and really understand like systemic bigotry can at the same time. unabashedly. praise people who are so LOUDLY against everything they stand for. mindblowing
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snailfen · 1 year
the gourmand experience thus far: rotundness
#rain world downpour spoilers#rain world spoilers#FINALLY MADE A DENT OF PROGRESS IN DIRECTION. holy shit#but um most of my grocery list is done! a lot of stuff i needed was in shoreline. i also ran into an orange lizard in shaded citadel..???#im guessing it was a lineage step. cus i killed and ate a mole lizard for the list a cycle earlier. iirc orange lizards dont normally spawn#in shaded#ALSO MIRAHEZE UPDATED. thankfully you dont HAVE to kill a red centipede for the list! its either that or an aquapede. whew#so anyways i just went for that in shoreline#got a cyan in industrial#decided to make a quick stop at sky islands before heading to fp??? for some reason. took forever to find an eggbug jesus#its so funny what pebs says to gourmand. Gluttonous Beast..... rotundness. hehe#anyways i unlocked slugpups early through the cheats menu but never found any on survivor/monk. i ran into one at a karma gate shelter help#ITS FUNNY CUS I SAW PIPE LIGHTS INDICATING THAT SOMETHING LEFT WHEN I ENTERED THE SHELTER. IM AT THE TOP OF CANOPY#fucking NOTHING gets up there. so i popped back out. saw nothing. figured it was just a batfly. went back in. boom. baby jumpscare#so um. i have a baby now!!! im on my way to subterranean and i have two items left. so smooth sailing from here#still need to come up with a name for the little guy.... i wanna do a title like the campaign slugcats? theyre a white slugpup#oh god i have to be responsible for them the entire way. if i run into another one ill cry cus i wont be able to leave it there#but dear god the difficulty will Not be Fun. why am i like this.#mossball.txt#nebi gaming moment#the gourmand
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captain-maws · 10 months
i have so many conflicting feelings about artificer's campaign.
on one hand, she is super fun to control. being able to create explosives at the cost of one food pip makes her well-suited for fighting p much any creature in the game. the double jump is so fun, the parry move is amazing and makes combat interesting. you have a limit to your parries and double jumps so you have to balance how much you're using them. metropolis is such a cool region, has one of the coolest echo encounters and the overseers project fuckin pepsi ads to you sometimes.
on the other, scavengers are bullshit. you are locked at negative reputation, kill squads will constantly come after you. and while scavs are meant to kind of be on the same level as the player, combat-wise they are just better than you. they have a wider range of aim, they can hold multiple spears, they can have inhuman reaction time, sometimes they don't die in one hit, so you can think you've killed a scav, only for it to get back up and stab you immediately. i have been sniped from across a 3-screen long room before, and i didn't even know there were scavs in the room. sometimes elite scavs just have singularity bombs for some reason. also why do i have to fully swallow a rock to create bombs. it makes transporting pearls a pain.
i love playing as arti but god i wish her campaign wasn't so irritating.
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malwarechips · 1 year
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