#who else is sick
babyjapril · 6 months
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#unfortunately a mood this time of the year
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hotcinnamonsunset · 2 months
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🎣lure me in, baby!
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claraoswalds · 8 months
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The Girl Who Died // Hell Bent
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introspectivememories · 9 months
buggy who turns to shanks one night after they've reunited and says softly, with indecipherable look in his eyes and says, "i'm not in love with you anymore." and shanks, shocked beyond belief, heart aching with a want he didn't even know he had, with a need he hadn't even realized was there, thinks quietly to himself, i didn't know you ever were
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heartscrypt · 1 year
every day is like hell for jamil. ruggie's chilling though
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ef-1 · 8 months
Everyone moved on but I stayed there
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tosticles · 6 months
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long haired times ☀️
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little-pondhead · 8 months
Idea I don’t wanna write but has been eating my brain for days:
Contrary to popular belief, Danny cannot get along with every spirit he meets, even after a round or two of fighting. Sometimes a spirit is too old, too physically far gone, too corrupted to see sense. Spirits like these are sick. They hoard curses like it’s gold and haven’t seen the green sky of the Zone in centuries. These spirits become the worst kind of ghosts; ones that are barely hanging onto their sanity by a thread and who actively seek to harm the living.
These are also the spirits that won’t respond to the King, no matter who it is. As such, it is the King’s duty to hunt down these spirits and either get them help by returning them to the Zone, or exterminate them.
Well, Danny is now the King. And the next ghost on his list is the Spirit of Gotham City.
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amywritesthings · 3 months
okay, i have to address something that i've seen float around a bunch on tumblr, reddit, and tiktok lately when it comes to readers who are angry at fanfiction authors for not writing the content they wish to see in their fandom spaces.
...did you ever think to try and write it yourself?
this weekend i saw someone comment on the bg3 sub about how they're sick of seeing astarion fics with 'special/edgy female-centric tieflings or durges' and not much else. they were angry that 'they scroll for hours on ao3 and tumblr but only find all this oc and reader insert garbage, when it's plaguing their fandom space'.
so write the damn story you keep searching for. write what you find the fandom lacks. you take it upon yourself to curate the content you want out there.
if a writer wants to make 50 stories of the same 'special/edgy' original character smutting up a canon, they can? it's their labor of love. their passion project. a hobby. they choose to share it online for free. we are so very lucky to live in a digital age where fanfiction is so readily available, and there are millions if not billions of stories (for free!!) at your fingertips to scroll and enjoy.
i'm getting very tired of finding posts/videos of entitled readers who vocally complain about not being catered to when they themselves are not trying to contribute with the content, pairings, or topics they wish to see.
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gayvampyr · 2 years
maybe a hot take but slowing down, using more concise language, and/or giving more detailed explanations or instructions is not the same as infantilization or “dumbing it down,” some of you guys just view disabled/ND peoples need for comprehension accommodations as inherently childish, dumb, or less-than
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skinandscales-if · 24 days
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Skin & Scales: Chapter Two is NOW AVAILABLE
Thank you everyone again for your patience for this chapter’s release, I hope the content proves worth the wait! Please enjoy and a reminder that I follow the tag #S&S IF and you can always tag me personally if you have any thoughts to share!
In this chapter:
- Meet the last 2 ROs!
- Continue your investigation
- Take to the sky!
- Play a round of basketball
- Disassociate at a sandwich shop
- And more!
Content Warnings for this chapter:
- Depictions of violence
- Depictions of anxiety
- Depictions of panic attacks
- Kidnapping
- Talks and displays of prejudice and dehumanization
Wordcount: 73k
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soap-ify · 7 months
to relax in your arms
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simon "ghost riley" x gn!reader
wc — 1.2k
cw — pure fluff !! subtle suggestive undertones, just reader being burnt out and simon being there to help.
notes — decided to join the tumblr cod fanfic gang . . anyways !! a little fluff because mw3 early access is tomorrow and it could be angsty.
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simon is observant, very observant. it's a trait you loved and hated at the same time. yes, he knew of your every cute little quirks, but at the same time, he was able to read your mood too easily — no matter how much you try to hide it otherwise.
so it wasn't a surprise when you were completely burnt out after a week long of paperwork you had to finish up for your crappy job, completely draining you out of energy. you were sat on the couch right now, inside the cozy little apartment you shared with your boyfriend. he was standing in the corner of the living room, those stern brown eyes watching your exhaustion from a distance. he was dressed in a pair of grey shirt and black sweatpants, having had just stepped out of the shower, all fresh.
he had arrived early today, price having had let simon leave the base quicker for the sake of the latter spending more time with you. but seeing you curled up tiredly on the couch; your laptop half open on the coffee table alongside the scattered papers, your face hidden in the cushion whilst your arms were wrapped around your knees — it made something in simon lighten up, a protective instinct that was always seemingly there. a need to comfort his lovely partner.
"poor baby." he cooed in his deep, gravely voice that caught your attention, indicating his presence. though you were too tired to lift your head up and greet him with that sweet usual smile that always adorned your lips. he took this time to kneel besides the couch you were curled up on, his rough yet gentle hands rubbing up and down your arms, coaxing your head up, tired eyes meeting his.
god, you were a mess. your eyes had visible dark circles, body all stiff whilst loose strands of hair were on your face. he knew this feeling too well — being so insanely burnt out that one just wished to disappear and run off to a paradise, seemingly for some rest that would last forever. though he wouldn't let his sweetheart think like that.
his fingers carefully brushed the loose hair strands off your eyes before cupping your face, his palms feeling the squish of your cheeks. "m'gonna help you relax up, 'kay?" he mumbled softly, earning a tired nod from you. he was quick to shut your laptop down and tidy up the table before his strong arms scooped you up the couch, your head instinctively burying in his neck. god, he always smelled so good.
he carried you towards the bathroom, his right foot nudging the door open. he carefully set you on your feet, hands skillfully taking off your shirt and pants alongside your undies. you were so pretty, small against his imposingly tall and muscular form. he loved you so fucking much. a sense of intimacy spread in the bathroom as he gently led you to sit inside the tub, opening the tap as warm water begin to fill the tub, soon engulfing your body in a familiar, comforting warmth.
simon went away for a few seconds and came back with a bowl of rose petals he had secretly saved up for a time like this. he poured the rose petals in the water, watching them spread out and float around your bare body. the prettiest fucking sight ever. you couldn't help but giggle at his little surprise, causing him to crack a small smile that you were still getting used to seeing. he had stopped wearing his balaclava around you, and whenever you saw his bare face and the littlw scars, you couldn't fathom out how such a gorgeous man like him was with you. though he had told you countless times that you were the prettiest thing ever, and deserved everything.
"like my surprise, love?" he asked teasingly and knelt besides the rub, earning a happy nod from you.
"yes, si." you mumbled softly, your voice a bit hoarse from the exhaustion. the warm water was doing wonders on your stiff muscles, and the scent of rose that enveloped the bathroom was so comforting. you closed your eyes and let yourself relax in the warm water.
simon grabbed a bar of soap and gently lathered it up your shoulders, his hands carefully massaging and undoing the knots. a soft groan left your lips as you leaned into him, your breathing getting slow and calm. "you won't get in with me?" you asked in that sweet voice of yours that always made him melt.
"not tonight, love. tonight's all about gettin' my baby cozy and relaxed." he chuckled quietly as he washed you up, his hands going towards your chest in order to gently caress it — chaste and loving movements. in any other situation, his hands would be doing so much more to you, but right now, you were too exhausted for that and he knew it. you were his number one priority after all.
you were starting to get sleepy, all relaxed under the caresses and rubs of his soft hands. "si..." you yawned softly, head leaning forward to press soft kisses on the bridge of your nose, his right hand coming up caress the back of your head.
"so tired, mmh? workin' so hard all week, not taking care of yourself at all." he whispered huskily into your ear, causing you to whine and give light punches on his arm, a cute pout on your lips that he immediately kissed as soon as it appeared.
you were always so sweet to him, taking care of him after rough missions or after a painful nightmare. it was his turn now to take care of you, to let you relax. after a good few minutes, he turned off the tap and took off the plug, watching the water drain out of the tub. he scooped you out of the tub and nicely dried you up with a towel, ruffling your hair up before he carried you to your shared bedroom.
he sat you down on the bed, dressing you up in a pair of his boxers and black shirt that was clearly oversized on you, making you feel all cozy. "thank you so much, si..." you sighed happily, your eyes half-open while your usually loud mind turned into a state of pure bliss. you laid down on the bed with a sleepy yawn, stretching your arms and legs out. fucking hell, you looked adorable.
he laid down besides you, his arm quickly wrapping around your waist as he pulled you closer, your head pressing against his firm chest. "love you, si... love you, love you, love you." you sleepily babbled, snuggling into him, your fingers clinging onto the fabric of his shirt whilst your eyes fluttered shut.
"love you too, baby. now hush, go to sleep. m'gonna keep you all cozy." he whispered softly, one arm reaching out to turn off the lamp and pull the blanket over you both. he sighed softly, his eyes soon fluttering shut too whilst he held you protectively, feeling your body relaxing as you entered a state of well needed sleep.
"goodnight, love."
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nanstgeorge · 3 months
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djklmnx / x / Gokstadt/Ganymede, Paisley Rekdal / cokegirl / My Love Mine All Mine, Mitski / You (2018–) / retroowl8 / Mariners Apartment Complex, Lana Del Rey / Castlevania (2017–2021) / Louise Gluck
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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the girls and their vday dates 🥹💖🫶🏻
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f4keplastictr33s · 4 months
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thinking about flowers’ petal (that came right of blue’s mind via cabeswater) being compared to kisses and they landed right on gansey’s mouth meanwhile the petals avoided adam and landed all around him :/ also adam watching the petals fall bc he’s an eternal observer :/
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gomacave · 16 days
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dissolution of boundaries
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