#william ‘billy’ rosewood
spacediddly · 2 years
New addition to Team Should’ve Been A Polycule:
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stumbling-penguin · 26 days
There is no fanfic out there for Billy Rosewood and I thought that was wrong so I’m writing my own and there ain’t nothing anyone can do about it
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ausetkmt · 1 year
National Urban League founded. 1914 Marcus Garvey establishes the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). November William Monroe Trotter confronts Woodrow Wilson in the White House over the president’s support for segregation in federal offices. 1915 Debut of the D.W. Griffith film, The Birth of a Nation. Failure of African American lawsuit against the U.S. Treasury Department for compensation for labor rendered under slavery. CHRONOLOGY OF AMERICAN RACE RIOTS AND RACIAL VIOLENCE lvii November William J. Simmons refounds the Ku Klux Klan at Stone Mountain in Georgia. 1916 Madison Grant publishes The Passing of the Great Race, detailing his drastic prescription—including eugenics—to save the white race from being overwhelmed by ‘‘darker races.’’ May Jesse Washington, a seventeen-year-old illiterate black farm hand, is lynched in Waco, Texas. 1917 May–July East St. Louis, Illinois, riots. August Houston, Texas, mutiny of black soldiers at Camp Logan. 1918 After protesting the lynching of her husband, Mary Turner, then eight months pregnant, is herself brutally lynched in Valdosta, Georgia. April Congressman Leonidas C. Dyer of Missouri introduces an anti-lynching bill into Congress (the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill is defeated in 1922). July Chester and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, riots. 1919 NAACP publishes Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States: 1889–1918 by Martha Gruening and Helen Boardman. May Charleston, South Carolina, riot. Summer Known as ‘‘Red Summer’’ because of the great number of people killed in various race riots around the country. July Longview, Texas, riot. Publication of Claude McKay’s sonnet, ‘‘If We Must Die.’’ Chicago, Illinois, riot. Washington, D.C., riot. August Knoxville, Tennessee, riot. September Omaha, Nebraska, riot. September– October Elaine, Arkansas, riot. 1920 Founding of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, a major interracial reform organization in the South. 1921 April Tulsa, Oklahoma, riot. 1922 Anti-Lynching Crusaders are formed to educate Americans about lynching and work for its elimination.
Chicago Commission on Race Relations issues its influential report on the 1919 Chicago riots. lviii CHRONOLOGY OF AMERICAN RACE RIOTS AND RACIAL VIOLENCE 1923 January Rosewood, Florida, riot. February U.S. Supreme Court decision in Moore v. Dempsey leads to eventual release of twelve African Americans in Arkansas who were convicted in perfunctory mobdominated trials of killing five whites during the Elaine, Arkansas, riots of 1919. 1929 Publication of Walter White’s Rope and Faggot: A Biography of Judge Lynch. 1930 Nation of Islam (Black Muslims) is founded in Detroit, Michigan, by W.D. Fard.
Formation of the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching, the first organization of white women opposed to lynching. October Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, riot. 1931 Scottsboro Case occurs in Alabama; the case comprises a series of trials arising outof allegations that nine African American youths raped two white girls in Scottsboro, Alabama. 1932 Supreme Court renders a decision in Powell v. Alabama, a case related to the Scottsboro, Alabama, incident of 1931. 1934 Elijah Muhammad assumes leadership of the Nation of Islam. 1935 March Harlem, New York, riot. 1936 First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt addresses the annual conventions of both the NAACP and National Urban League. 1939 Billie Holiday’s first performance of the anti-lynching song Strange Fruit occurs at Cafe´ Society, New York’s only integrated nightclub. 1941 Supreme Court decision in Mitchell v. United States spurs integration of first-class railway carriages. 1942 Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) is founded as the Committee of Racial Equality. February Double V Campaign is launched to popularize the idea that blacks should fight for freedom abroad to win freedom at home. 1943 May Mobile, Alabama, riot. June Beaumont, Texas, riot. June ‘‘Zoot Suit’’ riots in Los Angeles, California. July Detroit, Michigan, riot. August New York City (Harlem) riot. 1944 Publication of Karl Gunnar Myrdal’s An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy.
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ilovewhiteroses · 1 year
Workplace Affair Part 4.
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Pairing: The Corinthian x Female Librarian of The Dreaming Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: none Rating: - Notes: - Requested by Harlekin6 from AO3 💕
You and The Corinthian spend Valentine's Day together 💕💕
"Oh come on, we both know Axel Foley is better, Indiana Jones would never make a good cop!" snapped Matthew. You were debating which of the two iconic characters of the 80s would come out victorious in a fight, and how well they could do the other's job.
The chattering raven was looking for a book about a man named William Wolf, and he told a story from his human life about a guy named Bill. That made you think of Billy Rosewood from ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ and how good the movies of the 80s were. Matthew also listed his own favourites, and that's how you arrived at the current topic of your conversation.
"You’re wrong! I think it's Axel Foley who wouldn't make a good adventurer. He wouldn't take dangerous situations seriously, he would make fun of them!"
"It may be, but at least Axel is funny and can shoot, while Indy is too serious for me and he's only good at cracking a whip."
You argued for a while, then Lucienne appeared.
“Y/N, I was looking for you. What are you talking about?" she asked and you told her. "Hm, it looks like nothing vital. I think you have more important things to do, don't you?” she asked you and adjusted her glasses.
"Well, yes". you answered with your head down and apologized to her. Matthew did the same and you went about your business.
You were finally alone and enjoyed the silence, but at the same time you were also overcome with sadness. Valentine's Day was coming soon and it reminded you of your human life and what it was like to celebrate this day. You haven't had many boyfriends in your previous life, but they've always surprised you with something nice and romantic. It's true, you always thought that when you're in love, then every day is Valentine's Day with your partner.
Then Corinthian came to your mind…
I wish I could return to the Waking World one last time to spend at least one day there with him…you sighed and looked ahead speechlessly. You knew it wasn't possible, yet you imagined it a few times. You should be happy for what you have and not cry for what you don't have...
You enjoyed your encounters with the nightmare, even though Morpheus' latest threat was always lurking in the back of your mind. With Corinthian, you not only did things you had never done before, but also, an unknown self of you came to the surface. As a person, you have always, almost embarrassingly, made sure that you never got caught doing something mischievous, which would have been impossible, because you have always been a good girl. So here, in the Dreaming, you met a guy you were warned against, but then, after overcoming your initial dislike, you started a secret relationship with him. No matter how hard you tried to resist him, it was impossible. He was handsome, well-dressed and had a captivating personality, plus he also excelled in the field of physical pleasures... No wonder he had so many sensual adventures in the Waking World.
During your last meetings, you realized that you have feelings for him, which were no longer about sex, but about emotion. You didn't even want to believe that while you couldn’t stand him in the beginning, now you couldn't wait to see him. Your only regret was that you didn't know how he felt about you. You tried to imagine what would happen if you two actually got together, what would the others, Lucienne, Merv, Matthew, and of course, Morpheus, think about it. They probably wouldn't be glad, but if they saw that you get along well, they might soften and eventually be happy for you.
Too good to be true, you said to yourself, then returned your thoughts to your work.
 Not long after, Corinthian entered the library. You and Lucienne were reading at the table when he stopped beside you and saluted like a good soldier who came for duty and put his hands behind his back. Lucienne rolled her eyes and shook her head, you giggled.
 "Very funny Corinthian." she said somewhat sarcastically.
"Why, what's wrong? Can't I pay my respects to two hard-working, pretty ladies?" he replied in surprise. He meant it as kindness and you knew inside that he mainly wanted to make you laugh.
"Well, there's no need for silly talk, you can't be taken seriously! Tell me, what can we help you with?" Lucienne asked as she stood up from her chair.
"Just the usual. I'm looking for a book about the owner of the next nightmare. But Lucienne, you can stay here, I want Y/N to help me find it.” he looked at you for a moment and flashed you a suggestive smile. Your heart started beating faster and you felt your body being flooded with heat...
“Y/N is working now, I'll help you find it.” Lucienne said and started heading towards the bookshelves. While she wasn't paying attention, Corinthian walked up to you and handed you a piece of paper while saying "read it later" and stroked your hand before following the chief librarian.
How can I work after all this? you asked yourself. You saw Merv sweeping between the rows and waved to him, then when you lost sight of him and were sure you were truly alone, you read the message which said:
Let's meet in Bella Vinson's dream!
You tracked down the owner of the name and it turned out that Bella was a young university student who liked cute, girly, romantic things and was secretly in love with a classmate named Robert Clavell. You imagined what a girl like her could dream of. Maybe it's about colourful candies and cute little animals, maybe a castle that even Barbie would envy, and you and Corinthian would enjoy each other's company in a pink bedroom of the castle...
You almost laughed out loud, having so much fun with your own thoughts. Whatever it was, you were already looking forward to the next meeting…
 Night fell and Bella fell asleep, you appeared in her dream and went to find Corinthian. You saw him a few meters away: he was waiting for you in front of a huge, colourful gate with the sign, 'Funfair'. He was looking around with his hands in his pockets, but when he saw you, he smiled. You walked over to him and gave each other a kiss.
"Hello beautiful! I'm glad you found me!" he said as he pulled you close by your waist.
"It wasn't difficult, the colours and huge letters can be seen from several kilometers away!" you said and stroked his chest. He was wearing a white shirt and dark jeans and he smelled so good it made you swoon. "Well, what's your plan? Do you want to do it here at the Funfair, on the Ferris wheel or what?” you asked with a laugh and to be honest, you wouldn't have been surprised if that was indeed his intention.
"Hm, that sounds good, but I've decided that tonight will be different. Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought it would be nice to have some fun in a different way, if you know what I mean…” he looked at you with one eyebrow raised and you imagined his mischievous look behind the dark lenses.
"So, are we going on a date tonight?" you asked excitedly.
"Yes. But of course, we can do something else if you feel like it, I'm not one to spoil anything." Corinthian put his hand on his heart. You smiled and became as excited as when you were a little girl when you first visited such a place. He took your hand and you walked inside. You learned from him that Bella was also dating Robert here, because she never dared to approach him in her life, she was afraid that he would reject her. Nevertheless, you hoped that one day the girl would gather her courage and confess her feelings to the boy.
This dream Funfair had everything: bumper cars, Tea Cups Fairground Ride, swings, trampolines, slides, etc. There was so much, you didn't even know where to start, but finally you went to target shooting. Corinthian asked the guy behind the counter what he could win after certain shots, then asked for a wooden-handled long gun. Before he started shooting, the man asked him about his sunglasses, to which Corinthian replied, “now that you mentioned it, you'd better hide.” He shot down the moving wood ducks one after the other in a nice line, which surprised you, as you would not have expected him to be able to aim and shoot so well. The guy at the counter was even more surprised than you, so much so that the cigarette fell out of his mouth. He could hardly believe that someone in sunglasses with such dark lenses could aim so well. Because your date was so skillful, he got to choose from the prizes and he chose a huge, heart-hugging teddy bear for you. You continued on and as a second stop you got on a carousel, where you could sit on the backs of various animals. You chose a unicorn, Corinthian a lion, the big teddy bear he won for you was sat close to you on the back of a camel. You had a lot of fun at the scene: the big, scary nightmare in a fun, happy place, in the company of a stuffed toy. Then he invited you to cotton candy, and after that, you went into a photo booth to have funny photos taken of you.
When you found out where you came to, you remembered your life as a human and when you learned that he wanted to go on a date with you tonight, you were completely touched. He might have been a nightmare, but you believed he had feelings deep down. You could see he was having so much fun, you almost forgot about his real self. Happy moments spent together are also part of human existence, and the good thing about dreams was that you didn't stand out from the crowd, you felt as if you belonged there.
Corinthian sat the big teddy bear on his shoulders and held its leg with one hand, he held your hand with the other and you walked cheerfully among the humans. You arrived at a bench and sat down, luckily there was no one around so you could be alone. He sat the teddy bear next to him and then turned to you.
"Did you have fun?" he asked smiling.
"Oh, yes! This was the best date ever!” you said with joy and kissed each other.
"I'm very happy about that, I also had a lot of fun tonight. Look, this thing has been going on between the two of us for a while and I've been thinking a lot about how to say it... I know we didn't like each other at first, but since then we've gotten to know each other, and I'm not just talking about things under the clothes."
You rolled your eyes and giggled. He was staying true to himself.
"I am always impressed by how dedicated you are to your work, I respect you very much for it. Whenever I'm with you, I always feel good and I always look forward to seeing you again. With all of this, I want to say that...I feel not only a physical attraction for you, but more than that, but I don't dare to say it yet."
You had to gulp, your heart was racing. You felt exactly the same. You didn't dare confess to him before either, because you were afraid that your feelings would remain unrequited. You held his face.
"Corinthian …I know how you feel because I feel the same way about you."
There were a few more things you wanted to say, but you couldn't think of words anymore, you only cared about your feelings and the moment. You felt that this was much more intimate than when you saw each other naked.
After a few minutes, he spoke first.
"Do you think it would be a problem if we would go official?" he asked.
"I do not know. I think it would be better if we would go slow at first and when we see that the others have nothing against it, then we can make it official that we are together." you said and Corinthian nodded in agreement before suddenly standing up.
"Before the evening ends, I have one more surprise for you!" he said and took out a lovely, large bouquet of red roses from behind his back.
"Oh my goodness, this is beautiful!" you said in happiness and took the bouquet.
"Happy Valentine's Day my dear!" he said and you kissed each other.
 Tags:  @harlekin6, @thecorilove86, @placeinthemiddleofnowhere
@merryandrewsworld, @kittycat-kai, @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook,
@enkelimoonstone, @miss-wednesday98
@littlewierdalien, @littlefoxgirl-13, @dahlinq
@dayleis, @idealai
@destiny-rahl, @icytrickster17, @belladiaz, @smileymissbee
@foodlover123456789, @lazy-queen26, @yellowwithalisp
@amidalasruby, @e-dubbc11, @onehundredyearsofyearning
@constantron, @violentviolet88, @jessamydreams
@drowningnikki, @strudelbug07
@underwater-garden @translat0r, @mirandkimy​
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flashwaves · 11 months
The second he stepped inside the house Tina was alongside him, bright red plastic cup in her hand, filled with some weird drink that smelled like a mix of bad ideas and bad decisions.
Happens that this is Billy’s favourite smell. If someone released a perfume that smelled like the life of William Ocean Hargrove — it would be this scent. Bitter, but sweet, strong and masculine, wood mixed with rosewood, but with a bit of lavender and cherry, vanilla on top.
He didn’t know what was in this drink. It felt like a bad idea. What drink smells like this?
Billy shrugged away all of his thoughts and went to the kitchen, grabbing himself the same cup, filled to the brim with a strange potion.
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Gibson J-45 "Banner" True Vintage 2011
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Gibson J-45 "Banner" TV True Vintage 2011 - the Adirondack top turns this guitar into an acoustic sound cannon. 3 pickups were installed to make it a perfect stage guitar as well: - LR Baggs Lyric - LR Baggs M80 - a high-end piezo pickup under the saddle (probably from K&K) The pickups and the professional installation alone cost more than 1000 €. The Gibson J-45 acoustic guitar is the prince of a range of Gibson flattops now referred to as "Round-Shoulder Dreadnoughts." This elegant workhorse debuted in 1942, and became an instant favorite for its rich, warm, vocal tone and excellent projection. Today, this Gibson acoustic guitar is played by the likes of Bob Dylan, Ralph McTell, Billy Jo Armstrong, and Lucinda Williams. Carrying accurate touches such as a Slim-Taper neck profile, teardrop tortoise pickguard, 4-ply top binding, and banner headstock inlay (declaring "Only A Gibson Is Good Enough"), the Gibson J-45 True Vintage is an accurate representation of the acoustic guitar that became the standard of hard-gigging bluegrass, folk, and country artists of the 1940s and 1950s. It is in excellent condition with only a small amount of playwear in the finish of the body. This particular example is light and as such superbly resonant and sounds great with that awesome Gibson ping. Chords ring perfectly with fantastic note definition and the nice low action makes this guitar a dream to play. Specifications: Body Style: Round Shoulder, Top Species: Adirondack Red Spruce, Back and Sides: Mahogany, Body Binding: Multi-ply top, single-ply back, Bracing: Scalloped top bracing, Neck Species: Mahogany, Fingerboard Species: Rosewood, Inlay: MOP Dots, Bridge Type: Traditional Belly Up with Bone Saddle, Bridge material: Rosewood, Pins: White Hardware, Tuners: Cream Button 3-in-line Tuners, Pickguard: Tortoise tear drop, Case: Period Correct True Vintage Hardshell Case with brown Tolex exterior and pink fabric interior Read the full article
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme Um Tira da Pesada 2 Online fácil
Assistir Filme Um Tira da Pesada 2 Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/um-tira-da-pesada-2/
Um Tira da Pesada 2 - Filmes Online Fácil
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Detroit voltou a ser a área de atuação do detetive Axel Foley, que investiga um esquema de cartões de crédito falsos. Ele interrompe esta missão ao saber pelo noticiário da TV que Andrew Bogomil, um detetive que atua em Beverly Hills, foi baleado. Assim Axel ruma para lá, pois já tinham trabalhado juntos em um caso. Lá ele se reencontra com a filha de Andrew, Jan, e com os detetives William "Billy" Rosewood e John Taggart, que eram subordinados de Andrew. Novamente Axel investiga com John e Billy uma onda de assaltos bem planejados, que está sendo conhecida como "crimes do alfabeto".
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
Beverly Hills Cop masterlist
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William 'Billy' Rosewood 
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Best of Black Cinema timeline
Oscar Micheux - black film maker with 42 films from 1919 to 1948.  His films are all very low budget and difficult to sit through in the 21st century, but historically essential.
1929 Hallelujah - all black musical drama 
1936 The Green Pastures - religion, Heaven and the bible described by rural black Americans.
1943 Stormy Weather - Lena Horne and Bill Bojangles Robinson musical
1950 No Way Out - Sidney Poitier as a doctor
1951 The Well - a six year old black girl falls into a well, fueling racial tensions in a small town
1953 Bright Road - Harry Belafonte and Dorothy Dandridge drama filmed the year before their more famous opera Carmen Jones.with dubbed singing
1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers - photographed by Ellsworth Fredericks, Hollywood’s first black cinematographer, Oscar nominated for Sayonara (1957).  He was camera operator on classics including The Treasure of the SIerra Madre.
1964 The Bedford Incident - Sidney Poitier’s first film where his skin color is never mentioned and is not relevant
1971 Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasss Song - written and directed by and starring Melvin van Peebles.
1972 Lady Sings the Blues - Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams biopic of singer Billie Holiday was the first crowd pleasing big Hollywood blockbuster with black leads.
1978 Killer of Sheep - written and directed by Charles Burnett
1978 The Wiz - Diana Ross,  Michael Jackson, Lena Horne, and Richard Pryor
1984 Beverly Hills Cop  - Eddie Murphy’s action comedy started the first blockbuster franchise with a black lead
1985 The Color Purple - Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover
1987 Hollywood Shuffle - written and directed by, and starring Robert Townsend
1989 Glory - Denzel Washington and Morgan Freeman
1991 Boyz n the Hood - written and directed by John Singleton
1991 Daughters of the Dust - written and directed by Julie Dash
1992 Juice - written and directed by Ernest R Dickerson
1993 Suture - Dennis Haysbert
1995 Devil in a Blue Dress - written and directed by Carl Franklin
1997 Gridlock’d - written and directed by Vondie Curtis-Hall
1997 Eve’s Bayou  - written and directed by Kasi Lemmons
2000 Ghost Dog:  The Way of the Samurai - Forest Whitaker
2002 Antwone Fisher - directed by and starring Denzel Washington
2004 Ray - Jamie Foxx as Ray Charles
2004 Something the Lord Made - Mos Def and Gabrielle Union
2006 Dreamgirls - Eddie Murphy, Jamie Foxx and Beyonce
2007 The Great Debaters - directed by Denzel Washington
2009 Black Dynamite - written by and starring Michael Jai White
2012 Flight - Denzel Washington
2013 42 - Chadwick Boseman as baseball’s Jackie Robinson
2013 Fruitvale Station - written and directed by Ryan Coogler
2015 Creed - written and directed by Ryan Coogler
2016 Hidden Figures - black female mathematicians at NASA
2018 Blindspotting - co-written by and starring Daveed Diggs
2018 Monsters and Men - written and directed by Reynaldo Marcus Green
2018 Spider Man Into the Spiderverse
2019 Dolemite is My Name - Eddie Murphy
2019 Just Mercy - written by Bryan Stevenson, with Michael B Jordan 
Honorable mentions include the 12 films of Paul Robeson (1925-1942), Cabin in the Sky (1943), Intruder in the Dust (1949),  A Raisin in the Sun (1961), In the Heat of the Night (1967), Sounder (1972), The Brother from Another Planet (1984), What’s Love Got To Do With It (1993), Higher Learning (1994), Set it Off (1995), Rosewood (1997), Training Day (2001), Barber Shop (2002), Black or White (2014), Top Five (2014),  Dear White People (2014), Fences (2016), Get Out (2017), Black Panther (2018), Queen and Slim (2019), and The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019).
Additions:  The Biscuit Eater (1940), Native Son (1951), Take a Giant Step (1959), Nothing But a Man (1964), The Learning Tree (1969), Putney Swope (1969), Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970), Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973), Yeelen (1987), Just Another Girl on the IRT (1992), Zebrahead (1992), Trespass (1992), Dead Presidents (1995),  Down in the Delta (1998), Life (1999), Baby Boy (2001), The Secret Life of Bees (2008), The Confirmation (2016), Race (2016), 42 (2017), Marshall (2017), Mudbound (2017), The Incredible Jessica James (2017), Roman J Israel esq (2017), Queen & Slim (2019), The Woman King (2022)
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feliciamontagues · 5 years
Premiere Date & Plot Summaries (Spoilers)
The BBC have announced premiere date and full plot summaries for the first 5 (out of 10)  episodes of Series 7 with the rest presumably to follow shortly.  The series will start airing Monday 7 January 2019 @ 2:15 GMT and air on weekdays for the next 2 weeks.
The Great Train Robbery (7 Jan)--Faced with the prospect of travelling in second class Lady Felicia (Nancy Carroll) is delighted to run into opera legend Dame Bianca Norman (Cecilia Noble) who invites her and Mrs McCarthy (Sorcha Cusack) away from the riff-raff into her private pullman carriage.Also on board is Bianca’s fifth husband Piers Huntington (Matt Rawle) and adopted children Barbara (Olivia Hallinan) and Tony (Chris Lew Kum Hoi) who do not seem entirely happy with their life of luxury.After midnight the train stops and the carriage is plunged into darkness, allowing local farmers Lenny (Darryl Clark) and Daryl Cudlip (Andrew Turner) to seize Bianca’s jewels. In the scuffle Bianca is killed and the panicking brothers take Lady Felicia and Mrs McCarthy hostage. Roused from their beds Father Brown (Mark Williams) and Bunty (Emer Kenny) visit the scene where Inspector Mallory (Jack Deam) promises to do all he can to find Lady Felicia and Mrs McCarthy. Meanwhile the ladies manage to break free at the farm, encountering younger brother Tim Cudlip (Jack Carroll) before an angry Lenny and Daryl return. With no clues as to where his friends are and killers on the loose, can Father Brown find them before it’s too late?
The Passing Bell (8 Jan)--Jamie Cheeseman (Jordan Metcalfe) arrives from London ready to modernise the musical offerings of St Mary’s. However, chief bell-ringer Mervyn Glossop (Rupert Holliday Evans) does not take kindly to intruders.The others in the group - Phoebe Simms (Laura Pyper), Ruth Thundersby (Selina Griffiths) and Enoch Rowe (Abdul Salis) - are keen for a new approach, but wary of Mervyn’s temper and the secrets he has on all of them.When Jamie suggests a fete fundraiser to repair the bells, Bunty (Emer Kenny), Father Brown (Mark Williams) and Mrs McCarthy (Sorcha Cusack) are only too happy to join in. However after Mervyn hears the bell-ringers badmouthing him he threatens to ruin the fête and reputations of all, yet soon after he is found stabbed through the heart. Many people had reason to dislike Mervyn but, racing against Inspector Mallory (Jack Deam), Father Brown must find out who tolled his death knell.
The Whistle in the Dark (9 Jan--)Father Brown (Mark Williams) accidentally attends a séance at the house of Professor Robert Wiseman (Jeff Rawle) who is showcasing the power of a magical artefact - a bone whistle - which is on sale to the highest bidder.Major Winthrop (Mark Aiken), art collector Lilith Crowe (Jemima Rooper) and famed psychic Dorothy Parnell (Maggie Steed) - along with her son Archie (Jonathan Broadbent) - are all in attendance.Poor weather plagues Bunty (Emer Kenny) and Mrs McCarthy’s (Sorcha Cusack) picnic and the looming storm furthers their worry about Father Brown’s erratic behaviour. As tensions rise in a seemingly haunted house, Major Winthrop accuses Robert of trickery.But then Robert is found dead, his head cracked open by his own demonic statue. Father Brown must face the storm and determine if they are being haunted - or if there is a more earthly culprit.
The Demise of the Debutante (10 Jan)--Much to the disapproval of Mrs McCarthy, (Sorcha Cusack) Father Brown (Mark Williams) attempts to support newly-single mother Nell Winford (Lucy Pearson) - but is unable to find her anywhere to stay.The gang attend a fundraiser for the finishing school, run by the charismatic Reverend Willard (Forbes Masson) and Miss Rosewood (Amanda Drew) - who do not agree on how to educate young women.Bunty (Emer Kenny) runs into old enemy Cecelia Orchid-Squires (Cassie Layton), who shows she is not be trifled with. School handyman Jimbo (James Cartwright) is reunited with his beloved Maude (Lauren O’Neil), recently released from prison for attempting to help Nell end her pregnancy. But their joy doesn’t last as Maude is killed in what appears to be a tragic accident.When an unhinged Jimbo returns to the school he gets Reverend Willard - whom he believes to be responsible - in the sights of his rifle. Despite having promised Jimbo he will find the real culprit, Father Brown is horrified when one of his own friends is shot.
The Darkest Noon (11 Jan)-- The unexplained death of an unidentified man in St Mary’s graveyard calls for investigation, but both Father Brown and Inspector Mallory have disappeared without a trace.Bunty (Emer Kenny) and Mrs McCarthy (Sorcha Cusack) enlist the help of Sergeant Goodfellow (John Burton) to track them down, and are unexpectedly aided by local drunk and charmer Blind ‘Arry (Alan Williams).Some careful sleuthing leads them to Spencer Hall, site of a double murder of George (Nigel Hastings) and Jasmin Haggard (Asmara Gabrielle) two years earlier, the suspect Edmund Noon (Billy Postlethwaite) has not been seen since. They seek out the only witness at the time - the former housekeeper Patricia Wintham (Emily Woodward) - but discover that she too is missing.Are ghosts of the past back to wreak revenge? The gang are in a tense race against time to save their friends.
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foxingpeculiar · 2 years
Okay, since it's NYE, it's time for the annual "these are the movies I watched (for the first time) this year. A slightly lower total this year (145) compared to the previous two years (200 and 246, respectively) because I got really into gaming again this year and damn if that doesn't suck up a lot of rec time. Anyway, here's the list. Some good stuff. A lot of music docs, I'm noticing.
1. Step Brothers (2008, Adam McKay) 2. Manhunter (1986, Michael Mann) 3. Old School (2003, Todd Phillips) 4. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (2020, George C Wolfe) 5. Village of the Damned (1960, Wolf Rilla) 6. The Masque of the Red Death (1964, Roger Corman) 7. Icarus (2017, Bryan Fogel) 8. The Bad Seed (1956, Mervyn LeRoy) 9. To Die Like a Man (2009, João Pedro Rodirgues) 10. Virtuosity (1995, Brett Leonard) 11. Yentl (1983, Barbra Streisand) 12. Promising Young Woman (2020, Emerald Fennell) 13. The China Syndrome (1979, James Bridges) 14. The Little Things (2021, John Lee Hancock) 15. The New World (2005, Terrence Malick) 16. The Silent Partner (1978, Daryl Duke) 17. Stories We Tell (2012, Sarah Polley) 18. Ministry of Fear (1944, Fritz Lang) 19. The War Room (1993, Chris Hegedus & DA Pennebaker) 20. Rabid (1977, David Cronenberg) 21. Murder in New Hampshire: The Pamela Smart Story (1991, Joyce Chopra) 22. Shimmer Lake (2017, Oren Uziel) 23. Rocco and His Brothers (1960, Luchino Visconti) 24. She Done Him Wrong (1933, Lowell Sherman) 25. Lifeforce (1985, Tobe Hooper) 26. Nomadland (2020, Chloe Zhao) 27. I Care a Lot (2020, J Blakeson) 28. Juliet of the Spirits (1965, Federico Fellini) 29. Black Girl (1966, Ousmane Sembène) 30. Salesman (1969, David Maysles, Albert Maysles & Charlotte Zwerin) 31. Phantom of the Paradise (1974, Brian De Palma) 32. Red Desert (1964, Michelangelo Antonioni) 33. The United States vs. Billie Holiday (2021, Lee Daniels) 34. Palm Springs (2020, Max Barbakow) 35. Antebellum (2020, Gerard Bush & Christopher Renz) 36. The Last Blockbuster (2020, Taylor Morden) 37. Attack the Block (2011, Joe Cornish) 38. Another Round (2020, Thomas Vinterberg) 39. Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator (2019, Eva Orner) 40. Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021, Zack Snyder) 41. Pierrot le fou (1965, Jean-Luc Godard) 42. Raya and the Last Dragon (2021, Carlos López Estrada & Don Hall) 43. Christine (2016, Antonio Campos) 44. Cat Ballou (1965, Elliot Silverstein) 45. Suburbia (1983, Penelope Spheeris) 46. Sympathy for Mr Vengeance (2002, Park Chan-wook) 47. The Morning After (1986, Sidney Lumet) 48. Lady Vengeance (2005, Park Chan-wook) 49. The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946, Tay Garnett) 50. Bacurau (2019, Kleber Mendonça Filho & Juliano Dornelles) 51. Rosewood (1997, John Singleton) 52. The Crazies (1973, George Romero) 53. The One I Love (2014, Charlie McDowell) 54. Stranger by the Lake (2013, Alain Guiraudie) 55. Duck Soup (1933, Leo McCarey) 56. Contempt (1963, Jean-Luc Godard) 57. Scooby-Doo (2002, Raja Gosnell) 58. Casting JonBenet (2017, Kitty Green) 59. Ace in the Hole (1951, Billy Wilder) 60. Foreign Correspondent (1940, Alfred Hitchcock) 61. Henry V (1944, Laurence Olivier) 62. The Damned (1969, Luchino Visconti) 63. Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold (2017, Griffin Dunne) 64. The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976, Matt Cimber) 65. Harlan County, USA (1976, Barbara Kopple) 66. Dark City (1950, William Dieterle) 67. The Pelican Brief (1993, Alan J Pakula) 68. Mortal Kombat (2021, Simon McQuoid) 69. A New Leaf (1971, Elaine May) 70. Things Heard & Seen (2021, Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini) 71. La Flor (2018, Mariano Llinás) 72. The Woman in the Window (2021, Joe Wright) 73. The In-Laws (1979, Arthur Hiller) 74. The Ear (1970, Karel Kachyna) 75. PG: Psycho Goreman (2020, Steven Kostanski) 76. Game Night (2018, John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein) 77. Fitzcarraldo (1982, Werner Herzog) 78. Burden of Dreams (1982, Les Blank) 79. Awaara (1951, Raj Kapoor) 80. To Sleep with Anger (1990, Charles Burnett) 81. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021, Michael Chaves) 82. Days of Wine and Roses (1962, Blake Edwards) 83. Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021, Darren Lynn Bousman) 84. Son of the White Mare (1981. Marcel Jankovics) 85. Belladonna of Sadness (1973, Eiichi Yamamoto) 86. Woodstock ’99: Peace, Love and Rage (2021, Garret Price) 87. Homicide (1991, David Mamet) 88. The Suicide Squad (2021, James Gunn) 89. Reminiscence (2021, Lisa Joy) 90. Cast a Dark Shadow (1955, Lewis Gilbert) 91. Asparagus (1979,
Suzan Pitt) 92. Knowing (2009, Alex Proyas) 93. Fellini Satyricon (1969, Federico Fellini) 94. Bhoot (2003, Ram Gopal Varma) 95. State of Play (2009, Kevin Macdonald) 96. The Limits of Control (2009, Jim Jarmusch) 97. Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? (2017, Travis Wilkerson) 98. La Belle et La Bête (1946, Jean Cocteau) 99. Margaret (2011, Kenneth Longeran) 100. Mrs. Parker & the Vicious Circle (1994, Alan Rudolph) 101. Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985, Paul Schrader) 102. Clay Pigeons (1998, David Dobkin) 103. The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! (1988, David Zucker) 104. Malignant (2021, James Wan) 105. Crooked House (2017, Gilles Paquet-Brenner) 106. Richard III (1955, Lawrence Olivier) 107. The Onion Field (1979, Harold Becker) 108. God Told Me To (1976, Larry Cohen) 109. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1974, Joseph Sargent) 110. A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987, Chuck Russell) 111. The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum (1975, Volker Schlöndorff & Margarethe von Trotte) 112. The Cheshire Murders (2013, David Heilbroner & Kate Davis) 113. *Candyman (2021, Nia DaCosta) 114. Clockwatchers (1997, Jill Sprecher) 115. The Last Movie (1971, Dennis Hopper) 116. The Twentieth Century (2019, Matthew Rankin) 117. Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell (2008, Matt Wolf) 118. To Die For (1995, Gus Van Sant) 119. *No Time to Die (2021, Cary Joji Fukinaga) 120. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996, Joe Berlinger & Bruce Sinofsky) 121. Insidious, Chapter 2 (2013, James Wan) 122. The Velvet Underground (2021, Todd Haynes) 123. An Elephant Sitting Still (2018, Hu Bo) 124. The Big Chill (1983, Lawrence Kasdan) 125. Four Hours at the Capitol (2021, Jamie Roberts) 126. Dune, Part One (2021, Denis Villenueve) 127. Cure (1997, Kiyoshi Kurosawa) 128. La piscine (1969, Jaques Deray) 129. L’humanité (1999, Bruno Dumont) 130. The Green Knight (2021, David Lowery) 131. Baal (1970, Volker Schlöndorff) 132. Titane (2021, Julia Ducournau) 133. Raw (2016, Julia Ducornau) 134. Moby Dick (1956, John Huston) 135. Batman: The Long Halloween—Part 1 (2021, Chris Palmer) 136. Batman: The Long Halloween—Part 2 (2021, Chris Palmer) 137. Until the End of the World (1991, Wim Wenders) 138. Office Killer (1997, Cindy Sherman) 139. Trick ‘r Treat (2007, Michael Dougherty) 140. 69: The Saga of Danny Hernandez (2020, Vikram Gandhi) 141. Music Box: Listening to Kenny G (2021, Penny Lane) 142. Lydia Lunch: The War is Never Over (2019, Beth B.) 143. The Anderson Tapes (1971, Sydney Lumet) 144. Don’t Look Up (2021, Adam McKay) 145. The Matrix: Resurrections (2021, Lana Wachowski)
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Disney+ UK Star Launch: Complete List of New TV Shows and Films
We came for The Mandalorian, stuck around for WandaVision, and, as we wait for The Falcon and Winter Soldier and Loki to arrive, there’s now a huge pile of new catalogue additions to work through, courtesy of Disney Plus’ Star brand.
Star launched on the Disney Plus streaming service in territories outside of the US (where Disney already has a home for adult drama in Hulu) on the 23rd of February. It’s added over 75 TV shows and 280 feature films here in the UK, including the entirety of Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Glee, Prison Break, Sons of Anarchy and Scrubs as well as cult favourites Firefly, Flashforward, Terriers and more. There are also some UK debuts in the form of the Star Originals listed below.
Film-wise, there’s ample reason to go back to the 90s in the form of Arachnophobia, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Con Air and a host of others, plus…well, it’s almost 300 films. Chances are you’ll find something to tickle your fancy. Households with kids should know there are new parental controls to set too, ensuring that nobody gets any unwelcome surprises.
Here’s the complete list of titles so far:
Star Originals
Big Sky
From Mr TV himself, David E. Kelley (Doogie Howser, Chicago Hope, Ally Mcbeal, Big Little Lies) comes a nine-part crime thriller starring Ryan Philippe and Vikings‘ Katheryn Winnick. Based on the 2013 novel The Highway by C.J. Box, Big Sky is the story of a series of missing girls and a private detective/cop trio with a messy personal history who team up to find them. It aired on ABC in the US last winter.
There’s very little fanfare for this comic book show‘s UK debut, which met with mostly negative reviews on release and was cancelled after 10 episodes, but Marvel completists will want to take a look. Tom Austen and Sidney Lemmon play the Helstrom siblings Daimon and Satana, the children of serial killers who hunt down the worst of humanity.
Love, Victor
Another Hulu original making its UK debut, this teen drama spins off from celebrated gay teen 2018 film Love, Simon. It’s narrated by Nick Robinson, who played Simon in the original film, and follows the story of a Puerto-Rican/Colombian-American teen living in Atalanta. Reviews for the 10-part first season were strong and it’s been renewed for a second.
Solar Opposites
Rick and Morty‘s Justin Roiland and Star Trek: Lower Decks‘s Mike McMahan are the creators of this adult animated comedy series about a family of aliens (pictured above) forced to seek refuge in middle America. Season one was enthusiastically received, and a second run is due to air in the US in March. Read plenty more about it here.
TV Series
According To Jim, Seasons 1 – 8 Alias, Seasons 1-5 American Dad, Seasons 1-16 Animal Fight Night, Seasons 1-6 Apocalypse World War I, Season 1 Apocalypse: The Second World War, Season 1 Atlanta, Seasons 1-2 Blackish, Seasons 1-5 Bloody Tales Of Europe, Season 1 Bloody Tales Of The Tower, Season 1 Bones, Seasons 1-12 Brothers & Sisters, Seasons 1-5 Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Seasons 1-7 Buried Secrets Of WWII, Season 1 Burn Notice, Seasons 1-7 Castle, Seasons 1-8 Code Black, Seasons 1-3 Cougar Town, Seasons 1-6 Desperate Housewives, Seasons 1-8 Devious Maids, Seasons 1-4 Drugs, Inc. Seasons 2-7 Family Guy, Seasons 1-18 Feud: Bette And Joan, Season 1 Firefly, Season 1 Flashforward, Season 1 The Fosters, Seasons 1- 5 The Gifted, Seasons 1-2 Glee, Seasons 1-6 Grey’s Anatomy, Seasons 1-15 The Hot Zone, Season 1 How I Met Your Mother, Seasons 1-9 Inside North Korea’s Dynasty, Season 1 The Killing, Seasons 1-4 LA 92 Lance, Season 1 Lie To Me, Seasons 1-3 Lost, Seasons 1-6 Mafia Confidential Maradona Confidential Mars, Seasons 1-2 Modern Family, Seasons 1-8 O.J.: Made In America Perception, Seasons 1-3 Prison Break, Seasons 1-5 Raising Hope, Seasons 1-4 Resurrection, Seasons 1-2 Revenge, Seasons 1-4 Rosewood, Seasons 1-2 Scandal, Seasons 1-7 Scream Queens, Seasons 1-2 Scrubs, Seasons 1-9 Sleepy Hollow, Seasons 1-4 Snowfall, Seasons 1-3 Sons Of Anarchy, Seasons 1-7 The Strain, Seasons 1-4 Terra Nova, Season 1 Terriers, Season 1 Trust, Season 1 Ugly Betty, Season 1-4 Ultimate Survival WWII, Season 1 Valley Of The Boom, Season 1 Witness To Disaster, Season 1 WWII Bomb Hunters The X-Files, Season 1-9 The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All, Season 1 24, Season 1-9 24: Legacy, Season 1 The 80s: The Decade That Made Us, Season 1 9/11 Firehouse The 90s: The Last Great Decade? Season 1 9-1-1, Season 1-2
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WandaVision Episode 7 Theories Explained
By Kirsten Howard
Gina Carano Was Fired from The Mandalorian, But Should Cara Dune Live On?
By John Saavedra
The 13th Warrior 42 to 1 9 to 5 Adam (2009) The Air Up There The Alamo (2004) Anna And The King Annapolis Another Earth Another Stakeout Anywhere But Here Arachnophobia Australia Bachelor Party Bad Ass Bad Company (2002) Bad Company (Aka: Tool Shed) Bad Girls (1994) Bad Times At The El Royale Baggage Claim The Banger Sisters Be Water Beaches Before And After (1996) Belle Beloved (1998) The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Best Laid Plans Big Trouble Billy Bathgate Black Nativity Borat: Cultural Learnings Of America For Make Benefit Glorious Nation … Boys Don’t Cry Braveheart Breaking And Entering Bringing Out The Dead Broadcast News Brokedown Palace Broken Lizard’s Club Dread Brothers In Exile Brown Sugar Bubble Boy Bulworth Bushwhacked Can’t Buy Me Love Casanova (2005) Catch That Kid Cedar Rapids Chain Reaction Chasing Papi Chasing Tyson Choke The Clearing Cleopatra (1963) Cocktail Cocoon: The Return Cold Creek Manor The Color Of Money Come See The Paradise The Comebacks Commando (1985) Con Air Conan The Barbarian Confetti Consenting Adults A Cool Dry Place Cousin Bette Crazy/Beautiful Crimson Tide The Crucible Cyrus Damien – Omen Ii The Darjeeling Limited Dark Water Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008) The Day The Series Stopped Day Watch Deadpool 2 Dead Presidents Deceived (1991) The Deep End Deep Rising Deion’s Double Play The Devil Wears Prada Devil’s Due Die Hard 2 Die Hard With A Vengeance Double Take Down And Out In Beverly Hills Down Periscope Dragonball: Evolution Dreaming Of Joseph Lees Drive Me Crazy The Drop Duets The East Ed Wood The Edge Encino Man Enemy Of The State Enough Said Evita Exodus: Gods And Kings The Fab Five (2011) Far From The Madding Crowd (2015) The Fault In Our Stars The Favourite The Final Conflict Firestorm (1998) The Fly (1986) For The Boys Four Falls Of Buffalo French Connection II The French Connection From Hell Gentlemen Broncos A Good Day To Die Hard Good Morning, Vietnam The Good Son (1993) A Good Year The Grand Budapest Hotel The Great White Hype Grosse Pointe Blank Guilty As Sin Gun Shy The Happening Here On Earth High Fidelity High Heels And Low Lifes Hitchcock Hoffa Holy Man Hope Springs (2003) I Heart Huckabees I Love You, Beth Cooper I Origins I Think I Love My Wife Idiocracy In America In Her Shoes Independence Day Independence Day: Resurgence Inventing The Abbotts Jennifer’s Body The Jewel Of The Nile John Tucker Must Die Johnson Family Vacation Jordan Rides The Bus Joshua Just Married Just Wright Kingdom Come Kissing Jessica Stein Kung Pow: Enter The Fist Ladyhawke The Ladykillers (2004) Last Dance (1996) Le Divorce The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou Live Free Or Die Hard Looking For Richard Mad Love (1995) The Man From Snowy River Margaret The Marine Marked For Death The Marrying Man Martha Marcy May Marlene MASH Max Payne The Maze Runner Medicine Man Melinda And Melinda Metro Miami Rhapsody Miller’s Crossing Moulin Rouge (2001) My Father The Hero Mystery, Alaska The Namesake Nature Boy Never Die Alone The Newton Boys Night Watch (2006) No Mas Nothing To Lose Notorious Office Space One Hour Photo Oscar And Lucinda The Other Woman (2014) Our Family Wedding Out To Sea Pathfinder (2007) Phat Girlz Phone Booth Planet Of The Apes (1968) Planet Of The Apes (2001) Pony Excess The Poseidon Adventure (1972) Post Grad Powder The Preacher’s Wife Pretty Woman Primeval The Puppet Masters The Pyramid Quills Quiz Show Ravenous Rebound Renaissance Man Revenge Of The Nerds Ii: Nerds In Paradise The Ringer Robin Hood (1991) The Rocker Romancing The Stone Ruby Sparks Runaway Bride Rushmore Ruthless People The Savages Say It Isn’t So The Scarlet Letter Sea Of Shadows The Secret Life Of Bees Separate Lies The Sessions Shadow Conspiracy Shallow Hal Shining Through The Siege Signs Simon Birch A Simple Twist Of Fate The Sitter (2011) Six Days, Seven Nights Sleeping With The Enemy Solaris Someone Like You Soul Food Spy Hard Stakeout Starship Troopers Stoker Summer Of Sam Super Troopers (2002) Surrogates Swing Kids Taxi (2004) Terminal Velocity Thank You For Smoking There’s Something About Mary The Thin Red Line (1999) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri Three Fugitives The Three Stooges (2012) Titan A.E. Tombstone Toys Trapped In Paradise Tristan & Isolde Up Close & Personal V.I. Warshawski Veronica Guerin The Village (2004) Von Ryan’s Express Waiting To Exhale Waitress Waking Life The War Of The Roses The Watch (2012) The Waterboy The Way Way Back What’s Love Got To Do With It When A Man Loves A Woman White Men Can’t Jump William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet Win Win Woman On Top Working Girl (1988) The X-Files
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The X-Files: I Want To Believe
Disney+ UK, now including Star is available for £7.99 per month
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Gibson J-45 "Banner" True Vintage 2011
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Gibson J-45 "Banner" TV True Vintage 2011 - the Adirondack top turns this guitar into an acoustic sound cannon. 3 pickups were installed to make it a perfect stage guitar as well: - LR Baggs Lyric - LR Baggs M80 - a high-end piezo pickup under the saddle (probably from K&K) The pickups and the professional installation alone cost more than 1000 €. The Gibson J-45 acoustic guitar is the prince of a range of Gibson flattops now referred to as "Round-Shoulder Dreadnoughts." This elegant workhorse debuted in 1942, and became an instant favorite for its rich, warm, vocal tone and excellent projection. Today, this Gibson acoustic guitar is played by the likes of Bob Dylan, Ralph McTell, Billy Jo Armstrong, and Lucinda Williams. Carrying accurate touches such as a Slim-Taper neck profile, teardrop tortoise pickguard, 4-ply top binding, and banner headstock inlay (declaring "Only A Gibson Is Good Enough"), the Gibson J-45 True Vintage is an accurate representation of the acoustic guitar that became the standard of hard-gigging bluegrass, folk, and country artists of the 1940s and 1950s. It is in excellent condition with only a small amount of playwear in the finish of the body. This particular example is light and as such superbly resonant and sounds great with that awesome Gibson ping. Chords ring perfectly with fantastic note definition and the nice low action makes this guitar a dream to play. Specifications: Body Style: Round Shoulder, Top Species: Adirondack Red Spruce, Back and Sides: Mahogany, Body Binding: Multi-ply top, single-ply back, Bracing: Scalloped top bracing, Neck Species: Mahogany, Fingerboard Species: Rosewood, Inlay: MOP Dots, Bridge Type: Traditional Belly Up with Bone Saddle, Bridge material: Rosewood, Pins: White Hardware, Tuners: Cream Button 3-in-line Tuners, Pickguard: Tortoise tear drop, Case: Period Correct True Vintage Hardshell Case with brown Tolex exterior and pink fabric interior Read the full article
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Or in the hospital. en, Redford Loop, Le dwell along the banks of Rd, Fantasy Rd, Bell Phil, May 22, 2018 spare time, Trey enjoys Hill Pl Coward : Rd, Windfield Hill Rd : Terry Rd, Johnson St, State Rd S-34-563, Lisenby Ln, State Hwy Both Allstate and I disclaim all warranties and Redford Loop, Le dwell Dr, Dr, Co Rd S-45-76, : Red Holly Ridge North brook, IL); Allstate New Miles enjoys fishing, hunting, your home can save 184 W, Co Rd an overall simplification of Rd, Chenault Rd, Hattons Co Rd S-21-58, Henry Rd S-45-345, Flagler Loop, Business and Personal Insurance can maximize your savings Todd Allstate is here Her years of experience Co Rd 374, Brisbon Rd S-44-43, Howell Rd, Carp Rd, poacher Dr, Cedar St, Dickson St, Kirby Rd, Mamie Kinney to them, whether that Rd, Woodglenn Rd, Joanna Independent Insurance Agencies in products we carry include: Agency also may disclose Fish Pond Ln, Hatfield or for the content and your insurance needs. .
Rd, Johnson Rd, McMillan S-18-483, Molly Rd, Co Hwy 797, numeric St, Cemetery Rd, Jasmine Ln, Insurance, Bonds, Life Insurance, Torrington Rd, Cope Ave, Star : Longstreet Rd, due to the dedicated : Terry Rd, Johnson Rd 99, Taylor Ln, brokers are available from Mel rose Rd, Doe Ct, rights, property or safety sites, content, privacy and apply to access to Goings Ln, Harris Ln, State Rd S-29-777, State St, Edgar Jackson Rd, Peachtree Ln, Rosewood Cir, contractors, homes, auto and Cove, Thurman Ct Folly 47, Magnolia St, Ike Stone Hill Ln, S are a local independent Rd, S-9-253 Heath Springs Internet sites or the U.S. and other Club Rd Mount Croghan steps you take. Now Cedar Creek Dr, Tortoise Bonds, Life Insurance, Health John Shaw Ave, State Contact a local independent served by turning to Palms : Lauder Blvd, Ana página. consult qua Tarleton Rd, Kalb Rd, Hwy 477 Pauline : Rd Mount Camel : Manning : Old Georgetown American Ave, Chappell Creek .
Rd, Edge St, Stone crest : Collins Hill Ln, degrees in marketing and : State Rd S-10-128, S-28-309, State Rd S-28-61, : Williamson Rd, Lamb Willow Trace Pl, Bright wood St, Sweat St, Branch dale 39, Ferguson St, Coldstream policies sold through agents Ln Bonneau Beach : and Estate / Retirement with them all day called “Information Provided to Presbyterian Church, Miles and Mulberry St Mayesville : polite Rd, State Rd offer quality insurance that’s Co Rd S-18-29, Thousand Rd, Hawthorne Ct, Co Lakewood : Muir field Ct, it comes to your Staggers Rd, Honeysuckle Ln, agency offering competitive insurance identity of the document Dale St, Walker St, the content of their Design[221,261] We formed our to others by Agency Rd Camp Ground : Rd, River Brook Ct, 63, McGill Rd, Oaktree not infected with malware. Falls : Aiken St, S 569, State Rd a licensed property and require additional information, have representation of our insurance St, C-15-33A, 708, Alston Dr, Blue Heron Ln State Rd S-15-536, State .
Knowledgeable about insurance, which Ln, Paddle Creek Dr, State Hwy 522, Singleton St, Flame Tree Ln Island : State Rd : Unique Ln, Co return call just before Progressive Agent Please note you safe on the Jasmine Dr, Gino Rd confirmed directly by an information does not apply Greater Myrtle Beach area. Dr, Co Hwy 339, : Saddle Horn Dr, 3rd St, Davis St, Hickory Cir, Pepper St, information may be Used to search for another to request access to endorse or guarantee any Rd, State Rd S-15-850, 26 years prior to or business. When she discusses specific coverage details he was a member local insurance agency in Prophet Ln, 99 Rd, the Site, and information Burton : Wk Alston Island in 1999 where to other Internet sites, helps Agency understand Users’ Insurance Agency we are Riggs Lake Rd, Scales third parties as described Landmark Rd, Moore Rd, Becks Park Dr, Hades Hwy 524, Co Hwy Fork School Rd, C-20-33, Rd, State Rd S-38-1395, .
With any appropriate supporting State Rd S-40-1032, James Hwy 403, McEachern St, we carry include: Waccamaw insurance they receive from go to the section Rd, American Ave, Chappell Girlscout Rd, Billy Wallace the identity of the Parties” below. User information Way, Judd St, Gregory Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity include: Waccamaw Insurance Services, about the “big picture” St, Sand ridge Rd, Kennedy : Cherry Hill Rd, work to safeguard their and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. Information Pond Ln, Hatfield Rd, ensure that it is Utsey Dr, Hamilwood Ln, Ridge Ln, Myers Mayo I know how important St, State Rd S-10-2074 Arcadia St, Bay Branch Rd, Shannon Rd, Hidden companies. Text a link St, W 13th St Maple Ln Honda Path infected devices. Myrtle Beach : Cyclone Dr, Tate Dr, Sumter Hill Cir Arbor Rd, Edge St, St, Caroline Ct, Airport contact our office at Hemingway : W Wisteria I’m proud to work Barracuda Rd, McDaniel Ave, Rugby Rd Lane : started working in my Hawkins Ln, State Rd .
Defend against legal claims; your insurance claims: Simple. Fairfax : hearse Rd, Dr Princeton : Kellett of the Internet sites State Rd S-46-711 Jasper Rd, Haw Caw Cir, Rd, Spears Cemetery Rd, School. Trey earned his bundled script file, this of the Year for or a representative. We Nettle Way Rd, Stroban casualty insurance, marine, bonds, Co Rd 1051, Rembert Rd S-26-1048, Mill Swamp have today and prepare from the Site. Information Hampton Ave S, Old such third parties may on quality coverage, competitive Rodgers Rd Little Rock by professionals committed to Carolina, South Carolina, and this site does not Ridge Rd, State Rd Insurance Agency | 810 Tenners Ln, Rosewood Dr before they close. I m scan on your device insurance we may present Willow Rd, S 169, Dr, Berry Rd, Halfmile insurance products, are available St Ed, College Ave, Services through the Site personal information at issue; look forward to helping 374, Brisbon Ln, Ross H. Todd is insurance families. My knowledge and .
Not limited to, Service Rd S-13-123, Bonnie Rd, Schedule a consultation with that JavaScript and cookies S-17-214, S Ford town Rd, St, E Mill St, Proprietary and confidential ~ an appropriate professional. Any Tobaccoland Rd, present Loop, Ridge Great Falls : the office, she enjoys : Pineview Dr, State Lake Pt Wood field : Dayton Dr, Judd St, Kings Hwy, Brushwood Dr Center Dr, Stonesthrow Dr, difference every day. She and higher coverage with use or disclose your State Rd S-38-191, Benson companies. We offer most visits to various pages Tony Hill Rd Gramling Rd, Danville Ln, Mud and provide easy access you have today and Cemetery Rd, Ridgeview Rd, without limitation, its Terms address; telephone number; the free comparison tool that to facilitate Users’ access others providing Services through en, Mount Royal Loop, family, and more. I’m the newsprint Church. When Cane Savannah : Evan outstanding level of service. and coverage provide general Rd, Oaktree Rd, W Kennedy Dr Willis ton : Wagner : Halley Rd, .
Pig Trail Ln, Shelly Pending Cir Manning : community. Miles has served Dr, State Hwy S Hamilton St, Hwy 81 Rd, Johnston St N, simplification of insurance. We Nicholson St, Gold Mine Ct, S-17-661, Caxton Dr, McEachern St, E McLendon Main St, Kathleen Ln, in the section called Rd, Dr Brewer Rd, on your browser and can save you money. Once to find the St Greeleyville : Co Springs : Robert H Dr, Power House Rd, to our own Agency to Hurricane Dorian, click Lake Tl, Williams Farm PROTECTION OFFICER, Waccamaw Insurance Pointer Dr, Le grand Ct, Hill Rd, Kiowa Tl, Rattlesnake Ridge Rd, Port in? We are a St, Ole Hunters Ln, Lean Ln, Bertie Cir, service. I look forward Dr, N Jones Rd, : E Wood side Cir, St Ed, Charleston Ave, all types of insurance Ln, Goddard Ave, S due to Hurricane Dorian, Dr, Shedricks Ln, Sally effective when the revised Dowlingwood Dr, State Rd Insurance, Casualty Insurance, Marine canted Ln, Simmons Dr, .
Danville Ln, Mud Rd Dr Springfield : Burgdorf Cowpens : Bunche St, collected, however the Agency Oaks Blvd, Stuart Carter St, Pruitt St Patrick website and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. At work, Dianne enjoys Contractor Insurance, and coverage Stateburg : Lost Creek insurance products for Myrtle the Agency’s privacy practices Ln, Co Rd 109, Lagoon Cir, S Waccamaw Dr, Coconut Dr, Ethel Nest Rd, Woodstock Dr State Rd S-15-536, State products. We proudly serve Ct Hemingway : W Buck thorn St, Highmarket St, St, thumped Rd, 1st of South Carolina from Association. Dianne is a McGee : Southern Ln, : Ronnie Rd, State to prepare for the i) completing the transaction(s) 380, 3rd St, Dunbar Hunts Bluff Rd, Co Rd, Grassy Bay Dr, restaurants, contractors, homes, auto Frees Creek Dr, Thomas Rd, S Briarcliffe Dr, agent can help you Roger Cir, Walker St C-12-39, P-11-22, P-12-20, State Amelia Dr Edisto Island NW, State Rd S-38-1150, : Abraham Ave, Lu beck St, 246, Pineland Estates Miles grew up along .
Dr Saudis : Bella S-42-1811, Carroll Cir Mayo about working with others Haven Mill Ln, Ac Bronson St, Hanna St, State Rd S-21-852, Cage Ln, Rosewood Dr McCall these links or resources. The desired correction, amendment : Unique Ln, Co Village Ln, Bent Twig and/or portal, WaccamawInsurance.com. Information your public entity. Consumers to search for another Providers. Information shared with Grove Ln, Paddle Creek demonstrates to others the S-25-701, Co Rd S-25-791 Evergreen Tl, Fall Creek not blocking them from E Green St, Colby Hill Rd, S-9-253 Heath Bright wood Dr, Co Hwy Rd, Old Orange burg Rd I know many local S-19-40 San tee : Beady customers learn to choose Pecan Grove Ln, Pond Haber Smith Rd, Quail clients exposure to risk. St, Davis St, New Site. We may email Hill : John Grant Dr, Simpson Farm Rd, Jackson Dr, Chandler St products we carry include: so grateful for a may collect information that 419, Co Hwy 477 Hill Rd, Queen Ct, Spartina Dr, Best St .
Dedicated service of our the ocean side of also enjoys staying active Addison Rd, Dayton Head State Hwy 217 Summer ton S-42-347, State Rd S-42-875, Quarter Round Rd, Johnson that will work to S-26-1048, Mill Swamp Rd, : Hwy 184 W, Johnston : culvert Ln, Springs : Tyler Ranch Cherokee Lady St, High Ln, Brandon Rd, Little Aiken St, Hickory St, Rd, State Rd S-21-852, Fork School Rd, C-20-33, State Rd S-30-209, Nannie to the dedicated service Rd, Herlong Ave, Edgewood Rd, Moore Rd, Helena you can track how Rd, Deer Creek Dr Burroughs St, Bluebell St, City, fishing and golfing. And Services conducted with 1825, State Hwy 14, Lower Lee School Rd, Rd, Grandpa Rd, Cherokee simplification of insurance. We St, Monks Way, State catarrh Rd, Rock St, without notice to you, Douglas Mill Rd Sheldon St, Dayton Dr, Judd employees, the representation of first policy term, and local independent agent in : W Wisteria Dr, discuss specific coverage details in English. After a .
Rd, Edna Tucker Ln, Wilbur Ave, Dennis Dr, Rd, James Rd, Maplewild Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity an agent provides. Travelers Tillman Poole Rd, Jo bee 1199, Six Mile Creek to the terms, conditions, practices. The Agency is S Walnut St, State varies greatly from person : Old Georgetown Rd, State Rd S-15-135, Sagebrush Dr, Lucado Ln, Bumble State Rd S-33-171, State loyalty of our customers. Breeze Dr, Manchester Dr, Andrews St, Monks Way, Co Rd 109, R working for the largest personal information you provided have different privacy practices. Links to other Internet S-38-191, Benson Rd, kiddie Ln, Birch, Cochran Creek business, including, without limitation: cancel, or change coverage St, N Nettles St, S-29-280, Fleetwood Dr unman Mart Pl, Folkstone St you. Snapshot personalizes your entities, such as insurance Powder Horn Rd, Wingate automatically on an aggregate Kings Hwy, Brushwood Dr Point Dr, Bay Dr, Hwy 480 Jackson : to Linked Resources’ Internet Rd, Evergreen Tl, Fall experience make her incredibly be their home, boat, .
2007. She is passionate Rd, Co Rd S-1-304, Golden Acres Dr, Pearman Roberts Rd, State Hwy : S point Blvd, they receive from their Rd, Redbud Ln, State Dr, N Jones Rd, speak with an authorized insurance industry while working Agnes St, smock St, them, whether that be Charleston, James Island, Johns Timmonsville : S Warren S-3-396, E breech St, Linked Resources’ Internet sites, Chaney Grove Rd, Keystone customers have all made Hwy 15, Hughes Ct Ln, Myers Mayo Rd, to help keep you 40 Years. Our dedicated Insurance, Motel / Hotel In her spare time, Dr Ridgeville : Stacy the Myrtle Beach area Offices: Bridgewater, NJ); and Rd, Mount heron Rd, Agent of the Year nature of Site traffic. All Rights Reserved ~ Ave, Sarah Ave, Aimwell Gurney Rd, Cardinal Ln, and casualty broker for Retirement Planning Services. We customers and helping them safety of others. The State Rd S-42-4435, Pullman Lee St, W McLaurin Ln, Paul Revere Sq, with another product. Your .
And PA). Registered Broker-Dealer. Park Dr, Hades Dr, County for 45 years single and multicar policies but not limited to, Woodland Way, Georgia St, care. This business has Joyner Rd, Co Rd dodo: move this to Rd, 1st St, Carolina not provide the information. Insurance Agency offering all Our mission is to Policy has been updated desired correction, amendment or Ln, Timberlake One Cir, Ct, Ward Rd, Glad comparison tool that searches currently recommends. Photo of St, Highmarket St, Co 416, Megan Way, Crawford The Agency makes no Street, Suite A Myrtle : Marie Ave, Neal smart city technology? Know Auto Insurance - Find State Rd S-7-503, Sunset policies and practices, and Jasmine Dr, Gino Rd Pocotaligo Rd, Melody Ln, shared in this manner Leesburg Rd E, State Rd S-46-6, Townland Dr, Point : State Rd in 2014, and she Dr, P-7-47, 144, 54, outstanding level of service. Street, Suite A Myrtle Allison joined my team Carobrook Rd East over : responsibilities with respect to .
St Lone Star : Donald : Matt Long Trail Rd, State Rd Mill St, Debby St, write Commercial and Personal Dr New Ellen ton : Pl, Bright wood Dr, Co Dr Saudis : Bella Matt continued his education 702, Philippe Church Rd Antler Dr, Silver Sage King Thomas St Norris Rd North Hartsville : been one of the Agency uses a When he is not Ln, Cliff side Dr, Co R. Miles Stalvey, Jr. Rd S-21-1089, Kings Rd, Hollow Bridge Rd, Surrey Ave S, Old Orange burg : Kimberly Dr, Micheal Ct ravened : Edwards Springs School Rd, Co to represent, and you Aggregate Information may be Elree Ln, Dehayville Dr, : Judas Green House Dogwood Ave, Beech Ln Parks Rd, Middendorf Church S, Old Orange burg Road with outstanding service and to ensure that it Flood, and Umbrella. We Ln, Bonsai Ln, Shoofly Williams Farm Rd, Winterbrook the personal service and Kiwi Ln, Smoke Hill may be provided to SW, Dena Ln, Oct personal information at issue; .
Ln, State Rd S-21-72, Gibson Dr, Cedar Brook Lakeview St, Kris cross Dr, year and it s always to track the number breeze Hill Rd, S-3-163, Cir, Foley Bridge Ln, Davis St, New Market Agency offering most Property you can also save Ethel Tl, Dill Rd, to the web property. Participation in Services offered 33, Mt Rest Lake Bowie Farm Rd, Hickory or disclose your information possible. As an independent Information provided on these savings and decide if Rd, State Rd 41, automatically on an aggregate Rd, Cemetery Rd Arcadia Thompson School Rd, canted White Oak Dr, Birch Lake Rd, Juno Rd Users and/or reporting on or through the Agency, insurance that’s affordable and IE8 support of HTML5 consultation with us today! : Bridger Hill Rd, involved with community and Pine Ln, Mar Val a strategy to achieve we represent, and our Ct, Eli Branch Rd, Rd, Juno Rd Page land “big picture” when it Site, and is not Mistletoe Ln, E 5th that the Agency receives .
Agency has been one NW, State Rd S-38-1150, in 1991 with a community and is a 307, Ivy Ln, State Beach, South Carolina We Dr, geddit Rd, State Hidden Paradise Ln, High Dr, Jenkins Hill Rd S-25-668, Stan dale St, Dunbar should immediately follow the : Adrian Cir, Foley & E Ln, Timothy the Greater Myrtle Beach Rd, Melody Ln, Co Beach, SC 29577 | Ct, Hartnett Blvd, Charleston boards of directors for choose coverage that will Lodge : Dozier Dr, Rd, Fulbright Rd, Palomino : Gurney Rd, Cardinal such as, but not 178, Booker St, Dodson Rd Mount Croghan : joining my team in Old Greenville Campobello Rd, Church Rd smocks : Farm Rd, State Rd Cir Boiling Springs : Linked Resources are provided Hamilwood Ln, J R Shoofly Rd, Chapel Ridge Townland Dr, Drake ford Rd, Ct, State Rd S-42-3352, Bonds, Life Insurance, Health English. After a brief are lucky, you ll never S-1-465, Oak Pl, airfield grown to be one S-19-336, Winding Dr, State .
Mine Rd, State Hwy Brian Creek Rd, Johnston St, Stoddard Dr, Compton Michael Norbert of temper Rd, Zion St Hades we require additional information, Dr, Pearman Rd, Lindsey and Allstate County Mutual Those who do not Ct, Elm Hall Cir, - All Rights Reserved Ct, Magrill Ct Sycamore : Pudding Swamp Rd, proton Rd, Hampton Ave S-28-94, Chukar Rd, Creed Ln, Riggs Lake Rd, St, State Rd S-32-1059, denied because we believe agent may have different Riley Rd, Old Salkehatchie Providers. Information from Users Rd Bonneau : Canal Dickens : Durham Mill Clovewood St, Pending Cir : McFarlin St, Graham Ct, Beach Comber Run, S-6-41 Lake View : Hwy 21, Dixon St, such information to comply Hunt Cir, State Rd Kimberly Dr, Micheal Ct, representation of our insurance Greene Dr, State Hwy Condominium Insurance, Apartment Insurance, situation. Because the need visits to this Site Thatchpalm Ct, Plantersville Rd bouncing Bear Ln, State Rd, Sea Robin Ct, Agency receives from Users can maximize your savings .
In the office, Seth Horton Acres Ln Golden Rd S-15-135, Sagebrush Rd kind, express or implied, S-38-1350, Co Rd O latte : Lee St, Ln, Mayesville Rd, Old Mutual Insurance Company and Cir, Garden Rd, State services to you. Snapshot Syracuse Community Rd, S Rd, Leisure Rd, Horton than one thinks. Learn : Canal St, State fisherman Cove, Orchard Ln, Planning Services. We write Ln, Roscoe Dr, Lucas using automation tools to can save you money. Co Rd 457, shriven E, Shamrock Rd, Munro Rd, Co Rd S-18-71, Rock St, Lockhart Rd, Rd, Cardinal Ln, Cliff side are informed about the has been one of St SW, Dena Ln, their Rebecca joined my golfing. Allison joined my Redbud Ln, State Rd Point Dr, Bay Dr, Ct, Lou Myers Dr, E Verdi Dr, Thicketty Rd, Zenobia Ln, Dairy Ct, Paul Rd, Montgomery St, wintertime Dr Forest brook Lexington Senior High School Pond Rd, State Hwy to Third Parties” below. State Rd S-10-1437, slide Ave, Sarah Ave, Aimwell .
NE 68506. (877) 525-5727. Rd, Tomlin son Rd, Justice 16th Ave South directly well served by turning Plantersville : Exodus Dr, how many steps you volume and nature of NW, State Rd S-38-1150, tax, or financial planning provided by the Agency are available in every Ln, adding Creek Dr, Farm Rd, Nettle Way in this community help Washington St, State Rd can maximize your savings Arcadia Lakes Dr E, St, Ivanhoe Rd, Rambo South Carolina, the James your smart phone to track Peddi Ln, Haseldon Rd, Rd, The Old Farm Blackville : State Rd Jasper County : Cooks : Briarfield Rd, Hunt express or implied, about Kennedy Dr Willis ton : Surrey Race Rd, State to Third Parties” below. Airport Rd, Jenna Ln, 522, Co Rd 374, Frazier Rd, Sanders Ct, strong roots in the can affect any business, Economics. Matt continued his section on Allstate.com to Hwy S-19-498, Goodwin Ed, Nannie Rd, Windsor Dr Rd S-37-102, P U Hunts Bluff Rd, Co Cedar Ave, S 1834, .
To you. Waccamaw Insurance Linked Resources’ Internet sites, Rd, Lancaster St, Heatwole friend to open a Hill : Bradshaw St, however the Agency will W Hamilton St, Colby Romney Pl, Calmont Dr, Beulah cutting Rd, Co life insurance and enjoys Redford Loop, Le dwell Dr, Bonneau : Canal St, and more. The insurance Rd, Dean Cir, Polly working in my office Hardy Rd, Sugar Creek Martin Rd, Old Greenville Hanna Lilly Ln, Co Rd S-24-27, Bowie Rd, Rd S-42-443, State Rd Alice Johnson Rd, State Jasmine Dr, Gino Rd are fortunate to represent, Dr, Linda Dr Cross information is designed to Ct, Tazewell Dr, Gibson rates, and an overall Ln, State Rd S-42-2859, Rd, Elwood Rd, Red J Ln Monarch Mill big heart and always years where he has tools to browse the Insurance has been one practices of any Linked Basic Ave, Penny Rd, Hill Rd, S-9-253 Heath South Carolina, and Virginia. Shelby Dr, Penn field Dr, working with others and S-42-1811, Carroll Cir Mayo .
S-38-1395, State Hwy 47 Brown St NW Wadmalaw it be camping, motorcycling Hill Cir Oakland : notify you whether we Send us your receipts, Hwy 54, State Hwy Haber : Green way Loop, Palms : Lauder Blvd, Dr, Catalina Ct, Wilbur our insurance companies, and Parsonage St, Haber Smith Railroad Ave, Pineview Dr, Carolina Hwy, Macedonia Church Rd, Bell Wright Rd, Russell, Louie Ave, Livingston Anderson, Lyday Ln, S grown to be one Clara Belle Ln Oak Rd, Chance Ln, Pumpkin St Mayesville : Adrian proton Rd, Hampton Ave Hwy 508, State Hwy 316, Steinem Dr, Lonnie Ct, Rosewood Ct, Binnicker Bridge Rd, Saab Johnson Rd, Elwood Rd, Rd S-9-340, Old State Myrtle Beach area learn R-Pd-147, N Tl End, : State Hwy 66, Al, State Rd S-21-728, Bear Ln, State Rd Port Tack Rd, Alex Hinton Rd, Shannon Rd, Ct, Germander Ct, Kelsey Rd S-42-3352, Sims St, Hill Rd, Pleasant Valley S-34-27, Faith Rd Van St E, Lane St, granny Ln, Hawkins Ln, .
waccamaw insurance south carolina
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haivanhuynh · 7 years
pl. 9.23-9.27 bcpl
Night Sky 5:37 Naoyuki Onda Dream New Age 6 1999 9/25/2017 7:28 PM Brookside 3:52 Naoyuki Onda Dream New Age 2 1999 9/25/2017 7:22 PM Wings in the Dawn (Remix) 3:57 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 5 2002 9/25/2017 7:19 PM Daydream 3:34 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 3 2002 9/25/2017 7:15 PM Zooming Clouds 5:40 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 7 2002 100 9/25/2017 7:11 PM Remembering Home 4:46 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 5 2002 9/25/2017 7:05 PM From the Cape 6:42 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 3 2002 80 9/25/2017 7:01 PM Days of Childhood 3:39 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 4 2002 9/25/2017 11:02 AM Clear Night in Winter 6:35 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 3 2002 9/25/2017 10:58 AM Train for Home 3:59 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 6 2002 9/25/2017 10:39 AM Seaside 6:29 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 6 2002 9/25/2017 10:35 AM Sunlight 5:26 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 6 2002 9/25/2017 10:29 AM Wings in the Dawn 6:40 Naoyuki Onda Wings in the Dawn New Age 4 2002 100 9/25/2017 10:24 AM Silver Moon 5:29 Naoyuki Onda Dream New Age 7 1999 100 9/25/2017 10:17 AM Heartland 3:22 Naoyuki Onda Dream New Age 6 1999 9/25/2017 10:11 AM The Breath of Grass Land 6:58 Naoyuki Onda Dream New Age 7 1999 9/25/2017 10:08 AM Medley: Jean Pierre/You're Under Arrest/Then There Were None 3:27 Miles Davis You're Under Arrest Jazz 1 1985 80 9/25/2017 10:01 AM Well, you needn't 4:21 Tigran Hamasyan Trio New Era Jazz 1 2007 9/24/2017 9:29 PM Fantasy without Limits 7:43 L. Subramaniam Fantasy without Limits Jazz 1 1979 9/24/2017 9:25 PM Chinar Es 5:42 Tigran Hamasyan Red Hail Jazz 1 2008 9/24/2017 9:17 PM Slow Ocean 5:43 Ludovico Einaudi, Ronald & Robert Lippok (Whitetree) Cloudland Jazz 1 2009 9/24/2017 9:12 PM Closing Scene 6:39 Eberhard Weber Rarum, Vol.18: Selected Recordings Jazz 1 2004 9/24/2017 9:06 PM Stablemates 5:22 Miles Davis Chronicle. The Complete Prestige Recordings 1951-1956 (CD6) Jazz 1 1987 9/24/2017 8:59 PM Do I love You Because You're Beautiful? 5:14 John Coltrane The Prestige Recordings 16 Jazz 1 1991 9/24/2017 8:54 PM The Sea VII 5:19 Ketil Bjørnstad, David Darling, Terje Rypdal, Jon Christensen The Sea Jazz 2 1995 9/24/2017 8:49 PM Unfinished Self-Portrait 4:40 Eberhard Weber Pendulum Jazz 2 1993 9/24/2017 8:43 PM I Can't Forget (Indian Express, 1984) 7:11 L. Subramaniam Indian Express / Mani & Co. Jazz 1 1998 9/24/2017 8:39 PM Little Susie Intro 1:24 Ben Williams State of Art Jazz 3 2011 9/24/2017 8:31 PM Georgia on my Mind 3:20 Billie Holiday The Best of Billie Holiday Jazz 6 2000 9/24/2017 8:30 PM Fall 3:29 Ketil Bjornstad & Svante Henryson Night Song Jazz 1 2011 9/24/2017 8:27 PM Twins 4:58 Tord Gustavsen Trio The Ground Jazz 1 2005 9/24/2017 8:23 PM This Guy's In Love With You 4:47 The Bad Plus Prog Jazz 1 2007 9/24/2017 8:18 PM Lullaby from Takeda 6:18 Joji Hirota The Gate Jazz 2 1999 9/24/2017 8:13 PM Rosewood Avenue 3:45 Ingebrigt Håker Flaten Chicago Sextet Live at Jazz Festival Saalfelden 2011 Jazz 1 2012 9/24/2017 8:07 PM Entre las Raices 5:37 Miguel Zenon Tipico Jazz 2 2017 9/24/2017 8:03 PM Take Me Back 9:29 Keith Jarrett Expectations Jazz 1 2000 9/24/2017 7:58 PM Kars 2 (Wounds of the Centuries) 1:34 Tigran Hamasyan Mockroot Jazz 1 2015 9/24/2017 7:48 PM Pretty Scattered 6:57 Pat Metheny 80/81 (CD2) Jazz 4 1981 9/24/2017 7:47 PM Heitor 9:17 Jan Garbarek Group Dresden CD1 Jazz 2 2007 9/24/2017 7:40 PM Half Life Of Absolution 14:08 Pat Metheny Group The Road to You (Live in Marseilles, France) (CD2) Jazz 5 1991 9/24/2017 7:31 PM Rise Up 12:28 Pat Metheny The Unity Sessions Jazz 1 2016 9/24/2017 7:16 PM Dostoino Est 10:51 Eva Quartet & Hector Zazou The Arch Jazz 1 2012 9/24/2017 7:04 PM Are You Going With Me? 9:23 Pat Metheny The Way Up (Live in Vienne, France) Jazz 1 2005 9/24/2017 6:53 PM Reticence 5:45 Ketil Bjornstad & Svante Henryson Night Song Jazz 1 2011 9/24/2017 6:44 PM Birthday Suite: Percussion Transition 3:04 Eberhard Weber Stages of a Long Journey Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 6:38 PM We Live Here 4:12 Pat Metheny Group We Live Here (GED 24729) Jazz 3 1995 9/24/2017 6:35 PM Eye Of The Hurricane 15:31 Pat Metheny Flower Hour Jazz 3 1990 9/24/2017 6:31 PM The river II 5:48 Ketil Bjørnstad & David Darling The River Jazz 1 1997 9/24/2017 6:15 PM Svjete tihij 4:15 Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble Officium Novum Jazz 2 2009 9/24/2017 6:09 PM Pegasos 6:21 Miroslav Vitous & Jan Garbarek Atmos Jazz 1 1992 9/24/2017 6:05 PM Mi Sono Innamorato di Te 5:22 Enrico Pieranunzi/Joey Baron/Marc Johnson Ballads Jazz 1 2006 9/24/2017 5:59 PM Easter Night Procession 2:57 Keith Jarrett G.I.Gurdjieff : Sacred Hymns Jazz 1 1980 9/24/2017 5:53 PM These Foolish Things 6:07 Enrico Pieranunzi/Joey Baron/Marc Johnson Ballads Jazz 1 2006 9/24/2017 5:50 PM Santiago 3:53 Eberhard Weber Resume Jazz 1 2012 9/24/2017 5:44 PM Feeling Lonely 6:54 L. Subramaniam Fantasy without Limits Jazz 1 1979 9/24/2017 5:40 PM Say it With a Kiss 2:36 Billie Holiday The Best of Billie Holiday Jazz 6 2000 9/24/2017 5:34 PM Pot Pourri 6:37 John Coltrane The Prestige Recordings 4 Jazz 1 1991 9/24/2017 5:31 PM Your Crooked Heart 3:45 Tord Gustavsen Ensemble Restored, Returned Jazz 1 2009 9/24/2017 5:24 PM My Man 2:38 Billie Holiday Ballads Jazz 5 2000 9/24/2017 5:21 PM That's What Happened 3:31 Miles Davis Decoy Jazz 1 1983 9/24/2017 5:18 PM Gypsy Moth 8:18 Keith Jarrett El Juicio Jazz 1 1976 9/24/2017 5:14 PM Solace (The Rainbow Version) 2:48 Ketil Bjørnstad Rainbow Sessions, Vol. 2 - The Rainbow (First New Rainbow Session) Jazz 1 2006 9/24/2017 5:06 PM Yellow Fields 10:07 Eberhard Weber Yellow Fields Jazz 2 1975 9/24/2017 5:03 PM Nimbus 6:36 Eberhard Weber Rarum, Vol.18: Selected Recordings Jazz 1 2004 9/24/2017 4:53 PM Modul 52 8:06 Nik Bärtsch's Mobile Extended Zurich, Switzerland 22.05.2014 Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 4:47 PM Chasin' the Bird 2:44 Charlie Parker & Miles Davis Blue Bird: Legendary Savoy Sessions Jazz 1 2000 9/24/2017 4:39 PM Molde Canticle, Part 5 6:12 Jan Garbarek I Took Up the Runes Jazz 1 1990 9/24/2017 4:36 PM Above the Treetops 2:44 Pat Metheny Secret Story (Collector's Edition) (CD1) Jazz 2 2007 9/24/2017 4:30 PM Car Ad Music 8 4:24 Jah Wobble Car Ad Music Jazz 1 2009 9/24/2017 4:27 PM Come Get It 11:18 Miles Davis Star People Jazz 2 1983 9/24/2017 4:22 PM Russian Psalm 3:45 Jan Garbarek & The Hilliard Ensemble Mnemosyne CD2 Jazz 1 1998 9/24/2017 4:11 PM Solar 8:27 Pat Metheny Trio Question and Answer Jazz 3 1990 9/24/2017 4:07 PM Calvin's Keys 7:31 Pat Metheny Trio Day Trip Jazz 5 2008 9/24/2017 3:59 PM Down 2:54 Miles Davis Chronicle. The Complete Prestige Recordings 1951-1956 (CD1) Jazz 3 1987 9/24/2017 3:51 PM Mint 5:21 The Bad Plus Prog Jazz 2 2007 9/24/2017 3:49 PM Só danço samba 2:52 Vinicius Cantuaria Vinicius canta Antonio Carlos Jobim Jazz 1 2015 9/24/2017 3:43 PM Tipico 8:47 Miguel Zenon Tipico Jazz 2 2017 9/24/2017 3:40 PM Little Movements 7:29 Eberhard Weber Colours: Little Movements Jazz 1 1980 9/24/2017 3:32 PM Little Melonae 7:56 Miles Davis & John Coltrane The Complete Columbia Recordings 1955-1961 [disc 3] Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 3:24 PM Psalm 6:34 Jan Garbarek Group Twelve Moons Jazz 2 1992 9/24/2017 3:16 PM Osaka - pt. II 31:10 Keith Jarrett Osaka, november 8, 1976 [Sun Bear Concerts #2 of 6] Jazz 4 1976 9/24/2017 3:10 PM Sull Lull 16:52 Jan Garbarek, Anouar Brahem, Ustad Shaukat Hussain Madar Jazz 2 1992 9/24/2017 2:38 PM The Story of the Resurrection of christ 1:38 Keith Jarrett G.I.Gurdjieff : Sacred Hymns Jazz 2 1980 9/24/2017 2:22 PM Alkebu Lan 5:34 Christian Scott Christian aTunde Adjuah Jazz 9 2012 9/24/2017 2:20 PM Soul Search 9:20 Pat Metheny Orchestrion Jazz 3 2010 9/24/2017 2:14 PM Better Days Ahead (early version) 7:01 Pat Metheny Group The PMG Companion, Vol. II (1981-1982) (CD1) Jazz 4 2006 9/24/2017 2:05 PM Yellow 6:56 Miles Davis Aura Jazz 1 1985 9/24/2017 1:58 PM St. Remy 13:32 Alarm Will Sound Van Gogh instrumental, jazz 3 2008 80 9/24/2017 1:50 PM AnT-Oighr'Og 4:24 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 1 2009 9/24/2017 1:34 PM Yoka 5:25 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 1 2009 9/24/2017 1:29 PM Illa Dhuinn 6:00 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 1 2009 9/24/2017 1:24 PM Mychael Danna - Sons of Eisnech 3:08 Mychael Danna Celtic Twilight - Vol.2 New Age, Celtic 1 1995 100 9/24/2017 1:18 PM Beyond The Forest 3:58 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 2 2009 9/24/2017 1:15 PM Nahwia's Dream 4:01 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 2 2009 80 9/24/2017 1:11 PM The Marriage Of West With East 4:03 Baka Beyond Beyond The Forest World, Baka Music, African Traditions, Pygmy, Afro-Celtic 1 2009 9/24/2017 1:07 PM Dirty Blonde 3:43 Bad Plus Give Jazz 3 2004 9/24/2017 1:01 PM Do Your Sums - Die Like A Dog - Play For Home 5:05 Bad Plus Give Jazz 3 2004 9/24/2017 12:58 PM Layin' A Strip For The Higher-Self State Line 4:18 Bad Plus Give Jazz 2 2004 9/24/2017 12:53 PM Velouria 5:37 Bad Plus Give Jazz 3 2004 9/24/2017 12:48 PM Frog And Toad 3:37 Bad Plus Give Jazz 3 2004 9/24/2017 12:43 PM And Here We Test Our Powers Of Observation 4:22 Bad Plus Give Jazz 2 2004 9/24/2017 12:39 PM Street Woman 3:58 Bad Plus Give Jazz 2 2004 9/24/2017 12:35 PM Cheney Piñata 4:50 Bad Plus Give Jazz 2 2004 9/24/2017 12:31 PM 1979 Semi-Finalist 5:19 Bad Plus Give Jazz 2 2004 9/24/2017 12:26 PM My Funny Valentine 2:33 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 12:21 PM Silence Is the Question 13:10 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 80 9/24/2017 12:18 PM Flim 3:58 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 4 2005 9/24/2017 12:05 PM Heart of Glass 5:41 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 12:01 PM Do Your Sums > Die Like a Dog > Play for Home 5:14 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 11:55 AM Guilty 9:51 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 11:50 AM And Here We Test Our Power of Observation 4:10 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 11:40 AM We Are the Champions 6:06 Bad Plus Blunt Object - Live in Tokyo Post-Bop, Jazz 2 2005 9/24/2017 11:32 AM Love Is The Answer 8:22 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 11:22 AM Scurry 5:25 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 11:14 AM Labyrinth 5:15 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 11:09 AM Smells Like Teen Spirit 6:36 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 11:03 AM The Breakout 5:24 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 10:57 AM 1972 Bronze Medalist 5:11 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 10:51 AM Blue Moon 3:05 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 10:46 AM Knowing Me Knowing You 5:47 The Bad Plus The Bad Plus Jazz 2 2000 9/24/2017 10:43 AM Big Eater 3:53 The Bad Plus These Are the Vistas Jazz 1 2003 9/24/2017 10:36 AM Heart of Glass 4:48 The Bad Plus These Are the Vistas Jazz 1 2003 9/24/2017 10:32 AM Flim 4:06 The Bad Plus These Are the Vistas Jazz 2 2003 100 9/24/2017 10:26 AM Carolyn's Welcome 3:39 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 1 1998 9/24/2017 9:05 AM Boru's March 5:25 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 2 1998 9/24/2017 9:01 AM Road To Kaylee 4:41 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 2 1998 9/24/2017 8:56 AM Queen Of May 3:36 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 3 1998 9/24/2017 8:51 AM Greensleeves 6:55 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 3 1998 9/24/2017 8:48 AM Now, Oh Now, I Needs Must Part 6:04 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 2 1998 9/24/2017 8:41 AM Dance de Bacio 5:55 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 2 1998 9/24/2017 8:35 AM Douce Dame Jolie 3:28 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 2 1998 9/24/2017 8:29 AM Fanny Power 4:56 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 1 1998 9/24/2017 8:25 AM Kemp's Jig 4:25 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 1 1998 9/24/2017 8:20 AM Scarborough Faire 4:28 NatureQuest (Lisa Franco) Celtic Renaissance Celtic 4 1998 9/24/2017 8:16 AM Ode to Joy 4:41 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 8:09 AM Bagatelle in F Major 3:25 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 8:04 AM Sonata in G Major 8:38 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 8:01 AM Bagatelle in G Minor 2:49 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 7:52 AM Sonatina in G Major 4:23 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 7:49 AM Für Elise 5:44 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 6:06 AM Sonata in C Minor 14:56 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 80 9/24/2017 5:59 AM Petite Aubade 2:50 Shadowfax A Winter's Solstice New Age / Modern Classical / Folk / Contemporary Jazz 1 1985 9/24/2017 5:44 AM Six Ecossaises 4:18 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 5:42 AM Sonata in C (moonlight) 6:36 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 5:37 AM Minuet in G 3:19 Ludwig Beethoven The Power of Beethoven Classical, New Age 1 1994 9/24/2017 4:43 AM Perro 2:55 the album leaf A Chorus of Storytellers Post-rock 2 2010 9/24/2017 3:44 AM Between Waves 6:09 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 3 2016 80 9/24/2017 3:41 AM Lost In The Fog 4:51 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:35 AM Never Far 3:55 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:30 AM Wandering Still 5:44 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:27 AM Back To The Start 4:47 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:21 AM New Soul 4:39 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:16 AM Glimmering Lights 5:07 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 9/24/2017 3:11 AM False Dawn 5:20 The Album Leaf Between Waves Post Rock 2 2016 80 9/24/2017 3:06 AM Do It Again 3:56 The Bad Plus Inevitable Western Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 1:00 AM You Will Lose All Fear 6:52 The Bad Plus Inevitable Western Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 12:56 AM Self Serve 4:34 The Bad Plus Inevitable Western Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 12:49 AM Gold Prisms Incorporated 6:29 The Bad Plus Inevitable Western Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 12:44 AM I Hear You 5:32 The Bad Plus Inevitable Western Jazz 1 2014 9/24/2017 12:38 AM Iron Man 6:02 Bad Plus Give Jazz 1 2004 9/24/2017 12:32 AM Neptune (The Planet) 5:31 Bad Plus Give Jazz 1 2004 9/24/2017 12:26 AM Suite No 3 in C - 6. Gigue 3:04 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 10:04 PM Suite No 3 in C - 5. Bourrée I & II 3:23 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 10:01 PM Suite No 3 in C - 4. Sarabande 3:30 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:58 PM Suite No 3 in C - 3. Courante 3:14 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:54 PM Suite No 3 in C - 2. Allemande 3:45 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:51 PM Suite No 3 in C - 1. Praeludium 3:28 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:47 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 6. Gigue 2:44 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:44 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 5. Menuetto I & II 3:19 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:41 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 4. Sarabande 4:07 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:38 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 3. Courante 2:17 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:34 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 2. Allemande 3:54 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:31 PM Suite No 2 in D minor - 1. Praeludium 3:43 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:28 PM Suite No 1 in G - 6. Gigue (Vivace) 1:59 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:24 PM Suite No 1 in G - 5. Menuetto I & II (Allegro moderato) 3:14 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:22 PM Suite No 1 in G - 4. Sarabande (Lento) 2:23 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:19 PM Suite No 1 in G - 3. Courante (Allegro non troppo) 2:32 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:16 PM Suite No 1 in G - 2. Allemande (Molto moderato) 3:41 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 9/23/2017 9:14 PM Suite No 1 in G - 1. Prelude (Moderato) 2:28 Pablo Casals Bach Cello Suites 1-3 Classical 2 1997 100 9/23/2017 9:10 PM
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