#would you put your fave song n a saw trap
adamsandgirl · 4 months
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etokii · 3 years
Tartagalia x male Crane!reader
A/N: based on the song "feathers across the seasons, typed on phone, Tartagalia bc he is my fave :( also typed on phone, will fix any mistakes later on. Sorry, this is real shitty, its like 4 am and I haven't slept yet
CW/TW: Angst, description of freezing, mentions of blood, illness, implied death, ooc childe, spoiler for his real name!
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Snow fell heavy on your wings, the cold stealing any noise you may could have mangaged to squeeze from your aching lungs.
You tugged your leg again, weaker than before, what was once a legitimate try to escape the ropes around your ankle now turned into a charade for the gods.
The cold climed through your soft feathers, reaching its claws out towards your heart, tugging on every vein and nerve in your body.
A hunter laid this trap you found yourself in. The winter was hard, colder than before and food was scarce. The trap was hastly put together, visible for any reasonable cautious animal. Exept you, who was naiive enough to thrust the pride of your own youthfulness. 'Now' you thought, bitter towards yourself, 'I have to pay the price for it.' You moved your wings, one last effort to feel the wind, your constant companion and closest friend.
Crunching of snow pulled you out of your delirious state. 'It's the hunter!' you thought, bitter, 'he came to put me out of my misery.' You rested your head on your chest, eyes closed, awaiting long fingers around your neck.
Instead you felt soft skin on your foot, the one caught in the rope. slowly, you oprned your eyes, a beautiful red contrasting with the hard white of the snow. Slowly you arose to your feet, eying the misterious stranger that freed you. "There you go! A beautiful crane like you shouldn't be trapped like this." He smiled, his soft, blue eyes resting on you.
A few, careful taps with your foot to confirm it was okay and a quick bow of your head was all he got before you spreaded your wings and few gen horizon, the strangers eyes lingering on you the entire time.
Ajax shook his head, laughing slightly at the beautiful but prideful crane he let escape. "Tonia will be disappointed." he sighed, putting up the trap again. When he bowed down to gather the rope, a single, white feather fell into his hand. Soft and as beautiful as the crane who lost it. A smile found its way on Ajax face, remaining there as he readied the trap and walked to his families house.
A year would go by before you saw the redhead again. This time though it wasn't a trap that let you meet him.
The snow was thick, just as the year before, the cold merciless. But this time you weren't a beautiful crane, captured and awaiting death.
Red hair caught your eye, a white feather, all to familiar to you, waved into his bun. Your feet where quicker now, your kimono warm and soft, shielding any cold, as you followed your savior to a farmhouse up a hill.
Nervousness overcame you as you brushed over your clothing, evening any folds that could have existed. Slowly you made your way up to his worndown house, knocking on the front door. You wanted to thank him, properly this time, talk to him and see his eyes again, just once.
You flinched as the door rattled open and he stood infront of you. You could feel his gaze on you, slowly studying you, trying to place where he saw you before. You raised your head, letting your eyes wander over his face and meeting his own on the way. A smile appeared on his mouth, corners tugging upward and his nose wrinkling. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
"I came to thank you." you spoke slowly, getting used to talking with a human mouth. "And I wanted to get to know you better!" a slight blush spread across your cheeks.
"The pretty crane!" he exclaimed, his smile getting wider. "Though you are even more beautiful as a man." Your blush spread farther, even more when he took your hand, his own, warm fingers easily gliding between your own, cold ones.
"Come on in! There we can talk with a nice tea to warm you up." His own cheeks now dusted a slight shade of pink, as he let you into his house. And there you stayed. For many winter you spend your time with the man you loved, the man that promised himself to you.
Spring came, birds nesting in the trees behind your house, singing their desperate lovesongs. You listened to them, chuckling to yourself and joining their joyous, pretty little melodies. "What a beautiful voice you have." You can hear the smile tugging on his lips as Ajax snakes his arms around your waist, burring his head in the nape of your neck.
A content sigh leaves your lips as you sink back into the chest of your lover. "Even if, someday, I can't sing beautifully, if my voice has gone away. Even then, would you still love me?" You wisper those words, careful not to take away from the song of the birds. "Of course I would." he responds, chuckling. You hand snake into his own, as warm as before, soft fingers intertwined. Your other find his hair, your feather ever present, as you comb through his locks.
Summer came, hot and short tempered as the years before. The first havest was due and both of you worked hard. You where pulling beets when you heard it.
Ajax coughing was subtle at first as he tried his best to not disturb you in your work. Though he couldn't repress it for long, collapsing while carring carrots to the wagon. You rushed over to him, clasping your hands over his. "Ajax! Oh god, my dear! Are you alright?" Tears rushed to your eyes, as the smile you knew too well spread across his face, bloody this time. "Hey, pretty boy!" he breathed "I'm alright, so don't waste your pretty tears on me." a small laugh escaped his lungs before he launched into another coughing fit. You did you best to pick him up, carring him into the house. You were poor, only ever having enough to stay alive. It never bothered you before, only needing your Love on your side. But you knew he could not survive only on the love you had to give him.
You tucked Ajax in, staying cose at his side, caring for him and singing lullabies until he fell into a restless slumber. Determination washed over you as you stood up, slowly as not to wake him, and made your way to the old loom you had.
Day after day you weaved your feathers into the most beautiful coth anyone had ever seen, day for day you made your way to the next village to sell them to greedy merchants, buying medicine and praying for Ajax to get better. Summer came to an end, your fingers, once soft and pretty, now bloodied, covered in gashes and cuts. But you continued, promising to never stop until you hadn't any feathers to weave, until you couldn't move your fingers anymore.
Seasons passed once again, the chirping of the grills marking the end of another summer.
"Ehat beautiful fingers you have." Ajax wispered, the corners of his mouth forming a weak smile. Tears formed in your eyes as he clasped his hands over your own scarred, pained and bloddy fingers, the cold of his hands seeping into your skin. " If someday my beautiful fingers are no more. Even then Would you still love me?" a sob escaped your lips. "Of course, pretty boy." he replied, coughing, tighting his grip around your hands. You snuggled your head against his nape, the feather in his hair brushing against you as you do so.
You continued to weave, day and night, feather after feather, buying medicine after medicine. You moved your loom on Ajax request, feeling his gaze on you only made you try harder, hurry more. 'Just a bit longer.' you'd tell yourself, 'just one more coth.'
You had weaved all feathers on you into beautiful fabrics, one more magnificent than the other. But the money never was enough.
Slowly you made your way over toward Ajax resting place. Laying next to him you have him one last hug, one last kiss, as you plugged the feather from his hair. Your woundcovered hands finding their way into his, now cold and stiff.
"If one day. even I am no longer human." you smoothed the feather and put it into the loom, your fingers, now stiff and clumsy, grasping the comb tightly. "Even then, Would you still be able to love me?" A sob leaving your throat as you feel your energy leaving you.
"But of course!" Ajax laughed, smiling brightly as he held your hands, embracing you from behind. "That beautiful crane that I feed that day or that pretty boy that showed up on my doorstep. Even now and forever, I'll remember them. And even now, without fail, I will still love you."
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that-little-zebunny · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing okay! I understand you may not be always online so no pressure on this one, Tom Hiddleston x (non actress) reader where she is a tourist went to the pub and participated in open mic which happened when Tom was hanging out with Ben and she caught his attention?😊😊
And Suddenly I see you
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Tom Hiddles x Tourist!Reader
Word Count: 1300+
Warning: None I think
*A/N: thank you! Thank you so much for being understanding my situation and for trusting me to write this lovely request. I hope you will love this as much as I loved writing it. I used one of my fave song Venus by Sleeping at Last (imagine it being sung by a female in acoustic) coz I thought it has the fitting lyrics for this prompt. <3
It was a very tiring but satisfying day for you and your friends. It’s your last night in New York touring and tomorrow the three of you will be watching a Broadway show and then head back home. You can’t wait to see the show your favorite actor is starring in. You were daydreaming how it’ll be seeing him act live when the band playing at the pub you and your friends decided to take a rest stopped playing and people applaud them. You put down your own drink to clap laughing at one of your friends because she’s literally screaming to get the vocalist’s attention. Well, he’s cute but not your type. That made you laugh internally too. Your favorite actor’s current look popped up in your mind and it made your stomach flutter because he looks intense and badass on his look for the play he’s starring.
Your daydreaming is once again disturbed when you felt a shoved. Staring with glaring eyes to your friends because you almost spilled your drink.
“What? Stop shoving me, woman!” You said, trying to make a scary face that you know for sure ends up looking constipated than what you want.
“They’re having an open mic! Come on Y/N!!!” Your tall friend Cindy said pointing at the stage where the earlier band’s vocalist is now waving the mic urging someone from the crowd to go up. You looked at your friends as if they are losing their minds.
“I can’t do that. It’ll be embarrassing. Look at all these people!” You whispered as you try to keep your butt on your chair fighting their shoving. You kept shaking your head that you actually started to get dizzy.
“Oh don’t be modest! You got a killer voice!” Kim said and the bitch actually had the guts to stand up just to pull you out of your very much safe chair. “Hey! Psstt!! My friend here will sing!” she shouted getting the vocalist’s attention.
You felt you face heats up when he looked at your area and started talking.
“Well looks like we have a very willing volunteer.” He joked making the crowd laugh. You, traitor friends, did their best to push you until you’re on the stage. Looking down you tried to hide your face with your hair as much as you can. The crowd clapped and shouted encouragement for you. You stiffly gestured thanks by waving your hand very slowly and smiled the best smile you could show in your current situation.
The vocalist handed you a microphone and you took it whispering thanks while you try to ignore your friends shouting wildly like idiots.
Oh gosh, this is so embarrassing. You said to yourself, swallowing a lump on your throat.
“Well can your lovely audience get a name?” the Vocalist turn MC asked.
Licking your drying lips you told him over the mic your nickname.
“That’s a lovely name,” he said and the crowd agreed.
“Thanks…” you said shyly.
“So any song in mind, my band will help you on this don’t worry.” He said, trying to make you feel assured. You must looked so, so tense.
“Uhm…I-Uhm-can I just borrow an acoustic guitar?” you asked not wanting to bother them too much and you’re very used to playing on your own every time you sing coz you only do it in your room with the people close to you.
“Sure, sure.” He said and the guitarist handed you his guitar. You said your thanks and faced the crowd but not before looking at your friends and scowling at them. The traitors only laughed and clapped their hands excitedly.
You took a deep breath and strummed the guitar checking if it’s on the right tune you need it to be. It’s close so you only adjusted a little and then you sang one of your favorite.
At the shaded part of a pub near Broadway Tom is enjoying a little break with his pal Benedict. He went and watched his show today and went to meet him at the backstage and there they decided to hang out for a bit. They haven’t seen much of each other because of work.
He is enjoying a vodka in his hands and laughing at his friend's stories on his own film project and he did the same telling Ben about the funny stuff that happened on Betrayal’s stage. Ben was almost red with laughter when Tom told him about the melon that almost choked him and a lot more. Their chatting was stopped when a commotion on the front side of the pub happened. Looks like a girl is being teased by her friends to sing. He laughed when she was not able to fight them and went up the stage defeated.
“Let’s bet shall we?” Ben said. Winking at him. “If she can sing, you’ll go to them introduce yourself as someone else and then pay their tab. Let’s hope they will not recognize you.”
Tom’s eyebrows raised and he looked at the stage again looking at the girl hiding half of her face with her hair. He can see the blush on her cheeks from embarrassment, something in her is making him very curious.
“…and if she can’t?” Tom asked not taking his eyes away from you waiting to get a proper look at your face.
“I’ll pay for ours and theirs,” Ben said smugly.
“Well can your lovely audience get a name?” the MC asked. She answered and asked for an acoustic guitar. Ben chuckle knowing he's going to win.
Y/N/N, what a lovely name indeed. He thought. He sat back on his chair comfortably as he watches you adjust the guitar strings waiting for you to start singing. He’s very much confused with the itching interest he’s having and it’s not because of the bet. He doesn’t mind paying for your orders.
You started strumming and humming in a smooth and sweet melody that gave him goose bumps then you started singing and he got lost in your voice.
You started strumming the melody of Venus by sleeping at last and slowly your nerves started to calm and you just felt the music. You had your eyes closed as you hum in tune with the guitar.
The night sky once ruled my imagination…
Now I turn the dials with careful calculation
After a while, I thought I’d never find you
I convinced myself that I would never find you
When suddenly I saw you…
You sang. You’re starting to enjoy singing, not caring about the crowd you did your best to put your emotion into every word when you felt a weird feeling that someone is staring at you. You started roaming your eyes around the pub as you sand looking at how the people are reacting on your singing.
Like a telescope
I will pull you so close
‘Til no space lies in between
Feeling relieved that people look like they are enjoying your eyes darted at the far back part of the pub and you almost choked.
And suddenly I see you
You continued singing. The lyrics seems like its mocking you because as you sing the man of your dreams is currently looking at you with his intensely gorgeous green eyes…
Suddenly I see you
You couldn’t take your eyes away. He got you trapped in his gaze. You’re thankful that you didn’t suddenly forget the lyrics or mess up the notes.
I was a billion little pieces
‘Til you pulled me into focus
Astronomy in reverse
It was me who was discovered
You can feel your face heating up. Butterflies started dancing in your stomach. You tried your best to finish the song as much as your melting nerves can handle and thank God you were able to finish it without messing up or embarrassing yourself in front of your long-time celebrity crush.
Tom was mesmerized. You’re ethereal and his heart is beating wildly especially when your beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes met his. He’s very thankful that he lost the silly bet his friend came up with. He can’t wait to walk towards your table and introduce himself to you.
Agreeing with the lyrics that you’ve sung, he can’t wait till there’s no space between the two of you.
Hi all lemme know if you want to be on my Taglist <3
Tom Hiddleston and characters: @jewels2876
The Whole Gang: @Acornish717 (untaggable)
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beansprouts · 5 years
i just saw your post about romanian curse words, and i realized the only romanian i understand is like, "alo, salut, sunt eu" (hello, hi, it's me) and "nu ma nu ma iei" ("you don't take me") xD could you please teach me one more phrase so i know something more than the lyrics to dragostea din tei? rofl
Anon. I’m a trilingual Romanian-American with a degree in linguistics. I love languages so much and I will talk about how cool and underappreciated Romanian is endlessly. You just activated my trap card.
Romanian is the bastard child of Latin and an ancient language called Dacian about which we know very little, with additional influences through cultural contact from Hungarian and various Slavic languages. It’s the oldest Romance language still spoken, meaning it preserves a lot of very arbitrary verb tenses from Latin. And it’s got vocabulary from all of its contact languages, meaning a fascinating set of swear words!
Given that I grew up (mostly) in the US I never really got the chance to hear many swear words; my parents weren’t keen on me picking up any colourful vocabulary from them. The few expletives I did pick up were from my grandmother, and those were more Hungarian than Romanian due to her heritage (but that’s another story). She did teach me an extraordinarily foul Romanian curse that I won’t repeat here, though.
A year ago, I spent about a month with extended family in Romania (to celebrate my undergrad graduation) and they were much less careful than my parents to keep dirty words away from my innocent ears. Whenever one of them would swear and I didn’t recognize the word, I would write it down. I reproduce that note for you now:
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I can tell you off the bat that răhat is fairly mild and means shit, but I will leave the translation of the others as an exercise to the reader. Warning: these are powerful. Also I cannot vouch for their spellings.
Some other fun Romanian words & phrases I picked up from my life as a Romanian-American:
noroc! good luck. Said as an equivalent to “cheers” when you’re making a toast, or as an equivalent to “bless you” after someone sneezes.
harababură: this word is a bit of a tongue-twister; it means a mess or mistake.
curent: air current/draft. Not super entertaining in its own right, but Romanians are really weird about this. tl;dr it’s basically a cultural superstition that if you leave your windows open and a cool breeze flows through your house, it’ll make you horribly sick.
cai verzi pe pereţi: the impossible. Lit. green horses on walls; if you’re dreaming of green horses on walls, you’re wasting your time thinking about impossible things. I guess. There’s also a song about it.
aiurea-n tramvai: out of nowhere. Lit. nonsense in a cable car.
a da cu mucii în fasole: my favourite phrase. Lit. to put boogers in your beans. Means to fuck up.
(I’m sure I’ll think of more later, at which point I’ll come back and edit this post!)
And finally, one of the best ways to learn a language is to listen to Romanian music, and my current fave is Carla’s Dreams, a wonderful rap group from Moldova. 
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sorikaied · 4 years
tagged by @reigev (thanks!)
rules: answer 21 questions + tag 21 people
name: simone
nickname: monie and moe are the ones i’ve had the longest, and as most of you can tell, i tend to go by monie. other interesting nicknames have been mojo-jojo and my sister likes to call me simon-e
gender: female
star sign: gemini
current time: 7:52 pm
favorite artists: there’s... there’s a lot honestly. but i can easily say that shinee is one of them. shinee shall always be my life okay. but i’m pretty varied. i like artists like janelle monae to folks like fob. it really does vary
song stuck in my head: currently none atm. but sometimes battle music from fire emblem fates finds its way in my head
last movie i saw: the willoughbys
last thing i googled: ...the willoughbys (listen)
other blogs: i run two fan blogs, one for moana and one for patf. outside of that, i blog everything on this disaster of a blog. enjoy
do i get asks: not really. probs cause i don’t put in the effort to try and be open for convos but it’s all good. the random ask that appears does make my day, but i have never been someone that was certain to get at least an ask or two a day
reason for your url: because the destiny trio is like... my top fave trio ever. like i love all the trios and all the characters, but i really do adore the destiny trio with my life, and their dynamic means the most to me. i also would die for all of them even if they wouldn’t let me
following: 211
average sleep: what’s average sleep?
lucky number: idk? 3? 4? 13?
currently wearing: a light blue tee and some sweatpants from the college i went to. cause i’m trapped at home ny’all!
dream job: yknow... when i was younger i really wanted to be an animator, especially with disney. sadly, i’ve been slacking on my art skills so idk if i’ll ever reach that dream. still, i really do love animation and i want to be part of that. whether it’s just writing, directing, being part of the production staff. i truly want to make something that makes a positive outcome for others
dream trip: this sounds so cliche but i want to go to japan! okay, i actually want to go everywhere. there is just... so much of the world i want to see. so many cultures i want to appreciate and expand my world view. i mean, yeah japan is always my go to because i am a human disaster, but i would love to go to like... anywhere outside of pennyslvania. please
favorite food: mac n cheese. especially the one my late grandma used to make
instruments: i played the flute in fourth grade and the violin in fifth. i haven’t played anything since then but i’ve been wanting to try again. someday
favorite song: my only favorite song is ring ding dong. actually i am slightly kidding on that. i don’t really have a favorite because i like a lot of songs. move by taemin, isn’t she lovely by stevie wonder, speed demon by michael jackson. like i just like music, so having a “favorite” is impossible for me
tagging: @vector-totheheavens, @godtierwallflower, @christmasace, @pinestars, @j-ellals, @shytaes, @thatwitchrevan, @boahancokk and honestly anyone else because i can’t list 21 of ny’all i’m sorry
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vveissesfleisch · 7 years
Tag Nine People with Excellent Taste
I was tagged by the illustrious @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash. Thank you babe!  <3
Color you’re wearing: Well, it’s Saturday morning, so I’m in my jammies. My outfit is comprised of white flannel pants with a maroon toile pattern of wine glasses, bottles, and vineyards on them, and a navy tank top zipped into a black Manson hoodie. Also: aggressively fluffy pink socks. It’s frickin’ freezing in here, Mr. Bigglesworth!
Last Band T-shirt you bought: A Ghost shirt from the Popestar tour (one of two that I ended up buying, lol)!! Papa looks like the Phantom of the Opera on the front and it’s just *clenches fist* so fucking good.
Last Band you saw live: The last band band I saw live was H.I.M. two weeks ago on their farewell tour (and yes, I did weep the entire time, thank you very much!). The last concert I saw was Odesza, an absolutely i n c r e d i b l e EDM duo who put on a hell of a show last week. Can’t recommend these two artists enough. 
Last song you listened to: “Lovesick for Mina” by Cradle of Filth. <3 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick *under* lipstick, every damn time! 
Last movie you watched: I’m watching Saw II right now (for the 4 millionth time). Yeah, I’ve just  been rewatching the Saw series for the past like 3 months, it’s fine.  In all fairness, they were very helpful as reference points/inspiration when I was building my reverse bear trap, but now I have no excuse. Not that I ever need one.  
Last 3 TV shows you watched: the most recent episodes of Outlander & The Walking Dead, and Stranger Things Season 2. 
3 Characters you identify with: Ilana Glazer (Broad City), Dean Winchester (Supernatural), and Squee (Squee/Johnny the Homicidal Maniac). 
Book You’re currently reading:  I just started rereading “L'Étranger” by Camus because it’s one of my all-time faves. I just found my tattered, dog-eared copy at my mom’s house (I ripped this thing apart writing my thesis). Not only is it just a damn fucking good read, but it’s also a very interesting book to read over and over at different points throughout your life. The ways I am feeling about it now and the things I am taking from it now are very different than when I was in high school, and when I was in my senior year of college. *jazz hands* Philosophy for the win!
I am tagging @morbid-gays  @sinnersonsunday, @therealcrybaby, @ghuletteintraining, @tsukistefhon @g0etia @vulnavia @superwholoki @arrancarkitty, if you would like. 
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March 2017
This is a compilation of fics that I've read/re-read over the past month. Faves get a star ( ★ ). There is also a separate fic rec page for my favorites here, if you'd like to check that out. :)
MONTH: March, 2017 | (older lists)
▶▶ a little advice for aspiring fires by The Byger (Byacolate) Explicit | 42,182w Regardless of his sadly lacking social circle, Stiles was going to have to get some physical contact or he was going to explode. Seriously. It'd be messy and Derek would probably become even more emotionally constipated having to clean up little bits of Stiles from his pristine walls and furniture.
▶▶ Among the Famous Living Dead by standinginanicedress Explicit | 103,483w "Okay," Stiles leans over the book, finger on his chin, while Derek stands there beside him with a frown on his face, "we have the pig's blood." "They loved that at the butcher shop," Derek mutters, rubbing his hand along his jaw. "I'll take three quarts of pig's blood. Not like this town doesn't already think I'm some sort of fucking pervert anyway." "We have the hair you picked off his clothes," Stiles points to the tiny Ziploc bag with a handful of Scott hairs tucked safely inside, and Derek grimaces. "We have the candles. We have the snake. Now we just need an object of the deceased." He furrows his brow as he leans over the book some more, cocking his head. "It says the object can be anything that was deeply personal to the deceased. Like a piece of sentimental jewelry or a cherished trinket or even a favorite song." Derek snorts. "Yeah. Let’s just listen to fucking Blink-182 and summon the devil." "Right?" Stiles laughs, high and hysterical, manic almost. Derek laughs, and Stiles laughs, and it's not funny. It's really not funny.
▶▶ benefits of getting stood up by haleofStilesheart Teen And Up | 3,822w Stiles is pissed. He's cold. He's wet. And to top it all off he got stood up that morning. Worst Valentine's Day ever.
▶▶ Come with Me and Walk the Longest Mile by DevilDoll ★ Explicit | 39,275w Stiles shouldn't accept rides from werewolves he meets behind abandoned convenience stores. In which the zombie apocalypse is just one of their worries.
▶▶ Dancing Baby Boy by literaryoblivion General | 2,185w The talks with the Logan and Smithson packs are not going well. Derek’s already been in Colorado (the agreed upon neutral territory between the three of them) for a week and the way their negotiations and discussions are going, it looks like they’ll all be there for at least another week, if not two. All Derek wants is to be done, go home, and hold Stiles and their son Noah in his arms as he falls asleep.
▶▶ Disappear Here by AgnesBlue Mature | 28,539w Wounded in a fire that killed off his entire family, Derek wants nothing more than to be left alone as he finishes off his senior year in high school. That all changes when omega Stiles Stilinski asks him to help him through his first heat.
▶▶ Don't Worry Baby by Idday ★ Teen And Up | 4,815w Stiles and Derek, in letters, through the years.
▶▶ little spoon by kalpurna ★ Explicit | 20,276w "You know you're allowed to ask for vanilla sex, right?" he says, afterwards. "We can do whatever you want. That's kind of the point." Derek doesn't respond.
▶▶ Down the Rabbit Hole by KuriKuri General | 3,953w His hind paw catches on a rock and he goes down, crashing onto his stomach, the wind abruptly forced from his lungs. He tries to scramble to his feet – paws, whatever – but he can already sense a large figure hovering over him, trapping him in. He makes a break for it anyway, though, desperately trying to escape, but a large muzzle with rows of sharp teeth is already descending on him and – – and Derek Hale is going to eat him to death. And not even in a sexy way. Then Derek finally will become a murderer, and his dad will have to identify his body by scraping bits of his rabbit intestines off of Derek's wolf-y canines. All because he didn't warn his werewolf friends off from their usual late night hunts, because then he'd have to admit that he's a fucking wererabbit.
▶▶ Falling by Britt_pknapp, Kal213 Teen And Up | 5,736w Since the King and Queen declared the threat of the local dragon too great, the forests were considered off-limits. That should have been that. Derek should have finally been left alone, save the few out of town merchants that simply didn't know better. He didn't take kindly to trespassers in his territory, and none ever survived to tell the tale. After all, he's a red dragon, the most feared of all the dragons. He lives alone, and he likes it that way, never entertaining his family, and never entertaining friends. His territory is his, and he's proven time and time again that he'll protect it by any means necessary. Until one day, when Derek saw him, a human, wandering in his territory. A trespasser that throws Derek's world on its side.
▶▶ gorgeous beards of bhu by bibliosexxual Teen And Up | 2,238w Then there's the day she posts a picture of The Guy. His face is spattered with what looks suspiciously like blood, and there are a bunch of jagged rips in his shirt, like he got into a fight with something with claws. Even like that, he's still one of the hottest people Stiles has ever seen.
▶▶ How to Woo Your Local Omega by alocalband Explicit | 2,703w Stiles knows a pity gift when he sees one. Mostly because that's all he's ever gotten from anyone since the moment he hit puberty.
▶▶ I'll Be Seeing You by thepsychicclam Explicit | 81,489w In the summer of 1941, with the country on the brink of war, diner waiter Stiles meets Derek Hale, an army soldier just passing through Beacon Hills.
▶▶ Magic Bullet by matildajones Teen And Up | 10,345w Derek's only comfort over the past few years has been a novel written by his favorite author. When he decides to teach it at an entry level university course he doesn't expect a fiery student to disagree with everything he says...
▶▶ Mating Habits of the Domesticated North American Werewolf by lielabell Mature | 35,458w Derek doesn't do pining. He doesn't. So when it becomes clear that Stiles is much more interested in having Derek as a new best friend than a boyfriend, he puts on his big boy pants and makes it fucking work. He becomes the best goddamn friend a spastic teenager could ever hope to have.
▶▶ prince in training by bibliosexxual ★ Teen And Up | 2,850w Stiles thought the most annoying thing about suddenly being a royal heir to a small eastern European kingdom he’s never heard of would be the hyper-aggressive paparazzi, but he was dead wrong. The most annoying thing is actually Derek Hale, the guy Stiles' grandmother hired to teach Stiles how not to screw this up.
▶▶ second chances off highway 1 by bleep0bleep Teen And Up | 2,380w It's four am at Hale's, and Stiles Stilinski has just walked back into Derek's life.
▶▶ Somewhere Down the Road (You Might Get Lonely) by anodyneer Teen And Up | 8,616w Right after Stiles graduated high school, Derek got very drunk and sang a karaoke love song to him - and Stiles was so mind-numbingly drunk himself that he didn't understand or remember. Six years later, Stiles finally finds out what really happened that night, and he tracks Derek down to try to make things right. (I swear, this isn't as cracky as it sounds.)
▶▶ starry eyed and nerdified by haleofStilesheart General | 2,392w For the past two weeks Stiles has been leaving Derek anonymous love notes. Derek finally guesses who his secret admirer is.
▶▶ This Might Be Irony by thepsychicclam ★ Mature | 38,340w Stiles and Derek have been close friends since the Hale siblings moved in next door after their parents' death. But Derek's in the popular group, he's a star baseball player, and he dates popular Pep Squad captain Jennifer Blake. Stiles doesn't have any of that, just his skateboard and a hopeless crush on Derek (oh yeah, and his Vote Lydia Martin Prom Queen button). As prom and the baseball state championship grow closer, Stiles and Derek start rekindling their friendship. And it all begins with two white boards.
▶▶ Turn a Little Faster by skoosiepants Teen And Up | 3,207w He shifts back and forth on his feet and tries to psych himself up. He can do this. He's a badass werewolf, he can totally tell Stiles that they accidentally got werewolf married because—because Stiles was thinking about him, and happened to give him a token of his, uh, affection under the silvery light of the last full moon. Platonic affection, Derek thinks sourly, so he doesn't get why his wolf feels all warm and fuzzy and bonded all of a sudden. Honestly, it's like—why aren't people accidentally getting werewolf married all the time, if it happens this easily?
▶▶ turn the other cheek by redhoodedwolf Teen And Up | 12,465w Derek Hale was not born a werewolf. Stiles Stilinski was not born with a soulmark.
▶▶ Visual Confirmation by alocalband Teen And Up | 1,522w Derek's been back in Beacon Hills for nearly three weeks, and Stiles has yet to lay eyes on him.
▶▶ we can take our time by KouriArashi Explicit | 17,476w Tact and social mores are completely relegated to the back of Derek's brain, and without thinking, he blurts out, "Did you spend your heat alone?" Stiles' head jerks around in surprise, and then he flushes pink and looks away. His voice comes out brusque and unfriendly. "Not that it's any of your business, but I spend every heat alone."
▶▶ without really meaning it by obroech N/A | 1,911w Watching Derek dote on someone is hard – harder than Stiles thought it would ever be, despite the fact he knows it's insincere; despite the fact it's the job and nothing more.
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by bibliosexxual N/A | 4,162w It's probably not a good sign that when he opens his eyes and sees a gangly teenage boy in a red hoodie and grubby-looking black fingerless gloves standing over him, he doesn't startle. His claws don't come out; his eyes don’t flash. He just feels... resigned. "You live like this?" the guy says, soft. Almost pitying. "I mean. You actually live here?"
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by hoechlbutt N/A | 3,044w Prompt: A Sterek secret admirer AU
▶▶ Untitled Tumblr Ficlet by pantstomatch N/A | 1,496w Derek says, "What do you know about unicorns?" Stiles yawns and says, "A surprising amount for a teenage boy."
- - - - -
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tayegi · 7 years
Tagged by @her-everythingcollection. Thank you :) 
Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better 
Relationship status: In a committed relationship with hot cheetos
Lipstick or Chapstick: hmm i rarely use either, but I like those matte lipglosses. 
Last song I listened to: Prob something big bang? I had spotify on to shuffle thru their discography last night
Top 3 shows: hmmm i rarely watch tv anymore... Community, maybe? I finished I can hear your voice and I LOVED that. Hmm... Knowing Bros? 
Top 3 characters: Troy ‘n Abed in the moooorrrning! :) 
Top 3 ships: wait ships in where? Which fandom? What’s happening? Taegi, yoonseok... namjin? 
Tagged by @okaynamjoon Thanks so much for tagging me!
Rules: Spell out your url with kpop songs and tag ten people. I haven’t done this w/ my new blog, yet, so here we go! ^^
T hat XX-- GD
A ll Mine-- f(x) 
Y ou and I-- Park Bom :(
E asy-- Dragonette
G aims-- Kamau
I ‘m Not Sorry-- Dean
Get to Know Me Tag
Tagged by @omgbigbangtheory-blog thanks so much!
nickname: Lu, Lulu, etc. 
star sign: 
height: Anywhere bw 5′3-5′5 apparently... 
last thing i googled: I think they were directions? haha
favorite music artists: Kpop, it’s BTS, b1a4, f(x), Mamamoo & Monsta X! For outside of kpop, I really only like EDM/Trap O.O 
song stuck in my head: Tiamo by T-ara! I am not familiar with them at all, but this new song is so great!
last movie i watched: ... I really cant remember. Star Wars Rogue One? O.O I really don’t watch movies anymore D: 
last tv show i watched: Age of Youth! IM ADDICTED!!!
what im wearing right now: my unisex, unisize bathrobe :’) 
when did i create my blog: A year and a half ago now? 
what kind of stuff i post: Fics!
why did i choose my URL: TAEGI IS LIFE!!!
gender: F
hogwarts house: Depends. I always get gryffindor on pottermore, but I feel like I shift between the other ones
pokemon team: Valor... But only bc my friend valerie was in the car when I chose and we thought it would be funny 
favorite color: ORANGEEEEEE
average hours of sleep: I’m a ph.d student, man... Prob only like 4-5 D: BUT OVER BREAK, I GOT 8 HOURS, AND IT WAS GLORIOUSSSS
lucky numbers: I’m not sure about luck, but 3 is my fave number!
favorite characters: I don’t know what this means. D: from tv? books? 
how many blankets do i sleep with: Just 1! It’s always warm in my condo 
dream job: Academia! I would love to find the funding to be a full time scientist. 
following: writing blogs, shit posting blogs, hyungline/rapline blogs, etc. 
tagged by @noonachronicles <3
Rules: List 5 or 10 of your favorite kpop boy/girl group. Put your very first bias of each group and name the m/v you first saw the member in.
1. BTS > Namjoon > N.O. (THO I DIDNT LIKE HIM UNTIL DANGER AKLJSDFLJSF) 2. B1A4 > Jinyoung > Lonely (even tho gongchan is now my fave... oops) 3. Mamamoo > Hwasa > Um Oh Ah Yeh (NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE) 4. f(x) > Luna > Red Light (she just looked too badass in Red Light... OTL sorry queen vic but i have strayed!) 5. Monsta X > Wonho > Their debut show, whatever that was  6. Big Bang > Seungri > Blue (Sorry Daesung...)  7. Got7 > BamBam > Girls, Girls, Girls (In my defense, I only loved him like a son and I was extremely shocked and offended when he sprouted 10 feet of height. How. Dare. You.?) 8. Shinee > Key > Lucifer O.O (He was really sassy and fun in Hello Baby... But towards the end of Hello Baby, I’d already left him for Onew, so...) 9. Exo > Tao > Wolf :”( 10. 2NE1 > Bom > I am the best :”( 
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farmlesbian · 7 years
evens 🤙
2. you are faced with an almighty spirit. it tells you that you must choose two emotions\feelings - one of them you will never feel again, and the other becomes your most dominant. which two are those? wow damn goin right for the tough questions...im soft so id choose for my most dominant emotion to be Luv, as for one i’d never feel again imma say anger bcause its a secondary emotion (so 98% of the time if im angry im rlly jus sad lmao)
4. do you have a favorite tv show? why is it your favorite? what is the reason you started watching it, and what is the reason you continued? i mean. i wont even say supergirl imma jus say..sanvers scenes lmao cause i lov them sm (& also i lov projecting on alex oops).  i started watching when i saw a gifset of alex’s coming out scene and i continued cause i got sucked in and i cant escape. like actual fave show based on how much i enjoy it is brooklyn nine nine cause its jus so happy and funny and i always feel better after watching it
6. who is your all-time favorite character? why exactly? do you relate to them, and how? emily prentiss......the actual love of my life...the og.....my ride or die.....ive loved her since like 2014 and i still lov her today which is incredible cause a lotta the times ill jus end up forgetting characters but not her i lov her Too much...lol she’s jus very easy to project my entire identity on? like this mentally ill lesbian! i lov ha! also jemily is the otp of all otps like id die for both of them truly
8. you are locked in a room until the day you die, and have a choice to spend this time with one person. will you choose someone? if yes, who is it? why? my gf probs ik we can jus chill in silence whenever need be so i could still live my introvert life lmao (altho being trapped in one room for tha rest of my life sounds like tha fuckin worst no thank) 10. what is the song i have to listen to so i could know you better? hard way home by brandi carlile its one of my all time faves
12. do you like the rain? why? do you prefer storms or light dripping? yes but only for like one day if it goes on too long it gets depressing...and storms usually but showers are nice too smtimes14. do you like tea? why? if yes, what is your favorite kind? yes! i lov those calming bedtime lavender teas 
16. what is your perfect playlist for studying? where is the perfect place to listen to it? i call it making a playlist but then getting bored with all the songs so instead jus shuffling ur song library n skipping lots of songs18. think of a person you love. now describe them, using only stuff that only you would describe them with. (for example - my person would be described by reading a new book while there's a storm outside.) a cute small artsy store with lots of trinkets, an old twisty dead tree, big colorful earrings, and collecting shells on the beach20. do you like writing? do you prefer to write on a computer or in a notebook? ya but i havent done it in forever :( and on a computer probs22. do you like stargazing? why? yes!! its so nice n beautiful n peaceful...only gives me a lil bit of an extestential crisis24. what is your harry potter house? did you get sorted on pottermore or do you think it represents you better? its hufflepuff but tha new test said im gryffindor which is jus...wrong im a hufflepuff26. do you want to write a book? if yes, did you start already? id lov to but also time and motivation28. picture yourself at ease. now describe what exactly did you picture - with who you are? where? what exactly put you at ease? i wrote a super long and specific paragraph but honestly? id be truly at ease cuddling with my gf & having her read me whatever book shes reading at the time as i fall asleep
30. what do you love most about humanity? tha fact that literally everyone collectively gets excited by cute dog videos 
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