xmemeanonx · 2 years
“Males have gender roles too!”
But… Males have gender roles that benefit them. They are not required to shave or make their body as small to take up as less space as possible. They are not required to put on makeup on their face or wear heels which have proven to have several bad effects.
By “gender roles” they are supposed to be the stronger sex, the smarter, the more dominant that men even made up something as silly and has no basis in reality such as “male” brain, which is supposed to be superior to the “inferior” female brain.
Ever since men owned property and women couldn’t, men have decided the certain traits they wanted in a wife. Men have created the female sex-roles or roles expected from women. Women had no choice but to comply. In a culture that heavily shamed unmarried women, unused baby factories, women had no choice but to comply.
That’s why I find it absurd when a ‘feminist’ man says “Destroy gender roles!” And think it’s all about men getting to put makeup on their face. When loads of women are being rejected socially just because they reject makeup…
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
I am in LOVE with your writing
I am in love with u.
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
im so tired of "feminist" art revolving around uteruses and shit like regardless of how transphobic it is it's just completely trite and unimaginative
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
Hey guys. So I know this is probably obvious with how inconsistent I’ve been with being active, but I’ve going through a really rough time recently. I haven’t genuinely felt excited or passionate to do literally anything in awhile. Writing has especially been taxing. So I’m thinking that I should go on a hiatus for awhile.
I still care about this blog, but until I can feel at the top of my game, I think I should just take a break (instead of just disappearing).
Thank you everyone. Lovingly, memeanon ❤️
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
You've already watched the Netflix Arcane series (League of Legends), there are so many good characters to make some yanderes versions of them, but I don't see anyone writing... (example: Viktor, Jayce)
Oh god yes Arcane. There is just so much good material for yandere characters in it! Here are a few headcanons for the "main characters" aka Vi, Caitlyn, Jinx, Silco, Viktor and Jayce. Naturally, this will contain some minor spoilers for Arcane -- especially in Jinx’s section. It also became quite long, so I’ll add a “read more” cut after Jinx. Is it obvious that I had a LOT of fun with this?  You can choose to read Jinx’ as either platonic or romantic depending on your preference. Content warnings: “Mild” yandere content, mentions of violence, slight descriptions of wounds and gore/blood, kidnapping, threats of bodily harm/amputation, drugging, mentions of a syringe being used, mentions of smoking and threats of strangulation. “The usual yandere stuff” but nothing too graphic or heavy. Still, proceed at your own risk and be mindful of your triggers! -----
Vi would be the textbook defenition of protective yandere
She wouldn’t hesistate to make things ugly when people try to hit on or get too close to you
And the best part is if you worry when she comes home all bloody and with a few cuts and bruised knuckles 
She would try to keep her “dealings” hidden from you at first, because you shouldn’t need to see it
So coming back home to you and you patching her up and begging her to be careful makes it all even more worth it
To you, she’s just a friend who keeps getting herself in trouble
Trouble in the lanes is very common, but you beg her to stay safe
And Vi does her best to keep you from worrying
She really does, but...
Of course, eventually, someone will make an advance too bold, like lay a hand on you while flirting and Vi will see red and won’t be able to wait and punch this guy to death or hold back, brutally mutilating him in front of your eyes
And everything she’s done will be revealed
She will yell at you, blood splattered in her face and covering her fists, about all the people she’s hurt
All the people shes killed
All for you!
But don’t be scared, sweetheart
She’d never hurt you!
... Unless you try to leave her, but that won’t happen, right?
Born and raised as a Noble Kiramann, Cait is used to getting whatever she wants (even though she’s had to fight for some things like getting to be an enforcer)
You are not an exception to this
It doesn’t matter where you’re from if it’s Piltover or the Lanes or somewhere else entirely and it doesn’t matter what status you have
You’re just a breath of fresh air for Cait with your ideas and ways of thinking and oh, she just needs you
Cait joined the Enforcers to do goodandhelp fight the injustice of the system, but if she needs to, she will not hesitate to abandon some of those morals
You see, she needs to keep you with her no matter what
It feels like you’re a part of her she’s been missing, that she needs to be complete
Such a shame you had plans to leave -- be it back to the lanes, your home region, or even just your house in Piltover
And such a shame your hankerchief that had mysteriously vanished even though you swore you had it in your pocket had been found at the scene of a crime
Seems like Caitlyn Kiramann, the promising Enforcer will have to keep an extra eye on you while in lockup
Ever the hard worker, she will personally keep watch of you -- maybe even in her own house while she questions you for the crime
No one would question the motives of such a hard worker!
And you just keep denying the crime...
Well, dearest, she has all the time in the world to get you to “confess”
But don’t think that means that you’ll be let go
Oh no, you’ll be staying with her regardless
In time, you’ll realize that this is the best place for you!
By her side.
Broken, abandoned, cast aside, crazy... The world has not been kind to Jinx.
Except you
It’s a coincidence, your meeting
You find her on the bridge after her duel with Ekko before Silco arrives, having run over there once the commotion died down
Immediately, you see Jinx hurt and bleeding on the ground
You run over, stumbling on debris and cradle her head gently
Softly, you keep talking to her half-fainted form, telling her that everything is going to be alright. She’s got you
You tear your clothes, wrap fabric around wounds and try to put pressure on her deepest wounds
When you see the shape of a man in the distance, youre quick to yell for help, saying that you have a wounded girl here
Silco runs over as fast as he can, and any and all thoughts of you potentially having been the one to hurt Jinx are gone when he sees the crudely wrapped wounds, your own torn clothing, and how your hands are bloodied and desperately pressing down on a weeping wound. 
Jinx’ head rests in your lap and she mumbles something incoherent
Silco thanks you profusely for your help and grabs Jinx, explaining that she’s his daughter and that he’ll get her to a doctor immediately
You try to ask him to let you follow, but he shakes his head and thanks you for your help, promising to repay you later
And then he disappears down the other end of the bridge with Jinx in a firm hold.
Jinx, while being treated by Singed has a lot of memories being distoreted in her mind of her sister and her new “partner”, but also... you
The person who cared about her and helped her
She remembers your calming voice, the soft way youo held her and let her rest in your lap while you tried to patch her up
Her delusions and the drugs passing through her system rewire these memories, however
Instead of just feeling gratitude, she starts to feel more.
You must care about her!
Love her, even
It’s clear from the way you helped her!
The realization that she needs you something so desperately is what finally makes her open her crazed eyes
And she wastes no time making up a plan with Silco, who quickly understands how impotant this is for Jinx and turning her into his masterpiece
You don’t see either of them for a long time, but one day, you see a pair of familiar blue braids next to a tall man in the market
Then, the girl disappears in the blink of an eye, and the next second, you feel a pain in the back of your head before everything goes dark
When you wake up, you find yourself on an unfamilar cot, the sounds of someone tinkering with something mechanical filling your ears
With a groan you open your eyes, hearing tools clatter onto the floor
“You’re finally awake!” Jinx’ bright, enthusiastic smile is the first thing you see, and she throws her arms around you
“I thought I was a goner on that bridge, but you saved me!” She cheers, nuzzling into your tired body
“And I know why you did it too! You love me! Unlike that awful sister...” she hissed the last part, grip around you tightening. 
Vaguely, you see Silco in a corner of the room, with a pleased smile. 
“And you won’t ever leave me because you love me, right!” Jinx says, clearly filled with her delusions
She grabs your cheeks tightly squishing your face together as her crazed pink eyes stare into yours. 
“And if you do, I’ll cut off your legs so you can’t try to leave me ever again.”
The Eye of Zaun, Lord of the Underground, the Industrialist. A man afraid of using nothing to get what he wants.
No matter the cost, the deaths, how dirty he has to get his hands, he will get what he wants
And there are only two things on his mind after getting his revenge on Vander. A free nation of Zaun -- completely independent from Piltover’s unjust influence
And you
I like the idea of you being someone who shares similar ideals to him about how pepole in the Lanes are discriminated against -- whether you’re from the Lanes yourself, Piltover, or somewhere else entirely
At first, Silco will merely want another pawn or recruit to further his cause, but after learning more and more about you through reports from underlings he’s sent out to follow you -- and sometimes even his own observations -- he realizes that he wants more than just another ally from you.
He wants you
Sevika, who is his most trusted ally, realizes this pretty quickly as well. As we know, her alliance lies with the strongest person with the best chance of helping Zaun -- not to Silco himself, but she can see clear as day that when Silco gets his hands on you, he will be near unstoppable at liberating Zaun
So she actually takes it into her own two hands to bring you to him.
It’s too risky to properly try anything up Top, so she creates an excuse for you to come down if you’re in Piltover. If you’re already in the Lanes, it just makes it easier for her.
Sevika had Singed make a potent tranquilizer that she injects into your neck at the first, best opportunity.
Imagine Silco’s surprise when he gets back to his office after checking on the production of Shimmerin one of his warehouses to see you asleep in his chair
Sevika steps out from the shadows in the corner and lights a cigar, blowing out a puff of smoke
“I sped up your plans,” she said. “Have fun with her.” Then, she leaves
Silco can’t believe his eyes as he runs a hand down your cheek
You’re here
You’re his
And he has no intention of letting you go now
You’d wake up in a sitting position, feeling warmth against your back
Out of all weird places to fall asleep and wake up, you never thought you’d wake up sitting in the lap of Silco, who had his arms around you, writing something on the sheets of paper spread out in front of him on the desk
Immediately, you’d try to stand up, but his grip would merely tighten, and the remnants of the tranquilizer would definitely make you too weak to properly struggle
“Finally awake, I see,” Silco would muse, letting go of the pen
Terrified, you’d ask where you were and what he was going to do with you
He would chuckle and nuzzle his face into the side of your neck, lips moving against your skin when he spoke
“You’re with me now, and will stay with me forever,” he simply said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He reached into the second drawer of his desk with one of his hands and pulled out a gun, very similar to the injection gun with purple Shimmer he used on his eye, but with an opaque liquid loaded
“I am not going to pull out any stops at all to make you stay here. If i need to use this to drug you again, I will. If you try to run, I’ll chain you down, and if you repeatedly try to run, I will break your legs and ever so slowly inject you with Shimmer until you stop resisting. Am I making myself clear?”
Shaking in terror, all you could do was nod and try to hold back your tears as Silco set the gun down and picked up the pen, resuming his work, holding you close.
Getting the Eye of Zaun to have his eye on you was the worst thing that could have happened to you
An inventor devoted to his work over anything else -- Viktor isn’t a person people expect to gain romantic feelings for anyone, believing him too absorbed in his work to even consider anything else.
Yet, inexplicably, he does catch feelings. Something he didn’t quite know how to
And how these feelings bother him. They keep interfering with his work
He cant get you out of his mind even when working on the hextech core
And Viktor can’t see why you out of all people made such an impact on him
You’d been one of many people coming up to talk to Jayce during the Progress Day celebrations and even managed to snag a hold of him for a moment before he had time to withdraw, not being a huge fan of crowds
He thought he could just be a bit polite and get the interaction done with, as he’d done with everyone else who’d tried to talk to him -- thank them for their kind words and interest in him and his work, and then say that he must get back to the lab
But you were different
You asked questions about his research -- but not in the way all greedy journalists and investors did, wanting to get the next big scoop and a hint of the next inventions or in the way of a researcher trying to steal their work,
But as someone with a genuine interest of the specifics of how it worked
You even offered him some ideas of your own of inventions and stabilizations, showing him diagrams, calculations and notes, and quickly, what Viktor thought would be a quick meeting ended with him bringing you along to the lab, spenind hours talking about his work
You had a completely new angle to look at Hextech from that neither Viktor or Jayce had considered, and after a few rapid calculations scrawled on the board, Viktor solved one of the problems he’d had with the Core
“How do you know this? How did you think of this?” he asked, blown away
You, feeling your cheeks heat up at the praise answered that you didn’t really know, but you’d decided to try out a completely different angle looking at hextech and it worked
Which is why you’d approached him, wanting to help
You didn’t care about the glory or prestige of being an inventor, this had just been something you’d decided to do for fun, and the fact that it had helped made you more than happy
Even after you’d left the lab, leaving your notes behind, Viktor couldn’t stop thinking about you and how different you were from any other inventor or scientist he’d met. Maybe it was because you weren’t a scientist
With the help of your workings and perspective, he was able to make more progress on all the inventions he and Jayce had been struggling with progressing on in a week than they had in three months
And all the time he worked, his mind was plagued with thoughts of you
It had long since surpassed just the interest in the way your mind worked, and the interest had spread to everything else about you as well
Your smell, the soft skin of your hands when you’d shaken his or moved his hand to add to an equation, your bashfulness
You displayed so many wonderful emotions and Viktor wanted, no, needed to see more of them
Late at night after Jayce had gone home, his private research was no longer focused on the Hextech Core, but on you
Things he needed to keep you, study you
Have you
To anyone else, this was clearly an unhealthy obsession, but no one knew enough about what Viktor was doing to be able to know anything, much less put a stop to it
And to Viktor, these emotions must be natural. He’s had trouble with emotions before, but this; the feelings he has for you, just feel so right
He felt the same thing when he first started inventing
Pulling a few strings with Jayce and his connections in the Council, finding your address is no problem, and when you finally reveal yourself after he knocks, he swears that his heart skips a beat
In a flash, he’s stuck a pair of Hextech cuffs on you that before you even have the chance to ask what’s happeneing have teleported you away back to his private lab into a large container
Viktor is back at the lab fast, relishing in the look of panic and sheer terror on your face as you pound on the glass of the cylinder, begging him to let you out
Victor taps his glove, and a force draws your wrists up towards the roof of the cylinder, making you unable to move your arms. Another tap, and the glass around the cylinder lowers so he can reach you
Hushing, he places a hand on your trembling cheek, wet with tears
“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you
In panic, you try to lash out with your legs, but he attaches cuffs to those too and render your legs immobile
“W-what are you going to do with me?” you whimper as a final hextech object attaches around your neck -- a collar
Viktor hushes you again, brushing a few stray tears off your cheeks and sliding your hair behind your ear
“You’re the first person to make me feel like this. Make me feel anything at all. I need to study you, make sure I know what’s causing this. I can’t get you out of my head,” he whispers, placing a quick kiss to your cheek before stepping out of the cylinder and using the controller on his glove to raise the glass again as well as release the force keeping your arms and legs frozen in place
You collapse onto the floor and sob, vaguely, through your tears seeing his distorted grin as he picks up a notebook
Jayce would definitely be possessive and manipulative, having honed that craft in the Council
He’s very quick to decide that you’re the person he wants as a partner, and he tries to court you, sending gifts and privileges, asking you on date after date
Only for you to constantly decline
You refuse his date offers, try to send the gifts back, and leave the flowers he’s send you on your doorstep
This only motivates Jayce to try harder and harder to earn your affections, becoming increasingly more desperate
Then one day, it happens
He sees you on a date with a man he’s never seen before, talking and laughing at a café
He’d been on his way with a new bouquet of flowers to leave at your house, and those flowers now fall from his hands as he feels... empty
All the hard work, time spent and all devotion to you and courting you are meaningless he realizes, feeling bits of his heart and mental stability crack
And it’s all that man’s fault
Jayce turns on his heel, rushing back to the Council chambers to contact Caitlyn to get an update on recent crimes, as well as look through files to find who this man who thought stealing the heart of a Councilman was an acceptable thing to do
It doesn’t take long before his plan is at work, your “boyfriend” being framed for a particularly gruesome crime
When you come home that evening after having witnessed him being taken away by the Enforcers, Jayce is sitting at your dining table, waiting for you
He’s pressed you to a wall before you have time to turn around and run out of the door
Shaking with fear, you manage to stutter our “w-what are you doing here?” to which he only sighs, a look of mock sympathy on his face
“It hurts my feelings, you know?” He trailed a hand that wasn’t keeping you pinned to the wall across your cheek
“Playing with my feelings like this. Constantly denying me, not accepting my gifts.”
“Even going as far as to date someone else to make me jealous,” he hisses, letting his hand rest wrapped around your nexck. He isn’t applying any pressure, but the threat is there
Realization dawns on your face
“What did you do?” you ask, starting to tremble
Jayce chuckles. “They have enough evidence for the crimes he’s comitted to execute him, you know.”
Tears roll down your cheeks. “Please no! He didn’t do anything!”
“Oh I know angel. At least nothing to do with those crimes, but the crime of stealing you away from me warrants the punishment he’s going to get, don’t you think?”
Jayce pauses for a second, admiring how pretty you look shoved up against a wall, tears falling down your cheeks
“Unless... some evidence might mysteriously vanish, and his life will be spared to be lived out in prison,” he says, putting a contemplating look on his face
“Please,” you sob. “I’ll do anything.”
Jayce grins. A horrifying, crazed grin that sends shivers down your spine
All playful wordplay is gone now, and his voice drops
“Be mine. No one else’s. Don’t talk to anyone else or look at anyone besides me, and I’ll make sure he lives.”
You force yourself to nod. You get the feeling that Jayce isn’t going to let you go even if you don’t agree, and you would be right about that
As he leans forward to finally meet your lips in a kiss, you can only pray that he will keep his word
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
Could you a part 3 for yanfamily Clark, Bruce and Diana with random shenanigans caused by y/n? Such as y/n disappearing and them freaking out, only to find him/her asleep somewhere or talking to another hero? Or y/n getting a pet and giving it more affection and attention than his/her "mom" and "dad's"?
 I guess this is a pt. 3? I kinda strayed from the prompt???? I kinda hate this???? enjoy???
Warnings: yandere (obvi), Clark being a man-child, violence, 
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Welp,,, this is going to be a nightmare. 
Clark struggles with having your attention on anybody but him, even Diana and Bruce, despite agreeing to be a unit. On the outside, he may have (begrudgingly) agreed to share, but in his mind, you're his kid. And he believes you favour him the most too! Even if that's the farthest from the truth. the fool.  
He struggles with jealousy the most out of the three. He may not think this, but his actions prove that he very much believes he has a right to your constant attention. He doesn't like sharing his favourite person. 
The thing I think that is most interesting about Yandere Clark is how much he objectifies and idealises his kid. He doesn't necessarily force you into being someone you're not, but anything you do makes his delusional brian go haywire. It manipulates him in a way that forces him to see what you do and how you act in a completely different way than how you may have intended it. His yandere tendencies wants the relationship between the two of you to be a healthy one. One where you're his superstar kid who loves spending time with him, and he's your hero dad, the one you look up to and idolize. 
He believes that you could do no wrong. So, in times where you're acting up, he sees that as your way of telling him that he's being neglectful, and that you want more time with him. That's how he sees you when you're ignoring him, spending time with others, or even just enjoying your time alone. 
At his worst, Clark ends up hurting you, physically or emotionally, it doesn't matter, his jealousy boils over fast and leaves you with never-fading burns.   
Diana tries her hardest to let you have a balanced tie between spending time with her and having time to yourself, despite what her over-protective nature tells her. While the other two may fail to notice, she realises what roles each of them play in your life. She understands the stress that Clark causes, the silent-support Bruce offers, and how she has naturally become a constant in your life.   
Diana prides herself on never losing herself to her more unhealthy tendencies, never raising her voice, never relenting with her training. She believes it's important for you to awaken everyday, knowing what she will bring to the table, hoping that you will realise that no matter what the others will do, that she will always be a constant, stable maternal presence in your life.   
But jealousy and envy is a feeling that can sprout at any time, depending on what her child does. Because while Diana believes herself to be a constant in her behaviour, she knows that the actions, thoughts, and impulsus of an adolescent mind are not. You may want to spend more time with Clark or Bruce, for whatever reason, and she knows it will end up upsetting that jealous part of her brain.  
Although she will never admit it, Diana is extremely prideful, and thinks herself to be the most stable parently figure out of the three. So she just,,, can't seem to understand why you would want to spend less time with her, and more time with them. At her worst, Diana ends up hurting others, still wanting to be a constant positive presence towards you. But others? She couldn't care less.   
Bruce's jealousy is extremely different from Diana’s and Clark’s in many different ways. It's not from a place of possiveness, over-protection, or entitlement. It's not burning hot, searing, and bright red. It's cold, freezing cold. And the only person it ends up hurting is him. 
You're bound to spend most of your days with your other two parents, and by the time you finally have time to spend with him, you'll be exhausted. And Bruces lets you rest, because he understands how tiring it must be to be in a situation like this. Bruce's love is definitely the most selfless, thus feeling the most real. And in moments where Diana is working you to the bone, and Clark is,,,, well Clark, you end up being thankful for Bruce's mere existence. 
The worst part about your dynamic with Bruce is how obvious it is. And when the others notice this? They hate how easily the two of you mix, how natural the two of you act as father and child, and how much you seem to enjoy his company. Especially since the two of you spend the least amount of time together. Diana and Clarks yandere tendencies tell them to overcompensate. To spend more time with you, as though that was the problem, and to have you spend less time with Bruce. 
Bruce's jealousy starts out of a place of anger, at the others and at himself. But eventually it turns into a place of concern toward you. He sees you, and I mean, really sees you. He sees how tired you are, how bored, how scared. He knows this wasn't the life you must have wanted. He knows that, all things considering, the three of them took everything from you, and then forced you to live a life, with an identity, that wasn't yours.     
He feels angry that he ever felt jealous in the first place. At himself, of course, not at you. Never at you. He loves you, he really does. In an undying way only a father can.
But Bruce would never directly help you escape, he can't. He needs the other two to believe he's on their side, and while he's equally obsessed with you, his morals are screaming at him to do something to help you. Who knows? Maybe he'll just forget to lock a few windows?  
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The way I see these headcanons is that they are continuations of the story. As time goes on and the story changes, so do the characters. 
Also! I'm like so sorry lol,, I've been hella inconsistent with my writing! I wanted to get this done last week,, but it just didn't end up working. I plan on being better at that ;)      
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
I’m begging for a part 2 on the yandere catra and adora fic please 🥲😭😭😭😭😭😭
sorry this took so long babes!! 
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If you are unwilling.
Adora grips your shoulder. Catra pipes up, “you aren't going anywhere.” 
You shudder, but stay quiet.
Adora is such a mixed bag when it comes to giving you what you want. One second she's giving all of the space in the world, the next? 
“Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Do you want some more pillows? Blankets? Hey, watch me turn my sword into-”
Yeah, it gets really annoying really quick. But strangely enough Adora is really good at knowing when to quit it right before you yell at her. She hates being yelled at, especially by you, and even more so when she knows that she deserves it. But this girl is just so full of love and devotion, she really can't help it. Being around you makes her crazy!
If you ever did end up snapping at her, expect her to turn into the messiest pile of tears and snot you have ever seen. You know when a toddler does something they think is practically illegal (like saying a swear) and they just devolve into a sobbing, hiccuping mess? Yeah that's Adora. 
it's really just pathetic sometimes. And in those moments, she's always trying to apologise or explain herself, or trying to cop a comforting hug. If you have a bleeding heart, and you might just let her wrap her arms around your waist, she'll be so thankful. But you just push her off? She runs off, looking for comfort in the form of Catra.    
To the surprise of absolutely no one, Catra definitely has a harder time dealing with any outburst that you may have. You may be a naturally calm and collective person, but being held in a place against your will can drive anybody to the brink of insanity. In the beginning of your captivity, Catra begrudgingly gives you your space (as recommended by Adora). But what you didn't realize is that you never really were alone. Hiding in the trees, under furniture, or by using Melog, Catra is always near you, listening.    
In those moments where Adora is crying her eyes out, acting hysterical, thinking that you hate her, Catra almost believes that she hates you. I would say that both girls love each other just as much as they love you, but Catra knows how strong Adora is. And she knows how hard it is to make Adora cry, and she knows how terrible she used to feel when she brought tears to Adoras eyes. 
And she knows that you should be feeling the same way.  
In the end, the girls have to come to the realisation that your mental downward spiral is only the consequences of their actions. You've never been the type of person to be held down, having always weaved your way from Rebellion kingdoms to Horde Camps, with the simple intention of spending time with either of them. You need to come and go, you can't just be stuck in the same place. Or else you'll end up like this.  
So they let you go, they let you take the reins on your life once again. 
But, they tell you that once you're ready, they'll be here, ready to love you once more.  
If you are willing.
Adora grips your shoulder. Catra pipes up, “you aren't going anywhere.” 
You give the two girls behind you your entire heart on a silver plate. You tell them you can't be held down, you have so many questions, you want to know so much more of your home planet, you want to see the stars from all angels of the land. You don't want to leave them, you say, but Brightmoon is not your home. And there are still so many people in Etheria that may need you help, you would do the most if you were out there.   
You laugh under your breath, you admit that you've never even seen any land or kingdom beyond Mystacor and- 
Adora stops you, and drops her hand from your shoulder to your hand, squeezing it softly. She says she understands before turning to Catra, whose smiling just as softly as her blonde counterpart, pupils dilated.
We want to come with you, Catra explains, we could help you, keep you safe. 
You let out a breath. They could tell you were surprised by their positive reaction, yet still overjoyed. I thought, you started, I thought you two wouldnt- 
Catra started, we know, we weren't expecting it either. She looks at Adora, before continuing; but who else would be able to keep us in check? 
Anywhere you take us, Adora adds on before thinking for a minute, but let's stay out of the Crimson Waste, yeah?
The three of you laugh, and you hold Adoras hand tighter and take Catras too.  
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I hope this is good enough! I also wanted the ending of the willing one to be sort of a mirror of the ending of the first one. 
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
Hello! I saw you’re open for requests for arcane?
If you don’t mind, I’d like a yandere!Vander x reader! They are 21 so there’s an age gap (if you don’t mind writing for that) if not you can make them around ganders age! I’d just like the reader to be very bold and charismatic. That’s all! Thank you and I love your pfp
This handsome, handsome man omfg. Im soo gay but himm??? omg,,,, I've literally been obsessed with this show, so I cant wait to write more for it. Literally every character has me by the THROAT
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Vander: protective, manipulative, obsessive
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Vander is a very two sided yandere 
The weird thing about Vander is that the two of you could have a relatively normal relationship if you wanted too. And it would be a perfectly healthy one too. Obviously the way he became infatuated with you the moment he saw you wasn't very healthy, Vander actually recognizes that and works to fight those,,,, urges. The only ways that his darker side would ever come out would be if:
A. you're life is being threatened. 
B. you were harmed by another (especially those with malicious intent,, Silco). 
C. you were a threat.
Let me explain the last one. You can't be someone like Silco, that's too personal. You would have needed to be something smaller. A thief, a loud-mouthed thug who enjoys pestering others a bit too much, or an enforcer with traditional beliefs. Vander understands the concept of doing what you need to survive better than anyone and he is more than willing to give you a second chance to show that you're not all bad.  
If you take that opportunity, Vander offers you the chance for the two of you to grow close in a healthy, natural way. He absolutely adores your bold and charismatic nature, and he can banter with you so well that even a blind man would be able to see how absolutely whipped he is.  
Omfgg, imagine the way Vander would just,,, glare at someone who was flirting with you. The amount of jealousy that would plastered all over his face would be just unbelievable.  
Powder just straight up asked when the wedding will be. Vander forgets how to breathe, you spit out your drink all over the bar.   
Yandere Vander is one of the purist examples of a protective yandere. Sure, he can be a bit manipulative at times, but Jesus, does he just want to do the right thing by keeping you safe. The man has so much love to give. Towards his kids, towards his people. 
But especially towards you.
Unfortunately, If you don't take that opportunity, his manipulative side comes out. It doesn't matter what age you are, how could you possibly be this thick? You're a threat to himself and possibly his kids, you're unwilling to change, so why does he still love you? He can't work with someone who is unwilling, and he won't let his enemies think he lets people like you walk all over him. So he just takes you, and he hides you away. You'll learn to love him, eventually.  
= = =  
IMO, it takes a really persistent darling for Vander to get dark like that. He's a very good manipulator and is more than willing to use less,,, Pg tactics to get you on his side when he's getting desperate. 
But imagine if Silco was flirting with you to get under Vander skin. But eventually he ends up becoming obsessed too, which only pisses off Vander even more.
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xmemeanonx · 2 years
Arcane has been added to the list!
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Hey!! I was wondering if you did romantic!yandere Jason and what it would be like if the reader was,,, willing? Like they were okay with the whole situation they were in with Jason and just wanted to lomve on him.
It's been awhile since i've written for Jason, so I apologize if he's ooc. Im assuming this is for Jason Todd. 
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Jason doesn't think very high of himself. With so much inner turmoil, spite and trauma, the only reason he still allows himself to live is to act as an executioner to those he deems evil.
He knows evil just as well as he knows death. And he's spent his entire life surrounded by both.  
But you? You're better than most. Not perfect but better.
The day that Jason breaks into your house, with the intent of kidnapping or gaslighting you into being in a relationship with him, only to be met with no residences and a kiss on the check, is the day that Jason officially saw everything. 
Jason: I'm not really giving you a choice,,, but wanna date??? 
You: ok sure 
Jason: ,,,,
You: . . . 
Jason: ,,,,literally marry me ❤️ 
You: wait hold on- 
Soft eyes and softer smiles, that's all he's met with when faced with you.  
You may not be in love with him yet, but you're willing to give him a chance??? Huh???  
Jason is just so shocked when faced with an actual positive response to,,,, anything he does. He literally just freezes up. 
The days he spends with you from then on are filled with nothing but patience and a surprising amount of hand holding.  You eat dinner together, you go on walks, you sleep in the same bed. You act like a normal couple. It almost makes Jason feel normal too. When he comes back from a night of crime fighting, you happily pull him into bed. You just wish he would start using the front door, instead of just the windows.
He's not a good person, and you know that, so why are you being so kind to him?  
And you, he's seen you. He knows how kind you are. But you're no pushover. You aren't afraid to stand against the cruel, and that's why he adores you. You know the difference between right and wrong, yet you still love him. You're a better version of himself. He hopes that the more time he will spend with you, he too can be better.  
= = = 
Requests are open! Check the rules, then send em in!
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Has anyone read the invincible comics? Would anybody want me to write for some of the characters that haven’t make their debut in the show yet? Because I have ideas on some of viltrumites. . . . Feel free to send me your thoughts!!!
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Hey weird question, I just followed and was looking at your request rules (I get it that it's old but my dumbass needs to know-)
What's the difference between self insert and Ocs?
The differences between the two changes between writers, but these are just my thoughts:
In my opinion,  an ��x reader” is very different from a self insert or an oc. I only write “x reader” fics, b ecause this is both what I prefer to read and write. When writing an x reader fanfic, I try my hardest to make the reader as bland and non descriptive as possible. I do this with the intention that whoever is reading my stories can insert themselves without any issue because the mc is a completely clean slate. 
Obviously if someone requested the mc be written with more of an aggressive personality, or with a certain body type, I would be willing to do so. And depending on the roll the mc must take on, their mannerism will change as well. But in the end, writers should make the mc of an “x readers” as non descriptive as possible.
 In my opinion, the best way to write a “x reader” story is to use a third person perspective, using gender neutral pronouns. But this can obviously change depending on which character is on the other end of the “x reader.” Mc’s of “x readers'' stories are only created to live within the confines of that specific fanfiction world. 
Self inserts: is when you insert yourself, or a more idealized version of yourself, into a story. As a writer, it can be very easy to make the mc of your story act like yourself, even when trying to write a “x reader” story. Self inserts are written as a way to insert oneself into the natural flow of a story, very rarely do they change the ending of the story. Self inserts are the author, they obviously can live outside of the story.  
Ocs: The word oc means original character. When a person creates an original character they, in terms of fanfiction, are creating a new character that may or may not alter the story.
 When written, these Ocs will likely have strong personalities and relationships with the story's characters. Ocs will likely have a certain body type or skin colour, and the writer will write the story with that in mind. When written, stories with Ocs in them with the story written in third person, with the character’s pronouns on display. At times, I have seen ocs replace a pre-existing character, and play their role in a story.  
Ocs can be created to only live within the confines of that specific fanfiction world, but many content creators still work on their ocs even after they have moved on from that fandom. 
Other writers can feel free to add to this, or debate with me if wanted. This is just what I've picked up on from my very long time of both consuming and creating fanfiction. 
Anyway that's basically it.
See ya - memeanon
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
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Really old thing i kept kicking aside instead of finishing.
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Howdy again! I don't know if this is too weird sounding but could I request something from Resident evil Village? The reader lives in the village and has never not once met any of the lords but one day is brought to the castle Dimitrescu and told that they are to be the spouse of Bela, with Bela knowing way too much about the reader even though they've never met. Um, thank you again for the time you put into your work and I'll crowd your inbox with more later alright? Thank you!
Ajkjaja thank you for the very kind words! I love the Dimitrescu women so so much! And I love writing for them even more! Please send in more requests, I may take a hot minute to get them done, but I am a very busy person! ❤️ 
Under the cut because it's looong just like Alcinas legs hubba hubba. I also kinda changed the prompt a bit???  
Tw: blood, animal death, horror aspects, harm towards the elderly 
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Bela Dimitrescu: possessive, sadistic, obsessive, stalker
You were an apprentice of one of the bakers in the village, an elderly woman named Noelle, who was a stickler for rules and following the recipe. The type of old lady to get mad at kids for chewing too loudly or putting their elbows on the table. Skin of the coldest steel, with a heart of gold. But, despite her crankiness, she was like a mother to you. Baking you apple cakes and sweet bread whenever you aren't feeling well, giving you the best advice she can offer.
Your parents died at an early age, you can barely remember their faces. You were raised by the village, but it was the elderly women that truly tasked herself with raising you. She taught you everything you know. 
Sooo,,,, let's just say you'd be able to out-polite the queen herself.
You've always been told you had an award winning smile. That just by giving someone one, you could make anybody's day better. That was your favourite compliment people give you, you never get tired of hearing it. 
Oftentimes your smile is enough to make anybody, even people you just met, feel warmer towards you. It was such a gift. . . until it wasn't.
A baby was just born in the village, and as tradition, Mother Miranda was to bless it. Watching the blessing of a newborn babe felt like a blessing, but meeting eyes with Miranda felt like a curse. Not knowing what to do, you offered her a joyous grin. 
Only to be met with a curious and interested gaze. You thought nothing of it at the time. You even thanked your lucky stars that you may have peaked the interest of her grace.   
You soon realized how wrong you were, especially when the “gifts” began to show up. 
You lived on the outskirts of town, so you were no stranger to mischievous teens of the village pushing their luck by pulling pranks on you. “Oh well’ you thought, “no more free treats for them, I guess.” 
But one night you heard shuffling and the rustling of leaves outside your small cabin followed by three knocks. Opening the door, expecting to be met with nothing but the cool night breeze, you notice something on your straw welcome mat. Something small, no larger than your hand, wrapped in a damp cloth. With your curiosity piqued, you bring the object inside with the intention of seeing it in a better light. 
Unwrapping the “gift”, you feel whatever wetness that was dampening it covering your hands. The smell makes you gag, but the realization of what the liquid was made your stomach physically turn. Blood. Whoever this sick-fuck was had left a dead rat on your doorstep.        
“Like a goddamn cat.” You were grossed out like never before.   
You wanted to believe that maybe an animal, like a raccoon or a coyote, had gotten into a neighbor's trash and found the freshly killed animal. Then they could have accidently dropped it on your doorstep, but there were too many holes in that idea.   
You planned on trying to forget about this incident, but who or whatever did this didn't want to be forgotten.      
For the next six nights, you were greeted with three knocks, then given the same gifts. Six rats, each significantly larger in size per day. The week following, you were greeted with two knocks, then met with the head of a dead hare. Only the head? Why only the head? The dead, empty eyes of the small mammal made you feel unsafe in your own house. 
Then comes the third week. Only one knock, but many horrors came for you. Each night a different animal. Cats, dogs, goats, pigs, and even a wolf. You couldn't stand coming home each night from the village, looking down as you cleaned your boots against the now red, straw welcome mat before entering your dark house. 
On the sixth day of the third week you decided to stay with Noelle. Already in tears by the time you knocked on her door, she ushered you inside when she saw the state you were in. Horrified by what you had told her, she was more than happy to let you stay with her for the night.  
Either then jumping at any sound outside the window, you slept peacefully that night. No knocking at the door, just the sound of a fireplace cracking, giving off just the right amount of heat. 
In the morning, you had walked home to find, thankfully, nothing on your doorstep. “The evil had passed,” you sighed in relief as you began baking something as a gift for Noelle, your nerves finally calm for the first time in three weeks. You are finally free.  
Until you hear it.
A knock. A singular knock. 
You don't even want to answer the door. You know. You know what it means. A new gift, a present from the monster who has the cruelest sense of humour you have ever known. But, you have to answer it. For you worry what hell you may bring upon yourself if you shant. Or what hell you had already brought upon others. 
A ring, an absolute gorgeous wedding ring presented on a severed hand.      An. . . . elderly woman's hand. “Oh my god,” you sob. And complimenting it: a wedding outfit. With luxurious trimming, embroidery flowers, beads and. . . the House Dimitrescu sigil stitched right on the heart. 
You hear a mocking laugh, “Oh lover! My dearest beloved? My adorable little rabbit? Come, come let us wed!,” the monster calls out. “Oh how I have always wanted a lover for myself, and myself only! A gift, a gift! That's what you are, one from her grace, Mother Miranda. I had given you plenty of gifts too, did you like them? I believe I gave you enough time too! Three weeks, Mother said, then you will be mine! It has not been easy, waiting, you know?” 
 “But now,” You feel a hand claw at your waist and a blade at your throat. “you're finally mine!”   
You will never be free.   
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I feel like The Dimitrescu are all very possessive, just to different degrees of such. Daniela is the most possessive probably.  
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
Here you go!
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
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xmemeanonx · 3 years
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