#yandere adora
Hey! :) Can you do a Yandere glimmadora HC‘s on what Adora and glimmer would do if there darling ever ran away, and what they would do for punishments? Thank you :3!
Of course, I hope this is good :)
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Adora would freak out if you escaped
Glimmer would be angry, knowing the truth that you had escaped
Adora would think Catra kidnapped you
When they find you, Adora coddles you
"Oh I was so worried! Are you okay?" She'll hold you close, afraid to lose you again
Glimmer will roll her eyes and lock you up in her room
She'll lock everything up and keep guards outside your door. But if there's something Glimmer loves about you, it's your resilience
If you want something, you will do anything to get it
Though, Adora makes it hard for you, because she's smothering you, worried that you might get kidnapped again, because she still thinks you were kidnapped, because there is no world where she thinks you'd leave
They would never hit you, but Glimmer gets close, because of her anger issues
When she gets a hold of her magic, she does use that against you
She does get a little sadistic when Shadow weaver turns her around for a while
But Adora always protects you
She could never think of hurting you or causing you any harm
Adora and Glimmer are totally opposites of each other when it comes to you. Though they both love you more than anything
So much it's terrifying
But it's okay, no one would dare hurt you, knowing you have a Princess/Queen and THE She-ra protecting you
And you'll never be able to leave her, because where are you going to go? There's nowhere you can go that you'll be safe or without someone telling the resistance
Hope Catra doesn't find about you
Her jealousy might get you in some big trouble, though it'd be even worse if she gains a crush on you too
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mellowwillowy · 9 months
Cendrillion Reader: *checks time and it shows 11:50* hey, what do you say if we retreat to the bedroom to do some deed?
Yan! Prince: for real? You are one full of surprise, being so straightforward~ I'd be damned if I say no, let's go!
-- 00:00
Cendrillion Reader: Surprise surprise, now choose whether you want to die clothed or not *points knife*
Yan! Prince: *panting beneath reader* Well, I must say, that's one of another hot surprise.
Cendrillion Reader: ...what? No no, so what will it be?
Yan! Prince: Can you do it while you ride me? I don't care if I die naked.
Cendrillion Reader: Right off to hell you go *plunges knife*
Yan! Prince: *grunts* I must say, maybe I really do have a knife kink all along...
Cendrillion Reader: No, you just want to die while getting fucked, maybe I should convince my fairy godmother to let you become my fucktoy instead.
Yan! Prince: Cool.
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lildrea28 · 2 months
The sweet taste
of victory
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Don't worry, she just wants a taste.
You'll let her, won't you?
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hoodie42069 · 2 years
Yandere Catra Alphabet
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Catra shows her affection physically, she has to be holding your hand or touching you in some way, if you reject it, Catra will dig her claws into you.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Catra will kill or hurt anyone who even looks at you the wrong way, before she kidnapped you, she beat many of your friends and killed a person that had a crush on you
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Catra will treat you well if you don’t misbehave, she will be like a normal girlfriend and tease you occasionally. If you don’t behave, you’ll be yelled at, beaten, mocked, starved.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Catra forces cuddles and kisses and affection.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It takes a while for Catra to be vulnerable to you, but she will be vulnerable when she 100% trusts you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Angry, Catra LOVES you why are you mad at her. Catra will give you ONE warning before she punishes you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not a game to Catra, it’s love, she loves you and hates it when you try to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The punishments after trying to escape. Catra is a skilled fighter and has gadgets from the horde and will use them on you.
Once you tried escaping in the middle of the night and Catra found out after she woke up from a nightmare and you weren’t there to comfort her.
She found you and dragged you back “home” and beat you for 30 minutes straight while yelling horrible things at you.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Together forever, internal love. Catra wants to spend the rest of her life with you and only you.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Catra gets very jealous and will kill the other person that DARES to talk to you. She might even punish you even if you didn’t talk or flirt with another person.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
If you behave: Catra will kiss you and cling to you and tell you how much she loves you.
If you don’t behave: Catra will yell and scream at you, isolate you, starve you, beat you, come close to killing you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Catra stalks you and watches you from afar to know your entire schedule and who you talk to, your likes, your dislikes, anything about you.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
With you, Catra is more loving and caring and clingy and vulnerable.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Beatings, starvation, isolation, killing people in front of you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Quite a few, Catra would take away your sunlight, friends, a social life. When you’re being punished Catra takes away your food, water, love and affection.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Catra is not patient at all, she will snap easily even if you talk about another person.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Catra will hunt you down like a mouse if you escape. If you die, she will never move on, she will cry and try to find another victim to replace you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Very rarely, Only late at night when you’re sleeping but she shakes those thoughts from her mind and realizes you’re hers and only hers.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Shadow Weaver, being abused and abandoned made her into a yandere.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Catra does feel guilty when you cry after she yells at you, she tries to comfort you the best way she can.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
After beating you, she will feel mega guilty and when you’re asleep, she will take care of your wound and apologize.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Faking your love for her, she might let you outside or unlock the door because she thinks you won’t leave her.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes Catra will beat you.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Catra would do anything to win you over.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Only a couple of days.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Catra would break you if that means you would love her.
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monsterkiss · 8 months
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Cringetober, Day 11 - Yandere
Catra again, I just feel like drawing her!! And I'll (probably) do again it for one more prompt!
Anyway! I think Catra could fit the yandere trope at least to some degree, particularly in the right circumstances and all that. So… yeah. I definitely like this version of her. 👀💕
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frickingnerd · 9 months
She-Ra Masterlist
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sparing with adora - headcanons
being catra's rival - headcanons
late night strategies - oneshot
bow teaching his s/o how to use a bow - headcanons
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strong for you - oneshot
mermista being jealous - headcanons
entrapta crushing on a popular reader - headcanons
bad friends and good enemies - oneshot
Sea Hawk
yandere sea hawk - headcanons
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anomaliahh · 9 months
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🇮🇹┆Yandere Headcanon
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▹ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Alan (MDHM), Peter (YB).
▹ 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: Quieteeks on Tumblr & X
▹ 𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞: headcanon
▹ 𝐓𝐖: relazione tossica, violenza, menzioni di suicidio e autolesionismo.
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Alan sa bene come manipolare le altre persone per farle stare con lui, o meglio, farle diventare dipendenti da lui, anche se non ne è pienamente consapevole. È così che ti ha attirato come un ragno nella sua tela: passando semplicemente molto tempo con te, riempiendoti di complimenti, facendo di tutto per te, dicendoti sempre quanto tiene a te e quanto tu sia importante per lui, aiutandoti in momenti di difficoltà o pericolo.
Alan non è una persona sospetta, anzi, sembra dolce e affidabile. È effettivamente dolce e affidabile. Non vedresti niente che non va in lui. Certo, non è da tutti vivere da soli in mezzo ad un bosco, ma dopo che hai saputo della sua storia ti sembra pienamente comprensibile. Inoltre la sua casa non ha niente di strano.
Non si nota la vera ossessione che Alan prova nei tuoi confronti, piuttosto vedi solo tanto amore. Un amore profondo, viscerale, quasi primordiale. Un sentimento che neanche tu riusciresti a dire se sia sbagliato o no. Alan è letteralmente devoto a te, come un cucciolo con la sua padrona.
Le cose però cambiano quando qualcuno si interessa troppo a te o ti fa soffrire in qualche modo: a quel punto diventa come un feroce cane da guardia pronto ad attaccare per difendere il suo territorio. Anche se non ti mostrerebbe mai questo lato di sé, starà attento ad eliminare qualsiasi vostra minaccia sempre a tua insaputa.
Alan uccide chiunque cerchi di mettersi contro di voi (o contro di te) velocemente con la sua accetta, a volte anche con un colpo solo, anche perché è molto bravo a farlo. Non vuole perdere troppo tempo con certe persone, preferisce finire in fretta per tornare da te. Se è particolarmente arrabbiato continuerà ad inveire sul cadavere della sua vittima con qualche altro colpo anche dopo che è già morta.
Non ti punisce quando provi a scappare o a ribellarti a lui. Anzi, trova questi tuoi tentativi molto carini ed adorabili da parte tua. Adora vedere questo lato di te e non ha niente di cui preoccuparsi perché tanto sa bene che riuscirebbe a riprenderti in un attimo, oppure che tu stessa tornerai da lui di tua spontanea volontà.
Odia farti del male e cerca sempre di evitarlo, non lo sopporterebbe né se lo perdonerebbe mai, neanche se dovesse punirti. Ma spesso non ce n'è neanche bisogno perché basta un suo sguardo triste o deluso nei tuoi confronti per farti sentire tremendamente in colpa. A pezzi. Al posto di punirti fisicamente quindi ti darà al massimo un po' di silent treatment.
Avere una vita normale e felice assieme a lui sarebbe possibile dal momento in cui tu deciderai di amarlo ciecamente ed incondizionatamente, senza più cercare di respingerlo o averne paura, rifiutando di vedere i suoi difetti e comportamenti malati. E lui non aspetta altro che questo: di essere amato come lui ti ama.
Va nel panico ogni volta che ti fai del male o scoppi a piangere. Sente come se il tuo dolore fosse anche il suo e cercherà di rimediare in ogni modo, sentendo di aver fallito nel proteggerti. E non può permetterlo, Alan vuole proteggerti ad ogni costo, è la missione che si è auto-imposto da quando ti ha incontrata. Desidera solo vederti sorridere felice, insieme a lui.
Non accetterebbe mai la tua morte. Resterebbe abbracciato al tuo cadavere anche per ore aspettando il tuo risveglio. Poi continuerebbe a parlare con una tua foto per anni fingendo e auto-convincendosi di parlare con te. Magari rivivendo vecchie conversazioni piacevoli che avete avuto.
Parole chiave: ossessione e protezione.
Peter è il tipo che agisce. In fretta. Certo passerà un po' di tempo ad osservarti, studiarti e ammirarti di nascosto, ma non troppo. È fin troppo impaziente di poterti toccare e avere per sempre al suo fianco ma, soprattutto, non vuole rischiare che qualcun altro ti abbia prima di lui. Devi essere sua e solo sua.
Se qualcuno si avvicina troppo a te o sembra fin troppo interessato a te Peter non ci vede più. Rabbia crescerà dentro di lui finché non eliminerà quella persona, il prima possibile, facendola soffrire. Nessuno può mettersi in mezzo tra te e lui.
Preferisce uccidere i "vostri" nemici lentamente e dolorosamente. Spesso massacrandoli di botte o accoltellandoli diverse volte per poi fermarsi e osservarli mentre muoiono dissanguati. Riversa sui loro corpi tutto il suo odio e la sua rabbia repressa.
Tutte le volte che hai visto Peter non sembrava troppo sospetto o pericoloso, soltanto un po' strano. È molto impacciato con te e a volte può sembrare che ti nasconda qualcosa ma nessuno penserebbe a niente di che. Gli altri estranei lo vedono solo come un tipo solitario e un po' scontroso.
La sua ossessione nei tuoi confronti si fa presto evidente ad un occhio attento: ti risponde sempre all'istante al telefono nonostante stia facendo altro, è sempre libero per te, azzecca sempre molte tue preferenze nonostante tu non gliel'abbia mai detto, improvvisamente frequentate per caso gli stessi luoghi e fa di tutto per te e per starti vicino (soprattutto fisicamente).
Vieni sempre punita quando tenti di scappare o ribellarti troppo, a volte anche severamente. Vuole stabilire e ricordarti ogni volta chi ha il controllo fra i due. Ogni volta però ti ripete quanto gli dispiaccia farlo, che lui non vorrebbe, ma che l'hai costretto e che tutto quello non accadrebbe mai se facessi la brava. Inoltre non vuole più rischiare di separarsi da te in nessun modo e farà tutto ciò che è necessario per impedirlo, anche tagliarti un arto.
Non ha molti rimorsi quando è costretto a farti del male o punirti. Crede fermamente che sia l'unica cosa giusta da poter fare. Anzi, spesso gli piace. Lo eccita. Adora vederti spaventata, ammirare i suoi segni e cicatrici sul tuo corpo o assaggiare il tuo sangue.
Non ti farà mai uscire da casa sua ma ti vizierà, facendoti avere tutto ciò che sa che ti piace. Inoltre ti cucinerà sempre cose deliziose, a meno che tu non l'abbia fatto arrabbiare.
Sarà impossibile avere un futuro felice insieme a lui anche se volesse, la sua paura di separarsi da te e la sua ossessione ti renderà impossibile vivere una vita normale con lui.
Quando ti fai del male invece non lo tollera. Inizialmente si arrabbierà perché odia quando non riesce ad avere il controllo su di te per certe cose e detesta che tu abbia provato a lasciarlo cercando la morte, ma poi si calmerà, per non farti ancora del male, e si prenderà cura di te. Sarà inaspettatamente dolce e premuroso in quei momenti, cercando di parlarti per farti sfogare. La volta successiva starà il doppio più attento a qualsiasi cosa e sarà molto più difficile per te trovare un modo per farti ancora del male. Non vuole perderti e non può perderti per niente al mondo. Sei la sua ragione di vita.
Sarebbe pronto a raggiungerti all'istante se mai perdessi la vita. Anche perché non avrebbe senso continuare a vivere senza di te.
Parole chiave: possessione e controllo.
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【 Navigation post┆Masterlist 】
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h0neysiba · 8 months
¡Yan! ¡hombre rico! x lectora!
(TW: Menciones de sangre, secuestro, esclavitud, leve mención de desnudez, muerte y solo eso. Si olvido algo por favor dímelo!)
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¡Yandere! ¡Hombre rico! que te compra joyas caras semanalmente para demostrarte la gran devoción que tiene por ti
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! quien se enamora de ti en el momento en que te ve
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que le encanta comprarte vestidos, sabiendo que es el único que te los puede quitar.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que le encanta ver como las cuerdas rojas que te ha puesto cuelgan de tus muñecas y tobillos cuando te secuestra
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que se frustra al ver que no eres feliz en tu nuevo hogar. ¿Por qué no lo amarías? Instalo todo lo que necesitabas para que pudieras tener una vida plena con él.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que no dudarán en encerrarte en su habitación compartida si alguna vez intentas escapar.
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que mata a uno de sus sirvientes porque intentó ayudarte a escapar de sus garras
¡Yandere! ¡hombre rico! que adora tu presencia y te trata como a una diosa, besando el suelo por donde caminas con devoción
¡Yandere! ¡Hombre rico! que te mima con todo lo que deseas. ¿Un cachorro? Ya lo estás comprando, ¿ joyas nuevas? No preguntes dos veces.
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Dios mío, esta es la primera vez que hago este T-T espero que les guste :O
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rain/me: remember everyone i have my own baldi's basics au (the ultimate cursed au.) and oc's. please give my oc's a chance to ask questions too. (i don't want my oc's living in my shadow or being forgotten. it's not fair for them if i keep hogging their attention away. they need a attention too!) so, if you guys don't remember their names? here's the list of names down below: ⬇️ (also my second au is the mad scientist clowns.) over 15+ only not under. (no, kids allowed!) rules: narrating is ok but no god mod controlling my muses/ocs and me. only you can control your own muse/oc's actions. if you guys are gonna make fanart of me or my ocs? please ask my permission first. no toxic fangirls/fanboys allowed. (no real life yanderers.) drama is ok but no IRL drama. (i know some of you guys are not huge fans of online drama but i'll try to keep my blog as online drama free as possible. but if i'm exposing someone for their not okay behavior? you are welcome to keep scrolling down. but just to let you know? i'm only bringing awareness i'm not here to cause a riot. i just want everyone on the internet to be safe and healthy.) be respectful towards any ⚧️ gender or everyone but no transphobic/homophobic & no, cyberbullying, no harassing, no cyberstalking, no doxxing, no reposting/tracing/stealing art, no self-proshipping/pro-shipping/incest. (if u guys support that damn stuff? you'll be block!) the adults (around 18 years old) can say NSFW jokes but don't go overboard with them. (minors are not allowed to say NSFW jokes. why if u may ask? well it makes me very uncomfortable.) no lying about your age be 100% honest. (the only personal stuff you guys have to share is your age and gender.) no asking me real personal information, or don't share real personal information stuff with anyone. (keep it to yourselves.) if anyone feels uncomfortable with me rp as myself? ask me and I'll stop but don't be mean about it. [minors if you ever try to follow adult 18+ contact blog? then i'm telling my other friends to block you. one we don't want any terrible incidents happening and two it's for your own safely to keep out.] (if you guys don't like my rules? get out i don't want to deal with your s***!) and one final rule you guys are allowed to criticize me as long as it's not very harshly. (i kind of need help with writing stories or rp better.) (ah, s*** forgot to mention i used kain, spear, nero, clear, neo rein, neo rev, and reno for NSFW rps only in discord. i don't use other characters.) if you are anti-selfshipper, anti-singleshipper, anti-multishipper, anti-multiselfshipper hater? DNI this blog >:C (this blog is safe for selfshippers, singleshippers, multishippers, multiselfshippers, & multifandom.) [if anyone has a problem with me? then talk to me in discord will sort things out.]
(sorry everyone but there's only going to be a little bit of baldi's basics characters. if you guys want to ask the rest of the baldi's basics characters? go to my other blog @edgyangelwolfkiller however this new blog is only about fnf and wdy.)
the adults:
kain the church grim: ♂️ ⚧️
dr cid van helsing: ♂️
mad dr jasper shades: ♂️
ace baltimore: ♂️
sheldon rodgers: ♍️ ♂️
nero: ♊️ ♂️
shady wolf: ♍️ ♂️
neo rev: ♍️ ♂️
reno: ♍️ ♂️ ⚧️
spear ironmetal: ♂️
assistant mr mal: ♍️ ♂️
able wolf: ♈️ ♂️
lance the cartoon cat: ♂️
alice baltimore: ♀️
mad dr jasper shy: ♀️
shelby rodgers: ♍️ ♀️
evangeline: ♍️ 🏳️‍⚧️
miss clear: ♊️ ♀️
angel/shy wolf: ♍️ ♀️
neo rein: ♍️ ♀️
lucy/nyu: ♀️
vice principal monika: ♍️ ♀️
adora wolf: ♈️ ♀️
assistant miss melon: ♍️ ♀️
selina the snow angel: ♀️
miss meron/suika: ♀️
the teenagers:
hope: ♂️ (lucy's half-brother)
dakota bear: ♂️ (the player)
iris wolf: ♀️ (six)
june wolf: ♀️ (playtime)
(if you want to know what my ocs looks like? click on the hashtag ➡️ #my oc gallery ⬅️ it shows you what they look like and their info. i would put a link but idk how to do it.)
(by the way everyone i don't support themaskedchris nor ninjamuffin they can kiss @$$ somewhere else.) 💢
(the rest of the fnf mod characters are gonna be in gotcha club appearance not in icons. I'm not using their mod icons.) [if u guys don't want me to use those mod characters I'll delete them in gotcha club but if your fine with it then ok.]
(my ocs. ⬆️ not my ocs. ⬇️)
the adults:
daddy dearest: ♂️
hatsune oliver: ♂️
henry morris: ♏️ ♂️ ⚧️ [my main f/o]
frank fairest: ♂️
ruv: ♂️
older bro or ob: ♋️ ♂️ [my second f/o]
garcello: ♈️ ♂️ ⚧️ [my third f/o]
armaros: ♒️ ♂️
hatsune michael/bb: ♉️ ♂️
beach brother: ♂️
hatsune keith/bf: ♒️ ♂️
neo bf: ♂️
b3 bf/bartholomew bartholomew bartholomew: ♂️
benjamin fairest/soft bf: ♈️ ♂️
pico: ♉️ ♂️
neo pico: ♂️
b3 pico fulp: ♂️
pico n grounds: ♂️
darnell: ♂️
kapi: ♂️
steven: 🏳️‍⚧️ (strangle red)
senpai: ♂️
chris dearest: ♂️
mommy mearest: ♀️
hatsune alice: ♀️
hatsune khloe: ♉️ ♀️
cuz: ⚧️ (bf's cousin)
sunday: ⚧️
saber: ♀️ ⚧️
sister searest: ♀️
cassandra: ♉️ ♀️
carol: ♀️
samantha coleman: ♓️ ♀️
hatsune miku: ♍️ ♀️
cherry dearest/gf: ♏️ ♀️
neo gf: ♀️
b3 gf/shaya dearest: 🏳️‍⚧️
soft gf/grace: ♀️
annie: 🏳️‍⚧️
nene: ♀️
hatsune kaity: ♀️
the teenager:
dawn: ♀️
(tyefling, hotminute studios, mizanploz, @evils-corner @kittypopcreations shadowmalerenamon, bbpanzu, juno songs, autumnthekazoo, squizzledizzle, shinitrexx, jellyfishedm, biddle3, paperkitty, @atsuover, rageminer996.) [sorry everyone i would put link text thing? but sadly it doesn't work out for me. so the only option for me is just to add the mod creator's names.]
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rain/me: (these characters don't belong to me they belong to phantom arcade.) anyways I'll be using them as my rp muses. (i don't own those gf & bf mod icons they belong to. evilsk8r, redsty phoenix, justbruh, ajthefunky, homskiy, shey pancake.) [sorry idk how to put a link like a confessional. that's all i can do for now and I'm sorry i tried my best.] TT_TT
full name: hatsune keith
nickname: bf
species: guardian angel
age: 22 years old
zodiac: aquarius ♒️
height: 4'11"ft
gender: male ♂️
pronouns: he him his
sexuality: bisexual/polyamory
alignment: good
type of learning disability: autistic
family: the great hatsune family
ex boyfriend: pico
ex girlfriend: ayana
girlfriend: gf/cherry
likes: rap battles, supporting his family, helping people out, dating, and adventuring.
dislikes: his family in danger, toxic fangirls, daddy dearest's henchman, getting interrupted during dating, his siblings fighting.
Interesting facts about keith: he has 6 siblings and one adopted brother. he's related to hatsune miku. his family are angels.
full name: cherry dearest
nickname: gf
species: succubus
age: 22 years old
zodiac: scorpio ♏️
height: 5'0"ft
gender: female ♀️
pronouns: she her hers
sexuality: pansexual/polyamory
alignment: neutral
family: the dearest family
ex boyfriend: tabi
boyfriend: bf/keith
likes: music, shopping, hanging out with friends, dating keith.
dislikes: her father being over protective, people trying to kill her, seeing her boyfriend get hurt.
Interesting facts about cherry: she has 5 siblings. she can play guitar.
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I Fucking Hate You
Yandere! Catra x Fem! Reader Tw: NSFW, Hate-sex, Dubious-Consent, She pretends you're Adora, Fem! Reader, Lesbian sex, Name calling, Dry humping, Blackmailing, Porn w/ Plot 🔞18+ Content due to dark and adult themes. Read at your own risk
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"What the hell is wrong with you!"
You watched as Catra aimed to claw Scorpia's face. Luckily she back away just in time. You looked around, trying to see if anyone would stand up to Catra, but everyone was avoiding looking at them.
"You can't treat her like that!"
Catra looked towards all the cadets, "Who said that." She pointed a finger towards you all.
They all took a step back, leaving you at the front line. "Backstabbing snitches," You groan under your breath.
"What do you know about being Force Captain?" She asks, walking closer to you.
"I know how to treat my teammates. No wonder Adora left."
You knew the moment those words left your mouth you were a dead woman. Lonnie was about to speak up, but Catra raised her hand. "Everyone leave."
Catra whips around towards Scorpia, "LEAVE NOW! ALL OF YOU." You were about to turn around, but Catra points towards you, "Expect you... Y/n, right?"
"What does it matter?"
She didn't speak until the last cadet left the room. But, not before Scorpia looked back, giving you a look of sympathy.
"You stepped out of line, Soldier."
"I sure did. And I would do it again. You were out of line-"
Her laugh interrupts you. She gestures to the room, "Do you know where we are, Y/n?"
"The Horde?"
"Hell. We are in Hell. This isn't Princess land, you've got to look out for yourself."
"That's a terrible thing to say, Catra."
"Well, it's true and that's why I'm Force Captain and you're just a Soldier."
"Yeah, but you're also willing to step on anyone that gets in your way."
"Maybe you should be more like me."
"I'd rather be dead."
"Well, if you ever," She steps closer to you, causing you to step back, "Try standing up to me again, I will give you death." She retracts her claws, bringing them close to your face.
You gulp, tilting your head up.
"Don't ever cross me again."
For the past two months, since the incident, Catra had decided to keep you close. She didn't need anyone thinking they could act like you and step up to her. If they saw that she kept you in line, they'd learn there are consequences.
She had you on cleaning duties, but she was always present when you did it. She said it was to make sure you did it right, but you think she has a sick twisted pleasure in watching people suffer.
You snarled, scrubbing at the walls of the cafeteria. Catra sat at one of the tables, her feet propped up on the table. She leaned on her hand and you looked up at her frustrated.
"Can I stop now? I've been doing this for 5 hours."
"I haven't broken a sweat."
"I hate you."
"I'll live. Besides I don't care."
You roll your eyes and continue to scrub. Catra gets up from her seat, stretching out her back. She sighs, before kneeing to your level, "Come with me."
"You ask to many questions. Come," She uses the 'Come here' motion.
You begrudgingly and reluctantly follow behind her. She took you down familiar paths and doors, before leading you to Cadet Rooms. You hadn't been in these rooms in ages.
"Lay down," She gestures to the bed that you assumed was once hers and Adora's.
You awkwardly lay on the uncomfortable bed, struggling to fit inside the small compartment. She laughed at your struggle and you glare at her. She jumps on you, practically sitting on your bladder, just like a fucking cat.
"God, Catra, can you move?"
She rolls her eyes, but moves her legs and scoots up your chest. She puts her pointer finger on your forehead, lightly pushing you back.
"Why don't you just lay down, Y/n?"
"This isn't a very comfortable bed, Catra."
"Nothing's comfortable in the Horde. Now shut up," She shoves you down, hard.
You groan when feeling the hard concrete-like beds slam into your back. God, you were now realizing why you had back problems. She slowly rubbed herself on you, confusing you.
You were going to question what the FUCK she was doing, but you heard her whimper the name 'Adora' and you made a face of realization. You tried pushing against her, but she quickly grabbed your hands.
"If you let me do this, you'll never have to clean the food court again."
You spread your legs and pulled back your hands, "So what are we doing?"
"WE're not doing anything. You're going to shut up and I'm going to do what I want," She gets off you, before grabbing something from a cabinet.
You were scared, but it was just a cadet's headset. You were confused, but she put it on you and your vision was obscured. You could no longer see Catra, but you could feel her rubbing against you.
"You're such a bitch," You could feel her hands grip your throat. You reached for her, trying to stop her, "I don't know why you left. Why you think those stupid princesses are better than me."
You could feel your face redden at the buzzing sound of Catra's voice. Where these helmets always bad at taking in sound? Huh, maybe you had a hearing problem? You could feel the removal of your pants and you froze.
"Um Catra-"
"Shut up, Adora."
You could feel her sharp claws get threateningly close to your neck. She slowly thrusted into you back and forth. The only thing you could hear was her light moans of Adora's name and 'Yes! Mmmm, yeah! Ahhh.' Man, you wish you were on whatever the hell she was on.
You then felt something wet run across your cervix. The claws you were terrified of, but would never admit due to your pride, were circling around your clit, pressing into it. You could feel her stick her tongue down your vagina, and squish your gummy walls.
Catra could feel your gummy walls squeeze and flush against her sharp tongue. Your body shivers as you feel her little spines roughly groom your insides. She licked up your opening, making sure you're soaked.
There was a long drown of silence and you thought it was over. That was until you felt Catra grab one of your thighs and lifting it up. She pushed her pussy into your, causing you to loudly moan.
She heard you, causing her to smirk to herself, "Aww, look at you, enjoying it?"
She wasn't actually asking, it was just teasing. She continued to thrust into you, her moans echoing in your ears.
"Adora... Adora... ADORA!" She moaned loudly, before everything slows down.
You can hear her get off the bed and what sounds like her putting on clothes.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I'll kill you."
You nodded your head, totally on board with keeping this between you both. And then you heard the door shut. You went to move your hands, but you quickly realized you were immobilized.
Oh god, did that bitch tie you up?
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mellowwillowy · 9 months
A daily interaction of 2 Yans, showing their love by taking each others' fingers.
Reader: Can I lick your finger? No no, not when it's still intact in your hand.
Yan: What do I get in exchange?
Reader: Nothing! I'm greedy and all!
Yan: How about I use your hand as my back scratcher? Don't worry, I'll sew it back if you ever need it again.
Reader: The only time I'd need it is when I'm getting myself off to you my love~ Ahhh, I love you so much that I feel like ripping your fingernails for my nails display...
Yan: Wouldn't it be trouble for my nailless fingers to help you get off?
Reader: True, maybe I'll rip them out someday later.
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⚠️Warning super long rant coming your way ⚠️
I think we as a society would improve if we stop romanticizing villains and serial killers. Now I’m not one to talk, since I’m guilty of this as well. I have a crush on Wally darling from welcome home and I follow his yandere tag and I read those fanfics and headcanons with a sort of twisted glee. I suppose I’m just as guilty as the people I’m calling out and if you say that invalidates what I’m saying, I understand.
But (and this is a really important but here) if someone IN REAL LIFE tried to kidnap me and cut me off from and even try to kill my family, who I love and adore more than anything, I would try them to get on the death row before I send him there myself. I think the problem is not enough people understand that.
Just because someone was abused doesn’t mean they get to abuse you. If you want to help them that’s good, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of your own safety. I think a good example of this is the canon ship catadora from the Netflix show she ra. Catadora is the canon pairing of Adora and Catra and it is unhealthy, toxic and abusive.
No one deserves a relationship like that if you’re in one I’m truly sorry and I hope you can get out of there soon. Yet people defend this ship with their lives. I don’t understand why. Catra was physically, emotionally and psychologically abusing Adora for most of her life. Yes, Catra was abused by shadow weaver but so was Adora. She should have cut catra off just like she did with shadow weaver.
I heard somewhere that the show’s creator actually based Catra’s and Adora’s relationship off her own and I hope whoever’s Adora cuts the Catra off and finds better, healthier relationships
I guess what I’m trying to say is that there’s nothing wrong with liking villains and I’m not sure what to do about yanderes if I like them yet I know how horrible they would be in real life but we need to understand how just because it’s cool or hot in fiction doesn’t make excuse it in real life and we need to tell our kids that before they become a serial killer fangirl and become part of the problem
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ghqstfqce · 2 years
Hola, creo que llegué justo a tiempo para pedir algo
Podrías hacer headcannons de Danny Johnson con un/a S/O que es amo/a de casa? Danny quiere mucho a su pareja y no quiere que se dé cuenta de su segundo trabajo porque sabe que le va a espantar, su S/O es una persona amable y sensible.
Me gusta lo macabro, un poco, así que más tarde su S/O se daría cuenta de el pasatiempo de Danny mientras ordenaba sus cosas (encuentra las fotos de gente muerta al lado de Ghostface, el disfraz manchado de sangre y así), probablemente Danny no va a dejarle ir así de simple aunque esté horrorizado/a
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Warnings || Mención de Asesinatos. Temas yandere podría ser. Danny esta enamorado obsecionado con lector. Retención contra su voluntad. Algo se pelusa al inicio.
Pairing || Danny Johnson | The Ghost Face x Husband ! Reader.
Notas || Me pusiste en una encrucijada, me encanta hacer lectores mortalmente grises que aceptan de una al slasher, así que a ver que tal ha salido esto.
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Danny no creía que fuera capaz de amar, tan dañado y oscuro, ¿quién podría querer al monstruo que acechaba en sus pesadillas infantiles?
Tú, al parecer tú lo querías y la parte maniática de él se sentía extasiada por ti, su dulce chico, no sabe qué hizo para merecerte, pero no te dejará ir.
Aunque tienes un pequeño trabajo siendo tutor de niños en su pequeño suburbio; siempre tienes la casa limpia y agradable, comida caliente para cuando él llegue, su almuerzo por si sus horas de oficina se alarga y su cambio del día siguiente planchado e impecable.
Te adora con violencia, no sólo porque te encargues de la casa y aunque es un gran punto extra, vive para como lo amas.
Cada pequeño detalle en lo que haces por él y la casa donde viven, cómo se iluminan tus ojos al verlo entrar a casa, como corres para abrazarlo como el gran koala que eres.
"Bienvenido a casa, cariño, te he extrañado" y seguido un ataque de besos por toda su cara, es su parte favorita de todo el día.
A veces en las noches no puede dormir pensando en la rapidez en la que podría perder todo eso, un descuido de su parte y el gran sol que eres tú no dudaría en alejarse y explotar, no lo permitirá, ¿verdad?
Todo había estado marchando de maravilla, a Danny le iba muy bien en su trabajo como periodista y aunque te preocupaba como el horrible asesino que era Ghostface lo escogió para publicar sus atrocidades, te sentías agradecido de que Danny pudiera hacer lo que más le gustaba.
El día era agradable, el sol brillaba sobre todo a tu alrededor y eras el hombre más feliz del mundo, inconsciente de las nubes grandes y espesas que se cernían sobre ti y la relación con tu maravilloso esposo.
No había sido tu intención husmear, confiabas en Danny con tu vida, así como él confiaba con su vida en ti. Pero siempre te pareció extraño como te pedía no limpiar cierta parte de su oficina y aunque querías entenderlo, no te parecía justo que aparte de aportar a casa, tuviera que limpiar.
Quizás debiste obedecer, debiste dejar esa maldita parte del estudio de tu esposo y seguir con tu vida. Pero no, por tratar de ser tan buen esposo te encontraste con tu propia pesadilla. No sabías que pensar mientras veías tantas fotos de cadáveres, una peor que la otra y al principio quisiste excusarlo con las fotos que el asesino le daría a tu esposo, pero luego ahí estaba esa maldita foto. Danny sonriendo como nunca, mientras sujetaba el cabello de una chica que lloraba y sangraba por la boca, todo rastro del brillo en los ojos de él había desaparecido, él no era tu Danny.
Y cuando viste esa sombra cerniéndose tras de ti, sabías que era lo último para ti. ¿Cómo decía el dicho? La curiosidad mató al gato, pero por lo menos murió sabiendo.
Danny sabía que debía ser cuidadoso, nada de pruebas incriminatorias en su casa, menos en la maldita casa adorable qué compartía contigo. Pero fue tan engreído y confío tanto en que lo escucharas, pero sabía que eres curioso y amable por naturaleza.
Quizás él mismo quería autosabotearse, pero, ¿era autosaboteo si aún lograba mantenerte junto a él? Lo descubriría pronto quizás.
Obviamente trataste de huir, no serías su dulce e inteligente esposo si no corrieras al sentido contrario del peligro, pero él no necesitaba que fueras su dulce e inteligente esposo, solo quería que fueras su esposo y malditamente lo apoyaras.
Pero sabía que dejarías de ser tú si eso pasaba, así que trataba de ser agradable contigo, por el bien de conservarte tal y como se enamoró de ti.
Todo es desastroso al principio, tratas de luchar, de llamar a la policía y hasta de pelear con Danny, pero él no permitirá nada de eso, se niega a que te conviertas en quien lo traicione, no cuando eres a quien ama tanto.
Te hará hacer todos los trabajos de casa bajo su atenta mirada y si esta fuera, bueno, estarás encerrado en su oficina hasta que vuelva.
Le duele verte llorar y suplicar porque te deje ir, como te rindes y aseguras no abrir la boca si te deja ir, pero eso es imposible, no puede y no te dejará ir, es la parte más importante de su vida, su dulce y brillante sol, su dulce amo de casa, su precioso esposo y te ama.
¿Qué sería de su poca humanidad sin ti?
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Fefe, parabéns pelos 100 seguidores! Eu sinto muito por essa pataquada que o Tumblr tá te fazendo passar, mas não desiste, pelo o amor deu Deus!
Posso pedir G, I, K e L pro maníaco da Lace/Daemon? Obrigada fofa, adora seu blog, melhor parte do dia é quando tem post seu✨
100 followers’ event: Daemon Targaryen’s Yandere Alphabet (G, I, K e L);
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A/N: Own, obrigada chuchu, esse negócio com tumblr me deixou desmotivada real, mas o carinho que eu recebo de vocês sempre me anima🥹
To request, you can find the event’s rules here.
WR: Yandere!Daemon Targaryen, yandere behavior, toxic relationship, abduction.
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
At first, for sure.
Daemon gets bored very quickly, so he is always seeking for a good time, something that can distract him for a while.
So, when he met you, he didn’t even bother to know your name: he was hanging out just for the sake of entertainment.
However, while time passes, Daemon becomes more attached to you, wanting to see and be close to you. That’s when he realizes that that’s not just a game of cat and mouse anymore.
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
Daemon craves for your complete submission, to you to give away your body, mind and soul to him, your master.
He would wed you, but not because he wishes to make you his wife, but to just shut up everyone’s mouth about your relationship; Daemon don’t want to be bothered while around you.
Also, he wouldn’t want to have kids, for now. He knows that when he finally usurp the iron throne and become king of the seven kingdoms, it will be demanded of him to have a heir, but this is a problem for the future Daemon.
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
While on the beginning of your relationship Daemon would be a tease, now, with a stablished relationship, aka kidnapper and kidnapped, now his possessive traits would burst out the window.
Obviously, he would still flirt with you, but now, he is straight threatening you and your familiars, promising to hand you their heads if you ever cross the line.
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
Oh, this man is a total slut around you. He’s trying to seduce you anytime he catches your attention, not caring if you are in public or not.
He’s lightly brushing his fingers through your arms, shoulders and neck, whispering all the dirty things he wants to do to you.
But be careful, if you don’t return his flintiness just as eager, he might take more drastic actions.
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yanshiko · 2 years
Yan! Ruggie Bucchi x fem! Reader
Juego: Twisted Wonderland
Advertencias: Dependencia emocional, amenazas, intento de asesinato, mal ejemplo de una relación.
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• Ruggie es demasiado sumiso contigo.
⠀⠀⠀Cómo hiena, es natural que actúe de esa manera ante ti, por lo cual no tomas extraños sus comportamientos, después de todo... Es normal ¿Verdad?
• No es exagerado decir que haría cualquier cosa por ti.
⠀⠀⠀¿Dinero? En un momento te lo consigue.
⠀⠀⠀¿Frío? Puedes ponerte su abrigo.
⠀⠀⠀¿Hambre? No te preocupes, traerá lo que gustes.
⠀⠀⠀¿Estás cansada? Ok, él puede cargarte o puedes tomarlo de asiento, no le importa.
⠀⠀⠀¿Muchas tareas? Espera un momento, él las hará por ti en un instante.
⠀⠀⠀Él se sacaría el corazón si tú se lo pidieras, al fin y al cabo él es completamente tuyo en cuerpo y alma.
• Lo único que pide a cambio es que sigas con él y que lo ames. Si cumples con estás cosas tendrás a una dulce hiena totalmente entregado a ti y a tus deseos.
• Y la verdad es que para ti es la persona más amorosa y dulce con la que has estado.
⠀⠀⠀Su hermosa risa, sus juegos y el como mueve su colita cuando estás cerca resulta realmente agradable para ti, además de sus:
⠀⠀⠀—Te amo.
⠀⠀⠀—Te quiero.
⠀⠀⠀—Te adoro.
⠀⠀⠀Que son bastante comunes a lo largo del día.
⠀⠀⠀Se a esforzado mucho para poder crear esa imagen de buen novio ante ti, Grimm y el resto de tus amigos más cercanos.
• No creo que intente alejarte de ellos, eres feliz hablando y conviviendo con tus amigos.
⠀⠀⠀Tu felicidad y es lo más importante para él y por más que le provoque celos verte tan unida a otras personas, está dispuesto a tragarse esos malos sentimientos con tal de ver tu dulce sonrisa y escuchar como le cuentas tus aventuras.
⠀⠀⠀Solo intenta darle prioridad a él, solo para que haya ningún herido.
• Aunque no se puede decir lo mismo de las personas que te lastiman, quienes misteriosamente han sufrido accidentes luego de molestarte, su magia única es realmente útil.
Uno de ellos cayó de la escalera... Todavía no despierta.
⠀⠀⠀—Si hubiera hecho caso a las amenazas como los otros, no estaría así, es su culpa.
• Pero no tienes porque sentir lástima por ellos, Ruggie no cree que ellos merezcan tu atención.
⠀⠀⠀Inconscientemente luego de quitar a esos inconvenientes de tu bello camino él irá a verte buscando muestras de cariño.
⠀⠀⠀Si eso es una manera de obtener una recompensa de tú parte por su buen trabajo o una manera de consuelo para intentar apagar ese pequeño sentimiento de que a llegado demasiado lejos por ti, realmente no lo sabe.
• Pero volviendo a lo soft, Ruggie no tiene miedo o vergüenza de mostrar afecto en público, si logró tener una novia tan bella y única es normal que la presuma mucho, ¿No crees?
• Los besos robados y pequeñas bromas son muy comunes.
• También es común que se quede pensando mucho en ti y se pierda en sus pensamientos cuando no puede estar contigo.
• Él es naturalmente el que inicia con el afecto, pero si llegas a iniciarlo tú...
⠀⠀⠀Oh por dios, está totalmente eufórico, sus ojos y mejillas sonrojadas muestran totalmente el amor que te tiene, al igual que su colita que no para de moverse.
⠀⠀⠀Es literalmente una masita burlona en tus manos.
• Dudó mucho que él llegue a lastimarte, castigarte o raptarte.
⠀⠀⠀Preferiría morir antes de dañarte, así que olvida eso, por favor olvídalo.
Por su situación económica le resultaría bastante también difícil, además que aprecia mucho la relación que mantienen hasta ahora, no quisiera arruinar eso por raptarte.
• Te aprecia y adora mucho, de tu felicidad y amor cuelga su existencia misma, si no estás bien el tampoco lo estará.
⠀⠀⠀Su mayor sueño desde que te conoció se volvió compartir su vida entera junto a ti, se esforzará mucho a lo largo de los días para que puedan vivir juntos y tranquilos en un futuro.
⠀⠀⠀Será muy feliz si lo ayudas en eso.
•Tipo de yandere: Suhaigata sin ninguna duda, al igual que Jiko-giseigata.
⠀⠀⠀Control sobre él 10/10, posibilidades de secuestro 0.1 /10
⠀⠀⠀En resumidas cuentas puedes tener una relación lo suficientemente normal con él.
• Puede que sea un yandere, pero es un yandere que te ama con cada molécula de su cuerpo.
⠀⠀⠀Y además, es Ruggie Bucchi ¿Cómo siquiera pensarías en no estar con él?
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Jiko-giseigata: Sacrificarse por amor es, sin duda, el mayor sacrificio que alguien puede hacer. Este tipo de personaje yandere tropo de choque va un paso más allá al sacrificarse por su interés amoroso a pesar de que el interés amoroso no lo necesita en absoluto.
Suhaigata: Tratan a su interés amoroso como un dios. No les importa cómo los tratan. Actúan como alguien que, e incluso puede, debe su interés amoroso su vida. No les importa si su interés amoroso los ama a cambio. Matarán por su interés amoroso y pueden matar a aquellos que no piensen bien de su interés amoroso.
Este y otros personajes con su versión yandere suaves también están en mi perfil de Wattpad Taytachi
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biribaa · 1 year
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Bunch of Momo x human!reader headcanons
This Diary Is Not Yours(Yandere!Doc x Reader)
Momo conforting reader
Guardian x Trans Male!Reader
MORE Momo x reader angst (you two broke up but got back together)
Clementine x ftm!Human! Reader headcanons
Momo x human!Reader relationship headcanons
Guardian x Companion!Reader who likes stars
Blindfolded panic(Yandere!Blazer x reader)
Blazer and Peacemaker x reader headcanons
Yandere!Outsiders x reader headcanons(200 followers special)
Momo x Flirty!Female!Reader
General and x reader headcanons with Guardian
Yandere!Outsiders in a poly relationship with human!Reader
Amen!(Yandere!Momo x Deity!Reader)
Ordem paranormal
Telopsia x leitorx headcanons
Amigo imaginário x leitorx
Estrangeiro x leitorx com a personalidade do Anfitrião
Enpap-X com um leitorx muito paciente e calmx
Um Primeiro Sabor do Céu(Anjo x leitorx)
Ocioso com um leitorx que adora contato físico
P03 x reader headcanons
Yandere!Archivist x reader
Pinocchio Guillermo Del Toro
Sebastian J. Cricket x reader headcanons
The Mitchells vs The Machines
PAL x reader headcanons
PAL x reader oneshot
Brawl Stars
8-bit x reader headcanons
Yandere!Collin x reader headcanons
Yandere!Electracey x reader headcanons
Electric Dreams
Yandere!Edgar x reader headcanons
Edgar x reader headcanons
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is a artist
Spending Valentine's Day With Your Computer Boyfriend!!1!!1[Free][No virus!!](Edgar x reader oneshot)
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is an artist
AM cuddles with u but hes a barstard
AM x reader hcs
2001: A Space Odyssey
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/o who is an artist
Wishing your AI boyfriend a happy birthday :)
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is an artist
Will you Snail?
Squid x non-binary!Android! Reader
Testing(Squid x reader)
Illegal visit(Squid x reader)
Squid...But with a naive and extremaly calm reader
SCP foundation
You know what? I believe a lot of AIs would love to have an S/O who is an artist
079 x reader thoughts/drabble
Short scp-079 x reader oneshot
Scp-079 x reader headcanons
The Stanley Parable
Make a wish(Employee 432/Timekeeper x reader)
Jailbot x reader oneshot
Gerty x reader dancing oneshot
The Brave Little Toaster
Toaster and reader on a date hcs
War Games
WOPR/Joshua x reader hcs
Awful Hospital
CRASH x reader hcs
Parasite Days
Yandere!Watchio x reader hcs
Original characters
Fuzzy, soft, fluffly jacket(O7/Female robot x reader)
Yandere!O7/Female robot x reader
Olivia/O7 x reader headcanons and some lore
O7/Female robot x reader lil angst
(Implied yandere)O7/Female robot x reader
Olivia/O7 with a reader who has a child
(Pirate)Robot oc x Hacker!Reader
Olivia/O7 catching reader crying
Deity!Olivia/O7(?) x reader
Yandere!Olivia x reader hcs
Yandere!O7 x reader hcs
O7 reacting to reader being killed by one of the humans
Olivia x reader oneshot
Reader proposing to O7
Silly O7 x reader fic
Olivia/O7 x AI!Reader hcs
Tatche4 x reader hcs
Others(not x reader related)
Squid x Wheatley first kiss :)
AI/Robot christmas party
Probally missed something but it sucks to do this in a phone
Aprill fools
I'm so mature! (Yandere!Louis x reader)
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