#xavier castillo
kishmis · 2 months
Okay. Just imagine the new book of ana Huang "The striker" in which Asher Donovan a famous football player is playing and all the twisted series girls and king of sins girls go to watch his match as a girls day out and cheering for him because he is a hot football player and their celebrity crush calling him hot and stuff.
Meanwhile all the mens of girls sulking, being jealous and plotting his demise.
Christian Harper: Hacked Asher Donovan social media and losing his all million followers while also posting some ridiculous shit about Asher
Rhys Larsen: Made his security team lose so fans can attack his personal space
Josh Chen: As a doctor of his team walked to the ground very slowly for him to suffer in pain a little longer
Dante: Got his manager and trying to brieb him to shift him in another sports who no one watches
Kai: Destroyed his reputation in media through his company magzines and news saying he is worst looking celebrity of all time
Dominic : Got his investments into failure
Xavier Castillo: telling people he is a bigger celebrity than him and kai helping him by writing about it in his magzine
Alex Volkov: Threatening him to disappear
Meanwhile Girls: I-
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Are ana huang’s books literary masterpieces? No. Will I devour each one when they come out? Yes.
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lighthousepigeons · 15 days
[Sloane and Xavier's one year anniversary]
Sloane: Happy one year, love.
Xavier, smiling but confused: I'm 30?
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maddiesflame · 25 days
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King of Sloth headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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highladyofterrasen7 · 3 months
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Can you see my jaw on the floor??
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island-in-ignorance · 1 month
20% into King of Sloth and I'm already ON MY KNEES for Xavier Castillo. Also on my knees for Sloane. Ana huang writes really hot people okay?
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missabigailtaylor · 24 days
I am 90 pages into ‘King of Sloth’ and I already love Xavier and am willing to risk it all for him
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iloveaarons · 25 days
“mia cara”
“can’t see the stars in new york, so i brought the stars to you.”
“you’re my fiancée.”
“you’re mine. and no one touches what’s mine.”
“it doesn’t take a genius to know what he was doing while he was thinking of you at midnight.”
“she wasn’t my wife yet. but she was mine.”
“make no mistake, mia cara. this is business. and if there’s one thing i take seriously, it’s my investments.”
“you shouldn’t have let him touch you, mia cara.” . . “do you want to know why?” . . “because you’re mine. you wear my ring.” . . “you live in my head all the fvcking time, even if i don’t want you to.”
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mariesstudying · 4 days
My current ranking of all the Twisted and Kings of Sin MMCs:
Kai Young (my absolute favourite man, and not just because he reminds of a little of my bf)
Rhys Larsen (love an unproblematic king)
Xavier Castillo (such a sweet, loving man but the duct tape knocks you down sadly)
Dante Russo (his brothers life was on the line, fully support his actions)
Christian Harper (I liked you before the files)
Dominic Davenport (you’re chill, p neutral tbh)
Josh (I don’t really have much against Josh specifically, it’s mainly bc I’m not the biggest fan of Twisted Hate)
Alex (I don’t like him in his book like at all)
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gwenrefrick · 9 days
read ‘King of Sloth’, by Ana Huang. Sloane and Castillo. Luna and Xavier. The first few chapters where we know that he is in love with her but he keeps brushing it away only to fall too fucking deep , the guy falls first, then some more and then some more and the girl in question? We can see the way she slowly, gradually gives herself completely in (It’s actually nice to read people work for love, take some effort to be with someone). And the reference to King of wrath, Vivian and Dante and their daughter (king of wrath is always gonna be the one in the series for me). The writing is also fine, not too great but not too bad either. It was a solid 3/5 for me. The villainy father and the lost loving mother, “the fucked up family thing” is a plot that keeps repeating in all her books. Not that I am complaining, I like the plot, I keep reading all of’em.
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dumb-little-baby · 9 days
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Love! love! love! when books have art in them 😍😭
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lighthousepigeons · 15 days
Vivian: Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't have feelings for Xavier.
Sloane: *Looking lovingly at Xavier across the room* I don't have feelings for Xavier.
Vivian: Sloane, you are nowhere near my eyes.
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partyinginbed · 16 days
I spent way too long visualizing how thick Xavier Castillo’s wallet must have been with 10K casually in it. Is that comfy in his pocket? Was it the back pocket? If so, how was he even able to sit?
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sleep-y-avi · 20 days
Kai and isabella's
~Bachelorette party
(Isabella's Bachelorette)
Isabella and the girls decided on Hawaii for the Bachelorette party (yay)
Viviana leaving Josie with Luca and Leaf much to Dantes discontentment...he wanted to take her (both) with him :(
Dominic (reluctantly) letting Alessandra go with the girls during her pregnancy
(after reassuring him a thousand times + Isabella swearing on her life to not go feral on the trip)
Isabella threatening telling Sloane that she will throw her phone off the jet if she checked it one more time
Them actually having a well deserved rest and enjoying their time in hawai
Going to beaches , sunbathing, binge watching cheesy Hawaiian romcoms (Sloane insisted) , renting yachts (and a cruise later as Isabella insisted)
Playing drinking games ( Alè drank mocktails) dirty games (ifykyk) male strippers (this idea was shot down before it could leave the owners mouth)
and ofc reviewing isabella's ever famous dildos and other weird sex toys that only she could have.
All in all isabella's Bachelorette was a weirdly successfully therapeutic vacation for the girls
(meanwhile Kai's Bachelorette)
Ok..right of the bat ,me and you both know that ain't no one wanna be here
they're all Billionaires with a capital B and have things to do that are better than this crap (as said by some of the men)
But..they also have wives/girlfriend/fiance
That means if Isabella and friends are having a bachelorette party
then Kai and friends (?) will also have to have a bachelorette party
Kai very depressingly enthusiastically decided on London for the Bachelorette party.....yay...so.. innovative...
So now here they are sitting in one of the most luxurious penthouse in London doing..... nothing... :D
(they are doing something but it's boring as fuck)
Dominic drowning himself in work ! Who would have thought that !
(also him Calling alè hundred times to check on her but her not being able to because of the " don't pickup calls from husband for one week")
(him looking at the ultrasound and literally counting down to when Alè and their baby will come back)
Dante on a 4 hour video call with Josephine seeing her draw... something that is so out of the box ! that he had to brainstorm for 2 hours on what exactly was it that his daughter was drawing with green and red!!
(he also tried calling Vivian but she had to also follow the "don't take calls from husband for one goddamn week" rule)
Kai trying to translate that one book that Isabella said he couldn't translate in Latin ever. ( It was Kamasutra ರ⁠_⁠ರ )
(giving up after he missed Isabella too much..being like"..you won this time love")
(not him also calling Isabella who btw set the rules and gave Kai an earful about it)
And finally Xavier (who was forced into this trip because Sloane thought that he needed to hang around "decent" people once in a while )
(Also he missed her too much to stay in the same house without her...London was a great distraction....maybe 😃)
Xavier doing sad single things that people do nowadays....
I can see him going "what do single people do nowadays ?!.... Other than being responsibly in a relationship ?!"
Not him giving up and just binge watching cheesy romcoms...feeling single again....sad golden retriever :(
Being the sly fix he is he decided to text Sloane..which she texted him back to....it continued for a while until Isabella found out.....need less to say Sloane now has a new phone and number 😀...
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highladyofterrasen7 · 22 days
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Put this on my tombstone please
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apseudofan · 23 days
“Every version of my happily ever after will always include some version of you” ugh my HEART
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