#yaeka sakuragi
yeetus-feetus · 6 months
Tripple crossover
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These are my 3 favourite anime's atm, I binged these with my younger cousin (along with yuri on ice, but that doesn't fit here lol) and now I can't stop thinking about them. Thanking my cuz for the new brainrot <3
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thewritetofreespeech · 11 months
Could I request Kirishima (Yakuza's guide to babysitting) introducing his baker girlfriend to Yaeka and everyone being shocked he even has a girlfriend in the first place?
Kirishima Toru + Secret Baker Girlfriend
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It had been a nice day outside, so Kirishima, Yaeka, and Sugihara went to the park. Yaeka’s friends had other plans. So she had to make due with the older men to play with for the afternoon.
“Hey, why don’t we get some bread for home?” Kirishima asked as they were heading back to the estate after they were all worn out from playing. Yaeka nodded maturely, while Sugihara yelped enthusiastically like a child.
They walk into the bakery and were greeted by a soft chime over the door & warm response from a woman behind the counter. “Hello! Welcome in! Oh, Kirishima-kun. I didn’t expect to see you today.”
“Kirishima-kun?” Sugihara asked suspiciously. To which Kirishima glared at him a little.
“You must be Sugihara. It’s nice to finally meet you!”
“How do you know about me?” His suspicions getting higher.
“Oh, I’m Kirishima’s girlfriend.”
“GIRLFRIEND?!” Sugihara exclaimed animatedly. His face completely shocked. “You have a girlfriend Kirishima?! How long have you had a girlfriend?!”
“I don’t know,” he replied with a shrug, “two years?”
“Two years?!”
Sugihara continued in his spiral of shock and questions, while [Y/N] walked around from behind the counter and knelt down in from of Yaeka. “You must be Yaeka. It’s nice to meet you.”
Yaeka took her hand when offered and shook it. “Nice to meet you.”
“Kirishima talks about you all the time when he comes by. He says you’re a very smart, kind, good natured young lady.” Yaeka’s face turned bright red at the compliment. “He also told me you like cats.” She perked up at the mention of cats.
[Y/N] went back around the counter and pulled out a cat shaped black & white cookie and gave it to Yaeka. “Here you go. They’re usually really popular, so I hope you like them. On the house.”
“We have money you know.” Kirishima butt in. Further ignoring Sugihara and his annoying interrogation.
“I never said you didn’t, and I assume you’re going to buy something else.” [Y/N] gave him a light tap in the shoulder; to which Sugihara went completely gobsmacked over. “The usual?”
Kirishima nodded and [Y/N] when about picking out his order. “Kirishima?” He looked down at Yaeka, who looked up at him with questioning eyes. “Why didn’t you ever mention you had a girlfriend?”
“I guess I didn’t think it was anyone’s business.” He said with a shrug.
He loved his yakuza family, but he was also a very private person. It was also hard to bring in outsiders to the family. It worked out for Sakuragi-san and his wife, but those instances were rare. Separate was best for now. Not that he was ashamed of their side of the conversation.
“Here you go! Two loaves of bread, one white and one rye, a dozen assorted muffins, and one brownie.”
“Wait, this is where the Friday muffins come from?” Sugihara asked. Finally calming down and putting the pieces together.
“Yeah. You didn’t think I was making them, did you?” Kirishima asked as he took the bag and handed it to him.
“Well…no….” Sugihara was so confused he didn’t know what to think. “They’re really good by the way.”
“Thanks!” [Y/N] replied with a smile and Sugihara blushed. Up until the point that Kirishima stepped on his foot.
“Tell Sakuragi-san that we’ll mango castella cake back in next week if he’s interested. I can set aside a batch from him if you text me.”
“Papa likes mango cake?” Yaeka asked. Eyes bright with a new realization about her father.
[Y/N] chuckled and told Yaeka, “only mine,” with a wink.
They say goodbye and the trio head back home. “I like your girlfriend Kirishima-san.”
“Yeah. I like her too.”
“I still can’t believe you got a girlfriend before me.” Sugihara muttered, before he howled out loud when Kirishima stepped on his foot again.
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romancemedia · 2 months
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The Yakuza Dads and their Children
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rachi-roo · 10 months
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Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting: A little secret about Kirishima~
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Just finished this DISGUSTINGLY wholesome and comedic show again so now I'm feeding myself~ 😋 Highly recommended to those of you who also enjoy Spy x Family and Buddies Daddies!!! 12 episodes and all adorable with that kick-ass element thrown in 😚🤌
Summary: After the little lady, Yaeka is left with Suguhara and Takeuchi, she learns a very important secret about Kirishima that simply MUST be observed first-hand!
Lee!Kirishima, Lers!Suguhara, Takeuchi
Tw: Footer tiggles
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"Ticklish?" Yaeka's eyes lit up as she listened to her stand-in babysitters, Kei Suguhara and Shogo Takeuchi, as they spilt the beans on poor Kirishima whilst he was at a meeting with their boss.
Suguhara was laying on his side as he watched Yaeka drawing happily. He took another biscuit from the table, popping it in his mouth with a nod.
"Mhm. Kirishima is suuuper ticklish. It's his only known weakness~" He explained, wiping the biscuit crumbs on his jeans. Takeuchi, who was sat across from Yaeka, furrowed his brow.
"Hey," He started in a hushed tone. "Are you sure it's safe to be telling the little lady this? If Kirishima finds out through her, he'll know it was us who told her. He'll kill us."
The other blonde's face sank as he realised. This was bad. Of all the secrets they had spilt about Kirishima, this was definitely the one that would get them in trouble.
"Damn it, you're right!" He gasped as he sat up, frantically clinging to his partner's shirt. "What are we gonna do?! I'm too young to die, Takeuchi!"
"I-It's fine! It's fine! I'm sure Yaeka will understand how important it is to keep it a secret. R-Right, Yaeka?" The two looked at the doe-eyed girl with a hopeful smile. Praying that she was merciful enough to not let it slip. That she would find it in her heart to-
"Keep what a secret~?" The two blonde's hearts stopped as they heard the unmistakable, cold-toned, voice of the Demon.
They shuddered in their seats, listening to the sliding door behind Yaeka as it was pushed open. Kirishima stepped in and stood over the little lady, still wearing his black suit jacket that was only worn to official events. He smiled warmly at his little lady, before turning a grim eye to the others, he already knew they had done something that would warrant a beating.
Kei stuttered for his life, trying to come up with something. Anything that might save their butts.
"Uh! N-Nothing! Nothing at all! We don't keep secrets here! We're an open book, right Takeuchi?!"
"Right! We've just been uhhh, drawing! Drawing all afternoon~ Look how amazing Yaeka's drawing is! Haha, woooow!" Shogo held up one of Yaeka's crayon drawings, hoping it may act as a shield. "So talented!"
Kirishima raised a brow as he smirked, baring those shiney fangs of his. He loved watching his underlings squirm.
"They told me that you're ticklish." Yaeka's little voice spoke up as she looked up at her babysitter. The two blonde's all but died behind her, collapsing into a heap. They were finished for sure.
"Oho, did they now?" The silver-eyed man chuckled angrily, slipping his jacket off, and draping it calmly over a dresser, before loosenig his tie and cracking his knuckles. Yaeka set her crayons aside, gently grabbing Kirishima's trouser leg.
"I want to see." She smiled innocently at him, the blonde's suddenly being revived as they heard her request.
The cheeks of the Demon heated up a little as he stared down at her, shocked by her words. No. Surely she didn't just say-
"I want to see you laughing!" Yaeka smiled, bouncing on her toes. "It can be your atonement for not taking me to the park yesterday like you said."
"N-Now, little lady, I don't think that's very fair. It was pouring down with rain." Kirishima smiled meekly as he petted her hair, desperate to convince her otherwise.
"Are you reeeally going to deny the little lady such a simple request?" Suguhara said with a teasing smirk.
Kirishima grits his teeth at the snarky tone Suguhara used toward him. He knew damn well that Kirishima couldn't handle being tickled! He internally reminded himself where he left the shovel so he could bury those two alive later!
"Well, not necessarily, I just- I just got back from a job and, you know, I'm... Tired." Uh oh, Kirishima was floundering. This wasn't like him at all!
Yaeka folded her arms, puffing her cheeks as she just glared at him.
"Y-Yaeka, please. I-I really don't..." Kirishima sighed, realising he wasn't going to win this one. Yaeka would be grumpy with him if he didn't do this, and that's not what Kirishima wanted.
"Fine. Fine." He grumbled, sitting on the tatami matts with his legs crossed, folding his arms like a kid who'd just been put in time-out.
Yaeka smiled, shuffling to his side before being stopped by Takeuchi.
"Please, allow us, little lady. We wouldn't want you being injured~" He grinned, gently sitting her at a safe distance from Kirishima and his potentially dangerous limbs.
Suguhara sniggered, sitting beside Kirishima, with Takeuchi on the other. The Demon Wakagashira of the Sakuragi family allowing himself to be tickled for his atonement?! This was an opportunity too good to pass up.
"I'm going to kill you guys after this, I swear." The victim grumbled, tensing his whole body as he prepared for the attack, his eyes darting between the two sets of slowly approaching hands, each armed with their own teasing, wriggling digits.
"Worth it~" Suguhara chimed, wriggling his fingers eagerly, knowing very well that anticipation was Kirishima's kryptonite when it came to tickling.
Kirishima snarled at Suguhara.
"Worth it? Oho, you won't be saying that when I-Iiiieeeahaha!" Takeuchi suddenly poked at Kirishima's side, breaking the Yakuza's cold front in mere seconds. The purple-haired man quickly turned to grab Takeuchi's hands, immediately regretting his decision to go through with this.
"Noho! No, no, no. Nope, I've changed my mind. I'm not doing thiiii-ahaha!" A second attack from the other side made Kirishima squeak as he felt his partner's fingers spidering up and down his side.
"Hehey! W-Wahahait! Time out! I-I changed my mihihind!" Kirishima giggled through gritted teeth as he flinched and twisted this way and that as both his attackers took turns poking his sides, making him turn one way then the other, back and forth in a tickly trap.
"Atone for your crimes against lady Yaeka!" Suguhara chimed, his tickling fingers following Kirishima as he flopped onto his back, losing all composure against the devious attack.
Kirishima lost it, and so quickly, too! His loud, boyish laughter filled the room, spilling out into the hallways for all to hear. His ears heated up with a pretty pink glow, matching his rosie cheeks.
"Gehet ohoff! Get off! Noho! Y-You f-Ahaha!" A potentially bad word was cut silenced as his laughter suddenly jumped up in intensity.
"Watch your language there, Kirishiiima~ Not in front of the little lady~" Takeuchi chimed as his hand managed to find its way up inside the Demons cotton shirt that had come untucked in his struggling. Devious digits now pressing and pinching at Kirishimas' lowest set of abs, ripping a huge snort from his throat as he suddenly curled up like a woodlouse, pulling his knees to his chest defensively.
"*Snort* AAAAHahahaaah! NO! Jehehesus! NAAA!" He rolled to one side, hugging himself as his sunglasses slipped from the bridge of his nose and onto the tatami mats.
Little Yaeka watched on from the side, smiling happily as she watched her usually stoic bodyguard turn into a pile of purple haired mush as he laughed freely.
"Aha! N-Nuho! Fwuah-AHA!"
"You're very loud." Yaeka giggled, quietly taking out her phone and taking a photo of Kirishimas toothy smile. His dimples and scrunched up nose would make a lovely contact photo for whenever he texted or called her.
"He is loud, ain't he?" Suguhara sniggered, clawing at Kirishima's belly, watching his higher-up vibrate with laughter.
"Dahahamn it! AHA! E-Enough!" In an attempt to free himself, Kirishima pressed his socked foot against Takeuchi's chest, trying to push him away. "Knock it off!"
A look of terror crossed Kirishima's face as he realised that Takeuchi had gripped his ankle and was staring at him with a menacing smirk.
"Don't. You. Dare."
"Don't I dare, what? Kirishima?" He smirked, moving his flexing fingers closer to the vulnerable foot.
"Tickle my foot."
"I can't believe you really just fell for that! Haha!" Takeuchi laughed as he attacked, scribbling his nails up and down the Demons sole.
"WAAHAHAIT! I-I sahahaid doho-HAHAHAA!" He couldn't handle it. His feet were ridiculously sensitive, and he cursed it every time he was reminded. Like right now.
"Gimme the other!" Suguhara chimed in, grabbing the other ankle and pinning it in an ankle-lock under his arm, starting to scratch at the heel.
"NAAAHAHAhahahaaa! Oho God! Nohoo! Nonono! Haaaaah-ah! *snort* AHAHA!"
Takeuchi and Suguhara looked at each other with a cruel smile before both starting to tease in union.
"Tickle, tickle, tickle~"
"Shudduhup! Shut up, shut up, shut u-AHAHAP!"
"What a ticklish little demon we have here~" Suguhara sang, scribbling under his toes.
"Nohoho! Stahahap!"
"Yes, very giggly and wriggly~ I bet the ghost tickles will last for hours once were done." Takeuchi added, dragging all five nails up and down the length of his foot.
Kirishima was a mess, tears streamed down his face as he tossed and turned on the tatami mats, his hands covering his face in ticklish agony, muffling his laughter. Unable to find the strength to pull his ankles free, all he could do was lay there and laugh, his chest heaving as he sucked in shuddering breaths.
"Mehercy! Plehehease! PLEHEEEEASE!" Kirishima leaned forward, managing to grab Suguharas shirt, trying to pull him back and free himself.
"I sahahaid-! RH!" In one swift movement, Kirishima found a burst of strength and pulled Suguhara back, using the momentum to pull Takeuchi over as well, the two ending up side by side on their backs with Kirishima straddling them both as he panted.
"-Mercy!" He panted, glaring down at his two underlings as they stared in terror.
"Um, K-Kirishima, we were just playing." Kei whined, holding his hands up in submission.
"Yeah! It was for Yaeka! We just wanted to make her happy!" Shogo nodded, looking behind himself at Yaeka for support.
The little lady giggled, walking over and gently placing Kirishimas sunglasses back on his face. "Are you okay? Did they tickle too much?"
"Hah, course' not, little lady. It'll take more than that to take me down." He smiled, gently petting her hair. "Now, why don't I show you how to really make someone laugh?" He asked, smirking down at the two cowering men beneath him.
"Wait, wait, wait! Kirishima! NOOOO-!"
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aishiteru-kenshin · 1 year
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The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting | 組長娘と世話係 | Tooru & Yaeka
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tetrix-anime · 2 years
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Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari (The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting) scans
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animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【らうと】 「 桜樹八重花 」 ☆ ⊳ the yakuza’ guide to babysitting ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on instagram
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icarus-t · 2 years
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mokacheer · 2 years
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**✿❀ Yaeka Sakuragi ° Episode ♡1 ❀✿**
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fadingsoulss · 2 years
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magicalgirlenjoyer · 2 years
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The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting, episode 2
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ianime0 · 1 year
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Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari | Ep 1 | "It's always pretty scary wondering if something you do will make someone happy. I felt the same way at that open house. I was wondering if you'd be happy I showed up."
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Toru kirishima x reader
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Toru Kirishima x reader + suits
“Yaeka-chan, don’t you think it’s time for bed?”
The tiny red head shook her head. Continuing to draw her fourth picture of the evening. “Nm-hm. Not until Daddy and Kirshima get back.”
You giggle a little as that had been her same answer for the past hour.
It wasn’t often that you had to babysit Yaeka in Kirishima’s place. It was rare that his attentions needed to be taken away from his primary duties as her guardian. But, every now & then, Kirishima had to fulfill his duties as first lieutenant of the Sakuragi family. It must have been something important to pull both him and Sugihara away for the evening with their master. Of course, they didn’t tell you what the something was; just that they would be back later and hope that this wasn’t too much trouble.
It wasn’t, as Yaeka was a very good girl. In fact her only complaint of the evening was refusing to go to bed while she waited up for her father and friends. She’d already bathed, ate her dinner and vegetables, done her homework, brushed her hair. It was clear she was ready to go to bed the second they got home, but not a minute before.
You honestly couldn’t say no to her with how persistent she was being and that adorable, serious pout as the men in her life kept her waiting.
The distant sound of the front door opening & closing peeked Yaeka’s interest immediately, and she listened for a moment before shuffling up and bolting out of her room. “Oh? I guess their back.” You muse to yourself as you get up and follow after her; at a much more adult appropriate pace.
“Welcome back Daddy! Kirishima!”
“Yaeka? What are you still doing up?” Sakuragi-san asked. Nearly drowned out by Sugihara’s whines of ‘I’m here too!’.
“She wanted to wait up for you all to come home.” You reply, as you come up behind Yaeka and put your hand on her head. “Apologies. I know it’s a little past her bed time, but since it wasn’t a school night I thought it wouldn’t do any harm.”
Sakuragi-san seemed to ponder this for a moment before he nodded once in approval. It was done now. Plus, you could tell he was stoically excited to see his daughter before she went off to bed as well.
“Yaeka-chan! Yaeka-chan! Look! I got you some yummy cakes from the reception. They were really tasty, so I wanted you to have some!” Sugihara exclaimed. Inserting himself into the conversation and offer the box (and his love) to the young lady.
“She can have cakes tomorrow.” Sakuragi-san announced. Deflating Sugihara’s spirit and attempt to win Yaeka over. “Right now it’s time for bed. Come on Yaeka. I’ll tuck you in.”
The little girl beamed and took her father’s hand as he walked her back to her room for bed. It was an incredibly touching scene.
You turn back around to find Sugihara gone (probably off to put his rebuked cakes in the fridge for tomorrow) and you alone with Kirishima. “Thanks for watching her. I’m sure it’s not how you wanted to spend your evening.”
“Don’t…” You stammer out as you feel your face flush. “Don’t mention it…”
“What’s the matter?” Kirishima asked. Eyebrows jutting up over his glasses curiously. “You’re acting weird.”
“N-Nothing!” You lie horribly, but apparently Kirishima wasn’t going to stop staring at you until you told him what was up. “You…it’s just I’ve never seen you in a suit before.” His eyebrows jutted up higher, with a confused ‘hn?’. “You look….nice.”
The blunette seemed taken aback for a moment, before he smirked in typical Kirishima way. “You think I look nice hn?” You growl lightly, and bat Kirishima away as he leaned in teasingly at you. “Well, maybe I’ll wear this next time we go out. I have to thank you for watching the little lady after all.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that.” You tell him. Cheeks still pink.
“Maybe I want to.” You can feel your pink cheeks getting even redder with that smirk pointed towards you. “Let me walk you to the train station. We’ll talk about where we want to go on the way.” He opened the door for you and walked you to the station, just as he promised.
You kept glancing over at him, with that tint on your cheeks, and Kirishima kept teasing that if he knew his suits had this much of an affect on you, he’d have to wear them more often.
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romancemedia · 10 months
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Kirishima and Yaeka Being Adorable!!!
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njotaku · 2 years
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Smug Yaeka lol.
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vinxus · 2 years
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