#yandere danny phantom
thegaysinmyhead · 4 months
Obsession PT 2
Danny was freaking the fuck out. Considering he spent the last few weeks in a lab being picked, prodded, and vivisected, he feels like he deserves a little bit of a freakout. But trauma-related things aside, Danny was freaking out over this hot-as-hell baddie who saved him. Like, holy shit! This guy’s biceps were bigger than his head, and he would really really like to have his head placed between those thighs.
Holy fuck. His knight in shining red armor was going to fully kill him for how fucking sexy he was. That gruff voice? The tight muscle shirt? The beautiful cheekbones hidden slightly under his mask? Danny was going to die a second death and he wasn’t even going to complain, not if it was this guy doing it.
Danny was thirsting so hard he almost missed what the man was saying.
“–Red Hood. Answer my first question, why do the Pits react to you,”
Red Hood? The Red Hood? Ancients, Sam was going to froth at the mouth when he tells her that Red Hood saved him and was hot as fuck.
“I don’t know what ‘the Pits’ are, dude. The only thing that reacts like that to ectoplasm is more ectoplasm, and that’s the only thing that’s reacting to me. You’re like, constantly angry,” Danny grimaced at the fresh wave of hot rage.
Damn, he wishes there was more reacting to him.
“The Pits. Lazarus Water. The green shit you got all over the floor and my fucking hands when I carried you here,” The vigilante (crime lord?) growled.
Fuck that growl is hot. He wants Red Hood to growl like that in his ear, wants to know what he sounds like when those growls break into whimpers, wants to taste that growl–
“That’s ectoplasm, kinda makes up my whole body in this form so it’s not like I choose to bleed it. Trust me, I’d bleed regular blood if I could. Blood stains are so much easier to get out of my clothes,”
Danny could tell Red Hood was glaring at him underneath his domino, and he was gonna have a problem in his pants if the other man didn’t turn away soon. 
“Why. Do. The. Pits. React. To. You,” The vigilante growled out slowly, teeth clicking together in what sounded almost painful. Danny had no idea what he was supposed to say. The man in front of him had obviously died before and came back, but the ectoplasm felt more like a contaminated blob than a full ghost. He couldn’t even see the ghost core underneath all the gunk, even if he could feel it. Red Hood’s core felt…just as angry as when Danny felt it earlier.
How do you give Ghost Biology 101 to a pissed-off guy with a gun who probably had death-related trauma?
“So…I’m just gonna be as blunt as possible and hope you don’t shoot me,”
Red Hood glared harder, his core thrumming ANGER-CONFUSION-ANGER as Danny flipped to sit cross-legged above the couch. He pinched his face together to think about the best place to start, but realized the worst part should probably get put out of the way first. He did say he was going to be as blunt as possible.
“So, you died—” Almost as quick as he said it there was a bullet grazing through his shoulder and embedding into the wall behind him. Thank fuck for intangibility. The crime lord’s core thrummed louder, a garbled mimic of a ghost growl as green blinked behind red lenses.
“Yeah, I know how you feel man. Dying really, really sucks,” Danny murmured before lowering fully onto the couch. He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
“–But, that’s probably the start of what I need to tell you, unless you’ve come in contact with glowing green water beforehand?” 
The vigilante grit his teeth, but shook his head no.
“Right, so. You died–and I’m not gonna ask or make assumptions about it! I get it. But, when you got pulled from wherever you were before…you didn’t exactly…come back all the way,” He finished his sentence with a murmur, but the silence of the apartment made sure it was heard easily. A deep frown etched itself onto Red Hood’s face.
“Come back all the way? What kind of bullshit is that? You’re dead or you’re not, even I’ve met ghosts and shit that proves that,” 
Red Hood’s met ghosts? Hopefully none from the Ghost Zone, they’d probably tear him to pieces in a ghost brawl with how weak his ectoplasm is. Might make this explanation easier though.
Danny wrung his hands together before shrugging awkwardly, “Not…exactly? Death is more of a spectrum than a black-and-white kinda thing. You can lean towards one side or the other, sometimes being fully on one side, but it’s supposed to be impossible to sit on both at the same time. That’s…kinda where I come in?”
The halfa shifted while looking anywhere but the crime boss in front of him, lips tucked into a silent whistle as his core hummed anxiously. Danny could tell Red Hood was getting impatient, but he didn’t expect to have to show a solid 12/10 hot piece of ass his human form right after getting away from a GIW base! Sue him, he needs a minute!
With a groan, Danny flung himself into a stand. He rubbed a hand down his face while chanting “Please don’t be naked, please don’t be naked,”
A bright light filled the room before Red Hood could react or question the mumbling, and when the light finally faded he blinked rapidly to get rid of black spots. In the place Danny stood moments before was an individual with black hair, blue eyes, and very very tattered clothing. The cloth (if it could even be called that at this point) looked as if it used to be a NASA hoodie and black jeans, and duct-taped red sneakers sat on the new man’s feet. Blood stains were covering most of the fabric, and the man sheepishly scratched the back of his head. A bright red blush was spreading across his cheeks to slightly pointed ears.
“Yeah, I kind of forgot the last time I was in this form. At least I’m not naked?” The new man (Danny?) said with a small smile.
“Wait, wait, wait–” Jason raised his hands in a stopping motion with a shake of his head, “–what the fuck do you mean ‘this form’?”
(Supposedly) Danny just tilted his head before placing his hands on his hips. He tipped his head up and pursed his lips in thought, “Well, that was technically my ghost form before? This is my human form… and oh jeez, I feel like I skipped like a hundred slides of the Ghost Biology PowerPoint,” Danny mumbled while hiding his face between his hands.
Jason slid a still-clawed hand over his eyes, frustration building, but surprisingly no green was threatening his vision. Small mercies, “Ghost? So, you’re a ghost?” he questioned slowly.
“Only half ghost…”
Jason took a deep breath and deadpanned, “How the fuck can you be ‘half ghost’,”
Danny looked like he swallowed a lemon as he went silent. There seemed to be a silent debate going on in the man's head as the thing in Jason’s chest rumbled with RAGE-FRUSTRATION-WORRY. Danny seemed to come to a decision as he finally spoke.
“Well…same way you did? Kind of a Schrödinger cat situation. Do you really not notice anything ghostly that you do? Like–hiding better than you ever did before, shadows clinging to you in ways that seem unnatural, attacks on you not hitting their mark even though you know they should have?”
Jason paused, shoulders tightening with tension. He never really thought about it, but those words stirred something in his brain. Bullets that should’ve definitely hit him dead on were usually explained away with the distance between him and the gun shooting at him, but the times he was barely holding onto a hiding spot and wondering how the hell he wasn’t caught? The warm embrace of Gotham at night when shadows were everywhere and he was swinging and jumping through rooftops? Jumps no normal human would’ve been able to make unless they were a meta? 
He knew the Pit had changed him; his eyes glowed green when he felt emotions too strong, his body filled out with more muscle than he knew what to do with, and he was straining the edge between trained strength and superhuman. Now…now he isn’t really sure what the Pits did to him…
“–And if I say I have? Noticed… ‘ghostly’ things I do?”
The black-haired man just gave him a bright smile, “Well, then that probably just makes it easier to accept what comes next,”
“What comes next?” Jason blinked.
“Yeah. Because, again, sir, your ectoplasm is rancid. Disgustingly rancid. I’m filtering as much of it as I can, but you need a doctor like yesterday,”
Jason could feel the frustration growing again. This guy just did not know how to give good explanations, “What do you mean you’re ‘filtering’ it?” He said through gritted teeth. His jaw suddenly felt like it was too small for his molars, and his gums burned worse than when his wisdom teeth needed to get removed. Danny just waved off his building anger.
“Exactly that, dude. I’m pulling the toxic stuff into me and pushing the cleaner stuff back to you. It’s not pure ectoplasm, we’d probably need to go to the Ghost Zone for that, but you should feel a whole lot better than you did before,”
And Jason…Jason did actually feel a whole lot better. There wasn’t an angry voice whispering in the back of his mind that he needed to spill blood, and he wasn’t fighting off an indescribable rage with every ounce of his willpower. He felt better than the best days of dealing with the Pit and then some. But what the fuck was a ‘Ghost Zone’? Danny must’ve seen the confusion from his frown because he was speaking again.
“–Shit, I’m really bad at explaining things, sorry. The Ghost Zone is basically where most ghosts, or ‘ecto-plasmic beings’ depending on who you ask, live–and usually–stay. The atmosphere is pretty much pure ectoplasm because everything there is made of ectoplasm. Like how everything alive here is made of carbon,” Danny waved his arms around awkwardly as he spoke, back squished tightly against the cushions of the couch. His fists were clenched white with nerves.
Jason nodded. That made sense…kind of. He was still wrapping his head around the whole ‘half-ghost’ thing, honestly. He was also wondering how the fuck that was possible and why this guy thinks he’s one.
“You said I’m like you?” 
Danny nodded, before thinking for a moment and shrugging, “Not exactly. I can tell whatever you went through never let you finish forming a core, but if your core does fully develop you’ll end up with ghost powers, probably. You’d also be able to actually filter the ectoplasm in your system, which means you won’t have to deal with all that junk,” he said while waving a vague fully-encompassing hand motion at him.
Jason squinted his eyes at Danny from behind his mask, but he couldn’t detect a single lie from the man. After a long moment, he sighed and slumped back in the recliner. He covered his face with one of his hands and murmured, “–And what’s a core?”
Danny froze before blushing and looking away in embarrassment. Jason doesn’t know how he knows Danny’s embarrassed.
“I’m…I’m just gonna pull up the Ghost Biology presentation. You got a laptop?”
Pt 1, Pt 3
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how abt danny w/ flirty reader
YEESSS Sorry it's so short, felt a little rushed
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He gets so flustered when he's Fenton
But oh god, in his ghost... You better watch out
As Phantom, he throws the flirting back harder than you even hit with
Though in his civilian form, he does try
He'll stutter over his words, but it'll eventually come out
He'd be the type to forget the punchline
It's kind of embarrassing, but you think it's cute
You're flirting always comes out of nowhere and always takes him by surprise
He's always expecting it, but at the same time, he's not
He loves puns and they always make him malfunction
Now, if you flirt by telling him he's beautiful or something, he might drop you, so don't do it when he's holding you in the sky [He'll catch you, don't worry.]
Just don't do that and you'll be fine
He's so cute when he's flustered and it just makes it so much easier to flirt with him
Now, if you flirt with him in front of people, he might actually lose his mind
He'll be pouty about it, because he feels embarrassed
He'll get over it, but... he secretly likes it
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noxcheshire · 15 days
I’m on my yandere phase again
Should Danny be the yandere or one of the batboys 🤨 🙏🏼
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Two weirdos
So i just had the weirdest/stupidest Dead Serious idea
So Dannys been Ghost King for a few millennia now and while Sam, Tucker and Jazz have been ghosts for a long time they still remember human customs and courtesies.
But since Danny is the Ghost King and directly connected to the Infinite Realms and all its weirdness, hes basically forgotten what it was like to be human. And that, along side his obsession, has lead to many a shenanigans.
Case and point, the situation today
He'd been exploring when he found Him
It was supposed to be simple, relaxing. Fly around and take in the sights of a new dimension, watch the mortals go about their daily grind, soak in the ectoplasm that seemed to stick to this city like a plague.
But then he caught sight of Him
It was as if time and reality itself folded and paused, everything suddenly shifting until He was Danny could see
A boy so liminal, so dangerous and deadly yet still so human, running across the rooftops like a dark angel. With the rage he could feel, with the power so potent Danny could practically taste it, this boy–this human–was using it to protect
Danny felt his core sing, he felt his world shift until the boy was all he could see, he felt-he felt—
that was it
Danny loved this boy, and he was positive the boy would love him
so instead of working on the fics I should be working on I’m doing this. So meet my Two Weirdos Damian/Danny Au! Where their both more than a little yandere for each other and everyone is concerned but them
fun facts about this AU:
Danny’s not a delusional yandere. Despite the way he acts he knows Damian won’t love him right away, and he doesn’t expect him to. Relationships are built on mutual understanding and trust, and Danny plans to work very hard to earn that
What he doesn’t expect is for Damian to be just as obsessed with Danny as he is him
it just makes him fall In love even more tbh
Speaking of Damian, meeting Danny is just as world-changing for him as it was for Danny
To him, it feels like a piece of him he didn’t even know was missing came back
His world becomes more colorful, breathing somehow becomes easier, everything is suddenly so full of life and he never wants it to go away
when he finds out about how obsessed Danny is with him he stops holding back all his weird urges
and they get weird
When the (rightfully concerned) batfam tell Damian about how Danny’s been watching him sleep, taking his hair, taking pictures of him asleep and even laying down with him—
—he admits without any shame whatsoever that if he had access to Danny’s bedroom he’d do the same thing
its all hopelessly romantic to him
and when they do interact? After years of stalking, watching, learning?
It’s like a dream come true
Finally, Damian thinks, a laugh to die for, a smile that’ll shake worlds, a desperate need for physical affection
And Danny? He’s on cloud nine, baby!
His love loves him too! His love wants to spend every moment with him! His love wants to watch him sleep!
They make a schedule-two nights Damian watches him, two nights Danny watches him, and three they sleep together
Everything is perfect—people who try to hit on Danny disappear, kids who make fun of Damian at school wake to find their family dead and no one willing to take them in
Damian tells Danny he wants to put a tracker on him
Danny says he put one on Damian the day they met
The batfam are so so concerned, Sam and Tucker think it’s hilarious, and Jazz is ok with it as long as no one’s feelings get hurt
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datesinredink · 4 months
General yandere Danny Phantom headcanons
Definitely overprotective, I mean, c'mon, have you seen what he deals with daily? Boys got trauma
Really really hesitant about letting you fight ghosts with him- can be convinced but if you ever get hurt beyond something like scraped knees he’s not letting you ghost hunt again
If you break a bone may god forgive whatever poor ghost hurt you because he sure won’t
Anyway, he's also really sweet. It's almost sickeningly sweet at times
Bro is smitten. He tries to do cute stuff with you when he’s not busy with ghosts but unfortunately he doesn’t get a break very often
By the way, you're gonna have to deal with some degree of manipulation. He swears he’s just trying to convince you to make the better choice, but honestly who is he kidding. For the most part at least he’s trying to keep you to himself. Maybe he’ll be ok with Sam hanging around you, but Tucker is standing on thin ice.
Moving on. Of course he's gonna take advantage of his ghost powers to stalk you we’re talking about a yandere au
Also leaves little trinkets that he either found in the lab or made himself around your house. You don't know who's leaving green and white bracelets in your room or how they got in while all the doors and windows were locked but you sure wish they’d go away
I think he’d be kinda touch starved tbh. Am I crazy? Maybe. Am I projecting here a little. Most likely.
Usually has a hand on you somewhere- shoulders, hand, back, whatever. He's just really physically affectionate
Won’t kill anyone, but isn't above harassing people to make them go away
Gets really possessive when he’s jealous but also you’re gonna have to strangle it out of him if you wanna know why he gets really weird around any one person
Not all that quick to jealousy though!!! Maybe mild annoyance but usually not much further than that
One way to trigger it though is if you’re fine with him being touchy/are affectionate with him and then are the same way towards someone else. He may convince himself you're leading him on
Kinda goes by the logic of ‘well he’s best friends with Sam but he's not like THAT with HER so why would you be so affectionate with some other guy’
He does not grasp the idea that maybe you're more comfortable with physical affection with others than him. He should work on that.
End note here because this is kinda long, i’m running out of things to put here, and I’ve been working on this for something around 3 nights, kudos to the… *checks tag* one person who’s semi active in the yandere danny phantom tag. I dunno how you managed to come up with stuff without any other people to add fuel to the idea fire here, but great job. I could never.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Mini Profiles: Danny Fenton
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Yandere type: Obsessive with a bit of possessive mixed in. 
Traits: Clingy, Stalker 
Is it Instant love or one that grow over time:  
It could go either way either with love at first sight or something that grows over time. 
Delusional level (1-10):  
6, fairly heavily delusional but is more conscious of the consequences either with him or his darling. 
How will do they hide their yandere side:  
He hides it semi will since he really doesn't think anything that he does is wrong until someone points it out then he covers it up. 
Danger level (1-10): 
4, he isn't harmful at all to his darling and for the most part won't harm anyone around his darling unless they try to harm his darling.
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satoshy12 · 5 months
Cute Yandere Dani the Villainess
Damian and Jon look as their "Villainess" Beat up the Joker very very badly up as he said he is the Villian. And hunted them down.
Damian and Jon at the same time:" You are the most Jealous Villain I know." Dani with in her hands a Crowbar looked at both:" You know other Villians?" Damian and Jon just were staring at their self proclaimed Rival. They know she isn't evil as she most time plays with them and similiar as Civilian. But still. That was brutal, But Jason was loving it.
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Halloween prompts no. 31 (part 1)
Soulmate au where Damian never met his father and he took over as the demons head at the age of 14.
One of the first things he did was send out scouts in hopes of locating his other half. He had daydreamed about meeting them ever since his soulmark appeared across his upper back and he needed to have them under his protection as soon as possible. He had vowed he would do his best to not allow anyone to harm them and anyone who succeeded would die.
It took two years, but his soulmate was found in the beautiful autumn woodlands of Illinois, confused and muttering to himself something about his city going missing. It didn't matter. Daniel was Damians the moment he was captured and an Al Ghul the minute he escaped.
Danny had had bad days before, bad months even, but nothing like this!
He had just escaped from the dimension full of crazy ninjas and got back home to Jazz frantically checking him over. That wasn't too unusual since he had been gone for nearly a month with no word. What was unusual was that both his parents and Vlad had been missing for about a week and no one has seen a single White suit in Amity in nearly the same amount of time.
Dannys first thought was that the GIW kidnapped them or Vlad had majorly screwed up again and got caught doing something ghostly. He wasn't prepared to find more ninjas in his home dimension.
His heart sank with the realization of what this meant. He called Sam but she wasn't answering, nor did she answer any of his repeated calls or texts. That was unlike her.
He started hyperventilating as Jazz fluttered around him trying to figure out what was happening. Tucker picked up on the first ring and they both exclaimed, "Thank the Ancients!" At the same time before Tucker lit into him about where the heck he'd been. This prompted Danny to spill the wild tale about his soulmate being the teenage leader of a ninja death cult who wanted him in said death cult to both protect him and be his ghostly bride.
It was then that the man of the hour appeared through the portal followed by no less than three dozen assasins. Daniel and Jazz tried to fight but after Damian got lucky and blasted him with a weapon from the Fenton lab that temporarily negated his powers. Both of them were captured, followed shortly by Tucker.
During thier transport in an aircraft, Tucker managed to escape thanks to Jazzs help and he jumped out over a city and landed safely due to his prototype jetpack he had on his person disguised as a fanny pack full of beef jerky
This is how Tucker met Batman and this is how Batman learned he had a son.
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thegaysinmyhead · 4 months
Dead on Main Masterpost for 'Obsession'
This is the yandere fic Lol.
Edit: A kind soul has offered to beta-read!! 🫶🫶🫶
I will be posting parts on Tumblr as I write them! They will be unedited and usually on reread (maybe) once! I'll probably be posting them 3 at a time every week or so. Maybe more, maybe less, depending on my mood. I do have Uni classes so please be patient!!!
'Obsession' does and will contain dark themes for graphic depictions of violence, unhealthy attachments, (maybe) emotional manipulation, perverted and uncomfortable imagery, and overall what you'd expect from a yandere-ish fic. They will both care for each other! Their ghost cores will just...be pushing them to extremes? It'll all be explained Lol
BUT do not read if you feel uncomfortable with any of the topics listed below, warning some of these are uncomfortable asf lol (will be updated as time goes on)
Unhealthy Attachments
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Uncomfortable Imagery (ex. sniffing dirty clothes)
Depictions of Gore
Depictions of Sex & Violent Sex
Depictions of Control or (Maybe) Unbalanced Relationships
Anything That Could be Related to the Yandere, Deredere, or Goudere Types (However, not all will be used. I'm kinda gonna mix them up?)
[More to be added, I will watch comments for anything readers believe should be put on this list. Not everything on this list right now is currently present in the story, I am adding things before I post them or things I know I will be writing]
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Spotify Links -
[Jason Todd]
[Danny Fenton]
I will be posting this fic to AO3 completely edited and (hopefully) beta-read. The AO3 link below will work when the fic is pretty much halfway through(ish) on Tumblr
AO3 Link
Please limit interactions with this post!
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Love Obsession
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Summary: Danny is hit by Ember's guitar in its love section and you are so lucky to be the first person he sees [Characters are 16+] [I've been working on this for months, so I hope you guys like this]
It all happened so fast. You didn't realize the danger you put yourself in when you held Danny in your arms, trying to get him to wake up. You could hear Ember's mocking laughter since she knew that he wouldn't be bothering her anytime soon. In fact, he was going to have other things on his mind.
You look down at Danny, who had his eyes barely open. He reached out his hand towards your face and pulled you closer, as you looked worriedly at him. His eyes twinkled for a brief moment, before practically going all heart-like.
"You're very pretty."
"Uh-Thank you?" you look around, trying to find Tucker or Sam.
"Like really pretty," he now has both of his hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at him, which in turn caused you to blush out of embarrassment.
"Oh-Well, uh... You're very pretty, too?"
He looks down at your hand, intertwining them both, before smiling lovingly.
"I think I love you Y/n."
You looked at him wide-eyed, "Excuse me?"
He clung to you like a panda, not wanting to let go as you pleaded with him. His eyes were dilated and he wasn't taking them off you. But it's also because he doesn't want you to leave his sight for even a second. You were starting to worry he wasn't blinking. He wants to be the center of all your attention, too, but with the way you were looking everywhere BUT him was irritating.
You were now making eye contact with him. Your face was, in his opinion, a cute pink and your cheeks were turning a crimson red.
"Why won't you look at me?"
"I am-" You quickly defended.
"Then don't look away."
You sighed and leaned on his chest, "How about we go to my car?"
"But I don't want this moment to end."
You finally were able to get Danny into your car, after having struggled for a good 20 minutes with the way he clung to you. You groaned when finally losing the 150+ extra pounds of the male, not used to carrying so much. Maybe you should work out more? You shook your head, trying to focus. Danny's eyes were on you when you got into the driver's side and started your car.
You froze your hands on the wheels, uncomfortable with how close Danny was.
"Uh- Danny?"
"Yeah...?" He sighed happily, leaning his chin on his hand.
"Can you not stare at me? It kind of makes me a little uncomfortable," You awkwardly laugh.
"But you're so pretty. Besides, I like looking at you."
You turn towards Danny, grabbing his face, "You like me right?"
"I love you."
"Okay," you nodded, not taking him seriously, "If you 'love me' you'll stop staring at me and sit there quietly."
He seemed to think about it before grabbing your hands. "But I like looking at you."
"You can look at me all you want once we get to your house. How's that sound?" You felt stupid saying this, but it surprisingly worked.
He groaned and crossed his arms. Though, at least he wasn't staring at you. You were just content with the short-lived privacy.
"Okay, Danny." You sat him down on his bed. "I'm going to help you."
"Help me? I don't need help."
You grabbed his shoulders, causing him to blush, "You need to snap out of it. You're only like this because of Ember."
"Snap out of what?" He looks confused, even tilting his head cutely.
You rolled your eyes. In any other situation, you would have thought he was cute, "This!" You gesture at him, as he looked at himself.
"Is something wrong with me?"
You felt bad when hearing his sad tone and sighed. "Oh, Danny... Yes, yes there is."
"Oh. I'm sorry," he grabs your hand, pulling you closer, "I'll change for you. I can be the perfect boyfriend. Your perfect boyfriend."
"I'm calling Tucker-"
You didn't even see it coming, but Danny grabbed your hand, flipped you over onto the bed, and straddled you, while also getting closer to your face. You leaned on your elbows but he pushed you back down.
"Why do you want to call Tucker? Am I not good enough for you?"
"What are you talking about Danny? He knows all about this tech stuff and will know how to fix you."
"Fix me? Why do you need me to be fixed? Am I not good enough? Do you like Tucker better than me?" He was twisting your hair between his fingers.
"Would you prefer if I called Sam?" You angrily retort, annoyed by Danny's sudden jealousy.
"Why call anyone? Why can't we just stay like this?"
"I'm only letting this slide because I know you're under the impression of Ember's guitar powers."
He was now caressing your cheek, seemingly not paying attention to what you were saying. He was humming to himself and it was beginning to freak you out. You pushed him away, as he looked at you shocked. You sat up, while he was still sitting on your legs.
"Okay, Danny, we're going to snap you out of it."
"Snap out of what?"
Tucker frowned at his best friend and gestured to the ghost boy's room which was covered in pictures of Y/n.
"What? I like looking at her."
"Danny. It's creepy."
"What's creepy about being in love?"
Tucker shook Danny, "You are under a spell, Danny. This isn't real!" Tucker now made direct eye contact with him, "How would you feel if Y/n's room was covered in pictures of you?"
Danny sighed in bliss, "That'd be so hot-"
"Wrong! Danny, you have to snap out of it, so we can put Ember in the ghost portal."
"Ember? Who's Ember again."
Tucker pulls out a poster out of his bag, shoving it in Danny's face, "THIS is Ember!"
"Oh." Danny leans back, bouncing his back on the bed, "She made me realize I was in love with Y/n-"
Then Tucker got an idea. It wasn't a good idea and it could backfire, but if Danny loved Y/n so much, he was going to have to crush the love at the source. "Ember kidnapped Y/n."
Danny quickly sat up, "What? I thought Y/n was home?"
"No- Ember just took her, because she knew you loved her-"
Danny was standing up straighter and Tucker could tell he hit a string. "Where is she?"
"Well, she has a show tonight-"
Danny glared at the blue-haired lady, not paying much mind to the people around him, who were white-eyed and dazed. He didn't care if the whole world was being controlled, but the minute Ember hurts Y/n, he was going to kill her.
"Where's Danny?"
You looked over Tucker's shoulder, who was rubbing his neck. "About that-"
You catch Danny's eyes and his widen as he rushes to you. He quickly hugs you and turns to Tucker.
"You said EMber kidnapped her-"
"You said WHAT? Why?"
"I'm so glad you're okay!" He hugs you tighter and you barely are able to get him off.
"Danny, you have to fight-"
He covers your mouth and caresses your cheek. "Shhhh... Who cares about her?" He tilts his head, giving you this look of love.
You were starting to feel smothered and you could see Ember getting stronger and you looked around before spotting Flash. An idea popped into your head, granted it was risky, but you had to snap Danny out of it.
Said male turns around before walking over to you both. You knew you were going to regret this, especially when Danny was giving you a confused look. You pulled Flash down, kissing him and Danny watched wide-eyed.
You turned to the male who was glaring at you as if you had killed his pet. "Are you okay, Danny?"
"Am I okay? You just tore out my heart, stomped on it and then kicked it into the trash. No, I'm not okay." He looked up to Ember, who was glowing brightly, "And I know exactly who's fault it is."
Danny turned Ghost, before going to fight Ember, but you could see that he was losing. You looked over for Tucker, Sam quickly helping you. You found the male hooked to his cds and you grabbed him, pushing him on stage. He looks confused, as you and Sam tell him to just sing
And boy did he sing. Ember's power quickly drained as everyone snapped out of the mind control and Danny was finally able to suck her up.
Danny scratched his neck as he avoided eye contact. He didn't know what to say and the photos were not helping him. He finally looked up at you, before sighing. You looked over towards him.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm sorry... You know- For the creepy stuff."
"It's cool. I could never be mad at you, besides, you were under Ember's control."
Danny knew that was true, but he also knew that there was a part of him that liked you, a lot. He wanted to tell you about these feelings, but after this situation, he knew he'd have to wait.
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Two Weirdos Pt.2
A small scenario for these two lovebirds🖤💚🤍
He was watching him again
It was comforting, in a way, knowing he was never alone. Always having someone by his side. It was nice.
He felt him move closer. He wondered if he liked drawing. Would he like what he was drawing right now?
Damian didn’t stop drawing, the pencil scraping against paper the only sound. Well, now that he listened, he could actually hear him softly singing. It was cute. He had a lovely voice.
'☾@η∂¥ ḉꪮʟꪮяε∂ ḉʟꪮʊ∂ş, ʟḯḟ⊥ ღε ḟяꪮღ ⊥нε ɠяꪮʊη∂
∀η∂ ḉ@яя¥ ღε @ẘ@¥~'
He was right behind him, looking over his shoulder
'Ħḯɠн ʊ℘ ḯη ⊥нε şḱ¥,
Ꮥḯ⊥ş @ ḱḯηɠ∂ꪮღ ⊥н@⊥ ℐ
Ħ@ṽε яʊʟε∂ ꪮṽεя ḟꪮя ∂εḉ@∂εş'
Arms wrapped around him, his head resting on his shoulder
'฿ʊ⊥ яεḉεη⊥ʟ¥ ḯ'ṽε♭εεη
Damian leaned back into him and listened
'ℐ ηεε∂ şꪮღεꪮηε ⊥ꪮ
฿εşḯ∂ε ღε
Шḯʟʟ ¥ꪮʊ ♭ε ღ¥ ḱḯηɠ?
Ꭷя ⓠʊεεη
ℐ⊥ ∂ꪮşεη⊥ яε@ʟʟ¥ ღ@⊥⊥εя ⊥ꪮ ღε
∀ş ʟꪮηɠ @ş ¥ꪮʊ şẘε@я
✞н@⊥ ¥ꪮʊ'ʟʟ @ʟẘ@¥ş
Ꮥ⊥@¥♭εşḯ∂ε ღε
@η∂ ʟꪮṽε ღε ʟḯḱε ℐ ʟꪮṽε ¥ꪮʊ~'
Oh, how wonderful. It was obviously a proposal, he was obviously asking for his hand in marriage. And how could he refuse?
'ℐη ꪮʊя ḉ@η∂¥ ḉꪮʟꪮяε∂ ḉ@ş⊥ʟε
ℐ⊥'ʟʟ ḟεεʟ ʟḯḱε @ ∂яε@ღ
Ꮥḯ⊥⊥ḯηɠ ♭εşḯ∂ε ღε
@ş ʟꪮηɠ @ş ¥ꪮʊ şẘε@я
✞н@⊥ ¥ꪮʊ'ʟʟ @ʟẘ@¥ş
Ḻꪮṽε ღε ʟḯḱε ℐ ʟꪮṽε ¥ꪮʊ~'
Damian had to see him. He had to. He'd waited so, so long, dreaming day and night about his beloved. And now with this proposal he felt it was finally time. He turned his head—
And oh
He was breathtaking
Whispy white hair that danced as if underwater, light mint skin with slightly pointed ears and green dying stars for eyes, he was everything Damian ever wanted and more. Even his freckels were perfect, taking the shape of constellations.
He had to have him. He had to have him Now
Damian reached for him—
And flipped him over onto his lap.
He made as small 'eep' sound that made Damians chuckle. "Don't be embarrassed, my love. I should be, after that wonderful song. Did you write it yourself? You very talented."
His future husband blushed a beautiful dark green that made his freckles stand out, and then he smiled so wide Damian worried it hurt. It also showed him his fangs, which immediately gave him a new petname.
"You liked it!?" he asked, leaning up and wrapping his arms around him. Damian smiled and kissed his head which was so amazing and he NEEDED to do it again and again and again until he kissed every part of him
"I loved it. You want to be wed, yes?" Oh, he looked so happy. It was so cute, so lovely, so perfect.
He giggled and swooned, kissing his cheek and giggling again as he snuggled into him. Snuggling! Into him! Damian could die right now and he wouldn't care. He buried his face into his hair. He smelled like citrus and ozone.
"Oh yes! I've dreamed about it since I met you. Who do you want as your best man? What type of flowers do you like? A season you prefer? A place? Religion?"
He chuckled again. "Slowly, kitten." Damian liked that petname. It appeared his beloved did too. "I didnt plan our first date just for us to jump to the wedding. I dont even know your name."
His beloved smiled dreamily.
"My name is Danny. Danny Phantom."
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datesinredink · 4 months
Better run for your life...
Hiya! You can call me Strawberry, welcome to my sideblog!
I'm 14 years old, aroace, and I go by she/her or they/them, I made this blog for stream of consciousness style headcanons/rambling, mostly yandere, but I might post some original content or a short fanfic here once in a while.
I'm currently into Danny Phantom, Enstars(particularly Valkyrie, but I can try writing for others too), Pjsekai(Wxs and partially n25), and Rottmnt/2012 TMNT, and to some degree Genshin Impact. Feel free to send asks!
I might occasionally post rambles about no fandom in particular, though I'm not entirely sure how frequently.
By the way, I also do artwork! I'm not very practiced with digital art yet, so it might fall below my own expectations, but if I ever post any on here I hope you like it!
My main blog is Anxietyautismcreature, of you wanna see my more normal posts/reblogs.
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midnightlee25 · 8 months
Yandere Nickelodeon MasterList
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Main Masterlist
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A long time coming - Zuko
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Danny Fenton
Vlad Masters
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Platonic Yandere: Sheldon J. Plankton with a child who works at the Krusty Krab
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Platonic Yandere: Zim and Dib with best friend darling trying to make new friends
Platonic vs Romantic: SpongeBob SquarePants
Character headcanons: Squidward Q. Tentacles
Character headcanons: Sokka
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Yandere Reactions: Zim, Dib and Gaz with a darling who can manipulate shadows
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pretty-we-general · 11 days
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