#yandere homelander
floatyflowers · 6 hours
Dark! Homelander x Young Single Mother Reader
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(Warning: huge Age gap, but Reader is an adult, and very creepy behavior)
You liked to post about your life with your baby daily on the social media until your followers reached three million.
Appearantly, the video where you teach other mothers how to breast feed their babies, showed on Homelander's feed suggestion.
Of course, Homelander being the creep he is saved the video to watch later.
He watched all of your videos in one night to find out more about you.
You are a single beautiful young mother who got married after high-school.
Your husband left when he discovered that you are pregnant, and you decided to raise your baby alone.
This gave the supe an idea, he wants a mother figure for Ryan.
While you want a father figure for your baby... or at least that is what he believes.
But when he approaches you, trying to seduce you with kind manners.
You turn him down poliety.
"Homelander, sir, I think our relationship wouldn't be proper-"
Homelander doesn't give you the chance to continue before he takes you and your daughter with him to his home.
"Ryan, come meet your mother and sister"
John put the rules out for you on how to be the prefect 'housewife'
You obey him, your daughter lives, you disobey him, you could say goodbye to her.
Even when you pleaded with him, but he didn't care because he is a cold hearted monster.
You tried your best for the sake of your daughter but the situation is hard for you.
Especially when Homelander requested a drink from your breast milk in a glass.
At the moment you come to the conclusion that you are dealing with a man-child.
It disgusted you, and above it, a creepy realization hit you when you were helping Ryan with his homework.
You are closer to Ryan's age then you are to his father's own age.
Things continued to be horrible until Billy Butcher appeared with the offer to save you.
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valeskawhore · 2 days
Hi darling<3, hope you are doing okay<3! I was wondering if i can get a one shot or headcanons (wichever is easier for you) where Homelanders fall in love genuinely for a Female s/o wich is so cute, sweet and kind and have angel powers, like the wings, she can put people to sleep if she sings and almost looks like an angel (perfect sking almost in a pale pink tone, and pink hair<3). And the team is very confused like "How in the hell you fall in love with someone?", but Homelanders is very happy and wants to be a good boyfriend :D
Sorry it took me a bit!!!! Here you go lovely!!!! ❤️
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Homelander x fem! Angel!! Supe reader!!
It was such a surprise that Homelander could pull any bitches tbh.. (according to Maeve and A-train)
There was that one nazi chick but nobody even knows what happened to her? Didn’t she commit? Ehhh— nobody cares anyways.. especially not him.
You were the light of his life, his Angel on earth.
You both met during a Hero Galla being hosted in the tower. You weren't the biggest supe out there but you were a good friend of maeve's and what better time to have and reconnect then to get drunk at a hero gala? She was thrilled to see you again, as thrilled as Maeve can be anyways. You joined her at the bar, your wings stayed tucked on your back. They were huge so everytime you went to a public event you always ended up folding them into eachother as tightly as they possible could without them hurting. His words caught in his throat when he first saw you. And fun fact, he actually thought you were a painting when he first saw you. You were standing outside the bathroom, waiting for Maeve to stop throwing up after she ushered you outside, insisting that she was fine. You stood under a giant mural of a painting, one with angels on it unitentionally. It was very christain or something, with naked babies flying around in their white clothes wrapped around their bottoms and shooting arrows. Just something like that-- he dosent know, he didn't stare at the painting. This man had to do a double take. He glanced and was like-- "oh painting" and just as he was about to turn and walk away, Yanno do his job and charm the president for madam stillwell, The painting MOVED-- You simply turned to the side like a smidge and this man was on you when he found out you were REAL. You had the soft pink complexion with bright light undertones. You're hair was as if you were cupid. The color of love even in his eyes. Was it hearts? shingling in the reflection of his blue saucers? or was it your hair? he didn't know, he didn't give a fuck. But best believe, he was on you like white on rice. Homelander had never felt so bold before but there was something about your kind smile and words. Your voice was soft and quiet, he wasn't complaining, this gave him an excuse to step closer to you and invade your personal space so he could hear you over all the commotion in the room. He would grab your hand and introduce himself as THE homelander, Kissing your gentle soft knuckles. Did he mention you were soft? SOOOO soft. You blinked at him, "Oh..? are you important? iv'e never heard of you before?" And you really hadn't. you grew up on a small farm in Washington state allllllll the way over on the last state on the west side of the country. You didnt own a TV, you didn't even have a phone. that's why it took so long for you and make to reconnect. He was shocked, his pride was almost hurt a bit. Ofcourse he went into the fact that he's above everyone else because he was KINDA a big deal but it's fine. Cue to him obnoxiously shrugging and rolling his eyes with a wave of his hand, no biggie. But you were fascinated. He was so caught in your eyes, he didnt even realize the fact that you had wings until you turned around when you heard maeve's voice. Asking what the FUCK was Homelander doing. But it was no matter, because now it was your turn to sing for the gala! Little to your knowledge did Maeve make a public announcement that there was going to be a special preformance tonight from the one and only, "Seraphina" Your hero name. You were ushered to the stage pretty quickly by Maeve but untimatley she just wanted you away from Homelander as fast as possible. The song started pretty slowly. But that was your motive, the song was supposed to be a slow almost-lulliby theme. And if this man wasn't Inlove with you from the start, he definitely was now. There was something about your voice. something so calmly and soothing. Visable, his muscle sunk to the ground. He felt so relaxed under your tone.
It wasn’t until you had stopped singing abruptly and the crowd began to murmur was when he opened back up his eyes to see that your backup violinist had fallen to the ground in a deep slumber and you went rushing to his side.
Homelander’s eye twitched. Causing him to swiftly approach the stage in a not so calm like manner and step into it causing the crowd to cheer.
“Come on, sweetness. He’s fine.” Homelander smiled his signature smile. When you turned around, Homelander landed a swift kick to the man’s groin causing the man to choke out.
“See?” He turned to you, almost searching for approval. “He’s fine, sing. Please.”
He demanded.
And nervously.. you did.
The rest of the night was history. Homelander remained attempting to chat you up until you finally told him that yes, you’d go on a date with him. He was ecstatic, but yet fearful.
He saw the way Maeve looked at you. Not in a romantic way but In a warning way. He knew Maeve was gonna try and say something to you about him, and destroy your relationship with him.
He threatened her that night and actually had her locked up on level 12.
When you guys did start dating, it was great. Homelander had convinced you that he was the perfect gentleman for you. That you guys belonged to eachother.
And for a while you thought that you guys did. Sure he was a little possessive but you never once doubted that he didn’t loved you because you knew he did.
He would follow you around and help you clean the house. He would insist on trying for children and on those lonely nights he’d hold you like no other.
And the sex was great. It really was.
But remember that guy from Walmart that said he knew you? And you both ended up grabbing a coffee after finding out you guys were really close in high school?
No? Because Homelander can’t either. That guy never existed apparently.. according to John.
Everything was fine.. that’s what you told yourself. You lived in a lavished home, nothing like the small farm from Washington. And you were taken care of.. set for life.
Until a smaller woman would approach you and ask for your help in rescuing Maeve. Her name was starlight and she apparently was a member of the 7. You glanced around, and told her to keep her voice down before ushering her into the bathroom and demanding that she’d explain.
What was going on? What couldn’t you find Maeve? She had been missing ever since you and Homelander had began dating.
John insisted that it was nothing and that Maeve had went to rehab? So what was going on.
You ended up telling John about your strange encounter with said straight and endorsed that she was strange.
You’ll never forget the look in his eyes from across the dinner table, like something had snapped in them. His blue eyes now felt cold as he stopped chewing his food with a nervous tensed laugh.
For the first time, you felt scared.
Maybe that little blonde girl was right.
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solids6kes · 1 month
♡ Homelander as different types of yanderes:
♡ love and hate type of yandere -
triggers&kinks -> yandere, non-con fingering, murder
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It had been 2 weeks since Homelander saved you. Ever since then you have had this feeling of being watched. That was until Homelander started showing up to your job. It was a  few simple requests at first, a coffee here and bagel here. Then he would start coming to your job right before closing and refusing to leave. He’d just sit there and watch you start closing. “Excuse me, I have to close up now, can you please leave?” you’d ask him. Homelander would just simply get up and leave. Homelander would do that for a few weeks. Then you’d notice that some of your favorite regulars have been missing. 
Homelander dosen’t love you. In fact he hates you, he hates everything you stand for. You’re the new member of the seven, you're wide-eyed and cute! But he hates you. Why is everyone doting on you, you're nothing compared to him. — “You're pathetic, you think just because you have a cute ass and perfect track record. Doesn’t fool me. How’d you even get in here, who’d you fuck to get in the seven.” Homelander says, his rough hand gripping your jaw. His other hand was deep inside you, his thick fingers pumping in and out of you. All you could think about is making your family proud, you had to do this.
You loved  homelander you really did, but he was becoming more and more unstable, that's why you did what you did. But from his point of view you betrayed him because you didn't love him anymore,that he was pathetic, and most importantly he wasn't the center of  your attention anymore. – “You're the only person I truly loved, why would you do that to me? especially with Billy Butcher of all people, I loved you so much and yet you hurt me so badly.” he said, placing a kiss to your forehead as his grip tightened around your neck.
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nina-renmen · 29 days
Bloodied Love
Yandere Homelander x supe reader pt.1
Summary: He never expected to have a soulmate. His mark was never there, so what happens once it appears where you touched him? A girl like you, not even human. You fed off of his kind, but that dosn’t deter him from the horrors he has planned. You deprived him of your love, and now he won’t let go of you…even if he has to kill you.
Warnings: This is a Yandere fic so there will be blood, gore, ect. There will be nsfw themes and scenes in here as well as drugging and other things. Reader is not a human but she’s a water and air spirit called a Nokken. Reader has a hatred for humans
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A mysterious dark figure has yet again saved the city once more. Could this be a new hero on the rise? Stay tuned for more-“ 
A [skin color] hand pressed the big red button on the dainty remote. Though her strength was controlled she almost crushed it. “Looks like someone’s getting famous.” Y/n looked away from the black screen and towards her friend. Her milky white eyes began shifting back into their natural [eye color] shade. “I guess.” Y/n mumbled. Her sharp claws slowly retracting. Almost like bear claws. “Dosn’t really matter when we have hero’s killing innocent civilians.” Y/n stated, standing up she towered over her friend, “You know Ivan…I’m not even sure if this hero thing is what I want.” 
The shorter male who at the time was drinking a glass of wine had choked on the bitter substance. His black soulmate mark seemed to jump as he shifted quickly. The dark red liquid running down his chin as he scrambled to wipe it away. “What?! How come?” Ivan asked, his honey brown eyes widened. “It’s not because of that accident right?! Because if that’s it you should know that it’s not knew-“ 
“Thats the problem…I-“ Y/n paused as her radio began to go off. Signaling an attack. Ivan tilted his head towards the door as he looked down at y/n’s outfit. “You’re still in your suit. Best get going.” He said in a fatherly tone. Y/n smile but scoffed in order to cover it up. She walked out the front door. Her body taking her towards the site immediately.
She could still feel his blood on her. The blood of her comrades she worked with, the blood of Ivan. The gaze of his blood still lingered in his mouth. There was nothing left, only his half eaten head that lie in the ground. A horrified expression laid on his dead face. She didn’t feel that urge anymore. That burning sensation that told her to eat, eat, eat. 
She knew she didn’t want to. He gave her no choice!! He was out for her blood! He was out for her abilities! She was just big game to him. A long cat and mouse game that she was oblivious to playing. A bounty on her head! He only wanted the money, he was like all the other rotten humans in this world! All the dirty, disgusting, vermin-
A single drop was able to knock her from her thoughts. And then the camera flashing began as she stood at the foot of the plane. American press were taking pictures of her. Fans screamed her name, but y/n’s smile had not reached her eyes. For she held no pleasure in standing before these people. Her mother country, Brazil had sent their number one hero to help America. A oncoming agreement came from the two countries and a treaty was made. America gives them resources and money and they gave up…..her. But that did not mean she would abandon her past. Even if she were to live here for a few years before going back home. 
“[Hero Name]! How does it feel to be on American soil?!” One of the interviewers asked, shoving their mics in her face. They don’t really care, they wanted the money. They all only wanted money. 
Y/n’s eyes trailed down to meet the woman’s eyes. A flash of nervousness appeared within her irises. Her green eyes meeting y/n’s milky white ones. Y/n tilted her head to the side, examining if she even wanted to speak with the woman. “It feels just like home.” Y/n finally spoke up, flashing a polite smile towards the smaller woman. She stood at a tall height of 5’8, her form taller than most women she knew, and yet smaller than most men. 
“[hero name]! Can you describe your powers of being a Nokken?!” Another reporter questioned. Y/n’s hand twitched but no one batted an eye. They probably didn’t even notice. “A magician never reveals her tricks.” Y/n said in a happy tone. That same eye catching smile was forever carved in her face. And yet again her eyes did not match. But of course no human cared. Humans were easily deceived, they were easily eaten- 
‘Dont think like that.’ Y/n thought to herself. And almost immediately the attention was finally directed off of her. “It’s homelander!” A random person states the obvious. Y/n attempted to slink away but a strong arm wrapped around her shoulder. “Thank you for the love! But I wanted to welcome in the new hero everyone’s been raving about!” The blue eyed man exclaimed. Y/n made no attempt to look up at him, for she knew that if she did she might as well be provoked to hit him. And she doubted that would do anything. “Smile.” Homelander whispered but the muscles in y/n’s face remained locked in. A neutral expression on her face as she made eye contact with reporters. She wouldn’t be a fraud like the man above her was. 
“Thank you for the warm welcome but I best be going homelander. Maybe we’ll cross paths again.” Y/n says loud enough for the reporters to hear as y/n smiles and begins to be escorted out of the airport.
The cool air hit her. Rain drops fell from the sky, turning her once [skin color] skin into a sickly grey. Her hair turning into an inky black color. She was not only a water based supe but an air one as well. The combination brought on many fans and onlookers that wished to be her. Or dispise her. 
“You left in a hurry.” That same familiar voice echoed throughout the empty streets. People were off the roads due to the storm. Y/n looked over her shoulder, this time her milky white eyes meeting his bright blue ones. “Was I supposed to linger?” Y/n questioned, turning her body towards him. She stood tall, her form didn’t look weak. 
“Not necessarily, just….unusual.” He replied. “Usually supes stick around to talk to the number one hero in the world.” 
“In America.” Y/n replied, slightly cutting him off. 
“Pardon?” He questioned. The smile on his face was fake. It didn’t reach his eyes, it looked like a mask. A horrible one at that. 
“You are the number one hero in America. Who’s to say the world when you haven’t even stepped out of it before?” Y/n questioned. Homelander gave y/n an annoyed look. “Anyway Mr retriever, I best get going.”
”Mr retriever?” Homelands questioned, he took off one of his gloves in order to get the water out of it. 
“You look like one.” Y/n spoke as she patted his arm whilst walking past him. Homelandee furrowed his eyebrows. Who does this girl think she is? He’s number one- 
The blonde haired male could feel a burning sensation on his forearm. He glanced down, not thinking it’d be anything only for his eyes go linger the name, y/n l/n was imbedded into his arm. His eyebrows furrowed, whose name was this? As realization began to sink in that this was his soulmates name…where ever she was he’d find her.
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blindmagdalena · 4 months
yanderelander is SOO (FROTHS AT MOUTH AND BARKS LIKE AN ANIMAL) i just love him being shamelessly manipulative for the "greater good", stealing a readers things and jewelry, following her home and watching her sleep, all the while stringing the reader along, making her feel stupid for even considering that he was doing these things to her - /him?/ her hero? how could she make such assumptions 👀
Homelander is such an expert gaslighter. he would be meticulous in ensuring that none of the strange misfortunes that began popping up in your life could be tied back to him. "C'mon, babe. It's me. You really think I'd do something like that?" and no, of course you don't. how silly of you.
he'd scoff at the concern your friends and family show at the gradual way he's been siphoning all your time to himself. "They're jealous," he whispers in your ear, the flick of his tongue warm and serpentine. "They'll come around."
and why wouldn't they be envious? he's sweet, he's handsome, he's filthy rich, he's yours.
especially in the beginning, it's so easy to let slide the things that don't quite make sense. the things that don't always feel right.
in the honeymoon thrill of it all, you barely notice how distant friends and family grow. work becomes more difficult, more tiresome, less worth the effort. Homelander loves you so deeply, so constantly, you have less and less time for anything else.
but that's why they call it falling in love, isn't it? that feeling of the ground giving out from under you, the jolt of plummeting, the intense singular focus on another person. that's love.
every twist of your gut is met with a tender kiss, an array of flowers, a sparkling necklace that slips around your throat like a leashed collar, the lead wound tightly around his gloved fist. by the time you feel the choke of it, it's too late. you're well and truly his.
and through it all he remains so sickeningly sweet, cooing softly in your ear. his smile razor sharp. at some point you become hyper aware of the sheer immovable strength of his embrace. your heart races when he cups your face because you know you'd take your own head off before you successfully tore it from his steely grip.
his hold on you tightens until you realize he'd sooner tear your heart out than let it go.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
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I can't wait to write more of him... along with the Noir prompts at some point. Hope you enjoy and I hope I got him in character! NOT PROOFREAD.
Yandere! Homelander Concept
Prompts Here
Yandere! Homelander Prompts 4, 22, 26
“I can’t help myself when it comes to you.”
“I don’t scare you, do I…?”
“I always get what I want.”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Forced affection (Kissing, Touching), Slightly violent behavior, Homelander is lucid for just a moment, Forced "relationship".
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Homelander always gets stressed when dealing with Vought. He used to be unable to find a proper outlet to vent his frustrations. But then he found you.
Homelander loves you... someone who appealed to his child-like side. He felt comfort in your presence. While he tried to ignore such an obsession for a long while for the sake of appearances... he caved eventually.
Homelander is a man who always gets what he wants. He originally just took you away to have some sort of comfort to return to. He originally didn't care what you thought.
Over time... he began to form a twisted love for you... his captive.
You are Homelander's special little secret. A guilty pleasure if you well. You are kept away from Vought... the public... everyone but him.
After all... Homelander hates to share.
Now, as often as he can, Homelander returns to the remote location he keeps you in. You have no way to leave... he'll find you quickly. Vought never bothers asking questions... as long as Homelander is compliant with them they could care less.
No one will ever know about you... which leaves Homelander able to indulge in peace.
"I'm home!" The Supe calls into the home he provided for you. It's quiet but he knows exactly where you are. His powers make him quite perceptive.
Homelander takes long strides to the bedroom. He opens the door without really knocking to see you sitting on the bed. You look to have been expecting him... it's good that you've learned.
The Supe flashes his signature smile towards you, circling the bed before leaning in front of you. He feels giddy when your eyes meet his. He can see you're scared... but compliant.
He places a red gloved hand on your cheek before leaning in. As if expecting his advances you prepare yourself and kiss back. It's best not to go against what John wants, after all.
His kiss is passionate and intense, pushing himself against you as you kiss him back. By the time he pulls away he's panting, gaze never leaving yours. He grins... but you try not to focus on him.
“I can’t help myself when it comes to you.” Homelander whispers, nuzzling his nose into your neck. It's as though his stresses and worries melt away when with you. Even if he causes stress on you.
Homelander pauses when he hears your heart beat increase. He pulls back to look you in the eyes. They're wide... scared....
“I don’t scare you, do I…?” Homelander asks... his tone a bit... soft. He may not understand the concept of love well but he doesn't seem to want to scare you. However... your fear wasn't really going to stop him anyways.
Homelander notices you not answer him, his grip on you moving to your waist before tightening. His eyes scan you over... he wants an answer. You bite your lip before shaking your head.
"No...." You answer softly. Homelander accepts your answer, leaning in again to kiss your neck softly before sitting on the bed and laying down on your lap. He basks in your comfort with a smile.
As though you're trained... your stroke his hair. He sighs softly before turning his gaze to you. You can see he's infatuated.
"I love you..." Homelander coos, holding your face as he cuddles into your lap. You push a smile onto your face hesitantly.
"I love you, John...." You answer back, pleasing the Supe.
"Good..." Homelander praises, a vaguely threatening smile on his face. “I always get what I want, don't I?”
"Yes, John." You answer back. The Supe then leans up to kiss you again softly. As expected, you reciprocate, making Homelander's heart accelerate.
"You're mine, aren't you?" The Supe asks again. "Only mine?"
There's an evident pain in your gaze for a moment, but you hide it by kissing the Supe's forehead.
"Yes, John...."
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
Homelander witha breeding kink pleeease
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CW: Cum play, Breeding kink, Pregnancy mention, unprotected sex, p in v, rough sex, marking, possessive behaviors, yandere behaviors, bruises, daddy kink
Proof read; lol no
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- You belong to him, and you know it. Whenever Homelander gets a chance to remind you, he’ll take it. This is just another example of marking whats his. He never wants to wear a condom, you always have to talk him into it. Unless you don't want him too. Then he’s all for it.
- It excites him, being able take control. (i hc him as a switch -sadistic dom/ and pillow princess) The thought of getting you pregnant with his kids is usually enough for him to finish
- So when he finds out you're into it, hell breed you everytime you fuck. He gets out of breath small strands of clumped blonde hair falling over his forehead, you get to see him sweat, something not many people see.
- He loves the way his cock fills you up, seeing stomach bulge as he thrusts deeper and deeper into you, he ends up cursing up a storm, pathetic whimpers, aggressive grunts.
"Breed me, please John"
His eyes look up to yours, he'd been watching the way your body moved under him with each thrust until now his gloved hands making his way up your body before responding, fingers gripping your neck.
"You want my cum?" He asked, his eyes darting down your body, nostrils flaring, as you watched his face twitch with excitement.
A small grunt escaped his lips as he leaned in closer, your arms wrapping around his neck, and he scoffed.
"That's right, you fucking take my cum. It's what you deserve"
That sent shivers down your spine, the way he spoke so cruelly, eyes revealing a dark look, as he caressed your face.
"I own this fucking body. So..." His hands trailed down your body watching you stomach bulge, your fingernails desperately gripping his forearms. "I'm gonna fill you up so fucking much, you'll be dripping for weeks"
"Fuck John"
- He'd assume you wanted him to pull out, so you'd have to ask, or well more likely beg, if you really wanted him you'd beg for his cum.
- He probably fantasizes about you pregnant before, breastfeeding from you. Having your kids, they would be perfect.
- You feel his body tense, even though it's not common for men, he's extremely sensitive and tends to get full body orgasms more than most other men. His breathing gets ragged, his muscles flex.
"Fuck, I'm gonna fill you up so much" he grunts
"You're mine, my fucking girl"
"Such a good fucking girl"
He ends up complementing you a while bunch, especially since saying your his is a compliment.
"Take it take it take it" over and over as his fingers curl up into your skin, gripping your hips harsh enough to leave marks, his arms holding you slightly off his desk as his hips connect to your thighs over and over again. He pulls you up by the back of your neck like your just a toy, absolutely man handling you, he pulls you close and lifts you chin.
"beg for it"
Your eye lids squint together, the way it hurts so good, how gentle yet how harsh he is with you, it's absolutely incredible. You feel your insides squirm, a tense feeling in your stomach, desperate to cum. And so you do, you beg.
"please, fuck, please John..."
You close your eyes and gulp, "please fill me up baby, I need you so fucking bad. I need your cum John."
He closed his eyes, his slow place picking back up until you can't hold it anymore, and you cum. Muttering his name, he puts you back down and does the same.
He doesn't pull out for a minute his hands next to your head holding himself up above you, his breathing heavy.
You close your eyes trying to catch your breath, whimpering as he pulls out. His hands widen your legs so he can see the results, a droplet of his cum leaking out, his finger swiped it up, and pushed it back in.
"You look so good all filled up"
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satrryeys4eva · 6 months
.....soo ....... After basically being gone for literal years...... I'm back...sooo pls send requests for
Damon Salvatore
Aegon ii Targaryen
Oliver Quick
Gotham! Bruce Wayne
Henry Bowers
Vance Hopper
Michael Langdon
Hunter Sylvester
Kevin Khatchadourian
Miguel Diaz
Koby (opla)
Luffy (opla)
Buggy (opla)
(yandere and dark mostly pls and if you don't have a plot that's ok just send in a character, a song and a vibe!)
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 1: "Uncle" Billy
Part 2: Ma Petite Poulette
Part 3: I'm scared
Part 4: You Got My Eyes
Part 5: No Running Away
Part 6: Angel Face
Part 7: Skin
Part 8: Pen and Paper
Part 9: Get Well Soon
Part 10: Blind
Part 11: Blush
Part 12: Homelander Apology
Part 13: Pepper Spray
Part 14: Milk
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floatyflowers · 5 months
Hiiii could you please do another dark platonic father homelander with a non supe daughter. I love your blog, take care 🩷.
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Your life with your father and younger brother is what you can consider 'ok' but not great.
Ryan is the reason why you consider 'ok' because for you, he's a sweet kid.
But Homelander made you feel uneasy in many ways even though he tried to make it up for you after pushing you off a building to see you use your powers.
After knowing that you have none, he tried to be the best father for you in his own way.
But, when you walked on him one day and saw him drink milk from a baby bottle made you realize that you are dealing with a man who has extreme childhood issues.
Homelander tried to appear supportive of you having friends but one time when he returned home and saw one of your friends trying to kiss you.
He blasted your friend's head off using his laser eyes right in front of you.
"If you dare to even shade one tear for your friend, I will punish you"
This increased your trauma to the point where you could not sleep under the same roof as him.
You tried to run away, but Ryan was there to stop you, looking at you with a sad expression upon realizing what you were trying to do.
"Please, don't go" your half brother pleads, hugging you tightly.
And this made you feel responsible to not leave the boy in the care your evil father.
But you didn't notice Ryan's small smirk as you fall for his trap.
After all, the boy developed his and your father's dark tendencies.
And Homelander brainwashed him to believe that it's their duty as men to keep you protected.
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valeskawhore · 2 years
IMAGINE:Homelander x Supe!fem! Caretaker.
Imagine being the caretaker of Homelander when he as younger? But you’re a supe so you were always considered ‘different’ from the rest and actually cared enough to stick around the poor boy.
Like for instance; as we all know,
Homelander had no one growing up because of his growth testing. He was super strong and could melt or crush anyone within seconds if they didn’t do things his way.
He had blowups and relapses growing up that affected his mental state so bad, that the scientists that were experimenting on him, had no idea how to stop him anymore.
Then they found you.
A lowlife supe with a bleeding heart of gold for children. You were invincible before but after vought internationals ran you through some tests…. You were unstoppable.
Fire proof, laser proof, your bones were indestructible.. your skin was as strong as diamonds! And most importantly, your aging process was so slow in fact, you stayed 23 for 4-5 years.
They had you take care of Homelander when they couldn’t reach him within the lab. You wouldn’t get hurt and they made sure of that.
Years later, after he finds out his son is alive and with Becca dying during pregnancy: (just an AU)
He finds you.. taking care of the sweet boy, his son.
Imagine Homelander having a weird obsession with you and not knowing why? Like he just felt tied to you completely with no explanation because vought wiped the memories of you both under the contract you both had set.
You would get paid handsomely to act as a mother towards him and set him straight during his early years But once he turned 18, vought did their best to erase every memory of you Homelander had but some gaps were too hard to fill so he gets deja fu when something reminds him of you.
A mother and her children taking a stroll to the park, for instance.. It just never made any sense to him as to WHY he felt so attached to that scene and felt the creeping cold sensation of loneliness crawl up his spine every time.
But now he knows.. and he demands you sit down with him and explain everything. It took him so many years to find you, it’s the least you could do..
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after-witch · 2 years
Treat You Better [Homelander x Reader]
Title: Treat You Better [Homelander x Reader]
Synopsis: Homelander catches you talking to another man before your next session, and he doesn’t like it. Milky White Follow up.
Word count: 4094
notes: yandere & possessive behavior, reader is an escort, adult breastfeeding and breastplay, unhealthy relationship
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Ashley practically spits onto her phone as she thumbs the screen, rapidly texting whoever-it-was that was on the receiving end of her furrowed brow and pursed lips. She turns to you, smile tight and prim, and her voice raises an octave in faux pleasantry.
“Sorry about that. Emergency. You know how it is. This’ll just take as sec… wait here for me, ‘kay? ‘Kay.”
She’s gone before you can even answer, but it’s not like she was genuinely giving you a choice. You’re standing in one of what you’re sure are many elevator lobbies at Vought, waiting to be taken up to Homelander’s penthouse for your… services.
Services that you’ve rendered for some time now. It’s strange how as the meetings piled up, it got easier to do; easier to not think about how strange it was to have the strongest hero in the world sucking at your nipples, eager for the milk inside. And eager for something else, too… but you’ve never been brave enough to vocalize it, even to yourself. Warmth, maybe. Affection.
There’s nowhere to sit properly in the lobby, so you find yourself leaning against one of the tall pillars and hoping Ashley doesn’t take too long. You don’t want to be late. Homelander is many things--to the public, and to you--but he’s not the most patient of men. You were late a few weeks ago, thanks to a nasty traffic jam, and you swear he was practically pouting like a child when you finally made it up to his suite.
His attitude for that particular session wasn’t the best, and you convinced Ashley to have the driver pick you up half an hour early every time, just in case. Whenever you gave the slightest hint that Homelander wasn’t happy with something, all you had to do was mention it to Ashley and she usually fixed it right up. This was no exception. Besides, you could always wait in the car if you got there early, which is exactly what you did today.
Except now… well. You fight the urge to glance down at your phone and check the time. But maybe you should just go up yourself? Would Ashley be mad? Would Homelander be mad? Did you even remember what floor he was on?
”Are you lost?”
Your thoughts are broken up by a voice you’ve never heard, and you jump reflexively at the sudden intrusion into your space.
You get your bearings and let out a shaky laugh. It’s a man in a casual suit, no name tag. His soft brown hair is combed in a side part, and he’s carrying a tablet of his own. A Vought employee, maybe a bit lower on the ladder than Ashley, but an employee nonetheless.
“No,” you say, offering a thin smile. “Just waiting for someone.”
The man leans back a little on his heels. “Ah,” he says. “I was hoping you were lost. Then I could help you find your way.” He flashes you a smile, white and charming, so bright they are probably veneers.
And then it hits you.
Oh, he’s flirting.  You can’t help the little laugh-scoff that escapes your lips, or the way you break into your own grin. You’re flattered, in a way. It’s not like you got a lot of opportunity to meet new men, what with a newborn and your current job taking up much of your free time. Both were exhausting, and exhaustion left no room for flings or nights out at restaurants or clubs, hoping to catch someone’s eye.
“Who are you waiting for?” He asks, looking you up and down in a way that he probably thinks is subtle--but really isn’t.
You don’t know if you’re supposed to say; Ashley did tell you that everything you did here was under a very strict NDA. Would telling this man that you’re waiting for Ashley violate that agreement, somehow? It might, and you err on the side of caution.
“I’m not sure, I was just told to wait here until they came to get me.” You pause.. Maybe you should throw him a false bone, just in case he decides to remember your face later on. “It’s for an interview.”
At your words, the man smiles wider. The elevator door behind you dings and opens, and you internally curse when the sound is not followed by Ashley’s clicking heels. If only she would hurry up--or if only this guy would be on his way. ”Interviewing for Vought? Congratulations.” He leans in closer, and the subtle musk of his cologne tickles your nose. “I hope you get the job. I’d like to see you around--”
“Well, this is a surprise.”
All the muscles in  your body tense for one terrible moment, and then you turn towards the sound of the voice--Homelander.
The man immediately swerves, just as jumpy as you—and you wonder if, being an apparent long term employee for Vought, he has more to worry about if Homelander catches him slacking off on the job. Because when you glance at his face, you see, for just a moment, a split second of fear before it smooths over into a pleasant, strained smile.
“Homelander, sir,” the man says, smoothing out his hair. “It’s a pleasure—an honor.” He extends his hand and Homelander looks down at it for a few moments too long not to be awkward before taking it. You see the man’s muscles strain under the apparent weight of Homelander’s grip, before the moment is over.
“And who is this lovely lady?” Homelander turns to you, and you catch on in an instant that you’re not supposed to know him.
“Ah, well,” the man says, offering you a tight smile. “I actually didn’t catch her name. Miss…?”
You give it, feeling breathless, hoping your voice doesn’t tremble.
“She’s here for an interview,” the man offers, sensing awkwardness and anxiety in your tone, though he completely misunderstands the reasons for it. “I was just—”
“An interview!” Homelander’s smile is big and plastic and his voice matches it completely. You’ve never seen this side of Homelander up close, the side that’s full of fake pleasantries and falsehoods. It’s a sight you’ve only caught in front of the cameras, though you’ve only dared to question his publicly chipper attitude recently, being privy to something softer and more intimate and raw in your sessions with him. After all, how many people watching news clips of Homelander can say he’s been at their breast?
“You know what?” Homelander turns his smile towards you, and isn’t there something in his eyes, something you’re not quite catching? “I’d love to do the honors and take you up. I’ll put in a good word for you.”
It takes you a moment to realize that you should be shocked and grateful and happy, and the words spill out of your shaking lips.
“Thank you—thank you, Homelander, sir. It’s, um, an honor, really, I—”
His arm is around your shoulder, steering you away from the man without another word.
“Don’t mention it. Happy to help! And hey, buddy?” He turns his head back towards the man, who is standing, looking slightly stupefied, by the pillar. “Remember—you’re the real hero.”
It’s the most unpleasant elevator ride of your life, and you’ve ridden the elevator countless times with Ashley. Even after Homelander pulls his arm from around your shoulder, you can feel the weight of it on you.
Tension fills the small space so heavily that you swear you can taste it. Your mouth opens and closes a few times, but you’re unable to make the right words come out.
Then you finally splutter, “I’m sorry for being late, but Ashley—”
Homelander’s look cuts you off before you finish.
“You think I’m mad because you’re 5 minutes late?”
Well, you did. Not so much anymore.
“I don’t… know,” you admit, offering up a shrug, a pathetic smile. What else did you do? A mental checklist pops up in your head, trying to go over the ways you might have offended him, but nothing comes to mind. The elevator opens and he ushers you out.
He talks as he walks, not looking behind him.
“Who was that guy?”
“Guy?” You say, then feel stupid immediately after when he glances back at you. “He was just—I mean, Ashley went—”
Homelander finally turns to face you, and there’s something deep and impatient in his tone. Like you should know what your transgression was, and be apologizing for it already, but instead he’s having to explain it to you like a child.
“I’m not asking about Ashley. I’m asking about the guy you were talking to. The guy who looked like he wanted to fuck you right in the elevator lobby.” He practically spits out the last words, looking disgusted, looking…
Homelander isn’t mad because you were late or because you were wasting his time.
Homelander is pissed because he’s jealous.
“I don’t know him,” you say slowly, thinking over every word. “He just came up to me while I was waiting, so I…”
It’s only a few steps between you and Homelander, and he strides through them in no time. He doesn’t grab you, but he’s close, as close as the man in the lobby was. But the two of you are alone, and there’s something new between you that you didn’t see before. Something that Homelander must be feeling, to act like this.
“I don’t want you talking to him.” It’s not a request, nor a demand—but a fact. One he expects you to accept, as if his word is law. And considering that he pays your bills, maybe it is. “You’re not here for him. Who are you here for? Say it.”
Your chest feels tight. There’s an uncomfortable feeling blooming there, and not the type of uncomfortable you feel when Homelander cuddles up to your breasts. A different kind, one more prickly, one more tinged with anxiety.
“I said,” he repeats, and for a moment you think he will grab you, but he doesn’t. “Who are you here for?’
“You,” you blurt, not sure how to say it, not sure how to take any of this.
He takes a short breath to steady himself. “Then say it. So I know you understand. Say, ‘I’m here to see Homelander.’”
You swallow, thick. You think about your nice apartment and the way you don’t skip meals to pay for diapers anymore.
“I’m here to see Homelander.” Your voice is almost a whisper. The anxiety bubbling in your chest gets pushed down, firm, insistently. You’re not afraid. You can’t be. He hasn’t hurt you. He’s just… jealous. He was preparing for a session and saw you with some guy. It would be weird if he wasn’t attached to you in some way after all this time, after the intimacy you’ve shared—paid intimacy, but still. Wouldn’t it?
The tight tension in his face seems to melt at your words, as he mulls them over, takes them in.
“Okay,” he says, half-sighing. “Okay. Good.” He smiles, and it’s not the tight smile from before; it’s the smile you’re usually greeted with when you enter his suite. Something between relief and pleasantry.
You smile, too, and if he notices the strained edges of it, it doesn’t bother him.
And just like that, everything is back to normal. Or as normal as it gets when he gestures towards the plush sofas in his living area and your hands automatically begin peeling off your shirt and undoing the clasp of your bra. You’ve taken to buying nicer maternity bras now; maybe he appreciates them, maybe he doesn’t. There’s no denying that you feel far less self-conscious in something with a bit of lace and style to it.
Sometimes you swear that the couch fits your grooves now. Maybe it does. Because it feels right—it feels comfortable—to sit down and snuggle yourself in. It doesn’t feel as awkward when Homelander shakes his wrists and sighs, forcing his body to relax, before he lays down with his head in your lap.
Today, he doesn’t go right for your breasts, though they’re waiting and primed. You’ve taken to timing your feedings and pumpings just right; it makes it easier. Otherwise, it tends to hurt, feeling forced and strained.
But now, he simply stares up at you. He’s not mad anymore. But he’s thinking. You can tell, even before he opens his mouth, that he’s not going to drop things entirely.
“You really didn’t know that guy?”
You tilt your head just a little as you look down at him. Somehow, when he’s in your lap, you don’t feel as much tension and fear as you might otherwise. Your hands stroke the side of his head, smoothing down his hair. It feels like a natural gesture at this point.
“I really didn’t know him.” And it’s the truth.
He smiles, a little childish smile, as if he was doubting you up until that moment.
“Good,” he says. “Because I… well.” He’s eyeing your breasts now, your rigid nipples, which move slightly as your chest rises and falls with your breath. “We’ll get to that later, okay? Later…”
He sighs and you take a breath, preparing yourself for the sensations that you can never entirely steel yourself to take. His mouth on your nipple, insistent, sucking. The motions are too strong, too controlled, especially now that he’s had weeks of practice. It’s better that you can’t get completely used to it, though, because it keeps your mind occupied. You don’t want to freely think about what just transpired; about what it means, or could mean. Hopefully, Homelander will be satiated with your session—with  your breasts and milk and the way your hands gingerly stroke his head—and forget all about it.
“Mine.” The word is murmured around your leaking nipple so softly that you almost don’t hear it. But your mind jolts when it registers.
“Mine,” he says again, insistent, almost moaning it around your breast. “Right?”
You don’t want to think about that word, or what he’s saying, or the way his mouth movements have become more lurid. Something closer to what he’d be doing if he had fucked you the way you assumed he wanted that first day. You think about anything else. The tacky decor on the wall across from you. The cologne of the man from before. Homelander himself. His hair is soft. His skin is soft. He probably gets professional facial treatments, and God knows how much his haircare costs.
Then there’s a sharp low pain around your breast, and you gasp, jerking away just enough that his arm snakes around your back and holds you there. When you look down, you see a slight ring of red around your skin. He nipped you, he actually nipped you—
“Right?” He says again, eyes holding your own, breath panting shallow on your wet, sore nipple.
“Right,” you repeat, voice hoarse. “Of course.” You go back to petting him. Your voice is strained. “But remember? No biting.”
“Mm,” he mutters, before licking the skin he bit with surprising tenderness. “Sorry.”
He doesn’t seem all that sorry, but you’re too focused on the man, his grip around your shoulder as he led you into the elevator, his insistence on you saying you’re only here for him; the way he claimed you and bit you, and you have no recourse but to take it, admonishing him without any real authority.
It’s a lot to take in. Is it so bad that Homelander apparently wants you? You’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive. But you were an escort. One that didn’t actually have sex with him—he hasn’t touched you in any way except your breasts, and it’s always been within the context of him nursing from you.
And yet.. You’d been seeing each other for months now. If he was growing attached to you, it wasn’t surprising, sure--and maybe it was even a good thing?
Before you know it, his alarm goes off. He doesn’t groan childishly like he normally does. Instead, he gives your breasts one last gentle suckle. It feels like an apology for his earlier harshness, and the softness of his mouth does feel soothing--both to your breast and your ego.
He gets up, like always.
You redress, like always.
But instead of waiting by the elevator, Homelander is standing close to you. Watching. Waiting. Patiently, which is rather unlike him, and it sets the first nervous sparks off in your mind.
When you’re dressed, he smiles--a bit too thinly, a bit too forced--and gestures for you to come closer. You do. Because he has given you no reason to avoid doing so. And he is paying you, after all, for your time.
You don’t know what you expect him to do.
But you don’t expect him to suddenly press both hands gently on either side of your face, stroking, almost a mimicry of what you do to him when he’s in your lap.
“Sir?” You ask, feeling your feet shuffle in place, feeling heat rise in your cheeks, feeling something nervous prickle in your chest.
He lets his hands fall away, and something feels like it’s stuck in your throat as you look up at him.
“You’re pretty, you know that? No--I meant to say, you’re beautiful.” He corrects himself, and you almost get the sense that he’s practiced what he’s about to say. “That’s what they say, isn’t it? It gives you a…” He gestures towards you, all of you, head to toe. “Glow.”
The rug underneath the coffee table is suddenly very interesting, because it’s all you want to look at .
“I think that’s for when you’re actually pregnant,” you correct. Then you realize that you’ve just rebuffed his compliment, and you add, swiftly. “But um, thank you.”
He snorts a little out of his nose. It’s a surprisingly natural gesture, one that is far more welcome than rehearsed speeches or prim smiles.
“So.” He clicks his tongue, and takes a breath. He steps closer to you, reaches out, and for a moment you think he’ll touch your face again. But instead he puts his arm around the small of your back. It’s intimate, far more intimate, somehow, than anything he’s done before.
“We’ve been seeing each other for a while now, haven’t we?”
You have. But you get the feeling he isn’t talking about your booked-and-paid-for-sessions, exactly. At least not in the same way that you view them.
“Mmhm,” you hum, trying to keep your voice light. Being this close to him in a new situation is strange. Is it bad? You can’t deny the feelings of anxiety in your chest, but it’s not because you’re afraid of him. It’s because you don’t know what’s going to happen, don’t know if saying or doing the wrong thing will end with you losing the best source of income you’ve ever had in your life. “It’s been nice,” you add, when you’ve paused for too long.
“Nice,” he repeats, softer than you said it. And now one of his hands does come back up to your face, gently holding your chin.
“It’s coming up on our… I guess you could call it our six month anniversary, isn’t it?”
You nod, though you didn’t know that nor did you ever view it as an anniversary, and he tilts your head slightly. He’s looking at you so carefully, but you don’t know why--or what he’s searching for. His fingers spread until one of them rests on your pulse.
“You’re so nervous,” he murmurs. “Your heart is pounding. Why?”
“I don’t know,” you breathe out, and it’s the truth. It feels strange to talk with his hand on your throat, on your chin, holding your face so delicately. “I’m not sure we… I don’t know if this is…”
You don’t know what to say or how to say it. None of your chats with the other women in the agency prepared you for this type of dynamic shift, and Ashley certainly didn’t, either.
“C’mon,” he chides, and his face gets just a little closer. “Don’t tell me you don’t like me.”
“Of course I like you,” you say, quick, and you don’t mean it to sound defensive but it probably does. “I’m just confused?” And it’s the truth again. You don’t know why but you’ve always sensed that he prefers the truth above all.
“Well, let me clear up some of the confusion.” There’s humor in his clipped tone, and at least your heart calms down a little. You haven’t stepped on any hidden mines so far, and maybe you wouldn’t ever, as long as you kept yourself clear-headed about things.
“I like you…” He emphasizes the words by removing his hand from your face and gesturing from his chest to yours. “And you like me…” And then back again. “And what do two people who like each other do?” His lips quirk up in a smile, expectant, even a little charming. When you don’t answer, he starts for you. “They…” He spins his wrist, laying his palm flat in front of you, enticing you to finish his thought.
“They kiss?” You suggest. Because what else might you suggest, given his proximity, given the way he was holding your face, given the way his body is close in a way so different than all the times you’ve seen him before?
“Right,” he says, half-laughing, and his hand grips your chin as he leans in and presses a kiss to your lips.
Your heart thuds inside your chest as your mind catches up to your body--to his body, and his mouth, and his hands on you. You murmur something against his lips, but you don’t know if it’s dissenting or not.
The kiss is warm and chaste, at first. Tentative and soft. And then his mouth opens against yours, enveloping your lips, and you don’t really think as you return the gesture, as the kiss deepens. There’s a buzzing underneath your skin, and you can’t decide if it’s good or bad. You feel electric. You feel naughty. You feel conflicted.  
Should you be doing this? It was what you expected all this months ago, wasn’t it? How far will this go? Will he take you into the bedroom before you leave and--
He suddenly pulls away and his eyebrows furrow in annoyance, and there’s the brief fear that you did something wrong, before you hear the elevator door ding harsh and loud.
His face scrunches up in pure irritation.
“Hello, Ashley,” he says, voice biting, hard.
Ashley, for her part, is wearing a painted on smile.
“Hello, Homelander, sir.” She waves to you with painted nails waggling. “I’ve just come to collect--”
“I know why you’re here, Ashley. I’m not a moron. Christ.”
The electrical tension that was in the air has all but evaporated, replaced with an uncomfortable irritation that makes you feel slightly ill. You snatch your discarded jacket from the sofa and begin to fully button it up, offering an apologetic smile to Homelander as you whisk yourself towards Ashley.
Homelander starts to say something, but stops himself.
Ashley looks at you, then back at Homelander, then back to you. She looks like she might say something too, but her lips close and she taps the parking garage floor and simply stares ahead, eyes slightly widened, as they shut on Homelander.
Before they do, you offer a wave. It feels dumb. But in the split second before the door closes, you see him return it, and maybe that means things will be okay.
Ashley’s phone is dinging before the elevator reaches the bottom floor.
“Oh, okay,” she says, confusion clear in her voice.
Your stomach twists. You blew it, didn’t you? He’s telling her to have you fuck off and never come back, or telling her that he wants someone else from the agency, someone who won’t scamper out of his sight like a mouse the moment she gets kissed.
You finally can’t take it anymore, and you force yourself to ask: “Is everything okay?”
Ashley nods a little too quickly for you liking.
“Oh, of course. It’s just--well.” She gives a sly grin in your direction. “Homelander just told me to book you two reservations at the nicest restaurant in town for tomorrow night. Exciting, huh?”
You wish you could blame the drop in your stomach on the elevator thudding to a stop.
“Yeah,” you reply, thinking about his lips against your own. “Exciting.”
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yandad!homelander:*take the supe!young!reader to the seven* super!young!reader:*demonstrates his powers by almost killing the members* yandad!homelander:☺they are so cute
Homelander: Hmmmmm….I don’t know about bringing in such a young Supe to be trained to join the Seven. Seems pretty ridiculous to me.
*Young!Supe!Reader, nearly obliterates half the city by showing an ounce of their power*
Homelander: *yandad mode activated* That’s my bby🥰💞💗🥹
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missglaskin · 2 years
Warnings: TOXIC, ABUSE, FORCED relationship, Yandere
In many ways, Homelander could be considered a unique yandere, since he embodies a lot of yandere traits & types.
His possessiveness shines the most. He owns you. Any friends and families; gone. They don’t care or love you as he does. All your financial needs and resources will all be tied to him. There’s the need to control your every move. And he’ll feel threatened; feel as if you’re slipping away from his control if you were to make a decision without his notice. Homelander doesn’t feel the need to justify his actions, yet he still does. 
Which leads to his protectiveness and manipulativeness. He’s acting in your best interest. Have you seen the world? Have you seen its people? The mud people. Sure, you may be one of them, but you’re not the same as them; you’re different. You need him; you need him to protect you from whatever danger that threatens to pull you apart - even if he has to hold you a little too tight in order to get the point across. 
Your dependence on him is also tied to his dependence on you. It doesn't take long for you to notice his clinginess after being with him for a short while. He’s so emotionally dependent on you and for the strongest being on earth; he’s fragile. Nothing angers him when your attention is away from somewhere. Prepare to say goodbye to any pets you own. Spend a lot of time tending to your plants and they will be lasered.
It’s safe to say the most selfish and impulsive. Everything he does is for his own desire. If he were to do something nice, just know he always expects something in return. Homelander wants you to worship him, to see him as a god and to treat him like one. Failing to comply will result in disastrous results. Homelander acts as a toddler with tantrums. One moment he’s fine, the next moment he’s presenting the body of your dear friend. In the event you anger him too much, he may accidentally break a bone or two, and then demand that Vought heals you. They’re sure to give you an extra bottle of compound v in case anything were to occur. 
Speaking of injuries; Homelander is a sadist to any obvious person. It does not matter how much he claims to love you and care for you as well as the fact that you are the only person he can tolerate; bad habits still appear nonetheless. He sometimes gets the satisfaction of humiliating you or making you so uncomfortable. His jokes are also questionable at best. Such as making one about how funny it’d be to drop you from a ten story building only to catch you at the last minute; anticipating your laugh. 
Sometimes you assume he resents you, which isn't far from the truth. Homelander hates what you mean to him; how you are a weakness. The truth is that he’s obsessed; fixated. You occupy almost every thought in his mind. In spite of all the photoshoots and interviews Homelander have, he will always have time to watch you in secret; stalk you. His team and the surrounding staff notice his blank stare; it’s when his mind goes to you. His ears are always tuned to your heartbeat and voice.
In nature, Homelander is already delusional. Combined with his tendencies, it only exacerbates his delusions. As far as he is concerned, you love him, and that you two have something special between you. That's what he convinced himself with Maeve, despite her apparent resistance to his touches; with Stormfront, despite her obvious manipulations. You're lying, shy, there's someone else, you just need time, you're confused; there are endless excuses he has for you. 
In spite of all his delusions, there are hints of lucidity. His presence causes your heartbeat to pick up; not due to fluster, but due to fear. When he leaves the room, he pretends not to hear your deep breaths; on the verge of a breakdown. And when you break, it's adorable how you think the shower can drown out your cries. As long as you tell Homelander you love him even if it's in a shaky voice and smile even if it's crooked, he'll indulge in the fantasy that you and him were meant to be. That you, him and Ryan will be one happy family. 
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Can I ask for a Yandere Alphabet for Homelander from The Boys please?
Sure! Sorry for the long wait, I am pulling from my concept I did of him! This is Season 1/Early Half of Season 2 Homelander. Hope you enjoy!
Yandere! Homelander Concept
Yandere Alphabet - Homelander
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Jealousy, Violence, Mass Murder/Murder, Blood/Gore mention, Kidnapping, Isolation, Threats, Controlling behavior, Stalking, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Homelander is one of the most intense yanderes. Not just in The Boys, but in a lot of the fandoms I write for. He hasn't experienced normal affection... leading to twisted and selfish desires.
He's controlling, intimidating, even his own darling can't predict him. You have no idea what he'll do if you manage to do something he deems wrong. Maybe he won't hurt you... but everyone else could just be fodder.
Homelander's affection is needy and possessive, once he has you in his arms he never lets you go.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Based on what I've see in the entirety of the show... messy. Messy may even be an understatement. He'd coat walls and buildings in a red paste for you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Homelander is most likely mocking at times. He'd keep you in an isolated house, most likely provided by Vought (similar to Becca). Even when he tries to be "caring" he comes off as terrifying due to the inability to read his next move.
Every need is provided and no one will be able to find you. Homelander may show you to the public eventually, but most of your time is in isolation. He does hate sharing.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Most likely, he's Homelander... there isn't much you can do to deter him from you once he likes you for whatever reason.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
It's hard to tell at times, but in private Homelander does show some vulnerabilities. Such as when he forces himself onto your lap so you can stroke his hair or let him hold you. It's in these moments that you feel he's less intimidating.
But there's always a lingering threat when it comes to him... even if he does care about you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Irritated but not worried. He can easily intimidate you back into your place... but part of him hopes you'll just give in at some point.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
No and he doesn't like it that much.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
This is another yandere where I say... "Where do I start?"
Is it all the mass murder? Is it the kidnapping? Is it the punishments? Is it the "relationship" in general? There's no one bad experience with him.
All of what makes him himself is the worst experience.
No doubt to either make you a toy or a spouse. Even then that's just a guess. It's really hard to tell what Homelander wants.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
YES. Homelander gets jealous and half the time doesn't bother trying to silently cope. He'll take his anger out on others... and it most likely will be on whoever tried to "take you" from him.
It won't be pretty either.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Manipulative, Possessive, Controlling, Sadistic, Clingy, Obsessive, Isolating, Childish, Ruthless.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
I imagine Homelander is mostly in denial about his obsession at first. But sooner or later he's stalking you and can't keep his eyes off you. He'd keep his distance for a while... maybe offer small chatter...
Before taking what he feels he deserves suddenly.
Not really, no.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Threats, Isolation, perhaps something physical if you really manage to irritate him.
Best you stay on his good side, dear.
Most likely all of them if he has you in his grasp.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Patient... to a degree.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Maybe... but it would take a long time and damage his mind even more than it already is.
No and maybe... if he keeps an eye on you.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Curiosity and upbringing are good theories.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He most likely leaves you alone if trying to comfort you doesn't work. He isn't the most comforting person... the silence may just be what you need.
Anything's better than him.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The thing is... I feel there is no escaping from him. He'd find you anywhere.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Sadly, yes.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He doesn't really worship you unless he's in a vulnerable moment. He would go to extreme lengths to keep you in his clutches.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Not very long... a few months?
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes he would.
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blindmagdalena · 2 years
Please can I get a Voyeur 3 with homie I feel it fits him very much (pls make it fluffy if u can cause I love soft homelander)
You feel his eyes on you like a prickle at the back of your neck. You're not sure exactly when you developed this sixth sense of yours, but at some point during the course of your relationship with him, you just began to feel when he was near.
Sighing, you lower your camera and look over your shoulder, up into the night sky. "John," you say under your breath, quiet enough for his ears alone. "You're distracting me." As a private investigator, you're accustomed to city life at night. Not much unsettles you, but time and time again, John has made it clear how distinctly uncomfortable it makes him that you roam about the underbelly of the city by yourself. You hear the flutter of his cape before you see him. Looking around the darkened alleyway, you stop when you see his silhouette emerge from the shadows. You slip your camera into your bag. He doesn't even have the decency to look sheepish at being caught yet again.
"You are getting awfully good at that," Homelander says sincerely, albeit a touch irritated. Clearly he preferred it when he could stalk you undetected. "I've had a lot of practice," you shoot right back, tipping your head back as he closes in on you. The way he kisses you, like he hasn't had a taste of you in days instead of hours, makes your stomach flip. You put a hand on his chest to ease him back. "But I am working, darling." "I wish you wouldn't," he grumbles, a point he has made several times before. "But since you insist, you could at least let me protect you in peace. If I don’t keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?" Endeared, you beckon him close with a wag of your finger, kissing him again when he comes near enough. "You know, if you agreed to wear anything other than this very primary, very conspicuous super suit, I might. But I don't think I could trust you on a stakeout." Homelander hums through a smile, his hands settling on your hips, pulling you in against him. "Why's that?" "You're incapable of keeping your hands to yourself." He's proving your point even as you speak, his hands sliding from your hips to your ass. He grins, giving your ass a firm squeeze. "You didn't mind last night." "I wasn't working last night," you laugh, the end of it swallowed when he kisses you again, even hungrier than before. When you try to speak, he just uses the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
He has a way of making you forget that the rest of the world exists. The taste and smell of him overwhelm your senses, wholly replacing the acrid city stink of the alley from your mind. You forget about the cement you'd been standing on when he hauls you up, wrapping your legs around his waist while he continues to kiss you senseless. "If anything happened to you, I'd lose my mind," he murmurs fervently against your lips. You can feel from the heat of him that he's already thoroughly worked himself up. He wraps one arm firmly around your waist while he squeezes your thigh with his other hand. "You make me fucking crazy." You tip your head back and suck in a breath of cool night air, shivering at the heated press of his lips to your neck. He's like an animal, nuzzling and biting at your throat, marking up what's his. Fuck it, you'll catch up with your quarry later. You know there isn't a chance he's letting you go now. "Take me home, John," you whisper, pushing your hands into his hair. He's already lifting into the air, holding you tight. "Show me how crazy I make you."
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